Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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Decline on Foreign Markets Causes
Continued Local Decline.
Weather Forecast Are Forlilt
. a ad Ititlmcal U Bearish In All
Sections Frilnrti of the
Day's Trading.
OMAHA, June 21, .
Foreign market continue y drcllne and
cable advice air bearish, causing fre.-r nf -feilngs,
with less active demsnd, and tnc
ru-cllne hin born t-aly for the last three
days, wldi in) complaints regarding th
V rather foreras'S sr favorable over all
Ktcitniis and sentiment runs besrlsr..
Wheal mi steady at the opening, but
only !id for t snort time, breaking heavy
n tr-e ni u s mill a lack if any bull news
from countiy c orrispondenis. July wlnnt
opened at 2.i un.l closed at 81 He
(.urn o i-ned iJull Willi no oi.e willing to
tai,e a n ml and values were eased off
uiiglitly With wheat and a gereral lack of
ur.n.miiJ from tile buyer.
tarn corn also showed a Ions and sold
i iifl"i' on the flooi after the early ordeis
Wite filled. July torn opened at oi'eu ami
oK'Fe.l at 678,c
I riinaiy wheat receipts were 3Ii,0rl bush
uls and shipments were 276.0 Unsnels.
uuairist receipts last year of 4:a,o00 bushels
uud shipments of 2sl,Ci bushels.
Ccm receipts were bushels and
shipments were 39S,H)0 bushels, Against re
ceipts Isst year of 1 lll.iw buMiels and
shipments of ), buthela.
Clersiiiea were none ol corn, 135 bushels
of csts, and wheat and Hour equal to h.'.ovo
Liverpool closed 4d to 74d lower on wheat
and -d lower on corn.
I.mul range ot options:
articles. Open. High. I)W. Close. Yes'y.
. oin
82 82 n 81S 82
Vj . aw'A 4 7V4
6774 774 T4 67", 67J4
67 47 -J 66H 674 6?
'4 Sfi'4 " 3Z S614 36'4
35 3H'4 8i 36'4
Unsks Cash Prices.
Vv 1 1 EAT-No. 2 bard, 91'ftDHc. No. 3 hard.
. No. 4 bard, 834) Se, No. 3 spring,
mi "11, .
1 I'll.v No. 3 W4it'ic; No. 4 corn, t7jp
. a'i 8 yellow, yiVeUoMie; No. 3 white,
1 1. 1 r Nr
1 . N
8 mixed. 4S'Vic: No. I white,
4 white. 4ut''
X . -. 71'4r7i'c: No. 1. 70fI7mc.
arlot Iteeeipts.
Wheat. Com. Oats.
1. " v 7 m us
Minr run.i ls , 23i
Omaha 7 11 7
Dulut 33
Peat area of the Trading and Closing;
Prices en Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. June 21. An Improved demand
for ctish wheat and exports of black rust
In Nebraska caused a firm finish In the
local wheat market today, the July deliv
ery closing Vtc above yesterday's final
firlcm. Corn was Vk lower. Oats H'SSc
ilgher. Provisions were a shade lower to
5c higher.
The wheat market opened weak because
of loi cables and general cleur weather
In thu southwest. Hentlinent continued
bearish until lute In the day whun shorts
biicaiuu active bidders, resulting In a rslly
of mute than one cent In sll deliveries.
The feature of trade was heavy sales of
July and the purchase of September by
levator Interests, which caused the latter
option to rise to He premium above July.
'1 ho uctlvo buying late In the session was
dua to the black rust reports from
Nebraska and to a better demand for
' tarli whent both here and al the sea
biord. 'the market closed firm. July
opened He lower to o higher at S54ito
and then advanced to SVCc. Th
( lose was at (We. Clearances of wlu'at and
flour were euual to 82.100 bu. Primary
receipts 313.0OO bu., compared with 4U),tXX)
bu. the corresponding day a yiur ago.
Aimnenpoiis, uuiutn ana Chicago report
receipts 01 ziu cars, against nt last weea
and Tjt a year ago.
The corn market was weak during; the
last halt of the avaslon because of tlta
break In wheat and because of the favor
ably weather for the new crop. The mar
ket closed firm. Julv ODened V&c lower
hi KM4 to o, sold oft to tUHo and then
auvancea to ss'tic. 1 lie close was ai bc.
Local receipts lwi cars with 22 contract.
There was considerable profit taking In
tats early In the day owing to the break
In other gitln and to Improved crop re
ports, advices from Indiana and Illinois
claiming that the drcuih in thoee statea
bad I fen broken by rain last night. Later
in the day the market rallied along with
wheat and corn. July opened H'iii..c lower
nt 447c, sold ort to 44",c and men auvancea
to 4.V where, It closed. Local receipts
118 cars.
Provisions opened firm on buying of h
bearish character which was prompted by
a IdMOo advance in live hoas. I-ater the
market lost most of Its firmness owing
to profit taking sales and to selling by
tries narkera. At the close September
pork was so higher at 14.86. Lard was
Unuiiailgeo at SU.UVtU- win were a siiKua
lower at 3iWo.
Kstlmsted for tomorrow: 'Wheat. 2 cars:
corn, all cars: oats, 214 cars; hogs, 27,lM)
head. , ..
The leading futures ranged as follows:
(Isolations of Ike Ihtr oa Varloaa
t mmodltlea.
NEW YORK. June 24 FLOtm Re
ceipts, 1 201) bbls ; exports. 4.400 bpU.
Market quiet and lower to sell; kllnnr.oia
ntent. 82aUssi; winter .! rBuxnirt.
I4.1'rtj4 6; Minnesota bakers. I4.1'.iW 4-',
winter extras, 13 40- 5i winter patents,
14 883 4 70; winter low grades. !J 3Ug2.j.
Kye rlour, barely stesov; isir to goou,
1.80i'4 80; choice to fancy. 14.85 '4 B. Ji).
t'OKNM KA I, Steady; fine white and
yellow, 31. 6011 1.G&; coarse, $1.55; kiln
dried. 3 86.
KVK I'ull: No. i western, 4i 1. o. d.
New York.
W 1 1 K AT Rec eipts, 18.100 bit. Spot
market firm; No. 1 red. 95c, elevator, and
i&ic, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern mi-1
luth. $1.14H. f o. b. afloat: No. hard;
winter, 1 03. r. o. l. snout 0000 nun
inrnoit of September all day, oased on
export buslne and less favorable south
west crop news gave wneat a iinirp ad
vance, final prices showing StlHc net
advance. July, 4'4Wbc, closed at &-;
Keptember. 8i 3-l'ttl3 l-18c, oloed st
93.'; December, 93 '4 94 He, closed al
4 He
t uHN Receipts, 10.760 bu. Spot mar
ket easy; No. 2. "He, nominal, elevacoi. nd
7Vic, nominal, r. o. o. arioat. option
market Was without transaction, oionug
rractlually unchanged. July lusted at
iSc: September ciused at J1c; uecein-
bcr closed at 68c.
HATS Receipt. 78.700 bu. Market
steady; mixed oatt, 26 to 82 pounds, bt'
o&r; natural while, 18 to 31 bounjs, 3i'
Uc; clipped white, ii to v pounds, u-t
U 7c.
HAY Dull ; good to choice, s!VC.
H1UKS Finn: Uugota. 17V184c; Central
American, 17He.
LtAillBH-nrni; acio, ivfjc.
PKOV1SION8 Beef, firm; family. 818.758
17.80; mess, 314. Own 16.60; beef hams, 27.0cK
-8.00: packet. 115; city extra Indian
mess. Ii4 00fi 26.00 Cut meats, linn:
pickled bellies, 8d.7610 00; pickled hams,
310.00. Lard, firm; western, .U04
refined, firm; continent, 39 40; South
America. 89.80; compound. 1 ( i ( 4 ra 1 J n-
Pork, firm; fsmlly, 317.00'avl8.Oi; short
clears, new, 8125 618.00; mesj, new,
31.00i3H8 26.
tallow Quiet; city, 6Hc; country, a;
KICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra.
S'8,4c; Jnpan, nominal.
Bl'TTKR Firm; creamery specials. 234 1?
23V; extras, 22gi3c: third to first. I!!t
22c; state dairy, common to finest, lvfr
CIIEKUfJ Quiet: state full cream, sre
clls 1-Vi13r; state fall creams, small,
colored or white, fancy, 12c; siate full
cream large, colored or white. 11c; state
full cream, good to prime, llHi&llHc,; state
full cream common. lOHUc
LOOS Firm, state, Pennsylvania and
nearhy fancy selected, white, 2Sc; good
to choice, 20422c; brown and mixed, fancy,
22c: good to choice, Jw21c; western firsts,
lTii18c; seconds, liei6V6c.
i'OCLTRY AIIvm. steady; spring chick
ens, 20c: fowls, 13c; turkeys, 13c. Dressed,
dull: western spring chickens, li'S'Uc; tur
keys, 123J17C; fowls, 12,3'4c.
Artleles.l Open. Hlgh. Low, iciose, Tee'y,
Wheat I I
July lbfm ttH 84 M I 854
Sept. 6V4li H 8 35H
lDu. 87 1 SH " K t
bDee. 80HiH 87H m, 7 MVs
Corn I
July W44i WV4 lH KHI
Bept. .sHJ'H SOH;! 6Hii8
Dec. 6MH 6KH 68 I 6844
Msy bVrfl TI S b4 6H
Oats 1 1
July 4t 4M4 44HI 46H 46H
bJuly 42t 44 43'4 44 4S
Pept. 3SHtr4 8S!3!(H',4 4
Dec. I S9'l HI eHI "4I Sa4
May 41VoN 4JHI 41 tZWiUU
Pork- I I I
July 14 l'i 14 8?4 14 67H 14 (0 14 55
Bept. 1 14 87 It tTVk 14 tO I 14 86 14 W
Lard- I .1
July S9R 8 9TH 8 IK IW
Sept. 12H 16 1 12H lXVk! 1M4
OcL 20 tlH 20 IM I 130
Ribs 1 .
July 8 15 lit 8 U'4 I 15 8 IS
Sept. I 8 43H 8 4iH I 37 H 37H S 40
Oc t. I 8 47VI I 60 i I tih S 46 8 47V4
No. t. a Old. b New.
Cash Quotations were as follows!
FLOUR Steady ; Winter patents, 14.20ft
4 40,: stralahla, M-Xalo: surlna- patents.
81 i54.o; straights, M 9iu4 WJ, bakers, 8J.90
WHEAT-No. I spring, KcMl.OO.
COKN-No. 2. 89HJT7;; No. t yellow, V.H
OATS No. t. 61Hc: No. 3, white, 4efllHe
HA RLE Y Fair to "Choice malting, VtJxt
PKPD Flax No. 1. northwestern, tl.2H
PROVISIONS- Short ribs, sides flonaet
n 878.86. Mess pork, per bbl 814 3H
14.7a. Lard, per i' ins., inich. nort clear
sides (boxed). 88.3150.
Following were the receipts and ship.
ments or iiour ana grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bhla. 21 600 n,V0
Wheat, bu 13. sort U ton
Corn, bu 408.8w 2S8 6i
Pvs. bu 4.rt l,"
Hurley, bu 6S,0 19.100
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market was steady; croamerlee, lXNSMc
dairies, 17i9t1o. Eggs, firm; at mark, eases
included, 14,tt'14V; firsts. I6H0; prime ftrsla,
J.V.e. Cheese, steady; HitTlSo.
Pklladelphla Prod are Market.
Steady. Extra western creamery, 24c
nearby prints, Ubc.
XJ1 Firm; Pennsylvsnla and other
nearby firsts, free rases, lit He at mark; cur
rent recapis in returnable cases, i se a
mark; western firsts, free case. It) Ho a
mark: current receipts, free cases. 17o.
CHEDflB-Mrm; good demand; New York
creams, choice, ilHti'lJHc'i fair to good
Mllwaakeo Orala Market.
Steady; ta. 1 northern. 81 UeWLlOH; No.
northern. ai.O7fln.0K: September. Itun bid.
BARLEY titeady; No. 2. o; sampls, U
ClRN-5tedy: No. I cash, 7071e; Sep-
leinuer. uu.
7s Hd; September. 8s li'd; December.
iRN-"pot. firm. new. American kiln
rn, la; oin. .niericsn inmen, n. j'a;
ures, quiet; July, 6s 1H1; September, 5s
Market ia Colorhss and Volume of
Trading it Small.
aold coin snd bullion. tr3.F16.34;
goiil certificates, 8..57ii770.
Death of Ea-Preslilent Cleveland and
Illness ft Mr. Sherman Have
Depresalaa; Effect Bonda
Are Irregular.
Palela Uraln Market.
DULl'TH. June 24 WHEAT No, t
northern. Il.k: No. 2. ll.Olt,; July. 8108;
September. 90c.
OATS 48 Ho-
Llverooel Grain Market.
L1VFRIX)U June 33.-VHEAT-Snnt,
?ulel: No. t r-4. western winter. 7n 41; No.
C'allfurma. 7s SU; luiuies, barvly ied ,
Fair aad Warmer Thursday la the
OMAHA. June 24, 1208.
Ths disturbance that has caused the un
settled weather throughout the central val
leys and west during the last forty-eight
hours has moved eastward and la now cen
tral over the St. Lawrence valley. An area
of high pressure hss spread over the central
valleys ana western porcion ana ciear
weather prevails everywhere west of the
Mississippi river, except that raln are fall
Ina In Oklahoma and Texas. Showers oc
curred within the last twenty-four hours in
the lake region, Ohio and Mississippi val
leys and southern states. The weather
Is much cooler throughout the cen
tral valley and temperatures are falling In
the east and south. It la growing warmer
In the mountains and It will be warmer In
this vicinity Thursday, with fair weather
tonight and Thursday.
Omaha record of temperature and precip
itation compared with tha corresponding
day of the last three years:
, 1. 1907. 1908. 1906.
Minimum temperature.... 81 8 68 6H
Precipitation 00 .3 .07 .00
Normal temperature ror looxy. vt aegrees.
Kxcess In precipitation since March 1,
167 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding penoa in 1907,
S.93 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding peri on in irm,
2.56 Inches. ' L. A. WELSH.
Local Foreoaater.
Cora aad Wheat Region Bulletin.
For the twenty-four hours ending at I
a. m.. 76th meridian time, Wednesday, June
24. 1908:
Temp Rain
Stations. Max. Mtn. fall. Sky.
Ashland, Neb 84 58 .00 Clesr
Broken B'w Neb. 90 48 .00 Clear
Columbus. Neb... 71 M .00 Clear
Ctilbertson. Neb.. .. 40 .00 Clear
Pairbury, Neb.... W 68 .00 Clear
Fairmont. Neb... 76 M .00 Clear
Or. Island. Neb... 7S 5t .00 Clear
Hsrtlngton. Neb. 75 68 .00 Clear
Hastings,. Neb.... 77 W .0 Clear
Holdrege, Neb.... 78 63 .00 Clear
Oakdale, Neb 74 62 .00 Clear
Omaha. Neh 79 01 .00 Clear
Tekamah, Neb.... 78 66 .00 Clear
Alta. Ie 77 61 .00 Clear
Carroll, la 84 60 .00 Clear
Clsrlnda. la 84 61 .0 Clear
Sibley, la 76 60 .03 Clear
Bloui City, la... 74 6 .00 Clear
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at a. m.
No. of
Central. Stations.
Chicago. Ill 2
Columbus, 0 18
Des Moines. la IS
Indianapolis. Ind.. 11
Kansss City. Mo.. 21
Louisville. Ky...... 19
Minneapolis, Minn. M
Omaha, Neb 17
St. Louis. Mo II
The weather la cooler throughout the corn
and wheat region. Moderate rains occurred
In all except the Omaha district within the
last twenty-four hours. It Is clear weat of
the Mississippi river this morning.
' L. A. WELSH, Looal Forecaster.
Temp.- Rain.
Max. Mln. Inches.
89 84 .10
84 70 .08
84 68 .08
94 70 .12
88 M .:t
94 72 .16
72 62 .10
18 64 T
90 64 .80
St. Louis Genera Market.
ST. LOl'IS, Mo., June 24. WHEAT
Firm; trsrk: No. 2 red cash, 860: No. t
hard. eff1.01; July, 84Hc; September. B4H
cuRN Lower: track: No. cash, 72Hc;
No. 2 white, 77ST7Hc; July, 6Hc; Septem
ber, 87Sc.
OATS-Weak; track: No. t caah., 60c; No.
I white. &v; September. 3744c.
FUll'K-Tmll; red winter patents 84.40)
46; extra fancy and straight. 34.00a -4.36;
clears. 3S4tVy0.70.
REKD Timothy, steady: I3.0iysd.50.
fVn.VMF.AL-Steady; 50-
BRAN Steady; sacked east track. 1104.
HAY-Tlmothy. weak: prairie firm: tim
othy. 89.0mr14 00; prairie, 811.0utT13.0O.
PROVISIONS-Pork. unchanged; lobbing.
816 00. Iatrd. higher; prime steam. 6.46f
8.60. Dry salt meats, stead v; boxed extra
shorts, 38 37H; clear ribs. 38 K: short dears,
-H- Hacxxv steady; boxed extra ehnrta.
; clear ribs. 89 00; short clears, 89 60.
POULTRY VJulet: chickens, 9c; springs,
154119c; turkevs, lltJ'ISc; ducks. 7c; reese. Sc.
Rl'TTER 8tesdy; creamery. 18i!Ho.
EGOS Steady; 14c, case count.
Keeelnts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 3. doo 7,0
Wheat, bu 14.fttt 8, 00
Corn, bu 130,tvm Tl.ono
OaU, bu , 62,(00 38.1O0
Kansas City Grain aad Provisions.
changed to le higher; July, 81c. Septem
ber, toSc; I'ecembcr, ICHc; cash. No. 2
hard. 96c (1 IV U0; No. 2 hard. t-fDsc; No. 2
red, 9(ii7c; No. 3 red. 9iflc.
CORN ISSc higher; July, 6Hc; Sentem
ber. StUc; December, 614e; rash. No. 2
mixed, .tii77c; No. 8 mixed. T6.ijTic; No. 2
white. 77V; No. t white, 7H77c.
OATS ltjlc lower; No. I white, K861c;
No. 2 mixed. 4U36uc.
RYE 74'a77c.
HAY Weak; choice timothy. 31O.0H.00;
choice prairie. 3y.2u0i9.76.
Bt'TTER Easy ; creamery, lie; packing
stock, lea1.
F-OGS Firm; fresh extras. 18c; current
receipts, 13c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 71, (ou 14.000
Com, bu 7 0i 4.0.i
Oats, bu 12.0K) . 1,0110
NEW YORK. June 24 The complexion
of affairs In the stock market tociny to..k
on a colorless hue and the trading sunk
almost to the point of Idleness, A Isige
proportion of the day's scantv total of
shares transferred were sold In the first
hour of the session. Tnls little spurt of
activity sihsided Immediately and practi
cal stsanatlon ensued. This extreme dull
ness is not unseasonable.
There were times In the day's news
which prompted a mood of dwelling on
the mnintv lltles of human affairs and
of uticert Inty of assuming an outcome:
seemingly In prnupcct. Tie serious Illness
of the republican no-.iilnee for vlre presi
dent seem" to have th' effect of emphaili i.g
the hesitation Inchl nt to the piogre .'I
the political campaign, while the death ,.f
ex-President Cleveland came as somei'itng
of a shock to the public and had a mater
Ifll effect In deepening the prevailing mood.
The announcement of the booking of return
passage to Kurope for J. P. Morgan for
tomorrow confirmed the assursnees of tlif
purely personal and family grounds f.jr
Ills sudden return to this country In tn
nildst of his usual foreign vacation.
News of the discontinuances of the diplo
matic relations between the United fi.t,
and Venezuela ass ianored appsrcnily.
Wcnfher news Is scanned with ronst'iot
attent on and any movement In fie emu
modifies market that msy be relied on nr
a true Index of crop conditions Is lor Wo. 1
for closelv. Ixindon was said to be 1
buyer of stocks here on a moderate si Mo
and this helped to an early show of firm
ress. The extreme esi of call money Is
attributable to some temporary accumula
tions In nrepnrstlon for the July settle
ments. No engssemer.ts of gold for ship
ment by tomorrow's steamer were nisde.
As this would be the lstet shipment avail
able for the July settlemenl In Berlin, the
gold export movement Is considered to be
ended. The poor annual earnings report jd
by the Union National Cast Iron Pipe com
pany caused the break in those stocks.
Bonds were li regular. Total, par
value 31.254.000. United 8tates bonds were
unchanged on call.
Following were the range of prices on
the Stock exchange todav;
8trt Hlfch. 1-nw. CIom.
Amalnmitsd Capper u.4u in S6H .i
Am. O. r '. 13 S
Am. C. F. pfd
Am. Cotton Oil 30 i4
Am. H. A L pM 17
Amtrlrtn Ire SMurltlei.... 1.900 tt'i iu 90
American l,lned Oil 8
Am. Lommotw 7m) 4i4 41H 4214.
Am. l'-emutlv rtd 1"'
Am. 8. ft K 4.800 761,, 74 7
Am. R. ptd
Am. Sugar Rfflnlnf ' 100 122 122V 121
Am. Tobacco ptd 19
American Woelan 4"0 K tt iH
Anaconda Mining Co ti 41 41
Atnhlson l.auu D 7 80
Atc.hlaon ptd 93
Atlantlo Coast Line 100 14 14 a4
Baltimore A Ohio. 8,700 15 84
Dal. A Ohio ptd I &
HrooWlys Rapid Tr 1.400 44 4t 44
Csnadlan PaclOa 1.400 ll 1M li
Central Oathtr 100 ' 14 14 34
Central Leathar ptd V
Central ol Nee Jaraejr 190
Chenpeaka Ohio I " 1 17 l
Chlcass Ot. W "0 4 4
Chlcaao ft N. W 100 148 14 14"
C, M. ft 8t. P I.7"U 13:44 1044 131
C , C . C. ft t L '
Colorado F. ft 1 too 34 3S Ji
Colorado ft So 7u0 80 S
Colo, ft So. Ht pfd 57
Colo, ft So. 3d ptd 00 47 44 47
Conaolldatad Oaa too 121 121 122
Cora Produce 400 1 14 14
Dolavars ft Hudaoa M0 167 167 la
DenTar Rio Oranda 14
D. ft R. O. pfd 40
Dlatlllsrs' gecurlUas too 13 U U
rts 80 18 1 m
Kris 1st pfd ,
Brie M ptd , 2
OMSral Bleatrla ,111
Oraat Northern pfd 1,3"0 U It' li
Ot. Northern Or etfs V"
Illlsola Caatral 7 1 1
Intarbonugh Mai. 800 W 10 10
Int. Met. pfd 81
International Paper 100 t
1st. Paper pfd "
Int. Pump
Iowa Central '4
Kanaaa Cltr to
K. O. aa. pfd 4
Uratallle ft N 108 108 lot
Maslcaa Cantral 16
Mian, ft St. L 100 M 7
M.. St. P. ft g. g. M. . .... 10 l' 1''4 108
Miaaourl Paeltle 3.010 4f. 4H 4t
U.K. T 8.20 n s n
M , K. ft T. pit 100 64 M 6
National Last 100 44 4 6)
New York Oantral too lm loolt 101
N. Y., O. ft W 1,600 3844 7H H
Norfolk ft W 100 87 6 t
Nnrth imarlMI M
Nortb.rn Pacltlo 4,100 1M 131 113
Paclflo Mall ,84
r.nnarl.aula l.OfO lis7, ll H
People's Oaa 1 1 ! 1
P.. C, O. ft at. L 76
Proaead gta.1 Car K0 34 31 M4
Pullman Palara Car 1"
Railway Heel Bprtni
Readlns 61,400 110 lia 110
Republic (tael 1 14 14 19
K.pvibllc giaal ptd 7oo 64
Rock I,land Co 1.800 16 li 16
Rock Ialaad Co. pt 4.100 t 28
St. t ft B. P, 3d ptd 400 16 84 13
St. Louis 8. W 15
St. L. 8. W. ptd 3 1 44,
Sloaa-ShafflaM S. ft I
Southern Pacific 8.100 84 66 8ft
So. Paclflo pfd 600 11 U ll
So. Railway 100 l 16 1
So. Hallwar pfd 100 43 41 42
Tonnaaea Copper
Taa ft Pacific '
T . St. L ft W 1 16 1 1
T., 8L L. ft W. pfd 80 44 41 41
Inloo Paclflo 44.600 145 14 141
t'oloa Psoitis pfd 100 61 8! 61
U. S. Rubber 1 14 14 J
V. S. Rubber 1st pfd 100 K S2 92
V. S. Steel 16.700 ! 84 S4
V. S. Steal pfd 101 1H 101
Itah Copper 1.100 13 11 11
Va. -Carolina Chssrlual 88
Va -Caro. Cham, ptd 100
Wahaah 10 H14 11 l'
Wabaah pfd 10 II
Waatlnihouaa Electric 8.600 6i 64 K
Wastara Union le M 61 t8
Whaallng ft L 81 J
Wlaoonala Central 100 16 16 A
Total salsa for the dsy, 3c0,4tO shares.
Mew York Money Market.
NEW YORK, June 24. MONEY On call,
easy at l&'lH per cent; ruling rate, 1H per
cent; closing bid and offered at 1 per cent:
time loans, dull but steady; sixty days, 2
per cent; ninety days, 'U2 per cent; silt
months, 3H per cent offered; prime mer
cantile paper, StfoH Pr cent.
tual business In bankers' bills at R9$)6 for
demand and at 84 Sf for six-day bills;
CommerclaJ bills, 84 WH WH-
SILVER Bar, 64c; Mexican dollars, 47o.
BONDS Oovsrnment, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds wtre as fol-
ItV'rW. 8s, rag. ...104 Hock. Vat. 4a...,.12$
to eeupea 14 Int. Met. 4a 44
V. S. 6a. rag lot LAN. unl. 4a n
to aoupoa 101 Man. c. f 4a M
II. S. 4a, rag 121 Mat. Central 4a 64
de eoupe 121 4o 1st Ina 16
Aav Tehaose 4s 1M. ft St. L 4a 7
de 4a 104)4 u., K. ft T. 4a Hi
Aualaoa gan. 4s. 67 do is 81
da adj. U aaN. g. R 0( M c 4a U
de c. 4a K0 N. T. c. s. ! i
da e. 4a II N. J C. g. 6a 113
Ailantla O. L 4s... 61 No. Pacific 4a li
gal. ft Ob la 4a do la 71
4a la 64 N. ft W. e. 4a Ua
Prk. R. T. 4a 1J0. 8. L. rfaf. 4a ... H
Hantral of Oa. 6s. ..,104 Pana. cv. 8t ltl.. 1
da 1st Inc 71 do eon. 4a 101
da td Iso 44 Reading ats. 4a
do Id Ina M Rp. of Cuba 6a 11
Cnee. ft Ohio 4a... .lo si. L. ft I. M. e 6a..l"4
Chicago ft A. 8a.. 41 St. U ft 8 P. fg. 4a. 4
C, B ft Q. B. 4a ... r79t. L. S. W. c. 4a.. 46
C, R. I. P. 4a.... dlSahoard A. L. u ... 61
do col. oa 41 bo. Pacific 4a
do rfJg 4s 8i de lat 4a si
Ct'C. ft St. L g 4a.. J o. Railway 6l t
Colo. Ind. 6a 62 Taiaa ft P. la 1"1
Cola. Mid 4l 41 T . St. L ft W. 4a... Tl
c olo. ft So. 4a 6t'nion Pacific 4a 11
Pel. ft Hud cv. 4a. .. M do c. 4a 61
D ft R. U. 4a 1 r. S. Steel M 6a ... 64
Erla p. 1. 4S 60 Wabaah la 104
de gas. 4a al Wasters Md 4a 44
Japag 4a su W. ft U g. ta a.1
do 4s 6 w'ts. Central 4a 63
da 14 aerlaa 4N. T. N. H. cacta..lll
tlid. Otfered.
Options at Kansas Cltyt
Open. Hlgb.l Low. Close.
81 sl siv'sies'tiHSB
'H tuH&H ri (tuHSB
47 I 7 SSV06S-
New York Mtalaaj Stocks.
NEW YORK. June 24-Closlng quotations
en mining stocks were:
Alice 8uv Uadrllla Cos, I
Braaoa 6 I.lula t kief I
runawlck Cos 8 Maaloaa 81
'om. Tuanal stork.. 84 Outer he 6
Com Tunnel . 14 Ophir 2V
Coo. Cal. ft Va . ..... 47 Snail Hopes 16
Horn Solve 60 Staadard 176
Iron Silver 66 Yellow Jacket 6t
aak Cleartnara.
OMAHA. June 24. Bank clearings
aay were and for the
sponding dale last year 81.636. ST 63.
Treaeary Statement.
i WAsniMiios, june M Today s
. nient of the treasury balances in tl
j eral fund exelumve of the 3;Sf. et .
1 reserve, slivws: AvaUable caau bs
for to-corre-
Roeton atorka and Bonds,
BOSTON, June .-Money rsl loa
8 jer cent; t me loan', 3'14H per
Ptocks and bonds closed as follows:
Aichle.m adj.' 4a 67 Atlanta
dn 4a Amaiaamattd
M-l C'tntral 4a "3 Atlantic
At'hlson 6 tfingham
do pfd ft. ( al. ft Her la
Boslen ft Alhanv P" centennial
Hmion ft Maine 1.4
Hufnn Eltvated ... IM
Fltchburg pfd 1.4
N. Y.. N H. ft H . i!4
t'nlon Pacific
Am. Arrt. t'htm..,
do pfd
Am. Pncu. Tuba...
Amtr Pvigar
Am. T ft T
Am. Woolen
dn pfd
riniin.on 1 ft 9.
Kdlton rite. Illu
Cin-ral Klerlnc .
llatt. Rlectrlc
do pld
Mic taa
t'nltrd Kru l
I'nlted 9. M
do pfd
V. 8. ii'ei'1
do pfd
A--k. d.
Copper Range ,
t'elv Wett
bit Rovalr ..
. . 2 'i Maaa .Milling .
.. 8- M -hiian
. . i.v Vnh,k . . ..
.122 , Mont. C ft C.
. . 1 , I lid Dominion .
. . 2; linrwH
. . M Parrot
. . I i (;u:nrv
. Phannon Tamil ra. k
.. 10 Trinity
. 4ti't I n toil C'oi ptr
. . a.i V. g. Mining . .
..HJi, f. 8 Oil
. . .v t'tah
. . ii Victoria
..86 W inona .
. .11 Wolverine
.. 1
n. -a
. 21
. II
. 10
. 14
. J
. 40
. 14
. 11
. S-'
. 64
Killing Cattle Active and Ten Higher,
with Stockers Weak.
... i:
... t
... i
. . o'
... 4
... 6
Sheep and I.amhn of All Kindt f-'.x-tremelj
Klw and Unit, with Lit
tle Doing F.ven at the
Lower Trices.
FOI'TH OMAHA. June :4, 1.
Receipts ie: 4.'iiillp 1 as. Bneeo
Officlsl Mttndav 2.kJ . -'
Official niet(l- J.,8.1 7.7M t.lii
I at iii.iie Wedn sclay ....JoOi Xl.jOt .8 0
London Stock Market.
I"NION. J'me 24. American securities
were steady and generally to H lower
duilng the early trailing. I'nlted Slates
Sieel and sold at a fraclion below
ot.i(iays New Yrk closing.
I.etuion closing inrts;
C'onaola. mon-y 87 M., K ft T 7
do account 81 ii N. V. t tntral 1' 5
Anarnnda 8 .Norfolk ft W c:i
Atchtton frit 4 do pfd 6,1
de pfd Ontario ft W Jr
tlaltlmore ft Oh.o ... 67 r nna U en la 4 ,
Canadian Partite '." Pssd Mines 8
Cha ft Ohio 4i Reading
Chicago Ct. W 64 eonthern llailwar ... lt
C . M. A St. P 1s't do pfd
Dt Rttra 1IU Sotithfrn Pacific .... 6',
J'tnvtr ft R. O I nlon Pa-.iflc 14
do pfd do pfd r
Ere II i V S. stetl i.
do l.t pM ! do pfd 10.4 ,
do Id pfd it W.l,,h 13
Grand Trunk '6 , do pfd :
lllinoip i cnital o' Ppatnth 4a V3
Loaiavilte ft N 1" Ainal. Cupper 61
blLYKH Liar, quiet, 23-ltiU per ounca
Alci.S t. HV ' l" i' cent.
The rate ri tiiscoum Im Hie open market
for short bills Is 16-10 per cent; tor three
months' bills, 16-ltvilH per cent.
Thr. tiays :hl. week
S uite uaa la-d nek...
Mi liie Ums i weeks BKo
.-a ne iluys 3 weeks litn
S'ime liis 4 urtks
biiiH cUs last year....
The tolluwina table
of cattle, hogs and she
ror the year to date,
"'mis 421..v
Hogs l,4i.,fi 1
theep o.tWi
"lie followinc I a IT! a
price of hints at South
several days, with com
1 4. MM
Hie rc
9.', 21
2 I.O H
8.3 '
'ep at South cmiiIih
conparid ibc
mi7. inc. I.-
aeO.tia 1SJ.I
.iMM'.g il0,:.7 ....
81 I B 8 l,u.'J
snovAS the averaae'
Oinaha for the last
psris ins:
Daie. itr. 18'7.:irkK!.i-.;8-14.;i0t. 12.
tottoa Market.
NEW YORK, June :t. COTTON-Fu-tures
opened firm; Jur.e, .iHc, bid; July,
lrt.Olc; August, Wo; September, 9.8i';
October, 8 33c: TJecemher, H.c; January,
16c; March, 8.13c; Msy offered, 8iuc.
Futures closed steady; June, lO.l.'c; July,
10.12c; August, 10i; September, lc; Oc
toter, ,3jc; November, .i4c; December,
22c; January, .18c; February, O.lSc;
March, .17c.
Spot cotton closed quiet; middling up
lands, 11.80c; middling gulf, 12.06c ; sales,
28 bales.
steady: l-16c down on all grades.
Middling. 11 V- Sales, 800; spot; with
none to arrive. Futures closed: June
11.43c. nominal; July. 11.4.1c; August, lo.73;
September, 9.7c; October, D.39c; Novem
ber. .3oc; Iecember, 9.28c; Jsnuarv, 8ic.
ST. IX)l'I8, June 24 COTTON Quiet ;
middling. 11 Sc. Sales, 2fc; rweipts none;
shipments 6t; stock, 17,870 bales.
' Metal Market.
London tin market was lower today, with
spot quoted at 126 16s and futures 12i
7a dd. The local market was weak at
27.72HfJ28-2o- Copper declined to 07 7i 61
for spot and 68 6s 2d for futures in Lon
don. The local market was easy and un
changed, with lake quoted at 31i:.87',i8M3.';
electrolytic, ll2.62Virtn2.tt7H; castlnn, iVl.Vfu
12.6SH. Lead unchanged at 12 12.4 61 In
London and f4.54Xtr4.65 In New York. Th
London Iron market was higher, at 60j
lOHd for Cleveland warrants. Locally no
change was reported. No. 1 foundry north
ern, l6.5tyv17.0o; No. 2, 175. 75-16 26; No. 1
southern and No. 1 southern soft, $16.503
ST. LOUIS. June 24. M ETA L8 Lead,
unchanged, 34.42H. Speller, unchanged,
W.UVi. t
Kvaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta.
APPLES Market continues quiet; fancy
quoted at lOtfplOHc; choice 8ig9c; prime, "H
tj7e; common to fair, eVitpSHc.
DRIED FRUITS Prunea are quiet, with
quotations ranging from SVo to 13c for
California and from 6 He to 10c for Ore
gon fruit. It Is reported that aprleots have
been offered at concussions from spot, but
the market Is unchanged, wtlh choice
?uoted at lOffloHa- extra choice, lltjUHc;
ancy, 12fll3c. Peaches are dull, with choice
?uoted at SHfuSAc: extra choice, 9SHo;
ancy, lOjlOHc; extra fancy, lOHHo. Rais
ins are neglected, with loose muscatel
quoted at 4V4Uoc; choice to fancy seeded,
BHfCTHc; seedless, 6470; London layers,
Wool Market.
BOSTON. June 24. WOOL Values In
the local market have not changed during
the week. The Improvement, although
steadily maintained, Is slow. Territory,
fine staple, 63 66c; medium staple, 60f
62c; fine medium clothing, 43643c; flow
clothing. 4650c; half-blood, 46rtf6?c;
three-eighths-blood. 4348c; quarter
blood, 455 46c; pulled, extra, 665vc; fine
A. BO 62c; supers, 4 4(6" 4 5c.
ST. LOUIS, June 24. WOOL Steadv;
medium grades, combing and clothing, 19
20c; light fine. 14H&16C; heavy fine,
llBUHc; tub washed, 1926c.
Coffee Market.
turea closed steady, net unchanged to 6
points higher. Part of the business was
In the way of exchangee from July to
later months. Total sales were reportej of
16,600 bags, Including June and July, 6.90c;
May, 6.96c. Spot, qalet; No. 7 RJo, 0'4c; No.
4 Santos, 8c; mild, dull; Cordova, 9
Minneapolis Grain Market.
1 hard, n.09H: No. 8 northern. ll.OOH'8'1.02;
Julv, 31.04H: September, 891S9c.
BRAN 318.60.
FLOUR Unchanged; first patents, 36.30(3)
6.46; second patents, t5.20(5.30: first clears,
14.2134.30; second clears, 3.6S3.fjo.
Peoria Jaarket.
PEORIA, III., June 24. CORN-Lower;;
No. 3 yellow. 9Hc; No. 3, 69c; No. 4, 67o;
no grade. 6JK(r61c.
OATS Iwer; No. 3 white, 6046Wic;
No. 4 white, 4!4(g0Vc.
Sugar and Molasses.
NEW YORK. June 24 SUOAR-Raw.
steady; fair refining, 3.76c; centrifugal 96
test. 4.26c; molasses sugar, t.6oo; refined,
steady; crushed, 6.10c; powdered, 6.60c;
granulated, 6.40c.
Kol I
Oils and Rosla. '
OIL CITY. Pa.. June 24. OIL Credit
balances. $1. 71. Runs, 91.635 barrels: aver
age. 168,781 barrels: shipments, 16g,lc bar
rels; average, 192.8U7 barrels.
Cattle and Hogs Steady aad Higher
Best Grade Sheep Firm.
CHICAGO. June 24 CATTLE Receipts,
about ll,6o0 head: market steady to K4t1Sc
higher; steers, to.tAKu 36; cows, I3a5 7i;
heifers, 84 '"fl7.ii0: bulls. tS.50rr6.Sit: calv. s,
32 6 (te80; stockers and feeders, 33 2 & 5. 25.
HOGS Receipts, about 28,(00 head, mar
ket. 5ral0c higher; choice heavy shipping,
3S2ot!i; bu'ohers, te.2te-,i4.86; choice llgitt,'Utit; light mixed. to-Ontiit 16: ;ackTns.
K.Ht jl'Xli; pigs. f4.0Oti6.61; bulk ot fulei, fi.Ou
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 16.001
head; best firm; others weak; sheep. Il.':r(j
6.2s; iambs, 4i.uc"t(.uu; yearlings, 4.o5 W.
St. Louie Live Slock Market.
ST. LOUIS. June 24.-CATTI.E-Receltts.
6.' 00 head, including 3.&U0 Texans; market
strong; native shipping and export steers,
36 '3W7.76; dressed beef and butcher steers.
86 S 45; steers under 1.000 pounds, $-4.7; rr
s.6ti; stockers sno feeders. WOiKrtaW: cows
anil tittrers. Xo.iarn4.i6; csnners, It.boro-J.2o
bulls. K.ifiM: cslvcs. U.Ji.K:' Texas
and Indien steers, 33 .2ij6.26; cows and heif
ers, fl.i&'
HcXJH Receipts. 9.0C0 head: market livfjlic
higher; piss and lights. 84 IMti.eO; packers.
3i"io.l6; butchers and beet heavy, 8U.C6
4ti .
SHEKP AND LAM PS Receipts. S 5k)
head; market stesdv; native muttons. 83 26
!'': lambs. 34 Wf CO; culls anj bucks,
33.2&t73.60; stockers. 33. JO'S 4 0
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 2i0 head; ninrket steady ti '5c
hliflier: export and ilresaed b,-ef a eera.
U Nlli.ll fair t n oivl t . I Ctts, i O .. . u r n
sieera, l4.7f)io7.7Ii; stockers and fee1er, ll.'O
tjt.s'; native coas, 8 o"'u6 2j; native lie f
ers, 3J.5lKa4.76; bulls, 83 10(46.26; cslvcs, 34.(0
1KXJS Receipts. 13.0f0 bead; market hr,$
1V higher; top. 605; bulk of sal--, 33.i5ct
38 00; heavy. 3surinti6; packers and butch
ers. 5 1M'0i; lights, ti.Hf.UJ m; pigs, 34 6)
4)6 I".
8IIEKP AND I.AMRS-Receiiris. 8
hi-ad ; ewe nd year'i'ise. 84. 0i4 7.'; Tex is
yearlings. Iz '-oii.20. lerna a ieep, '! inji.i);
jilockcra, (''"nil", market sua y.
June 1.1. .
June (..
lune 15,.
June 16. .
June 17..
June 18..
June 19..
June 20..
Juin' 21..
June 27. .
June 2'..
June 24 .
! 5 .''IS
.1 ;
i 6 4r!
. 5 6r
I . Ol
6 W
5 7iV.
6 8.
5 91
5 79
5 8.',
5 '.'I,
. ;
i :
6 1,
1 n f;',
s ni;
e !
t 63
u l.t
6 :9i
6 2?
6 i.
, ill'
0 1:.
8 1i
.-, 17
5 15.
5 2'i
4 72
4 SI
4 s3
4 M
4 t'2j
5 (i
5 12
- 1
0 '.i
5 95
5 971
5 !'
U Mi
h 74;
5 67,
7 3ti
V 31
7 :t
7 3
t io
7 4:i
7 11 I
7 4,1
7 4''
7 da
21 6 11
3 1
14 6 1
13 :: ::
62 .. 4
28 4
3 1
161 12 18
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
... 110 1.477 3.78
... 2!1 2.515 1.11
... 481 2.689 1.' 50
... 31 3,X8 665
... 234
... 23
. . . 23
... 15
... 118
... 10
... 25
. . . 81
... 13
140 "446 "373
The official number of cars of stock
brought 111 today by each road
t attle. II gs 8n p. 11 r.
Wabash 1
nlon Pacific System. 2 J
Mi-sourl Pacific 4
C. & N. W.. east 2
Union Pacific yysiem. 22
C, M. & St. P 2
C, R. & Q., east.... 17
C. St. P., M. at O..., 8
C. ft N. W.. west 19
C, R. y., west.... 16
C, R. I. & P., west.. 21
C, R. I. & P.. east.. 4
Illinois Central 1
C. O. W 7
Total receipts ....115
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Omaha Packing Co...
Swift ft. Company
Cudahy Packing Co...
Armour & Co
Cudahy, from St. Joe.
S. A S
Carey 4 Benton
I,obivian ft Kothchlld .
W. I. Stephan
Hill ft Son
F. P. Lewis
J. B. Root ft Co
Cudahy Bros. Co
Sam Wrrlhlmer
H. F. Hamilton
F. G. Inghram
Sullivan Bros
belimer Bros
tnher buyers
U. I), li. CO 329
Bodden 160
Total 2,302 11.380 3.606
CATTLE There were only 112 cars of rat
tle here this morning couniing all kinds.
Among the offerings was a liberal sprink
ling of very good, well-finished beef steers.
The market as a whole was very satisfac
tory and practically everything was sold In
very good season.
Buyers ot beef steers were out In the
yards early In the morning and It did not
take them very long to get down to busi
ness, as they were all evidently wanting
cattle. The trade became fairly active, with
all desirable kinds selling fully 10c higher.
There was one bunch good enough to bring
38.06. the high price of the geaaon to date.
There were a dosen or fifteen cars of
cows and heifers on sale this morning,
while the demand generally was quite brisk.
The result waa a fairly active market, with
anything having any kill to It at all selling
10c higher. The yards were cleared In good
There were a few scattering loads of
Blockers, but only a few feeders. Stockers
have been coming In a Utile more freely
this week, while tha country demand has
been none too brisk. While the few arriv
ing have generally changed hands, the feel
ing. If anything, has been a little weak, the
tendency being a trifle easier.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
corn-fed steers, 37.364m.00; fair to good
corn-fed steers, 3n.OOi7.36; common to fair
corn-fed steers, 85 00414.00; good to choice
cows and heifers, 14 .5tx&.00; fair to good
corns and heifers, 34. 00&4. 60; common to fair
cows and heifers, 32.0o4.00; good to choice
stockers and feeders, 34.75fl6.00j fair to good
stockers and feeders, 14 Oltj4.76; common to
fair stockers and feeders, 33.264.00; stock
heifers. 33 00473.50. 1
Representative sales: 1
No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr.
11 1041 6 40 47 141 1 W
84 H0 6 65 41 1411 7 60
81 11M 4 66 101 1418 T 60
II U16 4 65 14 1446 6 ta)
16 91 1 60 It 1464 8 00
II 1W4 4 75 40 1417 8 6
44 UtH 7 96 11 1940 4 06
113. v U84 7 46
9 S7K 8 40 6 S74 8 15
8 846 I 60 3 9(6 I 40
6 tvl 8 60 8 HI IM
1 1W9 I 66 7 Ill I 40
4 643 3 46 8 1076 8 60
4 665 3 16 II HI 8 66
8 876 8 76 8 110 8 16
7 817 6 10 It lltS I 70
6 774 4 80 4 1016 8 66
8 908 I 00 14 44 3 6
t 1067 8 00 IS 1 10M 4 00
4 816 I 00 1 961 4 00
1 100 8 00 3 1164 4 00
11 101 8 18 11 1070 4 00
U '' 8 16 4 1061 4 00
U Kl 8 16 8 441 4 16
16 4.4 1 l II 1011 4 16
66 16 7 1104 4 80
4 606 16 1 1000 4 46
1 447 I 16 6 1110 4 46
4 811 8 ID
4 616 t 76 8 7nt I 1
1 714 3 K) 88 634 8 36
IS 61 3 ) 4 810 8 1
1 4S6 6 00 6 6(4 8 td
11 49 8 00 4 160 4 85
6 144 8 16 T CT7 4 46
II U3 6 66
I toao a 00 1 im I 60
1 1116 3 16 1 im S 60
8 K1 8 16 1 1100 I 40
1 100 I 26 1 10S0 3 41
1 16N) 3 75 8 t371 I 76
I U10 I il 1 1140 3 76
1 110 8 S3 1 66 1 60
1 W I 16 1 1410 4 00
1 1700 I 16 1 1410 4 00
I. . 1174 I 16 1 ISD 4 40
1 1110 8 86 t 1l!6 4 60
1 U6 8 60 1 1510 4 75
8 3 60
.., 860 8 I t 161
.'. 160 I 00 ! 155 6 60
II 141 8 40 I 140 I T6
1 IS 4 04 1 toil I T5
t 160 4 60 1 147 00
1 10 t 00 1 140 I 00
1 ro 6 Ol) 4 1.6 4 ro
J 1H IM 1 10 I 00
t Ill 1 16 1 140 4 00
I ... 144 6 16
1 171 1 rc 7 41 I 10
1 170 I 40 4 661 I 60
1 41 I 40 4 7:i IM
10 4'H 16" J4 16 4 10
II 470 I 16 K 766 4 16
1 614 I 75 11 til 4 6)
I ..711 1 16 I m 4 60
611 8 4 116 I 60
Tho Sorvicc of a
Strong Banking institution
Tho prompt, pfflilfiit bauklnr. emiic ot tho First jjj
Njii.niHl Hank, of Omaha Is a vnu'tuie afot in tno tu-i-chain
or business man In tlit romlutt of his flnnm-lnl nffalis.
Besides It gives proalise to have au aciouiU Uu this
strong banking Institution.
Your account Is solicited.
a" K? AMAU A . v
W I Has f 1 gv I I r
Thirteenth and Farnam Streets
Oldest and Largest Dank in Nebraska
y. a.
TT 1 : . . in 7 8
71 " ,-, J" 1 f, an s Ml 4 M
64 :. 1 .i 74 1." 6 r
I. :i ... ., 1 y?. . 4n ; 1 1
4 V. 6 l .t .. . J!". 13' 8
- 2V 4" ;. n 1 ; . . ?n ijn , i't
TS .'11 L'4'i ! 'i ii t"l 4" 6
vl ... . 114 11 ill f 141 ... 6 5.',
;t .' n i.'.i ( .. . -i: 6 i:i
cj ,i!n hj 2 .' l.'n 6 Hji
m f-.i i! 19 ., 4ft 6 4;' i;
67 .. pi -o s JJ'e
4 ?' 4ii 6 n 6 2U V 6
6.4.. .77 41 ." ! y$ . .. i'i; ... iM1,
II so 5 a ..:: ... l i'
i )ti j; j: Hi 6 M4j
r.l 14 'i 6 f:l -''.' 4" 1 VI
P5 SCI 4' Mi 74 S7" II" 6 12'
71 -.11 540 8 10 II :4 14 1 6 lit
74 Ill 2v r, to 74 7M HI 6 61',
l"l 'a 40 6 10 6'l 6 62'
l 217 ... 6 PI 64 St 41 6 S:
i;4 714 80 4 to ;i :m im 5 r.
7" ;u in 6 li it ill 611 I U'a
7n 51 40 8 f) 110 827 100 6 Mia
H 2 2 40 5 SO in U4 ... M14
HP S't : 5 M 64 261 4 6 I7'
41 !74 8'1 6 0 70 350 l!" 6 t2,
67 2-M ;t 6 to 71 S26 10 i 12'
74 22fi 61 6 n 148 134 400 6 IS't
67 2J in 6 rfl 44 H7 10 I
an 2H SO 6 to 62 64 m IK
0 231 in I W 13 117 40 6 86
4 I'I 10 6 tn 48 S6 10 6 16
62. 207 40 6 10 4 :44 110 IH
7t I'4 140 6 10 12 il ... 6 16
Tl tit 110 ll 111 n 10 4 86
11 2M). 61 6 10 67 19 160 65
51 lit 40 C 10 64 269 80 6 16
21 SOI 110 6 CO 64 :1 ... (15
75 1'S 60 6 to 6t 110 10 I 00
71 1!S ... 6 V0 14 125 ... I 00
71 til W 8 10 10 271 ... I tO
I McQovcrn Makei Another Trj On Hi
! Paving Ordinance.
HOU8 Hogs sold 6c higher this morning,
but the snap so haractei istlc nf tho tlaila
yesterday wss absent today. While buyers
took the ' offering! at the advance noted,
they were evidently not as anxious for them
aa yesterday. Toward the close this lack
of life wss more noticeable, the market
ending up dull and weak. A feature of the
trade mas ths very poor demand tor com
mon high mixed and trashy loads. No one
seemed tn want that kind and It was hard
work in some caeca tn get buyers to make
a bid on that kind. The bulk cf the hogs
s'lld tnilav at $j.7Hfi6 , with a top at
$.). Vesterday over half of all the nogs
sold at 86 86. the bill being generally
placed at 15 S:fj5 87. with a lop at 35.83.
Representative ssles:
SH EE!- Receipts this morning were very
light only eleven fresh cars being re
ported In. but still the condition ot the
market was very unsatisfactory. In fact,
what was said yesterday and the dsy be
fore would apply equally well today. The
cause for the continued dullness and weak
ness of the market seems to be the lack of
buying demand. As noted previously in
these columns the consuming public does
not appear to take kindly to nigh priced
mutton. At the same time the receipts,
taking all the markets aa a whole, have
been running very large as compared with
previous seasons. Increased receipts and
decreased consuming demsnd of mutton
could hardly fail to bring about a slow and
lower market and that la lust what has
happened. This morning buyers did not
appear to be at all anxious for supplies. It
being hard work to get them even to look
at the stuff. Whenever they made bids
they were decidedly lower than yesterday.
Salesmen seemed to feel that with so few
here they ought to have at least steady
prices and consequently the morning wore
away with very little business being tran
sacted, in fact, hardly enough to call It a
Now and then a bunch would change
hands, but the movement was slow and
quite a number .were left unsold. Buch
stuff as did sell waa unevenly lower, the
decline amounting to anywhere from 16c to
as much as 26c, according to how badly
bujrers wanted the different lots.
No. Av. Pr.
334 western lambs (5 6 00
88 western lambs 85 6 00
91 western lambs 81 6 00
7 western ewes and bucks...... 84 4 00
t western ewes and bucks 100 4 00
t western ewes and bucks 128 4 00
It western lambs 67 4 65
3 western bucks 110 S 26
618 western wethers 97 3 R5
ft western buck lambs 60 3 76
11 western yearlings, feeders.... 71 4 10
11 western ewes 116 3 60
99 western lambs, culls 77 t 10
4i4 western yearlings 99 4 60
sloe. Cltr Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, June 24.-(Speoial Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 700 head; best
higher; others lower; beeves, 36.Ufii7.76;
cows and hslfera, 84.604?6.76; feeders, ROOtif
6.00; calves and yearlings, 34.76341. 76.
HOGS Receipts, 8.800 head: market 67710c
higher; range, 36.76.00; bulk, 36.8tVi3t.96.
Slock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at tha five principal
western marketa vesterdav:
South Omaha .
Bloux City ....
Kansaa City .
St. Louis
, 2,800
.. 7U0
.. 2.600
.. 6,000
3. 00
...22,60 68,100 Ui.bUO
Mr. Ellis Makes Farther Answer to
Mr. Bryan1.
COLUMBUS, O., June 34. The reply of
Attorney General Ellis to the criticism of
Mr. Bryan on the republican national plat
form has suggested a further question as to
how the antl-lnjunctlon plank as finally
adopted came to be written. Upon this
point Mr. Ellis made this statement today:
"The anli-lnjuuctlon plank aa finally
adopted was written by ths friends ot Secre
tary Taft on the subcommittee on resolu
tions snd was approved by the secretary
and the president before It was proposed
as a substitute for the original plank on
this subject. In fact, every plaivk and
practically every sentence In the republican
pla ' orm as finally adopted was approved
b) the secretary, although those portions
refe.iing particularly to the work of the
administration were not submitted to the
president. Even the unimportant verbal
changes between the draft as published be
fore the convention and as finally adopted
by the convention were made with the
secretary's knowledge before the tentative
draft was submitted to the committee.
"This statement la made In order to make
clear the fact that the republican platform
contains no suggestion of a retreat from
the Roosevelt policies, stands squarely by
the progressive principles of the party and
was adopted because It had the emphatic
approval of the party's candidate."
Ma. At. lb. FT Xo. AT Sh. Pr
I I', 114 1) 6 ta) 80 1l ... I to
1 74 IH te 6 66 64 170 ... I to
If, 1 1 ai 71 II 84 8 to
12 7 ... Hi 72 al ... 6 10
71 !16 10 6 66 H 14 40 6 to
71 Z"l leo 6 k 47 HI 10 6 to
ft 221 . 6 66 It 147 laO 6 to
14 14 ... I 65 41 ) . 6 to
41 I! . . 6 71 116 to 6 to
6i J' I II ' 41 I" 60 6 to
la M to 6 67, tl IV! W I tl
14 IM too IK4 47 I! 110 III
64 W 2" 6 i !4 2 4 1.0 6 6.
4' 17 I" II. . .! 17 ... (let
7; TJt ai ;m kj lev 4u I U
All Inaorgenls on Ticket Except
Trraanrrr and Congressmen.
PIERRE, 8. D. June 24 (Special Tele
gram.) While It will be several days be
fore thu official count will bs made, Secre
tary of Slate Wlpf lias received official re
turns from the auditors of all the counties
of the slate showing what the voia was on
all siaitt olficrrs in the recent primaries.
and they give the following majorities;
Senate. Crawford 2,117; coi -tress. Burke
2,19o; Martin 311; governor, Vessey l,i;
lieutenant governor. Shohsr 725; secretary
of t state. Polity l,7it; attorney general,
Clark 7.61)8; auditor, Iflrmng 1.0:2; treas
urer, Johnson 2,o9I; land co;niiii;iiit-r,
Dolokcn 6.4'fc; supcrmit nd nt tf ins ructl n.
Ustrud 1. laiiruad cim.nneiiioiR r, Koo.n
snn 697; national committeeman, Thoraen
All are insurgents except the treasurer
and cot gressmen.
City Employes (Jranted Leave of Alt
srnce to Altrnd the Democratic
National Convention at
Thoroughly Imbued with the Idea "If
at first you don't succeed, try. trv Sr5rn' '
Councilman McGovern last evening rein
troduced his ordinance providing 'or tlin
installing of all underground vork .tit
streets scheduled for paving before tu .
paving Is laid. The ordinance 1s Identi
cally the. same aa the one which he lnira-
duced a month ago and which wv paAed.
The mayor vetoed It on the ground that
It would tend to retard the work of lay
ing paving. McQovcrn then sought to
pass It over the mayor's veto, but lost
by one vote, Councilman Hansen. fn
favor of the measure, being too .ate to
the council meeting.
McQovern says he will keep at It until
he passes his ordinance, for he 'a firmly
convinced that It Is a good thing and
that It will save the cutting of paving
for the Installing of sewers, water and
gas mains and telephone and electric light
wire conduits.
The council approved the following ap
pointments by the msyor of members of
the library board, the terms of ufTice to
begin July 1: Frank L. Haller, to succeed
himself, term of office expires July 1,
1911; Harry P. Duel, to succeed nlmself.
term of office expires July 1, 1911; Albert
D. Fetterman, to succeed John Rush, term
of office expires July 1, 1911; L. J. Te
Poel, to succeed W. H. De France, re
signed, term of office expires July 1, 1909.
Improvement Club Protests.
The Bouthwest Improvement .-lub, In a
long communication to the council, whlcn
waa referred to the city attorney, asserted "
that the building Inspector has not the
power to grant builders ths right to the
use of the streete for the storage of ma
terial during the construction of s build
ing, and also asked that danger tlgnals
be maintained during the period of con
struction. The Kansas Co-Operatlve lloflnlng
company was granted permission to
maintain eight storage tanks for oil on
the bottoms in the vicinity of Thirteenth
and Ohio streets, opposite the tanks or
the National OH company.
The new employment agency ordinance
was lost by a vote of 6 to 6.
The democratic national convention waa
heralded by the application for leave of
absence by Councilman Davis, Street Com
missioner Flynn arid Assistant Holler In
rpector Hiss, the leave of absenot in each
instance to date from July 6, the day be
fore the convention. The requeits were
The ctly comptroller submitted the (al
lowing statements showing the cootllkMoa
of funds on June 17;
Total Available
receipts. balance.
General 3J,0u3.88 3 98.318.4
Sinking 611.4w.61 lZ,700.0i
Library tt.9M.29 U.1Z4.64
Fire 17tj,tW1.77 100,460.47
Police 134,706.61) 2,197.7i
Park 46,164.28 14,798.80
Lighting 184.662.74 34.663 62
Cleaning, sweeping.,,. 4V4.al7.7s' 19,64.37
Pub. works dept 186.841.67 tSi,7M.4
Water board 49.002.67 3o.962.21
General levy 92.2A.78 41, 4171.64
Intersection bonds.... 77,176.67 1.991.73
Omaha sewer 186.2M8.61 166.987.61
Road 20,087. 88 11.971.ti
Fire Eng. H. bonds.. 43,860.64 e4.62o.94
Curb, gutter, paving.. 27.20
Murphy, speo. library 772.83 772.82
set aside.
...I 4.4S7.00
... 14,000.00
... 12.120.00
... 10,540.00
... 12.SiO.00
.:. 16JO.OO
... 6,300.00
... 3,790.00
... 1.790.00
... 2.45V.0O
... 2,600.00
City clerk
City treasurer
iliulding Inspector
Plumbing Inspector
License Inspector..
Oas Inspector
Weights and measures
Inspector 1.260.00
Superintendent market 1,20000'
Police court 8. .360. 00
Malntalng city hall.... 16,976.00
Election expenses , 4.&UO.0O
Health department.... 14,9naoo
Emergency hospital,... 6.194.03
Judgment 46.956.00
Maintaining city dump 1.2UU.00
Mejla for prisoners.... 3.6"O.0u
Advertising I.OuO.uO
Prem. on official bonds 1.400.0U
Voting machines (241.60
Ak-Sar-Ben lighting.... 2.6no.O
Annual reports 1,6)00
Play ground tui.H)
For stationery 3i).00
Unappropriated am't.. 4.684.21
expended. balance.
4.691. 20
2.776 S9
Totals 1214.007 83 ll"6.272.44
Arrested on Bootlegging Charge.
BEATRICE. Neb.. June 24.-fSpecla!
Telegram.) Charged with bootlegging.
Perry von Relsen and John B. Dorfinaa
Were arrested here today. In the cigar
and confectionery store operated by von
Reisen on Court street a keg labeled
champagne rider which, It is alleged, con
tained a certain per cent of whisky, waa
confiscated by the officers. In Dorfman's
room In the New Burwood hotel a trunk
full of pint bottles containing hlK' waa
found when the rail was made. Dorf
man came here from Kansas and was re
cently prevented by the Civic league frim
I engaging in the sale of 2 per cent non
I intoxicant beer In county court von
Keii n and Durfman entered a ' plea of
nut gi.lliy ta the c harge of boot legging.
! Their ca-e nvre i-et for hearing tomor
row at 2 i. tn and In default vif 32,009
ball each they were lodged In Jutl.
Slashed with a Rasor,
wounded with a gun or pierced by a
rutty nail, Bi'.cklen's Arnica Sulve h sis
the wound. Guaranteed. Jbc. For gale by
lit-aton Drug company.
Boy Dies from l.oc-kjaev.
EDGAR, Neb.. June 24 (Special
Geoifif Morthrad. a boy 8 years of age.
sun of Mr. 411.1 Mrs. Joseph Morehead
of this city, died of lock Jaw yeatarday I tie iioy injured lis foot last
Tuesday and It Is thought, that the lock
jaw resulted fiuin that.