HIE OMAHA DAILY HKK: WEDNESDAY. JUNK -24. 190. 7 MAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Local Market it Dull and Opening Values Wte Uncnanyed. Rye. ?i,m r.'x decrease. 1tarrt bu. - Barley. 1.196.0(0 bu.; decrease. lH.'o bu. WEAK CABLES GOVERN MARKET ft one Derided Improvement In Crop Prospects Wn Alan Largely Da to Sac In Local Market Value. , " OMAHA. June 23. 1V fSulfMltps' rTirctrized the early market itHM ' . - i ...I,... marl imrh.rvf Ad to '.. .tic I'l'eiiiiin " - - slightly Inner. Offerings were larger ana support from the buying aide waa feeble, prompted by weaker cable. There waa a short reaction nfter the start and valuet galuod sl'.rhtlv, but asiilrt the advance waa loet on selling' to ieal.se. After a dull and featureless wheat mar ket, whlrh lasted throughout the early rart of the session, prices packed off, prln i Ipnlly on ome derided Improvement In moji prospects and more bearlah advice. .Inly wheat opened at 8:tyc and cloed at S. Corn -v ateady at the atart and open ! v.Mooa were unrhseged. 7,steri an easlt-r - feeling develrned In ivnipatltv with wheat and freer offering .mn values lest; under pressure or renins, .luly iorn,,pened at 68'v and closed (j;T0. 1'rn'arT wheat receipt were SH.KW bushel end shlptnsrit were 340,000 bushels, ssipst receipts Issf year of 611,000 buahela 11 rd ahlpment of 808.00 l)ushl. ' Corn receipt were 755,i"i0 bushel and shipment were 499.00(1 buahela. aaalnat re ceipts Hat year of 1.116.000 buahela and slilnmeptsj of 724,000 buahela. Clersnrrs were none of corn, l.noo buah ela of oats, and wheat and flour equal to "4 buahela. Liverpool closed V4d lower to Hd higher on wheat, and tfrd lnwar on corn. WF.ATHEK I THE OR A I X BKI.T fair U'adaesdar Cooler, Sara the. forecaster. Heavv ralna were Aulte general through out Nebraska last nlglit. and showers were general (Tver th central valleys and moun tain district. The barometer la low over the upper valleys this morning and ralna continue. In the uVimt' Mlaalaalppl valley. An area of higher pressure overlie the mountain district and the weather has cleared generally west of the Mlasoutl river and conditions ore fsvoisbl for fair In tins vicinity tonight and Wedneaday, with cooler tonight.. Omaha record of tetnperatura and pre cipitation compare sefitr the corresponding day of the last three fears! 1 -. 18". 1907. 19". 1906. Minimum temperature .. l M 55 2 Precipitation 16 T .a .07 Normal temperature for today, 73 degrees. Excess in precipitation sine March 1. 2.50 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period tn 197, $.74 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 19", 167 Inches. I.A. WELSH. , Local Forecaster. Cora and Wheat Region Bulletin. For the twenty-four hours ending at I a. m., 75th meridian time, Tueaaay, June , 1908: OMAHA DISTRICT. Tamp Raln- Btatlons isx. nn. tan. Aahland, Neb..... 00- , 61 .26 NEW YORK S10CRSAXDB0SDS LMarket is One of Typical Summer Dullne. Loralyranff of optlrn: - . rr Articles ! Open. Hlgh.l tow. Clos. Tas y. at 'I.. , Jul "...I ""2. V4 Hll.il iWii Corn- .'u y.. 8a t.. Osts f ei t . May.. 79 8m 79 67 Vi 67V 7V 67V4 7H 8l'4 4 2b J6't 36Vt Vmaaa Cask Prloos. WHEAtNoi t hard. 91iSc; No. 3 hard. W4 noc ; Ho. 4 hard, 63U!(c; No. 1 aprlng. rWi4c. COHN-No. 8. WiVnc! No. 4, 7S7c; No. S yellow, ffitie; No g white 72c. ' OATB-r-No. i mixed, 4ti49c; No. 3 white, '4JHJ; No. 4 white, 4tt494c. RVE-No. 3, nmJ72Vtv, No. i, 70rf71Vic. Carlot neeeipta. . , Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chlcagrtf'.t..: J7 14 . 440 ' 217 Minneapolis 2M Omaha". t ........,: i 18 . 10 Duluth 20 CHICAyO- OHAI AII9 PROVISIONS Keatares of the Tradlna anil Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. June a. Excellent weather for harvaatlng In the aouthwest had a deprem J 1 1 B rnn-l ivu.f I'll 1 1 1 r n i nucmi iiiaiMc, the July delivery closing at a rjet loaa of H'TiXc Corn waa Sc lower. Oats were down HTic. Provisions were unchanged to tc higher. The wheat market waa weak all day owing to liberal aales by leading coinmla slon houses, which were baaed chiefly on Kood weather for harvesting In the south west and for the development of the new crop in the northwest. A weak market for wheat In Liverpool also helped to Induce selling on the locsl exchange. Reports re garding ylelda from threahlng were con flicting, but the majority of pit traders were inclined to place credence In the more optimistic ones. The close waa weak. July opened jin." lower to a shade at SftifcMiHc, m A off to ffjHc; and closed at S6'4e. ciear . 1, ifes of -wheat nd flour were equal to ;) till The visible supply decreased I r.9.000 "and the world's visible' supply. .i.iown by Bradstreat'a, derreaaed 7.000.0IJ0 . . . Primary recelpta were S04,ow iu., com- , ii.ed with 611,000 bu. the corresponuing aay Year aco. MlnneaDolis. Duluth and Chl- isio reported recelpta of 377 cars, against .! last week and 452 a year ago. i ,': Corn was dull and weak. July opened un changed) Art. lit ivwetf "t 't9HHci mstHt to bkc and cloaed at i94c. ' Local recelpta were. 4a' cars, with 40 of oohtract arade. Oata were depressed by the weakness of wheat and corn. : Lrua nawa was of a con- trudiclory nature, aome reporta tellirtg of damage In llilnola and Indiana by dry weather and other claiming that the crop had been creatlv benefited by recent raina July opened c lower at 46V', aold off to Hfkc and cloaed at 46tj461c. Local recelpta were 317 cara. Proviaiona were dull and -steady. ' The .luae on September pork waa up 6c at 114,80. t ard waa unchanged at $9,124. Klbs were . shade hlaher at l8.87WaN.40. .Xlmated recelpta for tomoirow: Wheat, 1 ara; corn, 193 cars; oats, 1-1 cars; hogs I AS head. leat'lng fvtures ranged us follows: '.. es.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Tea'y. aVl a I July Sept. ISSVd'X a Dec. I 87HI bDeo. I 87 Corn I July . JWHVA1 8ept.UW'470i May I 69 Oats aJuly " bJuly I 8ept. tB tr-H , Dec. Mtiy . pork ' July -8ev . Lord July Bapt. '. Oot, , Sept. Oct. 4S 44 40 . ti'i 14 50 14 8U 8 95 - 15 ,-9 20 - 8 124 I 40 45 84 87 SIM TO 69W 69 ' 45 V 4441 N4 l4 14 9 1ST, 84 864 I 69V 64' 6841 6S4 T4I 4 3S4!384JH 40 394! 44 874 UK4 70 69Vi 694 46'.; 44 88!,i,394rf4 414 I 43' 14 60 14 474 14 55 14 60 14 86. 14 7241 U 80 14 T5 974 8 90 t 924 ' 95 I 15 9 74 t 124 124 9 20 6 16 8 20 920 8 174 I 10 8 15 8 124 8 4 8 86 8 40 8 374 8 474 8 424 474 8 46 T No. 2. . a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: " FljOirK Kasy: winter patents. I4.20fi4.4o . stralglits.- 8;t.904r4 10; spring patenta. $4.25'i( , 44: stralKhta. W9it4. au; tjaners. x.uuj.yo, " WHEAT No. 1 spring. He 4i 11.00. I-J HS'-No. 2, 6(8704c; No. 3 yellow, 72 Auburn, Neb 89 wl .25 K oken B w. Neb. ! 67 1.75 Columbus. Neb .. V2 83 , .6) C'ulber:aon, Nab.. 84 60 .ft) Fa r:iurv. Neb ... 91 62 .96 Fairmont. p.en .. ; .w Or. Island. Neh.. 94 60 1.78 HartinRt n. Neb.. 94 ) .to Hasting'. Net.... w l.at Hohtreae, Neh.... 95 58 1.32 Oakdale, Neb.... 92 6 .SO Omaha, Neb M 64 '15 Tekamsh, Neb... 87 Bo 132 Alts, la 87 66 .18 Carroll. Ia 87 OS .50 lirlnda. la...... 88 6S .08 Rlhley. Ia 86 61 .11 Bloux City, Ia... 88 64 .34 Bky. Cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear C'ear Clear Clear I t. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clouiy Cloudy Pt. cl iudy Cloud v Raining Cloudy reserve shows: Avsllsble rssh balances. I2;2.S78; gold Coin snd bullion,; gold certlfl stes. 8..21.I90. 1 LITTLE ACTIVITY 13 PECTED araaon Retvreen Political Conventions Will Probably Re Period of Hes. Itntloa and Watt lna-ew Developments Few. 'Minimum temperature for twelve-hour perlud ending at ( a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. Temp Rain. Max. Mln. Inches. No. of Central. Stations. Chicago. Ill 26 Columbus, 0 18 Des Moines, Ia.... 12 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 Kansas City, Mo.. 17 Louisville, Kv 19 M(nn..nAll. Minn A Omaha, Neh '. 19 Bt. Louis, Mo 13 . Rains have fallen In all except the In dianapolis and Louisville districts. They were excessive In the Minneapolis and lairly heavy In the Omaha districts. The weather ia cooler throughout the corn and wneat region. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. 92 73 .10 83 68 .01 fea 70 . .08 94 73 .01 88 70 .08 96 70 .00 7 68 .58 l 63 .64 92 'it T OAT8-No. 3, 624c No. ,3 white. 6tiS3c. .BARLEY Fair to choice malting, n3 BRED Flax, No. 1 northweatern, 3123. ". 'PHfVHRNS-8hort ribs, sldea (loose) . 3.knia.25. Meaa perk, per bbl., 314 65fc 14.6-4. Lard, ier 100 lbs.. 3s 95. Short clear ' sides (boxed), l.OutiS25. Following were the receipts and ship menta of flour and grain: i ' Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls, - ) - 20.60) Wheat, bu. U.ao an, Corn, bu.K 579.600 3i.onj 0ta. bu..." ..291,(H 633.l)0u Rye! bq. 6,000 .. Barley, bait... 39.3C0 22,700 - On the s'roduce exchange today the but ter market waa easy; creamery. 1$a224c; dairira. ITfiClc Egga firm: at mark rases Included. 14Jl44o; ftrsla, 1.V: prime firsts, liu. , C'hetf steady at Ulic Kansasr City Grain aad Provisions. KASHAS CITT.' June 23 -WHBAT-l'n-cl anaed to lo hlgheri July. 814C; Septem ber. 7lrVCDecember. 8lsC. Cash: No. 3 hrd. 9. ft90c:' No. 3 hard. 69tic; No. 2 red, S&VI": Nr). 3 red. 93c. CURN-etrong; July, 7c; feptmber. 4e; DMmtj. 63Sc. Cash: No. 3 mixed, 724 fr7S4c; No. 3 mixed. TSc; No. I white. 7. ?7c; No.- .white. 7fKfj7c. OATS Cnrhsnged; No. t white, 5?c; No. i mixed. fO'aMc. RVK-74ft77c. HAt-Chotce timothy, essy. 10 5011.00; tUoii's prairie. Kcuc lower. 39. 75. BL'TTER-KIrm; creamery extraa. He; parking stock. lc. ElS Firm; fresh extraa, 16c; currant . TectlflL.'HCi . Recelpta. Shipments Wl'est. ia5 26,00) 3.0u) Corn, bu 8,.fl0o 3 1"0 t'kat.fbir i. .U.uOO 3.000 Options t Kansss City; NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. ' June 23. FLOUR Re ceipts, 23,000 bbls.; exports, 1,100 bbls. Mar- Kei easy, witn little mure auing, Minneaota patents, 35 2otjii.60; winter Jtraighta, M. 104.26; Minneaota bakers, $4. Uii-4.4o . winter extraa, 13.40 tj'3. Bo; winter patents, 14.3604 70; winter low grades, .t,3D rg' 3.85. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, $l.bOvn4.80; choice to fancy, 34.8506.00. CORNM EAL Barely ateady: fine white and yellow, 31.60166; coarae, $1.55; -kiln uned. $8.85. '- - - RYE Dull: No. 2 wstern, 844c, r. o. b.. New York. - WHEAT Receipts. 18,600 bu.; spot market eaay. No. 2 red, 964c, elevator, and Vbc, t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.12-.' f. b , .afloat. -No. 3 hard winter. 1.027s, r. o. .-b., atlosit.i, Htatiatica proved bullish today, but crop and weather news was bearlah and the wheat market aagged off under the weight of liquidation, closing WaH.c net lower. July. vtHHWSc. ctoaea at V4Sc; September, VUaV2c, closed at 92c; December closed at 944c. CORN Receipts, ll.RK) bu.; spot market steady. No. 2. 7M4c. nominal, elevator, and 77c, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Option market was higher at first, but reacted with the west and cloaed partly 4c net lower. July cloaed at 784c September closed at 764c and December cloaed at tec. OATS Receipts, 64,000 bu,; exports. Tit DU.; not market aulst.r Mixed. 26 to 32 lbs., 54 frfiftc: natural white. 21 to 83 lbs.. 67460c: cllpPri white,, S3, to 40 lba. 607o. HAi l'llli; gouQ iu ciioice. 001fV9U, HIDEB-FIrm; Bogota, 174184c; Central American, 174c. LEATHER Firm: Acid. 31lff2c. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, $l.7Sfi 17.80; mess, 314.00rc 18.50; beer name, 17.004 29.00; packet, 316.0otuoltl.00; city extra Indian mess, i24.00iir25.00. Cut meats, ateady; pickled bellies. 38.75fu10.00: pickled hams, 810.00. Jbard, firm; western, 39.00rfi9.10; refined, quiet; con tinent, 39.40; Mouth America, 39.80: com pound, 37.874412.4- Pork, firm; family, I17.0O16 18.00; short clears, new, 16.26i&16.00; .... tuiviAieot TALLOW julet; city, 6Hc; country, t RICE Steady; domeatlc, fair to extra. 3V. (Sialic : Jsnan. nominal. BUTTER Eaay: creamery specials. 23j? 33c; extras, 224$22Hc; thirds to flrata, 19 VWc; state oairy, common 10 inest, i9t( 224c; process, common to special, hwsc c; western factory, firsts,' 194c. CHEEBE Firm; state full cream, ape. rials 124frl34c; ' state full creams, small, colored or white, fancy, l!c; state full rream large, colored or white. lHic: atate full cream, good to prime, H4(gJll4c; state full rream Common, 10(6 lie. EGOS Firm, - slate, - Pennsylvania and nearby fancy select!. ; whits, 23c; good to choice. 20ir?2e: brown ana mixed, fancy, 23c; good to choice. ZO&tlc; weatern firsta, liSjlBc; seconds. ltJtW. POCLTRY Alive steady; spring chick ens. 20c: fowls. 13c; turkeys, 13. Dressed steady; western aprlng chickens. ljfc&'.'Sc; turkeys. 12jfl7c; fowls, uwaW- t. Lonls General Market. ST. LOUIS. June 23. WHEAT Lower track, No. 3 red caah, 96c; No. 3 hard, 93ctf 11.01; July, S44I0M4C; September, &io. CORN Weak; track, No. i caah, 72c; No, 3 white, 77a'774c; July, 94c; September, 84c. , OATS Lower, track, No. 3 caah, 60c; No. 1 white. 64o : September. 37Vc. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents. 34.40tf 4.00; extra fancy ana atrsigtu, .uc04 3j clear, 33.40&8.70. .SEED Timothy, 13.0063.60. rOHN'MKAL Steady. 33.60. BRAN Strong, aacked, eaat track, 31.01 104. . HAY Firm; timothy, 10.0S16; prairie, 10.ii.KiIli5O. ' I HON cotton TIES 3100. BAOUING 7 4c. . HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Job blng. 315.00. Iard unchanged; prime ateam 38.37 4 is 57 4. Dry aalt meats, ateady; boxed extra short. 18.3(4; clear rios 38.25: short clears. 88.(24. Bacon, ateady; boxed extra shorta, 39.36; clear ribs, ).oo ; short clears, 50. POULTRY Quiet ; chickens, 9c; springs 15il9o; turkeys. U'alSr; ducks. 7c; geese, 6c, BUTTER-Weak; creamery. 18ii)224c. EOQ9 Steady. 14c. caae count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls T.OiO 7.0 Wheat, bu 15.0T0 9.iOo Corn, bu 89 000 62 000 Oats, bu 66,000 30.000 Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 23. BUTTER 4lc lower; extra weatern creamery, 25c: extra nearby prtnta. 26c. EOGS Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free casea, 184c at mark; current rece ota in returnable caaea. 17 4c at mark; western first, free canes, 184c at mam; current receipis. iree cases, 174c. CHEESE Steady and In fair demand; New lorK run creams, cnoice, 13441124c fair to good. 114 012c. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, June 23. WHEAT Lower;- No. 1 northern, 81 tfl 10; No.3 northern. ll.e7i4l.O64; September, &&4c asked. BAKT EY Lower; No. 3 cash, 6o; sam ple, 5ocibc. uma-ijiwrr; no. casn, ivsruc; tiep. KKXV YORK. June 23-Ho far as thf were mirrored in the securities market, events had no important bearing on valuta tnd proved aiuxgtah and hesllatlng today under the Influence of professional operations. The market was cne of typical summer dullness and the expectation of a continuance of this condition of affairs was shown in the readiness with which a motion was adopted to close the stock exchange on Friday. July 3, In order to prolong the Independence day holiday from Thuraday evening until the following Mon day. Many of the most influential men of finsnrlal affairs are already absent on prolonged vacstions and traders and com mission houses spparently recornlie the futility of the hopes of an active market. The mld-eason between conventions of the great political parties Is one festure dlscoursglng to any definite commitments In pursuance of speculative vlewa. The trend of the discussion tn the financial district shows that possibilities of distur bance of confidence snd uneettlement of business sentiment as a result of the pro gress of the political campaign are begin ning to be canvassed. The likelihood that the questions of wage adjustments will be put into the situation Is regarded as threatening a serious com plication of the whole problem. The out come of the crops, also, Is Included In the doubtful factors which mist remain a source of positive uneettlement of the speculation up to the period of the actual harvest. The grain markets sufficiently Indicate the vacillation of opir.lon on this all Important topic. Sentiment today Var ied between the Influence of Improved wehther conditions for the winter wheat harvest and the shift of some unfavorable weather symptoms to the spring Whest belt. " Tho acute pressure against the Rock Island securities which weakened the market yesterday subsided today and this was the most Important element In tne recovery which set In. This was in terrupted by occasional setbacks and wen k- ness in special stocks. Chesapeake Ohio felt the effect of speculative liquidations of holdings acquired under the Influence of rumors of an option on controlling amounts of the stock In the interest of combination with another svatem. The weakness In Anaconda and Amalgamated Copper w-as accompanied by reports sub sequently denied of a destructive flre.lr. the mines of those companies. There Were rather erratic fluctuations In Westinghouse Electric in view of the Imminence of tne decision of the fate of the company as Involved In the adoption of the reor ganisation plan. Some Interest is shown in tne neeision to re maoe nv Tne i.nuea States treasury In the meeting of the mntnrltv on Alitfnlst 1. of unwurds of 360. 000.0(0 of the Soanlsh war loan. An early announcement from the Treasury aepp.n- ment Is looked for Indicating wnetner uih faylng off or refunding or thia issue is ntended. as the action taken may have an Important bearing on the money maract Truat companies are beginning prepara- tlona to replenish their cash reserves up to the 10 per cent level requirea oy juiy 1 anA in thim fitnl 1 attrihllted SlllfhtlV less urgency in the orrermgs or xunus 10 loan, which haa caused the firmer tone in the money market In the last lew oaya uonriR were irreimiar. loiai sales. iur value. 31.438,000. United States 2a declined ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. June JS.-PRIME MER CANTILE PAPER-3Vi3' per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at 84.864 for demand, and at 34 W) for s'xiy-day bills. Commercial bills. 34 8n4fi 4 KS- SILVER Bar. 64c; Mexican dollars, 47c. BONDS Government, easy; railroad, Ir regular. Closing quotations on bonds mere as fol lows: V. 8. rsf. Is, res. . . Ilork Vsl. 4H m in rnupoti Int nut. 44i V re 101 I. N. ufil. te M se enupon l"i Man. e. f 4s 0. 4. reg 131' Met Cm ml 4s M4 In enupfHl 122' Mo tat Inr 1H Am Tobseeo 4l.....i 71 M. A 81. L. 4 n r M)K. A T. 4 S irMunn en. 4 7H 1a it IS lo SrtJ. M. R. R. of M c 4 1, do . 4 's n. v. r. : io e. hm inn s. J. r. 6s 1!34 'Allsntlr r. L. 4 ... l No Pscltle 4a loia Bsl. A Ohio 4S S sue tn 7I do mt B N. A W e 4 !M Prk. R. T. Cl. 4 72 n S L. rlAm. INI Cntrl of O. .... I'4S Penn. c. J 11... 2 lo Int tne 71 in rol. 4t etft 1014 do 2d tec 44 Resdlnt s-n 4 H do Jd Inc Rro of Cubs is if e. A Ohio 44... lei) . .. L. I. M. e S..V4 rlllriso A A. St L. A r. ft it. 704 C. B. A Q n. 4s.... CTH 'St. 1,. B W. e. 4... S C , R. I. A P. 4a.... 1144 'Reaboard A L. 4a... 5S4 So eol. ht "5 Bo. Parlfle 4S SSV on nag. 4t i """4 so 1st 4s il . Options gt 1 " Aftlcies a. I, I Open, High. Low. Close. VI-at-if-"i July ..;.;.M.. ' ' 8-pt;' v.... Vorn ' ' July . 1S1 04: 4! 83 804' 7s' 664 80t,V814s 't4 7 rr 7A 444S,B v ---ir.-VtalfcU aannlr of Grain. JtKW YORK'. June 23. The visible supply of gism Sa'tirttay. Jvwa 20. aa compiled by -..!) t Nw Yorn produce exciiange as as -f.'l..t WSjesf. I6M50II) bu.; decrease, ltbS. uu bu. Cora. ta00t bu. ; decrease. luuO t. Oeta, M bu. i dscrease, ras.tSAi bu. tember, 694c. Mlnnennolla Grain Markat MINNEAPOLIS. Jane 33-WHEAT-No. 1 hard. 31.074; July, 1104; September. 84c No. 1 northern, II 06; No. 3 northern 8103,; No. 8 northern. tafjll.02. BRAN In bulk. 111.00. FLOUR Unchanged: first patents, 65.3u(r 8 46; secona patent. so.tva; ttrst clears, 34 2064 30; second clears. 33.5tL60. Peoria Market. PBORIA. III . Jun 23.-CORN-Hlghar No. 8 yellow, 724e; No. 3 yellow, T04; No a. 70c: No. 4. 874c; no grade. &4flSfcr. OATS Eaay; No. t white. 510614c; No. 4 white. ooooc. WHISKY 31.35. Daloth Grain Market. DULUTH. June tS.-WH E AT No. northern. 81 ur: No. 3 northern. 8I.O4 July. 1103',; Srptembsr, &9Sc OATn 14 I 4 per cent on call. Fol bllowing were the range of prlcea on the Stock exchange today: Bales. Htgn. uow. tioaa. 4 13 6 334 174 424 "n'i 4 n H4 9 4 10 v 41 414 HMi 74t U UiW ill 9Ui rt W4 40 40 Si 74 74 8f 844 M4 4 Amalsamated Coo oar 31,7m Am. C. r 400 An. r. a r old Am. Cotton Oil 300 304 4 Am. H. t L DM Am. Us securities l.ono American Linseed UX Am. Locomotive 600 Am. Locomotive pfd Am. B. at K la.miu Am. 8. A R. std 100 An. Bum Rrinln 300 123 Am. Tobacco pld 100 4 Am. Woolen 100 US Anaconda Mining Co 6.4U0 424 Atchison 2.600 i04 Atchlsln pfd 2d0 4 Atlantis Coast ui w Balilmurs A Ohio 7. IK S6 Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Cant rat Leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jersey. . Chesapeake A Ohio Chlcaso Ot. W Chicago A N. w C, M. A St. r C. C. C. A St. L Colorado T. A I Colo. A So. 1st pfd Colo. A 8o. 2d pfd Coneoltdated Gaa Corn Products Delaware A Hudson... j. Denver A R. O D. A R. O pfd Distillers' Securities ... Erie Kris let Pfd Brie 2d pfd General Electric Ot. Northern pfd Gt. Northern Ore ctfa... llilnola Central Interborouth Mat Int. Met. pfd International Paper .... Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Iowa Central Kanaaa Cltr So K. C. Bo. pfd Louisville A N Mexican Central Minn. A Bt. L M., St. p. A 8. S. M. . Missouri Pacltlo M., K. A T M., K..A T. pfd National Lead t N. T. Central, ei-dlv.. N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A W North Americas Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Oas P., C. C. A St. L Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring.... Reading Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock laland Co Rack Island -Co. pfd Bt. L. A 8. P. ad pfd.. St. Louis S. W St. L S. W. ptd Sloea-Bheftleld 8. A I Soul hem Pariric So. Pacltlo pfd S. Rallaav So. Railway pfd 400 4Js 424 Tennessee copper .... Texas A Pacific A St. L A W T , St. L. A W. pfd.. I'nloa Pacific t'nlon Pacific pfd V. 8. Rubber V. S. Rubber let pfd.. V. S. Steel P. S. Steel pfd L'tah Conner Vs. -Carolina Chemical 100 Va.-Caro. ('hem. pfd Wabash Wabeah pfd Westlnghouss Electric 1.500 Westers I nloo Wheellns A L. E Wlsconain Central Total sales tor the day, 18,800 shares. 4.400 4K4 44 44 llloo I5s4 I"' IM4 110 144 ' 244 24 SJ ISO 13,1.00 414 314 28 m 44 4 700 14444 14114 1414 7.6O0 131' 1.104 190 100 MS yH 414 700 16 K 2 aou 514 7 61 44 400 1234 1214 123 20.) 14 14 14 JOO 157 167 151 "iiio 414 iili is 100 13 S3 8314 100 xits 1(4 34 100 ' 324 324 H34 300 131 131 130 1X0 130 ' 129 12 1,S r4 674 400 1244 lt64 1244 mo 104 104 104 00 214 374 tl 4 654 n It 83 300 64 4 64 44 100 4 103 lt II 200 374 J14 Tl 200 li9 Va 10 10 400 47 464 44 I.aOO 84 244 24 (8 1,300 H 434 44 ino 101 1004 1004 8,100 3 31 334 00 41 41 M 10O 6 6 64 17,400 1344 1334 1334, 2110 US 25 4,200 1204 114 l'4 41 14 300 14 254 254 100 li8 lit 1" 34 0.100 1114 104 l"f 800 144 14 K 100 ' 43 43 4 434 1.400 14 164 134 2.100 204 0 SOS, .. 1.300 34 24 26 164 m 4 3.300 464 444 s4 700 100 300 11 4 6i4 H4 5-4 ere. t L. g. 4' 4 So. ttsllway Ss... i 010. inn. &a Colo. Mid. 4s rnlo. A So 4akil . . Del. A H'fd. SC4.. "D. A R. O. 44 Erie p. I. 4a do sen. 4a Japan 4a to 4Ha do 14 series Bid. Offered. toy. 1 Texaa A P. Is 104 3 T.. St. L. A W. 4S . 1 4 Vs'on Pacific 4a 102-4 74 do sr. 4a 414 S3 V. ft. Steel id 6s OH", "4 Wabash la 104 43 Western Md. 4s 474 8'H W. A U K 4s 4 aS Wis Central 4a 44 4 N.y. N. H. t 4.efa..lii London stork Market. LONDON. June 23. American securities opened quiet today. . United States Strel, Pennsylvania ar.d Reading were heavy and declined a fraction, while the reat of the list advanced from 4 to 14 over yesterday's rsew yorR closing. London closing storks: Consols, money T-lMo., K Texas ... I?4 do account ... US N. T. Central 14 Anaconda S Norfolk A W Atchison 824 do pfd 43 do ptd 44 Ontario A W 1(4 Raltlmnrs A Ohio... 474 PennsylTanls 414 Canadian Pacific 13 Rand Mines 44 Chesapeake A 0 42 Reading 14 1 fh lease a. W 44 Southern Ry 11 Chi . Mil. A St. P...134V, i pfd 4. Pe Hears 114 Southern Pacific S4 Denrer A Rio 0 264 t'nlon Pacific 1144 do pfd 6 do pfd t Erie ..I v. S. Steel 37 4 do 1st pfd tn do pfd lO.i'i do Id pfd U Wahaah It Grand Trunk 174 do pfd 24 Illinois Central ..132 Spanish 4a 44 Louisrllle A N 104 Amal. Copper 474 SILVER Bur, ateady at 254d per ounce. MONEY-HS per cent. The rate of dlsoetint In the open market for short bills is 1 6-I6VI4 per cent; for three months' billa, 14 per cent. New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, June 28. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Alice too LeadTllle Con. Braece 1 e Little Chief .. Brunswick Con i Mexican Comstock Tun. Stock 34 Ontario oem. Tunnel bonds.. 20 Ophlr Con. Cel. A Vs 47 Small Hopes Horn Silver 40 Standard Iron Silver 40 Yellow Jacket Asked. ... 6 ... 6 ... 32 ... 4 ...220 ... It ...176 ... 44 Bank Clearings. OMAHA, "June 23 Bank clearings for to day were 31.518,264.69 and for the correspond ing date last year, 31,4T,986.61. Available Supplies of Grain. NEW YORK. June 23. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreet's show the following changes in available supplies as com pared with previous accounts. Available supplies: Wheat United States, eaat Rocklea, de creased, 1, 699,000 bushels; Canada, de creased, 286,000 bushels. Totil United States and Canada, decreased, 1, 985,000 bushels. Afloat for and In Europe, de creased. 5,100. 000' bushels. Total Ameri can and European supply, decreaaed. 7,085.000 bushels. Corn United fllates and Canada, In creased. 596.000 bushels. - Oats United States and Canada, de- creaaed, 1,1 25,000- bushels, f The leading decreases and increases re porter! mis week lollows: Decreases Manitoba r4....7i , Chicago,' private 'Vlevators . . . , Kingston 1 . t . . ,f T . r. i . . Lincoln and vicinity., Increases . . . 3 ' Fort Worth...v Portland, Me... 5 Bushels. .110.000 . 66.000 . 63,000 1. 6i,000 100 IDS 114 11 l.Ouo 1 144 144 41 64 214 It 434 2:4 21 14 14 44H 44 108.500 1414 1414 14-4 B2 200 244 244 34 !4 83,000 844 .34 34 400 1014 1004 IOO14 too 31 31 31 234 134 234 10O 11 114 22 41 4 BOSTON, June 23. Money, call loans, 23 8 per rent; time loana, 34S44 per cent. Stocks and bonda closed as follows: Atchison sdj. 4 44 Adventure to 4a 404 Alloues Atublaon R. R 1414 Amaliasuted . So pfd f- Anemic Boston A Albany Blufham esstoa A Mains 4 eal. A Heels... Boston Elevated 131 Centennial .... Pitehbur pfd 16 Capper Rang . N T , K. H. A H . 115 Daly Waal .... i'nloa Pacific 1424 Pranklla . I.ia urenny ..Mt Isle Royals ... . 41 Maaa. Mining . .ISIS Mkhltaa .1174 Mohaaa . 214 Mont C. A C. . sat OI4 Demlnlon . II Parrot .to Quincy . Ul Shaaaoa . .0 Tamarack . 4S Trinity . 53 l 8. Mining.. ."'41' S. Oil . 83 1'iaa i 4 victoria . .34 Winona luive Wolverine Am. Arg. Chsia ... do pld Am. fneu Tube.... Amer Susar Am. T A T Am. Woolen do pfd Pomlnles I. A S... Ka.ana Kla. Ulu.. General Electric ... Mass. Electric do pfd Maaa. Uaa I'mtad Knilt t ailed S. M do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Asked. -Ejc -dividend. 14 ..2 464 154 . 70 .tea . 4 . 71 . 1"4 . .10 H4 . 44 . 4 . 614 . 40 . 34 i'4 . 444 . 14 . h . 124 . 34 4 . 40 44 . I .13 76,000 61.000 Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 23 METALS The London tin market waa slightly Irregular, apot closing at 136 10a and futures at 127 The local market waa weak, with spot quoted at 327.6027.90. Copper was unchanged to a little lower In London, with spot closing at 58 and futures at 68 16s. Locally the market waa dull and unchanged, with lake quoted at 313 87H13.00; . electrolytic, 312.62 Vs 12.874; casting, $12.60 12.824. Lead was unchanged at 13 12s 6d In London. Locally the market waa dull at $4.47Vlii) 4.63 4. Kpelter waa unchanged at 18 lis In the London market, but was a shade lower and dull locally at 34 50&M.55. iron aeennea bus a ror tJieveiand war rants In London. Locally the market was quiet and unchanged, with No. 1 foundry, northern, quoted at 816.60(317.00; No. 2 foundry, northern, $ 16.76 tt 16.25 : No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern, soft, 316.50 17.26. ST. LOUIS, June 23. METALS Lead quiet, 34.42H. .Spelter,-dull,-14.42 Vs. - i Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June 23.-COTTON-Futures opened steady: July, 10.80c: August. 10.20c; September, 9.86c; October, 9.30c; December, 9.17c; January. .12c; February, 8.12c bid; March. 9.129.13c. Futureas teady; June, 9.9.1c; Julv. 9.98c; August, .84c; September, 9.72c; October, 9.26c; November, 9.10c; December, 9. He; January, 9.09c; February, .08c; March, .07c. . GALVESTON, June 23. COTTON-Steady. 114c ST. LOUIS. June 23. COTTON Quiet; middling:. llc; sales, 60 bales: receipts. none' stilntnunts nnn.- . U ia iba ! bales. ' ' ' NEW ORLENAS. June 23. COTTON Spot eaay. with prices 8-16c down on all grades; middling. 11 ll-16c; sales, 376 bales spot and 100 bales to arrive. Evaporate Applea and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. June 23 EVAPORATED APPLES Market ateadlly held, but demand la light. Fanpy ara quoted at 104ilo4c, choice at 8f9c, prime at 6VuS4c and com mon to fair at 64'ftHc. DRIED PR CITS Prunes are moving slowly, with California fruit ranging from 34 to 13c and Oregor, from 64 to 10c. Apri cots are dull, with choice quoted at 104c extra choice at U114c and fancy at 12'a 13c. Peachea are quiet, with buyera In clined to hold off for the time being, and prices are no better than steady. Choice are quoted at 84Vi4e. extra choice at 94c. fancy at 103104c and extra fancy at 104611c Raisins are dull and nominal, with loose muscatel quoted at 44'64c. choice to fancy seeded at 64j74c seedless at 536c arjd London layers at 31 251. 35. Wool Market. BOSTON. June 23. WOOL Values In the local market have not changed during the week. The Improvement, although steadlry maintained. Is slow. Territory, fine staple. 63 65c; medium staple, 60 62c; fine medium clothing. 43&4$c: f'ne clothing. 45460c: half-blood. 45a6"; three-eighths-blood. 43t48c; quarter blood. 43 9 45c: pulled, extra. 661? 57c; fine A. 50&5'.'c; eupeia, 44ft 43c. BT. LOUIS. June 23 WOOL Steady; medium gradea. combing and clothing. 19 3 20c; light fine. 14 Vs 31 6c: heavy fine. U&TlVsc; tub washed, l&26c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Junes 23. COFFEE Fu tures closed steady, net unchanged to 6 pol us higher. Bales were reported of 34,000 lisgs, including July at 6 S5c, September at 6 Hie, December at 6 tc March at 6 tc and May at 5.Se6 fcoc. rlpnt. quiet; No. 7 Rio 4c: Bantos. bc. Mild, dull; Cordova, fe 0U'4c r'orelata Flnanrlnl. PARIS, June 23. Prices on the Bourse today were heavy on advices from New York at the close. BERLIN, June 23 Trading on tli Bouise todsy waa weaker on the advices from New York. Later It Improved somewhat. Tresaary Statesmen!. WASHING ION. June 23 Today's state, sirfil of the lit-asuiy balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the H5o,uuu,uu) guld Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. June 23 WHEAT 8 pot, quiet; No. 3 red western winter. 7s 5d; No. 1 California, 7s 8d; futures steady; July, N 141. September. 6s 10Sd; December 6s lOd. CORN-Snot, firm; new American kiln dried. 6s 14d; old American mixed, s lsd; futures quiet, July, is 14d; September. 6a 14J. ' Sncar and Molaaaea. NEW YORK. June 23. SLOAR Raw, quiet; fair refining. 3 Sic; centrifugal. t test. 4.31c; molasses sugar. 3 5oc; refined, quiet: crushed, tS l'c; powdered. 6.50c; gran ulated, 6.40c. Br ualng the vs.lous departments of Th Bee Want Ad Pagea you get quick returns gt a small expanse. Ills moMsy at worEi . is better than idle money in the bank. A wise man keeps his capital at work, makes it earn a good rate of interest and demands good security. The Updike Grain Co. of Omaha offers to the people of Iowa and Nebraska 8200,000 of 7 per cent preferred stock in shares of 8100 each. The rate is bet ter than can be had on any other safe investment; the security is as good or Better Than o Farm lVIortgage. The Updike Grain Co. secures the stock with its entire assets, consist ing of one hundred grain elevators in Iowa and Nebraska; its great terminal elevators at Omaha, McCook and Missouri Valley and the valuable real estate on which they stand; the Updike Lumber & Coal Co., the Updike Milling Co., the Updike Commission Co., all in the city of Omaha. The entire security for this $200,000 of stock is more than one and one-half million dol lars. More money is needed to handle the grain business and this company wants the people of Iowa and Nebraska to become stockholders. It prefers to borrow western capital in this way and desires the co-operation of the western people. Why not put your idle money at workt Write for full in formation or ask your banker. THE UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY Bee Building. Omaha, Nebraska OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Desirable Cattle of All Kindt but Little Change. Show HOGS ABE HIGHEST OF THE YEAR Sheep nnd I.nmbs In Liberal Receipt, While Trnde la Verr ilore and Prices Considerably Lower Than Mondas-. SOUTH OMAHA, Neb., June 23, 1908. Receipts tvere: Cattle. Hosts. Sheep; Official Monday 2,697 5.820 6,292 Eatltnate Tuesday 3.SU0 8,000 6,300 Two days thli week . Same days laat week... game days 2 weeka ago. Same pays S weeks ago. Same days 4 weeks ago. Same days last year... The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and shep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: . ... lW. - 1907, InO. Dee. Cattle 41b.23 6S.771 128,60 Hogs 1,451,769 1,246,26. 206,511 Sheep 878.787 80M02 132.516 The following tablet anowa the avaraga price of hogs at South .Omana for tha last several days, with comparisons: 6,997 U.ffO 12,692 l.ZJi ,478 11,345 8.879 16.3a 7,2X K.42& 17.6 14 5' 6.696 19,700 4.594 8,241 14,367 6,407 Data. 1(06. lM7.im.lM6.jlKM.190.lt3. June I. June 10 June 11 June 12 June 13. Juna 14. June 15. June 16. June 17. June 18. June 19. June 20. June 21. June 22. June 23. ( 26H 6 37 5 2H 06 6 86 6 OS 6 5 47 I tl 36 6 61H 6 79 6 31 6 85 6 28 6 49S 6 84 6 35 5 6344 34 t ii 6 91 6 67 6 971 6 39 6 64 t 93 6 38 6 66i 6 91 6 ft) 6 89 28 6 76H 6 91 6 33 6 86VJ 6 85 t 17 20 a - t 18 6 1 0 19 6 11 5 22 S 2u a 5 19 6 151 6 10 6 13 6 15 4 701 4 To 4 7 t 85 6 01 103 6 00 6 07 4 12 4 811 4 821 5 99 4 881 6 02 4 121 5 96 4 93 t 97 S 001 6 88 B 071 I 6 071 5 817 6 C6 5 78 721 7 tn 1 36 T II r 84 7 si a 7 24 1 :t 1 26 I43 7 13 7 43 . a 7 49 Sunday. The official number at, cars ot stock. brought iu today by each road was: Cattle. H'gs Sh'p.H'fs. C. M. & St. P 4 3 .. ... Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific S 3 Union Pacific System. 16 22 C. at N. W.eaet.... 4 C. A N. W., west.... 17 C, St. P., M. & O.... 20 C, B. &Q., eaat.... 20 C, B. & Q., weat.... 17 C. R. I. & P., east.. 16 C. R. I. & P.. west.. 29 Illinois Central C. G. W 2 38 6 6 22 1 4 1 2 21 110 27 Total receipts ....148 The disposition of the day's recelpta was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot neaa inaicatea Omaha Packing Co.. Swift & Company... Cudahy Packing Co. Armour & Co. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 287 551 58 1,661 1.711 1,423 "sii 468 2. 107 1.774 419 1,027 Armour, from St. Louis. 251 H. & W Van Bant "& "Co. ......... "27 Carey A Benton 27 Lobman & Rothchlld .... 1 W. I. Stephen 53 Hill & Son 78 F. P. Iwls 55 J. B. Root ft Co 41 J. H. Bulla 75 Cudahy Hroa. Co...'. Sam Werthimer 36 H. F. Hamilton 8l F. O. lnghram 3 Sullivan Bros .' 15 Lhiner Bros 4 Other buyers 19 U. D. B. Co 150 Total 3.323 7,275 4.7M CATTLE There were 131 cars of ci.ttle reported in this morning as again:. I 161 cars a week ago. For the two data this week the receipts show a largo falling off. The arrivals consisted of a fair, sprinkling vt all kinds, both killers and stovkers. The trade as a whole was slow and dull. buyera were late In getting started this morning and the. market on beef steers was very much of a drag throughout. Packi ra evidently felt bearlah and were Inclined to hold back and bear values. Still ther; waa a fair demand for desirable killers add aa the offering were rather light the rat tle kept changing hands a few at a time and at prices that did not show very much change aa compared with yeaterday. Cows and heifers- were very slow sellers, the trade being both dull and featureless. It was late before the trade was under way and a good deal later before a clear ance was effected. As to prices there was not much change, moat salesmen iiuollng it as a slow market, but steady at yesterday s decline. There were more storkers ar.d feeders In the yards than for aome daya back, attli there was rnough of a demand to rl-an up the supply. The prices paid did nut show much change, some sales looking a little easier and soma fully steady. Quotations on csitle: Good lo choice rornf.'d steers. 7.2Sa7.t6' fair to good corn fed steers, $6 Of fi 7. if.; common to fair corn fed steers. (5 0"? i.OD; good to choice cows and heifers. M6J6.00; fslr to good cons and heifers. M &o, common to fair ccas and heifer. 11.75 4 W: good to choice stock era snd feeders. (4.75V5 2u; fair to good stockers and feeders. M ifi475; common to fair stockers snd feeders, 3 25-54 00. stock heifers. S3.(UD 3.50. Representative ssles: BEEF STEERS. Ns. . fr. No. A. Pr. Si !i 4 J5 4 1W54 1 M IT I t3 14 Itai T 11 to ! V 47 10K4 t 14 I'll S 4 U 1124 7 JO 14 10 4 4 74 fO 1I..S 4 "J It II 4 14 : US1 T 44 41 "7 4 4u 44 1 T 44 1JS4 4 4 to 1111 7 tl lt0 4 to 14 1144 7 an 47 114a 4 lu : 1X41 1 14 14 H i 4 T5 t 1441 1 75 i 44 4 .( : ijt T 14 i UU 4 U Ii4l 1 44 M 843 7 40 M 1315 7 44 14 ...1184 t 00 IT 1147 I 00 4 U4 1 04 COWS. t.... 424 I M 4 UfiO t II 4 1140 1 40 I IKi I 40 I TO ITU 1 444 (0 4 4K6 ! 76 ' t 1110 40 I 44 1 T4 I K)30 I 44 1 1100 1 74 II 1011 I 4S 4 .' 4S0 I 76 14 4M I 4ft I....- 410 t 40 II 47S I 73 7 ..,( I 40 II 434 4 00 I T74 1 40 4 1133 4 00 I mo I 00 11 1024 4 10 1 1(UI 04 11 4 4 II 7 W0 I 00 1 10M 4 14 4..'. 170 I 00 I list 4 IK 1 404 I 04 4 1120 4 tft I I14 I 10 1 1211 4 40 4.....1 1041 I II 1 1.170 4 40 tl Ill I tO 14..; 1144 4 40 4. 63 I 24 13 M 4 44 1 1145 i 44 t IMS 6 OA 7 W I 36 4 UI40 I 00 I., 104 It! t 1816 4 46 HEIFERS. 4 .41 I 00 t 476 t IS 14 41 I 00 1 44 t 40 7...,..'. J04 I 00 6 414 I 71 t 4 t II 11 741 4 00 II. .. v 764 I 16 - . BULLS.- 1 1040 I 00 1175. t 86 1 1S60 I 00 1 410 t 76 I 1110 1 10 1 14.-.0 I 76 1. ............ 4J0 1 10 1 1140 4 00 1 1! I 26 . 1 1640 4 00 1 1114 I 16 1 1440 4 00 . I..., 1444 I 40 1 110 I W 1 1230 I 40 1 1440 4 to 1. ....161 I 4 1 17C0 4 16 1 ......1M 14 ., , 710 4 40 1 1.KV) I M I 1440 4 60 "1 .,.ltl 140 ' 1 '. 16S0 4 60 l. r.llu 140 1.. '..1330 4 44 .117 10 1 1910 4 26 1 1170 I 60 CALVES. 1 271 I 14 1 340 I 76 11.... 114 116 t .....22.) 176 i 160 I 76 t 100 I 76 4 275 I 00 7 174 t 00 ...... 14! 6 IS 1 HO 4 on I Ill I 36 1 140 I 00 BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. t 64.) J IS 17 647 4 30 t 444 t 40 14 143 4 tl 4., 447 I 71 t 716 4 30 1 444 ) 40 II 121 4 (0 IT.. Ill 4 00 14 K.7 4 40 14 , 771 4 00 II 1014 I 00 6 ..'. 781 4 40 4 ...1042 I 06 t 441 4 16 10 440 I 20 U 767 4 16 HOGS Hogs opened 510c higher than yesterday morning and speedily strength ened up under the Influence of free buying on the part of local packers. The market soon became 10c higher and closed early with everything sold at the high point of the day. In fact, It would be safe to call the general market 10c higher than yeaterday. Thus a good share of the hogs sold at tS.82H436.90, while yesterday the hogs sold mostly . at S.72H6.80. Good hogs sold up as high aa 85.95, the top, yesterday having been 16.86. Taking the market as a whole, It was In a good, healthy condition, and entirely satisfactory to tha selling imprests. Today's advance carrlea the market to the highest point of the year to date, and the highest point touched since October, 1907. Representative sales: H. A, sa. Pr. No. A. Bh. Pr. M to 1!0 4 76 40 214 10 4 4 77 141 140 t 40 44 143 120 ( 45 14 14 IS) I 10 46 214 200 5 86 70 10 40 ( 10 M lh ... I 15 74.... ....232 14 lit 111 t42 100 III 41 117 40 ( li4 71 120 24 I 86 11 218 120 I liVfe 27 100 ... ( 86 77... 907 40 I 4I4 M t44 40 1 46 o 1 ... i IIV4 II 2f.t 140 4 86 41... Ill 40 I 42 II Ill 10 t 16 71 144 140 I U 11 144 40 I 16 2 141 120 I U 'a 0 IKS 120 6 86 II Ill 140 6 814 42 16T 120 4 44 74 175 .40 I 42 81... 214 1)0 I IS T8 SS0 240 I 16 Tl 184 ... t 46 14 241 M IS 44 236 40 I 46 86 ST ... i 16 IU ll ... I 16 13 f"4 ... 4 W 64 tl 10 6 15 IS It I 46 41 147 40 I 14 68 MS 40 4 44 Tl 174 40 t 14 44 2M 40 4 45 71 Kit 130 I 86 2 144 ... I 86 47 244 SO I 4716. 44 100 140 I 85 44 244 180 6 87', 46 tod 40 I 86 19 IM 120 I 47 70 203 110 1 85 71 2.H4 40 117 11 101 110 18 II 257 ... II7U 77.: til 120 1 85 . 4 234 40 8 IT Tl Kt I 44 44 Ul 200 4 17 74 241 10 1 85 74 217 40 1 47 17 t21 40 4 84 Tl 236 80 I 47 7(1 110 40 6 45 47 !M ... I 17 il tit to 4 85 II 471 ... 8 17 44 44 40 4 44 74 2.T7 140 I 17 44 204 ... t 46 71 2M4 40 4 87 II ,.ll ... 4 81 44 237 140 5 47 14 184 40 4 46 44 244 10 1 47 tl... tilt 40 I 84 44 ill ... (40 40 Vf. ... I 14 41 141 40 I 14 70.... ,.t:n 140 1 15 4.1 V,l 40 4 40 71 210 240 4 84 74 120 I 40 71 141 200 I 46 !8 ?41 40 I 40 127 ! 240 4 44' 41 171 ... I 44 41 1M 40 1 44 42 Jl 40 I 42 T4 tcl 140 4 44 (I Ill 40 ( 42 67 tit 40 I 84 44 244 ... I 45 7 17 40 I 44 4 141 ... I 15 II 114 40 I 46 60 341 ... I 45 80 201 10 ( 45 ' 468 western lambs .. 69 western ewes .... 344 western ewes .... 379 Oregon wethers . 272 western wethers 419 western wether 55 Mi 87 97 103 6 75 3 90 3 fxt 4 75 4 75 4 15 CHICAGO 1.1VR STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hons aad Sheep Steady to Strona". CHICAGO, June 23. CATTLE Receipts about 3.000 head: maiket, steady; steers, 36.tlOi8 8.25; cows, t3.60tY6.T5; heifers. t4.OOfg7.00; bulls, 83 otKfifi.gii; calves, t2.606.80; stockeia and feeders, 83.254ia.36. HOGS Receipts about 18,000 head; market strong to 5c higher. Choice heavy ahipping, 16.164(41.25; butohers, 16. 10tr6 25 ; choice llglu, 6.1(.16; light mixed, to.9"66.l0; packing, to.6C(&.0f; pigs, t4.25fj5.55; bulk of sales, t6.0tvS8.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt about 13,mn head; market steady to atrong. Sheep, tl.25fJ6.26; lambs, to.004j.7.00; yearlings, t4.60 j6.60. St. Lonls Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. June 23. CATTLE Receipts, S.OOO head, Including 1,700 Texsns; market ateadv to strong. Native shipping and ex port ateers, 16.157.75; dressed beef and butcher steers, 16.3iyd6.40; steers under 1.0X1 lbs., t4.15ij.60; stockers and feeders, t3.00ft 6.00; cows and heifers, 13.00dj6.76; canners, tl.602.26; bulla, t3.00'36.26; calves. t3.26W.5. Texas and Indian ateers, 13.266.26; cows and heifers, tl. 754. 26. HOGS Receipts, t.Rnn head; market steady. Plga and lights, e4.0fxii6.86i packers. t6.653 6.05; butchers and beat heavy, 66.904j6.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,600 head; market strong. Native muttons, 13.25 7 5.n0; lambs, t4.6oji.TK; culls and bucks, 13. 2S3. 76; stockers, Kansas Cltr LIt4 Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. June 23. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3.700 head. Market steady to strong. Top, 16.00. Cows weak. Choice export and dressed beef steers, t6.25i8.00- fair to good, 14.70U6.50; western steers, H5097.50; Block ers and feeders. t3.0Otje.25; native cows, 12.90 fc'4.80; native helfere, !3.0OJj.00; bulla, t3.0O 454.50; calvea. 13.5tKFi5.60. HOGS Receipts, 12,000 head; market SfflOc higher; top. 15.96; bulk of aales, 15.85fi6.80; heavv. 15.90u6.95; packers and butchers, 15.8rVffl5.9ri: light, t5.6i&6.96; pig. 14.25(5(4.80. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, 9 000 hesd; market 10ff?20c lower. Lamba, tfi.OOCcr) 6.26; ewea and yearllnga, 14 00r4.7&', Texas yearlings, I4.5OHI5.0O; Texas sheep, 13.7504.50; stockers and feeders, t3.0OQ4.00. Slonx Cltr LIT Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia., June 23. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head: mar ket ateadv; beeves. 16.0007.76: eows snd heifers, t45fKf?6.76; feeders. W.0005.00; calves and yearlings, t3.75(S4.75. HOGS Receipts, 4.600 head; market 10c higher: rans-e of prlcea, 16.663;6.86; bulk of sales, 5.nKff6.82H- K Stock la Stent. 4 Receipts of live stock at tlij five principal western markets yesterday: ' ' . unit. South Omaha... Sioux City Kansas City St. Louis Chicago Totals 1.800 500 1.700 3,0.0 3.000 Hogs. 8,000 4.500 i U.O'K) . . 8.600 16.000 Sheen. 6,300 i'oon 4.500 13.0UO ..13,600 49,000 82,800 SHEEP Recelpta of aheep this morning were very liberal at this point, with fair rur-a reported elsewhere. Th quality and kind of sheep here today was about the same as yesterday, there being a fair allow ing of both western grassers and cornfeda. The market, however, was In a very un satisfactory condition. In the first place It was lale before the trains wers In and still later before buyera showed any dis position to do business. It was one of those waiting markets when everyone starts around waiting for something to turn up. Bom sales did not look so very much lower, but, on the other hand, some of the same stuff as was her yesierdny old 26c lower and buyer were generally talking that they wanted to take off at least 15fj2&c. Thus It happened thst It waa well along toward midday before very much buslneas waa transacted. Gradually the stuff changed hands a load or two at a time, but the ssles looked all the wsy from 104326c lower than yester day. Oregon grass wethers sold at 1 1 out! 4 75. and yearlings at 14 7566.00. Quotations on fed sheep end lambs: Good to choice spring lambs, H O0.ij6.5t); good to choice shorn lamh. to. !M5 (Vi ; fslr to good shorn lambs, 14.75(35 15, stock lamh, 13 .VO-n 4 On; good to choti (horn yearlings, 14 7y 100; fair to good shorn yesrlings, 14 sOw 4 75; good to choice shorn aethers, II 6. ii 4.76; fair to good shorn wethers. Itfl"4fct. good to hol. shorn ewes. t4.i)04j4 to; fair to good shorn ewes, 13 5"tj4.U0; culls and bucks. t2 5utj3.0O. Representative sale' No.. Av. 1'r 231 weatern wethers 76 . 4 "0 5"v Orgon wethers luo ' 4 50 496 Orag in yesrlings io. 4 To tit Oregon yearling 47 6 00 WOMEN STUDYTHE RITUAL Auxiliary to Conductors' Order Close Their Meetlntr with Thea ter Partr. Officer of the Ladle' Auxiliary td the Order of Railway Conductor, In session In Omaha, hold during goed behavior and as all the officers have been true to their trust there stflll be no election at this time. Mrs. Am a Overmyer of Omaha Is president of the local division and sh says she expects to hold her office Indefinitely and that this probably will be tha caso with most of the other officers. The meeting held Iu Omaha Is a biennial affair and closed last evening . with a theater parly at the Boyd.. Th sessions began Monday mornirg, the prime object of the convention being to Instruct the members In the ritualistic work of the order. Mr. J. H. Moore of Toledo, O., grsnd president; Mrs. F. B. Kenyon of Lincoln, dlstilct deputy, and Mr. E. Heagy, past district deputy, are honored guests of thQ convention. Delegates were present from the three states of Nebraska, Iowa and Wyoming, the list Of delegates being, as follows: Mcsdames S. E. .Miller, II. J. Miller, J. R. David, F. M. Henderson, Robert Moore, O. K. Keller, J. H. Hecker, Joseph Marshall, W. F. Reinsh, C. M. Knott. O. O. Miller, J. H. Chandler, A. Harring ton. J. M. Law thorn, N. E. Shepherd, C. E. Koll, N. Sornberger, William Martin, 8. A. Barrett, W. S. Ker-y. A. R. Vylie. J. L. L'oW, M. l.ordcn, r J. )iodan and L. VanVleck. The visiting delegate wera ' given a luncheon at the Cheaapeaku Ctif Tuesday noon and some of them took a rid around the city In the afternoon. The placet of the next meeting Is !'-fl to the call of the president. ' . J If you will make inquiry 11 will b a ; rrvelatloD lo you how many succumb la ; kidney or bladder troubles . In on form j or another. If th patient I not beyonl I medical aid. Foley Kidney Cur will cut. It nver disappoints.' All driiggsls. Wealthy Bachelor Murdered. BOTTINEAU. N, l., June :-3 -Frank Siedel. a wealthy bachelor w ho waa post . snaater at KomU-r. on (he Turlle mountain, nnd his 11-yesr-old niece hsve been mur dered and their home burned over their bodies. Home ha Ifliti . ils who l av been prowling 1 1.1 nun Ii iliat community for some time are suapecled of' (I.e. crlm. Rubbery was evidently th mom.