TUT: OM At JA DAILY' Tlt.t.l tVtf DXERDAY. JUNE 24, 190SN E3tEll VETERINARIANS DRAW LINE I 1 WEDNESDAY Si ! 1 ! ll MM l 11 n - - r? iz ONE DAY ONLY Want Only 'th' Beit m Kemben of Their Profession. fj .ONE day'- only jjih imii mil niiii mi riii in YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE EJ ' II H . YT7TT Q nK-aBl ... H No n H itkf A II II Kit rn V. I U 1 ,- I fit till 'WEDNESDAY Suit SH7iH T II I I In Our Entire StocK at Matter What the Eformor Selling Price " "IV tdnesday zuill surely be the most extraordinary special sale day in the history, of Brandeis store, We have, assembled, all oilr finest tailored s uits for women in tfye most exclusive styles for 1908. These are suits that' have tbeen selling up to the present time at ''$39, $49'j SSX $59 and $65, but we offer them Wednesday only at one price, $17.50. ' ' ' '"'. ' If youpp.reciate V. great bargain ypu can 't afford . to overlook,this.,. It includes every woman's tailored suit in our stocks-made of the finest selected voiles, . silks, worstdsananjas, etc. Every stunning new etyle. The 'thpusand's who saw the '.window display sayHhere'neyer was .such a bargain.- , Any Suit In Stock. , Your Unrestricted Choice gaaonononoaoaonononononoaoExono; o , D o ' ..... , J V AA ! D 1 III O n SOME DISGRACE, SAY& PRESIDENT Mluourl Valley Veterinary tlon HoMi Tvvo Days' Session at City Hall, Rlcrtlns cers at Start. u m - if Mr- Bh'rnan. Thl triha opinion of a nupibr tt)a nember o( the na'lonal re putl'cal'1.r'mltte, l Btated that the re;rcttavl,iy -fit thjfitatenthe.patlDnal f o&mUUs iiaj4. b .tl), plac. of the' "(ati dt:eg!itlon to th natfonat ronvfntjon and thrcfor 1 aa authr rlly to a"4 for the de'.e-f,aOP-Uv. fi event1 .vacancy od Vha national ticket. The name a lew regarding action In the event of a vacancy la hold by the demo, t rata, a!ncs at the 6t. Louia convention four yrara ago. aa Mr. Davie, the nomine) f i r vice prttldrnt waa 80 yeara old, a reso lution tai raed by the convention au thoiliinti f(e nntlonal deniparatlc committee to fill, a ynenfry ncaae of neceawlty., wKiV-eryu If tta .fhere wlll.be ro fc'aai:p ti lelpJt another iandldat( o the v pAal'Vn 'fcy the rep ibllcans there li no So.M that tl:c national committee haa tNjthorlty t OH a a-an?y In an emergency. VASHINOtpx;'Junf.' 23.-Sa far ea la known hire no rower la veatrd In the ro- . publican national iommlttee to fill n vacancy on the prlrtentlal or vice presi dential ticket ,tht mlyhf occur btwen the date of tbe -borhlnaHnu 'convent Ion and the flrat Tueaday ,jn..Nnvrm6r following, when the people -fcy'thHr vetea determine tbo atatua of the oonddatea, either by reject ing them at tf folia tf by conferring upon them the title of prenldent and vice presi dent elect. A' fcrefy stuCy of tlfo nracjfdenta how that nonemergency haa arlaen tn the htrUOy of the'; '4repW1o -aucli aa .would rrault from the' death or retirement of one of the candidate before election day. Of course, there can be no atatutory law on the aubjeet because, after atl, not only the National committees, but, the 'cpnyf n-' tlona. that create them are extra official-"' they have no atandlng Jri law: Therefore", tbere la .npthng to prevent comrrtltfei from filling a vacancy' ori flAeS-that ". II, ho law of prohibition ut t" tcairae, that cpmmlttee would be anawerable to the outraged aenae Of the' great party, "-wKfch " la represented. It. haa been auggeated In the past that the committee bo authorised to fill vacancy In- thV erettt 'thBt,oms of the peraona named'as-a clnirtflate'r'on Ihe ticket-should decline he ilvonflr, t'4 that after all would be a clear caee of dele gated power and very -different from auch a contingency aa might '"irlse through the .InaBlllty of ' Mr. Shermfcn to aeftept. , tte 'nomtnatlon.;- t J- ; -i , A .J TAFT HEARS. FROM CLEVELAND Hla Information la Illness of fr guer illa la oi serious.-" ' -yr NEW HAVEN, Conl., Ju.ne .Wtfih the promise ahead of hlm?of. aire.n.vfU day, 6ecretaiy Taft Belied the. opportunity of obtaining 'aa much rest aa? possible In the early morning houra. Despite the extana.v best' and fatigue of Veaterday am laat night, he expressed himself aa feeling In excellent condition. i " No over-nlgbt communication' of Impor tance was received by; htm. Before coming to New Haven the secretary requested that he be not diaturbed by political affairs un less absolutely necessary. "I came to en Joy myself," aaid tha secretary, "to get a change aryl to be another time a Tale ..... . w-o u montK v fcke for tfm thmrfg to wear, Fot giving the body A cK a nee at the air! Boys' Wash Suits, Blouses - Bloomers Th hot weather and vaca tloQ. time Tri&ke these goods moat aVaaoriable. Cool Waab Sulta for all man ner ot boya. blg boyt and lit tle byi $5v.O to..:. 81.50 Btiya' Illouwa Especially desli able ire Uifl Aitjlaiudered blouaa now sf iliugat aOHKbt or dark colorlosa, long aleevea or golf (11kk, Ungtn) style every boy need a liberal 6upply eacb mi . .- -50 Negligee SbrU-N'ew shipment o( boyrpd yo.uing meo's summer shirtsVryo'ung men call . 'em peachea;,w call theml shirts r smart abirU, U0, $125 and . i . . s . .". -81.00 Send for our Illustrated catalogue. . Tresldent, Dr. J. I. Gibson, De MoliV : Flrat vice jrea dent, Dr. D. M. Campbtll, Hiawatha, Kan. " Second vice president. Dr. V. Schaefer, Tekamah, Neb. Secretary-treasurer, B. F. Kaupp, Kan4 City. fiteccutlve committee: ' .Dr. A. L. Wood, Iowa; Dr. J. A. DoCow. Nebraska; Dr. C. II. DccherC Misioujl; Dr.. J. V. LaCroIx, Kansas; DrvW..B-. McAlester. Oklahoma. Theee new offlcera for the' Missouri Vaj ley Veterinary associatloa were elected at th? opening aesston of the fourteenth an nual meeting, which opened In the city hall Tjeeday morning for a t!0 daya' session. , The .association eaibraees In Its member ship the veterinary surgeons of Nebraska Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Oklahoma and over one hundred answered roll call when the meeting opened 'at '10 o'clock. More careful examination of applicants and the greatest precaution In admitting member were advocated by President Dr. H. Jensen of Weeping "Water, who sug gested n a short address that tile associa tion wanted among .Its membeia only th best and that the constitution should define the powers of the board of censora and give them power to exejude undesirable Hppllcanta. . Some Disgraces to Profession, "I am sorry. to say that. there- are aome who claim to be. veterinary surgeons who are a disgrace to the profession and whom we would not care to have in any of our associations. Borne, of .them have man aged to creep under the canvas and get Into atate associations, but we don't want them in this association and we don't want to give them staadlng by official recogni tion. There are . some " practicing in Ne braska whom we could not greet on the street and retain our. self-respect." The suggestion waa quickly taken up by the veterinary surgeona and a committee will present a resolution Wednesday which probably will be a drastic, measure to pre vent unreliable surgeon from gaining ad mission to the organisation and eventually raise.-the standard. of the association. " During the morning aetsion Dr. 8. H. Klngery of Creston, la., gave a report of interesting casea . which" had come under his peraonal observation and been reported to him by other members of the associa tion. - Dr. C. V. Liggett of Peculiar. Mo., had not arrived In the city to speak on "Mushroom Poisoning : in Cattle" and h!s address waa postponed. Surgeons Visit Hospital. During the afternoon the surgeons went to the hospital of Dr.- D. C. Scott, st 2810 Mason, where a clinic was held and these demonstrations made: Neurectomy for relief of spsvin lame ness. Neurectomy for the relief of ring bone lameness. Tenotomy of the perfor'an aral berforatus (tendons. Removal -of bursal enlargement of exten sor pedis at the carpus. Oopherectomy bitch. Tenotomy of th peroneu tendon. . Arytenoldectomy.""' - Firing, spavin. ' The- annual dinner will be held this eve ning' at the Merchant's hotel, when the following' papera'.-wUli be presented: . . "Th Relation, el 4h Veterinarian to the Horse Breeding Industry"-Dr. : J. H. Ofcln, Lincoln, Neb. ' "Chronic Catarrh in the Horse" Dr. K. J. Trafton, Jeffaraon, -la. ' "Pervious V'rachus" Dr. J. F. Pickett, Triplett, Mo. "Opsonins" Dr. A. T. Kinsley, Kansas City, Mo. "The Veterinarian, of 1888 and 1808" Dr. R. Ebbitt, Grand Island, Neb. "Report of . Cases'.' Dr. A. F. Baldwin, Creston, la.; Dr. D. C. Hoaser, Carthago, Mo." RINGLING . CIRCUS COMING Advance Claims . Everything Better, Bigger and' More Startling; . Than Urer. Rlhglrng Brothers" circus is coming. The advertising vanguard was In the city today kaleldoscoplcally ' arraying the billboards with announcements cf the marvels In atOTe for those who' visit the "world's greatest" when it erecta its canvas In Omaha Tues dsy, July 14. Rlngllng Brothers r presenting this sea son what might be truthfully called the one supreme show of the uhlverae. In the pro gram are 375 celebrities from every sone. Wlfa of Candidate Alarmed and Har-I From France has come a man who walks rlea to Cleveland. I on hla head. The Clarkonlana from Eng- land with exquisite grace and the utmost celerity accomplish feats thst seem impos sible. The Bastlnes, two noted French equestrians, have mastered the astounding feat of balancing head-to-head while mounted upon the back of a galloping horse. "The "good night" horse from Rus sia, wearing boot, pants, coat, vest, hat and everything. eW, even to a watch and fob, cornea home to his family and reada the newapaper. WhuVi the clock strikes 10 ho disrobes and goea to bed with almost human intelligence, Rlngllng Brothers em ploy 1.280 people, carry 60 hors- s, exhibit log cagea and den of wild animals, travel in eighty-five cars snd have a canvas spread of twenty tents, the m.iln one ot which will seat lo.OCO people comfortably. CHOIR BOYS ON THEm JAUNT reknirS'i Club, with Bpl Extraordinary onodonoQonononononoDODonononoo Wednesday, One Day Only BilNBEIS 'jr.- ' v.-i . . i man. For three or four days I am putting polities' snd bualness aside." When' Beoretary . Taft came down ' to breakfast he expressed himself to the rep resentative 'of th Associated Preea over the 'cOrTdltioh" of Tarfle 6. .Shermatt,"hig rtltutlng mate, .who is detained in Cleveland by Illness. ' "I' received, ' said the' secretary,' ''"from former Governor Myron T. Herrjck .yes terday a telegram Informing mei.'of' Mr. Sherman' condition. While it -.waa dis quieting in a aenae and indicated that an operation probably would have. tQ bs per formed, there was no intimation of a seri ous eventuation. Later information I have received tenda to confirm the first news, that while Mr. Sherman' condition is dis tressing, it la not necessarily serious.' The secretary was greatly lntereated in the fact that another Taft and BheYman ticket was put In the field last night at a meetlpg. of the clasa of 1S83, Horace D. Taft of-Watertown Conn., a brother of the secretary, heada the class as president and Charles G. Shcrbian of' New York la the vice president. At the meeting' of the Alumni, ' Hart Ly man, '73, editor of the New York Tribune, the president- of the association, alluded to Secretary Taft aa "the kind of graduate Yale glvea to the country." MRS. SHERMAN GOES TO IIl'SBAND UTICA, N. Y., June 23.-Word was sent to the family of James 8, Snerman in this city early today' that th vice presidential candidate had been compelled to go to a hospital In Cleveland and that Dr. Finney of Baltimore, who attended Mr. Sherman during an attack of the aame trouble in Washington laat year, had been summoned. Mrs. Sherman and one of her sons have gone to Cleveland. The news received here la very dis quieting and It la said that Mr. Sherman is in a serious condition. Extensive ar rangements had been made to give him g great reception on h!a return this evening snd special trains from all sections of cen tral and- northern New York ha'd been ar ranged for to bring people to the city. 51 hi wbMJ Sale of J: Oresses o o o o at ' m Promptly Wednesday morning ati:O0-?2 o'clock, we offer you your choice of anyrjj high-class Suit or tJ! m pf Ik H Dress in our stor, ' H&I B, $ at qAUWVj- Just think of it, $17.50 for the pit ofr our stock of high-class men tailoppdrB.uit and dresses, everyone of them late springy and summer models. Rajah Silk Juits ir; many different shades, mostly $45 anf. $5o values. Silk dresses formerly pricet at $3o and $45. Lingerie drermes?fqrni erly $35 and $45, and all our fancy taij ored high priced wool suits every -one dt them a good staple style and values! formerly up to $75.00. Yq'ur. choice aty any suit in our stock "Vednes:, )(jn -CAf" day morning, at M . V UVV X1 9. Special Sale of ; Ladies' Waists at wwiy Our "Waists at 95c have no equafs" in) Omaha. If you do not' thifck ,60 VhenJ you get it home just send it back and will cheerfully refund your money. CanL we offer you a more contincing argiili ment that these waists are-not;. equaled f anywhere else in the city. ... : ?3 Ladies' Skirts at Hati Price; r.. l--: !U-."CW. stock, including voiles, taffetas, . pana' h mas and fancy worsteds, air bnate af X half price. Absolutely none reserved, j excepting White Wash Skirts. j . . it laVaTTiWinBaTWBar' tV i t I Hungry they truly were. toovfor they wer walked from the end of the Ci street ear line to the camp, a distance of three miles is the heavy road) They will remain in camp for about ten daya. PAPER ATTACHES 'RAILROAD Hastings Tribune Wants Hundred Dollars from Omaha A Ms--braaka Central. Attachment proceedings were brought by the Hastings Tribune In Justice Evan Long's court Tuesday morning against the Omaha A Nebraska Central Railroad com pany to hold the office furniture of the company In the First National bank build ing for a bill of $100. When the papers were servld on Anthony Texter. vice president of the railroad com- l pany, he asked for the privilege of putting up a return bond and Immediately secured an attorney, who secured a $-"00 bond from a surety and bonding company. The furni ture, remains In the possession of the Omaha & Nebraska Central Railroad com- 4 pany pending a hearing of the suit of the Hastings Tribune. Trunks Traveling Bans We run a leather store, therefore, we know material. If you buy your traveling bag, salt rase or trunk of ua you'll get the beet. Our prices art no higher than you pay elsewhere. Alfred Cornish SEKSLSK; Summer 'Hats' " I! ..25c .150 ...25e blue or PR. FIXXEY IXADLE TO LEAVE BIr. Sherman's Physician Himself t'onflned to Hla Bed. BALTIMORE, June 2S. Dr. J. M. T. Finney, who is an eminent surgeon of this City, is confined to his bed With an at tack of lumbago. It was said at hla home thla morning that he had not yet received a aummons to attend Representative Sher man and that he would not be able to leave today ahould he be called, to Cleve land. Dr. Finney declined to state the nature of the malady for which he at tended Mr. Swman 'at Washington. Children's Mexican hats. tllb down to Tsm O'&hanters In Milan In pique and dui-k or tan linen at 76c, iOo and Wash hats in white, light , tan. of duck and French . It. Rep, $1.00 down to Boys raps in craah. duck . or linen, each W Boys' Khaki hata 75c and Fishing hata. .&0o C and Oirls1 Trimmed Hata A a mall lot of retty haia that aold for 7 (A 50c .bU and $5.00, now BENSON THQRNE CO. IS15 1317 DOUCLAS-SfRI fiarflald to Visit Cody. CQDT, Wyo., Jura 23. Special.) Cody Is preparing to. entertain Secretary Garfield of the Department of the Interior on July 10, when hs will inspect the big Shoshone irrigation project of the government. At the conclusion of the Inspection Secretary Garfield will go to the Yellowstone park for an outing. Hitrheoc-k Haa Civil Case. NEW YORK. June S3. Raymond Hitch cork, whose first appearance since his re cent trial was made at the New Circle theater laat night. In "The Merry-Go-Round," was served with an injunction ob tained by Henrv W. . Savage tossed on al iened breach of contract, and restraining him from further appearance with the New Circle production. Mr. Savage. Arthur Tame. Karl Schmidt and Marc Klaw claim (hat Hitchcock ia under contract with them up to law. The writ is returnable today in U.S federal court. Civil Engineers Meet. DENVER, Colo.. June The -American Engineers opened Its for. tlon today in the senate Soi'lat of Civil tieth annual ronven chamber or the atate rapltol with nearly $u of it 4. tWO members present. Addresses ot welcome weia maoe oy uovernnr Henry A- Buti)lel and Mayor Robert W. Speor nd a lefponsa waa given by Preslient ( harles Mm-Donald of New ork. Presi dent Mn Ton1.1 also read his annual al dreis. Among the subjects to he (tec d. d ai IrngiUuu, ruad LtulvUug and uUuiug. t Ytini C ksn ke l.aka for Oatlntf. Members Of the Young Chjrchmen'e club started for their annual outing Tuesday morning. The cajup is pitched at 6eymour lake this year, a most accessible place and 180 members of the club wsrt into tamp Tueaday. The club la . composed of the choir boys of the Episcopal churches f Omaha and South OrVvaha. Rev. CI. A. Ueeclier. dean. of Trinity cathredal, ia com mandant; Rev. Frederick Tyner, commls- ry; Rev. R. H. n. Bell, president of the club; Rev. A. .g. Knickerbocker, treas urer of the club, and Rev. James Wise of South Omaha chief' quart rmasler. The camp had befn all prepared In ad vance and dinner . was waiting for tin hungry boya when they reached the camp. CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE Omaha Office 847 to SSO Brandsis Building. Amerloa's rorsmost Film Renters . See Our Pictures at Jewel Theater WRITE IF YOU USE OR WAN Rogers Coal Mlalag Co, x COAL Pellc. Iowa 2 There's a delicious "Smack" about W" - . rrmerly called OS! VEIllah'a Manna Toasiies -The) Tmi Linger a" Package, two sixes, 10 and 11 cents. Made by Poatum Creel Company, Limited Battle Crerk. Mich. DEATH RECORD. W. B. Leeds. PARIS, June 2J. W. B. Leeds, the Ameri can financier, tiled suddenly at the Rita botel in this city at 3:30 o'clock thla morn ing. Mra. Leeds was with him. He has been 111 for some years. Mr. Leeds waa prominently Identified with tho Rock Island railroad Interests and with other, enler prises for years. Mr. Leeds came abroad for. the benefit of his health, which had been falling for several years past. He had Improved con siderably of late, however, and 'he was stopping at the Hotel iRIts, making his preparations to sail for America tomorrow. He was taken with a sudden sinking spell uring the night and gradually lost cor sclouxness. He could not be revived and died this morning with his wife and his son at his bedside. The body will be shipped to New York June 27. It is said here that Mr. Leeds, who waa at one time president of the Rock Island railroad, leaves a larger fortune than waa generally supposed. Rough estimates in Paris place his wealth at $35,00u,0o0. j Rev. James C. Peunork. Rev. James C. I'ennock, for twenty years a resident of the city, died Monday night at the ftome of hia daughter,' Mrs. I. 8. Leavltt, Cass street, at the age of 93 years. For many years Rev. Mr. ren- nock occupied a pulpit in one of the lead ing Methodist churcliea of Milwaukee. After leaving that city lie eettled In Olen wood, la., coming to Omaha nearly twenty years ago, but never preached here. An only son, H. W. Penncck, was a well known attorney here for a number of years, be ing now located st Seattle, Wash. Aftet a happy wedded life of over fifty years, his wife died shortly over a year agu. De spite his advar.ojHd age, hla cherry and genial disposition imiJiehaed all who tame In contact with him. The funeral aervice will be held Wednesday, 2 p. m.. at the above residence. Interment at Forest Lawn. AMUSEMENTS. 1VIEEX 1VIE ON THE RED SEATS AT THE mi V A 20TH AND CIRCUS JULI L PAUL8TS. HAGENDECK AND OR EAT WALLACE COMBINED SHOWS REAL CIRCUS Zr2$tft 1 g V every Afternoon and fUTaVft GREATER OMAHA wZwt. Mile. Lydia Pallanach. .'oi,ri. Soloist. , Thnrsday, June 85. BUTCHSBS' Alt D GKOC2&S' Picrnr m Admission (Thursday afternoon and vieiung), 2fcC. Fifth Ward Ragmblleaaa. . The Fifth Ward Republican club will meet Wedneaday, June 'ii, at s p. m., at Young's ball. Sixteenth and Corby, Special meeting for . the election of new oi fleers. Every Fifth wsrd republican ia particularly requested to be present at this meeting. W. B. Chrlatle, president. Benjamin J. Stooe, secretary. Will varo (iatira. A. A. Herren, Finch, Ark.. wrltes:"Fo!ey'a Honey and Tar ia the best preparation for coughs, colds nd 1un trouble. I know that it haa cured consumption in the first a'.agea." You never heard of anyone using Foley's Honey and Tar and not being satis fied. All dis.'Si BOYD'S THEATER TOO AT AT 1 130. w.JL0,rI0HT T :ls """HS ELLIOTT'S SUCCZSg Her Own Woy at Week Mil, DAVE'S DEMUS. HUlman's ' Ideal Stock Co. AI DOafB TlliTH llth and Douglas 6t. THE PEDDLER Specialties Between Acts Prices 10c anl 20c. BENSON CHAUTAUQUA TODAY, 9 30 A. M.-Free to children. t o P. M Kings Daughters Quartette. 0O P. M Hon. W. T. Bunrlrk s famous lecture "Olt, Orlt and (jump. lion." Quartette, TOMORROW (Mothers Day) Miss Belle Kearney, "Queen Of Oratora." Ncal Dow Concenrt Co. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION Imbm t'ontinuous from 1 to 5: 7 to 11 COOL AND COUFY Omaha's Classiest Summer Show MOTina FIOTUJlIia . Baa oa ever saw Kroduced with life-givlrtg ef facte. ltj hour program Changes Sun. snd Thura. 1,000 seat at 10a, Denver, Colo. LOW RATES NOW IN EFFECT R0UN9 TRIP 72 i.C DEIIVER, COLORADO SPRINGS and PUEBLO via Union Pacific IHOIT X.IH,B Denver to Yellowstone .Park New and Scenic Route. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, rhone Doug. lsas. 133 Tarsem St. AS50OMED ADVERTISING OYBS Of AMERICA COiNVXNT ION KMSAS CITY