Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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"av SVoot mat n.
' Thnrau w. Blackbara, congresimsn.
'"Baaolpk f.' gcsrcfcoaa, Account at-Adltot
' Bowma,'m N. II. txnigla who, ti ll.
Pa Bowk for Quality cigar. Ill . lith.
BUsbar. photographer, lltU Farnanv
30 Malta to order, tit; $1 panta for II
WacCarthy-Wllson. tot South lath.
Xqaitabi Ufa, Paul Morton, rldat.
Fellclea tight draft at maturity, it XX
Neely, manager, Omahai
Bnrgsss Oravdea Oo- now In new quar
ter. 1511 Howard. Gas, electric fixtures
4nd wiring.
rot Bala $10,000 Omaha Horn Tele
phone bonda with 50 per cent stock It 10c.
Cohrt Bros., 110 lit St. Portland Or.
Great BargaAaa Oriental ruga. Monday.
fh largest and moat complete Stock" In
tlie city, that we ahull offer SO per cent
les than aaual. Your Inspection Invited
N. V. Blmontan, Importer, 1101 Farnam St.
;,Tlewa ' ef Wlndeor Caatla Windsor
choo la the possessor of a beautiful
Braun carbon allowing three view of
Windsor caatle, preaentld by J. Edward
Msgeath upon hla graduation from the
eighth grade.'
Birthday Party at Xrug Far Mis
Katie Krug. daughter of William Krug,
gave a birthday party "yesterday at Krug
park, about twenty-five guesta lielng pre
nt. A special dinner, waa aerved In the
Kldanmmar Festival A midsummer
fcatlval will be given under the auspice
ot the Scandinavian Young Women'
Christian association, June 23, at the
dormitory, Twenty-sixth and Capitol ave
nue, at I p. m.
Vacation Tiros Xa Here Before going
away place your money, jewelry and val
uables In a box under your own loch and
key In the American Safe Deposit Vault
In The Bee lildg. Burglar and fireproof
boxes rent, for only M a year or $1 for
three months. ,
Trip Around the World The Dundee
Christian Endeavor society ha planned a
unique affair 'for Tuesday evening. It
will he a trip around the world, the first
special car starting at Fiftieth and Un
derwood at 7 p.- m. and- another car at I.
Stops will ba made at Manila. Hong Kong
and several other, noted Seaports.
Women OIt', Experience Social The
Women' association of Saratoga Congre
gational church gave .an entertainment
Friday night. It was an experience to
tal and netted' the society about $69. At
he close of the program a surprise was
given to Mrs. b: f. DirrenDacner, wno
had served ' the society for two year a
It president.
Oreek Learn American Way Tho
Greek bootblacks are learning the way
of the American court a. Suit has been
filed In the' justice court of Justice Cock
rell by Qui CacMaro. a minor, through
Joe Carrol, hi next friend, against John
Beshela for ! recovery of 117.10 al
leged to be ' due ' on wage aL-TT6.CS a
month. The oaae will heard next Tuesday.
B. A. Turner res to West Folnt ft. A.
Turner of Omaha has assumed the posi
tion of advertising director for the Net
burg Manufacturing company at West
Point. 1 The company will Inaugurate a
special advertising campaign In the Inter
est of It patented gasoline cans. Mr.
Turner was formerly with the C. D,
Thompson Advertising agency of Omaha.
He will locate In West Point permanently
with his family,"',
- Old Couple Bestored to Kaon the
In order that he may be near hi! faithful
wife during hi old age John Ryan, Inmate
of the Insane asylum at Hastings will be
brought, back t. jpeuglaa .county and placed
In the county hospital,, ilr. Ryan Is of the
harmless insane type and hla aged Wife
has been very faithful to him during his
trouble. She Is poor and unable to make
the trips to Hastings to see her husband.
The board voted to bring him back la
order that they may be together. An tt
fort will be made, to have him exchanged
for some other Douglas county patient
The Ploral Beauties of Xros? park are
growing with each succeeding day under
the expert superintendence of Landscape
GaTde.ier Mr. Rudolph Tlmmler. Kvery
day It yields new beautlea In the floral
deslKns scattered about the park. With
favorable weather the coming week will
see many basket picnics held within the
.enclosure. The park management catera
Wa, these affairs and furnishes every facil
ity to make them enjoyable and success
ful. One of the. blgplcnlcs of the sea-
. son, namely, the Retail Butchera and Oro-
V cers, will be held at the park on Thursday
Many Democrat Will Oo Tktouglk
I July & bids fair lo be a Strenuous day for
the railroads running through Omaha. On
that date the railroad will not only have
a large local buslneaa of peopl ' returning
from' Fourth of July celebration, but
many special tralna enroute to the national
democratic convention are alao booked to
pass through Omaha on that date. The
Union Pacific alone ha arranged for eigh
teen solid special trains, all of which will
pa" tlnougli Omaha July a. Tammany,
with 8M people In six special trains. Will
compoae about one-third of theae. Rail
roads all over the east are organising
special parties and moat of these are com
ing via Omaha.
Water Company and Street Railway
Aueiiment Protest Heard.
Ramor that Street Railway I.lme Will
Be Exteadea te eyaor Lake
Some Time Daring the
P reseat Saramer.
Mayor Daalaiaai Appeals to frla of
Cltlseas to -Beaatlfy the
City. .,
"I hope the people of Omaha will take
sufficient pride In city to cut th
wte.u on their premises, and in thl way
ilp to make Omaha cleaner and more
beautiful," says Mayor Dahlman in ex
Huining that If the weeds are cut at all
'ny must be cut by property owner, a
the city ha no money. The mayor ha
auk. J the street commissioner to take
detail nt rlty prisoner and cut the weed
lu the ktreets, but they cannot cut the Ob
noxious growth on the lota.
It. H w. Connell. city commissioner of
health, has entered the campaign and Bat
uuy mailed the following appeal to tha
rvai estate dealera of Omaha:
The Omaha Water company made Its
formal protest against the assessment Im
posed by the city tax commissioner yes
terday afternoon, t'nder tha direction of
the city attorney a forma! hearing was
conducted on the merits of the esse. The
tax commissioner went on the stand as
a witness and testified as to his knowledge
of the property of the South Omaha Water
company In South Omaha. He maintains
that the physical value of the company
property 1 In the neighborhood of $44,0.
In addition to this he matntalna that the
franchlae of the company is worth fully
The officials of the Omsha Water com
pany on their part, testified that the value
of $44.ono Included not only the physical
valuet of the mains but also the value of
the franchlae. It waa maintained more
over, that the value of the franchise was
purely theoretical, and In this case far
too high. Their testimony had no effect
on the Board of Review, for It the' close
of the examination the board passed judg
ment, which waa Incorporated In the reso
luti6n, that the present assessment of JTW.-
000 stand. The water company probabjy
will appeal the case.
In the case of the street railway company
motion waa passed that the assessment
stand. It Is not known whether the as
sessment will be appealed to the court In
the latter rase or not.
Probable Street Railway Extension.
It Is reported that the street railway
company will, before the improvements on
Q street are completed, -extend . a single
track to Seymour lake. The route Is de
scribed a running south on Forty-second
street until about opposite the southern
end of the lake, and thence westward to
the Cudahy Icehouse. ' It 1 planned that a
service similar to that provided for East
Omaha, or previously for Florence, be put
on here. In the event of the town of Rals
ton making a success, the Omaha company
wishes to be on the ground floor. This
route will be quite scenic. ' It may be ex
tended to Sarpy Mill under similar In
ducements. The right of extension Is held
from the fact that the Seymour lake prop
erty Is suburban, and the line could not
be called interurban.
Sooth Omaha Sports
Two good games of amateur, base ball
were played yesterday afternoon by local
teams. The Young Men Christian associ
ation team played and won a game- against
the Omaha Crockery company. The score
waa 15 to 1. The Colta of the South Omaha
Country club were defeated by the Mer
chants National bank team by a score of
t to t
A match game of golf 1 scheduled today
at the South Omaha Country club between
two local team.
The . first match game of tennis was
played yesterday afternoon between Pln-
nell and Stryker on one aide and Kellogg
and Dlmock on the other. .The latter in
the first set of doubles won by a score of
S-8. The second set was won by Stryker
and Plnnell 6-2. An agreed set of three
game on account of darkness was won by
Stryker and Plnnell also.
.Mike McMahoa StaBbedJ -
, Mlka McMahon. $128 tt atreet. Was verly
cut' In a fight with ModUtl Ourell, an
Italian. The cutting took place In a saloon
at Thirty-third and Q street. McMahon had
been playing base ball at Kennedy' park
and went Into the saloon for a drink. Here
he met the Italian and a quarrel arose
The Italian said that five or" six men at
tacked him and he had no other way to
defend himself. He stabbed at McMahon
and cut an ugly gash tm hi left breast
with a pocket knife. He then ran toward
Cudahy'a packing house where he was ar
rested by P. H. Shields, who was in his
base ball uniform, and one of the other
players. McMahon was taken ham where
he waa attended by Dr. K- I DeLanney.
The doctor aald the wound war serious,
but not fatal.
Fourth at Couatry - Club,
Great preparations are being made for an
i Old-fashioned Fourth of July Celebration at
kthe South Omaha Country club a week
from Saturday. The different committees
have arranged for a day of pleasure for all
that members. At 10 a. m. there will be
golf contests in which both wdrnen and
men will compete for the' prises; at 1 p. m
there will be a croquet contest, for which
a suitable prise will be offered; at I p. m
a tennl tournament will take place, and
It I p. m. the South Omaha Country club
base ball team will play a gam with one
of the strongest amateur team In Omaha,
At t o'clock will be foot races, sack races
for old and young, lean and fat, married
and single. At 1:10 there will be a balloon
ascension, which will be followed I by
dance on the pavilion, for which special
music has been engsged.
A table d note dinner will be served
tha club cat from 13 m. until s p. m., and
from 1:30 p. m. Until I p. m. Order for
dinner must be In the hands of the house
committee or the cateresa at the club by
July 1
Magle City Oosalp.
Mlas Lillian Bugrue la enjoying a two
weeks' visit at Chicago.
Jetter' Oold Top Beer delivered to any
part Ol tne city. Telephone No S.i
Bee orfloe removed to Live Stock Pan
Bldg . Twenty-fourth and N. 'Phone 27.
Mis Bertie Chase, lout North Twenty
eigntn, leaves ioaay lor a snort visit
Monmouth, III. ,
MUis Nina McWIIliams. 1421 North
Twenty-seventh, leave Monday for
month's visit at Os'esburg. III. . .
Money at reasonable rate. Weekly or
monthly payment, fidelity Chattel Loan
of Mist Fads st 12 North Twenty-fourth
street. South Omsha.
The woman's auxiliary to the Young
Mens Christian association will give an
entertainment and musical In the audi
torium of the high school Tuesday eventn.
Some of the best local talent Is represente.1
on the program. Miss Alice Davis, piano
solo; resdlng. Miss Margaret McDonald;
vocal solo. Miss Laura Petersen; piano solo,
Miss Nell Lefler; qusrtet. Mi. and Mrs.
Hood and Mr. and Mrs. Williams The
second part of the program will consist of
s comedlette, "A Purplexlng Sltustlon.
This is played by the membere of the
I nlted Presbyterian church. Friend of
the organisations are urged to remember
the date.
Satarday Ereslng and Bandar Extra
Dai Throws la far Good
Tha opening of the Benson chaatauqua
took place Saturday night with an en
couraging attendance and a decidly inter-
eating program.
While the formal opening of the aseemoiy
Is scheduled for Monday the managera are
determined to give good measure and as
some of the taleat and attraction had al
ready arrlvid I: wa decided to give the
preliminary opening Saturday evening. The
rounds, which lie Inside the Benson town
limits, are fenced off with wire netting,
Gossip of Presidential Candidates to
Come Before Boston Biennial.
and present a very pretty appearance, with peredi h0wfv,r
a numner ot campera aireaoy mi .no n. A ln
grounds. The tabernacle tent is spacious ptoo, tht HrmSMAy Amn Wuri, pre,nt
nd is provided with comfortable bottom
settees, a decided and much appreciated
hautauqua Improvement,
The program of Saturday evening waa In
charge of Platform Superintendent A. M.
Vance of Bennett who announced that the
preliminary opening m in mum vent Its doing so. There Is an unwritten
tauqua movement here at Benson was slm- Jaw that ,he clty pr gtate gnal,
ply to give good measure of the excellent n(yt the presidency, this having been
program that 1 to follow ounng me next established at Denver ten year ago when
several days. The audience consisted of Mrs, Deoker declined the honor absolutely
number of men and women with a goodly on that ground. Mrs". Philin N. Moon, of
sprinkling of boy and girls, all of whom gt. Louis, present (trait vice president of
enjoyed the program Immensely. th.e General Federation, la another likely
The participant In the program wer the candidate and should she announce her-
Klngs' Daughter quartet consisting of self would undoubtedly receive more gen
four young women already aisunguisnea ersl support than any other woman. She
for their nlatform work In Illinois and I has served the neneml trHeratinn in an
other chautauquas. The peraonncl of Vthe official capacity .for many yeara and la
quartet Is the Misses Lola H. Holcdmb counted one of the most brilliant women on
and Llona Merriner sopranos, Carolyn Mer- the board. She will also be remembered
rlner first alto and Vivian I. Holcomb as former president of the Association of
second alto. The young women sing most Collegiate Alumnae. She la a graduate of
charmingly and rendered several selection. Vassar college and one of the trustees of
Their repertoire consist of ballads, sacred that Institution.
song, with a number of Jubilee songs. The I Mrs. John Sherman of Chicago, present
other feature of the program waa J. rank- recording secretary of the General Fed
lln, an accomplished and versatile chalk- eratlon, Is another of the possible candl
talk artlat and Imperaonator and clay- dates. Mrs. Sherman I known the count
moulder, and Mr. Marie M. Caveny, olo- try over as a parliamentarian and has
1st and pianist, the two making a strong long been recognised a one of the most
nd attractive combination. brilliant women in the Illinois federation
A apeclal program will be given 8unday It I understood that Illinois will give her
with a lecture by Hon. W. T. Bundlck of its undivided support. Illinois always sends
Onancock, Va., as a lecturer In the fore- one or tne largest delegations to the bl-
noon and a sacred concert by the Kings' ennlal and this fact together with Mrs,
Daughters quartet ln the afternoon and Sherman wide popularity will make her
evening. Admission will be free to the a formidable candidate if she decides to
rounds Sunday, and the public Is extended run.
a cordial Invitation to be present to enjoy Little haa been said of the candidatea
both the morning, afternoon and evening for the other offices, although it Is cus
programs. ternary to retain some of the retiring
The ehautauoua will continue during the wnicer on me executive committee ln an-
entlre week closing with a special program capacity that the committee may
Sunday evening, June 28. The formal open- nv tne benefit or their experience and
Ina will take nlace Monday evening, with xamiiiariiy wun tne work
the opening addreaa by President B. F. mere nas oeen some mrormal talk or a
Klstler." at 8:00 o'clook. with greetings by board member from Nebraska. Nebraska
the superintendent at 8:16 and an entertain, nas never been represented on the board
ment by the Caveny company beginning nut once, Mrs. ranees M. Ford having
at g.M oren a memoer on tne rirst board. At the
An attractive program will be preaented Bt- Luis convention Mrs. Belle M. Stout
during the entire week with all the usual enborough wa elected to the board of
feature of the most approved chautau- uireciors, me recognition navlng been ln
qua movement ana wun exceptionally i w . omuienuor-
good talent. murnea irom toe convention to
move io mo i-acuic coast, nowever, sojnat
Apprallna to vou as an Dm. hi Kri
It r,c,vtc pr'd- to th rt advantage
?Lir..,pJ'1'1 of lysines, namely.
ruT ini J Vk your co-operation In the
cutting of weed, on all lota owned by you.
ur mat you tr
tb'lM.V.l''bl" funds to uh In cut ! f
1.?' nd,vihy ""I have to be out bv thl
fi?l ?. ?ulwic. but I feel sur
',,.50',,"ry only In a few .
'. ' mo real .tt, m, wln
ISS.'u rVo,a,i.n,rQ Un?toS
VSf i"rrur,V,? h cleaner
Please do not wait for tn i-a..,
tlue from tna mapector. You Hii
V" J be cut
when they get
time and expense, -aa th
j i much cheaper now thai
rV elder. '
V'ara Haot-haToa
t tha Lu-
-Several year alnce my lungs war .
Udly afXoted that I , had many hetaor.
rnages," write A. M. Ak of Wood. IrU.
T took treatment with sever l phyaiala.nj
without any benefit I then started to tak
Foley Honwy and Tar. and aay lung r
fcow a sound aa a puitat I rocommead
In advanca stage of lung trouble.
Toley' Honey and Tar atop tha eouga
aad heals tho lung, and prevents etioug
result front a said. Refuse substitute.
All druggist,
Py using th yarlotuf department of Th
Want Ad Page
t small (jytosa,
ou get aulck rsturns
Co.. M North Twenty-tourth street
RalDh Gramltch has gone to Madison
Wla.. where he will attend the summer
school ln tho Vnlveislty of Wisconsin
Officer Hrder round a small praye
book recently, evidently a little girl a pres
ent from her aunt. It I being kept at th
polios station. -
Th Wllllne Worker of the Chrltls
church give a dinner at the Methodist
church parlor Thursday evening. June &.
30 below aero Great refrigerating power
i-lear, deep water Minnesota lane ice
Cost about the aame laste longer. Broad
well, men i. oai company, jeiepnon? .
Mr. W. P. Mettlen entertained th
Rwaailka lodae of the woman's auxiltar
to the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
at a kenaington given last luesoay alter
The funeral of Sarah Armstrong was con
ducted yesterday afternoon oy tv
Wheeler at the parlors of
ev. k
the Western
Casket company. The body will pe seni to
th old home today for burial.
Th funeral Of John Milton Chalfon was
solemnised at tne periors ci
i r.l n v ritrnoon. Rev. M
Chase, pastor of th Ftret Baptist church
of Council Bluffs, officiating. The body
will bo taken to PreacoU. la., today
Aniith Omaha eamn No. til. Woodmen of
the World, will unveil the monument over
the grave of their deceased members In
Laurel Hill cemetery thl afternoon - Sov
ereign Coinmaodor J. C. Root will be the
orator. Beyraour camp wui !" "
u.. u..nM Kxta and Miss Hsset Blair
gave a theater r.rty at Ih Boyd thjtJ
Friday evening In honor of Mia Mabel
Chek. wboee marrlaga to Mr. Eugene
mold How will occur on June X The
paity waa made up of seventeen Intimate
girl friend of th bride-elect, a number
of whom are to assist at Iter wedding and
wcddina nmntmii After llM dUv a dainty
llw0-ittitf. luuu waa.jna t ui'ia
Nebraska P. E. O. Sisterhood Hold
Aaaaal Coateatlow at Red Clood
Methodist Missionary Society
to Meet In Omaha.
Mr. Philip Carpenter, president of the
New Tork Federation, lias announced her
Candidacy for the presidency of the Gen
eral Federation of Women's Clubs and so
will come prominently before the Boston
biennial this week. It will be remembered
that Mr. Carpenter was talked of by som
of the eastern delegations as a possible rlvsl
of Mrs. Decker for election at the St. Paul
biennial two years ago, but chances for
her election running against Mra. Decker
seemed so remote that she was not pub
licly announced as a candidate there. Her
supporters did announce, however, that she
would be pushed at Boston and they are
keeping their word. If has been whls-
that Massachusetts as-
second vice president of the General Fed
eration, would be the candidate. Being
the hostess organisation Massachusetts
would undoubtedly have superior advan
tages should it put up a candidate, but the
fact that It la hostess will probably pre-
DEAD Isbr,8k P"-0"181 nothing after all by her
Omaha Man Killed la Missouri
Mistaken at First for B. P.
t I luuaijr iturrrupiea oy storms
mat aeiayea trains ana Kept the delegates
In cyclone cellars all one afternoon, the
nnual convention of the P. E. O. Bister
Charles R. Blmmerman. a well known nra tioua. waa
Omaha barber, waa killed in Kingsvllle. " geiner protuao.e sess10n. About 128
Mo.. Saturday morning. Acting Chief of " irom me various cnapters of tho
Police Mostyn received a telegram from tatewere la attendance. Being a aecrel
Dr. B. A. Greaves of that town giving de- organisation, th sessions were of course
crlptlon of the man and later a tejegram not Pn to the public and the programs
waa received giving his .name. At first the P"riainea largely to tne immediate work
name of S. P. Howard waa given aa that me society, une ot tne features was
of the man. This was because that name round table, conducted by Mrs. Bertha
was found on the coat worn by the dead Clarke Hughes of South Omaha, on the
man. But later the. correct name waa ob- fraternal, social, religious and educational
talned. 8. P. Howard live ln Omaha and department of work. The following of fl
la the manager of the Weatern Art com- cere were elected for the coming year
pany and la very much alive. Prealdent, Mro. L. O. Jonea of Lincoln;
Slmmerman worked up until last Satura 3y vice president, Mrs. Myra L. Grimes of
night In the barber hop at 721 South Blu HU; econd vice prealdent. Mis Ella
Twenty-ninth avenue. After leaving there Cook of Red Cloud ; recording secretary
nothing wa heard of him until word cam Mra. E. C. Brltt of McCook; correspond
of hi death. He conducted th Murray lng secretary, Mr. Gertrude Thomaa of
hotel barbel shop for many ye!r and Seward; treaaurer. Mrs. Hattle Crearman
worked !r other part of the city. But for of Mlnden; state organiser. Mrs. Clara M
the last year and a half he haa been drink- WllsOn of Omaha. The office of state or
lng heavily. Thla continued to -such an gartlzer la one of the most important, a
extent that hi wife filed ult for dlvorc the Inspection of all chapter and the or.
last Monday In the district court charging ganlxatlon of new chapters falls upon It
cruelty ana orunnnnwi. i incumoent. Mra. Wilson, Just elected haa
He lived with his wife at 53S South served as president of the Omaha chanter
Twenty-iourtn avenue prior io me iiung oi
As Served in Leading Tea Rooms
With orange ice fairy sticks of filmy pastry filled with candied
cream. As dainty in appearance as they are delicious in taste.
Veronique" is the perfect pastry for serving with all sorts of
desserts at luncheons, functions or as an after-dinner delicacy.
Daintily packed in 25-cent tins.
Have you tried Clover Leafin 15c tins,
Philopena"The Almondt" in 25c tins
Perfettoin 10c and 25c tins
All Loose-Wiles Biscuit comply with Nebraska Pure Food Lay.
tor two years, being , succeeded at the
last election by Mrs. N. B. Updike.
Vlsltlna: Norses' Association.
The last month has been a busy tlmu
for tha Vlaltln Nurses' association, al
ii er divorce suit. At that time he said
he would get a room at the Murray hotel.
but Inquiry ahowed he had not been there.
They had been married about aeven year.
Mr. Blmmerman was an Omaha girl.
No arrangements have been made yet I though the number of patients waa not as
for th funeral. It has not been decided large a th association is frequently called
whether the body will be brought back to upon to car for. Thirty-five patients
Omaha. were cared for. necessitating Ml visits.
Several contagious cases necessitated the
aervlces of special nurses. There were
three death and two patienta were aent
to hospital. During the summer months
no regular meetings of the association will
be held, the work being carried on a.
uaual, however, under the direction of
I10 Mr. Adams, superintendent of nurses, and
I the board Af ritv-Aetorft Tt la n.Ak.ku w-
a special meeting of members will be
called soon to arrange for a summer en
tertainment for the benefit of the associa
Missionary Meeting;
Th annual council of the Women' Home
Methodist church of Nebraska will -be
held Friday, Saturday and Sunday of next
week at Trinity Methodlat church, Omaha.
Th program will be opened at 2:30 o'clock
Friday afternoon. A feature of tha meet
GOVERNOR HANLY PROSTRATED ,n wm eMlon devt,ed cnua i.bor
to d neia tsaturaay evening, at which
Indiana Bxeeatlve Overcome by Hoat Mrs. Draper Smith has been asked to
While Maklag Addreaa at preside. Rev. Frank L. Loveland will
Ottawa. Kaa. speak of "The Child and the Church." and
Judge Lee Estelle of the Douglaa county
OTTAWA. Kan.. June 20. Governor I Juvenile court will speak of "Child Labor."
Hanly of Indiana wa prostrated by heat I Th oclety Incorporated child labor into
while addressing th Ottawa Chautauqua Its regular course of study and work
here this afternoon. Governor Hanly was some time ago, and thl program is given
given medical attention ana assisted to nis in pursuance of that plan,
train. He started for horn tonight. Th
Special Excursion Fares Via Graad
Trssk Railway System
Sasnaaer 1809.
Chicago to
Montreal and return. .......v 120. 00
Quebec and return M 00
Temagaml and return
Portland and return
Old Orchard ami return 27.75
Boston and return 25.36
Corresponding fares to over on hundred
other place In Canada and New England.
Ticket good thirty (30) day. Liberal atop
over arrangement. St. Lawrence River
and Rapid Included at slightly higher
fare. Time table, descriptive literature,
etc., can ba obtained by mail from Geo. W
Vaux. A. Q. P. 4 T. A., 13& Adams St.,
A union meeting of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen lodge
ln Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, weetern
Iowa, northern Kansaa and Missouri will
be held In Omaha next week, beginning
Tuesday and continuing over Thursday.
The program:
Tuesday 8:) a. m., secret meeting In Ba
right hall. 8: p. m., public meeting In Mil
ler hall, when Grand Master Hannahan,
Vice Grand Master A. P. Kelly, Mayor J.
C. Dahlman, A. W. Jeffrlea and other
speakers will deliver addresses.
Wednesday Visitors will be shown about
the city during the forenoon. 2 p. m., secret
meeting in Barlght hall.
Thursday t'nion picnic at Lake Manawa,
at which addresses will be delivered by
Congressman G. M. Hitchcock, Grand
Master Hannahan and Robert Cowell.
Th nuhlio. and esneclallv organized la
bor and ita frlenda, are cordially Invited to(
attend the public meeting and tne picnic.
The local branchea of the order will mak
ait effort to aecure the International con
vention of the order for Omaha in 1910.
The order-haa 726 lodgea ln the United
States. Csnada and Mexico, with a mem
bership of 65,000.
Fortieth Pythian Anniversary.
The Knights of Pythiaa of Omaha are
making .elaborate arrangements for the cel
ebration of the fortieth annlveraary of th
organisation ' of Nebraska lodge No. 1,
which will take place November 23. Thla
lodge la the pioneer lodge of the weat.
having been the first locgt of Pythiana
organized weat of Pennsylvania. At th
recent meeting of the grand lodge of Ne
braska, that body took the Initiative In
this matter by constituting Its cljlef offi
cers a commute of arrangementa, with In
struction to invite the co-operation of all
lodgea of the order in the central weat.
The program la yet ln lte Inception, but
enough ia known to indicate lta elaborate
n and which promises to bring not less
than 10,000 members of the order to Omaha
to participate In the ceremonlee and at-,
tendant festivities. The famous "Dayton
Team," dlstlr-gulshed f-jr its high dramatic
talent ln the rendition of the ritual work
of the order, will confer the several ranka
and initiate upwarde of 1.000 new candi
datea. Assurances have been received of
th attendance of delegatlona of Pythlans
from sll quarters or tne country, i ne oiii
cers of the supreme and grand lodgea and
promlr-ent Pythiana from all parte of the
United Statea will attend and lend their
aaslstance ln making thl event a mot
notable one.
Fraternal Union of America.
Mondamln lodge No. " Ul will hold an
open meeting WednesdAy evening In Fra
ternity hall. The program promises to be
omething out of the ordinary.
Improved Order of Red Men.
Omaha tribe No. IS, at its semi-annual
election Wednesday evening, last '!Ct1
these officera: H. G. Myera, aachem: W.
M. Pardee, senior ssgamore; John fc-. Mag
lln. junior aagamore; W. G. Bbrlver and
H D. Hustead, trustees; Charlea L. Saun
dera and Will Febler, repreeentatlvee, and
E. W. Fielda and H. Lloyd, alternatea to
the state grsnd council; H. Ramser. keeper
of the paraphernalia. . .
Important adoption work next Wednes
day evening.
Ladlea of the Maccabees.
Gste City hive, No. 9. will meet In the
Redmen s hall, Continental block, the sec
ond Tuesday afternoon and the fourth
Tuesday evening of each month for the
Tribe of Ben Har.
State Manager B. F. Way, aaslsted by the
members of Mecca court. No. 13. Installed
the new officers last Monday evening of
Lew Wallace court No. 121. The nw
court starts out with a charter member
ship of sixty-five, which promises to be
inr m inn hv JulV l.
This court meets every Monday evening
In Continental block. A degree team la to
be organized next Monday night.
On June 29 a novel entertainment will be
glvn ln the way of a "Shoe Soalal.
Degree of Pocahontas.
Minnehaha Council No. 2 entertained It
friends snd members st a card party and
dance In Woodmen hall. Fifteenth and
Douglas streets. Saturday evening.
White Fawn Council No. 9. elected these
officers Tuesday evening: Mrs. Eva Mason,
Pocahontaa: Flora Schults, Winona; Ida
Price, propheteea; Fred Taskey. Powhat
tan. and Maud Heima, musician.
Thla council will give a progressive high
five social In Myrtle hall annex, Fifteenth
and Douglaa streets the evening of July 10
Ladle of the Graad Army.
Garfield Circle No. 11, will give a high
five ice cream aoclal in Barlght hall. Nine
teenth and Farnam atreeta next Friday
Gettysburg Circle No. 4$. will meet In
Barlght hall Monday evening.
Round Trip
Summer Mates
San FrancUcO, Los Angeles, Portland, Taconia, Seattle dally... 960.00
To include California and Puget Hound fTO.OO
To Yellowstone Park, rail, stage and hotel for five and one-halt dayg'
tour via Gardiner, dally $S4.0
Kail, stage and hotel for four and one-fourth days' tour, via scenic
Colorado and Yellowstone, dally 978.25
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, daily 17.0O
Salt Lake City and Ogden, dally f $3050
CUenwood Springs, Colo., daily ...937.50
Cody, Wyo ; 9S0.75
Sheridan, Wyo., dally 920.75
Deadwood and Lead, S. D., daily $18.75
Hot Springs, S. D., dally '. 913.75
XlicrniopoUg (Hot Springs), Wyo., dally.., .834.23
HOMESEEKERS RATES: To the Big Horn Baein, Billings, Mont, (Yellow
stone Valley), to North Platte Valley, Eastern Colorado, first and third
Tuesdays low excursion rates to assist landseekers.
The Burlington main lines to Colorado and Montana are desirable factors
ln any tour ot the west. Through trains to Denver, Seattle and Portland;
through standard and tourist sleepers to California via Scenlo Colorado and
Salt Lake City. v
To the Cast
Boston, Mass., and return, daily.
Buffalo, N. Y and rturn, daily.
Toronto, Ont., and return, daily
Quebec, Que., and return, daily .
governor ram her direct from th Chi
cago convention to address th Chautau
qua. He had almost finished hi remark,
when he waa taken HI and forced to atop.
W. R. Ward of Dyeraburg, lenn.. wntea:
"This Is to certify that I have used Orlno
Laxative Fruit Syrup for chrorJo constipa
tion, and It haa pro en, without a ioubt.
to be a thorough, practical remedy for this
trouble, and It I with pleasure I offer my
All druggists.
"Died of Pass
1 never written of tho who cur cough I conscientious reference.
and cold with Dr. King Mew Discovery
Guaranteed. SOc and tl.OO. For sal by
Beaton Drug Co.
Low Pare tut
PAUL RAILWAY. Thirty-day round trip
ticket on sale dally aftsr Juno 10 to many
point ln eastern Canada, weatern New
Tork and to New England points via
Montreal, and oa every Thursday, begin
ning June II. to New England point via
Albany or Rotterdam Junction. Complet
Information about fare, train service, etc.,
t City Ticket Office. U24 Farnam atreet.
or write F. A. Nash, General Western
it i 1
Mlad of a Martlaet.
A martinet," aald General F. D. Grant
a Memorial day banquet, "la generally a
"They tell a atory of a martinet of the
civil war, a captain. He got ordera from
hadquarter one day that hla men were to
change their undershirts.
" 'But. captain,' said a seigeant to wham
thl order was communicated, 'the men
only have one undershirt each.' I
'Th captain frowned. Then he ald:,
" 'No matter. Military commands must
be obeyed. Let them change undershirt
with acu other.' "New Tork Sun.
. 928.00
Rates to Hundreds of Other Eastern Destinations on Request.
Highest grade passenger trains to Chicago, Peoria and SL Louis.
Let me help you plan your trip the most attractive way at the least cost. '
J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent,
1502 Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb.
Telephone Douglas 8580.
Recipe for Old Aft,
A recipe for attaining a rip old g Is
given by Miss Ann Graham or Norwich,
Conn., with great appropriateness, for she
is the oldest woman in Connecticut, and
has Just celebrated her on hundred and
fifth birthday. Her maxim ia "do plenty of
hard work, go to bed early, conalder care
fully what you eat." The dally routine of
thla centenarian Is of Interest. Bhe rises
at t o'clock In the morntng. An hour later
she eata a hearty breakfast, then listens
to the reading of the New Testament by
her nurse, after which ahe takss a nap
for an hour. Bhe eata her moat substantial
mead at noon. Then ahe haa another nap.
and at t o'clock ahe partakea of toaat and
tea. An hour later ahe goea to bed and
sleep tha round of the clock. Mi Gra
ham' hearing and eyealght ar excellent.
and she U a most Interesting talker con
corning tho event of her long life.
lit Want, ABuflutM )9J& rx
CHICAGO and return - - - - $15.00
Daily June 12 to 17, return limit June 30.
ST. PAUL snd MIKHEAPOLIS. round trip $10.50
July 11, 12 and 13, return limit July 25.
Tourist Rates June 1st to Sept. 30th
ST. PAUL end MINNEAPOLIS and return $12.50
DULUTH and return 18.50
DEADWOOD and LEAD and return - 18.75
HOT SPRINGS. S. D., and return - - 15.75
THEtmOPQLIS (Hot Springs) Wyo,, and return 34.25
LANDER and return ..... 26.50
Favorable low rates to eastern cities and to mountain
and seashore resorts.
Electric lighted trains daily to Chicago and to Minneap
olis and St. Paul. Through trains with
Pullman sleeping cars to the Black Hills.
For rale and information, apply to
1401-1403 Farnam Street
Bee Want Ads .
Produce Results