11 REAL ESTATE LOANS fCcrctlnsedj Pa's Colts Better in the Mud Than the Sioux; New York Finally Stops White Sox aXWET RATES Pern la, Faster, Bio.-. ct4 - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. JUNE 18. xRTVATE 4 easier t,.ev W te UOa,- " loses t H Mint purpoee v". H. THOMAA. 4 1st Nat I Ban 3 -4H3 J"x alONET TO LOA.N-rM iBTwartment Oa. azr-n WAJtT KlV-OTty loan and warreata. W. F areata Smith Co.. 13B rimtn St. 2-443 WANTED TO BUY HWHBCT pncea for Id-hand fumtlnrm, ear pela. clothe and shoe. TeL Dourlas W71, . (A) U SKsTT twaee paH for l-hand f omttora. oar pete, siavao. eJothi-. shoes. Tel. Fad MuL "ANTEr-A eecon4-hnd Un-eyrI 14-tnch fan. Addreea. O-HK Bee Mf.20 la W"OULD like to buy a general merr-ha. dlse or grocery etor In a country tow. Stock abiuld not Invoice over ti.. Ad- dreea. Y-i. rare E-e. t"S M&4S 21 x WANTED-TO RENT WANTED TU RENT, y re to tfiw-room modern furnished hcmoa. Mum ba la rood nelg-h bor hood , will, take irnae. R'lerettce furnished (no children l. Address, stntlng terms, L UK Bm. a-Msn lx WANTED TO KENT-1 or S-ro-fn modern house. Tel. Harney SSL te-34 l WANTED SITUATIONS tXmltKCIU tnoT4.har: excolleat reference. Addrea "U." Omaha ijaa, Cousin feiet'a. q.-Ma. ELJDv8Lr sir.gle loan would like to work for private tam-Ily: can take cara f horse, -to a -lawn and nukt himself e-cnorally useful telei-ence. Addr A Win. car See. r-Mtsa ttx WANTED By July 1. position as city aaleoman with wholesale house. Address, A-euL -care .Baa. t.7r-MM ux REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS uss one Parker to Eexher Sutton, lot 4. block 4. Patrick a add ... Frank M Woodland, trustee, to Llta Pesrl ScMve. part Jot L block AS, Kountc Pko John A. Johnson and wife to aams.t part aarre Jo tin E. WeHaall and wife to aana, part aama 1.5K3 VfciHiam Ha mm atid wlTe to 'WiHarm O. Keefer. lota I and t, block L Bprtna Laka Fark John Pruae to Marret O. Ritchie. lot 17, Wick L Mom rub H arner Trk nd lfa ta Gumvf . Maertena. part lot I. block. 1, South CMnaha , - , John Bteet and wife to Theodore FarnaWy,' part I.4'j J. i. FllEceraid and mite to Margraret K. Ivtry. nt M, block 4, 1st add. to Fowler Flaca 1. lmperiiU Invetmmt Co. to Frederick J. Harrtartan, part lot 7. block a, lat aub af GrifTln A Bmljh'a adj ... LIS B"yd L. Rera and wlfa to Fr6e: Ick J. FarrlnfUin, lot 4. block i. aame 2JS Oeory w. Peytilon to National Fank of Cammarta. lot , Woc li. Onoana View m Caaeel Ralty Co. ta Antonle Bcfirltto. part kH n. KowtB td add TK X4iena flnrrin aa Aatnn Zaletika. part lot 17, block . Kauetaa U add WO Bvrdla Galnaa ta Henry Earhmia, part tot Mk. block a. Walnut Ht.l...., 30 Rama to aroe. lot 10. block ft. aame. . . &0 The Famele-v to John EteeJ. let 11. Andrew WiUtama A Troaeli a aub... LaM B&me to aame. lot 8. Luke A Temple- ton a add. X'OO ' Iaviri R. Archer and wile to Arthur H. DUlon part V14-U : I.4BJ w lHam FTtci to aame, part came... ,, Frederick J. Farrlreton and wife to Boyd L. Reea, lot 11. Keyatone Fark. 1 Benrr W. Tatea and wife lo Thomaa Klipatrlck. lor 1. block 7. Hlllaide ' add So. 1....... . j Xliaaaetlr 8. HftStnef to "'Otrrtruda '- ' Buchbolk, part lot 1L block a. Park Plaoe - 150 Srattlbera Savlnao Bank to Harry ReuoeB. iota J and XL, Hartmaa a add It.flO, Jamea H. onbnri and wtte t at. to Charlaa 8. Acnew. part lot 1L block L Mlllaid Plane 1,800 Rnaerra Real Estate Co. to Ptephen D. Bar. a a. lot Ht. Uock ). Weat ICnd. '. Sarry Oroaa and wlfa ta Frank Fhrrp- ahlra. lot 17. Omaha Building; aad Kavtna-a amociatloa add 4.000 F. i. Armatranc to Barah C Armatropr. 'lota 1 to It. VUca Place. 6.C50 Joha C. . Havejneyar and wife to Thoma Adama and wife, lot 12. block 3R. Orandrlew 150 Warwick auoare and wife to Annie ?uDiVr, lot L 4, &, block K. Omaha View 1.40J Vary O. Orotmak and haaband to Warwick p'aundera, aame 1,400 J. J. Lar.k and wlfa to Rdward M. Waltera. rrt lota ( and . clock a, Orchard HUl 1 d00 Ttotal . ..$71.90 GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONBTRt'CTlNa QI'ARTER master. Fort Leavenworth. Kansaa June 10, lla. Sealed propoaaia. la triplicate, will be reoelred here until JJ a. ra.. central time, June 10. 1Mb, and thou opened, for the eon. an ruction approaches and portloos for Great. Sherman and Sheridan haila al Fort Lavenwortn. Kanaaa. Full Information and blank forme of propoaal furnlabed aa aj-pllratlon te UJa offica Plane and apecl-fu-ationa may ta seen here, also in offices t cbWZ auartersnaat.er at Omaha and Den ver, and Secretary Master Builders ex change. Kanaaa City, ale. t'tutno States reserves the right to accept or reject anv or all propoaaia or any part thereof. En wiuima te be endorsed "Proposals for Ap-proat-l.ea and Portions and addressed te Captain Wm, D. iMvta. Uaartermaster. J-lft-U-lie-ia-U-U ? RAILWAY TIME CARD vsioy arATjwn -4tm asd marct la earn 4'arlSa Lear. Arrive. The Ovorland United.. a 0 U am a 40 pm Tne Colorado Kapreaa. .a l:W pia a I 00 pea Auantic Kxpreea alO.U aa iTba Oraaxn Expreae....a 4:lt pm a I eo pas The Loa Angeiea Lta. 1! 66 pm a I It pm The Fast AlaU -a ..' am a l.ti The Chrna A Japaa Man a 4 00 pm al Mpm Norxh Platte Local it.il am a 4 4t pm fV.)o.-CtiK aa-o Seclal...al2JJ am a T. aa Beatrice ettrosta- bora; Local bl!:S0 pm b l:4t pm 4. sleca lalama J . i . . - JtASI. Oilcaae limited .... a 0 sar ai::Ct pm leaaLrral '' am a 4: J pm la ItXM Paascnaer..a 4.04 pm ali.jw run aeaa ucar fcu.ae aut b lie Oiloag ttLaatera Ca,)-.a 4 pm a lui pm Vr-ftaf -J" - a a w pm tijtta n LIT. Rock Mountain Lta. ..all .a pm a 'riv Cvia. A Cat Aa pries... J 1 l pea a 4 A pm Om.i t Teaaa Aajrwas...a 4 im a l.U pm ABiloaeTw arttsmra i Chlcage Daylig-M .......a 1 :'M am all U pm Ik. Pau'auna. Axs.. a Let am aa0.i M LLlcac Lota: all.w am a J tua ,vji rty i-aasenger. .a Lt ant ll Ua CA.Kt Paeseetiger.,...a 4 pm a I 10 am ( klm toiHK'tal a 4. as pm a a -23 am St. Peul-Mtau. LUa....a 40 pm a 4 w am Los Aaxeis L!3u4 a t.M pm ail pm o arlana Limited eiu.av pm a am Yea Kail a I ii pm SkwS Cigr LeeeJ........ lim pm a Jtj am i win CMy iaaaieA -a a pa a am Nerfola-Houaairet a T a am a 4:30 pxa L-ucUD-Li'ua ptnc a 7 u am aiuHua Iede:4-Liucola a l pm at.Mpm Caaprr-Laneer a 1 pm a 4 ta) pm VIiLnsa-aperttir .....llwrn blMaa Kresseat-AllMea b 4 M pm b las pm k. r. 4 Bt 1. Kxp a 4:04 am a 4 44 am kC C A t- L. aUp U.U pm a 4A pax laicafSi M4leaAe m a A. rAaA m Chic. a -Colo Special.. .a I S4 am all M paa Cal A Ore. Aspreae. a 4 aa, a 1.24 pa Overna Lumiedy... a at pm ilAaa prrry Loc: 444 pm all4W am i teetiea Cbtoee Express a 7:11 am a 1 44 pea rt.s-eao lAmUed --. f 4 pxa alAaa Ai -it Paul Exp... b t U am ailna.-S-" Paal Lim .A l pm a 1 at am 'ekatM St. 1 -a 4-a pm a tau iita Cvaaal a tlaia aUJiaa tiaeceavrr Lcal ttroaa Canjwili tuIlaj 4: pm bA.14 am PA WINS OS WEI GROUNDS Three Scorn in SereaUi Cinches Game Almost Lost. SIOUX LEAD ntOX TEE FIRST r at Bearlai atf til Oaaae, War aa- bwt After That ere Hal da Omaha. I; W"M Ctty. t On tnntntr aufriced for Omaha r make enoug runt to win from Bious CHy Wednesday afternoon by the acore of I to 1. It an another eaaa where the gambler would have woa cm tha propaamon "that the winning team would rnaka more run in one inning tha the loaer would make In the entire game." Ducky Holmea and hit rejuvenated Sioux cans to Omaha on a rain cloud and con fidently whispered H around that they !- tended ta kep up tha winning atreak they bad darted on tha GrUallM at Sioux City. They aald they were bo reapectera af lead era or percentage -tabl, but Intended to put Omaha back a few bolea. Then- In tention waa rood, but their execution waa poor. Pa Rourka heard of tbeae dire threati which tad been made around ttie Mrrchanta hottl, where the Sioux alopped. and after a consultation with Captain Franck da died to aend tha veteran War Bandera ts the hilltop to atop the rush of the Riaux Pan d re took his point of vantage and headed off every ruen they made. Ducky started the first rnsti m the first round by making a hit. One waa out and Weed hit tha ball ta Franck. who had a apiendid cbanca ta anaka a double play, but Instead he muffed the grounder and both wera aafa. That . rve Jack Henry much encoura cement, ao he aoaked a hard one thraugh Bandera, letting; Ducky tret noma. That waa aU Floux City made In that Inning- or In any wining, a fast double Jlay ending the 'raroe. It wet Just the sort of double Franck had a chance to at art earlier ta tha Inning: bafor a run waa made. " ' -. .' Graaali la Bav4 Sat. For all the weather man admits it has rained about thirty da a out of the laat rncnth the rain haa Interfered with but ona game on tha home gTounda during- that time. Taceday it waa too wet to play and Wedneeday the grounds were In the worst ahape they have been thla year. Tblt did not rtop the fana who ventured ut In the face of threats of rain from arcing one of the good g-ames of the season. Sanders held the Eloux to four hits and did not Issue a pass or hit a man. VJt Kr.y did about as well for tlx innlnga, but In the seventh he waa bumped for four hits, two of which might have been prevented If the ground had beea dry. Two were bunts over the infielder'e head. Welch ran up an Beldem'a bunt, wluch west aafa Just over his head, the long third-aacker banr unable ts stop. Omaha made all lta run In the seventh Inning, the lucky aeventh. It had begun ta look aa though Bandera waa t lose another 1 to fame, aa McKay waa working strong and had a lead of one run. Franck opened the lnnlnc: with a elean asak and BeJdea pulled off that freak bunt over Welch'a facade Gondlng advanced them each a base by a well placed sacrifice and Sanders tied the -boots' with airt"o rig-nt field, drhingT Franck bom. Aaatka aacrtfloed him aelf ta aend Belden acroae the plate and King made It g-ood by hlttrng for three sacks, driving- Bandera home with the third run. Autrey had made three hits during the game and none had counted In the ran getting. He now had a chance to drive King home, but could only ground out from McKay to Severeid. ' After the first Inning- Bloux City got but tm-o men to first baa. The same teams thla afternoon. Tha a -ore: OMAHA. . AB. R. H. O. A. E. Austin. 5b t t 0 1 I 0 Klrx. "b 4 0,11 0 Autrey. lb 4 I 10 1 C Householder, If 4 0 1 2 0 It Welch, cf 4 4 0 4 0 Franck, as 4 1112 1 Beldea. rf 1 111 I RAILWAY TIME CARD c"u- Llee.a Ureal ta sMlts i St. Paul-Mlnneapolla..... 4 JO pm 7 :M am St. Paul-MJoneapalu .... 7 JO am 11 Jk pm itcaso i-uniiaa ewpm ej7 am Oilr-a" Lxpcoaa -- f As am 11 Jk uim tLita aa4ress lApu 4 tua tlkLIKCTeX ST TV at KASOV. arllaiartaav Laava. Axriva Derver California... a 4.10 pm a 144 pm NorUiweat Spaclai -a 4041 pm a 1.4a pm Black Hiiia .a 4.1 pai a 1:4a pm North weei Expreea ...-AU:4i p.a alt.lft pm Nebraaaa puiuls a 4:44 am a i ll pm Nebraska Eaproaa a Ut am a .l pm Llncola Fast Mali b 1:44 pm all .11 pat Laicoln Local . fc ix am Lincoln Local al0:tf put Lisoola Local :r'"- a 7 au pm bi l.uj ler - piattaraouth.D 1:9 pm but.w am BaUevue l'iaiiaiiovh.a 4:00 pin a IM am ptaiianseuth lea..b 4-14 am lelisvue Plattamoutb. b 1 JO pm (caver Limited .a 4:10 pm a T -at am Cbiuago special a am all:44 pm Chicago Expreea -a ju pm a XM pm Chicago lyar -a t JO pm a 4.1 am Iwaa Local a 4:14 am all : am t-t. Louis press ..a 4.44 pm all:lo am Kanaaa City A St. Joa.jLUi.ei pm a 4-ai am Kaaaaa Ctty A St Joa.a l am a 4-rn pm Aaoaas Ol A Sr. Joa 4.4a pai r.'UITAU BTi m tSTII A WESITEaV. ratal, Mleaeapella at St. Leave. Arriva Twin Ctty Paasnrger. b 4 A am b:Kpm Bloux City Pasaenger- a 44 pm al0.fcam Emersoa Local -a 444 am iM rm Mtaawarl Aabura Local ...b 150 pia bilJti a t-ally. b Dally except Sunday. Sua. day only, d taily except Saturday, a Dally except Mobdax. OCEAN STEAMERS Par east, at as sura ar aa tt pays ta iraeet aa toe FRENCH LINE J Ta PAKIS, thai Ctty Beetetlfet. Tnaartf-at tn sM uraa ataiat naeliaa B "ssj gw paa paSHieJP ejaa aJsai ajaeBisafsaai Ccxnptrnls CSndrsIs Tranaat'.antlqas i Ta rjia ia oars via Havre mm gigaatie tela aiiwupua aaii-a wot Tcuraciay a Aa ThM wamjr'm c4 euearra laveutiaua ka all the eua-earaGe aaa luxury of moat palaiial bate'ia ea a mora laarut ecac 1 a iii f ereatjr, rwij cmfa vnau.n tw. eieaant aulkm aad aiugie arrtiueata. cany areapaoer. orztieura. wiricaa itkiiMr. lasnoua cuiame ana evcy sol emies aaa cwup-: La fraMeoa ... Jaaa f La SeKacaa -Jalr at La irfrriak Ju'r I i La rmwaua JmI 4 La S miiaiaa lif k I La Twylatna ......Jwr at BATif rwserauoua eainiisjuiia rvr ossr m 4MMscreMS ka 4 trM aat sa -eieiy e kiur r a..a ..... m ua a. J a F V K M rinaa 81 W B xc ism Fima ex w bAWIifcON ------ u.I luua au 14114 aAaaJi STANDING CF THE TEAMS. WEST. LFA(?rK. AMER. W. U pet. Omaha M 9 tT Indlan'Ms Lincoln ! ii ,W4 Tolo . .. Ienver & S -i?7 lxu(avllle Plmil CltT. 94 .Kit Columtma AWN W L Pet. ... a a ... r tri ...mm tin M .1.1 I Moines. .3 U Minneapntla . Ti An Pueblo M J7B Mllvaukee .431 Kan. City... .Si M M St. Paal 14 fcl NAT LEACVE A11R. LEAGVK. W. L Pet. W. L. Pet. Chicaeo X 17 .u Chicaro Hi n S Pittahura; .... 3 . Cleveland ...a .M Clnolnnatl . M a .Mi St. Lsmis Z ?4 .M7 New Tork. 74 XX .1X1 Detroit .... a IS 4x New Tork. t J4 .6W .J4 ?7 .41 JI4 W .t2 . r 4r,-, .U U -Mi Phil Boston St. Louts Brooklyn ...2 ! .41 Phila ...21 t2 .4"7 Boston .... ...! U .W7 Waahlngrton OAMEf TODAT. Western Teaa-ie Sloax dry at Omaha. Denver at Dee Molne. Pueblo st Lincoln. National Lea rue Pittsburg at Brooklyn. Cincinnati at Philadelphia. ChlcAfo at New Tork. 81. Louis st Boston. American Leat-oe Washington at Detroit. Philadelphia at Cleveland. New Tork at St.. Loula. Boston at Chicago American Asaociatton Milwaukee at Lou isville, Kansaa City at lndlanapoUa. Oondlnc, e ! Bandera, p 111110 Totala so i r 10 1 eiorx ttt. AB. R. 11. O A. E. Campbell, If 4 0 1 ! S d HolroeA cf 4 1 1 " I Weed, rf 4 0 1 0 Henry. C 4 0 111 Andreas. b 1 1 4 0 Welch. Sb I 0 1 t 0 Severe-id. lb I 11 1 0 Granville, aa 4 1 f McKay, p I 1 v Totala ' & 1 4 34 11 0 Omaha Runa HWs Sioux City B'ina HKa n o . t o i 1 4 1 ..a... 1 0 0 0 0 01 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 44 hit: Klnr. Passed ball: Three-base Henry. Hit by pltrhed ball: By McKay. 1. Struck out: By Sandera. 1; by McKay, 1. Left on bases: Omaha, i; Sioux City, I. Double playa: Franck to King to Autrey. Henry to Severeid. Sacrifice hits: Austin. Oondlrp. .Stolen base:, Frsnck. Time: 1:1a. I roplrs: Brennan. Attendance, AKi. DUXVEH WELCOMES ICW PITCHER "ale Sob Reerwlt at Dee Metaes Hit Safely FWertee-a Tlaaea. DES MOINES. Ia.. June 17.-The rong-ed-for White Sox recruit. Andrew Neison, ap peared In Dea Moines today and pitched for the Booster. He got his. The ttris llea knocked his left handed rlantt t) everj- corner af the lot. Never Lbelese tha oonaeasue of opinion Is mat Dea Moines has a valuable man in Nelson and that be fore PA aeason ia over he will be among the top noeiera In the Western league. Skirts' Casaadv played a slar aame for the visitors, butting In at the wrong time with catchee and hitting rn clever fashion. Dwyer did the tall awaiting fcr the Boost ers Nlehoff made a graaoaiand atop of a ball which waa w hissing over third base. Chebck did well on ine slab. Soore: DES MOIKES. AB. R. H. O. 11 1 7 41 A. Andersnn. a 4 Nlehoff. lb Flournoy. If .... Dwyer, lb Dolan. ;t McLaughlin, rf Bader, ef D-xier, e Nelaon. p "Bomar Totala II DENVER. r u AB. R. H. O. A. E AB. 4 H O. A. K Waldrsn. ef .... eidan. If tTaseady, rf White, lb Irwin.-Jb ....... Zaluski'. e Leuterborn. 2b . Kinneally, aa ... Chebek. p Olmated live Totala ....17 10 14 17 10 Batted for Nelson In ninth. Climated ran for White. Dea Molsaa 1 444004440 Denver 110 114 4 110 Earned runa: Denver, L Two-base hlta: Zaluaky. Dwyer a. Dexter. Balk: Nelaon. Base on balls: Off Nelson, 1; oft Chebek 1 Double plays: Caaaady to White, Chebek to Laoterbom to White, Dwyer to Ander son to Dwyer. Wild pitch: Nelson. Struck out: By Nelson. 4: by Chebek, I Stolen base: Kinneally. Sacrifice hits: B-lden, Cassady. White, Irwin. Lsuterborn. Time: 1:00. Attendance, 450. UmDlres: Ford and Teager and Corbett. TAILED DER9 PI SH LIKSCOLJt BACK Timely Hlta Fallaw Jakaam' Bases . ea Balls. LINCOLN, June 17 Lincoln tost 4o Pueblo today. I to 2. because of inability to hat Fltsa-erald consecutively. The Green backer made more hits than the Indiana and played aa errorleea fielding game, but Puehlo'a hits came In bunches and they a-ere able te take advantage of the five hase on balls Johnson tendered . them. Lincoln's ta-o runs came In the fourth en hits by Gagnler and Davidson and Ho rrtever's error. Pueblo lied the eonre In the sixth. Smith singled and Patterson and Clark hit for doubles. The final run came In tne ninth as a result of a base on balls to Spencer, a sacrifire and Miller's double. Lincoln made tee hlta in the ninth, but the men died on baaea. The weather waa threatening and there waa a driaxle Murine part of the game. Score: LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O. A. E. H. 1 1 1 1 1 1 O. I t- Juoe, If Fox. 2b Gagnlor, as Fenkin. rf Thomas, lb Davidson, cf Pntehett. tb Ptrrsn. c Johnson, p Sullivan , Totals 14 7-24 PUEBLO. AB. R. 4 4 4 1 ::::rf I I 4 1 1 1 4 I 4 4 4 H. O. E. 2 Horrlever. Sa. Bmi'h. c Patterson. 2b.. Mattlck cf.... Clark, lb Spencer. If Corhan. as..... Miller, rf FitEtfersld. p.. Totsls 4 1 4 1 o 4 4 0 t 4 11 0 0 a 27 11 Bttted for Johnson la the ninth. Clark out, turned on third strike. Lincoln 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 02 Pueblo 44444104 f 1 Two-base htls: Patterson. Clark. Miller. Stolen bases: Gagriier. PVnlon i. Levid son. Patterson, bacrifiie hits: Thomaa. Corhan. Double play: Fox u Gagnier to Thomas. Struck out: By Johnson. 1; by Fiic-raid. 4- Ft rat base cm balia: Off Johnson, I: off Fltxgerald. 4. HH with E itched ball: By Johne.n, 1. Irft on bases, ancola. i; Pueblo, 7. Time: lua. Umpire: Ls-la Attenoanoa, 700. PA SECURES AX OTHER PITCH Kit the' Jsckasa af Pweble ta Jeta Ctaaaasttaas. After a conference Tueaday evening with Manager Palter eon of the Pueblo club Pa hourke eecured the servicea ttt Pitcher Ctiarlea Jackson for the balance of tb season, pueblo new has seven pile her en tLr pay roil and Jerksoa was disposed if owing lo tbe high salary ha waa ret-civ. u-g. By authoriti Jackson Is considered an A-l pitcher and wnl atrnrthen pas start of twirlera conaioerably. Sitauld tna ac-tlofl of Manager Patteraoa inee Willi tle appraral ef the owners f the Pueblo f ra nri..s tt is probable tnat Noaa will be tliSpoatid of. C re Iter's Hare aVeeteeL. LONDON. June 17 Richard Croker a Ri.oU'jia. a hk i is a favorue fur tee gold tup at A boo! tomorrow, was badly bealea in the race lor the biennial stakes at Aarot today. KhMora was not evea planed. Sue euuted a Imi favorite la ti.e betung at 4 te 4 against. W. H. Walker a While Eagle was first- Reins Claude. aoe by Lfid Hamtluaa was second, and C. T Puliiy's Ebtue Lad was thirA awvea horses ran. a 134 avus te order. Cik. at pant tm 44, MavCartLy-Wllaoa, IM fiaiuU MUl PIRATES TARE BOTH CASES PifUburg Kikei it Tov Out it Fire from Sottoa. K0SJTTJO C01TIXST OKX-SUJID la Afleraeea Laeal Team la t aatale ta Hit LaeSeld -with Mea ea Baees Waaraer Makea lie see Maa. BOSTON. Mass. feated Boston In mornlnx, 14 ta 4. June 17. Pittsburg fle a one-sided game this Scots : KTT4BVB0. B H OA t BOSTON BHD A a. IrhneAaft. ef Lamt. n .. SIS Beauauuit. at I ttt rl 4 1 1 I 1 11 Wsnr. Sft .. 4 1 X 4 4 Btea If . . At titihia. Ik. I I t 4 1 Kabten, aa . ftine. Ik .... 4 I 4 Hunnllia. STo. I WiiMB, rt....l 111 If nrbej It. .. 4 (htaw. r I 1 I I Ollall. c I ktaOooa. .... I I rrsMn. .. Twins. . ...! Totala 84 U al 11 I PtwtMr. s 1 Ocaaaak 1 i a Totals. ti 17 11 I Patted for Pfelffer In ninth. Pittsburg 14411114 4-J4 Boston 4 0 4 4 1 1 24 Two-base hits: Clerkev A.bbatlchlo. Home run: MoUann. Hita: Off FerpuBon In one and one-third Innings. 0: off Young In four and two-third Innings. 4; otf Pfetfler in three innings. 4. Sacrifice hits: Ball. Kane. Wilson. Hannlfan. Stolen bas-s: Clarke, Wacner. Iouble plays: Ahbatichio to Wagmer, Wag-ner to Ab liaUchio to Kane. Left on bases: Bos ton, .; PVitaburg, 4. First base on balls Off Ferguson. 4; oft Toung. 1; oft Pfeiffer. 4. First base on error: Pittsburg, 1. Struck out: By loune. I, by Pfeiffer, I: by MaddTT. 1. Wild pitch: Maddox. Time: 10. Umpires: Rudderham aud Enitlie. piitsburg made tt four out cf five by winning the afternoon came. 4 to 1 The locals could not hit Lellield with men on basvs snd timely hlttinp by Wagner and Wilson won for the visitors. Score: rrrTaBfHa. sorron B H 0 A K B H O A E. Thomaa. cf... 4 1 Paumoat. af 4 1 e Leaek. tk... til C Brnvna. rf... I Clarke. It ... 4 10 4 4 IHcOaBtt. lb . 4 t4ma. aa... 4 114 IBtM If I 1 J I 10 4. a Starr, , a a 1 I lnkiea. aa a .4 I 12 Haanltaa, lb. 4 , 4 I 1 Kitrber. tk... I . t I '1 POrakank. ... 1 . I S t I I Pnulte., p.... Kan. Ik... Wiieoe. rl .. FTielpm. LaittaiC, a. KelleT 1 Totals n 1 n 11 Liateaaa. .. 4 4 Totala 34 7 27 14 t Batted for Boultes In elg-hth. ritteburf 0 0 1 1 2 4 4 44 Loston 0 0 1 4 4 1 0 01 Two-base hit: Leach. Home runs: Dsh len. Wagner. Hit: Off Boultes in eight Ituilngs. 4; off Llndaman In one Inning. 1 Secriilce hit: Boultes. Stolen bace: Wil eow. Doable pleys: Wagner to Starr lo Kane 2). Left on bases: F.oston. 1: Pittsburg. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Ritchey Struck out: By Boultea. ; by Lelfieid. L Wild pitch: Leffleid. Time: 2KKi. L'm plrea: Emalte and Rudderham. Braoklra Scores thatoat. BROOKLTN. June 17 Brooklyn! bal tera drove Fromme out of the box In the second Inning today and thee caused Sal lee to be removed in the same period after five runs had been scored. Ksrger fin ished the game in excellent style. WUheira pitched masterly ball for the locala Score: BKOOKLTN. BT. LOllS. SH.OAE. H O. A X Sorrk. rf Ill SMarray. I I' barrr. rf I 1114 1111 14 1 4 1 14 I 4 Iu-lehaaty, If I ' Konetchr. Ik 4 1 prm tb 4 0 Hoatener. e. . 4 f O'ltourka. aa. J KM I herl. Ik... I iPnDUBa. a I Maloney, cf. I 11 Joroaa, lb. Fheehaa Ik.. I 4 11 Lewt. aa 4 1 1 Derraa, c. . ... I 1 I 1 Wtihaim. .. 1114 Totals rt t Zt II i Krir. I Totala I 4 t4 11 4 St Loui 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 04 Brooklyn t) 4 4 4 0 0 4 S Two-bas hit:' Lewli."' Three-base hit: Bergen. Hits: Off Fromme. 4 In one and one-third innings; off Bailee. 7 m one and one-third innings; off Karger. 4 In six and one-third Innings. Sacrifice hits: Barry, Psttee. Stolen base: Murray. Double play: Fromme to Konetchy. Left on bases: Brooklyn, I: St. Louis. 4. Bases on balls: Off Fromme, 1; of Baiiee. 2: off Karger. I; off Wllbelm. 2. Bases on Error: St. Loula. 1. -Hit with pitched ball: By Bailee, 1. Struck out: By Fromme. l; by Karft-r. 1; by WUhalm, t Time; 136. Umpire: O Day. , Cabe Bat Out Vletery. PHTLADELPHIA. June 17. Chicago won the deciaive came of the aetiee with Phil adelphia today by timely hitting. Soore: CHICAQO. FHtLASETLPBlA. B H.O A B. B H O A I Caen, lb I I 2 lOraat. Ik I I 1 1 4 H of maa. cf 1 Knake. lb I I 1 Sebaite, rf rhenoa, lk. .. I Blslafaiat. tk I liasla. If I Kiiti. e 4 Tiaaer, aa 4 1 4 7110. rt I 1 2 4 It 2 4 Massa. If I 1 4 I I 1111 B-waaf talA lk 4 1 14 0 14 1 VOaborae. ef... I I I 111 eDoolta. BS....4 4141 111 Dosla. c 4 1 4 I III tCornooti. .! 410 Praaar, I MrOolllla. .. 1 1 1 Total II I 27 14 2M('umiick .114 uvunarr ... 1 4 Total tt 4 17 11 1 Batted Vr Corrtdon In aeventh. batted for M&Qiiiiin In ninth. Chicag-o 1 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4V-1 Philadelphia 4 4 0 1 4 4 1 4 0-2 Hits: Off Corrtdon. 4 In seven Innings; off Mrduillln. 1 la two luiinaa Three-base hit: Sleinfeldt. Sacrifice hlta: Hofmarv! bteinfeldt, Siaarle, Jiagee fTi. stolen base. Chance. Tinker. Magoe. Branafield. Oa btirt. Left on bee-: Chicago, i: Phila delphia. L Struck out: By Fraser. 2; by Coiilutin, 2. by McQulIlin, 2. Bases on er rors: Chlcat-o, 2; Philadelphia. 2. Bases on balls: Off Fraser. 2: off Corrldon. 1. Hit with pitched bsll: By Corrldon. 2. Wild pitch: Corrldon. Time: 1-.S2. Umpire: Klem. GAMES 1 THE AMERICA I.E1GIE Hlgrblaaders Wla Ef tmt a aad Baaee aa Balls. CHICAGO. June 17 New Tork broke Chicago a winning tire today, defeating tha leaders. I to 1 Manuel held the visit ors to two hlta, but baaea on balls and errors anade up for thla Manning waa batted out of ths box In the s'lxth. The game wss watched by tbs Blaine club of Cincinnati. Mr. and Mre. Nicholas Long worth and nheT convention visit ora Score: KtWiTOHI CHICAGO B H O A B BO A C Kllaa. 4 t I 1 rxtigortr. B I I I li.aiiihlil. at. 4 1 4 4 Jam. cl I 1 I I Keaiar, rf . .. . I I 1 Chaa. lb ... I 15 ball. a 114 M'.alil, If I 4 1 Cenray, Bk ... It Itlalr. c Ill Manning. IIS jTbMDra, p I 4 I 4 Ata. lb X 4 SAbdecaoa. rf. 4 4 t-Msit,a. lk.. 1 IPunrll, lb ... 4 Iwa. aa I Ta-hlll. aa-k4 Ittltivan, ! kas - rflafiaail, p. . n 2 r 14 itiaLs .... Teula Totala .11 4 27 II I Batted for Sullivan la ninth. Batted for Manuel In ninth. Chicago 4 4 0 4 4 t 4) 4 42 New York 4 1 4 ! 4 4 2 04 Hlta: Off Manning in five innlnga. I: off Chesbre In three and two-thirds In nings. 1 Sacrifice hlia: Jooee Stahl. Cr.aae. Stolen baees: Conroy 2l. Ball. Donohue, Dougherty 2t. Jones. Stshl. Left on bases: New Tork, 4: Chicago. First base on ba!!: Off Manuel, b. off Mae- ning, 1: cff 'Chesbro. 1 Hit by pitched By Manuel, 1; by Manning. 1. Struck vui. x v ainDucu, - ar ainnti, z rwaeeo ball: Sullivan. Time: 2.10. Umpires: Hurst and Bvane Isrtralt Baaehea Hlta. DETROIT. June 17 Detroit did not get a aafe hit off Direct until ths s!nh. Thtn. with two out, two base were filled aa two paaaes sad an error. Cot singled and Jona tripled and enough runa w im which te win resulted. Swore : UETAOIT railAJELHIA. I I O 4 I h B O A B BVelstr-a. tf.. I Hartaa4. B ... tie fx-naetar. aa I 4 I IMrtut aa... I I 4 4 Oaatarn. U I III I I Pmilh, c 4 I I I 1 Cobk. rf 4 110 atwvla. lk 4 2 U I 4 Jena, ef 4 II MurTtv 2k t 4 4 rt-Mia. Bill I J ri.inn. Ik I 1 1 aeamntt, ... t 4 OWE Ooinoa. ef I 4 4 Xi.illw. tk... 11 f oa. TI .4 4 11 tisnsana. p ... I I t 1 Praan. p I 1 Totals at III I I Toiaia U IMU I Detroit 44444444 4 Philadelphia 1 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 43 Twavbeae hit: X)avl. Three-baa hit: Jones. Hortarl. Sacrifice hue: Srhaefer. NloWia Sioiea aaa: Hart set. Iiouble paays cVaaefer . eVwarford Loft ob l-eea: De-trail, 4: ParlaaWlpfLla, L Fleet ba-e on tialle: Off Donovan. 2: off Dr A aociack. akLau t iajtiova. -I. 1 Dyyert. (. TUne: 1J4. fmplre: O Loug-h-lin. ?ew Tark sVlae tteth tamea. NEW TORK. June 17.-The local Ns ttci.al learue team made It three straight by defeating- Ctnclnnstl In both games of a double-header today. The score, first rune rnccivNA-rt rw roan H O T UNO At Knaataa. Tt Kim. d .... luebK't. IT . . Xltraell. If. Oanael. Ik . MrUm. e .. raefcen rf JHuiewm, m. CmIitt, p.. 4 114 fTetiMT. t... 4 t I 1 ICwM tk 1 SeriSMir. et.. t 1 'Ixniiia, r! .. S in MieTiin.k 4 tlhuDM, M . 4 4 NdhaiR. c . I I 111 4 t fatal hevaim. l Tntala 5J 7 14 14 1 Totala 27 111 nnclnnstl 4 0 4 4 41 4 41 New York . 1 0 4 4 4 I Two-base hits: Heraog. Mitchell. Tr.ree beee hit: Paekert Sacrifice hit: OanaeL Ix.cMe plays: Hulswitt to HurgnAa to Gansel. Ksne to Osnael Left on bases: New Tork, : Cincinnati 7. First base on balls: Off Coakley. 2 First base cn errors: New Tork. 1; Cincinnati. 1. Hit by pltrhed ball: By Mathewson, 1. Struck out: By Mathewson, 7. Time: 1.10. I'm llres: Pigler and Johnstone. Score, second game: rtne Tone nsnvsATi. B H O A r B H O II Tanner, lb... I f Rasclna. tk.. 4 t 1 Kan, ef 4 reie. fh seraioar, c,I . Iotiltn. rf ... T't-rlln Sb .. Shannna, It., flevdham. a.. Heraoa. aa aicQinnltj. p FLobert. lb .. i 4 Wllfhell. If ... 4 1 1 Gati4. Ik . t t klrUean. e ... I 1 4Pakr-l. rf ... 4 1 Ptiiavitt, aa . I I 4Wetmer, y ... 4 Totala U V it I Totala . ... I 1 Si 14 1 Cincinnati 000l 414 02 New Tork 12441404 4 Sacrifice hit: Bevmour. Stolen bases- Hussrlrta. Kane fit. Paskert. Left on base: New Tork. : Cincinnati. 10. First base cm baila: Off McGinntty, 1: off Weimer. 2. First base on errors: New Tork, 1: Cin cinnati. 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Mc- Ginnity. L Struck oul: By MKiinnlty, by Weimer. 2 Time: 1 45. Vmplres: Klglrr and Johnstone. Kisa hat Oat Seaatare. CLEVELAND. June 17 Cleveland made It three out of four from Washington teday. winning 2 to 0. Cleveland made only ta-o hits asainet six for w aahlnrton. but naa the luck. In the eecond Hinchman s triple aith two out was followed by Freeman s error. In the fifth Freeman a error, in basses and J. Clarke't fiy scored another. Score : CUtVkLAVri. trABHINOTON. B H 0 A I 14 0 At J Clarka. U . I fatllaa. ef 4 I KraOar, Ik.. 1 1 1 Gattlev. If .4 1 14 Suiirall. Ik... 4 111 0 Oelehantr. tk I I 1 Lajela. Hi I 4 t Mrkerina. rt. I I I ? L'larka. .. I t 4 OAltlaar, Ik... 4 4 4 4 Htnrhmaa, aa I 1 t I 0 Warner, a 4 I I 2 Himan, rt . t I I C PTeewaa. lb. 4 4 I I I bira fcaav, ef I 4 i r MrBrltta. aa.. I 1 4 1 Joss. 1 4 14 OCataa. m I 114 Bum, a-.. I 4 4 4 Totala ., t 1 27 IS I Huahsa. . 114 4 4 Clyaiar .. . 1 4 4 4 Totala 14 IHU I 'Batted for McBrlde In ninth. Cleveland 0 1 4 0 1 t) Washington 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 0-4 Hits: Off Cates, 1 in four snd a third Inrtrisa Base on errors: Cleveland. 2; Wsshlnglon. 1. Three-bsse hlta: Hlichman. Huphe. Sacrifice hits: Birmlnrham, J. Clara-e. Stolen bsse: Ganley. Double play: Hinchman to Lnjole to StovalL Base on balls: Off Joss. 1; off Catea, 2; o'f Hughe. 2. Left on bases: Cleveland, t; WssMnarton. Struck out: Ey Joss. 4; by Cates, 1 Time: l.SL Umpire: Egan. GAMES 1W AMERICA ASSOCIATION Telede Shats Oat St. PaaL Maktac Owe Raw am Twelve Hlta. TOLEDO. June 17 Toledo won the clos ing gam cf the series from St. Paul thla afternoon, getting to Leroy for a double and two singles In the first Inning. Score: TOLEDO. gT. PAlt. BHO.lt BHOA.E. Birnaaa. W..4 4 I 1 4feleT. If I 1 I Hlekmaa. 2b. 4 t I I 1' Flood, lb I I 14 Arm auir. til 1 1 til Merer, rf I I t I Sainat. et 14 1 4Ivla. cf I Land, t I I I I 4J. Merer. C.I Xnpktna. If... I IIS ONoonao. lb... I MrCartay. Ik. I I 4 t ya. a,... I Uavr, lk.... I 1 I tTlein.Mif. I . I West, p I 1 I 1 4 LeroT. I Cebrlat .... 1 1 4 Total tt 1117 14 4 Totala M I M M 1 Batted for Leroy In the ninth. Toledo 1 0 0 0 0 1 St- Paul 9 440000004 Tso-lr.se hits: Armbruster. Lend. Three bsse nil. Hinchmsn. I-eft on bases: To ledo. ; St Paul. 1. Iiouble play: Mc Carthy to Hinchman to lister (2), Tlemyer to Flood to Noonan. First base on balls: Off West. 4. Sacrifice hit: Armbrusier. Stolen bases: Armbruster, Land. Struck out: By West. 6; by Leroy, L Time: l:i. Umpire: Hayes. HMslers Wla la Teath. INDIANAPOLIS. June 17 Bush' home run hit in th tenth grave Indianapolis the game today. Score: I.VD1AXAP0US. KANSAS CTTT. BHO.AB BH.OAB. Buah, aa.. 14 14 1 Herein, ef ..I 2 14 4 114 Carllaia. It .11 1 1114 IKnlst.bor. rf I 1 1 la I 1 It I V llraabaar. lb. I I) 1 4 4 1 1 Heckler, lb.. 4 I 14 4 4 4 4 1 IC-roaa. aa I 1 1 I I fk, cf 4 Hard", rf .. I Carr. lb 4 Coulter, If.... 4 Hoeler. e. .. 4 Wiuiaaa. Ik. 4 Hooka, lb ... 4 Buhaaka. I Mar-quart. . . 1 14 Itmmw. Ik. ..all II 111 Cf-ulllvan. c...l 1714 114 1 Carter. 4 14 11 IWooO, p. I 4 1 I Total 17 10 10 II I Toula at l2t II 1 One out wbua winning run waa made. Indlanspolla ... 112044140 1 7 Kama City 4411442244-4. Hits: Off Carter. 4 In two and one-third Innings: off Wood, 4 In seven and iwo thlrda Inntnrs; off Eubanka, f In elrht ln- ni.-ig; off Marquard. 1 tn two innings. Strurk out: By Kubaiik. 2; by Wood. 7; bv Marauard. L Wild pitches: Carter. Mar q'ufcrd. WikiI. First base on ba'l: Off 1: u bank a. 4; off Marquard. T. Two-b bits: Bush. Kerwln. Three-base h!t: ( Haydcn. Brsehear. Home run: Bush. Double plavs: Brashear to Berkley, Sulll vsn lo Ctohi to Down!-. Hofke to Bush to Carr. Stulen bases: Bush, Hopke. Cross. Sacrifice hit: Csrtcr. Passed bsll: Sulli van. Tlroe i 2:li Umpire: Owens, Tie Game at Celasnbwa. COLl'MBl'S. June 17. Graney. r'tchlrig hia firt game la ihe American associstlon after being secured Tuesday from Cleve land put Colurr bus ahead in the aeeond Inning with a two-base hit. His wiidnir waa not tvjetlv until after two were out tn the ninth. Then ha faseed Buelow. who msde the tvlng run on hits by Block snd tiuiliin. In tbe tenth O'Neill reached third, with anti out. but could not be scored. Manager Cantillon sod First Baseman Clarke of Minneapolis were sent off the fluid. Score : COUMBVI. atTKKLAPOUg B H O I I. H.O.A E Kruser. If ... i 4 14 Or 1st. a ...111 Oevsll. t . e 4 weiasr. H. ... a a 4 2 4 1 0 'Neil, cf ..41144 14 1 IFnamu, rt . 4 1 4 4 i l l lemita. b i l l ' 7 1 4 Plena. S 1 I 4 1110 Brian, tb... 4 1 1 I II Clark, lb I 114 111 lBuelue. lb... 4 7 4 Coiiskliau, rf. 4 Kihot. lk I Prlei. tb t Kaldr. 4 Pibl. c I Wricier. lb.. 4 Crtirj. .... 4 Biork. c 4 1 4 1 1 II I le 12 IOdstUB, ... I 1 4 I I Tata la. uunlia. lk... l 1 e Total It I to 10 1 Columbus "0 1 4 0 0 4 4 4 it 0- 1 Minneanolia 44444440141 Called to allow both team to catch train. Stolen base: Kirm. yulllin. Sacrifice, hits: Confalton, FYieL Two-base hit. Grsney. Ixuble plays: Reiuy to Kihm. Fohl ia Pj-ldy- Hit with pitched bell: By Fiene 1. Struck out: By Graney, I; by Oberlln. : by Ftene. 1. Hit: Off Oberl.n. 4 in eirht Innings: off Fiene, 1 in two io-nin-s. Time: i.ii. Umpire: Kana Dtatlllera Pile I g Bl beetra. LOUISVILLE June 17-Louirille won the last game of the aeries wi:h Milws'Jk-e In the first Wining- todsy by batting fAc mel berg for six runs. Durham s al driea caused him to be removed. Adarrs taking his place. Adams checked tbe vlnors and allowed but two hits tbereailer. Hughe i oul two heme runs each tl VT' milwai n . UH lvB t BtlLWAl home runs each tlie ana 'it EE i H O A E. t'anier. dill Wauaruff. At I I Bobinaon. aa 4 1 4 I 4 MnCilrrar. It I 1 I I I 4 t kailna ef ... 4 1 4 4 I RauAall. tf .. 4 I 1 4 t herllle. r .. I I 4 1 ekv-CoraVk. k I 1 114 2 r,rk. tk .... 1411 Potim. Ik... I I 1 tlovall. rf . foUlrau. lb bark, lb . Cutaiaa. rlhsue. .. Iiurkam. p -. Aoaaia. p... Laiajaiia 4 t 1 4 I 14 4 11 4 4 1 III II 11 1 i brusa. lk .. . 4 1 I I I l a Bt'SksiiMrt. a I v . Mfcaauer - 1 4 4 1 t i Total I mil Totala . ... II II r 11 Batted for Bchneiberg tn the ninth. Louiavui 4 1 4 4 1 4 4 4 14 MtiwBMfcee 4 110e44- Stolen baaee: SlovaTL, Woodruff (Tl. Sae rlflio hit: perrtaa. Tare-bee hue: MoCr-mk-k. Woodruff. Tbree-ls h't: Brown, latin Homo rara: Heabea li Struck eut: By Durham, 1; by Sctinetherr 2: by Adama. A La va fcaJ. Cat AdaJLA L Wild pitch: eVhee'beec Passed ball! Hushes. H'ts: Off Durham. I In eee and a tMrd rnnlnrs: eff Aflame. 1 In seven sad two-ihirrt tmou.sa Left on base: Ljuj vflie. a; Mi)ike. 4 Tine: 1 40. frr.rlres: Kerln and bwrbalier. Great Prtefelaai by Faarate. CAMBRIDGE. Neh.. June 17 l.peclal 1 amhrtaae eWfeated McCook here yes terday bv a sewre of to 4 This u the fourth aame with McCook thla season and each baa waa tan games The f'.fth game will be played here lomorrew. ahic o prom Is te e VI: most exrlting battle wit nessed here. A snerlal train will be run from McCook. One of the feature of Ue Prr-e tort a v waa the effective eork of uyata. rw fawned eighteen men. Rat teries: Crmhriere, Fujrate and Roheer; McCook. Bevnoida, Elliot and Co.eman. Hlta: Cambrlda-e, 4; McCook. t Struk O'tt- By Fugata, II; by Reynolds, 1; by Elliott, t Pistol Trywat far fl resale. NEW TORK. June 17 Th final troy outt for the selection of an American pitoi and revolver team ahlch will com- f't In the Olympic game at Biley. Eng. and were benciuded today at Oea Girt, N. I. Six men shot, feur of whom quali fied, as follows: Dr. Caulklns. Springfield. Mass . with a core cf 1.441; J tletx. New Tork. l.4; J E. Oorman. Pan FraDcisco. l.iSS; Dr. R. H. eyre. New Tork, 1 141 The contests were at fifty yard In the open air. The team aalla next Saturday on tha tteamer I'mbrta. Aserriraa tie tries Itejeeted. WASHINGTON. June IT -The Olymplr oommlttee st London haa finally rejected the Amerlf-an eatrte for the International rifle snatfbee be held thts yeer. socord Ing to a distaAvh received todaj bv General J a me A Dm'h. the president of the Na tional 'AaeorastloB ef A merit a to whom tha names of the entrlea wera submitted The entrlea for the matches were alleged to be defective In some respecta. R art ear Pars a Retseel, NEW TORK, June 17 The Coney Island Jockey club, which oonducts tha meeting st Sheeyieaa Bay. gave cut the following announcement today: "The Coney Island Jockey elub greatly regrets being obliged to reduce added snonev K per cent for ail unclosed races at the corerng June meeting. Th rrogram for etake race will not be changed and ihe added money In these events will not be' reduced. Omaha twraere Da Gaol Werai. The Sout4ieide Turn v rein of Omaha won eighte prises at the turnfest In Ft. Joseph June. It, 14 ana 1&. annul them first c as pr'se and se en lndrvirtual firsts snd three second Tbs class consisted of the follow, lng membwra; U Bolrtt, O. Nast, W. Hum. pert. C.-Xxmh. C Wtearer, A. B-hnelder. Chsrle Riee. Herman Heting, Walter Voss and George Pisglrdine. Joba Reals Aetata ta Ferra. NEW TORK. June 17. The veteran Inns, dial knee. w rtcer. anarrer and all-round athlete, John- Ennla. la planning a long Walk ac.roaa the continent. Although 41 years of age. he believes the visor of for mer daya ha not departed and that he ran yet hold tile oww jn an anduranoa con test ot any sort. Rail Gaaaea a Part Omaha. A bunch of lively base ball psme are echeduled or Fort Omnhi the afternoona cf Jurre 17. 20. a and 2T. The contestant will be 1 be two Fort. Omaha team, with one or tl teams from he northern part rf the-etty.Tb games will he played on the athletic field st the fort, game being called at I o clock each afternoon. . Midway Play at Talssaate. The Midway base bell team, under the management of Charlea W South. 1114 Dougiaa street, will play at Talmare, Neh.. July A- This team has gained considerable local tame and Mr. SouUi haa been lta manager continuoualy. israal Ceres Defeat Imperials. Th i-nal Corpe ahut out th Imperials an tbe Fort Omaha grounds yesterday aft ernoon by the score, a to 0. Batterle: P1. nal Con. Caa and Halbe; lmparlaia, W 11 lla ma and Zchle- D la anew d aat. Jack Sheridan says Pitcher Plank of the Athletic wsr.ls more from an umpire than most prtcbara, - -- - ; Well, we are gnlng'to hope Just the sarcey that George Graham will be back In the game awrpe day, better than ever. Wflh'AUTrey, Ragan, Welch and possibly Austin gone to faatrr -company next year. Omaha will ba up againat the recruiting Job again. Mugy" M"cGee, the. champion batter of tha Fort Omaha team. 1 batting .4 d far this aeason, and Stirrer la eecond with a percentage of .SM. Touiig.Mr. Quillin la doing right well, playing on the bench for Mlnneapolia That'a th result of head-atrongneas coupled with over-eelf-eettmatlon. Omaha will welcome another pitcher to Pa Rourkc a Staff and if Charley Jackson proves to be a winner local fsns will cele brate fer htm. Noah certainly haa proved a disappointment, but per ha pa with addi tion, training ha anay make a great pit cher some day. STEAMER LEAVES PASSENGERS Lew , ttttraie Rates C s wae Raah ta tvwrepe that 1.1 ae te I aable - ta Handle. NEW 'TORK.- Juno li-More than Louo Iteraoas holding ateerag-e tickets for KTurcpean p6rtt wera left behind by the tteatser Fotadam when It aalled today with.- Ha ateeraaje quarters filled to their capacity- -of 2.000. The thousand who were unable 70 find acecTnmodations on tits ship were assured tTiat they would be taken pa tha. next outg-olng steamer, but many of them naade- determined efforts to gef cai board The fotadam. They were held la jtihack, however, by a large force of palloemea who had been aummoned to tha pier. Ttie great homeward rush of foreigner 1 believed, try -Tie ltrjrely due to the ex tretrasJy low rates, now offered for east ward boand tera-e paaaencer. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES FTaod readlllaae la Seat b west later " fere "with . the Marketlaa; f Hex. CINCINNATI.', Jure 17. (Sjclal Tele gram.) Price Current says: The marketing of bnTB haa-(alien abort of laat week and last year. Ixrgrry due to flood condition at Kansas City. The total western packing was 44.000, compared with tX.0(O ths pre cedtus week and tet.Ouo last year. Blnce March 1 the total Is '.SsO.OQO. as against I.STk.Otw a year, ago, Promluent place com pare aa follow: . lwtr 1.70 ono l.reveno 7o.tm 175.( ! ( em. am r.i.nM IMC, X ! r im tvi mu.i" ? 0 41 2U.0B Chiraew 1 A knee a City l.owi.cnin South Omaha...., t'.i St. Lout .'...... Ki.om St Joseph Itidianapolla .. 4hu.mo Muwawkee .. Kl.tCw Cincinnati .... 1M i Otfiimwa l"3re Cedar Baplda. 14T i SlltX OtV. , xk4l rt Paul :'".i Cleveland tlluflO FIRE RECORD. Isnweelon Hotel I PETOSKET. Mich. June 17 Fir of u kaowa tirm Jtat night totally destroyed the 1st per il hotel, valued at tl20.0u0. The Imperiel wst a summer hotel and had not yet beea opened for tne aeasoa. Tha only occupants were, th caretakera. Faaaeer' Lnay al 1 ITHACA. N. Y . Juae 17 More than 1 ft Cornell aluagci are an tbe ei.i tudar to help celebrat ttie fortieth afinieereiry ef the foundinai of tbe anivwreMy. A ajetarral maaa meettnS waa hold aa t:e quadrandle Ahia feiauoa. . Tin aiumnl W dy waa ad dressed by the flrvt president of C-ra-l; vntverarity. Andrew D. Wnlte. former em bassador ta Oat many aad Russia ; Juda Frank H. - BUeeock And Prweiocat J . Q Schursrain. . COLD LADY WINS HANDICAP Second Cloice titily Tthei lUxY borcBxh Stain. nrxxrrra state is thebu .N4" Urates at Betttaa; Emyleyed by Pereeas Kaew a ta Each Other PaUre Are aa Head. NEW TORK, Juae 17.-Oo s Aeavy track Gold Iidy. second cbolve, easily w-on th Marlboreugh band leap at s mil snd a sixteenfn at Oreeimend today, defeating a good field. Home Aatakn and Half Sover eign ran head and head to the far turn, wtiere Gold Lady tntved up and tsok the lead and Increased It to six lengths st the end. Home Again fkuehed twienx;ths to front cf the Isvorlte. Runauig Water, which was third. S mon Pure won the Kensington steeplechase easily from a rood field Tb attendance was about ij. The usual number of . police was on hand la see that the new anti-betting law was cbeerved. but they had nothing to do. Whet wagering took place waa between persons known to eseh oilier aad under the Tiod-' system. Summary : First race. 2-year-oids. selling, stn.ut tlx furkmgw: Cheoontue rs. K. Itigan. 4 tt ii won. High Rsnge'tW-. Shreee. H' to V. second. Tod OM. Garner. 10 to 1 third Time: 1.12V Roe fcwumf t. Right Sort, Voodoo. Yankee Tourist. Wets-re. Moorish King. Home Run. Land Warfidd. ir. Pil low. Taboo. Ruble aad Fontanel also ran. Second race. A he Kenetnytrw steeplechase handicap. 4-year-olds aad up. alen oours. about two mllee: Simea Pure il. Henrtcr ami J tn li woa. Kara (170. Lynch, 7 te 60 second. Dick "Thaw tl. Ragan. I to 11 third. Time: 1:60. Jim MoUill and St Kevtn also ran. ' , Third race, baadioap. about all fur long. 2-iear-olda and tip: . King Cobalt ill, McPaniel, 1 o 1) won. Alfred Noble til. J. Lee. I ta t) second. Roeimtre (I", Iioyle. 4 to 1) thtrd Time.---.ViUV Ex plosion end Earl's Cewrt slse ran. Fourth race, the Marlborough handicap, mare. 1-vesr-olds snd up. mile and s six teenth: Gold Lady V. Gamer. to Ji won. Home Again rT. K lugaa. 4 to 1 second. Running Wster 12. Mr Daniel. I to tl third. Time: 1.4s.. Half Sovereign also ran. Fifth race. 1-year-eJdS wnd upward, ser ine., mile and an eighth: Rye -O0&. Mus- rsve. 4 to 11 won. Welheum Oi. Lang. to 1) second. Ttletrg U. Hiner. 4 to it third. Time: 1:56 Tora Dolan, Golf Bail and Counterstxn alao ran. CINCINNATI. June 17. Letonla. eum- Ftret raee. flvt forlrmga: Chellee 0. Powers, to, strslght) won, Mleoon (IIS. Taylor, tli 40, place) eecond. The Missus fiai. Frasier, liJi6. show) thtrd. June: lL'Vk-'Zaffra. Bnevals, Ocals, Lady Rudv, Point Lac. Kuronda. Violet Peersall. Mahala. Vancens and My Lady Francee a ise ran. Lady Nelecn fell. Second race.. x furlong: Tamar flW. Butler. LIS. etreasht, 2.7a. ahow) won. Joe Moser 112. Mait.n. 17 K p'Bcel second. Vlaraaret T. (1. HufBsl. 41140. snow) third. Time: 1:1W palamon. Dandy Dancer. Financier. SUverhrook. Donaida, Bitter Sir. Beth and Ooodwta also ran. Third race, seven furlongx: Msttle Msck d!5. Butler. 34 as. straighii won. Doraette H7. Powera. Ili .M. i lar 1 ' second. George I Young l)(l fclacklors:. ID S. ehowl third iTIme: 1 Belle Mitre. Bitter Mlaa. Mv Wueen Froxses. Vlpeiine, Mason.a. Bi-ll T-t nn, Jim Beattle. Rorsl Artillerv. Sylvan Belle and Cpiln Fearecn also ran. Fourth race, th Harold stakes, $1 4"t aided, five furbeiga: White Face till. Ptckene. In10, straightl won. W. A. Leach (lit, Taylor. 117 44. (lace) second. Michael Angelo Old. Truxler. IV JW. show) third. Time; 1 hv Tramp Fast. Von Buelow, Direct. Sempronl and Sir Optic also ran. Fifth race, seven furlongs : Deacon illO. Robinson. li ITi. srrslchti won. Mis fctroiue 10S, Heldel. .20. how arcond, Convolo (). Pitkena. tal.SE. ehow) third. Time: 1:27V Oasl Hu-rfane. Hannihal Bey, Elancer Natasha. Stoney Hi.l, Bonnie Bard and Deuce also t an. Sixth race, miie snd one-sixteenth: John Louie nta. Glasner, filed, straiyhti won, AlsatUn lift".. Bulier. ttftls. r'sow second. Separator UOa, plf kens. Iflt.fiO show) third. Time: 1:47V l-r. Blmrail, Mslmaison, Tyrol, Spupky. Florida Gien. The Thoru. Miawr, Bala and Lady Baldwin also ran. WILL TEST EIGHT-HOUR LAW Milwaukee Railroad la Flaed Sl.OOO for tVorklaer Teteajraoh Operator Orertlaaa. MILWAUKEE, June 17.-For vlolaUng the right-hour law. the Chicago. Mil waukee A St. Paul Railroad company must pay to the slat a fine of 11.000 and IM additional cot. according to ' the judg ment entered by Judge Warren D. Tarrent today on motion of Attorney Oeneral F. L. Gilbert. The action, which waa a test case on the part of the railroad company Involved tbe working overtime of a teleg rapher at a way station. The case will now bo appealed to the Supreme court and then taken to the United States' court. DEATH RECORD. Crrwa Dew B Las. TECUMSEH. Neb.. June 17. SpaclaLV Cyrus Douglas, a pioneer settler af thlt community, died at bit home Just north of the city at 1 o'clock this morning. Ha had been In poor health for a number oi years and confined to hia bed for weeka. He Buffered with a general breaking- dowl and thus waa ' augmented by 0 etomact trouble. Hia age was 41 year a I montht and 24 daya. - - - - SUSPECTED MAIL. rot CH ROIBE1 Aathorltles at ttererla Have Oa later Arrest. STURG1S. S. D.. June. 17. (btpeflal Tele gram.) The authorities here have confined a colored man giving th name of George Toung. thought dJi th Kansas City mall pouch thief. Th description and picture of the guilty party 1a expected to arrr from Denver tomorrow night by mall. Toung eeema hot to be worried and aaya ba ia not the maa wanted. Sehool Eleetloei at t tar aria. STURG1S. B. D , Juno 11 Special Tel, gram.) Tlie e hool election held here today resulted in ths elect loo of R. P. Smith, William Grams. John L. Vllek. A. M. An derson and O. J. Sherfran a members of the board and Mrs Hatu C. Erlgham waa elected school treasurer. Tha laat three named ' had no eppjsttlon. Two tickets were In th field, nonpartiaan and rlrtseiia. Politically the new board. Is republican. Illlaota Mtmtatrr toe re Mtad. STERLING, 111.. June 17. From a strong maa physically and mentally to so Inmate of an ltisane asylum, wrecked both In mind and body. la. the metamorphose of Rev J Lara Flory. a pronnneeit minister of ti le tliy. of the Church -of th Brethren, throuah the hallucination that t had told a Tie about a roemtMar of hia ouiiFreiralwu. The de line of Ute . rest her folluwiKg the birth of his delusion waa rapid. Oi.ly a few week sufficed in transform him from a vigorous, sggrrssiv exponent cf the guspel to a eubjec iw a kegal inaulry. R or kr feller at taatawr Homo. CLEVELAND. O.. Juna 17 -Jchn D R'rf-kefi-iler. arcon-.panled by the members of hi bouvehold. arrived here on the Lake Shore Limned this morning. The train was stot.pa-d st (jlrnvule. a suburb, where automootlea r In watting to take ths party to Forest Hill. Mr. Kockefelier a summer hoaae. It la stattd thst Mr. Rockefeller will reutaln at. Forest 1L11 durvig ths aummer. Storhheldera Carta se Asseseaaeat. PlTTfRI'R'l. Pa., Jwee 17. Aecordlng te stateaema made today, tea AlW-grwany National iaknk. which tailed recently for about K . will out be reopened, bat tk aase-ia will about offset th liabllittee aad triers will be no sasesatuent oa tue stock hold era. NO PAY TILL CURED I Boctat Paeseess oorod llBi j roe haaloa l"'jutiewib W