Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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Office 15 Scott Street.
Wood rim Undertaking company. TeL N3-
Send your children to Western Iowa Col
lege summer school.
Emtl H. I.effert l home from an extended
lelt In Portland, Ore.
Councilman A. Belllnser arrived home
yesterday frrim Colorado.
Cigar band traya. vases, etc C. E.
Alexander, 333 Broadway.
Muff Clfv Maoonlo lndg will meet In
Stated communication thla evening.
T. E. Cavln of Park avenue la home from
two weeks' trip through Illinois.
ST. Phdnes: Ind., 814 Black; Bell. 523.
' We know we have the best flour. Earo
Is the name. Bartell A Miller. 'Phone m.
Framed Tlrturea make Ideal wedding
frlfts. Eee them at Alexander s, 333 Broad
way. Wanted Place for young man to work
after school snd on Saturday. Western
Iowa College.
H. H Van Brunt snd H. A. Qulnn left
tnnt evening for Chicago to sttend the
national republican convention.
' R-v. Henry DeLong performed the mar
tiss ceremony yesterday for E. L. Shores
nd Vera Perrln. both of Omaha.
Jewel court, Tribe of Ben Hur, will
Dieet thla evening. Special entertainment
ties 1 en provided for the meeting.
Wash Machine Pale Wssh machines, $3.75
to 117.50; the One Minute, $10 00. I,et us
snd you one on trial. J. Zoller Mer Co.,
lrtM(i2-104-l" Broadway. 'Phones 320.
A committee of the grand lodge 1 ex
pected to he preeent tonight at the meeting
of Concordia lodge, Knights of Pythiaa.
The Beard of Education will meet this
evening to open hide for the heating plsnt
for the new school house at Seventeenth
street rnd Avenue E. ,
Dr. C. P. Erltkson Is home from the eat.
vhere she took a post graduate course In i
wedl Ini' after attend'ng the Methodist gen-
etal rnnferr net as a ley delegate
Mrs. Harriet? Ann Punlnp, wife of Lafay-
te Dun lap, difd jesterday morning at her
riotn. SIR Harrlenn street, aged 61 ears.
Fesl es her hushand she leaves two daugh
te s and thre srns.
Thi Ladles' A d sorletv of the First Pap-
llst church -will meet Thursdny afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Garrett. 210 Penton 1
e;reet. Friday even'ng the society will give
s lawn sii-MI at the home of Mrs. O. VV.
Thompson, IrtO Fifth avenue.
The fallowing rases of smallpox were
quarantined estcrday: P. L. McFarland,
S t South Sixth street; Mrs. Davis, Thirty
second and Avenue L: Mrs. Nelson,
1 hlrt -frurth ftrert and Avenue L: Mrs.
Caston. Thirtieth street and Brosdway.
The first romtlcte directory of the Ml
ionic lodges of Council 'Bluffs has Just been
Issued. It contains a list of members of
etch lodge In the city, together with the
officers, and s lint of the past ruling of
Jlcers since the organ'tatlon of each lodge.
"Ralph Letter, the Infant son of Mr. aid
Mrs. I . V. ranrbrj, nfi Avenue F, died
jeeUrd y rmrnlng, aed 1 J ear. The funeral
will b held firm the residence at 4 o'clock
thla aft moon. Rev. Henry will
romiuct the rrrvlc a and burial will be In
Falrvl-w ceme:eiy. '
Funeral services on Jhe late John H.
Nnden will hi held thl sfternoon at 2:30
o'clock at the residence, ilia Avenue A,
romucte.l by Rev. J. M. Williams, pastor
of Froadway Methodist church. The body
will b taken to Lincoln, Neb., Wednesday
mcrrlng for burial.
The annual Sunday school picnic of St.
Taul's Erlsropsl church will be held
Saturday aftfrneon at Lake Manawa. The
children and members of the church will
assemble at th rectory snd take the special
ears tint wt'l leave 1 Fifth avenue and
Sixth street at 2 p. m.
It cost HI MIMer.. a horsetrader, $10 and
costs In police court yesterday morning for
abusing the rollce department. Mayor Ml
loney and the rlty administration In gen
eral. Miller was arrested Saturday on the
charg of imlng profane and unparlia
mentary lanKting on the public streets.
St. Francis Censineemtil. '
The annual 'reunion, reception and ban
quetof.the Alumnae association of St.
Francis' academy will be held today at
tho Institution. The reception will be held
In the afternoon , and the. banquet, with
program. In the evening.
The graduation exercises will be held to
morrow morning in the auditorium of the
academy. The graduating class this year
comprises eighteen young women , nine
being from this city and nine from other
towns. ,
The officers of the Alumnae association
are: President, Mra. George F. Hughes;
vice president, Mlf-s Celia Mulqueen; sec
retsry. Miss Mary O'Neill; treasurer. Miss
Ella Wlckham.
A pleasing piano recital was given last
evening by Krantls E. Flanagan In the
academy auditorium before a large audi
ence. Mis Alice M Calder assisted at
the second piano. Thla was the program:
Chopin Polonaise, Op. 26. No. 1.
Ruoensteln Kamennol Oetrow.
Raff Etude. Op. 157.
Llezt Der Wanderer. Le Rosslgnsl.
MncDowell Idyllen, Op. 1!8, Des Alder,
Chopin Nocturne, Op. 9, No. 2, Ballade,
Op. 47.
Beethoven 8onata Pathetlque, Op. 11
O rave Allegro dt Moto.
Rondo Adagio Cantable.
fiatherlagca of Churchmen. -
A large number of ministers of the Metho.
dlst church from the territory embraced
In the district are expected to arrive In the
city this morning to attend the seventy
second semi-annual conference, which will
open this afternoon at the Fifth avenue
Methodist church. Many of the ministers.
It Is expected, will stay over for the Ep-
worth league convention, which will b.'gln
Wednesday afternoon and the lesiions of
which w il. also be held in the Fifth avenue
This Is the program for the district con
S:M p. m. Devotional, W. L. Holly.
$:3'l p. in. Business.
Examinations in ccirse of study.
7 31 p. m Devotional, E. Pruitt
' S CO p. m. Address.
" $:3o a. m.-xDevotlonal, Roy Thomas.
!: a. m. Business.
lo. ik) a. m The Christian Attitude to
Amusements, C. M. Ward.
10:20 a. m. Discussion.
10:40 a. m The Relation of Christianity
to Socialism,. T. E. Thureason.
MM a. m. Discussion. W. W. Bollinger.
11. ?0 s. m. Important Items In Closing the
Conforenc-e year, i 1 rye.
11:40 a. nv Discussion, A. E. Burlff.
12:00 in. Adjournment.
Starving the Stomach
Is "back number" treatment.
Eat what you like.
Then tako Pape'a Dlapepein to
tart the digestive juices working.
There will be no Indigestion,
Nausea, Heartburn or upset xeeling.
Makes sour stomachs sweet, .and
turns out that misery-making gas.
Tape's Di&pepsin
Candif-Lik Trianjule. A iy Innj Stors.
n l l '
Twctnty Yours of Sskceesaful afuslueas,
Ko cotnecMon with tne firm enlllng thssn W The Clark Mortgage Co.
Both 'Phones 43.
Wickham Bid Referred to Committee
of the Whole Council.
Manager Hart otlgee tha - Conncll
that He Maa Received Antherltr .
to Enter lato eRottatlos
far that Pirpoie, .
At. the meeting of the city council last
night the contrsct between the city and
Contrsctor E. A. Wlckham for the con
struction of the proposed new water
works system, which had , neen drafted
by the committee on water works, the
city solicitor nd city engineer, was re
ferred to the committee of the whole.
The committee on watef works was
granted further time for Its negotiations
with the Council Blnffs City Water
Works compsny for the purchase by the
city of the present plant. ..
This action was tsken after Councilman
Jensen, chairman of the committee, had
made the following report: ,
Report of committee.
Tour committee on water works, lo
whom was referred, with the city engineer
and the city attorney, the matter of a
contract with E. A. Wlckham & Co. for
the conduction of a water works sys
tem for the city of Council Bluffs, beg
leave to aubmlt the accompanying con
tract for your approval:
In rerard to the matter of ourchasing
the water worka Hani f the Council
Bluffs City Water Worka Vompany. which
u i. , .frr.1 to this committee, irotir
committee has not been able tn get any
proposition rrom sain company, looninj
toward a possinio purcnMa urvti..aiicr
i n n. m thla Monday. June 15.
Your committee submits herewith a
communication received 'riin E ' VT.- Hart,
manager of the Council Bluffs Water
Worka compsny. at p. m.
, irl .J i eh .rtrtltloAf"1ma to
w" t rAn!e ".-.".T? L ."E -I.
Your committee would reoomrnena mat
ter into negotiations with E. W. Hart.
- - in ,i, nrinifin of the council the com
municatlon and the consideration of the
matter may Justify.
Letter from Manager Hart.
This is the communication from Manager
Hart of the water worka company referred)
to by Chairman Jensen In his report:
I beg to advise you thst I am authorised
to negotiate with the committee for the
sale of this plant or for a contract that
will admit for enlarging and extending this
plant. Anv action of mine, however, will,
like that of your committee, be subject to
the review and approval of the governing
board. .
Brief of Contract.
The contract was Referred to the com
mittee of the whole without dlacusslon. In
the contrsct the city agrees, to pay and
Wlckham agrees to construct the plant for
the following, the figures being those con-
tstned In his bid:
Pumping station
Settling baalna
IMstributlon system...
High pressure service
Total $631,536
In the event of the city deciding to modify
the construction of the pumping plant, as
provided In the plans and specifications,
a deduction of $6,500 or $7,000 can be made
In the cost of this part of the system.
The contrsct provides for the Installation
of ninety-six four-Inch and 228 six-Inch
Work on the construction of the plant
Is to be begun within a "reasonable time"
after the approval of the contract by the
electors of the city and one-fourth of the
entire plant must be Installed within one
.. . , - . . . k. MtmnltM
year. Tne enure pmni mmn .
and ready for operation pot later than
January 1. 1911.
In the event of Contractor Wlckham
falling to meet these and all other require-
menta the city can retain tne jo per ur.
f the contract price to be wunnem -
guaranty. The contractor la rtqun
give a bond In the sum of one-half of the
contract price, or $316,750.
The city reserves the right to suspena
abandon the work or any portion thereof
at any time, and In such case snau 'do
liable only for the amount ot work that
shall have actually been performed at the
time of such suspension or abandonment;
and at the contract price ana ior no ouw
damages whatever.
The contractor holda. himself responsible
for not only the proper completion of the
nlant. but for all defeots and errors mat
may be found In the plans and specifica
Sewer Flana Ordered.
At the reouest of the West Council Bluffs
Improvement club the city engineer was
Instructed to draw plans for a sewer sys
tem west of Indian creek. " ' "
An Invitation from the West. Council
Bluffs Improvement club to attend the
Broadway paving Jollification at the club
house on Broadway and Thlrttlfth streets
this evening, wss accepted.
W. F. Abdlll was appointed a paving In
spector on the recommendation of the city
The controversy between the City and
Stark & Co. of Des Moines, contractors for
the new concrete bridge over Indian creek
at Frank street. It waa announced, had
been amicably settled. The city auditor
was Instructed to Issue a warrant to the
company for the contract price for the
bridge less $0, which is to be retained to
pay the expense of replacing the railing,
which was found to be defective. Any re
pairs needed on the "wing walls"' will be
made at 'the city's expense.
The council adjourned to Thursday after
noon, when It will assess up the recently
finished paving on lower Broadway. '
Held for Bootlegging;.
R. T. Phillips, whose home is In Oakland,
Pottawattamie county, and who Is 76 years
of age, was brought before United States
Commissioner N. A. Crawford yesterday
afternoon by Deputy United States Msrshsl
Cole of this city on a charge of selling
ADFf n faf
liquor without a government license. t
Was alleged thst Phillips had converted the
shsck occupied by him Just north of rne
city limtts of Osklar.d Into a retail llqlinr
dispensary, much to the annoyance of the
good cltlsens of that "dry" town. As a
result of the preliminary hearing Commis
sioner Crawford held Phillips lo the federal
grand Jury In the sum of $. Phillips
was unable to furnish a bond and was sent
to the county Jail.
nisi Vote for Blaffa Men.
Frank 8. Keyes of this city, candidate for
the republican nomination for railroad com
missioner, made a remarksble showing In
the Ninth district. In Pottawattarnle t-ounty
Mr. Keyes received 3,23 votes, as against
438 for Ketchum and 418 for Corkfleld.
The full returns from the stste on rail
road commissioner will not be known until
the completion of the canvass by the state
executive council at Dea Moines, ' which
will be some time this week. Mr. Keyes'
friends are hopeful of the result.
The vote In the Ninth district on rail
road commissioner was as follows:
Ketch- Cock-
urn. field.
37 44
:9 ;s5
6'1 44
517 594
.299 4 4
?69 10
4, 418
3,367 3.39$
who was a
Adair 5M
Audubon 65
Case !K3
Guthrie 045
Harrison 544
Mills T31
Montgomery 973
8helby , 602
Pottawattamie $.269
O. J. McM
candidate for the republican nomination for
stste a jperlntendent of public Instruction,
also carried the Ninth district, securing a
majority over Rlggs In every county In the
district except Harrison. Prof. McManus
was an avowed Cummins candidate.
The vote In the Ninth district on super
intendent of public Instruction was:
McManus. Rlggs.
Adair 749
Audubon 624
Csss 1.14
Guthrie l.iog
Montgomery ..,
Shelby ,
Totals .,
. 697
. 9?9
. 42
.8,559 6,9:7
Twi Held ts Grand Jnrr.
D wight B. Corlles, former straw boss for
the Cltlsens' 6a and Electric company,
and Chris Thompson, bartender In the K.
C. house saloon, both under charges of
assault with Intent to kill, were yesterday
bound over to await the action of the dis
trict grand Jury by Police Judge Bnyder.
Corlles was charged with striking Homer
Case, a teamster In the employ of the
electric light company, over the head with
a shovel. Case was unable to appear In
court, but evidence as to the assault was
given by Napoleon Brude and Frank Lloyd,
two members of the gsng of linemen, who
witnessed the encounter Corlles' bond was
placed at $1,500, which he furnished.
enrts 'i nompson, tne bartender, was
cnargea wtin snooting John c. carter, a
former Milwaukee railroad switchman.
through the neck. Carter has sufficiently
recovered from his wound to appear In
court against Thompson. The evidence
showed that Thompson fired at Carter with
his revolver when Carter persisted in going
behind the bar, to help himself to a bottle
of -whisky, although repeatedly warned not
to do so by Thompson. The court fixed
Thompson's bond at $2,000, which he fur
nished. - Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
William Snyder. Council Bluffs 48
Emily Mary Hammond, Council Bluffs.. 34
C. H. L. Carter. Omaha 29
M. E. Goodall, Omaha 28
E. L. Shores, Omaha ........21
Vera Perrln, Omaha 20
James Wlnslow, Council Bluffs 82
Mary CNell, Council Bluffs 2a
Dennis McGloln, South Omaha 29
Clara M. Finn, Council Bluffs 25
Con irruraan Enjoins Farther
count In Dallas County.
DES MOINES, June 16.-The Hull-Prouty
congressional contest In the Seventh Iowa
district stills , hangs In the balance, with
the prospects that the ultimate decision
will have to be made In the courts. As a
result of the recount by the Board of
County Supervisors of the ballots cast In
the recent primary election the vote stands
at a tie for the two candidates. The re
turns from all the uncontested precincts
of Polk county have been canvassed, with
no show of change.
A sensation was sprung today when the
supervisors of Dallas county were re
strained from proceeding with the count of
the ballots In that county. This action
throws the battle Into the courts. The In
junction was Issued at the Instance of
J. W. Russell, a Hull man, who alleges
that the supervisors lacked Jurisdiction,
and further charged that previous handling
of the ballots left doubt In his mind
whether all the ballots remained Intact.
Sloax City Man Uses Revolver When
Girl Rejects Him.
SIOUX CITY, la.. June 16.-(8peclat Tele
gram.) Because Edith Matthews refused
td marry him Orvllla Whltford, on the
back porch of Craig L. Wright's residence,
this afternoon fired two shots at the girl
without effect and then shot himself
through the head, Inflicting mortal wounds.
Whltford knew the girl In Fremont, Neb.
They went to Riverside park Sunday after
noon and there he proposed marriage. She
agreed to give him her answer today. When
she announced her refusal to become his
wife the tragedy was the result.
Prominent Barned.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., June l.-tSi jclal Tele
egram.) Mrs. Lawrrnce 8. Critchell.
daughter of Edward M. Tllden ot Chicago,
former preaident of the Chicago school
board and prominent in Chicago packing
and banking circles, was perhaps fatally
burned while heating water In a bath
room this morning. The ' wind blew her
dress Into the flames of a gas stove. She
was alone In the house at the time. Three
fourths of the surface of the body was
burned. It is the extent of the burns,
rather than their depth, which makes her
condition serious. Mr. and Mrs. Tllden have
been, sent for. Mr. Critchell Is vice presi
dent of the Live Stock National bank In
Sioux City.
Many Will Attend Toarnaaneat.
ONAWA. Ia.. June 11 (Special.) The
following towns. In addition to others whlcr.
have not reported, will send bsnds and
running teams to the Maple Valley fire
men's tournament. Wednesdsy, June 17:
HohHein, Lake City, Wall Lake and Logan,
band and running team; Ida Grove and
Battle Creek, band; Onawa, Mapleton and
Odebolt, running team. The track ia In
good condition for work and everything
looks favrable for a most successful
Shoemaker Kills Himself.
SIOUX CITY. Is.. June H-tHpeclal Tele,
gram.) The body of Fred Glenke. aged 76.
was found suspended from a rope In his
cobbling shop early this morning by Wes
Barnum, a pegro, who bad guns to the
shop to secure a pair of shoes. The victim
wss sn old resident of Sioux City, Poor
health and poor business combined made
him despondent.
former I onnrll It I aria Woman ta
Married In t. Jew
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. June 16. (Special.) Mrs.
Ida Wels Seybert, daughter of Ferdlnsnd
Wels of this city and for some time a
resident In Council Bluffs, and Mr. H. A.
Lytle of Chicago were quietly msrrled In
St. Joseph, Mo.. Sunday.
Theodore P. Shonts, who Is chairman of
the board of trustees of Drske university,
arrived In Des Moines tonight and will
attend the meeting of the beard tomorrow.
At 1 tomorrow the board Is entertained
by President Bell aj a luncheon and In
the afternoon Mr. Shonts makes the ad
dress at the dedication of the new library
building.' He will leave Immediately after
for the east. It la understood thst the
board will not make any radical changes
In the officers for the coming year. The
granting of degrees and the election of
officers will consume the greater time' of
the meting of the board.
The conference of superintendents of
state Institutions with the members of
the Stste Boaid .of Control w': be held
tomorrow and Wednesday Dr. Richard
Dewey, the physician In charge of the Mil
waukee sanitarium at Wauwstosa. Wis.,
will be the principal speaker. He will talk
on. "Differentiation In the Evolution of In
stitutions for the Care of the Insane."
The executive council has given $500 from
the provident contingent fund for the bene
fit of the School for the Deaf at Council
Bluffs to repair to aoma extent the damage
from the recent heavy rains which caused
the creeks to overflow and left a deposit
of clay all over the farm.
Governor Cummins today Issued requisi
tions for Selgel and Fenberg. the two Des
Moines youths who robbed the pawn shops
of their fathers and were captured In North
Platte. Neb. The boys will be brought
back at once and will be handled by tho
Juvenile court.
The State Board of Educational Exam
iners will meet Friday at the office of
the state superintendent for the purpose
of taking up the classification of colleges.
The first classification was made last year
and on this Is based the granting of teach
ers' certificates to the graduates of the
colleges In accordance with the law passed
by the lsst general assembly.
Passenger Train Kills Maa.
MARSH ALLTOWN. Ia., June 16. (Special
Telegram.) Clement Knowl, aged 33, was
run down and killed by a Chicago, Milwau
kee and St. Paul passenger train one mile
west of Ferguson, Sunday night. Knowl
was walking on the track.
Iowa News Notes.
ONAWA The recent overflow of the
Soldier waa one of the worst In the his
tory of that stream and did much damage.
ONAWA Mrs. P. K. Holbrook has gnnw to
boston as a district delegate from Iowa to
attend the National Federation of Women's
ONAWA The sixteenth district Endeevor
convention will meet In Onawa next
Wednesday evening and continue Thursday
and Friday. The program la in charge of
mo uniwi unnsuan cnurcn.
ONAWA Des Moines trains. Northwest
ern Nos. 25 and 16, which have been
running via Onawa since established, will
after tomorrow run over the Mohil hmnrh
arjd trains from Carroll, la,, will take their
Riace, maKing connections at Onawa with
fo. 9, the faat passenger from the south,
so passengers can reach. St. Paul and Min
neapolis the same day-
IOWA FALLS A -happy reunion will
rase piace at Humnoidt, Neb., this week
when A. H. Personett, a well known resi
dent or Franklin county, will meet his
sister, whom he has not seem since she
was a child of 4 or 6 years. The father of
Mr. fersonett and his s ster located In
Franklin county In an early day and died
in 1806. There was a large family of child
ren, which became scattered when the
family was broken up. The sister, being
me youngest, was adopted Dy a family
named Qrlm. The Grtma moved several
times and the girl's name being changed
by adoption the brother lostwll track of
her. Recently, through frlenda who came
from the same section that the Grlms did
In Ohio. Mr. Personett was Informed that
the family lived at Humboldt, Neb., and
that nis sister was still alive. Arrange
menta- have accordingly been hurriedly
made for a reunion of the lone separated
members of this family. Mrs. E. D. Under
wood, another sister, now lives In Minne
Quaint and Cnrlona Featnrea of Life
In Rapidly Growing;
That's Enough G' wan Been movln'.
that's all. Belden Progress.
Identified Mr. Crandall. the father of the
lady stenographer in the Cunningham real
estate office at Kimball, has contested sec
tion 26. We welcome Mr. Crandall to our
commurjlty. Rocky Hollow Notes, Banner
County News.
Fixing Up A mail box has been placed
at the postofflce entrance and presents
quite a metropolitan appearance. Many ot
the children have found It a novelty, and
Insist on dropping their letters In It, even
when the postofflce Is not closed. It is
certainly a very useful innovation and Is
another one of the features that are mak
ing our postofflce thoroughly up-to-date.
Central City Republican.
Ancient Sight White covered wagons are
the kind of vehiclea we have become accus
tomed to see, and on some of them are
various mottoes and names. Afew days
ago a train passed alorg our streets on
which was neatly painted the one word
"Texas." They had Ive wagons and ten
horses attached to a picket line running
from a wagon In front of the horses led.
to a wagon following In the rear of the
horses. Columbus Journal, 1874.
The Fan The average base ball far. Is
even more changeable than the "sweet
little dumpling" with her first sweetheart.
If a player occasionally hits the ball for a
home run and fields in circus style he Is
a hero. If he strikes out once or msks
sn error, he's the biggest dub on eartt,
and the fans vociferously urge him lo go
back to coal heaving or driving a delivery
wagon. Custer County Republican.
, He Stuck A youne man stepped off the
passenger trsln Tuesdsy morning snd took
In the sights about the depot. The long
new platform seemed to bewilder him. He
probably thought he was In Chicago or
aome other amall village. About the time
the train was showing its heels to the peo
ple at the station, the strsnger Inquired
where he could get a train to Monroe. He
quickly discovered that ha left the cars to
soon, and that It would be his pleasure U
remain in the best town in Nebraska until
I o'clock In the afternoon. He didn't faint
or have a fit, but came . up town and
watched Contractor Clark's men get the
government building resdy to move into
the street. Elgin Review.
If you will make inquiiy It will be a
revelation to you how many succumb to
kidney or bladder troubles In one form
or another. If the patient Is not beyond
medical aid. Foley's Kidney Cure will cms.
It never disappoiuta. All druggists.
Non-Intoxicating Tompbranco Boor
Pry Towis tome Wet ApSi
Saloon keepers, dispensers of soft drinks, druRgists, restaurants, billiard halls,' own
ers of concessions in amusement parks, etc., are doing a big business both in,,,dry" and
"wef'sdistricts on
'WWm MEW" lEffi
L. Rosenfeld Company, Council Bluffs, Ia.
"Golden Brew" looks, foams and tastes exactly likt the best beers, but contains less
than one-half of one per cent alcohol. The government requires no license for selling bev-'
erages containing less than one-half of one per cent.
Not a poor imitation npr a weak substitute, but good, healthful, invigorating, nour-,
ishing beer, made from the same ingredients as our best beers, except that it does not
contain the alcohol. Just the drink you are looking for,, because it requires no govern
ment tax.
You are losing money every day you delay ordering, so write us at once.
V" Hir
Michigan and Wisconsin
"When you go east this summer on a vacation trip, arrange
for a few days or a week's visit at one of the numerous lake re
sorts in Michigan or Wisconsin. Hundreds of delightful resorts
in these and other states are reached by the
There you may. enjoy yachting, . rowing, bathing, fishing,
golfing and numerous other outdoor sports. Excellent hotel and
boarding house accomodations are offered at reasonable fates.
Descriptive books and complete information regarding rail
road fare and train service, FREE.
General Western Agent
Nebraska Delegates to Boston Bien
nial Will Start Next Thursday.
She Woald Give the Ballot to Women,
; bnt Woald Debar Them from
Running- for Public
' Office.
While sll the Nebraska delegstcs to the j
Boston biennial will not go easi logeinrr
the majority txpect to and will lea-e
Thursday evening. Friday will he spent in
Cliiisgo snd one day at Nlagura Falls, the
women rearhing Boston Sunday murning.
Th Lincoln deltgatlon and same of the
women from the state will go in a body.
Mrs. H. N. Nelson of the Omaha Woman's
club left laat week and Mre. Edward
Johnson, president of the Omaha Woman's
club, expects to go Tuesday. Mrs. Johnson
will rrobab'.y spend the greater part of the
summer visiting In and about Boston, thst
having formerly been hir home. Part of the
Nel raka delegation has quarters at the
Vend m? and part at the Hotel Victoria.
Mra. Tnft on Bntrraae.
8o often during the last yesr has Secre
tary Tsft expressed himself rfgarding
woman suffrage that the following ex
jresslon from Mrs Taft will be of interest
especially to the women of Omaha, before
whom Mr. Taft telked daring his recent
visit here. The Boston Olobfl quotes Mis.
Tsft as follows:
I huve s'way relieved that wwrieB should
vole. I favor besto
1,11 L lie III ,ri jf
like to put In a
cllc riant, but I
J 4 .
prohibitory clause debarring them from
running for public office.
With women running for office, I think
tho natural scheme would be disjointed snd
the end snd Sim of the home destroyed.
Their voice Is nearly ' always the voice of
wisdom, and I see nothing unwomanly m
their casting the ballot and exercising every
light of the free cltlscn, but It seems that
for the pies nt it la impossible to dissociate
the right to vote from the right to hold
So the women who would never think
of nny other vocation than that of be nt
guod wives Slid mothers are prevented
irom taking their rightful share In govern
ing the community, through the feur which
men have of women stepping down from
i heir pedet-tal. Kxcept In rare instances, tho
Influence of women on politics is for their
It Is Lsuly said that communities where
women lack civic pride are In worse shape
than those where man neglects his preroga
tive. Women should he versed In every
phase of polltks and should know what
ver thing means which hss a direct
Ing on the home environment. That is my
l ies, of purifying pollliis. and I think it
thH only practical one.
More I lul In the General.
That representation ( at the Boston bl
enrJal Is appreciated by club women Is
proven by the long lists of clubs that have
come into the General Federation since the
first of the year. Each month these list.)
have been announced. The last list of
clubs admitted covers the month ending
May 13 and Includes ln9 clubs. Among
these are three from Nebraska, the New
Book Review club of Omaha, wlih flfteer.
members, Mrs. H. C. Brome, president;
the Beatrice Woman's club, with twenty
five members, Mrs. Jennie M. Slam, presi
dent; and the Wymore Fortnightly club,
with twenty-one members. Mrs. E. M. Fen
ton, president. lows has nine clubs on tne
list, rsnglrg In their membership from
twenty-five to 107. These clubs are at
Maquoketa, McGregor, Red Oak, Wy
oming, Or.awa, Council Bluffs, Oelwein and
Rock Rapids.
Mrs. Emily E. Wocdiey, who is said to
ft. L i)rViA,
h:,:rv. ;-r '1i?f w
3" -V-v-h
r t;fi
1524 Famam St.
be the only woman regularly commissioned
an officer In the t'nited States amy, died
the other day In Philadelphia at the ag
of 73. She was the last of the thirty-five
young women from Philadelphia who en
listed as nurses In the civil war. . She was
a widow Of 26 when she offered her serv
ices as nurse. In for bravery and good
work President Llnet In conferred on. her
a commission as captain in the army. She
was later decorated with a gold me tal bjr
Secretary of War Stanton. For a number
of years she was president of the National
Association of Army Nurses of the Civil
Wsr, which she organised, and Was the
only woman member of the Grand Army of
the Republic.
Another Accomplishment.
Benora de Costa, who caused the great
peace monument, the "Christ of the An
des," to be erected on the boundary be
tween Argentina snd Chile, has . finally
completed the organization of the rioutti
American I'nlversal Peace association
I)naiulle Wrecks Buildings
as completely as coughs and uolds -wreck
lungs. Cure them quick with Dr. 'King's
New Discovery. Sc and K.fiQ. For ale by
Beaten Drug Co.
Millionaire's Sou Destitute.
ST. I.OII8 June 1J William Elwen.
who tlaiins to be a aradiiate of tha I nl
Veisily of V. and the sun of a million
aire, sta-.K'ied In I tiie policu station today
and abkd to be ent to the workhoUHe, so
he lould get something lo eat. Eiwru had
Just stond In a long line of appll"anta fur
a Job ss dlfcliwasher in a restaurant and
iiad failed, lie said he bad beu employed
In iron works at Hamilton, t) . ami bad
been laid off at the time of the financial
depression. Later in tha diy an insuianrs
man took an interest In him and said he
would get work for him.
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