Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Colombia. Records
Of ike of Opera.
i 1
tie of your amusement
py into Columbia
Besides' the regular
Columbia list of operatic
selections, we offer yon
a scries-of -tit? special
signed records by the
greatest ; artists of the
lyric stage,
. If you Jjavn't heard
any of these Columbia
"Fonotipia" Reeo rds,
call in and call for your
At your dealers,
or at
Columbia Phonograph
lGl21 Fornam Street.
Building: tfanned for Accommodation
of Corn Exposition Crowds.
Structure Will Bo Frame, Mned wltu
Baled Alfalfa, id Prises Will
Be Awarded for Beat
Boot Ma li.
Budolpb. T. Bwobode, Accountant-Auditor
owmaa, I IT N. It, ttouglaa shoe. 1)10.
a Bourk for Quality cigar, til 8. 15th.
lackart, photographer, lltli A tfarnam.
$30 Bait to order, IU; IS pant for It
ktacCarlhyWilson. 104 couth lth.
I. Saly la no longer assoclatr-d with
Johnson-vHow-paly Co., 1413 Howard.
: alafooad Concrete Fireproof, wind
proof, vermlnproof. 91 Brand! Bldg.
uitabl Hf. Paul Morton, praldenU
Poltclaa sight draft a at maturity. H. IX
.Naaljr, manager, Omaha.
Tot the af k taping of money and
valuables, the American safe deposit vaults
In the Bee building afford absolute security.
Boxes rent for 14 per year, or II for three
. Saplosioa ef Lamp A lamp exploded
from an unknown cause In the home of
Edward Onstesd. STOrf Burt street St 4
o'clcok Tuesday morning. The fire was ex
tinguished with a damage of only about
Beats His Borss with Pag Leg Martin
Vlnefutter was sentenced ao Jail for ten
rluys Tuesday on a charge of cruelty of
animals.. htr. Winefatter was discovered
by an officer in the act of beating his
horse with his peg leg.
' Independent Lumber' Company The In-
. dependent Lumber compnny with a capital
stock of tjO.OOO. has filed articles of Incor
poration with the county cler. Th in-oorp-jratora
are Leon J. Millard, John W.
,Tale and Joseph Rohacck.
Vaneral of ttim. Aw T. Bradford Funeral
tteiyjces for Mrs.A-.Ttrradford who died
. Sundsy In .the, Masonlo home.' at Platts
mouth, were held In th Cole-McKay mortuary-
chaael Tueaday afternoon, inter
ment was In Prospect Hill cemetery.
Oreaka Sa Wot Answer to Court Nick
Davis and Sam Ladeaa, Oreek Shining par
lor proprietor at 1317 Douglas street, did
not appear In police court Tuesday to
answer a charge of violating the child labor
law In employing aom of their country
men, who are yet In tender year. Their
case Jiav been continued until next Tues
day, .
. Railway Mail Appointments Frederick
It. Nugent has been appointed transfer
clerk at Union" station, , vice Joieph
Uenesch, transferred to Kloux City on the
. Wynot and Lincoln division as road clerk.
Oliver P. Glffln has been appointed to the
Omaha and Ogden division, vice George'
W." Karnaugh:- resigned. Isaac V. Wood
of Grand Island lias been appointed to the
Lincoln and Billings division. Ha was on
the Omaha aubetltute list.
Jap Pined . for Bef ualag IT agio Meal
KoJIro Kloka, a Japanese proprietor of the
Nagasaki reataurant, 0t North Sixteenth
street, waa f fined' 125 by Justice of the
Peace AltstadtMonday afternoon, because
a colored .man, Scott Barbour, was refused
meal In tlia) restaurant run by the Jsps.
Kloka declared .that the refusal to serve
Barbour was -made by the waiter Without
any Instruction to do so from the proprie
tor. H took Vn sppeal to the district
court. ;
Julian K. Olssea floss to Oolumbua
Julian H. Olseen, for a number of years
Interested with JV C. Bunderland & Co.,
grain commlaslon merchanta and Irokers,
will retire from the firm July 1 and will
open an office In Columbus, Neb., for
Ware & Leland. Mr. Olseen ha oeen one
of th most successful of the grain deal
ers operating on the Omaha market and
goes to Columbus to represent a firm
whose standing Is well known In all the
primary grata market of the west.
Advertisers at Luaoheoa The Omaha
d club gave Us semi-monthly luncheon
t the Her Grand at noon Tueaday. About
., Uty members of the club, with their
rlends. wera present. Vice President Kred
.affenrath acted as toastmaetor. Th
speakers were Congressman O. M. Hitch
cock, Judge, Lee 8. Estelle and Roa L.
Hammond. Th principal address was by
Mr. Hitchcock, who spoke upon the sub
ject of the relation between newspaper ad
vertising and business. The addresses of
Judge tstells and Mr. Hammond were
very brief and related to th advantages
of advertising and Its educational Influ
ence. t
Pnnen Bowl and Spoons Ooaa A punch
bowl -and six sliver spoons were stolen
from th porch of Mrs. X. L. Blackledge,
301 Emmet atreet Monday. Mrs. Black
ledg had loaned th utenslle to a friend.
When the" friend brought them back, Mra.
Blackledga was not at home, and the friend
left them on the porch with a note. When
Mrs. Blackledge returned the note waa
there but the punch bowl had emulated
the dish In the "hey-diddle-dlddle" rhyme
and had run away with the six spoons
A thief entered the home of J. A. Good
rich, 4001 North Twenty-fifth avenue Mon
day afternoon when no one was at home
and stole 115.
Valuable Files at Court Hons Mali
lated for Money Making Belles
f Civil War.,
That old and valuable records In the dis
trict clerk's office have been torn and mu
tilated by atamp collectors for the sake
of the civil war revenue stamps was the
startling discovery made by District Clerk
8mlth Tuesday. Hundreds of papers filed
during the civil .war are found to have
holes torn In them where formerly the old
revenue stamps war pasted. Most of
them relate to land condemnations and ac
tions In cases establishing title to land,
and In case of a contest the papers would
be of great value to th owners of the
Deputy District Clerk Gow, who has been
going through the stacks of old documents
which have been stored in th court house
ttttc, has unearthed an armful of muti
lated papers and th Indications are he
has not discovered all the damage yet.
The mutilated papers are dated during
the later years of the war, when revenue
stamp were required on certain classes
of documents. Many of them relet to
condemnation proceedings taken by th
Union Pacific 'when it was building Its
lln through eastern - Nebraska. Others
concern similar proceedings by other prop
erty owners In establishing title to land.
Owing to th lack of storage room the
old records have been lying In a confused
heap In the attic until recently, when Di.
trtct Clerk Smith decided to arrange them
In order so they could be used In cas
anyone wanted to niake reference to them.
In this way tbs mutilation waa discovered.
Clerks who have been in the office for
sometime say about ten years ago a young
man called at the office and asked to bo
allowed to go through the old file aaylnr,
he was Interested In some litigation. Hi
was allowed to do so and later it waa re
ported he had sold 1800 worth of old stamps
.In Omaha. Nothing waa thought of the.
Incident until it waa found practically all'
of the old revenue stamps had been torn
off the records. Th nam of the man has
been forgotten.
District Clerk Smith says the wholesalo
stealing of stamps is due to lack of space
and help properly to store and watch the
records -of tho office. It is necessary to
give the public access to the files in many
cases and practically tjo guard is main
tained over these record.
Among the old files was found a com
mission signed by , Governor Butler and
Secretary of State Thomas P. Kennard.
making Casper. E. Yeat a notary public.
The commission was evidently never de
livered. It is dated May , 1W. District
Clerk Smith will send It to Mr. Yost as a
Be in Seattle by Christmas,
1909, Says Earlin;.
A man who is in pvrrect health, so he
can do an honest day'a work when neces
sary, haa much for which he should be
thankful. Mr. L. C, Rodgers of Branch
ton, Pa., prltea that he waa not only un
able to work, bur- he couldn't stoop over
to lie his shoes. Six bottles of Foley's
Kldrje) Cure mad a new man of him. H
says, "Success to Foley's Kidney Cure."
All druggists. ' '
Sends Fellow Wkt Exploits Ills Ftuaa.
rial Barklasi to Jail for
FIto Days.
Browsy. disheveled and dirty, Frank
Gelser. undismayed, made a persistent de.
fenso when brought before the police Judg
on a charge of begging. Mr. Gelser as
serted that he had no need to beg or. the
"I c'n get a qua ter or a half a dollar
any time I want It." ha said. "I got
friends thst'll losn to me. I pay 'em back.
My credit's good. I don't have to aak no
man for a measly nickel.
This display of vast pecuniary resource,
of tremendous financial backing, had but
little effect on the court, however, and Mr.
Gelser waa sentenced to Jail for five days.
Extenaloa of Mow Line to Paetfle Haa
Been Interrupted hy the Con
tinued Rains, gay tho
"The Milwaukee coast -oxten1on will get
Into Buttee, Mont, by July 15, and We now
expect to be Into Seattle by "Christmas,
190," aald A. J. Earllng, president el the
Milwaukee road Tueaday morning as he
dodged between showera at Union Station.
With Roswell P. Miller, chairman of the
board of directors of the Chtcsgo, Milwau
kee & St. Paul road; Frederick Layton of
Milwaukee, a director and Charles W.
Harkness of New York, a dlreotor of the
company, Mr. Earllng has been making
an extended tour of Inspection of the new
line which will soon connect the Mississippi
valley with the Pacific coast with a new
railroad for nearly th entire distance.
"The rain have been extremely heavy
In Montana and have interfered materially
with our work. Some serious damage haa
been done by these rains but that will
soon be repsired as soon as It quits rain
ing. Th Northern Pacific Is a heavy loser
this spring from ralr.s and washout west
of Butt have put that line almoat en
tirely out of commission on through pusl
ncss... , .- . ,
l.lne Heartily Reeelved.
"The way our line is being received by
the peopl of th northwest i also most
gratifying. Ther Is no secret that the
Hill lines have ' been in a most congested
state and our line Is looked upon as being
the medium of relief from those conditions,
The country adjacent to the new line Is
also filling rapidly with settlers. In fact
at a surprising gait. We tap some splem
did country, hitherto quite a waya from
the railroad and the people are quick to
grasp the opportunity of getting cheap land
near a railroad."
Th party arrived In a special car on
I'nlQn Pacific No. 4 Tueadsy morning and
left shortly afterwards on a special train
over the Milwaukee for Chicago.
George Haines, formerly city passenger
uxent of the Milwaukee In Omaha, u
graduate of th Omaha High school and an
Omaha boy, has charge of the werk of se
curing settlers for the new country trlbu
tary to the Pacific coast extension of the
Milwaukee. That he Is doing his work
well Is shown by the statement of Presi
dent Earllng that the country Is rapidly
filling with settlers. The party waa met
at the station by F. A. Nash, general west
rn agent, who accompanied the members
of the party to Council Bluffs.
Open Rata for Teacher.
Secretary Irwin Bhepard of th National
Education association announce that for
the forty-sixth annual convention, which
will be held at Cleveland June S3 to.July 3,
the "open rate" round trip plan, for
ticket will govern the member. Th In
terstate Commerce commission has over
, ruled th certificate plan and no other
I change will be made. The one and one
half fare rate, the dates of sale and the
extension of tickets for return to August
SI will remain the same. From Omsha
the summer tourist fsres are In efect. The
rare will be 133.56 on standard lines and
about 11 leas on the differential lines.
Railway Notes nasi Porooaala.
L. W. Wskeley, general passenger agent
of the Burlington, still continues to Improve
irom in enecis oi ins appendicitis opera
Although the Northern Psclflc Is not
opened all the way through the embargo is
raised on freight ss far west at Missoula.
Mont., and all freight, except perlahable, la
now neing received ror points ss far west
as Missoula. The Burllna-ton'a fsst train
between Lincoln and Billings is still out of
commission, the local work being done by
the other train, andj no through passenger
ueiug accepieu.
From all Indications an alfalfa palace will
be a necessity to accommodate the crowds
which will come to th National Corn Ex
position to be held in. Omaha December
ta 1.
Plans for this palace are being consid
ered by the executive committee of the
corn show. It Is proposed to erect at smalt
cost a large frame building south of the
Auditorium, where the corn show will be
held. This will be lined with baled alfalfa.
Prises will be offered for the best alfalfa
grown and as a large exhibit of grasses Is
expected the entire building will hrtve the
appearance of being built of alfalfa and
timothy hay In. pale.
There Is a section Iniowa Which Is the
kingdom of on Timothy. Th farmers who
are fortunate enough to be the subject of
this hay king are anxious to send a display
to Omaha and It la possible that while the
alfalfa palace la built of alfalfa from Ne
braska, Colorado and Wyoming, It will be
decorated 'with balea of timothy hay.
Alfalfa Meal Mills.
Just now Omaha is promised an Industry
which may equal In extent any Industry In
the city the alfalfa meal mills.
It has been demonstrated that alfalfa Is
one of the best foods for dairy and stock
csttle. The packer recognlz this and are
paying the highest prices for stock fed on
'falfa and corn.- The dairymen also have
discovered the valu of alfalfa meal, which
Is a balanced ration. This Is shown by the
fact that the Oradell Dairy Farm company
of Trenton, N. J Is to open a large mill In
Omaha. The M. C. Peter Mill company,
already the largest manufacturers of al
falfa meal In the weat and Inventor of the
special machinery, have contracts for all
of the product of their mill and are con
templating an addition doubling the ca
pacity. ,
From Colorado It Is learned that seven al
falfa meal mlUa are being erected in that
state, while western Nebraska Is to have
twd mills, one of them a branch of an
Omaha mill. -
Indications are that Omaha will have half
a dozen alfalfa meal mills In two yeara,
turning out dally almost 2.0C0 tons of al
falfa meal, and the National ' Corn Ex
position Is not going to overlook such a
growing Industry.
Among the prises offered will be hay
preases worth from 1100'to $160. -
V ! Mi J
You can't catch money spenders with
penurious looking printed matter
A. L Keot, Isworpotassa, 1110 ill! Howard Stroot, Osaka
Mesaouger Boy Who Insist oa Whist
Hag Gets Dtachara-eo. With,
out Wagea.
Rudolph Pollock waa discharged from
the Omaha Messenger Express company's
employ lsst week . and hi employer re
fuged to pay hlra the 12. 60 which was due
him. Therefore th yourjg ex-Mercury took
his grievance into pone etiurt.
Thr had been trouble. Th young man
alleged h was merely engaged In whist
ling a tune. When told to "cut It" he
politely requested thst he be permitted to
finish the tun be waa then engaged n.
He continued to fill th air with melody
to the manifest discomfort of another em
ploy who waa trying to take a measage
over th telephone. Then hi employer
Wold him to "duck It" and he found himself
discharged. H demanded his wsges and
then a fight started. AH parties were dls
charged in police court.
Crelghton Ualveralty Graduation Ei
rrclsea Will -Bo Hold Thurs
day Mian t.
Fourteen young men will graduate from
Creightom university Thursdsy evening of
this week. Th graduation exercises will
be held in the auditorium of the university
and each of the graduates will deliver a
short oration. Congressman Gilbert M.
Hitchcock will deliver the address to the
Students, ine exercises win De puDiic.
Charles McOrath.of Omaha Is the vale
dictorian and th other member of the
class are 'Paul McCauley, Omaha; William
Yates Omaha; George Peters, Omaha
Joseph Lovely, Omsha; WUllarrt Donahue,
Omaha: Charles ' "fhlelen. " Earllng. ' la.:
Philip Koran, Florl. J. William Jack,
Peru; Frank Dally, Dunlap, la.; John
Dwyar, O'Neill; Paxton ..War. Blair;
Patrick Barrett, O'Neill; Robert Maglrl,
O'Neill. William Donahue will deliver tho
bachelor' addre..
At the close of the exercises degree of
bachelor of art will be conferred on each
of the graduate by President Megeveny
of the university and Rev. Richard Scan-
nell, bishop of Omaha.
Class day exercises of ths under gradu-
atea of the university will be held Thurs
day, beginning at 9 o'clock with religious
services In the. church near the school
At this time Rev. Patrick A. McGovern of
St. Peter' church will deliver the baccal
aureate sermon.' Fr. McGovern graduated
from Crelghton in thhe class of 1891. At
10:30 the literary exercises of the under
graduates will be held and medals won
this year will be presented. The honor list
and th results of th examinations will be
Little a home at Thirty-fifth avenu snl
Poppleton avenue for $4.71
Palat and Glass Company Foreed lo
- Secure Moro Sparloas
Lack of room In the company's present
qusrters at 1-1J Harney street, and In
crease of buslnessr-liave forced th Mid
land Glass snd Faint company to move to
the Antes building on Eleventh find Howard
streets, formerly occupied by St. E. Smith
Co., wholesale dry goods dealera. The
building Is now being put In shape for the
new tenants and th move will be made
before August 1.
The building to be occupied by the Mid
land twnpany In the future I twlc th
ise of its present quarters and has a
floor apace of VM.M square feet. It will
be the largest exclusive glass and paint
Jobbing hotiae In the west. When once
ensconed In th new building th Midland
company will be able to fill orders much
more promptly for the reason that It will
have Its stock all In the one building and
much more easily accessible. In the past
the company has been compelled to rent
additional outside room and have goods
stored In a ruimber of houses at th
present time.
The company expects to add a large and
up-to-date mirror and beveling factory, the
present fore being Increased to a consid
erable extent. The capacity of th leaded
art glass plant will also be enlarged, this
plant having grown rapidly In the past two
years, and a department for th manufac.
ture of art glass lamp shades, domes and
goods of a similar character will also be
Installed. This will be done In addition to
conducting the regular jobbing business as
All territory west of Omaha, with th ex
ception of California and Oregon, Is covered
by the Midland Glass ft Pslnt Co., stocks
being carried at Denver, Ogden and Bolso.
The company has a- large number of sales
men on the road.
State Body Give Teat to Thlrty'-Ono
C andidate at -Crolghtoa Medi
an! College.
The Nebraska State Board of Pharmacy :
held a special aesc'.on at Crelghtdn Medical
college Tuesday for the examination of
candidates for licenses to practice a phar
macists under the Nebraska state laws.
The session was an adjourned one and the
opportunity was taken to hav this .ex
amination during the meeting of the Ne
braska State Pharmaceutical society. Th
class consist of thirty-one 1 members, a
E. E, Allen of Utica, W. 8. Armstrong
of Omaha, I. R. Ashley of Omaha, George
M. Beacom of Hubbard, H. Bowen of
Omaha, O. E. Cheney of Fremont. John
Crane of Oakall, & Edward of Brady, J.
W. Fatter of Omaha. W. H. Flher of
Scribner, F. C. Genung of Wauss, W. G.
Harms of Superior, W. E. Hayward of
Norfolk, A. J. Hemisen of Council Bluffs,
Mell Hooper of Holdrege, F. U Johnson
of Omaha, Ralph C. Long of Mason. Mar
tin C. Kibler of Kearney, J. A. McClintock
of Primrose, Mlrl McDonald of Murdock,
Arthur Mangold of Bennmgton. Bruce B.
May of Seward, J. H. Maden of Ashlsnd,
Elanley. R. Paulson of Holdrege. M. O.
Reeve of Farnam, William Roaenketter of
Grand Island. C. H. Ross of Fllley. H. W.
Shull of Big Springs, H. K. Stelnhaua of
Pacific Junction, Roy E. Tweedy of Fre
mont and W. A. Witte of Bennington.
The announcement of th names of th
candidates passing the required examina
tion will not ba made public fop several
daya, or until th examination papers can
bo thoroughly examined by the executive
committee of the Stat Board of Pharmacy.
Cure Hcmorrhagtea of th I.ssst,
"Several year since my lungs were so
badly affected that I had many hemor
rhages." writes A. M. Ak of Wood, Ind.
"I took treatment with seversl. physician
without any benefit. I then started to tak
Foley' Honey and Tar, and my lung are
now as sound aa a bullet. I recommend
It In advance stage of lung trouble."
Foley' Honey and Tar (top th cough
and heals th lungs: and prevents serious
results from a cold. Refuse substitute.
All druggists.
University Man Will Take Lads en
Tour of Biology, Geology
and Botany.
The Young Men's Christian association
ha hit upon another Innovation. It ha
arranged with Prof. F. D. Barker of tie
University of Nebraska to spend one month
with boys studying biology, geology and
botany out In "God's glorious out-of-doors"
among th Insects, rocks and flowers.
Educational Secretary Miller of the Young
Men' Christian association haa looked
after th detail of th plan. H say the
course of study will begin June 29 and end
July' 24. Prof. .Barker will take boy be
tween 12 and 16 years of age out with him
each day, fiv day a week, and atudy
"Of course, the study will necessarily be
somewhat, elementary in character," says
Mr. Miller. "But we hope to be able to
accomplish much good for the boys. Prof.
Barker will teach them th names and
characteristics of the various Insects,
animals, rocks, earth formations, flowers,
trees and plants, so that they may be able
to distinguish any of these when they
come In contact with them. We don't ex
pect boys of these ages in such a short
time to learn all about any of these things,
tut we do expect them to learn enough to
enable them to distinguish kinds of trees,
plants, flowers, bugs and have some Idea
of the rocks and earth. It will be a typical
walk with nature, a communion. Besides,
some dsys or psrts of days will be spent
in th gymnasium or th swimming pool
and other day th boy will tak lunches
and stay out until late in the evening.'1
Special round trip, rate to Cleveland, O.,
via Baltimore A Ohio railroad, account an
nual convention National Educational as
sociation, and International convention
Baptist Young People' union, x Consult
nearest ticket agent or address B. N.
Austin, ' general passenger agent; W. A.
Preston, ticket passenger agent, Baltimore
& Ohio railroad, Chicago, for particulars.
IXot tho a eteran Xtwibtur w,iu.
as Was First Reported
from St. Joseph.
Th report that W. H. Kent, the veteran
newspaper man of middle west, had been
killed by a train at Watson. Mo., Monday,
June 8, prove to bo erroneous. W. R.
Kent, son of W. H. Kent, waa found dead
there, and the error arose In th confusion
of names. W. H. Kent waa In the proof
room of The Bee when a telegram came
last week telling of the death of his son,
who was then enrout to Omaha, and he
left Friday for Missouri.
Aa Opportunity,
From this data we will sell In any Quan
tities at retail from our Urge stock of
paints oils, varnishes, stains, brushes,
glass and all other goods appertaining to
the Una at prices hitherto unknown Ho the
consuming trade. W will guarantee to
save you money on anything w sell you.
Cm. Ulh and Davenport Bid.
A Viper la th Stomach
Is dyspepsia complicated with liver and
kidney troubles. Electric Bitters help all
such cases or no pay. Vic. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Reoord Shows John L. Kennedy
Bought tho Homo of Z. T.
Deeds were placed on record Tuesday
ahowtng that John L. Kennedy, vice pres
ident of the banking nous of J. L. Bran
del Jfc Sons, bought a year ago the former
home of Z. T. Lindsey at Fortieth and
Harney streets. The sal waa made by
A. L. Reed, and Rev. T. K. Hunter, on of
th trustee of Bellevue college, has
bought a residence lot and home between
Eleventh and Twelfth on Mrcy street,
the deed being given by the Philip Potter
company for 14.000.
Hastings A Heyden have sold to Mary I,
Frana a residence In Horn Plsce for IS. 1.0.
J. M. Longstrest ha bought from E..M.
Absolutely Unequaled!
These are hand'tailored suits,
made from extra fine, fast blue
wool serge.
They are built on late models
and built right" they fit right,
hang right and look right. Custom
made suits at $35.00 are no better
can't be better. ,
Leaves 15th and Farnam streets, Omaha,
at 9:30 A. M. and 2:00 P. M., every week
day, rain or shine.
Competent lecturer on board 'pointing
out all places of interest enroute.
Fare 50o for adults; 25c for children
under 12 yearsof age.
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway Co.
by using Pasteurized Milk. v Doctors advise It. It Is
free from Impurities.
Recommended by th dept. of agriculturt at Washington,
D. C. Out wagona pasa your doof before "breakfast'
M "TW ,W""7 jV M im
Phone Douglas 411.
Office 1812 Farnam.
To Be Safe
To be safe confine yourself to
the use of such flavors its your
experience and judgment tell
you are of the purest quality.
0ffiE.. "
are just as they are represented
to be. If not the cheapest they
are the best, and no puddings,
cakes, creams, or other table deli
cacies, are spoiled by their use.
AT UlintH 1TB
SATs;. -wt
a V
I sotl
i mt It
1o nUlwiKl spnelsi
gus Mi iu.t.m a at- Iwshs Bettt
Always Available
If you want to set aside a certain portion of your means, where it
will be available for immediate use, and still earn a liberal rate of
Interest, open an account with this bank. You will find no other
arrangements bo convenient.
4 Interest Paid on Deposits.
Oldest, Largest and Strongest Having Bank in Nebraska.
16th and Douglas Streets.
each Mm
Finest Hotel on Great Lakes
A cool, delightful spot only II minutes' ride
from city's amusement and shopping district.
This elegants modern hotel Is beautifully situ
ated close to the great South Park system.
458 large, airy, outside rooms, ISO private
baths. Its broad veranda of nearly 1099 feet
overlooks Lake Michigan on two sides. Table
always the best, The beautiful lawns, shrubs,
flower beds, tennis courts and nearby sandy
beach add to the enjoyment of Its guests.
One can enjoy all the summer gaieties or find
restful quiet among Its shady, sequestered
surroundings. Tourists and transient guests
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