Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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iiri: STieTalkt Atnrei to Give Up All
: Property-Held by Her.
Jtrvelatlena Made by Daashter-la.
Law ! Mrs. flhevaller "aid la
( Be Rnoik1 far Latest
Tara af Affair.
(From a guff Correspond-nt.)
UXrOLN, June 11 (Special.) The Horn
will ras4. Insofar the will Is concerncil.
Is ended and County Attorney Terrell will
t once begin prosecutions against Mrs.
BheveHer, the ber.eflcltry of the will, on
Cham of larceny as bailee. Investigating
111 the meantime the cause of the death of
Mrs. Horn. The will making Mrs. Shevaller
the beneficiary was withdrawn this after
noon after a conference between the oppos
ing lawyers and the attorneys for Mrs.
Shevaller m.ere allowed fTOO. Mrs. Shevaller
la to pay?ltj obr of her own witnesses
and Is to return a sealskin cloak which
blongd to Mrs. Horn and which has not
yet ben located for sure by the attorneys
tor the contestants, - -
Tbe withdrawal of the will and the sud
den termination of the case was due to I
statement made by Mrs. Minnie Shevaller,
daughter-in-law of the beneficiary, who
told of t'ha law whk-h her mother-in-law
had when arrested. The money, she said,
belonged to Mrs. Horn. Tho daushter-ln-
law made further statements damaging to
tbe beneficiary and the attorapye concluded
to quit the fight.
At the conference rfif the lawyers County
Attorney Tyrrell and Hallack Rose for the
beneficiary almost came to blows over a
discussion of the compromise, and the
county nttnrpt y protnteed a eerotatlon when
the criminal cases start against Mrs. Bheva-
ller. based " on the- statements of the
The will was contested by Mrs. Msry
Foley of Kansas CU.' Mrs. Nelson Nichols,
wife of an engineer In Donver. and another
Bister of Mrs. Horn living In Denver.
Mrs. Horn lived eroneiand during the last
year of her life was a close neighbor of
Mrs. Shevaller. at whose home she died.
Bho left an estate valued et about pn.VOO
to Mrs.. BTievi.liar. purjng the progress of
the trial Mfcsneflir was arrested on a
charge of -fawceny as bailee, and when
secrchid at the police. station some $6,000
was found In, the bosom of her dress.
Aatl-ftaloon Leaejue Plana.
Information Is being sent out by the of
fleers of the Anti-Saloon league regarding
its Intentions during the opmlng campaign
The leagUe'ln flie letters sent out says It
will stsai for ount j . option and every
candidate for tlie legislature will be askd
to stat.- bis position on. that question. Those
opposed lll be foagh by -the league. Be
sides .the cbove the committee decided t?
ask the congressional candidates how they
stand on' the i'rpburn-Dolliver bill or
seme ether measure which excludes liquor
from "dry) territory; also qn a measure to
prevent the Issuance of a federal license
In a dry 'town.' The league will go further
than thU and aMc candidates how they
stand on measures relating to the control
of corporations' anrf on other measures af
fecting the Interests of the people. The
president 'of the league last winter kept a
record of the" work' Of the members and
this book will t feed as a guide during the
Mrs. l.oblnsjler'a Mother Berned
Mrs. Loblng1fY wife of Judge I.oblngler,
who has been visiting .In Lincoln, left to
day for .Wisconsin, where aTie was called
by Jelegram announcing that the home of
1 "Swa -A ' L S .
t ... . A.;
Personal Beauty
PERFECT complexion
positive basis of
true leautv the suc
cessful attainment of
which must be made along;
Nature' own lines, by the
use of
Madame Yale's
Complexion Cream
f tAo, , exauiite natural beauti
fier of known efficiency, that
U absolutely essential for the
. completeness of the dressing;
tsble of allVomen aspiring to
. have a perfect complexion to
be beautiful. Conclusive proof
of the e tli car y of this famous
.toilet requisite and luxury is
the fact , that for years it
has been coveted treasure
of discriminating; women of
'' fashionable require ji en ts
" in troth, it's a
It' Is" thoroughly cleansing,
purifying, cooling, soothing
-and healing, refining, re
freshing, nourishing, whiten
' ng, beautifying and preserv-
, ing. Cures and prevents chap
ping, chang, itching and all
akiu irritation; abnormal red-
-nebs of the nose and face. .
Hakes the skin white and
healthful, as soft, smooth and
fine ia texture as the petal of
rose, and the complexion as
glorious as a little child. The
pronounced benefit derived
from its use is instantly appa""
rent, permanently established.
Mm. YtW s Almond Bios
tern CompUrion C team, 2
titt tifietial prices of Se
art lart SI six & iSc
, , or ik 50c silt. Punka st
' -' sJjrfoJjj. Try it.
We will civs ru fraa a
cpr Mo. Tais a
kowk va bosuty tut Pbyucul
culture- If '
loan, write, as aad will
mail yon a coy.
s. Drug Dept. Brandeis.
her mother bad he destroyed by fire snd
that her mother bad. been burned. Tbe
telerram said, however, there wss no cause
for alarm about her met her, as the burns
were not dangerous.
Bryan Will IMarasa Flatferm.
Brjin, after reading the draft of the re
publican platform, declined to discuss It.
He refused to diseussn the, document In
advance of Its adoption .br' the convention.
Drew. Inspecting; Peaeea.
Ned Brown, chairman of the Judiciary
committee of the house last winter, was
In Lincoln today looking after his political
fences. Mr. Brown wants to graduate
from the house Into the senate. He Uvea
near Arbor and will run as a farmer to
represent the county, as will 8. W. Bum
ham, at present county chairman. There
will be three or four candidates from Lin
coln after the same Jot Mr. Brown
will speak at the bankers' banquet tomor
row night and his place on the toast list
comes between Bryan and Shallenberger.
heldea'e Frleada Interested.
A telegram from a Chicago paper this
morning for a picture of Oovernor Shel
don, supplemental to the encouraging re
ports In the morning papers regarding Ms
vice presidential possibilities!,' created con
siderable talk around the slate and In town.
An effort was made this morning to get
op a special train to go to the convention
and boom the executive, but tt was not
pushed through. Superintendent McBrlen,
who nominated Oovernor Sheldon at the
Marquette club banquet last winter. In
tended leaving tonight, but his daughter
was taken suddenly 111 and he will not b
able to get away. In the meantime lots of
people around the state house are already
wondering who will be the candidate for
governor, they taking It for granted that
when the convention sees Sheldon that will
cinch the new Job.
Attendance at Jaalor Normals.
According to reports received at the office
of the state superintendent, the attend
ance at the Junior normal schools at the
end of the first week "breaks the record for
all previous years: Alliance, 202; Alma.
ISO; Broken Bow, 219; Geneva, 150; McCook
JOS; North Platte, 17tj O'Neill. 215. Valen
tine did not open until Monday of this
week and no report is in from there.
Representative af State Historical
Society Visits Tekamah.
TEKAMAH, Neb., June (Special.)
A. Blackman, from the Nebraska State
Historical society of Lincoln, has been here
the last few days. Yesterday he discovered
a grave on the resorviolr hill, west of the
depot, covered with eighteen inches of burnt
clay, which ccitalned the skeletons of five
Indians, the grave being about six feet
Mr. Blackman says that one of theae
skeletons must have been that of an Indian
chief, as the grave was on the highest
point of the hill, and also from the fact
that It must have taken several days, per
haps months, with a fire going continually,
tu burn the ground to such a depth. He
found two or thrie lower Jaw bones with
the teeth intact, and as the teeth were worn
off a great deal it was thought that these
Indians had lived to a grand old age .
Several dispute the theory regarding one
of them being a chief. They claim If it
had been he would have been, buried alone
Instead of with -these otherfour. Upwards
of twenty-five skeletons have been dug up
In the last ten years within 300 yards of
the one found today, but never before was
there so many found In one Spot.
of copper large enough for the ordinary
third finger of a man. He found several
beads made from horn and some which
resemble, shells.
He spent the last two or three days on
the bluffs north oftown, where he- found
from-a-4loaen to fifteen graves, which he
did not open. '
Dally Temperatnre lew, bat Preelpl-
tatloa la Heavy.
LINCOLN. June 1. (Special.) The
weather bulletin for the week ending June
15, Is as follows: The week was cloudy
and cool, with an excess of rain In nearly
all parts of the 'state.
The dally mean temperature was be
tween 60 and 64 degrees, which is six to
eight degrees below the normal. Friday
was the warmest day, with a maximum
temperature generally slightly above 80
The rainfall was above the normal In
most of the state. It ranged from one to
three Inches, except In the extreme western
counties, where it was about, or somewhat
more than half an Inch. Rain fell, aa a
rule. In a large number of moderate show
ers scattered through the week. Atome
places some rain fell on each of the seven
days, while In moat of the state rain fell
on five or six days. The total rainfall
from April 1 to data is generally decidedly
above the normal. The excess In the east
ern counties ranges from three to nine
inches. O. A. LOVELAND.
Section Director, Lincoln, Neb.
Session of the Wesleyaa CeaarIL
(SpaclaD The educational council of Ne
braska Wesleyan university baa Just closed
its twelfth annual session. Reports of the
year's work as given by the state officers
and presidents of local councils showed a
substantial growth and Interest. Due to
the fact that the memorial building has
been completed, some appropriations dur
ing the ar were made for the furnishings
of the headquarters of the woman's Wes
leyan educational council room. The liter
ary department of the organisation is grow
ing. The study of Bible history has been
taken up by some of the local councils.
Soon the organisation will perfect plans
whereby there will be placed a financial
agent and organiser in the field whose
duty will be to solicit subscriptions and
donations for Nebraska Wesleyan univer
sity and organise a local council In every
Methodist church In the state. One of
the great alma of the organisation has
been embodied in their battle cry, "A
membership of 10,000 women who will con
tribute annually t cents a week." The
following officers were elected: President.
Mrs. L. O. Jones, vlre president. Mrs. s!
K. Dally; corresponding secretary. Mrs. O.
R. Beebc; recording secretary, Mra E.
Miller; treasurer, Mrs. A. L. Johnsor;
trustees, Mrs. C. C. White and Mrs. H.
H. Sanderson.
Blar BasTalo SWell Fees'..
VALENTINE, Neb.. June Is. 8peclal )
while excavating George Cyphers found
twenty-three feet below the surface of the
ground the head of a monstrous buffalo
with horns attached. The skull measure!
three feet two Inches from the tip of 'the
horns and each horn la one foot four
Inches in circumference snd no doubt a
part has crumbled sway. The bones are
completely petrified and on the broad f jre
bead is a network of holes which looal
scientists say were probably mad? by
ancient aluga and sparbada and this to
gether with Its deepth In the ground lead
people to believe that it waa killed cen
turies ago. Old timers say tt is the largest
tmffalo heed ever aeen and It Is by far
the largeat ever uncovered around thes
parte. Mr. Cyphers has been offered vari
ous sums for the Mad, but refuses to sell.
Valentine Jaalwr Nerval.
VALENTINE. Neb.. June l.-(ScUl.)i
The sixth annual aesaion of the Valentine
Junior normal school opened here today
with a large enrollment and students are
arriving dally. 'A. H. Waterhouse ef Omaha
Is again principal. Other members of the
faculty are: County Superintendent Ljulu
Korts of Valentine. County Superintendent
C. L.- Hopper of Ruehvllle, Superintendent
W. T. Stockdale of Wlner, Superintendent
J. A. Dor m us of Madison. S'lperlntendent
A. K. Bowen of Tierce and Miss Kate E.
Drisroll of Valentine. The Junior normal
lecture course will consist of numbers by
A. L. Blxby, the genial humorist and
optimist, by Prof. Newens of the Iowa
State college. Ames, who will give a read
ing, and by the Chicago Olee club. In addi
tion to this Oovernor Sheldon hss promised
to deliver a lecture. The normal school will
be In session for seven weeks.
Horse and Baas? Stolen.
BEATRICE, Neb.. June 18. (Special Tele
gram.) A valuable horse owned by E. W.
Webster of this city, and a buggy and
harness belonging to Mrs. J. Ramklu were
stolen last night. There Is no clue to the
guilty parties.
Nebraska News Notes.
ALMA This city is filled to the over
flow point with school teachers, who are
attending the Junior Normal course.
WYMORE A subscription paper is being
circulated among members of St. Luke s
Episcopal church to raise funds to build a
BEATRICE Frank A. Mason and Miss
Vesta Pauline Blyhoff were united in mar
riage at the Christian parsonage. Rev. J. E.
Davis officiating.
ALMA The continued wet weather makes
It unsatlsfsctory for stacking the crop of
airaira. whicn la about all cut aown ai
the present time.
ELSIE The Grant ball team came down
and played the home team between trains
Thursday. The resulting score stood U to
6 In ravor of Lisle.
BEATRICE In the Sunday school base
ball league, last evening the Bereana of
the Christian church defeated the United
Brethren team. Score, to J.
BEATRICE The Jons Automobile com
pany began Installing machinery In Its
plant yesterday. The work of manufactur
ing automobiles will be started soon.
WTMORE A big mass meeting of cltl
sens was held last night and It was decided
to celebrate the Fourth of July and Invite
the people of the surrounding country to
help. .
BEATRICE Charles Heckat'horn and
Miss Cora McKlnley, both of this city, were
married at Lincoln, Judge Cosgrove offi
ciating. They will continue to reside in
ALMA Public installation of officers of
the Order of the Eastern Star and Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons lodges took
place In Masonic hall here Saturday night.
Many from outside towns were here,
BEATRICE John 8. Walker, a veteran
fireman of this city, has received word of
his appointment by President Charles C.
Chain to membership on the promoting
committee of the national association.
ALMA The Harlan County Mutual Tele
phone company has Its central office open
and In running order in Alma, and starts
with about thirty-five subscribers. This
again makes two telephone companies In
Alma. .
HARVARD The annual reunion of old
settlers and old soldiers for Clay and
Nuckolls counties, to have been held at
Deweese today and tomorrow, has been In
definitely postponed by reason of the ex
cesslve rains.
BEATRICE Word has been received here
ttatlng that Charles F. Moore, husband of
Vtra. Elisabeth Moore, a former resident
of eBatrlce. was killed last week by falling
down a mine at Victor, Colo. Mr. Moore
was 24 years of age.
ALMA Adjusters for the different Insur
ance companies have been busy for a week
past adjusting the losses of the wind storm
which occurred on the 7th Inst., when
several thousand dollars In damage was
done in the town and county.
REPUBLICAN CITY The memorial ex
ercises of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen and Degree of Honor were held
1 nWk vexlerdav afternoon in the
X Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. Mr. Piatt
of Alma rendered a very appropriate ser
mon. A INSLEY Alfalfa Is being cut in the
rain, an unusual sight for Custer county.
It has rained every day for the last three
weeks. The crop prospect Is the most prom
ising for years past. Corn is growing fine
and is free from weeds considering tbe
REPUBLICAN CITY-Chlldren s day was
appropriately observed yesterday by the
Methodist -Episcopal church. The Evan
gelical church held Its Children's day ex
ercises in a grove on Crystal creek, Sunday
school at lu a. m., picnic dinner at u ana
the program at 2 p. m.
HARVARD A . steady rain fell during
most of last night and this morning, that
(rom reports Is general over the county.
Corn plowing was being pushed rapidly,
though in many cases the ground was
hardly dry enough to work, but this rain
will again prevent farmers from this work.
Weather Observer Fleming gives the rain
fall so far for June as being 7.42 inchea,
WYMORE A man was In town yester
day looking over the ground with a view of
putting in a street railway between this
city and Blue Springs, the trains to be
hauled by a gasoline motor, much the same
as are used by the Union Pacific. All he
asks Is a franchise and this would be
granted him In the city. He would haul
freight and passengers. There Is consider
able traffic between the two cttlea.
TABLE ROCK The Indenepdent Order of
Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges met at
their hall yesterday afternoon and held
their memorial exercises, as also the An
cient Order of United Workmen and. De
gree of Honor, at their hall. At the conclu
sion of the exercises at the halls the four
orders formed a procession and marched to
the cemetery and the gravees of the de
ceased members weer strewn with flowers
and the ritualistic ceremonies of the orders
were observed.
BEATRICE The Board of Supervisors
met yesterday to consider the rebuilding
and repairing of bridges damaged by the
recent floods. When the members were
shown the law on this subject they found
that new bridges could not be constructed
unless there is sufficient money in the road
fund to cover the necessary expenses. In
asmuch aa the Gage county road fund Is
exhausted the board finds Itself in a pre
dicament which may not be easily solved.
The damage to bridges in this county Is es
timated at close to 125.000. .
NORTH PLATTE The whole town Is
making arrangements to celebrate the
Fouth of July. A large amount of money
has been raised by the citizens and one of
the fimst programs, including sports of all
kinds is being prepared. Bucking broncho
contests and races will make up a part of
the program, also a public wedding, if par
tlea to participate can be found. The old
flag pole that has been at Fort McPherson,
has been given by the government to the
local order. Grand Army of, the Republic,
and will be raised In the city on the Fourth
of July with appropriate ceremonies.
TABLE ROCTO-Mrs. Fannie Stover, wife
of Hugh M. Stover, one of the pioneers of
southeast Nebraska, died Saturday night,
aged about 66 years, at her residence, in
Auburn, Neb., where they removed re
cently. Hugh M. Stover came here from
Jones county, lowa, in and settled on
Long Branch In the corner of Nemaha
county, some twelve miles northeast of
here, where they lived a great many
years until they removed to Auburn. The
body will be brought here for burial and
the Interment will be at the Mount Zlon
cemetery, near where they lived for so
many years.
A Fiishtfel Experience
with biliousness, malaria and constipation.
la quickly overcome by taking Dr. Klng'a
New Lira Pills. 25c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Prwaalnent Klka Drewaed.
BURLINOTON. Ia.. June H.-The second
river tragedy this season added two more
popular young Burlington men to the list
of those claimed by the Mississippi. Joseph
Conenberg and William D. Johnson, who
had gone several miles up the river with
a party of friends Sunday, were rowing In
a boat late In the afternoon when In at
tempting to change positions they rap
slsed the boat and both fell Into the water
and were drowned. Pofh men are members
of the Elks' organisation. Johnson prac
tically gave his life In attempting to save
(Continued from First Psge.)
showing that they purpose to submit cases
Involving 110 seats, as follows:
Alabama At larr and all congressional
districts, twenty-two O'egates.
Arkansas Fifth district, two delegates.
Georgia First and Third districts, four
Kentucky First. Fifth. Sixth and
Eleventh districts, eight delegates.
Mississippi Delegates-at-large and Third,
Fifth and Eighth districts, ten delegates.
Missouri Tenth. Eleventh and Twelfth
dislricts. six delegates.
Ohio Thirteenth district, two delegstea.
Tennessee Delegates-at-large and 8cond.
Third. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth. Seventh, Eighth
and Tenth districts, twenty delegates.
Texas Delegatlon-at-large and sixteen
districts, thirty-six delegates.
The protests conclude with the following:
"Please be advised that the undersigned,
representing the contestants In the above
cases, do not assume to exclude any other
contestants who msy see fit to present
their contests to your body. As to the con
testants represented by us. however, we
desire, in view of the grave Importance
of the subject mstter, to suggest that suffi
cient time be permitted us to properly
present these cases to your committee. We
also request that we be accorded that right
hlch la given to complainants before
courts and Judicial bodies everywhere, to
open and close the argument In these cases,
to the end thai the merits of the same may
be properly presented for your considera
tion." The statement Is signed by Major Fred
C. Bryan, who. served as general , counsel
for the "allies" In the hearings before the
national committee; George T. Bucking
ham, for the Cannon interests; Senator-
Elect W. B. Bradley of Kentucky, for
Fairbanks, and A. N. Sager, for Hughes.
Ticket Takers Not Expert and Prog
reaa la Slow.
16. It required something besides a knock
on the door to enter the big coliseum and
see ihe republican party In convention as
sembled today. In the first place one had
to run the gauntlet of hawkers, and vend
ers of all sorts of cheap articles, who way
laid the badge-decorated delegates. Then
a vast army of policemen, all looking as
If they suspect each approaching person.
had to be passed.
By that time one of the six spacious
entrances had been reached, but there the
real trouble began unless you were prop
erly equipped. If you had a long green
ticket, which looked like a bank note and
bore the steel engraved picture of Abraham
Lincoln and said that It was good only for
the first day, the stony-faced doorkeeper
might consider your application for admis
sion, and eventually you were permitted to
pasa through the portals and enter the vast
auditorium. As the crowd grew In slse the
venders worked harder, the policemen were
not so critical and the doorkeepers passed
the ticket besrers with more speed.
Those who attended a Chicago convention
for the first time were not particularly im
pressed with the outside surroundings or
the exterior aspect of the Coliseum.
Wabash avenue In the vicinity of the
building Is not Its most Inviting part. About
all the nearby buildings looked as If they
had survived the fire of 171. At 11 o'clock
the martial music of approaching marching
clubs could be heard.- and during the next
hour there was continuous- movtiyt proces
sions toward the halt- Traffic on the ave
nue stopped completely and the three blocks
en each side of the Coliseum became choke j
with delegates, s pec ts tors, newspaper men,
photog-raphers, convention spectators and
outside sightseers.
The United States senators, members of
congress, governors and national commit
teemen had to find the side doors. They
were not permitted to enter through ad
miring crowds, but hurrying round on the
south side they found a door which led to
a dark and not very Inviting corridor under
the stage.
An hour before the convention began work
there were 10,000 people gathered about the
Coliseum and every moment the crowd In
creased until It was difficult to even reach
the entrances.
Ever try The Bee Want Ad Columns? If
not. do so. and get satisfactory results.
Reports Indicate Rapid
In the 'New Orgaals
Reports given at the second meeting of
the Omaha local of the State Railway Em
ployes' Protective association in Labor
temple last evening showed that the mem
bership In the new organisation has In
creased from 1.000 to nearly 12,000 In the last
two- weeks.
President George E. Norman presided
and In a short speech epitomised the alms
of the association.
"We have wasted our strength too long,"
he said. '"Now we must stand up for our
employers against those who are persecut
ing them. The AWrich bill reduced rates
IS per cent, but meat Is going up. rent Is
going up. and It Is essy to see what will
be the end unless we act, use our votes
and elect men who will stand up for us.".
T. H. Crosby of the executive committee
told of the progress of. work In organising
locals throughout the sta.te. He said they
had "met "better success than they even
dreamed of." Nearly 12,000 of the 22,000
railway employes In the state are already
members of the association.
P. H. Morrison of Fremont explained the
system of collecting and accounting for the
money received from subscriptions.
W. H. E. McDanlels took a rap at state
ments In an evening paper, purporting to
come from two members of the Central
Labor union, who are alleged to have said
they would not permit the affiliation of
the Railway Employes' Protective associa
tion with the Central Labor union.- He de
clared the new association does not want
to be connected with any union. It wants
to be Independent snd bring Its power to
bear In politics. "Think of It," he said.
"Nine hundred votes In the Union Pacific
headquarters alone. In the shops there are
1,600. We must hang together. The Com
mercial club. Real Estate exchange and
other organisations are going to appoint
committees to confer with the city council
with a view to a revision of the city char,
ter. The Railway Employes' association
will sena a committee also."
8. B. Moore read an editorial which ap
peared in the World-Herald, attacking the
organisation, and made a spirited reply.
8. C. Macomber of North Platte made a
sarcastic speech, saying he presumed the
next thing some newspapers which have
attacked the new organisation would do
would be to take steps to have the rail
road men disfranchised.
W. R. Ward of Pyersburg. Tenn., writes:
This Is to certify that I have used Onno
Lavxetlve Fruit Syrup for chronic constlpa
tata, and It has proven, without a doubt,
is be a thorough, practical remedy for this
trouble, and It Is with pleasure I offer my
eonsalenUous reference." AU druggist,
remperancedvocates Praise
The ireat Tonic Stimulant
- ( - - v
I ( ) 1 ,
MR. AND MRS. J. E. TREAT. per use of any liquor, but Dufry s Pure
Malt Whiskey, used aa directed, haa done much for us, for which we are extremely grateful. Mr. and Mr. J. K.
Treat, 91 Camp St, Meriden, Conn.
Is an absolutely pure distillation of malted grain; great, care being used to have every kernel thoroughly malted, thus
destroying the germ and producing a predlgested liquid food In the form of a malt essence, which Is the most effective
tonic stimulant and invigorator known to science; softened by warmth and moisture its palatabillty and freedom from
Injurious substances render It so that it can be retained by the most sensatlve stomach. . .
It cures nervousness, typhoid, malaria, every form of stomach trouble, all diseases of the throat and lungs, and
all run-down and weakened conditions of the body, brain and nerves. It is prescribed by doctors and is recognized
as the great family medicine everywhere.
CAUTION When yon ak your druggist, grocer or dealer for Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey be sure you get the gen
uine. It's the only absolutely pure medicinal malt whiskey and is sold fn sealed bottles only; never In bulk. Price gl.OO.
Look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on the label, and make sure the seal over the cork Is unbroken. Write
Consulting Physician, Duffy Malt Whiskey CoM Rochester, N. V., for a free Illustrated medical booklet and free advice.
i . ( - - i
Paid Membership of Ak-Sar-Bea
Ahead of tbe Same Time
Last Tear.
The apothecaries of the state were given
an object lesson In bacteria, bacilli, pure
foods and pure drugs and pure water at
the Den Monday night with a degree of
effectiveness that will be discernible In
their convention at the Rome tonight.
About 100 of them were given the seventy
seventh degree of K. of N.. and each of
them Is anxious to take the ninety-ninth
degree Wednesday evening, or will see
that belated arrivals to the convention do.
It was a great night at the Deft, exceeded
only by "The Bell Ringers" night of a
week ago. . y -( - ,
B. F. Thomas as grand mufti, Fred Paf
fenrath aa the admiral and W. F. Wap
plch as the sky pilot were never In finer
fettle, and the proceedings were fast and
furious from the start.
Being Hag day, a startling and beautiful
surprise waa sprung with id electric flag
from the stage, which brought forth the
most enthusiastic and deserved applause.
But the greater and pleasing surprise
waa the announcement made, by the grand
mufti that the paid membership Monday
night reached 836, as against 530 one year
ago Monday night. The announcement
was greeted with a cheer from thr W0 or
more brave knlghta assembled there.
The moving picture exhibition was edu
cational as well as extremely Interesting,
and necessarily, curtailed the oratory. The
only speakers were Dan I. Klllen of
Adams, president of the Nebraska State
Pharmaceutical association, who waa also
a member of the last Nebraska legislature
from Gage county. He predicted all sorts
of success for the Ak-8ar-Ben of 1906, and
paid State Senator B. F. Thomas, the
grand mufti, several r.lce compliments for
his seal for Omaha, that caused Senator
nd Postmaster Thomas to blush so lu
ridly that the red lights turned yellow.
O. J. Fink of Holdrege also spoke, his ad
dress being especially distinguished by Its
brevity of three words.
The further announcement waa made
that King Ak-Sar-Ben XIV would hold a
special audienco with his knights on
Wednesday evening In honor of the gas
Mien of Nebraska and the Dakotas and"
elsewhere, who would hold a' convention
In Omaha on that date. The gas people
will be given a trip around the horn with
M ITJKvlf l .k
Ail Loose-WUea
the battleship fleet, and such of the phar
macists as escaped last night will be shown
what they might have missed. Another
special feature of Wednesday evening will
be a demonstration by the drill team of
the Omaha Oas company of how to re
and then tries to inhale U to beat the gas
company and transfer hla financial allegi
ance to the undertakers.
The experiment will be tried on the
druggists, and knights who expect to wit
ness the ceremony are notified to be In
their seats at 8:29 p. m. Seats will be pro
vided for 2,000 and they are expected to be
Ooart-Martlat Decides There Was No
Irregularity la Ills Reports
to tbe Department,
DES MOINES, June IS. Major Charles
George has been exonerated of the charges
made against him by Major Galgraith, ac
cusing htm of Irregularities in his bi
monthly reports. He was freed by the
court which tried him last week and. al
though the verdict will not be published
until tomorrow, the truth leaked cut today.
The court's verdict was sent to the De
partment of the Missouri at Omaha, and
word was received today that the accused
had been freed. It was alleged that Major
George charged the government for a good
deal of mileage he never eused, but the
defense showed that the officer was merely
obeying orders in making out his report
New National Bank Authorised
Oommeace Bnelaeaa at Cedar
Rapid, Iowa.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON. June 16. Speclal Tele
gram.) The Commercial National bank of
Cedar Rapids, Ia., has been authorized to
begin business with $100,000 capital. James
L. Bever ls president; W. C. . Latourett,
vice president J. L Bever, Jr., cashier.
John F. Gltting of Lincoln, Neb., has
been appointed stenographer at the North
Platte land office.
Many Appeala of Importers.
NEW YORK. June 1.-Wlth the closing
of the federal courts for the summer, so
far aa tariff litigation is concerned nearly
6.000 appeala by Importers are now pend
ing on the suspended files of the Board of
Sugar Wafers
are as delicately fragile as a flower, and as
daintily satisfying; making irresistible appeal
to the feminine taste as the perfect comple
ment of ices and desserts. A tiny square of
toothsome sweetness, riot only new in form,
but superior in flavor, consistency and quality.
Perfectly fresh in convenient tins
15 cents at all good grocers.
Biscuit comply with Nebraska Fur
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Treat, of
Meriden, Conn., both suffered
from severe stomach trouble.
Both are completely cured and
restored to health and strength
by the use of Duffy's Pure Malt
Read what they nay. Mrs. Trat 111
a letter March 30, 1908, wrote:
"I take pleasure In Informing you of
the great benefit derived from the use
of Duffy's Pure Matt Whiskey. Before
using this grand medicine I suffered
from severe stomach trouble, could re
tain no food on my stomach and was
subject to vomiting spells. I had no
strength In my limbs and was much
"I began to Improve after using the
flrvt bottle, taking same-ln small dosea
as per directions, and now, after three
months' use, my stomach Ib all right. I
have a good appetite and have regain
ed my health and strength entirely.
My husband also suffered with' his
stomach, had no appetite and was so
weak and run down that he had given
up his work. He was induced to use
your Malt Whiskey, with the result
that he Is now able to attend to hla
work every day and haa a hearty ap
petite. "We do not approve of the lmpro
United Statea General Appraisers. No more
customs cases will be heard by the courts
until October.
Both Haw and Missouri Are Falllna
at Kansas City Danger
la Over.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jone IS. According
to the local weather office the" floods of
1908 havfc become history. Both the Kaw
and the Missouri are falling and less than
a week is expected necessary to allow the
waters, to return to normal. The' Missouri
registered thirty feet at 7 o'clock this morn,
lng and the ICaw reacned only 28.8. In tho
former there was a all of three inches
during the night and ?lie measurement of
the Kaw waa seven inches .below." the mark
reached at, 7 o'clock Monday evening, r
Trial of New York Financier Wilt
Not Be Hald t'ntll Next
NEW YORK, June IS. Charles W. Morse
appeared In the criminal bench of the su
preme court today and pleaded not guilty
to the three Indictments pending against
him. Two of the Indictments charge him
with grand larceny and the third with
perjury. It Is not expected that the trial
will take place before next fall.
Sappoaed I'ostolBce Robber.
KEARNEY, Neb.. June 16. (Special Tel
egram.) Postof flee Inspector Grogan of
Lincoln was here today to Identify a man
arrested here a few days sgo as a suspect
in the Sumner post of flee robbery one year
ago. The Inspector placed the- charge
against the man, Charles Brown, and he
will be taken to Grand Island to answer
to federal court. He ia thought to be an
accomplice of Ted Murphy, now 1n jail on
the same charge.
Freight Agents Convene.
TOLEDO, O, June 1. The twenty-first
annual convention of the American Asso
ciation of Freight Agents associations met
here today with several hundred delegatea
present from all parts of the United Slates
snd Canada. The convention brings to
gether representative railroad men from all
the large railway centers of the-country.
The sessions, which will continue for sev
eral days, will be devoted to a discussion
of technical questions In connection with
freight traffic. Hon. Mr E. Ingalls Was
the principal speaker today.
Food Law,