12 THE OMAHA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 17, IOCS. rw::.w:'B :': fl B H" ar 5 S r i 5 S S s s r (f w .'V aF"'11 1 More fine (( m our CHINA DEPT.. Weil ArcicU Kr-.tr lil III ra (1 I More fine pieces and more r.re b.raini than were ever be fore offered A NOTABLE SALE OF 1000 PIECES MUMRIT CUT GM 5 S S S3 j J " ' jl ' AT ONE-FOURTH TO ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICE. . There never has been a sale of cut glass in Omaha to compare with this one. It is a splendid collection of the richest cut glass pieces, every piece as clear as crystal and eyery piece handsomely cut. ... . This assortment includes scores of varieties from the small but perfectly cut dishes to the greatt bril liant punch bowl. i'It is an opportunity to buy beautiful gifts for ; Juno .weddings and a chance to beautify your own' home. Many pieces are marked at actually less than one-uafter of their value. CUT GLASS PIECES, WORTH TO $25.00, AT $5.00 Exquisite punch bowls, ice tubs, large vases, brilliant big bowls, tankards, ice cream trays, large cut glass dishes of every kind, at CUT GLASS PIECES, WORTH TO $12.50, AT $2.50 Large berry bowls, celtry 1 trays, vases, spoon trays, bon bon! dishes, etc; Hundreds of beautiful pieces that would regularly cost to $12.50. CUT GLASS PIECES, WORTH TO $5.00, AT $1.50 Great tables covered with pretty bow-Is and dishes, an penecuy cut, in laiest patterns great variety of sizes. You custom arily pay ur to $5.00' for these, on sale at; . . . ; The Thousands rWho' Have Seen' the Window Dia- plays Will Testify That There Never Before Ha vet Been Such Bargains in Cut Glass. Women's Lingerie Dresses at $5 New lots of those pretty lingerie dresses in plain . whites, daintily, trimmed the favorite summer dresses of the season.-'.".".' . p In one-piece Princess effects, etc. a great variety at ' ' this special price of . . . . .'. WOMEN'S SMART BLACK SILK COATS FOR $4.9S These are those short coats with Butterflv sleeves and nil new style features so popular this season. An extra spec ial, for . . . , 222 150 5 if s MM I fTRFF 1 R Home Journal IVIIE Pattern with the Summer Quarter ly Style Book, at 20 Wednesday Is Notion Day t A day devoted to the little thins-, the needfuls, that are always no much H in demand. Notion are just as carefully bought and Just an well kept up In the stocks aa are atlka or dress roods, or linens. We buy notion on a hi acale, buy them riant and sell thi-m for less than any other place we know of. These Wednesday' sale daya are rood daya to put our Notion Stock to the teat. Black Bawtnt; BJUk, oaa-haadrad yard spools, earryinr the label and made by one of the moat prominent etlk manufacturers of the country, allk thread that la worth refualrly lOo per spooL We baT hundreds of doaena, OQp In black onlr. tnl la all letters, an doaan snools 4JKj Lenox Belt Pin Books, full count, as- sorted slues, worth loo, at rin Two Books for Patent Hooks and Byes, In white and Diactc, an e ir.ea, worth be per card, at Three Oarda for a tin Pad Hose Supporters, In white. pink, red, light blue ana black, SSo kinds for Wire Hair Pramea, covered, light and durable, regular 25c kinds IOC Wool Skirt Braids, five yard pieces. black only, beat 10o quality, 5C 15c for Sampson X.lnen Ptnlsh Thread, very strong, excellent for heavy sewing, worth He a spool, at PT Three Spools for UVj Toilet Pta Books, black and white, as sorted alien, worth Be per - rT book. Two Booka for Pearl Buttons, all sizes, good enough for shirts, shirt waists, and the like, worth lie per dozen, at f Three Dosen for tyj Best Zilnea Tape, all widths, worth up to inc. per piece, Wednesday sals at Three pieces rz . for 5c I Ha.viland DiiuverwaLfe It a stLvini of $13.00 an object to you? If you have contemplated a purchase of a fine dinner set then this con cerns you. You know what Havlland China Is, of course, nothing finer comes from the European China markets. Here's a beautiful Havlland design pink and green, blossom decoration on the famous Ranson shape hundred piece sets, and the actual price is $45 we ter thorn nl a aavtm of IS IS nn oh - .T'M"" I1UUUIOU yi'CLfJ BCIB, I Of- mr - - s. set .iSr" Open Stock HavilaLnd Ware, Savmt Decoration at Above 84 Inch Plates, value $5. CO dozen, at, dozen S3.9S 7H-inch Plates, value I6.ZS dozen, at dozen $3.69 6H-lnch Plates, value $4.65 doann. at dozen 93.30 6 H-inch Plates, value S3.8B dozen, at dozen 92.70 Soup Plates, value 14.55 dozen, et dozen 93.90 6H-lnch Bowl Plates, worth 14 90 dozen, at dozen 93-48 7H-lnch Ice Relishes, value 85c each. at each 69o BH-lnrh Ice Relishes, value 65c each, at each . 38o 10-inch Platters,, value (1.12. at each 79o 12-Inch Platters, at 14-Inch Platters, at Large Bakers, each value 11.85 each, 91.89 value I2.6A, each 91-S value 91.65.- at, 91.19 Bread Tray, value $1.60, at each 91.19 Spoon Tray, value 68c, each .... 49o Covered Dishes, .value 13 J5. at each I 93.35 Caneroles, values $3.35, at, each, 93.38 Sauce Boats, values $2.80, each 91.98 P Covered Butters, value 1.95, at, each 81.35 Pickle Dishes, value 65c, at, vach 45o Tea Cups and Saucers, values 6 30 L. dozen, af 94-43 f Sale of Men's Dress Suits and Outing Pants, $10C (T 4 QC to $4.00 values, at pair V J' Sole Omaha SeUing Agents for Zion City ' Laces. THE RELIABLE STORE Omaha Agents for the Cele brated Stet son Shoes. 50c Embroideries Wednesday 19c The Greatest Line of KmbroMi-rtrs ever offered In Omaha at this (j 3 Piece Earthern Ware Cook in i Set of ' good things to eat" free with each set One large caaerole with cover and two large open pudding dishes, abso- m g lutely fire proof, a receipt-book t& B f V BRANDEIS' GREAT SALE OF THE FAMOUS "Opera" Brand Waists Made of lawns, linens, lingeries, etc. Every waist perfectly made and sizes. We bought at great reduction and offer these beautiful waists during this sale AT LESS THAN HALF THE USUAL FIGURES. Next Saturday is the Greatest Sale of Women's SHIRT WAIST SUITS and JUMPER DRESSES ever held in Omaha Watch for Later Aanesaccsicnls. 498 T Showing one of the more elaborate styles in Opera Waists. GREAT SPECIAL BASEMENT BARGAINS Very Fine White Dress Swisses Plain grounds, with embroid ered dots, figures, also checked and striped effects, looks like and Is equal to the real St. Gall Swisses, most desirable and the prettiest of all white m m materials,. dress lengths I f Wednesday, at, yard . . . w 8-4 and 9-4 Bleached Seamless Sheet 'Nicely made from Pep perell, Arnold and Daffas sheet ing; these sheets are mt soiled, but have been slightly mussed In packing, valQes up to 75c, at, each ....... A .. , 45c Bleached Heavy Pillow i Cases Full . size 45x36 regularly sold at I2V2C ' - special price for one 7 day only, at, each '. ... C WEDNESDAY FORENOON ONLY Extra .heavy unbleached muslin, equal to Indian Head; fine unbleached muslin, equal to Pepperell It in all desirable- C lengths, at, yard. . . , ' WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON ONLY Various grades and lengths bleached muslin and cambrics, that would sell regularly at 10c a yard, will be sold Wednesday - 'afternoon only at, yard. .... . . . . . 2i Sale of .'Ruths' Ever attempted in Omaha begins next Monday Thousands of the Finest Rugs Bought at New York Auction Will Be Sold at Bargains That Are Simply Astonishing. See the Windows. 10c Embroideries at 3c Yd. 5ic Medium and wide Edgings and Insertings, up to 10 inches wide and worth up to 10c yard on big bargain square, at, yard. . . . Skirtings, Fleuncings and Corset,, Coyer Embroideries - Also very fine bands, "galloons and insert Ings; many are very elaborate fl.TV patterns and they are worth ji V'o'tf 2Bo yd., on bargain-square, yd. All the Week GREAT BARGAINS in SAMPLE LINENS Beautiful renaissance, cluny and Jap drawn work priced at less than half price. On Hale In Basement. HAIRLIGHT CROWN . ( Pompadours) Takes the place of hair rata. It Is open. Ventilated and Is cool and light on the head C ft price Is. JUC J BRANDEIS - -Boston Store Ma Ik) Another of Our Big Corset Sales Wednesday (. ust from the factory and new, clean, up-to- date models; 150 dozen summer weight corsets in white batiste, some heavier coutil styles. These corsets come in many styles so all fig ures can be fitted. We have every size, have them with hose supporters on or off, as you prefer. These corsets are the usual 75c and $1.00 qualities, Wednesday ft I ngA fcnv fhpm at ....u dil lllvll ' Mie20 for 40c; sio 26 for 52c;..slie 30 for 0c, and so on. Beginning Wednesday, a Clearing Up Sale Bamboo Shades We will be candid about it, have too many. Didn't anticipate a season of rainy weather such as we have had when we bought Old Sol will be out In full force shortly however, and porch shades will be & necessity, But our stock is still here and unload we must. Wednesday prices are cut to the quick. Here's the way .they'll go: 4x6. feet, were 85c, riow....47 8x8 feet, were $2.25, now.jgl.lQ 6x8 feet, were 1.B0, now,..89c I 10x8 feet- were 3 now--$1.50 Bennett's eig Grocery . f - PIB 8FEOZAX1. Mrs. Douslns will make for us one hundred Peach Pies, each IOC Ginger Snaps, rresn ana crisp, pouna o Challenge Coffee, pound.. jeo, Japan Tea Slf tings, pound joo. Teas, assorted, pound 3o, Price's Breakfast Food, three packages . .soo. 1 price. SALE 11 KG INS AT 8:00 A. M. 6.000 yards of the finest ym An elegant line of fine Flounclngs, full 18 Inches fTjk Alloverl Embroideries wide, and extra quality, IJ Vf I iy suitable for fancy Shirt Corset Cover Embrold- If if If Waists, etc., the newest ery, at yard . . .' il W patterns. Not a Yard Worth Less Than 35c Up to 50c. Grand Sale of Val Laces Continues All the Broken Lines of the largest New York Lace House. Thou sands upon thousands of yards of beautiful Val and Mechlin Laces se cured at 25c on the dollar. In two lots. FIRST LOT Val Laces and In- SKC'OXl) 1XTT A beautiful line of sertlngs, worth 10c to 12V4c per Val and Mechlin Laces, worth to yard, choice, yard 1 Sc yard, at yard 5( CHILDREN'S DAY In Our New, Infants' Wear Department, Main Floor, Middle Room: v Children's colored Dresses, values to 11.00, In madras, percales, chambrays, etc., on sale In two . lots, at 30 a.itl 25 Children's ' Wrapper Kimonos, Jackets, etc., made to sell at $1, go Wednesday, at choice . 25C Misses' and Children's Cambric' Drawers, trimmed with laces, em broideries and lawn ruffles, at 100 12 100 ' Infants' All Wool Vests, worth reg ularly to $1.00, choice 25C Infants' Cotton Vests, worth to J 9c on sale at ,15C Children's Rompers and riay'huit values to 60c, on sale- Wednes day, at -'. SC Boys' Wash Suits, great assort ment for selection, kilt or knlck- erbocker styles, In linens, mer cerized chambrays, etc., values to $2.98. ..$i 81.25 81.50 Extra Specials For Wednesday IN OL'R FAMOUS 1MJMESTIG ROOM FROM 9:00 TO 10:O0 A. M. One case of 9c fine Bleached Mus lin, soft finish, 10 yards limit, at per .yard 44 0 FROM 10:00 TO 11:00 A. M. One case of Unbleached Muslin, 7c grade, fine goods, 10 yards limit, at yard 33ic JUST LIKE F1XD1XO THEM. FROM 2:00 TO aioo IVM. One case of Apron Checks, regular 7c values, six yards limit, at, par yard . , . v . . . -2Hc FROM 8.80 TO 4:80 P. M. One case of 10c Towels, bath, regular 7 4c grade, 3 pairs to a customer, at each 3H FOR ALL DAY: 15c Percales, 36 Jn. wide at 76 12 M c Batiste, fine goods, at 5 10c Batiste, fine goods, at . .30 10c Batiste, mussed lots, at 20 Best Prints made, at 3 lac 8- 4 Unbleached Sheeting; 12 Hr 9- 4 Unbleached Sheeting,. at ISC 10c Towels for 5 8V4c Towels, for ........ 4 H C 10c Toweling, by the yard, GHC 8 He Toweling, by the yard, Can Your Pineapples Now French Cut Loaf Sugar, package; 86o, White Table Syrup, can Jjo, Bennett's Capitol Cocoa, H-pound can , Mo, Bayles' Pickles, bottle lOo, Snlder's Pork arid Beans, large can BOo, J. M. Early Jue Peas, two cans , B6o, Raisins, large, pound ...lavto, Eddy's Salad Mustard, Jar 12' Rex Lye, three cans...... Joo, Nine o'clock Wash Tea, three packages.. ljo, Advona Jams, assorted, two cans.., 80o, and 20 and 20 and 30 and 20 and 10 and 10 and 10 and 10 and 10 and 20 and 20 and S and 10 and 10 and 10 Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Stamps 8 tamps Stamps IS tamps Htainps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps This will be" the last week for this delicious fruit. '. Our last car is In for this season! and tomorrow we will 'continue to sell them, Each Bo, 7V4o, SHo. lOo lBHo Fr dosen, 60o, Boo, SSo, 91.10, SI. 3 5 Fsr Crats, anyslzo you want, 93.BS PEACBXa PEACHES FEACJKES 4 Basket crates. Fancy Texas Peaches, for ...754 ralSK VBOETiBIB PKICX TOM WEDMSSDAY Fresh Rplnwch, per peck ........So 8 bunches Fresh Radishes for ....So Fresh Leaf Ittuce, per head ,...lo 8 bunches Fresh Onions for So 2 bunches Fresh Asparagus for ..Bo Thursday 250 Ik Suits $18.00, $20.00, $25.00 and $30.0C values unrestricted choice Thursday, Dainty Summer Shses We've Just the sort of Shoes to please the fluffy-gowned Summer Ulrl who knows snd who Is sure to come hers for Shoes. There are manv new rrestlons this season, and from the best makers we have secured the choicest sryies. ozroBot, miBBOsT TIES, COLOBTCAX. BUCKLES, OTKPS. Mast bsw Ideas la stjles thai ars Tsrj different. $3.50 $4.00 to $5.00 Fry Shoo Co. tern TU BHOEKS. and Douglas BOa and nerveua k be find their uwr ts thful visor irtrir r no Tra A Vwa a wsx UrDlrC work aad you gone as a result of over work or mental exertion sboui4 GHaT'D KEKVG FOOD FILLS. Istf will aake you eat ana. deep and bo a outa scain. 91 Eos I boves sa 60 by maU. Iiitstn ft Moooarn ei.1. z,d OO, Cor. lata ana IKl-o St. on z oosrAJrr Ooa. lata aa4 Karstr tu. Oaaha Eefc JUNE BRIDES .'.and. . Wedding Receptions June bridal couples will find it exceedingly advantageous to con sult us regarding; arrangements for receptions. Our complete facil ities enable us to offer THE BEST TOSSIBLE ACCO.MMODATIOJN S. BALDUFF CATERING SERVICE is available at moderate cost, as suring the best in every sense of the word. By all means get our estimate before making final ar rangements. Bride and Groom Cakes From 3.00 Up. Tnc store ronDfuaciFv 1018-20 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 711. Ind. A1711. Tablo a'Xote SUner Basday, SOo. Ked-ManCollaro TRADE MARK 2 for 25 Cents. Why pay the same price for other makes? GREATEST BARGAIN EVER See Display in Sixteenth Street Window. Watch Wednesday Evening Papers. m HAYDENS' FIRST Summer Excursion via ILLINOIS CENTRAL TICKETS ON SALE DAILY ' Buffalo, N. Y $31.00 Quebec, Que .......... $39.00 ' Niagara Falls, N. Y, $31.00 Chautauqua, N. Y. . . . . $31.00 Toronto, Ont $28.60 Mackinac Island, Mch. $31.80 Ottawa, Ont. $35.00 Tetosky, Mich.,....,. $29.85 Boston, Mass... "....$40.35 Pittsburg, Pa.. $37.15 Montreal, P. Q $35.00 Portland, Me $42.35 Tickets on sale to many other points in the east and northeast. Limit thirty days from date of sale. Certain 6top-over3 allowed. SUMMER TOURIST TICKETS on sale daily with long limits to many points in Michigan, Canadian North east and New England States. For rates, routes and detailed information call at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., or write SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent Omaha, Neb. r : - i Visn.i ly-r Cucumbers, for 80 3 bunches Fresh Carrots for ....60 3 bunches Fresh Turnips for ....60 3 bunches Fresh Beet for So Fancy Klpe Tomatoes, per pound 60 2 bunches Fresh Parsley 60 Fresh Peas, per quart To, Cauliflower. ach So Fresh Wax or Green Beans, lb., THo Quart boxes Oooseberrles, or Black berries, for 10o Bis" Bpsolal Orooair Bals Wednesday, ws can too from IB to as par osnt on your boussksaplns espsnsss. Don't fora-Ht on your next ordur to get a package of the Health Cereal Coffee, 1 packaces for 860 8 BAILEY (El MACH DENTISTS THIRD FXOOB PAXTON DIXSCII I i Best eauiDDtd Dental offlc In the vtadla weC Highest grad OcntUtry at KeaaoaauU frlca. Porcelain tUhajta. just Uk tua loom. 3ee Want Ads Produce Results