THE OMAHA DAILY HUE: TUESDAY. JUNE 1G, 1903. 4 1 f 7 CRMS ASD PRODUCE MARKET Strong Cablet Clinch Decline Induced by pcrttd Brijht Weather. raiVATz - cue? xrws bullish 4 On the kl K a pert OrUIa laellaee ta Better Tha a A erratTa ileU, Barrta Farther DtMitt. OMAHA.-. June- . Strong cable clloched the decline started on th report ot general clearing weather over th southwest. Private crop report continue in be bullish and full of dsm sge, talk, but on tne whole. xpr opin ion are for better than an average yield jarring ftmher diniMn Receipta ar bet- ter and foreign demand ta expected to im prove. Wheat opened at vc up aa a. result of th firmnm Saturday and offering r light. thort bfritiw nervou and covered freely, ending valuta higher after a light break. J'j.y -wheat operaed at aVc and cloaed at fMo- i ne mm market' wla heavy with aelling iron; on ail bmgea The abort Interest has been well brought In and with the aiaaenre of C w tawing power the life of , urn values are grewane; gredtsaily lower. July cora opened at 44c and cloaed at Primary wheat receipta were 4tt.on bush el and shipments were IS2.00& buaheia. axatnat receipt last year of StLOus buabela and shipment of e3s. baeheia. lorn receipta were TfA.Ottl bushel and rhtpments were 34. bushels, against re cetpta last fear of 1.442,tB) bueneia and ' shipments of bueUela I l.jlrinr'B. m-. rm. mm nf mm e. BOfe Of oaia and wheat a 64 flour, equal to 4&a,A) bushels. . -" i - Liverpool ploev fl, , HCTV lower on wheat .nd ,d higher i-aWt!, j.j ocal range, f t optic-nt: - Ar:tclea. 0u( I Close I Bel. e Wheat i V -4 : mv July.. - Sept... 1 ",", Sept.. .IV 4V Ossate. X ee WHEATli.'4fr4ari.-'s:'45aJVv; N. J hard, twj-sr.cj , na-4. aentssfc No.-J eprtng. Si ' J . . cuhN-No. X.e: V & (rHi-5:c; No. 4. Nu. , OATS No. I mlirf. J 5.3fr1c- No. 1 white. !"-iwHac ; No. 4 white, incr tunrterd. K I Ei No. U 77Jc; No. t. JOW73C. Car let BaMlpta. Wheat. Cnrn. Oata. ee -a. tl in rtlir.'T'"rt" US Minneapaiia. t'maha Lhiluth ii...i.-.; CHICAGO CllAI.I A50 PROVISIONS Feat a res mt tae Trad tag; aad Cleelag Price em, Baard at Trade. CHICAGO. June I5.-Th local wheat market was weik today because of oneitlerable reaiisinF by small holders. At tha close wheat fur July was down He. Corn waa V Vwer. .Qats V blgher and i ' 'Tieiona unchanged to 4c higner. S. n' ment la tk wbeat market waa hear ail day In afilt -J the fact that the n-- of the day waa generally In favor of th- bulls. All forelirn grain market were strong, with: th exrepttctn of Parts. A number' of the amaller longs were active sellers all day, wtth the exception of the burlnr at SeyCPTBiwr by a large elevator roncern re mauftd quiet. TJe n arket closed 'rregular. the SeptemBer delivery being .'irm and othef optlomr Yather weak. July opened "c lower ta- We higher at iweSc, Bold If ta Wc and closed at e. Clear ances of wheat and ' flour were eiual to bu. The amount m passsge decreased t if i.oe) bu. and. tha vtatble supdIv decreased l bu. Frlmary receipts were 433.0U0 DU.. comparea wun w,w iot inr tottw. sDondtaa day a rear asm. Minneapolis. Liululb,. and Chicaaro reuortad receipta of 31 cars, aa against 360 .last week and 313 a resr ago. - " Tha ton market was 'weak early in th day. .on selling of tha July delivery by cssh Interest, which selling waa based on liberal rece ota. Tha arrivara today were more tee Us ears ia-Msce of what had Iwen estjmsted- l" -4he..lsst be If at ta session . food cemrd for tle distant de liveries nrvriupii inu ini inomri firm. NeerW ale the k Tn July waa re gained. - -The cloae aa -deferred delivarlea waa firm and that. on. July waa about steady. July opened a stisde to NSitC lower at 4o'i-So, snld on to e and then sdvani ed o (Sc. The close waa at Vc- Local receipt were iS7 cars, wllu 74 of contract grade. Trade in oals was quiet and prices moved within a narrow range. July opened He Mgiier at 4S"c. sold between 43Sc and c and closed at 4Jc. Lvcal receipta wera 12 i ara . . Provisions were rather weak at the start, owing to a oc decline In live hogs, but pricee soon advanced ' on buying by local packers wkich, held tlie- market firm. At the close Julv pork was unchanged at r.4 12S. Isrd waa !H.3c higher at Ifc-n and riba were ic higher at tT.tu. Estimated receipta for tomorrow.: Wheat. 14 rare; corn, h cars; oat. ckra; hogs, lT.OO head. . The leddtng futores ringed aa followa: Articles ! Open, j Hlgh. Low. Close Sat y. W"heat I I i July Sept ar-c. oDec. Spt. 894 n s7 I V 1 . l el 87 H S7J- 57 56-t I 6:u 57H iTSi 5S' 43tkl May Oa 'Tiy luly 1 -1 4V 2S aJ bj 4SH 41 42 '-a M 41-l 42", f -pi. May Putk July 9- ,.t. Lard Jury frepl. ic I. Ribs July Oct. BSrai -w t !l "TVs' 14 M 11 OTVfci 14 1?H 14 nv, 14 4U t 75 Kt, 00 T T5 I 00 14 ST it 14 r i rsj I 40 1 7Hi 105 I I ) 5 si: w 00 oth: I 7 75 7 ' I L'S' 7 75 T t I ta T SO I 05 ! 12W 7 S5 ( us I 7, No. t a Old. b New. Cash ouota'.iona wee aa follow: FLOCK Essy; winter patenta 44i440; winter etralgats. spring pstrnts. J5 4u; spring; straighta, tl-iaa4.iw; Lakers. WHEAT No. 1 spring. Kc(tl.t; Jfo. 1 red. J.'ilWWc. iV)KN-No. S. trrt.aTV:; No. I yellow, OATS No. 1 whit. &Vtc; No. S whit. 6(i&1-c. V 1 p y 7se i BA RLE V Fair to ehtfle aaaltlng, 4S4jKc. SEtl'S Flax. No. 1 north weatern, LB. Pri-ne t'mothy. O . PRtiVISloNS Short riba, aidea (looas). 17i7rs- Mess pork, per bbl . 1141ZvT Lard, per V lbs.. 55.72H. Short clear s d. s (boxed). P.75fca.ia. Fuilowing were the receipt aad ship ments of flour and grain Receipta Shipment. Vlour bbla a. 3 Wheat, bu. VUiat. f apply si teal.. Oats" bu '''.'' YV.'.'..VI. MT.Juu! NEW TOR K. June U.-Th visible supply R-e' bu. l" 1 io of grain Ssturday. Jun 11. ss compiled by lurley bii . the New Yurk Produce exchange waa a Cm the Prod'ie exchange todav th but- j follows: l-r market was steady; rtvamerta UeSk". I Wheat. 1X.474 am bushels: decreas I t. dairia ITJiTlc. Ess, steady at mark, cases ' i Corn, ts'l.m bushels: decrease. gl.M. im luded !4v--; firsta lefl: prim firsts, ; Oats, a.e.n bushels: decrease, L1MM. luVc. Cheese, steady at ll4il2c. Ry. busltela: decrees. a.xa Bar- 1 ley. !.1b0.uP: decrease, r.tlua. Kaaaaa City irata aad rraytatoaa, j . KANSAS CITT, Jun la-WHEAT-July. 1 Mw: aVptrmber, Sc; December, to. No ( tracing In cash grain today an account aft ;he hih water. CORN July. 4Vc; September jc, ua- HAT Choice timothy, nominally un-rlng-d at t 411 o: chok prairie. (l.JS til 75 h.(hr st tU.ivU OS. Bl'TTER Flrnj, creamery, lie; packing stock 16c. Flrra; fresh extra. 16c; current rec pi. L. Receipts. Shipmenta Wheat, bu twa 4.) Torn, bu l. .... Osi. bu !.. .... Option at Kansas City . Articled- I Open. I High. I Law Cloea Wheat" July BVptetnber Cam-. July Sept em bar I Ml tw, 1 'raV!'1 44T taf 4S 4: aarl :B a-lvaepssl Srmta Market. LIVFRPOOU Jun IS. WHEAT Srxt. dail; -Ni. 1 red weatern winter. 7. 4-4. Js. 1 Callfurniaa. 7 TV; futurv. sueajy;, ?s TVJ . September. 7s Vi; Jcember. a. HV. CORN Spot, steady; new Americsa k'ln dried. 4e ld: old AmerVan mixed, 7s Wd; future, e'eedy; July ie 1vJ. rEA no stock. Fl VB Winter patents, dull, a M. HyPS-hi Leaden Put -lite r stvadr: sU !. WEATHER iw THE- (iK4lf BELT seer far tke JVIcajt aad Taeeday d Tkea Rlalag; Teasreratar. OMAHA. June IS. Moderate raina were general during tha last twenty-four hours in Nebraska. Kan. aaa and the mountain distrirt and continue ta the latter this i-iorTirrg It la raining In the eas-ern and New England state and rains have fallen throughout the eoutnera states since the preceding report. Condi tions continu-e decidedly unsettled In tha western ponton and the outlook ta favora ble for further ehowera In this vtclnlty to night and Tuesday, with slowly rising tem perature. . Omaha record of temperature and rre Cpitatkm compared with, the corresponding day of tha laat three years: 1J. 197. I.. 1. Minimum temperature.... M 7 5i TO Precipitation ( . .no T Normal temperature for today, 71 degreee. excess in precipitation since March 1. 11 lnrh If Iclency Hi lnche. Deficiency IS Inches. corresponding period In 1907. corresponding period In 13", L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. aad Wkeat Iteatea Ballella. For a m., the twenty-four hours ending at I TSth meridian Urn. Monday, June 15. OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp Rain- "tatlon Mas. Min. fait Skv. Ashland. Neb SI .61 .rr . .57 .i T .17 .71 .la .14 .00 JO Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clmidy Cloudy Cloud v Cloudy Ckmdy Pt. cloudy ; EX cloudy . Cloudy Cloudy Auburn, Neb m kl B'"kn Bow Na. H Columbus. Neb. . M 4 Culbertson. Nb.. ii 47 Fairbury, Neb.... K &1 Fairmont. Nb. .. S'. ; j Or. Island. Nb i Si . o. i Harllnglon, Neb. t 40- , Hsstlngs. Neb.... 57 Hoklrege, Neb... 14 4S 0k,U. Neb.... 4 4 . rmaha. Neh S. M , Tekamah, Neb... a 50 -.' AJta. ta 41 43 CarrrtU. Ia 42 Clarlnda. Ia at ft-' Plbley. Ia aioua City, Ia.. 44 - CHoixly . Ft. Cloudy C1ar Clear 1oudv - .Clear Clear twelve-hour - Minimum temnerattrra for riuU ending at a. M. . " DISTRICT ATERAOCS. No. of T Teem r-entral. Stations. Max. Min Inchei Chicago. Ill M 14 7 44 S2 Columbus. O Des Molnea, Ia.... Indlanapolle. Ind. Kansas City, Mo. Minneapolis. Minn. Omshs. Neb 14 11 9 71 74 4 sn 54 44 1 8t. Louis, Mo, 13 1 71 " - 61 Temperature - have - risen sn - Minnesota and the Dakotaa. but generally cooler weather prevails throughout the rest of the corn and wheat region. 8howrs eccurred in sill except the ChlcaT district within the last twenty-four hours. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. SEW TOB.K GENERAL MARKET taaatlaa af tha Day aa Yarleaa Casaaaadlttea. NEW YORK. June 15.-FLOtR-Racaipta, 13. bbla ; exports. 12.21 bbia Market quiet and unchanged. Minnesota patenta, li-HS tae; Minnesota bakers. $4.1unH.5u: winter patents. e.l"4.75: winter stralghU, M a 4.4U: winter extra. W.5g4 Uu; winter low grades. S3 ltl.Wi Rye flour, dull; fair to good. J-i.,j4.i', choice to fancy. SS.9to6.lll. CORN MRAL Steady: fina white and yel low. tl.-ul.5; coarse. II. 56; kiln dried. 13.95. RY B I'ull; No. 1. g7c f. . b.. New York. WHEAT Reoeipt. Ss.(i00 bu.; expo-t. 17. yn bu. ; sales. rw.0u0 bu. future: 1.X bu. pot; spot market steady; .No. 1 red. S.-. levator, and (sc. t. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth. 11.141. f. o. b.( ar.oat; No. 1 hard winter, II 0i, f. o. b . afloat. With the exception of brief opening firm ness, due to higher cable and foreign buying wheat wa generally depressed all day by better weather new and liquida tion, closing i7c net lower. July. ii4r MTc: closed. c; September, Za9c; closed.' USa.- CORN Receipts. 21 500 bu. ; spot market easy; No. J. 77c. nominal, elevator, and 7c asked afloat. Option market waa dull and easier on hit receipt and better weather, closing i rutt lover. , July Cloaed pc; 8ep- OATS Receipt 44.700 bu. : spor- market steady: mixed 26rjrS Iba, 5&5c; natural white. 2641.12 lbs.. dipped while. E kpUt lha. JSc. HAT 4iulet; good to choice, 54re:. HIDES Firm, Bogota, 17c; Central American. ITHc. I.F.ATHICR yulet: acid. 19J?7c. PROVISIONS Beef, firrn; family. $14 75 617 W: mess, 14.ijl5 P; beef hams. tTS.noq 28.00; packet. tl6.rm4il.0ft: city extra India me. t24.ui625.0O. Out meats, firm;- pick led bellies. rlun; pickled bams. tlO.OO. Lard, firm: western. W.7.S0; refined, steady; continent. 4 ': South America. $9.t: com pound. IT.STHia-US. Pork firm; family. $i7.y1R.if; short clear. Ila.717.3; mesa, H4 7btf 15 .25. ' TALLOW Firm: city per pnekage), 5Hc; country tpaokage free). 5Hi6Tc. BLTTER Easy; creamery specials. M"i3 14Uc; extras. 2Sl4c: third to first. 2ui Wc; state dairy, common to finest, 94 3c process, common to special, lc; western factory, first. lStlCOc. CHEESE-Firm: state full cream, spe cials. HXtyll-aic: fancy. USc: good to prime, UallVe; common. ai'r; skima "Vtc EOi3 Irregular: state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected white, lnT21c; good to choice.- lSVlsHc: brewn and mixed fancy. lMOOc; first to- extra first, 17fllHc; western firsts. L&H-aliiifcc; seconds, 14Vs41ac. POVLTRT Dressed. weac: western spring chlcns, lotjlbc: turkeys, Z'u'c; fowls. 12v9134c. - t. Laata Geaeral Market. ST. LOCT3, Mo., June 15, WHEAT Weak: track. No. 1 ted cash, 6c: No. 1 hsrd. t&jtl.02; July. Snc; September, 44c. CORN Lower: track1. No. 1 eaah. 710 Tivc; No. 1 whit. TTH-gTsVi; July. 7Hc; September. 8c. OATS Iwer: track. No. 2 cash. 51VJ6.V; No. 1 will'. 54Hc; September.- 35Sc; De cember, aovc FIjOCR Julet; red winter patents. U an Q4.75; extra fancy and straight, 4.109 4 55; clears. 1 40&S70. SEED Tlmoth v. steady at tJ.OOTJiTS. CORNMEAL Steady; tt.;. BRAN Lower; sacked, east track. tl.A HAT Iwer; timothy. tS.anQU.flO; prairie, 110 erriron IRON COTTON TIES-H-Oft.!ixo-ri. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork. Prm: Jobbing, H4.J7H. Lard, prime steam. V Sr7.40 Dry 't meats, stesilv boxed extra shorts. MOO; clear rib. I77H; short clesra. t 25 Ha con. stesdy. boxed extra, shorts. IS-75. cleer rlhe ir!U: ahitrt clears. . 17V POCLTRT Dull: chickens. c- sprlnga. lS20c; turkeys, llirc; duck. 7c; geeae, 5c PtTTER Firm: cramerv. IStrSc. EGGS Steady, LV. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 7 .i ;( Com. bu 17 Strt T7. Oata bu .ii0 Mlaaaaaalla 4rala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June 15. WH EAT No. 1 hard. U'SrS: No. 1 northern, II. '17; No. 2 .- ... h. X.'.. a It At.. 1,,1., r ii... j artembr. HSc. rnA.T ia ou.a. iineign.111, FLOl'R I'nchanged: ftrt patenta. t.r0aj 145: secund patents. IB 25aa-25: f"rt cleara MXL"rj4 38. aecond patents, 4t. rt 4D. I 1 Mllwaakew Grata Market. MILWACKEE. June 15 WHEAT Firm ; No. 1 airthern, 11 Unl 11; No. 2 northern, tl tCl 1: July. u bid. B AKLE y Firm ; No. t 6c; e66r. CORN Steady: No. t, 71c 4aPC bid. aawnpl. 4S September, Peatrtm- MarkxeC PEORIA. III.. Jun 15 CORN Lower; No. 1 yellow. 703Tlc; No. J yellow. oic; Nn. 1 est. No. a, 44c; No. 1 44c; no giade. aerocec. OATS Ixwer: No. 1 white, aajtenvte; No. 4 wMte oV. V HlaKl -ll.JS. DalaaJk Crala Mark-et. DILITH. June 15. WHEAT No. 1 northern, tl g7; No. northern. L:a. Jmy. tac: tWnnr.ber, :uc OATaW-aUu SEW YORK STCGRS AND BONDS Attention of Specnlatcn Turns to Pos sible Political Derelopmenta. VOLUME OF DEALDfOS SXALL Valaea Decllae gllahtly aa Rsasr af Adveraa Trap Caadltlaas. aat Laaa ta Reaalaed Baads A re Heavy. NEW YORK. June li-Wlth th delegate assembled at Chicago for the opening to morrow of the republican national conven tion, attention today centered largely on political matters. The chief effect ws to make opersiors disinclined t enter on msrket committments at this time. Much of the discussion, in Wsll street turned on the prospective form of the plstform and uch plsnks as may have to do with ques tion directly affecting capital and labor Some attention wa given to uggetMn of possible surprise in the result of the convention. The total of th day's sales ahowa a lapse again into something like th dullness that prevailed early last week. The vast Im portance attached to the titcome of the year crop i conspicuously seen la the weekly interview wtth the railroad off! rial. Thl week' view on th subject from that source were hopeful, with the notable exception of chairman of the Great Northern bosrd. who promulgated from Washington the view thst the crop pros pects held out small hope of bringing Into service the freight csrs now lying Idle In the Vntted States. Traffic offlclsls gen erally, while speaking confidently of the crop, promise no Improvement to report in the tonnage movement and gava no predic tion of Immediate change tn this respect. Confidence in the crop out-turn did not seem to be Impaired by reports of need of warmth and sunshine In the aouthwest where flood damage to property also was mentioned. Miney rontinued to work essy In New Tork In response to the addition tn re serve shown by Saturdsy's bank tate ment. the cessation of gold 'outflow and continued gain of cash by the banks on sub-trsnry operations. Notwithstanding the further accumulations In bank reserves the Investment demand for bonds is re ported leas, and the bond market Is showing th errect or tn isrxe aoomons to surptv through recent new Issues. The senti ment si effect of other iesue yet to come also lis felt. Discount rates receded aratn In Iondon. hut were inclined to harden st continental money centers. Paris sraln took sll the weekly gold supply available In London In anite of a volume of gold hoMiPa bv the Rank of France at present which ha passed all rrevlous records for thst Institution snd which has reached tne largest amount of anv alnaie accumulation of gold In th world. Banking and financial centers are giving growing conjecture to the policv which rrav He behind 'his piling up of gold bv the FVanch bank. The move ment of stock prices wa almost a repeti tion of that of Saturday. Decline ef the first hour were alowlv recovered and the dsv s changes were tvlal. B-nds were heaw. Total sales, par value. I1.76.fno. fnltM States- bonds were un changed on call. Number of sales and quotation on stocks were as follows: Sal. H'fV L"W One. Asksleastate Copper Am. C. A g ia c. r. M a return Oil Am. H. A L. f Aa. Ire Serarltles Amrrtrsa Lilne4 Oil Am. LecomeUve Am. LeosoUve pf4 Am. 8. A Am. 8 R. pfd Am. ftiunir Refining Am. Toeecra pfd American Woolea Aaaronda Mining Co Atchiaoa Atrhteoa pfS Atlantic Coast Lis Baltimore A Otiio BaL A Ohio St4 Brook Ira Epi4 Tr Canadian Pacific Central Leataer rantral Leatker sM Central ef N. i Cbeaapaake A Okie Csicase OC. W Chines A N. W C. M. A St. f C. C. C. A St. L CelorsOa P. A I Colorado A Be Cola A So. Ut pf 1.M : sh . 7i S M Mt . I , I we it h A'1 17 , to st ssi. m 4j hi 1. TSi, 74H T t . M4 134a y ea ps jiw 4 B l.r 41 4! n mi a" "N 1 N Si St M Sli S W14 1.4ns 47 444 47 Lns 1M Uli D la 1SR Lt 44S 45 4i ISO 4V 4i 4i H lav 14 lO (.10 Ut Uiva 11- ten M M ad h Mi 4 -sn 11 n 11 Sow M U a pa e4 4 4 7"4 IS ia IztUj y m " is 14 1 441, n n s4 4. 1 17' l-a !.) M U K 7.0 w tn t.s lt 1SS 1V IUv tea lav 1 1K.4 i-e ss aa) u-t ia u- i" pa t Js 10 lfti in1 K' u n yxi 14 IC14 14 s be io io ins It 15 mo rr x ti lta 110 li u Jd 4TV, 4TH 47 a " 14 ! 17 ii.i tt. i4 e jno 44 4414 K-4 are 40a, n 4"i in e KM S4 SO .Ml 1M 1.1M4 13 '.no S 15 Itiaj tW 121 Vt U 12'ia, 1 7; " r 'ri" r V 1-4 lit i- 4 4.r 111 ill UJe SOS 17 17 17 pa 44 tea 17 17 ITS las SS t- a a a r4 14 10 M 44 I f.J M4 M tl'W t: 114 114 17 11 17 pa 4S4 44 44V, S 44 1 XI 404 ! lia 1 ) 44 44 44 4 70S 144 141 1 X0 U U a 15 if M P? . Ilka 17V, x XTva . J0i li pilv, " U ara 11 11 lr 40 zi a , 1.4a 44 44 44 a Id 4a4 4 4 a 14 Cole. A So 14 pfd. Coaaoiloate Oa Cora Prodnrts Pelaware A Huoaoa Deneer A Rio Ormaae r a R. a. ri tiaii!era Sec slit lea Erie K-le 1st sta En rd pfi" Geaeral RlH:Lrte Greet Nonnern pfd Gt. Northern Ore rlf a. Illlsoia Central Inierbonnich Met. lnc Met. pfd Internaileaal Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Iowa Central Kanaaa Cllf So K C. So. pfd Uiularille A 14 Mexican Central Misn. a Sc Loaia M . St. P A t. S. M Miaaeurl Pacific M.. K. A T M . K. A T pi National Used Sew York Central N. y , O. A W Norfolk A W Nortn Americas Xonsttm Pacific Pacific Mail Pannarlvania Peep I Oa P . C. C. A Bt. L Preened Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railwar Steel Spring. Rcadlc Republic Steel Ruhlle Steel pfd Rurk leland Co Rock leland C. pfd lLLa.1 f td pfd 8t. Lea la a. W k. L 4 W. pld Doas-Sneftteld a. A I Southern Pacific So. Paclfln pld So. Rei.wap so. Railway pfd Teoaeaaee Copper Texas A Pacific T, K L t W T . St. L. AW. pfd felon Pacific t nloa -faciHe pfd I'. S. RuDSer. IV S. Rakoer iM. td V. t. Steel f S. Steel pfd t'tak Copper Va -Carat ina Chemical VaCaro. China, pfd a beak Waoaak pfd a'aatincheeee giectrts .... esters t'nloa Wheel ln( U g Wlecoaeis Central fatal sales tor ths asp. lttSli skana Bevstaa Staaka aad Beads. BOSTON. Jun 15. Money, rail loaoa. 24j1 I per cent; tun loans. S per cent, "losing quotations on stocks and bond to la war as follows: Atckiaos ad. 4a..... wt Adeeainrs l de aa Mrx. Central 4s Aachieoa do p4 Buetoa A AlbanT.. BoeioB A Maine. .. eeuoetoB KleTBted . ytrhtmri pfd .. eey. T .! HAH Cntoa Pacifie Am. Arwe- Ckesa.... ds pfd Am. Pne. Tsha aaaer. Br de r?d la T A T Anv Wooisa da ptd DomlBioa I. A - ee4isoa glee, lila Oeaeral glectric ... Mesa, glectnc ae pfd Maaa. Gee tatted rmit Vailed S. M de pfd C. A Steel. do ptd eitoeee 4. An . 47 . 14 . 44 475 . a . 11 - w . 4, . r Atlaaua . mti BltmneaB .pa VaI. A Hecla. . :S1 fentensial lli Copper aaaft . 12SV Dair a eet 124 r-aasiiB tin bf na 11 Real . :t Maaa Mining .. Mmicaa Mohawk Mont. C AC. . 44 . 41 1 U! . . XI . 4 4 . 47 " . r? i . . 4 1 . 4 .134 .U4 -ai. leaiBioa M ; 5 rarcT j:::::;:: Waiacr 1 Saassoa "v,I"': ,2Ts'r l ailed Copper . fj I' S. MiBin.... " r ou...... 1,1 ItaA ... ' 11 va ' J w,aea j"'di..acdr eeee.. uie. Naw Tsrk Mlalag Staxrka. NEW TORK. June 15. Cl.eing quotation on mlnli.g slocks were as fallows: Altos 3wj Laadvllle Caav 1 4 1 . aa ts 44 Little Cfciat Mextcaa ... Oatane .. . . Opkir keaail Mopa tandard . . 4 brenawlrh Coa. Coaa. Ten eel sata. Coaa. TeaHnet kaaaa Coa. Cel. a Vs ... Hora Sneer fcrem Si ire . 42 ..iaa 1: it .14 . at T aaa Kickksge. BERLIN. Jun 14 Exchange on Isndoa, 2 marks. 40 pfennig (or cnescka Discount Ratea Short blila. 1 per cent; threa moatk blila IVj per cent. Tleasarr B tateaaaeta t. WASHINGTON. Juna 15.-Today a s a le nient of th traMearury as tn ta g serai fund, exclusive ot tha lljtt.via.vu4 aid re erva, suuas: Arailabi caaui Daanca, Crl 014. gold coin and bullion, 3iUB.o77; gold cert i fix a tee, t'.R'u. lew Tsrk Maaay Market. NEW TORK. Jon 15 MONET On call, esey at l1,"";. per een; rating rate. je per rent; ci.ilngbld. I"1) per cent: offered at IKj per cent. Time loan a quiet and eaar: sixtv dare, aSTa per cent; ninv din. Pt'iA per ceut. a.a monthA 1HT1. per PRIMB MERCANTILE PAPERJV54 per cent SILVER Bar. 54c; Meilcaa dollar. Ce. BONL8 Orvemment, steady; railroad. firm. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual bustnesa in bankers' hllla at 54 47 for demand and at J4 6 tor alxty-day bills: commercial bilks. 54 MX. Closing quotations cn bonds today wera aa foilowa: C. S ref k. re 1 SHeek Tat H ef4 do eanpo PHi Int. Met. te C. S. aa. re Wi 1 A 14. aarl. 4n f ds caapss J'l Uea t. as K V. S ta, reg l4aee.. Cntral ea 4e eenvea ia de 1st in 114 Aa. Tebe.ce at TS u. A St. L. 4s SI ds a ! .. K. A T. ..... Afhiaoa gea aa. rf do f U do sdl a . R A ef M t 4k Sl ds e. ea. t... si aj. y. c. a ISe "HA 1IBH4 ew j c j. 13iH tl Be. Pacir.e 4s. .!... 11 e de la nv Ailaatte c L. 4a... Bai. A Ohio 4s do IHa Brk R. T. a. da ... Ventral el aa. la. e1o let lac "de M lac M 4d lac rtie. A Ottie s s Cklcaso A A l-a a w. e. 4s tHO. I L rMg. 4s ... . " . .11 IK IM Peea. c. IS ltll n do . nt R -ad Ins ew -. Mi Rep. ef Cura .ien,. L. A I. M. ..1SS-A r gr L. A S T. fa. 4a. n-a t4 t. t. s. W. a aa ... M aeasnar A L. 4s... 41 " Pacifl aa. M'X MS do let 4S M M . Railway 41 T-xae A P. la lot t. st. u w. ... ni C. B. A Q. B. 4s... C. A L A P. 4s... de col. sa de rtd. as OCC. A St. U g, 4s. Csl. led is t ela Mid. ej Colo. A So. union rarine 4s m "Del. H. e. O. A R. O 4e 4s.. U4 d c . S"4 .10114, 41 r S Steel cr. 7i Waraek I .... M Werners Md. ( Ens p. L 4s e cea. 4s Japas s 4ta s ad aeriea Rid. differed. kHw. A u B. aa Bt s wta Central 4a !. T. "HAH. cent. Ut I, Aaadaa Stack Market. LONDON. Jun 1. American securities opened steady today. Prtr change during th early trading wera irregular, ranging from a decline of S in Pennsvlvania to an advance of H In Vnlon Pacific London closing stock quotations: Consols, Bweer t7 7-14 Mo., gaa A Teaaa.. t: do sccosat ITv, Mew Tork Central.... lot Anaconda i4 Norfolk A Western. . 704 UN de ptd ... S Atchison de pfd Baltimore A Ohio. -anadlaa Pacific .. Chesapeake A Ohio ChL Great West era thl.. Mil. A St. P M Ontane A Wstara.. S lit Pennwlvanla 2 l Rand KIM 4'-, Raadlng 57 H - SoaOicm Railway ... l"x 1 ds pfd 47 11 Sovlocra Pacific .... asa. De Denver A Rle Oread v. tnloa Pacinc eo prs set so prs En ! Catted Stales Steel.. 17 de let pfd do td pfd Oraad Trnak llllaMs Central bv, e pfd 1K4 A Wataeh it 14 de pfd 44 ia Span I ah 4s l(lt lie Amaisamated Cesser, tsa Leotartne A Waa SILVER Bar, steady at 24"d per ounce. u.t 1 per cent. The rate of discount tn tha opea market for short bills la 1 7-lSl per cent; for three moniha bills. 1 7-t!v, per cent. Farelaa Flaaaeijal. LONDON. Jun 15. Money waa plentiful on tha market today and discounts were steady. The continental demand for gold continues. Parts securing tha bulk of the l3.25u.iKa) offered tn th open market- On the Stock exchange tha leading depart ments manifested a firmer tone, the rally In Wall street Inspiring a more hopeful feeling, but dealings wera restricted. Later an easier tendency set in. Gilt edged shares were maintained, consols hardened and foreigners wer quiet. American eec-irl !- received support early In th day, helping to create a beneficial Influence on th msrket. A reaction occurred later on the receipt of New Tork opening quotation and th market finished abov the worst prlcea of the day. BERLIN. June IS. Prices on th Bourse were firmer, but trading light. PARIS. Jun 15 Trading on th Bourne today opened firm, but became heavy toward tha close. Bask Clea rfags. OMAHA. Jun 15. Bank clearings for to dav were 41.S2s.SM.ts, aud for the corre sponding date laat year 12. 114,910. 41 Leadas Balllaw -4aeattoaa. LONDON. Jn 15.-OOLD Bar. 77s i4d; Amcrlcaa eagles. 76 dv M4al Markgt. . NEW . TORK. June 15 METALS Th London tin market waa higher, with spot quoted st US ISa The local market wa dulL with quotation ravnttndt fnom tla.l"4J Capper unchanged, at aa sa for a pot an 58 i& for fjtures In the London msr ket. Lxxaily th market wa quiet, at tl2.7v tilitX) for Lak.ri :Vk312.7H for electro lytic and tl2.S$12.2 for casting. Lead de clined to 12 1 4V1 In London. Local W the market waa quiet and unchanged, at 14 47ifc fttSiv,. Spelter wa unchanged, at 19 7a Ad in the London market, and 14 57V9 442H locally. Iron waa higher, at Sla 7d for warranta of Cleveland In the Engilah mar. ket Locally no chana reported. No. 1 foundnr northern, r4.oVtjT7.or; No. 1 north ern. I'.5 7S4316 25; No. 2 southern and Na. I southern soft. tl.5f4il7 .25. ST. LOUI3. June 15. METAL Lead, M.4E; spelter, dull; 44 44 47V Evaparated Apple aa Dried Fralta. NEW TORK. Juns 15. EVAPORATED APPLES Market for future delivery ia rather firmer, while the apot market con tinue very quiet, with fancy quoted at 10m IOV: chnlc. 07 c; prime, Tyt?7c; common to fair, SHHc CALIFORNIA DRIED FRTTITS Prune are in Jobbing demand, wtth apot quoted at from 3c to IV for California and from lc to Van for Oregona. Apricots eaay in une. with choice quoted at l'nl0-c: extra choice. Ufi'.lUc; fancy. 13fJUc. Peaches are unchanged, with choice at gvJMc; extra choice. e: fancy, lf610c: extra farcy. 10S4rllc. Ralsina are dull, with looee Muscatel quoted at 44jtc; choice to fancy, seeded. dnvfiTtvC; seedless, 5ygc; London layers. 11.3 SL3S. Cat taw Msrket. NEW TORK. June 13. COTTON Fu tures opened steadv: July, lojoc: August, 10.14r: September. 4!7c; October. 51c; De cember. 38c; January. Der March. !Se. Spot cotton cloaed oulet. 10 points lower: middling uplands. 1150c; middling gulf. 11.75c. Sales. bales. Future closed steady: June. lV24e: July. l.:c; August. 10c: September. 7; October, 142c: No vember. tJTc: Deeemher. 1 ?7e: January. . w.K-o.rv Murch. 1 lie. GALVFSTON. Tex.. Jun 15. COTTON Steady: llSe. PT LOI19. Jm 15 -COTTON Steadv; middling. TISc: sale. S hale: no receipts or shipments; stock. 20.477 bales. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jun llBITTirR Stedv. fir demand: extra w-atem cream erv. Tc: extra wrsrby prnts. r7c. FGG9 Ftrm. good demand; Pennsylvania and other nearbv firsta free esses. ITUc. at mark; Pennaylvanta and other current receipt. In returnable cases 17c. at mark; western firsts free raees. lTVpe. at mark: western current receipta fre cases. 17c. at mark. CHEESE Firm, g-w-d demand: New Tork full ceama, choice, lg12Hc: fair to good. nsa2c. star aad Mala NEW TORK. Jun 15. SCO A 1 Raw. steady: fair refirAng. l.SSc; centnfjgal. M test. ISk; molasses sugar, 1.44c : refined, steadv: No. A 5c; No. 7. 4.15c- No. 1. liiuc: No. . 4 85c; No. , 475c; No. 11. 4; No 12. 45c: No. U 45c: No. 14. 4 55c; confectioners-A. 5 60e: mould-A. 5.75c; cut loaf. 4SV-; crushed. 410c: nowdered, 5stc; granulated. 5"w; cubes. !.c. CaAea Markat. NEW TORK. Jun 15. COFFEE Market for future closed steady net unchanged to t point lower. Sale wera reported of C.3M) bag including July at 5.90c; Aewem ber. 5ghM.ue; Dercember, 44ac; March, 5 &c: spot qtUet: No. 7 R'o. e; No 4 Santos. c; mild dull; CorUna. a.fl2c. Beef Tata. No. 1 rib 16r; No. 1 riba. 14c; No. I nbt, llo. No. 1 loin. le: No. 1 Ulna lie; No. 1 loina llSc. No. 1 chuck. 1c: No. 1 chuck. 4v, c. No. I chuck, 7c. No. 1 round, lie: No 1 round. l4e; No. 1 round. Sc. No. 1 plate. Tc; No. 1 plate, 7c; No. I plate. (He. 1 Waal Markat. ST. LOCia. Jun U WOOL Firm; enmking and clothing, "..-tjaut-; lignt fine. leHrliN:; heavy fine, lit) USc: tub waahed. 1110 3ic. Stark lax Slgsht. Receipt of ilv atar k at the six prtnclpai weslarn markets ycaterday : Caul. Hoga. Sheep South Omaha. I.ea 4.4U Sioux City I J an) St. Luia 14 10 4 (ft St Joseph Ik6 11U1 tl4 Chicago 1.! W.SA 34 To4Aig . .ea. . . 43 RU t6, St OMBA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steen Stronger, with Com Follj Ten Cents Higher. F0 VEST GEEAT CEA5GE.ET HOGS fbeep aad Lasaaa la I.lberral Reeelpt, bat Oaallty Pavae Prteea Steady ta Llttla Easier m tha Cataaasaa Klada. SOUTH OMAHA, Juna U. 1. Reoelpts were: Cattle. Hon. Sharp. Estimate Monday I f lit") 4 Sam day lat week .1 " 19 Sam day 1 aeeka ago.. 1 Me 4.Mtl li Sam day S weeka ago.. 1 W 7 Sol SS Sam day 4 weeka ago.. 141 Same day laat year Ltbl 4,7S 11 Tha fallowing table shows th reaeipt of cattle, hog and sheep at South Oraana for the year to ds. compared with last jar: lk A lul. lno. Deo. Caul sfv.Ctg 5JS.U1 1.J6 Hog r.fft L1.U 190, Wa 6hep 4.ri 7P4.473 VoO.JM Tha followlna table snows th avarage prlc of hog at South Omaha for th last several day a with comparison: Data. 1M. (1V1 ,UW.jia.l4.lrJg. lltd. Jun 4... I.. ... 7... ... . It). 11. ( HJ ,)) 4 (4 5 Pf 7 14 a, 54 (Mi ini I s ts, j I 5 la 5 i ! 4 54! 5 7B J 15 s tj I AS 4 54) -J i a V ME JI ! Juna Jun Jun Juna Jun June 5 i 5 IE 111 I i"! S SB, 1 B tot j 4 mi 4 ft t wi, i 2 Jun I 0: I 14 I 4 7i t Og T M Jun U. 5 47-ai 4 Sll g S 5l i M I S u , ti Jun 13. i 51. t 7 14 11, & 1, 4 Ti, I 7 1 a 1 u June 14. e 1 1 laV t XI I II 4 1 Jun 15. 5 Si 4Hi4l14li,l Sunday. Tha offlcal number of cara of atock brought tn today by each road waa: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. H'r a r . M. A St. P Wabash I Missouri Pacific 1 1 22 1 44 4 4 63 1 1 lta I'nion Pacific... 14 a A N. W.. east.. A N. W.. west.. St. P., M AO.. B. A Q., east.. B. A Q. west.. 4 1 5 11 If R. I. A P., eaat. C , R. I. A P., wet.. 10 Illinoia Central.. Chicago ut. Weatern 1 Total receipta 41 i The disposition of the day'a receipts waa aa follows, each buyer purchasing th num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hog. Sheep 43a I.l 797 4C 1.C48 Omaha Packing Co VA Swtft and Company 131 Cudahy Packing Co !rS Armour A Cd 9L'7 Cudahy, from St. Joseph 17 8. A S 17 Vansanv A Co 71 Lobman A Rot rich ltd 3 W. L Stephen 5 Hill A Son a) F. P. Lewia 41 J. B. Root 4k Cu 40 J. H. Bulla a McCreary A Carey. .... 24 Sam Werthlm 24 H. F. Hamilton 1 F. G. Inghram Sullivan Bros 46 Lehmer Bros t Other buyers 6 Sf Clair S Total 1.229 12. 1 2.120 CATTLE Receipta of cattle thl morning were fair tor thta season of th year, ana among th arrival were quit a numoer ot very desirable killers. '1 her was aiso quite a sprinkling ot cow stuff, with a lew stocxer and feed era It was very evident again thl morning that packers had us for beef steer and th market opened early In th morning and active on all daalrahle killers. in price paid generally wer a llttl stronger than last week s close. A nin-cr load bunch of heavy, well finished steers sold up to tl.u. which was luc higher than any tnlng brought last week, and only loo lower than Ui highest pric on record at this point. Cow and heifer were also In very good demand, th trad being active, with price generally lvm higher than laat week. Th offering wera pretty much all taken in rood nvraaoa in In morning-. Th few Blockers - and feeders on aal brought price that looked Just about stead v with laat week. Quotation on cattle: Good to choice corn-fad teers. 17.4T-.0O; fair to good corn-fed steers, Id.atag 7. ,5; common ta ftur corn-ted steers, LM04V; good to chore con and heifers, 55.ii0.t4.50; fair to good cows and heifera, 44.a4.7B; common to fair cows and heifera 4i.25u4.j5, good to choice stockera and feeders, Id-TSade.X; fair to good atockera and fsdra. 4iAu475 common to fair stockera and t cedars, 4 JO; stock neirers. .ifo au. BEEF STEERS. Ma At. Pr No. Av. Pr. 7 1141 I 24 tl 1177 4 t I 447 I X4 1 m tn It 14 18 7t nr: 4 4 ltd" 4 4 4 1174 7 0 44 i.xt 4 a 4t n tn tl A 4 14 lilt T 4 rr i 4 I ts 1x14 7 121 4 ' 14 lata 7 IS 11 KTe 4 44 15 la7 T 44 17 1 4 A I V IK 1 40 4t w im it ;sn t te II ira t 4 XI UZt 1 it 17 M II 44 !et T 74 to ss is y inn t is it iou i 4 rr ioi i a tl loot t 4M 41 1421 I OS U iiti It I ley t a COW 8. t IT 1 44 44 M 111 1 44 1 j4 7 OX I Tl I til I 74 104 I M 1 7P4 I 75 4 p'7 I ti 4 W IN II. ... 411 I ti 1 11W 2 M t eeo I 46 I W k 74 rr 4 I 4 l t i: 4 a 4 17! I 44 I tut 4 a I ...114 I 04 lest 4 0 4 44 I 4 I M Ik t 14 4 XJ tl 4 24 II 434 I 0 11 m IK 17 Ml IN I tS 4 M I UOt I II 17 hit t a I M l 1 1CK4 4 5 14 ltd I tt 14 rt 4 St t u4 i u i im t at I 7 IS IT 14'J 4 II t 11 A I St 11 441 4 TO 24 T I e UJ 4 T4 II 171 I 1 1(41 t U 1 441 I 4t I Wit 4 44 t 41 It IT letT 4 M I r.I I 44 tt 441 4 24 14 n Ik 1 11T H 4 1MT I I I 124 4 m IM I an l w u at i Ti t ua t ta HEIFERS. I Tt I a gn ii I lilt IH 14 45 I 2t 1 4M I It I S14 II 1 IS II I UI IU 4X1 I tt I IM IN CALVES. 1 US I 44 4 !t t I SN 4 ta 14 I a 1 N 4 U 1 144 71 I M IS : 14 I 7 I I I IN I Tt I IN I lat g 1 14 4 to I tvt I 24 BULLS. i i6 its i ira in 1 I tt 1 ..l- 4 0 I Ut 1X4 t ilk 4 44 1 TN I ti 1 le t N 1 ta I tt 1 ii 4 tt I ltll I XI 1 Ui 4 W I N 1 14 4 It 1 1HI 4 I II 4 71 I I I e I laat 4 N 1 ltTO I S 1 I y 1 r I tt l ti a I 24 1 ' 1U0 4 44 1 117 I U 1 P I 71 I IM J a II 141 I Tt 8TOCKER3 AND FEEDERS. 1 445 1 ej T pn 4 1 171 I N II TIT t 41 14 441 I tt 22 IS 4 If tut I at t IU 4 ev I ta I 5 W ESTERNS KANSAS No. Av Pr No. Av. Pr 1 7i 4 4 4 1 gn 1 15 4 40 45 1 4 M 7 heifers. 11 cows... I calves . M feeders 11 cowa... . 41 1 . 7hS I 5v . 221 4 4 . 4MI) t ) IP 4 5o 5 cows 24 1 calvaa.. 110 4 heifer. 77 10 feeder.. 514 5 cow 74 24 . tbl 21 steers 41 4 1 cows 177 11 cowa fa IT steers.. 5 rows 74t 1 10 5 W 1 25 I cow aa I 25 17 cows. William Manors! ff. Wvomlna t feeder.. 7) 5 15 U cow Boat I SO 1 rowa 1060 I iai HOOd Receipts of hogs thla morning lurnorrra in cars, in largest rue ror Atoo day this year. Th market opened with buyers generally offering 5e lower than last wsea's close and a few early saiea wer mad an mat baata Still buy era did not get many and gradually tha market firmed up until tha hods sold fre y la abou Saturday s natchea. cioalng strong st Sat urday's best pneaa. la a pile of th Tact that receipt were so large everything wa sold nv i o ciot a ia tn morning representative sales la A, ta. Pr. Me. A. Sa. Pr. 71 4 11 t 0 7: sa av I aw Tl 241 N I 114 64 .144 4 I 4 IS iT N 4 Aw W a UK I a 74 liT law '4 Ii7 N IN 44 1PT I tt Tt XT a I a N aa 1 44 41 aa IN lie 74 Ut US I 4i tt t I S I M 44 let SU t 44 tl Btt MIN 7 !ll 44 I 41 tee N I a 1 171 W I 4a r. Il . .. B AvA At .4 " (PERMAIIEUT FII1AIICIAL STREIiGTII 1 f 4 n.l. t 4 1,o o.-r,.-. r.-r-o.ri A A Bank Account means than his other investments. xug a Bank whose permanent financial strength cannot be ouestioned. is obvions. The permanent stability of 0' A the First National Bank of its resources and careful-management. ) lour account and hanking business very cordially A invited. y'J 0 V 4l FIRST NATIONAL 0 OF OMAHA Thirteenth and Farnam Streets. P7 anil hm si T Ut ... I 44 . . I 4t 44 I at . . I 44 40 4 41 N I 41 ... I 474 . . I 474 Ut 4 4T4 . tl . !1 ia K4 til . J4 . Ml .2:4 . 14 lit PIH IS IM IN let to 1.4 n 71 4 tt .... 70 7J Tt TJ .... TT 74 to Tl IT U T7 41 74 44 t y I a I a I W lea ...IN 1F.7 ... IN tn ....13 ... XM no im.. ... I S .IN XM I 44 ... TS... 144.. Tt... Tt... rr .. 4 47t 4 4T 4 47-e I 47v I 47V, 4TH I t7a I 474 I 474 I 47 4 47 I 474 I 47C, I 4T- I 471 IJ4 I 4 ....111 ..:a N ..2J4 . . ..ut :n . Jt IN I N I N I 0 I w I w I H IN 14 ... M ... n ...let 124 ..114 144 ....let . - IN aW la) . . It H I t ... t t4 ... Ill-t ... Ilc4 .. IU1 M I S-S w ... I Uw, ... 1.111 I3t I li4 s I H M Ik 4l I U NIK ... I M 14 I U I it IS It ... I ts N I 44 tt t M ... IN . . su .341 .844 . tfl ..xrr . 2S1 .-241 . U7 . 144 . t .tit ..14 . t .4 . rt .274 ....IM ...111 ....III to 174 ta ...IIS ....iu ... lat ...n 74.. 71.. St.. 4 . t.. Tt.. tl.. tl.. ;t.. 44.. . l . 41 . 4t . Tt . I 47 ni J4o 1 471. M7 n i 47W I 47v, .. m .. i"t ...X'l ...221 ...lit ...rt ... 21 1 im 1 4714 iae t 74 12 I 4714 1 I 47V 1 471 I 47 ", t 7 , I tTi, I 7H I 471 I 47V4 l Ut ...ri pa . . ..14 N .. 4 .. XM ... ...U4 St rt rt I tn I to I M 42 61. rs tat Ti r I N SHEEP Receipts were quite liberal this morning, but unfortunately th arrivala consisted very largely of trash. Just why shippers will send In a lot of thin young spring lamb Is hard to explain. Packers ao nc 1 vim inem. ana 11 is extremely tiara , tor receivers to unioaa mem. 11 xrpi ai home they would grow Into aomething In rew weeks that would Bell. t nil tn market this morning did not ahow any very great change, some of the most desirab.e killers selling; at fully steady prices, still mere was a weak teeiing and tne general market would have to be quoted ateady to a little lower. Good old wether sold up to K.5D. On account of there being so many undesirable sheep and lamba the trade was a llttl alow and It waa later than uaual before a clearancs waa made. Quotations on lam-: Good to rholc prlng lamb. I6.7M17 25: rood to choice wooled lambs, M i.'.4ji 40; fair to good wooled lamba, tf(rX: good to choice ahorn lamba. B 76tjA25: fair to good shorn is mo, soot-u. is: Tock lambs, n jH.; good to choice shorn yearlings, fc.tV4jj4.t-K; fair to good shorn yearlings, to .06 5u; good to choice stutrn wether. 45 45;- fair to good shorn wethers aS.2eti6.40: good to choice shorn ewea K0ti.a: fair to aood shorn swea, 14.5ua.uu, cull atvd bucks, K.M 61.00. KeDreeentatlv sales: No. Av. 118 Colorado ewea K Pt. 5 0 1 50 I (0 4 75 4 25 1 50 5 65 6 on 4 J5 I 0 5 5-f 4 ) uO 5 50 5 75 76 5 IS 4 50 1 50 1 25 ft) 2 50 1 50 1 50 2 60 5-1 25 5 w) 6 M 4 Colorad ewea, culls 74 13 Colorado lamba . 74 a Colorado ewe and wither.. 11 It) Colors do -lamba culls 71 I Colorado ewea cnlla M V western lamb 85 " western wethers IM 2S Western Ismbs 71 22 western we Ill western ewes, culls ltd 15 spring lambs t M western yearlings 54 11 weatern burka 74 76 western lambs 71 514 weatern lamba 73 424) weatern lamba 77 11 weatern spring larrba 63 30 weatern ewea 121 87 western culls 71 10 Colorado spring lambs, cull.. 32 258 Mexican lamb 7 43 weatern lamba .. 42 .. 88 .. 9v .. 94 .. 17 .. 48 .. 75 .. 6 ..118 134 western culls 58 western ewes, culls 77 wesUirn ewes, culls .... 10 western ten, culls ... ICS spring lambs 22 Mexican lamba 14 Mexican lamba, culls . 11 Mexican ewea CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattla Steady ta 9traar Hags Higher A keen Lawer. CHICAGO. June 15. CATTLE Receipts, lion) head: steadv to stronc: steers. I raft 1; cowa J4uut3.00; heifers. Ktr'tJltift. bulla, e3.73tj5.5u; cslves, W-427.75. stockera and feeder. .Kii. HOOrJ Receipta. Ili-iX head; market 5c higher: choice to heavy shipping, to 7o It): butchers. 5-7s5tj : light mixed. 1 i OSnt; choice light. R.oTrf&a.Ta; packing. H-.a 5 : ;igg. aW.'At35.2w. SHEEP AND 1.AMB3 Receipts, 3ontY) hesd. generally 50V: lower: sheen. $4.7n-tj 5.75; lambs. 1503A70; yearlings. 15.70. St. Leals Live Staett Markat. ST. IjOTIS, Jnn 15. CATTLE Receipt. ISO0 head, including !. Texans; stes.iv to strong: natlv hlpping and export leer. 1M57 90: dreesed beef and miti-her ateer. an. .40: eteera under l)0 lb , 14. 7643 60; atocksra and feedera. 13 tr7j'; cows and heifers. teWtJAM: csnners. ll.Sotr 126- bulls. 3 0iej5 25: calve. 13 263 ; Tex and Indian tr, 51 ,fj-Ti , coa and heifera $1.7&ti4.tu. HOOel Receipts. 4.000 heal: market 10 lower; pg and lUfhts. t3.:5v3oTl; racket- 15 lEji.ev; buXf lvera , and best heavy, L.5vi 1 SHEEP AND LAMUS Receipta. 1 W head; markat Ve'5c l"wr; na'ive muttons. B :&..); lambs. et.5i97.i: culls and bucks, 5i.uffil.75; atockera. H.vsQA.Ki. St. Jeeaaai Live Staek Market. ST. JOSEPH. June 15- CATTLE Re ceipts. I., hesd: market 15c higher: na tives. 16 i4.T7 cows snd hfifera, ti.'&lS; suv-kers and feedera V tin HOtiS Receipts. 13.531 head: market 5c lower, top. ?; bulk of sales. 15 5ip SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipis J.124 head: market lie- higher; lamba, &2S45.S; yesrHnga. U.Siia.25. tea. City Live Stack Market. SIOVTC CITT. Ia. June IA (Special Telegram CATTLEWlecelpt. l.Ja) head; marset steady; beeves. It t) 7 611; cows and heifers. 14 5t"i4.5; feeders lower, 4.(64.ju. calve and yearlings. 61.75-44.71. HOGS Raceipts, 4u hesd; mrkt 6c lower; rang. 65 36ip5.50; bulk, t5.Aeja.4a. Flaad anil stapa Market. KANSAS CITT. Jun 15 No eattl mar. ket today 00 account of flood condition. Elarla Batter Market. ELOrV. 111.. Juna 15 BUTTER Firm, He; aalea for tha week wer LuU.ctw lb. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI. 15072. Allen against Estate of Allen. Ap- Kai. Custer. Affirmed. tt-perion. C aiston No. 1. 1. A stipulation) In a promlssorv note pro. vkMr.g 'and tit psye or holder of th. not may renew or extend the tune of pty anent of the aame from time to time as often as required without notice, and with out prejudice to the rights ot such paves or holder ta enforce payment against th makers at any time when th same may be due snd parable." ia not an agreement ta waive th bar of th statute ot lluil'.a ticna. 2. In determiclr. g ths effect of a pleading this court give it a liberal construc tion whenever such' pleading is attacked for tae first time tn this court, or wner the partlea go to trial In the lower court, without objection upon a plead. ng thus as sailed 4. The petition' shows upon tts fa- that the Botes sued oa were barred ky tne tatute ef limit st Ions. Th answer alleged the bar of Iae statute aa a defense. In reply the 4laintlff allege laattera in avoid -tare of the defense prad-d. Held, in thl stale of tha pleeullaga appellant cannot VS eN. ta. ee. f aeaa. K. 4w "S. -Sv V Me"avS-a a.--a,-e V-VV f . v -".. more to the average person The imrvortance of select- y a w. w Omaha ia amply shown hy 0 in Nebraska v? Bank ae eewwaaenraaee i i AS urge that a judgment dismissing- his ac tion is not supported hy the pleading. 15I'1. Sj'eeee against Shores. Appeal, Custer. Affirmed. Lmffie, C Division No. 1. M(j-s Shore first lived and cohabited with Fannie Shores, and there ws born to Ihem Jeremah Shore, the appellant herein. He next cohabited with Hannah Webb; she also departed thl life In Wa and to them was born Joslaft Webb, whoej estate ta in controversy herein. tuil Mm-i peee. now deceased. After th death ol Hannah W c 00. Moses Shores ohahited wtth I'atsy Davis, and there waa born to them John Wesley Shore, Wary Hausvr and Elisabeth Stlmreoia. Patsy Davis de parted this life In la or lie The sbovf parties were all elavea, living In tli stst of North Carolina, where Hannah Webb and Patsy L'vi died. In North Carolina lave could neither legally marry nor own or inherit prr-rty. After the close of the civil war Moset Shore and Fannie Shore lived snd co habited together a hueband and wife, and afterward moved to the tate of Indiana, where they both died. Joslah Webb moved to Custer county, in this etste. where ha died, leavitag hi estate the land In con troversy herein. Jeremiah Shores claim th estate or an interest therein as a half brother of the deceased. The children t Moeee Spees. the full brother of the de ceased, ciaim an Interest tn the eetata, and John Wesley Shore. Marv Hauser and Elisabeth Btimpeon alsa claim an Interest therein a brother and aiatera of the de ceased of the half blood. Tha case was submitted to the reurt on th pleadings, which on behalf of the par ties claiming aa children of Hannah W eob and Patsy Davis, alleges that these women were each legally married tn MoawA Slior-a. The appellant s pleadings such l-gal marriage of these parU-s and asserts that because Moses Shores and Fannie Shores, his father and mother, lived and cohabited together as husband and wife, ha became their legitimate child. Held, that looking to the pleadings alone. In the absence ot evidence, the children of Hannan Webb and Patsy Davla bern of their union with Moses Shorea, must be regarded aa llli-giti-mate; that under our atatute the etal of an Illegitimate child descended to h.s mother, and In case of her death to h-r heirs; that the whole estate, under our law. would descend to Moses Spt-ese. the full brother of Joeiah Webb, If he wt-re living, but, because of his death, hla chil dren were entitled to the eatate aa hi representatives. That Jeremiah Shores, not being a rela tive of Hannan Webb, th mother of tins deceased, waa not entitled to any part o: Uie estate, and the aueatton of hi hoirt; a legitimate or illegitimate child of Aluae and Fannie Snore waa tnimeterial. aa he could not inherit In either event - 15106. Pribbeno against Chicagua Burling ton A Quincy Railioad Co. el al. - Appeal. Richardson. Reversed and remanded. Hoot. C. Division No. 1 - - L kvlurnc of subQ,uent 1 a pair made, or precautions taken, a.'ter an accident, or th InlUctlon of an injury, ia not admissi ble to prove antecedent negligence. 2. Where growing cropa are totally de st royed as a result of defendants negll arerrce plaintiff can recover their fair mar ket value at th time of their destruction and testimony tending to show thiir value at that time ia competent, even though on croee-evaminatlon It aupeare that the wit ness did not Include in his mental estimate every factor of uncertainty that m.ght en ter into the value of the said cropa at the of iiielr annihilation. - U115. School District No. V- Cuming County. Nebraska, against Cuming County. Appeal. Cuming. Reversed and remanded. Epperson. C. Division, No. 1. 1 Pursuant to the provisions of uncon stitutional acta of the legialature. the county board of Cuming county levl.l taxes ostensibly for tne benefit of th hiat.i school districts of that county and the tax payers voluntarily paid the same. H-.l that such taxes constitute a public fund which may le distributed to the hix i school districts and other school districts of the county tinder the provisions of sub sequent legislation. 1 2 A county has DO vested right tn a pub lic fund created by the levy of taxes under the provisions of an unconstitutional act of the legislature for the benefit of high school districts and voluntarily paid by the taxpayera. 1. When funds In th county treasury mav be distributed only upon warrants aut'honxed bv the county board a claim or demand therefor ma b filed with the countv board bv the party entitled thereto, and an appeal may be prosecuted from an order rejecting the claim. 15125. Srhneringer aga'nst Hchnerrriger. Appeal. Custer. Reversed and remanded '.'.1 direcliona. Root, C. Division No. 2. No. t 1. Where a mother during her laat Illness, believing that she will not recover, convey II of her real eia!e to her husband, at hia request, and upon hla oral promla to devise said real estate to their demented child, and care for him during the father'a natural Ufa, though no express trust is created, a court of equity may interpose to present, a wrong and declare the grarAeo a trustee ex maleficio for the protection of the grantor a intended benefk iary. In th foregoing case tne tamer, tne day aucceedlng the execution of the deed, made a wia complying with that part of roe agreement. Held, that the deed and will were parts ef the same transaction, and that the grantee will nit he permute. I to revoke the will or encumber, or dispose of. said real estate to th detriment of his incompetent child. l.vnti. iJowney agalnat Cjykendall. Ap peal. Hamilton. Revereed and reman cLed. Calkins. C. Division No. 1. 1. Consistent statutes relating to the same subject, thougn enacted at different times, are to b. construed aa If enacted together and on the same date. 80 con strued, section 24. chapter 28. Comp. Stat., knposing a penalty for th aollection of excessive fees, applies to police Judges. 2. Where persons who should have joined a plaintiff in an action split their joint demand and bring separata au'.ta a motion to coraolidate such euli under tha pro visions of section 164, coda, should be sus tained. 1. Statute giving fees are to be construed strict. y and sr not 10 be extended by Im plication. Where a complaint ta filed iaa nxt aeveral (arsons, the same fee hould be charged as if thr wer but a ingle defendant until demand 1 made for separate trlala and then fee should only be charged for such extra duties aa ara necessarily caused by such separation. A A police Judge sued under the pro vision of ection 14. chapter 28. Comp. Stat . for taking excessive fee, may not Justify tn taking of uch fee by allowing that he acted under tne direction ot the prosecuting attorney. 15144. Goosee against Oram. Appeal. Lincoln. Affirmed. Duffle. C. Dlviaieo No. 1. I. Wher th owner of two contiguous lots of land conveva one of auch lota to A. and subsequently eonveys tne other lot to B. and a controversy arise between A and B concerning the boundary line be tween the two lota A eonnot, for the pur pose of establishing title by adverse p..s avresion agsinst B. tack his own p- eaeseiou to of th common grantor. I The owner of four lots built a fence around what he supposed was lot 1 ami 2. and erected a dwelling house in tout the center of the said tots, in which he lived for ahout twenty years He then sold and conveyed lots 1 and 2 to the defendant, and at'erwards sH snd con veyed lots 1 and t to the plaintiff. The evidence disclosed that the fence bul.t by the oaner tnulu.iej a part of lot 1 Held, that pla'ntiff was not eetopped to claim so much of lot 1 ss wa en closed by the fence, no representation hav ing been made to the feci eet a hen she made her purchase that ne f-niw did not include land otuer t.'.ici M I and 1 a - ; By vising the vsrtous earpartatente lit The Bee Want Ad Pa gea you gel quick return at amaJl autpenae,