Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    he Omaha
unday Bee
A I ! for th Horn
Beit & West
nnx:j.iL sectioii
Hall Price La Grecqae and Kabo Corsets.
. Once more Monday these two well known lines, manufac
turer's best models, just half regular.
The Kabo are long blp. and high bust models, some with the new flat
tening back feature so much In demand, broken sixes only
LaGrecque Lattice Ribbon Models for the slender figure, and long hip.
medium bust models for the stout figures, two pairs hosn supporters at
tached. regular prices art 11.60 to $7.50. Monday HALF TRICE OR LKSS.
For the GnxduMc f Loom End Ribbons
Iale cf Cabrera's Tyranny Told in
GulfnaUl President Aliened t Be
Eaeewtlsis; r lnrlw,lit Hit
Eneastsw mm CSseatlac
Their Frsnerty.
l.M l.
Two very dainty, hls-hly appropriate
books, entitled. "My Hlnh School Pays"
and "The Girl Graduate," at $1.33
Either of the will be gr-atly sttre
clsted. We have many other volume
suitable for the occasion, prices from
tic upward to $5.00.
PSsT, a light companion, makes a
useful and practical gift, pen ful'y
guaranteed, prices from S3. S3 to $3.00
2.009 yard, all Uk. r'n taffeti r'h- 14
bona. Ina-hs from three And a half (
to four and a. half Inchea wide, rvcry 5k
yard worth lie, color, pink, llkht hlue. fjj
red brown, sr.-en. alo white-and biac-k. j
Monday, yard 100 .1
V000 vards fancy Mh Vcnino. from
00 yards fancy Mri nunc, rrom a-
St. Louis Jobbers, brown, black, nnvy S
and while, lie goods for 10s
rench and German Val L-cs. all '
matched set, absolutely worth t $1 00
TO SHARK IN THEM. t: :: .:
ter noren. from St. ixiuis purcmu".
londay'e price, doxen
1 APACHVLA, Mx.. tin I. The prin
cipal gateway between Guatemala and
Mexico ta Tapaehula. It U to thla place
that political refugee and malcontent!
from Guatemala reaort when they flee in
fear of President Cabrera.
It la natural, therefore, that Tapaehula
ahould be a hotbed for political discussion
and Intrigues by the Guatemalan exile
who bars taken up their residence In
Mexico. New Additions to the colony are
made dally and each arrival ha some
story to tell of a Kneed atroclte committee
by tha oflcials who comprise the Cabrera
Careful Invest igatlon lesds to he belief
that many of these stories are based on
mere rumors, but other accounts of the
exec ml on or Imprisonment of alleged polit
ical Offenders, of the confiscation by the
government of private estates and of the
111 treatment of families of exiles are re
lated by persons who . may be supposed
to bo familiar With the facta. In Tapa
chula today ax men of former prominence
and wealth who are now without a dollar
and are forced to depend Upon the charity
f friends for. .their support.
On of tba class Is Miguel Baseola. who
sj rived here a few daya ago from his cof
fee plantation, situated on tha Chizoy river.
Ma was forced to travel at night and to
keep la biding" during tha day In order ts
evade arrest. Ha says that the only pos
sibl offence that can be charged against
him is that he was distantly related to
one of tha students In Guatemala City who
were Implicated In the recent plot ta tax. a
tha Ufa of President Cabrera.
Mr. Baseola'a home Is la a remote part
ot the country and hs did not hear ot the
attack upon Cabrera for several days after
It was made. Ilia first knowledge of the
affair came when a secret message reached
him from a friend In Ovatemala city tell
ing him that many arrests of relatives of
the military students were being - msde
ana that bo Had better leave tha country
to . avoid being thrown Into prison and
probably put to death.
' Mr. Baseola paid little attention to this
i:m warning, xie naa never taken any I
part ta political affairs and believed that I
he would nof bo molested. Ha was subs
qeuntly summoned to- appear at tha town
of and reply to certain
questions which tha Jef politico desired to.
ask. Hs obeyed this summons and was In
terrogated In regard to his relationship
with the military student who was alleged
to have been In tha plot to .assassinate
Cabrera, ' '
Mr. Baseola answered, all. tha questions
candidly. Ha was advised that the Jefs
politico would make his report to President
Cabrera, and that future action weald de
pend upon tha Is ttei-e erases. Then hs re-
.mj civ. 0i fuujuunn - -
About ten days( later second secret
message . tVM ' to 'aim from Guatemala
City Baring that Cabrera had Issued oris- a
for his anest and. Imprisonment: on 'the
"' ehargw that he waa connected with the
plot to kill him. The message urged him
t, depart from the "country Immediately,
He heeded thla second warning and taking
enough money to land him acroaa the bor
der ha set out on tha Journey to Tapa
ehula. On the) second day he stopped at the
house of a friend who told him that troops
wera scouring the country for him. He
was also advised that an hia property had
been confiscated by the government. Whst
h become of hia family be does not
v know.
It is stated by Luis Baucedo, who reached
here a few days ago direct from Guatemala
City, that np to the time he took his de
parture thirty members of the most prom
inent families In the capita had been ex
ecuted by order of Cabrera and that sev
eral men of less prominence hsd also been
put to death. The widows and orphans
of some of those executed have been de
prived cf an their property. In some In
sAnces women have twen Imprisoned:
Indignstloa baa been aroused In Guate
mala as well as In Mexico over the treat
ment which President Cabrera la meting
. oat to Mrs., Coftna de Leon, widow of
Emllio de Leon, who waa formerly minister
ef.fnrela-n affaire In Guatemala.
De Leo Incurred the nemHy of Cabrera
about three years ago and he waa charged
with being Implicated la a plat to kill tha
president. He fled to Mexico and took
up hU tmeidmce in the City of Mexico. His
wife remained in Guatemala.
About a year ago an attempt waa
to kill Cabrera by a mtne explosion In the
street, Cabrera alleged that the plot waa
hatched n the Ctty of Mexico snd Tspa
chult and thai Mr. de Leon was one of the
prime tnattaratorw. He Issued an order for
extradition of the Mexieaaf government
This demand waa refused aad for a time
the relations between Mextao and Guate
mala were strained.
Cabrera then confiscated the eat ate of
Mr. de Leon, but later the property wss
restored to Mrs. de tcon. Knt Mn. de
Lsou's brother, Jose Maria Coftna. was
arrested st his heme in Guatemala Ctty
and thrown Into prison. Hs has been con
fined incommunicado .In a dark cell for a
year. AnotRer brother, Pedro Cofino. who
owned a large coffee plantation, waa ar
rested a few weeks ear-V and after helng
confined In prison for a few dsys was
taken out and shot by crder of Cabrera.
Then Cabrera had Mrs. de Leon arrested
and placed under guard at Anttgna. w-rr
she la not permitted to receive a communi
cation from any person. She has ten chil
dren, all of whom are aaid to be under ar
reat and la prison In Guatemala City.
It la stated by C. H. Haeellng. an Eng
lishman whe has arrived here from a trip
through Guatemala, that there are many
women conf.bed ie the prisons ef the coun
try and that they are In aM Instances, so
far as he could lewrn. members of the
higher claa, Tnstr only offense is thst
they are related to men whe are alleged
to have Bought to bring about the down
fall of Cabrera.
Mr. Havellng aays that the business of
the countr Is prostrate, that a reign of
terror exists and that the tyrannical hand
of President Cabrera la being felt every
where In the country. The reign of ter
ror Is not confined to the larger cities and
tona The people 01 me imu villages.
" the occupants .of the plantations
ranches are all nneasy.
Old established St. Louis Jobbars heavily overstocked with summer merchandise make tremendous sacrifice of prices to unload. U
The retail trade ovorv- J
- ' - -w e bas'eaa a-w a m m at a m-m w ww mm lAiwv41VSS eLs a at V 0V Valll w3P BW W 3 i gUUVIS LJ y .k 1 W J W TT W sT E J A ta llWWt m m m m s avsr wvaai maaw - - - -
where. Dennett's make gigantic purchases of wash goods, ginghams, silks, hosiery, gloves, underwear at unheard of low prices:
So impressive and so far reaching are tbe bargains this great purchase makes possible that they must inspire in the heart of every economi
cal housekeeper a desire to share in the low pricing and savings.
Without a question the most important June Sale Omaha has known in years pens Monday morning at Dennett's.
From St Ixmis jobbers, thousands of vard
newest 27-inch fancy taffetas, IxniUines, plain
taffetas, 24-inch Foulards, white and black
Habutai, wash silks, choicest styles, worth $1.00
a yard, our price .jjQ
Xnr Rough 8ilks Copenhagen and brown shades, the season's m ft.
greatest favorites, twenty ptecea, every one worth 91.25 yard. ft 0
bought to sell at bargain price of , ' v
36-tnrfi Black Taffeta Never better silks at 91-50 a yard, brilliant finish.
heavy and guaranteed to give grent service. St. Louis Job
wholesale price was 91.12 H . our price.
Wash Goods
Fine French Mulls In English Eye
let embroidered dealgnh. In choice
colorings, all strictly
high grade fabrics.
worth 75c and 91.00 everywhere, from St. Louis Jobbers,
our price
Kllk Mixtures. French Voiles Almo3t unlimited variety of fine
best summer styles. Including plain effects, finest domestic -goods
and worth In regular way 50c and 59c,
our price .......
ion Pieces Silk Mulls White grounds with floral designs,
dots, and figured efecrs. can please any one. very fine ma
terials, retailing at 25c, bought at a sacrifice; our price......
4c S
All through this big stock the purchas
ing power of Bennett's Is revealed.
Prices on household cottons not dupll-
Wot Duplicated La any Other snore.
Bleached Mnslin Two cases on sale, fine 3mooth cloth, nothing
. W .a ... O 1 n nnw rilfa XlnnHll V. V a I'll -
ID ioa ufiirr tii oTjti vus ... , , - -
Cambric Fine soft finished cambric good enough for underwear purposes; J
It's a vard wide and excellent value at 10c, bought Trom St. C. ft
Louis Jobbers, to sell at, yard l
Toile du Xord Glnghains Everybody knows what they are. No finer Uc
ginghams made. We have about 250 drew lengths in plain blue t-haues 3
only. 12 yards to a length, on sale Monday, marvelously low, M
price. t)f yard uw
Hosiery and Underwear
Here are bargains to crowd the department; almost
half price on the very goods now In greatest demand
Imported lisle allover lace and lace boot, 39c hosiery, our
price Monday, pair -2oC
High grade 50c and ?5c lisle hose, lace boot and allover
laces, buy them now, at, pair 33f
Cotton vests, hand-crocheted trimming, no sleeves, low
neck, 3(o goods, at. pair 19f
Swlsa Ribbed Vests, silk taped, and trimmed with Val. in
sertions and edges, all positively 60c good3, our. price
Monday . . . .' 27
Gloves and Handkerchiefs
Timely purchase, season's newest and mot
wanted kinds, at barely cost of manufacture.
Imported Silk and Lisle Gloves. full16-button lengths,
made for 91.50 selling, our price SOC
lC-button Silk Gloves, all colore and slzea, St. Louis
Jobbers' best 92.00 lines, for $1.39
150 Dozen Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, lace edges and
insertions, all- 25c values, our price 15
300 dozen Embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs, St.
Louis Jobbers' wholesale price, 91-25 a dozen, our
A startling dress goods sale. Just 47 pieces. Bought
at m tremendously low price, most desirable goods and
seasonable fabrics and coloring.
54-inch brown Panamas, worth 91-25,
43- lnch Armurea and Taffetas, worth 91.
44- Inch black dress materials, mil
weaves. 9100 and 91.25 values.
44-inch Plain Mohairs, most colors,
worth 91.00,
44-inch Plain Materials, blue, tan, green,
gray, etc, values to 91-25, All choice
per yard . . .. ,
The White Goods Sale
The season's most desirable and best selling Whit U
Fabrics bought from St. Louis Jobbers. Beautiful sheer
dress materials. Lower In prices than you ever knew be- M
fore for same quality. J
One hl lot embroidered batistes, and embroidered Swiajioa. W
Dotted Swisses, checked and striped Ljtwns and IMmltipn.
every yard actually worth to 35c, in Monday's sale, yard lo W
fft-inch Persian Lawns, makes the daintiest summer dres-ws. L
nice even weave, very eheer, 40c quality, for 89o y
Linen FlnNhSuttlnss, this is the usual lc quality, looks r.nd
wears like linen. In Monday's sale, at 18S jT
71-Inch all Linen Sultlnss. for suits and separate skirls. s lls I j
-. . . M:G ii
everywhere st 11.25, Monday's pric-o
Look Over this Waist Assortment
Monday's Greatest Event
"We have rummaged through
the waist 6to'ck, selected all odds
and ends white lingerie waists in.,
every Jine up to $5.00., Those hav
ing bnt one or. two pf a kind, the
slightly -mussed waists and' the
like. There are hundreds 'of them
exquisite effects, season's best
selling lines, worth $3.00, $3.50,
$4.50 aid $5.00: For one day
Bennett's Cut Ghe Price
High grade tire of standard well known makes. The following table
tells Its own story.
"One Cure Wrapped Tread clincher automobile Urea, all strictly
1908 goods, carrying the regular manufacturer's guarantee.
Silk Princess Dresses in a One Day's Sale
Monday upwards of 75 handsome models are marked for a
day's busy selling. The -most fashionably correct one-piece
Princess costumes, in plain taffetas in every new shade, such as
browns, Copenhagen, tan, gray, blue, etc. Also many stripe ef
fects. These are all trimmed in charming styles, with lace yokes,
sleeves, etc:, daintily tucked, all exclusive models, that appeal
to women of taste.
The $35.00 and $30.00 Q50
Dresses will be JLajr
The $22.50 and $20.00
Dresses will be
SIZE ' Complete Cover Tube Complete Cover Tube
28x2 4 ....9 3 30 918 70 9 4 6 $15 04 912 78 f 3 15
3Q2A 55 20 05 -4 U IT OS 18 1- , 80
28x3 30 76 25 15 5 60 21 04 17 21 S 83
30x3 . .... 33 10 27 1 ' 6 00 22 63 18 55 4 10
32x3 .... 35 40 29 00 40 24 23 IB 84 4 38
34x3 .... 27 70 30 95 75 25 78 21 18 4 02
36x3 40 00 32 75 7 25 27 86 23 40 4 96
30x3H 7771 43 30 35 05 8 25 29 02 23 98 5 64
32x3 H .... 4S 10 ' 37 35 8 75 81 56 25 57 5 99
34x3V, .... 49 25 39 9S 9 3 0 83 69 27 83 6 80
36x3V 52 30 42 45 9 85 85 78 29 04 6 74
30x4 777. 64 25 44 25 10 00 87 11 80 27 - 6 84
32x4 .... 68 10 47 60 10 60 89 74 32 49 7 25
34x4 61 55 50 25 11 30 42 10 84 87 7 73
36x4 65 40 53 40 12 00 44 74 86 53 8 21
32x4 Vt 777. 73 10 69 85 13 25 50 OO 40 94 906
34x4 V 77 70 63 70 14 00 53 14 43 56 9 58
36x4 Vi 82 30 67 45 14 85 56 80 46 14 10 16
34x5 777. 95 00 78 30 16 70 64 98 53 56 11 43
36x5 100 40 82 70 17 70 68 68 56 57 12 11
Following a meeting held in Cleveland by manufacturers
in the tire combination, comes the information from a re
liable source that a sharp advance in price is anticipated
shortly. We would advise prompt purchases.
S6e Bennett Company
The China Section Will Bristle With
Live Bargains Monday
Always something doing in thi3 department. A big, busy
place with special attractions from day to dav.
20c Bon Bon Boxes for 12t I 10c Individual Almond Dishes. .6?
60c fancy Ribbon Cake Plates 30c , 25c Salt and Pepper shakers, pr.
25c eight-Inch plain Plates J 15c Toothpick Holders 1()C
Closing Out .While Lots List, Fine Austrian China.
With Highly Colored Flower and Fruit Decorations:
$12.00 Chocolate Sets, tray, jug and six cups and saucers, 4.9S
$4.50 Berry Sets, bowl and six fruiU . ... . .".,:$1.9S
$2.90 Lemonade Jug .C3c
60c Cups and Saucers, for . . ,23l
$2.75 Marmalade Jar, for OSc
$2.50 Chop Plates, for . .$ 8? $3.50 Bowls, for $1.50
A RadicaJ One-Daiy Clearing
Women's $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes
A-big table full shoes and oxfords, laced
and button styles, light and extension $
soles, all good styles, from 1 A Q ll
our regular 11K)8 stock,
Stylish laced and button 6hoes,
all; sizes, all widths, hand
sewed, patent colt, every pair
$4.00 quality, strictly newest
and nobbiest shoes; Mondav,
at, pair $2.39
Boudoir SlinDers: rod. Mnek.
tan, all usual $1,00 lines, 50c !!
Women's White Canvas Ox- 7i
fords, sizes 2Y2 to 3. regu- U
lar $l.o0 line, Monday only,
at 50 c
Bennett's Bin Grocery
Cffs Roasted In Department
Golden Coffee, pound 2c and 30 stampa
Upton's Tea. pound 60c and 50 stamps
Japan Tea Siftinga, pound 15e and 20 stamps
98c bot- Queen Olives. 75c , Diamond "C" soap.
Diamond "C" soap, nine
bars aac
Pure Frnlt Jama and Jel
lies, glaaa 10c
60c bot. Queen Olives. .S3c
25c bot. Mans Olives.. 18c
10c bot. stuffed Olives.. 7c
Best We Have Corn, two cans and zo stampa
Best We Have Lima Beans, two caas. .23c and 20 stamps
Advona Jams, assorted, two cans 20r and 10 stamps
Dr. Price's Breakfast Food. 3 pkgs..25c and 10 stanus
Bennett's Canltol Cocoa. V-lb. can. 2 4c and 10 st nps
Blue Borax Starch, package ltr and 5 stamps
Batavla Fancy Salmon, can 23c and 10 stampa
Hartley's Marmalade. Jar 2 P1 10 stamp
New York Cream Cheese, pound 2Cc and 10 stampa
Oalllard'a Imp. Olive OH. basket bot.8.1c and 20 stampa
Ba yles' Lunch Herring. Jar. 1-c and 15 stamps
Gem Milk, two large cans 20c nd 10 stamps
Soda Crackers, four nickel pkgs 15c and 10 stamps
Best Quality Rubber Hose
And a Hose Reel Free With Each RO-Foot Length.
Take advantage of this special Monday offering-. We hare
four g-radea. pricea rang at ftS.00, 96.SO, $mO0 and 97X0
Philadelphia Lawn Mowers, positively the oest mower
made. Just a few more to sell. Monday Discount 26 per
Burner Gas Hot Plates, regularly il.aO. special
st IMO
Another Monday sals of Galvanised Tubs and Paila. First
quality good at prices almost half.
ic Tuba for 3o iOc Water Palls for ...14o
Je Tubs for 4o lie Water Paila for ...ITS
89c Tubs for 6se loe Water Falla for ...Is
CKILSairi OAJtDZsT SATS, lie and 2Sc atses for lOe
Screen Wire Clotn. beat quality, aquare foot 1VS
Thompfcon's Enamel, almoat every color, closing out reg-
.Se and sm
SOS up,
ular 20c and ic cana a.t
Cherry PI Iters '.
Coffee Milla, variety of makea. prices from
And 30 Green Slamrs.
stiioimaiTioi or m uwive5ax. buio bcix-
SiHM OOtriVIBS A.QAXBT MOBTSATl Bread is kneaded
more thoroughly In threa minutes In the I'ulrertal toaa
can be accomplished by hand in a much -longer time!
Come in and cjet a t-ouwnlr loaf of bread, and at the
same time note how sailaf actorliy the Dangler Uaa Hangs
does the bakir. !OM f 94O00.
Swinflinn Reclining Chair
This chair, exactly as Is shown In cut, complete with
canopy. Is built for solid comfort; Monday put on sale at
the extremely low price of $6.89.
We are also show
ing a new line of
Porch Settees at
$4.98 and Porch
Rockers at $2.29
that are extremely
good values.
Let us figure with
you on furnishing
your "home. Posi
tively guarantee
pricea to be lower
than any other
furniture house in
Carpet and Drapery Sections jj
Make Notable Offerings j
Nowhere arts po1 of equal quality priced as (heso $
are. You will readily recognlxe the t-avlngs when i'
you see the goods 'j
Brussels Carpets With stair and border to match, &
never le&a than 69o in other stores, Monday, yard! n
t on S
Cochrane Velvet Carpet Strictly all wool pile, last A
colors, very durable, 27-inch border to match reg-
ular $1.00 Quality, at fir,
Room Size llruoseU Rug Excellent floral and tx.i
ventionai designs, all splendid values at 116 a
Bousjht up bK Iin at 25 p-r --nt re-
Clearing up a lot,
ductlon (rom l-iniern m,tnufiicturrr, colors to harmonize
with all furnishings. Mf-n.lay:
15 00 klsds for a.7S 17 ri0 kinds for 58 1J
l.7S kinds for Si.OO -0) kinds for 47.50
BAafBOO POmCK SHADxtS In areen and natural clcr
four by m t-t, 6c; m hv eight feet. $1J9; eight by
elaht f-et $1.79; lht by ten (wt. a.8S. X
BASsI CVBTAIsT BOOS; brans plated, extend to forty
fire incties. complete, ldc kind, for &o
ber of the household of Queen Victoria govemmer makes them burn thst oil be
for seventeen years, and now whip of the fore it overflows into the stresms below.
A BacstBsS) nBtlasia. -
A girl thinks a ood deal mors f how
a mu proposes than who It is doing H.
Tbs harder II Is for a man ta rememher
to by poaiar stamps for his wits tha
saaker it ts fur hint to forget to get UcAsw lur sjimssif -Nw J oik
snd I bava seen 200,000 barrels of oil burn-
Railway Cmrnxmrnmy Ca-ssea Bark. With
Aaaaraare mt ravsrakle Rsttes
Wkta Iks Frelaht U
at Ilaad.
"If ths Cblcago A Nor;hwestem railroad
Vfll make a aatisfsciory rate Into Omi.11
front Lander it will be but a Bhort time
until the oil of Wyoroir will ba cornlnj
Paget and Arthur Paget,' sons of General
Sir Arthur Paget and Lady Paget, who
I waa formerly Mi&a Stevens of New Tork;
A. Mitchell Innls, F. A. Keating, a partner
la one of the largest banking srd mercan
tile houses in England. Anthony Gibba A
RciV. who firanced the Mexican Central
railroad and the nitrate fields of Chile,
and who was made Lord Aldenham for
financing the affairs of Baring Bros., and
Colonel HsrTis.--n Power.
. Mas sf Aetlaau
"Mr. Keating la knoan to tie a man ot
action, and when a proposition airikes his
eye it does no; Uike him long to get la
motion." sdded Mr. linker. lis is st tbe
to Omaha la Urge quantltlese." said John.: head of one of tha leading; financial oon-
C. Hlc'-ey. aa wtl operator of Detroit, who
waa la Omaha Saturday and who has just
returned from Wyoming, where he was la
tha lnts.sts of ths English syndicate,
which passed through Omaha threa weeks
ago. At that tiros Tha Bee told of the
tntentloa ef tha Englisa capttaluua who
wars ta Omaha to rua a pip lira for on
veytns oil from Lander to Omaha. Mr.
Hlckay says this wUl ba done.
la tha party wera Rl Hon. Earl of Kin
torn, x-forarnor of Australia and a nam-
cerna of England and is now on ths ocean
retunJng home from tha Wyoming fields.
He expressed himself aa well pleased with
tha prospects in Wyoming, and It Is now
only a ncatter of rates whether tha oil of
Wyoming will start first lt Denver or
Omaha. If tha Northwestern refuses to
make ths proper rales, tha oil wUl ba di
verted at Orin Junction and taken to Den
ver. "Few peopia have any realisation ef the
lmmenss oil fiaida south of Lander. Tha
1 conaervstive party of the Houfc ot Lords
' - " ' E. WalUo Vine Int. celebrated engineer; J ing at on time. A company I represent
WyOinill? Product for Omaha if Korth-j Chsrles Ponsonby. a capltallat; Reginald j controls seventy square miles of oil lands
- . ! ti . . ft.!..,. !.,' ..... . 1 a Hi.:, -" a .i..l..K nln. I4n
will be run from the oil fields to Lander." j
The NorthwfBtcrn standa ready to make
satisfactory rates for oil from Wyoming."
said S. F. Miller, general freight and pas
senger sgent of that road. "When ths
party of English capitalists came through
Omaha, three weeks sgo. the members
called on ma to se what this road could
Ao In the matter of rates from tha oil
fields of Wyoming to Omaha.
'At that tiro they, themselves, did not
know what they wanted or what business
would demand In the way of rates. They
wer to return to Omthi after they had
visited Wyoming, but they did not atop.
Evidently they went to Denver and found
there a good market for olL They ha ve
no rates, however, either to Omaha nor to
Denver. No applications for rates have
been msde. W sr Just ss anxious to
develop th Wyoming oil fields as they arc
and I told them so.
"They wanted to know if oil could not
be shipped to Omaha, as cheaply as th
Wyoming coal- Coal may be shipped In
sny sort of a car which happens to have
been sent to Wyoming, whereas oil must
b shipped tn tank cars which require a
return of the empties to th oil fields.'
Shall Go on the Program.
who people call th 'honor pupUa.' who
make a grade of not leas than 90 per cent
in English during the last two years of
work in ths high school." explains Prin-
CompetitiOD. Determines Wht Pupils C'P' Waterhouse. "Ail those who are
I . ii.iun .iieu aneu t uj a VI ..If 11.
or manuBcnptB for submission to the
faculty committee. Not all those who were
eligible this year, however, availed thera-V
selves of thla privilege. From the manu
scripts submitted the best ten rer selected
by th committee.. These ten then went be
fore a subcommittee of fifteen members
of th high school faculty, and thla com
mittee picked out ths s:x considuxud the
best. These six pupils will represent ths
clsss tn th graduation exercises."
Th "honor pupils" this year and th
parts they will tsks In the graduation
exercises next Friday evening are: Alan
McDonald, oration. "L'nalae Wisdom";
Mamie Meek, piano solo; Matilda Car
menslnd. oration, "A Visit to Switserland ";
Mary McCagu. 'oration. "Windmills";
Bad I Kirschbaum. violin aolo; Helen
Wright, oration, "Tha Dreamer"; Grace
McBride. violin solo; Caroline Congdon,
oration, "A Woman Impossible. "
Rev. Edwin H. Jenks, D. D., pastor of
tha First Presbyterian church, will preach
tha baccalaureate sermon to tbe gradu
ating class at his church Sunday morning.
Services far th Graduating; Class f
th Hlsh Sckl Will B Held
at First frnkrterlaa
Competitive work among ths members of
th senior class of th high school decides
who of the graduating Class shall b on
what Is commonly termed "th honor roll."
No favorltlam Is shown, assert Principal
Waterhouse and Assistant, Principal Kate
McHugh. and ths "honor pupils" win recog
nition by merit alone.
On hundred and elghty-oo will graduate
from th high school this year. Of this
number there era six "honor pupils." Be
tween twenly-flv and thirty of th class
wer eligible to become honor pupija, th
tlx being selected from this number by ad
ditional competitive work among them
selves. "Ws regard til those eligible for posi
tions on the graduation program, thos
Ever try Th Be Want Ad Cotumns?
aot, do so. and get satisfactory result a
Pinal Tract Com s-let lasr Ralston
TWBslt Contraet Is A boat
t Us Boaxkl. "
The Rajalon Townslt company closed
negotiations for the last piece of land which
la to compose the towr.aite and for getting
possession July 1. of the i-3 tu-res Included
tn the purchase.
The tracts which tha tnvnnll. imnftnw
has bought Include the following: Eighty
acrea of the United Investment company,
south of Beymour park; thirty-two acres
of the IL A T. Live Etock company; forty
acres of Lehraer brothers, west of Sey
mour park; SS3 acres of Dr. George L.
Miller, which was formerly his old home;
ninety-five acres of Mrs. Anna C. Wi-lso.
The price of the entire townajto was Situ..
MA, which has I -en paid In ca-ih. th IL &
T. Live Stock company receiving an aver
age of ttb p.-r acre for the property.
Preaiilent C. C. Bl.lmer said as soon as
the abstracters could complete their work
th deeds would be placed on record, but In
dividing a property into so many pieces
and into business and residence lots it was
necessary to have the title perfectly clc-ar.
Ballalaar Peraalta.
Jacob Hruby. Fourteenth and Center
ifrf.ta. frame dwelling. Il.sju; Jkub Soeiie.
Twelfth and W liliaui aireel. Iraiiie u sit
ing, tl.lou.