The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTION. Panes 9 to 16. No Filthy Scntattona THE OMAHA DEC Best West VOL. XXXVII NO. 310. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, IPOS. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. I 'S S10, SI 2, $15 and 22 SUITS SATURDAY ONLY w a neea me tasn. we are gffTng to put In a new window and make many new alterationa on our building, and we find we need tome ready cash, to We offer 200 men's suits that we have been sell lng for $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 and up to $22.00, for Saturday only, your choice of this lot, for CASH NeTer in our hlatory have we ever held such a sale. These suits cost us a great deal more than what we will get for them, but we must have the money, bo come early to get the selection, as they will not last long. We have, em ployed extra salesmen and we ex pect the biggest men's suit day that has ever been In Omaha. This sale Is for Saturday only. II LEY ELMER BEDDEO, Mgr. 1417 DOUGLAS ST. Modern Woodmen of America OFFICIAL TRAIN TO THE national Convention Peoria, III. Tullman standard and tourist sleoplng cars with standard coaches from Lin coin and Omaha. Leaving Lincoln 6.15 P. M. Leaving Omaha 8:15 F, M. , On SUNDAY, JUNE 14th. Arriving Peoria 12:30 noon, Monday, June 16th. Stopping at Rock Island three hours to visit "headquarters." ( $14.25 from LINCOLN pare t $11.95 from OMAHA Carrying stop-over privileges "at Rock Island in one or both directions. Re turn limit June 25th. Head Consul Talbot and party will accompany tula train. For- further particulars and reserva tions, address, F. H. BARNES, C. P. A., Lincoln, Neb., or F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. FASHIONABLY CORRECT Straw Hats See Bennett's straws tomorrow. The real smart effects are here at Just a little less than common. Thousands of them; straight or rolling crowns and wide brims, In fact everything that is correct is shown. 50c $1 $2 $2.50 to $4 Equador and Colombian Panama Hats Optimo and telescope shapes, strictly first qualities, 84.50 S3.00 $6.00 $7.50 a. SO Shirts at Half Negligees tn French and English fhirtings. sea- Bon newem , urci, unci uuiuhhk,. mostly coat styles, cuffs on or off. great 12.60 values, Saturday stammer Underwear Medium weight rlhhed shirts and drawers. 75c kind, at .'. 89o Raihrlnrin Shirts and Drawers, blue, white, ecru, 60c and 7So Vnlon Suits, all styles, $1.00, II. Br 12 00 and 53.30 Men's Mesh Underwear, each ... 60o 1.29 ARE YOU THE MAN with broad, square shoulders and reasonably proportioned form can wear most anything and look fairly presentable. Other men not ao well favored by na ture should appreciate even .uore the necessity for care In selecting correct and becoming attire. The distance from the shoulder to .the walat line the proportion of your neck and shoulders la different from anyone lues. That's why It takes so much accurate measurement and study of your Individ ual figure to produce a garment that will tit you perfectly. Some handsome new effects In today. Xiouien $8 to $12 - - Suiti $25 to $50 Men's Clothing Stylish Up-to-Date Model Hand Tailored Saturday a record breaking sale of men's suits. A world of nobby new patterns and colors in Velour Cassimere and Worsteds, splendidly tailored suits and well lined, choice of $20.00 . iA?5 suits at n Lot good $12.50 and Q75 $15.00 suits at..i Men's Summer 2-Piece Suits Medium and light shades of gray only coat and pants of wor sted and all wool casslmeres, Sat urday speclal-r $15 Suits, for $9.75 $12.50 Suits, for ,.... . ,$7.50 JS.50 Suits, for $5.00 Children's Wash Suits, blouse and Russian styles, !H to year sizes, well made of serviceable materials $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 and 75 Boys' Wash Pants, bloomer style, 3 to 10 years, at 250 I Always Lowest Prices on Wj at a ftT a Choice Wholesome neais t French Dressed Mens, at, per pound 12 T.A.h rtroBscd Roosters. Der pound 8 Pork Loins, per pound S'C I Pig Pork Shoulder Roast, per I Dound 79J Mutton Chops, per pound 10 I Mutton Roast, shoulder, lb. .74 k II MUtlOn Bit, 1-i y"""" DV ' . . 1 . 1 - I A tin r-r-i f ..Al j Cudany s nex. omuueu, rc. pound ao 7" v Morrell's Iowa Pride California, Hams, per pound 94 . . i .. nai nnnnil . "f 1 t- Toilets and Drugs Sanltol Toilet Powder, 25c size for. .19c Graham's Cucumber Cream, 50c slxe.40c Pond's Ext Vanishing Cold Cream, ,20c Oakland Co.'s Dloxogen, 25c size, for 2c Peroxldent, medium size, for 4."c Sal Hepatlca, three sizes, 25c, S4c, Sl.l'J Pond's Extract. . . .23c, 45c, 89c, $1.36 Bathing Caps In Toilet Department MA.XX4 OSSCll at these special adTsrtised prices filled. Bend clippings from ad. of goods wanted with your order. V Play Diabolo The newest and most fascinating game for young and old. Fee display and demonstration In Harney street window. Plabolo Sets, with rubber bands, t 60c, 65c and 75o These have double cached and four sticks, and every one Is actually just half regu lar price. Other very handsome sets, with solid rub ber ends, at $1.00, $1 60, $2.60 and $3.00 Cut Glass and China A Day of Great Bargains in These Departments Saturday 25c Glass Bowls 3o $7.50 Cut Glass Tankards for $3.98 $3.50 Cut Glass Bowls for. . . .l.Sft $3 60 Cut Glass Nappies for.. $1.98 $1.60 Cut Glass Nappies for.. 790 $5 00 Cut Glass Sugars and Creams for $1.98 75c Jardinieres 850 Toe German China Chocolate Pots at 850 25o English Bone China Cups and Saucers 100 25c German China Cuspidors .. lOo I4TUSDAT a voniarm. slat. si or vni msanif i at ion One thousand five hundred bolts of slrlctlv all silk ribbons. In large line of fancy stripe effects, and heavy plain taffetas, in every desirable snade. This is a bis purchase that we have cleaned up from an Eastern f jobber, and every yard Is actually worth from 25c to 60c lllC Saturday, choice, per yard AX.B Or XACB STOCKS. In cream and butter color, largo col lection of many excellent patterns, values to 25c, each So Embroidered linen collars, very de sirable styles, In fact the best that are shown for the summer season. values to 25c. at. each So White and colored Ascots. lust the thins to wear with shirt waist suits, match most any color, values to 60c. each 19o Women's Tailored Suits Now at Half Price Forty dollar suits for $20.00. Thirty dollar suits for $15.00. Twenty dollar suits for $10.00 and so it goes all through the stock. The first decisive price cut on the whole stock in effect now. Absolutely not a single suit reserved. Pick any you like best and its yours at just half the price of a week ago. June prices as low as you could reasonably expect them in August. Full line best II IT f colors and styles, strictly our choicest models now for the first time at flail vrll Misses and Junior Suits Very beautiful dressy wool suits sizes 13 to 18 years, Peter Thompson and Prince Chap styles, best colors, were $12.00 and $15.00 now, 5 QQ Light Weight Jackets Covert and broadcloths, tan and black, well tailored, best of linings, up-to-date styles, 33 Off. $5.00 Jackets $3.33 $7.50 Jackets $5.00 $10.00 Jackets $6.67 Silk Petticoats 25 dozen of the best $7.50 silk petticoats ever sold in Omaha. Heavy taffeta, elaborate flounces, rich rustl ing silks, positively no better $f.50 petticoats made. Z C C tseSeJ Great Waist Selling, Saturday We have just opened and show first time Saturday 50 dozen daintiest white lingerie waists, profusely trimmed with Baby Irish embroideries, delicate laces, motifs, tucks, etc. Values $3.50 and $4.00. Bought at 50c on the dollar, now pick 1 AC any for , .... "We have every color Allover Embroidery Waists Almost Half White waists, entire garment made of English eye let embroidery in pretty three-leaf design, a yoke made of dainty Val insertions, short sleeves, lace trimmed, regular $6.50 waists 3 50 More New Fresh Lots Underrnuslins Saturday ends the big June muslin underwear sale. Entire stock showes bargains unprecedented. We have brought out new lots drawers, skirts, gowns, corset covers, and.added to the big sale. These are garments worth from 35c to 75c each. y Specials at C-AJC Saturday These Hosiery Specials rSP' T; 1 W o m e n ' a Seamless Hose, ribbed t o p a and double bole, 17c lines for 100 Fancy lisle hose, split foot styles, 35c qualities Imported IIbIo hose, all over lace. lace boot and fancy llsles, 6Uc quality. 25. Boya and girls lngs, 17c qual V MM fine ribbed stoiK ity for 12 VC Gloves Elbow length silk and lisle Gloves. broken sizes, $l.iB and J1.10 lml.-, for 490 l-button length hllk Glovos, best make, black only, $1.75 kind for 9Jo Elbow lena-'h Silk Gloves, assort. -.1 colors, $2.00 kind for 5X.19 Underwear Low neck, slt-eveless Vests, tapel aim and neck. lliVsc kind, at 7c Low neck, sleeveless Vests. V shaped, tape arm and neck. 25c kind . . 17c Fine lisle VeMs. lace trimmed, low neck and sleeveless, 6uc qualllv, for 350 Ribbed I'nion Suits, with low m-rk and wide lace kn-;e, ftoc value for 390 Handkerchief Special Women's pure linen unla Jnde'ed hand embroidered handkerchiefs, ex cellent 20c quality, on wale Satu day, each 100 Double B. fc B. Green Trading- Stamps on all above Items. i! ' ( 1 f, i I a' f: rS f t i I Saturday Always a Good Day for Fine Shoe Bat.rga.iris n- metal uxiorns, tiieni"n i ony iuuiho I Vntmv wtmn 19 fin nii sixes 2V4 tn S. Saturday's special 91.99 Mlssess' and Children's Tan Oxfords, all awes up io i .-o i 2. at Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, usual 11.25 kind: sixes up to 6V4. at 89o Boys' and Girls' Barefoot Handals, sizes four to six, ,2.00 kind for 88o Men's Black Oxfords, hand Bewed. patent colt, patent leather, gun metal and vlcl, 4.00 qualities, tor $3.89 Women's Oxford Ties, stylish, comfortable, $2.60 qua' lty for fl.93 SHOE DEPARTMENT SPECIALS ON SALE SATURDAY MORNING ONLY Japanese Bath Slippers, with printed matting top and canvas sole. 35c to 6 0c kind, for. 25c White Canvaa Cleaner lOtf I lc White. Canvas Cleaner for 5 5 10c Shlnola Polish, limit one to a customer. . Reducing Stock Small Rugs Entire line about 2,000, in Jane Stock Reducing Sale. AxmlnsUr, Smyrna, Velvets, Wiltons every slie all greatly reduced In price. Velvet and Jap Fiber Rugs, 54 to 60 All $3.00 Rugs will be 81.08 Inches long. J1.85 kind, for S1.09 All $4.50 Rugs will be 3.19 Axmlnster and Smyrna Rugs, regular All $6.00 Rugs will be 4,19 $2.50 kinds, at .v $1.69 All $8.00 Rugs will be 5.95 Scotch Madras 48 Inches wide, many choice, new patterns; sell regularly at $1.25 yard t. yard 69 Colonial and Filet Fish Nets Whits and ecru, 50 inches wide, 50c and 60c goods at, yard 39 Mill Ends Nets and Swisses Short ends, one-half to one yard, worth to $1.50 a yard at, each 19 and 9? Shirt Waist Boxes Cedar and upholstered, all styles. .20 FEK CENT OFF cKSi Go-Carts Commencing Saturday we begin the clearing up of Go-Cart stock. Prices have been knifed with telling effect. Not one has escaped the price cutter. There are twenty-five styles of carts, in expensive to costly onea. But all share alike in the mark down. No end-of-season prices were ever lower. 175 Carts Carta 7.60 Carta . $13.60 Carta $16.00 Carta 18.00 Carta $33.00 Carts $1.19 $3.98 . $4.89 . $6.R9 S 10.00 19.60 $15.00 fir ' Omaha's Biggest Busiest Grocery Always Quotes Lowest Prices Bennett's Excelsior Flour, sack Bennett's Best Coffee, three pounds for Bennett's Best- Coffee, pound ,. . Tens, assorted, pound l. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, lb. can Polka' Soups, three cans Worcester Table Salt, two sacks , Baylea' Pickles, bottle Cooking- Raisins, large pound Nloelle Olive OH. gallon can Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle Advona Jams, assorted, two cans Bennett's Capitol Cocoa, H-lb. can Jell O Ice Cream Powder, two pkgs Hartley's Marmalade, Jar Minute Tapioca, pkg Batavla Corn Starch, three pkgs Batavla Gloss Starch, lb. box , .$1.60 and . .$1.00 and . . . 35o and . . .680 and . . .840 and . . . S5o and . . .100 and . . .10 and .13 Ho and .$3.35 and . . .180 and . . . 80c and . . . 84o and , . .800 and . . . BOo and , . . lOo nd . . .840 and , , .450 and B0 Green 100 Green HO Green 60 Green 30 Green 10 Green 10 Green 10 Green 20 Green 60 Green 10 Green 10 Green. 10 Green 10 Green 10 Green 10 Green 10 Green 20 Green Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stampa Stamps Stamps Stamps Maryland Cove Oysters, large can Ellen Sardines, two cans Waldorf Chill Sauce, bottle Ginger Ale, two bottles New York Cream Cheese, pound Swiss Cheese, fancy, pound Dr. Price's Food, three pkgs Best We Have Corn, two cans '. 7Be bottle Queen Olives for 60o 60c bottle Queen Olives for 30o 25c bottle Muni Olives for i.,.15o Tresh Tomatoes, pound 6o Castile Toilet Soap, dozen cakes B5o HEASQVABTEBS FOB BUTTEB Fancy Country Butter, extra value, per pound 34o And Double Stamps. ' 80o and 10 Green Stamps 90o and 10 Green Stamps i lOo and 10 Green Sumps 85o and 10 Green Stamps 90o and 10 Green Stamps 35o and 10 Green Stamps 35o and 20 Green Stamps 35o and 20 Green Stamps Fresh Country Butter, lb., 18o, 800, 89o Fresh Country Eggs, dozen 180 BENNETT'S CANDIES Orocsry Section Salted Peanuts, pound lOo Chocolate Cream, pound lOo Bon Bon Boxes, decorated, each lo Nutty Corn, delicious, pkg 6c Six packages (or 85o Picture . Frame Sale Sixturdixy Large collection of gold pliite.l niL-til frames, handsome gold an 1 civmy frames, measuring Hi i '-' Im-lu., also frames of nil hIzch. colors and styles. In the snme lot yon will find a varletv of slightly dammed pictures, original prices are very much higher than we ak :'or tlH'iu Saturday, choice 140 to 49o Saturday's Hardware Sales Big Lot Screen Poors Slightly Damaged Imperfections very Blight, nearly all sizes, regular prices .$1.00, $1.23, $1.50 and $1.75; closing out Saturday at only..65 75 $1.00 None sent C. O. D. and no ex changes. Bring correct measure ments with you. Garbage Cans A few from thU week's sale left while lots last, J1.50. 11.75 and $2.00 cans tor 98o New Narka Ball Hearing Lawn Mower, sixteen Inch Kiie, worth $5.60, at $4.35 New Electric Ball Bearing Lawn Mower. $6.50 kind, for $5.35 Sprayers for flowers and vci"Ta- t J $ 1 1 t s bleu, 750 60c and And 20 Green Stamps 15 pound Polishing Brushes, for waxed floors, regular $2.00 Quality for $1.60 Johnson's Floor Wax 450 And 20 'Green Stamnn. Floor Brush Brooms, for hardwood floors, 6bc to 3.73 And 40 Green Stamps. Family Scales, with or without scoop, it 8c and $1.35 And 30 Green Stamps Hammocks, complete line, each !c to $7.00 Croquet Sets, at 65c, S5c, Slot to SJ.00 And 40 Green Stamp. Bathing Suits for boys and men, navy, black, brown and .oxford. cotton or wool mixed, Tf,c to $5.00 Complete line of Have Ball Gi.od, Flhhlng Tackle and Fire Arm-. ; i i Properly Proportioned? CORN SHOW AND ITS MAKERS Thirty-rive Thousand Dollari Raised by Three Citiei. WILLIAM JKKREMS' SONS 209-11 South lBlh SU Health- Economy GalwnoR Bolting Powder jf .Dest by Test MEN AND SUMS' THEY GIVE National Corn Exposition is incor porated with Capital of Flftr Thousand Dollars for Permanent Affair. Mora than $35,000 has been subscribed by the business men of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs for the National Corn Exposition, which Is to be held In Omaha, December 10 to 19. Inclusive. Ths announcement that the fund had reached such a sum was made at a meeting of the subscribers and directors of the Corn Exposition In rooms of the Commer cial club Friday afternoon, and it was de cided to incorporate at once for $30,00). The stock will be . in abases valued at $25 each, and the articles further require that at least half of the stock be subscribed when the corporation begins business. The following are the Incorporators: C. E. Black, C. B. Tost, George H. Nathan Roberts, p. B. Fuller, A, T. Benson. Charles P. Beaton. T U Haller, F.mll Brandels, William F. Baxter, Samuel Rees, V. C. Kosewater. G. M. Hitchcock, J. H. Millard, P. A. Baum, Charles C. Belden. C. C Reaewater, chairman of the execu tive committee, read his report, which showed marked progress on the Corn Ex position. . There were between 1,000. and 1000 exhibitors last year, but Mr. Roaewater said In but report that Indications are that there will be many mora this year, and that the Omaha corn show will eclipse anything of llks nature In recent years. A commlttea was appointed to raise $15,- 000 more and make a total sum of $50,000 for the big show. William F. Baxter heads this committee. The Implement Dealers' association has contributed implements for premiums al ready to the value of $15,000, and statements were made at the Friday meeting that this would probably be Increased to $25,000 worth of Implements to be given as prizes for the best txhihit at the show In Omaha next D ecember. Work of Getting- Money. The work of the committee soliciting the subscriptions, which have made the great j national show possible for Omaha, has J been pursued diligently and quietly. No announcement of the success with which the committee was meeting among the business houses has been made before. When the first meeting of the business men was held to receive the proposition of the officers of the National Corn asso ciation to hold the big show In Omaha an nually, it was estimated that $25,0f would be needed for a promotion fund, some $15,- 000 of which should be secured for use In promoting the work before the show. With the Idea of securing $15,000 the com mittee went to work. The members met with quick response, some of the houses being magnanimous In their gifts and all admitting that the National Corn exposition will be the greatest thing for Omaha and the west since the Transmlsslsslppl and In ternational exposition. Then It was decided that Omaha had always entertatned big enterprises and gatherings "right" and $25,000 should be raised. This waa afterwards pushed to $35,000, and subscriptions came In which made the amount possible before the meet ing Friday. The articles of Incorporation provide that the temporary officers elected several months ago .shall be the officers of the National Corn exposition until the first annual meeting, also that tha . executive committee shall hold office until that time, which will be the fourth Tuesday In Janu ary, 1909. The following are the officers of tha cor poration; Q. W. Wattles, president; H. H. Van Brunt, vice president; T. F. Sturgess. secretary; C. F. McGrew, treasurer. The executive committee consists of C. C. Rosewater. chairman; V. E. Bender. E. Buckingham, F. U Haller, Bruce Mc- Cullough, Err.ll Brandels. Rome Miller, D. B. Fuller and C. M. Wllhelm. List of Subscribers. The subscribers to the fund which has made tha National Corn exposition possible for Omaha and tha west ara a follows: OMAHA. The Bennett company ..l.ooouo J. L Brandels Buns. ,. l.Ouu.OO Hayden Bros 1,000.00 Omaha A Council Blufts St. Ry. Co. l.fW.Oo FlrBt National bank 75O.00 United Slates National bank 7S0.00 Omaha National bunk 'MM Merchants National bank Omaha F.lectrlc Lluht & Fewer Co. Sou. 00 Willow Springs company , 5n0.0u Wright & Wilhelmy Stfl.OO Carpenter Paper company o".00 M. K. Smith A Co &0U.00 Allen Bros, company ooo.Oi) Nebraska Telephone company &"0.oo I-ee, Glass, Andreeson Hardw'e Co. 5"0.u Richardson Drug company Mum Baxton & Gallagher Co 60O.W Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co... 5"0.uo Rome Miller , 5uk.iio Omaha Gas company., &n.oo Kllchen Biob. Hotel company 30O.00 Nebraska Klectric company 3n).( Western F.lectrlcal company atio.oe McCord, Brady company UuO.iiO Thompson. Belden & Co 300. (l Orchard & Wlllielm company ZaiXv Sunderland Bros, company 3').0u World I'ulihshiim company 3H0.00 Dally News BulillliiuK company... Bee Publishing company 30O.O1) Independent Telephone company.... 3).() Chicago Lumber company Jim.uo Thomas Kllpatrick At Co SOj.00 Guy C. Barton 250.00 Nebraska Clothing company Sfoo.OO Nebraska National bank 2VI.0O M. A. Plsbrow 250 00 Adams & Kelly company 250.00 Crane company , fciM.OO C. W. Hull company 3.u Midland Clans & i'aint Co 2o.(X F. P. Kirkendall 2i.l0 Browning, King & Co 2"0.00 Fairmont Creamery company an) 00 E. E. Bruce & Co SO. 00 American Hand Sewed Siioe Co.... 2ii uo M. C. I'elers Mill company 2"0.00 M. Spicfcbergtr &. Son Co 2uu.n) Omaha Crockery company '2o.0ti A. 1. Root 2.iu Gto. H. Dee company 200. 00 Beebe & Runyan Furniture Co.... 2'm.Ui Omaha Tent and Awning company. 20.00 T. J. O Brien 2.ci0 I'r.ilvd States Supply company 1W1.0O Beig-Swanson Clothing compuny... 150. ) Haywurd Bros. Shoe company l.iO.oo Cady Dumber company laii.uo Larson-Baker Ice Machine Co lo-j.w) Remington & Kessler Ii.(i0 Puritan Laundry I0O.O0 Model Steam Lcundry lun.Ou Kvans City Steam Laundry lmi.oo F. J. Kimball & Co ,. Omaha Paint 4k Glass compat.y.... h M) Burkley Printing company l'W.(w Fesiner Printing company .') Dresner. The Tailor Ixi.'ju MacCrthy-Wllon Tailoring Co pm.uO BurgCBs-Granrien company l' Votgele & Pinr.iug con pany l'i.i) P. J O'Brien company... l'O.Oll W. 8. Balduff p1 no Prexel 8 hue company loi.An T. J. Beard A Bro K.l1 Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co 1'.'iO W. R. Mathews r pin U) Megtath Stationery company. 7. 100. 00 Fease Brothers company C. E. Black Put nlng Hardware company Benson & Thorne company Baker Bros. Engraving company.. Beaton Drug company S'haefer's Cut Price Drug stores.. Myer & Dillon Drug company H. J. Penfold & Co Sherman A McConnell trug Co.... Kelly & Heyden Albert Cahn Stephens A Smith Omaha Printing company Klopp A Bartlctt company Rees Printing company Central Coal A Coke Co David Cole letter Wall Paper company Miller, Stewart A Beaton Farmers' Co-Operatlve Cream y Co. H. K. Fredrk-kson Matshall Paper company Mbbel Paper company , Expressmen s Delivery company,,.. Herman B. Peters C. B. Havens & Co C. U- Brown company A. Mandelberg T. L. Combs A Co Mawhlnuey A Ryan Paxton A Vlerling Guiou A Idwlch Rostnbaum Hrothers Albert Eiholm People's Store Omaha Merchants' Express Co John T. Frederick A Co G. B. Shukert L. G. poup Alfred Bloom Fry Shoe company Milton Rogers A Sons Co Williams A Smith Co S. Arnsteln I. A. Medlar Co Kggeras-O'Flyng Company Charles E. Meyer Columbian Optical Company Douglas Printing Company The Fair, Sam Adler A. Hospa 8. W. Lindsay , Gate City Hat Company Orkln Brothers Howell Drug Company , J. H. Merchant Kilt Cloak Company Thomas Drummond Jamci Morton A Son Company.... Vollmer Clothing Company Fred Brodcgaard J J. Phllbin F. D. Wead Gil more A Kuhns MeCague Investment Company.... Payne Investment Company A. P. Tukey jt 8on D. V. bholea Harrison A Morton W. T. Graham Garvin Brothers W. O. Bennett George G. Wallace J. H. Dumont dc Son Henry F. Wyman loo.oo inn no 100.00 100.00 100.00 inn. 00 100.00 100.00 lm.0O 100.00 loo. on 100.00 ino on 100.00 100. (rfl . 100.00 100.00 ibo.oo 100.00 100. on 100.00 100.00 HO.!0 100.00 lno.on lno.oo 100.W 100 00 100.00 100. u) ) 100.00 100. UO 100.00 100.00 InO.OO Ino.oO 75.00 60.00 60. ou 6u.0 6u 00 60 00 60.00 60.OO 50.00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60.OO 6o.t 60 00 60.00 6u.uu 60.00 . 60. UO 60 Ou 60.00 . 60 00 60 .00 61.00 6O.U0 60.00 60.00 60.00 6n.tu H.Oft 25 DO 15 00 25 U0 25 U) 25. Ul John F. Flack W. H. Thomas J. H. Haskell Nonpareil Laundry H. J. Whltmore A. W. Bowman OmuJia Clothing Company Rutherford A Jenson Fuller Glass Company Porosis Shoe store Rigent Shoe Company D. C. Patterson Payne, Bostwlck A Co H. T. Clarke George A. Hoagland SOUTH OMAHA. Armour A Co Swift A Co. I'nion Slock Yards fudithy Packing company ifackers' National bank South Omaha National hank... I nion Stock tards ha Smith Urns. Commission com pa National Live Stock Commiss n t lay, Robinson A ,Co Wood Bros ....$ nk.. ny.. Co. 25.00 25.00 26.00 26.00 25.00 25.00 26.00 25.00 25.4iO 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 10. Ou 250.00 61 4). 00 b 5" 5n.Vi 2'M.llO 2141.01) 3Ki.H0 inn (0 loO.OO Martin Bros. & Co jro u) Tags Bros. Uvo Stock Com. Co.... l in Live Stock National bank 5.1 111 Laverty Bros 5'i.n.j A. G. Buehannn A Son Snn Omaha Live Stock company &. Frazler-Johnson company An 7m Journal-Stockman company 50.00 John 8. Cooper 5fi'i0 Great Western Commission Co !, o E. W. Anspach 511.01) Total $ S.S.vTi'O COUNCIL BLUFFS. E. E. Hart mo no The John Ueno company I'Vi.oO The Feregoy A Moore Co ntl On Grand Hotel , Council Bluffs SavlngB bunk l'lu.ifl Peterson A Sclioenlng Co Pm 01 Citizens' State bank pit) nn C. Hafer Lumber compuny )m (-.. J. A. Wilcox pn. in A. E. Hunler company loo on W. A. Maurer 5i).(m John G. Woodward A Co 60 .(, 1 Total $ l,lno.m li HI The good effect of mm Al ti UUD WHEAT FLAKE CELERY re is chiefly due to the large residue and the natural wheat con tained salts, both acting physically on the bowels, imparting the necessary constant stimulus. 1 hese, with vigorous daily exercise, are the valuable natural factors in overcoming constipation. You will never grow tired of Dr. Price's Food, as it is made From the whole wheat berry healthful and satisfying 35 mm