Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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Day Are All Full tt Country Club
and in Town.
Weddlaffs Lars n4 Small, itllk
SiMran Attendant Eertirt
saaata. Will B atar
f the Week.
Jut Jane.
There's a moon not too obtrusive.
Sort of misty and delusive.
Frequently and opportunely hiding, way
beneath iha clouds;
And a maiden, sweet and pretty.
Not too solemn or too witty.
Cowl a country lane a-walklng. free trom
madding, gadding crowds.
With a youth. In love a-plnty,
Probanly some f 1 ve-end-t weni y ;
And a heart that's lilting "Sweet, oh, I
love you!" like a tune.
Trail. ttie rest Is very simple:
Just a algh or two, a dimple,
And a kiss Ah. these things happen
happen when the month Is June!
-.From Woman's ilome Companion tor
, June.
Tha Social Calendar.
(SUNDAY Supper for Blrd-Curtm weddrng
party v Mr. end Mrs. Bhermsn Can
field; Mies Irene Tetard, supper tor
prown-Bhrtver wedding party; Mr. and
JUre. Will Nelson, dinner for Miss Shriver
and Mr. J. J. Brown, jr.; Mr. and Mrs.
Hschrnan. at home for their daughter,
Miss Florence Hachman; Miss May Ml-
' hnney, supper for Miss Alice Royal
J40NDAY Brownell Hall musical end re
ception; Monday Bridge club, with Mrs.
Joseph Barker; Mr. K. D. Bird, dinner
at Omaha club for Bird-Cnrtia wedding
?arty; Miss Frances Nash, dance at Coun
ry club for her guest, Mies Msrtha
! SBreroort; Mr. and Mrs. Shriver, dinner
' for Browti-Bhrlver wedding psrty; Mrs.
3. C. Bothwell, novelty sliowor for Miss
TK " KflDA Y ftlrd-Curt Is wedding; Brown-
Phrlvoj wedding; Brownell commence
, ment; Miss Almyra Westerfleld. miscel
laneous shower for Miss Florence Blumer;
- Mies May McKenste. Informal tea for
Mrs. Wsshburn: ladles' day and mid
week dance at Happy Hollow.
WEDNESDAY Kraerson-Pray wedding;
. Van -,Brunt-8argent wedding In Council
Bluffs; Mrs. T. L. Rlngwalt, luncheon
ior Mrs. Ouy Howard; Mrs. D. V. Smith,
Alternate club; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Cllne, entertains for Miss Bsrhara Mo
Ponald; General and Mrs. Cowln, dinner
at Countrv club for Lieutenant and Mrs.
.Cowln; mid-week dance at Country club
;and Field club; Women a Christian .tem
perance, union picnic at Klvervlew.
TllLRSDAY Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Malone,
. .evening psrty for Coterie club; ladles'
' la at Haonv Hollow; Laurel club, Mrs.
ThorsDecker: Mrs. W. I). Howard, at
. home for Kappa Knnna Gamma sorority
. Miss Mildred FunkUouser and Mrs. W.
P. Durkee. luncheon at Happy Hollow.
FRIDAY Miss Hlen Rlepen. shower for
Mies Floience Blumer; meetings ol junior
bridge club and Friday Bridge club;
Ban Houcl club. Miss Peterson.
SATURDAY Table d note dinner and dance
at Country club; dinner and dance at
Happy Hollow and Field dub; Mlas Mar
garet cock, linen snower ior uss ior
ence Blumer.
Another week or a fortnight at most, will
find the school set in full swing, and al
ready there are rumors of dancing parties
And picnics, house parties and other frolics
planned for tha entertainment of this Ir
repressible, set that keeps "something &o
Ing" every minute that it is at home.
Tha close of the spring term of the Uni
versity of Nebraska brought a score or
more of students home for the summer,
Saturday, Many will remain In Lincoln the
guests of friends unlll after the commence
ment exercises next week. The majority
of the eastern schools have closed for the
summer and fully a score of young women
fcave returned during the past week, while
a number of parents will leave this week
to attend commencement exercises at the
various eastern colleges where they have
sons or daughters among tha graduates.
Several weddings, each with a number
of attendant festivities will be important
features of this week, and will help to
make Tuesday and Wednesday bisy days
Indeed. The marrUgo of Miss Carlta Cur Is,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Curtis, to
Mr. E. Dlmon Bird of New York City, which
!il take place at Trinity cathedral, will
fce the larpcM and with the reception to fol
low tha ceremony, one of the smartest wed
dings of the spring.
Another large church wedding to tak;
place Tuesday evening will be that of M il
Mnble Shriver, daughter of Mr. and Mi.
W. O. Shriver, and Mr. J. J. Brown, Jr.,
Of Hannibal. Mo., which will be solemn
ised at Pt. Luke's Lutheran church.
Wednesday evening tha wedding ot Miss
Grace Maa Pray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Pray, and Mr. Wllber Ralph Emer
son will be solemnised at the home of Cap
tain and Mrs. C. II. Townsend on St. Mary's
avenue. An Informal reception will follow
for the wedding guests, which will Include
about seventy-five ot the relatives and
nearer friends.
1 An altogether Jolly sequel to the dancing
party given Friday evening at Happy Hol
low by Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Selby for the
high school band and officers grew out of
tha storm that, breaking Just ss the young
people were about to start back to the
City, promised for a time to prove dirav
trom to party frocks and suits. When it
became evident that tha storm would not
abate . until ater tha cars had stopped,
Mr. and Mrs. Sclby, equal to the emer
gency, arrsnged for a house party and by
tha tlma the parents of their guests had
beer) notified by telephone the club house
was In resdlneas for the forty or mir
yoting people who were compelled to spend
the night there. The men were quartered In
tha north house used as a billiard room
ad locker room while the girls were
towed away In the bedrooms upstairs and
en tha couches and other soft places that
would afford a sleeping place. After break
fast Saturday morning the party broke up,
conceded by all the guests to be tha Jolllest
affair of the season.
At tha Coaatry Clob. .
The largest dinner parties Saturday were
given at tha Country club. Bevesal parties
ranging from twelve guests to twenty
guests were given In honor of out-of-town
guests and tha brides.
Mr. Charles L. Saunders entertained for
Miss Carlta Curtis and Mr. Edward Dlmon
Bird, ills guests Included Mlsa Carlta
Curtis, 'Miss Lynda Curtis. Miss Palsy
Doane. Mrs. Ernest Jacobs. Mrs. Clarence
Porter. Colonel and Mrs. Curtis, Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield. Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Msrtln. Mr. Bird. Mr. Hlnman Bird, Mr.
Charles Floyd and Mr. Frederick Letts.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthvr Crittenden Smith
entertained In honor of Lieutenant and
Mrs. Will Cowln. The table wss attractive
with centerpiece of pink peonies. Those
present were Lieutenant and Mrs. Cowln.
General and Mrs. J. C. Cowln. Mr. and
Mrs. Edward A. Cudahy. Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Cudahy, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph
Barker and Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Pavis entertained In
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wharton.
Pink cut flowers were used tor the table
decoration. Covers were laid for Mr. and
Mrs. Wharton. Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Keuntte, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Davis,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cotton. Miss Mary Lee
McSbane. Mr. Wlllard Hosford and Mr.
and Mra. Pavls.
Pining with Miss Nannie Psge were Miss
Carmelita Cliase, Mr. Taylor Belcher of
Kansas City and Mr. Fred Thomas.
Mlsa Helen Cudahy entertained at dinner
for Miss Natalie Myers of Dubuque, Mlsa
Francea Nash and Miss Nash's guest. Miss
Martha Brevoort, the other guests being
Mlsa Elisabeth Congdon, Mlsa Alice Carey
McQrew, Mr. Frank Wllhelm. Mr. Walter
Roberts. Mr. Charles Shlverlck, Mr. Robert
Burns. Mr. Penise Barkalow and Mr. Ed
ward Cudahy. ,
Others having guests at dinner were: Mr.
Everts of Council Bluffs, who had eight
guests; Mr. H. G. Kelly, four; Mr. P. A.
Daum, six; Mr. A. Remington, eight; Mr.
J. S. Brady, six; Mr. W. P. Page, four;
Mr. Caldwell, eight; Mr. C. W. Hull, six;
Mr. M. Colpetxer, nine; Mr. 8. Burns, four,
and Mr. McVsnn, two.
At Happy Hollow.
One of the largest dinners at Happy Hol
low club Saturday evening was given by
Mr. and Mrs. E. Haney, whose guests
were: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Buckingham,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Poster, Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Sclby, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pearce, Miss
Punster, Mr. Frank B. Kenrrard.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Thomas and Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Maynard were the guests at
dinner of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Royce.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Austin will have a
family party of ten in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. C. II. Ogden of Denver.
Pining with Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Somers
were: Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Wads worth of
Bellevue college. Rev. and Mrs. Frederick
Rouse, Pr. and Mrs. A. F. Jonas.
Mr. ard Mrs. II. I. Adamt had as their
guests Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mickey, Mr.
and Mrs. F. L. Adams and Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Woodland.
Other reservations were made by Mr. T.
W. Orkln. for ten covers; Mr. H. P. Mll
llken, six; Mr. R. W. Breckenrldge. five;
Mr. W. A. Plel, three; Mr. A. T. Crelgh,
two; Mr. C. N. Gates, three; Mr. E. E.
Ktmberly, four; Mr. H. P. Reed, six; Mr.
A. J. Cooler, four; Mr. J. Nordstrom, four;
Mr. Carl Llnlnger, two; Pr. E. C. Henry,
six; Mr. G. W. Sumner, four, and Mr.
Harry Byrne, five.
At tha rield dab.
Most of the dinner parties at the Field
club Saturday evening were small, moat of
the reservations being made for four
guests. One ot the larger parties was
given by Mr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Brien, whose
guests were Mr. and Mrs., E. P. Van
Court, Mrs. Blanche Schneider of Chicago.
Mr and Mrs. W. E. Kldrldge and Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Hoel.
Mr and Mrs. Oilier entertained In com
pliment to Mr and Mrs. William Unslckcr,
Their other guests were Mr. and Mrs. E.
M. Boyd, Miss Ethel Conant. Mlas Grace
Conant, Mr. Frank Harwood and Mr. J.
A. Shean.
Others dining at the club wete: Mr." E,
A. Cope, who had covers for six; Mr. F. P.
Loom is two, Mr. Charles Harding two
Mr. E. B. Corrlgan two, Mr. B. B. Plage
four. Mr. Fred Hamilton four, Mr. V. Por-
terfleld six, Mr C. B. Blanchard four. Mr.
W. E. Pixley four. Mr. E. V. Lewla three.
Mr. C. E. Hutchinson three. Mr. R. J,
Staley four, Mr R. L. Huntley four, Mr.
A. H. Cook four. Mr. G. B. Tsschuck four.
Mr. G. M. Entrlken five. Mr. Frank Boyd
three. Mr. N. B. Updike six. Mr. George
Mills five, Mr. L. M. Talmage two.
tenants Ralph Wood, Roy Rahlbuddehherrf,
Sidney Smith; Pergeants Slgirrd Lyman.
Oeorge Bufflngton, Herb Hessler and Fred
Frederlekson. Emory Nelson, Pavld Brod-
key; Corporals Fred Weekes, Fred Fenald,
Clarence Allyn, Fred Bolen. Fred Gould,
Burt Heine and Russell Lock mood.
A very pleasant surprise Was given
Thursday afternoon by the old settlers and
neighbors of Mrs. Jacob Sawden, who has
lived In Omaha tor thirty-five years. About
four years sgo Mr. and Mrs Sawden
moved with their son, Robert Sawden. to
Rock Springs. Wy., and at present are
making their home with their daughter,
Mra. E. H. Merrlfield of 1420 Dorcas street.
Mrs. A. A. Newman planned the surprise
and they brought refreshments, and spent
pleasant day talkiflj over old times and
early days of Omaha. Those present were:
Mra. A. A. Newman, Mrs. Oscar Ocander,
Mrs. Carl Gustafson, Mrs.. II. A. Olson, Mrs.
C. J. Johnson, Mrs. Fred Nelson, Mrs. John
Nordwall, Mrs. W. Gustsfson, Mrs. John
Holm. Mrs. Gust Nelson, Mrs. Gust Hand,
Mrs. John 8tegburg, MrS. N. P. Bwanson,
Mrs. John Vallen, Mrs. Fred Andreasen,
Mrs. Andy Johnson, Mrs. Fred Pahlberg,
Mrs. Pahlberg, sr., Miss Katherlne Bteg-burg.
Tbia.lMCstvtfcm in th only ou
MX tb OamOsttl with MpaUmM
fesJldiMgs ItoHteQ t ttketr
ampi fewiswda r tmtirf
tlavct 4 vaadeKuC'lt poaUa to
ctaMlfT CMC. Tb. on building
feciaf httad lurw&dflCTOtad (J
trtsUDMIt Ol MsOsUel0BJg a4
ob-ertac&l HJiiBSsiBg, mm atbmn b
Inf ds4UL 11m oHms RMt
Owtts, bolfitT 6aa4 far mm4
devoted to tUo- axilnalvs) trsartrivant
at Mlact BMttWa cuts, rwqalrUn"
to tsn SMtoblttl wsw 4 spa.
cial Mntnf.
Pleasures Past.
Miss Carlta Curtis entertained her house
guests at luncheon at the Country ciub,
Saturday. Covers were laid for ten.
Miss Nell Brown entertained Saturday
evening Informally for Miss Florence Blu
mer, who will be one of the June brides.
Mrs. Raymond Clarke Helm of Puluth,
Minn., Is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John F. Twamley, 2572 Manderson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Lttlle celebrated
the second anniversary of their marrlagj
Tuesday evening at their home. The rooms
were profusely decorated with cut flowers
and about seventy-five guests were pres
ent. Mrs. James H. Morton of Bemls park
entertained at bridge Friday afternoon,
about forty guests being present. Mrs.
Morton will entertain again Wednesday of
this week in honor of her mother, Mrs.
Jean Godso, who has recently returned
from New York.
The first of a series ot house warming
parties was given by Pr. and Mrs. John
Mack to their friends at their new home,
Thirty-third and Woolworth avenue, Sat
urday evening. Forty guests were present
to congratulate them on their lately com
pleted home. Park, red peonies were the
special floral decorations. Refreshments
were served.
The members of the Ban Soucl club were
entertained by Miss Flora Stemm last Fri
day evening, when the prise was won by
Miss Nell Hurst. The honor guests were
Misses English, Olson. Butler and Mrs.
Robert Roselln of Brookfield. Mo. The
next meeting of tha club will be Friday
evening, June 12, st the home of Mlsa Peter.
Miss Ines Broom, Mr. Alvln and Mr. Roy
Broom gave a theater party Saturday
night at the Boyd in honor of Miss Mabel
Shriver and Mr. J. J. Brown, whose -wed
ding will take place this month. Following
tha theater the young people made up a
week-end house party at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Broom, 918 South Thirty
third street. In the party were MUs Mabel
Shriver, Miss Irene Tetard. Mlsa Elsie Ew-
Ing, Miss Ines Broom. Mr. J. J. Brown
Mr. Roy Broom, Mr. Hall Powell and Mr.
Al. Broom. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Brandels enter
talned a party of about forty young peo
ple Saturday evening, between T and 10
o'clock, at their home on south Thirty
Seventh street, for their daughter. Miss
Leola. The spacious rooms of tha first
floor were cleared and equipped with tables,
that served for games and later for re
freshments while the broad veranda was
used for dancing. Miss Leola has Just com
pleted the eighth grade Columbian school
and tha party was given. In celebration of
her graduation. .
The members of the executive board of
Frances Wlllard Women's Christian Tern
perance union were guests of Mrs. Albert
N. Eaton at a dinner Thursday evening.
Mrs. Clara Burbank, who leavea soon to
spend th summer, was the guest ot honor.
Tha tsble had a pretty decoration of pink
peonlea and covers were laid i for: Mrs.
Burbank, Mrs. George Cove!!, airs. James
C. Taggart. Mrs. C. W. Ogle, Mrs. J. F.
Woolery. Mrs. J. M. Craig. Miss Craig,
Mrs. J. D. Hart and the hostess. An In
formal musical program followed.
Miss Hilda Bandberg, sponsor of Com
pany C of the high school cadets, enter
talned (Saturday evening at bar home. SbM
Hamilton street, for Captain Harry Cock'
rell and tha other offioers of the company
Tbe guests Included Capiain CockrtU, Lieu-
Prospective Pleasures.
Miss Helen Rlepen will give a hosiery
shower Friday evening for Miss Florence
Miss Margaret Cocke will be hostess at
a linen shower Saturday afternoon In
honor of Miss Florence Blumer.
Mrs. Millard Funkhouser and Mrs. W. P.
Purkee will give a luncheon of twenty-four
covers at Happy Hollow Thursday.
Mlas Mae McKenzie will give an Informal
tea Tuesday afternoon from 1:30 to 5:30
In honor of Mrs. M. H. Washburn of Boston.
Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Cllne of 833 Boyd
street will entertain Wednesday evening
for Miss Barbara McPonald, who will be
one of the June brides.
Mra. E. W. Nash will give a dancing
party Monday evening at the Country club
for her daughter. Miss Frances Nash, and
their guests. Miss Brevoort of New York
and Miss Myers of Dubuque.
Miss Almyra Westerfleld of 3116 Mason
street will entertain at a miscellaneous
shower Tuesday evening In honor ot Miss
Florence Blumer, 'whose marriage to Mr.
Lee Hoerner takes place June 17.
Mrs. Ben Gallagher has Issued Invitations
for a dinner party Wednesday evening,
June 17, complimentary to Miss Mary Lee
McShane, whose wedding to Mr. Wlllard
P. Hosford will take place June 24.
Mrs. E. C. Twamley was hostess Satur
day at a delightful kenslngton given for
Mrs. Raymond Clark Helm of Puluth and
the Misses Montgomery of Kansas City.
The decoration scheme wss garden roses
and ferns. The guest list numbered thirty.
Mrs. W. P. Howard, Forty-eighth street
and Capitol avenue, will' entertain Thurs
day afternoon at her home for the Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority at 2:30 o'clock. All
members are invited 'and nn alumnae as
sociation will be formed for the purpose
of sociability. A banquet will be given In
the near future.
Mr. and Mrs, Sherman Canfleld will en
tertain, at supper Sunday evening at their
home, 4115 Podge street, for, the wedding
party of Miss Carlta Curtis and Mr. E.
Plmon Bird. Spring flowers will be used
throughout the rooms Those present will
be: Miss Carlta Curtis, Mrs. Scott of
Norfolk, Vs.; Mrs. Lillian Jacobs, Miss
Palsy Poane, Miss Lynn Curtis, Mrs. Clar
ence Porter, Mr. Edward Plmon Bird
Floyd. New York; Mr. Earl Gannett, Mr.
Charles Saunders, Mr. Hlnmsn Bird; Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Fairfield. Mr. - and Mrs.
W. E. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Canfleld.
A concert will be given Thursday evening
at the First Congregational church for the
benefit of the Child Saving institute. The
concert Is under the direction of Mr. Pennl
man. The patronesses are Mrs. C. N.
Plets, Mrs. G. W. Megeath, Mrs. Charles
Pickens. Mrs. -Milton Barlow, Mrs. Harry
Nott, Mrs. Levi CBiter, Mrs. J. N. Metcalf,
Mrs. W. H. Munger, Mrs. Charles Robin
son, Mrs. F. A. Brogan, Mrs. Arthur Gulou,
Mrs. Charles Offutt, Mra Thomas Kll
patrlck, Mrs. Blerbower, Mrs. George Ham
mer, Mrs. Charles Kountze, Mrs. John
Forbes. Mrs. C. B. Fuller. Mrs. E. V,
Lewis, Mrs. A. Whltmore. Mrs. W
Paxton and Mrs. A. J. Love,
club given Bsturday evening by Mrs. Pa
vld Baum.
Miss Eleanor Rents and Miss Von Puts
burg, members of the Brownell Hall fac
ulty, will leave Tuesday for the east, whera
they will sail Bsturday on the B. 8. Presi
dent Grant of the Hamburg line, to sper.a
their vacation In Vienna. Swltserland and
Mrs. Levi Carter left Thursday for New
York and from there will sail for Europa
to Join Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barton and Mr.
and Mrs. Chrlstlancy. With the lattor
Mra. Carter will visit Norway and prob
ably Russia and other countries before
Miss Helen Woodsmall, former 1 hyslcal
director Ot the Omaha Young Women's
Christian association, sailed from New
York Wednesday for Stockholm, Sweden,
where she will takt special work in phys
ical culture. Mist Woodsmall now lives
In Colorado.
Come and Go Gossip.
Misses Anna and Bessie Fry returned)
Friday from Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chambers will spend
the week in Chicago.'
Dr. A. C. Stokes returned Friday from
a two weeks', trip In the east. v
Mr. Thomas'A. Fry and Miss Alice Fry
have gone to Salt Lake City and Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hall and family
are planning to sail for a trip to Europe
June 27.
Mrs. M. II. Washburn of Boston Is visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. J. A. McKonsle ot 2640
Podge street.
Miss Eugenie Whltmore, who Is visiting
Mrs. Bless in Macon, Mo., Is expected
home Sunday.
Mr. Frederic Thomas will leave Tuesday
for Lincoln for his graduation at the Uni
versity of Nebraska.
Miss Mildred Wilcox csme home Wednes
day from Peru Normal, where she was one
ot the graduating class ot 125.
Mr. F. W. Plllsbury of Monmouth, 111..
spent several days last week the gueet
of his sister, Mrs. Charles Westerfleld
Mrs. Nichols, wife of Judge Nichols of
Perry, la., is visiting her brother, P. A.
C. Stevsns of 617 South Eighteenth street.
Mr. H. P. Pevalon and Mrs. J. L. Adams
left Saturday for fishing trip In the
Big Horn basin In the vicinity of Tepee
Mr. Curtis Lindsay Is home from Armour
Institute, Chicago, to spend his summer
vscatlon with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs,
B. W. Lindsay.
Miss Helen Pavls sailed Saturday from
New York City with a number of school
friends on the steamer President Lincoln
for a tour of Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Switsler . and
Miss Alice Switsler leave Monday for New
York, from where they will sail for
Europe for the summer.
Mra Roy Pougal and two small children
of Pittsburg arrived Saturday to spend
few weeks with Mrs. Pougal's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Moorhead.
Miss Sadie Bernstein will leave Sunday
for Lincoln, to spend some time with
friends, gnd also, to attend the festivities
of commencement at the university.
Mr. Frank B. Kennard and Miss Alice
Kennard have returned from New Caatle,
Ind., where they were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John C. Goodwin. Mrs. Kennard
will remain several weeks longer,
. Mrs. A. T. Sldwell and Miss Mary Alice
will leave Tuesday for an extended visit
In Concordia, Kan. They will be with
Mrs. Sidwell'g sister. Mrs. William M,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rosewater leave
Saturday for Ann Arbor to attend the
graduation ot their son. Mr. Stanley Rute
water, from the law department of the
University of Michigan.
Miss Alice McCullough has completed
her freshman year at tha University of
Nebraska and returned boms Saturday to
spend the summer with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. W. McCullough.
Mr. L. G. Hicks, formerly of Omaha,
who Is consulting engineer of the newf
ADeraeen st riuron line, wun neauqua
ters at Minneapolis, Is spending his voca
tion with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.
N. Hicks.
Mrs. Jessl JUallory Thayer of Charlton,
la., arrived Saturday to be the guest of
Mrs. Clamant Chase. Mrs. Thayer waa
honor (UMt at a dinner at tat Omaha
Serial Chlt-Cbat.
Mrs. G. W. Clabaugh, who has been ill
the " last week, is very much better.
Mrs. Robert R. Ringwslt, who hss been
living In the Puget Sound country for
some months, will return home In June.
Mr. E. M. Andreesen expects to sail for
Europe on the 25th of this month and
will take a couple of months making the
Journey to the North Cape.
Pr. Edward I.amhofer and family of
Schuyler have taken the furnished resi
dence of Pr. Foote at 2H2 South Thirty
first street for the summer months. .
Pr. and Mrs. T. S. Kelly are enter
taining a house party this week at their
home In honor of Pr. Ray West of Indian
Territory, Miss Roberts and Mr. R. L.
Swcavey, both of Fremont. i
Major and Mrs. Herbert Lord and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Johannes, who contem
plated taking the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Switsler for the summer, have
had to change their plans, Major Lord
having been ordered to Washington, P. C,
for his new station.
Mrs. J. E. Bbuiti, who was to have taken
a European trip In company , with her
daughter and others from Miss Somers'
school In Washington, decided when In
New York not to undertake It Miss Bess
Baum sailed, however, and Mrs. Baum
Is expected home shortly.
Chaplain Percy Silver of Fort Leaven
worth, who was formerly of Omaha, en
tertained Thursday afternoon at his quar
ters in compliment to his aunt. Miss Rob
inson of Philadelphia, and cousin, Miss
Sally Hill of Keytesvlllc, Mo. The guests
were greeted by special guests and Mrs.
George S. Young, Mrs. Tenney Ross and
Mrs. S. B. Arnold.
Unusually elaborate preparations are
piode at the University of Nebraska to
make the annual commencement this week
especially interesting. In the large grad
uating class of nearly 250 are included sev
eral Omaha young people, among whom
are Mlssea Pearl Fitzgerald. Elisabeth
Kiewlt, Laura Rhoades, Hazel Hempel,
Florence Tlllotson, Messrs. Oeorge Ran
dell, Fred Thomas, Tom Matters, Arthur
Jorgenson, Gay Hardy, Byron Eaton and
Ernest Johnson.
Weddings and Engagements.
Invitations have been lscued for tha
wedding of Miss Barbara McPonald,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McPon
ald. and Mr. Adolf J. Blurvall for
Wednesday evening. June 17, at 8 o'clock.
After July 1 they will be at home at S010
ratt street.
Miss Faith Potter leaves Sunday for Mln-
neapolls, to be maid of honor at the wed
ding of Miss Margaret Welles and Mr. Roy
N. Plerson, both of Mlhneapolis, which
takes place June 2fr 1 tha Wtlleg' country
home at Mlnnetonka. Miss Potter and Miss
Welles were classmates at Smiths, and It
was Miss Welles and Mrs. Welles whose
guest Miss Potter was on her trip abroad
recently. ,
Among the early June weddings was that
of Miss Olga Chrlstensen, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. M. Chrlstensen, and Mr. Bert Mc-
Mahlll, which took place at the home of
the bride's parents, 4S07 Franklin street.
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The house
wss decorated with a profusion of palms,
ferns, and spring flowers. The wedding
ceremony was performed In the parlor be
neath a white wedding bell. The bride wore
a gown of white lansdown with trimmings
of baby Irish lace, and carried a shower
bouquet of bride's roses. Mr. Hans Nlelson
acted as best mon, and Miss Nelia Chris
tensen, sister .of he bride, was maid of
honor. She wore a feown of blue silk mull
nd carried a bouquet of white carnations.
The wedding march was played by Miss
Carrie Anderson of Harlan, la. Mr. and
Mrs. McMahlll have gone on a short wed
ding trip, and will be at home to their
friends at 2608 Wirt street" after July 1,
one ol the quiet out-of-town weddlnaa
of the week was that of Miss Laura
Belle Maullck, daughter of Mrs. Tena
Maullck of Broken Bow. Neb., and Mr. Ed
ward Monroe Syfert of Omaha, which was
solemnized at the home of the hi-Mn'.
mother Thursday morning, June , Rev.
Mr. Xanders of St John's Episcopal
church officiating. The bride wore a
smart traveling gown of Copenhagen blue
vone inlaid with self-color bands of em
broidered filet. A wedding breakfast fol
lowed the ceremony, after which Mr. and
Mrs. Syfert left for an eastern wedding
trip. After June 20 they will bo at
home at 2319 Harney street Both Mr.
and Mrs. Syfert are well , known in
Omaha. Mrs. Syfert has been Drom fl
uently connected with the Omaha city
schools for several years. Mr. Syfert.
formerly of Philadelphia, has been located
In Omaha for several years and Is the
Omaha representative of the Northwest
ern Land and Iron company of Penver. ,
The marriage of Miss Gladys Sloman
of Petrolt, Mich., daughter of Mrs. Cora
Sloman and niece of Mrs. Arthur P.
Brandels, to Mr. William R. Kopald of
this city has been announced for June
21 at Arlena Lodge, the Brandels summer
place near Florence. Mr. and Mrs. Bran
dels and family will go out to tha lodge
June zo, and Mrs,
Embracing all the
season s very latest
ideas in Linen
French Batiste and
Silks. Dresses suit
able for the June
Bride and the '
many June affairs
which are given
for her.
For traveling and for hot weather wear our Rajah Silk Suits are an indispensible ad
junct to any ladies' wardrobe. Extremely light weight, cool, and mado up by this
country's most' skilful tailors, we have no hesitancy in 6aying they are the -most
desirable for summer suits.
Black Taf
feta Coats
mar A rr srvaT raat av m st snear.
Prices. Than Cost.
Lace Coats
at Less
3 &
5c per loal
Coitg you no more than the
ordinary loaf. It la the rich
eat, most delicious and
appetizing bread that la pos
sible to produce.
Is made from the best
hard wheat flour, pure aweet
milk and malt
k i Try a loaf next
u. p. mm co.
The June Bride
Should Be Well Shod
Your costume may bo
spoiled by inferior foot
wear. Groom!- Go thou and do
likewise consult
r. .,, ,.m.mmmmmmmim,m'mtnumnma
daughters, Miss Gladys and MUs Doro
thy, will arrlvs June 21. The wedding,
which is to be a quiet affair, will be
unique. The ceremony has been set for
6 o'clock In the afternoon and will take
place out of doors under an arbor of
roses and will ba witnessed by only a
small party of relatives and near friends.
Miss Kuth Brandels will serve as maid
of honor to her cousin and will be the
bride's only attendant Mr. Louis Kopald
of Cincinnati, a brother of the froom,
will serve as best man. After a wedding
trip Mr. and Mrs. Kopald will make their
home In Omaha. Miss Sloman has many
friends In the city, having spent much
tlma here as the guest of her aunt. Mrs.
Arthur Brandels, when she hss always
been one of the most popular visiting girls.
Among tne other guests to be enter
tained at Arlena lodge for the summer
are Mrs. Sam Michael and her mother,
Mrs. Wolfsteln of Jefferson City, Mo.,
and Mrs. David I. Wolfsteln and her
three little daughters of Cincinnati.
Ace of Progress.
fl'he robtxr brought his sandbag down
with considerable force on the head of the
citisen, but I lie latter only staggered a
little and issned on.
"Your money or your life!" the robber
called after him. Impatiently.
Tha cunto limmUUicly retraced his foot
steps. "Pardon me!" quoth he. . "I knew by the
feeling it wss a sandbag, and 1 snppoe.
of course. It was ijallait from soma passing
It was now the robber's turn to make
"I don't blsme you!" he protested. "My
style of robbing is so dreadfully out bf data
that few, eacept very old-fashioned people,
know what I am about until I have ex
SlWtA ta thau"Piuik. .
(rug Park
Week of June 7
' ci.osi!ro we xx or tin
eoHjmrcTxoir with
SF. X. TO 11 V. M. DAXLT
Extraordinary Arena Attraction
They Have Toured the World.''
Values absolutely the highest
possible for the price. All shapes
and makes for ladies and gentle
men in many leathers.
Prices from Sl.SO to $5.00
You Can Find Nothing Better
203 North 16th Street. Hotel Loyal Block
It Is Worth Your While to Dine in the
Cafe Luxus Vark Management
TOaflNO BTSTDAY, JtTBIIl 14, (Tift Day),
Admission: Afternoon, 10; Even'a, 2Se
PMlriren under 12 years, accomnanled by
Peason tickets, admitting gentleman ana
lady, at all times, 15.00
Spocials at
A Dependable Electric Carriage
The ordinary electric automobile is lacicing in several
important points the brakes are not efficient, the car is
steered by a lever which transmits every roaa snocK to tne
driver's hands, they have not sumcient speed ana nui climb
ing ability, nor is the milage great enough.
is therefore in a class by itself for its brake equipment is
adequate for any emergency, the steering is by an irrevers
ible wheel as in gasoline cars, and in speed, bill climbing and
distance running their equal does not exist. These advan
tages should mean much to the prospective purchaser of
an electric.
We would call your attention especially to the Babcock
Phaeton and we will be pleased to demonstrate at your con
venience. ,. ,
2026-2028 Farnam St., Omaha. Phone Douglaa 6904,
75c Perrln'g English Toilet Water,
commencing Monday 29
11.00 Gem Safety Razors 79
$1.25 Bath Sprayg 75
$2.00 Bath Sprayg with Massage Brush.
all week $1.50
76c Plnaud'g Tlvoli Powder 43
Tha Purest and Best on the Market.
26c Swlnton'a Talcum Powder. .. -SC
(Lilac Odor)
(95c per dozen)
Angel Food Chocolates, per lb..30
10c Straw Hat Cleaner, all week. .5
60c Society Hygleneque Soap. . . . 2f)
60c Hind's Honey Almond Cream. li
lftth and Farnam.
P. S. Special cigar sale commencing
Monday. See Farnam street windows
am n Woman's Face, Xerk,
11 A III Arms or Shoulders Is hot
I II I II considered Attractive.
will remove hair from any part of tha
body In from t to 10 minulea leaving tba
akin soft and white no smarttu or
burninf: "be per bottle. by mail,
sealed. 11.00. Circulars free.
Cor. Wb and Doda 8i., Omaha,
Cor. Uta and liar rex its.
Reduced Prices on
Furs stored for the summer in a newly equipped storage room.
Guard against burglars and fire by leaving your
" valuables at the
Advsrtls In
Best West
f i