12 TTTTC OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. JUNE 6, 1D03. i i s ft m . m d n L a" J mm REMARKABLE SALE OF 'UMBRELLAS FOR SUN For Amazing Bargains 8 Grrat Window Display. te7 Colored Silk many style bodies fall 26-inch also plain black taffeta silk witn many stvle handles and Men's 28-inch Umbrellas with fancy handles, regularly worth $2, WOMEN'S EXTRA HEAVY All Silk Elbow Length Gloves In 10 - button elbow lengths, double finger tipped; blacks, tans, brown and all colors; such fine gloves usu ally sell at $2 a t pair at, pair vpl $1.25 Long Silk Gloves, 59c 16-button, elbow length, good quality, all sizes, black and whites are included, $1.25 quality, Saturday at. Women's 50c Black Hosiery, 25c Lisle and embroidered boot patterns, plain lisle mercerized allover laces and lace boot also plain tan lisle and cotton hos iery many styles, worth 50c y C n a pair, at Women's and Men's Hosiery Plain black, tan and fancy colors allover lace, lace MM boot and lace sole also evening shades, worth 25c, at, pair Missesvchildren's and boys' hosiery all sizes black, and tan some double knee fine and heavy ribbed garter tops, worth 25c, at iUC'UC Women's Summer Underwear Ladles' Sleeveless Swiss Rib bed Vests Lisle thread and fine cotton yokes, in pink, blue and white, r at &DC Ladies' Umbrella Pants Lace trimmed knee, 25c quality, at, pair, 15c Boys' Union Suits short sleeves and knee length, all sizes, garment B4IHEBB4I H 5 Our New and Enlarged Drug Department Our Drug Department has, during the past few weeks, been greatly enlarged as to space, and the stock has been doubled new clerks have been added so that all may be promptly served. New goods are coming in daily and pat rons of the Brandeis Store may be sure that everything needed in the drug line may be obtained at the new and en larged Drug Department at South Side New -Store. n o M M n M M M M M M Specials in Our Soap Section. 15c 1 lh. 20 Mule Team Borax. Ivory Soup, pt-r enke liic J.tiiunx-.ine Soap, per cake.. iUtf W UltHlttK 8)iaiug Roap.., Sue bar Caxtlle Soap, (special.. . .90 . .40 , ..6o , . .3e , .490 oodtmry s boap i70 lac Wutternillk Soap, 3 cakes for.7Vo 60 F.HRle CHMtlla Soap, S cakes for. loo Volcanic Soap 4o 20c l'acker'a Tar Soap for r . .150 All Toilet Articles at Deeply Cut Prices. 75c Fompelan Masaafte Cream.... 49o 50c l'cMnpelan MuKHage Cream.... ft90 11.50 Oriental (.'ream 91.09 Kiuttman's lnoin und Almond lxHlmi llo M too Ctinnuelii Cream I Breaaeuesk) .84o 25c . Point's Kxtrai't Cream.. . .190 5iK' Magna I ri-ain . .., i&c Snnllol Cream Hfic Lyons Tooth Powder. . !6c tlrave's Tooth Powder. jrc liuliit'oam Vbu Santtol Tooth I'owder .. 60c l'erino Viva . .890 . .190 H ,.140 , .140 ,.17o . .190 . .390 H M M Perfumes. one I.oruKt Illimnom, per os 39o 60c Crab Apiile, per ox 39o 0 U u 5"0 Vlolette, per OS 89c iic I.eTrefle, per os 49o 7fc Pi anK'pannl. per ox 49a 6iic Java Kit e I'owder, special 87o fic Hcixionl a Powder, special 860 6uc 1,h Heauta nice Powder 89o Sic bwati'a lown I'owder Via Madame Yale Headquarters; We carry a complete line of Mme. Yale- preparations which are sold at cut price alwaya. M s Bra.ndeis' Dru Department 5 S ; New and Enlarged South Side New Store. 'iiiiBiasBs,4 ' S, hlWJiXkjT"0 sew ourUbel on every shirt '7 J . I J I J rV F -" nd drawsr to idsnufythe - 1 V "v A " ,K that you get the untrrwe.ro ' fl fi AlWr F ' auactio. Itl your protection. . I X Alt style. A. your dlor. . I I J f - If roueao't Bod "fX)ROSKJlT." write us. t J..S CHALMtRS KJUTTING CO, . AMSTERDAM. N. Y. Q6o ff Infanta I Won on I hort R oca. 1 60 FT. sV OR RAIN Umbrellas, with fancy size, paragon frame 59c extra size, black with split 15c Ladies' Extra Size Vests High neck and wing sleeves, 25c quality, each, f J 1 at. Ladies' Sleeveless Vest3 Taped neck and arms, extra good values, at, ' each .OC 25. a Patent Medicines also always gold at cut prices. 25c bottle Peroxide Ho 1 pint bottle Household Ammonia. 60 $1 Lyrita Plnkham'a Veg. Coinp...99o 1 Green Mountain Renovator ... .69o 60c Swamp Root 45o ! size, Ilcnzc ss 60c Glycothymollne 46o 25c Syrup of White Pine 13o $1 Duffy'a Pure Malt Whiskey. . .890 Mineral Water. 5-gal. Jugs Crystal Water for.... 8.60 (60c for return of Jur). Paris Green 4-Ib. package , ...lOo Vi-lb. packaxe 18o 1-lb. package 340 5-lh. package 11.65 10-lb package 93.00 luc hlnola. .60 Drug Sundries. S5c Shlnnla Outfit 60c Clothes brush 2Ro Hair Brush Ideal Hair Brush f 1.2b Ideal Hair Brush. . . 6V. Bath Brush 20c Tooth Buiih lflo Tooth Brush 2c Sponge 20c Whisk Brooms 10 packages Joss Sticks., .ISO . . .SO . . SO . .890 . .l)9o . .8!0 . .lOo 6o . .loo ..ISO ..1M Rubber Goods Specials 75c Rubber Glove 390 75c Fountain Syringe. 3o tl 25 Hapld f low e Fountain Syringe 89c 13. oO Marvel Whirling Spray ... .68.75 Myer's Bath Spray 3:"io Bathing Cap 34o 75c Bathing Cai 49, tl Bathing C"P 69 o flic Garment From "Maker to Wearer' Tour rt Demand That Ton Keep Them Dry Tour feet should be properly clothed If you wish perfect health. Weor ON I MOD SHOES and you will be perfectly clad com fortable and stylish. Onimod. Oxfords Onimod and Over-All Shoes are built right. In all sixes, shapes, styles and leathers. One Worn Kone Others Satisfy. TST THEM ONCE. 1 Hand built Onlmods Prices $6.00 and frt.OO. llench Made Onlmods Price $4.00. The reliable $2.60 and $3.60 Onl mods are the shoes that are worn by more men than any other make In tho world. Dr. Reed's Cushion Bole Shoes for men and women, $6.00. STEEL SHOD New Style Oxfords for Boys The new styles we are showing in boys' footwear this spring are the peer of any boys' footwear ever shown. Every pair of these shoes we sell we guarantee to outwear any two pairs ever built. The size and prices range: Little Gents' sizes, - 10 to 13io 2.00 Youths' Sizes, 1 to 2, $2.25 Boys' Sizes, 2V2 to 5M, at $2.50 jurexei inoe to. I 1419 Farnam Street 60G POUND BOXES SMART SET CHOCOLATES lr lit 29c a 3 SATURDAY ONLY. 1 Sixteenth and Farnam Sts. ggp tary germ-breeding filling; 9.00 to 32.00, either zinc or white enamel lining. Cash or payments. Lawn Buy now while you have a large line to select from. "We have them in all sizes and styles, in such well known makes as the Gem, Razor Blade, Ideal, Pennsylvania and others. Prices from 2.75 Up. You can get a good one at from 4.00 to G.00. John liussie Hardware Co. 2407-09 Cuming St. 'If SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS CAIADIUMS, Mammoth Bulbs, each 25c; 5 for 7l f 05S, Mitrmoih Pearl, doz. 35c; 3 doz . CIADICU, in Superb Mixture, doz. 30c; 50 for . CISNAM0N VINE, Extra Large, each 0c;2lv CAHLIAS, Assorted, each 10c; f 2 Ur . . . Itl I: NEBRASKA SELD k Tft -j, S 3 W jy Omaha's Purs food Confer Restaurant On 2d Floor S & t ! Tastjr Cooklnjt. Ecellnt Service. j Mttderate Prices. Remember that trading at Court- $ fis ny ail the time means mat you q ? not only have better things to eat. S is but that It means a constant saving j5 p to the family purse. & ?l Old Virginia Corn Relish, per sJ bottle SiOc R 8 Red Rock Salmon, 1-lb cans.. 15c Oj Wheat Berries, per pkg flcS 3 German Mottle Soap, per box.f 2.50 U Q Pint Bottles of Haarmann Chow fj V Chow aocy i New Potatoes, per peck 80c n y New Potatoes, per bushel. . .$1.10 L (") Fresh Tomatoes, per basket . . . 80c Jj $ Fresh Tomatoes, per crate. .$1.10 0 A Radishes, per dozen bunches. .10c g jS Onions, per dozen bunches. .12 He Q berries, Cataloupes. m Fresh Eggs, per doz. .15c and 20c R Country Butter, per pound. . . .22c g U Creamery Butter, per pound. . .25c $ October Cheese, per pound. . . .20c W Q CAXUY. fi Vi Rflc HoniitnA Allpirrpttl Phnrolatpn V i for 4WcS tJ Old-FafiMnnod Ttntter Rontrh. nor U V Old-Fashioned Butter Scotch, per M pound 20c $ 30c French Nougets 20c 0 M Gumdrops, por pound 10c ft $ MEAT DEPARTMENT. $ (5 10,000 pounds Pork Loins (pig 0 K pork) Hctf M e AAA . . . r. r . n : M 1,000 pounds Sugar Cured Corn 5 Beef at. Der round aWcS? Beef at, per pound 8c! We carry a full line of Sausages 5 and Luncheon Meats. See David 5 v Berg & Co. fine display of Kosher ft 9 Meats and SauBage. f. $ Last day of Harvey Rlcker's de- monstratlon of his wonderful Cof- $ U fee Pot. He makes the coffee be- 0 S fore your eyes and teaches you (j how to do it. Seeing is believing. V Tasting in convincing. Ankola Q 0 Coffee never tastes so well as $ when made in the Half Minute 4 lOoflee Pot Try a sample cup. Bavsntaentli and Donflas Its. O Phone Douglas 647. . Private Exchange Connects All Departments. jN We made a fine start this sea son with our classy ready-to-wear clothes and in order to make a good finish and clean up the broken lines of fancy pat tern suits quickly we will begin today selling any fancy pattern suit at 20 discount nothing reserved. The sizes are 34 to 44. W. T. B0URKE, Men's FmUkiI Eiop 31 Bcratfc lets it. ALASKA Refrigerators Genuine charcoal filled. Pure, dry, cold air. Cost no more than the ones filled with cheap, unsani Mowers you buy it of Hussie it's right." $1.03 it. 03 lt.00 Jl.CJ JI.9J GO.. 16fd floward SI. y- cauiinower, sweet corn, cggpiani, Green Peppers, Watermelons, H SJ Sour Cherries, Mushrooms, Goose- s yu.vuv pvuoui oug&r iurea uacuo, w per pound ISHcV M Armour's Star Hams (family size), (i tj per pound 12 94 c A From 9 to 10 d. m. we will sell ...Saturday... EuQEKI'S $3.50 ouricae mm ON SALE We show the best assortment of MEN'S BROWN SUITS In town at prices far below what you are compelled to pay for tho Identical suits elsewhere. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. 151 9-1521 Douglas St. Barefoot Sandals Barefoot Sandals are just the thing for the children's summer pleasure and comfort. THEY DELIGHT ITUI? ITT Tfl WO We'vA a srnnrl osmrtmsnt of all H the best styles in the extension sole foot-protecting kind. Boys' and Girls' Sandals $1.10 to $2.00 According to Size. FRYSH0E CO. THE BIOZII. Douglas Sts. Hlh and $3.50 or $4 will Bay s fashionable Tan or Black OXFORDS ta comfortable flttlaff lasts Walk -Over is the nam Tour feet correctly dressed when jron buy yours at the Walk - Over Shes Store 314 Boats 16th Street. (Four doors So. Beaton Drug Co.) ED. S. THOHPBOS, Walk-Over Man. ASOCBJID" ADVIRIISINGCLVBS OF AMERICA CONVENTION KAN5A5 CITY D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Buoc.ssor to Dr. H. U. Ramaeclottl.) , AMMIMTAWT KTATB TTTIlItJUiJ( Off loo mad SosDltaJ. 8810 Mason tx. Calls Promptly Answered at All Ho.rs ' lira. Wttsisw Boctalaff Syrtp" pM W iued for owr SIT IT-Fl VI TFASS h ViIt.l.IONS of VOTHMiS f r ibeir rflll.MlkS VHII.K lEETHlNalih PFKFEOT HI'ICKW, Ji H.H)1 HKfilht CllILn K( fTF N H 1 Uc'lTMH A UJLVfl n PUTS: CVVYH WISD foLIC.uo II IIuImI rrnwii for I'l AKhHt A. -!! ij l'ru.mt. in . rf .w'. 8othli. Byrup." ud Uk. t othrr kind, 'v.nty-fiv. tntm s bottl. Ou.rUkUwd uuder tbe .mdsMd Im.r. 4xt, Juu. tiffa. fi-lu S'ltintr nmuA Inijf. 4xt. Juu. tcKft. lv.rt Cm $Tl(oifOl Don'tMiss the Great Clearance of Hart, SchaU tier & Marx Suits Satur day and Monday at jM I MM I THE RELIABLE TORB f tv i; 1 tt-j!.....-... i - fTx Vt.v'f.'.:' ' f ' (i(H . 1 . 7 Ur teg Copyright 1908 bjr Hart Schiffner & Mart ination will prove their su Men's Two-Piece Outing Suits Most complete as sortments ever shown, best, values produced, the best to be had at ' $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 to $18.00 Extra Specials in, Men's $3,00 arid $3.R0 Shoes and Oxfords, in all leathers, in both Goodyear and McKay sewed soles, and in all sizes; tan or black ... $1.98 A big lot of the Queen Quality Tan Oxfords just In. See thera at . . ..... .$3.00 and $2.50 Women's $2.50 and $3.00 .patent eolt, gun metal and vtpl kid Shoes and Oxfords, in tan or black; each pair a decided bar gain 81.08 Oxfords and one-strap Slippers for the misses and fhidren, worth ud to $1.75 at . .$125, 9 1.00, 75c and 50 Boys', youths' and little gents' satin and kangaroo calf shoes, bluchers and bals, worth up to $1.76, at $1.10 and 08 Child's red, tan or black shoes, worth up to $1.00 . at 75 and 40, Misses' and child's $1.50 lace school shoes 98? The Busy Market Special on Spring Lambs , Hindquarters, J I; Forequarters 50c Pork Loins 8Vc Spare' Ribs, 5 lbs, for..25c Pork Roast 7Vc Picnic Hams 74c No. 1 Bacon ; ......... .15c M HMDENS' ' EM CHICAGO AN E For the National Republican Convention. Tickets on sale June 12th to 16th and for morning trains of the 17tht good to return until June 30th, via tho CHICAGO MILWAUKEE &. ST. PAUL RAILWAY THREE DAILY TRAINS, thoroughly modern in every respect, leave Ornaha Union Station at 7:25 A. M., 6:00 P. M. and 9:58 P. M., arrive Union Station, Chicago in th heart of the city at 9:15 P. M.,'8:30 A. M. and 12:28 P. M., respectively. Low rates to other eastern points. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1524 Farnam Street, : F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. 'MII!lini!mi!!i'i!iiiiiimiiMi i t J lUllltiimiU!III..IIIUl!lliil!II!iil ERLANGER BROTHERS. WORTH sad CHURCH STS. NEW YORK. M.Ira JB.V.D Unioe Suiu. (Pmi .4.4n.07),awi aV.U. SL sin nit " a. an. .ml m - .... VM iMllllM WW Over 300 of these finest hand-tailored suits selected from our rejtular lines great ly reduced for Saturday and Monday. $18, $20 " and ' $25 Suits Choicest fabrics and pat terns, all the newest Spring Styles, including the new Varsity model in the best shades of browns and gravs, at ..$15.00 and $18.00 Men's Suits Worth up to $18.00, at $10.00 and $12.50 Values you'll find un equaled "at the prices many hand-tailored suits in thelot. "We closed them out from a well known manufacturer and are giving you the bene fit of the low price. Exam perior quality. Men's Puting Trousers Tre mendous I .'assortment of shades And patterns, light, medium or dark, peg top, belt loops, cuff bottoms at $1.50, $1.95, $2.50 to $3.95. Shoes tor Saturday WHAT ABOUT VOIR FEET? Are they bothering you? But Qrover Shoes and get that foot comfort you have been look ing for and only to he found in Grover fiho, fop they are espe cially made for tender feet. Graver and Queen Quality Shoes for women and Stetson and Cros sett Shoes for men : : : Omaha, Nebraska. 111, I ,1 D RETURN 'PHIII'lHlfllllll'lllttllllill!!1!!!!!!! T" '""1 iliiliilllililiillilh PRETTY WARM THESE DAYS! You will (eel cooler if you WM ' LOOSE FITTING !2J . COAT CUT UNDERSHIRTS and KHEE LEICTH DRAWERS 60 o 75t, $1.00 an4 $l.BO A GARMENT. No pulliag of s per tpir.lion soaked under (vmanl over your hrd; no diugtebls doubls utkliaMi si tb ankle to bind or iriitale, and cut 8 lbs ail from lbs limb. no glove fitting covering lot tba knea joint to interfere with mturular actirSy Look (or theB.V. O. Red Woven Label. It is your gu- 'jt antes oi a conectly cut, well made, pedeel fcltiag under gar. jljl merit. Don't tali a substitute. iliiji; !:. II 4 I wMQQ2iii22SISCsiSsQs3ssiiisBk3sBCsi SS!fB