"10 TTIE OMATIA DAILY BEE: ) FRIDAY, JUNE 5. 1903. OBJECT OF THOSE NEW BONDS Omalut Men Think Eeadquaxteri Building My flow Oo Up. MOHLES HI EAST AT riESERT CrMtloa f BelMI l Osaaaa CraKraetm Llae Work New Believed t Be la SIsBt. The snoounceraent that tne Union Pacific had sold 140,000,000 worth of the bonds au thorised at tha annual meeting of tha com panr recently held at Bait Lake, suggests to many men that the Union Pacific la about to begin operations In tha west, aome of which are new and some of a continua tion of tha work stopped last fall when the flnanolal stringency caused a ceaaatlon of all mw .work. Just which work will be undertaken flrat la a matter of much apeculatlon. Tha people of Omaha would like to aee work started as soon a possible on the new headquarters building at Fifteenth and Dodgs streets. This atta has been in tha hands of tha Union Paclfio for over a year and has been lying Idle. Tha plana hare been drawn and accented. . Work on tha Lane cut-off was atopped with tha others, but a email force of men was kept at work on thia Una until one track was completed and trains are now running that way and a force of men la Susy laying tha second track and com- slating the bridges. The numerous over bead viaducts along tha Una are Just as they were test tall. Considerable apeculatlon haa been In dulged In t j- the western presa aa to the object of il- visit of A. U Mohler and I Hu;. general manager and chief englner i e.-tpectlvely of the Union Pacific. to Colorado isst week. Tner traveled in an automobile over the route from the company's Platte Vslley branch to a point on the main line near Medicine bow. Cheyenne la Stirred. Cheyenne la attired over tha reports that thia means a new line Is to ba built be tween these points through Fort Collins, making a saving of eventy-flve miles be tween Salt Lake and Denver and leaving Cheyenne out in the cold. Agents of the Union Paclfio have been buying the right-of-way from Plattsvllle to Ftrt Collins and tha report la that the tarried check books and paid practloally i.:e prli eh the farmers, asked for the land In rl,ht-of-way. was bought only In al i.riwiie . sections, the' agents claiming they l..-ld i..e right-of-way because of Intervene ..it, t-ikn becsuse of an old government Lra::t. The cut-off will be between sixty and sixty-five miles long and will shorten the Cln'.ance between Bait Lake and Kan saa City. It will pass through rich farm ing lands aa well aa rich undeveloped coal and mining Innds. Cheyenne also feara tha other cut-off of tha Union Pacific which that road pro pones to build from Bridgeport to Laramie, alao leaving Cheyenne off the main line of the Union Pacific. No work la now being done on the new line which waa Started from North Platte to Bridgeport and which waa atopped last fall. It la thought, however, that this will ba one of the first 'pieces of construction work to be resumed when tha Union Pacific begins active operstlons. Mr. Mohler seems to be the only official who knows anything definite about the new work and he la in the east. ALEX CHARLTON IS SIXTH Nearest Top at ' Aaaapolls of Aay Otber Toath from Jfe braelta. Several confusions have been made as to the standings in their class work of the Omaha boys who graduate Friday from tha Naval academy at Annapolis. Hera are tha names of tha boys, with their data rank opposite: Alex Charlton. Jr., sixth. Frank J. Wills, twentieth. - David C. Patteraon, Jr., fortieth. Henry Davis McQulre, 117th. The class consists of 200 members. ' W. R. Ward of Dyeraburg, Tenn., writes: "This Is to certify that I have used Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup for chrondo constipa tion, and It has proven, without a doubt, to ba a thorough, practical remedy for this trouble, and It la with pleaaura I offer my conscientious reference." All druggists. Omaha'a Pur Food Cantor I Restaurant On 2d Floors w . w. " 11 m a It y 55 jasiy vouawg. cucurai ornne. ft Moderate Price. FISH DEPARTMENT. g A full lino of fresh caught Fish at thia season of the year. K ' Specials for Friday. 1,000 lbs. German Carp, lb. O 5c g. Fancy Channel Cat, lb 18c Fine Lake Trout, lb 14c 53 Visit our display of Kosher Sau- ?5 a cr mnA rnnltw1 . meats miilA hv C David Berge of Chicago. $ LIQUOR DEPARTMENT ' The finest Whisky for the money i on the market seven year old jS gj Golden Bheaf Rye: s p Full quart... $1.00 & X One gallon 4.00 N & Three gallons ...... .$10.50 Bottle of Imported Claret FREE R with every gallon purchase. x We own all of thia age Golden pay freight on orders for three gaU . Ions or over. ocrtney Ct Go svsatesata and Doaflaa Mta. 0 . Private Eschaags Connects Ail S Jjj Departments. . Beat In the World HAND MADE LINEN COLLABS. CAYUGA. NEW STYLE. KARL WILSON ft 1 1 w 55 Dig Bargains " Remnant Day Every woman who knows how to economize Is interested in remnant day at Brandeis because she can buy up-to-date desirable goods at much less than regular figures. Don't miss these specials Friday. They are extraordinary. Immense Purchase From a Manufacturer The Newest. Mot-in-Demand SILKS s.rLh, 39c Five .thousand yards of the newest 27 inch Rajahs, Bur mahs, fancy Tussorahs, dot Mandarin, rough silks, 27 inch colored taffetas, and Peau de Messalines, all silk Tussahs and Shantung silks, 27 inch and 36 inch black, white and all colors Lyons dye Japanese silks a grand chance to buy 75c and $1.00 silks Two large bargain squares devoted to this sale, at, per yard . $2 Yard Wide Dlack Taffeta at $1 36-inch Tresca Freres & Cie.. Lyons dressmakers' black taffeta. On account of forced cancellation for these fine black taffetas our silk buyer secured the en tire lot at half price Friday, at, yard Great Remnant Bargains In Our Basement Friday Fine India Llnona and . Organ dies worth up to nineteen cents a yard, at, per yard 7ic Plain and fancy colored dress voiles, mercerized flnlBh, also fine lisle Tissues -regular price 2 Be to 3 Be special per yard . : - Finest white dress swiss embroidered, dots, small and large 10c Unbleached in long mill as long as figures, at, f C. last, at, yard' . . per yard FORENOON ONLY . Odd lots cotton goids, including prints, lawns, sllkolfnes, muslins, etc., as long as they last, at, per yard .1C Remnants Sample Strips Skirtings, flouncings, corset cover widths, also medium and wide edges and insertions all kinds worth up to thirty-five cents a yard three !"- I sr big bargain squares, at, yard. . . J CIlCU C Remits an Odd Lots WASH LACKS French and German Vals., Filet, Plat Vals, Point de Paris, Torchon and Cluny laces, etc.; worth up 11 fl P to 15c yard, at, per yard w gCaUC All-Over Laces Worth up to 40c, at 19c Yard Big bargain square of all overs in Point de Paris, Piatt Val., A Filet, Crochet and Cluny effects white, cream Mtf and ecru, per yard M.VJ NEXT SATURDAY Drandeis' Greatest Sale HMD -TAILORED SUITS FOR MEN ,,,. Classy Suits for Summer, worth $ $20.00 to $25.00. at tiRANIHUk kssssss-MMaaaaj THE STOETZEL STOVE CO. 714 South Sixteenth Street We Sell on Small Monthly Payments, or at a Cut Price for Cash. Read below what people who know day about our Cold Storage Refrig erator and Detroit Ideal Gas Stove. Mr. Rutherford of Rutherford & Jen sen, a firm that decorate the rooms of and paint only the finest and most costly residences of Omaha, bought a Cold Bloroge of us last summer snd this U what he -said: I am surprised to see foods like these on South SUteenth street, have looked at refrigerators in U the big stores, but these have them all beat a mile. The manager of the Bwedish hospital ordered a 1,000-pound Ice capacity size last summer. This Is what he said last week: bsfors ordering our refrigerator I wrote a number of hospitals who I knew were using the Cold Storage to see whst they thought of It. They all ad vised me to risk no other kind. They were right. It beau our old one aU to pieces. 59c One counter A. F. C. and Classic Ginghams, 'in large remnants sold from the bolt, at yard 16c, Friday, yard 6ic Remnants of printed Lawns and Batistes in all the latest styles corded effects, etc., would be cheap at 26c a yard, 02C at, per yard muslin lengths 3 bales 36-inch wide percales in dark colors this is the regular 12 He quality. "p at, per yard ... 5c-2c AFTERNOON ONLY Beginning at 1:30T We place on sale 2 cases American Foulard Prints in long mill remnants, at, yard . . . 3ic Embroideries 14U Mrs. Prugh of Dundee, recognised by the Women's clubs of Omaha and else where as an authority on the art of cooking and cooking apparatus, bought a Detroit Ideal of us some months ago and this is what she said last week: I bought the Detroit Ideal because I not only know from experience that it takes less gas than others, but I know it to have that reputation where it is known. It is the most beautiful bak ing and delightful working gas stove made. It has many commendable fea tures not found in others. When Omaha people find out what the Detroit Ideal Is we will have a run on it that will break all records. h.Mi NEXT MONDAY A GREAT EVENT IN WASH FABRICS. Watcji for the Announcement. Think of It! $1 Silks for 28c Don't Judge the silks by the price. It's deceiving. You'll be sgreeably surprised when you see them. The silks were made to sell . for 76e, $1.00 and $1.86, and worth it. Some clever buying, coupled with close marking, is responsible for this bargain. Excellent styles, best selling lines of the season, such as. 27- inch fancy taffetas, in checks and 28- inch rough silks, how so popular 27-lnch printed Jap. silks, coin spot Z4-lnch satin foulards, choice dress Plaid waist or petticoat silks Loulslnes, plain taffeta, pongees, etc $5.00 For Stylish Wash Suits Prince Chap Models The materials are of good ser viceable linen finish suitings, made In semi-fitted Prince Chap coat styles, about 34 Inches in length. Single or double breasted, trimmed with pearl buttons. The skirts are full pleated and trim med with folds of same material, they come in white, blue, natural and leather brown shades, $5.00 LINENS AND WHITE GOODS Silver Blnsched Tsbls Dsmisk, 4 inches wids, heavy and durable, our regular 45c quality, Friday sale st Huck Towels, hemmed ends and colored borders, regular Uvic line for. each . . . A, . . . , Bedspreads; good slse, and weights suitable for summer urn, 86o - quality, for . Red Star Bird s Eye Cotton, In ten yard pieces, 22, 24 and 27 inch, worth up to $1.00 a bolt. at. , White Lawns, checks, stripes and figured effects for house dresses and children's wear, lOo quality for . Sensational Prices on Ginghams Standard goods SJich as A. F. C, Toile du Nord, Red Senl Zephyrs, etc., in season's best styles, all 12Hc and 16c goods at QH APRON GINGHAMS, Amoskeag quality, cut from full pieces, all colors, worth 8c at, yard 4H AXT DIKIMS AID CBETOHITBB Friday 26 pieces on ssle, handsome col oring! anu aesigns, suits cue ror dox couches, draperies, curtains ana rurni- ture slips, 16c and 20c goods, at yard SHo (Main Floor Domestic Department) Important Wash Goods Announcement Just for one day, if the lot lasts that long, we will sell Arnold's silk mixed fabrics, some of the moat beautiful delicate dress materials, from this famous mill, goods that are made to retail at 16c a yard, the printing Is most exquisitely done and come In wonderful varieties of floral effects, We promise you that this Is without doubt one of the best wash goods bargains you have seen advertised. On Friday, choice of almost one- Qp hundred styles, yard JKj 160 pieces of fsncy Batistes, 29 Inches wide, mostly white grounds, some dark styles In the lot, goods worth 8 Vic, 10c and some 12 Ho. . 01s Friday. yard..i... i Percales; full standard 16a quality yard wide, light and dark CI styles, Friday 03j, A QUICK CLEARING UP SALE OF ODDS AND ENDS IN THE SHOE DEPT. roar lots, la all desirable styles, priced with a view to clearing them out la a single day. Women's laced shoes, light soles and Military heels, al most all -size, $2.00 qualities for ". $1.40 Women's-- Boudoir - Slippers, with out heels, leather sides snd soft kid uppers, very easy and com fortable, regularly sell ETQs for 8c, clearing at Once More Well Known La Grecque Corsets at ABOUT HALF These corsets are of coutll, silk brocade and Moire ribbon lattice effects, they come in the new est prevailing shapes, extra long flattening back models, silk" hose supporters attached, there are three grades, priced as follows. $3.50 Corsets $5.00 Corsets $7.50 Corsets for ........ for tor ANOTHER FRIDAY SPECIAL: and batiste Corsets, long hip styles stout figures, hose supporters attached, at, each , One-Thousand Samples Curtain Net Mill remnants bought from an Eastern manufacturer at a very low price, on sale Friday In three lots. These are short ends that are suitable for door panels, sasu curiam, small haii windows, and transoms: LOT 1 Consists of embroidered Muslins, values up to 7oo a yard, per length to LOT S Consists of Irish Point Nets, worth to $1.00 a yard, each length 19o LOT i Consists of extra fine Brussels Nets, worth to $2 yard, each length 8So DENNETT'S Pride of Dennett's Flour, sack Bennett's breakfast Coffee, can Challenge Coffee, pound job. TsiTiiST a vo.-n Yellow Label, pound tin Yellow Label, half pound tin 4... Yellow Label, quarter pound tin Allen's Brown Bread Flour, package . Gem Milk, two large cans Pearl Tapioca, bound Best We Have Corn, two cans Best We Have Blackberries, can Advona Jams, assorted, two cans J. M. Early June Peas, two cans Cracker Meal, pound Worcester Table Salt, two sacks Polk's Soups, three cans New York Cream Cheese, pound Galllard's Imported Olive Oil, basket Large Cooking Raisins, pound Smoked Sardines, can . . . : French Cut Loaf Sugar, package Price's Breakfast Food, three packages White Table syrup, can ROc bottle Queen Olives for ...30o I Assorted Cookies, special, pound X0 1-BUXTS AJTD TEOETABX.ES riE DAILY New Potatoes, peck 30o I Lettuce, two bunches So I Radishes, four bunches, Be Fresh Country Butter, pound . . ,. SSo, 84c, SSo, 20c and ISO Double Stamps on all Fresh country Butter. SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS CUADIUMS,, Mammoth Bulbs, each 25c; 5 f sr . $1.9) TUBE ROSES, Mammoth Pearl, dot. 3i:; 3 In . . . ., J1.0J GLADIOLI, In Sjp:r! Mixfjrt. dm. 3):; ii lr . . ... $1.0) CINNAMON mt. tilra ti i, ei:i 1);; t!!r . . . $1.0J DAHLIAS, Assorted, tad 1):; I! it' . . il.ii THE NEBRASKA SEED CO.. 1613 Howard St, y FOR graduate nothing nicer than We have a good one for $2 60 Conkllng self-filler for the name. 5 S. We LINDSAY, Jeweler ISIS DOUGLAS STREET iff llUilllllS'lli IT-IS Bout eafl 2 us is1" ' ' ' 1M. J . U stripes. design. . styles. Great Silk Petticoat Bargain We cannot recall a time when a Silk Petticoat sale deserved your attention more than this one. These petticoats are made of high grade, lustrous all silk taffeta, in all the popular shades, the quality is heavy enough that the petti coats will stand alone, each has an elaborate flounce, and there are three or four styles of which you can make a selection. You have never bought a better petticoat at $7.60, Friday on special sale a $3.03 29c 10c 50c 75c 5c Domestic Department Tou don't " buy to best advantage unless you buy Domestics st Ben nett's. Vnblaaeasa If mil a, yard wide, qual ity sold everywhere at 74c at 4Ho Bleached Mnslin soft cambric finish, ysrd wide, 10c quality, at So Cotton Blankets, large 11-4 slse, gray and tan only, for summer cottage, 'camping, etc., worth $1.60. pair 7So Tsathsr Pillows, extra - heavy tick covering, white odorless feathers, special, esch i 360 3t pairs of women's Calf Skin Ox fords. This is a small lot of the ' extensively- advertised snd well known brand, every pair (8r worth $1.60. Friday for V0-u 17 pairs of men's Vlcl. laced shoes, not all sizes, regular $2.60 line, Friday clearing, t .. . $1.30 r... $1.75 82.50 .'-$3.25 Summer net for medium or 47c BIG GROCERY , il.60 and 60 Green Stamps 480 and 60 tireen Stamps leo and 10 Green Stamps unu ass usixi.o TMi 6O0 and 40 Green Stamns . S5o and 20 Green Stamps .130 and 10 Green Stamps .16o and 10 Green Stamps . 80o and 10 Green Stamps .10 and 10 Green Stamps oo ana iu vireen mumps 90o snd lOi Green Stamps BOo and 10 Green Stanuis bottle ..860 and 20 Green Stamps .. So and 10 Green Stamps . .lOo and 10 Green Stamps . ,8&o and 10 Green Stamps ,.80o and 10 Green Stamps ..36o and 20 Green Stamps 1S.C anil 20 nm.n Ktirnm 180 and 10 Green Stamps SSo and 10 Green Stamps SSo and 10 Green Stamps im ana to reen Ktamps A BOY one of our Fountsln Pens $1 25. $1 60 a .Waterman for $1.00 all guaaateed. Look :::::::: hj i BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN with oar Xroa and Wire feat. Trellises aad Arbors fot vises, fiowes geards, chairs, settees, vases, tree guaroa, SltcSlOaT Sels, wladow guards, Sara flstures aad catekea teaos. CtIA.rV1.FMON FENCE COMPANY 1st atrses. Oasaiogae. T si passes Doug. IS MX . Xaa. A10.' Unequalled Bargain Opportunities Superior Assortment and Qual ities at Less. I HAYEK THK RELIABLE STORE Friday Is Remnant Day All the short lengths from the Great Arnold Auction Pur. chase together with scores of other big lots on sale at far less than actual cost to manufacture. Remnants of 60c Madras . . . lOtf Remnants of 69c Silk Goods 1Q Remnants of 60c Silk Pongees at 10 Remnants of 69c 611k Ginghams for ... lO Remnants of 26c Scotch Ginghams for 10J Remnants of Silk Tissue, 60c grade for Remnants of 25c Wash Goods for .7H6 Silks ,rv,5 An Immense line of handsome 24 inch Pongees, Novelties and Plalnr Mandaries, Tossors, Rubergatet, Rajahs, Collar Taffetas, Novelties, etc., secured from one of America's best mills at a great bargain. All fresh, new Spring Patterns and colors, and 'shown elsewhere at nearly twice our price. Actual values to $1.00 yard- TP. Choice Friday, yard......'.... t. . ..JjQ 27 inch Black and Color Taffeta, Rough Silks, Foulards, .Color Messalines, etc., values to 1 1.25 yard, Friday, at yard . . . . 491 Remnants of High Grade Linen Towels, Eic. Remnants of $1.00, fine all linen . Damasks, at yard 9 Remnants of 75 cent, all linen Damask, at yard 49 Remnsnts of 65 cent, all linen Damask, at -yard 39 Remnants of 60 cent, all linen Damask, at yard 25 Remnants of 39 cent, all linen Damask, at yard 10 Remnanta of 25 cent, all linen Damask, at yard 1541 Remnanta of 35c Turkey Red Damask, at yard 12 H 19c Towels for 10 15c Towels for ;-8H 12 He Towels for : 7Ht 10c Towels for 5 7 He Towels for 3H Wash Rags for FROM 0 TO 10 A. M. One case of 8 He full bleached Muslin t yard 4 FROM 2 TO 8 P. M. One case of 7 He unbleached Muslin t yard 344 Remnants of all kinds of High Grade Dress Goods, all wool, etc., will be closed out, at yard 25J Friday Notion Sale Staple Notions - at Less Than Half I'sual Prices. Values You'U Find Matched Only at nayden's: 5c Horn Hair Pins, each . ...lc 6c Gold-Bye Needles, pkg. . . . 5c Alumnium Thimbles, each. . l 15c Metal Back Horn Combs 5 6c Pearl Buttons, dozen ..2C 3c Darning Cotton, fast black, ball at 1 Cotton Tapes, all sizes, at .... 1 Nursery Pins, all sizes, dos. . 1H Hump Hooks and Eyes, card lg 6-yard bolts Skirt Binding . .5 Linen Thread, per spool ....3 Other Staple Notions In Proportion. Y Saturday Qur Cuf CassWare f)ayS German Cut Glass Berry Set, one large Bowl and 6 small Berry Dishes, complete for 25 H dozen Clear Cut Bottom Glasses 'or 15 H dozen Colonial Cut Bottom Glasses, for 19 H dozen Custard Cups or Sher bets for 25 6 Piece Sugar and Cream Sets tor 25 2 quart Pressed Cut Pitchers 19 Grocery Prices For Friday THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY: We can aavs yon sverrtlias from Housekeeping Expenses. The Best Furs Cane Granulated Sugar at Xacss Than Jobbers' Cost. 10 bars Diamond C or Beat 'Em All Soap for SSo 10 pounds Ben's Best Granulsted Cornmeal for ....16o 6 pounds choice Japan Rice for SSo Omaha Wheat Berries, per Pkg. So 6 bars Grandpa Wonder Tar Soap BSe Quateer Oats Company Toasted Wheat Flakes, per package ..60 Fsncy Lrge Cooking Raisins, lb. THo Smoked Sardines, per can ..... .SUc Dr. Price's Breakfast Food. pks;. SHS Kittle J. Oatmeal, per package ?H"o The best Soda Crackers, per lb. id The best Crisp Pretzels, per lb. Se The best Crisp Ginger Snaps, lb. So OH or Mustard Sardines, per can SHo Tall cans Fancy Blood Red Salmon, per ran ISHo BIO BUTTS ABTD OHXXSB BAX.B 7 BID AT I Fresh Country Butter, per pound 17o Fincy Dslry Butter, per pound lto Fancy Country Creamer Butter, lb. S3o Fancy Full Cream N. Y. White. Col- ored or Brick Cheese, per lb. ISO m HAYDENS'B Would you like to rent this office? 540 1 We offer this suite of two rooms on the fifth floor facing Seventeenth St., at $08.00 per month. It will pay you to see them. THE BEE Apply, to B. W. BAKER, Supt.1!Boom 1CJ VI Ones Are Keenly Alt to Frldsy'g Shopping AdvantAges. Remnants of 16fr rrslefi 5? Remnants of 15c Batista Remnants of 12 Uc Organdies 5 Remnsnts of 10c Batiste for Remnants of 10c Orgsndies 3H Remnants of 8 Ho Batiste , ,H Remnants of 6 He yard wide Sheetings for ... r. 3H Remnants of 7, 8 and 9 Quarter Sheetings worth up to 26c yard will go at a yard . .12M COME EARLY ' Friday 35c t. BLACK BILK SPECIALS $1.00 Black Dress and Skirt TaN fetas, 27-in. wide 59J $1.25 Black Dress and Skirt TaK fetas, 36-ln. .ide at G9 Undermuslins At Less Than Half 1 Great lots of Odd Garments and . Broken Lines left from the past week's sales, offered regardless of real value to close. LADIES GOWNS AND SKIRTS made full and long, values to $2.50. on sale at choice OS 75 d 50 DRAWERS, CORSET COVERS AND GOWNS worth to $1.00,. on sale at choice, 40c, 80c, 25 LADIES' KNIT VESTS 26c value taped neck and arms, extra large size, on sale at 7H and IO CORSET COVERS and DRAWERS values to 60c, at B-Tc and 19 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 50c qual ity, In black and white twills, chambrays, etc., all sizes . .29 MEN'S BOc UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS on sale at . . 25 MEN'S COMBINATION SUI1V regular $1.00 values, Friday at 49 MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHIL DREN'S HOSE values to 1 60. at .10 d 5 The Balance of the Duncan-Meyer Stock Together with several other big cash purchases Just received from' the manufacturers GO ON SALE SATURDAY See Windows for the Greatest Display of Millinery and Trimming Bargains Ever Shown In Omaha. SEE FRIDAY EVENING PA PERS FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES. H gallon Fish Globe for 30 50 75 1 gallon Fish Globe for . . 1H gallon Fish Globe for Don't fall to ask to see our special offer in DINNER SETS. S22.00 Austrian China Dinner Sets,, it each $14.95 $ 15.0O Austrian China Dinner Seta, at each $9.95 i4.oo ungusn forceiain Dinner Sets, at each $8.00 as per cent to 60 par cent on year Sap Sago Cheese, each TUo Keufchatel Cheese, each So The best Fancy No. 1 Queen Olives, per quart ,,..360 OMAHA'S OBBATBST FBUBH VBOBTABX.B ABX FBUIT MAB.KBTS Read these prices and compare with wht you are paying for the asms articles elsewhere. Fresh Sp'nach, per peck ..Se 1 Bunches Fresh Radishes for ....So 8 Bunches Fresh Onions for ......So i Bunches Fresh Asparagus for ,.Se t Heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce for ..Se t Cucumbers for r ...... t Fresh Peas, per quart ..fUi Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. Ttfe 1 Bunches Fresh Turnips for .... No. 1 English Walnuts, per pound ISO Large. Juicy Lemons, per dozen lis Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per quart 4e rivxArrz.za rroa Arris Large. Sweet, Bright snd Juicy. The Finest Fruit for canning: Baca So, THe, SHs, lOo ana IsHe and 542- BUILDING . -j