10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JT7NE 3. 1900. CLUBS TO SnOW PRIZE CORN Three Thousand Grain Dealer Or ganixe Oronpi of Five. COHN SHOW DAT AT BELLEVTTE Tnt. T. O. .! Will Address Cka taaejva. Aeeeaablr Jalr SI aad Waol Oar Will Be GIt t . Aarlraltaral eJete. No fewer than 1,000 grain dealers In the wt wilt onr - corn cluba of flva mem beer afh, whch will com pet a for tha t4"0 corn aheller and 1600 (tanf plows to be rfren aa premium! at tha National Com exposition. . ' Arrsngements for thta contest were com pleted Tuesday and tha announcement made by Prof. J". Wilkes Jones, manager of tha exposition. Tha grain dealer la to ba one of the flva In each nelfhborhood and ha may buy the corn ha exhibits, but tha other four mem bers of auch cluba must ralaa tha corn they how. It la the Idea of tha management of tha National Corn exposition to Interest as many possible in producing tha beat corn. In many neighborhood! there are but one or two growera. By making it necee aary for five to exhibit, thoaa who are al ready producing prlae corn will ba com pelled to Interest other! In order to se cure one of tlo valuable premium!. Bps re will be reaerved for the imple ment and farm machinery manufacturer! and dealer! to glva good demonstrations of their machinery- This was not decided until Tuesday, when 30.000 square feet were set aside for the Implement men. This meana that tha farmer may learn at the National Corn exposition how to handle most any gaa engine made and It Is be lieved mora farmers would use gasoline engine power if they were not uncertain as to whether they could handle the en gines or' not. i The latest alfalfa cutting machinery, will, also be shown snd the growera who are having difficulty cut tint the first crop will have an opportunity to see tha latest machinery In motion. Day at .Bellevaa. July 81 haa been made "corn show day' at tha Bellevue Chautauqua and Prof. P. O. Holder) will deliver two addresses on that day, in tha afternoon on the subject of agriculture in general, and In the even ing on "Agriculture and Ita Relation to Public Bchoola." , 'War has been declared on the .various corn pests and large charts are being pre pared for uae In correction with the ad dresses glvn during the summer and also at the National exposition In December. The corn root worm, which costs the farm ers rom five to fifteen bushels to each acre of corn, will be shown up snd wys devised to exterminate the pest. The bill bug and corn louse will both receive some attention, t In completing the premium list for the Juniors It has been found possible to glva the Juniors an opportunity to competa for scholarship, bicycles, rifles snd one pony, cart and harness will be offered. In some of the other departments organa and pianos will be given as premiums. The premium list is growing dally, 'and It is now certain that more than 160,000 will ba distributed to tha best growers of corn and grains. rlsgracefnl Conduct of liver and bowels, in refusing to act. Is . quickly remedied with lr. Kings New Ufa Pills. 26c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. SUIT FOR LOST AFFECTION rirat Case Scheduled for Trial Be fore Judge T. C. Manger la Federal Coart. No cases being ready for trial in tha fed eral courts before Wednesday, Judge T. C. Munger Monday evening excused tha Jury until Wednesday morning snd left for Lincoln. He will return in time for the opening of court Wednesday. The first case acheduled for trial is that ef Clarence E. Campbell against Nellie V. Peck for damages In alienating his wife's affections. The plaintiff is the brother-in-law of the defendant and he charges her with persuading his wife to leave him anc that his wife now refuses to live with him. The trouble Beams to grow out of tha fact that Campbell Is of a different religious faith from his wife and that her people were strongly opposed to the mar riage for thla reason. One of the important cases to be heard during this term will ba tha hydrant rental cases, the trial of which will beglnj Mon day. Tha city won out in the first trial of these cases in this court, but the Omaha Water company appealed tha case and se cured a reversal of ' tha Judgment of tha lower court and an order for a new trial. It !a this rw trial which will begin Mon day. " - Will Car Consumption, A, A. Herren, Finch. Ark., wrltes:"Foley's Honey and Tar la tha best preparation for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I know that it has cured consumption In the first tagaa." Ton never heard of anyone using Foley's Honey and Tar and not being satis fied. , All druggists. aafcSaeV44 Ijfol lo) 1AH 4 rCJ . mam Days like these show you just what service you can get from one of our Novelty Clotlr Jackets The short and up-to-date jackets, that are in greatest demand this season. Made in stripes, cheekk and plain box and Prince Chap styles. You'll get $10.00 7lfl worth of service out of it; special, at. Women's $50.00 Suits at $25.00 The most elegant and smartly tail ored suits of this season every extreme new style, worth up to $50.00, at $25 SILK PETTICOATS al $4.98 The best all silk petticoats ever sold in America at such a price black and all colors, including XI 98 evening shades best of taffeta, "' &dSg at . FINE FRENCH. GERMAN and FILET Vali. nJ Mechlin Laces and Insertions Also fine torchon and Point de Paris laces, in insertions, all choice new designs many to I. FJ 1 match actually worth up to O and A 2 -wOC 21 y&rda. fit tee IN OUR BASEMENT Three Extra Specials for Wednesday One case 36-inch wide mer cerized sateen: black and colored, worth 25c a yard, at. . .7c White lawn from the bolt; would be cheap at 10c yd.; Wednesday, ' at, yard JW Fine printed Lawns and Batistes, in all the latest styles and colors regular price, 15c a yard ; special Z at, yard v 2l IIAIRLIGIIT CROWN POMPADOURS Light as a feather, cool and airy style, health and com fort combined. Vastly better than any hair rat CA ever made, at JU1 tBMWM T2?Sa una BEN MARSHALL NOW ON TRIAL !egro Aecased ef Assaaltlas; Voantr Wvsus la Vp la District . Ceart. Bfore a crowd cf Interested spectators, including a dosen young women, Ben Mar shall, tha nsgro charged with a criminal assault upon Miss Mollis Orann, was placed ou trial In criminal court Tuesday morning. The entire morning aesalon waa spent In examining Jurors and at tha noon recess tha Jury waa far from being selected. Isldor Zlegler, Marshall's attorney, quisled ach Juror closely ss to his prejudices and as to whether or not he had ever lived In the south, but each of them without excep tion declared -ha could give tha negro a fair trial. None of tha jurors was excused for causa. i Marahall ia accused ef violently attack tng Misa Orann Bear the crossing of tha Union Pacific tracks and Seventeenth street on the night of April I If SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS CALADIUMS, Mammoth Bulbs, each 25c; 5 for . TUBE ROSES, Mammoth Fearl, doz. 35c; 3 dot . GLADIOLI, In Superb Mixlurt. dot. 3 J:; 5) ttr . CINNAMON VINE, Extra Law, each 10c; 121.' DAHLIAS, Assorted, each 10:; 12 tit . . . , )1.0J $1.0) $1.03 $1.0) $1.0) THE NEBRASKA SEED GO., 1613 Howard St. SAYIDGE GETS .THOMAS HOME Secures Old Dwelling for Dependent Aged People of Omaha. NEW PROPOSITION ' FOR HIM WALK EAST F03T POWQER Shiki Into Tour Shoes It relieves painful w 1 a n, smarting nervous zl a-na 10 etantly ' lakes the eilng out of corns and bunlona. Tae Si oat woaderfol coin fart dlseevery ef Uit age. Iry it today ft at any druggist. CAOTUB Corn Cal lous Compound ia a certain cure for corns, bunlona and callouses at any drugglat, for . , . If vour druggist deea Bt have these foot friends in -A ,a hl name aed orlre and wa will snail Walk Base Too rw r Oeatas ta io prou?uj. 5 CACTUS REMEOT CO.. Ksssss City, Me. First Christian Charcn Man Proposes to' Fat Savldge at the Head ' of Benevolent Society la Nebraska., ' Rev. Charles W. Bavidge haa signed a contract for the old Dexter I Thomas home at 956 North Twenty-seventh avenue and will convert it into a home for aged people. The price to be paid la J8.600 and Mr. Savldga hopes to be able to raise that amount to provide a suitable and perma nent home for the dependent aged of Omaha. The contract calls for the payment of J1.600 by July 1, when Mr. Bavidge will take possession, and the balance to be paid for at the rate of S.500 a year until the entire amount Is raised. Plans . are now being formulated for raising tha money. City Treasurer Frank Furay told Mr. Bavidge that he would be one of 150 men to pay $50 apiece toward raising the entire amount. The house Is suitable for the work which Mr. Bavidge Is doing, as it is large, with spacious and light rooms, two of the rooms Imlng twenty-four feet long. The house contalna seventeen rooms and was first built by Mr. Thomas in 1876 and In 18H4 was rebuilt at an expenditure of 118,000. Five years ago the house was disposed of by Mr. Thomas and was used for a time by the Swedish Hospital association. Later 11,600 waa expended In repalra on tha house, which Is finished throughout In hard wood and Is three stories high. Mr. Bavidge thinks he has struck a bargain to get such a place for his work at an expenditure of 8,500. Ia a Qaaadarr New. An interesting situation confronts Mr. Bavidge in his work and he must decide whether to go ahead and work independ ently aa he has done, or to tske the house as a gift and still remain at the 'head. When Mr. Bavidge told one of the promi nent attorneys of Omaha and a member of the First Christian church of bla desire to bujf the Thomas house, the attorney Im mediately made a proposition to Mr. Bavidge which set him to thinking. In the Christian church is conducted a National Benevolent association, although there haa been no branch in Omaha. "I will give you that house free of debt within two hours if you will tske It from the benevolent society of our church and become the head of that society In Ne braska," said the attorney. Mr. Savldga la still debating what to do. "I have always worked Independently and alone and think I have been able to ac complish a lot of good. I am sure tha good people of Omaha will stand back of me and assist me to raise money to buy that splendid home for the old people," said Mr. Bavidge. Mr. Bavidge plans to form a benevolent association with a board of directors and officers to manage the affairs pf tha home and to control the. work. OUR S2.50 OXFORDS Two fifty 1b rather a low price for a good pair of Ox fords. Many women who would buy Oxfords at this price are afraid td do bo, fear ing that they would not be satisfactory. We Sell Two Fifty OXFORDS that are satisfactory In every way the styles are- the same as higher priced Oxfords and the shoemaktng Is splendid. Come here and see what two fifty will do in buying 0 fords. , Think you will be Batlsfled. Fry Shoo Co. THl BHOKS letri and Douglas Sti ntfjn. &wilsovs Ked-ManCollaro TRADE MARK 2 for 25 Cents. Why pay the same price for other makes? :".n e n n n v h "i n m n THJf if V 5 S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Every 10 Cents Spent in This Department Wednesday. WEDDING GIFTS Cut Glass China, Dinncrwaro ETC., VERY SPECIAL WEDNESDAY In the entire west not an other department so splen didly complete vrith high grade Cut Glass, Fancy China, Dinnerware and Bric-a-brac, etc. If you save S. & H. Trading Stamps this unusual offer will interest you. Then think of the big price inducement on these items for V ednesday. CIT GLASS BOWL8, 8 inch, rich pin wheel cutting, strictly first quality; $5.00 artcle; one-hundred on sale, Wednesday less thn bait $2.25 CUT GLASS OOMTOTKS, deep cut very sparkling, best quality, -assured, actual 13.50 values, while lot lasts, at 81.75 CLOISANXE VASES, genuine Jap anese goods, in different styles, sell everywhere at $3.00, on Wednesday, at $1.50 $1.00 JAPANESE SUGARS AM) CREAMS, at 49, GLASS TOP SALTS AND PEPPERS, 1,000 on sale Wednesday, Bpeclal t pair 15 $100.00 DIXXER SETS, finest French China. 122 pieces, three exquis ite decorations, Wednesday, choice $75 00 FANCY PLATES HALF PRICE 1,600 or more of all makes, hundreds of designs, values from 25c to $10.00 each, Wednesday Special HALF PRICE , NEED AN EXTRA Skirt For Summer 9 Buys a handsome all wool Panama Skirt of very excellent quality material In navy, black or brown. Cut In fif teen gore style and trimmed with one wide and one narrow taffeta silk fold at bottom. The tailoring ' is very superior. You'll agree with ub that no skirt in the stores at $7.50 are more desirable or better value.' Come In 'Wednesday while, the price Is $4.05 Covert and Black I 95 Cloth Jackets ij1 A light weight . Jacket Is an essential garment to every woman's wardrobe in summer time. j Cool days always come. Then, again, you'll need them to take along on vacations, on outings, to parks or to wear on the trolley cars. Two lots In tan covert or blaAk broadcloth, made with notched collar) silk lined $4.95 Wednesday Notion Day i M Bo you avar coma to thaaa waakl tintlnn i.u.l w gmiu laoiss ar urrounasa By dust baying- throng's. on sals tnls flar ai prtoea tha aro duplicated In no other stora. should ba spaolaJlr .intsrsatsd. Wednesday's list Is quits tha i from the bargain .standpoint of any we have Tor put on sals. Ona Thousand. DoWn Spool Silk, black only, every spool guaranteed to be full one-hundred yards, cornea In all letters, and as good a quality of sewing silk aa one can buy at 8c or 10a per spool, in Wednesday's sale, buy all you want, at dozen SAbEPSOBT TKREAS, a good heavy linen finish thread, ' worth be par spool, good for all kinds of coarse sewing. Wednesday c Four Spools lor WHITE COTTOBT BIAS lOZ.ZB, in ail w idths, worth lOo per piece Cp special Two Pleoes for JJ BIACX SHEET BB.AIS, five yard pieces, same quality aa la always sold at 10c, K at Piece HEX.!. KAXB FlSra, crimped and plain styles, worth 20c a Kp renr wednesdav Bar. All kinds of notions is Dressmakers most attractive 29c i doien, Wednesday's sale, dos. rm.it avBG sorrgsTEM, lor wo men, in an colors, worm 1 2Se, Wednesday, Fsjr FATEWT BOOKS ABTO ETXS, all Bizen, reguiariy oc per card, At Three Cards for SAFETT FIRS, all sixes, worth So per dosen. Two Cards ' ADAMABTINE FIBS, full count, sell reguiariy at c a paper, Wed nesday, per Sosen Papers . . . BOFB 8HOFFIMO BAOS, black Drown, Zoo kind for 5c ; all 5c h So 5c . aell 9c ek or 10c Wednesday in the Shoe Department Vomen's comfortable Lace Shoes, with plain toes, hand turned, common sense neeis, lor nurses, servants, or any one witn lender reet. regularly 13 00 qualities, Wednesday on special tables, at about One-Third Off, QJ) WHITE OABvAS OXrOlDI, with TAB Z.ACB SHOES, Lenox $3.00 light soles, sizes 2 to 4, worth quality, sizes 2 to 4, Wednes- $1.60, Wednesday's spe- rftZf day's special, a;- ryf. -clal. pair 4 UKj per pair JpAU SHOE SUNDRIES SPECIAL PRICES WEDNESDAY 10c Hhinola -Polish 5c One box to a customer. 25o white 10c tan canvas shoe pol cleaiier . Ish 5c 1 5c 60c Japanese bath slippers, small sizei 5c 15e shoe soap best polish for black kid shoes BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Tea Sifting Special! 1,000 pounds fine drinking Japan Tea Slftlr.gs, pound 15o and Coffee Special i 2,000 pounda good flavored, freeh roaated .Coffee, pound , Large Cooking Raisins, pound Rnlder's Pork and Beans, two cans New York Cream Cheese, pound Smoked Sardines, can Styles' Horseradish Mustard, jar , Buyles' Lunch Herring, jar , Waldorf Chill Rauce, bottle Pure Honey, Jar , Waldorf Relish, Bottle Old Virginia Breakfast Roe, can , J M. Early June Peas, two cans White Table Byriip, can Price's Breakfast Pood, 3 package ......... Ensign Green Turtle Meat: 45o can for FIB SFECZAX On Wednesday we place on sale one-hundred fresh Mrs. I. B. Douglas, a first class caterer, each 10c 20 Green Stamps A Rich Harvest of Bargains For the Army of Buyers Wednesday Wonderful Bargains From the Arnold Auction. THB RELIABLE STORE . Matchless Values in White and Printed .Fabrics. Greatest Garment Bargain Ever ; To b surprised at the bargain offered In our ftr LadiP" Suit Department is common occurence. uui Buii'iiBo win ripen into aBvoniuiiipiit nuvru you see the wonderful values offered Wednes day: $20.00, $2.V00 AND $30.00 Suits FOR 7.50 . A groat cash purchase from the manufacturers their loss Is your , gain tremendous assort--; ment of styles, patterns and colors, trimmed with tucks, beautiful applique and laces, most' of them haven't been out of the factory 16 days. They're sold everywhere at $20.00 to JS0.00 . choice in Wednesday's sale, at 37.50 Sale Starts at 8:00 A. 91. See Display Begin-, nlng at 8:0O -None Sold to Other Merchants- Come Early. MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF WAISTS AXD COTS. $3.00 Silk and Net Waist., at 1.40 40 dozen in the lot, in cream, ecru and white, lace, and In- eertion trimmed, actual values up to $5.00 choice Wednesday, at 91.49 910.0O to 92R.OO Coata at 3.00 and lO.OO Immense assortments In Auto Silks, Cravenetts and .Cloth, newest styles, regular $10.00 to $25.00 values at SS.OO'and 810.00 BE HERE EARLY AND SECURE THE CHOICEST VALUES. 35c Embroideries, Wednesday, Yd; 9c Biggest Bargains of the Season in Fine Embroideries, Beading", In serting', Bands, Edges, Flouncing, Corset Covers, etc, etc., worth ZOc, 23c and 33c yard, all on sale in one big lot Wednesday, choice, per yard Men's Shirts 2 THE GREATEST VALUES OF THE ENTIRE SEASON: Entire Surplus Stock of a well known" Net, York Manufacturer, fine madras, percale, etc., all made for spring , and Bummer 1908. Come in soft or pleated bosoms, all new patterns and styles, all sizes, 50c to $2.00 values 29c, 49c and 98c MEN'S FINE BALBRIGAN UNDER WEAR, satin faced, drawers reinforced, worth more than double, Wednesday's prices, per garment t5c, 25c and 39c MEN'S COMBINATION SUITS, made ' to sell up to $3.00, Wednesday 69c, 98c and $1.50 29c, Wc, 98c I--1 n i v Extra Specials For Wednesday In Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Butter, Cheese & Crackers: 1 The Best Fare Cane Granulated Sugar at Z.eas Than Jobber's Cost. 10 bars Diamond C or Best Ever All Soap flSo 10 pound sacks best granulated Corn meal for ISa 6 pounds choice Japan Rice for fiSo One-Minute Tapioca, per pkg So 1 dozen Nutmegs and grater for ..60 Quaker Oata Company wheat Ber ries, package for 60 Quaker Oats Company Toasted wheat Flakes, per package Bo 6 bars Grandpa Wonder Tar Soap 860 Nine O'clock Washing Tea, pck. 3Ho 1 pound package best Corn Starch 4o Haarmann's Pure Malt Vinegar, per bottle . Bo Tall cans Fancy Blood Red Salmon per can . lHo The best Soda Crackers or Pret zels, per pound '..Bo BUTTE ABD CBEXSB BALE FBICE8: Fresh Country Butter, per pound 17o Fancy Full Cream White, Colored, or Brick Cheese, poi pound.... 15o Fancy Dairy Butter, per pound ..17o OMAHA'S OBIATE8T FBSII VBOBTABKB AND FBUIT MABXETl Tou can buy more for Be at Hay. den's than you can anywhere else for double the money: Fresh Spinach, per peck ; , .Be 8 Bunchea Fresh Radishes for ....60 8 Bunches Fresh Onions for .60 2 Bunches Fresh Asparagus tor ..60 S Heads Fresh Laf Lettuce for ..60 3 Cucumbers for 60 Fresh Peas, per quart r,THc Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. TUo S Bunches Fresh Turnips for ....60 No. 1 English Walnuts, per pound lBo Large, Juicy Lemons, per doien lflo Fresh Roasted Peanuts, psr quart 4o CAB TOUR FIBBAFFZ.ES BOW I This Will Be the Big Week for This Deliolous Fruit, Tomorrow we will again sell them at the following Eton Sosen Cass s, 7He, SHc, 100, iau0 87 Uo, SOo SOo, si.oo, si. 59 S3.8S, ta.70, 93.76, B3.75, $3.7S M HMDENS' BRSI . . .180 and 20 Green Slimm H . .19Ho and 20 Green Stamps " B ,.,.30o and 10 Green Stamps ....30o and 10 Green Stamps . .laVto and 10 Green Stamps ei , ,..10o and 6 Green Stamps B . ...lOo and 6 Green Stamps . ..lOo and t Green Stamps H ,...10o and S Green Stamps ,...10o and S Green Stamps , ...fl8o and 10 Green Stamps . ...95o and 20 Green Stamps B ,...160 and 10 Green Stampa . ...35o and 10 Green Stamps B 30o $1.00 can for 76c l! peach pies, Each , . made by 100 mmmmmmimmmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmtmmmn $15 to Chicago a vasa vt sbo NERVES and nervous sseai find tbsir power te oik aad youthful vigor gone as a result of over ork or mental esertion should teAe CRAY'S NtKVE POOD PILLS. 1 bey wtU piake you eat uod tieep and be Bias) again. 1 Boat S kosea ta.60 by uaO. XXBafAAT ) MOCOBBKI.Z, BsvUls tsB Cor. 16th ana Xkodge itta. OWL XmOO CO at AST Oec. XttA aA ataa-awy Oasaha, Bea AND RETURN VIA JCHICAOO &REAT WESTERN - Railway Tickets on Bale June 12th to 16th, inclusive. Return limit June 30th, 1908. Choice of the two best trains between Omaha and Chi cago. Full information from W. O. DAVIDSON, City Pass, and Ticket Agt., Union Depot. 1512 Farnam St., Omaha. Bee Want Ads Produce Results BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN ? with our Iron and Wire fence. Trellises and Arbors tot vises, flower guards, chairs, settees, vases, tree guards, itching posts, window guards, barn flzturss and ohicksa ttnes. CHAMPION FENCE COMPANY i C17-l South 16th B tract. Telephones Doug. 1590. ' Send for Catalogs. ' ind. AlS9a . BAILEY MACH DENTISTS t KIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCB Cornrr Jflth and Farnam Street. f Bast equipped Dental office in tae middle west. Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prlcet Porcelain IllUnifs. Just Use tfte toots. HOTELS. iQQGll (AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN PLAN) Finest Hotel on Great Lakes A cool, delightful spot only 10 minutes' ride from city's amusement and shopping district. This elegant, modern hotel Is beautifully situ ated close to the great South Park system. 450 large, airy, outside rooms, 259 private baths.. Its broad veranda of nearly 1000 feet overlooks Lake Michigan on two sides. Table always the best. Tha beautiful lawns, shrubs, flower beds, tennis courts and nearby sandy beach add to the enjoyment of Its guests. One can enjoy all the summer gaieties or find restful quiet among Its shady, sequestered surroundings. Tourists and transient guests have every attention. Dooklet free on request, Addrees Manager, 5 let Blvd. Lake Shore), Chicago, III. wutwuew w.us a-.us ujJCclIl alOiet The Virginia Absolutely FlreprooL Bates, Jl JO snd vp, A hlirb-clsss Transient and Residential Hoel. situated Is one of the mo.t select part, ct theclty. Rotundas a hvmool Mm iian.u ui.iuii. U..UIUU1 sisiuary aud cathedral bUii .JjJO bDdtomelyfurn..h.doutkide room., alnale or "uite! ;T Large bright Ulnmg H .11. with tin..t cui.ine. Iverr C)0v.n: . 1 l.fli1. that .nn.. . In h. n. ... . w . , . . . . ... .uw.. s.avMiiK patron, rar enout'O , 1 from city nnue tor restful quiet, yet within too minutes' walk i of bus ness center, bri.ht Drw ,t. c.r, (2 block, away) in $ 111 DUtCI tlkt VOU to IhA ihitnn ns ... i m