Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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MONET TO VOAti Payne Investment "o.
Mniof I loan an
J Crrs it husinrw property.
Rorm L Nsw Tork Llle PM
- - intU mt
WANTED City lean
Peters Trust Co.
WAKTID-CltT l"ns and warrant. W
Farr.ara aVnllh Co.. 1U0 Farnam "t.
.---- , . Ui-1
LOWEST RATES- Bemla. Pzton Bl'jch.
C2 6i7
HIGHEST pfcee for 2d-hsnd furniture, car
pet, clothes and snoee. TeL Doug Bl
BEST- price pet-1 for t-hand furniture, ftf
pata. ginn clOUimg, shoe. TaL Bad b-xO.
t 471
WANTED To buy In good Nebraska or
Iowa town. 1 or 1 Chair barber shop.
Address H. H- CottrelL Stuart. la.
i3d 47 Je Ik
ONE unfurnished room and alcove, or two
rooms. In go-id netghboihood, beat refer
ence. Tel. HArney l.tsV (28 U1
VOL" LP like to rent furnlened hotel tn
food torsnnft. Write Lock Box 15, Re
eling b. . Jo X
E?AkP and "room for iwn: private family;
. rfefBre.Ti.ea, Address O S5T, ear Bee.
COMPT.KTEI.T furnlahed house or apart
ment of six or mure room hy small
family: will be responsible fr all break
ae. but rent must be reasonable. Ad
dreaa K 543, care Be office.
( MMS Jx
DE?K ROOM or part of office. etulppeU
wth telephone and stenographer; con--sulUng
engineer. Address L 4. onr Be-e.
- t? MW 3x .
EXPERIENCED stenographer; excellent
- ref oreocee. Addreaa "I." Omaha Baa.
Courell Btuffa. ;. if.t ML
Marv H. Upjohn and husband to
t.enrce Tresiiar. lota 22. 13. H. aub
rttvsniim of lota t ft 2. 4. &. 4. 7. 8. .
' l'l. 1HL 17. 111. It. . 21. block It). Ber.iia
- -par . :.21i.)
V. C. Dalsell and busband to A. A.
. Johnson. !'" 15 and 11 blOClt 9.
CSI f tow HIM S."
Jamea a. Allen and wife to W. L.
' eelbr.- loha. block h and luta, Lln-
toln-place . ...j.
H. U. Butanachoen to- JoaepSi W.
KiaiieL iol- I. bHack L Crawford
aaMltion '..'.;..';."... 1.523
rlitiert R Pji Rt no tn rvni D. Glover.
part Jot 2. blork 12, B.-mia Park.... L"""
alary L Fnarun and, U unhand to John
M. Wat win. part tax lot 28. eec-
tmn' 21-15-U ..... I.I3
Florenge It. GUlloh and huaband to
Tillin Vf . VVarinii nart IW' (Inn !1. '
"1S-18 . A. .-.: Z3M
3 J. FfKeaernfl 'am -wife -o John
T - liti ja. hlnrk a. Albrlaht'a An
nex ... ..T;.. ..- : V
Rehena V. Michkrdel to Jennie M.
' - Jnftea nar n i Ritrtletf a atlfU
.-z'. - 3.23
Maaiinffa 4v iievden to Kliee Jacub-f
i lc litt 1. Haatinaa A Hcyden t
. 3d. . Wit ion r. 5Ki
! Z- Rad to.JohaiA Peareon. lot
a V bioc,ai JLrCteakr Kedlrk a adril-
eioflK.-., STj
Bertha, tonnatrh. to Cecelia Ruaer.
l-i 14. hlock 2. Wilcox 2d J.0n
Q.-.tii-51'llaj etial. $n Mr a. Alice R.
Hnherrn. -lot tUh ' block. . Deet
Park .. a.?-. JW
Anna p. Wrfaht nd husband to '
jAepMre H. ' WelaVnielleT; lota 1
and X Hock J. and lot J. hlock X.
nn liH . "bloc Tatt-ck'a Id addl-
t-n. lots
Jeff XV. Bedford Co. to Joseph
r-i-k.- "irfrf lt" . " hlock tsx.
OmnMa ...i..-1. 100
ie' Vltait and Wife et a!, to
- Hwv K ('- e l r lot STr block
11. Kum,e & R-rtfrN addition 1
... to.-V"er-' Kiewit et mi., Iht 2. -
h'K-lt 17. aaie :..-. ' 1
Ir-s Callahan and' nnhnt to Jamea
.Tmicw, eart lot and lot 7. block
n"--na- 1.10"
TanVi'e T . Farmer. t . J. Branweti. .
' . -.. a. Work i Faarf Pellnnea addl-
' ar 1
.- r'. i;nnedv and wtfe to JoacU T
Teat-', oarr Hit S. block' 21. E. V.
. Hr.ttl.-a addition " l.-f1
B-"n W. Haatlnaa et al. .to Marv
- ai(,.,,rt. pTt-lot9 and W. block
.'. annTit a.ljitlim .. 773
yn; (3. Andrewa to Ma-rTllxTnM.
'tr t. hiorli 1 South Omaha .Vn
J--pn2Cavottl; Pd wfe to FY-orla
T. Perkir iot 4. hlock 57.. Flor
ence an
. j.i( W Kuhne aod -fe to W. H.
- Borc,rflnaJl int T.. Marion Place.. i.Mn
jpRopoaALS TORTorsa horses-of-
" flee of the (juartermaster. Kanaas Tii.y.
Kane a." June 2, Ifk. Healed pttipoaala. In
trpllcatet win be reeetved at this office un
til 11 o'clock a. nr.. July 1, lis, and then
pened. in, the presence of attending bid
Asra. 'for fumtetimg 10U young horses for
Sellvery aft Krrt flena. Oklahoma, or other
prominent rallrowd polata. United
I asai i ml the right to accept or reject any
or kH bide or any part thereof. Blank
forma knd" all Information' can be had upon
ajHjlleaxiorv fx thtn.- cf.'h-e. Envelope cim
taing proxiaaa t ba marked Propota.a
fop - Aaliaata" and ' addreascd "Caplain
-Klrfcy Waikar.-tjuartermaster."
" J2-l-4-S-3!-Jyl
,4iai. tlBe- .
... Leave.
1 Overland Limiiud. a k au am
Tta Colorado Expnaa. .a pra
AUAmiu kxcreaa
a a ei pm
a liti pm
aj( -LS am
a S ou pm
a :lb pm
a i:4a pm
il H pm
a 4 pnt
a 7 36 am
b 1:49 pm
ail 18 pnt
aH':j pm
a 1:1 pin
a l it nu
a :4a am
a 8 ;j am
a S it) a.u
al2 pm
a k i mm
14 pm
a I a am
a a . am
alO tt am
a k.;il pm
a i S pnt
b i ru pm
b 1 4s pia
?oa Oregon Express. ...a 4:H) pra
he Los Anaeies Lm..aU.aa pm
Tfta Vast Wail ....... ..a .o am
, T China 4k. Japan
JU, ft 4: pra
Not Ui Vuutje LocaJ a 1 i un
f'olo.-CJili. ago 8pwclal...al2:l am
. Bea' til's A Strqrtua-
,. burg Local bi.1:J0 pm
Alki1 4t KatUaraatara i
Cbicaaw tmyxght a 7'JS am
S. Paul-Jatnn. aVap a 7.44 am
Chicago Local .-..-...ail: am
Sioux City Passenger.. a 7:S am
-4JhoaVtt fWMnnr a 4:3 pm
i uca- Spx:iai a tJ pm
. auk-Muia. I Jm. ...a I n pm
Loa Anaeles Llmiied....a it pin
u.eriaiid Limited ......mlJ uw yon
f aal Mail
jaioux,- .itx.Loal a I pm
lain City LlmUad. a s pin
Norfolk.-Boneateai .... 7:ii am
Linculu-Lung i-tne a 1 am
I!a Lincoln ...a 1 u psa
CiaKr-Ljirider .........a 1 i pm
V:a; mgs-Supertor b l i pia
KremuiU-Aiblon b S JO pm
llltaaAa t eitrak .
Chicago Exprfss , a T:15 am
C'cag i LUntted ..a eS pm
, X!nn.-St. Paul Exp... b 1 li am
Minn-rSu Paul Llm, ... .w pm
ft. IjjuiS Express a (.30 pm
b4 Leu; a LM.-ai (.(Tool
-Council biuftj) a I jd am
Btandlwrry LuaeU (lyvua
Council Blu'fal b it's pm
t ktouaaav AtUwaakM at !. Ia
Chic. Cohx Special. . A T 3 am
Ckl. A C-re. Eapreas a 4 ue pa
-Ovuriand Utultad a i pa
ferry Lucil : a i.U lis
a kia .Uraal ' Va aeteim
St. Paul-ailuiieapolU..... I X pm
SI raui-aiuanaaaMuAs .... 7 M am
CiiUaga- LimtbaaA... g.w pia
.foaa Aapeaaa 1 t ua
i iucaav svxprsah, l-M pm
.lllliiai I raalls
K L. S xp a a am
a I 4 pm
a t:A am
a ?3t am
ail 5 pm
a 1 a pm
a 8 at) am
all. us am
11 Si
11 J4
a 4.4s
a A .ay
K- C. A SC. I e-i pm
i Alaa. Jlaak. AaiaaA a, faalia
,.-. . &ABT.
Ofctcaga LimllsA ..lis sm all -eg
L W LaaaU . T a am a 4.J8
Lms Mutant f-asaangor-.a 4 ) pm al2:j
Iowa Utat .... tul.eaam k I.M
Jtz.1.. S pm II :i
4-awaa)M-s a e.iMpm a lAi
. c ..... -. WEif.
na.. Mouaiaa pea a t Ja
tuia. ak vaj tilirax .. 1 ! pin Ui
la A TtAa LA-'sas-.A ; tu a 1.1)
8 2J to
alius pm
bio is am
Champion! Return to Cinch Their
Lead for the Season.
Graham Bad Hall Probably wilt Be
Back la lb Aaai Before the
Teaaa f aarlailei Tale
Ca sepals'.
Graham and Hall probably will he back
In the a me before the Charaptone com
plete their June campaign at home.
The Champa are home from Denver and
ruf-ipfu end urain P'llfl .nil iii " 1
"!nton Street park Today. They flnlah
tnta eenea Thursday and play tn unooin
Friday. Saturday aaxi SuruUy. They re
turn te Omaha and play on same ,ere
with Lincoln June g. Denver come for
June t-12. Pueblo 13-l. SUmx City
June V-yi. and then Omaha leave, aeiin
for a long trtp.
The Champkina hnrl had their nercen
tae reduced on their trip west, but ye
turn with a larxe ern.ish lead on flrat
place t-3 dispel any f nra. They irot one
terrtr.o wafloptna; at Pueblo end two at
Denver, but the pitcblns staff being a lit
tle off watch, this may be eaaily accounted
for. The team probably did let down some
in Its work, a most teams do after a
long winning streak. But the entire team
Is working well, batting unusually hard,
running haaes. fielding and playing the
It aide game at all titrea. The long atay
at borne caa scarcely be expected to re
duce anything but a lead pipe cinch on
flmt placer-for before it la concluded Gra
ham probably will ba at secend and Hall
in the box. Hairs absence from the box
haa been much more keenly felt than ha
Graham'a continued absence. This, of
course, la due to the excellent work little
Kin haa been doing ftom the time the
firat gong rang.
Welch will step the plate Tuesday amid
the deafening plaudits of admiring home
folks. He not only stands al the top of
the league s batting list, but haa a record
close to .4(. .
Householder haa slumped aome In his
batting, and so hare other memben of
the team, but the team as a "whole has a
good average.
Lincoln, with which Omaha opna the
fray at home, haa a hard working team.
Jude. the Jndian from Columbus, nas
Joined the team since Its last vla.t hen,
and has infused additional ginger Into it.
Prttchett at third Is another new man
Omahans saw Lincoln play.
Here are the lineups:
Omaha. .
Autrey.... J? j""
Km Sr;',!;
Austin., .Tliitd ....
Franck f1,ort
Householder. -,.l-Le'ft ......
Welch -V,'"ltr ''
n.u R Eht ....
... Thomas
. Pritcliett
... Gagnlcr
. Davidson
.... Fenlon
.... Zlnran
... Sullivan
... Zackert
.. Johnson
cm-" v7 ' v
II ....
..Catch ....
, Pitch
Batrajv. Hall..
Tol Win Cloew Costcat
. INDIANAPOLIS. 1ml.; June L-Sutthoff
pitched a fine game today and lnd'n5P,'i
lost 1 to t In the seventh Toledo bad two
men on bases, but fndtana polls made a
triple play and thus held down the runs.
Score: . . .
B H.O.A.S. g.H.O.A.g.
- i i a j- n.h aa a 1 1 4 a
UinrhiHJ. 2b 4 t
1 8
Anab'ater. rt. 4 1
SmnM. cf 4
Land. 1 I
Howfclas. M.. 1 2
Har)ea. 4 1
0 (M.rr. ib 4
1 1 Daviilaoa. cf i
Hwi, I
a lUVililiml lb. 4
Liater. lb.." I 1 0 Htwkav b.; 1
Elw.-.. A -
eauaeft. ... 0 A kDnittot.
LIQOaax . . 1
Totals. at t IT W I -i -
om- " to-ala IS 27 14 a
IndlanapoUa 002?SJ
Toledo 0 0. 1 0 2
Struck out: By Druhot. 4; tiy Suthoff. .
Wild pitch: Druhot. Hit by pitched bill:
Elwert. Two base hlta; Bush. i. SacmiCi
hits: Hawley, Land; Hopkins. Poubie play:
Bush to Carr. Baaea on halls; Off Druhot,
2; off guthotf. 1 Triple plugr: Daviason to
arr to Hopke to V Ullams. Stolen baaea:
Williams. Hopkina. Balk, Druhot. Umpire;
Kane and Biernhalter. Time: l:a.
Brswara "Via la First.
MILWAUKEE. Jtme 1-Milwaukee won
the game in ilia tlrst Inning, when they
buncned four hlta with two errora. netting
sevea rune. The feature of the inning
waa Bevliie's home run with bases flileu.
gcnaeibrrg pitched magnificent ball, hold
ing tne visitors to one bit. Schneiberg hit
Cioss with a pitched ball tn the eighth.
This great! v enraged the rialtlng manager
and he picked the ball up and threw tt
with rill force straight at Schneiberg'a
face. Sc.lmelberg made a ruah for him, but
players Interfered before any blows were
a 4 K) pm
.a 4'lu nm
a 1 4i pm
a t.S pm
k 1 it nm
Derver A California
Noithweat Spatua, ..
VJ 1 .. . UUli .
a 4.1t pin
Northweal Expreaa
....all.W pn alJ.l pm
a Ik . a. i.
Neurasata poiuis
IlvlHHaa ... ...w i.
Nebraska Express a :la am a f:10 pm
. Kl .&r.n. .I..H
Uncoln raat Mali ..
au ae.u. yui
o t:ul am
alU:li pm
t lnAn)n 1 ACB
.uvviu i
Lincom Local .....
Lincoln Local
Schuyler - Plattsmoutk.D 110 pra
Eetlevue Plattsmcutn.a 1 .11 put
a-lattsxnautb - lowk b 8:18 am
a i to pm
blO:a) aui
a l am
1- l,evue - riaiiamuuui.
b 1 30 pm
a 7 :ui am
all:4i pm
iji pm
a 8.4) am
nlX iZ am
ail 38 am
a X am
a :la pm
Penvar Limited-
. A IU n.H
Chicago special .,
Chicago Express .
Chlcaajo Flyer ....
Iowa Local -
St. Louis Express
a 7:i am
.a 4.20 pm
.a 4 Su pin
a. 8:1a am
kanial I. IV
St, Joe..ai0:4s pm
St. Joe..a 8:1a am
Kansas City
Kaaaaa City A St. Juev.a 4.4a pm
Chlaaao. ft.
.h am
.a Xi pm
c 4.4t aia
b J io pm
ai am
ii! rm
Twin City Passenger.
Sioux City Passenger.
Emerson Local
Mlaassasl facta a .
Auburn Local
b 4 S4 pm bU a am
a Pally, b PaUy except Sunday, c Sun
day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Daily
aacepi Monday.
Par raat. aaleaaara ar bait
St saya ta teasel ea tsta
1 LirjE
- I To" AM!, the) ty Bsautlful.
vmsanis waswais
rasa Uallil aaaal limn
atw troaa ts rajiia tat a oava
wta Raws oa gigaatic twin saiew eanitss
iUiua a-rery TlaMia as a. aa.
These soatlra of aauoera tavextuaae aaae
all the oaawctiiessre aad luaury f ;atiat
palaiial aotcla oa a anure uauaenae acaic
rmaasnger eievator, roof cafe. pm&M'ua,
eicaaal suites aud stagLe apsrtiarnts: daily
aeaiaiiaper. orclaawira, wimua teterapsrf.
,hittiu ciitsiiie aaa a-ery pieinnaa bds
asucty aaU osin wy.
la lamiaa. "ua tt i la TLamaaa. JhT I
..Juaa 18 1 La Tuarasaa. JatT 8
..Juae at I La aawtasM Jair it
ttwtr ia
BURkl a. Suukka,
A A katNuu, .
tat. B. - -
W li tiaviPSON. "
k.l k.iiaa-
s-M auMAl. MAY U. L.e.
daavy. cue
iiiaaisisaaia far assvr at
aaawss ana ssMa aaw.a as
- , . wwaa SL
- -. . haia kv
. . . Um t waa la.
-- ' - U.l ruaaa SS.
W L. Prt. W U P"t.
Omaha 11 Indian p ile. .. IS !
Piomx City.. S3 14 .57? Lomsvtna .. a ! .(,:
Invr ....a 17 .IM Toledo J2 17 .V-4
Lincoln .... rj 1. .ivxolumbiis ...22 21 M2
Des Moines 15 R .3T5M'lwaukee... t
Pueblo lu i7 Minneapolla.lS ;i .47S
Kansas Citv.l U
8t. Paul U 3rt .3.
W U Pet. W. L. Prt.
Chicago 3 14 .ri:2 New Tork. 30 li &n
Philadelphia 1 14 .6h. Detroit 17 .Ml
Pittsburg ...! .,S4a Philadelphia, 21 18 .W
Cincinnati .. 17 51 Cle-eland 1 VM
Nw Turk... 1 17 St. Louia 3 H .is
Boston is 1 .4 I'hli-ago 1 1 i
St. Ivula . 2 .1 Wasmngton 17 21 .47
Brooklyn ...11 21 .SU. Boston 13 d .STs
Western LeagueLincoln at Omaha. Pes
Moines at Lenvr, Sioux City at Pueblo.
National- League New Tors, at Boston.
Philadelphia at Brooklyn. Pittsburg at Chi
cago. Su Louie at Cincinnati.
American League Chtvagii at St. Louia,
Cleveland at Detroit. Washington at Phila
delphia. Boston at New York.
American Association Columbus at t.ouia-
Tllle. Toledo at Indiaoapol'a. Ku City at
Milwaukee. 8U Paul at Minneapolis.
struck. Cross was put out of
and off the grounds. Score:
B H O A S.
th game
B H 0 A t.
gntrtaaoa. as. 4 1 1 H!lmn
i a i
Oma. rt .... 4 X 1
rrnae. aa
M't'kem'y. If 4 l
Won. aa
IRe-air. lb..
1 4 Branrar, .a.
1 VNctattbon. rf
S 0Donie. 3h...
a .Hmlii If
Baiemao, cf.. 4
BeTill. e I
MH-orm k. 2b 4
Clara. Sb 4
Brown, lb I
S daubers, p I
I 11
Oituillvaa. e...
Teuia a in 1 I Kttaoa.
Z7 1 34 14 I
Ran for Cross In eighth.
Milwaukee 700000 7
Kansas City 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 ii
Two-base hit: Clarke. Home iin:
Beville. Sacrifice hits: Beckley. Double
plays: Mct'ormick. Brown to Robinson:
Jitson. Cross to Becklev. Left on bases:
Milwaukee. 4: Kansas City. 4. Bases on
halls: Off Schnt-lbery. 4; off Kllson. 1.
Hit by pitcher: Cross. Beville. Struck out:
Bv Schneiherg. 4; by Kitson. 2. Time: 1:X
Umpire: Hayes.
Colaaabaa De-feats Distillers.
LOUTSCV1LLE. Ky June 1. Columbus
won the opening game of the series with
Lotilsvllle today by hatting Puttnion off
the slab in the seventh Inning and scoring
seven runs. Upp was also relieved in the
same Inning by Jack Taylor. The batting
of Cnngalton and fcruger was the featurw.
LOl'liVtLLB COl.rklBt s
B H O A S. B M O A K.
stanler. cf. I 1 1 1 SKraser. If ... I I A' 1
Wowtrmff, If. I 1 J r foewell. cf....l 1 t 1 S
Perrlne. 2b. . S 1 I 2 Sronsalton. rf I 4 1 1
stovaii. rf
kite j ll mm. lb 4 t 1
SulliTaa. lb..
Burse. Sb...
Cutnlan. ea..,
Ftuahaa. c...
I IU 4 OFrtel. 3b. i
12 14 M Rally, aa i
1 1
4 t
14 2 1 Uamea. r. I i 1
1111 WrialfT. Ib.. I 1 1 I
Pwimana. s. X 1 1 I fpt. a. 1 1
Poole. 1 0 4 Tailor, a 1 t
Touts a 18 XT 14 4 T?!S 34 14 I? 11 I
Louisvtllw 1 v o ll 0 1 2 04
Columbus 1 0 0 0 7 1 08
Stelen bases: Congalton, Friel. Sacri
fice hits: Perrlne. Upp, Kihm. Sullivan,
Wrtgley. Two-base hits: Kniger. Wrfg
lev. Three-base hit: Kruger. Double
plavs: Kilhm lunassisted), Stanley to
Burke. Friel to Kihm. Struck out: Bv
Puttman. 2; bv Upp, I; by Taylor, I. Bases
on balls: Off Poole. 2 in two and two
third Innings; off Upp. 9 in six snd one
third Innings; off Taylor. I In two and two-
tbird innings. Lart on bases: Ixmsvllle,
8:' Columbus, &. Time: 2:00.
Owens. .
Bogats Allows tke laws Bays Oaly
Oaa 8a fa Hit.
CREST N. Ia., June L iSperlal ) The
Stors Coroxiaa of Omaha administered id
ather beating to the locals in a game that
waa spectacular from, start to finish- Ku
cara's stop, cutting off a run. McLean's all
around playing and Smith's catches ot three
difficult flies in center were easily the
fielding features, wane Hodge s three-beau
hit was the batting feature of the game.
Bogatta waa In splendid form, allowing but
one bit arid atriking out five man. Score:
A3.U.O.A.I. AB.H O A E
McLean. Ib.. A 1 I i ORaynolea. a. 1 u I g
yraar. e.... 8 1 t SDwoew, o 8 1 e
Kill. 2b (Ill IW-Un. lb...-. A 0
Haiktea. lb.. 4 U 0 IWaraoasa, ri. 4 ! 4 :
Kutvura, aa.. 111 WrKmn. cf . 4
Hodae. it.... Ill vflraa. tb 4 0 4 1 X
Bando. rt 8 1ft. Harnawr. it.. 4 1 0':
Smith. f 1 I Clones, lb 102
Bocaua. a 4 8 8 1 Towns. lilt
Toiala XI 8 XT IX X Totals. ... W XT Ll 4
Bando out for cutting second.
Stors Coronas 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 1 03
Creaton 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 01
Earned runs: Coronas, L Two-base hit:
Towne. Three-base hit: Hodge. Baaea on
balla: Off Kucera t2, Ferater and Key
noida. Hit by pitched ball: Towne. Hodge
and Smith- Struck out: By Bogauts, i; by
Towne, 8. Stolen bases: McLean. 2; U ark
ten. Kucera 3). 8mlth. Sacrifice hits:
Bando t!i. Ferster. Reynolds, Depww.
Double play: Towne to Welsh. Time: 1:46.
Umpire: Sullivan.
Lee-4alasa-Aadreesra Teaas Defeats
Saath Osiaks.
The Iee-Glsse-Andreesen defeated the
South Omaha Slara 7 to 2 yeaterday after
noon, ut Vinton St. park before a crowd
of seven hundred of faithful fans. Burnett
wsa In fine foim allowing only three bits,
issuing but one pass, and getting three sate
hits. The colored boys were game to tne
last, although outplayed and with a little
more practice can be considered worthy
opponents fur any of Omaha s fast ama
teurs Next Sunday the hardware men play
au Atlantic, la. Score:
AB.H 0 A C. AS) H.O.A g.
Casey. If 4 1 1 4UaiT. rf... 4
Laalar, tb... X X I I lWlaxina. lb.. I T 1
Hau!iarlr. as I I Suavia. as 4 1
Mmiaaa. lb.. X X X '.Whaler, e... 4 1 4 1 J
Oibaua. cf ... a 1 (Jackass, lb.. X 1 4 1
Kaarr. rf ... 4 1 STrwr. e 4 1 I I
C. Ciair. lb. a 8 1 1 William.. If. 4 A 1 1
A Clair, a.-.. 411 t rrvaman. 2D. X 1 '.
Bisacu. a... 4 I SHsrs. lb 1 4 s
Las, s I 1 1 1
Totale XB 7 17 14 1
To all 11 a :i 8
L. G. A. 2 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 7
Stars 0 10 0 0 4 0 4 1-2
Two base hlta: Casey. Struck out. by
Burnell, 2, by Lee, 5. Stolen baaea: Lawlar,
1: Daugherty. Mlnikua, .'; Gibson, C. Clair.
Jackson. Tyler. Lee. Double plays: Tyler
to Freeman. Rases on bails, off Bunnell.
1; olf Le. X Hit by pitcher: C. Clair. Uib
son snd Jackaun. Wild pilch: Lee. Passed
bail. Whaley. Time: t.M. Umpire Shana
Uao. '
Baaa biers Defeat HosTaaaaa la Gasae
Wkais the Baaea Warked.
The Ramblers won an Interesting game
Sunday rrom the Hoffmana, score 4 to 1.
Jauron and Mason, the opposing slabsmen,
performed In good style, each allowing four
luta and atriking out fourteen baismen.
Jauron. however, kept his hits well scat
tered and received far better support. In
addition to his exceilant pitching Journu
clouted out a two-sacker in the sixth in
rung. This waa tha first hit of the dav
for the Raunolera and ll waa followed by a
combination of hits and errora that cinched
the game. Corcoran a spectacular one
handed catch at abort was a feature.
I "D A K. IB U d.l l.
rbaas. lb..... 8 1 Auau.ktss. c4 4
luaal, a. 4 1 I ki orroraa. as. 4 1 X I
Collins. If ... 4 14 slaalaar, Ik. . X X X I
T utile, Ik 411 IBcaaa. If 4
Swsna. rf.... 111 4 jaoa. lb X 1 I I
Coirtsaa. aa,. X 1 X Hi!.ama. t. 4 14 1 1
Sam. cf 8 ICseroraa. It. 4 1
Baaur. a.
..8 1 11 X I Ma
.. a i i a
luWM. p.
8 18 1 Doaaoe. lb. 8 a 4 8
Totala.... IJM 1 Tauia XX 4 XI 4
Baiterlea: Ja iron and Badura. Mason
and Wiiliama. Struck out: By Mason. 14:
by Jauron, 14. Bases on balls: Off Mason.
1, off Jaurr.n. 1 Two-base hits: Jauron,
Corcoran. Time: l.Jo. Umpire: Mullen.
Xa Track Teaaa C'aptala.
IOWA cmr. la.. June L tSpeciaL) laaac
E. Stut ama a. Iowa a star discus taroakan.
has kacu eteetcd captain of next year
Hawkeys track team. Tha '04 leader baa
demnaatratsd in one season on the Iowa
traoa team that ba is oaa of the met con
sultant aiacus turowars in tlie midaia wear,
winning the event In tne Minnesota dual
meant, tha Missouri valley meet and the
Iowa atata meet. In ail prooaiMlitf 8t ute
rus n will enter the conference meat Juila
a Marshall field. The aew Iowa track cap
tain plated tacala en last fail's ball
team, Ua came to lowa from Wessura eul
as a Jnu.ur ia u.e Cuiicge ut Liberal
Pittsburg's Fieldinj it Cleaner sad
Stick-Work BetUir.
Tk Ird Baweaaaw Makes Twa 14
Baas, a. Tr4pl aad Single
Sewrea mt Other 5atlaaal
Lraja - (iaara.
CHICAGO. June ?. By a triHe cleaner
fielding and much better hitting. Pittsburg
defeated Chicago t t I today in a see-saw
game. Leach'a batting was the feature. H
got two home runa. a triple and a single
and scored four limes out of flva times up.
B H 0 AS
onr. rt... 1 1
Iarti. Sb ... I 4
lark. It .. t t
Wagner, aa. . I i I
rer, lb 1 s i e
"Shekam, If . I t
s. kulte. rt .. 4
anotman. Ik I
l S' em relit. Ik
Howard, et... 4
1 1 0
i ii a
a t 1
a o I a
sb tlrklo, 11.4 I 1
Has. Ik. I
I S4
wilioa. cf
Olraoa. c.... 114
Xaadox. .... 14 1
Tinker, aa.
1 yraer. a...
Brown, p...
11 R 12 !l-oacre ...
Tots la.
l e e 4 a
IS 7 3 ll t
'Batted for Fraser In eighth.
Chicago , o 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 04
Pittsburg 1 0 1 4 2 0 0 4 04
Two-base hits: Sheckard, Wagner. Three
base hit: Leach. Home runa: Leach. 2.
Hits: Off Fraser. 11 in eight innings. Sac
rifice hits: Kllng. Evers. Mofmsn. Schulte.
Stolen bases: Leach O. Kane. Sheckard,
Moeller. Clarke. Left on bases: Chicago. 8.
Pittsburg. 8. ,F1rst base on balls: Off
Fraser, 4; off Maddox. S. First base on
errors: Chicsgo. 1: Pittsburg, 1. .Hit by
pitched bail: By Fraser. Maddox. Struck
out: By Fraser. !: by Brown, 1; by Mad
dox. 4. Wild pitch: Fraser. Time: J.'si
Umpires: Johnstone and Klem.
Bvstea ksta Oat ew Yark.
BOSTON. June L Boston won the first
game of their long home rertes from New
York todsy. 4 to Porner was rather wild,
but received excellent support, while Wilts
did not fsre so welL Score:
B.H.O A.g. B.H.O A.g.
Brewne. rf... 4 I X Shannon, rf . . I A 1
Beaumont, cf I 1 I Tennsr. lb... I 0 11 a
Bsiea. If I IX C Dentin. It ... 4 1 1
Mrtiann. lb. . I li Ofke.mour. ... 4 1
Bower man. e. 4 X X ( Nsr4haaa. .. 4 1 4
RHrker, 2k. . 11X4 ODaTlln. 3b.... 8 i 1
Oanlea. aa. .1 1 X 8 Doris. Ib I X
Sweeney, lb . I 18 Nivalin. m...t 1 1
Dornsr, ....! Owmae. p X 1 1 X
skerkle 1 0
Antals 88 mil I
Totala 88 4 X4 II 1
Batted for WUtse In ninth.
New Tork ..0 0 0 0 4 4 0 4 04
Boston i. 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 4
Two-base hits: Bowerman. Beaumont.
Sacrifice hits: Ritohey, Daalen. McGann.
Sweeney. Dorner. Bates. Stolen base: Batea.
Double plays: Ritcisey. Dahlen to McGann.
Dahlen, Rltchey to McGann: Shannon to
Needhara. Left on bases: Boston. S; New
Tork. 8. Basea on balls: Off Porner, 4: off
WUtse, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Porner.
L Struck out: By WUtse. 1; by Dorner. L
Ttme: 1:3. Umpire: O Day.
Caakera Bsnch Hlta.
BROOKLYN. June L Philadelphia won
today s game hero In the opening Inning by
timely hitting. A stolen base followed by
Moren'a bad throw and a single netted
Brooklyn one run tn the third. Score:
B.H.O A S B.H.O A S.
Knabe, lb.... a 1 7 OHnmmel. if. . i 114
Conn, Jb..... 4 t 1 T OShohan, lb.. 4148
Titus, rf I t 1 -SLuinlay, DT. .. 4 0 10
Masee, If .'. 4 II Jorlaa. lb... I 1 17 S
Ossorn. of... 1 8 4 bewls. aa 118
Branaflalo. lb 4 114 VPsttee. Ib....8 X 8 1
Dosha, as.... X 1. - tataJaaer. cf.. 2 1
Doom, c 441 IBM-sen. e X 9 X 8
Mores. 4 81 laklntrra. p. . X 1 1
Totals 31 Jill f Total inn I
Philadelphia T.S 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 02
Brooklyn 4 1 0 0 4 0.0 01
Two-base hlta: Courtney. Magee. Jordan.
Stolen base: Malaney. Left on bases:
Philadelphia, 7; BrW.ttrii, 2. Ba'es on balls:
Off Moreu. l; off iclntyre. 1. Hit by
pitched baii. By MciiHyre. 2. Struck out.
By Mclntyre. 1; by Mm, 4. Time: 1:3.
Umpires: RJgler andRudderham. .
Eves Bresiia ClsclssaU.
CINCINNATI. Jana L-Ht. Louis and Cin
cinnati split even on a double-header today,
although Manager Garsel protested the sec
ondgam e on the grounds that Umpire
Emails erred in allowing Hlggtnbotham to
bat a second lima after he had struck out
while batting out of turn. Timely hitting
won the first game fhr Cincinnati. In the
second game Higgiabof.iam kept the locals'
hits scattered. Score, first game:
8 H O A R. B H O A.g.
Huaxlna. :b
I 1 1 SB.rrr. rf I 8 X
Kane, rf 1
Lohert. lb ... I
Mltcnell. rt.. 4
Oaatet. lb.... 4
Mi Lean. c... 1
Brain. If 4
Hulawltt, as.. I
Csjapbsl!, p..t
I 1
Br.-ne. Ib 4
4 Murray, cf . . 4
Oelvfcantr. If. 4
AKoniHchr lb. 4
0 Ludwla. e X
Hir Rmjrks, as. 4
1ltan. 2b... I
Hoslanrr ... 1
1 4
Beaosv s X
Totals . 37 7
Totals 84 8 34 10 I
baud for Gilbert In ninth.
Cincinnati 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
SL Louia 0 0 0 4 1 0 4 1 02
Three-base hit: O'Rcurke. Sacrifice bits:
McLean ill. Huggir.a. Double play: Mit
chell to McLean. Baaea on balla: Off
Campbell, 1; off Beebe. 2. Struck out: By
Campbell. 2; by Beetle. Wild pitch: Beebe.
Time: 1:38. Umpire: Emslle.
Score, second game:
a u o a w
B.H.O A S.
Shaw. rf.
12 1 0 Ruffian. 2b..
I 1
I 4
I 8
8 8
Brrse, Ik a 1 1
Murray, cf. .. 4 J
Dalebanly. It. X 1 1
Konalc fcr. lb. 4 I JA
Hostetter, .. 8 4
O Roarkw. aa. 8 8
OUhart. lb.... 4X4
HlgBiaaav p4 1 8
I SKanc. cf
ILooert. lb...
Saltcnall. rf.
ooanaet. lb
I aOcblet. c
4 3-a- If
4 0 Hulawltt. m
4 ftgpaiie. p
TotaU At 8 XT 15 2 Totala 11 11 I
Gilbert out for Higglnbotham batting out
of turn.
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 04
St. Louis 4 0 1 0 4 4 4 4 01
Two-base hits: Kane. Gilbert. Sacrifice
hits: Gilbert. Hostetter. Stolen bases:
Shaw (2), Byrne. O Rourke. Double play:
Scalel to Ganzet. Bases on balls: Off
Spade. 4: off Htggnnboiham. 2. .Struck out:
By Spade. 3; by Higglnbotham, 1 Wild
pitch: Spade. .. Tltpe: 1:40. Umpire:
Philadelphia Wlaa from Washlaprtaa
la Secaad laalasj.
PHILADELPHIA June L Philadelphia
won toaay a game in the second inning
when sia runs were scored on four hi;,
two passes, a wild pitch and an error by
Delehamy. Catea who relieved Smith tn tiie
third, held the home team down, but Wash
ington could not niaka any headway on
Piknk s pitching. Scure:
B U ll I I B.H O A E.
Hanaal. If . I Milan, rf-lf . . 1 a
K. Coins, tb 4 I X
a vitamer, it... s o o.
X lPlikrrins. cf. I 1 .
1 nsiehasir, Xb 4 I 4 7 t
l antral e a t a l a
Nti boU. as. . 4 1 4
Dans, lb I 1 T
J. Cilliua. 8b 4 I
Cooaaba, rf . .. 4 I 4
Powsr. a 8
Moras, d 1 1
Plaiui- s alt
4 dCirmar. rt 1 a a I
1 Fraamas. 14 . 1 4 It 1 4
Mi arias, aa . 4 1 8 8
X ocntk. lb.. I I I
nniitn. p.
. I
. i a
Total 81 1 Z! irataa. p.
Totala U I 14 3 1
Batted for Freeman in ninth.
Waahlngton 4 4 4 0 1 4 4 4 0-1
Philadelphia ' 4404404 -4
Hits: Off Smith. 4 in two Innings: off
Cates. 4 In sis innings. Two base rat: Mc Stolen . bases: Moran. Delenaniy.
Left on baaea: Wasmngton. ii. Plula ielpuia,
6. Struck out: Bv Catea, 2: by Plank, A
Double plays: Ps-ienanty. MeBritte and
Freeman. Street, and Delehamy. Base on
errora: Washington. 1; Philadelpnia. 1. Base
on balla: Off Smith. 2: off Catea. 2. Hit by
pitched ball: Plank. I. Wild pitch: Smith.
Tims: l:m Umpire: Connolly.
iw Yark ghats Oat Baataa.
NEW TORK. June 1. New Tork shut
out the Boston Americans by a scora of
t to e today, Chesbro pitching a fine game
and tha local fielders giving him errorless
support- Score;
B U.O.A A IJ O ll
ilaa. 2b 4 s 8 X uM'CaaasIL Xb 4 S 1 8 8
Kaatar. at ... 8 1 1 8 a Lor, lb 4 I
HenasuiH. cf. I I I Craalk. If... I X
l-fcaas, lb 4 1 8 OiJaaar. it . I I f I
SLaSl. 11 4 4 1 iastaub. lb.. I 4 1 ti I
Bail, as -.4 4 4 8 ailiaa. ot.. I 8
caaray. k .. I t 1 IWasaaa. as... a 14 8 1
Klataaw. S... 8 8 8 8 a 1 8 1
Ckaacaw. p... 8 14 4 ICsoua, p 8 14
Taiale. 81 81 It Totals 88 4 1 M I
Poston .:. 444gg a
Saw Tork .n 4 4 4" 4 4 J
Three-base hits. HrUiruiH, Gtrasier, Kiel
now. Sn"rflfe hits: Keeler. ful'lvsn.
Cnger St.ilen hnsee: Nire III, Clrotte.
Ie:t en iMiiw-s: Boetoe. . New Trirk. 7
First base on bail': Cf C'hesbr". t r"lrt
base on; Sew York. .1 Struck eut
Bv chbeo . Wild tuich. I "bee tiro). Tims:
1 J5. I mpires: O'Loughliil and Esan.
Wkltssst Defeat Bra waa.
ST. IICIS. June L la a game replei
with hits and errors Chkaan defeated St
lyouia this afternoon ty a cfre of 8 to A
Each team used three pitchers. V"!th the
bsses full In the severth inning Pelty hit
Ponnhue. letting in a ruti. Bsiley was sept
in to relieve Plty, but he fere be emjld
settle down Chicago hsd scored fo'ir more
runs snd assumed a lead tne Iocs, could
not overcome. Score:
CHlCAcm. ' ST. LOtts
B H O A 1 B.M.O.A S.
Hahn. If A 8 8 one. If. ... 4 1
T Josea. rt . 4 I X 1 INifau, rf . 4 1 1
Da.ta. 4 I I I Williams, tk. 4 1 8 4
n' aon. Tt. I 1 I aHanapil. aa.. 4 14 4
rionnhua. Ik.. t 'I t I' Stiwe4la r. rt 4 1 1 1
Parwil. wj.. . 8 I I ST Jonas, lb. X 111 1
Tanneklll. Ik 4 I
si!iran. e... X I
"n, p 1
Smuk 1
1 1 Kama, 4b..
I S Sosacer, e.
X aUrsham. p..
ar. Jos-S...
i s Crim . ...
4 t I I
. a i
, i
i t
4 4
"Aia ...
Masel. s
Shaw. r.
. 1
. I 1
X t rnr. p .
X ri Bailer. P
Totala ,
...84 1 XT f
Totala X 11 !1
ratted for B.Klcv in the nlnti.
Batted for Grahsm In the sixth.
Bstted for Owen In the fifth.
Batted for Manuel tn the seventh.
Chicago 1044140408
SL Louis 141301400 4
Two-base hit: HahE H'ta: Off Owen;
4 tn four Innings; off Manuel, 2 In five tn
r.ngs; off Graham. 8 In six innings; off
Pelty. 2 In one Inning: off Bslley, 4 in
three Innings. Sacrifice bus: F. Icnes.
T. Jones, stone, Ferris. Shaw. Left on
bsses: Chicago. 8, SL Louis. 4. First base
on balls: Off Graham, 1. Hit with pitched
bail: By i.raham. 1, by P.-IIy. I. ?ti-ick
out: Bv Bailer, 1; bv Graham. 1: bv Owen.
1; bv Manuel. 2: bv Walsh. 1. Time: 2:15.
Umpires: Hurst and Evans.
Mas Beach Their. Hlta.
DETROIT. June 1 Cleveland's hitting
was of itself enough to decide today s re
sult. Six men consecutively found Sum
mers In the fifth, four of them for extra
base drives. Detroit gave its pitcher
wretched support. Its errors of Judgment
being especially numerous and costly. Two
games on Tuesday. Score;
a h .. g. a n. o a k.
J. Clarke. If. 4 I Mclntvra. If.. I 8 11
Bradler. lb.. 1 1
Pemnt. lb. .41
storail. Ib... i X IX
Laloie. tb ... 8 8 8
N Clark, a. 4 2 8
Hinchman. aa 8 1
Hlrkmas. rf . I I I
Blnn'kaai cf. 4 I I
Rbaadea, p... 4 1
8 ISrfcwefsr. as.. 8 8
X PKuiKfT. aa. .. 1 1
1 ll rrawfwr. cf. 4 1
"Cob, rl 4 8 18
I Roaamsa. lb. 4 I IX X
X K'ouaniin. Ib. 4 1 I I
1 Ifknmldf, o... X I X X
1 ft Down. : ! 1 t 4
X 1 Summers, p.. 118
Mai lor. p.... 8 1 8
14 11 14 1
Totala Is Hill I
Detroit .. 0 1 4 0 0 4 0 01
Cleveland ... 1 4 1 I 0 4 0 24
Two-base hits: Bradley, Lajoie. H inch
man, Hickman. Three-base hits: Rosaman.
N. Clarke. Home run: Birmingham. Hits:
Off Summers. 10 in five innings; off Malloy.
4 tn four innings. Sacrifice hits: Downs.
N. Clarke. Hinchman. Stolen base:- J.
Clarke. Pouhle plays: Lajoie to Stovaii;
Rhoades. Lajoie in Siovall. Bases On balls.
Off Summers. I; ofl Rhoades, i First bsse
on errors: Detroit, 2; Cleveland. A Struck
out: By Summers. 1: by Malloy, 2. Time:
1:41k. Ltnplre: Sheridan.
Aaaerleaaa Defeat FN 1". A. Teaaa la
Prise Game.
The Americans demonstrated their su
periority over the Fraternal Uhlon of
America In a hotly conteeted game by a
score of 2 to 4 for a purse of $To at Vinton
street park Sunday. Both teams played
fine ball considering the condition Of the
grounds. The game was a pitchers' battle,
honors being even between Denny and
Hirsch. The brilliancy of both oitchers
were the startling points of the game..
Score :
1B H..I.A X AB.H O A K
Conahlla. if. I 9 2 . CLetir. Ib 4 X 4
1 1 1 Baker, as V A i l
lk oHajnllton, Ib 4 4 1 X
98. Qfikaa, cf. 4 4 4
I A' Oaoaa. 4 8 W- 8
i 3 Sktsrphr. ft... X
8 4 8 SHiraci. p...": 8441
111 tOBrtea. rf..S 4 8
12 8 1 InsM, lb. I 4 4 8 a
b.... 4
t. cf X
Sweener. Ib.. I
Fos. rf I
Caaalar. a ... I
Denny, y 8
Totals. ... ,27 ill: I Totals 81 8 24 14 4
Americans 0 4 0 0 1 4 I 4 "2
Fraternal Union .r .0 4400040 00
Earned ran: Americana. 1. Two-base hit:
Baker. Stolen base-: Lehr. Baeeav aa-Uallai,
Off Lnny. 2; off Hirsch. L Hit by rrtehed
ball: Lynch, Sweeney. Penny. Struck eait:
By Denny, 4; by Hirsch, A Sacriftc- hits:
Pennison. Caughlan. Time: 1:20. I mplre:
Oaa Gasae Paatpoaesl aa Aeeaaat a
Wat Graaaas.
Following- were the results Sunday In
tha City league: Benaon, lJ; Florence. A
Merchants. &; Townaenda. 4. Diets associa
tion. 10: Sterling. 0. The Stock Yards and
Diets Athletics did not play an account of
tha wet condition of the grounds. Follow
ui g la the score of the yrrc bants and Town-
AB.H. O A B.
AB.H 0 A C.
Heae. as 4 1 4
Wmto. ;k 41
M' Penal, a I 11
Metum, lb .. A 1
Moeller. rf... 4 9
Co, lb a X I
RaneaoTtta. If 8 1 1
la.'lowan. rf. 8
Wallinc. P-- 18 8
Rlallr, n 2 1
I llmark. lb... 1 1 r
I I Elliott. 3D .. 4 I X 1 4
1 Lrworak. :b . 4 X I
4 OUuiaia.. u... 4 181
a Kill, rf 4 114
I Knictit. cf, as 4 1 X 8
t Brawn, a 4 X
Yonna. aa. cf. I 8 X X 8
I Croaa. p I I i I I
kosaa. rt
Totals 8 IH11 1
Totals at 8 XT U 1
Merchants 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4
Townaenda 4 0 0 0 4 4 0
Two-base hits: Ribenovlts, Hill. B
on balla: Off Walling. 1: off Rielly. 1; otf
Cross. J. Struck out: By Walling. 1; by
Rielly, : by Cross, 7. Time: I. to. Um
pire: Geisen, -
Barwell Wlaa
BL'liWtLL, Neb., June L Special.
A fast and exciting gams was p'syed her
Sunday between tha Burwell Tigers snd
Sargent. Burwell acored only in the first
Inning, after which no more runs were
made by either team. Score: R.H.E.
Burwell I 4 0 0 4 4 4 04 7 2
Sargent 0 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 0-4 S I
Batteries: Can-other and Laird for Bur
Weil, Alexander and Deafenbaugh for Sar
gent. After the game Thursday the sporting
blood began to flow and supporters f Ilia
Sargent team came through with the "long
Sreen " that their team could not be again
efeated by Burwell on the following day.
Their money was quickly taken and a game
mat. lied. Burweil having acquired the s.iut
out habit handed them another package.
Carrot here pitched great bail when men
were on bsse a Score: R.H E.
Burwell 0 4 2 0 0 0 2 0 0-4 I I
Sargent 9 0 0 0 0 0 4 04 1 4
Batteries: Burwell, Carrot hers and Laird:
Sargent. Alexander and Deafenbaugh.
Hoe to re Beak Haapes.
I ue rwviur uaaw nan ivaiu ui diiuui a
Omaha returned Morjlay morning from a
victorious trip out to Hooper. Neo., having
defeated the local team there by the score
of 4 to X. This is the first game the Hooper
team haa lost this season, and the frst
time ever beaten by an Omaha team. The
Honors are loud in their praise of tr
t raat men t received at the hands at ths
Houper team and assure all teams a good
time and a fast game.
Tha Hoctors secured three hits off Bulger.
while McMasters waa touched up for seven.
but Ins support was r-lt-edged. the Hoclora
making flv raat double playa during the
game. The Hoctors would like to hear
f rum out-of-town teams for Sunday games.
a-so for July A
The score:
R-H. E.
Hoopers 0 14140014-4 7
Hoctors ' 0 0 4 4 1 1 2 0 44 t 4
Batteries : Bulger snd Jensen; - McMas
ters and Cleans.
Aaaerleaaa ta Attead Shaat.
LONDON, June L The difficulty which
threatened to deprive the rifle snooting con
test ui the Olympic gamea at Btaley this
yesr of the presence uf American marks
men has been overcome, and representa
tives of the United Statea after ail will
participate in the matchea. that tha
Olympic association was unable lo prolong
the dale of entry. Ih National Rir.S asso
ciation of America cabled Its list of names,
snd in reply the Olympic association cabled
Ul is afternoon that it will accept the entries
if they ar mailed today on regulation
Including tha United Statea. ten nationa
will ba repraaaoiied. tr.e others beuig Great
Britain. France. Denmark. Greece. Sweden.
Norway, Australia. e inland aad Holland.
Tss Wat fas Caaal(aew.
The matched gams ef gulf which waa to
have been, played yesterday afternoon at
the Suul.i Omaha Country club between
two mckedteama waa paietponed on ac
count ol l-e unse'tied ronirumi of the
weather. - Tha coals a mill be pulled al f
next Oundaj.
Another Bij Clsisic 0t to Keene
Tlssg Caasssaada felt steps llle aaa
Qaarter la 9i4 1-3 Bel
ssaat's Falrplay Is
' Seewasl.
NEW TORK. June 1 Cheered bv more
tran 2.f)no persons, Celt, a 1-year-old colt
rearing ths popular colors of James R.
PTeene. won the twenty-second running of '
the Brooklyn handhap. on of the classic
events of the American turf, at the Graves
nd rare track today. He did tt easily,
but at the same time msde a new record
for the race snd the Gravesend track,
stepping ths distance, one mile and a
quarter, in 1:011. Fa r Play. August Rel
mrnfl gallant !-var-ol!t. which ran a
splendid racs against Colin on Saturday In
the Belmont stake, was second, and
Mister Robert was third. The value of the
take was t3.flP0.
The Gravesend course was packed with
people eager to see the running of the
handicap; wrttch, with the Suburban and
ths Futurity.. Is regarded aa one of the
great contests for thcroughbreda of the
year. The weather was clear and pleasant
and the track was fast.
When the bugle sounded for the race
there was a sound of apfilaiise for the
favorite Keen colors a Celt came out
of tha paddock to go to t?-e poatL Ridden
by Notter. ha aanteted past the grandstand,
looking ths winner that he proved to be.
At the start he was second tn get away,
but after the first Tialf mil lie led hU
field and from that time to the finish be
never was In danger, winning with tha
greatest ease In new record time for tha
race and the course on which It was run.
As he came down the stretch, well ahead
and almost eased up by his jockey, a great
chser -went up from the throng tn the
grandstand snd on the lawns. With Celt
rt easy winner, the apectaculsr festure of
the race waa the fln!ah..of Fair P'.ay and
Master Robert, the former managing to
maintain second place by a scant half
length from the still fast oncoming Master
Tha ExpsttRn stakes for 2-yesr-olda
was won by Harry Payne Whitney's Cllf
fcrd gelding Blackford, which finished a
nose In front of A. B. Spreckle's Torbelllno.
Ross Fenton wss third.
Rose ben came back to forrt today and
won the first event, at six futfenis. by a
he4d. from Berry Maid. 8ummnry:
First race, handicap, a!! ages, about six
furlongs: Hose ben il. Notter, 12 to 5) won.
Brry Maid (Ha. Lee. 7 to 1) second. King
Cobalt (111. McCaney. S to ll third. Time:
1:1".- Demund. Big Chief. Waterbury. Sugar
Pine sad Rapid Water also ran. Question
Mark and Lady Winifred left at post.
Second race. 8-year-olds and up. selling,
mil and a sixteenth: Hyperion 11 il'A. J.
Lee. td 1 won. Rockatona (lta. Ganer, 11
to 6 second. Blsck Osk is. Leach. II to I)
rhtrd.' Ttme: 1:47. Tommy Waddell.
Aiif atissln, FTsvlgny, Coincident, Mombasa,
Potogue ana Mtasnuii Lad also ran.
.Third raoe, the Expectation. 2-year-olds,
five furlongs: Black Ford (112. E. Dugam.
4 to 1) won, Trrrbelllno tliJ. W. Pnyle. l
to &) second. Ross Fenlon 1 115. Miller. 13 to
41 third. Time: 1-02. Star Thistle. Mars
Abe and Occidental alsa ran. s
Fourth race-, th Brooklyn-kindtcap, J
yearwolA and. op. cash value L&.UX). one
mW aid a quarter: Celt (104. Notter, 4 to J)
won. Fair Play $. E. Pugan. 4 ta 1) second.
Master Robert Gilbert. 18 to 11 third.
Time: 2:4H. Montgomery. Old Honesty,
aCtr-g Jam. Don Creole and Berkeley alsa
res. - '
Fifth race. J-rear-olds. selling, about sis
furlongs: i smee E. Hrsrl v m, ' Garner. I
to 11 tron. Blsom (S3. Upton. T to I) second.
A rases ev Gilbert. T to 1) third. Timet
YTtnt, - fAaturr. " FMxette. Racnttet,- -Gold
Franc.' Masuma. Imitator. Flora '-Ann.
TMumph. Ida P.. John Marrs and Select
also ran.
Sixth race, maidens. 2-year-olds, five fur
tonga: Cnnnaught Ranger (112. Miller. 3 to
ll -won-. Exebee 10. E. Pager 3 to I) sec
ond. Orogo (112. Garner. II to 1) third. Time:
llttWi, AlbertinuA lipison. aoonun,
Donsthus. Patsy. Mremonloua. Tod, Aroma
and Beauty Bright' also ran.
9 a ansa a ry at Oalalaal.
" OAKLAND, June L Summary at Oak
land: Forst race, four and one-half furlongs:
GnJstna (107. Rettig. 14 to 5l won. Zella G
(1T, Ross. 7 to 6 second. Mine Danville
(W7. Kirsvhbaum, 24 to 1) third. Time:
0:iS. Marches, Lochnagsr. Minnie. Sara
Shaen. 3eorge Kiamet and Rain Shumway
also ran. .
Second race, six furlongs: Pologna re.
Walsh. S to 1) won. Aunt Polly C. Rettig.
14 ta .i) seorHwd. Eacamado 1IU8. McBride. Al
to 1) third. Time: 1:Wb. Prince Frederick,
J. W O'Neill. Transmute. Peggy O'NeaL
Charles Green and Mischief aio ran.
- Third race, four and one-half furlongs:
Middle 11. Bnxtnn, to ll won. Charles W.
Hodges iws. Walsh. 2 to 1) second. Intona
tion tior. Mclntyre. 12 to 1 tntrd. Time:
4 &4s. Seattle. Ak-8ar-Ben. Mirfiela, Theo
dore Philips and William F. Kerrln also
ran. .
Fourth-race, six furlongs: Pal n!L Ross.
11 to o) won. Nagasam (107. Sv111e. 7 to 21
second. Belle Kinney (104, Rettig. I to 1)
thtrd. Time: 1:15. Lord Nelson, Earl Rog.
era and Sir Brtllar also ran.
Fifth race, one mile: Colbert fim. Walsh.
5 ta 1) won. Sir Angua (108. Hams. to 1)
second.' Saint Xllda (14. Mclntyre. I ta 1)
third. Time: '1-414. Nehuloaua. Follie L.
Cayenne Cora. Frank Skinner. Rustler. Ar
thur Hymsn, Sir Wealey, Gaga and Jean
nette W also ran.
Sixth race mile and one-sixteenth: Mill
Song (108. Rett-.g. IS to 8 won. Elevation
(111. Kirschbaam. 8 to 1) second. Mgrkie
Mayer fill. Walsh. I to 1 third. Time:
1.534. Entrada. Faatoen. Mandator, Naoo-
naaaar. Prince of Orange and Lone Wolf
also ran.
Beard May Malta Atrsspte.
AMES, Ia., June 1 (SpaciaJ. I Trainer
Watson of the Agsnes Is satisfied over the
result of tha state meet, as the Aggies in
tendsd to train especially for the Missouri
valley- tneeti srhich waa captured- at Kan
sas City tha week before. Having defeated
In dual meets both Drake and GrlnneU, and
having gained -the supremacy la the Mis
souri vailev meet- Amea haa clearly dem
onstrated Its standing. Ths wonderful tins
of 174 of Beard in the half-mile loat the
Aggies five mora points In the mile, but la
all proftaoitity wiii result in tne giltiy Utile
distance roan making tne uiympic team.
Galf at MarahalltawB.
cial.! The annual tournament for places
oa tha goll teams or tns country ciud waa
held yesterday anernon. inir-y-eigni
started In the eie-hteen-hole match medal
elaw for nieces on the three teams. The low
score for tha day was mads by L. R. Max-
t)0 t)o
A food liniment or plAster, or some jood home remedy will tisuAHy
afirg) temporary relief from tha paia of iLheTirtiAtiflm, but tha ciseaae is mora
tbAti Skin deep and cannot ba rubbed a way, nor caa it b drawn otit witlx a
plAster. Such treatment neither prevents nor rurea; the, excess of avcid.
whkh produces Rheum atisia, is sUll ia the blood and tha disease can iiever
be cured while the circulation remain a saturated wiUk thia mUting-, pAlo
Eroduxinjr uric acid poison. The trouble will shift from place to place, act
ing oa the nerves and CAUsing paia and inflarrunatioa at every eatpoaure or
after aa attack of indigestion or other rlarity. When neglected or
improperly treated, RheuraAtisra becomes chronic and does pot depend poa
climatic coaditiona to briny on aa attack, but remains a conatant, painful
trouble. S. S. S. drives out Rheumatism by neutralking-and expellino; the
excesa of acid from the blood. It purines and invi jormtee the circulaiion ao
tbat iarUead al aa acid-tadeja atrRAm. cooatAatly fhrposiUnj prie acid ia the
joints, jnuxJea, nerves and bone, the entire a v stem is nourished and nrade
neAltiy by rich, life-f rviat; Wood. Book oa Rheumatism aad any medical
advice desired will be sent free to all who write.
Well, who turned in tt He won first pise
on the fiest tesm Trie-other won oneMfied
f-T 'Aa firt lnt wt: F E Stewert.
1 UK; F.. G WaVsce. -H: W B KMr. .
snd A. ' 27. ArrsoaTienta have
twan made to hol an piteneam matrH
esr'v in June on 'lie lisal course wltii tha
Cedar Oolf rfnh.
4 rleket. Flay era , Fraetlee.
A practice aam ot the newly prgara4
crtcVet club wss nlsveil ftundav afterniwri
at Miller pr. with eleven r'svers mit fop
practice. A mat lelr prsH-tK-e game haa bees
irrintH for the same piatte for Wedneew.
rtsv night. promr-Uv at 4 o'clock. Indfc-s-t'ons
now are that tti club will hav
two srropg eT-en. snd the fnsnswer 1
writing fur eutM gamaas. An effort will
be made to got te ('hlrsso eleven salt for
a game for U:e Fourth of July.
Lewie atlll Lajvea tha Red a.
No en tn this sectteer" rbjotoad mora ever
the good showing tha t'ln.-innstl Reds era
making thaa F. E. Lewis, superintend
ent of the dining car sen Ice of tha Union
Taclftc. Mr. Iwis wss formerly one of
the crack outfielders of the old Red a and
also played with the Buffalo team la the
halcyos days.. . -
laaTlawe Wta Twa.
AXTE7.L. Vh . Vfi:rie t.L:(Srxrtal TVIa-
grsm i -The Oxford Indians-won today from
Anted by a a amis f 18 low. and from Funk
yesterday by a saoxe, ef 14 ta 10.
, - - , ' a
Oaa Maa. Frahahly Fatally Shat aaa
T,,Ar. Daageroasly
. AlakbeA. , .
a i .
As the result, of a frea-for-sll fight fol
lowing, an aternoon'g earouaal among eev
eral Italians Sunday, about p m.. In front
of 1711 Mason street, three .of the partlcU
pants are In tlie Omaha General hospital,
on of whom. SabaaUAO Tuoco, ta probably
fatally wounded with bullet horea through
both lungs. Tha -arhar two, Oastno Alflo
and Lurian SanfllllBPO. sra eut and
stabbed, but will recover. The Italian who
ta believed to have shot Turco, Raeflll
Vatalaro. made- hls escspa and la being
soaght for bythe, police.' Vatalaro. waa
also cut along, side, of U face.
The housea St 1704-U-lI Ma sen. street. r
front of which tha fighting occurred, a re
occupied by Italian' tenants, and a usual
Sunday afternoon party was lust closing.
there having teen liquid refreshments la
plenty. The troubls started over soma trlv.
lal dispute between Turco and VaJaJaro,
frenda of eacti- maa taking sldea. Knlvea
were drawn and the battle waa on. blood
flowing freely. Vatalaro received ksngf
gash across the forehead and extending
down the side p hl face, and drawing a
revolver ha fired foil ehota at Turco. two
of which pierced his chest. 4rna oa each
aide, a third shot hfttlng him tn tha right
forefinger, and the fourth one going astray.
After the shooting 'Vatalaro tan to the
railroad tracks nearby and started east.
A riot rail was seat, to ths police station
and a patrol wagon full . of officers waa
hurriad to th seefte, but tha melee was
over and a nJmtrr of the xatticlpanta
who were not taken- ta the hospital wre
taken to the police station.
Turco, who lives kt 711 SouttV Fourteenth,
street, la not expected1 to recover. Sanflt.
Ilppo, who. residea-tJva aertw place, re
ceived a stab wound over tba left, hip and
a slice across tha left cheek, but his !n
Juries are not considered serious. Alflo re
ceived an ugly ctrfc diagonally aero as ths
biceps of the right arm; vuttlng tha mus
clea to the' bona for distance of eight
Inches, and a long gash ten Inches tn
length on- tire r'gifslde ef "the head above
tha ear. He Uvea at 17B Paeifle- street and
la also expectet) Jo rpoyer,v All threa of
the wounded were sttended by Police 8ur.
geons Harris and. Filsgibboaa. .c
AU of tha participants were laboring men.
meat of them being employed in paving
contract and rorurtruetion yaork. .
Ae-tlaa, aa Swar. sassy te...Wate-heas
Detened la Raspaat ta
DkV Ckrtstle.
"With the abandoning of tha two-room
frame annex ta the. Vinton schawl building
It may ba possible to Install manual train
Ing in another school In Omaha," saya
Superintendent Davidson.
Manual training departments are noes
maintained in twelve of tha city schools.
Including the biga school, and tha Board
of Education hss ordered the course In tha
Franklin. Vinton and Lothrop school.
This will mass fifteen schools where man
ual training is taught, none ot tha other
school buildings having room for tha In
stalling of tha shops. If ths abandoned
Vinton annex la mured to ona of thee
schools the superintendent says tha course
can be established In tha sixteenth achooL
The Board ot Education meets thla even
ing in regular session, but en" account of
tha death of Dr. Christ Is, member of La
board, na action will be . taken regarding
the successor, to Principal WaUrhouaa of
ths high school. Dr. 'Christie was chair,
man of tha committee' tr high, school mat.
ters. The chairmanship now reverts to G.
D. Rica, the secomf Irs ember, tha others oa
ths committee being H'.ding. McCsgue and
Kennard. Mr. -McCagua. Is - in Ptttaburg
and will not be home before the mlddia ot
the month. Jt is tha hope of tha board to
aacurs a ptlncapal for ths high school be
fore the present school year al use a.
It la expected that the plana for tha pro.
posed additions to the Lothrep school build
ing will ba approved by ths Board this
Jela Natives Beesaasa Beewttwa
Vaw They Will Kill Few
Mara Whites.
MANILA. June L The Morns aa tha is
land of Joio a re reported restless and ona
at the Aoturta Pattoa haa vowed personally
to kill twenty whites and 109 Chinese and
then declare war. A sentry hss been ate
taiknd and badly . wounded.- .Tha guard
haa- bean doubled. It la reported thai, set
tiers have been attacked.
. Ball Tah Expladea.
CHERBOURG. June L A boiler tuba la
the angina room of tha .American Una
steamer SL Louis exploded wells tha vassal
was entering the roadatead lure this mora
ine. Threa firemen were seriously Injured,
4MH- IT a. .. fc t! swa
OR. TAJtrtY, ir. Z.: C..yKsJia, NekVi
' . 4. . as."
i . 1