THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JUNE 2. 1908. Want - ads REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FARM AMD RANCH LASD FOR SAI.fl FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SAI.I Avertlsnate far ta mat rolamn will Uka aatll It a, for tee rrtalig e4ltlea aa aatll . as. far tka ntrilic ana li4tf edition. Cask ataat aranaaaf all order far waat aa mm mm aevertlseaaeat will la arretted fa laaa Iku to eeata far rst lasertloat. "e aaverttseaaeat win rtintt amounting- tm laa (kit SO ruts. Rate a pair to eltkev Tka Dally li4ir Bee. Alvrafy ran at ale word ta a llaa. Cesnklaatloae at laltlala aa aaaktn aaaat aa aaa war. CASH RATED FOR TTAWT ADA. RRGl'LAlt CLASSIFICATION Oaa tnaertlea, per llaa. lO Mala. Two a mora rpntlr Insertions, per llaa, crate. Rack lasertlea at a ale aa aaa ari, 10 eeata arr llaa. fl.OO llaa pee moatk exceptln; tfcat FURftlSHEll ROOM ADS. jtaaaa aeceataaalea my aaaa taa rata 'will bet Oaa laeertloa, 4 eeata ler llaa t tkree ta als eeaaeeutlv la. sertloaa, S Mate aar llaa eaek laser tloai aevea ar aaara taawrallra laser lloas, S caata aar llaa raek laaartlaai CO peat par llaa aar aaeatk. Waat ad far Taa Baa mar a left at aar of taa follewlasr era stores -aaa la "roar coraer 4raajajlet" tkey ara all bra nek afllcee for Taa Baa aa jotir ad will aa laaerted aat aa promptly aad aa tka saaae rataa aa at be mala aOca la Tka Baa Bellala. erenteentk aaa Faraaaa atreeta. Albach. tv. c. tOtTi and Farnam. Iters nek, 8. A.. 1402 8. 18th Bt. Beolit Pharmacy. 720 B. 14th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb.v Bcmi Park Pharmacy. S3d and Cuming. Plake's Pharmacy, 2826 Sherman Ave. Caughlln. C. K., 61 h and Pierce Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2218 Military Av. Conte, J. )!.. llat Ave. and Farnam. Criasey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake Sta. Cermak. Emli, 1304-4) H. lath Bt Eastman pharmacy, Leavenworth. fnnrr at Arnold), tit N. ttth Bt. Kr.ytg, John J., 114 N. 24th 8t. riorence Drug Cu., Florence, Neb. Uolflman Pharmacy, 20th arid Lake Bta. Oteeu's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pliclfle. Ur-nough. O. A.. 102S S. 1Mb St. Urrcnough, O. A., 16J4 B. 10th Bt. Hr.yden. Wm. C., 1920 Farnam. Hanscom park Pharmacy, 1401 8. tb Ay. Hoist. John, 634 N. Mth Bt. liuft. A. K, 224 Leavenworth Bt. King, H. B., 2238 Farnam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 2604 N. 24th. Pairlck Drug Co.. 1802 N. 24th St. Luthrop, Charles E.. 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. U., Mth and Leavenworth. Keratoma Drug Co.. Mth and Amea Ave. Bchasler's Cut Prise. Prus Co., 16tu and C'hitAHo Bta. Schacfer. August, 203f N. 16th St. tlchmldi. J. H., 24th and Cuming; Bts. btcrm 1'harniacy, 16th. and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4uth and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th aid Grace. Worth, o. i 40th and Uamlltoa Sta. DBATH9 AND FUNERAL NOTICES. HART-Peter' J., aged 26 year a and 18 day a, at family reaidence, VM Jrace, Monday, June 1, 7:36 a. in.- Funeral from renlc'ence. Wedneaday, June , at 0:30 a. m. to Bt. John a Catholic church, Twenty-fifth and California, at 8 a. m. Interment, Holy, Sepulcher cemetery. Frlenda Invited. . ' MARRIAGE! LICENSES. ' ' - ' The following marriage licenaea have been laaued. . Name and Addreaa. ' Age. Joaeph Sempek, South' Omaha...... 26 Mary Ouaak, bouto Omaha II Henry Tantfo, Atlantic. Ia...... 41 Mary E. Hubert, Lorah, Ia 41 births And deaths Births-Fred Henley, 9K North Twenty elgntn avenue, girl; Hay Ludlow, 2611 North Nineteenth alreet, boy;.Francla J. Robin son, low North Twenty-sixth atreet, boy. Drains Fred E. Jacobsen, Third and Clerk streeta, 1 month; John Nicholson, Klghteenth and . Ohio, 1 year; Herman Peterson, Eighteenth and Ohio streets, 1 yaar; Joseph Bell, llu North Sixteenth atfcet, 66 years. , ANNOUNCEMENTS TRAVELERS' GOODS OF QUALITY. Trunks and suit caaea repaired. FREL1NU 4 STEIN LE, "Where trunk are made." 1m3 Farnam at. Tel. Douglas mi. UJMta Jea ilGN PAINT1NO-. H. COLE, 1302 Doug-ln- . i- U-4M THE CITY OARIiAQE CO, office 4th aad Leavenworth Bib. Tel. Douglas 1387. UJ-4I7 KBFIN1SHINO floor. Wllllama, Red MA ; l-468 Jellx AUTOMOBILES EEND for our llat of aecond-hand aulomo bllea. DEKltyiV, Ula Farnau.. t2 M WHITE STEAMER, good hi new, at great bargain. Address H eds, Bee. , 2)-M94S Sx BARTER AND EXCHANGE What have ynu in Omaha to trade for a beautitul aummer home on Lake Aiichlaan neat iravetae City -O'KEEFE HEAL tSTATE COMl'ANV loot XS. X. ilie. tJhuiit ijug and AUb'. Uj 4ou i fiOMK CHOICK TOWN: Inm In Texas coast ioi., toi college in onuhal or lourma car i.i fcoou condition. Address Box C, Wood Hier Seb. (3) 4o4 i We have a client .ho mij a eectlon of land in Klmoai, cuii. .Nebraska for which ha will a s-''.-ile as part payrpen.. .... you to utfer O KEEFE HEAL LOilPAM ItXll N. V. Life. P.;o.., .,0 A214 l- tai i WILL exchange ntw buggy for driving horse. Omaha Buggy t,J., liii-17 Far nam. 18-Mb64 FARMS, city property, mdse.. everywhere. Birtnger Inv. Co., iM Bea Bldg., Omaha UJ-MU1 Jr, TO KXOHANGE-Flne, central Nebraska stock ralich for good atock of merchan dlse or good Income property up to twen ty thouaand dollars. D. 11. Moulds, Owner. Lexl,ngton.Neb. (S) M734 J BUSINESS CHANCES A FIRST I "LABS bakery for sale or rent addresa li 641, care Bee. (4) MS76 1 FOR BALE Drug store, western Nebraska - food town; paying business. Block and Ixtures, S3.UM). Address T-4.S4, car Omaha Bee. i4)-Mii JeUx -TO GET In or out of buaineaa call os UANUESTAD, Room 403 Bee Bldg. ' ' lt 7M GROCERIES and notion. Mte oa dollar and throw in fixture, tin Broadway, Couiutl Blulfa. . tO-Mn6 Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, brine, business or property that yo wlah to sell or ex change, write us. -GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA. NEB. (4V-M4S3 JaU ICKI ICE!! Oood natural Ice in car lots. A. Katakee Ice and Coal Co., Uu4 Davenport Tele phone Doug. 164; lnd. A-tiii. 4)-447 FOR RENT OR SALE. Brick store, suitable for dry goods, cloth ing or general merrhaadlae; elegant room, fin front; bt location in town. George E. Lundburg. Lyona. Neb. (4 M63S I WANTED-Iaformaton ; regarding good ouwneas tor aaie; aoi particular about character, else oa loratloa; prefer to deal wHh owr.r; give price and full itnacrip IkHi. Adjres U LWbyhlr. R x py4. DKl'G BTOHEe lor aala everywhere. Knleat, N. i. L. Bldg. (4 Ma MINNESOTA and Wlaronsln loa for aala In car lota. A. O. Utlueri, council Bluiia, ia. v aul FOR BALE OR RENT Flrat claaa meat market, 7 Boulh Main, Council Blulia, la. Xildreaa C. W. Letchford. Council Bluffs, la. t) Md FOR BALE Dental practice In Omaha; cash receipt a over $l,i per month; anap If taken at once. Address fc) 6.W, care Bee. 14) M4J7 Jew BUSINESS DIRECTORY Areblteet. F. WM. KRELLE. SOG" N. Y. Ufe Bldg. (M 1)1 JeZlx Cklroaa4lat. DR. ROT. R. X 1KB Farnam St. Dong. 47. ( 440 Craaaaarlea. DAVID COLE Creamery Co, . W-tt Dreaaaaakla aj. IN FAMILIES--Mls Sturdy. Tel. Harney ISM. Ktta Deatlata. BAILET MACH. Id fir. Paxton. D. IOCS. ()-444 FlaaaelaL M TO LOA N-L O W 0 n -rT HATE In sums to II P V "lt. BO Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglaa 2901 UNION LOAN COMPANY. (6) 44i Far ClaaalaaT asl Staraca. a. E. BHUKERT. lth and Harney Sta. Fine fura cleaned, stored and repaired. (6) M7ku June 4 riarlste. t HESS 8WOBODA, 14U Farnam Bt. . ; tt)-446 L. HENDERSON, 161 Farnam. Tel. D. 1SS3. . -447 J. H. BATH, 162S Harney. Tel. Doug. jC0. lk 44s Hatala, THE BCHLXTZ. European. 16th and Harney. ( Uarla aa4 Storlaa;. Expreaaman'g Delivery Co.; office, 114 N. Ulh St.; warehouse. 3207-1 Isard Bt. ' (6 4E1 Oateopatky. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel! D. 164. lo ibi Office Sapplles. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 3U B. 18th St. Tel. Doug. 6663. lnd. A-1MJ, (6 M66 Je-2e Paal aad Billiard Tablea. FOR SALE Anti-Trust pool and Millard tablea, auppllea and bar fixtures; aold on easy payments; catalogues free. Charlea Paaaow dc Bona, lit Bo. lth 8U, Omaha, Nab. (6-M69 July I rruatlaug. BEFORE placing your IKS calendar order don't fall to see our Imported line. Lyng etad Y Jorv. prlr.iera. mh and Capitol Av. 6)46t ' Pabllo Steaaarrapker. PUBLIC stenographer. R-547 Brandel Bldg. (E M824 Jel6x Sataa. Shatters, Ete. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS, make a apeclalty of fire eacapes, shutters, door and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth Bt. (& 46 Pketearrapkr, TRUSSELL Btudlo. 116 8. 16th 8L (t lit Shorthand Reporter, F. J. 8UTCLIFFE, court reporter. Tel. D. 1B06. - . U&-161J23 Shoe RepaUrlaa;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-rFlrt claaa work. 198ft Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red . t (6 464 SHOES repaired right; called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1304 Farnam St. Tel. Douglaa 767. (S)-4 Wall Paper Cleaae4. ABS0RENE1 WALI, PAPER CLEANER. The patent kind, loc, 2-25c, at wall paper, paint, hardwire and drug storea. I n-M744 Jlx HELP WANTED FEMALE Aajeata aad Salealadlea. WANTED Thret good lady canvasser; good money Tor right parties. J. A. Hall, 2411 N St., So. Omaha, 17) M641 I Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER nd stenographer, retail, $f6. ' ' Bookkeeper and tenographer, real eetatfl, 112 per week. Office clerk. .. Stenographer, 166. N Retail clerk, conrectlonery. iw. Stenographer and bookkeeper, wholeaale, If In need of a position, see u at once. The above are open ror immediate ac feota nee. WESTERN REF. BOND ABS N, (Inc.), 721-2L' N. 1. Life Bldg. (71116 1 Haaaekeepere aal Doaaeetloa. . WOMEN'S rOMEBTIO GUILD, 19IM Farnam Bt. Cook, without laundry, 130. Housemaid. 126. Girls for general housework, IS to $8. Waitress.. ,T-Ma WANTED Good girl .for general house work ; references required; gooa place for right person. 1128 & 28th Bt. (7)-M30 WANTED Cook. Mrs. George Barker, '633 8. 37th Bt. to ta-' COMPETENT girl for general housework. Iu04 Glenwood Ave. (Bemis Park.) lei. Harney 1876. - (7 t WANTED Comjwtent girl for general housework; good wagoe. Inquire at 1UM B. zscn Bt. u J iu WANTED A woman housekeeper; good wages. Apply Z16 B. 18th. (7) MSU 3 WANTED Girl for general housework Tel. Harney 2691. 4922 Chicago Bt. WANTED Good girl for second work. Mrs. J. A. Sunderland, 102 Bo. 29th Bt (7) -W0 7 WANTED Good girl for general house work, rooking plain, good place for right girl. Apply immediately, 413 Farnam 'Phone Harney 3440. fi-t3 3 WANTEI By widower with three chil dren, in small town of Allen, Neb., a houBkeeper, Christian preferred. Address Box to. Allen. INru. tio w4 IX WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply 315 S. 31 at St., 7 MiH6 WANTED Girl for general housework; references required. Mrs. John Under, V1 N. 1st Bt., council Hlufrs. la. (7)-MX9 tx M lae U a a ea aa. WANTED A competent caretaker; only Vxperlenced person need apply. At the Creche. 1M4 Harney Bt. Wagea $ per nionin, room and good Hoard: rkth w ashed and Ironed. (7M9M4x WHEN yoa write ta advctUaer. kindly Tryinrt to do business in Omaha I Tho BEE is liko digging a well HELP WANTED MALE Aceata, Solleltora aa4 Saleaaaea. QUICK SELLERS 214 & 12th Bt. ()-M8 WANTED salesmen to handle "Dust-absorbent" Sweeping Compound as side line. Liberal commission. The Van Tllhurg Company, Minneapolis, Minn. 9) M43 2 WANTED Agents and collector In Omaha and every town In Nebraska. Permanent posltloas; hustlers make Sl.OnO to 12.000 annually. Western Indemnity Co., 81 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. (9) M701 WANTED Experienced young lady or ?entleman solicitor; nothing to sell; re ined work; salary. Apply, Donoran, 716 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, between I and I p. m. only () M42 2x OUR POCKET SIDELINE Exclusive ter ritory, secures permam nt Income; sample 10c; name town wanted. New Century Co., Enid, Okl. (flyMPIO 2s Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, $75. Office clerk, lumber office, must be able to do some stenographic work, $60. Grocer clerk, $15. General merchandise clerk, $fi0. Hotel clerk, $26 and expenses. Traveling saleiman, $75 and expense. Call or write for a complete list. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, (Inc.), 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-37 1 BOYLES SUMMER SCHOOL OPENS 1 MONDAY, JUNE . Bookkeeping, ehorthand, telegraphy and Engllhh; official training school Union Pacific R. R. Telegraph department. A postal gets full Information. Address H. B. Boyle. Boylea Building. Orrmha. WANTED Men wttlf commercial ability. Co-Operative Reference Co., 675 Brandel Bldg. (9) M992 Je21 X c DRUG CLERKS' position. Knleat. N Y. L. Bldg. (S) M636 Factory aad Trades. WANTED Sand aton block layer. All summer' work and payday every two week. Highest wage paid. For further particulars, address The Denver Pueblo Construction Co., 303 Railroad Bldg., Den ver, Colo. t)-M4W Je-11 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few week complete; 60 chairs constantly busy; licensed Instructors; tool given; diploma granted; wage Saturday; posi tion waiting; wonderful demand for graduates; catalogue free. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. (9) M693 4x LEARN TELEGRAPHY Position guaran teed; booklet free, Boyle College, Omaha, Neb. Official training school U. P. R. R. (9)-960 M lacellaaeona. FREE employment dept.. Business Men' Assn; no fee. Call 62S N. Y. Life Bldg. () M642 HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Men and women of good quality and atrong personality to represent oodd. Mead A Co., to sell the new International Encyclopedia In Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa. Previous experience un necessary. 718 N. Y. Life, Omaha, Neb. (10)-682 July! LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses sal Vehicles. FOR the next 30 day we will make low 8 rice on sample surreys and buggies, maha Buggy Co., 1115-17 Farnam Bt. (11) M665 Je-28 GOOD lot worth $300 In north part of city to trade ror good norse and Duggy. Tele phone Douglas 116 or Independent B 101$ after Sunday. (11) 719 Poultry, Eg(i and Sqaabs. SILKO CHICK FOOD 1 the bet. If your dealer doe not handle, call Doug. 1144 lnd. B-3456. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. ICth. UD-106 LOST AND FOUND LOST Boaton terrier, brindle color, famale; ha tag on collar. No. 2474. Return to S2.-i Harney St. Reward. - (12) M928 3 LO8T 8llver handle, ahort, leather covered umbrella. Kindly 'phone Fleming, Doug lss No. 880. (12; M964 3x MEDICAL ANT poor girl in need of a friend call of I . r. ,v.a matron nt th. Halv.Mnn Army Home for Women at 8824 N. 24th Bt.. Omaha. Neb. (13) M106 BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve r OOa rmm, 91 uvj4 yuoiiiu. oiicruiau ft McConnel! Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 46 FREE medical and surgical treatment at V.rVlanun mruiLKi v u 1 1 a . ,1111 miu A ' T - enport Bts.; special attention paid to con finement caaea; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglaa 1167. Calls answered day or night. , (13) 121 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1301 Doucla. (14)-463 P. O. NIELSEN CO., LOANS. v 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. . "Phon Doug. 2304. lll to CHATTEL, salary and atorag receipt loan. Foley Lean Co., 1604 Furnam Bt. (14) 464 OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlaa; aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining roorrs; cafe. (15) 4t7 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15 4ti BOARD and room; large room, suitable for 1 two; also single room. 114 & mh Bt. U6)-6 SUITE of rooms, on first floor, modern In ovary way; home cooking. 116 N. 26th Bt. C16)-Mai JeUx WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglaa 16:!. Bchmoller at lueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (16146$ Famished nooses. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle menday, week or month. The Chatham, opposite Millard. 110 8. 13th BL (1 470 FURNISHED room. 640 8. 24tb St.; ref erence. (16) M13 Jo NICELY furnlahed room In modern home, walking distance. 2704 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 1631. (16)-MS21 2 EAST room, strictly modern, suitable for one gentleman. 217 8. 25th Bt. Tel. lug. Ibil. (15 M1U6 NEWLY furnished rooms, house new and strictly modern. 316 N. 19th St. (15) 433 lx MODERN room newly furnished, private family. Gentlemen $3 66. 2404 Capitol Ave. U&imk .x NICELY furnished front room, in new modern home, private family, c-ntleinen preferred. 2Mb St., near Leavenworth Bt. Tel. Harney 715. (U) MM6 6 NICELY furnished front parlor, with or without piano, lit. M a)l. Mary's Av. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Room 'oatlaned. FURNISHED room. I960 S. 10th St, (II) M967 Ju6x DESIRABLE room, reasonable. 218 N. 19th. (15) Mill J3ux MODEN, clean, cool rootns. 2474 Harney St. D. 6077. (15) MS39 6x BEAUTIFUL apartments; furnished; pri vate family. 3005 Bt. Mary' Ave. (16) M915 6X NTCELY furnished south room. $8, for one or two rerinen, permanent gentlemen; gas, bath, hot water; two telephones. 2WSI Bt. Mary's Ave. (16) M957 4 . NEATLY furnished room; private family; gentlemen only. 131 N. 31st Ave. (15)-M9b Apartment and Plata. -ROOM Modern flat. 113 S. 11th St. (16)-MS9J TWO elegant apartments for rent; four and five room. William K. Potter. $01 Brown block. (15) M355 6-6-7-room. Qulvet. 1809 Farnam. 8-6-room. Scargo, 616H N. -Cdh St., S. O. (15)-399 FOR RENT room modern flat; Dunsany, loth and PieVe, $25. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 1671. (16) M473 CENTRAL, 4-room Inner flat. 220 N. 23d. (16) M491 8-ROOM front flat, partly modern, $8.50. Apply at rear, 1917 Clark SU (15) -620 SIX-ROOM, modern flat, 1112 South 11th, (16)-5I7 FOR RENT 8-room modern brick flat, 3003 Pacific St. Inquire 1306 S. 35th Ave. Tel. Harney 32S3. (16) 619 3 Hoaaekerplng Rooms. THREE choice furnished rooms; 220 N. 23d St. (16)-M550 TWO large, cool rooms. 218 N. 23d st. (15-M675 4 THREE elegantly furnished rooms, first floor, modern. 216 No. 22d St. 115)-M673 4x TWO OR THREE elegantly furnished front rooms, complete for light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport St. (15) M190 2x HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $3; sleeping rooms, $1.60. 1609Vi N. 24th St. (15)-716 1 4 unfurnished rooms, strictly modern, walking distance. 2565 St. Mary's Ave. (15)-M891 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 218 N. Mth. (16) M915 6x Furnished Hoases. ONE BLOCK from car line, all modern; $30 Including water and telephone. 1626 Pinkney. Phone Web. 4066. (16)-M843 2x FOR RENT A furnished, modern, 6-room house, In the West Farnam district, for six months. Address C563, care Bee. (16) M876 6 Hoases and Cot tares. HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwa't, Siuker Bik. U5)-479 FOR RENT 8 room, bath, barn, 2154 8. 14th. W. S. BtUlutaA. 419 1st Nat. Bk. Bid. (15) 180 SIX-ROOM, second floor, 1902 N. 26th St $11; S-room house, partly modern, 409 Wil liam St., $23; storeroom, 1306 N. 24th St.. $16. Chris Boyer, Z2d and Cuming Bts. . ' (16) M456 2120 Brown St., 6-r. new cottage, modern ex. heat, $21. 1621 Wirt St.. 6-r. modern. $30. 3S36 N. 21st St., 7-r., modern ex. heat, $22.60. 15t 8. 28lh St., 9-r., city water. $18. 60!H N. 21st, 6-r., new, modern ex. heat, $6.50. 2oiti Sherman Ave., 6-r., modern, birch fin ish, $30. 614 N. :oth, 9-r., modern, $50. 2212 N. 21st, 7-r., modern, $22.50. HASTINGS & HE YDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (15)-836 1 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breon Company, 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16) 483 NEW 6-room house; everything modern; beautiful lawn and shade. Apply at 2124 Miami St, , (16)-M926 Maggard Van & Storage Co. D. 1496. W guarantee moving piano, H. H. good. (15-483 FOR RENT All modern, 8-room house, 704 N. 23d St., large yard, fine shade trees, $40 per month. Parties still In the house and will be glad to show It. (15) 869 3128 CHICAGO ST., 8 rooms, modern, large yaro and large Drn ;rent reduced to 40; 3011 Webster St.; 8 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, $23. Rlngwalt Bros., 306 8. 15th St. (15) M470 FIVE nice, large rooms, gos, city and cis tern water; I blocks from depot; nice neighborhood; $16 per month; owner pays water; 14t9 80. 7th Ave. Keys next door. (15)-646-Je-3x EIGHT-ROOM dwelling, opposite Hanscom Park, modern, $33. 'Phone Harney 1505. (16) 681 SIX-ROOM houses, modern except fur nace, 1911 Georgia Ave., furnished or un furnished; furnlshinga for sale. (16)-644 2x LARGE modern house; everything com plete, 2601 Capitol Ave (15) Mt61 4x 8110 N. 24th St.. 3-room flat. $8. 6-room flat, fc.ll modern, within walking aisiance. BEMIS, $06 PAXTON BLOCK. Phones, Douglas 080; Independent A-1S8S. (16-1S4 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 3)4. (16) 477 FOR RENT 7-room modern house, 2 2d and California; hardwood floors, cement walks, shade trees and lawr $37.00. Room lu6 McCague Bldg. Tel. Doug. 696. (16)-730. ROOMY modern house, complete, new re pair, stable, near high school, $:). 511 Brown Block. j!5) M874 2 FOR RENT-211 N. 28th ave.. 7-room, two story house; modern ext-ept furnace, in complete repair; new plumbing; rent very low at $23.50 to good tenant. Apply at 607 No. 19th Bt. (15) M872 HOUSES-Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L Bldg. (16) 481 1320 N. 40TH. 7 rooms, all modern C. E. Herring. 411 New York Lit Bldg. v (15)-88 26t DAVENPORT 10 rooms, modern; $40. W. Farnam Smith. Tel. Douglas KM; lnd. A lost.- 1330 Farnam. 415) MM8 2 ONE 7-room house, modern except heating 6lant. W. H. Thomas, 6 First National ank Bidg. (15) M828 tx FOR RENT 6-room house, modern, fur n'shed complete. Inquire 2-30 Copltol Ave., or 'phone Harney 39 after 6 p. m. tlO) tx BENSON COTTAGES-Your rent will buy. rW- ad In next Sunday papers. F. B. Trulllnger, 115 South Halycon, "Phone Benson 226. (15) Mli63 S OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, tor H. H. good. Storehouse 11SV24 N. Ulh, office 16u9 Farnam. TL Doug. Log. l!6)-47 HOUSES, flat. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (16) 474 IIOITfsES ,n 01 h city! ilUUDICi Crlgh 8ua ft Co.. Be Bldg. (15) 471 167 PACIFIC ST. S rooms; thoroughly modern, oak flnlabj $40. A, O. Elllck. M He Bldg. ' ilj 44 without usintf wi i(h a Noedlo OFFERED FOR RENT llonses and Cot (ages Con tlnaed. 206 N. 23rd St., 7 niodern brick. (1B)-M48 FOR RENT Five-room modern bouse, 408 North 26th St. This Is easv wslkng dls tsnce. C. W. Bllxt. On premises. (15)-939 Office. OFFICES In The Bee Building for rent Appiy n. w. uaxer, superintendent, Room 106. (15) M 160 OFFICE in Wead Bldg. 18 ft Farnam. $15. (16) M850 6 FOR RENT on June 1. large office room, 19t9 ft tnrmiinu Kit. . office. Conrad Young, agent, 1518 Dodge tlt 4M6 ROOMS 6 and 6 on second floor of Con servative building. 1614 Hrncv St.; op.k finish, gas snd electric light: heat ond Janitor service furnished: these offices can ne rented singly or ensuue. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1704 FarnRm Bt (16l-M:)61 2 SUITE rooms, Baldrlge Bldg., 20th and Farnam St., suitable for studio or modiste. . u. wead, Wi Farnam St. (15)-MS51 FOR RENT Desirable office in the Boston Store Bldg. Inquire M. F. Powell, Stipt., Room 882V, Brandel Bldg. J. L. Brandel oon. (16) M914 2 DESK ROOM In new Brandels building; excellent location, good service. Address M 645, care Bee. (15) M94i 4x Stores. FOR RENT Large atore room, northeast corner 16th and Vinton Sta., $15. C. M, Bachman, 436 Paxton Block. (16) M60f STORE ROOM 704 No. 16th St. (15)-M662 4x Scargo Bik., South Omaha, new; 620 N. 24, (15) 400 111 S. 16th, steam heat. 1905 N. 24th. new brick. $25. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. Room 6, Frenxer Bik. (15)-M24I 1307-9 HOWARD St., 4-tory and basement. nounie nricK building, only half block from Auditorium. Convenient to whole sale and retail district, in thorough re pair, electric elevator, outside stairs to upper floors. You can sublet every floor to good tenant. Very reasonable rent. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Fornam St. (15)-M476 Je3 WAREHOUSE on trnck. Jones, near 13th, zo.wiu square reel, electric elevator; might divide. F. D. WEAD. 1501 Farnam St. (16) M862 6 OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. OAK circular counter, cashier rage, of- i.ce partitions, almost new; cnoice; cheap. Sunderland Bros. Co., 1608 Harney St. (16) 436 1 FURNITURE for 8 room for sale, only usea inree montns. no m. zotn. Tel. Douglas 4912. (16) M530 Zx FOR 8 ALE Antique, carved, solid walnut tideboard; also good folding bed, iron bed and small dresser. Call 4810 Chicago Bt. (16) M1H1 3x GO BUY an extra large refrigerator at once. Tel. Harney 1212. (16) 932 3x FOR SALEt Six-hole Peninsular range, al most new; must be sold at once. Call Bt 2322 N. 25th St. (16) M945 8x Plaao Organs, Maalcal Instruments. LEAVING CITY-$800 Kranlch ft Bach Da by grand piano $290. 2303 Cass St. (16) M667 Je-23 Typewriter aad Sevrinar Blaeklaes. FOX TYPEWRITER, No. 127420; only used short time and In A No. 1 condition; for sale at very reasonable price. Call for Wright at Bee Office, 17th and Farnam. (16) 81 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Now and second-hand billiard and pool tjables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures: easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8. loth St, , (16) 490 ICE! ICE. MINNESOTA ICE In car lota A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs. Ia. (16)-M374 A LOT of atone for coping;, window and door sills; also fancy pressed brick, for sale. Apply R. W. Baker, Bupt, Bee Bldg. (16)-61 OAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Larcest, moat up-to-date atock at loweat prlcea In the city; select now, delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., Ill B. lath Bt. TeL Doug. SSL (16) 489 LIST your property with Chrl Boyer. 22d and Cuming Sta. (19 606 OAK circular counter, cashier's cage, of- llce partitions, almost new; choice; cheap. Sunderland Bros. Co., 1008 Harney ft'. (16)-4o 1 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman ft McDonnell Drug Co. (16) 493 1-8 Rl'CKEH and Weston new cases and at and for aala cheap. Call at Bee of fice, Omaha. (16)-893 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman ft Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 488 FOR SALE Store building, located In vil lage of Alvo, Neb., 30x60 feet In alse. with hall overhead, and good basement. Will be sold at a bargain. For particulars ad dress E. M. Btone. Alvo, Neb. (16)-M20l BEND us your mail orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 491 PURE Vermont mapie sugar and syrup. D. E. Glddlngs, Eaat Fairfield, Vt. (18) M456 Jellx HALL'S safe, new, Jd-hand. 181$ Farnam. (16) 491 SOME flrat-clsss laundry machinery for aale cheap. G. F. Lillie, Tekamah, Neb. (16) M811 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Snerman ft McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Doage Bt.. Omaha. Neb. (16 494 FOR BALE A large Richardson ft Boyn ton furnace, with pipe, in first-class condition; also several good stoves. Apply forenoon, 2o37 Dodge Bt. (!) M819 2 FOR BALE One Sioux City Corliss Com pound tandem engine, 14x36x36, fly wheel, Vlnch face, 14.4 diameter, 1.72x18 feet return flue boilers. Address, L D. Wright, Water Commissioner. Fremont, Neh. (16) M816 6 PATENTS PATENTS Suea ft Co.. Waahlngton, D. C. We make fre examination to find out If Invention are patentable. Advice free. Patent obtained or fe returned. (17)- Mi! JeUx D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Bik. Tel. Rd 7U7 (17) 495 LARSON ft CO. Book free. (23 Bee Bldg (17) 496 PATENTS THAT PROTECT-I books for inventor mailed on receipt of (c postage. R. 8. ft A. B. Lacey, room 29-39 Paclfi Iildg., Waahlngton, D. C. Kstabllahed IMA U7-47 WHEN you writ to advertiser, kindly mention Ta Be. Western Nebraska I am perfectly familiar with western Nebraska, having spent thirteen years practicing medicine, riding the country and nearly nine yeara aa register and re ceiver of the United Stte land office st Sidney. Neb., and hav some choice bar gain to offer my friend. Dr. It. I). Harris, . Residence. 2408 Emmet Bt., Omaha, KIMBALL COUNTY LAND 16D acres of good plow land, 7 mllea N. W, of Kimball, the county seat. Pric $6.76 per acre. 160 acres 9 mile southwest of Kimball, $6.26 per cr. 160 acre 9 miles south of Dlx, $6.50 per sere. 410 acres Klnkald relinquishment. 10 miles south of Kimball. Nearly all of this ?J"r.m. '"nrt- I,r,'' $"" The deeded 1 In ssme section. Good wetl and wind mill, l.MO-bbl. tank; frame house. Can bo bought for $l.oo. This Is a rare barrntn. 160 cre choice level land. 7 mile N. E. of Dlx. best part of Kimball county, where the most extensive farmer are located. Owner guarantee thl land to be first-clans. Only $1,400. CHEYENNE COUNTY 640 acre I miles N. W. of Potter, $4.50 160 acre 14 mllea north of Potter all a fine buv -t $12 per acre. 32o acres 8 miles went nt RMnev nn. fenced; good well and windmill; $2,000 for 4O0 acres fine level suhlrrigatlon farm Creek runs through land and can be hay; can be made to cut 4j0 tons. This per sore. 4.160 acres of farm and ranch land at water and hay; 4"0 to no head of cattle now In crops; oats last year 66 bu.; wheat Improved. This land can be cut Into or This Is the best ranch and farm proposl Relinquishment of 160 acres near Lew Btatlon, (4j-mlle to school; land partlv in barn and other Improvements. Price '$860. Dr. R. D. Harris, With C. R. GLOVER & SON, 601-2-8 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. PERSONAL MAGNETIC treatment and bath. Mme. IUHUINXj J-XV gnaith, xi N. 16th, 2d floor. US) 637 A HOME for women during confinement: we find homes for babies where mother cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 401 Bancroft Bt. 'Phon Douglas 1921. (18)-M363 SATIN SKIN powder doesn't show; per- lumes tne aain. 1- iesn, wime, pinx, urunet. (18)- THE SALVATION ARMY solicit caatoff doming; in iaci, anyining you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St., for coat of collecting to th worthy poor. Call 'phon Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. (18) 780 MASSAGE and bath. Room $, 1204 Farnam . 8t., 2d Floor. (18) M131 Je. t 1 WILL retain and grow hair or pay $100. Write Dr. uuver J v.. c nance, scalp spe cialist. 396 Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis. Mention Omaha Be when writing. (18) M29 J4x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mr r 1 XT fit I. T- I TI-- . . u . . jviiib, avot ... .... ncuimr ahoy (18) 486 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a Women' Christian association rooma, loll Farnam St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. (18) 816 DR. TARRY "pil'eS .reure iTasminsttnii nt Rrtnlr Tf 4rAA Dr. Tarry, 224 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 118) SaYil JC16 OMAHA Stammerer' Institute, Ramie Bl'g. 118) AW MME. ZEREFA. Armenian "massage, 620 8. loui, riai s. x-non uougiss tMt. (18) M891 JelSx SCHOOL for dressmaking, cutting and fit ting; win cut pattern to measure. By Kneeter; th beat ladies' tailor. 2207 Far. nam Bt. (18) 863 Junel7 MR8. CORA PETERSON If you want your son Anay, s years Old, leiegrapn Carrie Hedlund for Information, Osborn. Mo. Would also like the address of Delia Costln, Omaha. A. W. Peterson, Osborn, Mo. (18) M836 2x PERSONAL I have Important new for Aivin h. yuimny, originally rrom Ver mont; $6 for his address or information. O. J. Qutmby, 616 Union Ave., Portland, Ore. (18)-M824 2x DROP POSTAL to Anderson's, 623 N. 16th St., will call, pay cash for men's sale able cast off clothing and shoes. (181929 7x SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut rices, bend for free catalogue. Myer illlon Drug Co., Omaha, (IS) 499 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO.. flrat floor N. Y. Llfa (19)-601 BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. tl)-H GEORGE ft CO.. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 758. U9 601 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE $2,000 7-room house, modern, except heat, well located, block to car; permanent walks; shade trees, fruit trees. Owner la obliged to close out at once. Price reduced from $3,500 to $2,000. It I a bargain and worth looking up. Benson & Carmichel 'Phone Douglaa 14S2. 642 Paxton Block. (19) M906 4 ABSTRACTS JESSEN ft M DANIEL. 214 Board of Trade. OF TITLE I Phone Douglaa 2292. (19 661 NICE COTTAGE New 6-room cottage; nice location, near 341 h and Meredith Ave., one block- from car; full lot, fine view; $1,600; $250 cash, bal ance $18 per month. PETERSON BROS.. 475 Brandels Bldg. Telephones, D. 7323. A-3157. (19) 933 1 $160. Full soth front lot on Franklin, near 34th 8t. . F. D. WEAD. 1801 Farnam St. (19) M865 2 WEST FARNAM STREET. Two elegant modern brick residences In West Farnam street district, one block from street car; everything In flrst-clas shape, $4,000 each THOMAS BRENNAN. First Floor New York Life Building. (1)-MS54 TWO new 4-room cottages, full lots, on 28th St., Just south of Huiney; nice bath and closets, water and sewer connections, cement walks four feet wide along entire block. Price, 11.700. Can make easy pay. menta If desired. Reed Bros., 1710 Far nam. 1 (19) 971 $2,600. Brick business tnil Id I Mr on prominent downtown corner; rental $2,6X0; will be mora when lease expire. F. D. WEAD. 1S01 Fai-nam Bt. (19)-M854 S CRE1GHTON HEIGHTS. Lots 13 and 14, block 1, each 60x120 ft., northeast corner 44th and Corby 81s., on block from car. lijrt) for both. Your own terms. Call Harney $499. (19-M88 BARGAINS. Four-room cottage on lot 70x150, south front on California, near 81st. Permanent walk and paving all paid. Price, $1,760. ' REED BROS. 1711) Farnam Bu 0)-M62S per acre. level, every foot can be plowed. "This la half good farm land, balance grasing; quick sale. ' and hay land in Pumpkin Creek valley, flooded when desired. Cut shout 200 ton farm Is I mile wet of Redlngton; $16 the head of the Pumpkin creek; plenty of have been kept on this ranch; 130 acre 26 bu.; corn shout S6 hu.; Is fairly well eight farma, with hay and water for all tlon In the west. Price onlv $7.50 per acre ellen, Deuel county. IV miles from R. r! crop; lomt orchard; shade trees; house. !) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE (Continued.) FIVE BLOCKS TO P0ST0FFICE Eight rooms, south front, all epeclalt paid. Lot 30x132. Non-resident urges sale Ground worth money asked. Half block to trackage. 100 feet from 16th 6U Eee u for thl bargain. j O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. . Dong, or A-11.U. (19)-MM 3 REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST ftA CHAS. fi. WILLIAMSON. Free. V'O. Or-407 4228 HARNEY 8TREET. One of the prettiest borne In Omaha, I room, all modern, oak floor, bet plumb ing, two lot, beautifully planted, fruit hrub, hrdly flowering plants. Inquire on premises, or 'phon Harney 849. (19) M86 14 TH ST Cottage and full lot on 4th St., ISfloO.' Owner needs money to pay off mortgage. F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam Bt ' (19)-M868 1 FOR quick sal llat your property with Walter Will. 414 Bee Bldg." Rental, and Insurance, 19 ;oi Jl FOR SALE OWNER LEAVING CITY Offer elegant 11-room residence, new and modern, in West Farnam district; will sell at a aacriflce. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO,, 219 Board Of Trad. (19)-434 1 $600. Et front on 40th 8t., between Leaven worth and Farnam St. F. D. WEAD. 18)01 Farnam St. - (19)-M863 1 REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1866. Prompt ervlce. Get our prices. 1710 Farnam St. U)-0 I WANT offer on Omaha property before June 20, 1908. Lot 6 and 7, Hampton Heights; best residence property; 8. E. corner Ames Ave. and 30th St; good bus -ness property. I must sell. Address E. A. Fogelstrom, care T. V. Gustafson, 201 N. 16th Bt. (19) M907 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE OOOD FARMING LAND, EASY PAYMENTS. Near Dnvr, In Oreeley dlatrlct, black oil, clay subsoil, wall 86 to 40 feet, abundance of moisture, low altitude, gen eral farming including cornsj-alalng; on crop pay for land; cloa to land $260 an acre; low price, easy term; will aooa double In value. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., ' 681 Brandl Building, Omaha, Nab. (20-MM 640 ACRES GREELEY, COLO., LAND In the great potato and augar beet dis trict, and will grow almost any crop. To come under new ditch now building; water by fall; will be worth then $80 to $100 aa acre. Frank K. Miller, 871 South Pearl St., Denver, Colo. (20) M294 J-Z3x WANTED-We hav several thousand acre of good Colorado land for sale; we want good, live agenta to represent us. GLOBE LAND AND INVEST. CO., Omaha, Nab. (20)-M66t laws, HARRISON COUNTY. IOWA. FARM For Bale at a Bargain. 160 acres, Improved farm, 4 mils from market; good 6-room houses barn, shed, granary, hog houses, hen house, cribs, etc., 40 acres pasture, acres meadow, 8 acres alfalfa, 45 acres fine winter wheat, 20 acres oats, balance In corn; rented for two-fifths of crop delivered; this yesr's rent to go with the sale of farm if sold before July 16; price, Y) per acre If aold before the above date. Addresa owner, 406 Brand-Is Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (20) M668 Je-28 Nebraska. I will sell big home place or residence conalattng of 7 acre. Two dwelling houae, two flrat-clos cellar. Two barn. Two well, one windmill. Orchard, all fenced In lot from H-cr to 2-acre lota. Tank house, lead pipes and hydrsnta. Price $4,500 caeh. NATH. CRABTREE, Fullerton, Neb. (20)-M6M tX Kerr Mexico. 8NAP In 1,800 acres timber snd farm land In New Mexico. Two million feet saw timber. 2f' aires tillable land. Average precipitation 22 Inches. I'rtce, $6 per sere. For particulars write W. A. Givens, East Ids Vegas. N. M., or C. W. Givens, 660 Equitable, Denver. (20) 814 lx Seata Dakota. KEEP POSTED On th Tripp county opening. A million acres to be opened for homestead. Address, Box 184. Dsllas, 8. D. O0-M413 J 26 REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to $10,000 mad promptly. F. D. WL Wad Bldg., Uifl aud Farnam. 32 ill PRIVATE MONEY CASH ON HAND NO DELAY. J. H. Mil HEN. 2ui- 1ST NAT. BANK BLDG. TEL. DOUG. 1171 (22) -III PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., Iv4 FARNAM. (23Jr-U. MONEY to loan oa Improved city property. Healings ft Hydn, 17V4 Faraam St. : t2-r.. LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O tf R. K. Cth, UN. M. Y. Life Bid. IS")--