Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Kay Coofeition Orer, There ii Little
to the BaU Side of Market
Farther Strwagtk Dt1p4
port Damage la Mlsaaart
tar a Straw, Mk Lltit
t . .OMAHA, Neb.. June 1. 1W.
With th co-igeitlon of Msy option over
there, seems very little to the hull sld of
the market. eaceDting the wet weather
ehould continue through June and prevent
planting and harvesting of the new crop.
Value were opne4 at the cloning price
of Friday and with ahorta covering and
hla-h offerlnas were booated higher.
Wheat bad a tteady opening wltn prices
trong and offerings light. Further strength
developed later by reported large decreaaee
In merchant' etnck and aonte real damage
report from Missouri. July wheat opened
at Me and cloeed at Me.
Corn opened strong on light receipts and
valuaa dvaTinl nn a atroDK caah
demand and bullish weather reporta. With
exception to the atrong cah market the
session aaa featureleaa. July option opened
at Ma and closed at ec.
Primary wheat recelpta were buen
el and ahtpment were tot ooo buahela.
sgalnst receipts laat year of TK.00 buahela
and shipments or 23.000 buahela.
Corn recelDts wer Svnr) buahela and
eMnment. mere, ;mm bushels, acalnit re'
ceipta laat year of 1.8d6.CwO buahela and ship
ment ef (.(. tmaiieis.
ciiirni mm is uk) buahela of corn
t.Omo bushels of oata. and wheat an J flour
eusl to Xli,1 buahela.
Liverpool closed Hd lower to Vid higher
On wheat and unchanged on com.
Local rang of option:
Article ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloa. Baty.
Wheat I I I
July... M'i! W1 M4; MVi
Sept... W,, 10W U
Corn 1
July... M 4H
eept... u) tx u aw.
Omaha Caah Prlcea.
WHEAT No. 1 hard, MVfKr; No. t, hard
SaVyaMc; No. 4 hard. r5ac; No. 1 iprlng,
CORN No. 1 7w7V: No. a. f73
7H: No. 4. mC06Sc; No. 1 yellow. 7c;
No. I vellow. r.c; No. t white, 6&S.c.
OATS No. S mixed. 0Hlc; No. 1 whit.
tdtrr; Tin. 4 white, wc.
RYE-No. 2. 74S7&c; No. t, Tl73c.
Carlo Receipt.
Wheat. Corn. Oata.
Chicago It U 81
MinneaDoli 242
Omaha T4 1 43
Duluth ..- 44
Feat area af th Trad I a a; aad Closing;
Prleea a Board! of Trade.
CHICAGO, Juna 1. Heavy rain In the
Southwest and drouth In southern Europe
caused strength today In the local wheat
market, the July delivery eloping at a net
gain of VtfS'-. Corn wa up 'c. Oata un-
cnangea. rrovisions were zvtj-noc nisner.
The wheat market waa atrong all day
The wet weather in Kanaa furnished a:
incentive to buvera at the opening, and aa
nfferlnss were liil.L orlces were easily ad
vsnoed. A trading progreaaed the market
waa further strengthened by report repeat
ing farmer clatma of damage by dry
weather In aoutheaatern Europe. A bulge
In corn also caused bullish sentiment in
wheat. There was soma reaction late In. the
day oa the profit taking;, but the market
eloefd firm. July opened ttrv,e higher, at
iu904 sold at aHe. and then advanced
to YlvC, and cioaed at tOQWc Clearancea
or wheat a no ncur were aquai to .o.i"i ou.
The amnunt on Daeaaare Increased 648.(10 bu..
and the visible supply decreesed 1.2M.0f)
tiu. iTiinary receipta, e4.w du.. egainai
748.009 bu. on the same dsy laat year. Mln
n..nAH. Tt.tla.tH mwkA Phlvn rerwirteH r
cetpta of toi ears, against 2w last week and
447 cars on year ago.
further delay bv rain to seeding opera
Mane caused strength In corn. July opened
a shade to Hro hlgner. at 7nHc, snia
el 7V and then advanced to Vc. The
rloae waa at tP4o. Loral receipts, 159
cars, with tm cars or contract.
Oats were firm tn sympathy -with wheat
and corn. July opened Ve lower to c
higher, at S04&e, sold up to 47c and
cloeed at esc. Local recelats, tl cars. "
Trading In provisions was active and the
market firm. A limn&e advance In live
hoae and the strength of corn were the
ehtet bullish Influences. At the close July
pork was up IV. at tlft T2. Lard was i'S'
to higher, at (8.&&41 bT. Ribs were fie
higher, at I7.4P4,. '
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
n cars: corn. 349 ears: oats. 241 ears: hogs.
16.000 head.
Leading- futures ranged as follows:
Articles. I Open,! Hlgh-I Low. Close. I Bat y.
Wheat I I
June SS H M 9 1 01H
July 9044 91S 90fH 0u,
Bept. sS " H
a T ec. S9 "H 4
bDee. 8S , b H
Corn- I
July e7H?H Wt WH
Sept, l&H m &m V7'4'rS
Dec 67S s1! 7a.6MS
Oat I
July . IS-"
bJuly 49W 4 4ftV 4si 4M
6ept. rSI r. 4V
May 4V 41 4OV40641l 37
Pork . I
July . , 12 74 U 10 12 ta It T2 12 70
SepL I 14 06 I 14 0H4 UR U 97m U 97Vi
Lard- I
July..) t0 It l B7Wj I67H
u'ly- TtTH'tW T4I,T4?HT27
Kept. I HiSw t71Wl T46 T t 1 l&b
No. 1 add. bNew. '
Ch quotallona war a follow:
FLOUR Market easy; wintar patents,
f4.M4 : stralf hta. 4.1O04 : spring pat
ents. K 9066.40; straiyhta, ta.904i4.i6; bakers,
2 60fi4.& '
WHEAT Mo. t spring SftcC1.07; No. I red,
("Ve!c,. - v. . . ...
XRN-No. 2, THrTJHc; No. 2 yellow. 76o.
OAT No. I whit. sOWbUVic.
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, WWe
SEED Flax, No, 1 northweatern, tl.24tfc
PROV1810N Short - rlba. sides Hoosei,
r.er7.t Mess pork, per bbl.. 21X.7V61J.sTH
Lard, per K lbs.,- 2A.46. Short clear sides
(boxed). 27.to0ir7.7i.
Followlr were th recelpta and shipments
of riour and grain:
Receipt. Shipments
Flour, bbl 20.i0 4t.ti0
Wheat, ba 10,0 11.400
Corn, bu ssi.OuO ITt.ino
Ciata. bu lw.nw 7,7h
Rye. bu '.000 9Ar0
Barley, bu 46.200 t.200
On tha Produce exchange today tha butter
market waa firm; creamertee, lfe$!c;
dairies, InUTOc. Eggs, steady; at mark,
caaea Included. 12wl4c,flr sts, 14o; prima
firsts, ltisjc. Cheese, easy; lOiflUHc
t. Loals Geaeral Market.
8T. LOUIS, Mo., June I WHEAT Fu
tures, higher; cash, dull: track. No. red.
tl uuel.wA; No. 2 hard. tTcyCiX; July, Ktf
tTc; Seember, ST'tc.
CORN Higher; track. No. t caah. 71HO
7c; July. :V; September, 644SrHc; No.
J whit. W76Sc.
OATS Steady; track, Na. 2 caah. 63c;
September. 97c: No. J Whit. 66c.
FLOUR Dull; red winter patents. 2SSff
4 90; extra fancy and straight. KNHMfc;
clears. U K 6 70.
BE ED Timothy, stesdy: tteOflt.Ti.
(V'RNMEAL Steady : tl to.
RRAN-4uM:l; sacked. aaat Uack. tl.168
. HAY-Steady timothy, 21Oi0r4JT.OO. prai
rie. tlluutrLl SO. .
PROVIilONS-Hork. ateady; Jobbing,
tllii. Lard, higher; prim steam.
t lf4 Dry salt iueata. steady; boxsd extra
shotta, t7.76: clear rlba, 17 (ZS; ahort clrara.
i tu Bacon, aieadv: boxed extra short.
HiO: clear rlba. 0 274; short dears. 1IH
POl'LTRY Pasv; chlckena. kHc; aprlngs.
57c: torkrve. Htj". ?Sc; duck. 7c; geese, 6c.
BUTTER Steady ; creamery, tupae.
EOO& Unchanged, at lie, caa eouat.
Recelpta Shipments
Flour, bbl .0i 7.000
V'It. bu. 22 000
Corn. bu. 41 4j0 ia.uiiO
Oata. bu m.M 41.
Haaaaa City Oral aad tVorlsloaa.
Unchanged and dull: July, 4i,c; September.
fi.7vc: rash: No. t hard. 4i'c; Ha. 2
hard "W76c, No. 2 red. 9BHe; No. t
red 9i iae.
OATS-l h'rher; No. 2 white, 5JtJ56c; X0
t mlved. liasic.
HAY-Oiolc timothy, tor lower. Ill OWfl
llt: choke prairie, eaay. tttilaA.
XPN-l7e higher; Julv, ejc; Septem
ber, c; December, elc; ssk: No. t
wMt. No. I white. 7'c-
Bi;TTF..H SJ.eadv: creamery, &c: packing
slfv-k. lc.
Exuia Kdy : fresh estraa, 16; current
receipt, 13c.
RCip'8 Bmpm'nu.
Wheat, bu .i.l'W.eo U.onn
Com, bu 4ir
Oata, bu. 14.
Qaotatloas of . the Dor oa Varleee
NEW YORK. June 1 rLOL" R Receipts.
U.VV) bbla; eiports. .4in bMs.: market
quiet and about stesdy: Minneents patents,; winter etralghta, P.iit Min
nesota bakera, 94 6H m; winier exxraa.
93&i4.10: winter patents. 94M?4ft; winter
low arads. sseKH'"' nye nour, huti,
lair to good, H.&4.; choice to fancy,
4 K-&f IS.
CORNMEAL-Firm; fine white and yel
low. II fJi1 CB; coaree, tl 56: kiln dried. M St.
RTK Kaay; M). 1 western, vc, I. o. a..
New York.
WHEAT Receipts, " pu. : expose.
M lrt bu.; sales. l.sro.CUO bu. future and
H.wn bu. spot. rpot. sieaay; no. i reu,
IT 01. elevator, and tl.OI, f. o. b.. afloat:
No. l northern, uuiuth. Ii r. o. a..
afloat; No. 2 hard wintr. tl.iuv. f. o. b..
afloat. There waa nm g'wd buylna: of
wheat today on bullish foreign crop newa.
light western receipt and Increased clear
ances. After advancing c. prices eased
on better north weet crop news, but at III
closed 44TSc net hUher. July, esSftWHc.
closed at Hc; September, 95 9-lc.
cloeed at 95c.
CORN Receipts. 14&.12S w.; exports, is.wu
bu.; salee. li.uiu bu. Spot, steady; No. i.
75c. elevator, and TSc. f. o. b.. afloat. The
option market waa strong and higher on
llttht recelpta and too much rain west,
clnelng at net advance. July. 7,f
7c, closed at 75c. beptemoer eioaea ai
OAT9 Receipts. 114 uno bu.; exports. I W
bu. ft Dot. steadv: mixed oats. to E lb..
He; natural white. to 12 Iba., 4g5Pic;
clipped white, X2 to 4U ID.. snft4c.
MAT Steady; gooa to cnoice, lenjic.
HOP8julet; state, common to choice.
1907 cron. 612c: I! crop. 43c; Pacific
coaet. Iir7 crop, yqy; 19 crop, 5c.
Hll)fc-Hrra; Bogota. HNc; enirai
America, l'ViC
t FTHrnOnlpf arid. 1!7c.
fROTSJ.ONS Beef, steady; family, t. SO
4517.00; mas, 18.&"'rr14 be-f hams. 92
fc.00; parket. 414.3Hfli.0t; city extra India
meas. M S2S.iiO. cSh meats, steady; pick
led belllea, 99.ttntilO.0O; pickled hams. 2S.75U
10.00. Lard, steady; western. .o"on.'; re
fined, quiet: continent. 90: South Amer.
lea tfci: fomnound. 97.S7Q.12H. Pork
quiet; family. J17.0("31.00; short clears, 11S.7S
17?K! mm. n47MrlS.2B.
TALLOW Vjulet; city fi per pkf ), Sfcc;
country (nkgs. Iree, ,4sc.
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra.
IVftilr; JaDan. nominal.
HI'TTEUt Klrm: creamery specials, 23Hc;
creamery extras. 23o; creamery third to
firsts. lS4fr-2Hc; state dairy, common to
firsts. 'riVic; process, common to spe
cial. KW-ic; western loctory iirsts, imc.
CHEtSE Steady; full creamery, old spe.
riala. !: atate full cream, old. full white,
fancy, 14c; atate full cream, old, large and
small, colored, fancy. Uhc: atate full cream,
fair tn nrlme. HWfrlSe: atate full cream,
common, &9Hc; stata full cream, new, 9Vi
EO(JS Firnier; state. Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy aelocted white, 18VtJlHc; guod
to choice. 17WilSc. brown and mixed extra.
lnWoiac; fir8ta to extra firsts. 17$ 18c; west
ern firsts. l&BlSViC; seconds. lalac
horrers Taeadar, After a Igat of
Hlch Temperat are.
OMAHA. June 1. 1908.
The weather contlnuea unsettled. With
general showers over the central valleys
and throughout the west, and with a
trough of low pressure extending from the
extreme northwest down over tha moon
tain district, the outlook Is favorable for
continued unaettled weather, with ahowera.
In thia vicinity tonight and Tneaday. Lower
temperatures have prevailed tn the central
valleys and weat during the laat forty
sight houra. but ara higher in tha north
west this morning, and the weather will be
slightly warmer in mis vicinity tonignt.
Omaha record of temperature and pre.
rlpltation compared with the correapond-
ing day or Uio last tr.ree years-
lit. 1907. 1908. 1W.
Minimum temoeratur 63 W 54 61
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .IS
Normal temperature for today, 17 degree.
Deficiency In precipitation ainca March 1.
.36 Inch.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, inches.
Deficiency corresponding period in wca.
1.08 inches. i A.
Local Forecaater.
' Cora aad Wheat Regioa Bolletla.
Wtr tha twentv-fobr hours endlna at B a
m.. 76th meridian time, Monday, June 1.
Temp Rain
Btatlona. Max. Mln. fall.
Ashland. Neb.... MKT
Auburn. Neb 2
Columbus, Neb..3 48 .r
Falrbury, Neb.... & K .02
Fairmont. Neb... 2 T
Or. I sland. Neb.. 8 bi JO
Hartlngton, Neb. ex 4 .00
Hastings. Neb.... 67 52 .(
Oakdale, Neb.... 1 SV T
Omaha. Neb M .18
Tekamah, Neb... M .00
Alta. Ia 47 ,00
Carroll. Ia M 47 .00
Clarinda. Ia 4 B0
Bibley. Ia 44 .00
Bioux City. Ia . 94 60 .00
It. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 9 a. m.
No. of Temp. Rain,
Central. Buttons. Max. Min. Inches
Chicago, 111 26
Columbus. O.. 1
Des Moines. Ia.... 14 J4
Indianapolis. Ind., 12 - - 70
Kanaas City. Mo.. JO
Minneapolis. Minn. 28 ,
Omaha. Neb....... 1 .
Bt. Lou S.' mo i "
Cool weather oontmae throughout th
. . . 1 I .nmlahla Mln,
corn ana wnemi -"'" Aiit..... " T
occurred only m tn lommoiw, mn "u
Kansas City dlatrlcta. being fairly heavy
, th. X? WELBH. Local Forecaster.
Visible apsly at Grala.
NEW TORK. June 1. Too visible supply
of grain SAturday. May 84 compiled by
the New York Produoa exchange, waa as
PWheat. 22.tl8.000 bushels; decrease, 1.2&4,
Cns'.TSt.OCa bushels; increase. L1M.0W
oila? 2.2S5.000 bushels ; increase. 47 bush-
lS. . 11 CAA K, i -V.
Rye, ttn.OW Dusneia; iuu
i -
Barley, 1.642,000 bushels; decreaae.
LlTaraaal Grata Mark.
LIVERPOOL. June 1. - WHEAT - Spot,
firm: No. 2 red western winter. 7sd; No.
1 California. 7s Hl. ruturea, jui-, uiy.
Tsld; September. 7s 4d; December,
JCORN Spot, firm: new American, kiln
dried. UllVrd: old American mixed, ta.
Futures, nominal. .,
FLOl"R Winter patents, quiet, 29 94.
HOPS In London. Pacific coaat, ateady;
CI I6s?2 Wa.
rbtladelpbta Prodaoa Market.
Firm; good demand: extra Westarn cream
err. 24c; nearby print, 4c.
EOGS Steady: fair demand; Pennsyl
vania and other nearby firsts, free oases,
I7ic; current receipts. In returnable caaea,
16c at mark.
C H BBU hi Finn : good demand: New Tork
full creame. choice, USlHc; fair to good.
aflaaeaaalla Grala Market
i kant 11 llAa: No. 1 northern. tl4: No.
2 northern, fe 07V No. 1 northern., tl ilff
1.06; July, tltart.: oeptemoer. iTc.
RTtts-in bulk, tar-naw.
FLOl'R Unchangeu; first patent a. 25 454J
t : second patents. s awjo: rtrei rwara,
42&4tt; seOTid clear. ttmW-SS
miaaake Grala Market.
ini , f l- tr t7 T, , l It'llriT.ttir.
kei Steady: No. i northern. tUi:M.'l; No. 2
northern, tl 1"1 12; July, tii- hid.
BARLKT-Hlgrher; No. 2, TOr; sample
OJRN-Hlgher; No. 1 cash. 2071c; Jjly,
6c. aked.
Pvarla Market-
PEORIA. UL." June 1. -CORN Steady
Ko. 2 yellow. 72c; No. t yellow. 71c; No.
t, TOc; No. A .: no grada. tVJH'oooc.
OATS Steady; No. I white, ale; No.
white. k"j5i'4c. . '
WHIShltT-tl 26.
Dalatk Grala Market.
nri-ITH. June 1. WHEAT No 1 north
ern. ,?, Hu, 2 aortnarn. ti fc4c; July.
II was or ivpieiubar, arc
OAT9-4juac. - . - -y .
Clala Batter Market.
1UX7IN. HI. June 1. BITTER Firm at
23c. ti Ivi tbe waec were .& Iba,
m!d. IMKftr; No. t m!d. 69c;
Strength of the Market Surptisei
Moit Hopeful ObierTert.
I'aal, Resdlaa. laited "late tteel
aad Aaaalaraaaated C'opyer Also
Rlee-Claa ta Baayaat
aad Active.
NEW YORK. June l.-The strength of
tbe stock niaraet today, both In ua ex
tent snd In Its character, proved a sur
prise tu the most hopeful observers, 'inu
upward course of prices showed a
momentum and absence of hesitation that
wete of convincing effrct on those that
nart feen doubtful of Jhe range of pricea
prevailing. The moat conspicuous bujing
was by brokerage houses, who wer the
heaviest sellers in the break of last week
and who are commonly supposed to repre
sent the financial foreee. which re
credited with the crevloua oDeratlone for
the rise. The Inferences as to the personali
ties supposed to be thus tndicstud mad up
the strongest sentimental influence In the
day'a operationa. These operations con
tinued to an overwhelming extent in the
Harrlman and Hill stocks. St. Paul and
Reading, and switched to c siight extent
during the day into United LSutes Steel
and Amalgamated Copper. So far as any
actual new developments were an Influence
in tne market, tbe enactment of the
emergency currency measure and the ad
journment were the principal factors.
There Waa aom rvtalnn of nnininn evi
dently as to the scope of the effect of the
v acasn-rltuburg reoeiverehlp, especlslly
amongst the other Gould properties. The
Hill stocks were subject of continued
rumors of aaaumed .benefits to accrue from
the new B'irlingtoh bond sale. Further
sales of bond issues to bankers and the
progress of subscriptions to issues offered
by bsnkers were a sstlstactory index of the
opportunities tor securing new capital.
Gold waa engaged In additional amounts
ror shipment to Europe, and Paris con
tinued to draw gold from the London mar
ket, notwithstanding a declining tendency
In Paris Interest rates. London rates also
continued to yield In spite of the demand
upon that center. The money market in
New York aa well, showed undiminished
ease. Evdently Berlin Is the center, whose
exigencies are still to be satisfied, but
with promises that they also, will be early
Th stock market showed wonderful re
siliency at the last, coming up persistently
from successive set barks from the early
aale to take profits and closing buoyant
ana turiousiy active.
Honda were firm. Total sales psr value
22.35a.oie. United States bonds were un
changed at Aall.
Milliliter of sales and Quotations on stock
were as ioiiows:
4ami Express 11
AmlgmatF4 Capper Ml T tfu, 7v4
Am. C. F S0O 97 94
Am. C. T. pfa
Am. Cotton Oil t'O V 90S ""4
Am. Cotton Oil pta V
Amerlran Enpres tA
Am. H. L. pf4 , H
American Ire aecnrttle.... trm u 9t4
Am. UiM Oil no 10 1
Am. Unaee Oil pti im US H r i
Am. LoromotlT 1,400 hO 4IS M
Am. LoromrKlTS ptd lot
Am. S R M 0 7i 7H 7514
Am. 8 R. ptd S M4 ,
Am. Sugar RhnlD( 1.400 1WH 1K ISO
Am. Tobarre pfd rtta.
Aiu-oixla Mlnlos Co 4.7m 4S 41 H
Atrhleon t.KW tl 41 MS
Atrhlaca pfd 14 42
Atlantic Coaat Line ! 1 n
Bmltlmore A OHIO S1H F 14
Bl. A Ohio pf4 loft M M 47
Bmokirn Rapid Tr W 4H ' 411 n
Canadian Pacific 7.1") lu- 1V
Crntral of New Jsnwr 1&3
Chraapeak A Ohio 44V4 44
Chiraro Gt. W 7n
Cklrass A 1. W I SO 154 1SH4
C. M. A St. P 44. IO 115H 1U 14
Chicago T. A T 4
Chlcacs T. A T. pfd 26
C . C. C. A St. L 200 . Stv, 4 S7
Colorado P. 1 6a t Ml
Colorado A So l't 11 1
Col. A So. let pfd V t 44 a
Colo. A So. M pld 700 SO 4 4
Conaolldated Gaa 2.OP0 IK 124 lUm
Cora Pradacta, rfg 14
Corn Products pfd. rfg 71
Delaware A Hodaon 40 11 14 lsou,
Dal., Ia. A W 4M
Denrer A Rio Graod ton ti , 1.!,
D. A R. O. pfd 2.0X0 t iv 1H
Platlllenr tecarltlea TW- u Wl 14V,
trie .4'0 Ui . ft 2Ji
Erie lat pfd.... 41 t 41H
Erla Id pfd... Q t4a t4
Geeral Elertrte "0 1M 117 1J4
Illlnoia Central IMS U' IU
International Paper 10 10s 10S 10Vi
Int. Paper pfd 97
Int. Pump 2.r 14 M4 MS
Int. Pump pfd 4.t 74H 714 H
Iowa Central SO 14 It 14s
Iowa Central pfd K SIS U it
Kasaaa City So ia Uv, NS 24U.
K. C. SO. pfd V 17 ' IT 47
Loatmil A H I M 111V 14H l(f S
M.ilcan Central us 14 lS
Mlna. A St. L KW t 0
M , St. P. A g. M 1144 111 111
M . At. P. A 8. A M. pfd.. 1(K) 1 111 1JS
Mlaaoart Pacinc 4 M 4 4S
M.. K A A 4,9 1 SIS iS
M-. K. A T. pfd W 41 41 41 S
National Laiad LOOO 47 (7 47 s
N. R. R. of M. pfd St
New Tbrk Central I. IKS 1S 1S
N. T.. O. A W 4 r) 4i' 14S 44
Norfolk A W 701 MS !
H. A W. pfd SO
Monk Ameiicaa 1.9m 41 44 i
Paelflo Mall 4W S KS KS
PeaoarlTaala 11 ) IMS 1'S 11.
People's Oaa tl 91 41
P.. 43.. C. A 8t. It 75
frail I Sv.M Car 100 S 94 H
PthiiI 8. C. pfd M
Pullman Paiae Car SW 1M 1(4 1S7
Readiaa 147,100 1:4 111 114
Raa4lng 1st pit (7
Reading td pfd
Republic Steal
Repnblte Steel pi'd
Rock laland Co.
Rock lalaad Co. pfd ...
II. t 4 I F M pfd..
91 Lents 8. W
St. U 4 W. pfd ..
Soathera Pacific
St. Pactrle pfd
So. Rail war
to. Rallwag pfd
Texaa A Pacific
T-, 81. L A W
T . St. U A W. pfd....
I'alea Pacific
t'nloa Pacific pfd
l 8. Kipraa
I t'O
, l.ios
ii ia
71 "
lk 17 11
n k r
14 14 14
ns us rs
94 l' O
ns Me.
11S 114W 114X
. l.fl 1 7 1S
1W aa ana l
m u t i4
! It It 1
IV 44 44 41V
.241.4") 147 141 .147
104 I) 41 M
f. 8. Raaltr
V. 6. Rabear
94 15
r. 8. Rubber pfd
V. 8. BtMi
V. t. fttaei pfd
.... v
t" X
4.SW Vt 101 104
v a--Carolina caemicai
Va.-Oiro. Cheat, pfd...,
WaDaaa pfd
W'alle-rargo Epreaa ..
Weattaghouae Electric
Waatara taloa
Wheeling A L B
1J0 14 24 24
1 so its it 12
1.4x0 11 tl iS
1.40O 61 40 41
lift 4 4 4
l 17 17 1T
I'd 41 41 41
40. a in ik ir
40 95 14 U
v- 44 94 94
l. 13 U el
41.4 111 ! 111
t Its 1! 11
lr U 15 lis
Vfi J' l: 11 1
0 17 14 I
Wikcihii Central ....
Win Central pfd
North. Pacific
Ccatml Laathar
Central Leather pfd...
S.oaa-anaid 8tat ..
Orat North p4....
Intertorougb Mat.
lat. Met. pld
Vtak Copper
Vtah Cve pfd
Total sales for the dar. 4S4.4U0 abares.
Boatoa ataeka est Baads.
BOSTON. June L Money, call loans, '(f
t per cent; time loans. 134 S per cent.
Closing quotations on stocks and bonds to
day wer as follows:
Atchleon adj. 4a
44 C. g. stael....
.. 1
.. ST
.. 1T
.. 74
.. 11
.. 7IS
.. 20
.. 44
.. art
.. U
.. at
.. il
... 11
... 4
.. U
... t
... 1T
... 1S
... 41
... 4
... 4
4a aa
do pfd
Boatoa A Albany..
Boalon A Maine .
Boataa Kleratad
Plukhurg pfd
..ST do pfd
.. 42 Adeeaiura ......
.. tlSAIIovea
. ? Amalaaaaatod .
..lit Atlantic
. .1M Bingham
..lSl Cal. ft Hecla..
M. central 1.
14 Centennial
hi. T.. N H. A H HI-, Copper Range
t'nloa Paelfte
144 let Rorale
Am. Ara. Chest
de pfd
Am. Paes. Tab.
'"Ja lugar ...
eVe pld
Am. T A T
Am. W oolen
do el 4
. I" Maaa. Mining .
. 44 Michigan
. Mohaak
.Ill Moat. C. A C.
.117 Old DoaUnlea
. 21 Purot
. 14 gainer
Kdiaoa Clee. Ills.. .114
Ceaerel Electric
Maaa. Electrtc ..
a pfd
aaa Caa
tailed rrell ...
Vailed f. M
4e pfd
B:4 Aaked
..11, Tamarack
.. 4 Trlaitr
.. 44 Cnlted Copper
.. U t'. S. Miaing . . r. . on
.. 44 llah
. 27 Victoria
. . 2 W inona
El- W olveiina .....
ew York Mlalagr ttoeka.
NEW TORK. June 1 Clewing quotation
on mining iock were ss roiiows:
Alice 1 Lead rule Coa. .
.. 9
. 4
. i
. '.I
. ti
kraaawlrk Coa 4
Com. Tuaaet aterk... It
Cam. Auaael boada . ts
Cen Cel. ft Ye e'
Utile Chief
Small Hoaea ..
flora Silver M
Iroa tileee !
9iar4ar .
Tel low Jarket
Bask CTearlaara. .
OMAHA. June 1. Bank clearings for to
day were 43 M 71 and for the eorre date last year t!.332.1M.
Trasatry Stateaseat.
WASHINGTON. June 1 -Tdsy s stste-
ment pr tne treasury tiaace n te gen
era! fund cxclusi of to t.0 iwl.Oii gull
rrv shews: Avsi:sble caah balance,
l:s.SJ.r; gold coin and bullion, 221.tK2.tU;
gold cenlflcte. Itl.flCl
.e York Moaey Market.
TILE PAPER ."yj4 per cent.
HILHI.IMJ t.(.MAMir-8tf(IV, with
actual business In bankers' bills st 94 ITOftfi
4 r.ii for demand and at 24 !'b1.H'$ for
suty-dsy bills: commercial bllla. 94 MV.
SILVER Bar. tic: Mexican dollars. 4,c.
BONDcl Government, steadv: railroad
MONET On call, easy. 1V.451V per cent:
ruling rate. 1 per cent; closing hid. 1 per
cent; offered at per cent. Tim loans,
nutet and firm; sixty day. a7:S per cent;
ninety dsys. 2 per cent; six months, St
2 per cent.
l losing quotauons on bonds todsy wers
ss follows:
I' 8. rf. la, rea ..
l"Hork Val.
1" Int. Met. 4a. 47
L A N nm. 4a
I' l Maa. c s. 4a
11" Mci crairal 4a H
Ml do la inc 47
71 X. St. L. 4a ... S
1' . K. A T. 4a.... H
1 do la J
. N R. R. of M. c. 4a 11
. N. Y. C. g. 9"
.1'. . J. C. 8 H4
M No Pacific 4a 1I
. H do ia 71
. 91 N a w. e. 4 a?
. 71 o. 8. U rfg. 4a . US
KSPeon. c. !. ',415 111
. T- df mu. 4a ctta I'll
. 44 Reading gen 4a 14
14 Republic of Cnea 4a. IMS
.1"" it. L. A I. M. c. ia..lJT
do ronpoa
L. 8. la re
do coanen
V. 6. 4a. ra
de cnuron
An Tobaere 44
do 4a
Atchiaoa en. 44 ...
do adj. 4c
do c. 4a
do ce. 4a
Atlantic C L 4a...
Bal. m Ohio 4
do I Si
Brk R. T. c. 4a...
Central of Oa. e...
"do lat live
Mo Id Ine
"do Id lac
Cnea. A Ohio 4a-.
Chicago A A. ! .
.. 7 St. L. A 8 r fg 4a. 71
. . 4 t L. 8. W. c. 4a 4e
.. eahnard A. L. 4s. S4
.. 71 eeso Pactrle 4a SM,
.. 47 do let 4a 1
4e7f. Railway ta. l'v
.. :Tei. m Pacific
.. 41 T.. 8t. L. A W. 4a 74 S
i .. B. a u a. 4a .
C. R. 1. A P. 4a..
do col 4e
do rfda 4a
Ci.C. A St. L. a
Colo. lad. it
Colo. Mid 41 ...
Olo. a So. 4a...
.. 841'nloa Pacific 4a !!
IVIa. a Hud c. 4a.. MV
da ct 4a 41
-u. a b. o. 4a
M V a c,-, m u p44
Erie p . 4l
Webaih la 11
7t Weetera Md 4a... 70
w. a L. R. 4a
W 'Wla Central 4a .'
. T. M cf ci. 4a. lit
do aea. 4a
Japan 4a
do 4a
do Id aeriea
Bid. Ki-lntereat
Bid and Ex.
Landoa Stock Market.
LONDON, Jun 1. American ecurltiea
opened firm, and to 1 higher today.
I nlon Pacific. Paltimore A Ohio, and Chi
cago, Milwaukee and Pt Paul were In de
mand arul iea the upward movement. At
noon the market waa atrong with price un
changed from the opening level.
ixmaon closing stock quotations:
Cotinola, money ...... t.Mo., Kan. A Tiaa . t44
do account MS Sew Tork Central. ...l.d
Anaconda Norfolk A W'eetera.. 70
Atchtaon J do pfd M
ao pro aa Ontario m Waatera.. 41
a Ohia 11 Pennarlranla 41H
Canadian Pacific 1M Rand Mlnea
inetapeaae c Ohio. . s Reading
Chi. Great Weetera.. IS Southern Rallwar
Chi.. Mil. A St. P. .134 o pfd ...
Pe Beere llSoothern Panne .
Denrw A Rio Grande X I nioa Pacific
do pfd 41 s do pfd
art n In i ted Statea Steel
ds lat pfd 40 do pfd
do 2d pfd We been
Orand Trnak U do pfd
Illlnoia Central 144 Spanlah 4a
. 17
. 11
. 44
. SI
. 1
. II
. 21
Lrfrutarllle ft Nlah..ll0 Amalzaraated ru, mil
SILVER Br, steady at 24 7-16d per
Per rent.
The rat of diacount in 1
t of discount In the open market
ror snort nils is lUfint n,. nt- n.
three months' bills. Ig14 per cent
Forelarn Financial.
BERLIN June 1. Prices generally on the
Bourse today were weak. Government ee
curlties were tb only shares that (howed
PARIS. Jun 1. The tone of tha Bourse
today waa weak at the opening, but be
came firmer toward the close.
Coffee Market.
NEW TORK. June 1 -COFFEE-The cof
fee market opened steady at a decline of
6 polnta in response to lower European
market. Business was not active, but the
market ruled easy under scattering liquida
tion in the absence of Important support
th c,OM at a net decline of
6510 points. Sales were reported of 11760
hsgs. Including June at loig6.15c; July at
6.1TK-; September at 106c; December at C0
806c and March at .&&)$. 06c. Spot coffees
quiet; No. 7 Rio, 6e; No. 4 Santos, tc;
rnU1,4fffti.,u1et: Cordova, ei2ic.
quiet and ateady; low ordinary.
T l-lflc. nominal; ordinary, TTso. nominal;
f? ,!rAnt,rif,. 8'1Sc: ,ow middling.
T,f,.'n,,ld,1,n ' ,llc: f0015 middling,
12c: middling fair, !2Hc: fair. 13Hc, nomi-
!Z y,13- JrCOTTON-Steadv:
middling. HHc; sales, lit bales; receipt and
hlpment. none; stock, 22.889 bales.
Metal Market.
London tin market was lower, closing at
127 l&s for spot and 126 16 for futures
The local market waa easy with quotations
ranging from t & Copper was
n.gher In London, closing at 67 16s for
spot and 58 7s 6d for futures. The IncM
Est6. T8! d,U": w,.th. Lk Quoted tl2.75
SV.,!?lj.lle'-,11,n!-,- ting
r f "-j11 w ""fhanged st 12 16s
in London, but was a shade lower on the
average, at 94.34.35 locally. Spelter was
higher at 19 Us in London The oc"
El'V'? du" nd -"-0- sl'r "
MSMIM.tO Iron waa higher at 6n i for
f.. t"! w,rran" th English market
Locally no change waa reported. No 1
foundry northern la quoted at tU75frl7 f
"orthsw foundry. 9lAOtygl7.00; No i
southern snd No. 1 southern soft. 116.25
!!;r?ts:2r7SAL-M dull:
Bs-aparateel Apple aad Drloet
PLES-Qulet. with fancy quoted at lOfi
14c choice at prim, at rtT7c
and common to fair at 6vyS6iAc "W"
DRIED FRUIT-Prt,neVa7S unchanged
California and from 6r. to irV
rfv rty. at 158, Psfhes are rathef
asy in tone, althoua-h -w. . ' .I
heavy, with choice at 4W9c trl ,v,i
1 ugiijic. Kaiaina are quiet with inn
seed.tqU-i ol.oi"S faTy
itfl? V WHc. so. dies at 6fic and
London layers at Jl.2Mjl.36. 0
4agu aaa) Molaasea.
NE WTORK. June l-atmao
rirm; rair refining, 2.Sc: centrifi.a.i ox 7ZZ-
I i. u vr-a. a. ODC.
flfeT ACCE-Q i - .
keuT.r.d ITchoTca. rl'n'- OP
tocka oa Hast.
.k . ""' 1 The following are
th. .tock. of breadstuff, and provialon.
l5,tU'er??l:. S1- J 065 0W cental.; corn
la iwC . " V "our; t,oou sacka; bacon
wh,,m T Ono "; shoulder.
JOOO boses; butter. 1.200 cwts.; lard, I '.120
....v,. K, weiera (team and l lao
tona of other kinds, cheese. 29.700 boxes.
Moataly Treaaary Statemeat.
WASHINGTON. Jun. l.The monthly
tatement of the government receipts and
ejpenduurea ahown a deficit for the month
of May. 19-a. of r: .96.1 as sgalnst a sur
plus for May, latT. of toi7l.21i
Woel Market.
LOUIS. Jun. 1.- wn-irir(,.
medium grades, combing and clothing, 16S
19c; light fine. 14fji&c; heavy fine. lOfiUc
tub washed. l6Sc. tvauc.
St. Laals Llv Stock Market.
. ST .Oy1- Jun ' fATTLE Receipts
l.t"J head, including l.JXaj Texana. Market
steady to atrong Native shipping and es
cort steers. M6"97 15; dressed beef snd
butcher steers. ti.25t47t; ateers under lt0
pound. t4.5tn&6.tVi; stokers and feeders tl 80
EVI,. V eJO.til 10; canner.
fl.Bwtt'; bulla, ti 05 50; calves 93 50
7.00; Texaa and Indian steers. tt:0h6
cows snd heifers, tl 7bi4 rt. '
HOG -Receipts. hesd; msrket l'e
15c higher Pig and lighta. fSVZ 9-, pa,.
Vt2G6-t0i butcher and beat heavy.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2 509
head, market weak; native muttons. tJ 0 r
4 76: lamb. 94 ?; cull and buck, ft.
St. J axe? live Sloek Market
Receipts. l.:VJ r.esd. msrket llic higher
nsMves. t5 4J37.26: cows knQ helfera. ti 0w6
t.75: stocker a rvA feeders. U.TtitOO
HOGg-Receicts. ' .t lad: market 10c
hla-her. top, 25 SS; bulk of aales. 96 Ibfii M
SHEEP AND I.AMBa-Kecelnta 4.14
bead: market steal) ; lamhs ti l"-S5eO'
yearlings and wethers, fc.Ci5.3.
! Cltr Lira Stork Market.
SIOUX CITT. Ia.. June i.-(8peclal Tele
gram e C ATT LE Market luc higher;
bawvea to 2i4.7u; cow. and heifer., tt iuijf
t4; feeders. 43 7a4j-a uu; calve, ana year
linga. tlu4 46.
HiKjuiiecupts Mf head: market 10c
higher, rang, t-Sji.4i.' bulk of aalaa.
; molaasea suaar. 1 arm n.ei-. 1. 7..:'
4Mc; No. 10, 476c; No. 11 tTor ' it
t 4 4t
Cattle ef All Kindt Steady to a Little
Largo Receipts of Skeep aad Laaabe,
While Trade I Very (low aatt
Dall, wltk Teadeary
SOUTH OMAHA. June 1. 1.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Estimate Monday 2.444 4 l ,!"
tsame day last week taii 7.J62
8am day 2 weeks ago... 2 4J4K
Same day 2 weeks sgo... t.lho Ot 4 6-9
Same day 4 weeks sgo... i Ml .4j i.lJt
Sam day last yOar lota 6.472 2.n
The following table shows th receipts of
csttle. hogs and sheen st South Omaha for
the year to date, compared with last year; I
is. iii7. me. iec.
Cattle 343.411 475.3 109.1H2
Hogs 1,244. fvrS l,(at.4.'J 176,
Sheep t.4) 7ti9.4" l2,fc
The following table shows the sverage
price of hogs st South Omaha for the lat
several days, with comparlaont:
1 1 907 . ' 1 fcej . ' 1 ! 6 . 1 1 . 4 . 1 9rtJ . : 1 "2 .
1 1 1
fli 6 2i 1 4 4V 4 26 ; 7 ff
f IA t K t 29 I t 19 7 02
t 11 4 19, I Wj 4 37 I 19 7
6 04 4 22 6 IT' 4 96 1 I 7 06
6 99, t tZ t ll 4 24, I 04
May 21...
May U...
Mav a...
May 24...
May 13...
May M...
May 27...
Mar 29...
May )...
May SI...
Jun 1
6 SS
6 2
6 26
e I
S 14
f 20
I I,, 19, 4 9V, S 9ii S SV
9"; t l;
6 92' 251
4 471 6 77 1 4 9i
4 4 6 72,' 7 02
I 6 70 7 14
4 63 6 81 7 10
4 60i 1 12
4 63 t 931
6 3
I 27H 6 94, 29
ft 24 IU 8 1,
I 0, t 22: 6 13
t tt
t 10, 29 6 09
' Tb official number of rars of
brought lu today by each road was:
Cattle. Hog. 6heen
C . M. A St. P 2
Wabash ' 4
Missouri Pacific ..
Union Pacific 29
C. A N. W., eaat 4
C. 4V N. W w eat 22
C Pt. P., M. A O.... a
C. B. A Q . eaat 4
C B. A Q , weat 46
C, R. 1. A P., east.. 1
C. R I. P.. west.. ..
Illinois Central
Chicago Gt. Western ..
Total receipt 107
11 S 12
4 1
17 .. 1
16 6 t
1 Z Z
67 24 It
The disposition of th day's receipts was
ss follows, each buyer purchasing th num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 2 541 7S9
Swift and Company 631 .tH
Cudahy Packing Co 63 V.S1 L.tH
Armour A Co 660 1,272 4m
Vansant A Co 4
Hill A Bon 23
F. P. Lewi 1
Huston A Co Ill
J. B. Root A Co 20
H. F. Hamilton t
V. O. Inghram 4 .... ....
Sullivan Bros 14
L. Huff 1H
Cudahy. from Denver... 275
Other buyer 67 .... 1.2)
Totals 2,4.3 4.203 S.077
CATTLE Receipts of cattla wer very
light, only about 100 car oe;ng reported
In, and of thia number eleven car were
not offered forr cal. Of the cattle re
ported In the bulk consisted of beef steers,
with a small sprinkling of cow stuff and
a atlll smaller showing of stockers and
Desirable grades of beef csttle wer in
pretty good demand at prlcea that were
strong to 10c higher. On tha other hand.
Inferior cattle that were of common quality
or coarse were slow and sold at no more
than stesdy prices. Among the cattle were
some good enough to. bring 7.06.
Cows and hetfera wer tn good demand
and generally sold at prices that were
a'rong to a dime higher. As there were
so few on sale. It did not take buyers very
long to clean up the most of the offerings.
A very good bunch of light yearling
heifers sold up to 24.10.
There were very few stockers or feeders
In sliiht this morning. A few hay-fed of
pretty good quality sold up to to.10.
Quotation on cattle: vlood to choice
corn-fed steers. M4MT7.05: fair to good corn
cornfed steer. H4"fc7.iO; fair to good corn-
red ateera, 95. it3!.4; common to rair corn-
fed steer, t4.7636.76; Oood to choice cows
and heifers. 94.7636.46; fair to good cows
and heifers, I3.76'g4 76; common to fair cows
and heifers, 62.26)1.76; good to Choice stock
ers ana feeders. jb: rair to goo a
stockers and feeders, 64.004.66. common to
fair stockers and feeders,; stock
heifers. t2.7S.60.
Representative sales:
Ka. At. Pr. K. A. Pr.
14 l''4t 4 90 21 lr 4 4t
14 HM 4 40 hi lilt 4 ad
I 1000 4 40 in 1114 4 44
41 T14 4 74 44 94 4 44
17 1 4 76 17 12M 4 to
4 1CU 4 74 21 1247 1 40
U 1144 4 40 2t lint 4 40
14 1044 4 00 II U0 4 K
14 1171 4 Oft ' 1U4 4 40
U lin 4 10 44 1141 4 4e
41 1211 4 1 44 in 4 75
44 1147 4 IS U 1SS4 4 74
1171 4 20 94 1164 4 40
II 114 I 24 94 1M 4 M
II ....1W7 I 15 10 13S4 4 IS
17 11'! I 10 44 1414 4 10
41 121 4 94 20 1U 4
II 111! I 40 14 1414 7 06
I tfl4 I 14 I J04. 4 14
9 tm t 1 4 1M4 4 H
Id I 14 4 ri IS
I lOS I 11 24 771 4 40
7 piiO I 40 1 11U 4 40
1 44 I 40 1 l:t 4 40
1 1071 I 44 I 1174 4 71
9 ! 4 74 . 11 1141 I 1
I TM 4 49 I 9 1114 9 94
1 1440 4 I 0W 4 40
1 , lit 4 44 9 ,....1144 4 40
4 421 I 40 1 474 I 44
1 400 9 40 14 404 4 94
4 4tl 4 74 9 411 6 74
2 9e 9 00 94 lit 4 14
Seifen per ceiif f or sie mbnev
The Updike Grain Company of Omaha, Nebraska, will
pay seven per cent on sums of S100 and over
This company owns one hundred elevators in Iowa and Nebraska
with terminal elevators in Omahat McCook and Missouri Valley. It
also owns and controls the Updike Lumber and Coal Co., the Updike ' 1 :
Milling Co. and the Updike Commission Co., valuable real estate and "
other property. Its assets and resources at the end of its last fiscal
year amounted to $1,086,061.83.
Its principal business is the handling of grain which requires at certain seasons of
the year a large amount of ready capital. The present outlook in Nebraska and Iowa in
dicates a tremendous crop of corn, wheat, oats, rye and barley. More money is needed
by the company to handle this crop and closer relations with the farmers, where eleva
tors are located, is desired. For these reasons the Updike Grain- Co. offers $200,000 of
its 7 per cent preferred stock to the farmers of Iowa and Nebraska.
This stock is secured by the entire assets of the company and is equivalent to a first
mortgage on all its property, which includes valuable improved real estate in Omaha and
one hundred towns in Iowa and Nebraska. The interest offered is better than can be ob
tained on farm mortgages, the security is as good. This is to run not less than three
years nor more than ten years and the stock is in shares of $100 eaclu This is a home
enterprise, built up and owned by Nebraska men. It is solid, prosperous, growing.
Can you find a better, safe investment. Write for full information.
Is not for the rich alone that idea is disapixaring.
,t ,
The people from aU walks of life are beginning to re
cognize the importance of paying their bills byvheck;
they appreciate the Safety and Convenience that a
Check Account affords them. ' -
Your account, subject to check, is cordially invited.
1K0 I 94 I
l?e 7 1
1124 I 75 1
10 I 71 1
lltO t 71 2
na i 90 i
, 1444 9 !. 1
tU 4 On t
100 4 74 1
1MO 4
1440 114
l 4 14
.410 IM
. 710 4 M
.l!"l I 1
.1413 I 10
.140 4 SS
IM 4 00
2 M) IH
Lakevlew Land and Cattle Compsnv.
SO steers.. t 40 47 steers. ...I 140
48 steers.. ..10M t 40 65 feedes.. 9t S 10
4S feeders.. 976 I 10 4 feeders.. 975 4 00
M steers.. ..1011 t 05 40 steers. ...1038 t OS
12 cows 840 4 00
HOGS Were 10c Wlirher snd in some
esse, possibly 15c higher this morning, the
advance being principally due to the un
usually light receipts, not only here, but
st all other market points as well. As the
ffertns-s- were very small pretty much
everything changed hands In good season.
The hogs sold laraely at and right around principally to JVn.4o. On Saturday
the most of the hogs brought t5.22L''5o.25.
Todsv's advance carries the market to
the highest point touched sine. May 22.
Representative sales:
Ko at. Ik. Pt.
a. sa. Pr.
... 2:9 240 4 Ii
...IX ... Ill
....15 ... 9
...112 ... 4 15
... IM SO 1 14
... K7 14 K
....MS H i II
....lie P4 I 14
....ISO ... IK
... VI SO 4 IS
... ?M 140 I IS
....IM ton 4 5
... 140 4 ITS
... H 10 4 17V,
....91 I I llv,
4 I 171,
...14! n I !7lt
... 210 iro I 17i
...1?1 191 I 171,
....M7 Si 4 17V,
....247 140 4 ei
...til ... 14
... IM 40 9 40
....M4 140 4 4"
... t ... 4 40
... SM 40 4 414 N ill
... in ... 1 44 ... 4 a
....( 94 9 47 V
174 ... 4 47...
m 944 I ts tn...
ST. 40 4 1714 44..,
re ... lit T...
Itl lfl 4 9 TS...
Pa 4o l to a...
14 IK IM 44...
11) ISO to . ..
2.1 rs 4 t t ..
.. 9"4
... 4 12", 71...
4fl 4 lit 71...
140 4 ll4 IT...
in 4 ttt 71...
M 4 174 71...
40 4 11w C4...
90 4 Hi, ..,
40 i rrt tt...
40 I lilt 41..,
til 111 t I2, 44...
m ... i 7t...
r ... I KV, 44...
.114 ... 4 14 44 ..
.221 40 I U 10...
.Ill ... 114 ..
4 IM III h ...
X 1 IK 47
.Til ... I IS 44
.117 110 4 II IS
.191 ... Ill 77
.141 99 I IS 44
lit 40 I 94
EHEEf-Receipts this
than foi
very liberal, being larger than for some
time back, and It waa very unfortunate
that such wa tha caa. a. th. demand waa
far from urgent. From all points come
complaints of a light consuming demand
and packers neither her nor at any other
market were In need of sny greet number
of either sheep or lambs. Large receipts
coming this morning In the fsc of the
moderste demsnd rendered the market ex.
tremely slow and dull. This dullnesa waa
further added to by the fact that the qual
ity of the recelpta waa far from attractive.
Among th. arrivals were all cars of Idaho
grassers. the first of the season. There
wer also -ten or a dosen cers of feeders
and comoaratlvely few really desirable
killer. Buyers were disposed to go slow
snd awstt advices from Other points, with
the reault that th morning passed with
very little trading being done, the feeling
being very weak.
The general market would have tn be
quoted aa 10115 lower and In aome rases
more than that. Bom. right good wooled
lambs sold up ss hia-h as t4V40, with cllnrd
lambs sround 23 S?6.20. A bunch of Idaho
sts as ewes, the first rf the season, brought
24 76.
Quotations on lambs: Oood to choice light
wooled lamba. 94 frfit fifi; fair to good lljrrit
wooled lambs 2 SOrTILOO; good to choice
heavy wooled lambs. tS7Sei4525; shorn
limb", 75c under wooled stock.
Quntstions on sheen- flood to 'choice
Tearllnga. ehorn. Xori)f, ff,- fr to. good
yearlings, shorn, t4.7TS (I0; good to choice
wethers, shorn. 04 7MT5 00; fair to good
wethers, shorn, 94 26e4.7f;: good to choice
ewea. shorn. t4 SM2-4HS: fair to good ewes,
hom. t4.00t94.2K; culls snd buck, shorn,
IS OfwrM.OO; wooled heep. 2f.fl40e above shorn
stock. ,
Representative sal.: .
No. Aw. Pr.
eflt Colorado lamb. wooled SO 4 40
?7t weettern lamb 7 f
90 western ewe 104 4 W
414 Idaho ewe 100 4 24
e Idaho ewe, cull 91 t to
Mt western Ismhs. wooled t 40
94 western lambs wooled K t 44)
W Colorado lambs, feeders.... M 4 to
Colorado lamba. feeders.... S f JO
4 Mexican wether 4 R
enHnc lap ha t4 7S
177 snrins- lamba 49 4 60
12 western lambs, culls 44
t 00
Cattle sat Hnga H laker, keef ,aaal
CHICAGO. Jun 1.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
lJ.OiO head; market liloo hisher; steers.
.."4J7.'; cows. M Tltjlii'; heifers, tt t
125; bulls, M-OKflr "4; valve. 92 6Da-2";
sttwkers snd feeder, tt 115.40.
HtXJB Receipts. 2.00u lii-sd; market 1.
higher: choice heavy shipping, otiS7';
butchers. 5.'V7u; light miked. tau'i
choice light. ta rttLcVTu; packing, 44 u.v;
rigs. t3 7i.U: bu.k of eak;s ...
bHEEP AND LAMBn-Kecetpl.
head; market steady; shtjep. 94 OOfJe.tAl;
lambs. to.atjA4T'; yearlings. t..nj.2&
Kaaaai City Llva Stock Market.
ceipts. 9.0 head. Including 2.tV somh.rns;
msrket strong to 10c higher: bowe and htif
era. lor&'l&c higher; top. natlva steers, ti.2..;
top. quarantine, 27.00; higheat on record for
quarantine. Choice export and dresed beef
steers, 9AiOfi7.2fi; fair to good.;
western itaora, t4f4STO; torker and f.-d-ers,
H 4V,r. a; southern steers. t3.Mr7 00;
southern cows. Vi.77Kj 4.00: natlca cows, ts.w
ifj5.S; native Helfera, t3.25.SS; bulla. 11.10
tot tX'; cal'e. 92 500.
H008 Recelpta. 11.000 head; market 10o
higher; top, ."; bulk of sales, tASxJ !
heavv. ti.ShtitttO; packer and butchers,
t5.aMif: light, t.VS 45; fn. 94.0064 90.
head; market lOti'JCc lower; lambs, tV2M
A2.i; ewe." and yearlings. ta.R5ti4.40; Texaa
yearlings, KMi.M; Texas sheep, tS.7a.J0;
Stacker and feeders. tt.u9tr4.0tV
Stark ia Slabt.
Receipts of live stock t the six princi
pal western markets yesieroity:
Cattle. Hogs.
South Omaha ,
Sioux City ..
.. 2,448
4. 170
. 27.000
Kansas City ..
... .ox
.1. i.&"0
... 1.63
... 12,(44)
St. Louis .....
gt. Joseph ....
Dr. Nlrholaaat'a Work 9accwafal.
MITCHELL. 8. D.. Jun L-Speclal.)
The election of-Dr. Thoma. Nlchol.on aa
ecretary of the Board, of Education of tha
Methodist church by tha general conference
t BaKlrqora oatnrday 9nore (rora thi
city and iata on of . it. mot prominent
educator, and a ma a who has been Identi
fied with all the progree. that fca been
made In that Una sine he ha. been her.
Aa th president of Dakota AV'ssleyan unl
versHy, Drr Nicholson hs built th Institu
tion np to a high place among tha educa
tional Institutions of South: Dakota, posses
sing the Isrgest ertrtynmetrt of ttudents of
ny college in th. nate. Ip. financial way
Dr. Nicholson hss been very successful In
securing an endowment; for the university of
tlOO.ono. one-fourth ptM which was presented
by Andrew Carnegie. Outside. of that gift
the president has had fine success In other
quarters In securing money for .Jh. aid of
tha institution.. Tha faculty has bean In
creased In number and quality under hi.
administration and he had mapped out a
greater progression In this line lor the fu
ture, which his successor will undoubtedly
carry out.
Dakota Orators to Compete.
MITCHELL. 8. D. June. L tSpeclal.)
Next Friday evening. Jur i.wlll wltne
the oonteat of oratory between North Da
kota and 8outh Dakota orator at th. meet
ing of the Western League of Oratory,
which will be held Itv.thU city.' , It 1 to ba
held In Mitchell, because of th fact that
John V. Dobson of thl city wont the state
contest. North Dakota will be represented
by Don 8. ForfL University of North Da
kota. Orand Fork, and Miss Arthea Ul
saker of th Btate Bclenca school of Wah
peton. South Dakota will ba represented
by John V. Dobson. Dakota Wealeyan uni
veralty, MIUhelL, aatt Alvta Hanson of
Yankton colleg . . - .-...
Ever try Tb Bee Want Ad Ooluran? If
not, do so, and get satial sot cry reault.