Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1908, Image 1

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    The' Omaha. Daily
VOL. XXXVH--NO. 300.
2 '
Lait Day of Methodist General Con
ference a Bniy One.
Theie Official! Art to Be Known u
District Superintendent.
Hew York Profeuor ii Wrongly Con
', victed of Hereiy.
Feraoa o B Admitted ta Chare
Wkn RMtuiiM T OtBclal
' With ApwraU af tk
BALTIMORE. Md.. Jun L-Tha lat
and what, in all probability, will be the moat
arduous dy of the Mehodlt Episcopal
general eonfrne u begun today, with
a tart calendar of report for conalder-ation.-
At th morning meeting resolutions
were paesed looking to the amalgamation
of all national Sabbath day alliance In
thle country; providing for the appointment
of a committee of ' arrangement for the
celebration In 191 of the allver Jubilee
of the' founding af tha Methodist Eptco
pal mission In Coraa, and endorsing the
laymen' missionary movement under way
In ' all tha evangelical proteatant denoml
natlona, and recommend In v the appoint
ment of a commission of laymen to visit
tho field.
The time-honored title "prealdlrc elder"
wa abolished by tha adoption of a minority
(port from tha revision committee recom
mendlng that tha aame be changed to "dis
trict superintendent" by a vote of $22 ayea
to SO noes. . .
Tha general conference confirmed the re
port of tha Judiciary committee's sustaining
tha appeal of prof. Hinckley O. Mitchell.
who was In affect declared a heretic by the
Central New York conference. A committee
of the Central New Torw conference In
vestigated the ehargea. reported Prof. Mlt
chell guilty and Ihe report was adopted by
tha conference without, U la said, giving
the accused man an opportunity to defend
himself. From thi action of the confer
ence Prof. Mitchell appealed to tha Judiciary
committee of tha general conference, the
report of which austalned tolm on points of
law. upon which only, tha Judiciary com
mlttee la competent to pas.
Caen are In Here-sy Trials.
F.eporta and other business were rushed
through tho conference at both morning
and afternoon sesalona ' with the greatest
dupatctu There waa little discussion of
most of the questions. In this way a large
amount of matter of a routine character
pertaining fo the government of the church
waa d If posed of. Some of the more im
portant measures, however, had to run the
fire (of debate before being acted upon.
One 'of there pertained to heresy trials.
Here rfTTTlT ttm?cYm'-&ec!ad Methodist
, Episcopal bishop will be relieve of the
dury of passing upon charge of hereay
which may be laid against profeasors m
theological scmcnartes. These-complalnta
If they tome to the bishopa will In the fu
ture be turned over to the annual confer
ence of which the accused Is a member. If
he be a minister, and If a layman, to the
paator of the church to which he belongs.
In the past when charts of this character
have been preferred agntnst a preacher the
bishops have had to pass upon their valid
ity and afterward aa presidents of confer
ences to att at their trials, an act which the
Judiciary committee declared to be uncon
stitutional. Prhatla System Caaaaed.
A report which received careful conslder
atlno before It finally was adopted waa one
doing away with the alx months' probation
system. Under tha new rule persona may be
received Into tha church aa aoo naa they
aro recommended by tha official board or
y tba class leader and atewarda' meeting,
with th approval of tha paator. While do-
Vtng away with the aid method It alao allows
rnp a tMrln4 nf tvrnhatlon of anv lensrth that
Snay ba deemed necessary.
Lawlaads Flooded aad Waawa Bridges
' Aro Oat la Ooataera
WICHITA. Kan., June t Lowlands ar
flooded, many railroad and wagon bridles
aro out and train In an out of this city
r delayed on account of high water.
Almoat twenty-four hour of continuous
rata came to an end early today. During
th last twelv hour SM Inches of watei
Bt'TTK. Mont., June 1. Bridge crossing
Sllvtr Bow crerk within th limit of
Butte are threatened by the flood, and
street ear tracks on the Tata aouth of
the city ar under water. Th rainfall
d J ring May amounted to seven Inches, ex
ceeding all record.
Th Yellowston liver I also on the ram
aage. Trains are from twenty-four to
forty-eight hours late on the Northern Pa-
Tva Federal t Jadce aad Oat Dis
trict Attaraey Appelated froaa
t aeoaarated List.
WAHI.GTON. Jun I. President Roo
relt today arjiounced th following receas
tppomtmenl: , Oscar R. Hundley to be
united State dlstrh-t judge for the north
ra district of Alabama; John E. Salter,
10 ba United Statea d. strict Judge for the
houthern district of Ohio and Edward E.
Wagner to be United States attorney for
th district of South Dakota. Thes p
olntmenta were ming fifty nomlr-atlons
aot Confirmed by th senate at tha session
ust closed.
Robber Serare Elaat Taaaaaad Dot
ln froaa laatltatloa at,
laaa, Kaa.
CUBA, 'Kant Jun 1. Four men robbed
th Stat bank of Cuba early today and
eavapad with between M.U0 and U after
a tight with clttaena. No on a a shot,
however, posses are In put suit, but th
robber have a good lead and ar believed
to nav mad good their escape.
, Kr Paaaaaa Boat Llae.
'ftcHLE. Ala.. Jun 1 -Th Mobile Pan
an. a aiaamalilp hi waa Inaufurated this
morning by the departura from this port
of the steamship Thetma and Crtatohal
Colon, rarring passengers aad mall. Tula
llae reduce tn lime between th new re
Jirj5y and kuUsd disks vary ma-
Taeoday,. Jaa 1, 1808.
190S iints 1908
srx ,vav isz, irfa in" ay. ,sr
1 2 3 4 5 6
Z 8 9 10 12 13
14 15 16 1Z 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 2Z
23 2930--'--'--
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Showers Tuesday.
For Nebraska ehowera Tuesday.
For Iowa Probably Showers Tuesday.
Tea pe rat are
at Omaha I
Hour. Deg.
r a. m M
a. m M
7 a. m 53
' a. m .' M
a. m X
10 a. m M
11 a. m M
U m
1 p. m H
2 p. m
S p. m &
Julius O. Trueison, Jr..
non. Tex., on a forgery
- e later repudiated, may
on an accomplice of Mrs.
Faze 1
aupreme court decides
gtvlng dealers riaht to
fright books. Pag- 1
Conf '-
arrestet Sr.
charge, f 2.
throw s .3,
Ounness. z.
United "
cut piicel
Bryan Is "? ?
elcome at Chadron and
Pag 1
r car. returning from
two and Injures others.
Faga 1
Crswford. 2
Overturt o
Coney Isla. r Z.
Eight th men resume work In
the aouth witn the opening of the mines.
Fag 1
Prealdent appoints federal offlcera
whom the senate did not confirm.
Fare 1
The accident to the Red Star line Fader-
land was only a minor affair. Faga X
United State supreme court grants th
request of the water board for a review
of the Omaha Case. Fag-a 1
Atlaska'a output of gold for the coining
season I estimated at $26,000,000.
Fag-a 1
Secretary Root decided upon the person
nel of the Toklo commission. Faga X
Fuel carrying roads of Illinois enjoin
the Interstate Commerce commission
over ruling about handling of cara
Fag-a X
American medical association makea an
attack upon cheap medical college.
Fag- X
President Stillman of the National City
bank withdraws from Amalgamted copper,
Fag X
State Bank of Cuba, Kan., looted of
1 1.000. I Fag-a X
Methodists have busy day In concluding
their general conference session. Fag X
Sate oBard of Assessment ha Ita
trouble ladevlnlng a plan far distribution
of valuations of the Burlington road.
. . - Fag-a S
, xocuvr
Seventeenth annual niretlng of loan and
building men held at Loyal hotel Monday
and the tone of real estate and financial
conditions Is shown to he high. Fag's S
Building committee I appointed by county
board, which Is the first step toward the
erection of a new court house for Douglas
county. Fag-a T
Judge C. A. Baldwin defends Dan Calla
han, convicted of grave desecration, before
the city council in special sesblun.
Faga 10
Bryan had a feast In Crawford which
would feed a whole regiment and then
leave enough for baked brown has to feed
six or eight companies. Fag 3
Live stock markets Faga 7
Grain markets. Fag- 7
Stocks and bonds. Fag 7
Port. Arrlvr. Balled.
KE YORK Pria. Vtndomt..
Ol EENSTOWN.. ( rmrlc
Ql-KBKr Ltk ChamplatB.
LO.NlxiN MentMtima
IXNPON Parlitaa
QIEEN8TOWN C iron la.
MOVLLB Iiinewt.
NEW YORK. May SL Steamer Maur
etania. from Liverpool for New York, waa
975 miles east of Sandy Hook at i a. m.;
will dork at a. m. Tuesday.
SABLE ISLAND, N. 8 , May St-Steamer
Minneapolis from London for New York
was reported by Marconigraph 646 miles
esst of Sandy Honk at S a. m.; will dock
at 7:10 a. m. Tuesday.
I'arlslaa Police- Proa Marder
Adolaao stelnhell aad HI
PARIS, Jun L Mm. Bteinnell, whose
husband, th well known painter, and
Ms mother. Mme. Japy. were found
strangled tn death on Sunday morning at
the artist's residence In the Rue de Vau
gierard. had somewhat recovered from the
shock this morning and waa able to give
th police almoat perfect description of the
assassins, all of whom wore long black
gowns. Mme. Slelnheil waa gagged and
'bound to a bid by the atrangler.
M. Hanard. chief of detectlver, say the
crime was not a question of revenge, ard
that the plot, which undoubtedly h1 rob
bery for Its object, waa perfectly planned,
executed and directed by some one familiar
with ;he fret that there waa considerable
money In the houae. derived from the sale
of M. Stelnhell'a plctjrea. but tnat murder
may not have been irtmde.1. M. Hamard
declines to disclose the nature of evi.l. n-e
againbt an Italian arrested Sunday night
cn suspicion of bring one of the assassins.
Red fttar Lla Steamer Proceeds After
Skart Delay at Flasklaa front
ANTWERP. June I The accident to
tha Red Star line strarrer Vaderland. ever
which considerable anxiety haa been felt
on account of rumors that it had atone
ashor or had been In ccllialon with an
other vessel, la very alight, rcnatsting of a
simple disarrangement of Ita machlneiy.
The steamer returned to Flushing aftsr
repairs had been completed, and lft that
port at 10:15 o'clock this mornlna- for
rillataa Maratrtrt Haagted.
MANIl-A. June 1ra oat tno Ablen. leader
of the 1o-L'hj movement, who onre as
sumed the title f pope of the Island of
Leyle. snd Epslrldlon Rod;, hi prlnrl.
pal follower, wer hanged at th prison
of BtilUd today.; They war found guilty
of ftevernl rri.el munl'. A strong effort
wa mad today to Mar Oorsraor Gen
eral Smith to commute tba anlacv but
he refud. .
United States Supreme Court Decide.
Copyright Casei.
In Cases Deteraalaed Where the
Pol at Appears la Dlffereat Cea
aeetloa Right ta Be.
ahllak Records.
WASHINGTON, June 1. The suprem
court of the United States today decided
three Important copyright rases, the opin
ions being handed down by Justice Day.
The first decision waa In the case of th
Hobbs-Merrlll company against R. H. Macy
A Co. and Isadora H. Straus, the decision
being tn favor of Macy Co.
In this ras the court dealt with the ques
tion whether the sale by a retail dealer of
a copyrighted book below the price fixed
by the publishers is an Infringement of
copyright. The Bobbs-Merrill company pub
lished a novel and stipulated In a printed
notice that It should not be sold for less
than tl per copy. The house of Macy aold
the work for 89 cent and suit was brought
accordingly in tha circuit court of the
United State for the southern district ef
New York, but the bill was dismissed. A
like result followed when the case was ap
pealed to the district court of appeals and
today's decision waa In the aame line.
The ault was based on the theory that
th right to dispose of a copyrighted work
give the owner tha right t place restric
tion on Its sale.
Rlaat Fix Price.
The right of publisher to regulate the
price at which their books may be sold by
retailers end Jobbers also was Involved In
the two cases of Charles Sciibner' Sons
against Isadore and Nathan Strauss, doing
business aa R. H. MacV & Co., all of New
York, which waa agairtst the former con
cern. Tha suit were brought by the Scrtb
ner a representatives of the American
Publishers' association and they sought In
the first of them to enjoin tha defendant
from selling their copyrighted book at
prices below those fixed by the association
and from buying any such publication
from anyone who Is not a member of the
association on tha ground that such
course 1 an Infringement of copyright. In
the second case the allegation waa that
Macy ft Co. had sought to induce other
dealer to violate their contracts with the
Relative to Cat Prices
The fact was brought out that the pub
lishers' association requires firms dealing
In their copyrighted books to enter Into a
contract to maintain fixed price for a
year and not to el to anyone who would
cut prices. Th circuit court of appeal
decided against the publishers In both
cases, holding that the sellers had not
agreea 10 cut price and there waa no
evidence of an effort to Influence other.
That the republication of a map printed
In an official publication 1 not always
piracy under the copyright law was held
today by the supreme court of the United
States In deciding th case of the Glob
wT a r , ' l.,??,?1
George H- Halkar 4. Co., In which th I
decision wa favorable to the newspaper.
The suit, grew out of th fct that tho
Globe reprinted a map 6f the electric rall
waya of Maasachuaett. which' waa com
piled by Walker and published a a part
of a state report In IS. Walker brought
suit for damages on the charge of infringe
ment of copyright and tho United State.
cnusetis awaroea mm K30, but the su
preme court reversed the decision of th
lower court.
Oil Maa-nate Decreed by Hlahest
Coart to Face Charge of
. Perjary.
v ASHINGTON. June 1. The supreme
court of the United State confirmed the
decision of the United States district court
for the eastern district of Missouri In the
extradition case of H. Clay Pierce of th
Waters-Pierce Oil company of St. Louis,
holding him subject to extradition to
Texas, 'where he Is under Indictment on a
charge of perjury In swearing that hi
company had not entered Into a conspiracy
In restraint of trade when the company
made application to do bualness tn Texas.
It Is contended that the Waters-Pierce
company 1 a part of the Standard Oil
ew lark weatker Bareaa Has
Flffare that Ejaal Tho for
Month Jast Eaded.
NEW YORK. Jun I.-May went out
with a record for wetness. Counting Its
contribution to the moisture that cam
with cataract fore on Saturday, when th
fall for nine hour wa 1.88 Inches, it let
th floodgate loose to the extent of 8 10
incnea, unequaiea in any aiay sinoe in
weather bureau went Into business, thirty
eight years ago. Figures given by Fore
caster Emery how also that th greatest
twenty-four-hour rainfall of any May oc
curred May 7 last. Tha greatest previous
twenty-four-hour drenching wag In May,
1S33. and waa 14 Inches. The previous best
record for the month was T.01. In 190L
Elaht Thaaaaad Mea Who Have Beea
Idle Will Go Back ta
BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Jun 1. With th
resumption of mines, furnaces and other
industriea this week 1000 men who have
been Idle for several month will get back
to woik. Twenty-flv hundred resume to
day in mines and coke over.. The othera
will follow as the furnace become stocked.
It Is also understood that the United States
Steel corporation will begin in tha Iron
territory a general revival of activities that
will gtv other tiiousanda work In th near
Estimate for Caaalaa- lesaaa I Plared
at Tweatr-lli Mllllea
SEATTLE, Wash., Jun 1. Th Pot
Tntelllgencer. after receiving reports from
all points In the north, estimate the gold
output for th coming season In Alaska at
$M. 000.000.
Ilaai Falls Sealer CI a a.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Jun L Special.)
Th class to b graduated from th Sioux I
Fall High school this year will b on of
th largest In th history of th achool. A
total of forty-nine graduatea will be given
their diploma. Next Sunday th baccav-
laureate atrmoa will b preached baf or
tba olaaa. and tha commencement sxsreia
wUl b hld during taxt wscjr
roads REsiboard order
Fael Carrying Urn of Illlaol ftk
to Eajola Interstate Coat
Bifira CommlMlni.
CHICAGO. June 1. The Illinois Central
and the Chicago Alton railroads today
filed application In the United Statu
circuit cpurt for writs of injunction re
straining the Interstate Commerce com
mission from putting Into force an order
recently issued directing the railroads
to adopt a new system of coal car distri
bution. The order which the railroads ek to
have set aside becomes effective July 1
and directs that in distributing coal cars
to mlnea along their lines,, the railway
companies shall take Into account all
car carried on the roads. Including for
eign railway, leased or private fuel cars
and fuel cars used for the private ser
vice of the railroads. The Interstate
Commerce commission held that the fail
ure of the railroada to take Into account
ail the cars made It possible for them
to discriminate against certain mines.
The action of the commission followed a
ault before that body, brought by the
Illinois Collieries company against the rail
roads. In which It was charged that cer
tain mines obtained, the use of all classes
of cars, while the
defendant was com.
with what cars were
pelled to be content!
It Is maintained
by the railroads in
hat the commission
their application
is without Jurlsdlct
(on, that there- never
have been any u&iust discrimination
in the distribution of coal cars and that
such discriminations are impossible be
cause the foreign leased or private cara
ar used only In hauling the fuel sup
plies of the railroada
Danish Explorer ftetaraa froaa Far
East, Where Me Blade Expe
dition t 5et It.
NEW YORK. June 1. Bringing a copy
of the famous Nestorlan tablet, discov
ered In the seventeenth century .by the
Christian monks tn China, Frits Von Holm,
a Danish explorer, arrived here yesterday
on the British steamer Kennebec from the
far east. Mr. Von Holm's project In copy
ing the priceless Nestorlan block In the
Chinese temple at 8ln Fu waa a daring
For sixteen months be and his assistants
worked to make a two-ton copy of tha
tablet. On on occasion they were threat
ened with death and torture and . were
chased aWay from their work by religious
fanatic in the temple. But Mr. .Von Holm
and his artisans resumed their, work when
the objector believed they had air-en up
their project. The copy when completed
was crated and moved to Hankow, where
It was held up until released by the British
ambassador. Then K was shipped to
Shanghai, where It wa placed aboard the
Kennebec. 1
Over 3.000 figure ol dragoons, ancient
figures and mystic hieroglyphics adorn the
copy. ar also' rut the Nestorlan
ode and eulogy to th religion and the
names of seventy-five priests of Syria, who
are believed to have been connect! In
some way with tha missionaries at th
time tha relic was carved cut of a great
, , , .
pivinp wa v J f'w
Mr. Von Holm aayaTue original -tablet
was transferred to ' the forest of tablets
after ltd discovery by th Jesuit mission
aries tn the seventeenth century and that
It testifies to the Nestorlan religion In
China as far back as W3.
Presldeat of National Cltr Bask
Withdraw from Amalga
mated Compaay.
NEW TORK. June l.-At the annual
meeting of the stockholder of the Amalga
mated Copper company today James- Still
man, president of the National City bank,
retired from the directorate of th copper
compajiy. Benjamin B. Thayer. John D.
Ryan and John Bushnell were elected di
rector to succeed Mr. Stillman, George H.
Church and J. E. Judson. The resignation
of Mr. Stillman Is In line with hla policy
to retire from many corporations in which
be ha been director. The financial state
ment of the company shows net income for
the year ended April 30 of $6,680,567. a de
crease of t7.4T3.843 as compared with the
1 previous year and a surplus for th year
of $625,041. a decrease from that of the pre
vious year of $1,7113.04". The total surplus
Is $1X008.821
The annual report of the Amalgamated
Copper company says th companies owned
Copper company produced In the calendar
year 1807 from their own and custom ores
about !13.000,000 pounds of refined copper,
of which amount the Amalgamated Copper
company received the benefit from about
178.000.000 pounds. After reviewing th de
presslon tn th copper business last fall
and winter the report eays thst In Febru
ary. 1908, the surplus stock of copper had
practically disappeared and the mines of
th different companies are now brine
operated at their fullest capacities.
Merrymaker Retnralna from Night
at laser Island Barled fa
der Mack lac.
NEW TORK. June 1. -Whirling up Ocean
Parkway. Brooklyn, at a speed of fifty
miles an hour, early today, a big touring
automobile containing a party of Brooklyn
merrymakers who had spent the night at
Coney Island, crashed into a tree, bounded
Into tha air. turned turtle nd fell upon
the occupants. Two men were Instantly
killed and two were so severely crushed
that they may die. Two other men who
rer In the car escaped almost without a
cratch. The dead are:
The injured:
Victor Brandr-s, right arm and left thigh
broken and Internally injured.
James McKenna. left shoif.der broken
and possible . internal Injuries.
Th automobile wa o-ned and driven by
John Lanyon of Brooklyn. In th automo
bile with Lanyon. besides the two men
who were killed with the two injured, was
Ernest Eggert.
Lanyon. who wa at the wheel of th
machine when the accident occurred, wa
arrested. i
Flahalat Removed froaa Halle aad
Several Eaaplayea Ar
Sllgktly lalared.
BRAINERD. Minn.. Jun 1 -A special
train of the Great Northern railroad wa
ditched rear Nlshawa. by wrecker today
and th engine and three cara were de-
I railed. Charles Torn, th baggageman, was
I cut at sat tb hand, aad othrwts bruised.
I No on atat waa Injured. Th wreckers had
I removed th fishplate from th rails, sut
I th tjag sad pulld ou Um pilu
Call it Part of Flan to Change Cur
rency Baiii.
Addresae Lara Craved at Chadron
aad Proceed to Crawford-
Talk ta Cattlemea
Paalle Iasae.
CHADRON. Neb.. June l.-WIUlam J.
Bryan opened th second week of hi Ne
braska tour at Chadron, where he ad
dressed tn early mornlr crowd which had
gathered to meet hi train. For the day
he had flva speech.
After leaving Chadron a special train took
him to Crawford.
Mr. Bryan greatly Interested In the out
come of the Aldrlch-Vreeland bill In the
United State senate, the first news of
hlch reached htm late Sunday night.
"The currency bill, though ' called an
emergency measure, he said. has been
pushed through aa a part of a plan formed
several year ago to secure a change In th
baaia of the bank note. I am glad the
democrat opposed it and am aorry they
did not succeed In defeating It."
It waa a matter of considerable disap
pointment to Mr. Bryan that the currency
bill wa passed and he Indicated that he
would more fully express his objection to
the measure at a later date.
Mora than 300 person were on the plat
form here to great Mr. Bryan despite tho
early hour (7 o'clock!, and a heavy rain
which fell half of the night. H wa driven
to th homo of Judge Alvin W. Crlte for
A stand on th principal corner wa sur
rounded by on, of th most enthusiastic
crowd which ha yet greeted Mr. Bryan
when he wa escorted to tha platform at
o'clock. Several hundred cowboy and
Indian were among tho gathered to hear
him speak and ho waa greeted In frontier
tyl. ,
Fitting hi address to th occasion, Mr.
Bryan spoke for an hour, during th course
of which h dealt with public Issues aa they
effect th cattle country and tha Nebraska
Banquet at Crawford.
CRAWFORD, Neb., Jun L An elaborate
progTam waa mapped out by th committee
at Crawford for th reception of William
J. Bryan. Following an address at Byn
dlcate opera house hi party waa escorted
to th local hotel, where a banquet was
tendered him. Mayor C H. Chase delivered
a brief addresa of welcome and Stat
Representative George M. Adam acted a
Mr. Bryan apoke ' briefly, thanking th
people for th hearty reception. He took
oceaalon alio to recommend to the people
the Bryan volunteers, under whose au
splcles the present state tour I made, and
aid that organisation waa th foundation
of success. " ''.
The menu card wa headed with a por
trait of th honored guest and beneath it
waa a picture of th Whit House, with
a significant Inference oonnectlng tha two
American Madlcal Association Meet
lac Own wltk This Sokject
Under Conalderatloa.
CHICAGO, Jun 1. Th annual conven
tion of the Araorlcan Medical association
opened here today with about 7,000 de le
gatee In attendance. The first session was
devoted to business and work of a legis
lative charactar.
It wa announced before the convention
opened that tha . committee on education
will present a report sharply attacking the
cheap medical colleges of the country. Tho
committee ha prepared statistics by which
all American medical college are grouped
under three heads, and action will be urged
against collegea whose graduate score
mora than 20 per cent of failure in their
Th first classification group together
those colleges whose graduate have av
eraged less than 10 per cent of failures, the
second those whoso alumni have averaged
between 10 and 20 per cent of failures and
the, third those whose graduate have
shown mora than 20 per cent of failure.
Tomorrow the first meeting; for scientific
discussion will be held.
Former Presldeat Show Himself oa
HI Porch - and Appear la
Good Healtk.
PRINCETON. N. J.. Juna l.-Former
president, Grover Cleveland, who returned
to hi horn her last night from Lake
wood. N. J., where he had gone about two
month ago. arose early today and after a
hearty breakfast, sat reading on tha ver
anda of hi residence.
Mrs. Cleveland aaid: "We ar glad to
get him back home again. Mr. Cleveland
la very well, though not entirely recovered,
Yet he continues to rt along nicely. W
have made no plana for tha futura aa yet.
but wo expect to tay at Princeton for
ome time."
The Cleveland home waa decorated with
many flowera In honor of the home com
ing of Mr. Cleveland. It la probable that
tha former president will drive In Prince
ton thi afternoon. The Cleveland children
ar at T am forth, N. H.
German Baptist Bretkrea Reqaeat
QaeatioBs B Asked After
1 mmerslOB .
DES MOINES. la., Juna 1. Owing to the
extreme nervousness and mental confusion
that attends a baptismal Immersion and
tha Incapability of th mind to answer
th propounded questions properly, tha Ger
man Baptist Brethren conference Is asked
by two of It districts to change thi
church form of baptismal ritual. Th re
vision of the church rule. If granted,
would place the time for asking these
questions to baptismal applicants after
they had been Immersed and wer in dry
clothe and In proper fram of mind to
answer the questions Intelligently.
Tha memorials to th annual conference
com from tha Paradise Prairie church dis
trict and th district of western Pennsyl
Presldeat Roooevelt Pretaea Battaa
that Give Slaaal for Start
af Parade.
WASHINGTON. Jun L President
Roosevelt at 11 o'clock today pressed an
electric button which gave the signal In
Kingston, N. T.. to start th parade, which
la or. of th feature of th celebration of
tb sooth anniversary of th founding of
that Iowa
t alted Mates Kapreane Caart Greats
Pernios of Omaha Water
(From a Staff Corresrondent.)
WASHINGTON, June 1 (Special Tele
gram.) The supreme court today granted
the petition of the city of Omaha and the
Water board against the Omaha Water
company for a writ of certiorari, which
was filed on May 11 by John L. Webster.
Carl C. Wright and Harry E. Burnham.
The brif in opposition to the petition was
filed May 15 by R. S Hall snd Howard
Mansfield of counsel for the respondent.
As the supreme court adjourned today tintll
next October this esse will not be reviewed
until the October term of court, and It may
go Into the nea- year before It is reached.
The president todsy announced recess ap
pointment of Edwin E. Wagner to be
United States -attorney for the district of
South Dakota, whose nomlnstton failed of
confirmation by the senate. Wagner was
the victim of the fight now belns; wsged
between Senators Gamble and Klrtredge of
South Dsknta for supremscy. Klttredge be
ing a candidate for re-election and Gamble
espousing the cause of Governor Coe I.
Crawford. Wagner was Gamble' nominee,
but he waa too active against Klttredge to
suit that gentlemen and. he being a mem
ber of the Judiciary committee of the sen
ate. It was comparatively easy to hold up
his nomination.
Relator and Mrs. Norrls Brown left
Washington this afternoon. They expect to
visit several Iowa towns, where they have
relatives and friends, to fill In the time
before the meeting of the republican na
tional convention at Chicago. Juna 18.
Representative and Mrs. Ernest M. Pol
lard left Washington yesterday for Ne
braska. Congressman Moses P. Kink aid will re
msln In Wsahtngion some time on business
connected with the several department.
Bayard H. Palr.e Is In Washington and
wa today admitted to practice before tha
supreme court.
The bids for construction of the new
federal building at Grand Island were
opened this afternoon at the offlca of the
supervising architect of the Treasury de
partment. The bids submitted were as fol
lows: Walter Peterson. Omaha, $121,737; R.
Buttke, Omaha. l.00O; F. P. Gould & Son,
Omaha, $104,000; D. B. Marshall Co..
Kansas City, Mo.. $103,000: Northern Con
struction company. Milwaukee, Wis.. $108,
881. The requirements are that the building
shall be completed by December. 19f.
In the annual readjustment of postmas
ters' salaries In Nebraska announced today
the salaries of postmasters In the following
cltle and town were Increased O00 per
annum: Alnsworth. Alliance, Ansley, Ar
lington, Aurora, Beatrice. Benkelman, Ben
son, Bertrand. Bloomlngton, Blue Spring,
Broken Bow. Burwell. Butte, Central City,
Chadron, Clarks, Collegevlew. Columbus,
Crawford, David City, Dewltt. Dorchester,
Elgin, Elm Creek. Exeter. Fairbury. Fair
mont. Franklin, Genoa, Gibbon. Gordon,
Gothenburg, Greeley, GuTda Rock, Harvard,
Hebron, Lexington, Loup City, McCook
Madison, Milford. Mltchr!. Nebraska City,
Nelson, Norfolk. North Platte. Osceola. Ox
ford, Pawnee City, Peru. Plalnvlew, St.
Paul. Bcott'a Bluff. South Omaha, Bpald-
ng. Stanton. Sterling. Stratton, Superior,
Sutton. Table Rock. Widen.' Wahoo, Wake
field. Waaaau. Wllber, Weeping Water,
Wood RK-r and Tork.
Those at Curtis. Hirmphrsr and Ruahvill
were Increased $200 per annum and th aa
ary of the Bloomfleld postmaster wa de
creased $100. 1
nperor William Give Klaaj Gastav
aad Osees Victoria MagaiS
ct Display.
BERLIN, Jun 1. Emperor William
gave King Guatav and Queen Victoria of
Sweden a magnificent military show to
day, tha aceaeton being the annual spring
parade of the ' garrisons of Berlin and
neighboring station. Thirty thousand
men of all arm of the service, about
8,000 being cavalry, maneuvered ' In the
two square mile of tha Tempelhof parade
Th emperor and th king of Sweden
viewed the troop on horseback, attended
by several of th reigning prince of
th minor German estate with their
staffs to th number of about 100. forming
brilliant cavalcade. The empress and
tha queen of Sweden, were on the
left of the reviewing stsnd. where,
drawn up In four lines, were the
carriage of the diplomatic corps, lnclud-
ng Charlemagne Tower, the American am
bassador, and Mr. Tower and many dis
tinguished guests. In consequence of the
extreme heat many of the soldier wer
overcome notwithstanding the sever
training, consisting of dally marches of
from fifteen to twenty-five miles, which
they underwent during th laat three
Proulaaat Toaaaj Cklcaa-o Women
Forsake Society ta Aaanm
Car af Sick.
CHICAGO. Jun 1. Denying themselves
th honor snd privileges of society. Mils
Adelaide and Vivian Walsh, daughter of
James Walsh, president of the Southern
Indiana railroad, hav dedicated their Uvea
to th car of tha sick and Injured. Now,
upon the eva of the graduation of His
Adelaide Walsh from the Mercy hospital
training school for nurses, a third sister,
Dorothy Walsh, contemplate leaving the
family home to adopt th same career.
Th three girl a re unusually beautiful
and aa on after the other haa detarmined
to adopt th profession of nursing they
have met with detarmined opposition from
society friend.
Mia Adelaide Walsh wa educated at tha
Sacred Heart academy of thi city, the
elect achool, where were one pupils Mrs.
Potur Palmer, Mr. Mather Smith and Mr.
Marshall Field, Jr.
ccretary Root Ckoe Mea t Take
Charge af Amerlraa Exkla-lt
la East.
WASHINGTON. June I. Secretary Root
haa decided on th personnel of th com
mission to represent the United Statea at
th Tokio exposition In 1OT.2. The commis
sioners general will b Francla B. Loomls.
former assistant secretary of state; Fred
erick J. V. Skiff, director of tha Field mu
seum of Chicago, and Francis D. Milet. th
well known artist.
Tha first work of tha commission after
it formal appointment, which is expected
to b mad within a few dav-, will be th
selection of a ortary and other clerical
aasiatant. Many applicant ar on file for
th position of secretary and each has
numerous endorsement. Th recoramenua-
tlon of tba commissioners will undoubteaiy
b followed In flHU-J this n'c Upon gocd
authority It I predicted that th appoint-
nint will go to John CaUan CTLoughHn, a
arsll known nw paper write f thla etty,
Firtt of Serie$yof Conference Held
With Secretary Taft
This Section Will Be Made Strong: and
Result Will Probably Be Brought to
President'! Attention.
Secretary la la Favor af Revtaloa af
Sehedalea at pelal Sesaloa
af Coasrea la th
WASHING TON, Jun l.-Ther will b
no luke warm endorsement of President
Rooaevelt and his policies. In th republi
can national platform. If the wishes of
Secretary Taft and his friends hav
potency In the framing of tht document.
Thla much wa made known today after
the first of a aeries of conferences to be
held with the Secretary of War on th
subject of th platform.
Should the Chicago convention adopt thla
sort of platform and nominate Secretary
Taft it I predicted In authorltiv quarter
that his letter or speech of acceptance will
contain a pledge to carry out th Roose
velt policies already Inauguarated and
earnestly strive for those not enacted,
which will have a ring similar to that
pronounced by President Roosevelt pn tak
ing the oath of office.
Wade Ellis, attorney general of Ohio,
who ha prospect of being th Ohio
member of the resolutions committee of
that convention and who was largely
responsible for th conceded virility of the
Ohio republican platform, la here for a
thorough understanding with the Secretary
of War. He waa with Mr. Taft at hi
office for several hours today and at tha
Taft residence for a long Urn tonight.
Another conference I to be held tomorrow,
when it 1 not unlikely th result will be
brought to the attention of President
Secretary Taft haa made no secret of hi
position on the tariff. He I for revision
at a special session of the sixty-first con
gress, to be called immediately after th
Inauguration March 4, 1908. HI Ideaa aa
to what tha tariff ahould be alao ar publlo
property. The schedule should be drawn
aa nearly as possible to cover th differ
ence between th tester cost of production
of a given article In foreign countries and
the cost to produce that article. In th
United Statea. Thla h regard as "pro
tection" In Ita true and fair sense.
Say Colonel Wrote Constaaty sua 4
Paid Attention to Other
Wsaas.' IM' -
Mrs. Julia Montgomery Sh-a ft spent al
most an hdur on tho witness stand in
Judge Kennedy's court yesterday afternoon '
In her divorce suit against Colonel Jam
H. Pratt, but moat of the time wa occu
pied by tho attorneys In arguing question
of law to th admission of evidence.
Tho plaintiffs first point In th attempt tn
establish her right to a divorce wa tha
tffering of almost a score of letter which
Mrs. Pratt said she found among th
colonel' correspondence while he wa down
In Texaa. The letter were all from a
woman now living In Benson, whom Mrs.
Pratt alleged Colonel Pratt paid consider
able money to about the time nf her mar
riage to him. to prevent her from bringing
breach of promise proceedings against him.
Mrs. Pratt asserted she had asked Colonel
Prutt not to visit th woman, but ho per
sisted in doing so, much to her humiliation.
After the letter wer offered Colonel
Pratt' attorney asked time tn which to
examine them and court adjourned until
I Tuesday morning.
Colonel Pratt was In tho court room dur
ing th greater part of th hearing H
leaned heavily on a can and left the room
before the hearing closed. Mra Pratt tn
her testimony said she wa IS and Colonel
Pratt wa 78 year old when they wer
married In VJV&.
Mrs. Pratt ha filed an answer to Colonel
Pratt' cross-petition tn which she makea
a general denial of all hi allegation of
fraud and' cruel conduct. She alao attack
It on th ground it dee not stata caus
of action.
Th hearing will probably last several
days and considerable sensational testimony
la expected.
Will Bra-la Pastorate ef Plrat Presby
terian Charek at Poebla First
af Moatk.
Rev. Guy W. Wadsworth. D. D., prealdent
of Bellevue college, ha definitely decided
to resign and go to Pueblo, wher he haa
accepted a call to become paator of tha
First Presbyterian church. His pastorate la
Pueblo begina July 1. Thla la on of tha
large churches of the west of thi denom
Dr. Wadsworth cam to Belltvu colleg
from Occidental college, Lo Angele.
where he had been for eleven years, moat
of that time aa president. He wa suc
ceeded at Occidental by John Willis Baer,
who became distinguished th world over
a general aecretary of tha Christian En
deavor. "Plans for commencement at Bellevua
are proceeding nicely," say President
Wadsworth. "W will not hav been de
terred In the least, so far as they ar cotv
temed, by the recent tornado."
Operators Accaaed lit Coaaaetlea wttfe
-Leak" ta B Takca ta
WASHINGTON. Jun 1 Bench warrant
were issued today for Theodore H. Prtc
of New York, a cotton operator; E. S.
Holmes. Jr.. former statistic of th De
partment of Agriculture; Moses Haa and
Frederick A. Peckham. both of New York,
charging them with conspiracy. Tha war
rant ar In th government cotton report
leak cases and were Issued for the Nw
York men for the purpose ot caualng their
arrest and return to Jurisdiction for trial.
Corrlcaa Break Deadlock.
COLUMBUS. O, June 1 E. E. Corrlgan
of linlatioro, Tex., urcded la breaking
th deadlock n the Broinerr.ood of I .oou mo
tive Engineer today, and wa chlsen as
assistant grand ohif to fUl tb laat of th
two new poaittona of that tlU silica LU
coovenUon c ruled