THE OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: MAY .'U, 1 90S. C &RUC PARK GETS LICENSE Receives Right to Sell Liquor from Benson City Council. EX-POLICEMAN PROTESTS IT Elrle Light Go Oat in Cannrll Chamber Darin Meeting- and Lan tern Is Brought, Wbfmpon the Hants Start t. Over th protest of Joseph Starr, a formal Omaha pollaman, and others. Kmc Park vu granted a liquor license Friday night for the ensuing year by the Benson council. The meeting of the coun cil was prnlonppd ard held under the greatest dlff Icultiec. All four coiincllmen voted that the license be granted. ICrug Park la altuated at the eastern llmlta of the town of Benson, t nd Starr, who Uvea within a block cf the park, tes tified that he had seen numerous cases of drunkenness and other unseemly sights at the park. Although the meeting was called fortt V. It was found at that hour that City Clerk Ed Btelger had mislaid the petition and he waa sent home to find It. After diligent search he returned with the report that he was unable to find It. After further search ing some one suggested that he might have the petition In his pocket, which was found to be the case. Lights Co Oat. Trie meeting had proceeded but a short time when the electric lights went out, end there was a further delay who the fire chief found a lantern that the meeting might proceed. When the lantern was found the light again began to burn and everything was lovely.- The four council men, Hans Anderson, Ed Sorenson, Har mon Hawkins and William Clarke. wer present, and each voted for the license. City Attorney Hodder testified that he had visited the park last year on Sundny and had seen people Imbibing from bottles labeled beer, but could not toll whether It was beer or not. Rev. J. M. Lcldy, pastor of the Benson Methodist church, testified that he had seen tipsy men and women COmlng from the park last summer. W. W. Cole, general manager of the Western Amusement company, lessee of the park, testified to the good character of the park, saying that five regular police men and a large number of special deputy heriffs were on duty at the park lost summer to maintain order and to see that no liquor was sold to minors or to In toxicated persons. He testified that the Dark enjoyed a splendid reputation and that several Sunday schools had held their picnics there. He also testifed that many ministers came to the park for rest and amusement. He testified that no liquor had been sold on Sunday. artistic Ideas should go In for Trench beans. They "create poets. eorrel, on tho other hand, tends to sad ness and discouragement, and those who persist In eating It become victims of the dream habit, of nightmares and delusions. Orecn pens, as has been said, are danger ous In the extreme. They develop frivolity. They make womon capricious and reckless. Men and women who eat green peas are (Klvig to flirting and If thryeat many are not to be truniei. - According to the path ologists, green, peas are responsible fur the majority of divorce cases and similar scandals In, 'high life. New York American.' VAIN MIMIC OF ORPHEUS Charles Simpson (iora to Jail for Try las to. Charm Sleepers with v Ills Vole. Unlike Orpheus, tho famous singer of myth, Charles Simpson was unable to charm birds and beasts and stones with his Pinging. He was unable to charm evan a policeman. Charles stationed hlmsil.' near Thirteenth and Jackson streets In the stilly hours of Friday night and burs', forth Into song. He rendered several beau tiful songs 'and touching ballads of love. Heads appeared at various windows, but they were rot brought by charm for' the melody Issuing from the throat of Simpson. Boon Officer Robey, tramming his beat, came within range 'of the floating notes He quickened his pace toward the volun teer vocalist and placed him under arrest. Simpson was sentenced to five days in jail. furtively as If It had struck aaslnst a bar of Iron. This Jet of water which Is so InvulneraMo to the keen-edged sword Is f the thickness of a man's thumb. The speed at whlrli the Jef moves does not Much exceed 100 yards a second. New York Tribune. A summer food, Johnson's Branu Bis cuit, made of bran and wheat. At the big stores. s" FINE HOME FOR R. B. BUSCH Thirty Thonannil-Dollnr Ttealdenee Will Be greeted at Thlrtr Elghth and California. R. B. Busch, vice president of Crane A Co., has plans completed for a new WO.0O0 residence which he will billld at once on a large plot of ground at the northwest cor ner of Thirty-eighth and California streets. The ground Is 1SUX200 feet, giving a large tract for this magnificent residence, which will be built In modern renaissance of brick with stone, trimmings and tile roof. It w-IH contain, ten large rooms and will be strtotly modern In every particular. Strength of Water Jet. At Qrenoble there is a manufactory which i Vises the water held In a reservoir 1.600 Teet up on the mountain. The water Is brought to the manufactory by a verti cal pipe of this length and tomewhat les.i than an Inch In dlamter, tho force of .lio falling Jet being employed to drive a tur bine. If by means of a lateral pipe the Jet be allowed to escape It spurts up with ruch force Into the air. owing to the velocity imparted to It by Its long previ ous fall, that a strong man armed with a sword may hack at it until he Is ex hausted or splinter his weapon Into frag ments. Tho weapon Is checked as el- RESOLUTIONS ON DR. CHRISTIE Tribatc Is Bestowed by Board of Edu-J cation, with Which lie Served Sla Years. Resolutions testifying to the ability and Integrity of tho lato Dr. W. II. CtirUtie and to the high esteem in which he waa held by the n embers of the Board of Edu cation were drawn up and adopted by the board in Bpeclal session Saturday anl arrangements made for attending the fu neral Sunday. Ths board will meet at the Franklin school at 1:45 and In a body attend tho services at 2 o'clock, at the First BapUst church. Carriages will be provided and the board will go to tho cemetery. The secretary was instructed to procure a suit able floral emblem, and a telegram from President Cole waa read. The president la on the trade excursion and ha "aid the. news of the death of Dr. Chrlstlo cast deep gloom ever the members of that parly. ThQ resolutions, prepared by a committee composed of Superintendent Davidson and Uembtri Lindsay and Vance, are as fol lows: Whereas, This Board of Education haj been called In special session on account of tha deatn or ut. w. n. v.ri, " i for six years has been a faithful mum be v, of this body, be It Resolved, That In Dr. Christie's death .this board loses one of Its sole, honent and conscientious members, who at all times has shown his abiding faith In the public schools of this city and a permanent interest In their continuous growth and improvement. - As a man he was esteemed and respected, nol only by his associates on the board, but by ths entire cltlaenahlp of the city as well. He was known among his friends and among those whose goo.l fortune It was to know him intimately as a truly lovable man. His services will be greatly missed on this board, where his wisdom and coun ael have been priced at all times. In his death the city of Omaha loses one of the r.iost efficient members of Us Board of Education. The Board of Education notes his death with the deepest sorrow and begs at this ttras to express to the members of his family the high appreciation In which his services have been held and to extend to them Its profound sympathy In the sad loss, which they have sustained In his death. The active pallbearers at the funeral of Dr. Christie Sunday at 2:30 p. m. In the First Baptist church will be the following .past masters In Covert lodge No. 11. An cient Free and Accepted Masons: J. W. Ataynard, C. L Porter, Jeff W. Bedford, Fremont Prague, John N. Westberg and Ceorge F. West. The honorary pallbearers will be W. M. Davidson, Major R. 8. Wilcox, W. H. Gates, F. J. Kennard, Dr. Paul Uuddlngton, Dr. George Tlldan, Bernard Robertson, E. H. Bruce, Dr. .'John E, Summers, jr., and Dr. J. rrey. EFFECT OF VEGETABLE DIET Prevailing- Emotion of the Human "amity May Be ltrgulatrd , Thereby. ' Girls who eat green peas are bound to flirt; they can't help It. Cabbage . and cauliflower make people vulgar and stupid. And the cure for a bad-tempered husband la to fill him with boiled carrots. These are a few of the laws of vegetable therapeutics as laid down at the recent Pathological congress of Paris. The path ologists studied and discussed at great length the best manner of utilising vege tables for the physical and moral welfare cf the human race. They pointed out that, although some vegetables are a preventive against dis eases cf one sort or another, there are 'many vegetables which produce Illness, or, ' In cases of overindulgence, fliath. After many experiments the Investigators laid down broad laws of vegetable Uieraeuttc8. Potatoes, for Instance, should be eaten by judges, magistrates, editors and those en- gaged Ui similar occupations; they develop the reasoning faculties, give great mental balance and calmness of reflection. Over indulgence, however, produces apathy. In difference, laitnees. Confirmed potatoe eaters are likely to possess more reasoning powers than smith of heart. C. Trots will cure bad temper. They are especially good for bilious ana peevish folk. Ptrslsteut eating of bollod cairots will cure je.tlousy, melancholy, feelings of wrath and revenge; and. In short, tin cerron eater will become In tiro esty-golng, good na .jid and placidly affectionate. Spluach Is good for men of action. AH great generals have devoured It In Urge ,uantttlee. It develops wilt power, decis ion, ambition, energy; snd It Is the Ideal food fir fickle and hesitating people. A proper diet of spinach mlli p it un end to devdllrg m any fcoiuebold. ... '.aTtioso who ytain Cor poetic .thoughts and I 3 "BUTTER NUT" Bread la worth trying, It contains the best flour and la baked by the best known methods. ror fJals at all Orooers - "THE LABEL IS OS THE LOAF" Advanced Styles for Spring and Summer Wear SHOE COMPANY OMAHA'S LEADING BOOT SHOP Where Fashionable Omaha Men and Women buy their footwear. SPECIAL NOTE In addition to the new Frjt styles for men and women we also carry a complete line of children's footwear in the most desirable leathers and smart est models. Fry Shoe Co. THE BH0ES8 tetti and Douglas Sts. P Monday we place on SALE Men's Fancy Hose seamless, in all the very latest shades, an actual 20c value Sale Price J- So rear"-" Guarantee Clothing Go. 1519-1521 Douglas St. iralisVsls.'Sfr'kY WsltMsWlss1 r -I y sMMsV s Aeon Gas Stows 1 Cannot Explode n TP21!! ft n '" fi Did you read In Thursday's dally papers about the explosion of a gas stove In an Omaha residence when the stove wbb ' shattered Into bits, one side of the house blown out, and tho furniture of kitchen and dining room demolished? Do you know that with the ordinary gas stove your life !s thus In danger? This accident is absolutely inipoMille with the 1908 Acorn. This safety device is an Acorn patented feature, and so simple, you will wonder why it was not thought of before. Don't you think it will pay to see this safe and sure gas saving stove? John Hussie Hardware Co. 2104-09 Camlng St. "11 You Bay It of Bussle It's Right." IN THE MERRY MONTH JfXE TmiDFS and JUXK CltADUATES crave pupeclnl attention. You have presents to buy, may we snjrgent that it will be to your advantage to look over our display. The late fire-sale cleaned our old stock out completely, we have absolutely not one piece of Jewelry or silverware of even last year' patterns. EVEHYTHIXtf IS NEW LATEST PATTEHNS, NEWEST STYLES and our prices are right we quote just a few samples. GRADUATION PRESENTS EOH THE YOUNG LADY Small sized Watch, 20 yew Case. Elgin or Reg. Price This Week WnKham Movement, Plain or Engraved IVtae. . . . .916.80 912.041 Finest (Quality, Itrarelet Plain or Knmnn Finish. . . . S.OO 3.73 FOK THE YOUNG MAN. Elgin or a Waltham Movement in a 20 year Gold Filled Case. Plain or Engraved Case... $14.00 Beautiful Hlack lUbbon Fob, best quality Filled Buckle 9 2.00 WEDDING PRESENTS Quadruple Fluted Bake Dish, l'lnln 9 S.OO 9 3-73 Half Dtsen Teaspoons, Sterling Silver 9 .00 9 4.f0 8-Inch Fancy Cut Fruit Bowl, Cut Glass 9 5.00 $ 8.75 You knowthese articles, and that the price Is remarkable low. All other articles in stock are sold at the same extremely low marglnn. We can do this, perhaps better than most, for circumstances made us heavy buyers at a time, when hardly any other buyers in our line wore in the market. We obtained correspondingly .low prices and the public gets the benefit. Look in We will show you some remarkably handsome values. , AT THE SIGN OF THE CROWN. 910.00 9 1-50 113 S. 10th St. TWO STORES 109 N. lth St. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 1306 Farnaru. Extracting... 25c up. Crowns. . . . $2.50 np. Plates $2.00 up. Bridge Work 92.50 up. Porcelain Fillings up from. . ... . . $1.50 17 Years Same Of flee. Phone, Douglas 1756. Alveolar Dentistry a specialty. Loose teeth made solid. Nerves removed without pain. Work guaranteed ten years. On and After June 1, 1908 THE OFFICE OF THE OMAHA GAS WILL BE GO Ho. 1509 Howard Street 3 53533355! JfsWkJMftfcjKAk .sWkJIUIlUsmKjr)uMaMluMUUi'Wh ftJMMUJfr SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS CALADIUMS, Mammoth Bulbs, each 25c; 5 tor . TUBE ROSES, Mammoth Pearl, doz. 35c; 3 doz . GLADIOLI, in Superb Mixture, dot. 33c; 53 fir . CINNAMON YJVE, Extra La rs, each iOc; 12 Itr DAHLIAS, Assorted, each 13c; 12 ht . . . . $1.03 $1.03 $1.03 $1.03 $1.03 THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1613 Howard St. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Your boy's school THE question of the best school for your boy is an im portant one; your selection is going to haye an influ ence on all his future life. You want to choose wisely and you are anxious to get all the help possible in making your choice. The little book. The Kight school for your boy," was written to give our ideas of the manly devel opment, mental and physical, of a boy. We will be glad to send this book and our illustrated catalogue If you will send us your name and address. Racine college grammar school Racine, Wisconsin. In writing for booklet please state where you aaw this advertisement. Wen's Suits $15 The most clever lot of ftylcs and the very best values shown this season. We close out from n iorniaiicnt manu facturer 580 spring suits at a price far be low worth. They're all high class gar ments, most of them hand tailored of the very best fabrics and colors, includincr a complete line of the popular shades of i prices Si? "' $10.00 and $15.00 EMDENs THB RELIABLE STORE a. '. 'Tv I U il I A: i Mothers should take advantage of the wonderful bargains in boys' suits offered in our manufacturer's stock sale Monday. L$2.50 and $3.50 There never was in the history of our lovs! Suit de partment a bargain event that means so much to saving parents. Although cheap in price you'll find the suits of sterling quality most of the suits in the $3.00 lot having two pairs of pants, one knickerbocker and one plain. Don't miss seeing these offerings Monday. Let us fit you in a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Summer Suit . You'll find it suits. m HR YDENS' C(SrO7 G&AZ $400 iFIlEaifiMiaMSl Every big fire, every reKrt of a burglary, should bring home' to you the necessity of keeping your money, jewelry, silverwure and all valuable papers in a SAFE DEPOSIT BOX under your own lock aud key in our burglar and fire proof safe deposit vaults which are the largest and finest in Omaha. , Boxes rent for only $1 n year or $1 for three months. American safe Deposit & trust co. F1. C. HAIVIEiFfc, Pres. 2J6 South 17th St. ' , ) Bee Building. 1IOTKLS. H " lav 1 C ,i . ' f K -a a a w- -mm I tmcago s ureat European noiei The'Vminia Absolutely FireprooL tuici. $1.59 and up. jj!ono ol ihiniut selec t parts o( the city. Rotundas s I'.urinony V..i'iQ llailaa maroie. uuuutiiui siatuary ana cuincurui nia. v.-CM'JO hiDd.oiiirly lurnlhU oouide rooms, la or en suite. iLarga Uiht Dlinna- Hall, wnh nnot cuisine. Lvrirconvtn "'' '1 Pa irnce that appeal to .be moat eabctm jmtron. 1'ur enoui. h 'ti i from fil nni,n f. r n..tlnl mtiot. vhI vyilhin tfcn minutaa' walk rJ,,4"4ot buluosi'cnier. bright, new it. cum . (2 blccica away) iu S net. paanins iu uuun f? l i if Vt i l minutaa tako you to the sb.tim ditti t tHK.ilJlZifJ.0' all kttdir,, thrntrra. lluuklrtfl ti f t 7i,i.!CCtXi. W. REVNOLUS. Pro.. UuJ. ai r3 on re et Cblcave ASM us about a school We will send you cata logues and school infor mation of any kind which you cannot obtain so easily in any other way. This service is abso lutely free. No charge now or at any other time. The following classes of schools are included in this offer: A Colleges, Cnireriitiei II Schools for Young Ladies C Boyi', Military I) Music, Art, Oratory E Professional F Technical, Trade G Business, Telegraph, Normal II Kindergarten, Nurse I Correspondence Educational Information Bureau SIS Leaiu-4ould Building, ttt. Loula, Ma 627 tilt a Avenue. New s ork. Boom 1108 -- "t' im a S-,-i' TIE INN At lake OkobnjI, la., is now open under the 3. T. Cal!endor Co. For Hates, liooms, etc., address, Tan or Black OXFORDS S3i and S4 TO WEAK FOR HOLIDAYS ABTD ETEST SAT. Walk "Over BEST KNOWN Bold only at the Walk-Gvsr Shee Store 314 South 15U Strsst. (Four Uoora bo. Ueuton Lru Co.) SO. . TKQUrSOK, Walk-Ovsr Man. I X e success of the "Queen Quality" Shoe is unparal li ed. It is tremendous ! The growth this year has tien over a thousand new purchasers each day. Te "Queen Quality" Shoe is known all over the v prld. It is the world's standard of women's shoes a, a moderate cost. Try a pair and see for yourself. HAYDEN BROTHERS BAILEY (El MACH DENTISTS fHlRI FliOOB PAXTOX BLOL1J Corner lfltb and Fur nam Streets. Best equipped Dental office lu the tniddlo wet Highest grade Oentisiry at HesBooable l'rlcst Porcelain filUous. Just Uk tne tooUt. I fxnvw - - I WRITE IF YOU USE OB WA THE INN. OXOBOJI. IOWA I R.aers Co.l Nlataa Co.. Pelt.. Una St COAL 1 TO a e.iTH B ' Wedding GUIs June, with Its roses and brides, brings added attraction to IhU lnterestlngtors with Its mag nificent display of goods appro priate for gift giving. The seeker for the artistic the unique something out of the beaten path, will be charmed with the multi tude of beautiful goods here. mx.iira iz.teb CKSSTg Or IILTEI CUT GLASS SAWS FAIJTTXD CKUt A ZTC ETO. We hivs also a masnlflrent line of good I for Uraduailng Liifta. C . BROWN CO. Jewelers and Hllversmitbs. lCtii and firnam. D. C, SCOTT. D.V.S. (Buocass f to Dr. XL I Bamacdettt ) ABSTgTA ft BTATS TXTZBJ3rAJKXAJS onto i sad MoapiUO. tsio Mason StIWt Calls Pvbraptly Answered at All iloura. Those Men who pay $3.50 for Shoes Wi'ilflTltT"'?rK We are not given to shouttux though wb are n sulur uilviitl.uTS. Just to h t you know tliitt if you want a shoo at I3.&0 :i pair, are better able to atury your needs thun any atoro In town underKtapd we di cclaliao we sell nothing but Blioi-y and uh practical alio, nii-ii know the need of tho public better, perhaps, than those who devlutu from special lines. Now, about our $3.50 Shoes for Mei We carry an lnvlncable line, In fact none heller any where. No time for talk but we would like, to show you. Would you tuko time to look over our new ox fords In patent colt, velour. vicl kid. gun niHtal calf, box calf and Kuaslun calf both button and lar and as to fit, well, we've a atari of expert. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Fa ma a Slreel - . -1 I y sv riwiisjom