TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 31. 190?. v UMHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ctttle ef AH Hindi Show Impnm aent for tit Week. HOGS STLALT TO FTTZ L0WE2 arm aad Laxsabe lir(tr fee Weak, with WmM Umta ta "raw Deaaaad aad Terr Wnk Seller. SOUTH OMAHA. May . I. Cattl. Hr Sheep ... 2.S2 ... 1.34 ... l. ... 1.63 ... L'lSl ... 1S 7.-KJ 11 M K.l" r.7 MB 4. pis wr: Official Monday ... Official Tundir ... Off'eial Wedneay offcal Thursdsy 'f final Frday Estimate Saturday S.x days this week... 1B.T30 B W fmn dsys last wees 11 Wt Tt fame days 1 weeas ago. .14.731 S1.7 Earns das week, aao. .11742 MTI Same days 4 weeks ago. .13 .M &4il Earn days laat year 13 Trie following table ihovt t7i receipts of citie. hogs and umii at South Omsha for tha ,nr to data, compared with laat ysar; 1SS. 1W7 Inc. T.. Cattle W.yd 4-T.J7J lOU) H"ks L2' 41 L'fti.f k4J6I Sheep .r 7S7.C2 Ifl04 Ths following tab shows the average price of bogs at Sou' h onuii for tea laat several day a, with comparisons: Date. uni. ;ac7.:i.,iB..W4.iiT.(3ta. Mar !... I t ! I H i t T I CI T U May ... ,S t J i r; T U May E... I v i t 26 14 L 2ki T W Mar a... ir i it. i a I ' J i T s v ii. i t i ri i t M 2 ..i i 1 I t 27 i 1 4 1 SSi bS Way 27... SO 5 1 t 171 4 47 i 7" 17 May S , n . itttiR ? N" a... t rsi inta ti iitotis May Jo...' 24V '.1, 3 IT1 4 51 , IV 7 19 3;r.dsy. Tha efrirtal number of rara of stock brutight in today by racb road waa: Cattle. Hogs. HrB. c . m. r p 2 Wibnii 1 M.eourt Pacific 1 t nion Pacific .. a C. 4 N. W.. eaat 1 C. N. W , waat .. 41 C. L P.. M. A O .- .. t" . B a Q. eaat I C. D. a 4, wfit 14 C. R. 1 A P . eaat 1 C . R. 1 P.. weat n 1 V.'.moi Central .. 4 L..lta-o Great Weatern X 11 1 . mr iSr at the eloae rt Uat r-wirg to tne reduced auri of eont nater raje-ra notad abo-r t;.a ad twic haa b--n f-ul.y aa heavy an tha fa..r to meliam k:nda of cattle aa cm ar-r otr.er k'r.d. in fact, tha eitrerna t-p haa pcbajiy ahewn Iraa rhata-e ttan r.y ofer k.ni. Thera la ery iittie t tee MKl rear-lin the B-iaraM cm row and heifera in ad-litioa t what baa bum aald rordirj tt( neera. aa prv aa both a.oda of ca:t:e h,aa ad vanced m about the aaraa prpnrtlon. If nyttur.. par.b!y mat haa abttwu tha "ot !n-,proitmnt aa they ruffered the anoat decana to atari with. At tha aomm of the wee they are aa.'ety lnflfce higher I haa iaat ww a cloaw. Aa noted very few atockera and "era have prut ra an appearance ti-.ia mk. At the aame tlma there V.aa been mim lltiia laqulry. a Uiat the few ratiia arrtvirig hare met witS quite ready aje at rn4 lirra pneea. If an-rtMruf the good H.nAm are lofclie h!reT u-.aa laat L QiKtauor.a on cafJe: vixd to cnoica eornted ateara. t 4'f7.UO: fair to fod cora rad ataera, 76i4 4f-. (pmaia to fair eorre fed aieera. t.!sji 1. Uood to eholca cowa and heifera. M.7i fair to fod eoara and heifera. miji 75. com men to la-r cowa and heifera. fe.Jhal.7S, rood ta choice atocav U.K't ! r A1 fdera. Kt; ; fair to giod Tociin ana xeaaara. 4.naj.commoa uj faur atockera and faadera. H.u(V.iiw; atock heifera. t7btglkL KepreaenLaure aalea- "a. Tr. Me. A. Tt. u i I at HOOS Tbe market openad thla morning wlvh koga Caring both we-. got and quaa.y la acuva detrand at pncea u.at were ateady to a ll'.l.e eaaier LSaa yeaterday. Tha beat lead that happened to etut tha ora Drttcular ordara auid at ti.30 and oa up aa High aa Key. the aame top aa yaa tarday. Moga that had welht. but ware lacking a Ii: La In cma.fr, aoid eaai-r. On taa othar haad. tha hht and medium weight boaa were generally a ahade to fcc lower tr.aa yaoterday. eaUina; largely at V26.aV Ligat we.ghta Utaing quality were not only fully he lower, hot wera alow to move. Tha traJe waa ot very KUrt and tt waa lata before a clearance waa affected. Tha receipt a af Bog th.a warJi baa ahown a conaiderable falilng off aa com pared with laat week, but are at tha amne l:me beavler than a year ago- The xa eeipta ftrr tha month are tha beavieat on record far tha raonih of May. The weaa opened with a rery a harp decline, rapiduy recovering until a.1 the loea waa regained and more. tow. TJe weakaeaa deveiopad today learea tha market not far frjm whara it waa at tha oioaa of laat weak. oaeiWy a anada eaeler. Repreoentauvo aaiea: n. at. CONDITIONS OF OMAHA TRADE Xxj Com viti Zncreue Orcr Lut Month aid Laut Tear. GOOD CHA5CI 102 JUTE GALS Jaefcere are GratlHrd at taa kew. la Ma ia all t-lacw at aalaeea, laalde aai la taa Caaatry. 2a. M 3K.747 S.Trw Tota'.a a Tha diapoattlon of the daya receipts waa r fallowa each buyer purchaalng tha nuaa ber of bead indicated: Cattle. IIit l.t O-naha Packing Co Swift and Company cudahy Packing company. Armour ez Co Cudahy Droa. Hill Son Other buyert 2.4(18 2.i2 ICna a. rr. n . a. if. iw I ii Tt :r. a I . . m u in in ii M M ... i Jt la I k IM WIS lt I ; kx u l w la r . a t n . . in rt. t:t a t at a m n. n i i) Ik 4i 1 II li la 44 M : l lea aw a I fe m I a) .... 140 I ft e I m a .i i M l -1 at n l ,177 ... t a I M K m at I a I je Tt i.i ... a km t ti a i s ua l M ta i:i at l a I 1 ;at . . IS i Totals 22 1X4 CATTLE Twenty-two can of rattle wera rerrted In thla mormrg. but oniy one car a on aale. the remainder being through a;ff not offered for aale at thia point. Tt.a irreitta for tha week have been very light, allowing a conalderatle falling off as com red with laat week and a year agt). Tha Mrnva.a have cocaiated pnnc paily of corn fed ateera, with a liberal apnnkllEg of cow aiuff. but with vary few atockera or feed era In other won! a. the receipts this weak have conaiated moatly of killera. Tha week atari ed out lower and the mar ket oa beef cattle was deaJt a atill mora ever blow on Tueadaj-. During tha laat half of tha week tha receipts becoming vary riucU lighter and tha eastern markets hr.gnien.r.g up at the aame time enabled seiiera to force pncea upward. At the same time tha heavy- flooda cutting off tha supply of aouihweetern graasers heiped the demand fur corn-fed steers. Aa a reault tha market en M etlnraday. Thnreday and Friday waa (.noted higher each day and at tha cloae of w.e week tha general market is safely Tjc higher than It waa on tka low day Twee- RAILWAY TIME CARD IXIOX STAT103 lOTU AVSD MABCT I uiea Pae ta Laavw. Arrtva. T!a Overland Limited.. a IH4 am a 4 pot The Colorado e.iprs..a I -bo pm a t.W pa Atlantis is.xpreas - aio.li aaa Tha Oregon iutpraaa. ...a 4:1 pm a i M pm The Loa Ant-eiea Lm..al2 aipm a II pm TLa Fast Mail a M am a 46 pm The Chtna at Japan Mall a 4 0 pm a I S pra North PJatta Local a 7 41 am a 4.4S pm Coio.-ChKago Special... ai2.1 am a IM am H- arrice ft Stroma- burg Local bl2: pm b 1:49 pm klriia A HaatBiwtaew Chicago Daylight a 7:S am all 41 pm Paul-Minn. EJ a 7.44 am alO pm i i.iiao Local all:! am ti n pin iiaui City Paaaonger.-a 7:46 am a 12 prn cm:cj; aaacngsr a 4 Su pa I k ta i I ".en j Special a f:tk) pm I B am t. Paul-Minn. Lira.. ..a k.aw pm a I w am Ar.a-eiaa Llmitad....a I K pm a.1 m pra .,.rlDd I imltad alO.'UO pm 4 i.3n Fast Kail a I S pm ..ux City Local ...a lis pm a l-aj am '1 win City Limited. a pm a s am .Norfolk-BonesMal a 7iS am a I S prn a 7 -ja am aJO at am a 1 1 pm a I JO pm .a w pm a am pm i.:2icuui-Lic9g Pina. T'i-ad ood-Llncol'j Ciper-LanJer :aung-6uperior Fremont-Albioa ... Ullaaaa Ctattal CMcaro Expreaa ... Ci.kagj U relied ...b lx pm k I pm ...k t M pm b la pm ...a 7:11 am S ol em .iMpra a 1-Jj am laina.-cit. Paul Exa... b f is am Mmav-Bt. Paul Lorn ...a I" at pm a I N til gt. tjj Express .a f .30 pm a 1.25 am at. Luuia Luuii (lrom Council b:-Jt a t.j am ail .15 pm ltanu!rrry Local (trom Council BidfUi . Hi pm b O U am taiacaaTa, kUwiaUt at bt. raa- Chic A Colo. 6pacial.. .a 7 S am all S pm CaX A Ore. Exprraa a I pa. a I S pm Over -and Limited a pra a I A am rtny Local a t .14 pm all. am tkioaaa Gawat Waasaaw et. Paui-Mlsnaapolla..... 1.7k) pm T A? am bt. Paul-Muueapo.ui .... 7 JU am 11. Ha pm Cicao Lirtiitaa -. e m pm .Z7 am T-r-r i Lxprwa T .kk am U .at pa Chicksu rJr1 I M piu M tui K. C St. L Exp a 9 6 am a 4a am IL C at at- U Kxn alia pm I .AS pm tblatti Btalt lalaua at raalba aVAial. Chleago Limited klbia all.-CS p. Ijwm Lccai a J.k am a 4.J pm Laa Miiuws tVassner..a a pm mu:st pm Iowa l.r ' bll:es am b tia pm Clue taastara a-i a pm a l.A pm UK I J l iiJita WUf. jljcky Movntaia Ltd .. ail 1 pm a 2 si am Cvio. aV Cai- A-xra. . . .a 1 in J-m a 4 pa Cm. Texas a-Xpia-a. . a 4. as a lOa pot -HTB at MAIUI. T4. . U . 4.. St.. 4... U . 74 74.. 41.. 1.. 44.. U . I . 71... 71... 7... 7t.. n.. 41.. at.. 47.. at . 74. :i I tt l ii 1M U 111 I & I at r7 I I a M IM at 2M M IK, i ... Ill b ........ w m Si 212 4f II, 71 1ST 4ft I r a 71 344 04 r - 7i tw i4 i rt 151 IM 44 I r zm z i til ua i r Tt u ise l iia " sm a Ifi 71 ..... at t r- 7t IM. te I ti ISO r.i ... tte :u i h 21 ... 14 171 tt f M Ml 144 I Bt ta SIN Ik IK i Ik 247 ... EU 41 ti It Ut 71 177 ... t tit 71- M k I SI, 41 l ... 112 H. ...T N Itt 17 IB II k 227 at I at t mi ... t at 44. M ... I at 7b. H 74.. 74.. 41 . 41.. 44.. 77 40 I t M llli r k t 234 It, lie A I J- 44 i r " i 144 k I Ai '7 lm 2t rs M i C- Ik 24, 14 N IC, a 4 l . .. 104 I Ck 211 40 3, H l .'7 v.. I tt'a II 4 I Sf Pi Ik I kj III 44 I 2i- At 44 I Z2-4 -Ml 4 I X. i t m i tr 214 K 111. HI B 111, Tt SSI 44 I2 i7 44 i a - M A. 44 I a K7 XW 3 11 47 2M 4U I l 4 171 k I Its 71 ta 44 I Bt 71 1U M IS 71 IM 1X0 I tt k 14 ... I 21 7 1-1 ... I Bt 7 ii ... t a U -14 ... ii Mia m 4 at 71. BM 1 I 14 71 US LB) I k SHEEP Thera war no frcah receipts of sheep or lambs thla morning. For tha weea tha receipts have anown a large falling off as compared with a week ago. but are allghtly larger than for iho cor responding week of a year ago. Whua tha receipts have eonaisted largely of shorn stuff, there has been quits a sprlnkllnc of Colorado wooied lamba. While no very great change has taken place In tha trade, the feeling on shorn sheep and lamba has been bettrr: that la, buyers have taaen hold mora freely, mak ing tha u-ada mora active than waa the caaa last week. The tendency aa a rule haa been a iittie better on prices and -in soma cases it la poasibis to note an ad vance of lu$l&: over laat week- vooled Block has not sold to very god advantaga this week. Buyers are oom piaining that It Is too lata In tha season and that tt Is not killing out so good; hence they have dlacriminated against it all tha weak. If the quality happened to be a Utile off It waa vary hard to move it at all, buyers not seeming to care for that kind. Cm tha athar band, s-end Colorado lamba have Bold aa high as K.i. With tha demand limited and with the trade alow all Lbs wwak. U Is hardly necessary to add that prices are easier aa compared wua last weak. Quotations on lamba: Goad to choice llgf.t wooied lambs. fair to good liarht wooied lamba, Ja.Su4pt.a0; good to shUce beary wooied lamba tt-754.21, ahora lamba 76r under wooied atock. Quotations an ahaep: Good to choice yearling, ahora, K !j8 3. fair to good yeariln-a. ahora. K75&.); tod ta choice wethers, ahorn, I. 7i at, fair la good wethers, ahora, MaVfiTl; good ta choice ewe, ahorn, H3fe4.ei. fair to good cwaa. shorn, at.wutit.ia, cuia and twHs. ahom, 11 Vvt-i; wooied ahaep SKte ahora anora atock. May Jobbing bustneas In Omaha closed big snd gives grod raon to loc for a large gain for the first an mnei'.h of the fiscal yar ending June There 1b evrf reaeon to hWi-ve that the steady prte-reea ma la urtre May will be continued and evn Increased daring June. The volume of trade for May is a arrest Improvement rw that of April and larfer than f"r May. iau7. nd this affords the utmost aat'.s f&ctWm to the whcleaaiera who might, without cntirlam, have suspected some de cline In receipts. But Irmead of a decline, an mcrsae of gratlfrTg prr,pcr7:cns has C'fna both In house snd field trad The country merchants send in gratifying reports, indicating that trade ou'.alde con tinu to advance. Jobbers have been vastly rneouraa-ed to look frr largr thinri bv the reeulta of the w-'a trade ex enmicw ta the wt. The enlanred rcelr' of grain during the wek have add-d e g nlflcance to the importance of Omaha. t UarlrM hvn. Ea-.k rlnrtin have Bhown a material rain, builillnc proration ; have gnne forward w'th f tr "f- '"e er piiIantT and deve-!rprait of the wool in dustry has contributed vastly to ths r"" aral stability f conditions. Bawta aad raawa. Trade has been fairly grod. btrt stfll it might have been better. The facts are that there has been to much rain. Rubbers hav gone out freely f-r immrd:ae de livery, but country dealers have been a little llow ta ordering lie general line. Draga. With tha drag trade May ia closing in svod shape. TTiere has beeei a general de cline In prices 00 most of th lines. LAn eed oil. hoerver. continues firm and ae tlvo. tesJers antlclpailng another advance are a little cautious about buying earten rvely. Morphine 1s eff cents an ounce, w tills Cum camphor la up ( cents. Hardware. The recent rains have started a heavy movement In pootlnjj. Galvanised Iron tube ara eff 10 pr cent: while wooden tuba are up 6 per cent. Garden noae la Bruins- freely. Generally Bil lines are firm. Msy business has been excellent, much bet ter than A$ril. racerles. Trade baa been good during the last week and prices are firm on aioat llnea. October cheese is out of the marxet. Other stocks are easy. Canned g-Kida are a prob lem Just now. Packers of corn have ad vanced their pricea. claiming that the rains have delayed tha planting and at the same time decreased the acreage. Early tomata piants have either been frosen out or washed cut and consequently futures have been put up y2c above the prices of ten davi ago. The California fruit outlook ie a-ood on everything but prurea. which have been badly damiad by cold and wet. j trugmrs are firm, with raws slia-htly higher, for June delivery. Indications now sre that : It is not going to be so much a qu-stlon of prtea as a question of arung the sugar. This is due tx the prospects of a fruit crop which grows more encouraging each day. Pradsre. The market is steady on a!l lines. Texas : tcmatoea are coming in larse quandtiee , and the quality is aord. Missouri berries ara on the market and have tecom plenti- j ful and cheap, being of f:n quaaty. New i potatoes are much cheaper. Batter, Ec(i aad Pamltrr. Creamery butter Is up from last week, being quoted at ZJe for the best. Cmm is comlr.g in great quanuie. tne pncea jnm being lSlc E-m-s and poultry are selling at the tamt pricaa of ona week ago. Caaaed Caaia. rmasd for canned goodB ia better than last week. Consumers are takineT mora fruits and vegetables and fish, tmd this makes the movement more active. Pricea ara generally unchanged on spot goods and futures. Tomatoes and corn, however look a Uttle firmer on account of tha vary bad reports concerrjlng tha crops, which ara not only backward, but delayed ta an important extent. California canners prices on new packing asparagna are lower than laut year by a good margin. Only one California fruit company has named quotations on l&a pack so far. Canned ealmoa la very firm and In better demand. Siocka ara smalL Sardinea are firm, as ara onvo oysters, shrimp, canned lobsters, etc Dried, rraita. Tha dried fruit market is Bomewhmt more 11 . . -n .ef.rnt varieties arTon a stiady r firm basia Prunes ar- ) I California. Ts SSd; futures closed steady; filn. tuariVron, en account of tne re- 1 May, nomrnal; July 7, September. 7. pond POf. I 1:OrwpTr.?new American, kiln js lid: old Amercan mixed, &a USd, ... . f"e. renorteoi ice iateai, - 1, i..-- h.t the dainare to prunes in I tha 8anta Clara valley wnl not excaea at per cent of the normal yie.u. viiko ewtai sewn per eeit? If it is not, you will be interested in an investment which offers a high earning power and absolute security. TEnicB HJpdiSIko (Grsiflra Co has a growing business which is in a position to profitably employ more capital. We are therefore increasing our capital by issuing cumulative pre ferred stock bearing seven per cent dividend in shares of $100.00 each. The security is better than a first mortgage on our entire assets and good will, inasmuch as the preferred stock receives its dividends before any divi dend on common stock can be paid and the stock must be taken up by the company within a limited period. In case of dissolution of the corporation holders of the preferred stock must be paid par for their stock before holders of the common stock are permitted to be paid. Read carefully Article 4 ! the Articles of Incorporation of the Updike Grain Company under the authority ef which the preferred stock is issued, and protects the investors BlltLlJlGTwSl Ti arUagtaa Leave. Arr've. Cacver California... a 4 IS pm a I ti pro N tthweat fcvacia. A k pm a I S pm b.ack HU1 a a.M pa a I S pu, Northwest E-ipreaa ail As pm aitf-1 pm .Nebraaaa puuua .....A I s am a f Is pm Ncbraaaa LxjBxosa .M...a Uta A .ik pm Uacotn Fast Aiaii b l.B pm aJ 11 pm Liscom Local - b t-m am L.twu Local am li piu L.acou Lucai a 7 fc rm uayier pialtsmouta.b ( M pm la Si am t..ivua pjutaiaaui.a I us pa a I As am i Aitaimulh - loata.. I IS am 1 ei-evua - plafamrtaih b 1 M jwu Lvnver I J ml tod a 4 1 pm a 7 aaa ci-icaga tpacial !Au ail ai pm Cr.icaau Lxpreaa ....... a 4 M pa a l-ai pm Chicaas Flr a l-ai pa a t.tw am Xwa Local a l.l aa aa a am at. Louts Express a 4.ai pm ail s aa Kansas City BX. Joa-.aiS at pm a 4 An am kaaaaa Cuy at St. Joa. a I la am a ya Asoaas City at St- Joaa 4 pra CHICAGO LITK ITOCK NlkKCT Cattla, Ibcwp aaid La sabs Otaavdy Haaa Ftraa. CHICAGO, May . CATTUC-Recdpta. is naad; nanut ataady; naovaa, at 77 20; Texana. 14 u4.t. westemB. KmotlTtt: Slocaers snd feeders, St-St? 40: cows and bri'era. S2.AHd4.lu: calve. ta.75tfM.2i. HOGS Hreeipts, 11, Ufa baad: market firm, light. la.la-UH; mixed. 0, SttjA S7V; heavy. Xi.liejA.ia, rougk, !&.&.; piga K1A- buk of saiee, H.Ama.au. Suit? ASH LAJd Bo Raceipta. l.4) head: market ateady; aaiivea, Utt . weaierna, Sit.; yaarUnga .6uO.26. lamba. H amadTd; wsarterna, 4-2UA7V. BTaaaas City Llwa Iteak Market. KAN SAA CITT. May S3 CATTLE Receipts, los head: market ateady: ra ceipta of tha weaa. 11 104 head, choice as sort and draased beef steer. IG7ut: lair to good. I5 04O 4 40, weatern bteers. l4 7ieSr. stockara and feeders. Ul.O I li. southern steers. tll-jji.2l: aotitu. era met. !7itJ4l: native cowa. till 126: native heifera. II SO ft 4. IS. bulla, .IlltjlN; calve. t!7lv:S. HJsj Receipts. . head; market weak to tc lower; top, ta.at. bsla ef aa.ca. l:Si4S: heavy. S.4&il. racarrs and butchera. ta 2501.41: light, l ilt i ll, ptg. I4&4 4J 4 40, iwcalpu fur the woes. 10 A head. eHLKP AND LAMBS Racaipta. none; receipts for tha weea. H.TbO bead: mar ket ataady; laicbs, la.tifjiiO; aea aad yaarlinga. 4 09 (J 4 59. Texas yeariinga, J4iCi.:l; Taxaa sheep. Il7iw4 4l, stockara aad fora. Il liil li. CLII7I1 PTA IBfla at WKBtTKaV. rblraa-. tC Past. HlaaaaaaUa at t. Jwawadl Llva sawk MrltaL. T JOaEPH. Mx. May II- Racaipts. II htad: maraet nemiaa., na tive i 1417 1a, cawa aad baifera II 94 Ml 71: ttKirri aad rWdara. II le 0 4 ill. H"AiaV Raceipis. I ill head: aarkti ic lever, ton. lite; bua C aaiaa, 4it(B 1 1"H SHEEP A.VD LAMBa Receipt !'l head, market aiaady, nib li Uf ( la; yearling aad waukara, 4 Biili, wa. u :i4 . day aj - I tuut aiur,. -w- w. fcl t-..'n Twn C ry ti ux t.llfSr Uin. Arrtva. paaacgar Am b l Ik pm y i'eaeengr-- - Local - I S am a I A am lliaawarl rsel: A. aura Local . .b IAS pm bil Ham tii b Daily axcapt Sunday, c Sua- x. Lamta Llva ttaaav Mark. BT. LOVIS. May J CATTLE Rs ceipta. i"9 head, including 4S0 Texana market ateaay to airong: native ah.pp:r.g and export ataera. II 11 0 7 IS: dreestj bvef And butcher steara, IllSijI i '; ateera under 1 400 pounds. 4S0il, atockera and feeders. 11 80 4 7i, cos and fcaafer llJ4 14. canatn, I16"S :.4; buna. tllii calva. 1I0 4 7 wo; Texas and Indian steers. 110w 160. sows and heifera 11714)421- HXa fUfcipta. .0 head; market a ahade lower: pic. aad light. 11 i l. paraora. ( ova a 41, owicnars and heavy S44wili. No Bbevp aa aa.. The tnthorizexl capltAl rtock cf th.li corjor.r.jon stall be Two MSJlolon Dollar ($:,000,000). divided Into shri of One Hundred DollAXg ($100.00) eact. which aiaU be fully paid n? when Usuod, and thereafier he non-assessable for Any purpose whtsoever. Said capital nock shall be divided Into two clasae: One claat ahAll be known ba Cumulatlye stTen per oent Preferred Stock," and the amount of such "Preferred Stock" to be Issued by this company stall not extseed ten thousand 10,000) Ehares. The other clasi shall b known as "Comrnoa Stock," and the amount of such 'Common Stock" to be Issued stall not exceed ten thonsasd (13,000) shares. Each share of outstandlnc "CumulatlTe seven per cent Preferred 6tock" shall be entitled to receive out of the net revenues of said corporation after the payment of all fixed char tea. Including operating expenses, taxes, assessment, insurance, repairs, maintenance, cost of reconstruction and replacement, and Interest upon the floating in debtedaea. If any. dividends amounting to seven (7) per cent per annum, payable aemi-aanua'.ly as cumulative preferred annual divi dends thereon, to the exclusion of dividends upon all stock and ehares of stocks, eice-t those of Its own clasa aforesaid; and no dividends shall be set aside or paid upon any shares of the "Common Stock" of thla company until the divisions for all the preceding periods and current period upon the "Preferred Stock" shall hare been paid In full, as above specified, on all cf the outstanding "CumulatlTe seven per cent Preferred stock." The dividends oa such Preferred Stock snail be declared and paid semi-annually, in January and July of each year. The right to cumulative dividends oa "Preferred Stock" shall pass by assignment of the stock, and the corporation shall be author lied and protected in paying said dividends to the registered owners of said stock aa shown by tha bocka of this company at the Cm aald dividends are declared. The holders of "Preferred Stock" shall not be entitled to vot at any meeting of the stockholders of this company ; and this co in panv shall be authorized by its Board of Directors to redeem aad retire said "Preferred Stock" or any of tha shares thereof at any dividend paying date by paying the par value thereof and accrued and nnpaid dividends thereon, and all or said preferred stock ahaii bw retired by this company within ten (10) years from tha date of its issue, with the right to reissue the same or any part thereof on orde f the Board of Directors. Cpon the dissolution of this corporstioa, either by operation ot law or by the voluntary act of the stockholders thereof, he holders of "Preferred Stock" shall be entitled to receive the par value thereof and accumulated dividends before the holders of "Common Stock" shall be permitted to share in the distribution of the assets of sard company. The stock of this corporation shall be transferable only on ths bocks cf said corporation on the request la writing of the holder of any certificate of stock. Tbe corporstioa will, wrhea requested to do so at tha time the stock is issued, give a written guarantee sot to retire same wllbia three rears from ria.-j. Ask your banker Tine HJpdlilke (GfsiShi Co. Building OMAHA mBT "" ' 1 1 TTilfTT"" "u J" "' ''" '--' " "f"11 " 1 '''Mii'wiM.aamaagwiej mmui.taBjiL L !tlJ"- am m Htsti wmm 1 aau f ' nr. nmwymyuJF ooast. Advices indicate that the damag to taa growers- prunes has been even -J greater than at first reported. The lateat Tulare Stack ta Slsrkx. Receipt of live stock at the six prin- kva imoortar.: 4fect or, market pricea for clpal western markets yesterday: orune. Peaches and apncotB are steady CaJtle. Hers FSn.1- uwt from the grocery 9oth Omaha Ill 1T trade. Raisins are unchanged and ahow a-oux u Louis City. thmr now. rT.CM are BAme aa iv wr. . t- Joseph Chicago Totals Chic CHICAGO. May 36. CHEESE Easy; daisies. 13GJiy-c: twina, livCUc; young Arrerlraa l!b'tc. POULTRY Ail ve weak: turkey. 14c; chickens, tic; broilers, about 1 pound, per dosan, Cwa Oft; lv to 1 puueds. per is of a uniformly bull- ! doaen. .i(8).tiu; 1 w I pounds, per doa. j 4Ba.BVTy-S- W, Evaporated and sun-dried spples are steady and id pretty fair demand lor conaumptJor. now. Currante ar firm and goinS t't7iJ into consumption. Other imported cured fruits ar steady at no qjoiabie chanse. Caf fee astd Tea rs. eoffe market has of lats been re ceiving excellent support both from apecu ial0r.'and tha grocery trad. I tor cva reaulreroerita, and pncea. there-lore, mm ftniaad with no Iniicanona in sight . .k.mni influ-rce. In fact, juat nc na w thoua-Tther. is a oond.rbl. SoSnt of retail buying of cbeap and niodmm grade. Prospecta favor a 1 Udy St market. According to cable from y.r settlements were at aoout tha aams DrSaTas last year. The retau.r needing la raltock oT tei. need not hesitats aoout buying a prevailing quotation. Dry Caada. In wash goods there has been consider able of a 'eduction in pncea and cone quentfy Omaha jott-ra h.v. had .m) aravy trade in these department Tha locai buB- . hou hav. tnefadVe order to make room for the new fail goods wruch ar aoout due to arrtve. Th.a movement has belpsd aa.es in otr.er lines. Since the reduction noted last weea hopes, tonadales and competing lines hay. -d-V21cd about Vc per yard. Cutting by loo kers still continuaa and quite a ire move ment in bleached and other coiwns r.as .'iLTof'dreas r4 for fail ahpment la becoming satisfactory and predictions are mada that thsr wU b a od fail btMay"buslnes tu ouits up to that of last year and ahead of Apr.l of the present year. Collections ar very gjod. Hata aad Cava. Jobbers and ail other dealers in hats and cap are praying for hot and dryer meatier. TnVy want sunahin. Tha weather of the week has seriously interfered Kh trads in straws and r.as hurt business in other Ur.es. Still May buaineaa has ben ahead of una oorraspondlng month of on yaar ago- Lm4. Stack MarW-et. rloainsr stock quotations: .. a. so , aaa. m .. aM Vet Caiuat . .mi.li a taun. H So ptd M Oat&n. a w S Oaia .- 4i.rBnwjaaia Caaaaiaa fwif ItiNAaaa HiMa r r nr- A 0ie . S i4i Ofci. orw am.. 1 1 BAi.war rwi mi. a at. jms c a I . B- L,"aaeaiAara Pwifle pBVVr a aia stwm rwws -- A mA Bk dj pf4 . . - CXCmud Siaa Suel . a. im yft P 1' a. M s4 ituk u Oru4 maa 14 4a .14 13 imams Col li Seianov m af Iwnvuia A luk. M .su ftmirt Owr SILVER Bar. steady. 24 7-lii per ounoa. SluNJCT lVi'"m P oent. Tin rats of disccunt ia tha open n.arket for ahort kls is lWiV Pt ont. The rats af disc unt In tr.e open mar Bet lor thres-monin btus Is 1S1 lr cent. ... 1 n ... 100 SiiO 1 ... 20a Hoirs. Sheep. 17 4.S00 .( 6u0 9.435 271 11.6'J 1.908 IS. 252 1.271 Market. at thia mnmene . ihmrt waa rieard in the ' f .111 and Boston Green was brought in . hilariously Intoxicated. He cursed the war veteran, the alleged war veterans and the bystanders, collectively and In dividually with that peculiar billingsgate of which he alone Is master. By the time he had been placed behind the bars the veterans had scattered. Lscuiun Caaaoav memwl Be aoosaat aicaiaua . a. .t . ..tlmar. 4 PERSIFLAGE GOOD FOR ROW are to Start SaaBatklaK at Padlew Sta tlaa, E7.BpelalIy aa Dera tloa Day. tThen persinags begin a to float about among ths officers tt the police station there ia bound to be something doing. Apropos cf Memorial day, Esrgeant Thomas Hayes and Jailor "Dad'" Ryan were thrown Into a good natured dinpute. Saturday. Both are veteran f:ghters. Patsy Hvry started the trouble by in- quiring politely of "Lad'' whether ha used to sea much of General Washington during i ths terrible dsys of the winter at Valley Forge. "Dad" aideslepped ail right ajid then explained tt ha used to "he water for Sergaaxt HayeB Is ths war cf 1 1 Ltaewla Cams ay Baya Laad. CHETEXN'E. V'yo.. May . 'Special). A deal of great magnitude has Just ben closed hers whereby the Lincoln land com pany of Lincoln, Neb., secures possession of one of the moat valuable tracts of Irrigable land in tne west, and which is known aa the Goshen Hole lands, compris ing nearly a quarter of a million acres. The tract is locsted in the central east portion tf this, Laramie, county, and will li ie7iaimed by the great Pathfinder Irri gation i-roject of the general government. Ufil rsrtics hava been In possession cf fis Wnd for many year, but tad never leen ahle to secure sufficient capital to (..n-truct irrigation works and settle me land. The purchse price waa JsiO.OiK'. h.- purchase of this big tract by the Lii coin Land company gives rise to the belief 'nnt tne Burlington railrosd will soon e tend its A'.iianre-Brldgeport-Guernsey line on down into Laramie county. Many lint a htve been surveyed and several fesn'ole routes hsve been located. Z. CUDDINGTON Successor lo Boyce Comnilsslon Co.m 1 0 S Boatrtl of Trsstle Bldg. Margins 1 cant on grain, $2.0 on stock. Public and private rooms for customers. Best service la Omaha. A reliable company. new freight tariff covering grain shipments within the state was being prepared by that company, and would soon be put Into effect- It was stated that the new tariff would make a material reduction In such rates, and therefor do away with further complaints in thia respect. Sh-ep Better TVaa Mtalaa?. CASFER. 'vTyo.. May . tSpecia!) H. B. Greenough. the Spokane millionaire minl-ig tran, who a year ago made heavy purchases in the Red Canyon placer dis trict jiesr Lander and who. after spending several hundred thousand dollars on ma chinery and preparing to work the ground, suddenly shut down, pasaed through here yevteidiiy en routs to Lander. It is an nounced that Mr. Greenough will stock his mining cls:ms with sheep, believing that ree raising will be mors profitable than nv.rmf In that district. This action upon Grenoiigh's psrt will only deepen I the mystery surrounding the Rd Canyon DOES S EARN HONEY? The SIW ST ATI TELKrHOBTS CO.. Sloaa CI! ir. Is. t. as IB IU toana rear ot unilltal. 4:e!den4-par!rs taana. rnna ear mawi-M a Seeia it a enuat maneRUl enterprle. IBM fur i.tM a .uhiic atiutr ta a mni.r lanaiiint st at .trona r la rxiaaertioe anth thia eanpaay ImTrm IK Cf LS '.ND weuraS By 1st munari . Bruif fir w fin act aitnl. st Fin Aatioaai hu. Cbiraco. BakGA.M in 4 tH4.tu4 la 7Ht esnutatlTa 2ta Steak. tw a rear rr tiw. 4r4 as acna t'-A tana laaS ts trae fnr attlHe benda. rta. or Cm. stock is utis Cmnaar. rr urt.tn oa requeI 4TOTK4 BEU-iW rats kx. ETVT)aTTf 1NHS CX . of AMEK1C rr 1 mil tTS. HEW STATE TEUirHOKS TfO. rar. lw 4Ml- The aettlement ef ths Goshen Hole lsnls ! rl-'- lor it is knows ths ground carries ..1 a.l.l f.dU to the population of this r nunty. Salt Aareiast Geerxe W, Fsraa. SIOt"X FALLS. 8. D. May 30 iSpeclal.l Judge Frank B. Smith of M.'.cheU. sit t.cg for Judge Jones, of the stat circuit boy lfr of hearing the srguments and has taken Just what ths duties of -watsrboy" wet s i under advisement the case Instituted he did nut state. Preaumsbly it was his against Gerrge W. Ryan, formerly cf Lo off c to keep at tte side of tr.e fighter ' sh. Is . ta secure ths recovery of s f .' with a bucket of water in order that the i bond oa v ln ca.t. alleged to b tr.e warrior might refresh himself with a dip- property of Julia Ann O Grady, who f;r a per full of the refreshing fluid between 1 tl!l5 w" "dA't th charge of murder slashing s:mkee of his terrible saare. ' Srowing out of the murder last September ( grr trait being many hours lats for the r'J vtlti'S and could te worked profit ably if the plans of ths Granoughs were cir-.td ml Heavy Raima lajara Bawds. GARP.ETSON. A. D.. Msy i Special. V Excessive rains and hailstorms hav worked havoc with railroads and highways In this section recently. For more than a week rain has fallen almost eoctmually, and no trr.all part of that time the rain baa desrerded in t'.irrenta. Not B3 much wster has fallen in ths sams period of time for many year Traffic on ths railroads ner was delayed greatly, several passes- H. T CENTRAL BEALTT r7 eemiaanUlr. tMvet cut wiikanval pnnitwa Caa Bar ia tn.i. tmesis. N T RL.TT OWXKRi COM r- Nearly ts (Mi uena.. a..ii ta d part tut s. !4 T. HKaLTT owmbs rrv. ftai aa t rea r rrw by tlnMa value ut improve eaalty fs I'.. Boj4 t par CBlLDkBS'S BWIXIW'BIEMT srOTX. Maar Barwit wua.4 like ta Mr aasse a eertak aa ac Tr ta M aaid te tli."-r ciii.dr mi a twrla.. as, v'l proftti. St Ca TMiS. WaiTS IS TO TELL IOC HOW. " I rOKTLuMj. o . Cra. Par. su.rterlr SI'S ri4 Aar. IMS ttac.uek. Toial AiTiSaaaa ti.BCia Pnce I. ..a TTaM crN!io7 Fra 4 aanerir 4ie rug Asr. l:.m (.-J Tmai ti'iaenoa 7.SA,am. Prtos e Brr rs: tEi-u avt rv-K VI5TIM aCSIMXSAl zzcrsAitox laS IU Sails Bv, i i CAusaga Til. Slaws City Llwa Staak Maj-kec SlOtrX CTTT. I. May IS Special Tela gram. r CATTLX Raceipt A 1 bead; mar ket ateaay : beeve. S.2&v,7: eoara and hc.fera. li-sotji.'": feeders, U-iriS.us; caivaa aad yearntaa. O i M. HOCio F.-eipia 4 .aw Head: market weak., ra-i-aa. .liS-. bu-k. st.AtjA.a. LlTwrsaal Cswta Mae-atel. LIVrjlPOOL. May '. WHEA T6pcX firm; It, t ra4 wasters wmier. is d. 14a. Serg-eant Kyes frswred a stern army frown upon tr.is perjifiaee of ad s" snd ! after a moment s (aute delivered a return ', shot. I wta oniy a your.g boy when I entered the I'mon army ln 'SL" hs said. "But I well remember that they wouldn't take 'Pad' because ha was too old at ths lime." t When the laugh was quieted down. Turnkey Torn Rirg begged to direct atten tion to the fict mat Patsy Havcy was the "man who captured Red Cloud'" hile ( Anor rs-sey added the historic fact that Patsy "tad driven Sitting Bull out from under his blank'.!.'" Patsy turned around from where ha was busy on ths register of h.a popular hotel and bowed. Tm tha man," ha said modestly. Andy also pointed to a tiny scar oa tha back of Patsy s neck Just northeast of ths button of his collar. "That's wher he was shot by aa Indian." he remarked gravely. "Where did tha bullet com outT" in sured aa Interested bystander. "P-iSh4 out of my mouth," aald Patsy nonchalantly taking a poll ea his agar, and puffing tha smoke remtniscentiy to ward the ceiling-. "And right after that ba niu ts Mis souri river, add ad Toss King. It ta tmpoasubia to say what athar war Use advetuuras anlht has baas toad, bat of her sg-d husbsnd. John O'Grady, at O Grady home north of Sioux Fil.a. He waa engaged ta defend Mrs. O Grady, en a murder cnarge and she transferred ta him ail ber property real and pera-inai. Including ths gold bond and M in rain, which ar the bona of contention ln the present suit, Ths esse against Mr O'Grady waa finally d.amissed, and follow ing this. Attorney Egan reiransferred tu her sil ter real eatate. but retained the bend and cash, and her guard an ir.a:i:utei the action fir the recovery cf t'-e bonl ar.d cash. Praailaeat Maa Leavee. CHETENNE. Wyo.. May 36 i Special y Thomas Lcngr.urst haa ci. appeared, and James Ryan, his bu:r.ets partner, aaks ths court lo s;point a receiver for the firm cf Byan A Loegnurst- Ryan charges that his partner misappropriated f tf ths firm 4 money and did other illegal things. Lcni hurst has for years eondarted an under taking establishment her, ssd was promi nent ts lodge and ceurch work, being or ganist at a local church. last four daj s. At Lest-r. a short dis tance from tr.ts city, the high wind Thur dsy evening damsged buildings to ths ex tent cf several thousand dollar. Cammeaeemeat at Garreliaa. GARRETSGN. 8. D-. My Si (Special. V The commencement exercises of the Gar retson H.gh school were held st ths opera houn TLursJay evening. The rraduBtes ere: Hazel Grar-s Coole-y. Mar-.annc Gou.d. Hfrbfrt Millard. Clara Wong. Jjlia H.'elle. Harriet Brandt. Alma Jai-cbsen. Erica F.ovce. Ethel Baker. E. J Morgan, aupe rtntt-r.dent cf tne Garretson schocia, w.U be at Siencer. this stati. tha con.ir.g school year, in a similar poa.tlen. This is the largest class ever graduated from IX schools cf this city. Cettea Market. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks, Beads, Investment Securities. 1320 Farnam St TXX Ball. 104; ladspaadaat, A10AV4. Maaian af a. Cyale. 'Tha itypocrita is u.a devils best friend. When a man luae-s his heart his head has to do double work. Every nrl hat an idea she is not Lk ctier g.ria ?Ki.nl thought may be best. If they are on time. V ."' a rr.an rejents at leisure who d.dc l marry in l.asie. There who raise cpjecucr.s ar pretty s ire of a .arge crc When a man marries for rnoner th woman aeidoin geta her mocy's worth. t asanv a man uiri a t r ance no woulil oe lull ci i..e oportuii.ty il putting it baa wr.ere ne lound n. flattery is mere.r r.av.ng sums one Wave MllwatkM farata State. SIGrX FALLS. 8- D.. May 20. .Special.) Tha Stale Board ef Ra.'road Commiaauon sra at Its resuiar monthiy taeetir.g at the baadiiviArter of tha eommiasioe In thia city received a letter trom ths Milwaukee ooacpaay ta wtuca tt was aaaouaiwd that a LItrsSPCOU May "fe.-C0TT0.V-Br, "iboui our-. -S.l ti dull and pr.cea I p.rjts lower; American j X-rx.e. rr.iddi.cg fa:r 7 10d. gd miudi.ng. 4 71. rr.idli.ng. t-d: lo ti.jdl'.:r ed, ..-d A Leak Abend. ordinary. &.. crdmrry. t. JL Ths saie. I v. ., . r,,,s i . . of taa day were l.iwu taiea of which Z-4.si J ,ar Faurth uf JalJ' l-Ad haia wer American and included f..r . ..fcat how trt ta. , ooaarv,,,- ,fc. speculanon aad export. R-ca.pta. Ltua, c.v ... M ,r ;orr, ,u taj JuLt ba-ea. no American. Future 0--r.ed ?u:et . 4 don , aea a.-iy about " and stealy and cioad quiet; Ma. Isad.j . Th boya' aa.J i.i. aattve. "The last aiAv-J.ee I -d; Jun-Jw:y iaisaa. Juiv- of rm lr wrrt off yar a) A-g-ust, ATTard A-g-st -6Vpem!T liid. , Lt.a r.w uroo haa a I cnm a 5e.yr-mer-Cccjbei. 5.id. Ocloher-November. a.i.d; NuvtBtMr-uKecioir. I 'd . Le-oeamer-JanijuTi. AiAd; Januarv-roOruary. t 1, Faeruaxf-MUa, A'i. Jaiarui-Asrii. vet Marveiiiiig at tha changes times had broi-icnt tJuui, ti strainer foLowsat tna crowd tt ta bail park. WLer tha real re. a. arauoa, was m. pnaraai i.hir. irjn, 1 f 'at-