0 REAL ESTATE citt moPEBTT ron me,' (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY TOR BALK. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR IALB, (Continued.) REAL ESTATE I FARM AND RAXCH LAND FOR SALE) THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 31, 190S. California. n 2s ptth Arnic D. V. Sholes 110 Board of Trad Building, 16th and Farnain Sts. il. 4w A nice new 5-room cottage at a Charles St., modem except furnace. 1,760 B. fist St.. new 6-ronm cottage, modern except furnace; easti front: lot 40x112 ft.; permanent cement sidewalks: cemented cellar; rorcelaln bath; lava tory, toilet, alnk and all convenience. 1750 cash, balance monthly. a.MA wn B tint Bt.. tame as above, only a little larger. ... . it.ono 1323 8. ?7th St., 7 rooms, modern except furnace; beautiful, shady lot, 50x150 ft. 3f,2i Hamilton Bt., 1 rooma, all modern; hot water heat; lot 4xl6A ft. 4,160 .1666 Woolworth Ave., new 7-room house; entirely modem; white pine finish; fronting on the boulevard. Very choice neighborhood. $ 4,5003711 N. ISth St.. all modern -room houee; large barn; two lota, 90x160 ft.; lota of fruit and shade treea, rosea, ahruba. etc.; house finished In natural wood; very fine fixtures and atrlctly up-to-date; outside acreened porch; cement i walks: two blocks to street car. i 5,2) Ml Wirt Bt., i rooma, all modern, very larsre and roomy. In first-class con t dltlon Inside; beautiful lot; good barn; all street Improvementa In. Thla la a fine home In a choice location. I 5.250 S714 Lincoln Boulevard, nearly new 8-room all modern house. In Bemla Park; oak flnlnh downstairs; completely decorated; very choice and desirable, t 6.600 New R-room house on Georgia Ave., Just north of Poppleton Ave., Just being completed; wilt have oak finish downstairs; lot 50x100 ft. Buy It now and have It finished to suit yourseu. 6,000 Nearly new 8-room all modern house on 8Mh Ave., between Woolworth and ' Poppletort A vps.; oak finish downstairs; hot water. heat: thoroughly modern and Up-to-date and decorated Inside In ft rst-class style. This was built for a home . and Is exceptionally desirable, both na to quality and location. Number on ap- pllratlon at our office. flS,500 That splendid 10-room residence opposite the Country club, on Military Ave.; I 8 full lota to with It. all set out In beautiful lawn and shrubbery; house Is fln J ished In birch, with hot water heat; tiled bath and vestibule; haa two fireplaces, three toilets, room for billiard room, dressing rooms and plenty of large closets, i In fact it Is an Ideal city home Just outside of the city; haa all the advan tages of a country location; etreet car passes the door every ten minutes. Let us show you this. Plans and descriptive circular on arrpllcatlon at our office. ; INVESTMENTS $10,000 Two all modern 8-room houses, with an extra lot, 28th and Farnam; now rent ing for 190 per month, and room for Bt. Louis flat beside. $50,000 Full lot and building in the best part of the retail district, guaranteed to pay f 6 per cent net on 1100,000 for the next ten years. Thla is equal to gold bonds for Income and la sure to lncreaae largely In value; location on request. VACANT Northwest corner Jfith and Marcy fits., one block to car; sewer, water and gat in afreet; perfect grade; 100x165 ft., for 12.400. Room for four housea or two extra large residences. Right In the line of the city a best growth and a very desirable Invest ment. . Creighton's First Residence Addition S. W. of Hanscom Park, on car line. PICK OUT YOUR LOT ' Fifty already spoken for; 80 per cent of these will be built- on this year. Unless you Pick out your lot you may not be able to get the one you want on the opening day, which cornea soon. PLAT WITH PRICES AT OUR OFFICE. If you want to buy, don't tire yourself out and get disgi'-ter" ''- living by spending a half day to see two or three pieces of property. We show property with automobiles and can show you several In a few minutes and not i... .. uur urne or tire you out. , (19) ; GARVIN BROS. 2218 N. 18TH ST. New modern house, 6-room and re ception hall, attic and good cemented cellar, combination gas and electric lights, enameled bath, first-class nlumblns: and furnace: east front lot: cement walks In yard. A splendid home. Price $3,600. Will make easy terms to good party. 3880 SEWARD ST. Beven-room house, modern except furnace; lot 60x180 ft.; south front; asphalt paved street; cement walks. Price $2,800. Want offer. Owner must sell. 3016 PINKNEY ST. Five-room cottage, city water, barn, lot 60x128 ft Price reduced to $1,000 for quick sale. Make us an otter. -, NEAR HANSCOM PARK, Nine-room, modern house, on paved street, lot 60x150 ft., cement walks; price $4,260. INVESTMENT BARGAIN. Six flats, 8 rooms each, all modern, renting for $2,160 per annum; price $17,000. GOOD BUILDING LOTS. 28th and Woolworth Ave., 58x142, $1,000. - N. 19th St. boul., 37x140, $750, . 18th and Lake Sts., 49x100, $850. N. E. cor. 17th and Lake, 30x128, $725. 40th and Dodge, 60x125, $1,600. 'GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. (19)- Western Nebraska I m perfectly familiar with western '.Nebraska, having spent thirteen years praotlcing medicine, riding the count. y and nearly nine years as register and re ceiver of the United Statea land office at Sidney, Neb., and have soma choice bar gains to offer my friends. Dr. R. D. Harris, ' KIMBALL COUNTY LAND 180 acres of good riow land, 7 miles N. W. of Kimball, the county aeat. Price IC.75 per acre. 160 acres 9 miles aouthwest of Kimball, $6.26 per acre. v liW acrea 9 mile aouth of Dlx, S60 per acre. ' 480 acrea Klnkald relinquishment, 10 miles south of Kimball. Nearly all of this la fine farm lanr. Price $700. The deeded 1) in aame section. Good well and wind mill. l,200-bt-vank: frame house. Can be bought for $1.6u0. Thla la a rare bargain. 180 acre choice level land. 7 mllea N. E. of Dlx. best part of Kimball county, where th most extensive farmers are located. Owner guaranteea this land to bo first c'-s. Only $1,400. CHEYENNE COUNTY 40 aores S mllea N. W. of Potter, $4.S0 iw acres 14 miles norm of potter all a fine buy at $12 per acre. 120 acrea $ mllea west of 6ldnev, one fenced: good well and windmill: 12.000 for 4w acrea fine level aublrrlgatlon farm Creek runs through land and can be hay; can be made to cut 400 tons. Thla per acre. 4, 1C0 acres of farm and ranch land at water and hay; 4"0 to 800 hpad of cattle now In crops; oats last year 66 bu.: wheat improved. This land can be cut Into 4 or This Is the best ranch and farm proposl Relinquishment of ISO acres near Lew station, 4-mlle to school; land partly In barn and other Improvementa. rlce $S&0. Dr. R. D. Harris, With C. R. GLOVER & SON, aoi-J- N. T. Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. New Cathedral District Dn Webster St. we have a new house. I large rooms and bath; entire first floor finished In quarter-sawed oak, oak col umns and pedestals; enclosed porch; stairway to attic; basement full slie, bricked and cemented. Everything com plete, including screens and storm win dows. Price reduced from $5,0U to $47aO inia weea only. C. R. GLOVER & SON, 4C1-2-3 New York Life Bldg. 1- BARGAINS. Four-roora cottage on lot 70x150, aouth front on California, near 31st. Permanent walka and paving all paid. Price, H.7j0. j REED BROS.. 1 1710 Farnam St. (IS) M62S t 422$ HARNEY STREET. One of the prettiest homes In Omaha, $ rooma, ail modern, oak floors, best plumb ing, two lois. beautifully planted, fruit, drubs, hardly flowering plants. Inquire a bt smlee or 'phone Harney (l)-MSi Company Telephones: Douglas 49; Ind. A-2049. Trade for a Home North Part of City Here la . a chance of a life time, If you want a large home with large lot and beau tiful grounds. House has 12 rooms, C on first floor, 6 oni second; la modern except fur nace, with new open plumb ing. Lot 104x235, with large shade and fruit trees. Street paved; 3 blocks to car. Owner will trade his 12.300 equity for unencumbered Nebraska land or Omaha property. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Bt. Tel. Doug. 1064.; Ind., A-1064. (!)- McCague Investm'tCo. IS20 Castellar St. Cottage, 6 rooma and bath room; porcelain tub and open nickel plumbing; gaa fixtures; large cement casement; nice lawn andbron fence; cemented walk. t We aold on Saturday the cor ner cottage for $2,760, but we can sell thla one for $2,500 and make terms on part at ( per cent Interest. The cottage la rented for 26 per month, but it you want to look through the house the ten ant will let you do so, if you will be nice about it. If yju ' are Juat curiosity shoppers, please do not bother elthef the tenant or us. But if yqi are In earnest about buying fi nice cottage cheap, dont fail to look at thla right way. , McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO, 150 rodgo Bt. - ' (1)-4C8 81 per acre. level, every foot can be plowed. Thla la half good farm land, balance graxlng; quick sale. ana hay land In Pumpkin Creek valley, flooded when desired. Cuts about 200 tons farm Is S miles west of Redlngton; $16 the head of the Pumpkin creek; plenty of nmv- ut.en ?pi on inia rancn; lH'i acrea 26 bu. : corn about SS bu. : In fnlrlv .n eight farms, with hay and water for all. lion in tne west, price only 7 60 per acre, ellen. Deuel county. IV miles from R. R. crop; some orchard; shade treea; house. (1) ON CENTRAL BOULEVARD near Webster, east fror.t, t-room, all modern nouse, out iinwn on first floor, built years, only one block to Hrn rmr . t blocks from Crelshtnn J ..1 $2,000 cash, balance easy. See thla Monday' 0'KEiFE REAL ESTATE CO 1001 N. T. Life. Doug, or A-2152. UH) FOR SALE 904 HICKORY BTR PF!T Blrlrtly modern, 8 rooms, 4 of which are very large; large vestinuie; open plumb nS. oeariy pew; ursi-ciass neatlng plant ' large bath, 5l-ft. poreclain tub); larg porih: nice laan: trrmimni walka In first-class repair. Price, $3,60, pur chaser to have benefit of the usual cnm. mission by dealing direct with owner. Call today or Monday at premises O. M ure.se. (!) MS31 Six REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. ISM. Promrji service. Get our prices. 1710 arnam tit. ti at OPPORTTITIES for people of amall mean in . w aanington; write for booklet. Home and Independence." The Palouae irrigation and Power Co.. Dept.. F Scat lie. (IV) 7o. 31s A Lot or a Home You can buy a splendid residence lot 40x125, with sewer, water, gas, ce ment walks, treos In and paid for; only two blocks fro mcar, for f 576, In beautiful Boulevard park. Greater opportunities are offered the Investor or borne builder in this addition than elsewhere In the city. If you are de sirous of getting In a first-class neigh borhood near to 6-mInutes direct serv ice without transfer and of securing property that Is dally growing In value, uy In Boulevard Park. Our sales men will show you about any week day, or you can procure plats and par ticulars at this office. Qo and see for yourself the many modern dwellings occupied by owners, as well as the pub lic Improvements already made In this addition. We have a few east front lots left on 17th St., north of Sprague, that can be had for $560 to $575 If taken at once. Board a Sherman Ave. car and get off at Sprague St. and turn west. 1 MODERN CEMENT BLOCK HOUSE New 8-room modern throughout, on the corner of 17th and Sprague, 4,250. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN A brand new 6-room, modern throughout dwelling, at 3910 North 8th, Is now offered at 3,300. 5-ROOM COTTAGE Five-room cottage, walking dis tance, on Sherman Ave. car line; city water, cistern, paved street and cement walks. Price $2,000, for Immediate sale. 42ND ST., NEAR DODGE Eight-room, entirely modern, east front, corner lot, paved street and per manent walks, $4,250. CUT OFF LAKE COTTAGE Four-room cottage, well, barn, cave, outbuildings, wire fence, fruit, with two lots for quick sale, $1,000. This cannot be duplicated, so don't try it THREE LOTS IN KENWOOD The owner of a corner and two ad Joining lots offers same at price paid a year ago, which makes this a splendid bargain for a little money. It will take about $150 to swing the deal. The property is only five blocks from the D. & D. car line. WASHINGTON COUNTY 10B-acre Washington county farm; Improvements; 3-room house, barn, corncrlb, hog sheds, chicken house, windmill and tank, young orchard, near Calhoun; 1 60 per acre, or will exchange for Omaha property. Com municate witii us at once concerning this farm lnd. Shfmer & Chase Co.' CITT AND FARM PROPERTY. FREE FACTORY SITES 1609 Farnam St. Ground Floor. f Both 'Phones. (19)- Payne, Bostwick & Co. $1,600-4002 N. 28th Ave., 4 r.. gaa for cooking, city water and sewer; lot 3x 110; one and one-half blocks to car. $l,800- r.. gas, city water and sewer; lot 60x130, on car line, convenient to Ames Ave. car barn. $1,760-2806 N. 26th St.. 6 r., gas, city water and sewer; lot 40x110; two blocka to car. $2,360-4300 Seward St., 6 r., modern except heat; ona half block to car. $2,8004349 Franklin St., 6 r., large attic, sise , of house 24x40, new, strictly modern, . large rooms, elegantly flnlnhed; lot 60 xl50. Terms, $1,500 cash, balance on time. $3,000 r., all modern; corner lot, 5"xl28, two blocka to car. This property Is In West Farnam district ' and la a bargain. i $3,000-1620 N. 35th St., 7 r., gaa, city water and sewer; two large corner lots, each $ixl4; room to build 3 more houses. $3,500-423) Douglas, T r. and reception hall, strictly , modern and well built, brand new. Terms can be arranged. $5,500-1310 S. 25th St., 7 r. and large reception hall, oaK finiBh; not water heat. Owner desires to leave the city and will con sider offer. $5,250 Brand new, 7 r. and re ception hall, oak finish, strictly modern and up to dale, on California St., near 30th St. VACANT LOTS Two fine lots, corner 41st Ave. and Charles St., paved street, sewer water and gas; corner lot $700, Inside lot $600. $ 650-Orant St., between 43d and 46th Sta.; permanent sidewalk, sewer, gaa and , city water; near Walnut Hill car line. A snap. $ 460 Corner lot In Dundee, near car line. Owner leaving city and offers this lot at a sacrifice. $ 750-Lot In Field Club dis trict, aouth front and terraced. We have Just sold ten lots In this dis trict, 37th and Pacific Sts. This Is a rapidly developing district and choice lots will ajon be scarce, iiuy this bar gain. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Main Floor N. V. Lif" Bldg. rnune ioug. lois. 09)- I WANT offera on Omaha property before June 20, l. Lota ( and 1, Hampton corner Ames Ave. and 30th St: mi.nA h,.. ' nesa property. I must sell. Address E A Fogelstrom. care T. V. Ouatatson. sol' K " oi. (1 MS07 CREIGHTON HEIGHTS. Lota 13 and 14.' block 1 urh ft northeast corner 44th and Corby Sis., one diock irom car. sgM for Dolo. Your ow terms, call tiarney 31i9. mi M GOVERNMENT LAND IN CALIFORNIA. Irrigation system Installed; water rlghta cheap will clear $2S to $160 per acre; book let. AMERICAN REAL ESTATE COMPANY, a Montgomery St., Ban Francisco. ; (30)- l'lerao. GOOD FARMING LAND, KADI PAI MB INTO. Near Denver, In Greeley district, black otl, clay aubeoll. walla to so feel, abundance of moisture, low altitude, gen eral farming Including corn raising; one crop paya tor land; cloae to land $.50 an a ore; low price, easy terms; will soon touble In value. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., M Urandlea Building, Omaha, Neb. Odt- M961 640 ACRES GREELEY, COLO.. LAND In the great potato and augar beet dis trict, and will grow almoat any crop. To come under new ditch now building; water by tall; will be worth then $ to $100 an i re. prank K. Miller. bi4 eoutn pearl St.. Denver, Colo, (20) M294 Je-2Sx WANTED We have several thousand acrea of good Colorado landa for aale; we want good, live agenta to repreaent us. GLOBE LAND AND INVEST. CO., Omaha, Neb. (20) M66 latwaw HARRISON COUNTY. IOWA. FARM For Bale at a Bargain. 160 acres. Imm-oved farm. 4 mllea from market; good 6-ioom house, barn, aheda, granary, hog houses, hen house, cribs, etc. 40 acres pasture, 8 acres meadow, $ acres alfalfa, 46 acrea fine winter wheat, 20 acrea oats, balance In corn; rented for two-fifths of crop delivered; this years rent to go with the sale of farm if sold before July 15; price, $0 per acre if aold before the above date. Address owner, Vfi Brandnls Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. (20) M668 Je-28 ItekrmsKa. I will aell big home place or residence consisting of 7 acres. Two dwelling nouses, two nrsi-ciass cellars. Two barns. Two wells, one windmill. Orchard, all fenced in lots from V4-acre to 2-acre lota. i Tank house, lead pipes and nyaranta. Price $4,600 cash. NATH. CRAB TREE, Fullerton. Neb. (20) M694 2x Farms For Sale 130-acre Improved farm in Douglas county near Elk City and about 22 miles west of Omaha, alx miles ftom railway station. $6,000 163 acres of land within aeven mllea of the Douglas county court house and five miles of the South Omaha packing houses. $100 PER ACRE 100-acre improved farm In Cuming county 84 mllea from West Point; no waste land. good house, barn, double corn crib, well, Indmlll, tank, etc. Good neighborhood. $6,500 Alfred C. Kennedy 209 First National Bank Building. Tele phone, Douglas 722. (- $100 LAND FOR $90. 160 acres. 3 mllea from Ashland. Saun- aers county. eo.i very bst black loam soil, with clay subsoil; good orchard; fine improvements; 7-room nouse, barn 36x3H, ice house, granerles, hen house, cob houe. tool house, windmill and tanka; crops have never iauea; rine producer. price only xso per acre. STRINGER INVESTMENT COMPANY, 438 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2261. (20 M833 1 DESCRIPTION The west 100 acrea of the N. E. corner of Sec. 23-21-6 E., Cuming county. Nebraska, 3'i miles southeaat of West Point. HOUSE m-story, amall rooma, 14x24, with addition 12x14. BARN, with haymow 16x24, with lean-to 16x24. DOCBLE CORN CRIB, with driveway, 20x24. PRICE $66 per acre, or $6,500 for the farm; -,wu cBn ana ri.w fti o per cenu NELS A. LUNDGREN, 626-26 N. Y. Life Bldg. (20) FINE KNOX COUNTY FARM. This la one of the best farms in Kn6x county, Nebraska, and a great bargain; 400 acrea, only two miles from countv seat of Knox county, Nebraska. Improvementa are fine; U-room house, barn 40x60, cattle shea Doxs"). shingle roor, srranarlea, corn cribs, chicken house, etc.; 250 acres under cultivation. 70 acrea meadow, 80 acrea pas ture. $3,600 down, $3,600 March 1. balance to suit. Easy terma. aren't they? There la no finer farm In the state of Nebraska than this, and the price is only $46 per acre. lis worm sou. iins la aimpiy a Bargain. J. A. ABBOTT. 415 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (2 M892 31 Mia rl. CORN LANDS In famous Grand River valley, Missouri. Are you Interested? Good farms to trade also. What have you? Farm mortgages aold; We make you money getting buslnesa for ua. Get busy. Large snd small drals handled. Chas. E. McWIUlama. Chllllcothe. Mo. (30)-786 Six nOTCY T, NDS wrlte tor atate map, lAJlv:N LiAIMUO booklet ,na weaihe- report. sent rree. BAZEL J. MEEK. CHILLICOTHE, MO. (20) North Dakota. I AM BELLING out my ranch of 7.0)0 acrea this season In tracta of Iff) acres or more, with slock If desired." on easv terms. This Is a beautiful tract of land and only sixteen miles from the s ate capital of North Dakota, one mile from the growing town of McKensle, on the main line of the Northern Pacific and Milwaukee railroads. No better soli In any country. Splendid crope raised every year and all farmers are prosperous on the adjoining lands. A good opportunity for those who wish to buy for a horn- or investment. For full particulars address L. S Hackney, 201 Pioneer Presa Kldg., St. Paul. Minn. (20) 771 31 Nm Mexle. SNAP In 1.8CO acrea timber and farm land In New Mexico. Two million feet saw timber. ISO acres tillable land. Average precipitation ? inches. price, is per acre. For particulars write W. A. Olvens. Fat la Vegas. N. M., or C. W. Olvens. 660 Equitable, Denver. () 814 lx oath koto. FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE WO acrea good land In Gregory county, 8. D., near town, partly Improved. Price, K.Ofln. Loan Sl.eoO. per cent. 4 years. Mlirht take atore or residence In good Nebraska town, worth $1.60" aa part pay, balance rash ana time. Deecribe your pronertv fully i y Hi CK-iW'l.' REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE Booth Dakota Continued. KEEP POSTED On the Tripp county opening. A million acrea to be opened for homestead. Addreaa, Box 186, Dallas, S. D. (20) M413 Je-25 Tax. - LANDSEEKERS. Brasos valley crops pay 30 to 100 per cent on cost of land per year. - Tha Brazos valley holda the Texaa cotton record. We can ahow the', beat corn In Texas. We can ahow the richest soil and prettiest land In Texas. Abundant rainfall. Level land. Lowest freight rates. Only 36 miles from Houston the "Ch-oago of the South" to my office at Rosenberg. 80 to 1.000 acre tracts. Price $16 to $25 per acre. Illustrated Hat free. Hlland P. Lock wood, Owner, 436 San Antonio, Texas. ()- Utah. IRRIGATED LANDS. In beautiful Abraham valley, Utah. Ideal climate, 860 days of sunshine each year, extremely mild In winter and cool In summer. You can plow every day In the year. Stock live out the year around. Wonderfully rich soil. Near railroad. Best marketa at highest prices. Unlimited water aupply. Crop failure unknown. No cyclones or heavy winds. Level land, eaay terma. Low round trip rates. Par ties leaving every two weeks to look at these lands. Call or write. FITZGERALD BROS. LAND CO., 623 Bee Building, , Omaha, Neb. (20)- Waahlngton. DO YOU WANT the finest 10-acre orchard tracts In Waahlngton? Sublrrlgated. Wealth within your reach. $10 a month. Reliable reference. Write Eden Orchards colonisation Co., Spokane, Wash. (20) 773 Six BllacclUneona. FARM AT'a" BARGAIN 682 acTea well improved stock farm, two mllea from Missouri county seat; $16 per acre; worth $30. Owner forced to sell. Ad dress H. L. Hodges. 411 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (2V)-M527 lx WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN in hla speech before the Chicago Bankers' club, said he favors a "bank of absolute security for the 16,000,000 depositors of the United Statea." So do I. But the only "ab solute security" la In real estate, the foun dation of all security. Secure a deed to, or a mortgage on, a good piece of cheap real estate, and you have the only absolute aecurlty to be obtained. If you want U in North or South Dakota drop me a Hue and I will tell you about some bargains, on easy terma. Address. W. G. CLARK. Lock Box 696, Omaha. Neb. l20)-M69S Six FOR SALE I would like to arrange with aome good hustling lund nun or firm to sell my lands exclusively. Will mak net prices if dealrtt and give good termi. Have an established land b.ilness, but have not the time to attend to It. Over li 0,000 acrea to select from. Several tracts of 1.000 to 10,000 acrea In a body near a railroad and In well settled communities, nesr town, churches and achools anl l.i the best part of the northwest. Title perfect and land clear from Incumbrance. Easy terma to partiea wanting to buy for home or Investment. Addrees 21 Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. (21) 772 31 REAL ESTATE LOANS REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. We want good loans on farm and city property. We have good mortgages for sale. After we sell a mortgage we attend to the collection of Interest and principal, the payment of taxea and the renewal of In surance. We are now attending to $S.oy..J0 In mortgages held by our Investors. Dur ing over twenty-one yeara of business no Investor Uh ua haa lost a dollar. It la no trouble to an Investor to own such luajis. We also have school district bonds. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, New York Life Bldg., OmaLa, Neb. (22)- $10 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed, VVsad fclda- UUa otid i'axnain. (22J-6U ; ' 'fi' 1.10.- H-R3)J;L'X'l.' - REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) Money to Loan If you have Improved Omaha real ustate security and want money quickly and at lowest rate of Interest you will savo time by coming to ua. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam PRIVATE MONEY CA8H ON HAND NO DELAY. J. H. MiTUEN, 202-S 1ST NAT. BANK BLDG. TEL. DOUG. 1278. (22)-618 PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. GARVIN liKOS., liHH FARNAM. (KuV-613 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (sj-ea LOANS on Improved Omaha, property. O Kaefe K. E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22) 616 " FIVE PER CENT Money to loan on Omaha business property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room l. New York Life Bldg. (22J-M 463 MONEY to lean on lmproed city property. Hastings & Heyden, 104 Farnam felt. 0-0620 WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (IB) 621 $2,500 to loan at once will divide it up if donlred. J. H. Sherwood, 616-017 Brandels Bldg. (22-M6 1 WANTED City loane and warrantu. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1229 Farnam St. 1221619 LOWEST RATES Bemla. pAXton BlCck. (221-617 MONEY TO LOAN on Omaha property and Nebraska farm land. W. J. Dermody Investment Co., 836 .M. Y. L. Bin. Tel. Doug. 61U8. 22) -M.vS6 31 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Unimproved land or lots. Will give my shares of stock In a reliable In dustrial corporation for same. Describe what you have and atate value. Address F. J. Brown, Rogers Park, 111. (3)-923 Six WHEN you write to advertlaers, kindly mention The Bee. WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST prices for 2d-hand furniture, car pels, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 71. lj) sla BEST price paid for 2-hand furniture, car pels, slovea, clolhns, shone. Tel. Ked MuL (; 471 W A NTE D To buy in good Nebraska or Iowa town, 3 or $ chair barber shop. Address 11. H. Cottrell, Stuart, la. (&) AVs Je 3x WANTED Good aecond-hand, roll topped, oak desk; must be cheap. Addrena ii. E. Hall, care Beu. UW ilftu lx I WILL pay cash for any part two or three thousand consol Jefferson stock If price U right. Address 273, cure Omaha Bee. CJi) MKOO 1 WANTED TO RENT ONE unfurnished room and alcove, or two rooms, in good neighborhood, best refer ence. Tel. Harney 1106. Uo)-4olJl WOl'LD like to rent furnished hotel In good location. Write Lock Box 146, Ra venna. Neb; iM) i'j'i Je 2 WANTED SI I UATiGNS EXl'EiUENCED stenographer; excellent references. Addreaa "U." Omaha Baa, Council Blufls. Ui)llnl. WANTED Position aa aavertislng man ager by experienced man. AdJms Y 467, care The Bee. U7 M72 lx TEACHER wishes position In physicians' offxe after June I. B-618, care Bee. 27M4i alx BY young couple (no children) on farm by first of June; stale wae. Adtlreun O 4M. care Omaha liee. (27) 6hi 'iix SITUATION as collector. Must have two weeks' notice betoro going to work. Ad dress Y 461. care Bee. (K 774 31 WANTED Position as assistant adver tising man, by a young man 22 years of age. Can smoke, chew, lie, swear and steal In an accomplished manner. Come from Chicago, ao am full of wind and graft. Address F-6t care Bee. (27) MU1 lx SITUATION WANTED 8hlpplng clerk or salesman, 14 years' experience. Address J&U Bee. . -ii AU71 1 - M' W Auto "Ouches" A Water-proof Lap Robe, lined, for $2.00. Lamp Cover, Tubber, each, $1.10 and $1.25. Tire Covers, each, $2.50. Sleeve Protectors, a pair, $1.00. Dust Hoods, Storm Cov ers, Storm Fronts, Wind Shields, Tire Holders, Lamp Brackets Every thing Else. P. S. Ask about the "WHITE" Steamerbest car in America. Drummond LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Is hereby given that the copart nership heretofore existing between J. 8. Van Zandt, J. S. Iman and J. K. Inikater, under the firm name of Nebraska Live Stock company, la dlswolved by mutual con sent. The said J. R. Inkster hereby as sumes the payment of all debta owing by said firm and will collect all accounta and bills due or owing to a1d firm. This dis solution Is preliminary to a reorganization and the business will be continued without Interruption and under the same firm name as heretofore. M31dlt OCEAN STEAMERS Per rest, pleasure or buelneee ii pays to travel en ins FRENCH LINE To PARIS, the City Beautiful.' A.T twice to all point en Vis Continent ?!? Compnl CnraU L;--r" Transatlantlqu New roRK to raaia in eoAY via Ilnrre on gigantic twin-screw express 1 strainers, sniiuiK every -jnuruay lo a. m. 1 1 neae wowic-. ui muuern inventions neve all the convenience and luxury of most J istisl hotels on a more immense scale. I Mcn.er elevstor. roof cafe, gymnasium. 1 elrvsnt uites a-d inle spartmeauidsll newspaper, orcbeclni, wireless telegraphy, I famous cuUine snd every provislua f ut ! seieiy sua coiuio.-u Ia Lorraine Jane 11 i La Lorrslns July 1 L- Ravoie Jus It 1 1 i Teuralne Jul? i Ls PruveuC4 ....Juu 2o I La Bretagne Jul ig Urljr Naervstioas rusmB4e4. Far ear et liiuMr.u-U bfeuk ul usvvut sue reiea apply as HAUHK t SUUHU, Itul rua . J U HKNuLUi, ..... wj ,! W. g. buck, - .mm Mrua fcu W. II UAV1DSON. ..... Uil ir.raua at, Li UIS KKK.r. . - - ear flnt Nstiaul Uaaa. riL'NDAV, MAY 31, IUum. dshavy, clie E VatOE VAKT7SZ, JTane 18, SO, 8T, July ; 8, 80, 87, July , " 14.(wo tons to ( rli ? i,'o t-ieWsl ' ru:tv ut UV AfttulC, ' Orient f.t Bound the World Keh t 'in FRANK C. CLARK. Times Bullatns. Now Jerk. W. E. Cock. Ul rarnaai be, tha. K.U La-M HELP ADVERTISE OMAHA en T Be Yw Frltada, .5