unday Bee PART VL VAIIT AD SECTIOil PACES 1 TO 6. HE VOL. XXXVII NO. 50. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 31, IMS. Omaha WAWT ADS Want - ads Advertisements tor wast ad rolumni will be taken aatll IX X. for lie evening edition and aatll p. n. Caah inset aeenmpaar all order tor nint ads aad ao advertisement wilt lie aerepted for leu la. a a lO cents for flrat Insertion. No advertisement wilt bo eharo;ed inoaatlna; to lews taaa SO coats. Rate apply to either Tho Daily or , Sunday Deo. Always ronnt atx words to a llao. Combinations of Initials or aambers roast as ono word. CASH RATE! FOR WAWT ADS. REGULAR CLAKSIFICATIO! Os Insertion, per llae. lO ceats. Two or inoro coaseeatlvo Insertions, per llao, U cents. Bach laaertlon made on odd days. lO ceats per lino. fl.BO per lino per month excepting? that FURNISHED HOOBI ADS. when accompanied by cask, tho rata will be i Ono Insertion, 4 ceats per Unci three to ala eonsecntlvo 1s sertlona, 8 cents per llao each inaer lion seven or moro coosecntlve laser- Hons, 2 cents per lino each Insertion ' I) cents per llao per month. " 7 Wast ads far Tho Bee mar bo left at tar of tho fellowta drosj stores one la "roar corner drosjalst" they aro all branch oftlcea for Tho Beo and your ad will ho Inserted J eat as promptly aad on the same rates as at the main ofllr In The Bee BsllAlsaT, seventeenth aad Farsaaa streets. Atbach. w. C. 40th and Farnam. Reraiiek, 8. A., K S. 18th 8t. Blent Pharmacy. T20 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Pcmls Park Pharmacy. 83d and Cuming. Make's Pharmacy 2826 Sherman Ave. Cnughlln, C. K., etri and Pierce Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 233 Military Ave. Conte, J. u aiat Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmaoy, 24th and Lake Sta. Cermak, Kniil, L-04-e H. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 2bi2 Leavenworth. Foster Jk Arnold!. 218 N. 25th 8t. Frytag. John J.. 1914 N. 24th at. ' v Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. v Goldman I'hurmi. ... ailh uriri Lake St. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park; Ave. and 1"BC1I1C. Grennough. O. A., 1C06 8. 10th St. Greenough. . A, 16J4 8. 10th fit. Havden. Wm. C... 4M0 Farnam. Hanaoom Park Pharmacy. 1401 8. 29tu Ave. Hoist, John. 634 N. 16th St. Huff, A. K, 2M24 Leavenworth St. King. H. S., 2138 Fariiam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 24 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 16u2 N. 24th St. Lsthrop, Charles E 1324 N. 44th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Baratoira Drug Co.. 24th and Amea Ave. Svhaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., 16U and cincnuo Bis. Schaefer. August, 2031 N. 16th St. Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. Worth, o. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. U1KT11S AND DEATHS. Doaths William Chlers, Fortieth street and Poppleton avenue: 68 years; Jeab Ried Fortieth street and Poppleton avenue, W years; Virginia D. Hagar, Twenty-first and Chicago street, 33 years; W. H. Christie, Majestic flats, 04 year; J. B. Preston Omaha General hospital. 48 years. Births Joseph Foy, 911 North Forty-ninth avenue, boy; Joseph Matueia, lua eoutn Fifteenth street, boy. LODGE NOTICES. Masons, Take Notice I The funeral of the lulu Joseph Bell formerly of uic C. F. Ltuodmuii Drug com- I'Hwy, residence. Sixteenth and Nicholas btrevta, will ut held tit the Maaoniu temple at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, May 31, laOS, under the auspices of Nebraska lodge No. 1, A. F. and A. M. Friend and Masons invited. Members requested to be at the hull promptly at 1.30. Interment Forest Luwn cemetery. ERNEST H. JAMES, "W. M. W. C. M'LEAN, Sec. Hi. John's Lodge Mo. 25, A. F. st A. M Funeral Notice. Brethren will assemble at Masonic Tern plu Sunday, May 31, 1908, at 2 o'clock to attend the funeral of our brother, ti. F, Backus. Interment at Forest Lawn ceme tery. M. E. Muxen, Master. V. 8. Uraat Post. G. A. 11. The members of U. 8. Grant poet will attend Uie funeral or fast c ommanuer ur, W. H. Christie at Flrat Buptlst church Harney and Twenty-ninth streets, at 2:30 p. m., Sunday, Muy at. comrades win assemble promptly at 2 p. m. at corner of Twenty-ninth and Farnam streets. Extra cars will be In waiting at Twenty-fourt street and Ames avenue for Forest Lawn cemetery, urany Army ritual, ueorge A Cmok and Custer posts are Invited to unite with us in paying this last tribute of re spect to our comrade and brother. N. K. Van Husen, Commander; Joseph Malliaon, Adjutant. Omaaa.DoiflAi Co. Medical Society - The members of the Omaha-Douglas County Medical society will meet at the First Baptist church, Twenty-ninth avenue and Harney street, at 1:46 p. m. Sunday to attend the funeral services of our lata member, Dr. W. H. Christie. CHARLEd U. K1CH, Secretary. B. A M. Camp No. 945, M. W. of A. The funeral of our late nelgl.bor, Joseph Bell, will be held at Masonic Temple Hun day, May 81. at 2 p. in. Meet at M. W. of A. hull at 1:30 p. m. sharp. M. W. Barlow Consul. Attention, Easiest The, train carrying the delegates and all other Eaiilesto the state meeting at Norfolk wl;l leave the I nlon station over the North western road on Tuesday, June 2, at o'clock p. m. All Eagles who Intend goln are requested to meet at the rooms of No. 3a, 107 South 14th street, at '.:30 urTick. J. M. TANNER, Secretary Neb. State Aerie, F. O. E. AUTOMOBILES SEND for our Hat of second-hand aulomo bilva. LKitlUlll. raruam. (2 43.H Iil'ICK AUTOMOBILE, almost new great sacrlfiue. Address care B ii) utu IX MOI.lNli. 24-horse, gentleman's roadster almost now, at great sacrifice. Address N 4i6, care IJee. U)-t,S 3Jx MITCHELL We have a splendid bargain in a 1907 36 11 P. Mitchell Touring car thoroughly euumi.ed with top. Kluss front, lampa. horn -tc. 'The tirea are good, car haa been very little uaed and has been thoroughly over hauled. Original cost 12.300. For a quick rule. ll.jO. Mitchell Automobile Co.. 14iio Michigan Ave.. Chicago. 111. (D 732 31 MODEL 14, 4-C 1. Rambler touring car, with H0 extra equipment; run l.ta2 miles; will sell cheap, or take In light runabout on same. 11. J. Hill, Lincoln, Neb. i2)t3 31 ANNOUNCEMENTS TRAVELERS' GOODS Of QUALITY. Trunks and suit cases repaired. PREL1NG STEIN I.E, "Where trunks are made." laOl Farnam bt. Tel. lHuglaa ' U)M-a Jc3a (SIGN PAINTING 8. H. COLE, 130(2 Doug' laa. tl) 43a THE CITY GAR RAGE CO., office 4th and LcavuuwortU feta. Tel. Noughts 1K7. (U 417 REFIN1SHING floors. Williams, Red CUl (11 4bS Jell WELLS BORED and tiled. Call John E. 'ear. 'Phuue Uuon 3g6, (.I;-M1 tlx ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) Boyles Summer Term Opens Monday, June 8 It offers yon. tho opportunity of so pre paring yourself that you will be ready for business when business will be most ready for you next fall. The courses are pre cisely the same as those of our winter terms. The same staff of Instructors teach stenography, bookkeeping e-nd telegraphy to Boyles college students tn the summer that teach here In the winter. The fact that all business men look upon with reepect all young people who have grit enough to deny themselves the advan tages of summer leisure In order that they may qualify themselves for business posi tions ought to be sufficient reason In Itself to Induce you to decide to take your stenography course this summer Instead of waiting for the next winter term. Why not come Ira and see about It? At least send for our catalogue. Boyles College II. 13. BOYLES, Pres. Boyles Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Official training school for Union Pacific Railroad Telegraph Department. (D- BARTER AND EXCHANGE i EXCHANGES. Fine 450-acra, well improved, level. Linn county, lowa, farm; one and one-naii miles from railroad town; mortgage, J1&.600, long time. For smaller farm, in come or stock of goods. 5,000 acres In Itasca county, Minnesota, choice land; 8,wti,0ii0 ft. saw timber, De Hida Doles and cord wood: mortKaae, vS.iM), due In two and one-half years. Prefer Iowa farm or Income property. Make your offers for euulty. ltio acres choice land. Codlimton county South Dakota; ltt acres cultivated. TJa acres, l lear. 320 acres choice, level Neosho county, Kan sas, farm; small improvements. to acre Clear. D.oou acres choice farm land 70 miles south west Portland, Ore. 112 acre, clear. Jix change 500 acres or upwards for farm in central states or Income property. Merchandise, farms, lands, business and residence DroDertiea. hotels. rancnea. flouring mills, elevatora, etc., for sale and exchange. Call or send us lull description what you have to exchange. Can match most any deal. Mather St Co., 3d St., and 3d Ave., Cedar Kaplds, la. U 7W 81 What have you In Omaha to trade for a beautiful summer home on Lake Michigan, nr Traverse City? O'KKEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 1001 N. y. Life. Phones Doug and A2162 WtuHi i HOME CHOICE TOWN LOT8 In Texas coast town, for cottage in Omaha er touring car in gooa condition. Address Box C, Wood Miver, XMeD. (3J 4&3 X FOR BALE OR EXCH A NG B IG.000 stock of general mercnanaiss. uood point in central ruenrasaa. Act quicaiy. Addrei t-ttii, care Bee. (3j MM9 Six We have a client who own a section nf land In Kimball county, Nebraaka for which he will take a good automobile as nart payment. What have you to offer? O Ki.141 Hi CD 1 Al ti COMPANY, 1001 -Is. V. Life, Piiouea Doug and A 'ill. (3) 467 3 WILL exchange' new buggy for driving iii se. vuuuia cuiiji v-aj., uid-ii f ar nam. (3J MOM FARMS, city property, mdse., everywhere. Stringer inv. to., m ate mog , umaha. 13J M31 Je27 TO EXCHANGE 20 acres finely located. 2 miles from railroad town, fralrie county, Arkansas. S50 acre. Choice lot, adjoining bank, town two rallroada, Mahaska county, Iowa, 8700. Prefer house and few acres some small town. C A. Mogue, Cedar Rapids, la. (3) 7X 31 TO EXCHANGE Fine, central Nebraska stock ranch for good stock of merchant dlse or good Income property up to twen ty thousand dollars. D. H. Moulds, Owner, Lexington, Neb. (8) M734 J 160 ACRES In Missouri for sale; will take a good, young work team of horses at cash value, or city lots tiiat are on grade. 4516 Cnarles St., Omaha, Neb. 18J M6 31 X BUSINESS CHANCES WILL buy mining stocks of all kinds; send for list showing cash offer. P. W. An drews, ISi La Salle St., Chicago. (4) M896 Six HOTEL Only 82.00 house In town of 1,600. .13 rooms. Commercial trade the best, Rooms full nearly every night. Price of Inside only, $2,600. This hotel clears about 83.000 a year. Investigate quickly H. A. Stevenson, Board of Trade. Omaha, (4) Mafy 31 A FIRST CLASS bakery for sale or rent address II Ml. care uee. (4) win 2 CAPITAL Drocured for industrial enter Di'lacs: corporations formed: stocks and bonds sold: patent financed. ecO.000 to fcW.uoO available fir Investments. Mercan- i tile & Hankers Realty company, iV3 Rroadway, New York. (4) 1-2 Six WANTED Secretary by large manufac turing company. UuslneKs man with lirsl clasa references and $a,0t)0 cash to join lart-'e manufacturing company and act an secretary. Salary 12n0 per month. Per manent opening. Address K. E. BaMwIn treasurer, Firat National Rank Bldg., Chicago. (4) W9 31 x AN OPTION on 100 shuree of stock can be obtained for $1. wltn privilege of pur chase within 30 ilayu after the company declarea a dividend; number la limited. Write today for partl-ulars, or, better at 111. enclose 11 and be aure of an option. Alaska Investment Development Co., Port Townsend, Wash. (4) 742 Six WE CAN OET a strangle hold on oppor tunity If we know him when we meet. Opportune. y confronts vou now, to gt In :ne for a paying businesvA. new wuy of doing an old thing has been discov ered: a thing that Is dune a million times a day. Get next. Write now to FEE BENARD CO., manufacturers, Muncle, Ind. U $5,000 INSURANCE for $750 a year, cover ing any accident or eickness; full infor mation and application blink on request; o'd. reliable company. William Hurnea, Secretary, 9 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. C4 740 31 X FOR SALE Drug store, western Nebraska; good town: paying bustneaa. Stock anil flxturea, $3.0u0. Addresa Y-4'4. care Omaha Bee. (4 MM Jel3x FOR SALE Rooming house full of room era, cluae to down loan; bargain If taken at once. Tel. Douglaa 41s. (4) 6 , 31 STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric, In dual rial or railway company wanted fur sale: commission basis. Address, full par ticulars. Clientele, P. O. Box New York. (4i MSS8 Six DO YOU own Goldfleld Mining Stocks? Are thev worthleaa? Full report by ex perienced mining men. Preaent conditions. Re posted. Fee $2.00. Box 1029, Goldfleld. Nevada." (41 THi Six FOR SALE Up-to-date butcher shop with a large patronage and fine pvylng busi ness on street car line in auhurba of Omaha; $a) cash will buy tame If sold at once. E. 8. Rood, i7 N. Y. Life Pldg., Pmab. i,i)-Mf .1 3U BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) DON'T ltfiAD THI8 MR. WOODWCTRK- INO MAN UFACTl'RER unless you want valuable Information. Do you know that alor.g our lines In Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana desirable timber conditions exist that cannot be equalled outside of Canada or the far west. It your tlm-bor has been exhausted nr you are remote from timber supply, It would repay you to write tis today. Even your present trado Is not large, why not be prepared for changed conditions. We can give In formation about timber supply arid ex cellent openings for woodworking plants and saw mills. Valuable literature free. M. Schulter. Ind. Com'r., Kock Island Frisco Lines. St. Lculs, Mo. (4J-738 31 TO GET In or out of business call oo GANGESTAD. Room 403 lies Uldg. 14VS4 GROCERIES and notions. 80c on eollar and throw In fixtures, zstl Broadway, council Bluffs. (1)-M5!i Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or ex change, write us. GLOUE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA, NE1J. (4) M4G2 Jell TRUSTEES' SALE Of stock of general merchandise In the h ntirtnient store lately owned by J. L. Miuire.- & Co.. Rchuyler. Neb. Hlds will be received on Monday, June, 13(18, by the undersigned trustees at the store In Schuy ler for the goods In department or In bulk. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. Any Information desired regarding the stock of merchandise can be obtained by addressing P. W. Harding, Denlson, la., attorney for the trustees. TIIOAIAS rtA r. , F. A. MAl'RER, Trustees. (4) V37 31 ICE! ICE! ! Good natural Ice in car lots. A. Katskee Ice nnd Coal Co., 1104 Davenport, 'lole- phone Doug. 5543; Ind. A-333Z. v (4)-417 FOR RENT OR SALE. Brick store, suitable for dry goods, cloth ing or general merchandise; elegant room, fine front; best location In town. Oeorg5 E. Lundburg, Lyons. Neb. (4) Mu39 3 WE SECURE capital for manufacturing enterprises, building and operating steam and electric railways, electric light, gas, water and power plants, meritorious in ventions, coal, timber and mineral lands, mining and smelting properties. Stocks and bonds sold on commission basis. Com panies Incorporated, organized and fi nanced. Loans negotiated. Metropolitan Investment company, 131 La Salle St., Chicago. (D-7D7 31x 8 PER CENT yearly possibly 12 per crnt. Slrx'k mmrnnteeri hv I&.OIMJ.OCU TrUBl Ul. Send Immediately for particulars. John t-lonn Ai Co., Bankers. 110 West 34th Ht. New York. (4)-800 31x COME TO THE LAND OF OPPORTUN ITY We have offices In every important town In Oregon, Washington and Idaho, each In charge of specialists who con be of irrat assistance if vou are seeking to settle on a wheat farm, stock range, fruit or dairy ranch. Irrigated lands our spe cialty. Residence and business property to suit your peculiar needs. Write today for information and literature. The Jacobs-Stine Co., largest realty operators on Pacific coast, 140 6th tit., 1'oruana, Ore. W Manager Wanted A verv attractive onenlna In manufacture and sale of staple articles of food used by everybody. Management of business; liberal salary, capital required,. si&,ooo. J. H. DUMONT & SON, 'Phone Douglas 690. 1606 Farnam St (4)- QDLORADO SUNSHINE Centrally located rest, for sale. 20 years profitable record owner wishes to retire, five years' lease Liquors can be used. Box 28, Denver, Colo. (4) 7B0 SIX PATENT SECURED OR FEE RE TURNED Illustrated guide book and list of inventlona wanted, free to any address. Patents secured by us advertised free In worlds I'rogreas; sample copy tree, Evana, Wllkens Co.. m F 8L, Wash ington. D. C. (4) TEN-DOLLAR NOTE FOR A FLYER will carry a 26-word classified "ad" Into a million homes one time (any day) In entire list Boitoo Herald, Omaha Bea, Buffalo Courier, Rochefter Dem. A Chroa. ProTidence Tribune. Cleveland Plain Dealer, muancipnia BrracuM Herald, Pittsburg Dispatch, Nw Haren Loader, St. Lou la Globa-Deaa., Washington Poet, Milwaukee Pre Preaa, Cincinnati laqulrer. Minneapolis Trthuna, Detroit Free Preaa, Dee Molnea R. A Leader, Ueover Republican, San Francisco chronlcla, Atlanta Conatllution, Dallaa Newa. Chicago Record-Herald, Kanaaa City Journal. uaiacapolla Newa, GIVE THIS LI8T A TRIAL. ' RUDOLPH GUENTHER, log Fulton St. New York. Reference Any paper on- this list. (4)- FOR BALE Two shares of Redencion Plantation stock, at par, 10 per cent off lor caan. Address Uooz, care iee. (4KM877 81 MAKE MONET IN VHEAT-Ur?e profits tradlrut in wheat if you know how: teach you how; I pay every loss made If traded as taught by me; trade where, when and as large as you please; pay no money until you are satisfied. Write Lock Box 680, Chicago. (4-M90 Six $3,000 TO $10,000 yearly easily made In real estate business; no capital required; we will teach you the business by mall, ap point you special representative of lead ing real estate company, list with you readily saleable prnpertlea, co-operato witn and asaiat you to permanent sue cess. Write for free 62-page book. The Cross Co., 120 Reaper block, Chicago. (t- BEp.ORE buying or selling any unlisted mlnlcg. industrial or any other stock or bond, secure our free quotations; bargain prices; lists mailed free. Write us. Stand arc' llrokerage Company, 106 La Salle St., Chicago. (4 50 NEW Improved Hllo penny peanut vend Ing machines; will earn $46 weekly fo you and to: Interfere with your other work; 12.340 )arly profit on Sj00 invest merit. Beware of unscrupulous Imitators, Hllo liura to. Ui:c, ill Market St., Chi cago. (4) MW 31 x STOCK OF OROCERir.8 In city, about i,iiu. Mucm consider cit rental property and pay difference. This stock is good ana clear, aoing a gooa ousinesa. 11. A btevenaon. Board of Trade, On.ha. W MiO SI $10 CASH and $10 per month will buy a beautiful California vineyard, the Income from which will be sufficient to make rou Independent for life; handaome pamphlet, valuable information and con tract free. Sacramento Valley Improve ment Co., St. Louis. Mo. (4 LA ROE PROFITS made In buying Puts and Calls In wheat; pamphlet fully ex plaining method of dealing In these "In demnities" mailed free; also tells how an Investment of fcO In Calls alone made over $700 In one day. The Mutual Grain Co., M Wall St., New York. (4) A PRi10RF8IVE Real Estate company at national capl'al needs servlei of practical man with capita! profits g. . ran teed; In come assured; permanent connection, ref erences required. Address. American Realty company, Washington, D. C. 4)-801 Six WITH $6 started a mall order business making $1,000 a month. It's simple, easy. Will tell you how. Send no money. Ad dress Warn, Dept. IS. 833 Washininon Blvd., Chicago. ( WHEAT Of Interest to Investors and traders our new book, "Facts and Fig ures," explaining option trading. Oaborn Grain Co., Minneapolis, Minn. (4)-t21 Six WOULD you Invest ten dollars a month for ten months? If so. write for illus trated proapectua: . something new; big divld.er.ds. Louia JJCoets, Buffalo. N. Y. 1 W-7S 31 BUSINESS CHANGES (Continued.) THE COEUR d'ALENE MINE MAKERS' ASSOC 1ATION provides a square deal for the miner and investor aline. it is composed or tne representative business men of the com munity. It has nothing tn sell, but fur nishes free, accurate information re garding the gteatest silver-lead mining camp In the world. If the Coeur d'Alene Mine Makers' association says so. It's 80. Address the Secretary, Wallace, Idaho. UN MAKING lees than 6 peccent? Our prop osition must surely interest you. unr Investors so far have made considerably over ft- per cent. First series of our stock "now worth 75 i er cent more than par; not a speculation; not a pros pect. Real estate and building in tne new south" bringing really phenomenal returns; our of fleers al: substantial men; company In business 16 years. Write for prospectu. Tropical ltldg. and In vestment Co., Key est, Fla. 14 918 Six WANTED Advertising manager by largest Implement corporation or Its kina; must le competent to take entire charge of general sales and mall order business; first-class man desired; good salary and a good commission on results. Applicant should be able to Invest and take mem bership In corporation. Manager, 601 Su perior St., Minneapolis, Minn. (41-711 31X FOR SALE Dental practice and fixtures; location good for ij.nno per year; must oe sold within the next two weeks; best reason for selling. Address llox 8U3, Pierce, Neb. t (.4) 736 31x DRUO STORES for sale everywhere. (4 M635 Knlest, N. Y. L. Bldg. BUSINESS PROPOSITION. FOR SALE Furniture and lease of a C8- room commercial hotel, In county-sent town, population 2,io; only f 2 day hotel In town; electric lights, steam lirat; 3 good sample rooms; furniture nnd build ing In first-class condition. For partic ulars address Y-4ti9 care Omaha Dil.y Bee, Omaha, Neb. ' ID 736 31x STORE LOCATIONS that are unexcelled exist In the rapidly growing new towns and cities of Oklahoma at! other parts of the southwest and west. If Interested, mention amount of capital and kind of business. Complete book "Opportunities" sent free. M. Schulter. Ind. Com'r., Rock Island-'Frtsco Lines, St. Louis, Mo. (4) 739 31 MINNESOTA and Wisconsin ice for sale In car lots. A. G. Gilbert, Council Blurts, la. 14 M340 FOR SALE OR RENT First class meal market, 607 South Main, Council Blufra la. Address C. W. Letchford. Council Bluffs, la. (4) MU93 FOR SALE A splendid grocery and thon business. Invoice with fixtures about M.O o. A good deal for cash. Corner location; suburb of Sioux City, la. Address Y 4tiC. care Beo. (4) M653 lx WANTED Doctor to locate at Hnxard, Neb., good territory. Write O. A. Hoch relter, the druggist. (4) M4fi8 FOR SALE Dental practice In Omaha cash receipts over $l,ono per month; snap If - taken at once. Address Kt 63S, care Bee, (4) M477 JeZx DOCTOR A $3,400 practice In town of 4,000 in Nebraska given to the purchaser of my orrice furniture and appliances. A snap, Address, Y-3. care Bee. (4) M514 Six BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architect. F. WM. KRELLE, 909 N. Y. Life Bldg tW 113 Jezix ClUropodlst. DR. ROT, R. i, 1605 Farnam St. Doug. 6407. 15) 440 Creaaaerlea. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (5) 441 Drnamaklag, IN FAMILIES Miss Bturdy. TeL Harney M'DOSVELL Dressmaking School, 1US Far. nam St, w 443 Deatlst. BAILEY & MACH. Sd fir. Paxton. T. 10M, 10J 44 FlBamelal. Money! TO L O A N-L O W KA1K in auma to till. HO Bee Bid. 'Phone Douglaa UKlUft LAJJLi IUjxU'ANS. (6) 446 Paur Cleamlngf and storagre, O. E. SHUKERT. 16th and Harney Sts. Pin furs cleaued, stored and repaired. 16-M7aO J una 4 Flarlat. HESS V SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam SU lb 444 L. HENDERSON. 161 farnam. Tel. D. uru. J. H. BATH, 1621 Harney. Tel. Duug. SOOO. liatela. THE SCHLITZ. European. 16th and Harney. 0 44S Mavlaar aad tar las. Expressmen's Delivery Co.; office, 214 M. lull bt-; warabouae, Zmi- laard bt. tS) Itt Oataoatky. JOHNSON INS.. 41 N. Y. U TeL D. 1(64. (6tU Office sappllea. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures end sup piles of all klnda. Anchor Publishing Co. Sua S. 13th St. TeL Doug. 6602. ind. A -166 J 1S Mdo3 Je-2o Pool aad Bllllaurd Table. FOR SALE AnU-Trust pool and billiard tables, supplies and bar flxturea; sold on eaay payments; cataloguea free. Charlue Paasow dt Boue, i ou. iin nu, Omaha, PrlatlmsT. BEFORE placing your Uu calendar order dun t fall to see our imporicu una. iyng lad 4a Jorvo. prli.iars. loth and Capitol Av, 10 3 Pnblto gtenoejrapbee. PUBLIC stenographer. K-647 Brandels Bids. r. . m... i..,e Kafea. gbattera, tCte. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS, makes a apeclalty of fire escapee, shutters, doors and sates. U. Andrecu, Prup., loj B. lxh Bt. ta 4M Pbotogjra pb y. TRU8SELL Studio. 115 S. 16th Si (5)-lS Shortband Heporter. F. J. SUTCLIFFE, court reporter. Tel. D. 1. U i)-151 J 22 8be RepaJrlag;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrat class work. ltisi capiiot Ave. -pnone Red m (6 464 SHOES repaired right; called for and de livered Iran, standard bnoe Me pair Co., 1V4 Farnam St. Tel. Douglaa 7667. (&- Wall Paper Class. ABS0RENE WALL PAPER CLEANER. The patent kind, Uc, S-26o, st vail pap. paint, iiaruwAX tuia arug siorea t-M7U JU HELP WANTED FEMALE Afgest ss4 Snlealsdle. WANTED Three good lady canvassers; good money ror right parties, j. A. nan, 2416 N Ft.. So. Omaha. tf) M541S LA DY AGENTS A woman's Invention for women; sens at signt; every woman neens one; agents make from $3 to $5 dally: why not you? Write for frte sample. Mygl tnlc Mfg. Co., 20 Mllla Bldg., St. Ixmls. Mo. (7- LADY AGENTS Appliance for women; good money maker; Tree sample. Hygien ic Mfg. Co., Mills Bldg., St. Slxmls. Mo. 1 M9U 31 LADY AGENTS We want several experl- encea lady nook agfnis to sell the best, quickest selling and most profitable book ever offered. A rare chnnce for hustlers. Address Y 272. Bee. (7) MK3 SIX LADIES, attention! Will you sell three sets or ncnitn, tne nest medical work for the home In America? You csn easily do so amonst your friends. This will bring you a library of thirty-five volumes Kipling, Shakespeare and masterpiece of literature. Write for particulars. The Medical Publishing Company, 269 Dearborn St.. Chicago, III. (7) S20 Six Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER, must be thoroughly experienced In Insurance. LiO to $w. Bookkeeper nnd stenographer for Insurance otnce, mi. Assistant bookkeeper, one who Is first- class penman. Hj to HO. Bookkeeper and stenographer, who Is also good correspondent, J) to 76. We are continually getting calls for ex- 1crlenced bookkeepers and stenographers, f yon are open for a position It would be well for you to cll on us. SEE 1 SF1UST. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., G71-75-77 Brandels Bldg. (71- $S GUARANTEED weekly salary, address ing, home evenlr.s. nenrt lc postage. Guarantee Letter Co., Bt. Louis, Mo. (7)-MM 31x WANTED St enoRraphers, bookkeepers. cierKs. solicitors. tall nnd register If seeking a position. No filing fee. THE CANO AGENCY, 432 Bee IlMu. (7) MftW 31 LADY stenographer, law office. Address L 6M,care Liee. (,) MHH3 lx Housekeepers Domeatles. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1!i4 Farnam St Cook, without laundry, $30. Housemaid, ?.5. Girls for general housework, $3 to $6. v aitrcss, $30. m m WANTED Good girl for general houss- wora; rcrei-ences required; gooa place for right person. 112S S. ZSth St. (7)-M309 WANTED Cook. Mrs. George Barker, GSJ B. 37tn St. (7) 42 COMPETENT girl for general housework. j'ne uifiiwuwi Ave. iisemia irara.; lei, Harney 1876. (7) 4t WANTED Young girl for general house work. Tel Harney Zu91; 4922 Chicago. C7)-S&0 SI WANTED Competent girl for general nousework; good wages. Inquire at 1124 8. 29th St. (71-712 1 GIRL for gen . housework, Including wasuing ana inning, w. ti. Reed, zzos p. (7) M859 31 WANTED A woman housekeeper; good wages. Apply Zltt B. 18th. (7) M808 2 Miscellaneous. LADIES The whole country will be hum- mlin 'TA-lll To ft t'a'i- TnlrlnJ V.. the greatest song hit; sample copy 10c. Write today. Kent, 87 Pearl St., New York. (7)-804 Six YOUR spare time valuable; we start you in proritanie Dusiness in your own local ity: suited to any lady or school girl; re liable; no home work scheme or fraud Address P. K. Co., Philadelphia, Pn. (7) SOS 31x WANTED Ladles to make aprons: $3.fi0 aox. ino cost to get work. Materials sent prepaid. Enclose stamped addressed en velope. Home Apron &. Dress Co., Los Angetea, t;ai. (7) 744 SIX ANY Intelligent person may earn good In come corresponding tor newspapers; ex perience unnecessary; no canvassing. Bend for particulars. Press Syndicate, Lockport. N. Y. (7) LADIES, $1 day at home; send stamped envelope inr particulars. Ladles Aid, main, ifurnam, Lonn, MI LADY SEWERS Make sanitary belts at nome; materials furnished; $16 per 100. Particulars, stamped envelope. Dept. 412, ayearuoru specialty CO., Chicago. (7)-82J Six HELP WANTED MALE Asesta, Solicitors sad galeaaaes. QUICK SELLERS 214 a 12th St. ()-M55 WANTED salesmen to handle "Dust-ab sorbent Sweeping Compound as side line Liberal commission. The Van TUburg company, Minneapolis, Minn. 19) M4o 3 EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY Men or women. Want agents In every town and city. We start you selling an article every body wants and needs. Best repeat order getter ever made. Start now. Golden op portunities come but once, write for par ticulars. The Universal Supply . Co., P, O.Box 474, Des Moines, la. (-.l8 8 8iX WANTED Salesman, familiar with the sale of coal In carload lots by a Chicago Jobbing company handling a number of high grade domestic coals. Give full In formation. Address Y467, caie Bee. (9) M6o6 31 WANTED Agents and collectors In Omaha and every town In Nebraska. Permanent positions; hustlers make $1,000 to $2,010 annually. Western Indemnity Co., S1 N Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. (8)-M701 YOUNG MEN Would you like to travel? We will start you right. An unusual op portunity . Write us today. The Insti tute of Commercial Travelers, Rochester, N. X. (.) JS0 31X WANTED Experienced salesmen; goods sold on Ions time; proposition especially attractive now on that account; wilte for particulars. McAUlster-Coman Co., x,0 uearoorn St., cnicago. t) ibi ilx AGF:NT8 make '$103.50 per month selling wonderful aelf-aharpeninir patented scia- sors and cutlery. V. E. Oiebner sold 22 pairs In i hours, made $13; you can do it. We show how. Free outfit. Thomas Mfg. Co., ti24-I Fourth St., Davton. Ohio, (Si 31" NINE useful article In one Improved Combination Dipper; very latest out; Bens at aigui; price jc; iiiuairmea cata logue free. National Distributing Co., TuIkb. Oki. MS) 74S 31x AOENTP WANTED To handle our hand sui'ie llt-fln!ahed campaign watch fob: greit seller; huatlera coin money either sell'ng direct or to retailers. Write for prjpoaltion and nampie. ttepaitment 16, Plttr.burg airg. c Bpeciaity to., pitta burg, Pa. (91-747 Six SALESMEN can easily make $10 a day selling our Hold v Imlow ltrera, Novelty Pisi.e aiid t r.grG!.,,' L.,r,z; Cu.l..K..u, free. Sullivan Co., 4i6 W. Van Buren St. Chicago, III. (91746 31x SALESMEN Well known concern wanta two plain, everyday salesmen for Nebras ka to sell srectalty line to publishers and general stores, iso agency. Pooka, tnaur unce or fake Jewelry, btate age, cxim-i-i r.c- fully. Arthur, 109 Randolph Chi cago. ( M04 31 SALESMEN Experienced In apeclalty lines preferred; liberal com.; regular weekly advance; only live ones willing to earn $4(0 to $X) monthly wanted. Hterllng Mfg Co.. cedar Kapids. jowa. () MJoa Jl WANTED Experienced young lady or gentleman solicitor; notmng to sen; re fined work: salary. Apply. oonoran 116 lat Ave., Council Bluffs, between I anil p. lu. only tJ MK13 is. HELP WANTED MALE Agents aad "nleamcBContlased. MAKE MONEY easy, quick, sure; men. women; experience unnecessary; spare or all time. See what others are doing: C O. Garret. Ohio, showed 7 families, sold 6, profit $10; A. B. Verrett, La., sold 8 one day. profit $24; N. Boucher order 75 more, says "Everybody wants one, b-st business I ever had"; Mrs. J. Brown, Fa., sold 10, made $.10 the first days. Onlv two sales per dav means $J6 per week profit. Free sample to active agents. Famous Easy Way Clothes Washer cleans family wash In ! to 60 minutes, while you test; no work, only move knob occasionally ; not a washing machine; nothing else like It; no chem icals, no rubbing, no washboard or b dler. Every famtlv wants one when shown; easy to sell; low price, $. We create demand. Write today for new plan; spe cify territory. Act oulcklv; this won't appear again. Harrison Mfg. Co., 4 Har rison Bldg., Cincinnati, O. (91 TA Six V. J. HRYAN'S GREAT ROOK William Jennings Bryan will be the demo cratic candidate for president or um United Slates. His great, new boo., "The Old World and Its Ways," sells like wildfire. Agenls make M tn $50 a week. Here's your chance. Exclusive territory. Outfit free. Send 2." cents for mailing. Add reset Sales Manager, The Thompson Publishing Company, 8t. Louis (9V-769 Six SALESMEN TO SELL GROCERIES TO CLUBS, RESTAURANTS. STOCKMEN. FARMERS AND OTHER LARGE "ON- f I MKHS; rai'KKIK.M IS I .virAr.n SARY; WE TEACH YOU THE B 81 NEPS; HIGH GRADE OoODS: IYWEST PRICF.S: NO INVESTMENT: EXCLU SIVE TERRITORY; COMMISSIONS AD- . . I ..... , T T V ( . I TT A C- Arv VjUi 1 .1 1 r.nrt I, i.-Hvwi.iu l.v' SI RED. OUR GOODS COMPLY WITH THE PURE FOOD LAWS OF ALL SI aj I'M; iv r. I i i u a i , i ir r cn rvi HONEST. KNERGEH' MEN. JOHN 8 EiX TON & CO.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE GlvCCERS. LAKH AN FRANKLIN BIS., I HlUAt.rO. !! 78S Six SALESMEN WANTED No former experi ence required; hundreds of good positions open; yon can earn from $2,0t) to $20,010 tt year when properly trained; we will tench you to be a hlKh grade traveling sales man In eight Weeks by mall and assist you to secure a position with a reliable firm: n good salesman Is never affected by strikes or hard times and Is always sure of a good position; we place hun dreds of men in good salaried positions. If you are ambitious nnd want more mnnev, write for our free catalogue, "A Knight of the Grip," tndny. Address Dept. 634. National Salesmen's Training Association. Chicago, III.; Kansas City, Mo., or Minneapolis, Minn. Write near est office. f) 784 Six HA1.ESMF.N Local or traveling, to sell fire-proof safes to business men or farm ers; experience unnecessary; quick sales; big profits. Alpine Safe Co., Cincinnati. O. (91749 Six 15.00 A DAY Let me- start you In a good paying business; no money; no experi ence necessary. Write for Information. L. T. Kunde, 49 Cawker Bldg.. Milwau kee, Wis. (91776 31x CLOTHING SALESMAN Sell custom pants to public direct: make own prices. Abrams Co., 116 Nassau St., New York. (9)-06 31 X $25 PER WEEK snd traveling expenses paid by reliable Douse to salesman to visit dealers; experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. (!)) AOENT9 Sell candy screws; splendid side line. Gem candy Co., New York. (9) MS99 Six LARGE manufacturing plant ortrolilng special line household frooos offers IN CLUSIVE OPPORTUNITY to live men and women to act as managers or local agents: liberal straight salary or good commission for permanent or spare time workers; no experience or "ordinary" canvassing. Address Co-Operative Bales Company, Philadelphia, L. H. A. (9)-MRM Six SALESMEN Side line. New patent article never before shown, tmrnple sent on re quest. E. H. Downs, wiles Mgr.. Fulton, 111. (9) M910 81 AGENTS WANTED for new patent house hold article, something new, every notise keeDer wants It: exclusive territory irlven. Write the Eastern Novelty Works, 826 Liberty SU, Pittsburg, fa. () Mn m AGENTS Either sex my mop wringer at tachment 1 a new Invention of merit; llaht. stronn. new principle; wrings any cloth drv; fits sny mop. A money-maker for agents; carry fort;r In a grip; good general scents nnd solicitors wanted; in vestlgate. W. F. McClaughltn, Manufac turer, 73a uouin ciarxson B'., nenver, Colo. (91-746 31x SALE8MAN Post cords as a side line campaign snd cards that are winners Norwood Souvenir Co., Box 697, Cincin nati. O. (- AGENTS to handle biggest mnney-miking fire extinguisher; sneclal starting offer; exclusive territory; $75 to $00 rer month, Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. j (9)-- SALESMAN WANTED Pell retail trade; $7R to $100 per month snd expenses or commission; experience unnecessary, Hermlngsen Cigar Co., Toledo, Ohio. (9) 751 81 X YOUNG MAN to travel for a large corset manufacturing concern, to work small towns In Kdnsos and Nebraska; one who has trade acquaintance preferred: refer ences required. Address Y 48. care Bee, (91750 SI RF.SFONPIRT.E dealers and agents wanted to sell the Perfect, the most sanitary and economical fireless cooker made. Guar anteed absilu'ely satisfactory' or money refunded. Write for exclusive territory. Perf-ct Fireless Cooker, Dept. 4. Mlnne apolls, Minn. (9-MM2 Six WANTED Salesmen to sell Carbon paper and typewriter rioDons to consumers 1 1 K . , a 1 an, , r, Ihno. wh ean all nrxnAm none others wanted. Newark Ribbon & troon co.. sfi waamngion bt . - "warn N. J. (8)-79 Six AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle self-selling household specialty: good profit and easy to handle. Write at orvce for particulars. The Bragdon Mercan tile Co.. Franklin, Me. (91793 31x HELP-A-PHONE. a necessity; every bus! ness place; easily adjusted to telephone shuts out riote: makes voice distinct agents making $15 a day. Help-a-Phone Co., 1133 Broadway, New York. (9J 794 SIX AGENTS send 10c stamp, sample and ter rl-'.rv: n"W bnrrrlnr-r'-oof v-ntllnMn" window lock; endorsed ny ponce. Hold Fast Novelty Co., 171 Broadway. New York. (9)-795 31x GENERAL agent wanted every city handle gaa-savlng atove plates; best thing yet l'O per cent profit. Nat. Mfgra., Agency Co., 619 N. Baran ti., Bt. lxnua. mo. (91-786 SIX SALESMEN to represent manufacturer of necessity to business men, property owr ers, farmers, etc.; new proposition; big commission or salary; permanent; ex prtence unnecessary. Liberty Ass'n, 12 State St., Chicago. ; 31x WANTED A specialty sales ran; position permanent; good opportunity for man with sales anility: oivi witn patent inedi cine or scales experifnee preferred; silary and expenses to right tiarty; fine Induce merits to secure business on: line well sdvertlsed; give ae and experience In Iiral Utttr. Box E:5, Chicago. ()-80T 31x WANTED Specialty salesmen to handle strong proposition In competition witl mall order )ioues: look after regulai trade; expenses advanced to producers liox 674. Dept. 13. Chicago, III. fi 77X Six WANTED Energetic msn to travel In N bruaka: experience unntcessary; good pay and tailor made ault of clothes free In M rtavs. write for particulars, j. K McBrady aV Co.. Chicago. (9) 779 Six AGENTS wanted everywhere; the famou Zarema dlamonda; experta pusiled to detect from genuine: Immense protlt fo agents, either sex. young or old: sumi.l f.ffer (ring or stud) and catalogue free Zarema Jewelry Co., Dept. 7S. Star Bldg., Chicago, A) um tlx. HELP WANTED MALE Ageats and SaleamesContlased. SALESMAN wanted, colling on the harness and Implement trade In the Pukotas ana Minnesota; liberal compensation. Ail dit'as lstofflce liox Iti, Dullas City, 111. th-77i 21 X AGENTS wr.fited to represent us In their locality; household necessities must ra used In every home. Write for beauti fully Illustrated catalogue. The Garden City Distributing Co., 316 Wilson Ave., Chicago. (-7fi 31x HONDO diamonds; experts puaxlcd to de tect frotn genuine; samples free to inns acting as agents. Hondo Co., Dallas, Tex. t9-B 31X 8ALEMHN To sell carbon paper and type writer ribbons to consumers. Linerai alary to those who can sell goods. Nona others wanted. Newark Ribbon i Carbon Co., 297 Washington, St., Newark. N. J. (9) MS12 31x AGENTS for guaranteed NOHOLE hns iery. If bole appears wltnin six montn customer gets new pntr free. Exclusiv territory, large commission. No-Hule Hos iery Co., 112 Lincoln Ave., Newark, N. J. () MS12 Six AGENTS, canvassers, $1 starts you earning big money In your own locality; no com petition; sells In every home; experience) unnecessary; whole or sparo time. P. IC Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. (9) 8"9 Six $210 MOTOR CYCLE or horse and buggy furnished our men ror trsveuna ana t per month nnd expenses to take ordeni for the greatest portrait hotiwe In the, world. You will receive, postpaid. a boauttftil lfix20 reproduction of oil paint ing In nmswer to this sd. Write for par ticulars. 11. D. Martel, Dept. P23, Chloaaro. (9) S10 Six SALESMEN to carry aide line of post cards; large commission. Address Beiige Publishing Co.. 16 North 4Hi St., St, Louis. (fl)-70l Six SALESMEN You receive $10 cash dally selling merchants our ryjromaiio ona fountain. Grant Mfg., Co., Pittsburg. I :tirg, Pn )-767 31 CAPABLE salesmen to rover Nebraska with staple line; nign commissions, witn $100 monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess II. Bmith Co., Detroit, Mich. (9)-75U 31X AGENTS Hnuso to house, mnko 300 per cent selling our notiseKeepers ravonte. Cne agent made $1,021.44 In 10 weeks. Free sample. Other good sellers. Ameri can Machine Co., Kalamaxoo. Mich. (9) M90S SI AGENTS to fell automatic screen door cnKhns and checks. You can make nig profits working for us. Write for our eceptiona!lv good proposition. Auto Catch Co., Chicago, III. 9 M907 31 JT'PT OUT I xi w priced S-lb. mop; wrings try lurniMK ertinn., i irtiu imnun, nuincii hi. biiy: W per cent profit; catalogue free. U. 8. Mop Co., 75 Main St., Inlplo, O. (!) MS89 SIX SALESMEN Side line: brand new; ten minutes selling; exclusive one rirm each town nets $200 commission; sam ples small; specify territory and expe rience. E. F. It. Co., Newton. la. 9 M887 81X ECZEMA LOTION; puro white vegetable liquid; cures' permanently; naiesmen wanted; write, for free sample. Parle Chem. Co., Houston, Tex. (9) MSS6 81x WANTED, agents; legitimate substitute for slot machines; pntentea; sens on fright for $1.00; particulars. Glaha Co., Anderson. Ind. (9) M886 81x BELT dressing salesmen wanted; only those who have made a success or sei. Ing this lino need apply: state experi ence. T. Warner, N. Tonawanda, N. Y. .'J) Mtll six PHOTO rillow Tops direct from msnfg. Lowest flees, rioth retains its gios. Chicago 1'hoto Enlarging Co., 43 Ogdeu Ave., Chicago. (9) M9W ! AGENTS $300 every month sure selling our .rnn.l.irfni rvn.nlsfa Wlteh.n set , Jl for rvnrn stalement of $12 daily profit; outfit free. Thomas Mfg. Co., t!24-S Jef ferso i St., Dayton. Ohio. (!)) M908 81 CARRY my souvenir post cards as side line. Big money to able salesmen. Btate terri tory. E. Maxwell, 416 W. 121, New Y'ork. (9)-7E6 31x , Clerical sad Ofllc. SEE US FI RST. Salesman (stationary), $75 and expenses. Bookkeeper experienced In construction york. 1100. Salesman (teas), must bo experienced in this line, $.0. Expert penman tr write insurance policies, i?f,. Real estate salcsmnn, fine opportunity for wlde-a-wake young man to get wonting Interest In business. (talesman In hardware. I7F to $S0. Stenographer, experienced In Insurance, $C0. Salesman (wall payer), out or city, .o. Insurance man on road, salary ana com- mission. Ronkkeener. experienced In Implements, $78L Salesman (groceries), $100. Solicitor good nronnsltlon for right party. Hotel cleark, rgust be of good aaareaa, tut to mi. flnlesman fnlannsl. 11.200 Per year. Experienced express agent, out oi city, $1,000. Salesman, fine line and good commission. ia.i.iant Afflee niatiager. $75. We have several others. Call or write for terms, vacancies, etc. Office hours 8 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. CO-OPERATIVE REFKRKNUK CO., 673-76-77 Brandels Bldg. SEB us as our SYSTEM is arranged to PROMOTE your iNTbnMuais. uon i tin si, thAse un: Salesman to sell high grade bonds, $200 per month advance. Bookkeeper and Cashier, to organise bank, Jeweiry Buyer and Ma'itager. Must have department store experience, '.ow io 1.1 rrfio ner vear. ' - Good Hiockkeeper. familiar With heavy hardware, Ier year. Rtenoa-ranher und Bookkeeper, retail, $45. Office Clerk, some knowledge of steno graphy, $00. Interline Clerk, $C5, $SS. Bank Clerk, out of town, must take some dictation, $.7). Young man, 25 to 28 years of age, to act as city salesman and stenographer, $80. Office Clerk, fire Insurance, $i. Shlpidng Clerk, must be able to Invest, $75. Hotel Clerk, out of town, $25 and expenses. Manager and Buyer for hosiery and under wear department, $2,5oO to $3,000 per year. If these do NOT interest you. we have others that will. Why lie IdleT WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N., INC., 721-22 New York Life Bldg. )- BOYLES SUMMER SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY. JUNE t. Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy and Engilhh; official training school Union Pacific R. It. Telegraph department. A postal gets full Information. Address H. U. Boyles. Boyles Building. Omaha. (9) M424 WANTED Men with commercial ability. Co-Operative Reference Co.. (76 Brandelt Bldg. m-lim Je21 DRUG CLERKS' positions. Knlest, N T. L. Bldg. (0)-M63 W A NTED Stenogrf phers, bookkeepers, salesmen, clerks, solicitors. Good posi tions for good men. No filing fee. THE CANO AGENCY, 432 Bee Bldg. (9)-M837 Factory and Traaea. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Poa'flnna guars. teed; booklet free. Boyle CaVlego, Omaha, Neb. Official training school U. P. R. It, (9)-50 WANTED Sand stone block layers. All summer's work and payday every two weeka. Highest wagea paid. For furthei particulars, addrrsa Tha Denver & Pueblo Conatri-icllon Co., M Railroad Bldg., Den ver, Colo. &)UiM Jo-U WANTED Men to learn barber trade; fow weeks completes; 6o chairs conatantl busy; licensed Instructors; toola given diplomas grunted: wagea Saturdays; posi tions waltlr.g; wonderful demand foi graduates; catalogue free. Moler Barbei CoUvge, im s). lltu (atV il;-Miksi u .