THE OMATTA DAJLY BEE: SATURDAY. MAY 30, 1903. Opv ll THI RELIABLE STORE Saturday May 30th Men's Furnishings for Saturday Men's rnloii Suits All th beet makes In complete assortment largest line shown In Omaha tt S5.00 down to 2.00. l.fto and 31.00 Mea'a Combination Suit A spe cial cash purchase of 100 floeen. regular fl.SO values; on sale Saturday, choice T5 Men's Faorjr Half Hose Import- - era' samples, finest lisles and Maco cottons, plain or fancies, values to 50c, at 23c. lc 13 Men's Silk Ties A complete line of new spring styles and patterns, values to 75c on sale Saturday t 15 25e " 49 Men's Balbrifrgan I nderwear Worth to 75c garment, rein forced drawers, best values any where, at. .25 30 and 50 IX THE IMIMESTIC ROOM. 8 Till 9 A. M. Men's Laundered Shirts, worth to 11.00. all sires; choice 29 0 Till 10 A. M. Men's Balhrlggan Shlrta and Drawers, values to 50c; on sale at 19 10 Till 11 A. M. Men's, Women's and Children's Hose, values to J5c; go at, pair . .' 5 11 A. M. Till 12 M. Ladles' Gauze Vests, 15c values, at 5 Many ertreinely Interesting bar. Ifains in dependable and seasonable merchandise. Men's Dm Shirts Worth to 12.00, several hundred dozen in the lot Griffon. Monarch. Elgin and other well-known brands . newest materials, colors and pat- . terns, on sale at 50 and 08 Soft Summer SbirU Worth to 13.00, silk and linens, mohairs, etc.. in tans", white and fancies at 08 and 81.50 Hosiery Specials at Hay den's Ladies' 75c Lisle Hose, plain gauze, fancies, embroidered or lace lisles, all colors, per OrAir 49c , Ladies' Lisle Hose, values to 69c, embroidered, allover or ' lace boot lisles, biff sample line, on sale at. .35c, 25c Ladies', Embroidered and Lac ,-jHoae Regular or out sizes, 4wel! worth 15c. at, choice 12 He r-r,nir Softool Mo- Fine or heavy ribbed, double knee and 6ole, J5c quality, at 19c Children's 19c quality Hoe, 12He Sald'y Specials in Cut Price Drug Depi , s . Oar new pert ion jcive ns room for many new goods, and yonr wants may be fully supplied In this department. PRI G DEPT . 1 5c Hydrogen Peroxide 12c 50c size Hydrogen Peroxide. . 80c 1.00 size Llsterlne 75c J 5c Fletcher's Castorla 25e 50c Cal. Syrup of Figs 42c $1 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, at.. 83c 25e Seidlltx Powdera 14c 1 pint best Witch Hazel.... 15c 25c Darts' Tasteless Castor Oil., at lc 1 lb. box (Granular) Sodium Phosphate 19c Pears' Unscented Soap, today only, per bar.......... 11c TOILET ARTICLES 50c or E. L. Graves' Tooth Pow der '. 15c . J5c Tetlow's Swandown 12c 60c Carmen's Face Powder... 29c 50c Poizoni's Face Powder. . 29c 2 5c Tetlam's Swansdown. . . . 12c 50c Java Rice Powder 80c $1.00 Pompelan Massage Cream, at 69c 50c Pompelan Massage Cream 29c 75c Pompelan Massage Cream 49c 25c Pompelan Soap 15c Box Virgin Violet Soap,". 25c 3 cakes Palm Olive Soap. . . . 25c 75c Robber Gloves, best qua. ity, today . 33c c Hubert's Ultra Violet Totiet Water 36c lie Eutmu'i Bensoln and Almond Cmm at 14c He Eastman's Benzoin and Almond Cream, at 20c eOe Madame Ioobeil'a Face PowdVr at 40c TVUk each box of face powder a hand some band-painted plato, value 11 . 1 6c Borax o 14o 40c Birk Bicker' Cold Cream... 39c 60c Richard Hudnut'a Marvelous Cold Cream 6o JSe Fanltol Cold Cream lc Sfce Violelss Facial Cream lc 5e Theatrical Cold Cream 60c 60c Consuelo Creme tdieappeaiinir at ao 1 5c Colgate's Shaving Stick 18c Rousing Furniture Specials Saturday A big line of Sample Iron Beds, secured at a big dis count, on sale Saturday to close. $5 Enameled Iron Bed $3.95 $2.75 Enam. Iron Bed. .$1.95 $6.50 Enam. Iron Bed. .$4.75 $11.00 Enam. Iron Bed. $7.75 $13.50 Enam. Iron Bed. $9.75 200 Ciair Bargains First quality, cane and wood Beat dining chairs, .worth up to $2.00, at 95c Woven Wire Cots Strongly constructed, great values at 9Sc Many others at proportion ate prices. Grand Clearance Women's Tailor Suits Saturday Choice of over 400 handsome costumes that sold regularly up to $75.00, JUST HALF PEICE. Exclusive novelties and imported styles, most surprising' bargains at Saturday's special sale prices. -VVa $75.00 Tailor Suits $37.50 $50.00 Tailor Suits ...... $25.00 $40.00 Tailor Suits $20.00 $35.00 Tailor Suits $17.50 $30.00 Tailor Suits $15.00 $25.00 Tailor Suits $12.50 Dainty Lingerie Dresses That Pretty Silk Suits and Dresses would 6ell regularly to $10.00 pinks, blues, helios, white lace trimmed, choice Saturday each, at $4.98 Giecks, strips and plaids, extra full pleated skirt?, good assort ment of colors, 450 in the lot, val ues to $20.00, at $9.90 A Beautiful Line of Summer Suits All newest styles and materials, all colors, most attractive values shown in Omaha ai--$5.00, $7.50. $10.00. $12.50, $15.00. $20.00 and $25.00 Children's Jackets "Worth to I Covert Jackets, values up to $5.00, all colors, snap at $2.98 $12.50, on sale, choice. .$6.95 Children's Dresses Splendid as- Women's Lawn Waists "Worth sortment and matchless value, in Saturday's sale at $1.98, $1.45 and 98c $2.50 Wash Skirts at. . . .$1.45 Infants' Long Slips, 35c values, at 19c Infants' Sacques, knit and flan- up to $5.00, on sale at $1.95,; nelette, 50c values, at 19c 10c Bibs, big assortment, on sale at 5c Wash Bonnets at Half Price. $1.50 and '. 95c $1,50 Percale Wrappers at 98c $1.50 Long Kimonos at 79c More complete assortment or better values in spring and summer outer garments were never shown in Omaha. See the nobby new suit styles. Entire Millinery Stock of Duncan Meyer 8r Company Witch Sunday papers for particulars and pricts. 228 Broadway, Council Bluffs, ttcartd for cash Ml a grttt sacrif.ct. all aew, dttn goods will bt plactd On Sale Monday, June 1st. Walch Sunday papers for particulars and prices Dainty Undermuslins Specially Values you'll find cannot be duplicated elsewhere at these wonderful bargain prices. Fine Underskirts, elegantly trimmed, values to $3.50, sal price, 98c, $1.50 Ladies' Night Robes, the new and popu lar Merry "Widow styles, embroidery and lace trimmed, values up to $2.00, at 49c, 75c and 98c Corset Covers and Drawers, regular $1.00 values, all sizes, in two lots, 39c, 49c ft ainook Combination SUits Worth to 3.JU - corset cover and drawers or ccrset cover and skirt tailor cut, handsomely trimmed on ale at 98 and S1.50 Children's Muslin rants, 25c, 19c, 12 He. lOe Children's Undervests All sizes, worth double on sale at. IOC Ladies' BOc Union Suits Jersey knit, at.-25? Ladle' Gauze Vests Values to 50c on sale at, choice 25c, 15c and 10 Priced mm WliirTrji 1 WVJ- mm ji Big Stationery Sale 50c fancy box Superfine Pape- trie on sale Saturday 29c 35c fancy box Papetries . . . 17Vc 25c Post Card Albums 10c 10c quality fine Envelopes. 3 Vic Carter's Ink, per bottle 3c $1.50 Copyright Books 98c $1.00 Copyright Books : .43c 25c Paper Novels, at 70 RIBBONS, RIBBONS The greatest line shown in Om aha, values to 75c yd., on sale Saturday 3c to 19c HAMMOCKS, HAMMOCKS Most complete line and lowest prices shown in Omaha. Prepare t Summer Vacation lib v;i Suit Cases, Trunks and Grips at sweeping price reductions in Saturday's special sales. Alligator Suit cases, worth $30.00, at.'. Cowhide Suit Cases, worth $20.00, at... Cowhide Suit Cases, worth $1600, at.., Cowhide Suit Cases, worth $14.00, at.., Cowhide Suit Cases, worth $10.00, at.., Cowhide Suit Cases, worth $ 9.00. at.. Bridle Leather Suit Cases, worth $7.50, at $ 4.98 Trunks and Grips at correspondingly low prices. 6e our complete line of Spring Hat styles. Best assortjnenta, lowest prices. SIO.OO S14.00 $12.00 SIO.OO S 7.00 S 5.05 Adusto and Dowager Corsets The Eoyal "Worcester Adjusto and Dowager cor sets meet every need of the plump or overly stout figure, give perfect sup port and comfort, are prac tically unbreakable, being double boned, have med ium bust with long hip and back, mould unsightlvj fleshiness into stylish lines without discomfort to the wearer. Prices $1.00 to $3.00. $2.50 French Batiste Cor. sets Medium ,bust, long hip and back models, non- rustable boning, trimmed St0Dt VVomei with fine Swiss embroidery, heavy hose sup porters attached; snap at $1.19 0$) "rice fern Ifcwt for mmM m Candy Department Specials PUKE. FRESH DELICIOUS CK0!ES AT LESS PRICE J HAM ELSEWHERE AXter-Dinner Oram Patties, lb 19 Fresh Toasted Marshmallowa, lb 19 Cocoanut Oram Bon-Bons, lb 15C Pure Vanilla Fudge, lb 9 Burnt Peanuts, lb jjk Pure Sugar Stick Candy, lb 18e? 1 ry one oi our iamous -Merry Widow" Sunda the Soda Fountain. j3 j3 lBliDTF THE RELIABLE STORE Open all day Saturday May 30th Extra Specials in Shoes Saturday Men's $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes and Oxfords, in all leathers, in both Goodyear and Mc Kay sewed soles, and in all sixes; tan or black, $1.9S A big lot of the Queen Quality Tan Oxfords Just in. See them t.'. $3.00 $2.50 Women's $2.5U and $3.00 patent colt, gun metal and vlcl kid shoes and Oxfords. In tan or Mark, each pair a dtiIed lar- S1.8S Oxfords and one-strap Slippers for the mises and children, worth up to $1.75, at SI .25, fl.OO. 75c nd 50 Boys' youths' and little gents' satin and kangaroo calf shoe, bluchers and bala. worth up to $1."5 t . . $1.19 nd OSC Cb lids' red, tan or black shoes, worth up to $1.00 t 75t? nJ 49C $2.50 Ladies' Neckwear We Saturday A. M. we will place on sale the finest sample line of Ladies' Fancy Neck wear ever shown in Omaha. Stock Collars, Chemisettes, Coat Silks, Yokes! Sailor Collars, etc., in black, white and ru. $1.50 to $2.50 value, at one price.. 4Sc Fancy Embroidered Collars, 12 He Fine Lace Stocks and Tabs, values to 60c, choice 15c Fine Silk and Satin Bows... 10c 6 piece Boa Rurhlngs . . , 10c 50c Hair Roll. ech 89c fl.OO Elastic Belts, (silk).... 49c 60c Elaetic Belts .......... 25c f Saturday's Big Sale in the Busy Hardware Dept. Mlspes' and childs' $1.50 lac school shoos . . . i OSC What about your feet? Are they bothering yon? Buy Grover shoes and get that foot comfort you have been look for and only to be found In Grover Shoes, for they are especially made for tender feet. Grover and Queen Quality shoes for women and Stetson and Cros sett shoes for men. ( f) Oak brand House Paint, worth $1.65. Saturday $1.25 Noxall brand House Paint, war ranted, only 9SC Perfeeto Floor Paint, H gallon cans best made 49 The Wonder Cobbler Outfit, Sat urday 39C $1.00 Hose Reels, on sale for 49C White Willow Clothes Baskets only 39C Large Enameled Water Pails only 25C Heavy Galvanised Water Pails for 12Hc One-gallon Covered Tin Buckets only 8C 15c Flour Sifters Saturday. . . .JC $3.50 Solid Copper wash Boiler Saturday $1.98 $4.50 Lawn Mowers Saturday only for $239 S9e Grass Catchers Saturday Hf)0 6-foot solid braced Step Ladders, every step braced, worth $2.00, on Saturday 98C 6-foot Common Step Ladders ) Heavy Galvanised Wash Tubs at only s 39 1,000 remnant Fly Screen Wire, on sale for. each. . . -5C t0 15C Poultry Wire, on sale Saturday t 60C $6.95 Rotary Watb Machine. Sat- riy $3.95 Please remember this is only for Saturday.- Don't Fail to Come in and See What You Can Buy in Our Crockery Dept. for 12ic Friday and Saturday ( Water Glasses for 1234c 2 Mantles for 124c 3 Sherbets for ' 12 He 1 Covered Dish for 12 He 1 Chamber for 12 He Remember this sale Is for Fri day and Saturday only. 1 fancv decorated Cake or Bread Plate 12 He 1 2-qt. Stone Pitcher 12 He 2 6-lDch Jardinieres for....l2Hc $ Cups and Saucers for... 12Hc 5 Dinner Plates fr 12 He 6 Frulu for 12 He Extra Specials for Saturday at Omaha's Greatest Groctry, Butter, Chtest, Cracker, Fnsh Veg., Fruit Depts. Toe beat pure cane Granulated Sugar at leaa than jobber's coat. 18 bars t-et brands Laundry Soap ft So 10 lh. aacka beat Granulated W tru er Yellow Corn Meal lb. t lbs. choice Japan Rice 85e 4 lba. beat Pearl Tapioca or Sao SSo The beat dotneatic Macaroni, per pkg.. at atie Tall cans fancy Blood Red Salmon, at 1.8 v,o 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can a-c Bromangeion. Jeliycon or Jell-O. pr I 4 cans fancy Sveet Sugar Corn, Sac The beat large Queen Olives. pr quart ao Teaat Foam or On Time Yeaat, per pf e The beat bulk Laundry Starch, per lb o Quaker Oat Co s. Toaated Corn Flake. per pkg. . 6o The beat Soda Cracker, per lb... 6o The beat cnep pretzels, per lb. So The best crisp Ginger Snapa. per lb.. at M Fancy Golden Santoa Corfee. jer lb-, at XSo Fancy Maracalbo Blend Coffee, per ib . leo Fancy Porto Rico Coffee, per lb e.. 80s Fancy M. and J. Blend Coffee. r-r Ib 8 So The beat Ankola Blend Coffee. pr lb 83e The best Tea Plf tings, per lb... 16c Fancy Basket Fired or Uncolon-d Japan Tea, per lb , 3 be IO BUTTE at AsTS CaTZZU Ull UTliaSAT. - Fancy Dairy Butler, caeellent for family uw. per lb 19e Choic Dairy Butter, per lb 17e Fancy Country Creamery Butler, per lh tie Fancy full cream, white, colored or brick Cheese, per lh 15o Neufchatel. Cheese, each So Sap Sago Cheese, each f Ho run teoctabli paucza rom BA.XVa.DAT t bunches' fresh, Kadishe for,... b. t buncnes fresh Onions for...... 6o 2 bunches fresh Asraraua for., be Fresh Spinach, per peck ee i heada fre.h Lieaf Hothouae Lettuce for So I Isnre Cucumbers for So I large heada Lettuce for........ So 4 bunches fresh Plepiant for .... bo New Cabhage. per lb. f-10 New Potatoes, per peck 85o I bunches fresh Parsley for so J bunchea fresh Carrots or Turnips for 10c Fresh Roasted Peanuta. per quart o Large juicy Lraor.i. per toa ISO Fancy Cooking or Eating; Apples, p- r peck 30a rarxavrruBB rmxmm Each Sc. iSc Sc. 10c. l!He , dc. 11.10, i. ii Per dosen ic. SMALL SHEEP MEN IS LINE Tteyt "Wjll ai Large SMpptri, Will Patronize Omaha, BASKS WILL' L0A3T ON WOOL HERE c. H. Klaar Htlrca tkat Ho Has Luarl Two Mrm Cars at Bit skoal am BHIe Tfcess far OmU. wool growers, as well as large shippers, are getting In touch with the Omaha Wool and Storage company- Fri day the secretary of the company received word from a farmer at Cook. Neb., who aai4 that be had thre sacks of wool, and another grower sad hla output would be r- ii fnr 'i i If was a salo for It la Omaha. Arrangements are b4ng made to bsnd'e this small business and tle growera wUl bo flven tho top of the tasxket at all tlmra. A railroad otttcmd rcrfved tho following letter from a sleep man In tbo Big Horn Basin country, sbowir.g that that section of Wyoming is wakir.g up to the advan tages of the Omaha mool market, fie also said ho was ready to ship hia wool to Omaha as soon, aa aitangements could be triads. He wrote: If Omaha can store and sell wool It will bo a big thing for Oinal.a merensnts. You know wnst the wool growers hsve fcpent in Billings at sales during thfe last years I know there were ten men from the Big Hora country wtio sold in billings last year, snd rxt one of iht-m spent le.a thsu Uai each In expense and supplies. 1 seems to mo that wo. J ales in Omaha conducted as they snould be mould be worth to Omaha merchants tl'"Ji' worth of bust ness they do not get now (annually). I have recurved lettera from tne First Na tional. United " Scales National. Omaha Merchants National barjis of Oiutt tell ing me they would make loni against uol stored in Omaha, so tt looks as if tn financfal end was going to be all r.ght. This la taken aa shoo ing that the banks are not only willing to loan mor-ey on wool, but ore going after tao business- It also shows to what extent the Omaha merchants may expect to be benefited by the new wool market, which will bring the growers of Wyomtcar and the entire west to Omaha. C. H. King, president of the Omaha Wool and Storage company wired Friday morning that ho had loaded two cars of If your doctor f uiiy cndtrcs year taking Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral for your bard couch, then buy it and use fa. If be docs not, then do not mZZT W. or. p,d iW tt s kaaa J this t.ecdij medicine h,r i. .- s ser, m eou8hs aod colds. iAn- Hard Coughs wool at Shoshonl, and that the wool would soon be started for Omaha. J. A Defelder. vice president of the company, has already sheared 200.OU6 pounds of wool from his own sheep, and that will ooon bo onrouts to Omaha. The large force of workmen at the new warehouse will be kept at work Saturday and Sunday and it la now expected that most of the roof will be on tho huge struc ture by Monday night. EMERSON MAN DENIES NOTE la Reply to Salt Xlrkolau Ltewer Says Ho Sever Eseeateol lack 4 a Proviso. Nickolaus Ltewer, a farmer of Emerson. Dixon county, has filed hla answer to a suit brought against him In the United States circuit court to recover on a ncte for li-S'l The suit is brought by the First National bank cf Shenandoah. la., the nresent owner of the note, which cams to the bank through James J. Doty, manager ot the Wonder Stock Powder company of Iowa. In his answer Mr. Liewer says hs aever executed amh a note, nor did bo over au thorise the execution of such a note. Tho transaction. Mr. Liewer alleges, grew out of tils bring persuaded to buy luo pounds of so-called stock food, in SepUmbor. JS07, from one W. E. Lewis, alleged to represent tiio Wonder Stock Powder corn pan f, and that ho was to pay but I cents par aoua4 !or tho staff. Mr. Liewer st steal farther in his answer that ths word "aaasdrod' has been Inserted in tho dorumaat attar tho words 'twenty-four.' The note has boen much blurred and blotted and is al leged to bo partly illegible. Ho atatea also that the First National bank of Bhenacdoah la not the real party at interest in this cauae and that there is no consideration named or pretended in ths transfer of the note to ths bank. Tho alleged note la claimed to have be come duo January 1, PACKER SUED FOR COAL BILL Caaapaay Defeadaat la Brssgkt ay Sherldaa Coaaaai a Coa tract. Case Tho Sheridan Coal company has brought suit In tho United States circuit court against tho Omaha Packing company on a contract for coal delivery amount. ng t- S3M7.K. Tho petition alleges that the Sheridan Coal company , had. a contract with tho packing" company to deliver coal to it la quantities of not lees than ninety tons per day and that such delivery was made during tho montha of April and May, 1m, and far some reason the defecdams decline to pay. Suit la therefore brought to recover on the contract, with interest. A Life Seateaeo of suffertrg with throat and lung trouble la quickly commuted by Dr. King's New Discovery. (Ce and H 06. For aalo by Beaton Drug Co. BalldtasT Poraolta. Elisabeth Elsasser, OX South Twenty fourth atreet. brick dwelling. UMO. M. l. McHugb. o St- Mary a avenue, brick garae., Lima Wundruff. Pratt street, frame, dwelling, H. M. Hig- nns. Thirty-seventh and Cass streets f rams dwelling. St.auO. Aalonio 271? Boulevard street, frame dwelling. tl.0, Antonio Jbrs.uA, S19 Boulsvard tuttt, t.7&g. ne Business Oav Saved By the Burlington's new schedule to the North raeific Coast, effective June 1st. FOR INSTANCE: Leave Omaha - - - - 4:10 p. m. r.londay Arrive Seattle - - - - 8:50 a. m. Thursday Correspondingly fast time to Butte, Helena and Spokane. High grade trains carrying modern, up-to-date equipment. To Seattle. Tacoma and Portland and Return Daily After June 1st, For Return via California $15 More. J. D. REYNOLDS, City Passenger .Agent, w 1502 Farnam Street, OMAHA, HER. $60 111 mmranni TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 3580. 2