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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, .aY .10. IPOS. BRANDEIS BRANDEIS Visit the Free Art Exhibition rmut Painting Brutality" By J. D. Patrick Theueanda It vary day n our Third Floor Bran do is Store will bo open us usual Saturday until 10 o'clock l3 p. m. Spe Women's Silk Shirt Waist Suits and Dresses Sale 1 1 J 7 ISk m iff )LV SI. U. 5 : SATURDAY AT BRANDEIS IS CHILDREN'S DAY Two Big Bargains in Children' Dept., Second Floer. Children's SC Cloaks at $1.98 These pretty juvenile coats are very serviceable for present wear and for summer evenings, too. .Mostly m tnose pop ular novelty stripes and mixtures all colors various lehfrths ages 4 to 14 years up to $6.00, at Children's $2 Wash Dresses at 95c The practical little dresses for summer wear juvenile jump ers, Buster Browns, etc., in white and colored gjk F wash fabrics; made of fine lawns, percales andU chambrays, dotted, checked or lalMl4Bl4lla1lTll4BBlvllvllvlvlIBB I Beautiful $6 Shopping Bags at $2.95 A special offering of the finest bags ever . sold in Omaha at this price. Genuine Goat Seal Leather . Bags 10-inch . leather covered frame protected corners, gun metal trimmings; calf lined with extra M size inside purse handles; positively worth $6.00, at. SPECIAL Pyrography Outfits Great bargain, good rubber, bulb, benzine bottle, al cohol lamp and needle all packed In stamped basBwood box 98c SPECIAL Lithograph Pillow Tops Big variety of beautiful pat terns, special at lSc M H BR. AN RATE HEARING CONCLUDED (Continued trort Third Page.) SEWAJID Ed Blrny, a former Seward boy, u killed Saturday at Bedford, Ind.. by falling between the rara, which he waa coupling, and being crushed to death. He waa a conductor. ALMA Real estate la moving In Harlan county, several flrma having changed hands during the last week. The buyers are mainly from eastern Nebraska, where farms are much higher in price. PICKENS This part of Lincoln county was vlnlted by a bay storm Thursday night, over an Inch of hall falling, driven by a high northwest wind that was severe on the gardens and corn. About a half-lnoh of water also fell. BEATRICE Good rioh Encampment No. 61, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, met. and elected these officers: O. W. Hooverk chief patriarch; Byron Lawton, aenlor war den: Warren SLaSelh junior warden; W. H. Tripp, high priest. ; BROKEN BOW Tha Ladles' City Im provement club opened Its campaign yester day by giving a monster dinner and sun per at the Temple theater. The proceeds will be used towards further beautifying and Improving the town. SCHTJTLER The graduating exercises of tha Schuyler High school were held In the Janecek Opera house this evening, when tha aenlor claae, consisting of fiva boys and two girls wWe presented with their diplomas by Superintendent Arnot. ALMA The Alma school cloaed Friday evening. May 29. Owing to the addition of another grade there will be no gradua tion exercises this year. An entertainment waa given by the high school Sunday night for the purpose of raising funds for the school library. . EDGAR The nlnetnth annual com- , mencement of the Edg-ar High school wan held In tha opera hotiee last evening. The firograra consisted of ovatlona by the ourteen graduates, Interspersed with ln , strumantal and vocal music, by some of the bat talent of Edgar. BEATRICE Frank R. Beers, who was recently elected principal of tha Kearney , High school, yesterday secured his release In order to take the position of principal In tha schools here to succeed R. M. Gar ' Work hu been man's' lot alnoa tha crea tton. t ay ot toil should not ha? Ita penalty of pain. Why la It then, you Mk, that feAckaeha so pften follows? It la bacausa themodern fandenoy la ta over work, to taax 4own fastar tbam natura can rebuild. An unnatural strata Is thrown upon tha vital orsj.n and mora especially upon tha hidneya, which have tha work of filtering the blood free at waste and poison. Tba heavy tax of averwork tba strain upon tha back, that la ao common to many trades and occupations, la too great. Tha kldneya vbgln ta (all tn their work, and tnsre is s double danger to health. Tha poisonous matter collects la tha system and tha kidneys themselves begin to break down. ' Pain ta tba back is only a warning of trouble tn the kidneys.' An Inflammation baa sat In, and a disordered condition of tit ttr- kMH apparent. Too attach or ' too' lltita urine, with a constant dealra to void tha secretions; any nstloabla deviation from the normal color; rtha appearance of a sandy sodlment, provaa disordered condition of the kld beys that needs quick attention. BOM'S Huifl at All sWUN arrtAa a n M PI n -worth solid colors, at and double strap "TQ C MM SPECIAL Fancy Linens Japanese drawn work scarf 8 and squares, Henais sance dresser scarfs, worth to $1.25 DEIS rett, who resigned to become superintend ent of schools at Ashland, Neb. afternoon. There are seventeen veterans enrolled here. BEATRICE The Gage County Sunday school association held its annual conven tion In the Methodist church yesterday, with a lartre number of delegates In at tendance. Prof. H. M. Steldley of Lincoln, general secretary of the NebraHka Sunday School association, was present and had charge of the convention. EXETER The continued rains of the last two weeks have greatly hi.nnered the work on the new Auditorium ana Wallace & Co's new bank building, alao with fHrm work. There Is consldf rable corn to riant yet, but no large fields. 1 m estlmatid that between twelve and fifteen Inches ot rain has fallen here during tha last two weeks. , SCHUYLER Rain has been falling al most continuously fur the lam week mak ing the roads almost Impassible for travel, and fields Impossible to work. These are the first real hard rains this spring, an! are welcomed by the farmers, but If It continues as K has been, much longer, It will make it bad as it, will delay the farm ers In their work. EXETER The annual commencement ex ercises of the Exeter High school took plait this wek. with the class sermon Sunday evening by Rev. V. P. miliar ..of th" Baptist church. The class play "Two Ncgii tives Make an Affirmative" on Wednesday evening. The graduating address "A Twin tlcth Century Republic was deliver 1 by Hon. C. H. Aldrlch of David City. WAHOO A heavy rain and some hall visited this section of the county (ant evening. The government rain gauge at the pustofflce shows that over sefn Inches of water has fallen here since the first of May. The corn is in excellent shape and growing fast. The wheat and oat crops are assured and considerable fruit will be gathered In this county. NEBRASKA CITY The recent rains have done much damage to the roads and bridges in this county. Many of the large bridges have been washed away, and many of the streams In the southern part of the county were out of their banks yesterday. The loss to this county In roads and bridges will amount to many thousand dollars. So far a little over nine Inches of water has fallen here since the 11th of this month. WAHOO The twenty-first annual commencement of the Wahoo Hlh school occurred this week. Wednes THE PENALTY OF OVERWORK ic." ,.v 3vi f ir ri KIDNEY ftA aar,ai,l Tttt V f TT 1TT W B.sV.L. W W THE urday, at Women's $25.00 Spring Suits You can't buy anything more serviceable than a light weight tailored suit. It is always ready for use. For Saturday we have grouped a hundred j suits in the very latest Btyies ana to $25.00 (some Fashtonseals Included) at each Rich Cut Glass Berry 5 : u jfrs.y-3t day was class day and the class plays "Six Kleptomaniacs" and "My Lord in Livery" were given both afternoon and evening ' ry members of tho class to crowdedi houses at the opera house. 1 lie commencement eKerclses were held at the opera house last evening. The twenty four, graduates were seated In a semi circle on the Stage with the teachers fend president of the Board of Education. WYMORE Another heavy rain fell here Wednesday night and did considerable dam age. Many cellars about the city have from a foot to five feet of water in them. A bad washout occurred on the Burlington at Liberty, nine miles east of here. Traffic was resumed about noon today. Indian creek has spread over the low lands and Is still rising. The Blue river Is up about ten feet, but no trouble Is anticipated In that direction. There were bad i washouts on the Tnlon Pacific near Holmesvllle. be tween Blue Springs and eHutrlce, and also at Barneston, south of here, VALENTINE Reports are coming in aa to the damage done by Tuesday even ing's storm. The storm approached Valen tine from the northwest and tha dense cloud of sand darkened the sky like smoke from an approaching prairie fire. Several small tornadoes branched off from the storm and the windmills and sheds over a lot of ranch countryl were blown down. Hail fell west of Valentine, breaking win dow lights. According to the local weather hureau the wind attained the velocity of sixty-two miles an hour for three minutes. The storm struck this 'city at :15. SCHUYLER The death of Robert Com eron occurred In Omaha at the General i,.,r,iti iiu was '2X years of age and Is survived by his mother, father, a sister and several brothers, lie came nume num vi-nicn where he has been Interested In the mines for a couple of weeks' visit at home, leaving here in me Desi oi rieaiwi. u wnt to Omaha, where he fell sick with tvphold fever, and died in a few days. The remains -were brought here yes terday. He whs a member of Company K at ihM tiiita nf the Snunlsh-American war and was also a graduate of the Schuyler High school. The funeral services win oe held at the Presbyterian church, Memorial dav, conducted by Rev. Mr. Sweeney, after which the body will be Interred In the Schuvler cemetery. NEBRASKA CITY Two year's ago t Weasel's Sons A Co., went to Fremont and purchased ?he stock of goods of M. Haven and wife, with the good will ind leas4 their building, paying them therefor, $J9, 278,13 and they continued business there for If your work aeema hard foir you. If you have a lame., weak or aching back. If you seem tired and listless, and seem to be running down avlthout" apparent cause, begin at once with Doan'a Kidney Pills, the great kidney remedy that has cured ao many of your neighbors. It has given thousanda of working men and women strong, aound backs for their dally work. okiuu r&oor John Hoefler, 291 1 Burdetta St., Omaha, Neb., aays: "I just as heartily recommend Doan'a Kidney Pills today as whan they cured me of kidney trouble In 1191. At that time I waa bothered by a ateady, dull ache across, the kidneys, especially severs when I stooped or lifted. I used remedy after remedy but obtained no relief and waa at a loss to know how to dispose of my trouble. I at last atarted taking Doan'a Kidney Pills and tha prompt re lief X faieWJ Induced ma to continue their use. They soon disposed of my suf fering entirely and there has never been a symptom of It since. I accaaloally take a few doses of Doan'a Kidney Pills aa they serve to keep my kldneya In good working order." PILLS. Stunning New Summery Frocks at About i Price These are very fashionable suits and can be worn for all occasions made of those light, airy summer silks, in the new stripes and checks as well as plain colors lace insertions and embroidery, are used in trimming, also clusters of pleats one and two piece warm weather dresse3 in 1908 novelties. SMART DRESSES AND SUITS ARE PRICED REGULARLY UP TO $15 SATURDAY AT $20 New Silk Draid Jackets at $10 In long or short lengths made with silk linings the smart shades of Copenhagen, brown as well as white, cream and black. The decided style favorites for 1908 worth everywhere up to $20.00 each your choice Sat Brandies' . : at $10.00 colors, worm up ' $10 T" ' Just Like Illustration Actually , Worth $5.00 Each The.ampus Whirl Wheel Cutting, usually,' retails elswhere at $5.00. Hundreds of them on great special sale Saturday in our China Dept., at. 500 Sets Fine Japanese China Large Tea Pot, Sugar and Creamer, fancy shape, rich blue; decorations, per set of three pieces fCln : in Ijrandeis China I)ept West Arcade VJ C over a year and sold out. Now they have Sled a suit In the district court, here, ask ing tor 110,000 damages, claiming that Haven, entering Into a contract to not engage In business any more In that city, but opened up again in a short tlrrm ln a building adjulning them. They claim they were damaged to that amount' by- reason of that act. John C. Watson of this city, has been retained by Mr. Haven to resist the claim. BEATRICE The case of ' the state against Joseph Martin, charged with dis tributing advertising matter for, certain diseases withtrlit a license, was dlncustel yesterday by Judire Ellis In poltoe court The ordinance provides that a license of $5fli) must be secured for distributing suoh advertising In the city. The court found the ordinance Invalid on the grounds that In addition to fixing an exorbitant license for such business. It la quite Inconsistent In nature, referring to said business as a men ace to good public morals and should not bo tolerated by any civic corporation. For this reason the case against Martin was dismissed although he waa found guilty of the charge against him. NEBRASKA CITY Word was received from Platlsmouth last evening, that Judge Thomas P. Morgan, who has been ill at that place for several months, Is verv low and cannot survive very long. He wai a resident of that county for many years and served for two terms as countv judne nd was the publisher of the Palmyra Items for a number of years. Prior to com ing to this country from England he was In the English navy and fought In the Crimean war and won two medals for bravery. He a'.so received a medal from the queen for saving the lives of two of ficers In India, while the fleet was there. His history reads like a story bonk, for he has traveled around the world several times, and several years ago suffered a stroke of paralysis. . A Break for Liberty from stomach, liver and kidney trouble Is made when a 23c box of Dr. King's New Life Pills Is bought. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. GOOD THINGS FOR THE TABLE Naw la the ,Tlme to Bay Pineapples to Pat Id for Win ter lit, Now Is tho time to buy pineapples to can. The Florida crop, which Is the last for this year, will not last more than ten days or two weeks longer at most, and certainly will be not cheaper. The fruit Is very good and sells from 12.50 to $3. a crate, wholesale, or from 6 to IS cents each, retail. This week will sea about the last of the shipped strawberries for thla year. The Missouri crop, which has supplied tha local market for the last two weeks. Is about exhausted and the rains there have been responsible for the damp, mouldy condition In which the fruit has reached Omaha. The homo-grown berries will be In before long, however. Cheap berries and pineapples have re duced tha demand for bananas to an ex tent that has made that fruit cheaper than usual. Borne very fine bananas are selling on tha streets and In the stores the price varying according to the quality. The last of the Florida tomatoes are be ing sold this week at 75 cents a basket. The Texas crop Will ba in rifxt week, but tt will De hlgn selling at about 76 cents a basket also. New potatoea are getting cheaper and sell this week for $1.10 a bushel, wholesale. The quality la very much better also. Green garden, stuff of every kind has been plentiful and cheap of late cheap enough to ba within the reach of every one. Creamery butter sells for 3 and 2a cents a pound, the package butter brining the higher price. Strictly fieaa eggs ara cents a dosen. $10 mm Women's $50.00 Spring Suits at $25.00 In this special group are scores of import ed suits, samples and suits of the highest style character perfect tailoring and . proving, their elegance in every detail of fabric and finish, worth up to C $50.00, at &D Bowls $1.95 $.95 alOWA vs. GERM S 5" The law In the state of Iowa requires that the rnllk fed to young live stock shall be pasteurized. Why then, should not you and your children have the tame protection? Use ALAMITO PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM and be thor oughly protected against disease germs. Delivered early In the morn ing. v i Ilccortunended by the Department of Agriculture at Washington, D. C. Alamito Pasteurized Milk Phone Douglas 411 "BUTTER, KITT" Bread la worth trying, it contains tha bast flour and la baksd by the best known methods. ror Bala it r;n All Orooara "THB Z.ABEZ. IS OH THE LOAT" Chickens are selling at 15 to 1 cents a pounds, drawrj and dressed, but with the feet and head on. HEARST CONTINUES TO GAIN Kerount of Eight Precincts Adds Six-tr-Klght Votes to Ills Total. NEW YORK. May 29. When .today's session of the McClellan-Hearst recount trial was concluded, a total of 41 votes had been added to William R. Hearsts vote In the 19u6 mayorallty election. The contents of six boxes were overhauled In the presence of the court and several dis crepancies tn the official count were broagnt to iignt. In one case, while the tally sheet and the official canvass fig ures were identical, the count of the bal lots disclosed 23 more votes for Hearst than had been returned. This waa the greatest gain of tha day for the Hiarst side, the returns being found correct In two districts and errors which added from two to seven to the Hearst, total in four others. The net re sult of the count for the two days session lias been to give the contestant for the mayoralty 68 more votes than he was credited with receiving, eight ballot boxes recounted adding this number to the III lnt total. Possibility of criminal prosecution The Smartest New Stylos Summer Millinery Popul&r Practical M.dcrately Priced We announce a sale of hundreds of new summer hats, shown Saturday for the first time. Every one is an up-to-date, new style, in large graceful shapes, also medium nrA size hats in every new color and trimming Jr JU includes chiffon and lace hats in light colors BRANDEIS $5 HATS In this great special group are many never before offered for less than $10.00 many all white hats, many (P handsome black hats, flower trimmed, many . 1 Cp. smart leghorns; special Elegant Midsummer Hats Charming favorites at east ern resorts, $10-$15 etc., at. a I SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY 3 ! Women's Oxfords $1.95 Hundreds of high quality low brown fords neavy ,worth $3.00 pair BRANDEIS Matter 0arg&injsr Office 1812 FARNAM SOMMER BROS. Exponents of Good Living. SATURDAY SPECIALS Quaker Wheat Barries, be .850 per package. Five packages tdlewtld. Diadem, Wedgewood, Meadowgold and Xdsal Batter,"cr per pound; 850 alia Monarch Catsup J"T for ' X5o can Standard Tomatoes JOc 3So Tatley's India Colon' Taa "yi per tin W Staffed Flenlo Olives, Cr per bottle lJJ 4-lb. pig. ralrbank'a Oold Bast, 1Q regular 25a seller Iw 85o Hire's Hoot Bear Extraot, 1 per bottle 1.- SOMMER BROS 28TH AND FARXAM STS. Health Economy Gnlumof Boding PoviIgi .Best by Test was indicated at today's session of the McClellan-Hearst second trial when Justice Lambert called for original tally sheets and summoned the election Inspectors who testified to the count of ballots In a box which had Just been re-canvassed. Thla was tho third box opened since tha recount began be fore tha court and the recanvass disclosed a net gain for Hearat of twenty-three votes over the figures officially reported. A cook book free at Bouriclus' with each purchase, whether a piece of music or a plane or a talking machine. ' tii Uroadway, where the orgau stands upon tha building. M M 5 Untrimmed Hats White and burnt ililans and black straws, eX'Jp 1 new shapes.. vVUV; M H shoes in tan, Russia calf and kid, also patent leather ox in lace and button light or soies newest jasis actuallv up to $2.50 and a pair at, per 195 In our shoe department we are showing the most up-to-date mid-summer oxfords, in tan, black, blue and brown colon ials and pumps P n n every correct M novelty, at. Balduff's New Thormas Ice Cream ' Roll Each roll contans three flavors of the most delicious Ice cream poBBlble to produce, made from pure, sweet cream, fresh every morning from our own private dairy. These new "Thermas Rolls" are so constructed that they keep the ice cream hard for a long time on a hot day. Take one homo with you. Eat your ice cream later at your convenience Itjs unnecessary to pack It In Ice and salt. ' Quart Size . .40 Tint Size 20 The Store rof? Dn tanri 1518-20 Karnuni (St. rhone Doug. 711. Ind. Alt! I. Table D'Hote Dinner Sunday 50c. Johnson & Goodlett Co Itew Potatoes, freh. good size, an per peck JuC Eggs, sirletly fresh, per f. dozen llC Peas, Little Quaker, large f fcize, per can IdC Bacon, lean, breakfast atrlps, I III. lbs., per lb If tC X,ard, 3 lb. palls, beat brands, 07. per pall , wv Starch, best bulk, I lb. . for Corn, Hugar sweet, I cans for Cream of Wheat, 2 pkgs. for 10c 15c ...25c vsgsuBies, jiome grown: get out prices. Oatmeal, only high grade, f f . 2 pkgs. tor lev Johnson & Goodlett Go. 20th and Lake St, rsenes Wtb. H7S wires. U,4. B1S7I lira, winsiewa Sootairg Cyrtp-i Willi . TEKTHI.Nd, with PKKraJT grccKSj I i5! :l fain 1 rriiFs wijiD jrih7T.y rrme.1 for M tlhHUY. A. Sold by Iry,i" part of the.rld. h ure nl . for "M rV ii V F.-4aUd JimI Act. Jui: 0U.ft Mi. i'n, I- I. Ajt oUt aj-L' we:,l iiiiEu E uXl xHj m H H o H H