Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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stav Boot Frist It.
Budolpa r. arvroboda, Accountant-Auditor.
Bearsaan. 117 N 1. foulaa ho. II. (0.
Ia Boarx for Qualltr elar. II 8. 15th.
minehart, photographer, ISth at Farnam.
Jr. aoaiaes dsatiat, mored to Fes ten bit
Pant to Order, l upt CQjOa-and panta.
2ft up. MacCarthr-Wllson, ot 8. Itth.
Beady Kcm7 1103 to I MOO. Nebraska
Sav. and Loan Aim, Board of Trad bide.
Xqoltabl Ufa, raul Morton, presMsnt,
Policies algbt drart at maturity. H. D.
Ketly, Manager, Omaha,
Tor th aafa kaepta; of money and
valuables, tha American fe deposit Vault
In the Bee, building afrord abaoluta security.
Boxe rent for t per year, or II for threa
A apoclaJ train oa tha Wortbweatera
Wednesday morning at t o'clock will carry
tha pupils of tha Oman Commercial col
lega to Honey Creak, where a baaket plo
nlc will be held.
Waata Dlrorce fot Haarap port Mary
I. Elliott haa applied for divorce from
William H. Elliott, charging him With
abandonment and nonaupport. She wanta
her maiden name, Miller, restored.
Thief Vtepartaff for aaaoa Three pair
of panta, a brown ault and a double
breasted brown coat were atolen from tha
tailor shop of K. GeclewikL 110 South
Seventeenth atreet by a thief who pried up
a window Monday night.
Woman Mae for Xuabaad'a Death Mrs.
Olena Swanaon haa begun ault agalnat the
Union Block Tarda company for 110.000 for
the death of her huiband who waa run
over by a at ring of cars which were
thunted down a aide track upon him.
Bee Bpratlsa Hot the Maa A. I. Bogea
raid a fine of 110 and coata In police station
for exceeding the speed 'limit In hla auto
mobile. Lee VT. Bpratlen declared there
waa a mistake aomewhere; that he had not
been apprehended by the- motorcycle de
tectivea and he waa discharged. '
Thlrty-fjerea Tears la Ornate John
Mathcson, assistant license Inspector, la
celebrating hla arrival In Omaha from Den
mark thirty-seven years ago. For twenty
five years he waa employed in the Union
Paclflo ahopa and can take apart and put
together almost any kind of mechanolal
JT. X. Tarn Kasea Ooea to Wieaea Com
mander N. K. Van Huaen of Grant Poet
Grand Army of tha Republic haa been In
vited to deliver the Memorial day address
at Wisner. He will also deliver the Me
mortal address at the Institute for the Deaf
and Dumb In Omaha at I o'clock Sunday
afternoon. Mr. Van Huaen's address at the
Institute will be translated Into the sign
language to the pupils of the Institute by
Superintendent C. E. White.
Fined for retty tVavoeay Ed Shoncroft
waa fined IS In police court on a charge of
petty larceny. V. W. Stevens, elevator con
ductor In the federal building, aald he had
seen Bhoncraft take- a package of meat
from an army wagon and start Into the
building with It, apparently Intending to
make hla escape through the opposite door,
Papers Twenty-three Tsars Old While
cleaning out one of the boundover cells In
the county jail Deputy Sheriff Stewart
found an old mittimus and release which
had remained hidden for almost a quarter
of a century. They were dated 1MB and
must have been lost there shortly after the
jail waa built. The papers were lodged be
- hind the radiator where they were out of
sight. .
Contract for Joha Deere BalMing
George K. Peek, general manager of the
local plant, of tha John Deere Plow com
pany, haa one to Mollne, where a meet-
In nt Ihfe (41 r-cit rtf-A w-. ,a Im Kaljl ISi&k.
dey eftefAflofi'o"'' darlde upon the 'new
building for Omaha. Mr. Peek aald before
starting that he Would not wire the Infor
mation, but would' bring the contract back
with him Wednesday.
Even at Cost of Merry Widow Sat
Justice of the Peace Altstadt will leave
Friday morning for a short visit. to North
Plntte. He will stop at Lincoln on the
way home to join Mrs. Altstadt who Is
visiting, there ' and they will return to
Omaha Monday. "I have to have my wife
back by irte again even If 1 have to buy
her a Merry Widow hat," says dcr schudge,
who is getting lonely.
rioharty Starts His Casapalga It. B.
Fleharty of South Omaha, candidate on the
democratic ' ticket for cOngreas from thle
district, will be the principal speaker at
the Decoration day program at Hanacom
park. He will deliver the Memorial day
address to the Spanish war veterana at the
exercises which will be held at Hanscom
.park Saturday afternoon. The eomm li
ft ' a expects to have the rest of the pro
gram In shape ao that it may be announced
W. B. Aadrews Visits la Omaha Auditor
of the Treasury W. E. Andrews of Wash
ington, D. C. was In Omaha Tuesday
morning, the guest of Collector of Internal
Revenue Ross L Hammond. "I came here
merely on a visit," aald Mr. Andrews, "and
shall go' from Omaha to Uncoln this even
ing. I expect to return to Washington
about the middle of next month. My visit
to Nebraska at thla time la on private
business and I do not know that LVere is
a thing thst I can say that would inter
est the public." .
Cars for atealty - Mea'a Ploaio Special
cars of the Omaha and Council Bluffs
Street Railway company will be at Fif
teenth and Farnam streets Wednesday at
12:15 sharp to carry the members of the
Omaha Real Estate exchange to Benson for
the annual plenle and outing given to the
members of the exchange by E. A. Benson.
The regular weekly meeting of the ex
change will be held at Benson Wednesday
for the continuance In order to secure the
evidence as to his character and reputation.
In the affidavit la support of the request
inr il 1 a v ha n.m.B thaaa ftilivsavtana hn
UOl Arrogant, DUt Mtt lOWtro will testify for him: Joseph A. ODonnell.
Omaha Wool Market NOW. attorney; Frank C. Btrover. general western
I rt t Vi fl nt aw 11 rim Alarm-Tala-
araDh comnanr: Andrew J. Bran, attorney:
WILLING TO GET IN IF IT CAN William E. Mason, attorney; Theodore O.
Case, attorney; James H. Btanfleld, attor-
Annual Beport of City Comptroller
Shows Omaha Prosperous.
ney; A. M. Harvey, H. L., L. w. Jiunn,
attorney; W, L. James, shorthand reporter;
Armand F. Tetfyj attorney; Delbest A.
Cllthero, attorney..
Presldeat Klac aad Vie President
DelfeUer Write froaa Wyoaalag
that Heavy Shlpaaeata Are
la Praapeet.
Boston and other old-time marketa are
beginning to take aerloua notice of the
young market building In Omaha. When
the project waa well under way these
easterners aent out notice the,t the Omaha
project had been dropped and aaked for all
shipments. Now that the market if an as-
...a hir hv rhanaed their tunes
and are willing to take a few crumb, which principal actora. actresses and witnesses
iv,t Amn from tha Omaha market table. "i an aooui u in puuto .u.
Th.v .nt to set In with, the Omaha people :0l nlng.
an h a ahara in the wool business of It eli started sjr a dosen of egga
u . Listen, tr.en. and observe "how great a
Wonderful progress la being made with natter a little fire klndleth
the warehouse which has gone rapidly for
Ilea Fralt Caeaes Clash that Bad la
Police Coart Freak ar Met,
Is tha qaeslloa.
Oh. It wss an awful aftair that occurred
In the butcher shop of Max Wlntroub, t21
North Thirteenth atreet, Monday. The
ward In aplte of the Inclement weather.
The side walla are now being reared and
all will be In readlneaa for the first ship
ments which will start as toon as the ratea
are effective June 1.
"Expect heavy shipments, push the ware
house with all poJlble speed."
This telegram waa sent by President C.
H. King from Wyoming to the local repre-
Mrs. Sumuel Schechter, North Thir
teenth street, gave her daughter aoms
money Monday morning, and bade her g
for a dosen egga Arriving at the fleh
market of Wlntroub, the handmaiden In
quired concerning the price of hen fruit.
Mr. W'ntroub replied politely thet while
"itrhuly frten" egga Drought II centt be
had some "fresh" ones at IS ccnta. Tne
maiden purchased a dosen of the 16-oent
sentatives of the wool market. Mr. King la brand and. having bought a atlck of chew-
doing aome good mission work wotk In
Wyoming for the market, tid every day
he la seeing shippers, who eaaure him they
will send their wool to Omaha. J. A. Del
felder, vice president of the association, la
In Wyoming, making the rouads of the
wool centers, showing personaMy the d
vantsges of the Omsha market. He writes
that It does not take much argument to
show a Wyoming wool grower what he has
to gain by sending his wool to the Omar a
It Is now estimated that tOOO.CTO pouM's
of wool will be ready toxput under wivy
for Omaha as soon as the ratea are effect
ive. A letter waa received at headquarters
Tueaday from a ahtpper In Y.'yommg with
00,000 pounda of wool, aaylng that he
would soon be ready to load. '
Quite an Item which the boosters for the
Omaha wool market do not overlook la
the saving of 10 cents on every 100 pcunds
of wool shipped to Omaha, which Is saved
In drayage. The Omaha warehouse la situ
ated on the Great Western tracks, so there
Is no cartage, whereaa In all eastern cities
there la a charge of 10 cents per 100 for
cartage, aa their warehouses ore not lo
cated on switching tracts.
tng gum for her personal use, she depart-el.
Thus far i the stories of both partlea to
the controversy correspond and coincide
perfectly." But henceforward they differ
radically. Mr. Schechter, who appeared In
court In overalls and other habiliments of
a hard-working, honest cltlsen, declared
that when the egga were brought Into the
household It waa at once apparent, through
the almple medium of the sense of smell,
that they were neither strictly fresh, fresh,
medium, or almost-fresh. They were, aald
he, decidedly bad. He would not venture
upon an estimate even approximate of
their age, but they were bad.
Thereupon, it seems, the enilre Schechter
household. Including, father, mother and
two daughtera, hurried to the busy mart
where Wlntroub was still at work. With
them they brought the offenalve hen fruit.
Schechter, shaking the bag under the noae
of the butcher, demanded to know the
meaning of this outrage.
Wlntroub, who was wrapping up a chicken
for a colored customer, aaaerted that
the eggs were good, but added, caustically,
that they could not expect the best egta
for 15 cents.
Official figures prove the year 1907 to
ave been a prosperous one In Omaha. This
shown in the annual report of C. O.
Lobeck, city comptroller, Just compiled
after the final closing of all funds.'- Th.j
report haa been aent to the council and
howa a balance in all funda.
According to the official compilation, the
olty of Omaha, Officially, cleared im.npr.H
over and above all expenses last year. The
total receipts. Including the sinking fund.
were 11 .Of, 6. 80. The total, expenses of the
city government for the fiscal year. Includ
ing the sinking fund, were l94.ffll.M. The
expenses, however, do not Include gas
street lighting as this matter waa In the
court durln the year.
The condition of the funds under control
the Water board Is contstned In a
separate aectlon and shows that tha board
aa I75.I45.M left of ita original capital,
granted by law, of 1100,000. The board spent
fJS.tii9.6S for legal services, but received
11,296.47 from the banka In Interest on Us
dwindling capital kept on deposit.
Comptroller Lobeck la pleased with the
showing and says It Is one of the best
made for one year.
"It might be aald that theae figures are
but average, but on the whole we make a
better showing this year than aver before,"
says the comptroller. "The city's affaire
were operated on an economical scale last
year, and we can show a balance of over
1100,000. What U atlll better, though, la
that the funds m no single department were
'By mean of this economical administra
tion of affaire we were enabled to take
up 178,000 In bonds thla spring. On account
of taking up these bonds we have aa large
balance now aa at the close of the fiscal
year. Our balance now Is 134.067. M."
Report la Detail.
The detailed report of receipts and ex
penditure for the fiscal year of 1907, t
the cloae of business, December SI, Is as
Words were added to words and. finally-'
QUAYLE nra the stories -differ amaxlngly but, ac
cording to the statement of the entire tribe
Oaaaha is Practically Certala of On of Schrechters. the butcher seised a meat
of tha Methedlat Bishops, axe and approached Schechter in a threat-
Theagh. ening attitude. Mrs. Schechter herself tes
tified that she slesed the hand which held
Rev. J. W. Jennings, D. D., of Kansas aloft tho meat axe and thua aaved her
City, formerly presiding elder of the husband a life. She aaaerted also that the
Omaha district, wired hla Methodist butcher then seised a whip and struck her
friends In Omaha Tuesday morning from spouse over the head ao that he fell across
Baltimore, saying Omaha waa practically a pile of baga and trembled convulsively,
certain to be made the realdence of one of Vat now listen to the story or Wlntroub.
the Methodist bishop. Thla message, con- He aaaerted that Bchechter, enraged, threw
flrmlna- the Associated Press desnatch m the whole sac or egga into nis twimroub s)
the mornlne- Dac-ers. wss aratlfvlna. not 'ace, that the fragile hen fruit broke a
onlv to Omaha MetLodiets. but to other " ck and flowed unrestrainedly over
churchmea and non-churchmen lntereated hl" physiognomy. Then It was. he aald. that
m rmh.-. rii.tit.etir... an Bctieciiter lert tne store. e aeniea tne
flinre the Tuearhtv mnrnlna rjanara hrouaht allegation or assault.
the flrat news regarding the bishop for vB,ltn reign. room aiier
Omaha, thara has bean murih angulation recuai. a a.ience oroaen ai last oy
a wtilnH MlW If rn..M Ka an mimk I VWloe u Hie JUO.
tinnlna- thai It mlaht tva Dr. W A. Ouavla.
the eloquent Shakespearean orator and I tc"lv
minister and humorist of the St. James
church, Chlcsgo. He 1 a western man and
la know In Omaha, where he ha leotured
on numerous occasions.
"I think It will not be Dr. Quayle, though,
of course, there Is a possibility that It
might," said Rev. Frank L. Ixiveland, D.
D., of the Flrat church, when asked as to
his views on the matter. "My Idea la that
Omaha will get one of the bishop later
elected ana tnereiore we cannot make a
very good guess as to which one It will be.
These bishops, you see, are not district
officer, but have a general field. They
select their own residence by order of
priority of age or election."
Were the egga , badT" he
Everybody held hla or her breath.
"No," answered the butcher, unhesltat
The brow of the judge cleared.
"Discharged," he aald.
Former Presldeat Prospect Hill Ccnaa
tery Waata Chance to Speak in
Callahan Case.
Judge C. Ai Baldwin, former preatdant
of the Prospect Hill Cemetery association,
has applied to Judge Seara for permission
to be heard In the case of Daniel C. Calla-
km tha ail fkaelnt anriant Mrnt1 MnvlM
W.hI" 1U!t th ml,unart'nain of grave desecration and sentenced to pay
a fine of 12,600. At the trial evidence waa
that he had received a call to succeed Dr.
Quayle as pastor of the church. Dr. leove- Lfferea that jvagt Baldwin gave orders
land laughingly replied
to lower bonea found In th digging of
a am a me oia negro wno was asKed gravea where there were no recorda of
If he could change a five dollar bill and previous burtala. Judge Baldwin resent
answered: 'No sir. I can't, but I preclates the attempt Jo place th responsibility on
compliment nim an1 want th court to hear hi plea.
u is understood no one hss aa yet re- Judge Seara told him he would consent
eelved any call to succeed Dr. Quayle. though to hear him on the legal polnU Involved
Dr. Loveland waa one of a few mlnlatera In the Callahan case, but he would not
whom the committee on paator came to I hear him for the purpoae of merely allow
hear. The suggestion haa been made that ling him to clear him or anyona else not
It would be a remarkable coincidence If Involved In the case. No date waa act for
Dr. Loveland should be called to Chicago the argument, but It will be heard when
and Dr. Quayle should locate In Omaha. Judge Baldwin get ready to present it.
Fifty Care teat hy I'aalke ta Chi.
rag Fast Meat Trala
The last consignment of Nebraska grain
for May delivery on tha Chlcako Board of
Trade left Omaha Tuesdsy noon for Chi
cago. ' It consisted of fifty cara of corn
from the Updike Oram company and the
Burlington la undertaking to haul the train
to Chicago on' the schedule of the faat
meat trains. This will put the corn Into
Chicago In' time to be Inspected and graded
in time for May delivery.
Nebraska farmer have profited greatly
by . the alleged corner In corn at Chicago
for train load after train load has been
hauled- Into Omaha from Nebraska farms
and harried on to Chicago to get the top
of tn market. It bas been really great
pickup for the Nebraska farmer who have
been able to seU their ton at about It
Ex.Seaater "Billy" Masoa and Other
Cited by Alleaed Forger
a Testify.
Claiming to be a Chicago attorney with
Prominent connections, Wlllam M. Wright,
charged In criminal court with passing a
forged chtcks haa secured a continuance
of hi case In order that he may secure
depositions from Chicago as to hla charac
ter and Integrity. Ex-Senator 'Billy"
Mason Is on of the Chicagoana he namea
In his affidavit for continuance aa a friend
who will teatlfy - for him. Judge Sears
grantsd the extension of time and the esse
will be tried aa soon aa Wright secure
hi depositions.
Wright rl a man under middle age, and
hi appearance did not Indicate proaperlty
aa be stood before Judge Seara Tuesday.
Hla clothes were worn almost to the point
Dletarbcd the Coaarecatloa.
Th person who disturbed the congress
tton laat Sunday by continually coughing
la requested to buy a bottle of Foley'
Honey and Tar.
Both Mea Have Sasa Kaaae aad Bert
su Mistake la Barely
Oh doctor dear, what can be done?
1 ve married a father inatead of a son
Do you remember how, as a little child
you used to clasp bands with other llttl
children, form a circle end "ring-around
arosy" singing that?
By a serious mistake Miss Flossie Baker,
a young colored woman, came near be
ing licensed to marry her prospective
father-tn-law Instead of hla eon Tuesday
Her Intended. Daniel Bplllard. and hit
father, whose first name Is also Daniel,
of shabbiness. His face, however. Indicated 'PP11 or th l'cenae and the older ma
a man of an Intellectual calling. He came
here aa an agent of Cackley Broa. and
old a number of match aelllng alot ma
chines. It la charged he paased a check
for IU.SS on William Kruse, a grocer at
Sixteenth and California. Th check was
algned James C. Stlllwell, but when It wss
presented to the bank. It wss found worth
less. Wright claims ha got the note from
4 man who bought a alot machine of him
and that he passed It on tot knowing It
was bad.
Hla case was called for trial Tussdsy, but
A. Ia Knabe and Judge Langdon, attor
neys, appointed by the court oa Wright's
poverty af"1vi, t defend him aeked
acted aa spokesman. He gave Marriage
Ucenae Clerk Furay hla name and ag
Instead of that of his son. After the
document waa filled out the young man
looked at It doubtfully.
"I'm , the one that going to get mar
rled." he said. Ths data on the license
waa changed to fit tha son.
Starring tha Stomach
-, I "back number" treatment.
J Eat what you like.
') V Thin take Pape'a Dlapepsin to
. start the digeauve juice wonting.
There will be no Indigestion,
Nausea, llaartbura or opet leeUnf.
Make sour stomach aweet and
tuma out that miaerj-tnakiitg aa.
Papes Diapcpsin
llrllTtj Cad-i.flM Trtainnflc. J.M Drug Store.
aw .."W s-l.
X Daaht at laeeadlartsaa hy These
Wha Kxasalaed th
Fire was set to three buildings owned by
George W. Hahne. 81S Bouth Thirty-eighth
street, early Tueaday biviulu. The fi
men arrived on the acene and found a shed
containing gasoline engine and other ma
chlnery In flamea. Tlila fir waa hardly
under control, when flame were found In
a woodshed and shortly thereafter the
house, a story and a half frame structure,
waa found to be burning. The total dam
age was about lool
Gasoline had been poured all over the
Interior of th building and there 1 no
doubt that th fires were of Incendiary
origin. Mr. Hahne and hi family have
beea out of the city for two week a There
1 no clue to the Ideatlty of the Incendiary.
IT wu. mt rexj
oh town raar.
Deadly trlght
possesses sufferer from lung trouble till
they learn Dr. King New Discovery will
help them. Ito and 03. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
y Meaaa af Ecaaoaay City Is Es
ahled ta Take l'a tercety-riv
Thaaaaad Dollar la
livrf -ll Howard street, alteration nd re
pairs to Sanborn bulldlns. S4..V.1.
Decided Oa to Malatala
Flv hundred people of Omaha will be
asked to contribute the sum of 11 each
for the maintenance of a public playground
In thla city. Thl ctlon haa been de
cided upon by the special committee ap
pointed Monday to devise wsys and means,
the committee being composed of George
E. West. Rev. George A. Beecher and
Rev. Fred L. Loveland. acting with Su
perintendent W. M. Davidson, president of
the Playground essooiatlon. The commit
tee will make its request public through
the newspapers, and hopes that responses
will be prompt
"Naturally, I am deeply lntereated In the
playground proposition and hope that the
people of Omaha will take hold of It In
the right spirit," says President Davidson
of the association, who sdds that If ha
was not Interested It Is not likely thst he
would have been chosen to head the work.
"I am sure that SOO men In Omaha will
contribute 11 each for the maintenance of
the grounds, for In my Opinion mo.iey can
not be put to a much better use than in
acquiring public playgrounda In the city,
where the youth can enjoy organcd play,
and In their mode of aelf-governtnent with
their Own officiate, learn duties of citizen
ship." The city council a short time ago sppro
prlated 1500 for equipping the playground,
but the money which the committee nsk
for Is to rent or buy trrounds a here this
equipment can be placed.
Appeal for Fands ts Made hy George
F. Dldwell, President of
George F. Bidwell, president of the board
of trustees of the Child'a Savings Insti
tute, has made an appeal to the public for
funds for enlarging the home. The asso
ciation owna a house and a quarter of a
block at Eighteenth and Ohio atreet on
which there I a mortgage of II.WO. For
three year It has been necessary to leaae
rooms outside the present building to ac
commodate the needs of the Institution.
The Institution haa during the laat ten
years received and handled 2,030 children.
About one-third of this number have been
restored to their parents or proper guar
dian and nearly 1,600 have been placed
by adoption In Christian homes. Th ex-
Cleaning snd sweeping....
Curb, gutter and paving..
Public works department.
Sinking ..
frort iw.
I 4,467.19
Grand totals.
..I 4,47 n
.. 67.U6.9S
..171.023. 63
Excess of Mlscel-
0 of 90 snd Int. laneous
li7 levy. colieete. receipts.
I22S.419.M I 1.701 S I IMS S7
l(U.m;M .6V.M 2.727.S2
l'lO.&Mll fSS1.35
M.3 14 5.347 17 17,600 15
12.431.77 1.4OS.S0 6.66
24,123.98 U368
V.066 24 21.376.43
24.S23W 1S.2S 1.3M.00
18.017.71 7S3.39 1.374.S6
630.l.t0 27.8l 65 I 93,291.17
167.664.84 66,645.01 17.880.10
t78s.S74.t4 t94,t2.66 S111,171.S7
f 2fW.07 97
14.437 rt
General fund 1175.021 68
Fire fund 161.671 51
Police fund : 106.844.8S
Lighting (gaa street lighting not
eluded. In court)....- 62.8XS.IJ
Cleaning and aweeplng S3.6fl8.6t
Euuiic woras department ui.wn
ark fund 26.476.91
Ibrary fund 20.177.28
Total .Xr.. 1712.725.51
Sinking fund
l oupons redeemed.
Warranta drawn .
.. 1,366.06 23S.SSS.05
Grand total flv. S946.6U.6S
(Hydrant rental not Included In expense
account). v.
Balance- from 190 170.722 IS
Excess of 90 collected 3.S .H
Mlscellaneoua receipts 1.216.47
Total receipts S75.846.9S
Warranta drawn 127.634.80
Aaaaal Levy Faada.
A recapitulation of department expendi
tures of the annual levy funda during 1907
Is as follows:
Salaries, labor, teams, etc I117,0J S4
Supplies, Improvements, etc 57.218.21
Fire Dept
Fire alarm
Fire and police
commission ,.
Salaries, Supplies,
Labor, . ' Improve
. Teams, menu,
Etc. Bte. Total.
..131.1S1.40 S26.160.3S I167.S41.7S
2,540.60 2.64O.60
Totals I1S2.90S.17 t28.TG6.S4 1161,67151
Police Dept.. ..I 90,363.13 t 1.407.50 91.771.83
1(07 98
2.&9 0S
Police alarm 1,668 00
Police patrol s.on7.
City Jail ,OD3.t s,40t.7S
Fire and Police
commission .. l.snm sins
License board.. 2,072.73 , 16.36
Total I 96.414 91 I 9.42I.4S 1106.844.36
Street lighting
(not includlnc
ess lights) S61.28 S3 I 61.2.81
Mlfcellaneou 1,697.01 1.697.(1
Totals f&m 89 I 62.8SS 39
Cleanlna and
aweeplng Hta.s si.zvi.u i,sz.f ss.ous.ea
Dent. f Z9,063.U t,sr.i.B( J
Public worka tn-
penae haa never exceeded Sou per child
per annum, which la given as a guarantee
of the economical use of the funda placed
at the disposal of the Institute.
The call ends by stating:
Our home la entirely Inadeauate. aa haa
been stated, and aa may be aeen upon
visit. It consists of two brick wings, two
stories high, built on the frame building
which stood on tne ground with a two
story fire-proof structure and two addi
tional two-story flre-nroof wings added.
To do thl and properly furnish the com
pleted structure and remove the mortgage
on the old property will cost not less than
140.000. We must have this amount. We
feel aura that Omaha will not be aatlafied
with anything lesa. A friend haa Dledced
13,000 on condition that the whole amount
is raised.
z s
Washable Suits
it' t j
t WMr ..lJM.
We have large
quantities of
these season
able garments
fer boys all
are new, fresh and dainty.
They are made from fine wash
able fabrics many exquisite col
orings handsomely made and
perfect fitting suits, in Russian
and sailor blouse styles for boys
3 to 10 years old. Extra good
values nt
" aspej ' " " I I IP HUM ,,,, , ,
toath Omaha Maa Killed by
peradoes Barted with Fra
teraal Honors.
Wit h Impressive ceremonies by three
brotherhoods,' the body of John Wrede,
who was killed by two desperadoes, waa
given last honora Tuesday morning and
burial In the German Cathollo cemetery
at 8outh Omaha. The ceremonlea lasted
sll the forenoon. The orders were the
Catholic Order of Foresters, the Fraternal
Order of Eaglea and the German Lauter
Voreln of Omaha. Mr. Wrede was a vet
eran of the German army from the
Franco-Prussian war.
Ttie procession left the residence for St.
Bridget' church at S:S0 a. m. The cere
monies did not close before 10:30 a. m.
Rev. Father T. F. O'Callaghan aald mass
and preached In English. Rev. Father B.
Slnne of Omaha preached In German. Rev.
Father Olober waa flrat deacon. Solos
were given by Misa May Shelany, assisted
by the regular choir and the choir from
the German Cathollo church of Omaha.
The final duet. "Some Sweet Day," waa
unusually affoctlng. Miss Ma Lovely pre
sided at the piano.
After the ceremony the procession,
headed bj the land of the German order,
by the Eaglea and th Foreater. marched
down Twenty-fourth atreet to Q and then
to the German Catholic cemetery.
94 70
411.1 1.96417
Bt. repalra
Brldgea and cul
Crosswalks ....
Bewer malnt g.
Asphalt plant..
Curbing gut
Totl I 96.8SS .00 .25I.8I U.137.83
Malnt'g parka A
boulevards s l.3ro i in.wi.u zs.i.s yi
Msint'g public
library iz.'woo .us.i j'.Ki.a
Bonds redeemed 8l75.00 811.000.00
Coupons re
deemed j3j.o-'i.'j d" v
Miscellaneous 1.(66,j 1.866 0
Totsls H08.M6.C6 I4O8.J86.05
Water board. In
cluding legal
and professional
services I it 699 56 934.71 I 27.624 30
Announcements, wedding stationery and
calllnk cards, blank book and magaslns
binding. 'Phone Doug. 1604. A. I. Root, Inc.
Balldlna; Permits.
M. Marsara. Twenty-ninth and Harney
streets, frame dwelling, I3.0uo; Rome Miller,
Orlno laxative rrutt Byrup I best tor
women and children. It mi id action and
pleaaant taata makea It preferable la vio
lent purgative, such a pill, talkie, to.
Get the booklet and a sample of uiluw at
all drusglfta.
Jim More Room at Llaeola and Omaha
Mar Have to Car far
Its Ovra.
Owing to the crowded condition of the
Insane asylum at Lincoln. Douglas county
may be placed under the necessity of car
ing for Its own Inssne, temporarily at least
District Clerk Smith haa received a letter
from Superintendent J. T. Hay of the asy
lum, ssylng there will be no more room
for more patlenta until some of those now
In the asylum are released or die. Mr.
Smith does not Intend to send any more
patients there without first making applica
tion and finding out whether room can be
found for them or not.
The conditions apply both to tha Insane
warda and the dipsomaniac department.
Dr. Hay auggeata the county try to care
for Ita mild rases st the county hospital,
lie asys hs Is trying to secure the dlt-i-liarge
of some of the old chronlo rases
and will endeavor to care for the acute
of Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, etc, impart their deli
cate fresh fruit flavor.
The flnrer of time rests lightly on tha
faca of tha woman who earlr In Ufa ba
vins tha use of ALMOND BLOflROJI COM.
FLEXION CHKAM. Holla back th yaara from
tha faca of tka woman whar tlma haa alraadv
Mt hla mark. Madam Tala herself la a veritable
"llvln witness" ot the youth-ratalnln marlta of
thla truly wonderful akin food. Any woman can nod
tne arret or ner
1V0V5 roToATMoS fctSTOftirj
ttfnsi ?lVxiVnu "cream. cO"tou
Madam Tala aayt:
"A little of tke cream should be applied every time the
face la washed. It removes tha dual, soot, grime, mut
ana smudse from tne intarstirea or tne skin ana msaee
the aurfaoe araootn s valval. an exquisite, natural
baautifler that cleanses, soft an s, purities anfl wbltans
th akin and y self masaasa removes wrinklaa ana
crow's-reet ana reetoree contour, rrotecta tne sxin
from cuttlns winds, prevents and euraa abnormal rad-
Base or the aoae or race, also cnappmg, cnanng.
cold sores, (over blisters and ail akin Irruatlona
Tha creatast
for bursa: takes
soothas. nealii
scars and
known speclflo
nre out quickly,
snd prevents
Drug Dept.
Begular larg 10 sis.
-ttfO ais weaa.
45e for the se atio.
Aak for a fre
oopv of Mme.
- . TtU'l ; St-as
souvenir a o a
given away frae
at our Toilet
Oood Dept. Msuad .
frae to tboae living
oat of towa. Write
for a copy. -
Total Blindness
is often caused by neglecting tho eya
eight in youth and middle age. Be wUh
in time, and when you feel your eye
sight failing have it tested free by up,
and we will fit your eyes accurately
with glasses that will fill their require
ments in every way.
H. J. Pentold & Co.
1408 Farnam St.
fEBKmaDoctors recommendo
Pasteurized Milk for Ihe babies. Why take chances when it
is known that disease germs lurk in milk that is not pas
teurized t " '
Put your baby on Alamito Pasteurized Milk and you'll
have no risk. Delivered in the cool hours of the morning.
Use Alamito pasteurized milk
Phone Doug. 411. Office 1812 Farnam.
with eur Iron aad Wire fence. Trellises aad Arbor ret
Tinas, flower gaards, cbalxs, settees, vases, tree saarda,
bUcUUf posts, wiaaew s;uards, aara tutors mn aalaasa
17-1 Boats lata Straet. TsUrkoae Sons;. 1590.
Bead for Catalogue. Xaa. Aiaso.
CALADIUMS, Mammoth Bulbs, each 25c; 5 far ,
TUBE ROSES, Mammoth Peart, dm. 35c; 3 d)t .
GLADIOLI, in Superb Mixture, doz. 33;; 5) fr .
CINNAMON VINE. Extra Le, each Qc;Uh:
DAHLIAS, Assorted, each 13:; 12 fr . . .
THE NEBRASKA SELD CO.. 1613 Howard St.
yyaia-iMBias taiij. .s.n jam) - JH imiAwmmw irrvrmm
J 1.0 J
A Source ol Pride
To every member of the family
a new piano. Secure it now when
your Gold Bond is worth its face value at Schmoller & Mueller's.
In her musical ambitions by us
ins: your Gold Bond Certificate
Help Your Girl
f Chicago's Great European Hotell
I .vs. V X
The Virginia
Absolutely rirsprasL Rsies. f 1 anl a.
A btrb-claas Traeateat and Res(Sn(lal Hotel, situated Is
one of ins mitt select parti v( the city, kutuodaa a baraioor
la ltaliaa euarOla. bcautitul statuarr and caihojiaj (laaa.
ioO baod.oiuely furnihtia,! ootaida rooms, aluaia ore salts.
Larssbnstit I'lum- 11 vith ttaett cui.iua. tv-ry conveo
icuva t:it appaaia lutha Diaat eaai ting patron. Fax auoovh
tia city n.,ia (or rr.ttul uuia, yet i:hin tea minutes' wall
ul L'ui,ii center. hfiglH. aew st cara (2 biom away) ta S
' miuutia i.k yoa to the aboppic di.ttWt, pak.ios Ua doe
t f a.l ka.l r f thtra. Iluul U trre fcn reuueat
t.i U. W. Kt YNt LLS. tVu.. kaaa4 f tk. sa.. Ojaaa