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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MAY CS. H.B.FLEHRTYFOR CONGRESS 'I2AED SEWER MAY YET EE i ) - V i p A fjL iVSR LEAF Sugar Wafers are ai delicately fragile at a flower, and at daintily tatisfying; making irresiitible appeal to the feminine taite as the perfect comple ment of icei and desserts. A tiny squire of toothsome sweetness, not only new in form, but superior in flavor, consistency and quality. Perfectly fresh in nnveniezt tins 25 cents at ell gwd grocers. IOOSEiWlLES r v y x GAS CONTRACT HELD VALID Such ii the Opirics EnJtd Do-am bj Jsdft Xerncdj in Old Cue. rLAUmiTS 3CAT aitlal n BRIEF CITY KEV7S aUv Ktxrt met IV atnolpa r. BaalHiea, Aecountatrt-AeaitoT. I3TBM, in k. ac, i.ur ana. M rm Intti for Quality cieare, II . lt aUaaaart, pboloirajlr. 2 at A raniatfa. Xn. oakap. aesturt, moved to Pules WIs, Faata to Orftex. Si vr; coeta ant pasta up. MaoCertny-WiVsoa. IM &. lata. &aay Xseaey IIP t't. JSebraalta Bar. tnc Lioea Am. Board of Trade BifiC Zmita.Ua XAfa, Paul Morton, jreaident f'ollcie eixtt Craft at xneiurity. U. IX Xeely. Vianaa'ar. Omaha, rixmerf T,nei tier Oogyirf - The rim erg" LumNr ournpanj o Omaha. vrrth an author:?- capiial of UMi.BflB, lie filed arti cle of in.arporatioa eritli the county clerk, Tb company la authorised te da nuirtnees t1ie I,.uK is subscribed C L platoer, V ililani A DeBorJ aaa Charles E. F-oeter re ttxa Incorporator. Wi Owes sveral Can a Laura 3. Enjoer ask lor a divorce from Frank t-t.yder. chaj7i r7 hla vrtta 4runs.en.nee; extreme cruelty and nunaupporV Ehe aaxu the court to r'e her the title te their lic.roe ant the household (rood and the rustofly of their daucrter. and to re strain trim freta eeiltna the property or tnoicstlnf her. Burt (or Piitium fu;t for r2.fM acninrt the tity of Kouth Omaha and the TliicMtfo, BarilnrtOB A Qulnc-y railroad bfcJ hero started In dirtrict court by Sarah Arf)v and several other twite of Nicholas I. Apifw. They assert their property at Forty-fourth and Q streets ha born Climaxed ty the constructive rf the iirw v'.hCjtt cros the BurJin-ton tracka on Q atrtift. ' rrctaat oa Xrng riuk Ucom J r. .' Bttrr. - ho livt rfcr the city limits of r.raaotu filed a prott Saturday evenim at a special Difetlnt of Ue city council of I.-!incm ajatnst the fc-ratitinir of a liquor PTmwa " aj-uc pers lor the cfiming year. Jk.ruj lark Is Jut -a lthin the limits at Uie town if Bt-natir.. The council will listen to pre tttas atid decide the matter at a meeUnf v liii h wiU be h ld sturfly iiii:ht. Walter t rack TO TU la OmiVi rtause of real -L' hcldin In Uoug li. fouotj- a copy of tbe '"HI of "Walter I. : 3'ccii of Chlcfcsu cti fi)d ftir proliate in county rourt Noiilr, Mr. rtck -waa the -rpr of ttie r.lfl Vnttd States Natlor.n limit buiilng. His estate is eatimsted at vr UMM..tif and is l.-ft te rris Mary T. Fxi, and his 1 we tirothers, Clarenoe i. l ets ara Fwd.r.and W. Teck of Chleajr e. . CasvratioB Tramuntot flomrnir Inhn JticViir. one of the ctrnmrjiBoners of I e. 2ucj:jes and secretary of the lxULfua rf Amrrican Municipalltina, 111 be la the litter part of the week te oon- i r v.i ill the local commute rfrardin .hi flute ftr the hciidjnf f the convention .r ( jirin 1b the fall and to arrange pre 5 matters, sir. MacVloar has e tf street and public ImprDvexnent tu Molnea. ffrwuZA Oaort attaOistina A-pprexlmately 3. ITS ciu'ee have heen before the Juvenile raurt la roctaa county since its esLab liRhroect la Th number of cae "vaa eutrmined when the new docket jto- ' ,1dd apeciaJJy for Juvenlia cawi was kiafia up. WluJa all of Ujm- oaves liave Aut been heard regularly, and there are a fVw duplloatlona. It la believad tr.ia 1 Ikhoal the sumter of children before the vurt d urine the period. Xurrj as liatoa' John . Bichaidaan d Art Sinker were arrested Sunday on xnnplaint of Joha sioCantdck, 507 South Thirteenth street, who mud the umgue fcarcw that he feared they were Intent jpon robbing his cu meter. Tha hungry eter. he crpla Ined. lad consumed most yt ths each ta his boane and was decidedly tie most plutocratic article la tha houea. Vtyway, It was a narrow aaeape lor the Jm exunpany. tfrroas CK vt Saskars at Caacian . Qrocp Bz of the JCebrajika tanker win meet at rhadron lAty SS. and C. T. MoGrew. E. T. Fold, J. C French and 1r. T. Bofhes will ( from Omaha te attend the lm-stint- The Omaha oontin-ent will meet the trade s ruraioB enroute and will also make a side tr-j to Hot Springs. S. for two duvs. Tha various artiups of l.nkers of ICebraska lia-re -m holding their snrlnr nxfttop for tha )a.n few weeks and Onwlit has sent a swd representation te an of tha meet mra. Inr 9rag at Ivary Oraa TrUliani Brown, colored, charted with varrancy, told the police he mas sick and that was tha reason he had not bees working. As a substantiation of his claim he drew sundry and dtvers bottles of medicine of various colors from his different pockets and rana-ed them upon the judge's desk. By wsy jT "Variety he also produced several bozes of pllla. He was stfll flahing la his pockets and producing more medicine at every grab, when ha was Interrupted by the word discharging him. He Quickly pocluted his small, hut complete, drug tore and disappeared. Off to C altera! item :y Rev. D K. TurnbuIL, Rev. W. S. BJtchie and John 1 McCagne left Monday morning for Fllts tmrg. where they will represent the Pres bytery of Omaha at the fiftieth anniversary general assembly of the Vnlted Preeb! tertan church. It Is Just fifty j-cars slnoe the Associate Reform and the Aeeociate Freb teriiui Chiiffht ruet in rFpresenta tlve capacity in the old crry hall, Pittsburg, and agreed to lay aside differences and form one church to be known as the V'nhtid Prebjterian church, A semi-centennial fund of COnr.ono Is being raised this year to be -used In forwarding missionary work. Snail Loss hy Burning- KaA Oaa The loss sustained through the burning cf a mall car on the Union Pacific, between Grand Island and Maxwell, on May 20. turns out to have tien relatively Insig nificant, after a-X The car was loaded with iitvi papers and printed matter and a considerable ouantlly of poctofflne sup plies for Pacific crista points. These ero- rtamjed envelopes and postal cards. There was a total of sixty-three cases of thee supplies on the car. of which seven were saveA. Fifty-six sacks of mall were alaa saved. As the package of snail supplies were simply aent oa requisition, the only loss sustained by the government will he for the paper, cost of printl&g and transportaxioa. (Mil Kefera I t m I r Arttvas mm I sllialM Ha la Fsm las MIukt, Vat Bala It feul. Judgs Kennedy Iffondsy morning gsve an pplnltm In the famous gas ordinance case in which he decided the contract mad hy the dry council with the gas company for g&a street lights at E5 per lamp was valid. Tha contract ordinance sustained fcy the oourt was passed at an uproarious session cf the council Uie In 18 and took effect January 3. 1. to run five year. l"nder It tbe city was to pay Ca.WO a year for 14 lamps. In his opinion Judge Ivennedy relerred t the "unseemly actions" of oouncilmon and the "undignified baste" with which the ordinance was passed, but he held that i nothing had been done to invalidate the Jf.. J j action cf tha council Ke also m effect Via' criticised the presence of policemen In tbe council chamber at tbe time the ordinance was passed, hut declared the evidence Aid not disclose that they coerced any cf the eouncllmen t vote for the ordinance. The suit, disposed of ac far as tbe lower court Is concerned, was brought hy Thomas "W". Blackburn against tbe city and the mayor and council to prevent the carrying out of the contract. The city, while really a defendant, appeared In ths sun with Mr. Blackburn and sougt to have the contract Invalidated. It waa claimed that tha price of tlx was exorbitant and that a tetter pric could have been obtained from other bidders Sat Catrmrr t Fraavckleei. One of ths principal contentions was that the ordinance was in effect a modification of the gas company's franchise and as such had not been publiabed a sufficient number of t:mea. Judge Kennedy held against this position, finding the ordinance was not in consistent with the franchise. He also found the charge of actual and ccmstrurtrc fraud had not been sustained by the evi dence and that the evidence Old not disclose that the term of the contract were ao un reasonable as to amottrt to fraud. He also held the council did not violate the rules or ordinance In tbe passage of tha ordinance and that the rule gave Councilman Huntington the right to put the motion from tbe floor when Chairman Xlcholson refused to put It. One of the leading contentions of the plaintiff wss tht the p-mwace of tbe mayor, the chief of police, and about a doaea polioeroen at the meeting constituted a duress on members of tb council. Judge Kennedy held that tha pollca had no bust hen at tha meeting, but as tbe presiding officer or the members made no objection until after the vote wa taken their pres ence did not Invalidate the action of the council. Judge Kennedy declared it wa the duty of the councilmen to be present at the meeting and vote on matters that came up and hence the fad that the police refused tvallrtw Councilmen 4mman and O'Brien te leave the room did not constitute a restraint that would Invalidate tbe acts of tbe body. Mr. Blackburn and the city attorney asked the court to fix a supersedeas bond In case they should decide to apeal to the supreme oourt. Mr. Blackburn said at noon hs had not decided whether he would appeal or not. laer Twf4 t tap. Htirkesrk as Itraif ratfcr ealae. H. B. Fiehartv. flrmac-atlr ;tom-y of South Otnalia. want te go to ongree and le has ths temerity te seek the place Hew .held by Gilbert M Hitchcock. Fletarty ha beem prroaclied hy men-iiers of the Omaha chy officialdom atid by mem ber of the late ftouth Otnalia ofltctal ora and vrr-ed te become a candidate against Hitchcock. These leaders, who are "sora" on the rohgressmaa iK-aue his paper has not gtvrn at much support t the tickets in the two cities are they con aider he mtrht, have also told Fkharty that Hitchcock is a cold-blooded Individual, have reminded him that he freouently passes hi best friend oa the street wit in cut recognising them and that he belongs j to tbe aristocratic silk stocking fraternity. All these things gall the heart of tbe true believer in Jrffersonian Simplicity and they have pointed their finger at Fleharry and said unto him: "Them art the nun." "Flattery and the thought of a political career sounds good to ary man, but I have no assurance to ary. and am aitr.ply waiting." says tbe Soutb Omaha attorney. who say hi eandldcy for a congressional aeat la merely receptive. "Ton know that old Arthian proverb or saying: It Is wrltteni "Well. If 1 am Im portuned strongly enough and It is fctmwn conclusively that lt Is written' and that my candidacy would be best for the party as a whole,, then, and not till then, will I serioualy consider asking for the nomina tion and fur an elec'-ion. If this cltlecuou la tbe party should widen into a breach and It 1 seen that Hitchcock by no means can be re-elected, then It 1 tin duty and cot the desire of a man w ho is considered stronger to run for ths office, 'Personally. I am a great admirer of Gil bert Hitchcock. The last two months he ha accomplished much, and there is not tbe least doubt in the world thut If retained In congress he could do much more than any new man, democrat or republican. But the case is not that cf who could do the most goad, tt is who would stand the l-em show of being elected. I realise that tb position of an editor In public life is a precarious one, for the sine of the many ere charged against fclm, and everything that appears in hi paper i charged to the one man at it bead. On account of what they term feeble surport from Hitchcock's paper many democrats in the country ar down on tli present congressman and they cay that he can never be elected again. "If Hitchcock cannot be elected and If try party believes I would be the strongest candidate is his stead. I will consent vo run." 2Lj V&ttnnT Laltlj U Ee Eiilt ai Ectult Cf ZiA. HATCE TACT r? TEX XATTm 1 ( Will Cfer with Klrer aaa Try ta Gt FavaraM Artie la Ike Ce Twrreata Da biBUt. RAZOR YARN FALLS FLAT rails ta ta lsssn i as Jwdge UU rr tha Brira. ssl C ram I am. Lou Harvey, colored, aolerr.nly asserted in police court that John Johnson, colored, had threatened to carve him with a ream and that It wa mwely through fear for tbe safety cf his own person that he had smitten Johnson with a brick. Johnson laughed at this stetement as one laughs at the lmpossibl and asseverated that tie never had a raaor In his hand, that Harvey had crept up behind him at tbe corner of Fifteenth and Webster street and had hurled the roiasle at the unpro tected hack of hi cranium. He exhibited tbe cranium In question, which bore a small clearing In the black forest of wool with a inch It waa covered. It was B and cost for Harvey. REPORT CN POWER CANAL FLaoMatsa af Caaasa!ttee, lawr4 by tae KcBBkera. Filed artta Cttr Oarau Joha tt. Kennedy, for ths power canal committee appointed by tb council to In vestigate tha feasibility of the project, filed with tha dry clerk Monday morning tb findictca of the committee. Tbe re port Is la duplicate and signed by tin members of tha committee, but the city refuses ts make It public prior to It being sent tc the council Tnesdsy evening Jlnhert CoweH and Victor Roaewater oe- eided riot te sign the report and K. Cudahy took no part tn the work of the committee, Th other members signed the report- 'ow to Get Well for 50 cents in a Month Ttis it tb tnwbls artta cia paopla ia tea wha dot aaa sreib Tha liver W tarpii bacaaaa of ab-usa. Bee una cf wraf tuod aad to I: ttie TVs bowei have fre-wa Inactive, Tbs waata of tha avaoaoj loads tha blood wit Lmpmrfciaa. Tbaa oa taJkaa barak pbvsic aata anfi p, ta trvm( to carract tha wrrazi. Tbns tba atomaca asd bowel tmcoma infiamod. Tba vboa d-feativa svs- bca ig cpaec A9 tbaaa reaxhs end nitWy tf tba oi CAscareta. On cmaij tablet, race or twice a flay. ia a tnaotb., eg loss, eta kar artai tt it ta be ri!L Ca art ret aii ifeatioa. Rarsh phytic aaaaUvyaai. Caacarrta gtxGy atinsclata the Ever. Cathafttoa whip jt ta actio. Caacareta beal the bowaU. Filla. aaha asd castor eil xaercJj irrttata. If yoa tranpad tbe tsewd for a anosfh. at coare Io. fraa: and grata vofe tat'iea, the rae< aracid be raeasja a moat anth Cascareta. Sat neat peepl cast da that. Por tbeta. Caacams brihf tba aaaae ra anha. jstt at aataraiy, jaat aa efi actively. C lsi as ease tabtas. They WmlinTiMt.Sumaimk. 1 awl gauuH, wuii c t C oa J-msmS PROGRAM CFY0UNG VETS Ceasp Ln Fwrby t U Bold Its H- rial Day Exeiclxa at a Park- Camp Le Forby JCo. 1. Tnited Spanish- American TTar Veterana. 1 making aiab crate preparation for th observance of Memorial Gay. The program contemplates special exercises at Hansoom park In the afternoon, following th aork of ths deo orstioa of tbe graves of their deoeased comrades 1b the forenoon at the various oemeteriea. All Spanish-American war ve.tersna hve Veen invited to participate in the exer cise and meet at Fontanelle hall. 1S Famam street, from which point th pa rade will start on Its march to Hanacam park. The program at Hauacom park will be brief and will Include the ritualistic service adopted by this organization, in cluding addresses by prominent epeakere, and t which tb public 1 Invited. Thursday evening a large delegation of the Omaha camp wlTigo to lilnooin ts as sist In th Installation of a camp of Span-lah-Americaa war veteran there, of which the charter membership Include tbe unci of many prominent citisena, among ahich appear th nam of Oovemor Sheldon. Commander F. "VT. Crook of Lee Forby camp, Omaha, will be th Installing of ficer. The following week a S-B1 reunion of Spanish-American war veterans win be held at tb Linden bated, Unoole. and a part of the program la set apart for re anians of the three Kebraska volunteer reg iments participating ln th Spanish-American war. A banquet in the evening wii) close the reunion. All veterans of these regiments ai invited and further Infor mation may be obtained upon application t Major E. H, Pbelp of tha adjutant general office, Liim-oln, who 1 the gen eral secretary of th reunioa committee. BOY REFUSEST0 REFORM Teeth 1 feeBleac- te ladastrlaJ acheel at Kewrwey br Estelle. Refusing to take advantage of the op portunity to reform, Ernest I'ui.gtn. a li year-old boy, was aentenoed to the Indus trial school at Kearney by Judge Eetelle of th juvenii court Mondty. Though be ia charred with a doaea or more burglaries, Ernest broke oewn and cried when tbe Judge told him he would have to go back to Kearney. He cme before th court originally for breaking Into a butcher bop and stealing smn dressed turkeys and ducks. He was paroled, but broke h' parole and went t Iowa. Coming back to Omaha, it Is charged, he got Into a be 3 gang of boy end began breaking Into store again. With thirteen brother and a liters taking wp most of the spare apace m the faml'y borne. Sam Mercuric aged 17 years, se lected a quiet Bleeping pleoe under an eld wagon and lay dewa to slumber. He w a s wakened by a rude policeman, who turned him over to the Juvenile authorities. Judge Eitteli let him ge back home, with orders to report ta Mogy every week. F.ecr.t her vy rtlr.s mv result ln the building of the much talked cf latrd street sea-er. City Engineer P.osevater say ft va not jiey te repair the oiJ sewer because ! tt it too small and Merer Iahlman saj t j he will take up tbe of building a new end larger sewer with tbe engineer j and attempt to get tvorabie action ln the i council. About XlGu.OOO cf sewer bond money re main in the treasury not set aside for sewer construction. The city's part of th Ir.ard street sewer would cost between IS'.m end BH-.sTO. The I'mon Pacific part of tb sewer wouid cost about t .WO. Last fall the rai-Wty cmrpary wa ready to go ahefl with its part of the aork. but the cor.trart iu vtoed by the mayor on ac- I count t-f the price being about CK. W' top ! hith. The Union Paciric ttien called off ! it work, and nothing since h been don I Etrly in the spring the proposition was j brought up In the council in a special me- j stge from the mayor, but no action we j taken on the ground that a new sewer wa J not needed. S;nce then council member liave stated that they would not build their part or the sewer until the I'nion Pacific build its part. It Is unaerstood tbe Tnion Pacific still stsnd ready to tuild it part of the sewer wbn t!ie city build it part, but not bef ore May dt Iahlman i working on the prono sition agaih and hopes to get something done tiefore more damage result from the small broken severe on tbe street. Rata Verse Tea a Twrstta. Considerable damage was don by th rain Sunday afternoon, but Street Com missioner FlytB believe th damage 1 not au where near as great a that done by tbe storm of two woks ago, when th tor nado struck Lilevue and Fort Crook. At that time li.iXXi damage wa done the street of Omaha, while ln the opinion of tbe stnet commisr ioner from fi.OUP to to.'H will repair the daruage resulting from Sunday storm. Tli tirtncipal dbmage was done on Twen tieth street tr.-m Pcjii)cton vtnue to Cen ter street, a distance of about five blocks. On Thirteenth street between Center and William streets considerable damage was also Cone, great quantities of mud being washed m. to the pavement. The lxard street sewer overflowed again and the break caused by the last storm was rnsde much larger and the street flooded. Storm sewer in many parts of the city overflowed, but no carnage is re Paving contractor lost Quite heavily. concreting and curbing Is many places be ing washed out hy the heavy rain. r CORN CORNER AJDS FARMER nf Hrt -FtaJ-b!r won'n fro the city assisted. . . 1 Bishop Scannell waa assisted it tlf vatlea artaa Price Ceata te tha X NEW SHEDS AT BOTH DEPOTS e-elt C Tfea v iisism m a 1 m an aa 1 UMULM baaaa seal . -Apt -r -a -a TI aavaa T3 Hl'd CIT lEEn sriioTH mra wiXpaAtri -tcaeja rv oaerj pw trryrBnw pr aintq eeaua je kaoa a aaaaa aaaa4 Pvrini ")ei AUODVJliaOAIOTlS Grain baa poured out of Nebraska at a lively rata for th last week to satisfy th Onmasids of th buyer in Chicago, but a stop has now been made in tbe rush, aa corn started after Monday win probably not reach Chicago ia time to beip out ln the effort td break the comor. A gram man aaid Monday that ail m had to be ln Chicago Friday to tuna to be graded and Inspected ta time for May delivery. The corner la com has been a great boon ts th farmer of Nebraska, for at cents Is the price received by many for ths extra com they had lying around. Saturday EX car of corn relied from th west bits Chicago, which waa considerably more than waac expected. CevBlrrlelt Dellavn buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buy Ir. King New Life Fill; for constijietion. malaria and jaundice. For Bale by Beaton riug Co. TRIBUTE TO MOTHER BARAT special Sevrleee CeamaseBaatrarlaa" the Bteettaeartea ef Saeree Heart Peeee Special services commemorating th beatification of Mother Berat. foundress cf tbe Order of th Sacred Heart, were be gun Monday morning at Sacred Heart con vent by the eelehrstiem of pontifieial high mas, with Blfchop Seannell aa celebrant. Tbe altar wa beautifully decorated for the occasion with flower, ferns and palms. A painting cf Mother Buret wa exposed during the cereroon for the Te ti er tl on of the faithful. About twenty priest were ln the sanctuary and a sum- in th mass by Mgr. Colaneri. as assistant priest; Father Mageveny and Father Jeannette. deacons of honor; Fstber Brons geest. den t,f masrr Father Stenson and Father Oieeptm. masters of oeremor.y. At I o'clock" Father KIneella of Crelghton university gave the panegyric, followed by benediction, with Mgr. Colaneri a c-elebrant. Th special service will V continued Tuesday at f .86 hy pontlfielal higb maae. with Mgr. Colaneri as cele brant. Father Ahem as assistant priest. Father Harrington as deacon. Fathar F,aiiBgan aa sub-deacon and Father F ten son aa master of ceremonies ln the after noon the benediction -lll b given. Wednesday morning the Missa Cantata will be given. a I OooeT rsvrilttw-a few naeallwar Traato Sirnnry at BerUmtrtee, ea t alM. No definite understanding was reached Saturday afternooa at the meeting of the CTeajnery men wtth th officer of the fnioa Iepot company la reference to th proposed changes to be mad at tha sta tion and anot tier meeting will be held ave&needay afternoon, Ths proposed change In 1 lis viadact, running It fr jm a ioiit aar th John rwter company building, wa considered too expensive and aa effort Will be mad t devia soma other plan wbareby Ui change may 1 made at lea expense and which will satisfy the Stat Railway commission and the creamery tmm aa well. Th covered shed YMill feet win be built at th east end of the station for the ao conBTnodatioa of tlx creamery men. Aa office alas will be built tor their us. "The creamery business has far outgrown the expectations of all and additional fa cilities will hav to k built ts car for ttuHltwma said Geora "W. Lremlx. as sistant Is tle general SAnager of tba Bur litigtoa. "at have our mea bow at work on plan for a tiew eepnt t b placed ta th yard east of tha Burlington station. This is a big business aaa getting bigger all the time, and tarilitias will have ta b furnished for handling it." Because of its fine flavor, perfect purity and absolute lmifanrurr, it hxt been tbe favorite wiuikej Bottled in Bond in quarts, pints an 3 half pints ai "sartBa)i Skt Caeeve ae aVaetea and return via Nicaia Piax road, and re duced rates ta other New Cngland potato, every Thursday from June ta Saplemaer. inclusive. Ais t Nortbera New Terk aoliita. US CLioag ta BuCale or Xiagare FU and retura daily daring June lAmat j t-uv-ir oajw- x,very aoeaa oa every ireta IB dining cars. Club meals an a la carta. ObV ' eags oepaa aad La Salia aad Van Barea . atreeua CHICAGO Ml D RETUR Wm B For the Xatic'iifil KpublicEn Conrention. TickeU on sale June 12th to 16th and for morning trahis cf the 17th, good to return until June 30th, -ia the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE a ST. PAUL RAILWAY THREE DAILY TEAXNS, tLoronfhly modern in every retpect, leave Omaha Union Station at 7:25 A. 6KJ P. M. and 9:5S P. arrive Union Station, Chicago in the heart cf the city at S:15 P. S-.30 A- M. and 12 P. IL, rcEpectivelT. Loar rate to ether e&tU-Tzi joints, . CITY TICKET OFFICE, U24 rarnara Street, : : : : Dmsia, Nebraaka. r. A. NASH, General Western Aent. Young Men's Su its for Decoration Day Or. &q Special Values aS12 ax mis rmo: ve ojii:r wits that Il-E miM VP TO :: :: :. :: Ttis it a sjiehfiid roiieinJoa t miri suit for y-orhe rnfr, trtihraririg rverj fa or lacrr of ttt ncasoli. Tie tboktt ninei ial is aa txtfhslre rsrrf f jittt-ri. khd t'C-ln:-;tf:s. They are ktoaporhely r.iifie Dd jerfert fli lir.p lun right for jour Itec-praviPB Cty cctiti;. THE JiWT.LXr.ST svrrs ix cm aha $12 Greatly Reduced Prices on Men's Furnishings SHTETS that sold rp to three dollars, SHIRTS that sold np to one dcllsx aad QT twenty-five cents, sixes np to 19, at OaJC ; 1 i I TKt 1 M I v -S- r aMSMaaaavi i ' i 1 - " - in,. i , i..,,.' ; .... J NO MATTER HOU' 'OU ARE LULT. XOO FITTING Mar. VrW V I fmm Oj COAT CUT UNDERSHIRTS KNEE LENGTH DRAWERS Oc, 7 St, H.00 aad (l.BD A CAXMIAT. ytH ft yoa. They ar cit oa la-re, ahapelr pauero. sciea. hislly deaigned to give the weem lire utniost comioit. Tbey at cool, onrnionablc, and extremely durable. Look br liie B.VX) Red Covea Label It fuarsatee vog a conectly cut. well made, padoct iuuD under gannenL Don't take a eobstitate. ERLANfirj F.P.nTrr WrT P." ,fcte- .NvwYsrfc. j MADE, f OR TMt Mi l Jfc V n 1 c 4.3hM.7l. to) B. Vi b. Snnt 5mm iliiluili.iiiiiiiuiiMSiSai 21 (I BETT RtTAfl TRADC r ew- tv as " aaaaar JE . Q Drew cocJ nett to th- slii. Noting cxxla " POROSrCNIT"" nnderwrar. An ftien knit rarraeil of vondrou cJureblLty and iocoDoeivaiiie conrforL Vi t sew the PoioLnit ' labtj ic the aeck ri evei shirt aad ea entry dVsvw. mi en vamg it, ' tlieic for yout protochoa. A3 nle. ank your deaks. look fo itAA. $ vou csr't tod a. Ttte ia. - , v CRALMOJJS CO, Amslcrdain, K T. I mm ? ri fj MiTED-ARIDEn AGEHTS. attntisa i anaiaai MinJ aaaKaass. ue . x . i . , . . 15 mmptt XMm Uowl -atanewr h inaeiMs h u. In. au s4a l ewkv k w Tk . . . ii. ::k L a V anyoue Biirwtw j you ncervr uuc )ipnvr your turvcla. T Shil , ' . , - - ' w ' u ' u . ' mi mi I . J j, OWS1MW Jt VWWe SUTi auoe ItB ilAVK' FfcJJt 1 lUAi. duriu uk4, Un si tBcTrioTu bTcW s! K - J wm vt un sue inrtazii nt-niad or au aat watb m ib Uictuc uup n Uac tt u si nut etiienar sue mtii me tt ma mm mr. I" "Tf-& fTtCrt ' '"""he hicnoai gta hirycMja a a puanii aeta ' . ' " " aJa.e aieu ana. pnnii tiove actuW Uctury oum. t oa mm, fa a of mini I ksiimi pnmai br 1hi:iti dimci ut tu and haw tie ananuimraurw rm aatae bsbma your turvcia. IK UI BI T a taryua or a aaur oi Urm ana mrnrna at eat prwM until voa raceitv uts- cautiiiruea mni max nr wrSavri at J mwm nd evaur-itauMr mcmJ (An u. rionr arouta. It " Fi L 5. t. X, i " nuay but super uuHcu si at ei,min l!n'lfi - 4l f"Fwmsrar. aeh tie hiiT baryta hic.Mr V VI iW . . " ' ' - " m-t. " K MT, BUTMK3 Willi ML m. a mt 1 AJE I til.lfei. vos ore aeu our OMr our priM Oran l mi u ri. noevmi. pnrta a&uw tacuii try cum. pisac m V , I I MWIIB1JDW tf.14 . t at. aut nayuWrr fcmile saiW band bicvcles, aat V 5 aanalir tmw, a simitar ua huu! ulea in traor br out Cliitaaa reuiu nm. Tikm n emm mm 5(?T)52 HECSETIiOail FUKCTGEIE-PnCOF VI II j. : f f"l I TT ft ! Tt A rfDfr oases A a taaastat TO UritSmSUCCItmLT The -aealcr mail Seior mf tmm tana a ft-JC pm mar. tml t muradmm w will mZUmm a an lratrimmJkcmmiwmi.iirdmMSi. KAILft, Took ar Class will aat set Bee Brir muu feaatv trkouaua pairs auid last year. Over tea hatuirei tnoeasnfl pain aee aa ase. DCSSrttFTtGMi atadr ia all sisea It Ii lraely aanakn TMllut wervdur&liltfiknfi 1 .;tlluai-i,wi - , a spemai of rutiLaer. vnica aej beocmies parous tn IB fceQcaistameTasiai mf BlIKt ano wtucB cion up small eaaccan-es viuioul allow- 13. trtocuic a t aaw namaraoa cal anmiruaiu-. fit oanai laabua ml itiuuiurunaliFih iMi.,..i,-ri t I "" aaal miim auu - ortancem kut aaaoa. T urymr.fb ncmneuiu i mmm as erOinar tire, tiar puncture reaMtuag quauuiea tanua i rocra 1 1 T t"Tt " mrwi i. . ,h,. . ;...'. .. . I 'r tire el i niui arrad Tarrrsuiarurioea tuearureai rua aw " H uaauaua. la a any iiim n. . i.fir uti a.1 ika. t. onpairbutiia' itT Vs. oa Braduti rem until yoa hat eaan,rued and uand tbers s.eiet:v s reaursemad. liWaVrrj tiTT??,? I lTocn .'luerr a-g the pnot a-6i per pair, a yM ti-A CAkH Mil at OahLk aad eackie una aoveruavnarui. Ve e-V d L aOvrrtiaiaf tmruuset- eease "-n1"r a huruirv arm m tn noo ;oi iaaiy atAa par pair. Aa oi uexs smppea au&t day etlrr M veeerm, weantaCO TJ aa a;nruvX Yoa as sua j aenu . i aroo ay-vn ;am vm.vm.rn ana eacuac Uus aoveruaveariu. V viii auau ariid oaa aicael puued fanas bead punr J-rro ta I returnee st Ot at expenae if tor an vreaaaa tt-rrara ana aai.imaiii.ay aa vmanniMKirm, w e are acnaait ariiatur uiC ouairt sent to a a as sale aa as a . .- - i - 7 - iiuy uai ujrv arui nae eaaaex rua aear bent, aaa lunger taU iuoa hua tbaa aay tat Ua; em UM4 r ra a aar snot k num Uuu yoa viU ut a U pleaaed Utat eliea yji want a oarvcw vuu voii t sr u vuur n6mZ c waul you u send aa a trau aaa at euce. iaeacv tnu m,n-.i.i -- 1 euoc aeacx tim reauiraat.- tn- ,.-, IF YOU fitTEQ TY?f 5 ,bu,M! u t'-v m ul yna for aetr ef " a -a J artaVO Krdjrrvnrrs PnaoUire-l-TooI txre ob aps.rir ai aaa Juu at tuc epaoal intruaianury pne tiauteO stKr: u erne iur mar f Tat and aundr Lataiisat vaasa ""' a- quuuail aaaca aai kauua of tirr al sbuoi aaii tra- r, . DO A't7 7 WSnr 'n wni a a ptaual uioav. Itii koi l uj ak or BlTIjrO a tarvrlt aiu m urea itub auvaue cutu y tu. tuow the ic v - m . . atln von wiaa 1114 it ouiy cuau) a puaual la acara cveryuiii W r-r a A O at. MEAD CYCLE COKPANV. D 255, CEICAOO, tr.t SUAIA.ER FLOWERING BULBS CAIADIUMS. M.mmoth Zulbi. ecb 25c; 5 for 1UU ROSES, liamraofb Far!, daz. J5:; 3 in . CLA010U. ia Saperb KMurt. doi. H:; 5J f j . USMk'OH VINE, titra Urn, eac. )z;2:' DAHLIAS, Aiisrtei, each 13r; 12 fj.' . . . 51. 0) 51. DJ 51 C) ji.o; THE KEBRflSKft SE&D CO 1613 Howard Sk aa