Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Image 1
unday Bee PART L (!EVS SECTION PACES 1 TO 8. Afvrtla In THE OMAHA DEE Best West VOL. XXXVII NO. 40. AHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 24, 1 90S SIX SECTIONS THIRTY-TWO PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Fhe Omaha L DISGUST IN IRELAND Landlords and Tenants Are Much Dis pleased Over Land Act ; BILL- FILLS NEEDS OF COUNTRY Unionist Government Fails to Pro vie Enough Money. PEOPLE SEE F.EUEF SLIP AWAY Still They Are Compelled to Submit to Heavy Taxation. PROPOSED NATIONAL CONFERENCE Lord Danrnvea Calls Vpoa Owners unit Renter to Meet to De mand Recognition from Engluad. ' p; ELI.V. May 23. Special.) Now that f!ie home rule question has been removed f jr the time being- from the arena pf prac tical politics public attention In Ireland la being focufised' on the disgraceful break down of the land purchase act. This act was parsed by a unionist government and has worked so well that In the districts weinr It has been applied there has been almost a total disappearance of agrarian llecontr-nt. It has satisfied both landlords and tenants, and now that the liberal government has allowed It to break down for want of financial support, both land lords and tenants are united In denouncing the government. Lord Dunraven has sent a letter to the leading Irish newspapers polrjling out that Ireland Is being robbed by England, and calling for a union of all classes of Irishmen to Insist on their rights, lis gives some figures of the over taxation of Ireland which, coming from I unionist peer, 'are very striking. For In stance, he declares that the annual taxed revenue from Ireland Is about one-eleventh of that from Great Britain, while her taxa bio capacity is estimated by no one at more than one-twentieth of that of Great Britain. Ireland, he declares. Is paying In Imperial taxes about $16,000,000 a year more than she ought to pay, and Is getting nothing in return, and now a scheme for the benefit of all classes to which the government Is pledged Is allowed to break down for the want of Just that sum every year. Lord Dunraven calls for a conference of land lords and tenants with representatives of the various local public bodies In Ireland to devise some plan of acting together to compel England to recognlxe the rights of the Irish people. Emlgratloa Serioas Qaestloa. It Is an encouraging sign of the chang ing times In Ireland that the synod of the Irish Protestant Eplsoopal church Is found . . m . - 1 11, s i ra tion which la draining the life blood of Ire land. The Irish Protestant church la be coming more and more an Irish organisa tion, l la no longer state-endowed chbrch, officered by Englishmen and used CJ part of thu machinery for the English government of Ireland. Its present posi tion la In sharp contrast to that which it assumed In the time ot the "great clear ances" ' after . the famine ot 1S47. when Archbishop Whately. an Englishman, who was sent over to administer the see of Dublin at a salary of 133,000 a year, drawn from the Irish people, placed himself at the head of an organisation whose object was to send 1 .600,000 Irish people to Canada and to provide the funds for doing so out of the Income tax. The attitude of the Irish Roman Catholic hierarchy to the new university bill Is summed up by the Moat IBv. Dr. O'Dwyer, In substance, "We don't quit like It, but ought we to refuse it?" What the bishops object to is that while a separate uni versity is provided In Dublin for Catholics, there la no guarantee that It will remain Catholic. The scheme provldea for the In clusion of two bishops In the temporary senate, but there Is no guarantee that they will be continued or that their successors vlll b-members of tho same faith. In fact i iu bill provides for a number of purely secular unlverlsUe so arranged at the start that the various denominations will each have control of one. This seems fair enough to begin with, but tho result will probably be a series of bickering and 4uarrtls as the seats on the various gov erning bodies fall vacant, and It la found that there Is no provision to continue the religious control. "We are," aald Dr. J Dwyer, "very much In the position of the man going home with his horse unsold frjm the fair. We are disposed to take has than we would have taken early In the Uy. but we should consider carefully v l.ether It Is good policy to give the ani mal away or not." Joker Thrill Belfast. A practical Joker has given Belfast a thrill which lasted a whole day. The Belfast corporation maintains a number of large dredgers which keep the ship cannel , clear and a few days ago one of these brought up what seemed to be the head less body of a man. The news was tele phoned to the local newspapers and there was all the material for a horrible murder mystery. The "body" , was carefully carried to the mortuary and a doctor was a -Tit fur. When he came he at once rave It as his professional opinion that the "body" had once belonged to a wax works and that he did not think there had been any murder. In the meantime, however. ell the local papers had come out with columns of theories about the "murder mystery" and It has taken them several Cays to explain to their readers how It really happened. An excellent scheme for the training In housewifery of the factory girls of the northern towns has been started' In Lurgan and Banbrldge by Miss Mary Irwin, local philanthropist. Mlaa Irwin estimates that there are 4.000 girls employed In the factories of these two towns, who, from the nature of their work, have never been able to obtain any training In the care of a home tr In the bringing up of children.'.ff Cliiiii h.o Urcli tlMlnl, l which practical lessons m given and at which the girls are trained to become working men's wives. There must be at least 60,000 women similarly situated in the factory towns of the north of Ireland and It Ik proposed to extend the schema gradu ally as funds become available. Lurgan and BanbrMge have been selected because they aril typical small factory towns In Which the results can be seen more readily than In a large manufacturing center like rvifast. jr The retirement of Bir Anthony Mao Donnell from the post of under-sec retary fiir Ireland marks the end of another ex periment In "governing Ireland according tj Irish Ideas." Sir Anthony la an Irish, goan, a Catholic and a home ruler. He Jft-MiUuued on Second Feg ' SUMMARY OF " ?jL Bandar Mar 24, lb 1908 STX tfaY 34 10 11 iz is 2Mi25 1908 1 2 8 ,9 15 16 22 23 2930 TTZ. Ufa m, 5 6 Z 12 IS 14 19 20 21 26 2Z 28 THS WXATHEB. FOR OMAHA. COUNCIL. BLUFFS AND VICINITY Showers Sunday; not much chanse In temperature. FOR NEBRASKA AND IOWA-Showers Sunday. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Deg. ... to ... 55 ... 55 ... 53 ... 51 ... M ... 63 ... 6 ... 6 ... 56 ... 68 ... 69 ... 59 ... eo ... 80 6 s. m a. m 7 a. m 8 a. m 9 a. m 10 a. m 11 a. m 12 m 1 p. m 2 p. m 5 p. m 4 p. m 6 p. m 6 p. m 7 p. m DOMESTIC. Stock market Is demoralized as a result of numerous Influences tending to bear the market. X, Page X Senator Platt will not attend the com ing republican national convention though a delegate. X, Fags X It Is again reported that Prince He.le ue Sagan and Mme. Gould were married at Hohoken. X, Page X Kansas Tax commlsnlon doubles the es timate of valuation of the railroads of that state. X, Page X Converts at 19 each Is the record of the Northern Baptist church. X, Page X Presbyterians discuss ministerial relief and the power of the church press. X, Pace X Methodists take ten ballots for bishops, the result of the last not yet being an nounced and without result so far as known. X, Pan's X Morrill airship at Oakland, Cal., col lapses and many persons are severely In jured In the fall. X, Page a Statue In memory of M. A. Hanna un veiled Bt Cleveland, at which Secretary Taft Is a 'visitor. X, Page a rlTal of Lamphere for the murder of Andrew Helgelcln will be the first one of a series. X, Page X Night riders in Ohio riddle house with bullets after firing barn. X. Page X ' Fleet of American warships unites and reaches Seattle. X, Page X President Roosevelt denies that any friction exists between himself and the attorney general over the suit against the New Haven road. X, Page X Mae Wood will be able to furnish ball by Monday. X, Page X Mrs. Eddy's son Is placed In Jail at Deadwood for refusing to obey the order of the police department. X, Page X NEBRASKA ' Lincoln men . telegraph Nebraska dele gation In congress asking for oaukcrs' representation upon the Monetary com munion. X, Page 3 Boy at Oxford accidentally shoots and kills a playmate. X, Page 3 Farmers of Nebraska tell Railway com mission the rates charged by the roads are out of proportion to the earnings of the common people. X, Page 3 Judge Corcoran at Hastings declares legal 'the liquor license Issued to the Hastings Brewing company, upsetting heretofore accepted Interpretation of Slocumb liquor law as authorizing licenses to Individuals only. X, Page 3 LOCAL. Jew and Gentile unite In dedication of Temple Israel, Rev. F. L. .Loveland and Rev. Newton Mann participating In the ceremonies. X, rigl 6 Wrede, the victim of holdup men, ldontfr fles men under arrest as those who com mitted the crime. I, Page 4 Plans being, made for a new milk depot at Omaha. X, Page 8 Dahlman club pushes Mayor Jim Into the gubernatorial campaign. TX, Pag County board will probably make an appropriation to aid the corn show. II. Page 4 Gossip of the theaters, players and musicians. X, Page 3 Doings of the Omaha society people. XX, Pare a COMIC SECTION. Buster Brown makes life a burden for his uncle. Page for the little folks. Mat ters of interest to the women. Fluffy' Ruffles In the rush hour crush on the Brooklyn bridge. Pons Pares half-toitb bectioit. William H. Christie, a doctor of the older school. Dunkers and their queer beliefs. What a wool market In Omaha means to the western flockmasters. Fu ture great trading center on Lake VlVc torla. Training of young women for the home or a business career. Gossip about people in the public eye. Poo Pages COKMEfcCIAL AJTD PUT AS CIAX,. Live stock markets. TX, Page 5 Grain markets. TX, Page S Stocks and bonds. TX, Pag S MOTEMX2TTS OP OCXAJT BTXAMBKIFS. Port. ArrlTM. iallea. NEW YORK ....Oral Wai4ere . NBW YORK ....Perusi NSW YORK ...'.baa Uurglo I WEENS 1'oWN Celtle. SOUTHAMPTON America. FLEET UNITES FOR SEATTLE Warships Are Dae to Reach Walk. ingtoa's Bis; City During; . Afternoon. PORT TOWN SEND, Wash., May 2S.-Tbe Atlantic battlship fleet, which for the last two days has been divided into three sec tion, was reunited at o'clock this morn ing at the rendesvous off port Townsend and proceeded to Seattle, where It will ar rive at S o'clock this afternoon. CONGRESS MAY END MONDAY Prospect of Tito Bodies Finishing Business kr That Time la . Suite of Flllhaster. - WASHINGTON, May 2S.-There Is pros pect of congress getting through on Mon day, even though the minority filibuster in the house continues to the end. CLOUDBURST WRECKS TRAIN Bis storm at Wichita Palls Caaavo I.oaa , of Fonr Lives. FORT WORTH. Tex.. May XL Dispatches received hero today from Wichita Falls, luo miles north of here, report a cloudburst In that section last night. A freight train Is reported la a creek and four persona are reported drowned, PLAN BIG CAMPAIGN Presbyterians Arranging Worldwide Evang-eliitio Campaign. DR. CHAPMAN TO DIRECT IT Expenses Art to Be Borne Chiefly by Laymen of Church. MANY CONGREGATIONS SMALL Report Shows Many of Less Than Fifty Members! INDIAN WOMAN IS PROMINENT Nebraska Member of the Omaha, Tribe Attracts Attentioa at Kansas City Power of the Re llgloas Press. KANSAS CITY, May 23. It la expected that the Presbyterian general assembly now In session in this city will make plans for an evangelistic csmpalgn to be begun within a year, touching every part ot the world, to be under the direction of Rev. Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman and the expenses to be borne chiefly by laymen, .lohn H. Converse, prosident of the Baldwin Loco motive works, Philadelphia, who in the last seven years has given more than $250, 000 for evangelical work. Is said to be the leader In tho movement. The Inability of Mr. Converse. John Wannamaker and Rev. Henry C. Van Dyke to attend the assem bly has caused genersl regret. Of the 9,935 churches, making returns of membership to the general assembly 4,188, or ' 42 per cent ot the whole number, showed memberships of fifty persons or less. It Is sail that 65 per cent of the Presbyterian churches have seVenty-flve members or less. A special missionary exhibit was opened today for the Instruction of Sunday school children In the Second Presbyterian church here. The exhibit Includes Idols, fetishes, clothing and many" other curious things which have come from the lands visited by Presbyterian missionaries. There are also many pictures and maps, and missionaries explain the exhibits to visitors. Rev. Dr. A. W. Halsey of New York delivered an address today. Indian Woman Gradaate. Dr. Susan LaFleshe Plcotte, an Omaha Indian from Walthlll. Neb., the first In dian woman graduated from a medical col lege, was one of the most Interesting speak ers at yesterday's meeting of the Woman's Board of Home Missions. Describing her work In charge of the church on the Omaha reservation, she said that she started with a congregation of three Indians, all of them not attending regularly. Now she has under her care 1,250 Indians. "What Is most needed," she said. "Is someone to begin the work of educating the . Illiterate white people, .1.250 of whom share our res ervatlon with us.", Reports ' of committees, were again the Important business before the genertl as sembly today. Ths report on legal mat ters connected, with .the union with tha Cumberland Presbyterian church showed that litigation growing out of the union has arisen In eleven states. In two states, Illinois and Georgia, cases have been ap pealed to the supreme courts and the suits there have been decided adversely to those opposing the union. A case Is now pend ing In the supreme court of Tennessee With so many suits pending the committee asked that the several synodlcal commit tees be requested to assume the responsi bility of handling tho various cases as the respective situations may require. It was recognised that the moderator be authorised to appoint a committee of eleven, five ministers and six elders, of which the moderator shall be chairman, to succeed the committee on "pastoral over sight" appointed by the Decatur assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. This new committee shall have charge of all legal matters arising from the union of the churches, provided that all expenses In curred by the committee be procured by contributions from persons or cltlaeni IB' teres ted. - Power of Charch Press. Discussing the importance of educational church literature. Rev. B. P. Fullerton, the moderator, said; The press ts the grestest power In the country todsy. Its Influence ts every where; It is the university of the people. Presbyterians In their optimism are too spt to conclude thst with this great power directing public affairs all would be well and have relaxed their efforts In the mat ter of educational literature. The church needs to lay more emphasis' on religious educstlon. The board of publication Is devoting Its energies to this work and ts showing us that the moat effective results come through the children. That more than half a million dollars have . been collected and disbursed to the several funds to which the Woman's Board of Home Missions contributes during; the last year was shown by a report from that society. A popular evangelistic meeting will be held In convention hall tonight, at which Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman will be the prin cipal speaker. The music will bo under the direction of Charles M. Alexander of Blr mlngham, England. The visiting delegates were given an au tomoblle ride this afternoon over the parka and boulevards of Kansas City. Four hun dred cars have been contributed for the purpose by local cltisens. Board of Relief. One of the Important reports presented today was thst of the board of ministerial relief. The discussion of the report brought out the statement that there are only 2,500 min isters In the church who receive a salary of over 11.000 a year and there are 6,000 who receive less than that amount. Dr. W. L. Darby of Evanvllle. Ind., urged the neces sity of relieving the needs of struggling young ministers, many of whom, he said. received less than 1600 a year. Dr. John B. Devlns of New York Intro duced a resolution asking the members ot ths ixr, to seek the corrcticu uf violations of the child labor laws where- ever they may occur. MEAT INSPECTORS TO CONFER Secretary Wilson and Exports to Leave (or Chleaaro. WASHINGTON. May . Secretary Wil son, accompanied by several experts from the bureau of animal Industry, Including Dr. A. D. Mllvtne, the chief of thst dlvi sion, left here todsy for Chicago to attend a conference fit meat Inspectors which begins In that city on Monday next. The purpose of the conference Is to secure greater uniformity In the enforcement of the regulations of the Department ot Agri culture governing the uupevtloa of meat and Its product. BURLINGTON RAILROAD PLANS Surveyors la Wyomlna Caaee Mick Speculation as to Purpose of System. CHETENNB. Wyo.. May 23--(Speclal.) The Burlington railroad Is to build a spur from Cheyenne to Fort D. A. Russell at once. Surveyors have been at work for some time running lines, and. It Is under stood a route has been decided upon and work Is to commfnee soon. The spur will leave the Burllnslon's line entering the city nesr the roundhouse, on the south shore of Lake Minnehaha, in East Chey enne, skirt this lake, pass up a draw Just east of the city cemeteries and skirt the four lakes north of the capltol building, and then run directly across the military reser vation to Fort Russell. It Is announced that this spur will later form a part of the Burlington's Una west and north from this city. Many surveys have; been made from time to time by the Burlington In an effort to find a feasible route to the west and north. The Burlington has been at work quietly on its surveys, for It Is known that both the Union Pacific and Colorado ft South ern roads would circumvent the Burling ton if they could. These roads have full knowledge of what the Burlington Is doing, but it Is believed the latter has gone so far now that Its rivals cannot Interfere. It Is stated on good authority that the Colorado & Southern has two objects In building Its spur from the I'nlon depot here to the new Frontier park on Lake Ab saraka, north of Cheyenne. One Is to care for the crowds thst will visit the park during Frontier days and other celebra tions, snd also for the purpose of pre venting the Burlington from building Its branch to Fort Russell. A right-of-way fight seems Inevitable. The reasons for the Bnrllngton building to Fort Russell at this time Is to be able to deliver supplies to the post. It being stated that the Vnlon Pacific and Colorado As Southern roads charge the Burlington exhorbltant and practically prohibitory rates for transferring business through the city to Fort Russell. BOY . SHOOTS HIS PLAYMATE Son of Shirley Hoaa-htallna;, Near Or chard, Killed by Ballet Sent Throngh Window. OXFORD, May 23. (Special.) An au cldenlal shooting affair occurred at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Houghtallng, residing east of town, Friday evening, whereby their 5-year-old son, lost his life. He was standing outside the house, looking in through a window, when a companion, who had been playing with a 2a-callbre rifle pointed the weapon at him and fired through the glass. The bullet took effect, making a mortal wound, which caused the victim's death In less than a half hour. Funeral services will be held tomorrow. PLATT WILL REMAIN AT HOME For First Time la Years Axed Poll- I tlclan Will Not Attend Convention. NEW YORK. May 23. For the first time m many years Senator Piatt will not at tend the reiiubllcan national convention this year. He was elected a delegate from his horns district, but Ms. alternate will go to Chicago In his place. Senator Platt was chairman of the New York state dele gations to the national conventions of ISM, 19C0 and 1904. ROADS' ESTIMATES DOUBLED Kansas Tax Commission Fixes Valua tion of Railroad Property at at Hlarher Rate. TOPEKA, Kan., May 23.-The state til commission today fixed the total value of all railroad property In Kansas at S3&S, OM.599. Under the plan of assessment used In 1907 the railroads were assessed at 170,000,000. This year the railroad companies turned In their property voluntarily at 1175,000,000 and the commission doubles the railroads' estimates. NIGHT RIDERS MISS BABY i After Firing Barn In Ohio They Rid die Victim's Hoaso with Ballets. RIPLEY, O.. May 23.-Nlfht riders last night destroyed the tobacco beds of Walter Hook, six miles from Ripley. Hook fired at the men and in return they riddled his house with bullets. One bullet came within two Inches of hitting the Hook baby. Troop B, which ts patrollng this section, was Soon on the scene. It Is said that some ot the riders were recognized and arrests are ex pected. LINCOLN MEN FOR COMMISSION Clearing; House Association Asks that Bankers Be Well Repre sented on It. LINCOLN. Neb.. May 23. President W. T. Auld of the Lincoln Clearing House as sociation today wired the Nebraska dele gation In congress to urge that a currency commission be appointed and that "one third of the commission be selected from leading bankers of the country outside ot members of congress." Stockmca Oppose Settlers. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., May 23. (Spo olal.) According to a report received here from Grand River, a little settlement In Butte county, in the extreme northwestern portion of tho state, serious trouble ap pears to be brewing between the stockmen and homesteaders residing in that part of Butte county. Up to a year or so ago the county, which Is ths largest in area In the state, and Is as large aa several of the New England ststes combined, was occupied solely by stockmen. The recent construction through ths northern part of the county of the Pacific coast exten sion of the Milwaukee railway has re sulted In several thousand homesteaders pouring Into the county, where they have made entry of government land. One re port received here Is to the effect that the homesteaders residing a few miles west of Grand River have declared war upon the stockmen and threaten that they will put them out of business. The trouble is due to the fact that under the provisions of what Is known as the "free range" law the stockmen turn their rattle loose upon the prairie and they wander to the land of the homesteaders and do Injury to their crops. The feeling between the two classes Is reported to be quite bitter. The stock men. It is believed, .will desperately resist any efforts which may be made by the homestesders to molest their cattle, and If an attempt In this direction Is made serious trouble Is certain to result, as the homesteaders, especially, are said to be quite excited over tho preseat status of affairs and In condition of mind to re sort to desperate caeasuxoS ahouid. the necessity arise. SINE BALLOTS TAKEN Methodist General Conference in Deadlock Over Election of Bishop. i DR. QUAYLE TAKES THE LEAD Chicago Divine is Within Six Votes of an Election. TENTH BALLOT IS ORDERED Its Result Will Not Be Announced Before Monday. FINAL ADJOURNMENT JUNE FIRST New York Chnrch Sends Appeal to tho Delegates on Behalf of the Candidacy of Dr. Goodell. BALTIMORE. Md.. May 23,-No election sgaln was the result from the eighth ballot for bishops which was announced at the general conference of the Methodist Epis copal church this morning. Ths vote follows: Lewis, Sioux City, la., 476; Quayle. Chicago, 471; Stunts, Madison, N. J., 443; Smith, Pittsburg. 420; Edwin H. Hughes. Greenoastle. Ind., 8S9; Mclntyro, Los Angeles, Cal., 3W; David G. Downey of New York, 339; Joseph B. Hlngley ot Minneapolis, 237; Goodell of New York, 174; Jennings of Cincinnati. 157; R. J. Cooke, book editor Methodist Episcopal church of New York, 249; Samuel Dorchester. Jr., of Pittsburg. 119; M. C. B. Mason, (colored). Cincinnati, 115. John S. Huyler of New York, a delegate to the conference and an active supporter of Dr. Goodell, pastor of Calvary Methodist Episcopal church. New York City for the Episcopal church has received a telegram protesting against the "Injustice suffered by their pastor," and desiring it to. be known that he enjoys their fullest confi dence. The message was signed by G. A. J. Norman, president of the board of trus tees, and W. F. Heritage, secretary of the official board of the Calvary church. Fixes Final Adjournment. The conference today voted to adjourn sine die Monday evening, June 1. The special order for today was the re port of the committee on temperance which was read by Governor Hanly of Indiana. B. Lee Paggstt of Portland, Ore., followed with a minority report. The two reports were in perfect accord In denouncing the liquor business and In pledging enmity to all forms of legalized traffic in Intoxicants. They differed In their recommendation of methods to be The majority report endorses specifically tho anti-saloon league and also advises the members first to sand against local option as against a general license law, as a sfep towards ultimate prohibition. It also ad vises Its members to vote against candl dates who are known to be In favor of the liquor traffic, If the office to which they aspire comes In direct contact with the liquor business. The minority document, which was signed by twelve members of the temper ance committee, objects to the specific en dorsement of the antl-saloon league , and puts It on a par with other temperance societies, such as the Women's Christian Temperance union, Good Templars and others of that character. It states that local option has In many cases been used by the liquor trsfflo to reclaim for Its own use territory already under prohibition and maintains that the position taken by the church sixteen years ago should be re enacted at this time, as the position de nounced the party and not the individual alone. Qaayle Only Six Short. The deadlock In the election of bishops continued In the ninth ballot, which resulted as follqws: Total vote, "V; necessary to choice, 494; Quayle, 489; Lewis, 4S0; Stunts, 466; Charles W. Smith, 446; Mclntyre, 3S9; Hughes, 357; Downey, 317; Hlngely, . 186; Jennings, 157; Goodell, 152; Cooke, 149; Dor chester, 184; Mason, 133. The tenth ballot was taken, but It will not be counted and announced until Mori day. HELGELEIN CASE FIRST ONE Active Preparations Are Beo-nn for Lamphere'a Trial. oa This Charge. LA PORTE, Ind., May 23. Active pre parations for the trial of Ray Lamphere, under Indictments forfthe murder of five persons, were commenced today by both the state and the defense. Surprise was oc casioned by the announcement from the prosecutor's office that In all likelihood Lamphere would be tried first for the murder of Andrew Helgeleln, the South Dakota ranchman. The slate claims that Its evidence In this esse Is exceptionally strong. Attorney Worden for the defense said thla noon that the defense would not rely entirely upon an alibi to clear Lam phere of the murder charges, but what the line of defense would be aside from the efforts to pTove an alibi was not disclosed. Friends of Olaf Jenses of Capron, 111., have written Sheriff Smutzer that he left there two years ago with all his money, about 11.000, to marry a wealthy widow In Indiana near Chicago and has not been heard from since, although hs promised to write as soon as he got located. Dam Finished This Year. CASPER. Wyo.. May 23.-(Special.)-Chief Engineer Baldwin of the government re clamation service has Just returned from a trip of Inspection of the great Path finder dam on the Sweetwater river, south west of this place. It is announced that the dam, which will be 210 feet high, one of the largest In the world, and which will cost approximately $4,000,000, will ho com pleted by the close of the present yar. The huge pile of masonry has been com pleted to a height of about 1?0 feet and It Is gradually "thinner" as It Is built up, so that work will be more rapid from now on. The cost of the entire project, which is one of two great enterprises undertaken by the general givernment In thla state, the other being the Shorhnne project In the Big Horn basin, will cost approximately t9.0O0.Ou0. The system of canals, diversion dams, storage reservoirs, etc.. will supply and convey water to about 350,000 acres of tine land In central and eastern Wyoming and western Nebraska. Diocese to Be Divided. ROME. May ZJ.-It Is believed In Vatican circles that ths Cleveland diocese, rendered vacant by the recent death ot Bishop Horstmann, will be divided In two and that Toledo will be the head of the new diocese. Monslgnor John Farrelly, spiritual director of the American college In Rome, and Rev. J. M. Koudelka, ore of the conau'ter ot Cleveland diocese, probably will be made bishops, the former of Cleveland and the latter at Toledo. NO FRICTION AT WHITE HOUSE Story of Difference Between Presi dent nnd Attorney ficncral Declared I'atrne. WASHINGTON, May I3.-The White Hnise today made official denial of a story thst serious differences arose between the president and Attorney General Bonaparte on the question of bringing suit ssalnat the New York. New Haven & Hartford railroad, the story going so far as to say that Mr. Bonaparte had threatened to re sign. The White House statement, which goes Into detail. Is corroborated by the personal statements of cabinet officers. The statement made public by the presi dent folkiws: The story Is a mere Invention There was no difference whatever between the presi dent and the "attorney general over ths New Vork, New Haven & Hartford suit. Yesterday morning attention was called from Massachusetts to the fact that the Massachusetts state court had already acted against the trolley lines so far as Massachusetts was concerned and the sug gestion was accordingly made that the action should be brought In other states. Inasmuch as the purpose of tha suit hsd already been achieved as far aa Massa chusetts was concerned. The president put the suggestion before the attorney general and asked him to bring it up at the cabinet meeting, which was then but half an hour off. As a pre cautionary measure the newspapers that had announced the bringing of the suit were asked to hold it up. The matter was then discussed in the cabinet and It was decided that the action of the stste court in Massachusetts would make no difference In the court procedure snd the newspapets were at once notified that the announce ment of the bringing of the suit would stand. There was no division of opinion In the cabinet and not the slightest friction or even discussion of any kind between any of (he cabinet officer and the presi dent, or among the officers themselves. The suit In question was determined on some three momth ago. The only question discussed yesterday was as to whether It should be brought. STOCK MARKET DEMORALIZED Prices Tumble on Over Extension of Interest nnd Heavy Profit Taking;. NEW YORK, May 23. Demoralization accompanied by unrestrained selling of se curities caused today's stock market to be the weakest since , the panic last fall. Tho professed motive for most of the sell Ing was the Inference drafcri from th) government suit ugalnst the New Haven railroad for violation of the anti-trust law. i There has been much speculative buying of stocks on the stock market gossip that assurance might be felt of future soften ing of the rigors of prosecution of tno railroad corporations and the effect of the new movement In speculative mind was dreaded. Moreover the week's action of the market has demonstrated Its top-heavy condition from ever-extension of the long Interest, and the heavy profit-taking al ready .effected by the conductors of the campaign. All semblance of support disappeared from the market today. Union Pacific slumped 6Vt, St. Paul. Southern Pacific, 6 Reading, 4; Illinois Central, 44; Northern Pacific, 3H; Missouri Pacific and St. Louis it Southern preferred 3H. and the general list all the way from 1 to 2 points. Some feverish rallies showed the eagerness of bears to tske profits on the short side, but the closing tone of the market was demoralized. AIRSHIP DROPS. MANY INJURED Giant Craft Collapses on Trial Trip, Many Men Falling; to Earth. OAKLAND, Cal.. May 23. The great Morrel airship, the largest ever con structed, collapsed on Us trial trip today when about 300 feet above the ground and dashed the sixteen occupants of the car to the earth. None waj killed, but all were seriously Injured, suffering broken legs and arms and probable Internal in juries. It Is believed that several will die. It was shortly before noon when the ascension wss made and thousands of pea pie had gathered to witness the trial. The giant ship, which was 450 feet long and SS feet in diameter, a combination aeroplane and dirigible air craft, driven by six gaso line engines generating 200-horsepower, rose successfully from the ground snd ascended to a height of probably 300 feet. The car was occupied by sixteen men, who had become Interested In the Invention ar.d Who agreed to make the trial trip before taking stock In It. They were aU resi dents of Berkeley and Oakland. MAE WOOD WILL GIVE BOND Arrangrements Made, hat She Will Not Bo Oat of Tombs Till Monday. NEW YORK, May 23. That Mae C. Wood, was committed to The Tombs on a charge of perjury at the close of her suit against United States Senator Platt for divorce. Is not without friends was demonstrated today when a representative of the American Suroty company called at the district at torney's office and asked to be allowed to furnish ball tor her. The ball was fixed by Justice O'Gorman at $5,000. The request was referred to As sistant District Attorney Minor, but as It was after 12 oclock the representative of the surety company was told that Miss Wood could -not be balled out until Mon day. He left, saying that he would be back on Monday. He. refused to say any thing about who was behind the move to furnish ball.) FARMERS COME BACK AGAIN Tell Railway Commission Rates Are Out of Proportloa to Earnings In Other Parsalts. ( (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neh.. May 3. (Special.) The petitions ot railway employes to the State Railway commission not to reduce freight rates has met with a counter move ment. Fifty petitioners living at Monroe, half of whom are farmers, today filed a petition with the commission asking for a reduction on the ground that charges are now out of proportion to the earnings of persons engaged In other pursuits, es pecially on fuel, farm products and other ncocsearles, amounting in mny crss to practical confiscation of a great part of hard earned products. E. A. Gerrard, editor and farmer, heads the list. MRS. EDDY'S SON IN JAIL G. W. Glover Arrested at Deadwood for Relating to Pat Horse la Stable. DEADWOOD. 8. D.. Msy 23 George Washington Glover, son of Mrs. Msry Baker G. Eddy, came to town from Lead last ever.lng. An hour later a policeman hunted him up and told him to remove his fractious horse to a livery stable. Glover declined. An altercation ensued snd the of ficer placed him under arrest. Glover spent the remainder of the night In the JuiL TRADE TOUR OF WEST One Hundred Omaha Business Men Will Invade Three States. TRIP WILL LAST A WEEK "Meet Old Friends and Make New Ones" is the Slogan. BURLINGTON CARRIES THE PARTY Armored Outside and Plushed Inside, Train Will Be a Model. DEPARTURE AT 8 THIS EVENING Commercial Club Members Representing- Varied Business Interests Will Court Country Trade for Market Town. The trl-state trsde excursion, taking 100 Omaha business men 2.354 miles to "meet old friends and make new ones," will weigh anchor promptly at 8 o'clock Sunday even ing and the special train will pull out from the Burlington station. After leaving Omaha the tralr which has an armored outside and a silk plush in terior, will tear a great fiery hole through the darkness, leave the atmosphere chsrged with steam and cinders and whistle for McCook, where t will arrive at 7 a. m. .Monday and begin the missionary work. From all Indications a large crowd will bid farewell for a week to the live business men of Omaha. No others are going. The party will comprise Just the even hundred members of the Commercial club, together with newspaper men, the help, porters, trainmen and special representatives of the railroad companies. Railroad Men In Charge. For the Burlington, over wnich lines the party wilt travel from Omaha to Denver and from Sterling to Bridgeport to Guern sey, O. L. Dlckeson, assistant superintend ent of transportation, will make the entire trip. W. W. Johnsor assistant general freight agent, also will be on the train, and C. E. Spens, general freight agent of the Burlington, will Join the party In Denver, being delayed one day In Lincoln on ac count of a railway commission, hearing. The party Is to be gone one week. It will visit some of the best towns In the "Omaha trade empire" and have a good time In every place, whether there ts anything spe cial prepared by the citizens or not. Tho Commercial club trade extension committee will be In general charge. Dan Fuller Is the chairman. Commissioner J. M. Guild will have charge of the train. Mr. Guild will be assisted In keeping to the schedule by the division superintendents and road masters, who will be on the train while It is running on their divisions. Every thing promises to run with the regularity of clockwork. For convenience the business houses who have representatives on the trip will have headquarters In their berths and thu Ne braska Telephone company Is Installing telephones which will make It possible to communicate with members In the party In any of, the nine cars. Printing Plant to Be Aboard. The Omaha Printing company Is Install ing' a small printing press and anything which Is really needed will be published enroute. Louts Bostwlck has a complete dark room and photograph gallery aboard, while the Smith-Premier and Oliver Type writer companies will have "machines" on the train capable ot doing the work for the entire party. Headquarters will be In "The Dawson" known as car No. 6. Hero Commissioner Guild will hear kicks and distribute the daily bulletins. The first warning which the commis sioner sent out was "Thla is going to be a hard trip. Husband your strength and energy. Save your voice, too. You'll need all .of them before you get home. Those retiring lute and those arising early will piease consider the comfort and wishes of others snd not disturb them." The thousand and one things hava been' arranged. Everything la ready to go with the train. E W. Pryor, steward of the Commercial club, will be In charge of meal tickets, and other things which Commis sioner Guiid and Dan Fuller need will be attended y "Buttons" the porter of tha CummTcial club In full uniform. Aa the train leaves the station Dimmlck s band, which will go on the entire trip, will play "The Girl I , Left , Behind Me" and other modern and popular music. Evening at Fort Morgan. The first evening out will be spent at Fort Morgan, Colo. Thla Is a change In the regular schedule. It was announoed that tho train would arrive In Fort Morgan at T:30 p. m. Monday and leave at S o'clock. But at tha urgent request of Fort Morgan citizens the entire evening will be spent In the lively Colorado town, .after which, the train will run through Denver and ar rive in Boulder at 7:30 Tuesday morning. The Bee has made arrangements to havo both morning and evening papers for warded to a representative on the train, and they will bo furnished to member of the party as soon as they can be re ceived. The arrangement to catch mall la as follows: Greeley, Colo., May 24 Closes at Omaha, May 25, 3:00 p. m. Denver, Colo., May 17 Closes at Omaha, May 25, 10:00 p. m. Sterling. Colo., May 27 Closes at Omaha, May 26. 1:00 p. in. Curtis, Neb., May 27 Closes at Omaha, May 26. 10:(i p. ni. Casper, Wyo., May So Closes at Omaha, May 2s, 1:30 p. m. Crawford, Neb.. May 30 Closes at Omaha, May 29, lo:00 p. m. Brasll Pursues Peace Policy. RIO JANEIRO. May 23-In reply to tho reports current here lately the relations between Brazil and the Argentine were strained, the leader of the government de clared In the Chamber of Deputies yesten day that Brazil's relations with all power were excellent. Brazil was pursuing, a always, a policy of peace, he said, and the idea of war was Inconceivable. Famiae Among Afrleans. MOM BASS A, British East Africa. May 23. Over 4o."00 deaths have resulted from the severe famine prevailing In the Usog province of Uganda. The government la feeding ftO.O'O of the natives. Crops r a complete failure and Ura 's a prospect of much suffering during the next few months. Harden Wins la High Court. LEU'riU. May The supreme court today set aside the verdict of the lower coutt under which Mbxlmillcn Harden, tha Berlin editor, 'vas found guilty of libeling Count Von Moltke and ordered that the case be re-trled by the lower court Har den was chered by the crowd aa he went to and left th court toem.