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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1908)
TUB OMAHA PATLY HEE: SATURDAY, MAY 23, 190R iOOCOOOOCQ nnnnnnnnononoocccc 1 d!5T FARNAM ST. 1 ' iilfe . IllfZ Ladies' Siiils I !.'.: .'.J. aN. nil wpp Special Sale MEti'S A!I0 WOMEN'S SHOES For Saturday selling we will otttr you nome very special Tallies : lit gprlng and suniinrr footwear. Shoes that we ran guarantee to you to be flrM-rlas In every re apect. Larsr assortment of both high and low shoes In black ami tan. Irlces range from $3.00 on down to SI. 50 Nearly two hundred ladies' Spring Suits, formerly priced at $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00, and some even at $40.00; on sale Saturday at $10. "We guarantee that every one of these suit skirts alone are worth more than $10.00. "We do not sell cheap garments, but owing to the existing conditions and our desire to reduce our suit stock sr r we win oner inese suits to the shopping public on Saturday at Just think of it, $10.00 for beautiful men tailored suits and suits that actually have been sold at $25.00. $30.00, $35.00 and $40.00 each. Come early for this sale will surely attract a crowd later in the day. O O C) O O Chargo It. yyy, 777 16Ii2 & FAHNAM. STREETS,. OMAHA. The Teoplea Fnrnlture and Carpet Co. Established 1R8T. mens mmm Jnst rerelTed a large shipment of men'a fine silk nerkweitr. Wo bought them very cheap and will give our customers the benefit of our purchase. fl.OO and BOc men's silk ties, on sale Saturday for flOc and 2C Chargo It. a o O o o O' Ladies1 Tailored Suits Saturday $4.95 ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY s Special Sale of Rajah Silk Suits "Ve have cut the price on our entire line of silk Eajah suits. These embrace all the season's latest ideas and are very suitable for summer wear. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUOOOOOO Covert Coats at Reduced Prices We have in stock an assortment of nicely tailored, unlined covert coats of exceedingly good quality covert. These coats are just right for chilly days when some inexpensive light wrap is needed. The $8.00 kind reduced to $4.95 The $7.50 kind reduced to $3.95 Reduced Prices On All Skirts LEO LOSES FOUR-YEAR FIGHT Chinaman Must Be Deported at Last as Common Laborer. CASE GOES TO COURT OF APPEALS Termination of Long- Drawn Oat Con. test Between Celestial and Immi gration Authorities of the Inlted States. Leo Lung On, the Celestial from the dominion of Queen An, will soon take an Involuntary trip to ean Francisco and will be transported thence to that dear old China. I Leo Lung On has been giving tw4 imml- (ration authorities lots of trouble In and about Omaha for about four yean In try ing to prove that he is legitimately In the United States and has a right to remain here, the deportation laws and Chinese exclusion lawa to the contrary notwith standing. He Is the Chink who said some two yeara ago that "If It wasn't for me 'Mcllcan rimgration pleceman wo'ldn't havy noth'n to do." Leo Lung On was arrestsd Thursday afternoon by the United States authorities and lodged In the Douglas county Jail to await deportation. This last chapter In Colonel Leo's adven tures is the result of a mandate received from the United States circuit court of ap peals dismissing his appeal and directing his deportation as decided by the United States district court for the Nebraska district He will Jje taken to Ban Francisco within the next few days by the United States marshal for this district. First Arrest in J 004. Leo Lung On was arrested for the first time November 23, 1904, by direction of the ORCHARD & WILHELM 414'I6.18 South 16th Street. Saturday Porch and Lawn Specials gss?' or Special for Saturday Only. KOCKFK OR CHAIR Like Cut. Large and comfortable, built and finished to stand all kinds of weather, bolted construction, slat seat, made of hard wood, finished either red or green. This rocker is cheap at our regu lar selling price of $3.75. For Saturday and Saturday only, we will sell them, your choice of color, chair or rocker, at each. . .3.40 ' Window Shades Two crates, odd shades, all colors and sizes, up to 36 inches wide, 6 snd 7 feet length. The ac cumulation of our workroom. Special Saturday only, with brackets 1Q each 30-Inch Grenadine White, side borders, very stylish for sash curtains, dainty for bed room curtains, 10 styles, regular 35c grade. Saturday special, at 19t per yd. In the Basement Two Quart Double Cooker or Rice Roller Like cut. Made of heavy enameled ware, dark brown in color. Inside pan is made seamless and fitted with ball, making it the most satisfactory coker on the market. This is a regular 65c article. On sale Saturday, only 25 eaca Immigratlon authorities and after various delays he was ordered deported by United States Commissioner Anderson In Febru ary. 1906. He appealed to the United States district court and Judge Munger sustained the ruling of Commissioner An derson. On November 4, 1906, the China man appnea ior a new trial and the ap plication was denied on January 10, 1906. He then appealed the case to the circuit court of appeals. On April 21, 1906, he was released temporarily under a writ of ha beas corpus Issued out of Judge Troup's court, but a few days later the writ was dlsnUsed and Leo furnished ball until he couia periect nis appeal, which was finally accomplished on July 10. The case was not heard until nearly a year after Its filing and the decision was only reached on April 29. 1908, when it was dismissed for want of Jurisdiction and the mandate ordering his deportation was Issued out of that court. In Hiding Sine Then. Leo has kept In hiding since that time. but was finally apprehended and is now a temporary guest of Sheriff Bratley, with the United States as the barker of his board bill. Leo Lung On claimed his right to remain in ins country Decause or nis vocation as a merchant. He has been In the country ebout ten years, coming to Omaha from oan rancisco. tie operated a sort of Chinese curio and tea shop on North Slx- teenin street, witn an opium den back of it. His place was frequently raided by the police. Later Leo went to work in a laun dry and found such other employment as he could in Chinese restaurants or else where. His deportation is based on the in formation gleaned by the immigration au thorltles that he is but a common laborer anl does not In any degree belong to the privileged or "favored" class of Imml grants from the Mongollnn regions. Tomorrow your unre stricted choice of a large lot of ladies spring suits, heretofore sold at $20, $22.30 and $28, all in one lot to clear at Cash or Credit Men's Fine Tailored Clothing For Saturday's selling we offer you a spe- cial line of men's fine- J ly tailored suits, all hand somely trimmed. On sale special price at $18, $15 and EASY PAYMENTS HERE. r1 Svwy it Wo Trust Tho People O O O o o NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Mrs. Townsend and Mrs. Bothwell En tertain for Miss Grace Pray. SHOWERS E0R THE BRIDES-TO-BE Two of Smartrit Luncheons 01 Week Entertained Friday the Country and Field Clnbs. the t BALL PROTESTS TO MAYOR Employment Agent Calls on Dahlman, Who Will Investigate Before Taking- Aetlon. Robert A. Ball, proprietor of the "American-German Employment Agency" at H2I Podge 'street, fined 1100 In police court for taking money from Sam Brown on the promise of securing work for him and sending Brown to a "fictitious employer" at Wayne who needed no help, called on Mayor Dahlman Friday morning to protest against the revocation of his license. The mayor has taken the matter under advlse ment pending an Inquiry Into the merits of the case and In the meantime Ball will 4 be allowed to continue in business. Mayor Dahlman has requested Prosecu tor Daniel to furnish him a record of the several complaints against and prosecu tions of Ball and when he has all material In readiness will call in the prosecutor and the employment agent and talk the matter over and decide whether the license should be revoked. Prosecutor Daniel and License Inspector Wagner called on the mayor Thursday and asked that Ball's license be revoked. i : vj a m v wm a yfi m ar w a . mm sv Yaa mm .r -sw ri i it if if I I I II rc-ififr ac T Wsv '- '"I rrrrrrri No man hat ever C.I'!111 ! ! anown ma tun meas ure of hot weather comfort nd health until he'g worn tha genuine "Porotknir underwear. A peculiar open knit, throughout tha carment that makei the rarment tron?r mora elas tic and to thoroughly comfortable to the wearer that once you know "forotkuit," you're content to knownoother. InsUtupon the "PoretknH" UDeL Jf you can t find it write ti. s CmM WfTW I. T. BOY INDIFFERENT TO LAW On Seroad Arrest Within One Week He Doesn't Tar m Hap, Apparently. George HarolJ. a boy Just over IS years of age. was before the criminal court for the second time Friday morning and he Indicated he didn't rare a rap If he was by rolling a cigarette and filling the air around him with a cloud of blue smoke. He was up for arraignment on a charge of stealing Charles Harding's automobile, to which hs entered a plea of not guilty. Several weeks ago he was before the criminal court on a charge of forgery. He pleaded he was under 18 and was turned over to the Juvenile authorities and paroled to Rev. James Wise of South Omaha. It was while he was out on the parole he Is charged with taking tt automobile. Mrs. C. H. Townsend and Mrs. Charles A. Bothwell entertained at a kitchen shower Friday afternoon In honor of Miss Gracs Pray, who will be one of the June brides. This is the first of a series of entertain ments which is being planned for Miss Pray. The1 dates of the other affairs have not been definitely decided. The gueits of the afternoon included Miss Pray and Mrs. George H. Pray of Portland, Ore.; Mrs. Alfred Rlemer. Mrs. George B. Wclty, Mrs. William Whlttaker, Mrs. Harry C, Townsend, Mrs. Joseph Polcar, Mrs. M. 8 Young, Mrs. Thomas Cahlll, Mrs. Hrm?r Shearer. Mrs. Don Adams, Mrs. Harry Nicholson, Mrs. Ralph Hart, Mrs. Mar shall Collins. Mrs. John Cooper. Miss Alice Auld, Miss Lltta Rohrbough, Miss Nelle Perlne, Miss Minnie Pritchard. Miss Nanna Prltchard, Miss Ona Tioxell. Miss Fannie Prlchett, MIfs Bess Townsend, Miss Mabel Blddlck and Miss Alice Swltzler. lountrr Club I.nnrheon. Mrs. Frederick Lake was hostess at a delightful luncheon Friday at the Country club in compliment to Miss Canhy of Chi cago, who is the guest of Mrs. Joseph Cudahy. Fragrant sweet peas formed an attractive centerpiece for the table and covers were laid for Miss Canhy, Mrs. Jo seph Cudahy. Miss Maria Crounse, Mrs. Milton T. Barlow, Mrs. Charles Deuel, Mrs. Floyd Smith, Mrs. Samuel Caldwell, Mrs. Glenn Wharton, Mrs. Samuel Burns, Jr.; Mrs. Will Cowin. Mrs. Thomas Latham Davis and Mrs. Lake. Friday dab. Miss Dunster entertained the members of the Friday club at luncheon Friday at th Field club. Those present were Mrs. T. C. Brunner. Mrs. H. P. Deuel, Mrs. J. E. Eyler, Mrs. J. D. Foster, Mrs. John Guild, Mrs. Edward Haney, Mrs. Amelia Hawes, Mrs. L. H. Korty. Mrs. J. R. Manchester, Mrs. H. J. Palmer, Mrs. Andrew Ross, Mrs. J. H. Royce, Mrs. E. Rosewater, Mrs. Ben Robidoux, Mrs. Fred Pearce, Mrs. Van Ness Smith, Mrs. Evert Smith and Miss Dunster. foml Club. Mrs. E. B. Ferris was hostess for the meeting of the Comls club Thursday after noon at her home. The rooms were dec orated with spring flowers and the table from which the refreshments were served had a dainty decoration of ferns. The club, has recently acquired some new mem bers and now includes Mrs. Henry Able, Mrs. E. B. Ferris, Mrs. ' II. K. Oarratt. Mrs. M. T. Haynes, Mrs. Arthur Hoover. Mrs. Arthur Kuhn. Mrs. D. E. Lovejiy, Mrs. B. F. Mart!, Mrs. E. P. Rahn. Mrs. XV. K. Swisher and Mrs. George E. TiTWn send. Mrs. M. T. Haynes will be the next hostess for the club, Thursday. June 4, at an afternoon kenslngton. Brown-Shh river. Cards were Issued Friday by Mr. and Mrs. William Goodwin Sluiver for the marriage of their daughter. Miss Mabel (lennuine Shrlver. to Mr. John J. Brown. Jr., of Hannlhal. Mo., which will take place Tues day evening. June 1. st 8.3H o'clock, at St. Mark's Lutheran church. The young people will be st home the first of August In Han nibal. Mo. Coterie Club. The Coterie club was entertained Thurs day afternoon by Mrs. Orrin B. Whipple, Mrs. Guy Hessner r-f South Omaha and Mrs. George F. Weingant being guests of the day. At the csrd game the high score wss made by Mrs. Welngant. Mrs. XV. 8. Wilcox will entertain the club In two weeks. Linen Shower. 1 Miss Rosa Schall entertained at a linen shower In honor of Miss Hannah Krane, whose wedding to Mr. William Sloshurg will take place June 7. The evening was spent in games and music. The prises were won by Miss Tena Feltmsn and Dora Goldstone. Those present were: Miss Han nah Krasne. Mrs. J. Slosburg, Mrs. J. Cornbleth, Miss Dora Green.' Miss Sarah Cramer, Miss Beatrice Pregler, Miss An netta Gilckman, Miss Anna Gross, Miss Bofle Arkln, Miss Pauline Goldgraber, Miss Bessie Krasne, Miss Bailie Krasne, Miss Tina Felt man, Miss Dora Goldstone, Miss Jennie Htreh. Miss Laura Schall, Miss Ida Horowits, Miss Mary Slosburg and Miss Rose Schall. Informal AsTalrs. Mrs. W. H. Ogden entertained Thursday evening. Dalslese were used for the center piece and as favors at ach place. Ctvers were laid for Miss Jane Jeffrey, Miss Bessie Bacon, Mr. ""Wilfred Rogers, Mr. Frank Bacon and Mrs. Ogden. Mrs. Ogden entertained again Friday afternoon. Miss Jeffrey was the honor guest and the afternoon spent playing pit. The guests were Miss Jeffrey, Miss Bacon, Miss Meyer, Miss Kvarj, Miss Leasing, Miss King, Miss Small, Mrs. Lloyd Ingram, Mrs. J. P. Hake, Mrs. Samuel Fisher, Mrs. A. J. Johnson and Mrs. Small of Council Bluffs. At the Clubs. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mahoney will enter tain at dinner at the Country club Sat urday evening for seven guests and Mr. Elmer Cope will have three guests. Among those who will have guests at dinner at the Field club Saturday evening are Mr. John W. Towle, who will have covers for ten; Mr. J. H. Robertson, seven; Mr. Ralph Bedwell, 12; and Mr. J. T. Yates. Come and Go Gossip. Miss Canby of Chicago, who Is the guest of Mrs. Joseph Cudahy and who has been a guest of honor at numerous social af fairs, will leave Saturday afternoon for her home." Dr. David Phlllpson of Cincinnati Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Katz. Dr. Phlllpson delivered the principal address Friday evening at the dedication of the new temple, and Is one of the well known rabbis of this country. as an Invitation to the "at homes" of the reigning "American beauty" who Is French. THREE-PIECE CALLING FROCK It Is Quite the Proper Thing; (or All Ordinary Daytime Functions. Tho ' visiting frock, which must. In a limited wardrobe, answer for all ordinary daytime functions, should be a three-piece or coat and princess affair. To be sure. PARIS' AMERICAN BEAUTY This Veer It Is Mrs. Rutherford Stny vemnt, French by Birth and Education. Every year Paris finds It necessary to select ati American beauty and to worship her, for at least the spring season. It Is her name and no other that fills the news papers and it Is of her alone that society talks. This spring Paris has not failed to follow the old tradition. But what Is rather un usual is the fact that the "American beauty" this year Is French by birth and origin. Mrs. Rutherford Stuyvesant, who is hailed so enthusiastically In the press and In society, married a brother of Mrs. White, wife of the ambassador of the United States, in Paris. Her American husband Is her only claim to being an American, but, as few people are aware of her French birth, she is cele brated everywhere as the "great American beauty." Anyway, her beauty Is remark able and worthy of all the enthusiasm it arouses. tne ana ner nusDana nave just taken a clnrmlng hotel In the Rue- Diimont d'L'r ville. Nor, at the present moment, Is there anything so eagerly sought In Paris After the lemon ,1s arranged fill the glass half full of shaved Ice. Add half a bottlo of ginger ale and fill the remainder with seltzer water. , Sassafras Mead Take four bunches of sassafras roots, three pints of New Or leans molasses, one and one-half pints of strained white honey, one tablespoonful of cream of tartar; make two quarts of sassa fras tea, strain, add honey and molasses, boll and strain, add cream of tartar, bottlo airtight; When using place one-half level teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda in earn glass, with ice; fill with mead and stir vigorously. Cider Cup Put the rind of two lemons In a stone Jar with the Juice of one lemon, some slices of cucumber, two tablespoon ful of cognac, four tablespoonfuls of pow dered sugar and a quart of cider. Put all on the ice until wanted. Just before serv ing take out the lemon peel and cucumber and add a bottle of soda water. LIBERTY AND NET. frocks with separate long coats are much worn and It Is an excellent Idea In a coat and princess costume to have the coat of such a sort that 'Its used need not be limited to the one costume, but a costume all in one tone, or at least with cost and frock en suite, is a desirable thing. , A handsome lace coat, usually of Irish lace or filet or of lace and embroider net combined. Is coveted by every bride and Is included in every trousseau where economy doea not rule It out, but these beautiful lace coats and the embroidered net coats are costly things snd will not answer as many purposes as will a coat of silk. Conrortlons for Summer. "Horse's Neck" Peel a lemon In one long spiral, one lemon to each glass. Place two straws In a tall, thin glass and wind the lemon peel around to make the spiral the length of the glass. The peel must be as free from tough, white skin as possible. "GIBSON GIRUT AT COURT They Hare Been Honored with a Command to Itoyol . Function. Charles Dana Gibson is becoming more and more Interested In sculpture and paint ing In oils, and some of his work has,; from accounts received, astonished some of thn great Parisian artists. The artist and his wife and her two sisters. Mrs. Waldorf Astor and Mrs. Reggie Brooks, will all he In London together in June. Mrs. Astor has taken a fine house in I'pper Brook street, Mayfair, for the sea son, and there she will give a hlg ball, but not, as has ben stated, for her un married sister, Miss Koran Langhorne, who, contrary to expectation, has Indefi nitely postponed her visit to Ixndon. The friends of Mrs. Astor declare that there Is a Virginia romance behind this sudden alteration of plans. The original Gibson girls will. In fact, be among the lionesses of the season. Mrs. Gibson has already been honored by a "command" to a royal function, so that ehe will not hsve to be "presented," but she will accompany her sisters to court. The trio are likely to create a sensation and the court milliners and dreftsmak are already lying In wait for them. x Three Working; Rules. Dr. Edward Everett Halo In his June page In Woman's Home Companion gives three working rules for conduct of life: 1. Live in the open air as much as you can. 2. Touch elbows with the rsnk and file. S. Speak every day to some one whom you know to be your, superior. An American Klnsr Is the great king of cures. Dr. King's New Discovery, the quick, snf", sure counh and cold remedy. S"c and J1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. ! h $? !? 4 ? i & 4 4 -f $ n J LJJ M O SATURDAY IS THE GREAT SALE Women's Suits Worth up to $35. at $10 There are hundreds of pretty, and stylish new tail ored suits in this sale from a fortunate eash purchase not one of them worth less than $20 and many up to $35. Every Stunning New Style Every New Shade Favorite Fabrics Butterfly styles, Eva Tanguays, modified Frinee Chaps, etc. tans, russets, Copenhagens, navys, champagnes, black and white checks, etc. We also include many odd garments from our famous $25 Fashionseal Suits your choice at Special Sal In Millinery Department Drandeis Stunning Summer Hats New showing of midsummer hata, Including; handsome black hats trimmed beautifully In colon, leghorns and all white gr hata. Hundreds of smart new hata on our tables, V3 sniBBBSBSBBBBBnnnnnnBsssssBi B 4