14 Tim OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. MAY 23. IMS Want - ads AdTertteeeaeats far Ik waat a rolinni will take aatll 12 SB. ae Mmm edltlaa and aatll a. a. far tha nsralit Iiir afltloaa. Cash mast aecasaaiaar all orara fe araat ada til aa aavertleeaneat will ha accepted for laaa fcaat 10 coats for rat Insertloa. I a itrrMlmaril will na rhmrt tmoaatlnar ta lesa taaa SO cents. RalM apply ta altker Tka Daily linfir Bra. - A I war a roaat sts wtrii ta a llaa. Camblnatloaa af laltlala or aamaara aa oaa word. cakh n ate for wait ads. RFnri.AH CLASSIFICATION Oaa laarrtlaa. prr line, 10 eeats. Twa or mora pontrritlr Insertions. pr lino. (-rata. Each Insertion made aa add slays, 10 eeats per line. sU.BO a llaa per month 1 excepting; that ri'RJflSHED ROOM ADS. avhen accompanied by raah. tha rata will tei Ona laarrtlaa, 4 teats prr lln three to alx eonaeentlre la arrtlaaa. ft rents prr llaa each Inarr Mloai tern or mora conircitlt Inver sions, 2 rrata prr llaa rach laaertloa BO rrnta per llaa prr month. Want ada for Tha Bra mar ha left mt aar of tha following drns staras oaa la "year corner draBajlat" thay ire all branch enters for Tha Bca and roar ad will ba Inserted Jaat aa promptly aad oa tha aama ratra aa at the mala office ta Tha Baa Bnlldln. erenteeath aad Farnam atraata. 'Albarh, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Beranek. 8. A.. 12 8. lth Bt. Beeht Phormscy, 720 B. lfith Bt. Jtenson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Femls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming, flake's Pharmacy. 282 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. P... th and Fierce Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Cnnte, J. Tl.. list Ave. and Fernam. Crlssey Phnrmary. 24th anil Lake Sta. Cermak, Kmll. 1204-6 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy. ti Leavenworth. Foster A Amoldl, $18 N. 2h St. Freytag. John J.. 1914 N. 24th Br. Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sta. Green'a Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough. G. A., !025 B. 10th St. Greenough. O. A., 1824 6. 10th St. Wayden. Wm. C., 29-0 Farnam. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. ?9th Hoist, John. 24 N. Mth Bt. Huff. A. L'.. 2!?4 Leavenworth St. King. H. 8.. 2:3 Faniam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 2G04 N. 24th. Patrick Prug Co.. 16"2 N. 24th Bt. Lethrop, Charlea E.. 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L E.. f4th and I.eavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 84th and Ames Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and Chicago Bta. Schaefer, Auguat. 20B1 N. 16th St. Schmidt. J. H.. J4th and Cumin Sta. Btorm Pharmacy, lath and Martha Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. Worth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton 8ta. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. EPRINGBORG Mrs. Francla. wife of Charlua Sprlngborg. at the home of her mother In Lincoln, Neb., aged 87 yeara. Funeral from residence, 8421 Franklin treet, Saturday, at 1 p. m. Friends Invited. LODGE NOTICES. A. O. 17. W. Funeral Notice. The members of North Omaha lodge No. ttu are requested to attend tha funeral of Brother Ed F. Burrows, Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the First Methodlat church at Albright. All members of the order Invited. O. E. PHELPS, M. W. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrths-N. B. Washington, 2S07 Charles street, boy; Charles Hinger, 639 South Twenty-fourth avenue, girl; Clifton Perch 4016 Seward atreet, boy. ' Deaths Mrs. Susanna A- Rlchey, Fifty alxth and Douglas streets, 42 years; Mrs T. Schneider, St. Joseph's hospital, 62 years; Baby Cooler. 2J8 Spencer street. 2 day a. ANNOUNCEMENTS SIGN PAINTING S. H. COLE, 1302 Doug J"; 11) m THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth bis. Tel. Douglas 1387. t ID 137 RBF1N1SHING floors. Williams. Red U6a0. , (1 4b Jellx AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DEK1U HI', 181 Kama in. q 3a BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE for automobile, fractiunul quarter In eastern bouih Da kota. Piict:, J2.400. Address, iiox A Antlion. la. t,3-MIM 27 6-ROOM house for 6 or 7-room new house; walking distance. Address J-6,t. Bee. ., ' (.3;-M136 24x BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET lu or out of business call 00 UANGESTAD, Hoom 4cu ttv llldg. l tVl-TM DRUG STORES for aals everywhere Knlet. N. Y. L. Bldg. (4)-MtU FOR SALE OR REN T First class meat l.iarket, )7 South Main, Council Bluffs, la. Addreaa C. W. LetcliforU, Council bluffs, la. t4 MJib GROCERIES and notions, 8O0 on dollar and throw la futures 1U7 Broadway, Council bluffa. (4)-UaM Do You Wish to Make a Change IF TOU'have a farm, home, buslneaa or property tiiat you wlsti to sll or ax change, write us. GLOBE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA, NEB. 1 (4)-M62 Jell FOR SALE Billiard hall, 8 tables, every thing new and in good shape, Iowa town of 6.500 population; best location in town; doing nice busliiens; good reason for sell l.ig. Addres 31, South Fredrick St., oelweln, la. (4j M7W x SALOON FOR SALE. Ona of the best; big buatnvss. small ex pense; good stock on hand; owner wishes EQUITABLE REALTY AND TRUST CO , 22 Board of Trade. (4)-M968 84 BANK STOCK WANTED 2,5M to 13.000 llh cashlershlp by experienced man, or Mill Join resident parties establishing bank In good town. Address Y4&6 cam Cmaha Bee. t4 Mt17 26x FOR SALE Drug store, western Nebraska; good town; paying business. Stock and fixtures, $3,0uu Address Y-4 4. ears Cmaha Bee 4) MjOe JelSx MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice for sale in car lots. A. Q. Gilbert, Counoil Blurts, la. i4 MM TOR SALE CHEAP-Stock of mens fur nishings and shoes; in a good location; good reason for selling. Address Y-268, care Bee. 4) MKS3 26x FOR BA LE Hotel furniture, and lease run ring four sears Klein Hotel. Hastings. Kk'u. iiv iruue will be considered. 14J-M8B7 25x FOR RENT OR BALE. Brick store, suitable tor dry goods, clothing or general - merchandise; elegant room, fine front, best location in town. George E. Lundburg, Lyons, Neb. (4) 45 22x 5 WANTED Partner to buy half interest In racket store; stock clean and new; only tucket store In good town of i.OuO; must 1 va ll.w) to 11.20 and ba able to furnish 1 references; no agents. Addreas. Y 462, care Bee. (4) r77 3tx WANT party to Join me In sinking ahaft on a 40-acre lease lu Missouri-Kansaa lead and sine district. Ore has been devei cied by drill; shaft almost to tha ore. ddresa J. Broao, Hi Miners Bank. Jop- lui. Mo. (V-Mia sg BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued ) FOR BALE OR WTLXj FrXdrANOF! FOR FAPM TANDB. Cne of the largest and moet beautiful aummer reorte In Minnesota, situated on the north hank of Lnk Te'onka- a beau tlftil lake with wonde1 ahoree. 1H mile from the city of Wetervllle, at Junction of M. e Bt. L R y and C. O. W. R y. This wa built for a summer hotel aJtotit ten years ago at a ennt of tUVton, and la built In a beautiful grove containing H crs or land, with l.ono feet of lake shore. This would make a flrst-clajts summer home, or an Ideal plnre for a sanitarium. Good flshlnr and hunting In season. If tnterretd, address, EDWARD BOLBERG. La Sueur Center. Minn. (4-M1?4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architect. F. WM. KRETLLE. W N. Y. Life Pld. (6)-llJ Je21x Chiropodist. DR. ROT..R. t, 1606 Farnam Bt Doug. MW. (5) 440 Creamerlas. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. Drtumsklsg. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 136V t6)-4U M DOW ELL Dressmaking School, lftll Fsr nam St. ( til Dcatlata. BAILEY MACH. 8d fir. Paxton. D. lm. (S)-444 Financial. M l U LOA It o w tt RATE In sums to Ml U11C V 810 Bldg v 'Phone Douglaa 2904. 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. B)-446 Far Cleaning- and htoraco. O. E. SHUKERT. Vth and Harney Bta. Fine furs cleaned, atored and repaired. (6)-M7sO June 4 FlarUta, HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam 8t. (fJ 444 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnarn. Tel. D. 1K3, (6J-U7 J. IL BATH, 162S Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000. (6 44s Hatala. THE SCHLITZ, European. 16th and Harney. 6j 4i Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry re pairing. 2-3 Paxton Block. Tel. 4317. (5)-45d - Hsrlsg aad Storlagr, Expressmen's Delivery Co.; office, 214 N. I6U1 St.; warehouse, 2207- Isard St. (6) 451 Oflleo tappliea. FILING cabtneta, files and ledgers, loos leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., SOS 8. 18th St. Tel. Doug. 6662. Ind. A-1662. (5)-M147 24 JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. Y. L. TsL D. 154. Faol aad Billiard Table. FOR 8ALE Anti-Trust pool and billiard tables, supplies and bar fixtures; sold on easy payments; cataloguea tree. Charlea Passow & Sons, 21b So. 19th St., Omaha, Neb. (6) M&90 July 8 Printing. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don't fall to aee our imported line. Lyng stad & Jorvo. printers. 16th and Capitol Av. 15) 463 EVEK STOP TO THINK of the time lost poking up the average printer when you want a Job In a hurry? Ever Try UaT ANCHOR fUBulSHLNO CO.. Printers and office Furulshera. , 80D-312 S. lstn BU Telephones: Bell, Douglas 6662; Ind., A-1562. (6-M148 84 Pablle Stenographer. PUBLIC stenographer. R-647 Brandeis Bldg. w Aitu jeiex Safes Shatters. Bta. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS, makes a specialty of firs eacapes, ahuttera, doors and safes. U. Andreeu, Prop., 102 S. loth 8t (W tw Photography. TRUSSELL Studio. 116 8. 16th St (6) 156 Shoe Itepalrlag;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. First class work. 1618V Capitol Ave. 'Phone Rod 994. (6J 464 SHOES repaired right; called for and de livered free Standard Shoe Repair Co., 18U4 Farnam St Tel. Douglas 7667. (5 46 Wall Paper Cleaned. ABSORENE WALL PAPER CLEANER. The patent kind, 15c, '2-25c, at wall paper, paint, hardware and drug stores. f-M'44 JlX HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and ftalasladlea. LADY agents wanted; toilet articles and groceries; quick sellera; salary or com mission. Call 10 a. m. to 4 30 p. m. 422 North 17th St. (71-M899 2Sx Clerical and Otflca. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, $60. Cashier and office clerk, 860. Young lady to take charge of confectionery counter. 840 to 850. Correspondent, must hsve some experience, 175 to ISO. WESTERN REF. ft BOND A8a"N, (Inc.), 722-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7)-117 SJ . Housekeepers ana Domestics. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework: no washing, good wages. Ap ply 61 Dodge St. Tel. Harney 733. (71-MS39 WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. 1904 Farnam St. Girl for general housework, two In fam ily. 17. Cook. 86. Housemaid. 86. Girls for general housework. 85 to 86. (7) M991 ti WANTED Good girl for general house work; cooking plain; good place as m-ell as wagea. 4123 Farnam. 'Phone Harney 8440. C71-M128 24 WANTED Chambermaid, also dishwasher, transportation furnished, good chsracter required. Perkins Hotel, David Cltv. Neb. a ) -Ml 29 W HELP WANTED MALE Ag-eats, Solicitors and Saleaasea. QUICK SELLERS-214 8. 12th bt 1D-M8U WANTED Thoroughly experienced sales man for wholesale fruit house; must be strictly a live wire; alao man wanted with experience In the car of bananas. Ad dress Box lu47, Lincoln. (9 M1J4 84 WANTED Salesman for domestic depart ment; one who steaks Bohemian pre ferred. Apply Superintendent J. L. Bran deis at Bona. () M104 84 CATHOLIC young salesman for whole sale end retail church goods house; good chance to work up. and travel; atuts ex perience and references. F. 673, rare Bm. ffJlv99MSmnnnnnnj IF 06 or The HELP WANTED MALE AsTents and Salesmen Contlnned. YOUNG MAN, with some experience as furnishing goods salesman. Pray, bin 8. 16th. 9-M99S 23x EXCLUSIVE territory to lend agents throughout Nebraska. Over Inoo a month made by some of our salesmen. Our paid rspltal 8S00.000. A good thing for good men. The O. W. Kerr Co., 314 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. (8) M872 25x WANTEiD Experienced salesmen. The nrearniets Co., Detroit, Mich. t9)-M123 WANTED Fire insurance solicitor; want a hustler for a permanent place; send ex perience, age, refo.rer.ce8 and salary ex pected In first letter. Address Y-2, Bee. (91-M137 25 Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER, German. 850. ( Hotel clerk, 826 and expanses. Btenographer and city salesman, $sn. City salesman, salary and commission. Stenographer, must be able to figure lum ber, 160. Call or write for a complete list of vacan cies, or see us at once If in need of a po sition. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASS'N, (Inc.), 722-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. (91116 22 WANTED Men with commercial ability. Co-Operative Reference Co., 675 Prandeis Bldg. (9) M!)92 Je21 DRUG CLERKS' positions. Knlest, N Y. I Bldg. (9)-M638 Factory and Trades. LEARN" TELEGRAPHY Positions guaran teed; booklet free. Boyle s College, Omaha, Neb. Official training school U. P. R. R. (9)-960 WANTED Sand stone block layers. All summer's work and payday every two weeks. Highest wages paid. For further particulars, address The Denver ft Pueblo Construction Co., 503 Railroad Hldg., Den ver. Colo. (9 M450 Je-11 COAT MAKER WANTED; must be sober man; price 87.60 up. E. 8. Hicks. 13 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la. (9; M942 26x WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few weoka completes; practical experience, careful Instructions, demonstrations and examinations; positions waiting; top wages paid grsduates. Call or write for free catalogue, Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. (9) M12S 28x Miscellaneous. UNITED STATES NAVY wants young men of good character, between ages 17 and 25; men with special trades accepted up to 38 yeara; must be American oltl gens; good opportunities for promotion for efficient men; pay 816 to 7o per month, f radically clear of living expenses. Free llustrated booklet on application, "The Making of a Man-o'-Warsman." Visit or address Navy Recruiting Station, postof flce buildings Omaha, Lincoln and Hast ings, Neb.; Sioux City and Council Bluffs, la., and Sioux Falls. S. D. (9) M6U 31 x WANTED Everyone to understand that we have solved the problem of a "Good Meal for the 1 Money." Our prices are right, our service is good. Home Dairy , Restaurant 1514 Capitol Ave. (9)-M421 FREE employment dept., Buslnrss Men's Ass n; no fees. Call 62S N. Y. Life Bldg. (9) MfllJ WANTED Man who understands garden and greenhouse to work on Wyoming ranch. Pay, 840 and board. Address, Room 26H, Paxton hotel. (9) LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Cows, Birds, Dogs and Cats. FOR SALE Three-year-old Guernsey bull; price reasonable. Address Chris Mat his, Fremont, Nub. (11) 970 23 Horses and Vehicles. FINE family horse, city broke, trap, har ness, etc., at a bargain. T. E. Stevens. Phone Harney 700. (11) M774 HORSE and trap, northwest corner 41st avenue and Chicago street. (1D-M126 2Sx Poultry, EgTars and Squabs. SILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best. If your dealer does not handle, call Doug. 1142, Ind. B-345U. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. (ID loi LOST AND FOUND LOST Near South Omaha, a brown mule colt, 2 years old. Finder please notify po lice station. South Omaha, and receive re ward. Frank Bohac. (l-980 26 MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th St. Omaha. Neb. (13) M106 BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills." 81 a box, postpaid. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 459 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 11th and Dav enport Sta.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13) 129 MONEY TO LOAN IALAHV AND CHATTELS. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. l3ol DoUfclas. (14J463 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Furnam bt . U4J lu4 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol man. room '714, New York Life Bldg. (141-168 P. a NIELSEN ft CO.. LOAN 8. 708 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phons Doug. 234. (li 4J OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. 627 PARK AVE. Cool, south room, mod ern; two working girls preferred; Just papered; large, beautiful lawn; breakfasts. U6)-M423 VIENNA hotel; private dining roorrs; cafe. (15) 467 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas 16J6. Schnioller & lueiler Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (15)-46S DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. Ui 4 BOARD and room; largo room, suitable for two; ainn single rooin. 114 S. lath bt. llo 614 SOUTH FRONT room, with good table board, for two or three adults. )M1 Chi cago St. ilf MM 24x SUITE of rooms, on first floor, modern In every way; horns cooking. 116 N. 2tih St. (1.,-M5H Jtl2x NICELY furnished rooms, close In; first class board. Tel. Douglas 1-Vw. 618 S. lttlt 8t U5) klfcil 23x NICE suits of rooms, also single, with board, to permanent couple or gentleman; references. 1918 Cass St. Phono Doug. 6414. five blocks from postolfice. (15) 660 24 E FURNISHED ROOli and board, tl N 19th St. (Uj-Mrfi 2a Melo wanted" ads EE has no equal OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlngr and Rooms Continued. TWO nicely furnished front rooms with board; modern conveniences; fine sum mer location. 1081 8. 30th Ave. (16)-M131 21 Furnished Itoomi. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle men day, week or month. The Chatham, opposite Millard. 110 8. 13th St (16)-470 FURNISHED rooms. 640 8. 24th St.; ref erences. (16) M 139 Je6 FURNISHED room. 1960 S. 10th St 115) M987 Ju6jt FOR RENT Pleasant furnished rooms In private family. 633 So. 22d St (16) M501 I6x NICELY furnished room, walking distance, board across street, no other roomers; home for right party; references required. Telephone Douglas 6670. (16) 648 22x TWO ROOMS, furnished; house new and strictly modern. SIB N. 19th St. 051-642 22x THREE nicely furnished rooms; housekeep ing. Dr. Griffith, 24th and Farnsm. (16) M843 26x ONE furnished room for gentlemen. 636 S. 25th Ave. (16) M840 26 218 N. 19TH, room desirable for young men or man and wife. (16) M9uo 2dx A NICELY furnished room In private family for one or two young ladles; will serve breakfast If wanted. Near Hans corn park. 221 S. 29th St (16)-04 25x Unfurnished Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS-2223 Burt St. (15)-944 26x FOUR ROOMS, all modern, 8116 Emmet. (16) MK6) 2Tx THREE unfurnished rooms upstairs, near Dodge car, 3"30 Evans St., Omaha; to adults: light housekeeping if desired; rent 81. 'Phone Bell L-416, Council Bluffs, la. (15) M107 24x FOUR unfurnished rooms, modern. S155 Farnnm. 'Phone Harney 2773. (15) 108 Apartments and Flats. 6-ROOM Modern flat 112 8. 11th St (15)-MS92 APARTMENTS, 1 rooms, In QUIVET, 1807-9-11 Farnam St.; steam heat, hot water and telephone. APARTMENTS, 8 and 6 rooms, in BCARGO, South Omaha; steam heat and hot water. HALL, 817 First Nat l Bk. Bldg. Red 7406-A4406. (151471 Housekeeping Itooms. THREE choice furnished rooms; 220 N. 23d St. (16)-M550 THREE nicely furnished front rooms, com- Elcte for housekeeping, modern. 2018 lavenport. (15) 640 26x THREE choice rooms, newly decorated and very nicely furnished for light house keeping; modern; no other roomers; ref erences required and given. Address S-556, care Bee. I (15) M855 25x LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 2216 Califor nia St. Tel. Douglas 4479. (16) 639 22 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 2216 Leavenworth St. (15) 949 26x TWO large, beautiful, cool rooms. 218 N. 23d St. (15) 975 27 Furnished nouses. 10-ROOM furnished house for the summer. Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam. (16) M,'2J Iloasea and Cottages. 1320 N. 40TH. T rooms, all modern. C. E. Herring. 411 New York Life Bldg. (15)-8S9 OMAHA Vsn and Storage Co., pack, movs, store H. 11. goodi. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th, office 1&J9 Farnam. Tel. Doug, 1359. (16) 476 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L Bldg. (151-481 FOR RENT All modern, 8-room house, 704 N. 23d St., large yard, fine ahade trees, &40 per month. Parties still In the house and will be glad to show it (15)-869 FOR RENT Modern 8-room houfe, two blocks from 24th Bt. car line, south front lot, 50xl6S; 2570 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at 266 Poppleton Ave. (15) MISS FOR RENT 9-room modern house. 1750 8. 17th 8t.. $30. Cassell Realty Co.. 326 Board of Trade. (15) M800 23 Maggard Van ft Storage Co. D. 1496. Ws guarantee moving pianos, H. H. goods. (15)-4S2 FOUR rooms with hall, closet, ground floor, city water and sewer; half block to car line. 915 N. 26th Ave. (16)-648 MODERN rooms; walking distance; south front; 830. McCague Co.. isos Dodge Bt. (15) M130 26x FOR RENT. 9-room modern brick house, In fine condi tion, facing Hanscom Park 837.60. 1513 N. 20lh St., 3-room cottage lu. STORES AND OFFICES. Northwest corner loth and Harney, very dcslrabli room, 22x66, with large vault lino. Offices in Rsmge Bldg., 10th and Harney, very convenient, two electric elevators $10. $15, 120 and $25. W. R. HUMAN, 1517 Farnam St. (In) 633 22 FOR RENT June 1, 8514 Jones 8t. new 7-room house; hot water heat, floored attic, cellar under entire house. Inquire 8518 Jones St., or telephone Harney 128S. (15)-MiWl 25x J'i:2 REESE St., 8-room house, $8. 8210 N. 24th St.. 8-room flat. $7. u-room flat, fell modern, within walking distance. BEM1S. 806 PAXTON BLOCK. Phones, Douglas 56; Independent A-15S5. (la-184 CHOICE Central, 4-room, corner flat. 22o N. 23d. (15)-M97 2967 PACIFIC BT. 9 rooms; thoroughly modern, oak finish; $40. A. G. Elllck, 602 Uce Bldg. (15) 4 I EIGHT-ROOM strictly modern )iou3e, 680 South 28th St When you have looked this over come in (don't tele phone) and we will talk terms. M. J. KENNARD & CO.. 809-10 Brown Blk. (15) M818 8128 CHICAGO street 8 rooms, large yard and barn, 84 Soil Webster street. 8 rooms, modern except furnace. $23. Rins wait Bros.. Sv4 So. 15th St (15)-M5S9 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. 15 4:9 FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath, barn, 2154 S. 84th. W. B. Stlllman. 419 1st Nat. Bk. Bid. (15) 4D0 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storlnt Expressnien's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 2t4. , (lj477 TinTTQT'Q In sll psrts of the city. I1UUOLO Crelgh Sous ft Co.. Pee Bldg. O.M49 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros.. 16u4 Farnam. (16) 474 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Company, 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) 48 SIX-ROOM, second floor. 1901 N. iBth Bt, $11; -room house, partly modern, Wil liam St., $23; storeroom, 14 N. 84th Bt, $15. Chris Boyer, Jd and Cuming eUs. (16-M465 FOR RENT June 1. 8514 Jones St.. new T room house, hot water heat, floored attle, cellar under entire house Inquire Hit Jones St., or lelephons Harney l2so. . (15)-01 a J OFFERED FOR RENT Houses aad Cottaa-ee Continued FOR RENT Blx-room cottage, 27S Capitol Ave.; modern, except heat; nicely re paired; very desirable: l. Also, two atory, 7-room, 211 N. 2th Ave.; new plumbing; convenient; rooms large; low rent to good party. Apply at 607 N. 19th Bt. (16) mm . HOUSE for rent, 2603 Franklin St. (161-646 MODERN 8-room house, close to car line. south front. Inquire 2514 Caldwell St. (15) M790 23x 10-ROOM brick house, south and cast front. Modern; keys on premises. 114 N. 26th et.. Tel. Harney Sim. (16) 763 ax NEW brick house, strictly modern. 7 rooms. oak finish, $45. 601 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1610. (16) 919 i NEW 8-room house; everything modern beautiful lawn and shade. Apply at 2124 Miami (St. (16) M926 FOR RENT. 8-room house, beside bath room, closets and pantry and two cellars, lawn snd on street csr line; terms reasonable. Also for sale s gns range, attached; carpets on me noor ana oiner nousenoin goods. Jtppiy on premises, is.o Farnam Bt. (15)-95 22x FOR RENT-2632 Patrick Ave. rooms iibi ijr IICW, CUllHpi., Willi IHB and DHII1, $22 50. J. H. Bherwood, 616-617 Brsndels NICE 8-room all modern house In Bemla Park. Apply 3315 Myrtle Ave. (16)-976 24x 2210 CALIFORNIA, 8-room brick, all mod em, $45, 50R N. 25th St.; 7 rooms, all mod em, new, $40; Park Ave.. 8 rooms, all mod em, $37.50; 720 N. 23d St., corner; Burt St., rooms, an moorn, s.ri O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel Doug, or A-2131 (10) w 7 23 3820 N. 19th St., 6 rooms, modern except noni, izii. 3014 N. 20th St., 6 rooms, water and ga.'., $16. 210 N. 21st St.. 6 rooms, modern. $26.50. 3936 N. 21st St.," 7 rooms, modern except neat, kj.su. 3021" Davenport St., 7 looms, new,' modem, SH5. 3110 Corby St.. 7 rooms, modern. $r!.50. 60PV( N. 21st St., 5 roc ms, , modern except neat, 826.60. 2212 N. 21st St.. 7 rooms, modem, $22 50. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St Ask for rental department. (151110 22 BARGAINS IN RENTALS. Splendid 9-room house In West Farnam district, strictly modern, reduced to $50 per month. 3172 Farnam St., 8 rooms, all modern, good repair. J37.50. Splendid 6 and 6-room St. Iiuls apart ments In Hanscom Park district will decorate to suit tenants. 819 Park Ave., strictly modern, beautifully decorated throughout, reduced to iil.w. 612 N. 21st St. nothing finer in city 9, rooms, strictly modern, oeauuruuy neco rated, very easy walking distance. Choice ror private family use, or lor select room crs; only $17 50. PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO,, Main Floor New York Life Bldg. (15)-130 22 $10 PER MONTH, 3d floor, 2923 Douglas St.: 4 rooms and batn. $11 each per month, 2d and 3d floors, 2921 Douglas St.; 4 rooms and bath. $22 per month. 1332 8. 24th Ave.; 6 rooms, modern except turnace. $25 per month, 2319 N. 27th Ave., 7 rooms, modern. $30 per month. 2d floor, 2129 Farnam St., very desirable 6-room flat. $35 per month. 2043 N. 20th St., 8-room mod ern house, almost new. $40 rer month, 2065 Paclfio St., 9 rooms, modern. $60 per month each, 128-130 35th St., 9 rooms, strictly modern. $46 per month for heated spartment at 418 8. 2oth Ave., strictly modern and nearly new. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam Bt. (15)-M994 24 Building's. FOR RENT Space In building located In heart of (he business district; trackage facilities and electric elevator; suitable for warehouse or light manufacturing nurposes. Address W-225. care Bee. V (25)-M55S BUILDING 100x66 feet, Nineteenth and Nicholas St.. very light, high ceiling, trackage. 'Phone Fredrlckson, Douglas 178. (13) MtWi 25 Offices. Only a Few Vacant Offices for Rent in The Bee Building 517 A small room Sxl4 on the fifth floor, the only office In the building at $10 per mo. 306 A large office facing on Farnam St.; Is subdivided into three ' rooms snd is equipped with fireproof vault, having good shelf space. This office could be used to advantage by Insurance firm wishing a splendid location. 214 Is 14Hx27 feet, with entrance from the beautiful and well ventilated court. Here is an opportunity for someone to rent 292 square feet at a small price and have a convenient office. 338 One of the desirable large rooms on the east front of the Bee building, size 17x 324. subdivided with reception room and two private offices and having a large fireproof vault. This would be a good location for two doctors and would af ford cheap office rent. . 644 If you are anticipating a well appointed east front office, we would ask you to look at this one. It is the only vacant one on the sixth floor and rents at, per month, $20. Remember, that if you rent an office In the Bee building you will receive courte ous treatment, and you will have a clean effic. There will be no extra charge for light, heat nor Janitor service. The Bee Building Co., n W. BAKER, Supt.. Room No. 106 1 U5)-114 24x OFFICES OR PARLt3R8 6 and 6 rooms in Qulvet' lfrl-t-11 Farnarn St.; suitable f ir artists' physlciana, dentists, dressmakers, lie who wish their homes adjulnlng; steam heat, hot water and telephone. Also offices or perlors. 8 snd ro..ms. in Scarso Bldg-. South Omaha, suitable for f..,,,. doctors, etc.; Kteam heat snd int watr HALL. 817 First Nat'l B:ink Bldg Red 'U2A1! (I)- OFFICES In The Bee Building for rent AodIv R. W. Baker. Superintendent Refill 106. (15)-M 160 DFBK ROOM. stenographer If desired. R 2-23 Nebraska National Bank Bldg. Tel. "Dcuglus 8.5.2. (15)-M71 23 CORNER offUe. with splendid plate glass and oak fixtures. Wead Bldg., lsth and Farnam St (16)-MM8 28 . PLEASANT office room to let m new Brandeis building; use of stenographer and phones If desired. Inquire at room UT. v - (15-74 a FOR RENT Third floor Hotel Reporter Bldg. 414 8. llh St., 44x62 feet; extra good d light. ii sue OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued ) STORE ROOM In Soargo Mock at N. J4th St., South Omaha; stasm heA. .noj. rn, show windows, excellent ici-attnn. Also 1 basement rooms In sain building. Cemented floors, steam heated, suliabls for billiards, barbers baths, restaurant, eto HALL. $17 First Natl Bank B.dg. Red 7406 A-4406. , tlo)-48J SUITE of rooms In Baldrige building, 2mh and Farnam 6t; well suited to derss maklng parlors, studio, etc. F. D. Wead, 1H01 Farnam 8t (16) MM. 28 FOR RENT Large store room, northeast corner 16th and Vinton Sts., C. M Bachman, 436 Paxton Block. (15) M50C 111 6. 15th, steam heat. 1&U6 N. 24th. new. brick, $25. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. Room 6, Frenxer Blk. (151-M24: $.10 PER MONTH. 2127 Farnam St., large storerooms, cemented bssement. $50 each per month. 1403-06 Jackson St., 22x 6 rt., large basement; will be thorongniy renalred and decornted to suit tenant. $100 per month, 1615 Howard St., good storeroom and basement; Just south of I hnmpson-Heldcn department store ana only a short distance from 16th St. GEORGE ft COMPANY, 1801 Farnam 6t (15I-M995 24 STORE room. 40x60 fret, for rent. 1509-11 Capitol Ave. (IR)-lll 28 OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. FINE wardrobe, nearly new, at a bargain, Cll 2306 Douglas St. O$)-M104 24x FOR SALE Ice box. rocking chairs, hall tree and other household furniture. Flat 12, The Dunaany, 10th and Pierce Sts. (16) Mltn 24X DRESSERS, carpets, office table, rolltop desk, standing desk, ladles' desk, book case, sideboard dining table, leather seated chairs, gas stove, refrigerator, Iron beds, kitchen safe, gocart, bronze hall statuette, mirror 18x12, candlestick and other furniture, .must be sold at once at your own price. Call at once; come Sun day also. 2618 Cuming St. (It) 119 24x Pianos. Organs, Musical Instruments. FOR SALE Cheap, Knabe square piano. Party has no use for it 603 S. 22d St. (16) M188 29x Typewriters and Sewlnar Machine. FOX TYPEWRITER, No. 127420; only used short time and In A No, 1 condition; for sale at very reasonable price. Call for Wright at Bee Office, 17th and Farnam. U6)-691 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures: easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8. loth St O6) 480 LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. (l)-506 A LOT of stone for coping, window snd door sills; also fancy pressed brick, for sale. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt Bee Bldg. (! 961 ICE! ICE. MINNESOTA ICE In car lots. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, la. (16)-M374 GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city; select now, delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., Sit 8. 15th St. Tel. Doug. SSL (l v9 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (14)-493 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. (161-493 ONE Hobart alternating current coffee mill. In good condition, $90. bloan urocery CO., 1213-15 Howard St. (16)-M931 26 S-S RUCKER and Weston news cases and stands for sals chesp. Call at Bee of fice, Omaha. (16J-892 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $19 orders; catalogue free. Sherman ft Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 488 FOR SALE Store building, located In vil lage of Alvo, Neb., 30x60 feet In slie, with hall overhead, and good basement. Will be sold at a bargain. For particulars ad dress E. M. Stone, Alvo, Neb. (161-M201 SEND ns your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 491 PURE Vermont maple sugar and syrup. D. E. Ulddlngs, East Fairfield, vt. (16) M455 Jellx SOME first-class laundry machinery for salo cheap.. G. F. Llille, Tekamah, ncd. (16)-M8U HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dooge Sts.. Omshs. Neb. (16) 494 PATENTS PATENTS Sues ft Co., Washington, D. C. we maxe ires cAftiuuiMkiuii. iu uuu uu. If Inventions are patentable. Advics fres. Patent obtained or fee returned. (17) M641 Jel3x D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117 (K) taj LARSON ft CO. Book free. 622 Bee Bldg. W PATENTS THAT PROTECT 3 books for Inventors mulled on receipt 01 oc poaiage R. S. ft A. B. Laccy, rooms 29-39 Pacific Bldg.. Washington. V. C. Established was. QIz!fJL PERSONAL REWARD OFFERED. rn th. forenoon of May the 19th. 1906. an automobile touring car, without a llcensj number, or any number, occupied by two women and a n'nn, was run Into the closed iron gates and their posts on the south line of my residence property facing lh street, city of Omaha. I hereby offer a reward of $26 for In formation and evidence upon which to warrant the arri'Ht and secure the con ...in r.t the driver, occupants or owner of said car. or either of them, for violation of the state statutes or the ordinances of the city with respect to the operation of automobiles on the streets of the city. George H. Joslyn. (18I-M121 23 Mi f'WF'TTr! treatment and bath. Mme. AuJNji-J-v gmUh, 118 N. 16th, 2d floor. (18) 627 A HOME for women during confinement: We linO II U 1 1 .1 .ui 1 r t 1 1 1 1 nnoic iiiumei cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 4o2 Bancroft St 'Phone Douglaa 1921. (18)M363 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff . , , . . .n..tV.lnv ...... .. . . ClOtnins, .ii;iiiii'. jvw viu nut need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4136 snd wagon will call. (IS) 785 6AT1N smooth skin secured using Satin sktn cream con" (Is) KfACQAnFl and baths. Room 2, 1201 JIAooAUIJ Farnam St.. 2d Floor. (J) illil J a. 6 WILL retain and grow hair or pay $100 Write Dr. Oliver K. Chance, scalp spe- 1 . . JL C..nl..l. A r ( ' a H ,1 VI I n ... n . .1 1 - aiiai, " ' . - ...... Lention Omaha Lee when writing. Me lBIaiV J4X PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. king. l-4 N. 24ih. Tel. Webster am. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Clinsiian association rooms. UlS Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted (18)-915 DR. TARRY "PILES'- .recur Fuminatlon or booklet free. Dr. Tarry, 224 Bee Bldg., Omsha, Neb. UB) Pai .IBID SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut trices. Send for free catalogue. Myers illlon Drug Co . Omaha. fl) 4S MME. ZEREFA. Armenian massage, 620 8. 16th, Flat 4. 'Phone Douglas SMS (18) Ms3 Jellx PERSONAL (Continual ) OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Hams HI g. list 4-i SCHOOL for dressmaking, rutting and fit ting; will cut patterns to measure. Hy Kneeter; the best ladies' Inilnr. '.'7 Fhi nam St. 1m -mm J inel7 REAL ESTATE ItKAL ESTATE DKt I, Kit 8. PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Ufa. tlKi-eul BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Hrande7sBlnT (l)-6lS GEORGE ft CO. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Pour!. 7J6. Uii-tia CITY PROPERTY FOR mi.R " SAVE CAR FARE, TIME AND RENT Fine new 7-room modern house, lot 36x125, paved street, brick and concrete nalks, all paid, shade and fiult trees. cay walk ing distance; valuable location, near .nth and Cuming Sts. Only $2,600: small rash" payment; balance $J0 per mont'i. It eluding 6 per cent interest, which Is $s less than rental value. Near 45th and Grant Sts. we have a very choice home place of 7 rooms, 2 lts, beau tiful shade and fruit trees, g.iod barn, wagon and tool shed, concrete walks, fences, etc. This must be sold at once, regsrdless of price. See us at once if you wnnt a bargain. NJA H , rt ... rt rt VP. rtt , A ..11 1 . t near car, fine location, near 38th and Grand avj,, .vu. in iaxe gooa iana or acreag i In part payment. Good 4-room cottage, full lot, water, sewer, brick walks, gas, etc., near SO and Seward. $1,600; $76 cash; $15 per month. Can give Immediate possession. 1 RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 433 Ramge Bldg., 16th and Harney. (19) 11$ 22 NICE COTTAGE New 5-room cottage; nice location, near 34th and Meredith Ave., one block from car; full lot, fine view; $1.i0; $Jio cash, balance $1S per month. PETERSON BROS.. 475 Brandeis Bldg. 'Phones: I). 7Ji3, A-3167. (191-113 22 SOMEBODY IS MISSING IT. A NEW UP-TO-DATE 8-ROOM HOUSE $2,650 Beautifully papered through out, porcelain bath, toilet and wash; a nice south front lot 60x125 to an alley, fenced In and ornamental Iron fence In front, nice lawn, treea and ' shrubs, newly paved street, permanent walks In and out Next lot can be had adjoining If desired, and cheap, same owner. It must be sold and owners have refused to rent on tht account; can give Immediate possession; right on main car line and Is reasonably priced at $200 more. Mark my words. See It before questioning the value. Ownera would like $1,000 down, but perhaps $650 may do. WILLIAM FLEMING. Ill South 18th. 'Phone Doug. 179. 19)-9Sl 21 NEAR FIELD CLUB New 6-room bungalow wllh reception hall and bath, all rooms finished In birch; reception hall, parlor, dining room, stained mahogany, all modem; best of plumbing with hot water heat, cemented cellar; east front lot sodded and terraced: cement walks and steps. Located at liXu) S. 2Sth Ave. Price, $2,900; $1,000 cash, balance $30 per month. C. G. CARLBERG, irj. Y. Life Bldg. (I9 M133 23 SPECIAL LOT SALE Remember our special sale of remaining lots In Elllstone and Firestone additions as originally planned and advertised in last Sunday's paper, will be held on Satur day. May 23. Lots from $80 to $500 Sire, from 40 feet to 75 feet. On 80th Boulevard close to Fort Omnha and Miller's park and on 27th and 2Sth streetj. All level and on grade. No moro attractive additions In the city. Some of these with no Interest or taxes; terms from $17 cash; salesmen on the ground Saturday, 2 p. m. to dusk. Take Florence car to 30th and Ellison avenue. Get off at our big sign. Good for either Investments or home. Come and Investigate. We shall be pleased to show them. Real Estate Title-Trust Co., Chas. E. Williamson, Pres. Ground floor, V. S. National Bank Bldg., 1201 Farnam St. (19)-M990 23 REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. i56. Prompt service. Get our prices. 1710 Farnam tit. lUO-503 MUST SELL 6-room house; large new barn, new chicken v house and coal house; all newly painted; J large lot covered with fruit; In the north part of city, two blocks from car; price, $1,700: easy payments. Doug. 5t5. SEMIS, Paxton Blk. Ind. Al.vO. (19)-M92 PEAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST pn tt CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, l'res. VU. G9)-607 FOR BALE A mortgage on an 8-room house on well located lot, rate 6 per cent, amount $1,4"0. Address S 532, care Omaha Bee. (19) FO 26x "JUST WHAT I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR SO L0NG,'! said a lady upon seeing and buying a couple of those choice Halcyon Heights lota the other day. For beauty of location, surroundings and conveniences, sightly views, prices and terms, these lots are unexcelled anywhere in or neap Omaha. Twenty-seven minutes run on Walnut Hill car to business center of Benson, then only 2 blocks south on Lynn Ave. It will pay you well to see this tract; go out today, r 'phone us and we'll meet you on the grounds. Prices $-5o to $050; $.0 cash, to per month. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. (19) 118 1 "WEST SIDE HOME A new 7-room house, parlor. dining room, kitchen and bed room on first floor, three bedrooms and hath upstairs; all rooms finished In birch; all modern; best of plumbing and hot water tient; full cemented cellar, also sink li. cell.ir; east front lot. sodded and terraced; cement walks and steps. Ixieated at lulO S. 3m n Ave. Price, $3 2(0: $1,000 canli. balance $10 per month. P. O. CARLBERG. 911' N. Y. Life Bldg. (191-M132 2S I WANT an offer on the property. 1128 and 1130 8. 31st St.; two modern .houses and good barn; well rented. This property Is owned by an eastern party wh- must sell. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. O9I-606 TWO new 4-room cottages, fall lots, on 2Sth pt., just south of Wlnney; nice hath and closets, water and sewer connections, cement walks four feet wide along entire block. Price. $1.70. Can make easy pay ments if deslrtd. Reed Bros , 17VV Far. nam. (!.- 37 FOR quick sale list your property with Waller Wills, 414 Bee Bldg.. ftentala and Insurance. 19 .ui ji AESTRtCTS II JFS?FN - M DANIEL. OF II 214 Hoard of Trade. TITLE ll Phone Doutlus Hi--5f,J PFAL FSTATr- FAR II AND II A. VCII LAM) FUR IAI.D Nebraska. FARMS FOR SALE -141 acies Improved. 6 miles from town in Wood River vall-y, all level. Best corn, wheat and alfdl'a, land In atate. $65 per aura. E. F Pau k. Wood River, Neb bftj-M3wl 24 f