Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13
4-1 MARKET Corn Wcakeni After Steady Opening and Carries Wheat Down. lOltEIGN EEP0RT3 COME WEAK Damage lleporta llaa Xot he Strength, Detain Valaes Agalast tho Favorable (ironlag ' Weather. ' ' OMAHA. May 22. 19rfl. . Corn weakened considerably after a steady opening and carried wheat lower with It. Cables cams weak and damage report hav not tha strength to hold valuea against the favorable growing weather. Wheat opened qulti, but steady, with no wheat offered. An easier feeling waa evi dent when corn dropped and some aelllng drove prices lower. 1 he cash market waa alow and offered no support. May option oper.d at Wc and closed at tSc. Corn opened nervoua and choppy and bobbed up and down, with little strength shown on either aide. The market grew featureless toward tha close and valuea aUKged otf easily. May ooru opened at fiSc and closed at Wr. ITimsry wheat receipts were oTAoOO bushels and ahlpmenta were 4S7.0OO bushels, against receipts last year of 620,000 bushel and ahlpmerits ot 515,000 bushels. Corn receipts were ITO.O'iO bushels and shipments were, 471,000 bushels, against re ceipts last year of a3,0OO bushels and ship ments of 646,000 bushels. Clearances were 8,000 bushels, of corn, 1.000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour tequat to 87.000 bushels. Liverpool closed H4Hd lower on Wheat .and Hd lower on corn. . Seaboard reported 3H0,l0 bushels of wheat and 24,'XW bushels ! corn taken for ex port. Local ranga of optional Artlclaa.; Open. ( Hlgh. Low. i; Closs.j Ye'y. Wheat! , , May.. '-July... Sept.. Corn . ' May.. July.. ' Sept.. LRAIN AND .MM 9.1 98 94 u so w. w so 68 M M 8 14 814 61Va 61 H 60 SO U ' u j W 49 4344 49 494 49 Omaha Calk Frlees, WHEAT No. IViard, Wa96c; No. 3 hard, fiWci No. 4 .hard, 84U"Sc; No. spring, CORN-Nj. 1 dRVic : No. 1, 7Hc; tio. 4, v, WSio; No. 3 ellow, ; No. white, tfUic H'a7c; So. 1 yellow c: No. I white. tuc OATO-No. 1 m.ved, DOViteic; No, S white, WWc; o. 4 white, 60Vu61c. - KXE-No, 1 7Vi73c; No. 8. 707J72c. ' . tar lot ltouctpts. Wheat. Corn, Oats. Omaha .... 24 74 4 Chicago giiaix aso provisions Features at Ike Trad! aad Closing; Frices on Board of Trade. ' CHICAGO, May a. Optimistic reports re. larding tha condition of the croo In Kan aus caused weakness today In the- local wheat market, tha July delivery closing At a net decline of Ve. Corn was down tJo. frovisione were vaia to mo lower I he wheat market waa erratic, prices ringing from VstjH higher to HUHo lower than the closu yesterday. The greatest wtaicnesa waa manifested late in the nay and was .caused chiefly bv a report from Kansaa. The wheat crop In Kansas, In ' aplte of damage done by drouth, will bo anywhem from 80.10.000 to 110.000,000 bush els. Damage reports received early In the day from Bulgaria, Koumania and Xanaaa had a strengthening effeot. A bearish factor waa the large amount nf wheat shipped from Argentina during the i. me- marvel closed weak, juiy opened Hm lower, at 90Wf4iC. ad- Vliere tt closed. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to IM.10U buehela, Ex ports for the week as ahown by Ri ad street's were equal to 2.83OO0O bushel. Primary receipts were SnO.OOO bushels, against 662,000 bushels on the same day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 192 cara, against 183 ears laat week and 840 cara a year ago. Com was weak, on selling. The market waa subjected to considerable Selling pres sure all day and closed weak and near the loweat point. The Increase In offer ing waa due to a report that a large amount of corn Is enroute to Chicago and also because of the Improved weather for farm work. Trade In the May delivery was llnt- but th,t option dropped from 774o to 75c. The market closed weak and May at 76140. July opened HTr'ae to o higher, at eeSc, declined to 66'4 (iWttto and closed at &a. Ixx-al receipts 182 cara with 61 cara of contract grade. . The oata market waa steady all day, the feature being the aelllng of September by longs. July opened unchanged, at MV4 Old between 4Wc and 4eTVft47c and cloaed at 4ff'4c. Local receipts were IS cars. Provisions were weak on selling of lard by local packers. A WinOc advance In live hogs bad apparently no effect. At the close July pork wa lOo lower, at US.ffii4. Lard waa JOo lower, at S.4714, Hlba were 67Ho lower, at $7.7.S7V4. . Kstimated receipts for tomorrow! Wheat, 6 cars; corn, 239 cars; oats, 148 cars; hogs, 14 000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: . Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Tes'y. Wheat May July . Sept. POJi'S'H Ki'il "H Hl - "H 87V186H fcH I ' 7741 T7i 7R 76m mi tm 8, b14 'i 66 66 mv, 40. W 64, 56 65 Bl4 B44 U 64 64Vi 64 64 64 4t4i 46'Afi-47 4H 4i7 4i 4W 4M4r ' 46Vi 46V 46H 37s V , 37H STKdn 87S 13 72V4 13 72H o 13 61 13 72H 14 00 14 00 U 7V4 13 W 13 7V ta 8 66 8 46 S47H 8 67M, . S IU4 8 66 S 76 140 7 40 T85 T374 7 42H T 65 T 66 7 67H T 87 I 66 - ,x May July Sept. Oats tMay May aJuly A bJuly VBept. , " Pork-i July Sept. Sept. H!hs July Sept. No. t aOld. bNew. Cash quotations were as follows: r XAJL'K Bit ad y: spring patents, 35.3041, 6to; atraighta. M.iW(j4.i; wintr patents, H"iJ46i atraighta, t.ly4 70; bakers, H.IU WHEAT No. 8, 'Ul.Mi No. 8 rod. 81 01 (l l Wii cohN-No. 3, Vmw, No. I yellow, 754 fcllic. OATS No. 3. 64c; No. 3 white, SSV: N S while. 61tu54v. BAHLKV-Falr to choice malting 70fl. BKK1 Flax, No. 1 north wesicrn. 1,6. Timothy, prime, M-K44.1&. PKOVlSlON Bhori ribs sides Oooset, 6.87a7.M. Mess pork,, per bid., i;15vij Lard, per loo lbs., jl.t0. Short clear aides (boxed), tJ.W47.tfe. iulluwiug wvre the receipt and ship rutins of Hour and gram: Recelpta. 8hlpmsnta Flour, bbls... .i0 Wheat, bu 6.W Corn, bu la.wio Sus.HuO Oata bu.. aid.OOU 364.KI0 R..' bu... 1.0" barley, bu. ...-.' 46. 100 W.luo On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa firm; cieameriea. laiu-ic;,tt. ijii!Icv. Em. steady; at mark, casea Included, 144uH'Ve; Hreis, 16c; prime tirsta. I.e. Lheese. ateaay; iuhjiuijc , Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. May 23. WHEAT-Rpot steady; No. i red western winter, ia lsd: No. 1 C'Hllfornia, 7a 7d, wn quaya. and 7s St. In store; futures barely steady; July ia 6VI;1 September, ittceniber, r,uM new American, kllni dried, 'firm at 6s iud; tdd American mixed steady at 6 loSd; futurva quu.1, May, 6a IU',,0. , Mlaaearelts Orala Market. MINN EAlt LIS, May 22. WH EAT No. 1 hrrt IIIKU' NI. I nnrlh-rn. tl U1' Nn. t, l iV; No. t, . Il.0iki3l.03; July. 1.06bi; September, i'ac. liKAN-ln bulk. 32L7Mi2-0a FLOl'It Market unchanged; first pat eola; ascond pairnta, Ij.iXtS 4A; fust cU-ata. HiJ4-36, second cieara, 8.w. . ""' Mtlwaakee Grata Market. ini.WAITKKE. May 22. WHEAT Ms r- Vet ek-ady; No. I northern, li-ul. 11; No. g northern, si-v, v-". , rtARLEY Dull; No. , 75c; sample, 66 yORN Lower; No. I, cash, T4'8TSc; July, V.Ho tld. ' ' ; Pklladelpbla Frsdse. PHILADELPHIA. May 22. RCTTER Firm; eitra we(ern creamery, iix; nearby Ulnts, Mo. v uaud Market Vo lower on current re- ceipts; rnn.vlvsnla and other nearby firata. frpn . ITSc at mark; currant re- '-"J''.'" " r,,"rnahle cn. l'Ho at mark; H-RATIien 1 THH G ft A Iff BELT tmlr tarday aad ftllahtty Warmer, ay Fareesiter. OMAHA. May 12. W. While cnnM..r,.Kl i', ....... In all sections, generally fair weather pre vails In all portlona of the country. Light rains are falling In wentcrn Montana and eouthern Colorado. The weather Is much cooler In the upper Mississippi vallev and upper lake region. A alight but general rise In temperature Is shown In all other aectlons. except In southeestern Montana, wiu-re ireeaing weather, with heavy frosts, is reported. The IpRinamhir will rise slowly In this vicinity torilght and Satur day, with continued fair tonight and prob ably Saturday. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the past three years: 19DS. 19m. 190S. 1SIB. Minimum temperature ... 4 64 61 58 t-rocHpiiatlon 00 .08 .61 .00 Normal temnerattir for toriuv Al derreea. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. 2.41 Inches. lcflcl-ncy . corresponding period In 1907, I.M Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1906,. el of an Inch. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecnster. 'Corn and Wheat Region Baltetta. For the twenty-four hours ending at 8'a. jn 75th meridian time, Friday, May 23, OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp Rnln Rtatlnna. Max. Mln. 1 nil. Bkr. xsniann, Neb..., 79 41 .00 11 .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .oo .00 .oo .00 .03 .04 .01 .01 T Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Ft. cloudy Clear Clear Pt. c!o'idy Clea Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Auburn, Neh... Columbus. Neb 4 40 47 40 43 rw Falrbury. Neb.... 71 Fairmont, Neh. . 73 Or. Island. Neb.. 71 Hartlngton. Neb. 70 Itaetings, Neb.. Oakdale, Neb... Omaha, Neh Tekamah, Neb.. Alia, la. ...t Carroll. Ia. Clarlnda, la Klbley. Ia 71 40 67 84 84 41 67 41 39 89 41 3S 42 Sioux. City, T Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp.- Rain. Station. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago, 111 Columbus, O Des Moines, la.... Indianapolis, Ind.. Kansas City, Mo., Iyulsville, Ky Minneapolis, Minn. Omaha, Neb tit. Iouls. Mo . Minn, riiMa. l . t? t mark: I liKhSE-Sieudy; old New Tork full iXXUV"' ,,,,,'. H'4jlV; 'air to fooU, M, UVnlV as to quality. 15 80 M .24 1 80 f .10 14 i 44 .36 12 3 K3 .34 18 74 48 .06 16 84 60 .34 S6 SI 86 .16 16 68 40 .02 11 84 66 .68 The weather Is much cooler In the west ern portion of the corn and wheat region and freeling temperatures are reported at points In the Minneapolis district, fihnw crs occurred In air districts within the last twenty-four hours. I A. WELSH, fcal Forecaster. NEW YORK OKNEHAt MARKET eaotatlaaa of the Day oa Varlona Commodttlea. NEW TORK, May 22. FLOUR Receipts, 88,1'0 bbls.; exports, 1,100 bbls; market quiet and about steHdy. Minnesota patents,; winter straights, t4.3i.j4 W; Minnesota bak-ra, 34,?(V&4.0f; winter extras, 3.5O4.10; winter patents, H 5f4N.8); winter low grades, $-r4u-l.ii. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, U bXa4 W; choice to fancy, 84.9fisr5.15. CUUNMEIALr-fiteady: fine white and yel low, 31.60fal.65; coarse,; kiln dried, 83.85. RYEr Dull; No. 3 weatern, 8Sc, nominal, t. o. b., New York. 1 WHEAT Receipts, 24.000 bu.; exports, 15.804) bu. Spot market Irregular; No. 8 red, 31.U6, nominal, elevator, and S1.0f for late Julv. f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 north ern Duluth,. 31. 15X, f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 hard winter., f. o. b. afloat. After holding ateady all day nn bullish crop news, light weatern receipts and further export inquiry, wheat broke near the close on predictions for heavy world's shipments and- was finally i(fto net lower on lead Ins nositlons. May closed at Sl.OiUu July closed at H6n and September cloaed at Mc. CORN Receipts, 10,750 bu.i exports, 8,600 bu. Spot market, steady; No. 3. 78c, nom inal, elevator, and . 76c, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Options were without transactions, closing aite'ie lower. May closed at 764c, Julv closed at Uka and September closed at 72c. OATH Keeeipis, w,ouw ou.: exports, non. Root market steadv: mixed oata. 26 to 32 pounds, 64c: natural white. 36 to 82 pounds, 67Hfi60c; clipped white, 33 to 40 pounds, W?Mr5. . .' HA x yuiet; gooa to cnoice,, nominal. HIDES Firm;' Bogota, 171c: Central Anierlca, 17V13. t.ip ATrrfrt? r? ar,M. 1flrff!7o. PROVI8ION8-Jeef, steady; family, 318.60 fi'17.00; mess, beef hams, rJ6.tiw 38.00; packet. 14.&Ortfl5.00: city extra India mess. t?4.O0W5.0O. Cut mests, quiet; pick led bellies, 9.00(ff10.00; pirkl 'd bams, 310.00. Lard, easy; western. 88.40.50; refined, Steady: continent. $9.00; South America, fAao? romnound. 37.75i.l!A. Pork, steady: family, 317.0filR.O; "short clears. 115.76 17.25: mess, 14.76tila.25. TALLOW Steady; cltjr fit per pkg.), 5Uc: country (pks. free), MmVjC. RICE Firm; aomesuc, lair 10 exira, mjt fieuc: .Trsn, r.omlnsl. POl'LTRY Alive, dull; spring chickens, 30c; fowls. 13c; turkeys, lie. uressea. weak;'western spring cmcgens, Knc, iur kevs, 12 17c: fowl lliSHo. miTTfc-.R Easv: creamery speclalg, 23c; extraa, 23Vc; third to flrs 1723r; state dairy, common to unei, nvuoi:, iuvbo, common to special. 13Vi'a21Hc; western fac tory, first. 17HC. CHEESE Steady; atate iuu cream, new au., inu. EOOS--Steady; atate, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected, wnue. iin-ic; mr.r.A in -hnip igu'SIOc: brown and mixed. extra. 19'(jsa)c; firsts to extra firsts. 189 l"c: fresh gathered, storage packed, firsts, 17IS17V4C. - St. Lonls Geaeral Market. ST. LiUUlB. May ii.-niicl No. 2 red cash, track, $1.02V."t(1.03tt: No. t hard. 96CI631.06; July. Witj'awc; Beptem Cl CORN Lower; track. No. 3 cash, 72H T80; July, N.c; September, tBwa?C; is o, 3 white. 74&c. . niTa 1jar' track. No. z cash. 630 May, 614c; September, 66,; fNo. 2 white. RYIUTiivtr at 80c. - FLOUR Dull; red winter patenta. 34.60T, 4.90; extra fancy and straight, 34.10Q4.56; clears, 3 nS.70. SEED Timothy, ateady; S3.601J4..6U. H RAN Firm; sacked, east track, $1.18 1 21. HAY Lower; timothy, $1.0.00(1150; prai rie, Sl.OOQ'U.OO. IRON COTTON. TIES-81.00. liAflQINO 7V- HEMP TWINE 8c. - vncivlSJONS Pork, lower: Jobbing. $13.68. Lard, lower; prime steam. $7.96(i 8.u6. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 37. ,0; clear ribs. 87.621: short clears, 88.00. Bacon, stendy; boxed extra shorts. s.&0; clear ribs. 88 374; short cieara, v.iHt- POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs, 3iJ5-: turkeys, ll12e; ducks, 7o; geeae, 5c, Rl'TTER Dull; creamery, 18(22o. KGS Firm at 14c, case count. . iteceipis. ompmema. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Outs, bu t.0-i0 . 8,0110 64,0110 131.0U0 60,010 86.000 64.0110 34.lki0 Kansas City Grata aad Previsions. KANSAS CITY. May 21-WHEAT-Un. changed; May .Vic: July, 83c; September, KtiVvc; cash, NO. X naru, luiuvac; iso. s nara, sn!i8c: No. 2 red. &c; No. 3 red, 8&u94c. CORN Unchanged to lo lower; May, 46V; July. 61e; September, 5V: cash, No. 3 nrixed. 68'v: No. 3 mixed. q; No. 1 white, 70c; No. 3 white. 7oc. OATS Unchanged; No. t white, 62Hc; No. mixed. 60.-. 1 V I." 71Uv H A Y Choice timothy ste&dy st tll.Kxg ii: choice prairie lower at 39.0uW9.60. HiTTTF.K Firm; creamery, Sue; packing Stork. 16o. EtlOS Steady; extra. 16c; current re ceipts, ' Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 7x.w0 47,t Corn bu 37.WO W.Ouw hat?' W.... ........ .IM) UlM Option at Kansas Clty Article. Wheat July September Coin July September Low. Close, 83 S3 61 61 68 fc4 83H 84 J Wfcj al! 61,!3fr' Toleda Seed Market. TOT EDO, May tt S EKD8Cl0Vr, OctO- ovr, li.eM. recriaber, . . Tim OMAHA NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS i Peculiar Movements of Values sling to Traders. is Pux VOLUME OF TRANSACTIONS SMALL Brisk Rally at Oyealaa; Is Fallowed by- Sharp Reartlea, aad Thera- after Market Is Irreg- wlar. NEW YORK. May 22. The contraction In the dealings In stocks today seemed to Indicate aome subsidence of speculative Interest, the total sales for the day fail ing to the smallest for any day this week. The prlre movement was as pus illng to any effort to discern the real cu- rlctlor.s of those operating In the market a for several days past. The constant barking and filling kept alive a sus picion that concealment waa being sought for the genuine transactions under a cloud of manipulative orders and the shifting operations of the traders Induced by those orders. The opening prices, coupled to the brisk rally at yesterd iy" closing, resulted In bringing prices 1,, some cases' up to near the high levels touched earlier In the week. Traders who thought that this heralded renewal of the advance to new high levels and who bought stocks on the assumption were then disconcerted by a sharp reaction. The movement thereafter waa almost wholly confused. The reaction came at the time an an nouncement waa made that a suit had been filed by the government against the New Haven system alleging violation of the anti-trust law. The mitigation of the rigor of the administration policy of the pursuit of the railroad corporations has been a good deal dwelt on in specu lative discussion as one of the grounds for the recent advance In the stork mar ket. This news appealed to soma of those who had bought stocks on such as sumptions. Otherwise there waa little reflection of new events In the day'a -,..1,-1 . n , 1.11 h.1 i.l w. tin. ciflc M'all Jumped spasmodically on tho news that the ship subsidy provision naa rone to conference In the poetofflce ap propriation Dill ana reiapsea even iikmo violently when the vole rejecting tho conference report wa reported. National Lead reflected a report that the price of that metal had been advanced. The aneclal heaviness of Amalaamated Cop per wa partly In response to a decline in that metal In London. The decision of the steel magnates to maintain the prices of finished products seemed to meet with the favor of stock operators. United mates tsteei rising anarpiy at ine outset. That stock moved as narrowly and slugalahly throughout aa It bas for long time past. Not much tntereat wva shown In the forecasts of tha bank state ment owing to the unvaried ease of the money market. The week'u absorption by the subtreasury and the gold exports amounted to 38.786.000 and only rough cash seems to have been received, oil bal ance on the interior movement to reduce this decline to about 86.000.000. No gold engagements for export were announced ror tomorrow, but intimations were given that more would ro out next week. Dis count rates declined both In London afld Paris today. Foreign exchange lire waa unchanged. Time money markets showed some activity, especially for elx months loans, which were made at 8V per cent, Bonds were heavy. Total sale-, par value, 84,546.000. United btatea bonds were nnchanfired on call. Following were the sales and range ot price on the Stock exchange: sain, riigo. uow. i. Adam Express 111 AmlRmatd Copper .... America C. A V . ., (1.400 .. 1.100 7 i7 iii 60 p(d ., Ameiiran Coltoa Oil .. do prd Ameiioaa Expreas .... 1 9014 W .... 10 .... 1i ... 18Vi M 304 American H. ( L Bfd . Araarloaa Ine l.rOl 274 XI 17 '4 Amarlran LlniMwd Oil . do pfd Atneriraa liocomotlvs . . 60 4 110 l'H 0.KK 74 LlAk 7H no lo ro i . 6.n 4tH , 1.400 1 100 II ano nt , I. M0 N 4 101 T1H 41 101 72H do Did American 8. A R. ... do pfd American Sugar ftef... lMVt 14 oh 10 A mar. Ton., pfd oertir Anaoonda, Mining Co. ... Atchlaon ... 4t 1 to II 4144 81Mb 1 14 . do Did Atlantic Coast Lin .... Baltlmora Ohio do old Bnwklra Rapid Tranalt.. It J00 614 to 10 Canadian Patina , 6,400 m 16M4 Cesusl et Na Jnraey Cheaapeaks (V Ohio U,0 46 40S 1 44 '4 1M C hlcaio Ut. Waalarn Chlraso a Northwesters C. at. A St. P Cblcaao T. A T TO 1M M.IOO Wi 1M 10 M 19 do pfd C. C, C. A St. U .... Colo. Fsel a Iron Colo, a Southern do lat pfd ,. da Id ptd Cnnaolldated Oaa Corn Products do pld Delaware A Hudaon .... D. , U A W Denver A Rio Orands ... do pfd niatlllrra' gecarltts Krla do lat pfd do id pfd 1 18.700 5M4 l"S 31H 49 '4 : 1V4 4 400 (00 too 484 T.(0 12H n IK 3,103 14 1( 1H 7) too lt4 l?H i (40 bQ Ml 38 I'O ( I44 1.0 0 lH tf.i (,(00 WS S 41 41V, 4 I04 (944 4 414 Oanaral Eleclrls l,ao uin iw iw Illlnala Central International Paper do pfd t. International Pump . .... do pfd Iowa Central do pfd Kanaaa City Southern .... do pfd Louisville A Naahflll .. Mexican Onlral Minn, a gt. Louts M., 8t. P. A 81. St. M do pfd -" Mlaaourl Paatdo M.. K. AT. do pfd National Lad Nat. H. R. of Mexico pfd New York Central ..... N. Y., O. A w Norfolk A Waiters do pfd North Americas Pacific Mall .....t Pennsylvania poop la' a Oaa P.. C. C. ( IL U Preaaed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading do lat pfd do 14 pfd 141 11Q 1 10.14 10 (6 M KM, 14-4 344 too 5"j (7 344 1,000 110 1"4 1014 1,(00 M (no 10 10 . , , (no 113 ill 111 100 l llAU llWVj 4, KM) MH (114 t 3,31) (n4 14 H 4(10 62 62 ?4 It, too (i4 W (414 M . 3.(0 106 1044 111444 , 1,000 4144 40 1,000 71 11 70 ( (0 . I.S'iO (1V4 ((14 i A , IO.ioo II 7 irit4 , 10,400 1I!14 121 130 400 (24 (t W , 1( 100 18 n 20 (7 100 1M 1M 1(0 ,301, v) 11714 11114 114 0 (7 (414 (4 , nn (K4 M14 (414 , 1,400 18 174 17 S4 ,. 1.100 V (714 (7 , 1 1D44 114 1V4 , 1.100 U4 1114 i?s , 1,2 n 31 10 IV4 (00 404 4014 40 , 8,0 II MS4 Mil hit lto 11(14 )1M4 ,. I.niio ist4 1(H lHe 100 47S4 4.S14 4(14 ("0 K4 1414 M14 , CO U 114 1 4(14 46 44 trr.i'io im 148 i4iv4 tu K5K 144 (3 ' (5 , l.SO 48 41 47 . "-400 Wi H W i0 M M14 M , i( iiv4 iai4 . 4.100 V1 14 10IS4 1U4 (OO t I4H Ml, 1) (714 (7l , l.fcio 1414 11 H'4 , 11.(40 M I7S 174 ... .... (00 (74 (1 (1 ' U y-- ini4 (4 . - 100 11 11 II14 41 1 . 1314 ix, U4 . 1,(U0 h r M (414 ink 60 M (0 . 10 4 0 U1I4 oi4 1104 . 4.0J H14 ll4 1114 . I II II 1114 . l.l'1 M 1114 1114 tw 874 ( eH Xepubllo Btseal do pfd Rock laland Co do pfd , gt. L. A 8. P. Id pfd.. St. Loula Southwestern .. southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway do pfd Texas a Pacific T.. St. L. A W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd I'nlted Btatea Expreaa .... Vnlted Statea Keultv United Slates Rubber ... do pfd Va.-Carullns Chemical do pld Sabaah do pfd Wrlle-r'ario. Expreaa ., WrattngBouee Kiectrle Weatern Union Wheeling Lake Eri Wlacoaala Central do pfd Northers Pacific Central Leather do pfd loae-Bheftleld Steel ,. Great Northern pld .... luterborough Met do pfd Utah Copper ..-r. Tennessee Copper tmeree. Tola! sale lor tha day, M4.0CO abarea. Losdos CloslatT Stacks. LONDON, Msy 32. American securities opened firm today. Prices during th early tradingwere to higher than yester. day'a New York cloning. lxmdon cloalng stock Quotations! Console, neaey ... t( (-U Mo.. Kan. m Texas.. Sot, do account New York Central... 1 Anaronda II, Norfolk Westers.. Tr Atchison 84 " M .', U ao va tS Ontario Weatern. , r, Baltlmor A Ohio.... N Peaoaylvanta , U Canadian Pacific ... 1414 Rajid Mlae ( ruwMks A Ohl.. 471 Reading IHt ChL iireal Weatern.. 1 bouthera Railway .. 1"4 Chi.. Mil. A St. P-.14 do pfd 44 pa Beeie 1" Southern Pmcltt .... M iMnver Rle Orando I7 tnlos Paclfla 1(414 do fd de pfd 44 grie 4 United States Steel... In4 So lat pfd 4414 4o P'd 104 do 3d pfd II Wabash Orsnd Trunk USt do pfd Illliuls Oaptral 144 Spanish 4a e- Louisville a Nash 1U Amalgamated Copper. B1UVER Bar, Hady at 14 13-I6d per ounce. MONEY IM per cent. I'he rate of discount In the open market for ahnrt bills Is I 15-lt3 per cent; for three month' bills. 1 15-ltfcl per cent. Trtsiarr SiateoneaC WABHINQTON. May 22. Today' Ute mrnt uf the treasury balaarea In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the gold reserve, show; Available casa balance, !DATLY BEE: SATURDAY MAY 2.1. 1!HM. $!,4O.R7.0i8: gold coin and bullion. $10,506,270; goia certuicsies. w.Cil.TTn. , REPORT OF THSl CLnAR10 HOCSB Traasaetlan mt taa Associated Basks far tae Week. NEW YORK. Msv 12. Rradstreel s bank clearings report for the week ending May U shows sn aggregate of 3:.6S.llfi.onn, as sgalnst S2,467.ft).0i last week and 82.767.307, 010 In the corresponding week last year. ine lonowing ia a list ot the-cities: CITIES. Clearing. Ino. Deo. New York X6J9.8K2.nrkV .6 10.3 'ii'i 10.8 87 21.8 '2 2 17.1 28.8 13.0 !i 17.8 1S.8 Chicago 22S,ini00i 164.8'.).ono 121.0U4.0O0 6S.B16.OW 39. 230,000 8i.6M.0ii0 S4.84,ono 23.4KO.AiiO 2:,t7.0(Q l.10,0ti0 16.597.OiiO 13.528.0OO ' 14.0i000 ll,ggl,O0O ll,00M,0is 10.4(W,000 .. 8,132,000 Boston Philadelphia 1 St. Loula Pittsburg San Francisco Kansaa City Baltimore, 8.1 Cincinnati Minneapolis New Orleans. Detroit 34.9 Cleveland Omaha ..... Louisville lxs Angeles Milwaukee 14.4) Peattle BL Paul 7.482,0001 3.2S6.(k10 8.6JO,OOi 7.340.(KX 26.7 ..... 13 li.1 isj 28.1 16.8 io!i 3.3 Buffalo Denver , ::: Indianapolis Fort Worth Providence 6.649.0OO . , J.twn.ono 6,317,000 ., I 6.64,Oc)0 ., 7.143,0i . , 6.640.004) 6,062.0110 ., ,73O,O0O., 4,758.000 ., . 4.OM.00O .. 5.0S2.0DO ., 3.929.00O ., 4,0-JH.ono ., 4,io,ooo( . 8.146.000 8,621,000 .. 8,111.000 . 8.301,000 3.141,000 .. 3.115,000 ., 3,429,000 . l,835.0i0 . 3,213,000 . 2,447.0 . l.eno.oiio .. l.Sil.OOO). 1,808,000 . 1,751,000 . 1,748,000 . 1,633.000 . 6.566.000 . l,lil,00fi . 1,198.000 . 1.468,0001 . t672.(M . .1,000 . 1.340.0OO . 1,4:16,0110 . 1,376,000 . 86.7 Portland. Ore Albany nicnmond Washington. D. C Ppoksne, Wash Bait Lake City 8.4 28.9 Columbus Bt. Joseph Atlanta Memphis 12.1 18.6 10.4 16.8 Taooma Savannah , 3.7 Toledo, O "i.i Nashville Rochester 19.6 ..... 8.8 116 30.7 6.3 4.7 Hartford Des Moines Peoria Norfolk New Haven Orand Rapids.... Birmingham Syracuse eioux City 1.6 38 3 15.7 14.0 16. ( 3 3 26.3 35 1 Hprlngfleld,. M.... Kvaneville Portland, Ms Dayton Little Rock Augusta, Oa Oakland, Cal Worcester Mobile , Knoxvllle '. Jacksonville, Fla Chattanooga Charleston, 8. C Lincoln, Neb Wilmington, Del Wichita Wllkesbarre Wheeling. W. Va.... Fall River Davenport Kalamasoo, Mich.... Topeka Helena , Springfield, 111 Youngstown' Fort Wayne New Bedford Erie. Pa Cedar Raplda, Ia Macon Akron Lexington Rockford, 111 Fargo, N. D Lowell Blnghamton Chester, Pa. Sioux Falls, S. D South Bend, Ind 7.2 13 1 48.4 8.2 38.2 15.1 6.3 4.7 1,149,0001 1,190,000; 10.5 11.1 1 1,807,000 .04 l,4K7,0Oi 4 8 l.O.OuO 8.3 1,47.000 28.7 ...... 8ta,00O( 16.1 1,657,000 16.6 1.OS9.C0O 2.S J,0n6,uo0 12.8 7,000 26.7 6S2.0O0 1.9 609,000 38.6 743.000 12.8 7S3.00O .7 662.0OO 16.3 7H5.000 37.9 977,000 69.3 69,00o 13.2 ' 6L'4,0pO 12.2 ' 676,000 14.7 449,000 1.1 611,001 3.0 624,000 4.9 470,000 10.6 461.00 8.3..'.... 447,000 14 3 868,000 19.3 442,000 0.2 S4.000 10.9 363,000 3.3 849,000 1.9 216,(100 41.6 256,000 4.9...... 126.000 39.1 963.000 12,678.0001... y.. 62.8 12,108,000 16.4 Bloomlngton, 111 Canton, O.... Quincy, 111 Springfield. 0,.. Decatur, 111 Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb Jacksonville, 111 Oklahoma ............. Houston Galveston Not Included In total because contain Intf other Item than clearings. Ifew York Money Market. NEW YORK, May' 21 MONEY On call, easy; 11. per cent; ruling rate. H por cent; closing bid, IV per cent; offered at 1 per cent. Time loan, easy; sixty days, 2Vi per cent; ninety day, 2V4 per cent; six months, 3V4 rw'r cent. PRIMB MERCANTILE PAPER 8V4T44 per cent. 8TERL1NQ EXCHANT3E Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 34.8726 for demand, and at 34.8525 for sixty-day bills. Commercial bills, 34.8414. SILVER Bar, 63Hc; Mexican dollars, 47c, ' BONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. The following are th closing quotation en bonds: C. 8. ref. fa. rg....lo'4, A N. anltlnd 4a.. (4 do coupon Manhattan c. g. V. (a. re 10 Mei. Ciyatral 4s . de coupon 1004 do 1st lne. .. V. I. new 4a, re...ll it. A St. L. 4a do eoupoa 121 M., K. A T. 4a (64 .. 84 .. 17 .. (I .. (Kit .. 83 Amer. Tob. 4 1 14 do Ida do Is KW, Nat. R. ot M. e. A 7914 Atehlaon n. 4s Mvs N. Y. C. (en. (4a.. to do adj. 4s S'14 N. J. C. sen. (S....1X4 AtlanUo C. L. 4 .... (24 Northern Paclfle 4a..l014 B. A O. 4 do lal 7114 do IV4 M N. A W. eon. 4a.... (414 Brook. K. T. e. 4a.. 7I4 O. . L rt1 4s.... Ml Central ot Oa. Ia....l04'4 Penn. nr. 9V4a .... (6 do lat ln 70(4 Heading! gen. 4s K14 do (d ina 4(14 Bt V A I hf eon. ( do 3d ine (414 St 1 A f f(. 4a.... 74 C. A U. 4141 100V4 Bt. L. 8.-W. con. 4s. (6 C. A A. Ilk . (7V4 seaboard A. L. ta.. (I C, B. A v). new 4s.. H Bo. Paclflo 4s 4 C, R. I. A P. R. ia. (7 do iat 4a cert If.... I2H do ool. (a II .Texas A Paclflo lata. .11114 C(X! A Bt L tea. 4a. (74 T., Bt. L. A W. 4a 71 Colo. Ind. (a, a. A.. (114 Union Padfla 4s ....10114 Colo. Midland 4a.... II de ct. 4a Il4 Colo. A Southern 4a.. (0 V. B. Bteel. Id (a.... 4 Cuba (a 1(014 Wahaah leta D. R. O. ia .... II Weatera Md. is .. 71 nietlllera dec. 6a... 74 W. ( L. K. 4a 6 Erie prior lla 4s.... (0 Wis. Crstral 4a 8 do en. ia ........ 71 Japan 4s 71(4 Hock. Valley 4e.j. .PS Atchlaoa sr. 4a .'4 Japan 4a.e cerllf.... (7 do tm 1024 do td arrtea ...'.., 87 Int. Mat. 4 (7 Bid. Offered. Bostoa Stacks and Boads. BOSTON. May 32. Money call loans. 2 4 per cent; time losns, 8V4C4V4 per cent. The following were the cloalng price eg stocks and bond: Atchlaoa adj. 4e....M Allooel do 4s (!4 Amalsamatee Atehlaon l "4 Atlantic do pfd (1 Bine, ham Boetoa A Albany ,.3H Calumet A Heel Hoetoa A Maine ..130 acnteonial boatea Bier 1x4 Copper Ranss .... ritrhburg pfd IK Dalr West .' Mexican Central .... 1 Pranklla N. Y., N. H. A H.1I7 Oranby t Union Pseifle 141 Isle Rnrele Amer. Ara, Cheat. . 1 Maaa. Mining do pfd (6 "Michigan Amer. F-nevj. Tub .. Tit Mohawk Amer. (user . .1t4 Monuns C. A C. do yf d 124 Old Dominion ... Amer. T. A T ll1V4 0aeeola Amer. Woolen X-'H Parrot do pfd (4 Qulnry Edison Elee. Ilium tit Bhannoa Gen. gleotrt U1 Tamarack Maaa. Electric ( Trinity do pfd 44 I'nlted Copper . Maaa. Oaa bt V. B. Mining I'nlted fruit 140 V. 8. Oil tnlted Bhoe Mach.... MSl'tah do ptd 17 Victoria V. B. Steel Winona do pfd 102 Wolvarlas Adventure 1 Bid. Aaknd. . , ... It ... (4 ... 174 ... 7( ..47s ... 14 ... 71 ... 10 ... 1 ... (0 ... to ... I ... 1 ... u ... M ... S'M ... u ... 31 ... (4 ... 11 ... O ... 11 ... T6 ... ) ... (4 E'iS ...1M Foreign Klaaaclal. LONDON, May 22. Money waa In quieter demand en the market today and discounts were easy. Trading on the Slock exchange waa generally cheerful. Investment buy. ing continues to strengthen gilt edged se curities and home rails. Much of the pur chasing of consols Is based on the Idea that a reduction In the Bank of England rate of discount cannot long be delayed. Foreign shares and Kaffirs were good, while Peruvian securities and Hudson Bays snurted on speculative buying. American shsres were strong 'In the forenoon, well above parity, aome continental aa well aa some professional buying assisting tha Im provement, which waa moat pronounced In Vr.lor, Tairiv "d ihe ctmi snares. In tbe afternoon business quieted. New York sent ateady orlces. hut few orders, and the market finished dull below the best. New Yark Mtataa; Stocks. NEW YORK. May 22.-Closlng quotations were ss follow; Adaaas Cos. . I I.lttle Chief . tti Ontario ....... . 1 Ophlr . K Polual , It Savage , 10 Blerrs Nevada . V Bnsall Hopes . luO Btsadard . I VA .141 . 11 . 14 . 34 . 71 10 Alice (mil Bru aewlck Con. Comalock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.., Horn Silver ..... Ires Silver ldTtll Coar .. Aaked. Bask Cloarlaa. OMAHA. May 13 Bank clearing for to day were 8.074,046.10 and for the corre sponding dais last rear 8L7U.US..W. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of sill Kinds Extremely Slow and Dull Seller. HOGS STEADY TO A SHADE LOWES Oaly Twi Cars of Lambs Hero, wltk Urn Skeeg Market Xeady at tka Daellas Keted Tkaraday. POTTTH OMAHA, May JS, 19. Recelcts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. ... 2.SIS 4,249 8,S ... 3.874 T.7"W t.V4 ... 3,7?8 6.712 ... i.m 16696 ... 1.800 .3vd 4iS Official Monday .... tifflclal Tuesdsy . Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. jailmate Friday .... Five day this week. ...13.101 60.CO8 20.6S6 Same dava last week.... 16.69 47.4' 1 244"9 Sam day 8 week ago. .16 56 47.423 25.971 Same day 8 week ago13.5 43.616 t.m Same day 4 week ago. .10,637 29.6 27.6:4 Same days last year... ..23,095 60,076 19,433 The following tabl show the receipt of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year; 190, 1907. Ino. Dec. Cattle 852.253 456.304 108,961 Hogs 1.165.626 9X6.9'. 178.701 Sheep 679,943 751,213 171,370 The following table hows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the laat several days, with comparisons: Date. 1908. 1907.1906.!1906. 1904. 13OS.190 May 12.. 6 41V4I T 08 T 13 ?a T13 a May 13... 36 May 14.. May 16.., 6 24 80 I 21V 6 24 May 16... 6 1 May 17.. May 18.. May 19.'. May 20.. May 31.. May 22.. s son' 6 84 6 21 V6 231 1 11 7 11 T 07 o'SRVi 6 24 6 87V.I 18 7 03 Sunday, Th official number of car of tock brought In today by each road wa: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. H'r's, C. M. A St. P 8 .. Wabash 8 .. ., Mo. Pae tel., Union Paolflo 4 61 1 C. A N. W. (east) 11 .. C. A N. W. (west) 10 107 C. St. P. M. tk O 81 C. B. A Q. (east) 3 4 2 ., C. B. A Q. (west) t 40 C. R. I. A P. (east)... 1 4 .. C. R. I. A P. (west) HI.. Illinois Central 4 .. c a. w s .. ., Total receipts 47 367 5 1 The disposition ofth day's receipt waa a fallows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing co Swift and Company... Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Halstead Packing Co... Cudahy P kg Co. K. C... Schwartschlld A 8 Vnnsant A Co W. 1. Stephen Hill A Son P. P. Lewia Hurton A Co J. B. Root A Co McCreary A Carey Sam Werthimer Sullivan Bros Ind. Packing Co Other buyers.. K logon Pkg.- Co Hoffmann Pkg. Co S. A O. Packing Co Standlsh Totals 4 80) 6 2 4 6 47 6 30 4 88 8 42 31 4 47 6 87 6 30 6 15 6 84 tt 6 So 481 686 6 83 38 4 63 38 626 425 6 27 36 8 80 4 47 83 6 24 4 46 27 26 4 41 6 26 23 I 28 19 8,738 1RI- 3,2r2 ..... 2.J9 4.94 359 146 6.45 806 .,. 414 257 6C0 287 49 3 23 10 21 27 3 42 T 211 - 94 20 213 22 S22 . 2s7 "Ml lili&i U85 CATTLE Receipt of cattle were very light this morning, only forty-four cars Deing reported in. in addition to wnion were a few hold-over from yesterday. Of the fresh receipts some were direct to packer and some were through stuff not offered for sale, o that the total number on aale waa hardly large enough to really make a market. The market on beef steers closed "rot ten" yesterday, the trade being In the worse demoralised condition experienced at this point In a long time. It hardly seemed possible that the market today could be any worse and aatusmen aa a rule were not quoting Jt much different from th") low point yesterday. However, the de mand was light and the market dull and of a very Indifferent character. The dual Ity of the cattle was nothing extra and some big, heavy cattle on the coarse order were extremely hartf-to move, no one im Ing to want them. It la safe to quote the market today a 4050c lower than a week ago on the common to medium grade. On the other nand, the better kinds or cattle, such as were bringing around 86.40ti26.80, are not over 2025o lower, with prima cat tle 10626c lower. There were not enough cowa and heifers here to Interest buyers to any extent, so that the trade was lacking in interest, with prices hardly quotably different from yea terday. The market on cows and heifers as compared with a week ago -shows the same change, as noted In the case of beef steers. Thus while the medium grades are around 4(60o lower, choice corn-fed cow and neuer are not over uxnaxj lower. There were no Blockers or feeder of any consequence In the yards this morning, The receipts ot that kind of cattle have been very light all the week and In conse quence the better grades have not shown much change. During the early part of the week common. Inferior atnoker were hard to move, but aa speculators have cleaned up their surplus, the reeling h been a little better, although the demand la very limited Quotation on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers. $6. 25.-56 90: fair to good corn-fed steers, 35. 611 6 25; common to fair corn-fed steers, 84.7Mi6.66; good to choice cows and heifers, 84.65fj7e.oo; lair to good cowa and helfera, S3.764r4.65; common to fair cow and heifers, 32.6uxg8.75; good to choice Blockers and feeders. 34.6006.20; fair to good Blockers and feeders, S4.00iS4.60; common to fair stocker and feeders, 3 OJ fjt.oo. Representative sales: BEEP STEERS, Ne. At. Pr. No. Ar. Pr. It (ot 4 15 1( , U.'l 6 (t) 10 t( ,4 16 t 111,1 I (u tS 13. t 4 SS II 1141 ( 10 IT 1141 4 (0 44 19 10 11 (21 8 10 II 1117 10 7 114 6 60 8 .... 1(30 I K I Ill I (0 U ,....1160 I M it Oil I 70 U 121 I 14 11 loil 6 II COWS. 10 (01 U 8 ..... v tu I (Hi t (ft 1 12X0 4 (0 5 MS I (0 I ,,11114 4 M 7 177 2 (0 1 - 92 4 40 ( tVQ I 10 IS Ml lit t II 8 75 ( IIH 4 (0 1 107J ( M 107 S 24 I nl 8 II 4 13U3 6 40 6 M6 4 SO HEIFER8. 9 (7( 8 00 I Ml IS 8 41 I 00 8 ( I 8 1 3 (00 111 BULLS. 1 TtO I M 1 10 4 x 1 1!0 I (0 1 I'M 4 7S 1 1U0 I (0 I lttiO 4 16 1 1240 3 (i 1..... 1420 4 15 1 14M) 4 10 1 UN ( 15 1 17 4 CALVES. 1 no 1 (0 1..., 100 1 11 I IM I 76 1 1(4 M 10 6 00 3 1M St 1 140 I 00 1 ITU ( (0 BTOCKERB AND FEEDERS. 3 120 I (6 H 4(4 4 10 I (M 4 00 24 114 4 (0 - 4 (70 4 00 WESTERNS-COLORADO. SbfJTIs 1600 4 60 21 feeders,. 1171 140 HOGS Receipts of hog were extremely neavy tnas morning, not omy at mis point. but st other weftera markets as well, while Chicago's ran was rot very large. In apite of the large recelpta, however, the market generally wa In very satisfactory condition, some of th best hogs brlngii.ej prices tnst looked steaay witn yesterday but the general market wa about ta lower than yesterday, ins nuik went s S5.8tyi.4u, th same a yesterday wltb this difference, .that today there wa a mucn larger proportion of th sales st 85.86 than yesteraay, 'i ns top was the same for both daya. 86 41. The trade waa fairly active and moat of the hngs changed hands In very good season. In spits of ths fact that re- ce Dt have been very unerai an the week the market ha ahown some strength, hogs selling todsy a strong; 16o higher than on Friday or last week. - Repreaentatlv sale: tfo. 1.. 1 . (.. 71.. V . Ar. 8h. Pr. " No. Ar. Bh. Pr. .1(4 It IN II 221 120 I T .2(17 40 4 17 tlT (0 I 17 .271 ... I 15 14 ...II ( ( 17 .2M ... ill 41 141 ... 117 SlO 40 ( U T7 S't 10 I 17 .1 ... I Pi 1l...., 40 111 .ill ... ( U (4 2 4 10 6 17 .111 ... I M ' 124 I'O I "4 111 II IU II 2(4 M I (7 ,.(. ... I (4 19 2t7 4 I 17 ,.17 ... I (4 74.. ......IU 11714 .221 ... IK II 214 (0 ( I7(4j .is 40 I (4 (I. 4 tM I (7 let U M M Svw 10) I 17 1 (4 naaaanuna OPERATED WIDER LAWS EI1ACTE0 DY CONGRESS The rirH National Batik ot Omaha U operated by laws 4?net4 by Congress. This means that It la protected br vary safeguard that human experience, and foreatght can devise. Ita books, cash and securities aro subject, at any time, to the rigid Inspection of officials appointed by the Comptroller of the Currency. - Tour Account and Banking Business Invited. FIRST NATIONAL OF OMAHA THIRTEENTH AI!D FARIIAM STREETS CAPITAL SS03.000.00 '. v . SURPLUS J500.0C0.M 83 315 4 1 11 n jet 1 r- SO I IS Tl 245 240 I (7 ... IU (4 1l ... 117 (Old (4 t4 10 I 37 140 ( M U 2l (0 I 17 120 I 26 M V.t ... I 17 i I 71. JM ... I 17 40 I 16 74 Ill 80 ( 37 ... I H Tl IK ... I 17 M III Tl lit 170 I I7(4j 40 I 14 II il 120 I I7W 0 I 36 II 100 w 6 ns, "0 I M 4 145 110 I 17 US I IS HI 40 I 17 40 I II 17 2M W I 40 10 I M t Ml BU I t0 ... t (6 M 110 ... I to W IIS M II ... I 40 300 I W 62 mi ... 1 to ... IB U 241 110 I to 80 I II a 241 ... I 40 40 I II ... 2.10 40 ( 40 10 I II (1 2K 10 I 40 240 I 14 II JSI ... I 4A ... IM Tl 12 10.140 120 I 16 17 230 ... I 40 40 I 16 (2 0 ... I 40 120 ( 16 ( 110 (0 I to 40 I It 44 '7 120 I 40 120 I tt Tl 127 ... I 40 10 I 16 TT m 120 I 40 (0 I II (I Ill 340 I to 80 I 16 74 21 10 I 40 ... IK TJ 14 30 I 40 2O0 I M l 2M 40 ( 40 120 I 17 Tl l 10 I 40 l."0 I 17 71. tm ... 1 to 40 I 17 4"t.......2r,7 40 I 40 300 I 17 10 20t ... I tO M' I 17 U ...HI 1(0 I tO ... I 17 II 71 120 I tO 100 I 17 44 107 ... I 40 10 I 7 U Ill ... I tj 1(0 S 17 0 m 4, 1 42 (0 I 17 M 1X7 ... I 42 40 I 17 177 ("4 110 I 42 ... 117 (1 UT ... 141 (0 I 17 0.......,7 ... 42 IM I 17 17 :.. ... I 44 ... 17 II IK Tl 324 (7 104 TO 2M .311 4 Ill Tt 301 12 (4 78 1(4 It ...IDS (0 IS (... 104 TT ISO T(. ... .... TT IK 7 K( 71 191 31 II J-'O 2 o 2 17 71 .84 Tl XM t ni M 181 71 2l tl m 71 120 71 in (4 ..104 14 o TT 117 Tl 201 TT 234 1 2M 71 Ill TO ln (4 n II 17 71 til 74 4T (0. ...... .1M (4 I 4 V (7 t74 (7 T 7( 22 Tl 34 TJ OX BHEEP Today's receipts consisted of only two cars' of lambs. Ther were the same that brought 35.25 yesterday and they soia at mt aame price today, in other words, the market, what ther waa of It, was steady. There la nothing to be added to what waa said yesterday reaardina- tha seneral mar ket on sheep and lamb. A explained then, the market everywhere ha been unsatis factory throughout the week, with orlcea at the cloae right around 31 per 100 lower tnam ma nign time two weeks sgo. A alio noted yesterday, the cause for the de cline ia to bo found In the large receipts coming at a tlma when -the demand for mutton Is smaller 'than usual. Quotation on lambs: Good to choice light wonled lambs, S6.OOf16.6O; fair to good light wooled lambs, SS.MVud.OO; good to choice heavy wooled lambs, S5.75.25; shorn lamb 75o under wooled stock. Quotatlona on sheep: Good to choice yearllns, shorn. $5.00fr 16; fair to good yearlings, shorn, M-75'a6.O0; good to choice wethers, shorn,. I4.7Mi5.00; fair to good wethers, shorn, S4.25fij4.75; good to choice ewes, shorn, S4.25a4.te; fair to good ewes. shorn. l4.otXu4.J5; culls and bucks, shorn, S3.O0S-4.OO; wooled Bheep 3540c above shorn stock. CHICAGO LIVID STOCK MARKET Cattle aad Sheep Steady, Hogs Five to Taa Cents Higher. CHICAGO, May 23.-CATTL.K-Recelpt. 1.500 head; market stesdy; aleer. S5.(" 7.86; cows. 83.75(5.78; heifers, S3.50fl6.25; bulls, I4.004J6.76; calves, 32.708 6. 50; stocker and feeders, $3.2bo.. HOG8 Receipts. 11,000 head; market C$ 10c higher; choice heavy shipping, tS.TM 5.83H: butchers, S3.7S5.8ft; light mixed. 85.00 i6.65; choice light. 35.75(35.8; packing, S5.0ivft.6; pig. S4.15g6.40; bulk of sales, $6.tiT'g5.80. SHEEP AND I. A MBS Receipts, 8,000 head; market ateady; sheep, S4.00(7i6.00: lambs, S6.2ttut.i6; yearlings. 34.50(36.25. St. Loals Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS, May 22.-CATTLE-Reeelpt8. 3,000 head. Including 3,400 Texans. Market for native ateady; Texans, HXirlSc lower; nstlve shipping and export steers, 81.2f5 7.16; dressed beef and butcher steers, S5.tkgi 8.35; steers under 1,000 pounds, 84.7Mj5.50; stockers and feeders, SJ.OottS.OO; cows and heifers, S3.6Ck36.26; cannera. Sl,60rg3.26; bulla, S3Ch.hSj3.50; calves. 33.60457.00; Texas and n dian steer, S3.0oa.60; cows and heifers, 81.754.25. HOOa-Reeelpts, 8,800 bead. Market, 5 lOo higher; pigs and lights, S3.75&6.76; pack era. r5.35$.70; butchers and best heavy, 85.fi6(fj.77Mi, BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.600 bead. Market steady; native muttons, S3 25 (7M.6O; lambs, 84.0067.00; culls and bucks, 83.0024.00; stockgrs. t3.0g.26. Kaasaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, May tl CATTLE Re ceipts, 3.300 head, Including 800 aoutherns, Market steady; choice export and dressed beef steer, S. 407.00; fair to good, So.OiKjT 8.35; weatern steers, S6.00.T6; stockers and feedera, S3.2yij6.40; southern steer, 83.60(9 ,30; southern oow. S3.35ig4.60' nstlv cow. S250.60; native heifers, SJ-2Mlti40; bull, S3,25(g6.26; calvea, $3. 76(7)4.00. HOGS Receipt. 13,000 head. Market steady to So higher; ton. 86.85; bulk of sales, S5.36(a5.0; heavy, 86.65iS6.6; packers and butchers. 86.45ot.6S; lights, S5.2i4jJ6.b6; pigs, 83.75((i4.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 3.400 head. Market atrong to lOo higher; lamb, 35.6(Xtf7.00; ewe and yearlings, 34.0oia4.60; Texas yearlings.; Texas sheep, S3. ;W 4.25; stockara and feeder. S3.00&4.00. St. JoaephT Live Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., May 33. CATTLE Receipts. 131 head; market steady; na. tives, $t.807.00; cowa snd heifers, 33.00 5 75; stockers and feeders, S4.00O6.00. HOGS Receipts, 1.183 head; market steady; top, $665; bulk, of Bales, ft.tOty S.60. BHEEP AND LAMBS Rclpt, none; lamb. 38 36 0 8 28: yearling and wethsr, 34.0008 .26; ewea, 33.7i4.iO. Sleaz Cltr Live Stack Market. 8IOUX CITT, Ia., May !2. (Special Tele, gram.) CATTLE Reoelpt, 400 head; mar set loc lower; beevea, 85.36Q4.T6; cow and heifers. S4.60taC.75; feeder, 83.754.78; calve gnd yrllng, S3.50a4.60. Stack la Slaht. Receipts of stock st ths gig principal western markets ycsterdsy.N laiior. nose. Dnwp, South Omaha .... Sioux City Kansas City Bt. Louis St. Joseph Chicago Totals 1,300 l,3or) 46 .. 40 ., 3 ao .. 8.0D0 .. 131 .. two 13.000 8,50 1.189 12.0M) 1400 I.60O iota) 8,331 M.S89 10.366 Sagas aad Molasses. NBWYORK, May ja-SUQAR Raw, quiet; fair refining, J.74c; centrifugal, M teat, 4.34o; molasses sugar, 3.43a. Refined, quiet; No. . I.Ouc; No. 7, 4 86c; No. 8, 4 8O0; No. 8. 4 85c; No. 10. 4.76c; No. 11. 4 80c; No. 13. 4.86e; No. 3. 4.60c; a. 14. 4-56c Confectioners' A. 8.30o; mould A. 8.7bc; cut loaf, 8.30c; cruhd. Hue; powdered, 6.60c; grsnulated, 8.4uc; ctibea. .6so. CaaTeo Market. NEW YORK, My 31-COFFEEMarket for futures cfo(d quiet, net unchanged to I points lower. Bales reported tf I.UO bags, Including July. 310c; Brptember. Oofj.iuc! 1 lectin her, l.064i 10c. Spot, quiet: No. t Rio. 644c; No. 4 Banto. ". Mild, quiet; Cordova. 12o. Cattaa Market. NEW TORK. May ll-O'TTnN-Fu. ture opened steady; May, 8.86c bad; July. I lie; August, .(6c; October, 117c; Decern ber. 1.36c; January, U4jlTc; March. 81c. FXiturea closed (teady: May, 44c; June, 83c; July, 7vc; August, Itoc; September, 3oc; Octwber, H9ci iNovemOer, I wc; Le- 13 nnnnnnnnannna OA a cember. 8.09c; January. 8.Mc; rebrtrirr,' .0iic; March. 3 39c. OALVESTON, May 2J.-COTTON-Higher at UHlc. " NEW ORLEANS. avMty tJ.-COTTON -Spot ateady, with price unchanged; mtfl. dling, 11 3-ltic. Kuturea-rlosed, May, lO.Ttit ; June. 10.73i,c; July, 10.5o; August, H.8.H'; October, Jiic; November, 8c; December, .lXo; January, 9,19c. ST. LOCIS, May Il-COTTON-Steady; rulddilng. llc. Sales, 6:8 bales; receipts, f0 bales; shipment, 618 blc; lock, bales. Wool Market. LONDON. My 33 WOOL A uprtor selection of 3.V68 bales waa offered at the wool auotlon sale tod a v. Fine Merino were In seller' favor, but faulty scoureds sold at easy rales, to Krencd buyers. Croon-bred were active al the recent advance. Americana bought me dium grade cross-breds. Sllpes were In better demand and Cnp of Good Hope and Natal wool Improved. The closing day ha been changed from June i lo May 2. Today eals wero as follow.; New Bouth Wales, 400 bales; gray, Sii Is. Queensland, 1,800 bales; scoured, la 2Hdls 10U; greasy. Vdls Vid. Victoria, 1.900 bales: svoured. kdtfl 0I greasy, dls Id. BAuth Australia, 1.200 bases; greasy, 5Hd3ls. West Aus tralia, 400 bales; greusv. mtjlMtd. Tasmania, 25 bales; scoured, lid; greasy, 44i6d. New Zealand, 8.600 ttalt-a; scoured, llHdl 6d; greasy, uffjlSHd. Cap of Good Hone and Natal, 600 bales; scoured. dWls 6',id; greasy, 6uirj7d. ST. I.Ol'IS. Mo. ivlau Wimi. Dull; medium grades, combing and cloth ing, 151Hjc: light fine, 12'tri3c; havy fine, 9fe 10c; tub washed. 17e a3c. BOSTON. May 22 WOOL The Ci'' merclal llulletln of Boston, making i.a report upon statistic gathered for tl' government, will say tomorrow of th wool market: There Is Increasing Con fidence. With Urger duplicate order fur worsteds the demand for raw material from the worsted mills Is better. Titer f pretty good evidence that the tide iia turned and that the end of the Ions Pt-' rlod of depression Ikim been reached. Th-4 shipments of wool from Hoston to Mny 21, Inclusive, were 58. 382. 189 pound, against 112,178 rounds the tame time lHt year. The receipt to My 31, mcluslw, were 65,084,798 pounds, against lifi.T'JU.i) " j pounds for tli 'nam period last year. Metal Market. V NEW YORK. May 22. METALS Tin wsg unchanged st 133 for spot In the Londan market, while future were a little higher at 132. Locally tho market wa dull and unchanged at t:ft.2Sfj 29.50. Copper was lower In the English market, with spot quoted at 67 7s 6d and futures at 58 2a Ud. The local market wa quiet and unchanged, with Lake quoted at i:.75'-il3 00; electro lytic, S12.62Hiy.13.87Hk and casting at 12.90 12.A2V- Lead advanced to 13 2a 8d In Lon don. Locally the market was firm ant higher at S4 32Vi4.8VH;. Spelter was un changed at 20 In London and 34 5504 ( locally. Iron waa l4d lower at 49s 10Hd In London. The locsl market waa steady, with No. 1 foundry, northern, quoted at S16.00tfl .76; No. 1 southern and No. 1 south ern, soft, 31(l.26(g 17.00. ST. LOUIS. Msy 22. MET A 1.8 Lead, higher at 31.nH4jl.20. Spelter, dull at 34.43. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralta NEW YORK, May 22-EVAPORATE!i APPLES Market Is steady, but qufet, wllh fancy quoted at KKjflOHc; choice, KHQUHc; prime, io7Hc; common to fair, 6H6Hc. DRIED FRUITS Prunes ar moving very slowly on spot, wllh quotations rang ing from 4ai4c for California and 6&:0i for Oregons. Apricots sre unchanged, with choice quoted st 134T43HC; extrs choice, 144) 14 He; fancy, 15(6'1c. Peaches-are dull, with choice at tc; extra-rhnlce, 9Hc; fancy, JO'iflOHc; extra fancy, llipUHc. Storks oi raisins at distributer nolnta are asld !-i !, small, and, while spot business is ilrfht," the market Is stfehly to firm, with Cali fornia seedless partliajlarly well held; loosa muscatel. 6t6c: choice to. fancy seeded,--Voc; seedless, 6Htj0c, snd London layer 1 81.251.35, Oils aad Rosin. OIL CITY. Mav 32. OIL Credit h. 81.78. Run. 102,8IW bbl.; average, 169.0ii9 bbl. Shipment, 237,690 bbls.; average, 182,--676 bbl. Dalath Cralst Market. DULUTIi May 33. WHEAT No. " 'i' northern. 11 rAK. Mr, 1 sirwtu.. m.. uneu.' July, 31.08H; September, tcWc.' ' VIA 1 D 01C Refined Sngar Redaeed. " NEW YORK. May 22.-A11 grsdes of re- fln(i S.M ITA I taAJ arh r A 1 rvbi4 nanla ses 1kA pounds today. FAMOUS PAINTING IN CHICAGO rietara by Roaabraadt Believed to B Haaglag la Chicago Art . Jastltat. CHICAGO. May 2?. -What proved to be a master picture bjr the great Reidbrandt, worth 810,000, Is hanging today, a It ha been hanging for many year, In tha' Hutchinson gallery of old masters at the Chicago Art Institute, catalogued and labeled as the work of anothsr and In ferior hand. Th jjlcturs is slgnsd by Rembrandt. Not even th owner, Allison V. Armouh of New Jersey, knew th Ignatur was ther. It l a somber painting of a young man, apparently of th earl seventeenth certr tury, la dark brown In tona and don la heavy shadow. It la supposed, by Its owner to be worth son 34.000 or 85.000. It it Is a Rembrandt, It la worth 850.000 or more. Except under close observation and, In' bright sunlight. It bears no signature. On . tbs frame Is tha nam "Ferdinand Bot. Bol wss a pupil ot Rambrandt, U remained . for .Director W. M. It. French of ths Art . Institute to discover tha slgnatnrs, but It la thr. In' latter faint In shadow, but distinct In brighter light "Rembrandt" SPANK DOES NOT HU8T MULE No Marks Left oa Animal, So III Who Chastise It I Dis- charced. . - Edgar Allen, who spanked a mule with' a largo piece of building material, on th grd leading to tha court house, was dta. liharged in police court Friday, beoaua ' th owner of tha animal appeared and said ' he examined th mule and ther was not a mark oo his hide. Allen admitted h had It In for th mule. -but said be did not chsstls th animal J. cause of that, nor bee us th animal could not pull th toad up tho hill. A year ago th mul saw a bad man looking out between th bars at th county Jail and was scared so badly that a bushel of whit hair wa carried off Ma hide tha next mernlng. Sine that time th mul ha refused to go near th Jail and th driver has been compelled to remove tha prejudice far as possible by slapping him severely with a dainty IHec of oua lnch lumber IT a If l-lt A.