Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 12, Image 12
1 X 2.?, 12 THE OMAHA DAILY' HEK: 8ATU7WAY. M IMS NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office 15 Scott Street. MINOR MKftTlON. Davis, drugs. 8tockert tells carpets. E1 Rogers, Tonjr Faust beer. Uwli Cutler, funeral director. 'Fhone 97. Wood ring Undertaking- company. Tel. 83. Excelsior Masonic lodge will -meet to night for work In the first degree. HKRMAN BROS. i FI-ORI8T8. 10 PEAM. ST. 'Fhones: lnd., 624 Itlack; Bell, S2 910 lawn mowers on aala at Petersen at Echoenlng Co. i'rlces from 125 to $16. The largHit stock of wall paper In soothe western Iowa. M. Borwlck, 211 8. Main. Wo know wa hare tha beat flour. Eaee la the name. Kartell Sk Millar, 'Phone fc. IT PAYS TO SEE HOSPB P FIFO RE UUVINO A IIANU. 2S PEARL. STREET. BIO HAMMOCK BALH, FRtCF-S FROM ti CiiNTS. PETERSEN SCHOEN1NU ta O. A. Holland, vice president of the Anchor Fire Insurance company of Pes Moines, was tha gueat of J. N. Casady, Jr. yesterday. , Send your laundry work to us, where you can get your work done the way you want It. Alwsys right. Flneat equipped plant in the writ. Bluff City Laundry. Tel. 814. Harry Oroat, t Thomaa street waa re ported to the Board of Health yeaterday a having diphtheria. Mra. Waltera, reald Ing on Elliott atreet, waa quarantined for amallpox. A special meeting of the Board of Edu cation haa been called for thla evening for the purpose- of passing upon tha Mat of graduates, which whs held up on account of the recent charges of vandalism at the high school. Dr. Donald Macrae left last evening for pes Moines to attend the anntial meeting of the Iowa State Medical society. He will return home Saturday morning. Dra. J. C. Waterman, V. L.. Treynor, F. W. Dean and J. H. Onason are also In attendance at the meeting. Notice The Boas Barhera' association will aneet toninht at Ed Hchlcketans barber shop at Neumeyer hotel. Business of Im portance to bo transacted. All bosses, Whether members of the association or not are requested to be present. Henry Her man, president. The funeral of the late Mra. John Strong will be held thta morning at 1 o'clock from the family residence, 1325 Avenue I and burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. The services will be conducted by Rev. J. M. Williams of the Broadway Metho dist church. ' The funeral of the late Mrs. John An derson, 3513 Fifth avenue, will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence and burial will be in Falrvlew cemetery. Rev. J. M. Williams, paster of Broadway Methodist church, will conduct the services. Frank Keech and Edith Johnson, both of Lincoln, Neb., were married In thla elty yeaterday, the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. M. Williams at the Broadway Methodist church parsonage. Mr, and Mrs. Keech will make their home in Lincoln, where Mr. Keech ia employed aa an elec trician. J. W. Snyder of South Omaha and Anna Colmor of Omaha were, marrted In this elty yesterday by Rev. Henry DeLong. They told the officiating minister that the mar riage was the culmination of a romance, which had its Inception at a chance meet ing at Lake Manawa last summer. James Harrison, a bartender at 330 West Broadway, was seriously Injured In a run away laft evening on Frank street. Ho was about to step Into his buggy when the horse took frlaht at something and started on the run. Harrison win thrown to1 the ground and a wheel of the buggy passed over ills face, ctttlng a deep gash across his cheek and Jw. He was attended by City 1'hyslclan Tubhs at police head I rinartera and later taken to his home at .'12 Vine street. Malvera Man Injured. M. T. Davis, a farmer living near Mai. vcrn. Ia., was struck by a westbound street enr near Ihe intersection of Broad tvny and Pearl, street yesterday morning tmd received Injuries which necessitated his removal to the Edmundson Memorial hos Tl'al In the city ambulance. . Sir. Davie, who is til years of age, came to C'mmcM tlnffs oh un early train eriroute to Orrul'.a. He stepped from a car at Broadway and Pearl street and failed to notice Ihe approach of the westbound car on tlto Omaha line. He waa Ifnocked down, but managed to walk with assistance q a nearby store to await the arrival of the ambulance. ' He I waa attended by Dr. Macrae, who found that Mr. Davis' right ankle was badly sprained and the lower end of the tthla fractured. Most of our ambitious young American girls work too hard at sehooL. Many teachers have little of no judgment about pushing a Tihild beyond her endurance. They ought to know that girla especially have a danger period. Often, too often, utter physical oollapse ia the result, and it takes years and years to recover lost vitality. Many a young girl has been helped over this critical period,and been pre pared for a healthy womanhood by LYDIAE. PINKIlAr.rC VEGETABLE COMPOUND -' Miss Elsie L, I look, of Chelsea, Vt, writes to Mrs. llnkham : i "I am only sixteen year old, bat I want to tell you that Lydia K. Pink Vam'a Vegetable Compound and your ad vie cured me of aideacha, pariodlo pains and leepleasneaa, also of a ner voua. Irritable condition after ever ' thing- else had failed, and I wan to thank yoa for IV." ' FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia & Hnk ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that tear-ing-down tetling, flatulency, indiges- ' ti n,diziiness,or nervous prostration. YY hy dona you try it r Mrs. Plnkbam Invites all sick women to write her for advice, felie has guided thousands to health. Address Lyaz Mass SCBBQL BLUFFS Both 'Phones 43. BATTEY ASRS NEW TRIAL Misconduct of Jury One of Reasons Set Out in Moti6n. JTJEORS TALK OVER TELEPHONE Allegation la Also Made That the Coart Erred la Ordering Check ad Cash Books Prodared la Coart. In the motion for a new trial tn the case against II. V. Battey to remove him from the office of clerk of the district court of Pottawattamie county, which was filed yesterday, misconduct on the part of the jury and erroneous Instructions on the part of the court are aJleged. The charge of misconduct on the part of the Jury Is supported by an affidavit from James Mc Robert, one of the Jurors. In his affidavit Juror Mi-Robert, after reciting that for the convenience of the Jury, Its deliberations were, on order of the court, conducted In the district court room where the numerous books, records snd papers Introduced at the trial could be handled to a better advantage, states that the door leading Into what Is known as the ladles' waiting room was not locked, although the Instructions of the court were that all doors opening Into the court should be locked. In this room Mr. Robert states waa a telephone and that there was a passage from this room to another room In which another telephone la located. As to these telephones Mr. McRobert says they were used by all of the members of the Jury except J. 8. Miller; that the Jurors telephoned to parties outside of the court room, soma of them using the tele phone several times during the period they were shut up In the room. Further Mr. McRobert asserts that at times the Jurors uaed 'he- telephone without the bailiff or any other member of the Jury being near thtm. He also says that Frank C. Rlker, one of the Jurors, was called to the tele phone and that while answering the call Mr. Rlker closed the door between the court room and the room In which the telephone Is located. Outside Matter Brought In. Another statement by Juror McRobert in his affidavit Is to the effect that one of the Jurors stated In the ' presence of the other members that the defendant, H. V. Battey, had cheated one of his neighbors, Land that the Juaor used this as am argu- men against Mr. uauey, ana as a reason for believing that he was guilty of altering the records of his office. As to the alleged errors on the part of the court the motion states: The court erred In ordering and requiring the defendant to produce his private cash and ledger books, for the reason that they were personal and private papers, were not records of the court, and no proper pro ceedings had been taken by plaintiff to compel their production as evidence, and the said order was in violation of the con stitutional rights of the defendant provid ing against unreasonable aearch and seixure. The court erred in instructing the jury that tha burden of proof waa on the de fendant upon the question of change and alteration of the records of the court, for the reason that the burden of proof upon said question waa upon the stage and not upon the defendant. The date for arguing the motion for a new trial has not been set, but It is under stood to be the desire of both sides to have It disposed of as soon as possible. From members of the Board of Super visors It was learned yesterday that no action, looking to the appointment of a successor to Mr. Battey, would be taken by the board before the regular meeting In June or before the motion for a new trial was disposed of.. Ileal EUtate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee, May 21, by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Richard Green and wife to Peter C. Hansen, undivided one-third of lot 2, Aud subdivision, se4, se4, and lot J. Aud subdivision, sw',4, se, a-75- $ i J. P, Hartwell and wife to Alice M. Smith, lot 3, block 17, Stutsman's Second addition to Council Bluffs.. Ed Dawson and wife to C. H. Dan iels, lota 3 and 4. block 23, Howard's addition to Council bluffs A. 8. Haselton and wife to J. O. Hol lenbeck, lot 7, block 4, Turley's addition to Council Bluffs Clarence J. ErH-son to William J. Leverett, lots i and 3. block 43. Rail road addition to Council Bluffs Grace F. Swearlngen to C It. Mc Clelland, lot ft, block S, Baylies Jk Palmer'a addition to Council Bluffs. J. V. Squire and wife to George Btl len, lot block 82, Beers' subdivi sion In Council Bluffs Jssper Pierce snd wife to J, F. Pierce, new, sw. and sw4, ge, JJ-77-39, undivided one-slKth Mary A.- Tucker and husband to J. F. Plercf. undivided one-sixth of same. Elizabeth Pierce to J. F. Pierce, un divided one-third of same Minnie L. Fernow and husband to John H. Ward, lot S, block 2, Wilaon Terrace '5 1,500 GO 10 117 300 841 841 1,496 800 333 Minnie L. Fernow, guardian, aame to same R. H. Griffith and wife to E. Walter Ripley, nV, nw4 and swV. nw4, 1-77-45 9.1S7 Total 315.4S4 Jitfw Bask ta Be Started. Council Bluffs Is soon to have another national bank. Plana for Its establishment are being actively carried out by Chariee R. Hannan, jr., T. Q. Turner, late cashier of tho First National bank, and others. The bank will be located in the Hannan build ing, at the northwest corner of Broadway and Main atreet.' tn the portion now oc cupied by the Clark Drug company. It Is said that Mr. Hannan contemplatea ex pending $20,000 on remodeling the building. The Clark Drug company. It Is stated, will move Into the room now occupied by the moving picture theater. The establishment of the bank Is tn ac cordance with the expressed intention of the late Charles R. Hannan, whoee plans to re-engage In the banking business tn Council Bluffs were frustrated by his death. Although no public announcement has been made. It ia understood that John G. Wadsworth of this city will be actively Interested in the new bank. T. O. Turner, who associated with Charles R. Hannan, Jr., in the bank, 'is a brother-in-law of the late Mr. Hannan. Mr. Hannan Is said to have left an estate amounting to tl. 500.000. Dlteh lalaetlaa Modified. The supervisors of Pottawattamie and Harrison counties succeeded yesterday morning In securing, after a conference with the attorneys of the parties Interested, a modification of the injunction restraining them from proceeding further In the matter of paying for the drainage ditches now nesting completion. Tha modified order, while restraining the Joint board from accepting the Willow creek, Boyer No. 1 or Boyer No. 1 dttchea. permits the payment up to SO per cent of the contract price tr each. contract was entered into with Pollard ft Campbell to continue the present Boyer eut-off ditch ta the river at T cen.a per eubio yard. The new opening is to avoid running the ducb to the river at a right rngle. The Harrison county supervisors, jf whom three were present at the Joint meeting, voted against the contract, but the Pottawattamie county supervisors, be ing five In number, csrried the day. The contract for the completion of the Ooyer No. 1 ditch was extended to June 13. . Another ditch, to be known as the Beyer No. I Is to be constructed and for thta bids will be received up to noon of June 19, on which day the Joint board will meet and open the bids at I p. m. PITTIXO CRIMP IX SALOON) Those Operating at Manawa Maat Obey Malrt Law. The saloon business at Manawa will not be as profitable this summer ss it haa been In past seasons. The saloons will be re quired to comply with me provisions of the mulct law the same as the saloons In the city. The sale of liquor will not be permitted after 10 o'clock a night and the saloons will have to keep closed on Sundays and all -holidays. Including the Fourth of July aifd Labor Day, which are as a rule the big days at Lake M inawa. The sale of liquor outside the saloon buildings will not be permitted at Manawa. Persons desiring to take a drink will have to do so within the building and tables and chairs on the outside wfH not be per mitted. "Tbe saloons at Manawa will have to comply with the provisions of the mulct law the same as the saloons In the city are required to do," stated County At torney Hess yesterday when asked If It was the Intention of the county ' authori ties to enforce the law this summer at Manawa. Heretofore, while the saloons In Council Bluffs have been required to keep closed on Sundays, those outside the en closure at Manawa were permitted to keep open. The proprietor of one of the three sa loons at Cut-Off called on Mayor Maloney a day or two ago with the request that he be permitted to keep his place open on Sundays, as It was practically the only day on which there was any trade to speak of there. "I have nothing to do with the matter," replied the mayor. "Tou had better go and get permission from Mr. Stuart, president of the Law Enforcement league." The saloonman, not realising that the mayor was handing him anything but the straight goods, hied himself to the office of Attorney Stuart, to whom he stated his errand. A little while after the saloonman called again on Mayor Maloney, "Well, what did Mr. Stuart say?" aaked the mayor. "He told me that I could not open on Sundays- and that It would be best for me not to attempt to," replied the saloonman with an Injured air. "Well, that's strange," remarked Mayor Maloney as he turned aside to hide a smile. Prealdent Stuart of the Law Enforcement league, while as yet he has not Issued any formal edict to the effect, has intimated In plain language that where liquor Is sold in houses of ill-fame and other resorts of like character the mulct tax will have to be paid. An Informal notice to this effect, it Is understood, has already been served upon the municipal authorities. The latter, however, take the position that the matter Is properly one for the county attorney to attend to. PROGRAM FOR MEMORIAL DAY """""" Clyde Gennna; Jo Take the Place of Hia Father. At a meeting last night In. the mayor's office in the city hall of the several com mittees having In charge the arrangements for the public observance of Memorial day at Fatrmount park, the program of the exercises was revised. Announcement was made that Clyde Genung, son of Hon. L. T. Genung, would take the place of his father, who, owing to a prior engagement, was unaijla to accept the Invitation to make an address here. . The children of the public schools will be requested to gather and bring flowers to their respective schools Friday, A com mittee from the Grand Army post and Woman's Relief corps will send a wagon and collect the flowers, which will be made Into wreaths and bouquets at the Dodge Light Guard armory. The children selected from each school to decorate the graves In Falrvlew and Walnut Hill cemeteries will assemble Sat urday morning. May 30, at 9:30 o'clock at the Dodge Light Guard armory, where they will bo formed Into columns, one of which will march to Falrvlew cemetery and the other to Walnut Hill cemetery. Each col umn will be headed by a fife and drum band and a carriage containing a committee from the veterans of the Grand Army. This is the revised program for the exer cises at Fatrmount park, which will com mence at 2 o'clock p. m. Music, Covalt's band. Opening remarks, Hon. E. L. Shugart, president of the day. Invocation, Rev. G. W. Snyder. Vocal selection, mixed quartet. Oration, Clyde Genung, Vocal selection. Elks' quartet. " Selection, Covalt's band. Eulogy, W. H. Lynchard. Vocal selection, mixed sextet. T: ps. Benediction. Marriage I. teen sea. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Frank Keech, Lincoln, Neb 23 Edith Johnson, Lincoln, Neb 21 J.. W. Snyder, South Omaha :. 47 Anna Colmer, Omaha 44 HILL RETCHXS FOR CAMPAIGN Declares far Allison, bat May Keea Oat of the Flht. (From a Staff Correspondent.) PES MOINES, la... May 2i-(Speclal.)- Congressman J. A. T. Hull reached Des Moines today from Washington and was not long In saying that he Intended to vote for Senator Allison, but aa to whether he would stump the Seventh district for Al lison remained to be determined after a consultation with his friends. Captain Hull reached the city at 7 this morning and was met at the depot by political friends who apprised him of the fact that Governor Cummlna had declared himself for Prouty. Congressman Hull was seen at the home of Dr. H. C. Potter, a relative, soon after. "I am going to vote foY Senator Allison," said Captain Hull, "but I am not going to stump the state for him unless well, unless my friends think It best. I am not sur prised that Governor Cummins has declared himself against me. I have never con tributed to his campaign fund. I have never made any fight for him. I am a republican and do not believe in stirring up the mud in my own party. But I don't see what right any man running for the United States senate has In telling people how to vote for congressmen." There is a well grounded rumor that Allison men in the Seventh district will insist that Hull do something for Allison. They are pointing out to him that Cum mins is doing all ha can against Hull and that Hull cannot gain anything by re maining silent and they believe he will gain by apeaklng out for Allison. Tha strong Allison men rather intimate that they will see to it that Hull does gain If he speaks out, but will not gain If he doesn' t. The Burlington railroad today filed with the executive council its report, on which the aisssnnent U1 U tuada for taxation purposes. This Is the last of the big roads to file reports. The Burlington shows net earnings of 13,077.070, which ta a gain of I.4;r7 over the net earnlnss of last year. The rert further shows that In Its pas senger service there was an increase of I13M19 for tha year, six months of which was under the 3-cent fare law. The road paid 164,0 more taxes In i:07 than In 1906. t'sih el arena g. George W. Klein, 19 South Main street. Both 'phones. Have It done right. Iowa News Notes. CRESTON Joseph Norton. r a one time mayor of thlsV'nce and an old pioneer res ident, died at his home Inst night after a lingering illness of several years, at the as of 6o years. He came to this city In lb77. CRESTON Today Is a gala day for the local volunteer firemen. They gave their annual parade and were revlewroVby an Interested crowd of spectators. After the display parade addresses were given by Mayor Burk and the city council men. CRESTON Last night Fireman James Boyd of this city submitted to an ampu tation of the left foot about three Inches above the ankle, as a result of an acci dent which befell him at Nodaway yester day afternoon while on duty. He was brought back to the hospital hero last night. MARSH ALLTOWN Fletcher Mead, a former Marahalltown boy, was today chosen principal of the Mason City High school. Mr. Mead, who is a graduate of the State university, has been principal of the Washington, ia., schools during the Inst year. For two years previous to that time he taught In (he Iowa City schools. MARSH ALLTOWN The manufacturing, wholesale, industrial, profepslonal and re tall Interests, of Marshalltown are to he "hoostivl" af a banquet of business and professional men, which Is to be held in Columbln hall on Friday night. Covers are to be laid for 3X. The principal speaker will be A. C. Bnrtlrtt of Hibbard, Spencer & Bartlett of Chicago. MARSHALLTOWN The second dis bursement tif funds of the defunct Iowa Business Men's Building and Loan associa tion was ordered todav by Judge J. M. Parker of the district court. This distri bution Is to be of 5 per cent on the with drawal value of the stock which has been returned to the receiver, A former distri bution of SO per cent was made two months ago. CRESTON Three little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Juke Miller, who reside near Hlockton, have been dangerously ill from ptomaine poisoning, and the eldest one, aged 8 years, lift d last night, says a dis patch from Bedford. "The second child s also very III, with but little chance for re covery. The youngest one Is thought to he out of danger. It is not known what caused the poisoning. MARSHALLTOWN The State Associa te of Chiropractors and F. M. Miller, a local practitioner, lost the case against Millar In the loeal court today, when Judge J. M. Parker Overruled the motion of Mil ler s attorney for an arrest of Judgment and for a new trial. The constitutionality of the state law delegating to the State Board of Medical Examiners certain powers was attacked In the motions. , 8lOCX CITY Men's clubs connected wllli Sioux City churches have organized an as sociation to he known as the Federation of Christian Brotherhood. The new club. which starts off jvlth a membership of over 1,000, will atonce Inaugurate a cam paign for the Sunday closing of theaters, poolrooms and akatMg rinks. The organi zation Is headed by Alderman T. W. Bayne of Morning Side. It is expected the club will prove a factor In local politics. MARSHALLTOWN Mrs. Lizzie Helsler, wife of a young farmer of Grundy county, was given a verdict of $7.0no Inst night by the Jury in the case against Mr. and Mrs. Conrad HelBler, the parents of the woman's husband. Mrs. Helsler sued for f25.00O for the alienation of her husband's affections. The suit was the outgrowth of family trouhles of long standing, the end being hastened by an assault on the woman by Mrs. Heisler's husband and father-in-law In which the woman was severely injured, The case waa tried at Allison, . Butler county, where Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hels ler live. MARSHALLTOWN According to advice received here today, C. N. Burroughs, who was arrested in Omaha on a charge of Sasslng bogus checks on the Capital City tate bank of Des Moines, has again been arrested in Phoenix, Aris., on a similar charge. It is charged that Burroughs raised tho credits in his bank passbook, and thus established a good standing In western cities, resulting Jn his Issuing checks for large amounts in Phoenix and Los Angeles, and other western cities, which were protested. When Burroughs was first arrested the case was not pushed, because his mother, who lives at Tamif and Is very wealthy, made good on the checks which had been protested. Bur roughs' bad checks were passed In this city, Oakaloosa and Dcs Moines. NO ANTI-INJUNCTION LAW NOW House Republican Cancna Decides Against Any Action This' Session. WASHINGTON. May J2.-No bill to modify the power of the federal courts In Injunctions will be passed at this session of congress-. It waa decided tonight at a conference of the republican members of the house that to enact such a measure would be unwise. The conference was In session from 8 o'clock until 11:30. The vari ous so-called antl-lnjunctlon bills that have been Introduced were discussed and vari ous amendments to them were proposed. Between 11 o'clock and the hour of ad journment three votes of the caucus were cast. The first vote was on a motion by Mr. Fansett (N. V.),. to adjourn the caucus sine die. This motion was lost, SS to 69. Fifteen minutes later Mr. Tawney (Minn.), moved to take a recess until tomorrow night. This motion also was lost, 63 to 64. At 11:30 Mr. Sherman (N. Y.), made a motion to adjourn sine die and it pre vailed, by a vole of 75 to 63. As Indicated by the several votes taken tonight, sentiment for and against a modi fication bill was pretty evenly divided and those who led in the debate took part with much vigor and spirit. PRICE OF STEEL STAYS UP tonfereace at New York Decides There Will Be Xa Redaction la Price. NEW YORK. May 22--That there is to be no reduction in the price of steel waa the statement made by E. 11. Gary, chairman of the board of directors of the Vultud etaces eieei corporation tooay arter a pro longed meeting of representative steel men from all sections of the country. Tonight the visiting steel men were enter talned at a banquet by the United States Steel corporation. The meeting which has been scheduled for tomorrow to further conkider the scale of prices has been can celled. Judge Gary's statement follows: At a meeting today of representatives of the principal manufacturers of steel in this country, the opinion was expressed by eaeli one present that tha prices of steel are reasonable and should not be reduced: that reduced prices wtuld not Increase purchases and that most of their customers do not expect or desire any change. The opinion was unanimous that the meeting should he discontinued for the sumuici nion;hs unless the chairman should deem !t advisable to meet at any time for reasons, which did not now appear. Silver Aluminum Jelly Moulds FREE Leaflet In each package Explainlag 10c aooaaaw as ai Furniture, Carpeted Stoves oa Credit One Dollar x Week Will Dress You Well. tfsfaJUsJl IJ-Bl Ladies Summer Wash Dresses In two-piece and Princess effects, mado of sheer lawn and dainty mulls. Suits that should bring at least seven DO. dollars and fifty cents we offer for Saturday JlL at aflsW t , r . e your .unrestricted choice of any ladies' hat in the house, marked as high as $3.00, for Men's That are made assortment of patterns in all this sea son's newest shades. Specially priced for Saturday's selling at $15.00 and. . MEN'S I w STRAW complete HATS est styles and PS L0 and AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Omaha Packing Company Gets at Meat in Burned Building. NONE FIT FOR FOOD i PURPOSES Salvage as KreaBe Worth Onlr Small Fraction of Oriarlnal Value Good Government Leastae Plana a Dinner. The Omaha Tacking company was able yentorJay to fret at most portions of the building; which burnecf last Friday night. The lower floor of the building still con tained some meat which was not entirely destroyed. Tfie meat was at once hauled to the Cudahy packing plant, where It is being tanked for the Omaha Packing com pany. In this way several thousand dol lars will be saved. The meat is all tainted with a strong, resinous smoke, and will be fit for little except soap and axle grease. Some of it can be osed as a lard oil for mechanical purposes, None of the meat will ever be fit for' food. The Cudahy chemists, however, are making a number of tests to ascertain the exact value of the salvage. It is likely that about three fourths of a cent per pound will be all It Is worth, while before the fire it would average 10 or 12 cents per pound. The ma chinery of the Ice plant was damaged in some of the leas strong parts of the mechanism, but it will not require a great amount to get the machines In order. The tanks for freeslng will have to be partially rebuilt at least. The company will erect a building capable of protecting this plant. The rest of the damaged tiulldlngs will be taken down' as soon as possible In the same manner In progress with three buildings before the fire. The hope Is expressed by prominent men In packkng circles that some other large packing firm may find tlUs a good location for a plant. Woman Jumps Into I'oad. Cora Benfer and Sue Davla were ar rested last night in a state of intoxication In which they had engaged In serious dis turbance of the peace, and it is said that one of them tried to commit sulrlds by jumping Into a duck pond at Twenty fifth and 8 streets. The pond was not deep enough to drown any grown person, and the cries of the second woman brought assistance and the other was pulled out, suaked with muddy water. They were both placed under arrest and charged with being Intoxicated. Another story of the duck pond Is that the woman who fell In did so accidentally. In either case the water was Just as wet. She wss Obliged to spend the night In her wet clothes at the city jail. Conanlt Over Jail Meddle. The consultation between Mayor Frank Koutsky and the attorneys of the Cham pion Iron works resulted In a better un derstanding of the jail situation and It is thought by the advice of the chief of po lice and the mayor the city coun'il will be prevailed upon to come to an agreement so that the jail may be put In service. The chief never liked the pran of having all the Individual cells separate. He wanted one large room at least, . so that the lesser criminals would 'be allowed a little more consideration than the rough element. The ?atter class numbers com paratively few, and for these a few strong cells must be provided, but the chief al ways opposed muktng all the cells so strong. Good Government Leaaue Dinner. The Oood Government league of Bnuth Omaha have arranged a dinner at Maaontri hall on the evening of May 2S. The exe cutive officials of the city will be enter tained'as special guests of the organisation. The executive committee of the order has been doing hard work securing talent for the occasion with the result that the fol lowing program will be rendered: Toastmaster John Fits Roberts The league" Itev. H. I,. Wheeler Oood government: "Where Shall it Begin". .Judge A. I- Pitt'on "The School as a Training Oround" N. K. t arter "What It means to the Cltisens" V. C. Im(ert "What the Cltlnen Means to tf..T. J. Nolan "Its Value, to the Community" I.ysle 1. Abbott "Its Kffect in !cal Aliairs" t...Mayor Frank Kouuky Bla- Crowd at Carat val. The largest crowd of the week visited the South Omaha carnival grounds last night. The people patronised the special attrac tions and tha tent shows with great good nature and in Urge numbers. The Merry Widow show was the most popular, out tide of the a lid animate. The crowds ex hibited more life and freedom than on any previous night, 'and the young folks en joyed themselves during the latter half of the evening In regular carnival style. The police were on the grounds all the time, but no causes for arreat were discovered. The Parker Amusement company will sot r t i J Kg U ' 111 II II I n il , ftMX I II I a ansa a nana a saaa. a. a. ajaa a aaaw a a a aaTgai a ; BUM AJf D OOMB TO TM BIOKT FLACB JF 1 - narene spring ana summer luiumery We are determined to make Saturday the banner day in our Millinery department. "We offer you Spring Suits right and will wear right right large 1. 2S2 Wo are showing a very largo and complete line of men's straw hats. Assortment embraces all the shapes. Prices are $1.50. i?A UC allow the throwing of confetti, and many visitors expressed satisfaction over the milder types of fun which the strollers employ. Magic City Gossip. Glynn Transfer Co. Tel. 364. Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to any part of the city. Telephone No. 1 Maly & Co., tornado and fire Ins. and real estate. 2403 Q St., South Omaha. Henry Until. Kiehteenth and O streets. reported the birth of a son yesterday. For sale, cheap, 7-room house, partly modern, 125 N. 3th Ave., South Uknaha. Mrs. M. Carl Smith has been entertaining her niece. Miss Virginia Fox of Nelson, Neb. The members of the South Omaha Coun try club have arranged for a matched game of golf Sunday afternoon. A false alarm of fire called the South Omaha fire, department to Armour's Pack ing plant yesterday noon. Miss Jessie Robeson, Twenty-fifth and E streets, will entertain Chapter M of tha P. E. O. aoclety Saturday afternoon. The Lake City club would like to receive a challenge from any base ball team of 12 years of age in the city. Call Harold Carter. Ed Hageland, a barn man at the Vinton street car barn, fell off the top of a car last night and broke his collarbone and one of his ribs. Harry Schaeffer- was able to return from the hospital yesterday, having recovered from an attack of appendicitis after an operation had been successfully performed. The death of Edward F. Burrows, aged 65, a rrotorman on the Council Bluffs cars, occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. M. White, Thirteenth ard V streets, on Thursday. The funeral will be held Sun day at Lefler Memorial church at 2:30 p. m. Members of the South Omaha High School Alumni association who have paid their dues, may receive their Invitations to tho alumni reception by calling at Ralph Gram lien's room during school hours. The death of J. N. Wright, Thlrty-sccon4 and V streets, occurred May 20. He leaves a wife and three grown children. The funeral will be at i p. m. today, from the residence to Laurel Hill cemetery. Those men's suits now on special sale at $7.75 cannot be duplicated anywhere else for lees than $12.50. Iet us show them to you before paying more money elsewhere. Nebraska Shoe and Clothing House, corner 25th and N Bts.. South Omaha. , NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Quaint and Cnrlons Featarea of Life la a Rapidly Growing; State. Trouble Ira Scrlbner'a team took a swift run dawn the street last Thursday with a gang plow. They ran into the town pump tearing down tbe windmill which fell over the team and plow, knocking all four of the horses down, but nothing was Injured except the mill. Hemingford In cidents, Alliance Times. Fair Warning Last Sunday evening, while Reno Moore was walking along the Riley hotel, for the purpose of keeping out of the wet. It raining at the time, a large potted v fern fell or was jostled, and In coming down Just missed Mr. Moore's head In Its descent. The pot of earth, J v.uii-11 mum m laifa una, nu uroaen iniO fragments by the fall, and had it struck Reno on the head the chances are that another sudden death would have beon recorded. One oannot be too Careful about placing flower pota or things of the kind In places where they are liable to fall pon someone, to their detriment. Care lessrress, whlch jeopardises one's life is nothing less than criminal. Plattsmouth Journal. Back In Style-Forty-three years ago a young Irish lnd arrived In New York City fresh from the "ould aod." He paid 25 pounds for a Steerage passage and arrived In the ne world with hut S pounds In his pocket ss his capital. "I'll never forget It." he said, speaking of the Incident. "It was the duy President Lincoln was buried and I never saw ao many people In a procession and the whole city was In black." This Irish lad of forty-three years ago will In a few days return to Irelsnd for th first time since he came. He will go to look over the old home and see his boy hood chums who, like he, have grown gray tn the long stretch of years. But he will not be a steerage. passenger this time. He will go In a first class state room on a magnirtcent steamer. During his sojourn In this land of opportunity he has reared a family of eight children, bringing them up aa creditable cltisens and besides haa accumulated 1,i0 acres of Nebraska land and has a anug little fortune. This Irish lad Is Pat Murphy, well known In Dodge county. He la a fair sample of what our foreign-born cltisens achieve here. Ills friends wish him hon voyage and safe re turn, though he aays there Is danger that he may be ahut up over there "for talking too much," and he will ariange In advance with the American consul st Dublin to rescue him It it comes to that. Fremont Tribune. Drlak Baawalaar. King ef all bottled bera. L. Roeeafald Co-, distributors. Xqth 'pbeaes 123. The Terms Are Made to Suit Your Convenience. 4581s IVIcns Linen Collars All styles, includ ing the latest shapes. 4 for 25c lat - RUEF JURY FAILS TO AGREE It Waa Kvenly Divided After Con Iderlng Case for Tit Days. SAN FRANCISCO, May 22. -After bolng out for forty-three and a half hours the Jury In the trial of Abraham Ruef, tha former political boss of San Francisco and ,central figure In the bribery gralt prosecution, against whom wholesale In dictments were returned, failed to agree upon a verdict and was discharged at 5 o'clock this afternoon by Judge Maurice T. Dooling. The specific charge against Ruef In the trial Just closed was the offer of a bribe of $1,000 to former Supervisor Jennings Phillips to Influence his vote favorably upon an clectrc railroad franchise applied for by the Parkslde Realty company. The Jury, which went out at 9:30 Tues day night, stood six to six upon the fimt ballot aid remained bo without a change during the thirteen ballots taken. Power washing machines going at $;.W while they last. Round Oak ranges at cost, doing to quit business. Charles Swalm, 336 and 338 Broadway, at the sign of the owl. PREACHER COMMITS SUICIDE Her. R. R. Fletcher of St. Joseph KlUl Himself Urea use Daughters Arc Un Stage. ST. JOSEPH, May 22, A severe electrical, daughters on the stage, which weighed heavily upon his mind as a minister, and on account of other alleged domestic troubles. Rev. Rufus R. Fletcher, a Metho dist minister living in St. Joseph and with a charge at Fairport, Mo., committed sui cide today by swallowing carbollo acid. After taking the poison Jn a shed ha en tered his house, took his Bible and open ing the book began reading. He died a few minutes later. He was about 45 year of age. PRONOUNCED HIS Whole Body Raw with Eczema Life was Intolerable Was EverT Incased in Plaster Discharged from Hospitals as Hopeless. SUFFERED 14YEARS CURED BY CUT1CURA " From the ago of three months until fifteen years old, my son Owen's Ufa was maae intoler able by ecaeina In its worst form. Ba was all right until a red ran broke out on his fore head, but wa war not alarmed at first. Vary soon, however, tha rash began to spread over his head and shoulders, and it caused him trmi discomfort. I look him to a doctor and tried half a dozen other treatment, all with the sarna result: no improvement at ail. Tha disease gradually spread until nearly very part of his body waa quite raw. Wa had to strap him down in bed, for he used to tear himself dreadfully In his sleep. The agony he want through is quite beyond words. No one thought wo would rear him. Tha regimental doctor, a vary clever man, pronounced the caao hopeless; al least, he said tha only hope was that ha might, if ha lived long enough, otttgrow it to soma extent. We had him in hospitals four times and he waa pronounced one of the worst cae, if not tha worst, ever admitted. From each ha was dis charged as inourablej In fact he got worse under tha successive treatments. At one hospital they incased him in f taster, and this seemed to aggravata he sorennss terribly. Ha luuled so badly that no one liked to go near hint and his life was a burden to him. Wa kept trying remedy after remedy, but we had gut almost past hoping for a euro. Six months ago we purchased a set of Cutioura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent Fills and persevered with them. Tha result waa truly marvelous and to-day ha la perfectly cured, his skin not having a blemish on it anywhere. Mrs. Lily Hedge, 61. Vaughan Road, Coldharbour Lane, Camblewell Crauo Eng., Jan. 12, 1407." B-nd to nearest depot for frea Cutl cura Book on Treatment of Skin Diaeasaa. railrara lumMfestrssota Ihtearsevttheaeng. tapuia: Load, 17, CbavrUrbOMsM tM ; fmtit. i. lit .run . To. K. Totoi a Co.. Hr4url mo. Atnc. Lc&itua. Ll4 CASE INCURABLE raw irut a uwa. cwy, avis V. m i i i : i i i I 1 C 'i ! I