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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1908)
11 r teeakst Sifife Men's ESlue Serse Suits THE OMAHA DAILY FEE: SATURDAY. MAY Sale off all! Saturday, May 23rd, Commencing at 10 A. M. and Continuing all Day All at 57 Cents Yard The Place is Kilpalrick's Mark it Down uluch to You Gleams Never before such a great gathering of seasonable high grade desirable Silks OFFERED AT SUCH A LITTLE PRICE Thousands upon thousands of yards of the very latest rough Pongee silks every new shade in plain solid colors stripes, polka dots foulards galore many confined styles taffetas till you can't rest every color and several widths black included. . Habutais full yard wide for underwear or dresses sug gestive of elegance and comfort for warm weather fancy silks for suitings and waistings changeable silks for petti coats or otherwise a few black Grenadines natural pongee full yard wide and so on; almost endless in variety style and quality silks worth 85 cents worth $1.00, worth $1.23 worth $1.50 all in all the biggest buy ever made by us, and wemiss our guess if Saturday won't be the biggest sale every yard offered to you commencing at 10 in the morning at KIT Stocks will be divided and distributed to make buving easy for you and selling easy for us BE IN TI lYiE as SOMiiek & C Our Blue Serge Suits Are the Pick of the Market The fabrics are from the best mills in America every thread is wool dyed in the yarn. They are a. deep lust rous blue that is absolutely unfadable. These suits are built on the latest fashionable models and are as well made as the finest custom-made garments. They are absolutely the best serge suits that money and skill can produce. If you are undecided as to what you will buy for spring and summer get one of these suits you can't make a mistake. They are always right ahvay in fashion and always neat and dressy. Regular sizes special sizes for slim or stout men. Prices- 1 TO VVk Iffy hUL '7 ' t St '1 JSP mm WMW J' n Thorn 3 BRIEF CITY NEWS Iiti Koot mat XV fenAolph T. owobodn, accountant-auditor. Tot Coiurreas Taoa V.BltOkus. Adv. Bowman, 117 N. IS.. Iiougla Bho. IJ.bO. r Koifki for Quality cigars, lit S. 16th. aUnahart. photographer. 18th & Farnam. Ztz. aoaxap, Aenttat, moved to Faxton blk. Fasts to Order, tl up; coats and pnnta, J10 up. MscCarthy-Wilson. 804 S. 16th. Keadr Money II 00 to lb. 000. Nebraska Sav. and Loan Assn. Board of Trade Bids. Eanllaals XAla, Paul Morton, president. Policies sight draft at maturity. H. IX Neely. Manager. Omaha. Saturday nigtt the American Eafe De posit Vaults in the Bn building are oper uiilJ I p. m. Boxes rent for 14 per year 11 for three months, and afford absolute security for money and valuable. Package Window Open Until 10 9. MU A new rule has Just lwn put into effect at the Omaha pnstol'fioe w hereby the pack aft delivery window will hereafter remain open until 10 o'clock at night. Heretofore thin window dosed at 6 p. m. Applicatlonii for pttckages may now lie made after that r Appendicitis "The Most distinctively hurnan thing thout us "(says Dr. Woods Hutchinson, in this wrtk's SATURDAY Evening Post) "is not our brain, but our appendix." The rest of Dr. Hutchinson's article clears vp some pop alar fallacies concerning the appendix ; it ill amuse him who has lost this useless little organ, and inform him wfio is afraid that he may avp to lose it Why Plays Tail is the title of a vastly interesting article bv Daniel Frohman, giving a lot of 'beh.ind-th:-curtain" information about the suc cesses nd failures of the past few seasons. Do you like arousing big game story? The Tiger God, bv W. A. Eraser, is ore ot the most fascinating tiger hunt stories that ever kept you awake at night. At tht Kwn stssds.5 cam. j;.SU tat )ur if mail. Th Ct'kvi Pt auiiH'wo CoMrairr fniLi li "Mia Osr Byt Ar Itrrwt rr ;.te a ill lx delivered to ar.jr ERIC NELSON, ICS Cayrwa Oman, hour at Die window of the auperlntendent of carriers In the main corridor south of the letter boa division. Xnapact Kanal Tzainlnf scnoola Four members of the Council fluffs Board of Education inspected "the manual training department of the Omaha schools Friday with the idea of establishing a similar de partment In the schools In the city across the river. Railway Mail Transfers Bert K. Pet tit of the Korflk and Valley division has Iwen tranafurred to the Omaha and Eenver division and detailed as regular transfer clerk at Omaha, vice Preston W. Carr, ac s if tied to duty on the Burlington bt?twen Omaha and Denver. Krrss Knndrad (or Xlfh Bchool Seven hundred children lfl the eighth fcrade In the public schools will lie elijrible to enter the hirn school next year. This is the re sult of the recent examinations. The list of eliglblos for the hlirh school is one of the largest In recent years. Saamorlal SayAa onools Memorial day exercises will "be h-ld in all the public schools on Friday afternoon. 3iay I. Vet erans of the civil war will visit all the schools and talk to the children on patri otism and love of the flag and other ad dresses will be riven at the hiirh school. ITsw rwn Oompany The Power Con struction comiany has been Incorporated by A. H. Gould, W. F. Ely and W. l. Crist to do a general contracting pa vine and grading business. The capital stock is 00,U00, of which WIj.OOO is to be paid up. Tha board of directors consists of J. A. Duncan. TV. F. Ely, A. H. Gould, D. C. Gould and VT. D. Crist. lossy (or Tornado Tinttms Thr pul lie affairs committee of the Commercial club forwarded i"00 of the relief fund foi tornado sufferers to touieville Friday and another 1500 to Bellevue, making ll.ffTi which has been jriven to the Bellevue suf ferers. The committee is investigating the needs st Fort Crook town and contribu tions oi mt it ue to com to the fund. aa rtttor Badly teotnarad Charlei LhL. resitUng in Council Blufts and workitu; for the On.ana Gas company, aas seriously aflected by gas while working at lain Howard street Friday. He was making a new connection and had piuced a gas back in operation to prevent the gas from escaping. The gas back burst and he was overcome bj tl. b&. lie was taken to home and finally revived. Tars Banoas a Wask Too Much At tending pui.lic dance as often as three times a week is a caube for divorce in the opinion, of Charles Meredith. He has Just filed suit for divorce from Mattie Meredith and this is om of the accusations he makes against her. He savs his feeling hsvs been deeply wounded bv her actions. He also charges ahe has a had temjier and flies into a rage frequently and sajs slan derous things about hint. WILEY TO THE NEW MEDICS Chief of Federal Bureau of Chemistry Orator at Commencement. TWUVTY-THEEE EST TEE CLASS (liSLBK'rllor Andrews ef Mate I'alvera lt, f Which frhool Is a Part, Prevents Diplosans to the Cra alnntea. The sixth annual commencement exer cises of the VnlverHity of Nebracka College of Medicine were tieid Thursday evening in the First Concrepatlonal church before a large audience. The college is located In Omaha and this is the twenty-seventh year of Its work in this city. The principal address of the evening was delivered by Harvey VTaHMiiirtan W iley, Ph. D., LL. D.. chief of the I'nlted Ftates Bureau of Chem istry, 'Washington. 1). C. Cither participants in the exercises were Chancellor E. Benjamin Andrews of the Nebraska Plate university and Dean Henry Baldwin Ward of the Omaha college. The class consisted of the following-: Josiah B- Grlnnell, Edward C. Htyman, Joseph J. bom pa, William H. Henney. Tiieodore 3. Krr, Cnarie L.ieber. BroanUw P.. Miller, Frank H. Morrow. John C. Moure, Doyie B Mulliktn. James F. I'r'mer, George W. I'ric.hard, (.'larence Rutit-ixiail, I.arl li. Kkeen. 'Lawrence T. piiiwell, Georpe Sullivan, Harry A. Taylor. Fimeon L. 'laylor, Irwin L Tnompson, Charles C. Tomhnson. Cieorge H. V alUer, Henry P. M ekeaser, Altert A. FricKe, The exercises opened with an organ re cital by Murtin W. Bush. Then, followed the invocation by Rev. Daniel Edward Jenkins. D. D., the chaplain of the evening. The admlnisterinp of the hippocratic oath j and iresenta-ion of the candidates to the ! chancellor and faculty of the Nebraska unl ! versity and Board of Begems then followed , by leac H. B. Ward. I The graduates were dressed In students gowns, with mortar board cata. and Chan cellor Andrews was similarly sttired. Chan ; cfcllor Andrt s conferred tiie degrees in the Lat.n tongue, and as i.ue students filed by ; him and the farulty, the ihancelinr handed each l.i diploma as bif name was called. ilF the Orad nates. J In delivering his addres to tlie class en j the subject of 'prophj ltucls The Great Work of the rhyt,ician." 1. Wiley said in ptrt: 'It g-ives me pleasure to come so far to HEADQUARTERS SPECIAL SHOES FOR BOYS These are pood appearing, Fplendidly made shoe? un- "1 urpat-ed wearing qualities. Ue gnaran- i 4V.r,4 4V,-r. will T,nrf 4 i tf l Li-iai LiJ TT iu .ni j ti in i nflusiovuuii. Made from toi calf and Aristo kid, in lace ptvles. Sixes 9 to 13 $1.50 aires i.oy2 10 l.OO Sizes 2yt to $1.98 5.00 MEN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS, at AT THIS PRICE WE OFFER SHOES AND OXFORDS THAT WOULD BE HARD FOR YOU TO DUPLICATE UNDER $3.50. Tbev are email ne'w models in tan. Kuss-ia calf, patent Corona colt and Vici kid. The?e are t boron phi r Trell made, pood fitting shoes fit for any man or anv occas-ion. KJHsl h ) "i 5 say a few words to you on this occasion. I know something of medicine. Its prac tice and of graduates. How natural It is for us to turn to physicians in case of JIM AND LOBECK BREAKEVEN physical distress, it is hardly the prov- i JCayor and Comptroller Launch Guber natorial Eacei Same Day. lnce of a physician to prolong life unduly. but be can assist in prolonging life to Its natural limit. The physician cannot cure. His chief function ts to assist in the l"" ! JAKES "WILL MAXE COUTJOY IIGET ventlon of dtsease. In this effort chetn- Istry is one of his greatest and most ef- I fective allies. In the old days diseases i While These Twn rmaha Democrats were divided Into two classes only, func tional and organic Imaginary diseases can easily be cured by imnglnation. Nor would 1 wish to decrj absent treatment for a case which happened recently in Washing- ton, where a fellow sent sway a dollar for j ar absent treatment and It cured him He had misdirected his letter and about three weeks afterward rt came back to him i through the dead letter office. If our or- I fans are normal we will have no disease I Chemical bodies have different properties. I thouarh of the same composition. Bo it is With the human organism Certain chem have a peculiar relation to physiology and nutrition. The blood of the human is germtcidfrl." Thlnrs Hee Fair. It. TVHey was optimistic in his belief that tuberculosis would In time lie elim inated and that to do so The process of isolation must be adopted. Infectious dis eases had been eliminsted or robbed of their dread by the adoption of sanitary methods. He elaborated to some extent upon the neceesity of pure food and be lieved that old age wa a figment of the Imagination. He urged that physicians should take part in legislation in order to improve sanitary and food conditions. He decri-d the use of cooling drinks, say ing: "A young man would soon see his sarcophagus who persisted in pouring cool drjnk down his warm aesophagus " Vpon the close of the program an in formal reception was given m the church parlors to the sreaker of the evening, alumni, graduates and invited guests. Are Rnnnlngt far f.overnor Lysle Abbott Will Pace for Attor ney General domination. CLERKS WILL GO TO EVANSTON neternl Esnerta la I nion Parlfte AasHtlas Department Will Lesvi Omahn. R. Anderson, disbursing auditor of the liuiin f'arlfic. was in Evansion last week making prepaiauons for the moving of accountants ;rum On. ha to Evanaton. Un der the old system by w.'iich the auditing department has been workup far some time the anr-oiints bare all Iimxi sent to Omaha. Vnder the new system a!l ac counting will be done by each division and ths reports will then be forwarded to Omaha, whers they wlU be consoliua ed for the entire system. This change means tha transfer of sev eral expert accountants frurn Omaha to Evanaton. as well as several minor cle-ka. ; While offices will be oend in all diviuon headquarters, the general audnor s office at Omaha states that the change, witlcb will ba made Jury 1. will tiol take many men from Omaha, as the men on tti drrl aions will ns utUiaed as mmh as poaa.ole. FOR Stylish Trousers Iki j ou know that, tinder our roof, you will find displayed the handsomest array of fcrnr.g and Bummer Trousering ever show n In this city. Trout-ers this season will be cut little more leg shape, closer at the hips, and will cover the foot a little more. Our Troueers Cutter It a Fpccitllst. Another case of snappy material opened up today and now on display. Trocien S6 to tit - Soiti (25 to S53 ' Ever try Ths Itee Watt Ad Columns? II nui. An so and get best result POSTAL MAM HELPED SOME Letter Carriers and Clerks Oet ftome Aavantase. If et All Thee Askevl. "T hardlv know what to say in explans tion of the postoffice eppropriatinn bill from the mcarer atiaH sld given of the bill in the press reports from T"shin(rton tills morning. " said Assistant Postmaster AVoodard Krlrtay morning. "It is cl,:ar that the thirty-day vacation proposition is knocked out. but. even at that. It ts an im provement over the old rule, which gave the portal employes but fifteen dsys vaca tion during the year, and enould these fif teen dsys be tsken continuously and a Sunday or holiday intervene, such days would go In the sum total of the fifteen days. Kow. as I understand the bill, she. aid two Sundays intervene in the vaca tion period, the employe will be given the full fifteen working dsys vacation, making a total of seventeen days. Before the sal ary mcreuse feature oniy related to the ce.rriers, but, as I understand it, ths clerks also reoelv the benefit of ths in crease under toe new law. 1 do not know jum what application ir will have regard ing the superintendents of the different departments in the postofoe, or whether they will be affected at ail by the bill. This matter will doubtless be more fully shewn in the bill in detail a ropy of w rich we will receive as soon as It is passed and signed." Mayor X'ahlman begins his gubernatorial campaign July 10 Comptroller Lobck I says he will begin his at the same time. LyfOs I. Abbott, candidate for attorney general, has made no announcement as yt. "ayor riahlman Paves June 2 for J"on ver, to be in on the ground floor at the Bryan ratification meeting, which con venes July Three rtuys lalr will find him home, when he will Immediately r'.art on a thirty days' tour of the ptate cam paigning for the democratic nomination for g-overnor. He will visit us many cities and towns in Nebraska ss possible before Aupust R. when all the candlduteF most file for the primaries, which will be held Sep temtier fc. Candidates must file at least thirty diiys prior to the date of the prlmsries Should 1h mtiyor secure the nomination he will continue his campaign up until election time A whirlwind rampnign In being planned by the niryor and he is going after the nomination with both feet, he says. The Iahlman ' Oowlioy quartet, which cam paigned with the mayor in the city during Lis fight for the mayoralty, will accom pany him on his tour of th- state and sing at every place the candidate makes an ad dress. If he gets the nomination the quar tet, now in vaudeville, will stay with him until election.. Prominent members of the I'Bhlman Democracy also will accompany the candidate. I Mayor Tmhlmsn says he has not yet I formulated his p.atform. but gives out the information that he has "two rattling good I planks," all his own. Whia these pianks j are, he saya. he will not breathe to any man before he starts on his campaign. Lolieik still affirms that he is going to run for governor, and told the mayor Friday morning, when that official an nounced the .date he will begin his cam paign, that he will start at the same time. He also told the mayor he has renounced the railroad commissioner proposition and that it Is going to be "whole hog or none." Ixibeck says he is going to charter a stiecial train to offset Ialilman's cow boys, and that if Iehlman will recel.-e larpe support In the western part of the Btate because of his long residence there, he, l.obeck. will receive large support among members of his nationality, the Scandinavians. Liobet k has read success In the leaves on his soft maple tree which has shot ahead of the hard maple tree named after the mayor. Most fortune tellers read the j future in tea grounds, but Lolieck acconi I plihhes the f'-at by examining the leaves ( on his live trees. Abbott JerVies for n Mart. I Lysle Abbott is still considering the ' proposition of announcing himself as a ' cundldute for attorney general, the office l for which he ran two years ago. He be lieves that should he r ant the nomination ' he could get it on the ground that he sac I rlficed money and time in the last cam j paign which was seen from the first was a ! hopeless one. ! Out in the state Dahlman and i.obeck will have to contest with three other candidates for the gubernatorial nomina tion, there being five candidates for the office all told. George tVashlngl.on Berge of Lincoln will run again, and A. C. Shal lenhergeT of Alma, who met defeat two years ago, is more than willing to again be a candidate for the biennial sacrifice. The fifth candidate is Felix J. Kale of Atkinson. Hair is one of the delegstes-Bt-large to the national convention and is the man who defeated W. H. Thompson, the "little giant" of Grand Island, for the berth he has held ever since there was a democratic party in Nebraska. Judge W. H. Westover of Chsdron has also been talked of some as a possible candidate for governor, but It Is now said that be will try for a congressional seat. TRACKS HUSBAND CVER OCEAN Woman Will Xot Trsrk Him Bark Again, bnt from for n Direrro. After tracking her husband, John Ko vacs, from Hungary" to America, Wis. Piros Kovacs refuses to track him bark again and has applied to the district court for a decree of divorce- In the petition she relates that they were married in Hungary In 18KC. In 1WH. she says, he fle sert'd her and cvme to America. Two years liter stie came to America to find 1.1m and persuade him to live with her again, but liefore she found him he heard she was on his trail and fled hack to Hungary again. She adds the charge of non-support to that of desertion. Blanche Seidl's life as the wife of Georpe Seidl was brief but full of Incident, accord ing to the jietition she filed in district court asking for a divorce. They were wedded in Council Bluffs last November. January she says he struck and beat her. and Mny 17 threstened her with great bodily Injury. Suit was filed Fridsy and she asks that her maiden name. Kullsek, be restored to her. TAIL 3 U1LX4AM 4LMSMS fsOKft StW-11 fcouth Inch. 44. QUICK WORK J3Y A WANT AD Jooenh Cnnnhr Prompt KVetnrn for Small Clprssl. tore. Joseph M Cudahjr baa a record far Quick I notion on a want ad. LAst evening he tele phoned In want an arftoing a reward far the return of his hares, what had strayed from the Happy Huliew eiub Within an hour hn notlfnsd tha erTxw to ton the nd as the horse had boon (oun4 Boa want svda onrtnliJ yraduea rnsulia. sstsrlir will be the last day of me T 1.. Combs A Co. auction sale of Jewelry. ror.'t forget this. It's your las: chance to buy any thing in the Jewelry line st your own price. DOOMED. SHACKS REPRIEVED Two Months lense of Life Granted ts Old strsitsm that Mast Fall. Two months lease of life has peer granted the shacks at Sixteenth and Har ney and Seventeenth and Harney streets, where fruit is sold, but by decree of the city council issued . in special session Fri dav morning they w ill have to fall by August 1. No opposition was made to the ondemnation proceedings If tht sharks would be allowed rems'n sixty days, and to save any litigation or ponslble trouble the council decided to grant the grace asked. Custodian Rowden of the city hall pre sented a communication to the couiicO to the effect that C. W. Hull A Co. had failed to live up to its contract to furnish the city hall with Cherokee slack coal at KM a ton, and the custodian asked far permission to buy coal elsewhere and tax any excessive price to the Hull company The matter was referred to the building and property committee for investigation it . a ' - -r --, ' -4s- ' w ft r 'jsnnjmosnnjm " IMJiiJiyAMi.Ij! r .-- - - i j - -r$& - - - i imm