TITE OMAHA DAILY BEEt FRIDAY, InAY 12, 190! Great Sale of Ladies' Suits Saturday IF Bargains ThM Are Extraordinay i'BcaKiAMir pay Wash Goods in Basement Forenoon Only Amil) checked mer etrlxed taffeta ging hams Rink, blua. tan. brown and black chocks poaltirelr worth threo times tha salo prioo will go at. par yard Flnaa 4 ParcaJa stripe. plaids, and checks, t lguras o n white, tan or dark ground. In black and color that will wash wal.t" and draaa III A lengths. yd...v" 81-Inch wide fine and heavy g r a d a ' un- b 1 a a c hed muallr two bales -will go at, yard Madraa Shirting neat . printings good value- at 11! Ho per yard, Friday's special price, per yard . . . . Drees Xisagth I a a GHnghama Small, neat patterns ault ahle for Waist, dresses and chil dren's wear, also plain shades on bargain I fi quare, per IIIC yard Amoskaaf Dress Ginghams Stapie and fancy dress styles, also all the wanted plain shades splendid mill lengths 18c values very special f 1 Friiiay bar- W-A( gain, yd VV, 5c 5c Doable Fold Cot ton Voile Baiting Full bolts good fast colors mill price today would be liHc a great lot of 24S pieces se cured for AT 1 lot cash, n . w spo at. yard Odd lots cotton goods Including prints, shirtings, percales, lawn, etc., t till 10 only, f at, yard Two Special Afternoon 1 Bargains BVglnnlng at 1:30 wa will sell a new splen did lot best grade fine standard dress prints all styles and colors, yard. 3ic Fine India Ilnons not one piece In this splendid lot worth less than 10c many worth lo desirable lengths afternoon jC .only. yard... ... v MILL END SAMPLE SILKS From M. II. KAHN a CO., 458 Broadway. N. Y. Thousands of pieces of mill samples a good many match upevery color, fancy patterns, plain -weaves, worth $1.00 to $1.25 yard as long as they last, on one C special table, each &J 75c to $1.25 SILKS at 39c and 49c Clearing sale of. odd lines of silks, comprising fancy silk suitings, taffetas, messalines, rough silks, pongees, silk voiles, etcworth from 75c to $1.25 1 AQn yard at. yard. JJC-TJt 5 Bargain Squares of Embroideries Remnants,' odd lots and trial strips of skirtings, cor Bet cover widths, also medium and wide edges and insertions all kinds, worth l(g 1 up to 35c at, yard.......... JC-IUlrIJU Remnants and Odd Lots of Laces French and German Vals., Torchons, Point de Paris. Filet, Mechlin, Cluny and Crochet effects many to match three big lots at, J 20 yard m2"2'm' SEE THE FAMOUS PAINTING THAT WAS AWARDED A MEDAL BY FRENCH GOVERNMENT Brutality 99 By John D. Patrick . Size of Canvas 9y2xiiy2 On Free Exhibition BRANDOS' 3D FLOOR One of (he great eat modern masterpieces. BASIS A Cuckoo Clock In your hall or dining room would be all right. Wa have them In stock $7.00, $7.60 and $9 00. Spend a few mlnutis In our store. Look or the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1810 DOUGLAS STREET SLE To u i V OBSERVATION mm ca E6w accommodate passenger who wish to go on the nlgbt n to Denver, leaving Omaha at 18:10 a. m., the UNION PACIFIC ' baa placed In service u new Observation Sleeping Car which will be at the Union Station at i30 p. m. and may be occupied by passengers any time between that hour and leaving time. For sleeping car reservations call at. or telephone CITY TICKET OFFICE 1324 Farnam Street. 'Phone Doug. 1828 0 u Si A Omaha's Pur Food Cantor s Where taatr cooking is served at U moderate prces. p Small tables at nleasant windows. Cf Friday's Specials f S Fish Dept. IS 1 ton Baby Halibut, per lb. lOHc R Lake Trout, per lb 12c ft Codfish Middles (Tery choice) per N 1 Fancy Cromarty Bloaters, each 5c Radishes, per dozen bunches 10c Lettuce, 2 for 5c D jf Oranges, per dozen 20c n Seven Oaks Eggs, per dozen . . sac w Fresh Eggs, per dozen 20c fa Butter Oup Butter, per lb. . .28o New Potatoes, per peck ..... 45c B Excellence Flour, per sack tl.85 R Q Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per qt. 5c Si lb. Red Steak Salmon, per can, fcj at 15c M English Walnuts, per lb 15c Lemons, per dozen . 15c rj Maine Corn, per can lOr w uerman moitiea soap, per oox, a at $2.50 I Wright's Silver Polish ST1A boat aflirdf Tlillfelk In tTiA wnrM M a B0c alze RKe. Mix fhlillllM I Oar Lancheonette Parlors fterrea you I y If vHth dainty, Inexpenalve lunchea and refresh- R M X r" ing sodas and sundaes. Try It while shopping. La , Dejty Wood folish v Antiseptic. Cleansing. SrionnB. fllla nriit nnltohos with nrt A application, per can 50c Liquor Dept. Specials Fine California Port or Sherry, S j per bottle , 25c m $ Per gallon si.25 U5 gallons V $5.50 $10 gallons $10 d Fine California Claret, per gallon, $ 90o to $1.50 M Strawberry and Cherry Cordials, Quarts 05c Grain Straght Whiskey, ii tit r . 4 umi i. 4 tl JK American Champagne, pint bottles eacn tvo A Golden tourtney & Go Seventeentb and Douglas Sta. Phone Douglas 87. Private Exchange Connects All Departments. sm!e"of voile skirts Ilere's a lot of skirts so good, so attractively made and so very inexpensive that we expect to fill the department with shoppers Friday morning. We are offering you $10.00 worth for $4.95. Handsome 15-gored Alt- man voile skirts, trimmed with two or three wide taffeta folds, come in navy and black only, stylish, finely tailored gar- I i a i i a 1 l a.ci r r j Am rn tmB meuis, aDsoiuieiy worm o.uu ana iiu.uu. WAISTS Friday you have one more oppor tunity of buying- $S. 00 and $3.50 lingerie waists, less tnan nair. All are elaborate, well made waists, Friday at I.48 MUSLIN DRAWERS Friday we put on sale sn Immense lot of women's muslin L'rawers at a remarkably little price. They are well made of I ) I , food materials, cut full, I TtC all alsea, tucked, pair. -Friday Bar gain Day In My Line of Soli Siiiiis Collars and Cuffs Attached FOR HOT WEATHER is complete. Prices rang ing from $1.50 and up. A full line of Summer Trousers for golf or even ing wear. Albert Calm Shirt Maker and Hen's jrurnisher. 1322 FARNAM STREET. flTIPWTfTJITMIUIIIAJfU'JHBBTgrUMlBJIi&i 9nA..M r iiiQ i dy rur iisuiig 3 i I Big assorted lot new Bummer Dress Silks in scores of pretty patterns. Newest and beet $1.00 qualities shown this season; checks, stripes, figured and dotted designs; on Bargain Tables, LCt Friday, yard JDQ Lot Silk Remnants Many choice lengths for children's wear, (J waists, etc., 76c, $1.00 and $1.25, at, yard DG Short Lengths Press Goods Consisting of fine novelty weaves and col orings, also good collection of blacks, skirt and even dress lengths In lot, 76c. $1.00 and $1.25 goods, at, yard JJC WASH GOODS One big table full of batistes, for summer dresses, beautiful floral and neat dotted and figured designs, all worth 8 Vic Friday, yard..3H 12 Ho and 15c Batistes, most desirable popular price summer fabrics shown, dots, ring dots, figures and floral designs, Friday GH? 25c and 35c silk mulls, some have a hair line, cord stripe, all have beautiful floral designs, in pink, blue, green, etc. Remarkably cheap, Friday, at 7Vt? Two Hundred and Fifty Pieces of Toile du Nord and A. F. C. Ginghams, In dress lengths of 12 yards each, put up at the factory, plain colors, blue, pink, gray and cadet, worth 16c a yard, Friday per pattern 00 75 pieces of American black and white prints, also lot of double fold, navy blue percale, Friday's sale, at, yard 4 FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY IN DOMESTICS Positively lowest prices quoted In years, on goods of equal quality. Bleached Sheet, 72 by 90 inches, very good quality of muslin, on sale Friday, at, each .29 Bleached Sheets, 81 by 90 inches, full standard size and quality, Friday, each .. 45a? 36-inch Bleached Sheeting, regular 8c quality, Friday 5 Pillow Cases, size 42 by 36 Inches, best 10c case made, Friday. . . PlllowCases, 45 by 36 inches, 12 He quality, for ...) Pillow Cases, 45 by 36 inch., heavy, well made and three inch hem 10 MEN'S WORK PANTS Made of srood sturdy materials that Siva excellent service, guaran teed not to rip. two top pockets and two lilp pockets, and extra heavy pocketing, half lined with heavy drlltlatr. frlday. 32 and 42; every pair carries the ff union lapeu.- AJ ex- vri s lain naay -r Calient barge ODDS AND ENDS CHINA Friday for a great clean up deco rated china pieces, Including; din ner plates, bowls, platters, oread and butter platea, Japanese plates, vases and mugs, large assortment, values upward to 29c each; corne In early Friday morning and take JC your pick, each BARGAIN FRIDAY IN THE SHOES Two' lots men's and women's stylea, on the bargain tablea at ridiculously low prices. Men's Common 5enae Vlcl Kid Oxforda. plain toe, very soft, eaay and com fortable, every pair worth $2.60, while they last S1.S9 Women's Chocolate Kid Laced Shoes, light extension sole. ' a good bargain for any woman who can wear these sizes. Its to 6, regular $3.00 qualities for Bargain Friday in the WHITE GOODS SECTION Bed Star blrd'a eye cotton. 22. 1 4 and 87 Inch widths, regularly retail up to $1.00 per bolt, Friday, 7C. bolt of 12 yards for Bedspreads -Hemmed ends, good slxe, and Just the right weight ,for sum mer use. regularly sells 19. at 8 Be, Friday .'"5 lOo and 12 Ho white goods; these ooma In checked, striped and figured designs, Friday, Meroerlzed Napkins, 20-Inch site, reg ular retail for $1.25, Frl- fit), day per dozen Bleached Table Damask, 64 Inches wide, eells regularly for O C 89c Friday '....JC 25c When you pay us $1.50 for clean ing and pressing your suit or dress it will last enough longer to more than pay for the cleaning, to say nothing of the improvement in Its appearance. If we didn't give our customers good value for their money they wouldn't stay with us from year to year. Try us. THE PAHTQRIUM "CNod Cleaners and Dyers." 1813 Jones Bt. aotb rhoaes. Bod Want: Ads Produce Results .2. aSOCMED ADVERTISING CLVBS Cf AMERICA COWENTIGN KMSA5 CITY V2ff1 VTXf Weak and nervosa see l UUU I UK Wh0 find their power le NFRVFC work and youthful vigor i! , Ix A-i J gone as a reault of ovr work or mental exertion should take OHAT'a NUHVJC rOOU FIIXS. Xaey will take you eat ajid eleep and be a uaa Bain. $1 Bos: boaea aa.SO by mail. fgT-" h BteCUBlIiKX.il XkhUie CO Cor. lath asA Xodfe ta. OWL DSIv CO M Oaa. lStb aa kanMf Kta. w HELP ADVERTISE OMAHA IS. Sad Irona, beat quality, aet Mop Sticks lOo And 10 8 tamps. B. O. for And 40 Ureen blamps. Wall Paper Cleaner ISO And 20 Orean Stamps. Red and green enamel for Porch Furniture SSo and 46o And 20 Stamps. See 16th Window Display. THE RELIABLE STORE Watch Friday Eyd Tapers. Friday Is Remnant Day IN OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM 2,000 yards of all kinds of fast col ored lawns, batistes, etc., worth up to 10c a yard, at, a yard 3H Silk finished Pongee, 15c dress ging hams, 19c silk moussellnes, 19c Arnold's voiles, 16c India Ilnons, lJttc English long cloths, 16c 40-ln. lawns and other goods worth up to 19c, at, per yard 7Vtt 511k warp printed Organdies, printed Swisses, 39c white spring novelties, 26c lingerie stripes, 25c IriBh dimi ties, 25c Persian lawns and French lawns, etc., all on one large counter, t, a yard 1(4 Arnold's Swiss appliques; Arnold' Drape de Llnde; vollea and fancies of all kinds, worth up to 19c a yard, at, per yard 5$ EXTRA SPECIALS 6,000 yards of 7 He and 10c wash goods, at, a yard... 2H 25 pieces 6c apron checks... .3Ha 7 He unbleached muslin, long lengths, at, a yard 4 10c, 8 Vic and 7 He bleached muslin, at, a yard 5 Remnants of 10c toweling, at. a 5 Remnants of High Grade Linens 4,500 yards of fine Irish, Scotch and German linens, In lengths from 8 to 4 yards, worth from 75c to $150 a yard, will go in four lots Lot 1....25 lot 8.... 45 Lot 2 3)k Lot 4.... 55 HIGH GRADE DRESS GOODS REMNANTS. 0 TO 11 A.M. 3,000 yards of henrlettas, voiles, suit ings, panamas, serges and other goods worth up to $3.00 a yard, in four lots Lot 1 25 Lot 3.. Lot 2 39, Lot 4.. FROM 2 TO 4 P. M. Another line of entirely new goods, worth up to $2.00 a yard, In four lots Lot 1....1f Lot 8 toi Z5 Lot 4....49j 49 50 Lot a. Silk Specials Rousing bargains In Remnants ol all kinds and a special purchase ei rough Pongees. Come early. ' $100 ROUGH PONGEES AT SfJ An Immense assortment In this popu lar weave, 27-Inch wide, plain colors, or stripes, on sale main XO department, at . .C ON SILK SQUARE IN THE DOMES. TIC ROOM. Elegant Imported Novelties, sample stripes, 44-inch, wide three-fourthi yard long, regular fl.OO to fa.OO yard values, just the the thing for trimmings and fancy j, 4 f)A work, each I UC Remnants of plain and fancy Silks. from 2 to 20 yards in a piece, regular values to $1.00 yard, 4 choice, yard lifC Auction Sale of Ribbons The great Sale of Ribbons from the Auction Sale of Grieff & Co.. N. Y., continues Friday, with many new lots added. All at JUST HALF PRICE. All Narrow Ribbons yz c All 5c Ribbons at .'. 2Uc All 10c Ribbons at 5c All 15c Ribbons at 7c All 20c Ribbons at 10c All 25c Ribbons at 12c All 30c Ribbons at 15c Underwear Specials Friday we close the odd lota and broken lines at a small fraction of their actual worth. Ladles' Skirts in cambrics and nain sook, elaborately trimmed with em broideries, laces and wash ribbons, values to $3.00, at. .$1.50 4.08 Muslin Night Gowns Worth to $l.o0, scores of styles, lace and embroidery trimmed, cut extra long and full, on sale in three lots, at 08c, 78c, 50 Corset Covers and Drawersworth to 75c, well made, of good materials,, beautifully trimmed, choice, at 25 nd 39J Ladles' Knit Union Suits Low necked and sleeveless, all sizes, Friday, at 250 Ladies' Jersey Knit Pant Lace trim med or tight nee, at 25 10c and 54 All 40c Ribbons at .... 19c I v . Knlt All sizes, special 1 . . . i;oc, lac, Great Notion Sale HOT WEATHER CORSETS Friday we put on sale a large lot of summer net corsets, high bust, long hip models, hose supporters attached, all sizes, Friday JC Another lot medium bust and short hip styles, sum mer net corsets, C at ......iac Girdles in batiste and net FRIDAY'S SALE OF GALVANIZED TUBS AND PAILS A big lot that we Intend to clean up Friday at very lowest prices. Everyone is in a perfect condition, and will give years of service. 69c Tubs will be .. '. 39 79c Tubs will be 4C 89c Tubs will be 5J? 20c Water Palls will be 14 25c Water Palls will be 174 30c Water Palls will be "JOt Children's 25c Garden Sets Friday 15 8oren Frames, knocked down, ad justable to any size window g-ic up. And 30 Stamps. Mop Heads for self-wringing mop sticks aoo And 10 Stamps. Sleeve and Shirt Waist Irons, at SSa and 30o And 30 Stamps. Screen Wire Paint... 16c, Bfto and 4 60 And 20 Green Stamps. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Bennett's Capitol Coffee, pound package 880 And 30 Green Stamps. Bennett's Golden Santos Coffee, pound Btfo And 30 Green Stamps. Teas, assorted, pound 680 And 60 ."irfi-u Stamps. Nutmegs, one dos-n and grater., loo And 6 Greon Stamps. I'rlde of Bennett's Flour, suck SI. 60 And 50 Greon Fttimps. New York Cream Cheese, pound BOO And 10 Green Stamps. Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, three pkgs 86o And 10 Green Stamps. Tea' Garden Preserves, larjre jar 40o And 20 Green Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, lb. can 84o And 20 Green Stamps. Seeded Kalsins, pound package 16o And 20 Green Stamps. Gulden Spike Kgg Plums, can 16o And 10 Green Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle ISO And 10 Green Stamps. Bex Lye. three cai.s 85o And 10 Green Stamps. Meniere' Chooolate Powder, can 86o And 20 Green Stamps. graOItZTTT AZB To large consumers of Spaghetti, pound 6o TBUITS A.STD EailXABLKS, TMMBU OAXLT. Spinach, peck Ro Lemons, California, doien ISO New Onions, four bunches So Fresh Roasted Peanuts, quart 6o Radishes, four bunches Bo KOo bottle Queen Olives for 300 y!sssszs5sssssssHss5zs2555Essssss5SHSs5s5a' It 17 5t? 2 Staple and Fancy Notions at less than half price. Aluminum Thimbles, each... Gold-Eye Needles, pkg Cotton Tapes, all sizes, at... Rope Shopping Bags, earh. . . 200-yard Machine Thread... lOO-yard Linen Thread 23c Needle Books, at 3 Hit Hump Hooks and Eyes.. Warren's Featherbone, yard . . . . 7 V4 Feather Stitch Braids, 4 yards. .3 Pearl Buttons, per dozen Pins, 8 packages for k . . .g Scores of other staple notions at pro portionately low prices. Advance Announcement Monday, May 25th, we will place on sale unbroken lines of plain and fancy Silks of all descriptions. Very newost weaves and colorings. At Just Half Regular Retail Prices. Out of town customers should pre pare to attend this splendid bargain event We guarantee a saving ef 6A over usual retail prices. Watch Sunday Paper for Particulars. MILLINERY "Zhs7 Friday Trimmed Hats. worth to $5.00 Come early and secure first choice of the lots. tor 1 OP I Triced Hats, I .Ol worth to $10.00 3.95 The Busy Hardware Department Folding Go-Carts, steel bearings and wheels GOt? Extension Curtain Rods, 36 inches long, brass or slivered ends, worth 26c, at 5 $1.00 Grass Catchers, only 30t 2-burner Gas Plate, worth $1.75, 79t? 2-burner Gasoline Stoves, worth $2.60, &t 81.09 25c Garden Hakes and Hoes. . . . Chair Beats, worth up to- 16c 5 6-foot Celling Dusters li)? 25c Sleeve Boards 10? 25c Sink Strainers, Mrs. Vrooman's, t 12H 25c Welser Bread Toaster. .. .12 V4 i 25c Parlor Brooms 12V4 B8c Hose Reels, only 49? 6-foot Step Ladders, worth 90c, 30 This is for Friday only. Knueiuber this. Big Sale of Chamber Sets Friday and Saturday Decorated Chamber Seta Bowl- and pitcher, worth $1.00, each.,.. 394 Decorated Chamber Seta Bowl and pitcher, worth $1.50, only.... 49 White Bowls, worth $1.00. , . . . ,35J White Ewers, worth '$1.00. . ,'...35 Chop Trays, worth 75c, st......X5 Dinner Plates, 8-inch, worth 15c each, at 5 Handled Cups, worth 10c each..2$H Unhandled Cups, worth 6c each Saucers, worth 10c. at.' 2 Saucers, worth 5c, at 1H. Yellow Chambers, worth 2 5c... 10 Make Your Garden Beautiful Snmmer Flowering Bulbs at ball price Friday and Saturday Only Excellent Pearl Tube Roses, per dozen 20c 3 dozen for 50c rinest Uixed Gladioli per dozen 20c 3 dozen for 50c The tlsbraska Seed Co., 1613 ..sward St, Omaha Hayden's, The Greatest of All Grocery. Fresh Vegetables, Fruits, Butter, Cheese and Cracker Depart ments in the West. Granulated Sugar at less than Jobber's cost. 10 burs best brands Laundry Soap.... 25c The oest white or yellow C'orniueal, per sack 15c Solid packed Tomatoes, per can 7 He 4 can. fancy wet riugar Corn 'ilc The beat domestic Maccaronl, pkg...S'c 011 or muHtard Sardines, per can....3Vc 3-lb. can Baked beans, iiomtny or Hiiuash. for yc Tha best hand (ilcked Navy Beans, lb. be i ne oe.t i-earl lapioca or bago, io...tVc Large bottle pure Tomato CuUup. . .ifec Haarman's Pure Malt Vinegar Be Quaker Oats Company's Toasted Wheat Klukes. Der Dackaae 6c The best Soda Crackers, per lb C ? The bent crisp r-reneis, per id a7 i 7.n. U 'TlnTa 'Kan. "axK Bean; or i Nw I'otatoea rirrrn Beans for !&C 2-lb. cans tarly June Teas HC Fancy t-antos Coffee a fine drink, lb. 15c Fancy Mara albo Blend Coffee, nothing finer, per lb .17 Ho The be.t Porto Rico Blend Coffee, elegant Tha best Tea Flftlngs. per lb , .H Fancy Basket Fired or Unoolored Japan Tea. per lb BUTTE HO CIZIU IAZ.S NUOxa. Choice Dairy Butter, par pound no Fancy Dairy Butter, per pound ........lto Fancy Creumery Butter, per pound ....iia. Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese, lb. Uo Fancy Full Cream New York Whit or colored Cheese, per pound .............lfto rasas tzostasls moti nm -jaiar. I bunrlies fresh Asparagus lo Fresh oinach. per peck .i.o 3 Ijuiici..-. fresh Onions. Bj i large cucumDers ior .....,. so reen Beans, per 1 o ............. 4 j per lb New Cabbage, per lb. , 6o c Is 2 heads fresh leaf Lettuce rutarrrxa. nnirmi, The finest and cheapest Fruit to can. Bach .&, T vo. Bo, 10a, it drinking, per lb. . 2 UcDoaen . . Ua o. 8V40. .too, tbo, tl. FIRST Itai T Be te Taaa rrieada.