THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1909. CRA1N AND PRODUCE MARKET Heary Ssdei, Lower Values, bat Built - , Get Prices Back Up. SO DEMAND FEOSt FOEEIg'sCES Wk Km am Eultf Ooealasr aaja Vnla Art Foam Lewer am ' Heavy B1H fres Pre vleaa Par ' OMAHA. Mir k in. Heavy Mli of all grain option thli morning, after th strong bulge yesterday, ent values seme tower, but the market re ceived good aupport from bull leadera and ; trice were fairly well sustained In fare of the advance yesterday. Foreign mar ket came aom higher, but without any pressing demand. Wheat had an easier opening and Tlus were pounded lower on heavy Bailing from yesterdsy advance. Demand haa fallen off greatly for cash wheat and mlllera are complaining strongly of no buslneas. Ma wheat opened at He and cloaed at 84c, Corn opened up strongly over yester day a ctowe, but foil later on selling and the wore bearish sentiment on tho floor. Sup port was , good, however, and prloea were held at a good level. May corn opened at 70c and closed at Gc.' Primary wheat receipts were 118.000 bushels and shipments were JSR9.000 bushels, against receipt last year of 691.000 bushels and ahlpment of 857.600 bushels. Corn receipts were 631,f0 bushels and shipment ware til. 0H buabes against receipt laat year of f:M bushels and shipment of 444.009 bushels. Clearance were 42.0H0 bushels of corn, none of oat and wheat and flour equal to 836,000 bushels. Liverpool closed Vt94d higher on wheat and Hd higher on corn, Peehoard reported 1U,0uO buahel of wheat and 18,0 bushels of corn taken for ex port. Local rang of epttonst Artlcle. Open. Hlgh. Low. Clone. Tey. Wheat I I May...) (4 4 4 M 34 July.,. 83 83 83 83 83 Bept... 7 ,7 19 78 7 Corn May,,. '70 7 VT tt 70 July... 74 42 4U4s 2 Bept... '0 60 60 0 60 Osla May... 4M 4y 494 Mt 9 - ' OeaaJaa Cmmm Filec. WHKAT-Ko. I hard, 86c; No. hard, 52ci No. bard. 84CSc; No. S spring, CURAT No. 8. a5l4c: No. 4, 67e7Hci No. 3 yellow, ?niv,M; No. t yellow, tc; No. 3 white, 41iHtc. OATS No. S mixed, 4P4fg60c; No. I white, COc: No. 4 white, 4feuc. rte-n. a. name; no. a, 703730. r ' Cas-let Havatgtta. Wheat. Con. Oats. Chicago U MS 188 Minneapolis 130 u, ... Omaha t M ,37 4 Luluth ;.,..... f ... . CHICAGO OHAI5 AND PBOVISIOXS Feat area f tka T rev lag and Clestag Prleca on Bawd af Trad. CHICAGO. May 30. The local wheat mar ket wa weak today, because of the ex cellent orosDact for an early harvest In the southwest. At the close the July de livery wa down lo. Corn was off feaO. Oat were a shade lower. Provision were down 6t7V4c. Wheat opened weak, and with the ex ception of a slight rally during the first half hour, due to covering by shorts, con tinued weak all day. Exoellent weather In the southwest, which ta rapidly maturing the growing crop, the Insignificant demand for export and a slack inquiry for caah araln nutwelsrhed firm cable and a few damage report from Kansas. Fit trader generally war Inclined to the bear side, and there was also free selling by several prominent long. The eaaler tone In corn had some effect on the wheat market. ' The close wis weak. July opened H&o lower at 90304.6. advanced to 81 Wo and de clined to &)Vio. The close waa at 8o. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to ?.O0O bushels. Primary receipt were 18.000 bushels, against Kti.OOO on the same day laat year. Minneapolis, Duhitti and Chicago reported receipt ot 14 car, agalnet 10 last week-and 394 a year ago. The corn market was Inclined to ba weak. Demand for May delivery waa leaa argent than for several day, and although that ODtton at one time touohed TSc. the high point recorded yesterday, th price had a tendency to sag during the greater part ot the day. May opened at 78o, sold up to Toe and then declined to 77Ao. where It closed. July opened H$6c lower at 66V43 Kc, sold oft to WHo and cloaed at 6m 66 o. Local receipt were 1(9 car, with 88 of contract grade. Oat were dull and steady. July opened bnchanged at Wio, sold off to io and rlosed at 46i3o. . Local receipts were 168 cars. DesDlte a MH0o advance In live hog, pro. Visions were inclined to be weak, because tt realizing sale by small long and local packers. Final quotation on July pork were off at IllCti. Lard waa down c at 38.6-'. were vo tower at (., Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat. 13 cars; corn, 300 car; oats, 145 car; bogs. m." head. Tho leading future ranged follow: )lrtlcle. Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Ta-y. Kvheat May July bept. July fr'ept. Cats - a. May bMay July -July Kept. ork July Sent. Urd July Rept. I'bs July Sept. 1 M lt 1W4 Or 7i 81 Mi' ; 8E-AI Hi"?. C' 87 77 77U1 TS 64a:6ir 64H 4 45 I 46 I 77Hai 37W8H 1 I II 13 8S4l 13 78 U 87sl 13 Etty 7& 8 70 35 1 7 35 57V4I 70 iM J s 7e TS5 T 4!H 7 7 No. 8. sOld. bNew. Cash Quotations were a follow: l'l.ul It Bteady: spring patent. 38.3049 ,7t): sUn'ghts. 4.104.85: winter natenta. sttnlgli's, H.1'Kj4 70; bakers, $i 10 1 1 r.AT ao. 3, wcTnif7; No. 3 red, 8 U10 toitN-Ko. J IT i77'i.c. 7H877c; No. yellow. 4--ATS No. 1 tc; No. 3 whit. 56ic Ko. 3 while, l6344c. iiARLEY Fair to choice malting. &9 PEFD No. 1 northwestern. tl.H, 1 KUVI8IONB tlhort ribs sHe 0"ca k.V7.5. Mesa pork, per bM., 315 b3 t 4. Lard, per lfld hs., fc.45. Short clear sues iDuinif, 9i-ouyt.Vh ullowing were the receipt and ship nvun v uvui Miu grain: Keceipt. Shipment n''ur. bbl... R heat, bu... torn. bu..;. luts. bu lye, ba. ...... (urley, bu... 83.10 .. m. ,.J.M ..&. .. .0ii0 .. 73.8U0 46.ft 304. 2.400 " .4U9 i On the Produce exchange today the but- r mnrKei mmm iiriu, i-reirarnfl lUL-a: 'rles. 1!iJOe. Ftrs, firm; at mark caaes Wuded. H'-.TfUc; firsts. Kc; prima i:sis, 4(iX wneese, eaoy; iohuHo. Mlsaaaalt Grata Market. .MINNEAPOLIS. May 20. WHEAT Msy, iu.; July. iwwjm; Bentmber. 8uc r. 1 hard. Jl '-f-l.t ; No. 1 northern, o;; No. 1 81.tHSal.0Wi; No. I northern, T,41.U2. PRAN-In bulk- .T68?2.0. PLOI'R-Flrst latenta. 8S.C54I6.C0: I J patents, 86.8106 45; first clears, 84 u; secoua clears, 39,o3.. Mllwaake Oral Market. MILWAI'KER Mst 8fl WW EAT Firm to. 1 northern, tl.10nl.Ui No. 3. l.Cfcf BARLjLy Dull; No. i 78c; sample, 0O r. X)RN-Hlghri No. I cash. "K&Vfci July, rrU Markat. PEORIA. 111. May 30. CORN-tedv lo. 3 yrllow, 74c; No. 3 yellow, 73Va,76cl lo. J. lie; no. . tmc; no rraoe. txxao. OATS-I:asy; No. whH. UUc. . WMISKY-fl.K. Dalata Oral Market. DL'I.irrH. May 30-WHEAT-No. 1 north. m, 3ica: no. s. in: May. i.oo tiiy. i.o: eepiemoer, 8i.uH-OATS-Wo. LIvarsMi- Crala Markal, UVBRPOOU May JO. WHEAT-fJpot. (0. 1 red western winter, steady, 7s d; U. i CalUorala, attady, 7 Vad oa quays. UMj 64H 46 4bH V4 37V 371, IS 7S I II 76 18 7W 14 00 8 (CHI ?H! TTvii nnl 7 4?HI T44 T 65 I 7 65 I and 7841 In store Futures atiiet' V a v nominal; July 7s 7H1; September. T3.1; Vrcwhrr, fs ?(,d. CoRN-Spot, new AtrtTlrn kiln dried, firm, 6s I'M; old American mixed, steady, ssluVid. Futures, quiet; May, (a Vd. WEATHER IX TUB CRAIX BELT hewers aad Probably Fair ssl . Cooler Tkaraday. OMAMA, May SO, 1908. A barometrlo depression of decided en- rgy overlie the country between the MIs Isslnri river and Hookv mountains, with It center over eastern Booth Dakota. TtiIs depression Is aocomcsnled by In creasing cloudiness in the Missouri vallny. and I followed by rain and snows sn-i much colder In the mounteln district snd xtreme northwest. Shower will occur In thi vicinity this afternoon or tonight, followed by fair Thursday, with colder tonight and Thursday. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with tho corresponding day ot the paat three years: ivm. iJi. iuo. Minimum temperature.... 70 41 82 hi Tcipuat.lon " l -w Normal temperature for today 4 aegree. Ieflc1ency in precipitation since March 1, .M Inches. Icflelcncy corresponding period In 1907, .19 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1908, 83 ot an inch. XL A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Cars and Waeat Region Balletla. , For the twenty-four hours ending at I a. m., 1Mb. meridian time, Wednesday, May K, 1908: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Raln Ht at Ions. Max. Mln. tall. Sky. Ashland. Neb.... M 70 .0 Pt. cloudy Auburn. Neb W 61 .W Clear Columbus, Neb.. 80 M .00 It. cloudy Falrbury. Neb.... S 71 . Clear Fairmont, Neb... 80 60 .00 Clear Hartlngton. Neb. M .00 Pt. cloudy Hastings, Neb.... 3 5 .00 Clear Oakdale. Neb.... 69 .on Pt. eloudy Omsha. Neb 86 63 .00 Clear rTekamah, Neb.. 88 67 .00 Clear Alta. la M be .w .iear Carroll, la 86 (2 .00 Clear Clnrlnda. Ia 89 60 .00 Clear Pibley, la M M .00 Clear Bloux City, la.. 86 68 .00 Pt. cloudy Minimum temberature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. t Not Included In average. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Station. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago. Ill W 74 (2 .01 Columbus. O IS 73 6 . Dee Moines, la..... it m w Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 68 62 10 Kanssa City, Mo.. 18 8 M .m Louisville, Ky...H 74 M .08 Minneapolis. Minn. XI 7 4S .18 Omaha. Neb .14 8S t .w St. Louis, Mo. 13 84 M .00 The weather la Tory much warmer throughout the corn and wheat region ex cept in the Dakota, where the tempera ture in falling. Hhower occurred ounng the laat twenty-four hour In all except the Omaha, De Moines, Kansas City and St. Louis district a L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. REV YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotatloaa ot tke Day on Taurtaaa Commodities. NEW TORK. Mav 20. FLOUR Receipt, 32,600 bbls.; exports, 12.800 bbls.; market dull and unsettled. Minnesota patents, 35.203 6.60; winter strslghts, 84. SOS 60; Minnesota bakers. 14 tOftu Oft: winter extras. 83.604 .10: winter patents. 84.60fe'4.80; winter low grade, 4.d4.w. Kve iiour. auiet: rair 10 gooa, 84.fuH.90; choice to fancy, 84.86ft6.15. C"ORNMiiAi Bteaay: rtno wnne ana yel low, 31.60; coarse, 31.50; kiln dried. 33 85. HI i-iuuii ana easv: INO. x western, suo. t. o. K, New York. WHEAT Receipt. 138.000 tu. Export. 76.000 bu. Spot market easy; No. 3 red. 31.0ft; elevator, and wc, late July f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth, II. IT!, f. o. d. arioat; no. 3 nara, winter, i f. o. b. afloat. On better crop new from tho southwest and a poor export demand Dears maoe a raid on tne wneat market today that uncovered a lot of stop order and brola price fully a cent a bu. for th new crop, although May waa mo higher on manipulation. May, II. 07 4 1.084, closed at i.7ru.; juiy. SHtciLOOVi. closed at (Wc; rViptember. 84Vi'1ic. closed at 4o. CORN Receipt. 6,500 bu. Spot market firm; No. 3, 78c; elevator, and 76c, t. o. b, afloat. Option were easier with wheat, cloning K'Sfca net. May closed 77'4c; July, TSfiTCHc, closed at 7&Hc; Beplember closed at 73c. OATB Recemt. 7P.O0O cu. Snot oalet: mixed, 28 to S2 pounds, 66c; natural white. w to s pounds, frfaohVkc; clipped white, 33 to 40 pounds, S7tytiti4c. mai Kaay; good to choice. 80Qe. HIDES Firm: Boaota. 17c: Central America, 17Vi3. lather-Quiet; acid, 1327C PROVISIONS Beef, oulet: family. 116.50 P17.00; mess, 81S.5uS14.00: beef hams, $26. Ot 38.00; packet, 14.Ui'15.o6; city extra India meaa, 834 00r?28.00. Cut meats, quiet; pick- lea oeiues. y.KKonauo; pickltd hams, iio.oo. Lard barely steady; western, 18. 4Og.&0; re fined, quiet: continent. 88.80: South America. 88.60; compound. 7.76tiv.UV. Pork. oilet: family, 117.0017.80; short clear, 15.7&ai7.5; mesa, 114.5015.26. tallow Dull; city (13 per k.). 6Tic: country (pkg. free), ChQ&fao. KlC-Firm'. domestlo .fair to extra. SU CHo; Jspsn, nominal. Htrong; oreamerle. 17Jr22e: dairies. Iiv330c. COFFEE Steady; No. 7 Rio. 6Ho: No. 4 Santos. Fie. POULTRY Alive, steady: Drln chlck- ona, 8uc; fowls, 13Vr turkey. He; dressed, teady; turkey, 12H96Hd- BUTTER Firm; creamery specials. Me: extras, 22Mrc; third to first lg2c; state dairy, eommon to finest, 1622c; process, common to specials, 13igi30ic; western fac tory, firsts, 170. CHEESE steady; stata lull cream, new. H'OioHc, EOU8 Firm: state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected, white, 2o6tt21ci good to choice, lS'SOc; brown and nilxod, extra. 19Sj30c; firsts to extra firsts. lSti 19c; fresh gathered, storage packed, firsts, St. Loala Oeaeral Market. ST. LOUIS. May 20. WHEAT Lower: track. No. 2 red caah, tl.dSjjl.M; No. i hard, wvacutl-tA, juiy, ist'Ac: itepiember. 84Hc. corn Futures weak: cash hurher: track. No. 8 cash, 73W4c; July, t4o; OATS Futures weak; caah strong; track. FlOL R Firm; red winter patent. 84.65 tM.80; extra fancy and straight, clears, 8.uxr3.70. SEKD- Timothy, 836a4.6a BRAN Urm; sacked, east track. I1.1&S x.. KAY Steady: timothy. 810.00.317.00; prairie, tlo C'tlll 69. IRON COTTON TIES-W.00. BAOOINO 7'c. HEMP TWINE c PROVISIONS Pork. lower; jobbing. 114.46. Lard, lower: Diime at earn. 8i.0Uiie.10. Dry salt meat, higher; boxed extra abort. .; ciear no. ri.ezH; snort clear, is. TO. Bacon, higher; boxed extra short, ta.5u; ciear riDs, vi,; snorx near, w.u4 No. 1 cash. 62Vc; May, (DV; Beptamber, 3tei No. 1 white, fcSHc I-OULTRY-Dull; chicken. Hc: spring. 234Xc; turkeys, ll&Uc; ducks, 7c; gefse, 6c. BUTTER Weak; creamery, 18522c. LOGS Steady at 14c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl. 7.000 Wheat, bu 12.000 36.0U0 Corn, bu 97.0HO 7S,0n0 Oat, bu 24.000 86,000 Kssiai City firala a ad Provision. KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 20 WHEAT inenangea to lo tower. May, km; July, (2SC; September, 80Vi Casta: Nut. 3 bard. 6cb1.00; No. hard. 140c; No. J rd, tattle: No. red. 34i96c CORN Unchanged to He lower; May, 6SVc; July, 61 September, eVSto. Cash: No. t mixed. 7oc; No. 8 mixed. Too; No. I white, 7u'rWc; No. white, 70c. OATS-Cncbanfed; No. 1 white, 6Sg6Jc; no. m mixea. euuuie. HAY Easy ;. choice timothy, tll.SO312.0O; choicepralrle, 8.2J4jS.75. BUTTER Steady; creamery, Sue; pack- EOOS-Flrm; fresh extras, lc; current receipt. ic ' Receipt a Shlpmenta Wheat, bu , 65.000 37.000 Corn, bu B.t 32.000 Oats, bu .. ,0ut 8,000 Options at Kansas City: Article. Open. High.) Low. Close. Wheat I I July. 334 Ml FIVRVtri Spt MHtfa alSj VJH Corn-e I July (2 I , tSVCUfcfiS Sept .......... bst 61,1 tfiH Tale-da ft Market: TOLETKV MayJ 50 SRK-OClover. Octo ber, ii.te.yi; jjecember, c.-uv, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Fereriih Action of Market Camel Smaller Operator! to Hesitate. SHARP REACTION AT MIDDAY Heavy Selling; ta Stop Losses Farther fasettl Tradlasw-Cloe I Strong, bat Lass I Not All Regained. NEW YORK, May SO. The feverish ac tions of today s stock market served to confirm greatly the views of the specula tive element and in consequence served to intimidate the less powerful class of oper ators vbu saw prices moving in mercurial fashion, apparently at the will of hidden forces whose action could not be followed and whose motives could not be fathomed. That operators of powerful resources were using violent manipulative measures to ef fect the wide and sudden fluctuations in prices was patent even to superficial ob servations. The constant contrast In these movements might leave open a hypothesis of arti ficial support for the purpose to realize profits or sudden withdrawal of support and forcing back of prices to shake off the weak following which has trailed onto the speculative movement of the more power ful bull party. With growing Interest of the outside speculative element, made up of Individuals of smaller resources than those who undertake to inaugurate a speculative campaign, the bull position has grown in creasingly. The number of buyers on mar gin unable to hold any considerable de cline haa grown.. Moreover, the extent of the advance nas begotten a spirit of cau tion which make the holder of stocks on margin quickly retreat and throw over his holdings on any sign of weakness. As a safeguard ot their position speculators have been placing atop loss orders to sell at a certain price slightly below the mar ket. With the market honeycombed with such orders, such sudden relapses as those late yesterday and midway of today' ses sion become likely. The early part of the day waa given over to a laborious repair process of the Inroads on prices effected yesterday and eerly today. The sensational advance In Missouri Pa cific and the response by sympathy of the whole Oould group waa the effective me dium for supporting prices during this at tempt toward a rally. Mysterious allusion to the Oould railroad enterprise involving financial support from the wealthiest In dividual capitalist made up the motive power of this movement. Efforts to secure authentic confirmation or denial of these rumor were fruitless during the stock market session and they were left In the realm of conjecture. The new to account for the break In price waa of a similarly shadowy ktnd. The usual whisper of trouble circulated on the floor of trie Stock exchange, which are an Inevitable comple ment of any sever decline in th prices there. Th particular weakness ot Ameri can Smelting was due to implied doubts of the maintenance of the dividend on the stock. Whll price were breaking, senti ment ahowed aom sensitiveness to report of another cut In cotton goods prices, by western interests, which have moved ag gressively towards concessions from manu facturers ever since the business reaction et In. Additional engagement of gold for export Indicated the unimpaired force of the demand on New York for the metal. The New York bank also are preparing to meet th call for repayment of 326,000,000 of government deposits, which falls due on Saturday. The money market was not perceptibly affected by these developments and nothing in that department explained the uneasy and unsettled stock movement. Last prices were generaly below those of last night, but the closing tone was strong and at substantial recoveries from' the lowest price of the day. Bond were easy. Total sales, par value, 33,440,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. Following were the sale and rang of price on tne Btoctt exchange: saiM. Higa. bow. cioe. Adams gtiDraas 111 Amalsunaie4 Copper , AS, V-4 47H 17 46 mtncaa Car at Foundry.. 1,M0 7 0 M HO H 10 1(4 ToVfa 4o pfa American Cot too Oil I.K0 11 lo 4o p(d Amaricaa Kxprvaa Ainartean M. L.. W Americas Io ... 1,000 Amanoaa Uosetd Oil 4W 1 87 It 11 do K4 Amaricaa Loeomotlvs ..... . 3.70S 4 1'4 do p(d.... I Xl lul Amaricaa I. R Ul.7v 73 American s H. p:a.... t. n 4 American Sufar Refining American Tobacco, a. a. t,lt 11 IK 11S DUO 1V4 l 1 Anaconda Mlnlnc Co...... Aicblaon 4,6t lU.fcX) too , l.KW , 7,000 4214 2 1 s 4i tl 0 do pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore as Ohio a do pfd .... 7 1114 4014 5" Brooklyn Rapid Transit. It.UM Canadian Pacuio lila U114 IMia Central ot New Jereey... t'heeapeake A Onlo 1M U.0 46 42 , l.J(X) 7 t t 4.000 154 1(4 lU 44,OJ 13 UH 13 14 ti .... .... .... It Chlcaso Ureat Weatern.. Cbloaio A Northweatern. Chlcaso, M. A It. e Ibloano T. A T do pfd c, c, c. 4 et. i. Colorado Fuel A Iron.... 10. 1,"0 214 y i n .... 4H llii 1414 1114 71 ; 14214 ! Colorado A southern do 1st pfd do 3d pfd Couaolldaied Oas Cora Producta ,aw in lo 1414 3 0 lilt 7u0 144 do pfd Delaware A Hudson Delaware, L W Den rar A Hie Qreade do pfd D1eUUers Securities ntu sne 31 lo U.K i.'jjn 3. Out 17 7 94 U M 47 4414 a 3114 84 5H 41 n Erie do 1st pfd do Id pld General Klectrte Illinois Central International Paper ...... do pfd International Pump ..... do pfd Iowa Central do pfd BUnate city Southern da pfd Loulavtlle A Nsahvtlle... Mexican Central Minneapolis A Bt, L M . St. P. A 8. Sts. M , do pfd Mleaonrt Paclfls MlaaouH, K. A T. ....... do pld National Lead New York Central N. T, O. A W Norfolk A Western de pfd North American. Pacific Mall Peaaevlvaot People Oaa P., C C. A Bt. L. rrtaaid Steal bar do pfd Pullman Palace Car Reeding do let pfd da M pfd SUspublla Steel de pfd Rack Ulead Co do pfd St. U A 8. P.. M pfd... St. L. Soiattawestani so pfd outhara Paclfla , do pfd Sootkera Railway do p!d....w. Teiaa A Paclfla Toledo, St. L. A W do pfd Union Paclfla do pfd Called Statee Eipreaa. ... Vnlted States Realtf .... United states Rubber.... da pfd Vnlted States Steal do pfd Va. -Carolina Chamlaal..., da pfd Wabaah de pfd Weile-rarco Bipreaa ... Weatlnsboues Hectrto ... W eat era Cnloa Wkeeilnf A LAke Brie.. Wiacoaeia Central do pfd Northern Pad tie Central Leather ......... do pfd Bloaa Ore at Northern pfd Intararsan Metropolitan , do pfd , Ttah Capper Tennessee Copper 41H felt 1,100 It" 83 1, led 141 li 1114 M0 11 "0 l'l 100 6.) 0 4-0 6 8i 72 18 i i6 47 67 OH HI 1714 86 24 t at 64 4VU b( .. l.KW 10 1 IMt, .. 1.SJV It II 14 11 00 m ui in 1W .. 4I.SJS 44 II 41 .. U,'H 80 W ti a 4! 41 .. 1.000 44 41 44 .. 4JO 100 Wx 106 .. I.) 41 I 40 .. 1.3M 71 4 74 S .. 1X 6 6 .. l. 84 17 81 .. 13,60 HI , UV 121 Pj S3 II . 74 .. l.KU 8 3S , , t ga 100 164 154 164 ..224. lust 117 111 114 44 46 U k id 7 1X 4 .. 1.4i' .. 140 .. 1.104 .. 4,00) 400 . . 400 . . W.SoO 19 1 18 14 81 16 40 II 4 14 II 14 40 M 84 1.00 114 111 111 l II IT 17 oo ee eeii 4.1M 14 14 ve to so . 4t a 4414 84 II 44 .TTl.OW) 14 144 i; IV M14 84 ss 47 1600 14 P4 Ul.lvs le4 14 W 7 lo i II KUU , 14 V en t t 70S H 00 ID l,u 17 II tl 11 86 H 6 4 8a 60 U !" n l.SU PW 61 64 1 M II 41u 80 K irt i fa IS Jt 3.4U 64 14 41 4H 60 U.PJO 11U 1J 1W 1.700 11 11 1 1,1 11 4.4l at 0 17 H 1 4 "w Total, saias for th say, 1.411. XJS sharea New York Mlalaaj taclus. NEW TORK, May 20. Closing quotations were follow: Adams Cea 3 Leadvtlr Cae Alls tM Little (blaf 8 ilrwere a Ontarts' SA Branawtck Ca 8 Opblr 10 rematock Tannat.... It Potoal 11 Cea. Cel. A Va-.... U SaTaa M Horn Silver Ti .-erre KeTads 17 Iron Bluer loO Small Hopes 18 n I H( lirarlasa. OMAHA. May 20 Bank clearings for today were ana lor un corre- pouing ante last yvar, i.ioa.ii- Tresasry Slatesaeat. WASHINGTOX. May tj.-Today atatt. ment of the treasury rslances in the sen eral fund exclusive of the f it).0O.V 0 sIJ raserv snow; Arauabl tana tiAlaiic M2.lSl.c48; fold coin end bullion, IH7M. lit; gold certiorates, tv.Sft4.0M. Sew Terk Money Market. NEW TORK. May 20 PRIME MER CANTILE PAPER 3V4c4 per cent. BTERLINtl LXCHANQfc-Steady, with artual biislnea in banners' bills at (4 8740 for demand and at 84 87,38 for sixty-dsy bills; commercial bills, 34 84V bii. civuar, Nc; Mexican dollars. 47c. BONDS Government, steady) railroad. easy. MUMii un t-ALiy tasy at 1W1 per cent; ruling: rate, 1 per cent; closing bid, 1H per cent; offered at 1 per cent. TIME LOANS Firm and aulet; elxty davs, t per cent; ninety (Java, I per cent; six months, 8H3 per cent. Th following are tn closing quotation en bonds: U. 8. ret. 8. re .. V L A ft. ssl. 4s H de eottpen KB Manhetlan eon. . 4s 4 V. A la. r i Ilea. Central 4a M do coupon !' do let Ine n V. A sew 4a. re. ..110 M. 4 It L 4a..... do coupon in M . K A T. 4a I Ame. Tobacco 4a.... 71 do Ui f do te 1H ejj. n o. - u 4, 714 Atchleon sen. 4a N. T. Central . Ia tM do adluelment 4e.. K N. J. Central f 6e..K4 Atlantic Coaat Line 4s II Northern Pacific 4e..ll B. O. 4s II do la 71 do la M ll. tf. ron. 4a.... 1'H Brooklrn R. T. 4o... 110 . L. rfd. PI Central ot O. la 106 Perm. ct. Ia t do 1M Ine 70 Readlns sen. 4a do Id Inc 4 ot. L. a 1, M. a. 6a 107 do Id Inc 3 St. L. A S. P. fs. 4s T4 0. A O. 4Ha 10" gt. L. n'w'n con 4a . 44 C A A. Ia M Seaboard Air Una 4a. II C, B. A t) new 4a.. trt Southern Pacific 4a... M C. R. I. A P. 4a.... 47 So. Pacific 1st 44 t.. PI do col. la 1f So. Railway la rw C.,",C. A St.Uf.4.. Tejaa A Pacific lata 110 Colo. Ind. 6a. Sr. A. J T . St. L A W 4s.. 71 Cola. Midland 4a 41 I'nroo Paclflo 4a 101 Colo. A S. 4s SO do ct. 4a P Cuba 6a l"l t'. B. Steel td Is.... PI O A R. O. 4a l e'aheah lata lf4 Dlitlllere' Bee. 6a 72 ewaetern M4. 4s 71 Erio prior lien 4s.... II "W. a L. K. 4a is do sen. 4a Tl Wla. Central 4a 86 Harking Valley 4a 1" Japanee 4a 71 Japan 4a, car M 'Atcbleon CT. 4a 41 Japan 4a e. Id ear. 17 e 0 6a 14 Bid. "Ofrerea. London Closing Stack. LONDON. May 20. American ecuritle opened dull and Irregular today. Price change during tne iirst nour ranged rrom below to above yesterday' New Tork closing. London closing stock Quotations: Conaola, money ... 44 1 11 Mo , Kan. A Tetas.. 1 do account New York (."ntml . . . 10SV4 Anaconda Norfolk jk Weatern.. Tl Atchleon M do pfd M to pfd K14 Ontario tt west era. . 41 Baltimore A Ohio... 44 . Pennaylranla U Canadian Pacific ...141 Rand Mines 6 Chesapeake A Ohio.. 44 Reading 64 Chi. Great Western.. 7 Southern Railway .. 1 Chi., Mil. A St. P..14C do pfd ., 41 De Beers K Southern Paclflo ... Deneer A Rio Orande 17 Colon Paclfla 161 do pfd ? do pfd P4 Erie 11 Vnlted States Steal.. M do let pfd 41 do pfd 104 da Id ofd 80 Wabaah 1114 Grand Trunk 17 de pfd 84 Illlnoia Central 146 Bpentah 4a ir Louisville A Naeh..llS Amalgamated Copper. 44 SILVER Br, Bteady at SHHd per ounce. MONOT-IWH per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 13 1-1 per cent; fpr three months' bill, 294 1-16 per cent. Boston Stack as Beads. BOBTON. May 20. Money, call loons, i9 4 per cent; time loans, 214jMH per cent. The following were the ciuaing prices oa stocks and bonds: Atchleon ad. 4a S4 Adventure I do 4a Allouea 2 Meilcaa Central 4a... 12 Amalgamated 44 Atchleon tl Atlantic 1 do Dfd ik Biniham 70 Boaton A Albany 8 Calumet A Heckle Boaton A Maine 180 Copper Range "14 Boetos Elevated 114 Daly West 14 Pltchburg pfd 11 Franklin I N. T., N. H. A H in Granby v t'nlon Pacific 147 lale Royale 11 Amer. Arg. Chem.. 1 Mnaa. Mining 1 do pfd 46 Michigan 10 Amer. Pneu. Tube.. T Mohawk 63 Amer. Sugar 1114 Montana C. A C 16 do pfd 114 Old Dominion si Amer. Tel. A Tel. .117 Oueeola 4i Ame. Woolen 22 Parrot 11 do pfd 84 Culncy 66 Dominion I. A 8 ... II 'Shannon U General Electric 131 Tamarack 40 Maes. Electrte I Trinity II do pfd , 44 Cnlted Copper 7 Maaa. Oaa 66 V. .8. Mining 88 t'nlted Fruit ..140 V. S. Oil 23 United Shoe Macs.. 4.". I'tah 41 do ptd 27 Victoria 4 IT. 8. Steel M Winona C do pfd 102 Wolverine .....121 Foreign Financial. BFTRLTN. Ma'v 20 Tradlna on the Bouro today opened heavy ' otv advice from New yorx. uomesric ana government secuntiea, hovever, held firm, a .Later there wa a general Improvement,- en advice from London. PARIS, May 20 -Trading on the Bourse today opened' heavy ton realisation, but the Iclose was firm. i , Wool Market. BOBTON, May 30.-r-There ha been no Improvement In the wool market during the past week, and' trading and values are dull and week. Supplies, however, are Increasing, - especially in new clip in the west. The leading weatern quotations range, as follows: Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri, three-eighth blcod. 24526o; quarter blood, 20i21o. Scoured values, Texss fine, twelve months, 63tiG6c; fine, six to eight month 44c. California, northern, 4rVM8c; Middle county, 3&tj0c; southern, 8840c; fail free, 33ii5a. Oregon eastern, No. 1 stable, 66'dfc; eastern. No. 1 cloth ing. 60663c; Valley. No. 1. 47ic. Terri tory, fine staple. 67ftGSc; fine medium staple, 6&titic; fine medium clothing, 43 48c; fine clothing, 4&850c; half blood. 434i 48c; three-clghtha blood, 4rtf47e; quarter blood, 43rJ43c. Pulled extra, 66367c; fine A. W4i62c; A supers. 4f?i4uc ST. LOITIS, May 20. WOOL Dull; med ium grades combing and clothing, lMjlSVrO; light fine. 12W3C; heavy fine, jc; tub washed. 17ff23 LONDON. May 20. WOOL The offering at the wool auction sales today amounted to 11,900 bales; competition wa strong at extreme rates. A small supply of fine light merinos was In keen demand for America nd Germany, and occsslora'ly ilv per cent advance wa had. New Zealand greasy combings realized lld. Most of ths of ferings consisted of cross breds, tvt which there wa atrong request from all sectlan nd lot sultabls for America advanced. Evaporate Apples and Drlea Fmlts. NEW TORK, Msy 20. EVA PORATED APPLES Msrket opened quiet, with fancy quoted at WaUW. choice, iWo9c; prime, 7(H7Hc; common to fair. BHiVsC. DRIED FRUITS Prunes are firm for future delivery, but n6 change 1 reported In spot market. Quotations rang from 31c for California, and from 6iil0o for Oregona. Aprlcota are unsettled on spot, but stock are slowly cleaning up. Choice. l813Hc; extra choice, 144'14c ; fsncy. l&j? 16c. Peache are unchanged, with choice quoted at 9c; extra choice. 9c; fancy, lOrjp lOc, and extra fancy, lligllVio, Raisins dull and weak, with loose muscatel steady at Srt'wc: seeded raisins, 5dc, and London layers, I1.26Q1.3&- Dry Goad Market. NEW TORK. May 80. Some grade of bleached heetlng were advanced today o a yard. Print cloth were advanced to a basis of 8c for regulsrs. A wash goods sale proved succsssful in that th good were all taken In one day, T.0CO cases la all. Trade In brown and bleached cottona end In convertible still keeps set I vs. Th Job ber are doing a good trsde In wash goods. Tarns are quiet and steady. Silk piece goods show a slight improvement, but the demand as a whole Is slight. Large sale of duck are reported. Philadelphia Prsaaee Market. ' PHILADELPHIA. May 20. BUTTER Firm and lo higher; extra western cream ery. 24c; nearby prints, 25c. EiOQS Firm; good demand. Pennsyl vania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 17Hc at mark; current receipt In returna ble caaes, 17c at mark; weatern firsts, free esses, ITHo at mark; current receipts, fre cases. 17c st mark. . CHEESE Steady. Old New 'York full creams, choice, 14Hv5l4c: fair to good. 140 I4c; new, llllHo as to quality. Oil and Boats. OIL CITY. Pa., Msy .-OIL8-Credlt balances, 11.78. Runs, I4S.14n barrels: aver age, 170.138 barrels. Shipments, 187,05 bar rels; average. 181.880 barrels, SAVANNAH. Oa . Msy 20. OILS Tur pentine, firm; 4Sj4:Hc. D. (2 9tfja on; E, 3310; F. 8a eS 26; O. UXit 3 30; H. 3 7ftj3; I. 34 80; K. 85 76; M, 35,u; N. 36.06; WO, 36.10; WW. 3.104.80. Catfea Market. NEW YORK. May 30 COFFEE Mar ket for coffee futures opened steady at un changed price to a decline of 6 polnta The close was barely steady at a net de cline of &tiU points. Sales were reported of H.TIkJ rga. including May at S16So0c; July at 3.1fg20c; September at 6,15c; De cember at tlOtpt.-lBc; March at 610c and April at 620c 8 lot coffee, tedy; No. T Rio, (fee; No. 4 Santos. 8c Mild Coffee, quiet; Cordova, 8iii?c. i aaar ssl Melasaea. NEW YORK. May 50.-SUO A It Raw. steady: fair refining. 3 74c; centrifugal M teet. 4Zr; molasses sugar, IM. Refined, steady: - em .i, 6Ujc; powdered. 5,4uc; granuiaiea, r OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bctt Kinds of Cattle Steady, with Other Kind Slow. HOGS SHOW I2IP110 VXMEHT EAELY keep tad Lasaba la Llaerml Reeefat, wltk All Klad Extremely Slaw aad Dall, as Well a Lower. SOtTH OMAHA. Neb., May 10, 1908. Receipta were: Cattle. Hog. Sheen. Official Monday 8.83 4.29 8.2M Official Tuesday 1.RT4 1.718 3. Of Kstlmat Wednesday .... 4.O10 13.000 7,2C Three days thi week.. 1217 25,018 13.461 Same day laat week 18.737 33.054 20.53 Same days 2 weeks ago.. 10.542 21.811 11.143 Same days 8 weeks ago. .10.606 25.77 28.210 Same days 4 weeks ago . 7. lid 17.4F4 20.448 Same days last year 18,471 35,073 16,683 Th following table show th receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, oompared with Isst feart iok, lirf. Inc. Deo. Cattle 148,39 443.733 I6.37 Hog 1.130.6S8 868.3&J 172.217 Sheep 678.767 743,671 164.814) Th following table shows ths avsrag price of hog at fcouth Omaha for the last several day a, with comparison: Oat. 1908. 19trr.l08.1906. 1904. 180i.lS(01. May 10.. May 11.. May May 13.. May 14.. May My i.., May 17.. May 18.. May 18.. May 20.. 941 I 19i 4 9I T 08 e ' I 98 I 1 11 T U 707 7 12 Til t U f 5 51 M !MZO'esi 20 I 15 4 88 42! 81 4 (7 n 6 84 35 27 33 t t 36 8 20 4 81 t 28 4 631 ( 24 4 26 I H 4 471 in 32! r trv. ay a-- -g " 1 w w I 6 24 4 4o 27 Sunday. The official number of car of brought In today by each road wa: . Cattle. Hog. Bheep. C. M. St. P 10 4 5D!5. 1 1 Mo. Pac 10 1 Union Paclflo 68 36 2 C. A N. W. (east) 7 C. A N. W. (west)... 46 76 C. St- P. M. A O.. 10 14 1 C. B. A Q. (east)... 7 7.. C. B. A Q. (west)... 22 24 24 C. R. I. A P. (east).. 3,3 stock , Hrs. a 'i 1 'i 17. - twesij. .. 1 Illinois Central 4 1.. c. o. w 1 .. , ; Total receipt 166 181 23 ( The disposition oft he day' receipt wa as follow, each buyer purchasing th num ber of head Indicated: 186 I 4Cr 6 88 Vi ( 35 I 35 6 24 80 21 (24 t !H 19 21 S 80j 3 26 I 84 6 23 182 1.711 3.311 1,178 730 3,448 1,587 727 8,002 6.1 127 8 45 81 3 27 i 14 33 3 as a 16 136 ...J. 1 295 W. L. Stephen Hill A Bon F. P. Lewis Huston A Co J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla Layton A Co Sam Werthlmer P. O. Inghram Sullivan Bros United Butcher Co... N. Y. Butcher Other buyer Total 2.815 10.621 3.K1 CATTLE Rerelnta of ea.ttla .r. fatrlv liberal for ths middle of the week. The trade, as a whole, did not show any very great change a compared with yesterday. The buyers were nut In erMvt mnmrnnn In the morning, the same a yesterday, picking ir inert ine most aesiraDie 01 in killer for which they paid steady price. Thus the catUe, that brought 87 yesterday. urvugm tne same price today. When it oame to the commoner and medium grades Of cattle, that la cattla aelllnar from anu down, the situation waa not so satisfactory. supers seemea more or less indifferent and th trade opened very slow and was weak to lower throughout. Holder found It hard work to unload th commoner grade. Cow and heifer wr In about th ame condition a beef steers. The better grades sold without much difficulty at Dries steady with yesterday, but other kinds wr siow ana wsax. There were only a yery few Blockers or feeders in the yards, and, ir. consequence, there was no great change In the market. The demand contlnuea limited and th feel ing I weak, especially on the commoner kinds. Later on the market eased off. on all kinds under the Influence of very unfavor able report received from eastern points. Buyers went back on some of their earlier bids and the market on beef steer closed 10c lower than early. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice corn-fed steers, 36.26c'7.00; fair to good corn- lea steers, o,; common to fair corn fed steers, 34 7i'u6 &; good to choice cow and heifer, tt.U'aslS; fair to good cow and heifer, 83.76-'h-4.75; common to fair cow and heifers, 32.5i4j3.7&; good to choice slock crs and feeders, 84.65a6.2o; fair to good stockers and feeders, 84.0ua"4.65; common to lsir siocxers ana leeaer, Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ns. At. Ft. No. At. ft. II m 171 1; 1146 I 80 47 m I 1 It i.isji 1 16 I IM 18 14 1214 4 84 I. 1007 I 81 X 1241 4 44 14 844 8 IS II 1144 4 44 11 1048 3 44 40 1110 I 40 ......Ut I 40 II 4 140 8. ..leli I 74 61 1174 I 44 84 1114 I 70 11 111? I 44 14 1184 I 84 85 14 . 7 a 18 1-14 I r II 1471 6 74 14 1171 I 80 14 1M 70 11 1144 I 00 It 1C-I 4 78 12 1044 4 00 . 80 1444 74 14 1141 4 00 II 1417 I 76 It 114 I 04 40 1104 I 78 II 1W1 I 00 11 14l 71 M 1144 4 ti II 1447 I 80 3 1110 4 88 7.., 1414 I 4 I 1140 I U 14 1214 I 46 80 1147 I II B 1144 I 40 80 10(1 I M 14 1447 1 00 11 IM I 40 17 1477 7 48 81 US! IN COWS. I W IB t , lOTI 8 80 8 80 3 60 4 IN IN 3 W 1 10 3 1011 4 00 4 11 8 74 I KM4 4 4 1 8T0 3 78 I... 140 4 ti 8 100 8 00 3 4 te 8 IV0 I 14 4 11S 4 84 4 74 I 15 1 IM 4 40 4 771 I 8B It I 4 44 I KM 8 14 II lii'l 4 lo 1 744 3 15 8 12 I 0 1 841 8 I 15 1041 8 1 3 Ill I ) 8 yrri 3 10 1 44 8 10 1 1074 I) 8 1K4 I 71 8 130 I 78 6 440 8 W I ltfO I H HEIFERS. 3 810 8 M I 487 4 80 II 444 3 Si II 401 4 4 4 474 8 44 10 441 3 04 4 740 8 6 3 4W I 80 4 484 3 40 8 118 t H 1 ! 4 40 7 MID BULLS. 1 1110 I I MM 4 76 1 1444 I 44 ,1 14-4 4 71 3 l-l 3 44 1 1740 4 71 1 ISO I SO 1 1410 I 40 I I 80 1 1IS0 I 00 1 10 I M 1 IM I 00 1 1"0 4 4o 1 170 i 80 1 1 14 4 1 1 I K 1684 4 40 I l 0 I 44 1 1170(4 15 1 IM I IS 1 )' 4 i ir 3 a 1 IM 4 4 I..., 14.0 8 44 1 1744 4 45 1 S.M0 I 4ft 1 ..147 4 74 CALVES. 4....V 147 4 04 11 m 171 1 ISO 4 10 3 14 6 71 I 4 4 78 1 ly I ft 1 M id 1 14 4 88 8 3 14 , 188 8 84 1 174 5 M STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 3 f0 I 40 1 474 4 0 17 I 71 1 847 4 8 84 Ill I 74 WEJTERN-tTAH. 81 steer.. ..1061 6 86 7 bull 1183 160 41 steers.. ..1019 6 15 MONTANA. steer.. ..12a 60 HOGS Hogs opened this morning S4l5c higher and about half of th hogs changed hands on that basis. The rsrly sales r largely st and around 85.87V4., th bult being at I6 i54j6.40, with a top at 35 42H Yester day the hogs sold largely at 5 32Hi6.!5. After about half of the hog had chai.ged hand th trade flattened out. becoming very dull and weak, and for a tlrr.a buyer would not try to do ny business, being disposed to await developments. Later tn th fornoon the market livened ud asaln and buyer cleaned UD what wa In sight. Lata sale, however, were not as strong a th early, th msrket closing osier. Rrpresentstlve sale: No. A 84. Pr. no. At. .141 ..til .tn 8 a. ft ... 3 17, :m 3 risa 10 3 17 84 6 87 II., 14., u , T4 II u.. 71.. ..U ... 6 U ..ta 6 M .144 ... I 14 . rr? in I .11 ... 6 14 ..TT ... Ik . 11 40 I It ..sal M IS 44. 78... 74... 144. 77.., A... 14 . thi 10 6 r 8u I 74, tn m 1 ? 17 Ma I Site Zf "Yc appreciate the confidence the public has shown in our banking institution, and it shall be our earnest endevor to extend to our patrons the most liberal treatment consistent with sound and conserv tive banking. .li&x- We solicit your account. ' FIRST NATIONAL Mill OF OMAHA THIRTEENTH AND FARtl AM STREETS OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN NEBRASKA 0 .aV JiSv A -a2k 4K A. V .eV 5v vvww'vwrv.'rr 4 n n III 81 m 404 3 18 44 II 40 3 M 74 14 ... Itt TI 834 ... 8 15 T4 i4 ice 3 rrt 41 144 40 3 I70 171 171 SO I 171 i tM o 1 rs 11 ifto ... 1 rrva 70 mi 74 3 rrs 44 14 40 6 N 48 til 40 I n .ui i I rn tl IM 8 6 ITV, TS 110 840 8 Kit ST T7 SO S WT4, as I9 S I 40 44 J 44 I 17V, II ri ... 40 74 821 44 II7H t JS ... 140 71 VI 140 I 17(4 74 14 SO I 40 71 80S ... 3 87 48 IKS 80 8 40 41 821 10 8 rV 14 ... 4 ti t ti 8 rvt it r ... 5 40 m ii no i rn ) r4 10 1 44 II Ml 80 5 ITVi .88 814 ... 140 84 17 ... I r4 44 IM ... 8 44 80 Ill ... 8 17V, 80 731 40 3 40 71 701 44 8 8T II Ill 80 I 40 14 Ml ... I 74 71 tn 180 5 40 44 ft 80 8 I7H 44 78 ... 6 40 Tt n ... I S7V8 44 XS ... 3 4 78 814 80 I r4 14 HO ... 140 74 t7 40 8 87V, 47 til 40 6 40 80 n ... 6 874 48 ISM 80 6 40 K 131 400 I I7t4 II 104 80 I 40 84 Ill 144 I I7V4 4 174 80 8 40 n ...... .rm ... tr it tr.7 ... 140 I 117 ... I ITVi 44 164 80 8 40 844 40 I 174 44. VI VO I 40 44 141 SO 8 tfv, 84 117 8 3 40 47 S5I 140 I IT 17 ... 3 40 4 811 ... 8 17 V4 44 8 ... 3 4 31.., I I 89 I 174 41 44 10 I ) 41 ISI ... 1174 14 Sr ... 8 4?4 88 87 10 8 174 W 864 ... 8 414 8HERP Receipt of sheep were large this morning, there being Included among the arrival twenty-two car of Colorado. Th market wa In the same condition a It waa yesterday snd the day before. That Is, the demand waa extremely light, puck er only appearing to want a load here snd there that Just happened to strike their fancy, while the bulk of the offerings wa more or lee neglected. A noted yester day, tt was not merely a question of price, but, first of all, a question of getting some one to look st the stuff and bid on It.- Prices hsve been going lower so rapldlv tht it is difficult to say just how much of the decline belongs to sny one day, but going back a few days It I very easy to ee th extent of the ilump. Thu the market I now around Jfl60c lower than on Monday, and about la w per hundred lower than the high time last week. Kven at thi decline It I Impossible to move th stuff freely, buyer apparently having use only for a very meager number. The condition of affair I not peculiar at thla market alone, but 1 general at all selling point. from everywhere come re port of large receipts, at a time when the demand Is unusually llirht. The mutton msrket In the east is demoralised find the haste with which sheep men are running In their holdings Is demoralising th mar ket on live sheep and lambs. Th Chicago Drover' Journal of yester day quoted the market at that point a almost demoralised, with price on both sheep and lambs generally 81.00 lower than last Monday and with closing transnctlons at the low point of the year. Quotations on lamb? Oood tn choice light wonled lambs. 34.QO365n; fair to good light wooled lambs. 36.5u36.00; good to choice heavy wooled lambs, 35.75tTC.2S; . shorn lamb 78c under wooled tock. Quotation on sheep: Good to choice yearllns, horn, 8S.(55 2R; fslr to good yearlings, shorn, 24.757)6.00; good to choir wethers, shorn, 34 76'rr..25; fslr to good wethers, shorn, 24 2rVrf4 75: good to choice ewes, shorn. 84.5004.80; fair to gor.d ewes, shorn, 34.00(34.60: culls and bucks, shorn,' 23 OWM.OO; wooled sheep 25i0c nbove shorn stock. No. A. Pr. !W tVyomlnsr lambs W 5 40 293 Wyoming Ismbs .,. TO 5 40 14 soring lambs . W 7 en 254 Colorado lamha I 25 20 western, lambs 64 . 8 75 10 western ewes, cull 77 3 50 28 western ewe 104 4 00 10 weatern ewe W 4 00 20 western ewes 17 4 00 25 western vearllng 91 5 00 in western lamn 74 is 20 western ewes, culls M 4 00 82 western ewes 104 8 75 40 western ewe, cull 80 1 60. 208 western wethers Ill 6 00 CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKET I Cattla aad Bheep Steady Hogs Five to Ten (est! Higher. CHICAGO. May 20. CATTLR Receipts, bout 16.000 head: market steady; steer. $6.00436.76: cows, $3. 75-56.76; heifers, $3-60S4.r.; bulla.. $4 00(9676; calves, $2 60j6.; stockers nd feeders. 33.266.40. HOOB Receipts, about 22.000 head: mar ket WilOe higher; choice hevy shipping. t5nrQ6.ffi; butcher. 8fi.6ftrf6.61i: light mixed. $5 654i6.00; choice light. M.tMiC 6i; racking, $81n.&0; pig. $4.1MfS.40; bulk of alei, $3.6060. BHEEP AND IAMB8 Receipt, about 11,000 head; market steady; sheep. $4 609 1.60; lsmbs, $i.7V6 75; yearlings, $5.0.60. Kaasas City Un Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. May 20. CATTLE Receipt. 7,000 head. Including 600 south ern; market steady to 10c lower; choice export nd dressed beef steer, $6.607.10; fair to good. 3S007J6.40; western steers, $6.007.00; stockers and feeders. 83.26ia6.40; southern steers, $8.866.26; southern cows. 32.60rg4.o0: native cows, 82.2i)660; nativ heifers, 33 2&I&4.40: bulls. il.2S-fl6.00: calve. $3.tV$.00. rioos Receipts, i,ouo neaa. market tc higher) closed weak; top. $6 60: bulk of ale.' 36.36u6.6S: heavy. 33 5iri6 60; pack ers and butchers 86 8&C6.66; light, $6.a&? S.47H; nigs, 13 90-416. BHEEP AND 1-4 MBS Receipts, 8.600 head; market weak; lambs,. $6.76va7.00; swes and yearlings, 84 25ft 4. 71; Texas yearllnga, $4.766.60; Texas sheep, $4.00 lee; stockers and feeders. I3.00fii4.ji. I St. Leal Lira Stack Market. BT. LOUIS, My 20.-C,ATTT.E Receipt. 3.01O head, including 700 Texans; steady to atrong; native shipping and export steers, 83 267 18; dressed beef and butcher steers, Ifi.OCua 26; steer under 1.0UO pounds. 34.76 (.60; stockers snd feeders, f3.o036.OO; rows and heifers, 33.6076.26; canners, $1.60fi2 6u; bulla, 33.0046.60; calves. 83.26..2; Texss and Indian steers, $3 26jj6.76; cow and heifers, $1.76428. HOO-Recelpt. 8.004 head: marked 6c higher; pigs and light. $3.7kJ6 60; packers. 34.86i36.66; butcher and best heavy, I6.60 660. BHEEP AND LAM BS H ecel pt a, $.600 head: market 61i10e lower; native mutton. 13541400; lambs. $4.6Vr"7 S6; culls and buck. $3.Xij4 00; stockers. 13 0 3.6 Bloaa City LIV Stoek Market. SIOUX CITT. My 20. Speclal Tele- fram.) H003 Receipts. S.0 head: msr et 6c higher; range. $6.2&u6.40; bulk, 35. Su 4S85. CATTLE Receipts. 600 head; msrket steady to weak; beeves. $6 238.80; cow nd heifer. 34 .Wfi 00; feeders. li.OOtii.OO. calve and earllngs, $3 7to4 tS. Stack ta Sight. Receipt of live stork at th six princi pal western market yesterday; varrie. lion. Bheen. South Omaha Bloux City .... Kansas City .. Bt. Louis Bt. Joseph '.. Chicago Total ....... . 4.000 . . 7.0 . SAO . 1.7T .li.oy 13r) t.OTO 10. 00 Ae) 3i3 2,Jf 7VS38 '600 8.600 l.7 ll.OWl .ti.m B.607 St. Jaeegk Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. May 20.-CATTT,E Receipta. 1.760 head; native. 86 7&7 4 cowa and heifer. $:.iliji.i, stoeker and feeders. 8S Tbnt OS. HCX33 Ku-elit, ' 8.338 head: market, teady to atrong; .top. 86.56;. bulk of Bales, li Vvi 46, . . ' .......... Hit ttP AND LAMBa-Rcatelpt. t.r7 head, uawket dulii lamha, 64.KS4.74 ViS A4A4A A 4 VS. A. A . . J. w.v'. tf4 yearling and wethers, 34.2RQ6.36; ewea I4.000J4.6& Metal Market. NEW TORK. May 30 MTTTALB-Tiw London tin market wa considerably lowei , today, spot quoted at 1 15s and future Viisa. The local market was weak.' . with auotatlon ranging from 329.7 to 3 .26. Copper had quite a sharp break, closing at 67 15 for spot and 58 10 for. future In the London msrket. Locally the market was quiet snd unchanged, with Lake quoted at 312.7513.00; electrolytic at III MVW12.87H. and casting at 312 .ftXa 12 H2H- ' Lead wa unchanged at 13 6 In London nd at 84.22Wi4 27V In th local market. Ppelter ws unchanged In both market, being quoted at 20 6s In London and st t4.ftKu4.66 locally. Iron wss lower in the fcngfiah market, with Cleveland wsrrsnts quoted at 48 7Hd. Th local msrket was Bteatv With TCrt I tnnnHrv r...r , a . n n ....... .1 at 16.75gi760; No. 1 31.00&ri6.76; No. a ' southern and No. 1 southern soft at 81126 4J17 00. BT. LOriB. May JO. METAL Lead firm at $4.15; p;lter, $4.60. Cottea Market. NEW TORK. My 3U-XTTON Future - opened essy; Msy, 8.66c; Pune, 6.64r; July, 1.60c; August. 837c: BeDtember. 8.26c bid: October, 8.14c; November, .12c: December, .0c; Jsnusry, fe; March, .08c. Futures closed stesdy; May, 3.62c; June, r 67o; July, 8.25c; August, 9Mc; Beptember,, .' $20o; October, 8.10c; November, 6.02c; De- ' cemoer. s.anc; January, 8.84o: rebruary, 8lc; March. .94o, . w Bpot closed quiet: middling upland. : ll.ioc; middling gulf, 1L160. Bales, M ' bales. ' OALVE8TON, May 20. COTTON Btearlv at 16 13-16c. NEW ORLEANS, May SO.-COTTON Bpot quiet and steady; low ordinary, 64 a ' nominal; ordinary, 7 9-lGc, nominal; gnod ordinary, c; low middling, lHc; middling, 11 8-ltk;; good middling, 11 ll-l6c; middling 5 fair. 12 8-16c; fair. 12 13-160. nominal. Balee, 1.126 bales; receipts, 1,96 bales; stock, 13i,4U bales, BT. LOUIS, May 30.-COTTON-S eidv . middling. ll4c; tales, none; rece pis, ;'6? bales; shipments, dt'i bales; stock, 27,241 -bales. HOMES FOR MANY CHILDREN; Report ot Nehraaka Society Skew . Most Saccesafnl Year la Its History. At th fifteenth annuel meeting cf tha Nebraska Chlldrrn"s Home society hda at. s the Toung Men's Cluiatlan Assocla building yesterday, the following bosrd of trustees was chosen: Dr. W. O. Heriry, 0.-narrrV, rreelfiem; f. L. llaller, Omaha, vies president; C. 9. Paine, Lincoln, secretary; J. W. Trum, Omaha, treasurer; H. II. Esl !rl gc, Oms'-ia, attorney; H. A. Bnow, Omaha, suJI.or; Rev. II. J. Klrvchsteln, Omaha; Rev. X - . thanlet McOlffln, Omaha; C. B. Andeoii. Cretei O. W. Wattles. Omaha; Itcv. U Ludden, Lincoln; Rev. T. J. Msckay, Omaha; Rev. F. T. Rouse, Omaha; Alfred ! C. Kennedy, Omaha; W. P. Harford, J Omaha; Rev. P. H. McDowell, . Omaha; Rev. J. P. Boos, George Aldrlch. Rev. E. P. Qulvey, who has served flf- teen years a state superintendent, wa r- elected to this position. r- The reports showed the aoelety to be In s prosperous condition, and the year Just closed ha been the most successful yeat In the life of the organisation, filxty-thre children were received by the society and placed In proper home. On hundred and ; forty-two caae . wer Investigated, and 828 of the society' children war visited by the worker. . The district superintendent re-elected 1 were: Mr. M. B. Qulvey. Beatrice; Mian, i Louise Rankin. Lincoln; Ml Carrie Stew-'1 art. Grand Island; Ml C. Lou Jaynes, Omaha. . . ACHATES TEAM GOES SOUTH KlBeteea Vsssg Wanis Will At tans Conveatloa at Baa Aatoolo, Texas. Accompanied by several of the prominent member of th order, the degre team ot Royal Achate lodge No. 1 Uft yesterday afternoon on a two week' trip, th princi pal object of th trip being to attend th district convention to be held tn San An tonio, Tex., from May 26 to 37. Stop will also be made at Kansas City, Mo., Oalv ton. Houston, Corpus Chrlstl, Austin aad Delia. Tex. At each of these place th team will give exhtbltfon drill. Th mem bars of th team are: Misses Nsill Dough arty, Rosa Rackley, Lillian DirVln. Edith Cluts, Katie Burabach, Mabel Kllker, Iren J. Jones, Kittle Beal, Clara Gehrlnger, Helen Stewart, Mary Jordonv Anna Gift, Mary L. Reed, Alice Kllker, Zella Mead. Helen Schmidt. Vernon Lookabaugh. Mar garet Gllle, Anna Kuhl; Messrs. O. A. Pop. C. M. Rackley (captain). Th prominent members of th order accompanied th team: Supreme President L O. Barlgbt, Supreme Medical Director R. W. Connell. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dud geon. Mr. Lettle C. Otlea, Messrs. F. M. Clut anal W. Q. Dak in, all of Omaha; D. C. Mitten of Tekamah, Neb. LIVE STOCK SHOW DELEGATES Sevea aad Five Alternate Select! by Soutk Omaha Live Stock -Exeaaage. Th South Omaha LIv Stock Exchang elected delegate to th national convention to be held In South Omaha June 25-27, Inclu sive, at Its last meeting. In addition to th selection of delegates th axchafig took necessary action In the matter of srrange ments snd entertainment. The. gismb'.y hall of the exchange 1 newly remodeled Or the occasion. Ths comiulUc on tr.tcrtaln ment hf 4 beer, busy for a month securing the speakers snd providing for th com fort of the dlegte. They will hsv a public report of their progress, within a short time. ... Following are ' the delegates ehosrrt t represent Butti Omaha orfrrially In the deliberations, ef the convemtien! r . . .. Delegstes: Tl.o.r.n B, Mcin-.erson. James Q. Martin. J. Levcrty. . H.' MC8ery. E W. Cahow, Will H." Wood, J no. T. Fredrick. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Alternates: B. R. Cox,' J.' B. Root, Jno. Fits Roberts, Charles Burks and J. R. Ibksler. - I Un Bee want ad to boost your buslne