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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1908)
5 IT 1 Books and Magazines The vrn;.t.j- t Just published tha firm wr.rre man in the co-unry ta aerl- n lr.r.ret 'i.g a.rd tr.armrr r-' "Wut e-urv consider prmatK-rt artachnwnt ta the Ci-iria, entitle.!. "T-e Vermilion Pencil." I '. a hon. K pre3-o-'r and con-r-v Jio-nc I.- a. . j. 1 Hf ;.ei.t th hest j te-r-ii.-r'- 1 tad in mn.d tn-.por--y part f h. . : ,n t-. r .-n-ry ft whica he 1 residence ax 4 the return to England, with w-rliee, tij a Just ten created I wealth secured from the CmoTfTT of "uteriant c r,..ra; i.f vi Chinese Amr of I precious retsie. T!ie protnt ype of the ei J Ui Itef'Tra. He hss a.-e It wr.iten several CKxika in U .';.::.! '.Fir$ iut. Vvl The V "Tit. . I :n JT'iJ: ir Tlf- first he ha pro duced 1a 'T Uif tet.-f.t ff h wwra cnun trj rier- The i--r o -J to norr i a yuurg priest, who falls :n . ve with the charm ma- American of todcy. on er-court of hi enter prise. Li enerrr. and hi courage, which re tVe m"'t p-ntvurced f our national characteristic. The J. E. Upptncott com pany U tne puh.isbr. IS "BritiaS Hirhr and Bywar Tr-ym a Mirnr Car." fn Tbon.a T. Mirrjihr. i a tx-au;i!ul tt. of travel, thoroughly aT-..-1-wifa vt a :;; r imtrflarha and carries ; he-r aey w:: l m irr.o the w.,aema i Tij et.;Mis ci.wi..e are hotly pursued and Mirn the lo--a and courtry rod rf THE OMAHA DAILY P.EK: TTTTKSPAY. MAY CI. aid M rr, i U I cfc " cJ t: ,"L'T ' th rvteie with charming and refreahir de- yttr we is I 1 w to the u-nder ' r!TTf . -t,h ,..,,,-. CUD- I ...... --. l..,.,.,. V.,k BV r.f Bj7Ti- i.f j-uce. F:je is ci'-rr.r'-d id mjllfT Uie pena.!tj- of tie "L-yi-dtc fceu." a terrihie jui.iihnirat, nil; fc-t-fc-: ;ti fi-iie ia China, but never 1.'..- darnt4 t tije weslenr reader. Ti.t 'i.-ni j-n!,t ic u;rl)fd tn the rn t.'nUi l the Jtai nomriit tf a Chlrif-ee r"' -o; jinjt.rr a Kty. "Tbe Ctdren of the ln pursuit of FTimt.ia." by EuWira lury FJeil, prove that puMlhihti-- for rr.rt!T in a fu-ry have not been ex- laa;''d. T men. the on'y girt a kbd an 0mta.1t, ure the rhararaera, and It woi-id t e-d to sty wijeder. after aJV tije dn; rrjd the auto weren t cieverer than the iTLn j r..r tr.e girl, aha wa the 1 t-verKt f lifi &.h ext-rpt in ona in .r:ai;t ii.viue. I'.h.aotad tj lha' Ju.tnuB ton ;ar.jr. 'T'ave I'orter in tne Far North" la tbe I-junh volume of ' Lave Porter Seriea." hy tdward :ralsa.f er. la tlii bot, Dave Is at hie eii-Lked tioaxding achooh L'-k :th his lively but manly con- riio'. wiio rejtM'e w-nh h.m that ha not tuiLif L, d.Kirvt-rd hia parentaca. but has a faihf-r and ejiier i;vine. Uiouarh u 4uT of hia existence. Iie ranot reat vtiLj he r:nd of hi own family, and l.r.i, wlt'-J )rt of aheence from whr arid a,-r(,riir,!jT','1d by hia chum, the aun of a United aenator. he jroea to tr-Iand only 1; f:nd that hia father ha kft f an MpfflJtiL.n to Ujt- upper part ci 'ri. Tht tn.; a Tcllow rn a mofft tii'".:i-f pumuit which i replete with ad-Tei:t-r. fjtv rtrenpih, courage, and cotr.CK'n m triumiw and the family 1 partially reunited, aftt-r which Iav once more ha a joyou return to achooh lothrop, Lit a- Sb-pajd torupany ia the publiaher. "'i Elf-met-uury Alpebra," by Frederick il. nierv the, 1 plaiined to meet evi-ry ral mt-d In teachir.( elernentary '.f-hra -n aeoumitry arhooia lnr.ludlng the I r-. M r quir mei.ta of the coliea-e rn:i; e t lurcmati'm board. The boo T";"'i:it to the irrowlTig demand for an lEtr'?ucin of the :m.pW fortntilaa of tt.c- laboratory- The American J-.xli nmjmr.j is the publisher. In h; new nm-el, 'tJirt-Bearera.- Mr. llfT.ry i;rnian ha kft the intellecrnai Jt .. L environment of hi prevloua novel s:nl al'.oetUifr rep sned the Jewiah field til 1 -d ia . Worsh.irra." and haa por tr.. ?:-d an upper-clan Ftilladetphia old rr.U " Evidertly the author ia determined .j lit U. ia bat-haior-maid flven the at 1.. . 2 whK-b fall to ti lot of the heroine . ' 1 ; - rrular noeei w ho ordinarily make l.-e 7rpriB: of the atory by fallinc In love t a prelude to mamase.. Tbe at-udy of i-ii r.-ume In Goft-Bearera la an analy tic of a tn:i--11id woman, creatine her ,.v.n. vi.jrU . ST. 'f UnJnatiiig thing eni ;ir-reo:i w.tic-iisi ry ti her. and Iremg aut a itir.n.KUU life despite the atreaa of Tt hiiwir:ar.t d-amatir eptaodea which matt uji the i.uxii'.uve. Published by the d-raf.nn I'rt-s. ",-T..rr.mie." r Edward Peple, author of "The Prince Cljiji." ia one of tbnee novel ctr fully tuJid in their hiBtorical and traditional hatligroand and executed with Xrt'H'. Kiner and romantic feeling. It deal a -,th Afctn ria at the time cf ita greataat i;.,'-r.a ir. a hen it Queen waa aiao Queen of the kiiivan world. It recount the building lf!i. It la a war, of great breadth and f uinefis. replete with the romance of ihr iicruid. making ti barbaric age live Ikk.o in ail its apirad'ir and excesa Through. aX -and curunaaJtng aC ait nation f h!it T f mc f be uty and personality, ".read feeni'.i atma. alwaya the Queen, the dictator, tlit. hilling. educUve woman. Puhliahel hy Moflau Tard at Co. ! "John Emlih. Centieman Advent nrer," by 1. H. Fortw-a, i a f irtionUed life at the r grf.&t eiliit-r of fiirtune and colonial, true la a.J eeneutiaia. flee.gned prtmartiy for buf. trcn sat without hope at intereaung duliai Mr. Forhea-Iindnay baa a pro found afimirati. n fur that hero, whom he coiiaidera the f.rt.1 Americas and tha pro liitype of ti.e preeeiit eitiaen of the Vnitad B;ji.tea. Tbe firm American becanae ha wa aT i In the fir 5x1 storv of Jdt SptirlocK Prodi a1 (see The Saturday Evening POS on all news-stands to-dij ) : 1. The Prodigal meets the Major's ward. ' 2. Is reminded that he was proposed to. 3. Goes home to a sk'uiri-d bull, instead of a tarcd ca.l 4- Adds a fffw mi'Iions to his father's ban)c account. 5. Discoversthe Big Idea, and imn-rts it to the Maior. 6. And learns, from an indubitable source, that at last he is a married man. A! ttic Sim etindv S carna :o tbe ui rr uu lr-terert It cor.-.alr.a murh lr.f of a practical nature a weU a rprightly hiatcrriral comment. A d.Ktinct feature of Mr. Murphya bor-k is it illustrations, which rpreent tea or.ry the highest de velopment cf the enrraver a art and me chanical perfection m the'.r printing, but !1cb in the case of the colored illufra-tior-. a-e repr:3uctiori from crierma! paint ing by prDminent artiata. L. C Paee at Co. ia the publnher. "Tt.f Tale Cup." by A T. P-Jdr. the s'.rth volume of the Phillip-Exeter riea. The "Cup" ia an annual prize given by a club of Tale alumni to the member of the Btrior cia of each of several pre paratory acbcol "who beet corr-blne pro ficiency !n athlrtlc with gjod standrr.g in hi stndiea" It i the most desired honor of ti e oouree m the great srhool where the scene of the story Is iaid, Cf corme.. in the end. rodustry and stratfrhtforward neaa reoerve unexpected recoarnii ion, but the winner ia a thoroughly natural an-! rruman b"y w ho haa faulta makes hi mis take, and prof ita by finding them out. The Jokea and bantering of keen-witted studerta are refreshtrgly entertaining, and not the least Interesting character ia an over-aealoua teacher who, aa ia so often the caae. om:ld have learned much from the boys. Published by Ijothrop, 1 at Khe;--d com par y. "Frmr Beascms'tn tha Garden." by nn E- Exford, 1 a book on gardening for the home-maker by the foremost amateur gardener of the fnited Statea It treat of all phases of the sut.lect. from the simple bed or two along the fence, in a city back yard, to the roost ambitioua garden the happy si-rrurhanlie or country dweller can manage without the service of a pro fessional. The growing of noose planta and the use of planta for household and table dec oration are thoroughly described, and a couple of chapters on rural and village improvement carry the home-gard-nlng plan Into the larger field of community work. Twenty-seven Illustrations in tint. Published by the J. B. Lappincott com pany. Mrs. Henry de la Pasture' new novel,'' "Tbe Grey Knight," is a modern love story, the heroine- being a beautiful middle-aged widow, and tha hero a fiery Welchman of TO. whose home is a norman castle among hia native hma It la in the manner by which Mr, de la Pasture la best known and most fully appreciated. Published by E. P. Duttcm at Co. Above books at lowest, retail prlca. thews, 1 Bouts Fifteenth atrssC VLat- AT1 of tna book reviewed here ar oa aala ia SrandeJg book department. Branerr - Iat Fiction Ubrary Book Dept. enable you to read tha aeweat books at llttl cost. WOMAN SCORNS BIG FAT MAN r Her Tell ttaOea t Wia4 14 the ralvalrowa Ce-atlesaam. A big. fat man waving a black veil and calling to a trim voung woman waa the unusual spectacle that greeted the eyes of passers-by on Seventeenth and Farnarn street. Just before noon 'Wednesday. The big. fat man waa holding tha black veil aloft and trying to attract the attention of the trim young woman who waa proceeding rapidly north on Seventeenth street. Cb ahie ts detain the young woman the fat man entwined the veil around a poet at tbe southeast corner of Seventeenth and Farnarn. Tha young woman waa Just crossing Far narn whew the wind took tbe veil off her hat and carried it hiarh into the air, aa high aa the Patterson building on tha corner. The young woman waa evidently embar rassed. She looked at the van soar for a minute or two and then darted north on Seventeenth street, as if a he never ex sported the well to return to earth. But In that she was wrong. Tha wind waa Just Joking with her. "When it saw she took the matter so sertmialy the wind withdrew and the veil fell to tbe ground. And here's where the big. fat man geta on. He waa bowling down east en Farnarn street. He must nava been a great out fielder and fine baaa runner in hia day. He eaw the naughty wind steal the well when n waa a Mock away and then he aaw tha veD descend. He lit out. He reached tha spot where the veil touched earth just at the moment the veil did and ha made a great catch. "Here, Mosa. here'a your veil; come get tl. tt a all right." But ahe apurned hia gallantry. "Hey. girl, don't you want this veil 7" She evidently had veils to barn. "Oh well, you don't need to come and get it." and without feeling the Jib and curioua antkers rtf the spectators, the big., fat man swung the veil to tha post and went on. muttering something to himself. MAGAZINES FRAISE BORGLUW! Per-taaUrwas Laa X irtlrt ie Hia Llatewla Head at Maree ef ineaaealea. For three month tne magaxane of the aat wtiich oeal with art Lav bean giving a groat deal of attention to the work of Gutat-n Borglum, son. of It. J. M H. B jr g'urn o Omaha. Tha recent statement of Rcbert Linctjin that tne marb head of Abraham Lincoln by Mr. Burg! urn la the mit extraordinary and best lAeneaa of haa father h had ever seen drew attention la the Borglum work. The Craftsman lor April ha tia u say of the Lincoln head w hich 1 to be placed ia the congressional Lbrary: In profound insists inw rhararier nd in suuueiiea of purtrayai Outaon "ii.wi "f -1- - . 1- ' ... w.t lubUS J ancng tne greaieat n-JrrLr.a m o -trait sculpture lt.t ha a t-a mala sv acy American artiai. Thi Lead "i i.y ir tn Riuai irrpreasrve prfctct!i.eni ol J 1 .incoin m any turm i-a ntr been J macr. j Tiiea Putnam and Tha Keadoc Magaame j far May look up the djecuaEion of tha w.irk ul tr etirahka art at are aad: a : ul trie :ecifha arr i arc eaa: Tag CfSTis Pi'ii.arec Coatraart I In "The Mares it Ix-imele" Mr. Gutson fttii-sl t-i-rw.a I I Bo:g!jm ha, in popiai iLraeu..-y, - ar- I ; rd " Hi eerier waraa sut n aa u im fialTaVr Eryar I prei-iv aiaiue -ut p.uain. were no iaja- m ; ulv . . TOUiia-fil o H.idji, and yei iao vsrv Ycm WiU ILxaOW Her h? This Costume On Her Grand Tour of the United States With Thousands of Dollars to Give Away I nn L.UUW 2 U mm In homes where she finds a package of E-C Corn Flakes, she is leaving crisp, new One DOLLAR Bills. r rrnn vwirrs LAKWi III nrr i fn r r3 in Li L how to get the money, when you buy a box of E-C Corn Flakes today. Be ready for the E-C Girl. do iils n nnrrn rr w OKOQWUIslGlSl If you haven't prepared for the E-C Girl, GET READY. Your grocer will give you a printed slip with full instruc tions how to get the dollar, and a receipt to fill out and have ready. nnnn nn ui. in Ds jaj7 !TJdDDqbbiis2 ipil? This is the answer. Alillions of Americans are eating the improved E-C Corn Flakes NOW, but we want EVERYBODY in EVERY HOME to eat E-C You don't know how good toasted corn flakes can be made until you eat E-C One package will prove our word true. That's why we want one package of E-C in YOUR home. You'll never eat any other kind again, It's the All-American Food. CEREAL GOFMiiY, Chicago lUret1 &2:&e;3 ci Fiihd Csreil Fcsis b lh9 VcrSi. j n iPsi I lisswWw EP.IC NELSON, . Caat in. Cmaaa. r oould t.rea-h aci Ti a'rea of ILnneae." ai n, nm. t 1 wait i cjtner nana, u j mr i'kt.v lu.i ti. ti, i use a treata awks n lurou t'.e -rl ' tt A0lrri m to I m ;?-a. i.;,. n.ay i.-u 1 ahca atji tir.ii wl lion. that it had heeo cahe4 s.tttt-Iv ' Hiraea tan ic.e." nut t:. a..u.h,a Oreev ia ri' l insisted ui-vi. n -r ic n ciiiio wiiJi te lriier.tion ol calling up a aua-y In the ictat.jr mind A suti.iect tiwMmes a 'irlcMuiin -f' aeaaneas inif when it ia cnMeu in oiaer ;tt it n.a eacdt a riierel rl loaa aoteal to ass c.aied aentir-vent and ni-u wrict will cuiiluse the tet. Ider a judamert i-l it a a work of art with t .Is han l-r ihe sentj r.ari.t wMck li tali iip. adr &irgium ta he w.'i.ihif Lp-n lis -a-B afiiuae and us ci aracu rii a erttreavioa in It., aora. Ti-i at-itude i ae.rt:eerv AneifaD and it manifest aoeoua'ety n4 atr-i-tui.y in tiw ai, lien tui Ui -i.siy of le spirit in !i-raii.j t gruui. in the m- trae and emrl.a' c cmnos'iion. tne firm, fcai: rirvt ;u.: re fc-'T.iw-i tr akic aiTeci i-i i-fe 1:,1 is h-aii-rf and l : tihi .r. m ii. hutiiiM aii'i t.r'.':-ant srrunu.atir; r:-tnni at.i. e. i:. here and there mw tr.arr , Tre la-tr. pr!.:an Maaaiine for June i pr i ta a !ue r.if-ior.e f the tameua "Hvai of lnrum" and paya the arust a i-..": t or plurient. The work seems to have d:aa n the miraton of ail u. an cmnj In me country arid tti-y generally com mete J l' G-'.a.u Ii.ff'uni haa stuJlid eatnaiva.y kiuta a: hjrr ar.d ahrckd. He lahvLh a painter and a sculptor and some of h.. I thanlel la:ff'.n rf Lowe aver. je Presty- and Mis rV"e Eu.ttn i-..tvr m4 mm. early Cai:firn,a pau.tir.g are in the Ltc- ; teriaa churcS and were simple in n.tuie. ' ter, of C'lar.naa, J A p. j- -ittan. a .rtaT mger galietr at 1 There were mi. J lbvarer. tne hody oeirg of T:t.e la . J-.-hn a:d OUi -es im. cl,..rDil nz l 1 fUia-lkl 'Utk'n ft" fuor,U 13 u,t XKKl-r un- ,f ,,rwu City and Mr an J.. ry rUntrvAI. tr A. A. KUwnA!AN 0"rtJ"tul room at Tt-.r-u.:rd ana V. .mm of M:aM.ri Mr C'-ct.awi:. waa ! C'umir.g streets, where it will he held on- a memter cf t.-.e ilu -n.: rZfr aJi. it, errten at iae Heaae sal til Thursday It t!.rn u-' ti f ' - m 111 Tak.e te i taken tj C.annda. la.. Mr. . Clartaaav, la, o.i borne far turu.1 'laa. Uaralac. I The funeral a-v-it of Afcner A B j Mr. Buchanan a fl year 'id. He i - ox- 1 " 'i iti t iiv-r i..,.- a!ir-y trLii chanan. who died sudiealy Miiday Wight. ' survived by hia wife, a aoa. J T. Eut-iianan ! c",r:l yn - T' fan d-iuL'y Cna I wa heid at 1 c,k "i edneJay after-: and a daughter, kn. MeOuuheoB cf ti.ein wr.u r.enric lii-iera. sac Far a ! aooa at the eaaidenr. Jt Charle street, j Council E uffa Ke.auvwa frcm out cf ' 5' Iai"n Lrug Co. I The services were cooductad fcy Her. J..jtow a ho attended U.e servlcta; V. i j - 1 t'a i i p walk mAm U. t- ' . i.