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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1908)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, EAT 21, 1908, 3 See t rnoa ralnttntf that Awarded a Medal by the French Government, "BRUTALITY" By John Doagtas Patrick. SIZE OF CAXVAS, OHill K FEKT. ON TREE EXHIBITION BR.ANDEIS3d FLOOR. Br amy othrr thnn a mowtar's hiind this picture might be nnpfaaa. ant. bat a It stand's it tlHIijhts the eye by Its tnarvrlous bvauty and Ita virile action. A sorlous M mion to humanity. OMAHA J Thursday Special. New White Wth Skirts Those are the dressiest styles for cool summer wear the now flared and pleated styles with wide folds, all new arrivals, 1,50 Dre.s and Witting Skirts These' new light weight skirts are in dress and walk ing styles they, are worth as high as $7.50 each, at J JnKt AVhat You Nerd i for Summer. White Wash Coats Princo Chap and Box Coat styles very, smart, T Cfl worth' $5.00. at .... W Smart White Waists Many, new lingerie styles in this pretty group sheer white fabrics many of them very elegantlyirimmed short or long 95c sleeves, special at THURSDAY'S BIG SPECIALS IN OUR SALE OF WOMEN'S GOWNS AND full and ample prettily made and worth $1.23, at WOMEN'S Made of the fine fabrics and neatly trimmed, worth 35c, at Women's Elbow Length Gloves Long Tan Silk Gloves, 16-button lengths, double tipped, all sizes, worth $2.00 pair, extra heavy silk, pair Long Taffeta Gloves, 16-button length, black and white, worth $1.60, at pair 69c All This Week' SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION And Sale of the Famous Nemo" and "Smart Set" Corsets We Particularly Mention the new Nemo Flatnlng Rack." Miss Newport, a Competent Cor setlre from New York, is In Attendance. ' mm l J BOSTON STUE CHICAGO and RETURN 15.00 Via iLunois CEUTRAL Republican National Convention, June '17th Tickets on 6ale June 12th to 16th. Final return limit June 30th. Through trains leave Omaha Union Station 7:15 A. M. and 6:00 P.M. . Tickets and sleeping car reservations at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1402 Farnam St., or DEPOT. WITH ELECTRIC POWER Over-work is economically handled. The con ven lent service la ready twenty four hour every day. Invectlgate. OMAHA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO. TeVepseae dhIm loea. tut. T. xl a a. Blag. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 15O0 Farnam. 7 Years Sanie Of flee. Phone, Douglas 1750. Extracting... 25c up. rmu, mngr" Alveolar Dentistry Crowns.... &1.SO up, E ' - "' specialty. Loose teeth Plates ULOO up. sV- "si?i--; made solid. Nerves Bridge Work 92.50 up. J VW lemoved without pain, 'porcelain Filllagav vl I lYVVV Work guaranteed ten up from...... 91-50 I I T years. ee Want IN OUR. BASEMENT Women's light Summer Waists worth 11.00. 5QC Ultra BpoolaV Women's up-to-date tailored Suits, actually worth $15.00, In C Basement, at. each Muslin Underwear New lots are shown for the first time Thursday here are two extra special bargain inducements. CHEMISES Cut DRAWERS and CORSET COVERS 1.25 Long Gloves, merr.eriaed silk fin ished lisle, 16-button, all sizes, tan, black and white, PA worth $1.00 pair, at...?UC BIG SALE SATURDT PANAMA HATS Positively Worth Up to $15, ILLIHOIS CENTRAL uirt $9 e?j 1 Ads Omaha 'a Pur Food Cod tar THURSDAY' BrECIAIfl Radishes, per dozen bunches. .10c H Lettuce, two for. Be Oranges,- per dosen 2Uc Seven Oaks Eggs, per dot. . . 25c 9 Fresh Eggs, per dozen BOo h Butter Cup Butter, per lb 28c xMav Pntatnea nnr . , , , r Excellence Flour, per sack f 1.8B Freeh Roasted Peanuts, quart. .6c 1-lb. Red Steak SaJmon, can.. 15c English .Walnuts, per lb 15c $ Lemons, per dozen 15c U Maine Corn, per can 10c 8 German Mottled Soap. box. .92.50 M Wright's Sliver Polish. The best fa silver polish In the world, 60c js size for 35c R llolny Wood Tollnh $ Anteseptlc. Cleansing. H Ijibor Saving. U til Cleans, fills and polishes with one h application, per can &Oc ?! LIQUOR DEPARTMENT U Flne California Port or Sherry j per bottle sane Q Per gallon $1.25 $ Five gallons . . . Q Ten gallons .... .910.00 & Fine California Claret 90c 91.DU per ooitie e . . . B&irawoerries ana Cherry Cordials, f J full quarts 05c Golden Glean Straight Whiskey, W ) full quart 75c d H American Champaign, pint bottles, f h each 40c y & 18 poartney & Go, (1 Seventeenth and Doug-las SJta, $ Phone Douglas 647. Trlvate Exchange Connects All Si ljepartments. U The Best People on Earth Wear IIANAN SHOES. asjbSS The Hanan shoe is worn by the best people on earth. Any man or woman who is partic ular about footwear need look no further. Hanan is synonymous with style and quality 'in the shoe world. You can go far and make all of the comparison you want, but nowhere is there any thing better in shoes. Scores of styles and leathers to se lect from and a staff of ex pert fitters to assist you inl The prices range For women $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00. For men $5.50, $6.00 and $7.00. Drexel Shoe Co. mo rn. ct iw isiudiu direct m msr YOU CAN ENJOY A good meal good thlngi- to eat after you have lom teeth replaced. Delaying loses more teeth an n expensive wnen you are ready for the attention they should have now. IF YOU HAVE only a few real teeth left, then it is all the more reason once. that you should act at One reason you should try our ser vices new patients are glad to send others. Fillings, up from 75c Crowns $3.00 Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 DOUGCAS ST. Gold Sliver and Nlckle Let us replete and repair your old metallc articles. We make them good as new at a small cost. fitlAHAPLATlN&Cft 1888 1220 Harney Strife DC 0 Clean cots Strong designs Baker Bros. Engraving to Barker Block, Omh. 1L nd other drag habits are positively oared by HABITlNa. ror kiodriulo or Internal ate. Ham pie mut to ear r Oram baiiltae by E,1. 11. keselsr prtoe ctoe per bottle at a a - our druxirUt or by BiaU la plalo wrapper. belta theealesl Co.. Hi. lala. Me. ror Sato by A lapr for th Hmm i I THE OMAHA DEC u) mm ft twmmmnmmam an w. - EEMNANTURM $25 Suits .for Sounds good, doesn't it! BENNETT'S makes another forceful demonstration of its resourcefulness in bringing to Omaha, America's finest suit bargains. Some stores would have no scruples about calling them $30.00 and $35.00 values; those tactics don't go at BEN NETT'S, but they are good $25.00 suits. Smartest modified Frince Chap styles and a few Butterfly effects are .embraced in this lot. You can pick from a dozen good styles and colors. Thursday $25.00 suits M.S0) Thursday, Hosiery Sale Day Our beat honlery bargains are usually reserved for these Thursday sales. Hundreds of thrifty women who know how to turn a dollar to their own profit, attend these salee. Hatch the weekly events. It pays, 'lomorrowi lists are the best we have hnd yet. 1,600 pairs Gypsy and Puritan hand enibrolaerea lime, lace These are Imported goods, Jobbers' samples and broken lines, pougnt very Thursday Women's fancy bco boot Children's Imported full regular made, with double knee, slsi-s E to best 260 7 quallty for lisle and gauze lisle hosier samples. y, I mporte r s bo to 50c qualities 71 GRADUATES AND JUNE ItRIDES Will Be Interested in this Sale of Evening Slippers Pinkj light blue, white, lavender, red and black, in strap slippers, Gibson ties, pumps, etc. 1 ' Every pair shows a good round saving to you. Every pair is strictly deeirabie'and stylish. A sale you'll do well to take advantage of. QBSOSr TIEB In white, pink and blue, and pat ent leather, Theo Ties, all worth $4.00, for $2.69 VXiXFVE&S In white, pink, blue, lavender, this lot slightly soiled, all $5 goods, Thursday, $2.29 DAINTY WHITE PETTICOATS Every One Worth $2.00 On the tablea are displayed hundreds of magnificent snowy white skirts that you must .acknowledge are the showiest, most elaborately trim med $2.00 skirts seen in the stores. Deep flounces with rows of lace. Insertions and tucks or wide embroidery ruffles, Ck as you prefer. Your choice of many styles for A 17 Special Prices on two lots of Fine Parlor Rugs Blotr and S)s,nford Axmlnatar Bus's Full Vxlx feet size, in latest floral and Oriental patterns, very rich colorings, and a most desirable rug for the best rooms in the house. Al most every carpet store retails these qualities at $30.00. 9,JM tit On sale here Thursday . . . PVB,.U. Seamless Brussels Bus's Full 9xlJ feet size, everybody knows the treat wearing qualities of a good Brus sels; thexe we mention are extra quality and come in a large assort ment of new conventional designs, fofu..???-.5.0: $17.85 tngrala Carpets Heavy quality, half wool, eight very choice patterns, fully worth 69c. "tq. On sale. Thursday UJV -Special Low Prices on Fresh Fish for Thursday and Friday. One thousand pounds of Sliced Baby Halibut, lb 11HO- No. 1 Fresh Trout, per lb IS Ho Norway Mackerel, extra large slse, average two to three pounds, regular price 60c, special, each wo Fancy Oeorgla Codfish, middles, per pound I5o Bennett's Big Grocery Finest Values In Coffee Bennett's Breakfaet Coffee,, two pound can 48 at d tfO Ureen. stamps Bennett's Challenge Coffee, pound IBo and 10 Ureen B tamps Teas, assorted, pound 48o and &U Oreen B tamps Tea fillings, pound 16o and 10 Oreen btsmps Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack and u ureen btampa Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound can .... 8o and 30 Oreen Stamps Qhtrardnllt's Cocoa, pound ran Beeded Kalslns, pound package Minute (lelutlne. three packages vi...i.' H,mradlHh Mustard, lar t Vf r.riv June I'eaa. two cans Ri.,.'niru Starch. 1t lb. pkg wrntr Table Bait, two sacks Oatmeal Crackers, package Mamond C Soap, nine bare.... BSo - Chicken Feed, pound 3o Gibson's Boap Pi)llsh. three cans Snider Pork and Beans, can Beat Wa Have Corn, two cans.. Wiggle Btlck Blueing, six sticks Brass Candlesticks ? AlTSk. Nobby, tasty designs, would niaka a handsome wed- .--l ding gift. , Spend a few minutes In our store and see f them. iMoit lor ilia uame. IBie IXJUGLAS STREET SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS CALADIUMS, Mammoth Bulbs, each 2Sc; 5 tor 51.03 TUBE. ROStS. Mimmoth Ptarl. doz. 35c; 3 dot Jl.OJ GLADIOLI, In Superb Mixture, doz. 30c; 50 tor $1-03 CINNAMON VME. Extra Large, each 10c; 12 fr .... $1.09 DAHLIAS, Assorted, each 10c; 12 fr Jl.OJ THE NEBnrtSKrt SEED GO.. 1613 Howard St. - ' - Eleven-Fifty J as many for brand BOc and 11.00 qualities, Doot, ai lover lace stockings. 29c cneap. Women's seamless hose, fast black, double sole, rib top, excellent 17c grade, Thurs- l2if. day sale at sa 9 A SALE OF "NUF ANGEL" and "CROWN" BRAND Trousers $7.00, $6.50 and $6.00 Lines for $4.75 These are trousers for "dress up" oc casions, made from very fine wors teds, in a large variety of neat stripes, conservative styles and col orings that are always in good taste. No finer workmanship goes Into any clothing made. Strictly high grade tailoring, cut and shape liness, conspicuous in every pair. Thursday on sale at re markably low price of 4.75 bonis Heel Three strap donsola and patent leather slippers, soft and dressy 12.60 values $1.69 $1.19 Summer Curtains and Draperies S M d rapanese Bilks Plain and figured, kimono patterns and Oriental d signs, for curtains or C4a riranerles. Rfie ffoodi for J Oolorad Grenadine Curtain White grounds with colored oioth stripes, usually 8o, Thursday cq. special, pair JJ A One Day Clearing of Odd Lots of Lace Curtains. We have gone through our entire stock and picked out all lines that have but one, two or three pairs of a pattern, theee we offer tomorrow at just OSra-BAXr On regular price. Foroh Cushions Of twisted Japanese straw at, C each J SO and 40 Ureen stamps ISO and 20 ureen Sio and 10 Ureen 10c and 6 Ureen 8 So and 10 Ureen 86c and 10 Ureen Mamps 1O0 and 10 Ureen btan lOo and 10 Ureen stamps Bone Meal, lb Oyster Shell, for chickens, lb SSO and 1U ureen riainua 160 and 10 Ureen Stamps 8 5a and 10 Ureen stamps aso and 10 Ureen biamps a. 1 tJ 1 S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler fVy AW Unmatched Thursday Bargains. TH8 RELIABLK STORK Grand Clearance of Spring Suits Most delightful assortments and splendid bargains ever of- f ered in May clearance. $30.00 and $35.00 Tailor Suits Most clever riW designs, many different colors and fab rics; extraordinary bargains $14.90 Nobby Jackets and Linen Jumper Suits, in pinks, blues, whites, tans, russet, $10.00 and $15.00 values, on sale at $4.05 and $7.50 $15.00 Braided Coats Popular Butterfly styles, all colors, at, choice $8.95 New Summer Dresses, Lingeries, Batistes, Swisses, Etc., in Princess, Butterfly and Merry "Widow styles, trimmed with fine laces, embroideries and tucks, shown at prices from $5.00 to $35.00 $6.00 Silk Underskirts $3.95 Children's Dresses, worth up to $2.00, choice 98c Women's Covert Coats, worth to $12.50, at - $G.95 Thursday's Great Sale of Undermuslins "Will certainly mark an epoch in value giving. The most elaborate. "f assortments and delightful bargains ever shown here or elsewhere f in Omaha at the prices will be offered in this splendid sale. , Skirts and Gowns Worth to $3.50,. beautifully trimmed with lace Inser tion, lace and embroidery and wash ribbons, big assortment of handsome designs at $1.50 and Q8 Skirts, Gowns, Drawers, Chemise- Garments that sold up to $2.00, trim med with lace and embroidery, fin ished with wash ribbon, all go at one price Thursday 59 Drawers, Corset Covers, Gowns and Chemise Worth regularly to $1.00 choice 3J Corset Covers and Drawers, value to , 60c; on sale at 25 Combination Suit Of fine Nainsook and cambrics, beautifully trimmed, values to $3.00, on sale in two lots, at $1.50 and 08 8 till O A. M. Corset Covers, lace and embroidery trimmed, worth to 60c, on sale at 10 Auction Sale No. 40 all Silk Ribbons. 5c No. 80 all Silk Eibbons. . .10c All colors plain and fancy and worth up to 35c yard. See them. Corset Cover Ribbons, at per yard T lc Baby Ribbon, all colors, at per yard r Vac The Busy Hardware Department Best Screen Doors, 2-6x6-6. special at 85 Adjustable ScreenB, 18 to 33 inches, only , 19 Poultry Wire, any sUe, per foot.. He Fly Screen Wire, per foot 35c Zinc Washboards, only 15? 10 rolls fine Toilet Paper 25 Eall Bearing Lawn Mowers, sold every where for $7.00 to $10.00; on sale one day $4.40 76c Steel Msil Boxes, one day only, at ....25 sparge sire Scrub Brushes, only 5 Children three-piece Garden Sets. .5j Union made Parlor Brooms. . .13 10-ouart Galvanized Pails. . , . . No. 1 Galvanized Tubs, only.... 30 i No. 8 Oalvanlied Boners, one day ftOC Please do not come ana ask tor in ens Items after this sale. This a Bpeclal sale. Thursday in the 25c Silk Organdies 10t? 15c Shrunk 19c Scotch Ginghams, at IOC per yard 10 6c Apron Checks 3to 7c Prlots, at, yd. 12 He Sllkollues, at 5 12Vc Percales, at, a yard 7VC 32-lnch German Calicoes at 70 20c Mulls 10 C 19c Moussellnes . . 10? Thursday's Special Saving Prices in x ' Omaha's Biggest and Busiest Grocery Department Tho Best Puro Cane Granulated Sugar, 19 ins uoat rui. ., muiuU for v.1' 48 pound Backs Finest High latent llaru wi,o viour. ntitiilns- finer made. "' . - ..t per sack 10 bars Best Brands laundry Soap for m 10 pound -acks best White or Yellow Corn meal for 5 pound Choice Japan Klce for ...A. The best Hand Hcked Navy Bean. lb. 4o The beet Uome.ttc Macaroni, pkg .for Haarnians l"ure Malt Vinegar bottle 6o linden. Hominy. WmfJj "J . . n.Li ii. n.- r call ...7BI' for tfio K.raui or -,,. a,, The Dmmi ouu ' pound 1 no oesi c!T i.r nound La Th. bast crl.D Quaker Oats Company Flakes, per package T?o best Tea Sittings, per pound ..... Tho beat Golden Bent. Coffee, per lb. BUTTS WD CBIBSB A.I.B Cboioe Dairy Butter, per pound 16c 160 16C Highest Quat llrSLomst Prices, K Y Uaawiil From 8 Till 9 A. M. 50o Dress ing Sacques at 19c From 9 Till 10 A. M. $2 Moire Underskirts at ...79c Samples and odd lots slightly toiled or mussed. 0 tUl 10 A. M. Gowns. Chemise, Cor set Covers and Drawers, worth to $2, at -500 10 till 11 A. M Gowns worth regu-v larly to $1.00, choice 39 y 11 till 12 Drawers and Corset Covers worth 89c, at KNIT UNDERWEAR SPECIALS. 2 till 8 P. M. Ladies' Knit Vesta and P&nts, Jersey ribbed, lace trimmed vests, long or short Bleeres, high or low neck, worth to 60o, at . . . .15 8 till 4 P. M. Men's Combination Suits in lisle or Egyptian cotton, new, clean stock, values to $1.00, at 59 4 tUl 5 P. M. Men's, Women's and Children's Hose, plain or fancy colors worth to 16c, at .5 of Ribbons , New lots of extra wide ribbons just received from the auotion sale of Grief f & Co., New York. See what you can buy Thursday in high grade ribbons, yard, at 5c and 10c $2.00 Embroideries, Thursday, at 59c. This new lot from the Fenkart & Co. bankrupt stock, consists of finest Corset Cover Embroid eries, Skirtings and Combina tion Lace and Embroidery bands, many of the patterns wortliv regularly $2.00 yard, all will go Thursday, yard..59c thursday Chocolate Day Angelic Chocolate Creams Pure, Delicious Vanilla. Peach . . Lemon . Walnut plain, 4 Or''Raspberry I Orange Top, Almond Top and also fresh Chocolate at 18c chips, Try one of our now famous MERRY WIDOW SUNDAES All kinds of .Cold Drinks, the purest. Best at Soda Fountain, Domestic Room Muslins, at It c Percales, yd. f 16c Bath Towels. ,8H 10c Bath Towels... 5 15 White Good 19c Persian Lawns 10 19c 40-lnch Lawns, at, a yard 10 1 Fancy Dairy Butter, per pound lso wnrv I'rumerv Uutter. Dtr bound Fancy Creamery Butler, per pound ....too Fancy Full (. ream ttrtck Cheese, lb. lfco Fancy Full C'reum Newt York White or colored Lhet.e, per pound rBES3 TEOKlTlBIIi fUCBI laUkkSal. TOM- F-resh Spinach, per peck eck i j,- us for to V sties for (o ragus for .....60 bunches Fresh Onion ( bunches Fresh Kadi I bunches Fresh Asuarag 2 bunch. Fresh Cat rots for (4 I bunches Frean Beets for &o Fresh Fcas, per quart 70 Fancy Wax or Ureen Beuns, per pound 7o Fancy Blpe Tomatoes, per pound Wt 4 bunches Fresh 1'le I'lant lor " New Cabbage, per Kund , CAM TOUm !HSAFFI,r.8 vow While this car lasts we will contln IU to sn.i ; them, each 6c, 7Vfcc, h'c. v4 yet aosen , mc, I i TRY FIRST Produce Results Best i". West