Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1908, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Aged Senator Says He Did Not Pro
pose to Miss Wood.
Had Never Seen Marriage Certificate
Handed to Him.
Once Took Sinner with Woman in
New York Hotel.
He Says H Git Frank H. Piatt
810,000 to Effect Settlement ia
Salt Brought by Mlaa ' v.
Wood. ' ': '
'.lV YORK, May 20.-Senator T. C.
I 1 at today testified that he paid H0.OOC
to p-n, Frank H. Piatt, to bring about
a retilement of a ault brought against Mm
by Miss Mas C. Wood, through the law
f'.rm of Howe & Hummell.
NEW YORK, May 20. Senator T. C.
Flatt went on the witness stand today td
give tefctimony In his own behalf in the
sensational ault brought agnlnst hltn by
Mae C. Wood, who Is suing him for divorce
on tho allegatlan that he entered Into a
marriage contract with her in 1901.
The senator entered court leaning heavily
on the arms of two attendants. H
scorned very feeble and walked with diffi
culty, lie was accmpanied by his son,
Frank II. Piatt, and a stylishly attired
Tho prospect that the senator would be
In court today drew .large crowds to the
county building, where the hearing la in
This prospect developed during yester
day' sensational session of the hearing,
when the court denied the motion of the
defense to dlnmlas the suit. Following
this derision Miss Wood continued her tes
timony with the result that tho state
ment alleged to have been signed by 3.
Martin Miller M put In evidence. This
alleged that Secretary Lioeb, Robert G.
Wynne, former first assistant postmaster
general, now) consul general at London, and
Senator Piatt conspired to obtain from
MIhs Wood certain letter which she
claimed were written to her by the senator.
Both Mr. Loeb and Mr. Wynne denied
last night that they took part in any aucfc
The Beaator'e Testimony.
In opening his testimony the aenator aald
he was nearly 75 years old. His first wife
died In 1901 He first met Mlaa Wood In
"Do ' you remember seeing her at the
Oriental hotelT" waa asked.
"I never saw har at the Oriental hotel
In my life".
"Do you remember asking her In the
month of August, 1901. at the Oriental
hotel, to become yobr wlfef
"I never aaked her. It's . false."
The senator described his rooms at the
Arlington hotel and said No. 161 waa the
parlor and there were two bedrooms and a
bath. . '
"Did you talk to the plaintiff In No
vember, 1901, about marriage?"
"Did you on Thursday, November 9, auk
her to marry you, the ceremony to take
p:ace on Saturday, and say you, yourself,
would make all arrangements?"
"I did not," replied the aenator.
Senator Never Gave Photograph.
The senator denied emphatically that he
had given Mlaa Wood a photograph of
himself on which he had written My
Dear Wife." Miss Wood testified ti:at she
waa sitting on Piatt's knee while he wrots
these words.
Mr. L Barbler, Mis Wood'e counsel,
asked Piatt If he had ever addressed Miss
Wood in endearing terms,
Tlatt said:
"I may have foolishly done so some
times." Piatt said he saw Miss Wood sometimes
at his business office at 49 Broadway and
that Miss Wood called with a Mra. Can--fleid
Who was a candidate foran appoint
ment in the Phlllipplnea.
"How muny times did you see her at the
Fifth Avenue hotel?" asked Mr. Le Bar
bier. , . v
"I could not aay. I saw her a good many
"Did foil call her Katy?"
"1 called ner Catty in my letters. I was
very much pleased with her and Ilkel her
veiy much."
Did she call you by any pet name?"
"Ncvff In my life,"
"Why did you like her?"
Admits She Was Agreeable.
"Because she was an agreeable woman."
Did you ever, at any time or place,
marry the plaintiff In this suit?" asked
Mr. Stanchfleld, eounsel for the senator.
"I did not."
"Did you ever promts to marry the
"I did not."
"Did ahe ever promise to marry you?"
"Not that I know of."
The senator aald that he first learned that
Mlaa Wood claimed to be hta wife from
a Chicago newspaper, he thought In 1903;
he could not remember th year.
"Did yon ever give the plaintiff a wed
ding ring?"
"I never gave the plaintiff a wedding ring
In my Ufa."
"Did you ever have a wedding ring In
scribed for her?"
"Never In my life," wa the anawer.
The lawyer handed the aenator th al
leged marriage certificate, and th aena
tor raid that h never saw th paper be
fore In hta life, although he had seen a
a photograph of It
Marring tertlflcat Fa lee .
"Did you, on the night of November I,
1901, hand that paper to the plaintiff?"
"I never did."
"Do you know where that exhibit waa
procured, or who procured it?"
"I do not."
"Is there any han writing of your on
that paperT"
. Th aenator' looked the paper over, back
and front, and answered: "There la not."
A number of the letters alleged to have
been written by the aenator to Miss Wood
war read and h denied fee had written
them. , ,
The letter reading: ."Tour letter is so
bright It almost reconciled m to Odell'a
election." waa dated 1906, and Mr. Stanch
field aaked;
"Odell waa elected way back In 1900, was
he not?" .
"H waa."
"Yea, that waa the year he beat me, and
I thought I could not be mistaken." aald
(Continued on fiouend Pa-.)
Thursday, Mar 1 1909.
1908 vfAyz
srx mov fo izzf
3 4 5 6 Z
10 II 12 13 14
1Z 18 19 20 2 ,
25 26 2Z 28
22 23
ViCINITV Showers probably for Thurs
day; cooler.
FOR NEBRASKE Thursday partly
cloudy, with cooler east poitlon.
' VR IOWA Prohnbly showers and
thunderstorms Thursdny; cooler Thursday.
Tt mnprsturt at Omaha:
6 a. m.
j a. m.
, 70
7 a. m -
8 a. m 7;
9 a. m 7S
10 a. m S"
11 a. in K
12 m M
1 p. m vj
2 p. m X
3 p. m S6
4 pv m
6 p. m 8'i
6 p. in ?!
7 r. m 79
8 p. m 73
9 p. ni 73
Public." r. i-ig bill In conference, with
prospects " Nebraska Items will go
through. Pag 1
Methodist general conference began elec
tion cf bishops. Dr. W. .F. Anderson of
New York led on first ballot and Rev. W.
A. Quayle of Chicago was third. The re
sult of the tecond ballot will not bo an
nounced until this morning. Page 1
Senator Piatt denies he ever proposed
marriage to Miss Wood, but admits a
friendship for her and that he pa'd $10,000
to have her claims settled. Page 1
Session of the Presbyterian assembly In
Kansas City will be an important one and
may result In amalgamation of several
church societies. Page 1
War department Issues ordera for maneu
vers during summer. Page I
Bryan is beaten in the organization of
the democratic convention at Harrlsburg,
but he gets the endorsement of Michigan.
' Page 1
Coroner makes- return In the case of the
death of Mrs. Gunness. Pag 1
Sons of Herman In session at Orand
Ia'.and. Pag 3
Seattle prepares a golden key for Sperry.
The vessels encounter a severe storm, but
arrive at the mouth of the Columbia river.
Catholic knights discuss the question of
raising Insurance rates. Page 1
Senator Rayner makes a speech on
Colonel Stewart. Pag X
Speaker Cannon pays visit to the White
House. Pa" 1
Democrat is re-elected mayor of Denver
Pag 1
Referee's report In the Maloney-Osborne
marriage leaves Mis Maloney the wife of
Samul Clarkson. Page 1
Populists will hold a rally at Emporia,
Kan.. June 11. X
Evelyn Thaw la said to be In a mood to
drop her suit to annul the marriage with
Harry Thaw. Page X
Wealthy widow' body found mutilated
at Appleton. Wis. Page X
Reports of Omaha banks show Increase
of $1,500,000 in deposits since report last
February. Fag 7
Frank Shercllff, noted Pollock diamond
robber Is cuught at Lansing, Mich., and la
wanted for several alleged crimes. -Pag 7
State Railway commission concludea rate
hearings with, the exception of the railroad
employes. State Board of Assessment
elects Christopher Schavland of Madison
county as secretary. Pag 9
Live stork markets. Page 9
Grain markets. Pago
Stocks and bonda. Page 0
Port. . Arrived. Ballad.
NEW YORK ....Btatendara K. P. Wllhelm.
N'KW YORK ....K. Wllhell II...
NKW YORK Carpalhla
. MaurvUllla
... Pennsylvania ....
... Pr. dl Piedmont
... K. P. Ctcell ..
Fire Loss at Mission Hill, S. D.
YANKTON, S. D., May 20. (Special Tel
egram.) -Fire at 4 o'clock this morning de
stroyed A. L. VanOadel's general store at
Mission Hill also the 8tate Bank of Mission
Hill, owners, J. O. Aasoth and W. H. Mc
Master of Gayvllle. Loss to VanOsdel's
store, $8,000, with $3,000 Insurance; stock
loss, $12,000, with $6,000 Insurance; bank loss,
$5,000, partially Insured. The Yankton fire
department responded to a call and as
alsted materially In keeping the fire from
spreading. A forty mile brees wa blowing
at th time and the town was saved with
difficulty. At the same time the farm
home of Otto Martin near town waa con
sumed by fire with small insurance. The
fire started in the VanOadel store. The
cause Is unknown.
Report Show the Order to Be la
Flourishing Condition.
SIOUX FALLS. May 20. (Special Tele
gram.) The thirty-third annual session of
the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of
South Dskuta held its opening business ses
sion In Sioux Falls today and will not con
clude ita work until Thursday. Llttlo busi
ness of general Interest to the public was
transacted at the opening mretlng.
The Rebekah's assembly of South Da
kota also convened In annual session. In
both orders the grand officers made their
annual reports, showing the order to be In
a healthy condition both as to membership
and financially. In fact, the Odd Fellows
of South Dakota were never so strong as
today. In the Odd Fellows' grand lodge,
session, besides the reading of the reports
of the ictlrlng officers t!. trnir.d lodge de
gree was conferred upon several member.
Both the Odd Fellows and the Rebekaht
are holding two business sessions dally.
Tbla evening at the Auditorium the degre
team of Evelyn Rebekah's lodge of Sioux
Falls, acting for the state assembly, exem
plified the work of Initiation and conferred
degrees upon a large clue of new members.
Mlaeonrl Banker Meet.
JOPL1N, Mo., May 20. With over l.OTO
detonates present the annual convention of
th Missouri State Bankers' association
K called to order here today. Among
th speakers during the two days' session
ar Junaa T. Young, director of the school
of ftnauce of the Vnivnraity of Pennsyl
vania, and John E hwauger, aecrelary of
at at of Missou!
War Department Gives Orders for
Joint Maneuvers.
Fort Riley Movements Scheduled for
September Practice Marches
and Field Operntlon Are
Belnar Planned.
WASHINGTON, May 20. Preparations
have been completed by the War depart
ment for Joint maneuvers during the com
ing summer of all branches of tho regular
service and many state militia organisa
tions. Congress has appropriated $1'.000,000
for these maneuvers. Instruction camps
will be established and maneuver held for
cne month at each place as follow:
Pine Plains. N. Y.. June 15 to July IB.
Chlrkamauga Park, Ga., July; Ion
Springs, Tex., July; American Lake,
Wash., August; Fort D. A. Russell. Wye,
August; Fort Benjamin Harrison, lnd.,
September; Fort Rllny, Knn., September;
Ataschadero ranch, California. October.
Orders Issued governing details of the
maneuvers prescribe a "minimum of formal
ceremonies arid a total absence of Merely
spectacular exhibitions."
Practice marches have been crderod In
which Infantry will cover 203 miles and
cavalry 250 miles. The exorcises will be
carried out In a progressive manner, be
ginning with small bodies of troope and
ending with the entire command. These
exercises will comprise periods of attacks
and defence, periods of advance rear and
flank guards and control work, periods of
outposts and control work, to be followed
by general maneuvers. It Is understood
that the state troops will not be required
to do all of the work prescribed for the
regular organiaatlons.
Orders have been received from the War
department at Washington by the Com
manding Officer of the Department of the
Missouri designating the state militia that
will participate in the army manea,uvers
at Fort Rliey, Kansas, and Fort D. A.
Russell, Wyoming.
The maneuvers at Fort Riley will begin
August 10 and end September 10.
Those at Fort D. A. KiiBsell will begin
August 1 and end August 31.
The militia organizations are acsigned as
Fort Riley, Kan.
August 10-20 Kansas: Brigade Headquar
ters, two regiments of infantry, one bat
tery i.eid artillery, detachment of Signal
Corps. Nebraska: one regiment of Iniantiy,
detachment of signal Corps.
August to-a) Oklahoma: one regiment of
Infantry, Hospital Corps, Engineer Corps,
cleiactiment or signal corps. Missouri:
Brigade Headquarters, two regiments of In
fantry, two batteries of field artillery.
sepiemDer l-lo lowa: one regiment of in
fantry, probably one additional reKlmnt.
South Dakota: One regiment of Infantry,
detachment of Signal Corps.
Fort D. A. Rnaaell, Wyo.
Colorado: One regiment, detachment of
Signal Corps. Utah: One regiment of In
fantry, one battery of field artillery, H03-
ilat corps, detachment of Signal Corps,
rVyomlrm: One regiment of infantry.
Three Feet of Wet Snow Falls, with
' Temperatnre Freeslnat Frnlt
SHETHDAN, Wyo., May 20. (Special
Telegram.) Northern Wyoming and south
eastern Montana la being visited with the
worst spring storm in twenty years. Since
6 o'clock this morning almost three feet of
wet snow has fallen, and the torm is still
raging. The temperature is about freezing
and fruit will be ruined. Reports from
nearby camps Indicate a heavy loss of
young lambs and shorn sheep. ,
The records of the Sheridan Weather bu
reau do not show aa heavy a snowfall In
May, the present precipitation amounting
to over three Inches of water.
The Burlington reports show five Inchea
of snow over the entire Wyoming division,
extending north from Sheridan to Billings
and as far east aa Newcastle. Tho snow
is accompanied by a strong northwest
Many Lives Endangered In New York
City by Members of
Black Hand.
NEW YORK, May 20. The refusal of
Dr. A. Caccinl, a wealthy Italian physi
cian, to comply with the demands of black
hand criminals for money resulted in en
dangering the Uvea of 100 persons today,
when a bomb wa exploded In the tene
ment house at 31 Eaat Eleventh street.
Four persons were Injured and the other
occupants of the house rushed Into the
street in panic, while doors and beams,
which had been twlated out by the ex
plosion, tumbled all around them. The
lower part of the house was almoat com
pletely wrecked. None of the Injured was
dangerously hurt, with the exception of
Tony Lambarro, who was crushed by fall
ing timbers and Internally Injured.
The explosion occurred when mont of
the occupants of the house were at break
fast. The bomb had been placed IS tun
rear hall under the stairs.
Democrat Wins In Denver O'fr lit.
snbllcaa Supported by Senator
T. M. Patterson.
DENVER, Colo.. May . Robert W.
Speer, candidate of one faction of the
local democracy and of the men's league,
wes re-elected mayor of Denver for four
years, yesterday, by a majority of about
2.5(0 over Horace Phelps, republican. Phelps
was supported by former United Slates
Senator Thomas M. Patterson and his fac
tion of thedemocrats. The results as to
the remainder of the ticket are mixed, the
republicans electing their candidates for
auditor and some of the other offices. The
anti-saloon forces were victorious In five
of the eight wards In which local option
waa an Issue.
Ten Onncee of Alaskan Uold In Me
mento to Be Given Ad.
mlral Sperry,
SEATTLE. Wash., May .-The golden
key, made of Alaska and Klondike nug
gets, which will be presented to Rear Ad
miral C. 8. Sperry, commander-in-chief of
the Atlantic fleet upon lis. arrival In this
city Saturday was finished yesterday. The
key weighs ten ounces.
Tn thousand seats for the official re
viewing stand have been sold. On of the
featurea of the reception to the fleet in
Beattle will be a baa ball game between a
crack Japaneae team and the champion
bin of th fleet '
Two Thousand Reviewed by Veterans
of the Grand , Army at
HASTINGS, Neb.. May 30.-(Speclal Tele
gramsTwo thousand school children of
Hastings marched In the Grand Army
parade here this morning which was headed
by Department Commander Thomaa Crelgh
and the other officers of the patriotic or
ganisation. The exercises of the morning
concluded with the presentation of a flag
to the children by the Women's Relief
Corps and of a picture of President Lincoln
by the Ladles of th Grand Army of the
This afternoon at 1 o'clock the secret
business sessions of the three allied bodies
began, the veterans roee'lng In the Kerr
Opera house and the Women's Relief Corps
and the Ladies of the Grand Army of the
Republic In churches. The business of chief
importance is the election of officers and
the selection of the place for holding the
next encampment. Among the condidates
for department commander are Judge E. A.
Barnes of Grand Island; A. W. Taylor of
Neligh; Fred Deiner of Syracuse; L. D.
Richards of Fremont, arxl Freeman Marrl
man of Kearney. Plattsmouth and York
are contending for the next session with
York In the lead. i
Among the candidates frr office at the
hand of veterans. Dr. Brot
ersa of Beatrice
Ice commander,
for Junior vice
ckf of Lincoln,
l of candidates
Is mentioned for senior
W. H. Stewart of Genevn
commander and Rev.vJ. I
for chaplain. A large li
Is In the field for the pos'
ltlon of delegate
to the national encampment that will meet
at Toledo, August 31 to September 6.
Four hundred and fifty veterans havo
registered at the various auxilllary asso
State Hna Evidence Tending to Break
Down Ilia Allbt Do ring:
the Fire.
LA PORTE, lnd., May 20. That Ray
Lamphere, held In Jail on suspicion of
having caused the deaths of Mrs. Guinness
and others at 'he Guinness farm, may
have returned to the homo of Elizabeth
Smith, after setting fire to the Guinness
house and then made a second start for
the Wheatbrook farm, where he was em
plo.ved, Is a new theory advanced by the
state. Representatives of the prosecution
profess to have discovered evidence to
show that not only was Lamphere seen to
go toward the Guinness house at about
3.30 on the morning of April 28, but that
he waa also seen to retrace his steps. This
was at about the time that other wit
nesses will testify that they saw fire
shooting from the Guinness house.
This new theory ia that after returning
to the Smith house, Larnphere made a
fresh start for the count y about an hour
after the first departure, but that on his
second trip he took the Guenther road,
from which ha could ha e seen the fire.
If the state Is able to filly support this
theory it will be a bio to Lamphere'a
defense, for the accused lis somewhat re
lying on an alibi that will show that he
went north that morning on the Guenther
road about an hour after the fire was
Btarted. ?
Mra. H. Bwltror of Toledo, O., arrived
today to Investigate whether her daughter,
who, in 1902. attended the University of
Valparaiso, nine miles west of La Porte,
was among Mrs. Guinness victims. The
girl disappeared from school after writing
her mother that she was going on a visit.
She was never heard from afterwards.
Federal Judge at St. I.oul Holds
Opposite View to the Nebraska,
Supreme Court.
EAST ST. LOUIS, May 20 (Special Tele
gram.) Judge Francia M. Wright, In th
federal circuit court In this city today, de
cided that although the National stock
yards here has several miles of track, en
gine, cars and other equipment, it was not
a common carrier and is not subject to in
terstate rlallroad laws.
Tho stock yarda' attorney contended that
his clients were conducting a "hotel for
hogs and other live stock," and not a ralK
road. In this he was sustained by the court.
The decision came in the course of a trial
In which the stock yards company was
charged with violating the twenty-eight-hour
stock law, and the opinion ended three
of these suits.
This case is Interesting as hearing on the
Nebraska state derision to the effect that
the South Omaha stock yards railway was
a common carrier.
Buffalo Bill Celebrate Twenty-Fifth
Annlveraarr n an Ex-
WASHINGTON. May 20. Colonel Wil
liam F. Cody's (Buffalo Bill) twenty-fifth
anniversary aa an exhibitor waa celebrated
here today. Government officials, army of
ficials and many long-time friends of Col
onel Cody participating. The anniversary
performancea of Buffalo BlU'a show last
night and today were attended by mem
br of the president's family. General
Carr, General Merritt and twenty other
general officers of the army with whom
Colonel Cody served In the early day on
the western plains. In addition there wore
cabinet officers, senators and representa
tives in congress and officials of all
branches of the government. Quentln
Roosevelt rode In the Deadwood coach and
made the acquaintance of tho noted In
dian chiefs with the show.
After Extended Conference with
President llooaevelt He Decline
to Say What Happened.
WASHINGTON, May 20. After a some
what extended conference with President
Roosevelt at the White House today.
Speaker Cannon on leaving, said:
Whenever I am requested by the presi
dent to come to his office I have md it
an Invariable rule to refrain from discus
sing the auhject mutte,r under confedera
tion. However, there was nothing of such
importance considered today that tie presi
dent rhould not make It known if he should
se fit.
Speaker Cannon would express no
prophecy as to whether congress would
conclude Its work tMs week.
Catholic Order Concerned Over Ques
tion of Raising Hatea on
KANSAS CITY. Mo., May , 20.-Whether
or not th Insurance ratea of the society
should be raised was the question which
occupied the time of the annual conven
tion of the Catholic Knights of America
today. Delegates from fourteen state, aro
present. Including PrlUeut lunula lb.
Kelly Of MemphU,
Anti-Bryan Men Select Chairman at
Michigan Delegation to Denver Will
Be for Bryan Without Trouble
Slow Count In Alabama
HARRISBURG. Pa.. May 20.-The demo
cratic organliatlon of Pennsylvania, headed
by National Committeemen James M. Guf
fey of Pittsburg, today defeated the Bryan
faction of the party In tt.o state conven
tion upon the questions of Instructing the
four delegates-at-large. The Bryanltes are
In favor of giving Instructions for the
Nebraskan, while the Guffey forcea are
absolutely opposed to tying them down to
any candidate.
The Bryanltes put up the stlffest kind it
fight. The first definite announcement
that the organization waa still in control
was when the vote of the committee on
permanent organization on the selection of
a permanent chairman was announced. The
vote was: Peter A. O'Boyle of Wllksbarre,
31; William T. Creasy of Columbia, 10.
The Uelegates-at-largj to be elected at
the afternoon session are Colonel Guffey,
State Senator J. P. Hall of Elk county.
Slate Senator Arthur M. Dewald of Le
Hlgh county, and State Representative
John G, Ilarnian' of Columbia county.
Former State Treasurer William H. Berry
of Delaware county, who had been looked
upon as a Guffey candidate for delegate-at-large,
was refused a place on the delega
tion becauoe he permitted his name to go
on the Bryan slate.
Sign All Point to the Early Adjourn
ment of Prenent Session of
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, May 20. (Special Tele
gram.) Both houses of congress have
begun to put on steam so far as legisla
tion is concerned, preparatory to adjourn
ment, which tonight seems exceedingly
near. Conference reports were In order in
both senate and house, coupled with the
passage of bills of extreme Importance, as
the omnibus public building bill, the omni
bus Indian bill and the bill for a national
exhibit at Tokio In 1312.
So far as the public building bill la con
cerned, the Items of Interest to Nebraska
were allowed to remain aa reported by the
senate committee on publls buildings and
grounds, nine in number, and these it la
confidently believed will be held intact by
the conferees. The senate, however, re
fused to agree to Representative Connor's
item of $60,000 for Estherville, Ia., and
struck it out. As Judge Connor is a mem
ber of the public building and grounds
committee of the house, It Is thought he
will be able to get the house conferees to
fight for Its restoratln.
The Item of $100,000 which Senator Bur-
kett had Inserted In the sundry civil bill
for immediate repair of the buildings at
Fort Crook ha been agreed to by both
houses, and 'the sonde civil Mil now goes
to the prealdent for his signature. '
In the- senate, Burkett Inserted In the
omnibus Indian bill, made up of various
bills whloh had the support of the com
mittee on Indian affairs of both houses, a
provision sending to the court of claims
for adjudication the claims of the Omaha
Indians against the government, growing
out ofteh treaty of 1K&4. It Is believed the
claims will approximate $509,000.
Senator Burkett presented to the presi
dent today H. K. Burkett and wife of
Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Burkett are In
Washington to be present at the graduation
of their daughter Ethel at Gunston hall.
Miss Nell Evans of Columbus, Neb., Is
a member of the graduating class at Forest
Hiland H. Wheeler and wife of Lincoln
are in Washington.
Ex-Congressman E. J. Halner of Lin
coln, formerly of Aurora, Is in the capltcl
on business.
Thomas H. Pratt and daughter of Lin
coln are In the city.
Blmey B. Hill has been appointed post
master at Ida. Dawes county, Nebraska,
Vice R. R. Bollieu, resigned.
The application of F. R. Ward, O. I
Branson, William E. Ryan, Annie O., Welch
and Gay W. Crawford to organize the
First National bank of Letcher, 8. D., with
$-'5,000 capital has been approved by the
comptroller of thes currency.
Rural carries appointed for Icwa routes:
Brooklyn, oute 4, Samuel N. Shuler, car
rier; Elmer G. Shuler, aubst'tute; Ireton,
route 3. Edgar Satterlee, carrier; Eaher L.
Satterlee, substitute; Ogden, route 4, Ed
ward H. Urubb, carrier; Clyde E. Mullen,
Maryland Srnator Makes Extended
Speech In the Senate on
This Matter.
WASHINGTON, May 30. Senator Rayner
of Maryland in the senate today called up
his resolution requesting the president to
appoint a court of inquiry to Investigate
charges against Colonel William F. Stewart
of the coast artillery, now stationed at
Fort Grant, Ariz. Mr. Rayner aald he
took this action aa he was ratisfled then
would be no report from the committee
on military affairs on UiIm resolullou during
this session of
The senator reviewed, the sending of his
resolution to the committee last Wednes
day and his before that com
mittee on th following day. Last Friday
he wa informed, he said, that papers in
connection with the case had not arrived
from the War department and he humor
ously referred to the difficulty of sending
a messenger from the war department to
the senate before congress adjourned.
Speaking sarcaatlrally in his belint that
the president, the War department and tho
committee on military affairs were hasten
ing action on this case, Mr. Rayner con
tinued: It is proper for me to remind the aenate,
however, that while this caae is being thus
expedited. Colonel Stewart Is upon the
heights of Arizona. . He la at aa high an
altitude as the president can get him. wlih
vory little chance oi his getting down ar,y
lower within any definite period of time.
Being at a hlgli al.iiudu he uu.i.t Jiul lu
complain. The climate is salubrious and
uniform, It being as cold in winter as It
is hot In summer; the surround. una are all
salutary, hta companions are festive ard
convivial, consisting of a caretaker, a
teamster, and several government mules,
and the society at this fashionable center
is therefore extremely exclusive and aelacU
Th president is delighted with the situation
and therefore the chairman of the military
committee ought also to Le aatlsfled.
Ifarrlman Branch In Oregon.
PORTLAND, Ore., May 30 The Harr'.
man aMtiem will tills season Imil 1 a rail
road from Lakeville south to the Cali
fornia line, a diauince of fifteen miles.
The road will be a branch of Mie Oregon
Natlonnl Pure Food Urn pert Will Ad-
dreas Omaha Medical
Twp-ity-four bew doctors will be acnt
forth Into the world Thursday night from
the College of Medicine of the University
of Nebraska. The college Is In Omaha and
the commencement exercises will be held
Thursday nlsht at the First Congrega
tional church at S o'clock. The principal
addios of the evening will be delivered
by Dr. W. H. Wiley, chief of tho bureau
of chemistry of the United States. The
class Is much larger than last year.
The class roll Includes these names:
Bret Verne Hates. Albert A. Frtcke.
Josluh B. Orlnnell.
Joseph J. Homj-es.
Theodore J. Kfr.
Brownlow B. Miller.
Juhn C. Moore.
James F. Premer.
C'lareneo Rubendall.
I-awrenee T. Sldwell.
llHrry A. Tavlor.
Irwin L. Thompson.
Edward C. Havmnn,
William H. Ilenney.
Charles Ueber.
Fiank 11. Morrow.
Doyle B. Mullikln.
George W. Prlehard.
Earl D. Skeen.
Oeore W. Sulllvnn.
(?lmeon L. Taylor.
Charles C. Tomllnson.
George H. alker.
Henry P. Wekesser.
Invocation By the chaplain of the even
ing, Rev. Daniel Edwards Jenkins, I). U.
Music Intermezso In D flat. Holllna.
Administering of Hlppocratie oath and
presentation of candidates, Dean Henry
Baldwin Ward.
Conferring of Degrees Chancellor Elisha
Ben.tamtn Andrews.
Commencement Address Harvev Wash
ington Wiley. Ph. D., LI D.. director of
the United States bureau of chemistry,
Washington, D. C. "Prophylaxis, the Great
Work of the Physician."
Benediction By the chaplain.
Postlude "Marche Aux Flambeaux."
Tho program of the day will be:
a. m.-12 m. Alumni clinics of affiliated
1:15 p. m. The Chesapeake, 1M0 Howard
street. Annual Alumni luncheon and re
ception to seniors. Followed by annual
business tneetlnir of the Alumni association.
8:1R p. m. Congregational church. Nine,
teenth and Davenport streets. Music Al
legretto, Wolstenholme. Martin W. Bush,
After the formnl exercises an Informal
reception will be held in th church parlors
for Dr.' Wiley, the alumni, the graduates
and Invited guests.
Three Men Accused of Being Impli
cated in the Theft Are Under
In the arrest of Will Messlck, 802 South
Twenty-ninth avenue; Charles Rosevelt,
Forty-second and Redmond avenue, and
Charles Sutter by Detectives Maloney, Van
Dusen, Davis and Pattuio at Sutter's mill
at Forty-fifth and Dodge streets Tuesday
night, the authorities are confident that
within the last week they have captured
two gangs of thieves who have been carry
ing on a system of robberies and burglaries
for the last few months. The other parties
arrested were the Dungan brothers, who
have been connected with at leaat eleven
burglaries. Tuesday night several buggies,
numerous sets of harness, a valuable saddlo
and about 100 pigeons, which have been
stolen recently, were recovered at the Sut
ter mill, where they had been hidden.
Arthur Mattas, who lives at 2127 Farnam
street, was also arrested Tuesday night
while wandering around the neighborhood
of the Sutter mill in a delirious condition.
All the prisoners wore brought to the police
tstlon In a street car. On th way to the
station Mattaz coi.tcmpiated getting oft
wlhout the permission of the detectives.
and running to tho front platform he leaped
from the front end of the car, closely fol
lowed by Detective Maloney. Owing to the
speed at which the car was traveling, both
were thrown to the ground, Mattaz escaping
unhurt, but Maloney received painful bruises
about the knees and ahoulder. Mattaz,
however, was captured and taken to the
police station.
Three Important Captures Are Made
by the Police of South
Three Important arrests in one day was
the record of the South Omaha police de
partment, Wednesday. All of the prisoners
were for othtr cities.
The last man arrested was Max Bar
oaky, alias, Max Arnold, on a forgery
charge, by Detective P. H. Shields, and
who will be returned to Concordia, Kan.,
where the crime was committed. The de
tective had a letter from Concordia, which
gave the clue. The man waa found selling
tickets for the C. W. Psrker Amusement
company which Is giving the amusement
attractions of the South Omaha May car
nival. When the police Inquired for the man
the company assisted the officers in every
possible way, and its own special police
directed the officer to where a man an
swering the description was working. He
proved to be the right man.
Barosky Joined the ahow after it left Con
cordia, and has been with it until Its ar
rival in Omaha. It is understood that tho
Parker Amusement company has hereto
fore managed Its own policing, but has
always co-operated with the local authori
ties In maintaining order.
The other arresta of Tuesday were Ralph
Piper for Kearney, and W. DeWitt White
for Sioux City. Piper la a fugitive from
Justice and White Is charged with robbery.
Indai'min1 Held Out for Making th
Ton if uf the Union Pa
clfle slioys.
Among the Inducement to go on the
home-trade excursion ui th Union Pacific
shops Thursday afternoon, the Commercial
club has announced that there will be a
ahort ride on the MtKeen Union Pacific
motor cars, which have attracted the at
tention of Uin railroad world.
Vice President Muhler and Superintendent
of Motive Power McKeen, will Join the
party at the Commercial club rooms at 1
o'clock Thursday and escort it through
the big shops.
The Omaha Real Estate Exchange ec
cepted an Invitation to Join the party at
Its noon meeting Wednesday and many
real estate 3;.-ulers will go.
I ...
National and Slate Expert Ar to
Meet at Ames, la.
WASHINGTON, May 20 A conference of
the United States Department of Agricul
ture and of the agricultural experiment
atations of several states to consider pluns
for supplying serum for the prevention and
treatment r,t hor cholera will be held at
Ames, Ia., May 23. The department will be
represented by Secretary Wilson, Dr. A.
D. Mclvin, chief of the bureau of animal
industry, and Dr. A. M. Dorsett. chief of
the bio-t hemic division of that bureau.
As the culmination of many years of
scientific experimental work, the bureau
of animal Industry has developed a method
of treatment effective in the saving of a
great proportion of the affected hogs. Sec
retary Wilson believes the preparation of
serum can best be handled by th Individ
ual a:ates arranging to furnish the serum
to their own citizens. It Is hoped thus to
save tarmexa from heavy loan, k
Methodiit Conference Begins Work oi '
Selecting Superintendentp.
New York Man Heads the List witl
448 Votes.
Large Number of Candidates Receired ' '
Over One Hundred Votes Each.
Result Will Not Be Announced Until
This Morning Five Hundred
Fourteen Vote Necessary
to C helc.
BALTIMORE. May 20.-Th flrat ballot
for bishops ata the Methodist Episcopal
conference today resulted In no choice. Rev.
Dr. William F. Anderson of New York,
headed the list with 446 votes; Rev. J. L.
Nuelsen of the Chicago German conference,
was second, with 445; Rev. William A.
Quaylo of Chicago, third, ; Rev. Dr. E.
H. Hughes, president of Depew university,
fourth, 271; Itev. Dr. J. P. Cooke of Tennes
see, beek editor of the church, fifth, 26);
Rev. Dr. Henry O. Jennings, manager
Western Hook concern, sixth, 256; Rev. C.
W. Smith, seventh. 251; Rev. W. S. Lewis,
eighth, 24S; Rev. M. O. B. Mason (colored)
ninth, 237.
Others were supported aa folows!
Dr. Henry O. Downey of New York east
conference, secretary of the board of edu
cation, Freedmuna and Sunday schools, 230
votes; Dr. Joseph Hlngley, Mlnnespolts,
secretary of the general conference, 271;
Dr. C. M. Mitchell. Cleveland, 158, and Dr.
George F. Reed, president Dickinson col
lege, 136.
The result of the second ballot will not
be announced until tomorrow.
There were 770 effective ballots cast, of
which 514 were necessary to a choice.
A number received over 1M) votes and thj
remainder of a long Hat from that figure
down to a few votes each.
Pertinent Topic Before Presbyterian
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. May 20. Amalga- ,
matlon of the different branches of th
Presbyterian church, and the harmonising
of all organized religions will likely form "
one of the moat important questions to be
brought up In the 120th general assembly of '
the Presbyterian church, which begins her
tomorrow. It la already' known that the
report of the committee on fraternity and
union will show a strong sentiment favor- ,
able to amalgamation. y
The conference la the moat Important
body of the Presbyterian church In the
United States. It will be largely attended
and many delegates arrived today. Rev.
Henry William Roberts of Philadelphia,
the moderator, with a party of 500 Pres
byterians carne In this morning on a spe
cial train from the east, Dr. Kobeits
brought the official program and Immedi
ately set to work outlining the vital work
of the conference. Authorized delegates
will attend from every state and territories
In the United States and hundreds of lay
men of the church also are coming.
Among the most Interesting delegates to
the conference are about twenty Porto
RIcans, who have Journeyed several hun
dred miles In order to be present at the
convention. They arrived today from New
C'ongregatlonallats of Omaha District .
Endorse Consolidation.
SPRINFIELD, Neb., May SO. Ospoclal '
Telegram.) Congregationalist of th
Omaha association concluded their session
here this morning after deciding to fol- ,
low out the recommendations of th na-
tional council and take step for lnoor-i
poratlng and consolidating th various!
district sessions In Nebraska. A meeting
for this purpose will be held In October,
to which Rev. L. O. Balrd of Omaha was
elected ministerial delegate and Q. L.
Loo mis of Fremont lay delegate.
The committee on business waa ap
pointed, consisting of Rev, L. O. Balrd of
Omaha. C. F. Calhoun of Springfield and
the pastor of the church at the city where
the Omaha association will meet next
year, the place haying not yet been
The treasurer elected waa Rev. J. E.
Storm of Irvlngton and the scribe, Rev.
Frank Mills of Omaha. '
The Omaha association voted to donat
$300 to the Weeping Water academy. '
Prominent Yonng Woman of Kaatas
City Drown with Other at
Clarendon, Ark.
CLARENDON. Ark.. May . -Seven 4
prominent young society people were
drowned last night when the tank of a
gasoline launch In which they wer going
for a moonlight excursion, exploded, ,
wrecking the boat. Other members of tho
party were rescued with difficulty.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 1. Mis Bes-.
ale Palmer, who waa drowned at Claren
don, Ark., last night, is the daughter of a
traveling salesman of Kansas City. Miss
Palmer and her mother left her several
weeks axo to visit friends In Clarendon.
Relief Money to Be Used Toward Na
tive Education of Man Fran- '
Cisco Celestial.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 20.-A Chines
school, where the children of local Chinese .
may be educated In Chinese, la to be built
tn this city at once. A alte has been pur- .
chased, plans drawn and teachers selected.!
It will be the only school of It kind In
this country. The school will be built with '
I $j0.0i0 of the 1100.000 relief fund sent to the
I Chinese colony after the fire of April, 1906.,
Indication Point t Disagreement
After Deliberation During
Entire Mght.
BAN FRANCISCO. May 20. Th Jury In
the case of Abraham Ruef, accused of of
fering a brttx; to former Supervisor Jen
liinits PhlM'r". came Into .'ourt this morn
in after hnvlrg been locked up all night,
enpi.ince.i that no agreement had yet been
reached and aaked fol Instructions. Th
Indications point to L"iunt.