0 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 17, 1908. ft 1 a RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET i . , Wheat Option! Slump, While Corn Show. Advance. 0 STRENGTH OVER THE SEAS Conditions Generally Favorable tat the (ironing Crops I This Conn try ('ash Demand for Wbrtl Slow. OMAHA. May 1. 13. Wheat options takf a slump, whits cirn shown an advance. Foreign markets show no strength and condheona are geneialy favorable for the growing crops In this country. Cash demand for wheat Is tils appointing and there la little to bull tn market on. Liverpool cables came lower and foreign markets arc not on an export basis. Wheat opened soft and with a slackening: of rash demand and favorable reports from country advices prices eased off con siderable. There Is little or no support to the market and selling was heavy on all rallies. May wheat opened at 85c and cloned at Vic. Corn continues strong and values ars advanced, with demand for cash corn at Its high -st point. Weather conditions con tinue unsettled, with showers over the belt and delaying the farmer deliveries and spring work. The action of the nearby futures de pends on the large holders. July corn opened at 61Hc and closed at 61 c Primary wheat recolpts wore 370,000 bush els and shipments were Mfi,f' bushels, against receipts last year of hSi.ttPO bushels Jul shipments of 2.u0o bushels. Corn receipts were 4"2,i0 bushels and ahlptnents were 31ti.0u0 bushels, ugalust re ceipts laat year of IVd.OOo bushels and ship- merits of 480,000 bushels. Clearances were 3,on nusneis or corn, 1,000 bushels of oots, and wheat and flour equal to 375.0 bushels. Liverpool closed Sd to lower on wheat, and Id lower on corn Seaboard reported 64,000 bushels of wheat taken for export. Local range of options: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close Trs'y. Wheat May... 9B 96 91 91 9S July... S4S W'4 (vl 83 M4 Kept... 8Mi 804i 79 79 Corn May... 67S rr (7714 7S 67 July... 6is en 6is ei7 ir,4 Bept... 68H i 60S 6SH Oata May... 49 49 4 49 Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 9ltfJc; No. t hard. 9n93c; No. 4 hard, (sTIj'Jw; No. S spring, WUlMC. CORN No. 8, 680; No. 4, 67'867o; No. yellow. 6Vui8ic: No. 3 white. 7V'i68c. OATS No. 3 mixed, 4'4''49V: No. I White, 494'50c: No. 4 white, 4,.VU'iWaC. RVB-No. 2, 7374c; No. 3, 7(&72c, Carlot Receipts. Whoat. Corn. Oats. Chicago n 199 274 Omaha 27 M 22 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat ares of the Trading and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. fUTr&nn If no IA rn.,.n.a rnnolnt. and the probability of an augumented movement caused a heavy wheat murket here today. At the close July wheat was H&Ho lower. Corn was Ho higher. Oa;s were up 4c. Provisions were 2 Vac lower to ZVkc higher. The. wheat market opened easy, because of lower prices abroad, both at Liverpool. and on the continent, and the favorable weather for the growing crop In this coun try. The local receipts were rainy heavy. statements from Kansas and other points in the southwest were to the effect that heavier shipments might be looked for next week. There were some reports of damage, i ' y morula uuv mv wviq uuotriiiuru .u; the reports of large receipts. The clbsa was weak. July opened tAfrVto lower at 89c to KSVkC, sold between 8Xvo and tCHk (Ke, and closed at 88ii69c. Clearances of wheat and flour were eaual to 310.000 busnets. t'ri niary receipts were 370, (M) bushel against Ml.OOO bushels on. the corresponding day of last year. Minneapolis. Huluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 290 cars, 2)9 cars last week and 411 cars one year ago. Corn was weuk early In the day, July corn opened V4ac to fce lower, at 6640 to flbHc, sold between 66&6c, and closed at 60c. Local receipts were 199 cars with 33 of contract grade. Trade In oats was light and unimportant Reports received from Kansas and Ne braska announced an early harvest, and this was also a depressing factor. July otts opened ?c lower at w&c, soia Dciwean 46Vo and 47o and closed at 47c. Local re celnts were 274 cars. The provisions market was dull. July pork closed 2Vc higher at J13.421-,. I.ard was un changed at 68.40. Ribs were 2Vc higher at v:r,y,. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat tl cars; corn, 26 cars; oats, 278 cars; hogs, 16.0U0 head. The leading futures ranged as follows Articles. Open. High. Low. Close.l Yes y. Wheat I I I May 99mfl 1 00 99 1 00 1 fjei July MKii',89'45H K8T4,88T,'fTO KO4 Sept. 80u8iVs MV t, !&Wih,'ft - Corn I May 74V 7414 74'4 U) 74'4 July 6B,fi- 66 66 66 IfifiVrS'A Sept. 63V4'&14 63i 63V, 63C3HtH Oats I a. May 644 64'4 54 64 544 fMay 63V4 63H 63Vn 6-- .July 46 47 4 47 47 July 464 4oi 45W43HJi4 45, Sept. 37W S7Vs 37M. 37HI 37 Pork I July 13 40 13 4:H 13 36 13 4?H! 13 42Vi Sept. 13 65 13 67i 13 60 13 67il 13 66 Lard ( July 8 40 8 40 8 V 8 70 8 40 Sept. 8 56 8 57H 8 65 8 6TH 8 67Vi 7 25 T 27V T I2H 7 271 7 6 Kept. ' 7 47H 760 746 750750 No. 2. aOld. bNew. Cash Quotations were as follows: FLOCK Steady; spring patents, 7.yQ 670: straights. 4.10iH.S5: winter patents. f44)4.96; straights, M. low 4.70; bakers, 63.10 ii 26. WHEAT No. S spring 92c$1.08; No. 2 red. 99-! 11.00. COKN No. 2. Uc; No. 2 yellow. 74 7c. OATS No. 2. 64c: No. 3 white. bWWc. HARIjEY Fair to choice malting. 67iC7lc, r)KEl-No. 1 northwestern. ll.WA. PRUVISIONS-Short ribs sld-s (loosed H.7.u7.1.'Mi. Mess pork, per bbl., ti:j,a 13 37V. Lard, per 100 lhs.. Short cl.ar sides (.boxed), 7.S7Vtj'7.S-'H- Following were the receipts and ship ments 01 Hour ana grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla. Wheat, bu. . Corn, bu. .., Oata, bu. .., Rye, bu 15.6UO 7,S") lo.OiiO 11.810 llMn) H7.50 2T0.5iJ 1-Ju.anO i.fiu barley, bu. 44.0 13.200 On the Produce exchange today the hut ter market waa easy; creameries, lftfriilc; clatrles, I6'ffic. e-ggs, steady; at mark r.isee Included. HViW'WA.r; firsts, 15V; prime firsts, 16c. Eggs, stvady at WVul-V'. St. Lonls General Market. ST. LOnS, Mo., May 1. WHEAT Inwer: track No. 2 rtd cash. Il.O-'iil 0JW No. 3 hard. Sl.uu4il.uf; July, 6jc; Septem ber. 88tiu4c. CORN Firm; track, No. 2 cash, TlQ 7V; No. 1 white, 74rI4Vc; July, Mc, Bt'ptember, fi2Vk''ii'Vt,e. OATS Quiet: track No. t cash. 61c; No. 2 white, 64c; May, 49V; September. KV- FIJl'R Dull; red winter patents. 84.6.S (l4.s; extra fincy and straight, f4.10tj4.66; llears, 6a.i(o3.70. BE'ETa-Ttniothy. steady, $3.5O(g4.S0. CtiRNMEAL Steady. 13.30. HHAN Steady; sacked, east track, 3118 trl.20. HAY-Steady; timothy, 611.0Otjl7.O0; prai rie, (10.VU)7I.lU. IRON COTTON TIES-tl.00. RAtiGINO 7T0. rih..MP TWINE 8c. PROVISIONS Pork. steady: jobbing, $13 26. Lard, steady; prime steam, f7.904i 8.00. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 17 M: clear ribs, 7 6; short clears, 37 871. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, HI?V clear ribs. 68 2S; short clears, IS uO. POULTRY Weak; ctiickens. V; springs, I'uic; turkeys, Hulc; ducks, 7c, StJ?; BL'TTER Dull; ; crviiicry, ti(i.av. 24c, case count. Receipts, Shipments. 6.0a) . (.Qui) 36.00 61.0H) 44.0IO K.OuO 63.OU0 48,0uO EOGO-Steady; Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOU May 11 COTTON-Spot steady; No. 6 red western winter. Ts ed; Nii. 1 California, 7a 7Vvd, oa quays, aud 7s 11 FUur, bMs 1 T? eat. DU bbuu::: Hd. In store; futures bat-fly steady; May. 7a 4d: July, 7s d; September, ,s 2, LVcembet. 7s IHd. COKN Sunt quiet; new American mixed, kMn dried. 6s H1; old American mixed, fa lod; futures quiet; May. 6s M. WEATHER 1 T1II3 Gil AIM BELT Pair sad Cooler for the Sabbath Day, Sara Welsh. OMAHA. May 18. 1508. Rains are scattered over the upper Mis sissippi valley, lake region and through out, me east, and south, and generally cio.idy westher prevails esst of the Mis sissippi river. hue considerable cloudl ijess is shown In the soutnwest and through out tne mountain district, generally fair weather prevahs over the western portion of the country. Conditions ars favorable for cloudy and somewhat tnreatenlng In this vicinity tills afternoon, followed by fair tonight and Sunday, with cooler Bun day. Omaha record of temperature and precipi tation compared with tne corresponding day of the last three years: ' 1908. 1907. 1906. 1906. Minimum temperature.... 66 41 J 48 Precipitation Oo 06 .00 .U Normal temperature for today, Si degrees. ueticiency in precipitation since March i 1.18 Inches. Deficiency correspondlna cerlod In 1807. 4.69 Inches. Excess corresponding period In 1906. .03 of an Inch. I A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Cera ass Wheat Reaioa Dalletla. For the twenty-four hours ending at I a m., Jollt meridian time, Saturday, May 14, UOi; OMAHA DISTRICT Temp. Raln- Bt at Ions. Max. Mln, fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb.... 79 63 . 00 Cloudy Auburn, Neb 78 48 .00 Cloudy Columbus, Neb.. 79 62 .00 l't. cloudy Falrbury, Neb..,. 82 63 .00 Ft. cloudy Fairmont. Neb... 77 50 .00 Clear Or. Island, Neb.. 76 68 .00 Clear Neb. 78 62 .00 l't. cloudy Hartlngton Hastings, Neb.... 76 47 .00 Clear Oukdale. Neb.... 78 (2 .00 l't. cloudy Olimha, Neb 77 64 .00 Cloudy Tekamuh. Neb... 77 66 .00 Clear Alta. la 68 40 .00 Ft. cloudy Carroll. Ia 74 62 .00 Clear Clarlnda. Ia 83 64 T Pt. cloudy bibley, Ia 60 44 .00 Clear Sioux City, la.. 70 66 .00 Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp.- Rain. Station. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago, 111 26 Ml 66 .02 78 64 .10 74 64 .10 T 84 60 T 80 62 .14 61 42 .02 76 64 T 66 60 .00 Columbus. 0 18 Des Moines, Ia.. ... 13 Indianapolis. Ind.. 12 Kansas City, Mo.. 21 Louisville. Ky 19 Minneapolis, Minn. 29 Omaha. Neb 16 St. Louis. Mo 13 Light showers occurred In all except the St. Louis district, being very limit ana scattered In the Omaha, Kansas City and Indianapolis districts. Slightly warmer weather Is general throughout the corn and wheat belt. L. A. WELSH. Iocul Forecaster, SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET (notations ot the Day on Various Commodities. . NEW YORK. Mav 16. FLOUR-Reeoipts 14 7m Khiu . .nnrii 17 500 bhls. Market was Bt'eady but dull; Minnesota patents, S6.2uff 6.60; winter strslghts, 64.tuUsl.60; Minnesota takers. M.zuftH.W' winter extras, aow-ui.iu, IntBr nntonta 14 SOtfi-4 80: winter low grades, f.vvut.iM, r;ye xiour, tpiiei; luir iu wu, 64. 6" 4 90; choice to fancy, (4.95ij6.1S. CvKNMEAL bteady ; cine wiuie ana yel low, $1.60; course, $1.50; kiln dried. 63-85. HYK uuii; fo. i western, vie, i. o. u. New York. WHEAT Receipts. 133,300 bu.; exports, 133,200 bu. Spot market was Irregular; No. 2, 61'. nominal, elevator; No. 2 red, 61.08, nominal, r. o. b. anoat; ino. i nuruicni, Duluth. 61.13V4. f. o. b. afloat; No. t hard winter. 31.11.. f. o. b. afloat. With the ex ception of May. which was higher on man lower today ipulation, Wheat was generally aoouv -sit; on bearish crop news, wca cshles find 11niilda.tlon. Mav closed at 61.03; July, 9c; September closed at 93c. . COR-N Keceipts. KJ,xx du. rspoi rnimtv Bteady; No. 2, 70c, elevator, and 4c asked, f. o. b. afloat. Option market was quiet and unchanged. May closed at 76; July, 74fU74Hc, closed T4c; September clneed 73c. OA IT rteceipie, IBi.'W no.; txporia, i.ou bu. Spot market quiet; mixed. 2 to 8Z lbs.. 66c; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs.. 57HW-c; clipped white, 82 to 40 lbs.. 6H09c. liAx Bteaav; goon to cnoii-e, w.iui"". HIDES Firm; Bogota, 1714c; Central America, 174o. LEATHER Quiet; acid, lSXrJCTC. PROVISIONS Reef, steady, family, 116.60 (ri'17.00; mess, 313.5Oifil4.0Oi beef hams, 626.00f( 28.00; packet. 614.6ivni5.flO; city extra India mess, 624.0CNf7Ji.eo. Cut meats, steany; pica led bellies, 9.00ign0.00; plckld hams, tlO.OO. iJtrd. steady; western, 68-3MJS.55; refined. steady; continent, (8.90; Houtn America, SS.fiO; compound. t7.756.12Vi. Pork, quiet; family, lll.tilifi; snort clears, idhjii.w, mess. $14 WViT1".50. TALIOW Dull; city ( per pen.), t-c; country (pck. freei. 6'fffiV. RICE-Steady: domestic, lair to extra, ai fRAUic Tnnen nnmlnal PtJi I.Tltl Alive, ouu; spnns; cnitarni, soc; fowls. 13'tc; turkeys, lie. uressen, steady: turkeys, 12(fil7c; fowls. liflU'ic Tii'TTER fiteadv at the decline crea i- ery specials. 22c; extras, 21V: state dairy common to nnest. m-niic; proeeas, cumraiin to specials. J34i-"uv; western iactory. firsts 17l CHEESE Firm, ttnenangea; state iuii reoms new. SS4TI KHK';. vr,f!S estrone-: state. Pennsylvania ana nearby fancy, selected, 20W21c; prime to choice isuesoc: brown and mixed, extras 19Wr720e: first to extra Tirsi. isotihc; rresn gathered, storage pacKca, irvioc. Kansas City Grain ond Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 16. WHEAT Mar- Uoi UCTi. lower: Mav. 92V4C: July, sz-sic Sentember. Roue: cash. No. Z hard, 96cp II 00; No. 3 red. 96i98c. CORN Unchanged to v lower; may, RRUr: Julv. KlC: September, ob-c; casn No. 2 mixed. CKffWe ; No. 3 mixed. 6M768V. No. 2 white. 68HU6W; ivo. s wnue, OATS Unchanged; No. 2 wnue, oiawc; No. t mixed. 6C"S61c. HAY Week; choice timothy, $11.5O12.00; ,.hnlr nralrle 19 50ttl0.00. Bl'TTER Weak; creamery, "c; pacaing stock. 14V-- EGGS Firm; fresh extras, 16c; current receipts, 14c. RecelDts. Shipments Wheat, bu. .., ., 76.000 61.000 46.000 85.0110 6,000 9.000 Corn, bu Oais, bu DmnmM rt nrtnes at Kansas City as re ported by Logan & Bryan, No. 112 Board of Trade: Artlclea. I Open. Hlgh. Low. I Close. Wheat- July.... Sept.... 82H3Vil 82H 60 Con- July.... Sept.... 61 B Bid. Philadelphia Prod nee Market PHILADELPHIA. May 11-RUTTER Market Vrtilc lower; extra western cream ery 23; extra nearoy pruts, oc. pnr.R-Firm, aood demand; Pennsylvanl . .i Mhcr nearhv firsts, frea cases, 17V at mark; current receipts. In returnable 17c. at mark: western firsts, free rases. 17vc. at mark; western current re- f.M him at mark. 17c. rttF.FjSE Oulet. but steady; New York full creams, choice, MVk&HV:; 'air to a 143 14 V- Minneapolis Grain Market MINNEAPOLIS, May 16. W H E A T Ma y , iiiul- tuiv 1.03'4: Sentember. W'Hc: N. t hard. $l.(V4'fU.0;; No. 1 northern, ll.obsi films.: No. 2 northern. $1.04VSV04H; No. $ northern, 97Vtl .H. nniK-ln hulk. CT1 7fxff?! . FLOl'R Quiet and unchanged; first pat ents tr iVut i): second patents. 65.30ii5 45 first clears. $4.281.36; second clears, 63.66 3,e8. Bfllwaakeo Grain Market MILWAUKEE. May !. WHF.AT-Mar ket lower; No. 1 northern. tlOefil.OJ; No. i northern, fl .0661.071: July. 89c BARLEY Higher; No. I. 75c; sample, 60 CORN-Hlgher; No. t cash, 73c; July, 6tV bid. Peorln Market PEORIA. 111 . May 16 CORN Firm; No. 3 white. 73c No. 6 yellow 71c; No. 6. 73o K' a TOWc: no grade, 6VV- OATS tetesay ; po. No. 4 white. 51V.3UV. WHISKY-61-38. 6 white, UWS&V Dalath Grala Market. DULITH. Minn., May 1 WHEAT No. 1 northern. $1.05": No. I northern. $1.0!4 My. tl.U3; Jul, 11.03; September, hlV. OATS oitl 82 !8?44B 80H:80tWB SI 1H I 6SSI M SEWYORK STOCKS AND BONDS Operation, to Advance Ericei Are Retained Aggreisivelj. PRICE LEVEL HIGHEST FOR DAYS Movement I Broad and Animated and Valaea Are Not Adversely Affected by Extensive Realising. NEW YORK. May 16. Operations to advance prices of storks or to protect trices asitlnst operations calculated to depress them were Aggressively resurm i today, and ss a result the average pi a u level touched the highest thus far reached on the movement. The movement- was broad and animated and the general strength of tone was not materially f- ' the lnra-e realising of nroiits which was accomplished by shifting the buying from one to another quarter of tho list for sustaining effect. 1 he strongeMt and most active moor was l nlon Pacific, and the demonstrate f rise In this stork was the Immedlntc out come of published utterances by the head Of the system containing positive opin ions on the prosperous outlook for busi ness. The chairman of the Great North ern board was credited also with cheer ful expressions regarding more especially the crop prospects. These publications were the fomenting cause of the renewed outburst of speculative sctlvlty ln the market and of buoyant advances In prices In many quarters of the llt. There was no news of speculative developments bearing upon the market. Additional en gagements of gold for export to Herlln next week were accepted with equanimity In view of the unaffected ease that had been maintained In our own money mar ket. Additions to the new financing ef fected are announced from day to day. evidencing the working out of the prob lems left over from the sudden praira- tlon of credit which overcame the coun try last fall. The bank statement showed the growing effect of financing of vari ous sorts in an expansion in tno pvin Item, which, while moderate In the a r age showing, carried the total of tnat Item to a figure greater thnn has ever before been reached In the history of the clearing house. The proportion of the cash reserve stands, however, at about 80 per cent and the percentage of leg.l reserve held by all the Institutions re porting ! now 32.30 per rent. lionna were rtrm and active, rotai saies, par value. $3,210,000. United States 3s advanced M, and the 4s V per cent , on call during the week. Following were the sales and range ol prices on the Stock exchange today: Bales. HifQ. low. iio. Adama Eipreaa 180 Amaigamati'd Copper tt.K H 71a Am. c. A F 8U0 It MS Ani. C. A r. ptd Am. Cotton Oil 100 Vj j Am. Cotton Oil pfd AmerlrHn Exprefsi Am. H. A L. ptd L4 S7 ta4 H v 206 19 2714 11 14 6V4 1"2 77 99 V4 11 4 92 '- 83 92 Vt ti 3 87 144 169 190 American le Securltlea. ... J.tuO 28 Am. Llnaaed Oil Am. Llnared Oil pld Am. Locomotive 900 (1 Am. Locomotlva pfd Am. 8. A R Am. 8. A ft. pfd Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco prd ctta..... Anaconda kilning Co Atcbiaon Atchison nfd 10.10J x. lOrt 4,U0 10, 10) ! " Hi , T,10 '. 7.40) , l.M . t . 14.SU0 , 4.SH0 . .V . S7.CU0 77H ' 111' 91 4 4ia at tmt 'jii 1WH 134 V ir, KtVt 'Wi 'io ir. '44" t 154 U4i4 It Atlantic Coaat Line Ilaltlmore A Ohio Dal. A Ohio pfd Brooklra Rapid Tr Canadian Puclflc Central of New Jersey... rheujttaliB ft Ohio 44 "4 1W 13644 10 2S 69H 34 121 "2 14 640 24 44 f.14 2 44 3 t7 137 14"V54 11 69 31 .? 6 24 66 U044 1644 to 114 134 H4 M (I . S3 44 49 104 4144 71 60 tl ') Mcaco Ot. W Ciionao A N. W M. ft Bt. p Chicago T. A T Chicago T. ft T. ptd c, C. ft Bt. L. 1"0 i.SuO i.2'0 200 "ioo . 6U0 'ioi 100 t.J'W l.tKO 1.30) 1.0OO 7) l.4 l.K" 600 0 auo !,no o 700 iu 4u0 69 tat, 22 bD iij" 164 St tlT, 64 SS, 21 JUS 27 V, U 141 im 114 7 17 35 H iH ( 1114 Colorado F. ft I Colorado ft 80 i'S iiiii 7tV 14JV 'tisi 4H :s S4 n 1374, l' M 23 1 34 to 69 10 Colo, ft 80. lat pfd Colo, ft 0. Id pfd Conaolldatcd Can Corn Producte pfd, rfg... lawar ft Hudaon Dal.. L. A W Denver A Klo arasde... ft R. O. pld..'. DlillUera' Securities Erie Erie lat pfd Erie 2d pfd General Electric Illnola Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump : Int. rump pfd Iowa Cantral Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City 80 C. Bo. ptd Lnulavtlla ft N Msxican Central Minn, ft Bt. L... M , Bt. P. A B. 8. M... J. &o us in M , Bt. P. ft B. 8. M. Dfd.. . Mlaaourl Pacific 1.100 62 M , K. ft T I.4l0 ti 2t M.. K. A T. pfd National Lead 900 44 ' 44 N. K. R. of H. pfd, offered New York Central 2.0 PUi 42 7 ;i I1H 1J3 944 10n4 41 II iii ms 92 N. T , O. ft W 1.6 ) 1,400 '"soo l.40i 22.OO0 Norfolk W N. ft W. pfd North American Pacific Mall Pennaylvanla People' a Oaa 131 93 70 2Vfc 8 117 S 8i 19 Tl 18 14 32 ii 39 87 TO 46 23 to 46 14a 43 16 44 Si 44 91 lH 102 44 p., c. a st. l Pnaecd atael Car 100 2Va 2344 Praaaed 8. C. pfd Pullman Palace Car... W0 lOt.ino 4'0 . 1.8") . 10 . l.art . 1.1"0 . J,) 100 163T4 IIS M H ti 71 110 a 83H IJT 117 66 H 84 V4 1W 7e4 lsi IS Reading Heading lat b!d Reading id pfd Republic Steel Republic fitaal pfd...., Rock laland Co , Rock laland Oo. pfd... Bt. U ft B. T. U pfd. St. Lou la 8. W Bt. L. 8. W. pfd Southern Pacltlo 21,100 mo 2,1 ) 200 1,4 O lrt) fO 1.70 too ! " ioo 100 , 1.300 . 11.700 . 4.100 too 600 . 1.7O0 '. iiono 7u0 87H 1H last 4644 2H i 4&1 147 4 U 4tvi 14 92 3DT4 10244 2644 iwt ti 2414 "it" I7H 17 120 1744 464 tea -44 46 Va 146 U -4li 86S4 1 lot 25H 13 34 i4 ii" M ..... 187 V K4. iis"" H44 t" iosa 80. Paclflo pfd Hallway 80. Railway pfd Tezaa ft Pacific T.. Bt. L. A W T., Bt. L. ft W. ptd.. Union Pacific Union Pacific pfd U. 8. Eipraaa U. A. Rsalty U. 8. Rubber U. 8. Rubber pfd..... : 8." fa.-Ci Steel Steel pfd Carolina Chemical Va.-Caro. Cbem. pfd.. Wabuh KV4 Wabath pfd 14 Welie-rargo Eipreeg Veattnghuuae Electric oo bi Weatarn Union a Wheeling A L. E Wlaconaln Central 10U IV ' Wla. Central pfd 3 1T7 North-rn Pacific 17,100 131 Central Leather l.uu) r 81 Cantral Leather pfd luO U 94 Sloaa-8heftlejd Steel at Oraat Northern pfd 10,100 13214 132 i'S Interborwugh Mat l.vOO II Int. Mat. pfd 1,000 31 Utah Cupper IWI (1 Total aaiea (or the day, (77.9UO ahares, 41 V4 London Cloelnar Stocks. LONDON. May IS. On the dtock ex change today American securities, after an adjustment to parity, ruled dull, with, some Irregularity on realisations, ' but the selling was not pronounced, and with Uht sup port in the late trade the murket closed quiet, but steady. London closing stock quotations: Conaola. money .... 944a Mo.. Kan. ft Texaa do account 94 7-14 New York (entrai lw Asaconda 8 Norfolk ft Waalarn. ,1 83 Altbiaun do pfd Baltlmure ft Ohio. Canadian Pacific .. Chaaaoeeke ft Ohio. Chi. Great Weelero. . 66 do ptd . 9 Ontario A Weatern. . 96 Pccnaylvanla .163 Rand Xlnea . 4l Reading 82 a ei 68ouihrn Railway .. i Chi. Mil. bt. P.. 137 do ptd 47 14 Da Beera lv Southern Pacific Denver ft Rio Griude 37 1 nlon Pacific do Dfd 66 da ptd 7 Erie 2144 United States Steal 80 lat ptd it) do pfd do id ptd M Wsbaah Grand Trunk 17 do pfd . . Illlnola Central 141 Spentah 4a 3v 1 18 . IS 9J4t Louisville ft Nath. .111 Amalgamated Copper. 49 BILVEK Bar. ciuiet at per ounce. MONEY lVa Pr cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2H per cent. Dank Clearings. OMAHA. May 16 Bank clearings for to day were $1,761, 6as 80 and for the corres ponding date last year ii.st,tv2.4. IAjS. 1507. Mon.iay Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday . l.i5.il 99 . 1.941.71.38 . 1. 933 .802 06 . I.ft-3.810.61 . 1,761. 6X8 80 2H36 72 1.779..!. 17 tOOr-,071.18 1. 940.275.90 I.st4j,4u3.t4 Totals $11,776,096.81 $11,507,907 92 Increase over the corresponding week last year, Aj&,taa.!Ca. Treaenrr statement WASHINGTON. May 16 Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the gen. eral fund, exclusive of the $150,uOO,ouO gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance. 1243.128.152; goid coin and bullion. $18,148, 1.13; gold certificates, $34,693,700. Movements ef Specie, NEW YORK. May 18 Imports of mer chandise and dry good at the port of New York for tb week end'ng May I were Valued at llo.OU.399. Imports of specie for the port pf New Tork for the week end ing today wefe tUMro silver snd 6-3M23 gold, h.xports of specie from the port or New York for the week ending todsy were fc.19.196 sliver and r'.29i',134 gold. Tien York Money Market. NEW YORK. May 16.-MONEY-On call, nominal. Time loans, dull snd steady; Sixty days, ti2 pr cent; ninety days, t per cent; six months. 81J9 per cent. 1'KIMh) MKKCANTILU PAPER SliSH per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Fairly steady, with ai-tual business In bankers' bills at l4 87'Wi4 8710 for demand and at $4.8j'( 4K6I5 for sixty-day bills; commercial bills, 64 44 85. SILVER Par, 62c; Mexican dollars. 47a HuNDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. The following are the closing quotation on bonds: V. 8. ret. la, rag ., do coupon V. I. 9a. ri do coupon U. B. new 4i. ras. lflSH ft N. anl. 4a 174 m Man. e 4a M MM Central 4a M4 l("k ilo lat inc 17 1J0 M. A St. L. 4a 77 do eoupon lit M . K. A T. 4a I" Am. Tobacco 4a do a .., Atrhlaoq ga. 4a.. do ad) 4a Atlantic r. L. 4a. bal. Ohio 4a.... do im n an la -iv .lfSli'N. R. R. of M. e. 4a t4 . N. T. C. (. ta an . M N. J. C. g 5 ln . tin. Parlflc 4a I"1I4 . do a II1 . Mil N. A W. t. 4a U Brk. R. T. c. 4a O. L, rMa. 4a ai cv. 8Vaa W Central of Oa. b4 104 Pnn do la tine 0 Reading gen. 4a do id I tic do Id inc Chra. ft Ohio 4Sa. Chicago A A. ia. C. H. A Q. n. 4a. C, R. I. ft P. 4a.. jo col. CCC. ft St. L. g. Colo. Ind. fia, aer. Colo. Mid. 4a Colo, ft Bo. 4a ai'uba I I). A R. O. 4a.. Matlllera' Sec. ia. Krle p. I. 4a do gn. 4a Hock. Val 4"... Japan 4a , do 4Ha ctfe do Jd arlen hid. Ollared. . 17 St. L. ft I. M. e ta..l' . 17 St. L. A 8 F. fg. 4a. t34 .101 Bt. U 8. W. e. 4a ..107 t'.V4 asaahoard A. 4a... 60 87 Vl W m uj 112 4a.. 7f ... M 80. Pacific 4a . . .. MS do lat 4 ctfa. ... 74 80. Railway oa. 4a. H Tcxaa ft P. la . A. T , t. L. A W ... 62 Union pacific 4a.., ... do c. 4a ...l'ii t' 8. Steel 2d 6a. . .. 4 Waoanh la ... Tl do dob. B ... 9S Weatern Md. 4a... ... W. A U E. 4a.. ...10314 Wla. Central 4. . . ... 71 Afhlann cv. 4a. . . ... 7S do 6a ... 87 lt. Met. 4a .111' . "t 1" -si . Ht4 . 734 . V4 .lH 47H Dottos Stocks and Donds. BOSTON, May 18. Money, cs.ll loans, l 'I-1 ncr cent: t me loans. ZMi'uo ter cent. The following were the closing prices on stocks and bonds Atchison adj. 4a... do 4a Atchlaon do pfd IV'Mtun A AlOany.. Poaton ft Maine... Poatnn Elevated .. Fltrhburg pfd ... . . 96 Adventure .. AllouiHI .. Amalgamated ., .. 92'4 Atlantic , . .2 3 Illngliam .130 Cal. Hecla.. ..130 Centennial ..131 Copper Range ., ... t ... ! ...64 ... 17 ... 60 ...670 ... 26 ... 73 Mexican tntral N. T., N. H. A Union Pacific . 16 Daly Weat ..... H... 136 Franklin 146'4 Iile Royala .... ... 9 ... 8 ... 21 Am. Arpe. Chem.. do pfd Am. Pneu. Tube.., Amcr. Sugar do pfd Am. T. A T Am. Woolen Am. Woolen pfd... Dominion I. A 8 Kdlaon F.ler. Illu General Electrlo . Mam. Electric .... do pfd Maaa. Oaa United Fruit United 8. M do pfd V. 8. Steal . M Maaa. Mining . . o Michigan ...... . 7 'Mohawk .131 Mont. C. A C. .128 Old Dominion .117 oaceola . Il Parrot ... 3 ... 10 ...66 ... 26 ...17 ... 94 ... M ... 87 ... 14 48 Qulncy ... II ...214 ...138 ... 9 Shannon Tamarack Trinity United Copper U. 8. Mining.. ... 60 ...16 ... 7X ... 3D 43 ... ; U. 8. Oil ...148 Utah ... ei Victoria ... 27 Winona ... 22 ... 42 ... 44 ...61 ...UI 38 Wolverine de ptd 10244 Aaked. Bid. Clearing; House Dank Statement NEW YORK, May 16 The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that the banks hold 804.607,260 more than the r-wilroments of the 26 per cent reserve rule.. This is an 1 ncrease of $723,776 In the proportionate cash reserve as compared with previous ctount. The statement 101 lows: Amount. Increase onna ....$1,201,120,000 $4.777,8"0 Deposits .... 1,278,220,600 6.R09.7OO 37,2ii,2i0 "131. 400 .... fl,6)1.9"0 1,521.700 .... 313.9n0.5iO 676,000 .... 3X3.602,40 2.197.7C") .... 319.005.150 1,473.923 64.607,250 723.775 Circulation Legal tenders ... Specie Keserve Rercrvo required Surplus Ex-C. 8. deposits... 72.631.850 'I.IIS.IZS The per cent of the actual reserve of the clearing house hunks at the close of busi ness yefclexilay was 29.88. The statement of banks and trust com panies of Greater New York not members of the clearing house shows that these In stitutions have aggregate deposits of $K97,- iii.iioo: total cash on hand. tni,Qti.400. and cans and disccunts amounting to $861,556,- NO.- : The loans, specie holdings and deposits of the clearing house banks were new high records. New York Mining; fttorka. NEW YORK. May 16. Closing quotations on mining . stocks were. Adama Coo. 8 Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Pot oil Savage Sierra Nevada Bmall liopea .. Standard . 6 .600 .140 . 11 . 31 . 36 . It .lai Allca ..174 .. 10 .. 8 .. t7 .. 34 ... 75 ..1M .. I Ureses lirunawick Con. .. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn tillver Iroa Silver Leadvllle Ooa Foreign Financial. PARIS. May 16. Prices on the Bourse to day were firm atid trading waa active. The private rate of discount was He lower at 3-10 per cent. BERLIN. May 16. Trading on tho Bourse today was quiet. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, May 16.-COTTON-8uot good business done; prices firm; American middling lair at 6.93d; good middling, 6.56d; middling, 6.26d; low middling, 6.9od; good ordinary, 6.36d; ordinary, 4.96d. (The sales of the day were 12,000 bales, of which l.OoO bales were for speculation and export and Included lo.soo bales American. Kecelpts, 6,000 bales, Including 8,900 bales American. Futures opened barely steady and closed Irregular. May, 6.6Sd; May-June. 6.67d; June-July. 6.63Hd; July-August. 5.60Hd; August-September. 6.4id; September-October. 6.23d: October-November. 6.10d: No vember-December, 6.06d; December-January, 6.03d; January-February, 6. Old; February- March. 6. Old; Marcn-Aprii, o.oiftd. Additional aaJes nude to the trade late yesterday amounted to 8,000 bales, all Amer tcan. NEW YORK, May IB. COTTON-Futurea oriened steady: May. .4oj9.4sc; July. 9.60 August, 9.S5fi9.40c; October, 9.c; Decem ber. 9.15c; January. .17c; March, 9.19S9.30C Futures closed very steady; May, .67c; June, t.frSc; July, 9.69c; August, 9.46c; Sep tember, 9.36c; October, h.juc; November, 9.29c; December, 9.26c; January, 9.26c; Feb ruary, 8.26c ; Marcn. .zc. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, ll.ooc: middling gulf. 11.20c. GALVESTON, lex., may 10. CUT TUN Hither at 11c. Hi. loud, mo.. May in. cunuw Quiet: mdding. He: sales. 450 Pales; re celpts, 148 bales; shipments, 1,014 bales; stock. 28.380 bales. NEW ORLEANS, L.. May 16. WTTU N Hoots -closed steady: aales. 1,100 bales low ordinary, 6 y-ioc, nominal; orainary. 7s4c. nominal; good ordinary, 8 13-lbc; low middling, 9 15-16c; middling, 11c; good mid dllnar. lHic: middling fair, lie: fair. 12Sc nominal; receipts, l.Ji oaies; sioca, u4,o3 bales. Wool Market. LONDON. May 16.- -WOOL The offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 7,739 balea. The market was active and firm and recovered the opening decline with the exception of Inferior merinos. Staples and greasy merinos were keenly competed for by Americans at prices up to the level of the last series. Cross-breds sold well and were occasionally 6 per cent dearer than during the March sales. Ixmg greasy was taken by Americans at fall rates and coarse gTeasles sold freely to the home trade. Next week b4,5oO bales will be offered. ST. LOLIS. May 16. WOOL Dull ; me dium grades, combing and clothing, 15W9 10c; U8.11 line. 19 ic; neavy line, ruioc; tub washed, isuzk. Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 16.-METAL8 There waa no change In the metal markets In the absence of London cables. Tin was quoted firm at lau.Uao.Szv. Copper re mains dull, with lake Quoted at $12 62U3 12 75. electrolytic, $12.5oi(fl5.62Vi; casting. $12.26 (0 12. 37V. Lead was quiet and unohanged at $4.22Hrfji4.27H Spelter. 84.ttt4.6. Iron was steady at recent prices. ST. LOLI3. Mo.. May 18 METALS Iead, dull at $4.10. Spelter, dull at $4.7V4 (agar and Molasses. NEW YORK, May 1. SUGAR Raw, steady: fair refining, $86c; centrifugal. 96 test, 4.36c; molasses sugar, 3 61c; refined steady; No. 6. bloc; No. 7, 6 06c; No. 8, 6 0uc; No. 9. 4 vac. No. 10, 4 toe; No. 11, 4.8uc No. 13, 4.75c ; No. 18, 4-rtH?; No. 14. 4.66c; con fectioners A. 6.900; mould A. 6.85c; cut loaf 6 20c; crushed. f.30c; powdered, 6-ooe; granu 1m ted 5.50c : cubes. 6.75c. MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans open Kettle, good to cnoice, iguc. CoSTee Market. NEW YORK. May 1.-XFFEE Market for futures easy at a net decline of 6"i6 points. Sales, 8,to0 bags. Including May at f loe: July, 6.18c; Beptember. Huxati 16c December, a. lOUtt. lao. Soot, oulet; No Rio. Sc: No. 4 oantoa, ic Mild, dull Cordova, rV.Uc- 1 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kindt Sell Some Lower for the Week. BIO DECLINE IN HOGS FOR WEEK Sheep and I.amba Show Large Gain This Week Over a Year Ago Prices Twenty-Fla-e to forty Lower. BOUTII OMAHA, Neb.. Msy 1. I!1"". Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. ,. ( 4.:9 4.SN9 .. 6.1S9 11.944 6.54: .. 3.47S 13.741 10.1"! ,. 2.Z70 8.' 4.125 .. 5H- 6.6vo 1.752 1S9 4.2 2T Official Monday .. Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. Official Frldny Estimate Saturday , Six days this week... 18,727 61.697 28.65 flame days last week.. 16.742 54. 3. 2.4. Same days 2 weeks ago. 13.923 64.MI ?.. Same days 3 weeks ago. 1O.M0 36.71 2t.81S Same days 4 weeks ago. 12,71 42.07.2 26.911 Same .lavs last v.r ... 22.H'I 59.752 20.135 The following table shows the receipts or csttle, hogs and sheep at South timana for the year to date, compared with mat year: 19. 1907. inc. l-e. Cattle $"9,146 437.0V3 vi.Mt Hogs 1.H6.RS6 934.318 171.238 bheep 559.3"6 732.170 iT-StS 'ika fniin.-in. uhu airtnwa the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the inat several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1908. 11907. 11906.11905. 11904.113.11902. Msy 2.... May 3.... May 4.... May 6.... May May 7.... May g ... May .... May 10... May 11... May 12... May 13... May 14... Mnv 15... May 16... I Sunday. 27! 5 12 4 67 .751 7 00 6 $7' 6 191 4 65 I 4 l. o to) 4 631 6 711 T 01 4 i 661 6 n 4 60, C 63 I 6 64 Ji 7 00 7 07 7 08 6 62 64 6 47 6 99 4 6S1 6 42! 7 OS 4 bf 37 7 13 a 6 'Mi 7 11 4 61 6 So 7 07 The offlclnl number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was as fol- lows: Cattle. Hogs. Hlieep. ti r s. 2 12 1.. 13 1 C. M. A Bt. P .. Missouri Pacific ... I'nlon Pacific C. & N. W.. east... C. & N. W., west... C, St. P.. M. & O. C. B. & Q., east.. C, B. & Q., west.. C. O. W 24 .. 1 11 !! '.. Total receipts.. 60 The disposition of the day"s receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co oil .... Swift and Company 60S Cudahv Packing Co S 1,8X3 Armour Co 1.039 .... Cudahv. Kansas City 168 .... 266 S. & S 646 L. F Husa 347 Cudahv Bros. Co 8u8 Other buyers 3 .... Totals 174 6.791 256 CATTLE Heceltits ot ca'.t'.a today were not heavy enough to make a market. The total for the week foots up about the same number as for last week, Put snows a fulling off of around 6,0oy head from the corresponding week of a year ago. A very large proportion of the cattlo received this week has been made up 01 ueet steers As the season advances the quality natur ally shows improvement, and on some days there has been a good many very uesirauie killers offered. Since the first of tho week the market has been gradually working downward on beef steers, and at the close of the wecg good to choice cattle are not over Htf.ilac lower, and in some cases not that much. As high as $7.00 waa paid during the week, which was the highest of any duy since the first week In April. The commoner kinds of light short fed cattlo have suf fered a severe decline, being tiptoe lower than last week. This means of course the kind ot cattle that were selling from $6.25 down and the kind that have been on feed rom eighty to one hundred days. A de cline on this class of cattle !s usually ex pected at this season cf the year, as the meat product from such cattle comes Into direct competition with the cheap Texas beef, that Is now becoming quite plentiful In the southern markets. Yearling steers. which commanded such high prices at tho close of last week and the beginning of the present, are around 40c lower, unless of right good quality. Cows and heifers have been in good de mand all the week, but cow beef aloo feels the competition of cheap Texas steer beef and a general downward movement In prices has been the rtsult. At the close of the week the best grades arc not very much lower, 16'JOc being amplo to cover all the loss. On the other hund, the me dium kinds of cow stuff that huve been selling at $4.00m5.00 are safely Ssfic lower, but the feeling ts that they are still high as compared with some other grades of cat tle, leaning heifers, like yearling steers, sold at extremely high prices the first of the week, and they, too. have slumped badly, being as much as 20'a-ex: lower, ex cept when the quality is especially good. The trade In stockers and feeders has been pretty light all the week. There lias beeen an absence or iree ouytng on tne part ot the country and, as a result, the trade has been dull and weak every day. Fleshy feeders, on account of their scar city, have held up the beat, being as a rule not over 16&26c lower. On the other hand. light atock cattle were Kgooc and in some cases as much as 60c lower than the high time ten days or two weeks ago. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers, $6.3(i680; fair to good corn-fed steers, $5.85Q6.30: common to fair corn-fed steers, W.f&z6.H: good to choice cows and heifers, $5.006 25; fair to good Cows and heifers, $3.(65.00; common to fair cows and heifers, $2.50(3.3.86: good to choice stockers and feeders. e4. 756. 20; fair to good cows and heifers, $4.00''j4-75; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, $l.25jl.O'). HOGS The market this morning op-ne glow and first bids were In some Instance a little lower even than yesterday, but buyers raised their bids and when the market finally opened It was on the basis of prices that were generally a shad? higher than yesterday. Tho hogs sold laraely at $5.22A4i.25. with a top at $5 3). These prices were the same as tn-vallcd on Thursday, tne aecune 01 yesterday be in made up toaay. The receipts ior me wee nave tcen quite liberal, though showing no very great change as compared with the week before. The market, however, decl.ned rap- Idly arter tne strong opening on Monday and Tuesday. Thus on Friday the 1 'West nolnt reached since March was touched. The reaction today leaves the market on an average 15c lower than It was at the close of last week. Representative Bales: No. AT. ...inl ...314 ...147 ...J0 ...lKt .. C. ...us ...ia ...314 ...32 ...34 ...lil ...14 ...171 ...144 ...111 ...1.4 ...tits ...l4 ...211 ...sal ...316 ...34 ...1st ...n ...214 ...r ...341 .. 4 ...111 ...l4 . . .34 6 841 24' a f 21 O n 000 All v 6 JTV.I 15 6 30 6 3S J 24 6 3S 5 38 6 27 6 15 5 3411 6 25! 6 21 5 17 6 8 6 261 6 21i 6 151 4 68 6 S0 6 24 6 19 4 60 6 404 6 38 1 6 29' 5 27 4 61 n a J 8 Ml 4 62 6 35 6 ST.' 6 20 6 24 6 9 6 81 6 n 6 24 6 30 5 15 6 23J 6 19 6 29 6 20 So. Pt. Me. at. go. Pr. 120 4 30 84 363 ... 4 26 M t 30 Ti :i ki is 40 10 11 210 130 i ... I 80 76 211 au I 15 10 4 30 ! I I ... 4 t, ... I lt 74 1H 40 I 36 ... I 10 14 123 130 6 14 40 4 34 II 2vl kl ili lto 4 Sj 50 til ... 4 34 140 4 71 t:7 ... 4 : 1 4 40 70 It,4 . . 4 ti it 4 10 (2 371 ll 4 A 40 I 30 14 li) to 4 24 40 4 30 a aj i JS IM 4 64 m 120 4 16 140 4 fc 44 Jl to 4 34 ... I l 41 4.3 140 4 85 IN 122 17 j.-J 41 40 6 3Si 7i , ln ... 4 25 80 6 32 47 2"4 120 I 2ST 40 4 3- 41 27 40 I 26 ll 4 33 au til ... 4 16 ... I 23' 71 'J 80 I 84 ltO 4 t2 I 180 u I 26 4'1 6 ti' H Ml ... 4 25 13V 4 U1 10 i 40 4 15 0 4 2J 47 34 ... 4 27V4 4 Zt 47 'l ... 4 3D 140 4 12 70 241 ... 4 30 U0 I n 11 30J ... 1 10 ... ili1 71 U4 ... 4 40 ... illu 17.... 71.... .3 ... 43.... 70.... 44.... to.... 11.... bt... 77.... 44.... 52... lOi... to.... 11... 71.... II.... 40.... 80.... 83... 40.... 71.... 44 ... II ... 184... II.... 6 ... 14.... 71.... 41.... 84. SHEEP Sheep and lambs show a heavy Increase in receipts as c mipareu with year ago, the run conalsin.g largely of limbs, with only a moderate jprlr.kUr.ai of wethers and ewes. The market thruuguoui the week has been unsatisfactory t.j thj selling Interests. Southwestern stuff is coming Into the southern markets quite freely now and tne mutton derived from this source is coining Into direct compell Hon with the corn-tea siocx. At the same time the demand for the products Is none too good at the big eastern consuming centers. For this reason the market at all points has been steadily working to lower basis and at the close of the week sheeo are fully 154T.Sc lower, prices on thtt kind having held up belter at this point on account of the moderate receipts, on the other band, lambs are fully Xfl4oc lower the decline being especially severe on the heavy weights, which were neglected more or less all the week. While this seems like a severe break. It wUl be well for shipper to understand tha the market here has been fully as good as at other points; In fnet prices here have bwn right closo up with Chicago. (Quotations on lamhs: Kod to choice light woole.1 Iambs, $7.'y'tT '; fair to gmnl light wsK.I.-d laml. $ YnCoo, ajoiM to choice h-vy wooled lambs. $6.tWi7.0i,, shxrn lamhe, 7.V under wooletl stock. quotations on sli-p- t)oid to choice light yearlings, shorn, X 7-'i ; fnlr to good yearlings, shorn, $n 2T.n 6. 7S ; good to choice heavy wethers, shorn. $f. fiiviiat i giwxl to choice wethers, shorn, $6 6"-Vi6 75; fair to good wethers, shorn, JKfanioSO; giMid to choice ewes, shorn, $5.0J,u6.,Vi; fnlr to good ewiHi, shorn, M oi'iiO o; culls snd bucks, shorn. H iiri 5o; wooled sheep, 2fj4tc above shorn stock. tlllCAUO I.IVF, STOCK MARKET Cattle, Hogs. Sheep and I.ambs Steady on Moderate Receipts. I CHICAGO. May 18, CATTLE Receipts, head, market steady; beeves, $4 75'u7 25; Texans, $4.6f.'uf.6o; wsterns, $4.5ti'i On; stockers and feeders, $:L6iMj,..,'J; cmws and heifers. $24-"i4; calves. $4.r(i"i.25. HJ4iS Receipts. 10.000 head: market steady; light, $o.l546.4.'l; mixed, $3.kU6.i; heavy, $i.lo(j.42; rough, $j.li'u5.Jfi; pigs, $4 v0f)15; mood to choice heavy, $ 2i(f 6 421: bulk of sales. 65 XVU6.40. SHEEP ANU LAMUS Receipts. $.001 head; market steady; natives, t4i)it6.00; westerns, $4.tVfl.oo; yearlings, $6.0(u4) 6; lambs, $5.Xn7.riO; westerns. $5.2ti4i7 55. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. May IK CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.500 head, Including 2"0 southerns; n arket steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, 88.4ndi7.0ii; fnlr to good, $5 15t 8 30; western steers, $5.0iiit.7o; stockers and feettors, $3.0Vr.5.6i; southern steers. $3.76ifi 6 25' southern cows, $i.7iVU4.7S; native cows. 62.60frfi.75: native heifers, SS-JSW W; hulls, $3.4t'ifl.75; calves. $7 5o4i6.00. Receipts for the week, 4o,l head. HOGS Receipts. 5.'10 head: steady, closed strong; top. $,i4:'H; bulk of sales, $."i.a7(5..V; heavy, $5.3) vn 3.42V.: pnrkrs and butchers. V. 2fiifi.4o: light. I'.lntj6 85; plus, $3.75'ij4.25. Receipts for the week. 9.3or head. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, l.noo head; market steady; lambs, SS.7rvri7.10; ewes ond yearlings, $4 SiS.iB; Texas yenr- llngs, t5.2f'6.70; Texas shep, $4 2tTi.2il; stockers and feeders. $3.60110.141. Receipts for the week, 41.2uo head. At. I. on Is Live Mock Market. ST. LOriS. May 16. CATTLE Receipts, 1,2"0 head. Including !MI Texaiis: natives steady; Texans 51i'10c lower; native ship ping and export steers. $A.2547 25; dressed beef snd butcher steers. $5,307(41.26; steers under l.tmo lhs., $4.7fi4t5.CS; stockers snd feeders. $3.00'(fu.00; cows and heifers, $3 50fii 6 25; ennners. IX .Ua 2.6n; hulls, $3.i8iiii.5f. ; cnlves. $3.25ftv.25; Texas and Indian steers, $3.2tV'i6.75; cows and heifers. $1.7V4.2B. HOGS Receipts, 3.5O0 hend: steady to strong; plg-s and IIk'Ii's, $7.7&Sf-40; packers. $4.506.40; butchers and best heavy, $5.3ni) 6 45. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpts. hesd; trinket steady; native muttons, $3.2f'5.50; lambs, $4.5oii8.fl0; culls and buckr, 4.50; stockers, $4.00fl(4.25. St. Joseph Live fltoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo May 16.-CATTI.E Receipts, 277 head; market, steady: natives, $5.75'm4.0O; cows and heifers, $-'.( 6. io, stockers and feeders, $4.006.00. HOGS Receipts, 2.008 head; market, steady: top, $5,374: bulk, $5.2M.35. SHEEP ANI LAM ItS Rf celpts, none; lambs, $C.2Ty&7.15; yearlings and wethers, $5.006.00. Sioux City Lire Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., May 16. Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 400 head; beeves, S5.25Aj4S.90; cows and heifers, $4.50 6 00; feeders, $4.00.00; calves and jear Iifgs. $3.754j4.65. , HOGS Receipts, 4,300 head; market 6c lower; range, $5.05.22; bulk, $5.15((6.20. Stock In Sight. western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 19 4.296 256 Sioux City 4.3oO Kansas City 1,6) 6.000 l,nr) St. Louis 1.2"0 3.541 300 St. Joseph 277 2,f Chicago 300 10,000 2,000 Total 3.806 29,093 3,556 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. May 16. EVA PO RATED APPLES Market continues quiet, with fancy quoted at 10fi llHc; choice, 8H'5r9V4c; prime, ijc; common to fair, 6iUJHc. LAulruKMA tKi r.u rKLiira aavicaa from the coast indicate a short prune roo. but spot quotations are unchanged. ranging from 4c to lie for California fruit and from 6ic to 10c ior Oregon iruit. Apricots are unchanged, with choice quoted at lMi'13Vie; extra choice, 14 144c; fancy. 15fil6c. I'eaches continue unsettled, with choice quoted at 9c; extra choice. 94c; fancy. 10tnl04c; extra fancy, 11 114c. Rale- ns are duiL wttn iooso Aiuscaiei quoteu at Hivi'te: set-ded raising, tVtc; London lay ers, tl.4JI..l). Texas Cyclone Yarn. E. F. Turner of Hamilton county said: "I whs riding horseback across the country Thursday and pa Bed through the town ot Meridian, where I took dinner. After din ner I started toward Waco, and bad a hard time on account of high water. At about 6:9i p. m., I was a few miles from Clifton, when I, found a cyclone chasing me and galloped away from It as fust as my horse could carry nie. Presently I found that it had passed mo, and I sat on the brow of a hill and watched Its course. It was carrying along much debris, and when It struck the Bosque river it sucked up all the water leaving the bed of the river practically empty. It crossed the Bosque obliquely and the water It took out of the bed of the stream waa carried upward In a column which appeared to me to he about 600 feet high. The most remarkable part of this phenomenon was the fact that It had torn up ty tne roots a tug tree ana the tree was on top of the column of water. waving like a plume. When the column or water broke the tree went sailing on and fell about half a mile from where It waa taken up." Dallas News. Life Cheap In Chicago. The cheapness of human life in Chicago Is made manifest by statistics for tne month of April. In this city of more man t.w.wn mnaDi- tants there were c31 deaths during those thirty days. Of these not fewer than L!3 were unnecessary, allowing that every one of the 198 deaths from natural causes" could not have been prevented by the exer cise of skill. There were fifty-three suicides to beztn with. Then twenty-three persons lost their lives through railroad accidents, ana two were killed by automobiles. Burns and scalds killed nine. Through falls, twenty seven persons died, and two were drowned. There were seventeen nonuciaes. When these facts are grouped, they make a shocking record, wmcn snouia not oniy Induce every Chlcagoan to be more care ful, but also set men to thinking how conditions may be bettered so that murder hall be less frequent and suicide may be less frequently resorted to as a means of escape from life. Chicago Journal. A Beriooa Affair. Vow." said the Armchair, "let this Furniture meeting come to order." Let the Armchair presiae, suggested the Mantel. f hone." sounded tho nano, -11181 tne objects and members of the meeting will be In harmony." What's on the carpet, anyway,- ne- mnnded the Persian Rug. Is the Table reudy to lay the resolutions on? anxiously inquired ir.e doih. 'You had better not suggest sun a tntng, or somebody will sit on- you," advised the Cabinet. 'Let me keep the minutes of the meet ing." bgged the Clock. No," decided the Chair, "ior men they'll all be second hand." Laltlmore American. Felled by Cigar Store Indlaa. Dr. H. H. West touched a bunch of cigars held by an Indian equaw In front or the Maheckemo cigar store wun me tip ot his umbrella during a shower at South Norwalk. and she knocked him unconscious In the gutter. Dr. West was senseless for more than ten seconds, and It was an hour or so before he really reallied what haa occurred, ne Is willing to swear that this Indian squaw has a punch that wraiM put out John I. Hulllvan In his rrime. Through a short circuiting of wires the metallic sign had become charged with the 2,50o volts of the electricity, and but for his having rubber heels on his shoes and gloves on hjs hands. the doctor might have been killed. Now York World. Z. CUDDINGTON luccassor to Doyce Commlulon Co., 108 Doard ol Trade Uldrj. Margins 1 cct oa grAln. $1.00 oa stock. Public and prlrata rooms (or customers. Beat eervlce la Omaha. A reliable company. CONDITION OF OMAIIA TRADE Building Makes New Business for Many Lines. WALL TAPER MOVES RAPIDLY Taints, Are Oils, (.lass, Carpets and Rage a Few of the Linen Which Are fiolnsj Oat In Quantities. When tho National Prosperity associa tion sent out t lie Information from 8t. Iouts, "Th month of April has been the best since octolKT, 1907." the Omaha whole salers and Jobbers looked over their books and found they shared the prosperity with St. louls The April business has continued thus far Into May. The last week has been one of the best woaka since Easter and the whole salers have moved a large amount of mer chandise of every description, but build ng materials, paints, nils, glass, wall spr and rugs and carpets have been lead 114: III es. Some houses have sold mom paints and oils than ever before, while the wall paper business has been especially good. The people have bought a better class of wall paper than before and the tendency Is entirely to better paper. This spring building and house cleaning trade has U-.-n divided among almost all lines of trade. While the hardware deal ers were selling nails and small artlc.c, such as garden tools, window weights and door slides, the dry goods houses have so.d carpets and rugs, new lace curtains and dra perles. Passing It on around, while the drug gists were selling patent coatings and whitewashes the exclusive jalnt and oil dealers were selling carloads of mixed fialnts and the manufacturers of whits ead have done the business whl'h would probably cover several months a 1 1 In thirty days. The wholesale lumber dealers have been selling Immense oid'-rs, ihe con sumers, fating an ndvtinre, have bought lumber while the price Is as low as It 14 15 to 20 per cent below the prices of Oc tober, 1907. Heavy Wear Sell Well. Tho brick and stone dealers have lkn wise prospered. Almost every part of tin city has lis cement slone yards, wn.ll tne Inrger yards ure shipping to the country. Business is goo. I and employment Is given to many mure than at any tlmo since the first of the new year. While the bulletins: trades and the house cleaners have been giving Omaha the vol ume of trade which lias made a big In crease in business, the ordinary lines have not In-en fallln;r behind. White goods huve been selling from the dry goods houses and the milliners have been closing the most proi-itrous spring season they have ever had. The wholesale milliners of Omaha have few patterns left, though they bought extravagantly. The lMt and nlioe trade has been fair, espi'i'lnlly In the selling of the low shoes fur summer wear. ('rockery and glassware are selling at their best, est-clHlly fur future orders. Tim demand for Imported wares has astonished many of tho dealers who Pelleve the coun try is reaching a point where a better class of goods will be demanded. Fruit und produce trade keeps up well, though Iforrles are becoming scarce, and this detracts a great deal lrom the spot business. New potatoes are becoming plentiful and nil other vegetables have a tendency to a lower price because of the abundant supply. Groceries Keep I p Selllnsr. The grocery trade is stead v- n-tul shows along with other lines that April und the first two weeks of May l.avu In-en the best selling weeks since Oi toU-r, 1907. in the nummary of conditions the follow ing shows the various articles und the ten dencies of the market: Coffee The market 1.-. strengthened somewhat during the last i. w days, having advanced from one-clghth to a quarter cent per pound on higher grades, which Is prob ably due to the scurrity of good selections. Low grade Rios continue weak. Teas There has been no interesting fea ture to report In this market for some time and the situation continues dull. The mar ket Is steady. It is believed that more ac tivity will bo shown In teas within the next Week. Low grado Japans continue scarce. Spices No new feature. Market contln- ' ues on a steady baBls. Rice The market Is strong, good quality rice being hard to find. Off-color rice is in fairly good supply and this grade Is also demanding a good price. Some importation! are being made. It Is believed that the mar ket will remain on a strong basis until thi new crop arrives, which promises a good yield. Farinaceous Goods Rolled oats have weakened somewhat during the week, but it is thought this Is only temporary. Nearly all mills have shut down waiting for the new crop to arrive. Sago, tapioca and pearl barley continue steady. Canned Fruits No change In the entire list. All kinds of canned fruits are in short supply and market will probably con tinue on strong basis until the new packs arrive. Nearly all eastern fruits are about off the market and the market Is along. Standard strawberries are firm. Canned Fish Canned fish of all kinds are very firm, with the possible exception of salmon, which shows a still stronger front. AU stocks on the roast are about exhausted. Cove oysters have weakened a little during the week. Lobster prices are firmer, based on prices recently made for the future tack. Syrups and Molasses The market on corn syrup has been on a steady basis for some time and advances, owing to the high prices Of corn, have been predicted from time to tlms but as vet they have not ma teriallzad. Pure sap maple syrup is scarce: demand good. Molasses is firm. Salt Fish-Trade In salt fish has been from a hand-to-mouth character. Market on most Items Is steady; Norway herring being the one exception, as a slight ad vance has been noted on account of In creased demand. Dried Fruits Raisins have not shown much activity during the' last week. The harket haa a weaker tendency. No chango In evaporated apples, which continue on a steady bals. Currants continue weak. Fa vorable crop reports would Indicate that apricots will be somewhat lower when the new crop arrives. Stocks of peaches on the coast have been very limited and the market Is strong. Prunes are gradually Improving, but the situation Is very un certain. Brown low Faction for Taft. NASHVILLE. Tenn.. May 16. The Brownlow faction of the Eighth repub lican district yesterday at Jackson chose delegates to the national convention In structed for Taft. STOCKS AIID BONDS We offer aubect market and prior aaia: 6. 7. 10, is or M Oer. Am. Cflea 40 Oar. Amer. Coffee, non-par. 108 i A mar. Imicslata Brndlcata leeu txrtava Mm., Aria l"-4"Oo Big 4 T. O. K. A T liiv)-4i El Favor. Mm . (free atock) 4 lat Mis. Bon da. Near 8 late Tel 6a Mlnea (., Amer Paa i moo Vlnillrsior. C Crk. quar. diva 4 t olled Wlreleaa Con. latd ) W I nllad W lrelaaa Pfd. (unatd I 10 Aibeugh-bovrr Co Paya 131, 1 Cum Pfd . Near state Tel l' N. V. Healt Ownera Com. Para li. . tat oo l it so 1-1 00 ....7(j lie ... ta ... . tl 74 ..II tl 78 bid I w 00 !! 00 !.. 00 t Empire Tun , e. low) Five Keara. le. 1000 Gfd. Treaaure, 4. I ) Ult. Plureore. lie. fialar Florence. 12c. 0 London, Arta , 14 'ax 15 O litd. Bynd., bid. l- 1. bam Oil. tc " O. D. A. Easle, 4e. 4-)0 E Suowatorm. io. 47 TrlOulllon. 43 10 l' Hub Elliot, tl lo. no no. uutte Ei., u UI 1 NlDlaahn. 17.14. H O Nov. fl'ar. tc. lift Buiiburat, 4c. ltO Calu Nev., bid. tvuu Panhandle. 7c. r Telesrapbene. t 14. lata) Ol. Weat. till. sc. Western Busincs Exchange lit LASALLs 8T. CHICAGO. ILL. W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. 1320 Farnam Gt TZL. Ball, 10C41 LadspaBllast, A104V4, 1 '