0 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 17, 100S. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR BALE (Continued.) KEYSTONE PARK Three-fourths of a mile west of Benson. (, Covers five hundred and fifty-two acres. Six miles oiled boulevards. Lots two to ten acres each. t v $175.00 to $400.00 per acre. Paved road to entrance. One mile square. Thousands of shade trees. Ninety tracts. Seventy-five sold. Only fifteen left. j . There is no more attractive spot than KEYSTONE PARK for ) that country home, and no more practical place for the fruit I grower, chicken raiser and truck gardner. Arrange with us to see j the park; we will take you out any time, day or evening. Our rigs ? are at the end of the Benson car line all day Sunday; ride out f with us. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Tels. Doug. 1781;A-1188.t W. II. GATES Room 617 New York Ltfe Bldg. Phone Douglas 1294. $1,500 New five-room cottage on 28th, near Cuming, on small pay ments. $1,000 Five-room cottage, now roof, on Webster, near 33d. $1,900 Five-room cottage, lu good order, on east front lot 50x136, with nice ehade trees, on 33d, near Daven port; good neighborhood; well located. $2,200 Six-room, story and a half house, In best of order, on 25th, near Maple, modern bath; would take some vacant lots on part payment. $2,300 Five-room cottage, modern except furnace, on North 19th, near Kountze park, lot 60x140; shade and fruit; well and cistern, besides city water; barn. Six-room modern house, with hot water heat, for $3,000 Seven-room modern house, with hot water heat, $3,200. s . Eight-room modern house, with hot water heat, $3,600. VACANT LOTS. 60x121 On 29th, little south of Lake, $360. 60x128 On Manderson, east of 80th, water, sewer and permanent walks, for $400. 60x128 South front on Cass and Slst, fine view, nice location, $1,300. 60x167 Fronting on Hamilton and Charles,- between 34th and 35th, $1,100. 60x127 South front on Franklin, near 84. for $500. Two acres out north for $350. (19)- INVESTMENTS 2Vfe Blocks From Court House I 710-712 8. 17th St., 2 10-room 'J houses, modern, lot 66xl&5, run- nlncr thrnurh 17th Ave., irlvtnc fine frontage on which to build St. Louis flats. Owner will sell entire property, or will divide to suit purchaser. This Is close In and can be bought at a bargain. Look the prop erty over. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sole Agents. Main Floor N. V. Life Bldg. (19)- BOUTHEA8T CORNER of 31st and Ames Ave.; has 6-room house and burn, with store room on corner; lot 40x126. Owner Bays sell at once 4X250. F. D. WEAD. 18th and Farnam. (19)- 2403 N. 22d St This a story and one-half frame house, bungalow stylo. first class repair, exceptionally . well built; 7 rooms, strictly modern, best of open plumb ing, practically new furnace, fine lawn and shade, beautiful terrace, paving paid In full, excellent neighborhood, close to two car lines and almost within walking distance. Im mediate possession. Price, 83,6iJ. Look this up before It Is too late. George & Co., 1G01 Farnam. ' 09) A GOOD INVESTMENT L close-In, valuable site, with an old house on It. Belongs to an estate and they don't want to alter or repair or retain. Want to convert Into money or its equivalent. This con be had at about sheriff's sals price. Owner bold it In his lifetime at $6.ui0. The administrator will sell at three-fourths that prlco. See It and make en offer, It must go. Loca- . Uon 2465 Harney Bt. WILLIAM FLEMING 'Phone Douglas ITi. 211 S. 18th St. 09) BEAUTIFUL FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE STRICTLY MODERN ' Five-room cottage, strictly modern, all on first floor. Consists of a vestibule, par- lor, oinlng room, Kitcnen, two oeu rooms and bath room with nickel plumbing, com bination fixtures, large attic, cellar ce mented, cement walks around house, also 'permanent cement walks, only one block from car. W will sell this on payments to me right party tor casn price. C. P. TRAVER, 4X-8 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phonos: Red T. lnd.. A-1721. 0) FOR SALE ElcgKiit 11 -room residence, new and mod ern, in West Farnam district; owner leaving city; wilt sell at a sacrifice. HICKS REAL ESTATE C., 119 BJ. Trade, , 119) 846 lix 1 WANT an offer on the property, 112S and 1130 S. 21st St.; two modern houses and good barn; well rented. This property Is owned by an eastern party who must selL TliOMAs MHh-ISNA.N. Room 1. New York Life lUdg. tl) 508 TOR 8 A LEI, cheap, account owner leaving city, three lots in west (.'enter it. Ji ti let ; also old house suitable for re building. Address. A (68. care Bee. 19) M8Z4 lis ABSTRACTS OF Til LB JFSSKN & M'PAKIEL, . tii Board of Trade. Puous Douglas I'Sil. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR gALU (Continue J.) D. V. SIIOLES CO., 110 Board of Trade Bldg., Tels. Doug. 49; A-2049. 1) BEMIS PAKK, $3,000 New all modern home, on good corner lot, Lafayette Ave., four bedrooms, large basement, cemented. You couldn't dupllcato the property today for thu money. NEAR NEW CATHEDRAL 8 rooms, large house, on paved street, all modern and nicely located, good barn. Price is but $3,050. NEAR FIELD CLUB New house, built last year, faces south on Woolworth Ave. and tho Boulevard, six rooms besides reception hall and den. Snap at 4,2C0. KOUNTZ PLACE A very good, well-built home, on full corner lot, 9 rooms, strictly modern, with hot voter heating. Price Is $5,250. Do you want It? INVESTMENTS Have got some very at tractive investments, close in, In flats, house and business "property. Just let us know what you want In this line and we can fit you out. BEMIS PARK LOT The only good lot left on Lincoln Boulevard, 61x238, no assessments for paving. Have refused $1,150, but will take $1,260. Worth $1,500. C. R, GLOVER & SON, Doug. 39G3. A-3963. 601-2-3 N. Y. Life. -(19) O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Park Ave., near Jackson, 8 rooms, nil modern, barn; price reduced from $6,000 ior quicK sale. , Near 40th and Cuming, 8 rooms, all modern, paving pain. 4,dvu. Webster, west of 27th, 7 rooms, modern except heat, $3,500. 36th and Webster, V rooms, all modern, lot buxi.-o, paving paia, xa.ooo. 23d and California, 9 rooms, partly modem, lot 6t?xSS. $4,000. 911 S. 20th St., 7 rooms, all modern, NEW, H.UUO. Hu, near reward, 8 rooms, modern, on Harney car line. NEW. $4,000. Near 24th and Maple, 7 rooms, all modern, built two years, $3,500. 2020 Maple, 9 rooms, modern, oa finish on first floor. 84,000. 602 8. S&th St., southwest corner Dewey Ave,, rooms, modern, lot 6tixU4, 84,500. Near Crelghton college, 8 rooms, all modern, sieclals paid, walking distance, lillt H. 31st, 8 rooms, all modern, near Pacific; price reduced to $4,5J0. 720 N. 23d. 9 rooms, all modern, southwest corner Hurt; paving paid on both streets; IOC vox IMS. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phones Douglas or A 2152. (It) VINTON ST. BARGAIN We have In the vicinity of Vinton St. some good bargnlns In 5 and 8-room cottages cash or terms to suit purchaser. VACANT We have arranged to place on the market sixty of the most beautiful resldenco lots In the south part of OmaJia. These lots are two and three blocks south of Vinton St. car, between 15th and lMh Sts., and only one and a hnlf miles south of Dodge St., and can be bought for half the money It would take to buy a lot six miles from town. JACKSON CO., Fhone Douglas 4833. 1C11 Frederick St. (19) $2,350 2W3 AMES AVFi. New 5-room cottage, lust finished: bath. toilet, hot and cold water, cement cellar, gss and electric light; small cash payment, balance easy. WM. R. ROMANO, Doug. 1319. 329 Board Trade. (19)- $750 WILL BUY two extra large lots near 37th and Fowler Ave. These are located In a rapidly growing neighborhood and would make a nice place to build a home or a good investment. Could be subdivided and made into three lota. See us at once about these. KERR & McKENZIE, 3t6 South 17th St. Douglas u4S7 PHONES lnd. A-1447. U9)-3o 17 NICE COTTAGE Now 5-room cottage: nice location, near 34th and Meredith Ave., one block from car, full lot. fine view, $1,600; $250 cash, bal unce i$!S per month. PETERSON BROS.. 475 Brandels Bldg., Phones: D. 723, A-S167. (U)-Oul 14 9-room modern bouse. Orchard Hill, $4,100 6-room house, 2 luts, Wuluut Hill. $J,7oo. 8-room house, lf.18 S. Mth St., .. 8 rooms, modern. Bemls Park, $3,500. Nice corner lot, Bemls Park, $l.au. HLXCHINSON-BOLLAUD CO., li):3 Farnam St. (19)-M76fl 17 FOR BALE 7-room house and one acre of ground, all in fruit, bearing; one block from Florence car line. M. A. Stephens, ;Jo9 Curtis Ave. (19) 7-ROOM frame house and brick store, good condillun, east ftont, lot eoxlW feet; cheapest place on 8. 11th St. 13 ft). 1 8. 11th. (19)-46 17 FOR 8ALE. Elegant 11-room residence, new and mod ern. In West Farnam district; owner leav ing city; will sell at a sacrifice. H1CK8 REAL, ESTATE CO., 214 BJ. Trada. (19)-u27 lit REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR ALB (Continued.) The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone Doug. 297. 212 8. 14th St. f 2.2CO-At 17(4 & 2Rth St., just one block Irom park car, n-ronm f story-and-lialt cottage, with bath, closet, sewer, city water and gai. Good mantel In par lor. I 3,150 At 627 8. 25th Ave.. 8-room cot tage, with new furnace. Data, closet, etc. Paving paid. $ 3,SOt)-At 2710-12 Parker St. I 8-room houses, with closets, city water, sewer and iris. Pavli-e paid. Rents for 3432. t 3,000 On Clwtrles Bt., between 33d and 34th. A new (-room an modern house. Immediate possession. Will rent for $21 par month. I 4,250 22d and Locust fits., I 6-room modern houses renting lor hm) per year. t 7,000 In the Hanscom park district. a fine 8-room, an modern house. Finished In quarter sawn oak. Full lot, with fine shade trees. $ 6,00 In the north part of the city on a rine street, we nave a fine 8-room house. Finished In quarter-sawn oak, with oak floors. Four fine bed rooms. Hot water heat. South front lot. Cement walks. One of the best houses on our list. $ 6,260 On Spalding St.. on corner lot. we nave an excellent o-roora house, finished In quarter sawn oak downstairs, and birch upstairs. Hot water , beat. Barn. VACANT On Dewey Ave., facing south, we have Just two lots left at $1,5"0 each. Paved street, ce ment walks. Cheapest thing In West Farnam district. On 3Gth Ave., Just south of Leavenworth St., with fine shade trees. Only $'X. On Woolworth Ave., near Field club. A choice lot, Si- foot frontage, for $1,600. (19)- GOOD BUILDING LOCATION Bvans St., between 25th Ave., and 27th St., fine lots on grade, close to car line, with city water, sewer and cement walks, neighborhood assured, for only $tiu0 to $075. $100 cash, $10 per month, or 6 per cent v dircount for. all cash. $3.2)0, northeast corner Pop ploton and Georgia Ave., tfixKO feet, all specials paid, 1 block to car line, best of nelghhoods, $2,660 for 66 foot frontage on 22d street, between Webster and California. Specials all paid; walking distance. 0,000 for 40 foot lot, facing east on 24th St., near Bur- i dette, paving and sidewalk paid for, good title. Owner anxious to sell. George & Co., 1601 Farnam. (19) OWNERS OF KIMBALL COUNTY LAND Wo have just sold a section In Kimball county and have customers for another full section. Must be choice, well located land and at sacrifice price. What have you to offer? It you have something that you want to turn Into cash quickly, write, phone or see us at once. J. II. DUMONT & SON, Omaha, Neb. 1066 Farnam St. (19)- BAROAINS. Frame stores, $2,700 rental, $20,000. 6 brick stores, $1,500 rental, $18 000. 6 brick houses, $1,8U) rental, $16,000. 3 new bricks, 11,620 rental, $10,000. 3 9-room frames, $1,2E0 rental, $10,000. Near 21st and Chicago. 8 rooms, $5,000. 1812 Cuming, 66x132 feet, $4,000. 2 7-room frames, rental tXi. $2,850. West Farnam district, 7-room modern house. $450 rental. .4.000. Near 2oth and Leavenworth, two frame houses, $350 rental, paved stieet, $3,700. 215 North 13th, 80x66 feet, $2,300. 659 Ames Ave., 7 rooms, $2,200. N. W. 40th and Jackson Sts., $1,600. Bristol Bt., 44x132 feet, $600. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P.O. (19)- - CAN YOU RAISE $C50 to $1,000 cash? If so, and -you are In the market for a nice home place, as good or better than some new places, I have two very good Places around $2,500, besides many others. of course. If this strikes your eye among a wilderness of great bargains give me the opportunity to make good, as they say. I feel sure I can. VACANT I.OTS. I have a good number of these, too, and some very good values among them. Tell me about what you want and I will give you a limited select list. I think now of a special bargain at $X50. and another In the west end highlands near to car at fi.wt. Another fine south front, paved and sewer paid, at $1,400. A fine double corner, 43d and Davenport; price open. , WILLIAM FLEMING til S. 18th St.. Omnha 'Phone Douglas 179. R. El and T. Office (19) If convinced will you buy this 8-room house built for a home by day labor: mod em. except furnace; cost $1,800 to build house; $6X) for the lot. Price reduced for Quick sale I2.WIO. uomeseekers lnves:laa this before purchasing; must be seen to bo appreciated. UHA1I AM-PETERS RT5ALTY CO. KJlNew York Life Bldg. 'Phones Independent A -2003. Bell, Red 651 119)-M618 17 CLOSE-IN INVESTORS For the first time we offer a modern house, 14 rooms, suitable for roomers, or small sanitarium, only two blocks west of the postofflce. lot 60x130, $3,500 cash will do. Balance at t per cent. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 New York Life Bldg. (19) 610 15 CLOSE IN CORNER LOTS 8. W. corner 29th and Dewey Ave., Just the place for flats. If sold this week can be bought for $1,100. R. II. LANDERYOU, 441 Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 2151. (19)- 4 LOTS on grade, water, sewer and gas, north of boulevard, east of 13th St., on South Omaha and Benson car, each, one-thrd cash, balance $10 month; 6 per cent discount for cash. N. Fenger, 637 Pax ton Bldg. Tel. Red 73M. or Web. 32i. , (191-M446 2U CALIFORNIA HOMES Our plan gives you one near Io Angeles without any payment for the land itself. Good, rich valley land: fine for fruit and alfalfa. Plenty watr for Irrigation. Writs Na tional Homestead Association, Iajm Anseles. Cat (18) 714 17x FOR BALE Qheap, 4-room house, gas, clectrlo Ufciit, water, lotf) Parker St. tli 437 17x REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR 8 ALB (Continued.) I?EAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST pf) (19) 801 REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1856. Prompt service. (Jet our prices. 1710 Farnam SL (!) 5-TS REAL ESTATE FA RSI AND UASCIt LAUD FOR SAL.B California. "FORTUNE IN FlOS"-$12.50 pe'' month secures five acres Smyrna figs. We plant and care for them five years; cultivate ground between trees to other crops, and credit you full returns which should cover your payments after first year. Free booklet about fig culture shows possi bilities open to small investors. Califor nia Farm Products Co., Omaha, Neb. (20) 717 17x ' hOVERNMENT LAND IN CALIFORNIA. Irrigation system Instslled; water rights cheap will clear $13 to $150 per acre; door- AMERICAN REAL. ESTATE COMPANY, 23 Montgomery St., San Francisco. (20)- Colorado. GOOD FARMINQ LAND, EASY MIMlSflis, Near Denver, In Greeley district, black soil, clay subsoil, wells to 40 ieei. abundance of moisture, low altitude, gen eral farming Including corn raising; one crop pays for land; close to land $250 an acre; low price, easy terms; will soon double In vslus. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., 683 Brandies Building, Omaha, Neb. (20V-MICT laws. IF YOU SAW THIS 80 and had the money, or could' borrow It, you would buy. It Is sure wortn tne money. Cm main road, close to city limits of Coun cil Bluffs; good buildings, lots of fruit, location very pretty, close to good school; 11 In cultlvat on but about li acres limner most of It excellent land. Can be cut up and sold In small tracts at a profit, and getting better every year. Prlco $.S,0u0. II. U. McOhti, 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. (2J)-S07 17x Missouri. PHTfV T,ATf)S Write for state map, IUIUN UillM'O booklet and weather report, sent free. BAZEL J. MEEK, C HI LLICOTH E, MO. "(J) Itsttoraslcsw STOCK AND GRAIN FARM, 30 MILES FROM OMAHA 292 acres adjoining South Bend. Three railroads to Omaha: 70 acres cultivated; 100 acres more can be cultivated; balance rough pasture land with running water and good timber, including large amount of walnut, oak- and ash. All black loam soil, with clay sub-soil. Small house, barn and other Improvements; $45 per acre; one- third cash, balance at 6 per cent, secured by mortgage on the land. Tlds Is not a trading price, but the owner would take as part payment a 7 or 8-room home in Omaha, or a good rental property worth not over $3,500. Must be well located and worth in case the price asked, or it will not be considered. BEST STOCK FARM! FOR THE MONEY IN EASTERN NEBRASKA. ARTHUR C. CROSSMAN, Room 218, Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. (20)-MS33 17 TRUSTEE SALE OF KIM BALL COUNTY LAND In order to close up an estate, we can sell quarters, halves and full sections of land near Kimball, Neb., at $4.25 to $6.50 per acre; 30 per cent cash, balance in seven yearly installments. ) HASTINGS & HEYDEN, ' LAND DEPARTMENT, Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. (20) DESCRIPTION HTOia uroar 1iVl a nras Ka XT f i...4VA- or seo. -3-zi-tt tx, t urning county, Nebraska. three and a quarter miles southeast of wwt t'oint. Will give $1 a foot for all land not till- windmill and tank and abundance of good water. HOUSE One and a half story, six small rooms, 14x24, with addition 12x14. BARN, with haymow 16x24, with lean-to 16x24. DOUBLE CORN CRIB with drlvewav. 20x24. ' Place Is rented for this season. If sale Is mode at once the rent goes with the place. INCUMBRANCE First mortgage, $1,500; due December 12, 1909; Interest, 6 per cent. Second mortgage, $2,600; due May 3, 1911; interest, 5 per cent. PRICE $iw per acre, or $0,500 for the i arm; k.ow cash and $4,000 at 6 per cent. NELS. A. LUNDGREN, 626-26 N. Y. Life Bldg. (20)- 9,000 ACRES IN LINCOLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA A fine tract of land northeast of North i'latte, most or It can be rarmed. A splen did tract for retail purpose. t4.50 Per Acre. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, LAND DEPT., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (30)- LINDSAY sells alfalfa, corn, wheat and ranch lands. Write him for large list of larms. List nothing but snaps. Lindsay, v usonviue, t urnos county, XMebraska. tJ NO. 1 A bargain: 820 acres fine, level land, 160 broke, balance hay, all fenced 3-galv. wire, 4-room houstv bnrn, well and mill. 24 miles from Farnam: rents one-third, delivered In Farnam; all black loom. Sale price $11,UJ0, if la ken In next thirty-days. No. 2 C40 acres, 8 miles from Farnam 80 acres level, balance rough; no Im provements; price, $17 per acre, one-half tune at 6 per cent. Address J. W. Rogers, Farnam, Neb. (2o; M778 17 HOMESTEAD In Brown county, Nebraska 6k) acres, sod house: I'd acres fenced good hay land, 3S4 ndles from postolftce. rriee, i,nn rur relinquishment. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. LAND DEPT. S. 17th cJt., Omaha, Neb. (20)- Nurtk Dakota. SPECIAL TRAIN. BIO EXCLRSION LOW RATES To llaynes, Adams Co., North Dakota, May 19, on account of the big auction sale of lots at the new town of Haynea on i r.e new coast line or in w. & bt, P. Ry. This town Is growing rapidly, It Is 114 miles west from Mobrldge and the Missouri river. Write us for maps and facts about the business openings and tne great wiieat lana on tne easy pay ment plan. William 11. lirown Co. llaynes, N. D.. or 131 I.aSalle St., Chi cago. 111. Secure your room on the spv ciai now. (2U) wjOO IK aaatk Itakvta. 1 MILE SQUARE IN SOUTH DA KOI A 640-acre farm, a square sect I, m. 2 mile southeast of Blunt, 3) miles east of Pierre Hughes county. South Dakota; smal house, stable and out buildings ; about 1 acres In cultivation; all open prairie land and ran be made one of the best farms in Lmkota. Itlimt is a good town, people on the Northwestern railway. Price lh ,, per acre on very easy terms of payment This is the best proposition offered In Dakota today. Address the owner. Chaa, L. Hyde, fierre. o. u. (2u 715 17x Texas. TEXAS farm lands, new tract, open for settlement; best bargain on market; eaay terms; snailow water; well sen lea coun try. Swisher county, the banner pan handle county. Agents and buyers writs Ben i. Tanner, Cfedar Rapids, la. (S0 716 17x REAL ESTATE FARM AXD RAttH LAND FOR ALB Texaston 1 1 aaesl. TFXAS LANDS How to get thewi. Send ropy of Tesss Isnd lsw snd Instructions how to nuv. I was for ten years chief of Isnd department state treasurer's office. Know the lands, when the corns on the market, how to get them for my clients. Reference: Austin National bank. Austin. Texas. Pest lsnds to be sold next three months. Fees reasonable. (20) M 398 MTTx T . A N r VTF. K Tm S . Brasos valley crops pay 80 to loo pet" f'"t on cost of Isnd per year, l ne iirnms vslley holds the Texas cotton record. We can show the best corn In Texes. We can show the richest soil snd prettiest land In Texas. Abundant rainfall. Ivel land. lowest freight rntes. Only 86 miles from Houston the "Chicago of the South" to my office at Rosenberg. 80 to 1.000 scre trncts. Price $15 to $25 per acre. Illustrated list free.' Hlland P. Lock wood, Owner, 436 San Antonio, Texas. (20)-- REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farms, Ranches and Pa stars Lands. NOTICE I SPECIAL ! About 250 acres of land, with buildings, 2 miles west of So. Omaha; good hay lann, plow land and largo pasture? Rent very reasonable. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Phone Doug. 297. 212 S. 14th. (11 M I ( I 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS REAL. ESTATE LOANS MADE MORTGAGES FOR SALE Eliminate the risk of !oh Is our principle. Put your money wh re It will surely come back when duo, and in the meant line a ffclr rate of Interest for Its use will be prtld. t or over twenty years no investor in our farm mortsutres has lost a dollar or taken n acre of land. We have now invested over $8,000,000 of ether people's money. Frm J200.O,") of niorlgaijes whlen we Keep on hand you may choose such as you need. PETERS TRUST CO., New Yoik Life Bldg. (2!)- $100 to $10,000 mode promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead mag., mil ana f arnam. .id on PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., 1601 FARNAM. (24-ol3 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. (22) bzt LOANS on Improved Omaha property. U Keeie it. m. co., 1001 xs. x. Lire nicis. (22) 516 FIVE PER CENT Money to loan on Omaha buslrjess property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. (22)-M 453 PRIVATE MONEY-CASH ON HAND NO DELAY. J. H. MITHEN, 202-8 1ST NAT. BANK BLDO. TEL. DOUO. 1278. (22)-618 Money to Loan If you have Improved Omaha real estate security and want rroney quickly and at lowest rate of Interest, you will save time by coming to us. . Garvin Bros., 1601 iarnam. (22)- MONEY to loan on Improved lty property. Hastings & HeyUeu, 1704 Farnam St. (22)-620 WANTED CJtjr loans. Peters Trust Co. (22) -621 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 13S0 Farnam St. (22) 619 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22)-617 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Information regarding a good house, and lot for sale in or within 25 miles of Omaha; prefer dealing with owner only; state price, location and give full description. Address L. Darbyshlre, Box 6984. Rochester, N. Y. (23) M633 16 WANTED Unimproved land or lots; will give my shares of stock In a reliable industrial corporation for same. Describe what you have, and state value. Address F. J. Brown, Rogers Park. HI. (23) M764 17x' I WANT to buy 7 to 8-room modern house. In west part of city, not west of 35th St. Must be new and up-to-date. F. D. Wead, 18th and Farnam. (23) WANTED TO BORROW $4,000 FROM a private party; C per cent, 1 ' : . . v. i - ...... ...(- a n year vmuiiuia iquu iOT-uin;. -"" 467L care Bee, M-MJJ WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST prices for 2d-hand furniture, car pets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 3971. v (26)-915 BEST price psld for 2-hand furniture, car oets. stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel.- Red 6401. (26) 171 WANTED A cheap soda fountain. Address Wayne Richardson, Rulo, Neb. (25) M5S2 16x WANTED TO BUY Light horse and buggy. Inquire 2403 Q St., South Omaha. . . ' (25) M7SS17 WILL pay cash for any old musical In strument, vlolhis and organs preferred. Address P. O. Box il8, city. (23I-MK35 19 'WANTED TO RENT WANTED For the summer months, to rent a 4 or 6-room furnished flat. Will take good enre of pl.'ice and furnish ret ereuces. Address K46 care Bee. (26) 602 17 X WANTED to rent for July, a modern cot- toge. furnished. Address W. L. Ooskley, 14 N. 26th St. (26) M630 21 WANTED To rent a modern 9-room house by June 1. C. C. Belden. (HO) Mibtf 1 FOR RENT Young men desiring at tracts e rooms In private home call at 2530 Lapltoia venue. aiix WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Permanent position In house furnlsiiing business by experienced maa well uu In uiiliolstery. mattress making, shades, drauery and fixing. Apply to Tonikin, 313 W. Third St., Duiuin, Minn, (27J-M49'16x EXPERIENCED stenographer; excellent references. Address "D," Omaha Bes, Courctl Blulfs. Ui)MXl. HOUSEWORK WANTED By experienced Japuusu boy; rcfcrer.ee. Address.- 723 S. Hill St.. or lelepuone Doug. 6 too. (27) M5.11 16x MAN AND WIFE wishes position as gard ener and cook. References. Aditresj 1511 Leavenworth St., Omaha. (2i) M-519 17x SITUATION wanted on the road; candy, cracker cr fruit )lne preferred. Address Wm. Ronlg, Marathon, la. (2i) M62i lax DAY WORK by an experienced colored lady. 957 N. 2Uh Ave. Tel. Harney 465. (27) 611 17x BOOKKEEPER with ten years' experience; have served In capacity of receiving clerk, shipping clerk, bill clerk, book keeper and cashier, besides ervrrespendent and salesman; splendid references. Ad dress S 4tl. care Bee (271-6&0 17x FIRST CLASS COACHMAN; drives four. In-hand, tandem, fancy driver: expert horseman. Address C 670, care Bee. (27)-lC8 17X WANTED SITUATIONS t Continued.) WANTED Position as advertising man ager by experienced man. Ad-irees i cars The Bee. t2D M7 Ix POSITION wanted at once by well-edu cated young msn tun oiriee Bnn -tlslng experience; thoroughly cmi -nt correspondent; salary reasonable Ad dress, E 672, care Be. (27) $ 1" REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ! Eleanor West and husband to Charles F. Straub, lot a, o'"",, Franklin Realty company to Anton K. Swanson and wue, pari oi ioi 17. Tukey's replat 00 Malachl Maynard to Thomas (. Wonder'.y, port or lot l. oiock Bnth Jln.nfta nnft other lots lvU Sarah Donaghue to Edward Kelly, lot 4, block 1. Irne s aaanion.... . Hastings A Heyden to Emll J. and Annie A. ncnnn, ioi o, nun- ii..tinn Hevden's addition.... 350 Agnes O. Hawley and husband to . ' y.. i k I, th.u i .ri.li Clarissa nn:nnii. i Hi.-.. .,iv in thm rltv or Omaha 1 Oak C. Redlck to Otto Llnde and wife, lot 18, bloc 2, (Jisra iteoica s addition ' United Real Estste nnd Trust com pany to Louis J. Kettleson. lot u, block 88, Kountie Place 700 A. K. Olson and wife to Caroline I la ismer. part of lot 24, oiock , Ca-fpbell's addition. 2.000 Elizabeth D. Uoanell and husband to L. O. Nelson, part of lots 17 and 18. In addition to blocks 18 and 1, Second addition to Bedford Place i 1 Total $6.22S LEGAL NOTICES SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved by P. R. Johnson, village clerk of Genoa, Neb., until May 18, 8 p. m., for the purchase of $8,000 5 per cent 5-20 year (op tional) electric 'ght plant bonds, dated February I. 19 . Bonds draw Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable annually. They are of $"A denomination uml mature February 1, 19.X optional after February 1, lal3. All bids must be accom panied bv certified check for 6 per cent of bid. made payable to O. E. UREK.N. VII l.'ige Treasurer Mdl4t RAILWAY TIWE CARD UNIO.N STATION lOTII AND MARCY Union Paelflo Leave. The Overland Limited. .a 8:30 am The Colorado Express.. a 3:50 pm Atlantic Express The Oregon Express.. ..a 4:10 pm The ios Angeles Lm..al2:56 pm The Fast Mall a 9:30 am The China & Japan Mall a 4:00 pm North Platte Ixcal a 7:42 am Colo.-Chlcago Special... al2:10 am Arrive, a 9:40 pm a 6:i pin al0:16 am a 6:00 pm a 9:15 pm a 6:45 pm a 6:50 pm a 4:45 pm a 7:05 am Beatrice & Stroma- ... burg Local bl2:30 pm b 1:40 pm Illinois Central Clilcago' Express a 7:15 am Chicago Limited a 8:00 pm Mlnn.-St. Paul Exp. ...b 715 am Minn. -St. Paul Llm ...a 8:00 pm a 3-45 pm a 8:30 am a 8:30 am (hleaao Great Western St. Paul-Mlnneapolli. 8:90 pm 7:30 am Bt. Paul-Minneapolis .... 7:30 am 11:35 pm Chicago Limited 6 06 pm 8:27 am CI iCHgo Express 7:30 am 11:36 pm Chicago Express 1:35 pm 3:30 pm thlcaao, Mllwsskes A St. Paul Chic. Sc Colo. Special... a 7:23 am all:50 pm Cal. & Ore. Express a 6:00 pm Overland Limited a 9:58 pm Perry Local a 6:16 pm Missouri Pacific K. C. & St. L. Exp a 9:00 am K. C. A St. L. Exp all. 15 pm Chicago A Northwestern Chicago Daylight a 7:25 am St. Paul-Minn. Exp a 7:50 am Chicago Local all:30 am Sioux City Passenger. .a 7:60 am Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pm Chicago Special a 8:00 pm St. Paul-Minn.: Llm a 8:28 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...a 9:30 pm Overland. JLMilted .v.,.U:00 pn Fast Mai) ..:..v......;'4.'...v. a 8:25 pm a 8:30 am all:00 am a 8:45 am a 6:50 Pm all:48 pm al0:20 pm a 3:2S pm a 3:28 pm a 8:46 am a 8:23 am a 8:00 am al2:35 pm a 8:22 am a 3:35 pm a 9:90 am a 8:00 am a 6:20 pm al0:36 am a 5:20 pm a 6:20 pm b 6:20 pm b 1:85 pm a 9:25 am all:16 pm Sioux City Local i.w pm Twin City Limited a 8:28 pm Norfolk-Bonesteel .......a 7:46 am Lincoln-Long Plne.u..a i :tt am Deadwood-Llncoln ...... a 3:00 pm Casper-Lander ,.a 3:00 pm Hastings-Buperior d :w pm Fremont-Albion ...b 6:30 pm Wabash . . - St. Louis Express... 'Va 6:30 pm St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 8:00 am Stand berry Local (from Council Blurts) o two pm bl0:U am Chicago, Hoolc Islaasl A Pnclao EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:00 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am Des Moines Passenger.. a 4:00 pm Iowa Local bll :40 am Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 4:40 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:10 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd...all:16 pm Colo. & Cal. Express.... a 1:10 pm Okl. & Texas Express... a 4:40 pin all:06 pm a 4:U pm sl2:30 pm b 3:66 pm a 1:15 pm a 8:35 am a 2:60 am a 4:30 pm a 1:15 pm BURLINGTON STA XOTII A MASON, Darlington Leave. Denver & California... a 4:10 pm Northwest Speclai a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Express ....all:6v pm Nebraska points a 8:46 am Nebruska Express a 9:16 am Lincoln Fast Mali b 1:46 pm Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Schuyler - Plattsmouth.b 3:10 pm Bellevue - Plattsmouth.a 8:00 pin I-l&ttsmouth - Iowa b :18 am I'ellevue - Plattsmouth Arrive, a 3:45 pm a 8:4A pm a 8:46 pin al0:16 pm a 6:10 pm a 8:1) pm 812:11 pm b 9:08 am nl0:15 pm a 7:50 pm bl0:20 am a 8:50 am b 1:30 a 7:06 all:45 a 3:55 a 8:30 all':30 all:30 a 6:30 a 6:10 pm am pm pm um am am um Ml Denver Limited a 4:10 Chicago Special a 7:26 Chicago Express a 4:20 Chicago Flyer ....a :30 Iowa Local a 9:16 St. Louis Express a 4:46 Kansas City at St. Joe..al0:46 Kansas City & St. Joe.. a 9:16 Kansas City & St. Joo..a 4:45 pro am pill, pm am. pm pm am pm WEBSTER BTA. 1DTII A WEBSTER. Chicago, St. Paol, Minneapolis Omaha Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. . h 6:3u am b U lrt pm Bloux City Passenger. .a 3:05 pm alO 50 am Emerson Local c 8:45 am c 6:55 Dm Missouri Paelflo Auburn Local b 3:50 pin bll:25 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, e Bun day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dully except Monday. - , OCEAN STEAMERS Par rast. Btsssura erbuals It nays ts trawl on the FRENCH LINE To PARI, th aty Bssutlful, .1 Dates to all DsuiU es tlx Continent d5yr- Compacnle Ganlral iir- Trcnsatlantlqu 7T i,Sr fast Llmlto Mall Servtoe . J nr. yea to psia in days vis Havre on glgantla twin-screw express steamers, sailing every Thursday la s. m. sll the couvcnicoce and luxury of most! palatial hotels on a more liuinenas scale.! Passenger elevator. Tool care, gymnwiim, elegant suites snd single apartments; daily newspaper archest ra, wireless teleiyraphr, famous cuisine ana svciy pioviuou lot solely ana coraion. La SstoI M 81 La tavola June II Pruvtacs Jun 4 La rrovnc Juue A La Lorrmln Julia 11 La Lorraine July 2 Karlr rariloiu rscaiaoMBtts. for cop el liiustratL'4 boua ! uiim .4 vii IS HAHHV fc MOUKU, 1U ru.ia BC I B REYNOLDS. . 14 rirus SL W. K. SOCK. ....... Mo Faraaia 11 W U I'AVIOSON. toil Faruasi St. WOUia Nfcil. sara riral Nattoaal lUIOn F1BTI8E, Xnne 18, SO, 87, July X Clark's rruiHi m tua "AraDle." H.Kll tuna 10 nrlant ":" Rnnntt thu Wnrlrl o. n V-' wi'.M. iin, ... .. ,. , r,, -io FRANK C. CLARK, Times Bullaing. N.w York Largost Circulation THE OMAHA DEE Best l?. West S-.u'J",7 REDEEMING JTS BAD BOYS How New York Is Maklnsr (iood Cltl sens f Its Tenement s Irohlns. New York City's work In redeeming Its street urchins snd putting" them In lli i path that leads to god citizenship Is of national concern. Every city In the touu try that has lt boy problem can eil take advantage of this admirable exam ple. George W. Wlngate, president of the Public Schools Athletic league, tell how It was done. This leaguo was formed lute In the year 1903. At that time the leading New York citizen knew that something m;ist be done to keep Its youth of the tenemei.t districts from going utterly "to the bail." They determined to appeal to the best boy qualities. And so without any pounding of drums they enrolled the &.uio children of the metropolis In a gigantic schools athletic league. The magnitude of tho work frowned discouragement from the very beginning. But at the end of four years the league has sorre wonderful results to show. Every school was made a unit In the organization. Prizes were given to the boys for contests In every line of athletic activity Jumping, running, polo vaulting, etc. And more than everything else, the school children of New York City have been titimht and are acting upon tho principle which has been con stantly pointed out to them, that to excel In athletics they must be decent; they must deal squarely; Hiey must not smoke cigar ettes, for that Injures the heart and spoil one's "wind." Furthermore, hundreds of boys have found that vlclousness of any kind makes them less capablo of winning the coveted athletic "buttons." The promi nent men In New York City have given help and active co-operation. Even Presi dent Roosevelt has lent a hand. The bene fits have become so evident that England has sent a special committee of Investiga tion to see how It was all done. New York City rjjis spared $tfO,ii0 out of Its funds for the prosecution of the work the coming ear. , J In 1903, whenj tho league was formed, tho physique of the ordlhary boy in the densely populated districts was fully 20 per cent "lower than normal. It was estimated that each boy had about two lineal feet of street to play In, allotting him his portion pro rata, but today New York children have bodies pretty nearly normal In develop ment. More than that, their standing In studies has Improved wonderfully, for It Is a rule that to compete for tho athletic prizes a pupil must bo proficient In his books. The teachers are delighted with the Improvement In discipline. The "gangs" In New, York ore growing noticeably less and the vicious element among the lads Is be coming remarkably small. Not long ago 2,000 or 3,000 boys attended one of the con tests between the schools and a spectator was astonished to note that, during the two or three hours of the games, not one boy smoked a cigarette. Outing Magazine. HUMAN RACE LIVES LONGER Statistics Do Not Rear Oot Statement that Man Is Deteriorating-. A German scientist. Dr. Emll Koenlg, has lately undertaken to prove that In highly civilized countries man has abused his constitutor al strength, and conse sequently s more susceptible to disease, than ho was In earlier times. There Is obviously something to be said for this averment, but, considered as a whole, the facts do not bear It out. It Is-unquestionably true that as clvlllr zatlon advances human llfo becomes mors complex, and. the pressure upon a man'i physical resooroes tends become -Trrore, intense. It Is also true that certain forms of disease, such,- for Instanoe, as cancer and heart weakness appear to be more prev alent than they were a century ago we say, ".appear," because only In a compara tively recent period have the statistics of mortality and Its causes been trustworthy and exhaustive. The offlclul records of Geneva, which have been kept carefully for a long period, prove that the average duration of human life Is materially greater than It was 1E0 or 100 yeaxs ago. Not only the average length of htynan existence, but the. reten tion of physical and Intellectual vigor, or what Is called, the prime of life, tends to be prolonged. The age limit of usefullness has In practice been pushed forward. The fruitful activity of men over sixty, and even seventy, years of age Is a phe nomenon far more frequently observed to day than It was 100 years ago. Napolean's career was over at forty-six; Von Moltke's can scarcely be said to have begun, so far as great achievements were concerned, till he was nearly seventy. What Is true of war Is true of diplo macy, of law, of medicine, of every field of work In which mental and physical energy Is Irresponsible. When, In a word. we examine Impartially all the data, weigh ing accurately all the evidence pro and con, we seem Justified In taking an optimistic rather than Dr. Koenlg's pessimistic view of the effect of civilization on the bodily well-being and longevity of man. New York Sun. FATAL LURE0F A BULLET Caused Death After It Had Been Re moved from the Patient's Body. "People may Jeer at fatalism and poke fun at all Ideas which are embodied In predestination," said Senator Culberson of Texas, at a small gathering of friends the other day In Washington, "but some times a man rubs elbows with events which muka him less skeptical about such things. "A fine young boy named Dallas, was shot whllo out hunting and the bullet lodged so near his heart that there was not one chance In a thousand . that ha could survive an operation. But he did survive and the operation was one of the things of which the surgeons In the local hospital were very proud. Dut the boy's recovery was tedlcus, and as soon as the fever left him ho was allowed to see his friends and to play cards and generally amuse himself. "Tho bullet had been given to tho boy and occupied a conBplcJous place on th table. Every caller saw and handled tho bullet and talked oyer his almost mirac ulous escape from death. One day the boy's mother was with htm and several relatives when a boy who had formerly gone to school with the patient paid him a visit, and, of course, he wanted to hear all about the operation and to see tho but let. "The boy told It all with great vim, and then, taking up the bullet, he said: 'Hera's the bullet that caused all the trouble and now I shall bite It to pieces and pay It back,' and he laughingly put It la his mouth. Just then flu was seized with a toughing fit, the kulht slipped down 1.1 throat and lodged In his windpipe, and In a few minutes he had strangled to death. "The poor mother was nearly crazed with grief, but she afterward told the pastor of her church that she felt her son was iisilned to die of that bullet, and that she had little confidence of tils recovery, even when the operation was pronounced successful. She had dabbled somewhat l:i( the orcult sciences and she declared that the boy had been tedestlned from all time to die from that particular bulled, and that nothing could save lilro from that fate." New York Press. Vs Bee want ads to boost your business.