0 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 17, 190H. I HELP WANTED MALE I M leecllaneoaaCoatlnaeA. JUTTED 8TATF.S NAVT wants ye-un men 01 gooo cnrcifr, wiwnn ages 11 and 26; men with special trades accepted up to fHru; must be AmiTican clil I sens: good opport unities for promotion for ! efficient men; pay U to $7o per month. f Tactically clear of living expenrea. Free lluetrated booklet on application, "The i Making of a Man-o - arsrnan. ' lslt or address Navy Recruiting Station, postof flea buildings Omaha. Lincoln and Hast- Inga, Neb ; Sioux City and Council Bluff, ! la,, and Sioux Tails, 8. D. (9)-M618 tlx WANTED Experienced polisher. Apply piano department, uenneu CO. I (9-M57S 16 WANTED Everyone to understand that we have solved the problem of a "Good Meal for tha Money." Our prlcea are , right, our aen-lce la good. Homi Dairy ' Restaurant, 1514 Capitol Ave. (9) Mt3 ANT Intelligent person may earn good In come corresDondinc for newspapers; ex perience unnecessary; no canvassing. , Bend (or full particulars. Fresa Syndi cate, Jjocxport, Pi. x. tsv THIS paper and every other dally wnt live correspondents. Wo atart you In the ' work. For detail address The Conti nental FTeaa Ass n, 632 Colton Bldg., Toledo, O. , () 'Ol'NO men to prepare for examination for railway mall and other government posi tions, Superior Instruction by mall. Es- tabllfthed 14 years. I nousands of success ful atudenta. Sample questlona and "How government positions are secured" sent free. Interstate Schools, Cedar Rapids, la, (9) M753 lix VANTED Organisers, fraternal, aoclal or- i ders: good commissions. Any territory. John Talbot, Supreme President, Order of Owls, South Bend. Hid. (9) M761 lix WANTED Energetic man to conduct I wholesale and retail business for largo h manufacturing company, staple product, Income $176 to $250 per month; applicant must furnish first-class references anu 11.000 to ll.WiO cash: capital secure: tech nical experience unnecessary. Address F. W. Williams, Douglas Park Station, Chicago, ill. (S)-M7:m lix JENERAL manager wanted In different countlea In this state; territory given; reference required. Registry and Securi ties Co., 95 Liberty St., New York. (3)-6.s7 17x DELIVERER and collector; Catholic fa miliar with Catholic settlements; $75 caah monthly; no experience or capital re- required. National, 933 Lakeside Bldg., Chicago. () 6X4 i, LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. FINE driving horse, suitable for ladies. gentle and a good looker. l"i Farnam. TeL D. 1241. (il)-M7l lix K)R BALE First grade Studebaker run about, used one aeason. Cash $175; as good aa new, price, $j. Call at Towner Lauglln. 24 tu ana N sts., souin Omaha. (U)-M702 17 "OR BALE Handsomest saddle horse In the west, 6 years old, sound, beautiful bay. perfect disposition, lady can ride, high going, single footer; price reason able. 'Phone Douglas tui. (1D-M775 17 'INE family horse, city broke, trap, har ness, etc., at a bargain. T. E. Stevens. Phone Harney 700. (11) M774 Poultry, E(i and Squabs. IROSB COMB R. I. RED EGGS for hatch ing. Pens headed by prize, winning cockerels from North Star Poultry Show, Minnesota; $1.50 to $2 per 15. Mrs. James H Halplne, 4602 Center St., Omaha. Tel. Harney ifcis. ud-mui 2 SSILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best. If your dealer does not nanoie, can lioug. uu, Ind. B-3456. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. lGth. (ID loS lilNGLET Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching, $2 per aettlng; sattsiaction guar anteed. . C Atuquisi, wcDBier zims Meredith Ave., Omaha, Neb. (ID- HOMERS for squab breeding; mated birds; free catalogue. Missouri Squab Co., Ht. Louis. Mo. (ID 7B l7x WHITE Wyandotte chickens; good layers; fine utility fowls. E. li. Cook, South golf links, Benson. (11) MTflS 19x LOST AND FOUND UjOBT Shrine pin. In north part of city. Return to this office and claim reward. (12) MS10 IS TUB PARTY in blue uniform who picked ud bank book by cltv hall Wednesday afternoon Is known and will be arrested unless he returns same with contents within forty-eight hours. 12 MM3 lhx MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, ltlh and Dav enport Sts.: special attention paid to con finement caaes;vall treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-129 ANY pour girl In need of a friend call or write to tne matron 01 me ciarvauon Army Home tor Women at 3824 N. 24th Bt Omaha, Neu. (ji) ju.100 UEST nerva brace for men. "Gray's Nerva Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 469 CONFINEMENT HOME for unfortunate girls; good doctor, nursea, ana reasonable lerma; conuueiiuai. tietumy iiome, Ira nian, UkL (W filufg lix USE "Foot Sweat and Smell Remedy.' This remedy Is prompt, safe and sure for sweat and smell; 35a a box, post paid. Leon juergens, f. u. uoi 335, Fremont, Neb. (13) MaU) lix DR. HUTCHINSON Specialist of women and children. J!4 nun est. -ruone Doug las wuc (13) U. J. GAHAN. M. D. Tel. Auto. A 3723. Office 203 Barker Block. (13) MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others witnout security : easy pay ment, Offices lu 63 principal cities. Tol- maa, room 714. New York Life Bldg. (14) 463 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 13ul DouLlaa. (14) 463 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co.. 15v4 Furnam bt. (14)-464 P. O. NIELSEN CO.. LOANS. 701 N. T. Ufa Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2304. lit) 4 OFFERED FOR RENT BoaurdlnaT ad Roonus. VIENNA hotel; prlvgte dining roorr a; cafe. (10) toi WB DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 16-tt. Schmoller ie. Mueller Piano Co.. Ull-UU Farnam. (16) 463 SOUTH room, auttable for two, choice lo cation, large lawn, private family, mod ern. 627 Park Ave. (16)-M42t D2WEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. lift) KM BOARD and room; large room, auttable for two; also single room, ut b. win dl (16)-6f NICE aulte of rooms, also single, with board, to permanent couple or gentleman. Referenoea. UU Caaa St. 'Phone lioug. S4I4, I block from postofflce. (15 M437 17x UDDEHN Dlaca for room and board, pri vate family, large aliady lawn, south part of city. Tvl. Douglas 2at7. (15)-Wto6 17x Large comfortable rooms with Fl KB r CLABd BOARD. 3616 FARNAM BT. (U) Mti 16X ROOMS Single or aosulte, suitable for two or four gentlemen, or man and wife; large porco. iaiga auweiy, kept iwn. Uaney 64. (16)-Msu6 lux OFFERED FOR RENT Iloardlns; mad RoomsCon ttnaed. TWO nicely furnished front moms, with or without board: modern Improvements; good board and room for young men. Terms reasonable. 2215 Howard St. (la) 381 Mis BUITR of rooms, on first floor, modern In very way; home cooking. 116 N. 26th St. (15) Moll Jeizx NICELY furnished rooms, close In; first clasa board. Tel. Douglas 1J, 618 8. Ifth St. (15 Mft'l Ox Fnralahad Hoonas. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle menday, week or month. Tha Chatham, opposite Millard, 110 8. lSlb St. FURNISHED rooma. 640 8. 24th Hi. I ref (16) M139 Je6 erencea. FURNISHED room. 1950 S. 10th St. (15) M987 Jux LARGE south room, all modern. 2? 10 Dodge. (15)-tM 218 N. 19th St., $5 per week; nice front parlor with adjoining bedroom, desirable lor gentlemen or man ana wn". (lb) M 1.-6 isx A PLEASANT room, with email family; every modern convenience. !6S!) N. 2Uh St. 'Phone Webster 3250. (15) M616 17x FOR RENT Beautiful southeast room. Manseom park district; private famlry. Harney 13. (15) 439 17x FOR RENT I'leasant furnished rooms in private family. 633 So. 2il St. (iO) raoui xtx YOL'NQ gentleman wishes roommate, also room for couple, modern flat, private family. iUxj Dodye St. (15)-6l 16x NICE cool room In Davldge block, flat 4, $15. (16)-GW 17x FURNISHED front room, 1102 N. 24th St. (15)-6W 21 THREE nicely furnished front rooms, com plete for housekeeping, modern. 2ms Davenport. (15) 640 22x NICELY furnished room, walking distance, board across street, no other roomers; home for right purty; references required. Telephone Douglaa 50,0. (la) 643 22x TWO ROOMS, furnished; house new and strictly modern. 81l N. luth St. (15) 642 22x A NICE room In private family for one or two young men, modern and within walk ing distance. 216 N. 23d St. (15;) M7&4 19 13EAUTIFCL south room, with alcove sultuble for two or threo persons. 2702 mrnam Bt. (16) M7til 17x NEWLY furnished rooms, modern home. 2704 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 3631. (15) M722 19 SINGLE rooms, also large room; modern. lib Ho. -Jnti. (15) M.Su7 Ibx 2u5 S. 25th Ave., first floor; modem. (15) 649 17 THREE nicely furnished rooms; housekeep ing, ur. uriuitn, Z4ih and Farnam. (15) M843 26x LA'RGE. clean, cool, nicely furnished, newly papered room for employed couple or two icuiiru Beniivmeii, no uujecuun xo music or practice of any kind. 2563 St. Mary's Ave. (15) M842 18 ONE furnished room for gentlemen. 536 B. 2lh Ave. (16)-M840 26 Uafnrnlahed Roost. FOUR ROOMS, 1120 N. 17th St. (l)-860 built; 01 iigni nouseaeeping rooms; gas ana teiepnone; iiz per month. 2575 Har- liejr. in, iuug. vnv. IID Oloi 1HX FOUR rooms, all modern. 2116 Emmet. Ut) M503 19X ROOMS-U5& N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 5631. (16) M791 17x t UNFURNISHED rooms, adapted for light housekeeping; modern brick house, hot water heat. 2Sth St., near Jackson; no onuuren; musi nave rererence. Ad dress W 5i4, Bee. (15) MH48 17 Apartments and Flata. BEAUTIFUL APARTMENTS 1007 S. 30th Ave.. 6-r.. new and UD-to-date: will decorate to suit tenant. A big snap at $37.50. 32d and Pacific Sts., the richest St. Louis apartments In Omaha, 5 and 6 rooms; lenanm may seieci aecorauons. Bee us lor s;eciai inducements. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO.. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. 06)- 6-KOOM Modern flat. 113 S. 11th St. (15)-M892 APARTMENTS, 7 rooms, In QUIVET, 1807 s-ii rarnam oi.; steam neat, hot water and telephone. APARTMENTS, 3 and 6 rooms, in etAKuu, Buutn omulia; steam heat and hot water. HALL. 317 First n at 1 an. uiag. ilea 7406 A4406. U5) 471 STEAM HEATED APARTMENTS 226 8. 19th Ave.. 1 beautiful B-r. steam neatea apartments, oak floors and finish, an taiesi conveniences tnrouirhnut; nnw ready for select tenants at very modest rentals, nee us lor particulars. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO.. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. 05)- FOR RENT. $15 6-room modern flat, good large cellar under flat, big back yard. 1807 Lake St. $15 6-room modern, upper flat, nice loca tion. IiS.ri s. lutn 81. ROBINSON & WOLF. 05)- IN BEMIS PARK, new 4-room anoart- ment, first floor, $22.50. M. SoreiiBcn. jei. iiarney wju. (15) 837 17x Honsckeeplaa; Rooma. EXCELLENT, modern, furnished rooma for nouseneepnig; pnona in House. 2674 Har ney si. (15)-M5'J3 THREE choice rooms, newly decorated and " wj iwbucu mr jigui nouse - keeping; modern, no other roomers: ref- erences required and given. Address, EIGHT rooms,' brick house, strictly mod-8-666, care Bee. (16) M562 17x ern, 212 North 26th St.: rent reasonable to THREE choice furnished rooms; 220 N. aa Bt. (16) MSG TWO elegant rooms, modern, furnished: reaaonauie. a in. iia 01. (li) duu Zlx LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 2216 Califor nia bt. Tel. Douglas 4479. (16 39 23 Caralssied Hoawes. 10-ROOM furnished house for the summer. ttaea tiros., iiiu f arnam. (16) M7'is FOR RENT Furnished house for the summer; beautiful home, excellent location; view of the river and the bluffs. AVM. DICKEY REED, 421 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1283. (1B-327 17 FOR RENT For alx months, a furnished 6-room modern house. In the West Far. nam district. etaointaolntaolnn nam district. Address U 49. care Bee. (15) M786 17x vk itfciis 1 r-urnisnea nous of 1 rooms for summer. 1126 . Slat St. Tel. Harney li. (10 MlSi u FURNISHED HOUSE. $00 per mo., for strictly modern 9-room nouse near nign acnool, furnished through out; six monins lease to private family. UOIttUt K V-AJ., 1UU1 r A It IN A M . (.15) lloaaca aa4 Cottagea. 1320 N. 40TH. T rooma. all modern. C E. Herring, tu w xorg iaie Bldg. , (15)-S nU 1 tl A Vmm mw.A Qt.... r-M ..A . I . - . WU. .MH. CM, II , ,p I siora a. gooat. euorenouae lisu-M n. Ulu. office 16uv Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (lo 4.4 FOR RENT Modern 3-room house, two I blocks from 24th St. car line, south front lot. mxiw; jbiO foppietoo Ave. inquire ail I 3w Popplelon Ave. 0& Mls3 J OFFERED FOR RENT lloaaea (attaars On tinned. 1S N. 22d. 5-r., water and gas, $12.50. Seward. 5-r.. modern, except heat. 1:2. r. 3M4 N. 3'th, 6-r., city water and gas, lis. 8::io N. list, 6-r., mixlcrn, IjRM). 8110 Corby, 7-r., modern, $il.60. m.l Davenport. 7 , new. modern, oak finish, close to Boulevard, $46. 21 Webster, 7-r., modern, oak finish, J4U. FLATS AND APARTMENTS 0!'H N. 21at. 6-r.. new. modern, except heat, IJ6.R0. 22)2 N. 21st, 7-r.. modern. 22.60. 33.13 Harney. 9-r.. molern. oak finish, separate rooma and tol'ete for servants, $66. 4 steam heated apartments from $. to $48, with heat and Janitor service furnished. Fl RN SH KU KII HK. West Farnam district, one block from Farnam car; 8-r.. modern furnished house on paved street, oak finish; will rent from June 15 to September 1. References re quired. No children. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St. Ask for Rental Department. (15) HOl'SES FOR RENT. $10 per mo.. W:3 Douglas St., 3d floor, ft rooms and batn. $11 per mo., 2::il Douglas St., 2d and 3d floors. 4 rooms and bath. $-a! per mo.. 1IW2 8. 25th Ave., 6 rooms, mod ern except furnace. $36 pvr mo., 2319 N. 27th Ave., T rooms, mod ern except furnace. $30 per mo., desirable 6-room flut, 2d floor, 21 Farnam St. t per mo., V23 H. 25th Ave., 7-room modern houye. $37.50 per mo., lt4 Spruce St., 6 rooms, strictly modern new nouse, souin ironi, fine yard. $10 per mo., 2965 Pacific St., 9 rooms, modern flat. $4S per mo., 4 US S. 25th Ave., 6-room mod ern apartment. $50 per mo., 13-13t) S. 35th St., 9-room mod ern house, oak finish, large yard and very desirable. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 FARNAM. (15)- HOUSES AND COTTAGES 2325 8. 18th, 6-r.. modern, plumbing and gas tnrougnout. A snap at lis. 2131 California. 7-r., all modern, close In, fine shape. $37. 642 S. 30th St., 7-r., all modern and beau tifully decorated throughout. A snap at $32.50. 154S H. 27th St.. 7-r., all modern. A good bargain at $-5. 3172 Farnam. 8-r., all modern, splendid lo cation, $37.50. 572 8. 2Mh St., 8-r., all modern, easy walk ing distance, $35. 306 8. 3Mh St., 8-r.. strictly modern, In heart of West Farnam district. $."0. 2027 Howard, 10-r., nil modern, close In, $40. 2ti35 Davenport St., 9-r., all modern, close In, first class repair, only J35. PAYNE. HOSTWICK & CO., Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)- $X 1136 S. Slst St.. 10 rooms, modern. Furnished. $152512 8. 10th St. Fine brick Just new. 8 rooms modern. Look at this for something swell. $32.60 On Ixard west of 40th. New T-room, modern. $3i-3316 Burt: 8 rooms, modern: hot water neat, gas range, good condition. $182020 Farnam; 6 rooms, modern ex cept heat. ivz i4itA s. ith St.. 4 rooms: water and closet on each floor. Some good large and small store rooms PETERS TRUST CO., Ground Floor, N. Y. Life. 05) 1204 N. 26th, 6 rooms, modern except heat sm. 8041 California. 7 rooms, modern except .neat, iJb. ia Pratt, 7 rooms, modern. $30. 1020 N. 32d. 8 rooms, all modern. $30. 607 Park Ave., 8 rooms, all modern. $37.50. 1312 Park Ave., 8 rooms, brick, all modern $40. 624 N. 19th, 9 rooms, all modern, corner Webster, $40. 5o8 N. 25th. g rooms, all modern. $40. 6'8 N. 2Gth, 7 rooms, all modern, $40. Near 22d and California, 8 rooms, all mod ern, vacant June 1, $46. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phones Douglas or A 2152.. (15) PRESSED BRICK HOUSES 819 Park Ave.. 8-r.. new. strictly modern, newiy aecoratea witn ocauurui patterns. ana reaucea to only hz.hi. 130 8. 35th St., 9-r., strictly modern, very cnoiee in every detail, special induce merits to desirable tenant. 612 N. 21st St.. 9-r.. strictly modern, very alose In, splendid place to rent a room or two at fancy prices, thus making rental very moderate. You can have no Idea how fine this Is without seeing It. PA INK. HOHTWICK & CO.L Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. 05)- 2522 REESE St., 8-room house. $8. 3210 N. 24th St.. 3-room flat. $7. 0-room flat, all modern, within walking distance. BEMIS. 306 PAXTON BLOCK. Phones, Douglas bbl; Independent A-1636. (15)-1S4 2218 N. 18TH, new 6-r., modem, $35. 823 So. 2oth Ave., 8-r., modern, $36. 1337 80. 27th, 6-r., modern, choice. $28. own xi ten, n.n. i 4118 N. 20th, 7 rooms, barn, $18. SK4 So. 17th. 6 rooms. $16. 2319 So. 16th, '6-room flat, $12.60. 821 80. 24th, 3-room fl.tt. $10. 2204 No. 27th, 4 rooms, fSi. ibsj canton, 4-room cottage, 8.50. ' 2210 So. 42d, 7-room house, $8. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. (15)- FOR RENT. $403004 Harney St.. 8 rooma. modern, oak finish, possession June 20. To see Inside apply at our office. 4o 1120 8. Slst St.. 8 rooms modern, hot water neat. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug. 49. 16th and Farnam St., Independent A-2049. (15) FOR RENT. 672 S. 2Rth, -r., all modern $35 1SO0 S. 34th, 8-r., modern except furnace.. 25 kim 8. 20th. 6-r., modern, 2d floor li 143 N. isth. 4-r.. city water 12 auuj r ranKim, 4-r., city vater THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Phone. Doug. 297. 212 8. 14th St. (15)- FOR RENT -room modern house. 1750 8 17tn Ht.. wu. cessell Realty Co., 325 Hoard 01 1 raaa. (15) MS00 23 206 N. 23rd St., 7 rooms, modern. ln.tt far Ave., rooms, $37. 50. JOHN N. FREEZER. Room 6. Frenser Blk. 1 (16) first-class tenant. Address L. Harris. 676 uranueis mag. (15) M02 19x NEW 7-room, strictly modern, oak finish combination fixtures', full cemented Imae ment; good location; close In; only $33.00 10 iihhi icuani. iui i larx l. lacier' aon Bros., 475 Brandela B:k. Both pnones. (15) M822 17 EIGHT-ROOM atrlctly modern houae, oso souin sstn Bt. When you hav looked thla over come In (don't tele phone) and we will talk terms. Si. J. KENNARD & CO., 309-10 Brown Blk. (15) M819 FOR RENT. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except fur nace; iju.uu per montn. Eight-room all modern house, walking dia lance; ud.uu per montn. W. J. DERMODY INV. Co. Telephone Doug. 61u8. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg (15) 8TORAOE for household goods; cheap, safe, convenient. 1013 Farnam St. (lb) 841 17x FOR RENT-3319 Charles St.. 7 rooms, all modern, $28.00 Wm. D. Romano, SIS Hoard -iraae. (IS) 847 1 7 CHOICE Central, 4-room. corner flat. 220 N- m (151-M927 FOUR rooms with hall, cloaet, ground floor city water and aewer; half block to ca una. 916 N. zstn av. (lb) C48 Maggard Van Storage Co. D. 1496. W guarantee moving planoa, li. II. gooda. (16) 443 HOUSES Patera Trust Ca. N. T. L Bldg. U0) lil 24(67 PACIFIC 8T.- rooma; thorough! modern, oak finish; $40. A. O. Elllck, 601 Bm Bldv. H51 4M s-ROOM modern brlcK rial. SUB Pacific 6 Inquire at 13mi 8. 36th Ave. 'Phone Har l ney gaa. (15 M7S3 19 BRICK houses, on of my modem In every I way. Keys on premises. 2ti01 Capitol Ave. Dr. F. BWatlalander. (15)-MO Its OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and Cottages font Inned NEW 6-r. modern cottage, 3016 North llUh St.. $.11.00. New R-r. modern cottage. 24:2 Wirt St.. full l-ei!l-Ill IN1KCII1PIII ; Will I'HfT IMIf linn mnM part of dining room to suit small fam- ii... . t. 5-r., li.tx South 12th, $io.po, 7-r. and barn, W' Parker, modern; $18(10. i-r., nictiern, 5-ci rarnam; .i". S-r., mixlern, and barn, ".12 Harney; $32.5". 8- r., modern, 27i1 Juekson; $2.(. 9- r. modern brick house, polished hard wimhi iiiHirs, lacing lfansrim ln i mir lawn, front and rear; fdi.Ru. 1 lie rine iunoy tiome ol iv large rmmis would make elegant place for first-class F. D. WDAD.. 18th and FARNAM ST 8. 1 , FOR RENT, room modern hrl k house, In fine condi tion, facing Han scorn Park $.17.50. 1513 N. 2"th St.. 3-room cottage liV). STORES AND OFFICES. Northwest corner b'.tli and Harney, very dtPlrablj room, 22x6ti, with large vault $100. Offices In Ramge IMdg., lnth and Harney, very convenient, two electric elevators $10, $1. fJO and $25. W.' R. HOMAN, 1517 Farnam St. (15) (i'S 22 221 Lathrop, 5-rooms, $12.50. 2219 Lathrop. 5-rooms. $12.50. 221 Lathrop, 5-rooms. llu.W. 70 Cuming, 6-room. $22.00. 907 Webster, 8-roon s, modern, $10.00. TURRELL & CO., D. 1129. (16) M57 16 3128 CHICAGO street, 8 rooms, large yard and barn, $45. 8011 Webster street, 8 rooms, modern except furnace, $U3. Ring wait Bros., 3o6 So. loth St. (15)-M5S9 ROOMY, modern house, stable, 2Gth and Capitol Ave., $30. McCaguu Co., loOj Dodge. (16) M5M 17x ROOM cottage, well water, no children. Rcferences'rcqulred. 33JJ2 Cass St. (16) M5X3 16 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (15) 479 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (16) 474 FOR RENT 8 rooms, buth, barn, 2151 P. 419 1st Nat. Bk. Bid. (lo)-480 84th. W. S. SUUinuii, HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expiesanieii'i Dolivery Co. Tel. Doug. 391. (15) 477 UPPER four rooms In residence No. 3s02 N. 17th St.; separate entrance, separate bath. Tel. Webster S1C9. (15)-156 TnTTsFS In all parts of the city. luuoij0 Crelgh Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. Of79, LIST your vacant houses With Walter Breen Company, 914 N. x. Lire Bldg. (15)-4S3 SIX-ROOM, second floor. 1W2 N. 20th St., $11; H-room house, partly modern, 409 Wil liam St., $23; storeroom, 1306 N. 24lh St., $16. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sis. (16) M4C5 FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, close to car line, south front. Inquire 2514 Cald well St. (15) M357 16x FOR RENT Six-room cottage. 27S8 Capitol Ave.; modern, except heat; nicely re paired; very desirable; $1. Also, two story, 7-room, 211 N. 2Nth Ave.; new plumbing; convenient; rooms large; low rent to good party. Apply at 607 N. mh St. (15)-Mi55 NEW brick house, 7 rooms, strictly mod ern. 601 1'arK Ave., . Meiepnone Har ney 1610. (16) 001 11 HOUSE for rent, 2003 Franklin St. (15) 646 FOR RENT R31 S. 2th St., eight rooms. modem; nice yard, trees, shrubbery, etc.; $32.50. Apply to Wm. Fleming. 211 S. lKth. Phone Doug. 179, or Doug. 6040, after 6 p. in. (16) 663 16 6-ROOM house. Apply 2702 S. 13th St. (15) M635 18x FOR RENT 1332 8. 25th Ave., house, 6 rooms modern, except furnace, inquire 1314 S. ZDtll Ave. (15) M61S 17 X -ROOM house, 1409 S. 7th St. Tel. Doug. 4616.- (15) M628 18x MODERN 8-room house, close to car line. south front. Inquire 2614 Caldwell St. (15) M790 23x LOWER part 8-room house; bath and gas no children. is. z&tn, 112.50 per month - (15) M772 18 THREE rooms, bath and gas, second floor: no children. 2921 N. 25th. $9 pox month. (15) M773 18 10-ROOM brick house, south and east front Modern; keys on premises. 114 N. 26th St., Tel. Harney j9ij. (16) 763 23x FOR RENT Modern 7-room cottage, $25. W. H. Thomas, 603 First Nat. Bank Bldg, (15)-M779 19 Balldlngs. FOR RENT Space In building located In heart 01 tne Dusiness aiatriot; trackage facilities and electric elevator; suitable for warehouse or light manufacturing . . A , 11 T n- T 1 (2o)-M555 FOR RENT Warehouse at 1647-49 Sherman Ave., 4hxl50. four floors, hydraulic eleva tor, trackage; recently overhauled and put In first class condition; suitable for storage or Jobbing business; long term leace. BENSON & MYERS, 413 N. T. Life Bldg. (15)-h Offices. ftPipTPtrfl nn TAT?T.-lRR K anA g ronma In (JUlvei. ldUl-tf-11 x amain 01.; luiiauie I .ir artists, pnysicians, aenusis, aressmagers etc., who wish their homes adjoining; stea'm heat, hot water and telephone Also offices or parlors, 3 and 8 rooms, in c.r.n Kldor . South Omaha, suitable for lawyers, doctors, etc.; steam heat and hot water. HALL, 317 First Nafl Bank ttlug. tied !-. tu)-B A GOOD BUSINESS deserves a good office. We have them, modern and well located. In the wohlesa and nankin district. Some especially at tructlve suites on the inira noor oi tne U. S. National building, 12th and Farnam Low rates. SPECIAL. Oround floor In above building, facing on 12th St., 1,2"0 square feet floor space, fine large windows lor ompluy, electric light. Call at once. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO., Chas. E. Williamson, Vt-s., Ground floor U. S. Nat l Bklr,, lit.! Farnam, (15)- OFFICES In The Be. Buli iV .; for r. nt. Apply R. W. Baker, Buj.ei lrnende it, Room 1U6. US)-M 16j DESK ROOM, 606 PAXTON BLOCK. (15)-M976 DESK ROOM-418 Bee Bldg. (15)-631 15x DESK ROOM, stenogrupher If desired. R. 22-23, Nebraska National Bank Bldg, Tel. Douglas 32V2. (to) MTU Si CORNER office, with splendid plate glass and oak fixtures. Weuu uus., istn und Farnam St. (151-MK18 i3 OUTSIDE room In N. Y. L. Bldg, eighth floor; $12.50 per month. W. J. DBKMODY INV. CO. Telephone Doug. 51oS. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg do) Stares. STORE ROOM In Scargo block at 620 N 24th St.. South Omaha: steam heat, mod- ern, ahow windows, excellent locailia. Also 2 basement rouiu lu iuti Lulld!,!". Cemented floors, steam heated, suitable fur billiards, burbers, talhs, restaurant, etc. HALL, 317 First Natl Bank Bulg. Red 7406 A-4406. (15) 487 SL'ITE of rooms In Baldrlge building, 20th and Farnam St.: well suited to derss making pailurs, studio, etc. F. D. Wead, ISO! Farnam St (16) MS17 23 STORES FOR RENT. $36 per mo., 2U7 1 amain St., U'X'jO ft., good Dasemenu $35 per mo., 2210 Farnar.i St., storeroom und UM.riurii u' ' it 1 - ... per mo., 14o3 Jackson St., large store room and double basement. GEORGE & CO., 10U1 FARNAM. (15)- FOR RENT Large atora room, northeast corner 16th and Vinton Sta., $16. C. M. Bachman. 436 Paxton Block. (li)-M4j OFFERED FOR RENT t ores 4"oa i I a ! . llrlck tore suitable for dry giutjn, rlotblnjc, , L'lAitnnl .nam or general iiiitviihihui"-. ,,.,1,. . fin front, beat location In town. OcorKe E. Lundburg, Lyons. Neb. tl5) M495 19 it R. IRth. steam heat. ls N. 24th, new brick, $25. JOHN N. FRENZTR, OPP. OLD P. O. Room 6, Frenaer Blk. ( 1 5 V M 24S OFFERED FOR SALE fornltare. FOR SALE Furniture of a 7-room flat, a'most new. Very reasonable. in. iiiti St., Tel. Ind. B-2967. (16)-M640 20 FOR SALE $50 roller top desk, 3 months' use; cheap; call Koom , t . f. rvau. Bank Bldg. (Hi) M623 11 FOR SALE On account of leaving city will sell our high grade furniture ami House hold goods at lowest prices. 9.6 S. ?th St. 'Phone Doug. 539S. (16) M620 17x OAS STOVE, refrigerator, roll-top d'-sk, nn.lltf laillna' wrlfllitT VllV D-IV.A'1 01 uu 9 ... - -T- desk, sanitary couches, $2.50 combination bookcase, carpets. Iron beds, dressers $4: some other furniture. Call 8undays at 251S Cuming St. (lfi)-644 17x BUFFET, gas stove, range, dress'T. Ice box; must be sola at once. H-'ii nowa.ru St. Tel. Red 2177. (11825 17x Planoa, Organs, Mnalcal Inatrmnents. FINE Baby Grand plnno, cheap; must sell; no deulers need apply. i3.u ft. (l)-MMi 19 FOR SALE Hardman cabinet grand piano, none better, in perfect order, nearly m'W, a bargain. 2705 Ohio St. (lfi) M:l 17x Typewriters and Sevrlnn Mnrblnes. We rent Typewriters for $'2.50 a month. Central Typewriter Exchange 1G07 Farnam St. Phone. Doug. 803. (16) FOR SALE Cheap, No. 3 Underwood, nearly new. Address f. o. nnx 435, Omalia. (16)-M704 17 FOX TYPEWRITER, No. 127120; only used short time and In A wo. i condition; lor sale at very reasonable price. Call for Wright at Bee Office, 17th and Farnam. (16) 683 SEWING MACHINES SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK Below will be found a list of slightly used sewing machines, whlch'wlll be on sale Monday: OPEN EVERY EVENING They have all been overhauled and put In first-class shape. Wilcox & Glbbs $32.00 New Home 20.00 Davis, 6-drawer, drop head 18.00 Singer, 6-drawer, drop head 19.00 W. & W., o-drawer, drop head 17.00 New Home, 5-drawer (2), drop bead. 18.00 White, 6-drawer, drop head 24.00 White, 6-drawer (CC), drop head.... 28.00 Standard, 6-drawer, drop head 27. DO Second-hand box-top machines from $3 to $9. All complete with attachments and guaranteed, and, while they havo been used, yet are In condition to give first class service. We rent and repair machines. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Cor. 15th and Harney Sts., Omaha. 344 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la, (16) NEW Monarch Visible typewriter. Ad- areas 1 . kj. dux 400, imiojia. x (10) M765 17 FOR SALE Second-hand Singer shoe maker's machine. P. Wlig, New York Dept. Store, 1810 Vinton St., Omaha. (16)-M721 17x SMITH-PREMIER typewriter, in good condition, for sale or rent, cheap. 602 Bee bldg. (16tr M614 18x ailscellaneoua. A LOT of atone for coping, window and door Bills; also fancy pressed brick, for aale. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt. Bee Bldg. (16)-961 DRUGS at cut prlcea; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 4S8 FOR SALE Store building, located In vil lage of Alvo, Neb., 30x60 feet In size, with hall overhead, and good basement. Will be sold at a bargain. For particulars ad dress E. M. Stone, Alvo, Neb. (16) M201 ICE! ICE. MINNESOTA ICE In car lots. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, la. (16)-M37 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures: easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 S. 10th St. (16) 490 GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Larcest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prlcea in the city; select now, delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS-G RANDEN CO., 31$ 8. 15th St. Tel. Doug. 681. (16) 4S9 LUMBER AND BRICK cheap from dis mantled Omaha packing company p'.ant. Alplrn, 'Phone Douglas 2474- (16) M419 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman 4. McConnutl Drug Co. (161493 l-S RUCKER and Weston newe cases and stands for sale cheap, can at ttee 01 lice. Omaha. (16)-893 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16) VJi BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 'Jl PURE Vermont maple sugar and syrup, D. E. Giddings. East Fairfield, Vt. (1 M455 Jellx IY1D GAT T.- CI ahAW maoa nntk tft.fnnt counter: all In good condition. Frey tag's irug Diore. .-i. 1111 01. (193649 17x BLACKSMITH and woodworkers' stock and tools, fine equipment; best location In city; a bargain; must Fell. Is. M, Welch, 12u9 Iiarney St. 'Phone Doug. U. (18) M 797 19x FULL DRESS Tuxedo and Prince Albert suits, perfect condition, made by best Omaha tailors; outgrown by owner; fit lobn IV) to 1W lbs. Full dress suit and Tuerto ront. $.15. coat me $: Prince Al belt suit, $25, cost mt $55. 'Phone Doug las S4. (76 M74o 17 SOME first-class laundry machinery for salo cheap. G. F. Llllie, Tekamah, Neb. tlO) MMl HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 14th and Doage rus.. ur.isiu. .eD, (its) 494 PATENTS A J X - w - - . -- ....-m We make free examinations to find out if Inventions are patentaDie. aqvic ire fateni ODtainea or tee reiurneu. (17) Mi41 Jel3x D. O. BARNJfLU Paxtoa blk. Tel. Red 7117 PATENTS (Continued.) PATENT your Invention through old es tablished firm of patent attorneys. Send sketch for free opinion as to patent ability. Send for free handbook. Mutin Co.. Scientific American office. 3-9 Broadway, New York. (171710 17x LARSON & CO. Book free. 622 Bee Ri.l. (17) 496 PATENTS THAT PROTECT S books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6c postage R. S. & A. H. I.acey, rooms 29 39 l'aclfi; Uldg., Washington, D. C. Established 1M9. (17) -47 PERSONAL Mi JVlTTf 1 treatment and bath. Mm. AU.lJllV oiuitli, USN. liilli, id tloo.-. (IS) bil A HOME for women during confinement; we find homes for babies where mothers cannot care tor them. Mother Lee, 402 Buncrutt bt. 'Phone Douglas 1921. (UD-M36S THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothliiK; In lact. anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at Ul N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 41.16 and wagon will call. (18)-7ts5 MASSAGE and baths. Room 2. 1204 Farnam St., id Floor. (IS) M131 Je. 6 I WILL retain and grow hair or pay $100. Write Dr. Oliver K. Chance, Bcalp aye cialist, 3!"5 Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis. Mention Omaha Uee when writing. (18) MM9 J4x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Webster 8569. (18)- YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian associat ion rooms, 1M Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise a.-slsted. (18)-915 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omalia. (IS) 499 m- m T1?V Cures Piles. No pay V. LUilU till PILES aro cureX Examination or booklet free. Dr. Tarry, 224 Bee Bldg., Omnha, Neb. jlMli. ZEREFA, Armenlnn mnssnne, 620 S. 16lh. Flat t. i iiono uouguis wio. ' (18) M6S3 18x OMAHA Stammerera' Institute, Ramge Bl'g. (IS) ew WANTED Three first-class stock com panies; play airdotnes lor tne season; state everything In first letter. Phoenix Amusement Co., Hutchinson, Kan. (18) M329 16x FROF. POLE, Room SOX. old Boston Store Bldg., French masseur anu suggestive therapeutist; treats all chronic diseases without medicine, surgery, pain or absence from business. Consultation In eight lan guages; first treatment free. Tel. Doug fas 8909. Sunday and evenings by appoint ment, office hours 10 to 12 a. m., and 4 to 6 p. m. (18) M382 16x BLEMISHES, rtmples, eruptions, rashes menicaieu oy oaiiii biviii uvam dwu u,o appear. (18) SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removea ny eiecincuy; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allendex, 624 Bee Bldg. (18) PUFFS, pompadours and switches mado from your comuings; puna. io won, Mrs. Matthews, 1018 S. 26th St. Tel. Douglas 6720. (18) WEDDING Invitations, announcements, etc., $2.50 per lOO, send for samples; visit ing cards, 60 cents per 101. (. Schwnrts Engraving Co., 4361 N. 16th m., Phila delphia, Pa. (18)-M758 17x IF Y'OU want satisfaction get E. L. Lovo- Jov to repair your sewing machine; all work warranted. 23o2 N. 21st St. Tel. Webster 658. (18)-M720 17x IF Edmund O. Taylor, ion of William H. Tavlor. will communicate witn is. w. Taylor, Cross Plains, Wis., he will hear of something to his Interest. Anyone knowing of tho- present whereabouts, or death, of Edmund Q. Taylor please communicate with C. W. Taylor. Edmund O. Taylor Is about 58 years of age, light complexion, dark brown hair, hasel eyes, sandy mustache; plasterer and stonemason by trade, also farmer. Ift Wisconsin In 1870; lived sometime In Nuckolls county, Nebraska. Last heard of In Hall county, Nebraska. (18) 712 17X BYRUD'S Sure Corn and Wart Cure never falls. Stops pain at once. Clean and easy. Nonpolsonous. 15c by mall post paid. 146 Ashland Blvd., Chicago. (18) 711 17x LEARN hair dressing, manicuring and massacre at Brandels Hair Dressing Far lors. $15 a course. (18) MS09 17 PHOTO pillow tops made from any pho tograph, choice or colors; size, j;xis Inches; price, $1.50; photographs returned with pillow tops, preiald. Agents wanted everywhere. The uem studio, nianim la, (18) 836 17x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Life. (19) 001 GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 761. (19) 602 BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. (19) 603 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE 1 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AM) TKUST CO., Ifl4 FAR-NAM ST.. BEE BUILDING. , (19)-604 CANNOT BE BEAT FOR HIGH CLASS FLATS ON HIGH SCHOOL HILL 33x80-$l,SO. 33x80-$2,260. s 33xG6-$2.500. 33x66-$2,750. These locations are less than 20) feet from the grounds. WM. E. ROMANO, Doug. 1319. 329 Board of Trade. (19)- SOMETIIING NICE Eight-room, new modern- up-to-date house, with hot water heat, hard wood floors and casings, full basement, vegetable room, laundry, stairway to floored attic, vestibule and large re ception hall, old mission combination gas and .electric light fixtures, large torch, cement steps, paved street, lot 50x12 4, on Wirt St. Owner Is very anxious to sell. For price and terms see AV. H. GATES 1619 Lullirup 31. (19)- NEW COTTAGE ON WIRT ST. Near 26th; has 5 rooms, with up-to-date plumbing and electric light and gas fix tures, polished floors, full cement bae ineiit, south front lot, 5ox12j feet; $) cash, balance monthly. F. D. WEAD. lstli and Furnam. (19)- $JS0 BUILDING lots for $125. Suburb, Haclne, Wis., population 37. w0. Manu facturing city, close to Chicago and Mil waukee. i don n, $J per month; no taxes ,r iiit-re.ii until uuid. Valuta Increasing. Catalogue free. Cbaa. R. Davis. 4J6 Mitchell Bldg., Milwaukee. (19) 713 1.x LIST 'ur property with CLrU Boyer 22d u4. Cuuilfcg tiu. 4U)-4J REAL ESTATE CITY PBIIPF.IITY FOR MM (Continued.) GARVIN BROS. HOUSES $1.000 foiii rinkney St., reduced from $1 !0 for tiuick sale. Tills i-rmnn cot taK. with city Wiiter, bain, brick w:i!k and south front lot 5oxr.s ft., renting fur $10 per n onlli, must be sold ixmk, ut it. one block from Dodge si reel c!Tr line, and make us an off. r Monday. 11. "1 Donas, ii-ruotn cottage; part $ 6:- terms II desired. $:,.Hi0 Near J4tli and Ames Ave., nearly now 6-room cottage, porcelain bath, electricity, city water, cemented lellai, Ini-ge lot, cast front; part terms. $3,600 BRAND NEW dwelling. 2218 N. 18th St.. has six rooms, large attic, full basement, reception bull, parlor, din ing room on 1st floor; 3 bedroom and batli room 011 M floor, and every modern convenience, electric, gas, furnace, test plumbing; a well built house from cellar to attic. Will liwike very reasonable, terms to right paity. $4,2501914 Locust 8t., bVroom modern dwelling, with lot Vxl.'4 feet, house alone cost over $,(. to, OOO A nearly new modern dwelling In the West Fnrnam district near Mr. Yntes' residence. It has 8 rooms, every modern convenience and paved street, and Is a U-iuity; pint terms. $6,750 Will buy one of the best located properties In the West Farnam dis trict. A very desirable, nearly new dwelling of 8 rooms, with choice corner lot. both streets pnved and all takes paid. If you want something choice call us up about this. VACANT $ 7?53exl?S, corner 17th and Lake; terms. $ 70 ;HxlL0, 17tli and Lake; Easy terina. $ 7f')37xl4n, l'.'lh nnd Spruce; terms. $ 75037x140, 1Mb near Spruce; terms. $ nfi 4r.xl Ji. near 2mh and Vinton; terms. $l,K5n.ro feet near 24th und Jones; for flats. $1,6110-50 ft. 21st Ave., south of Half How ard; good location; n swell place for flats; easy walking distance and a bargain. Sco us about thin. f0$l,.rtlcstke ,os secondorj.SVet.o V4I ts $2,000 1"Ox 130, best located corner Id DUNDEE. INVESTMENTS Prion, $6,5i rent $7Si) Good double flat In choice location, near 2yth and Jackson. Bee us about tills. Price, $13,50, rent $1,560 Three new bricks, each 8 rooms, modern; within walking distance a bargain. Price, $17,(X), rent $2.1ilO Good modern flat In went part city, and walking dis tance. Where can you beat this for an In vextmcnt? Price, $16,500, rent $2,0n0 Very choice and nearly new brick houses In choice section of V.rest Farnam district. Garvin Bros., 1604 Fnrnam. (19) SPECIAL SALE. We are going to close out this week the balance of our Elllstone Park Place and Firstone sub additions, between North 27th and 3oth boulevard. They have been very popular and only a very few lots remain. We believe that no other addition within the city limits can be found with better value for the money than can ho found right here. The owner cf the Firestone ad dition la very aged, lives cast and desires to close It out at once. The streets are all on grade and lie almost level. They are near a good car service, the furthest being only 3 blocks. The district mhile level Is hlyh and health ful. The (surroundings are delightful, each lot being In full view of beautiful Fort Omaha and Miller park. The prices are absolutely right, and terms so easy Unit anyone can buy. They are attractive home site for persons of moderate moans. They are also distinctly good Investments for those who wish to wait, since the growth of the city In this direction ia rapid and certain. The government la spending large sums at the fort and the city ia Improving Miller park. All this will popularise our additions and bring homesfoker and stores. We have sold many of these lots to young men for investment and the best proof that they realize their value Is that it la qultn difficult to get owners to consent to resales, preferring to hold, and in coses where re sales have been mndo they have always been at a profit. The lots we aro offering are at the original prices, with no advance. Now we havo a few left at $so each. These are partly cut by tho creek, but even at that are a good bargain. We will sell these $8 cash nnd $2 per month, a price which no oiw will miss, and adjacent lots are selling for $2o0. Wo havo some few with no Interest or taxes, and thus every dollar will apply direct on purchaso price. The lots vary In size from 40 ft. to iy, and In price from $M) to $5m), so that there Is wide enough range for every choice. We are euro wo can plcace you if you will only take the trouble to Investigate. We have recently finished the grading whero needed and al3o renewed sidewalk to addition. Salesmen will be on ground Monday. Tues day and Wednesday evenings, 7 to dusk, und all Saturday afternoon. $1 will reserve any lot for 3 days. Take Florence car at 21th and Ames and get off cn 3oth boulevard and Ellison Ave. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO., CHAS. K. WIIJ.IAMSON, ITes., Ground floor V. S. Nafl Bldg., 1201 Farnair St. Open Monday evenings, (19)- 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE On a quiet, well paved street, one block from car line. First floor has oak finish and floors, living rdom Is extra large and has brick fireplace, gas grate, cozy seaU and bookcases built In, 4 bedrooms wltl polished floors and tiled bath upstairs, floored attic, cemented basement with laundry, vegetable cellar, sen' ants' closet heating plant, etc.; largo filtered clstert with pump Irk basement; full lot 50x150 feet, shrubbery, fruit and shade; cement walk Inside and out. This house was built for a home. Is exceptionally well built, prac tically new ' and will bear the closest In spection. For special 'reasons the owner is offering this house for a few days at a cut price, which makes it the beet bargain In that part of the city. J. H. DUMONT & SOtf, Phone, Douglas 6W). 1606 Farnom Bt, 09) Brand New Cottage, On Franklin St.. west of Walnut Hill car line, 6 rooms, largo floored attic, slzo of house, 24x4o; large rooms; strictly modern, luundry sink, outside ecliarway, beautifully finished; In fact, a woll-bullt cottage. Lot Is GoxlfA Price only 12,800. Can't be duplicated In the city. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Rule AKentS. Main Floor N. V. Ltfe Bldg. (19)- Iler's Addition 17 lots for sale In this addition. Thlt addition lays In the Hanscom park district seven blocks south of Hanscom park on the. beautiful Central boulevard and 3-d Ave and 31 Hlrcel, which la paved, and west purk car running through to South omi-riH and ;d und 34th streets between Spiiiig Frederick, Oak and W ngnt atreeut, four bioeka wet of Krug brewery. Blse of lets EixlJ, 6"xll5, some 91xlli and 91x130. price from $:"25 up to V. The larger lota from $i00 to $wjO. Several lots have biin sold to commission men, who will ereel 14 ioO and $-ri.,") homes. Several have been aiil'd to working men. who will put up I ctid 6-room cottegts. Without any uueutlon t you buy any lot in Her n addition you will double your linn, y within five years. These are dibiruble luts and are the cheapest In Hanscom Park district. Go and look at the lots. Signs ure on them. Mjko your selection and s. e me at once. Terms on theaa lots, nme-foui'th each, balance one to three years; 6 ner cent discount for all cash. JOSEPH KAVAN, AGENT. 217 South 14th fct., in E. E. Howell's office. Phouea; Olfite, Doug Ut; lasldnnca, Doug. 141.