THE OaiAHA SUNDAY BEE, MAT Tt, ism TTfUf FY MF1 CtT ill hUU ace. SHE VISITS A HOSPITAL One day when Fluffy Ruffles was prepar ing for a drive She got this message, "I am hurt, but very much alive; I'm in St. Matthew's Hospital, so bring your aunt along And cheer me with a story or some gossip (COrYWGHT. 1903, BY THH "NEW YORK HERALD CO.V All Right Reserved. tt or a song. Joe Traddles' name was signed to this, and Flurry said, "Poor man, I'll go and visit him at once ; it's lucky that I can. To-morrow would have been too late, as Aunt is going West, And calling on a man alone she doesn't think is best." Through some mistake -they'd placed poor Traddles in the general ward, And when dear Fluffy saw him there it touched a tender cord. He lay there in a fitful doze; she stroked his burning brow. He woke, and half .delirious, said, "Dear Fluff, I've got you now. "I am so happy since you came to be my little wife." Fair Fluffy blushed, her aunt looked shocked and cried, " Upon my life I . What is the fellow saying? Have you married him, my dear?" But Fluffy shook her head, and said in - accents loud and clear "The poor boy's hot with fever and his tongue is in a dream ; He thinks we're married, but his thoughts' are not just what they seem. I'll sing to him and he'll forget" And then sweet Fluffy sang. And through the ward her mellow voice in tones melodious rang. It may have been coincidence, but ere she'd sung a bar Joe Traddles opened wide his eyes and said, "Oh, here you are. fTwas very good of you to come. 1 met two beastly tramps, Who got rriy my money, throttled me and damaged both my lamps. ''I stopped your singing; sing some more? 'twill do the others good." 4Yes, do chimed in a passing nurse, so Fluffy said she would. rTwas magical what happened ere she'd sung a single verse. Toward her came each orderly, each patient and each nurse; j And surgeons at their operations, hearing Fluffy sing. Came marching in their aprons white, not-. caring for a thing But Fluffy s voice Their patients being etherized and prone, Stayed where they were, till coming to, they found themselves alone. And then the magic of that voice made them forget their paia And feebly calling out they said, 'Oh, sing that song agaia" But when the song was ended Fluffys aunt said, "Come along, I never new the power that lay hidden in a song, i "And if I'd keep you single I must take you home- from here, There's not a man who wouldn't like to wed with you, I fear." Dear Fluffy blushed, shook hands With Traddles, smiled on all in sight And loud a Iktle cripple yelled "Oh, 'rigt. all right i"