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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAYLY REE: SATURDAY, MAY Ifi. 1008. h Hosiery Specials Ladles' 75c Lisle Hose, embroid ered, allover, boot lace and plain gauze, In all colors, with garter top and double sole extra special bargain, pr. 4J) Ladies' 60c embroidered and lace Hohp, plain or fancy, pair.... 33c Three pairs for $1.00 Ladles' 19c Fancy Embroidered and or lace, to 60c values, at Soo Ladles' lc Fancy Knibridered and Lace Hotw, on wain at 13Ho Children's School Hose, double heel, toe and knoc, values to 25c, per pair, at laVke and 19o Prompt Attention Given All Mail Orders Thin. department places at your disposal the advantages of selection from unsurpassed assortment, the very latest styles at equal or less price than you ran rrocure the same quality elsewhere. Your orders as soon as received are Riven the Immediate attention of experienced buyers who select for you as carefully a you could yourself. Send for samples and catalogues. An Immense Purchase of Muslin Undergarments Manufacturer's samples of surplus stock priced at LESS THAN HALF ACTUAL RE TAIL VALUE. You'll find these bargains surpassing your greatest expectation. Sample Skirts, worth reg ularly to $7.50, scores of patterns to choose from, elegantly trimmed and finished, each, 1.50, $1.98 and $2.98 Ladies' Gowns, worth to $3.00, all styles, great variety of design, elab orately trimmed; in 3 lots at 50c, 75c, 98c Ladies' Vests and Pants, Jersey ribbed shirts, long or short sleeves, pants laco trimmed or with tight knee, to 39c values. . .19c and 25c Ladies' Vests Low neck and sleeveless, taped, come In pinks, blues and whites, 19o and 25c values, iOo and 15 From 8 till 0 a. m. qorset Covers and Drawers, worth to 50c, trimmed with lace and tucks, on sale at t - 15 0 till 10 a. m Gowns, Corset Covers and Drawers, worth to $1.00, on sale, choice ... ....... S9 Men's Furnishings Specials you'll find it impossible to duplicate elsewhere in quality at the price. n.&lhvis'ora.n Undsrwsar Flaln or fancy colors, drawers, double seated, garmejit Mo, U9o, I9o Man's Combination Suits Worth $1 50 plain or fancy colors, at 69o Manufacturer's Stook of Men's JLaun derea Shirts Worth to 11.00 A 1 new materials and pattern, all Hired, cuffs attached or detached, In two lots, at 9o and 890 Men's Sort Summer ShirtsIn mo hairs, swasettes, Bilk and linens, etc.. whltee and color, valuos to $2.50, Saturday 9 Bo and $1.60 Men's Hose Blackw, tana and fanclei worth to 60c, at ..12Ho Hid U3o Men's Silk Ties Latest patterns and colors, vaiues to 60e, on sale Ht IOo, ISo and 250 ruKMisimro troops specials la Domestlo Boom. Men Undershirts and Drawers, all sixes, worth 39c. at ISO Men's and Boys' Work Shirts, black and white twill or blue chambray, worth to $1.00; choice 9o Men's and Boys' iriuspenders, 3nc values, heavy web, calfskin straps, at lo "Tapering Waist" R. & G. Corsets The high bust, well defined Waist line and long back de manded by pres ent fashions are strikingly featur ed In the new 11. & O. models. Spring styles are ibown in all lengths and sizes. No. 377 Is a very handsome and popular model In batiste, priced at 82.00 Other styles to 83.50 W. B. Keduso Corsets, for stout fig ures, has very Ionic hip and lack, held securuly by four heavy hose supporters In front and two on side. Is a very popular model for large women. Price 93.00 H. It H. Bast Torml A. complete line shown at " " LAURA JEAN LIBBY'S THRILLS Ketired Author Over the Heart Thrubs of Her Characters 1 1 Print. Laura Jean Llbbey. who after writing Hfhty plas and ever so many novels has decided to take a rest, can be found any day at her President street home in Brook lyn. There Is no mistaking the house, near where Timothy Woodruff used to live, be cause it is the only house on th block that has a stalncd-glas front door. Miss Llbbey is modest, also generous. "I have been so tremendously successful as novelist," she said, "that I should be willing now to stand back and give oth rs a chance. If we who have been so suc cessful should continue to write all our lives how could others get their work bo fare tho public?" And right here there was the usual "I pause for reply." "I Lave bad no technical training for THE RELIABLE STORE Saturday Specials Ladles' fancy embroidered Collars special at 15c Ladles' fancy Neckwear at 10 50c Hair Rolls at i3 Hair Nets, made of genuine human hair, at 25 1 5c Duck CombR, each 7'i 15c Side Combs, per pair 74 25c Silk Belting, per belt 15 Embroideries from the Fenkart Bankrupt Stock Greatest lot of embroidery bargains ever brought to Omaha, now on sale at JUST HALF PRICE Book Bargains All' latest fiction .. .. f)8 $1.00 Copyright Books 43 A big line of Hammocks at special low prices in Saturday's sale. 10 till 11 a. m.- Men's, Women's and Children's Hose black, tans and fancies, on sale at. pMr Bo, IOo, and 18 Ho ISo Silk Ties, choice IOo Specials -Saturday In our Popular Drug and Toilet Section In the New Toilet Section. Rubber Gloves (1.00 kind) 39 Rubber Sponges (clippings of gen uine Russian) . . 107 Sanltol Preparations 10 Snnitol Tooth Brush, 35c value for 230 Perfume, all popular makes and odors, oz., 39c and 35c Pozzoni's Powder, regular &0o value, Saturday only 25J Isa bell's Powder 39 Isabell's Skin Food, ($1.00 size) at 670 To every purchaser, Saturday, of a full sized package of Madain Isa bell's Toilet Preparation we will give free a II. 5 hand-painted plate. Every litdy vUitlng our new toilet aectlun Saturday will tie presented with onu of several uscfu, sampled of toilet preparation. IN THE SBUO BECTIOJT. Peroxide. l5c size 1q t'l-ara' tfoup unscentedl llo Glycerine Soap, '- cuV.-s for 6o Colgate' Shaving faoup Oo J. 1;. Williams' Shaving Soap Chloride of 1.1 me (puroj ..So, So, So 85c Hair Brush 3uq a oo Comb Icoarse or partly fine teeth 1 goo drnmatto writing," she went on, "but, then, some things come natural for some people." Then she gave her secret of writing stories which so abundantly opened the floodgates of tear and gold. "You must know that when one sits down to write one must have at least some no tion of a plot. Often I begin by writing some kind of a conversation, however. Then somebody answers back, and then 1 have to say some more and fill It all In. That's the way I write a novel." Simple, quite simple. Mlts Llbbey believes that if she had it to do over again she could improve on some of the titles. For instance, there is "Don't Judge Her Too Harshly Until You Know Her Sad Love Story." That might be con densed some without hurting It. Then an other drawn-out moan is "beautiful Chris tie, thd Pride ot My Heart." Christie is a young woman of extreme virtue. The authoress lias stacks of manuscripts la her home; sotue of them axe in the That Great Sale of High Grade Rugs From the New York Auction Sale of Alexander Smith & Sons Begins Saturday Continues Monday Thousands upon thousands of dollars' worth of high grade ab solutely perfect goods secured for cash at a tremendous bargain will be placed On Sale at a Price Saving of Almost Half $30.00 Axminster Rugs 9x12 size, floral and oriental de signs, 25 patterns to select from, at 17.98 $20.00 High Spire Brussel Rugs Only one seam, 9x12 size, 1G patterns to select from, each, at 12.98 $15.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12 size, 15 patterns to select from, on sale at $9.25 Manufacturer's Carpet Samples assortment for selection, very IV3 yards long, worth to $2.50, Ladies' Drawers, regular values to $1.00, beauti fully trimmed with lace, insertions, embroidery and wash ribbons; on sale in two lots at 49c and 25c Corset Covers Great as sortment of handsome designs, finished with dainty laces, allover em broideries and edges and wash ribbons, regu lar 50c values, choice for 25c Ladles Jersey Ribbed Union Suits, lace trimmed, low neck and sleeveless, worth double sale prices, 50c, 39c and 25d Sklrta worth $1.50, trimmed with deep flounces of embroidery or lace, at 49 11 a, ni. till 12 m. Ladies' fine Hose, to 50c values, plain or lace effects, all colors, at 10 It. . I tl If VX A 7 V VHTI'V 7 eTO . ljt S 14. S-.B -.T L-JT". It If J. . w A "a 1 I IS SJ'I 190 390 t-foot Stepladdors, worth BOc each, Saturday 19o $1.25 Ironing Board, wUh stand, Saturday '. 79o 1.98 8H0 Gem Lawn Mower, worth $3.49, Saturday 81.98 i Garden Hose, per foot. .12V4c. 10c, 8Vio Ice King Ice Box, 3' ft. high, 2 ft. wide, only $6.98 69o 190 26-inch Atkins Blue Steel Saw, worth $1.60 69o 8-tnch Agricultural Wrench, worth 40c 19 Ratchet Brace, worth II 69o Nickel-plated Wire Cutter Plyer...l5o Newest Spring Styles Hats and Caps You'll find not only satisfac tory style and quality, but sav ing prices at Hay den's. Headquarters for John B. Stetson hats $3.50 to SG.OO Several other standard brands shown here. Figuring on that Vacation? Figure on a saving in your grip or suit case purchase. Buy here. parlor, which is carpeted wondroualy. All the carpets are rich. One carpet is a rich green with a nap so long thst you simply couldn't help look ing around on the surfaco for four-leaf clovers. Miss Llbbey carried a few armfuls of her eighty plays from the library Just ss a rural hostess would bring out the family album, and for the same reason. And in that great pile of typewritten plays was all of human life the gay mil lionaire clubman and the wistful working girl writhing in his cruel grasp; the old white-haired millionaire has faflan into a pool of his heart's blood beside his ran sacked safe, and tho ghastly bullet wound la bis head, utterly ruining the priceless carpet of velvet. Ah, the heart throbs, the blasted careers of the handsome but devilish sons shooting down old fathers at the midnight hours, only to pass out into the nights with the stains of parricides on rhelr souls ss in eradicable as the unclebuable stains on the $35.00 Biglow's Electra Rugs Size 9x12, floral and oriental designs, 20 patterns to select from, at 22.50 $20.00 Seamless Brussels Rug3 Ten-wire, 9x42 size, oriental and floral designs, 18 pat terns to select from 13.98 $1.25 Mottled Smyrna Rugs 30x63 size, remarkable values at sale price 59t Tremendous finest qualities, at 75c Stock Reduction Sale Millinery Your choice of any Trimmed Hat in our immense stock Satur day at the following tremendous price reductions: Trimmed Hats, worth to $G.00, choice $3.95 Trimmed Hats, worth to $8.50, choice $500 Trimmed Hats, worth to $12.50, choice $7.50 Trimmed Hats, worth to $15.00, choice $10.00 Trimmed Hats, worth to $18.00, choice '.$12.00 Trimmed Hats, worth to $30.00, choice $18.00 Nothing reserved. A saving to you of 33 y9 . Every hat marked in plain figures. The Busy Hardware Department Cobbler s Outfit, complete, worth $1, 39o Boys' Tricycles, worth $2.25, Saturday 11.19 3.2S ' SS.98 Domestic 8-year guaranteed Wringer, regular price $3.49, on sale Saturday 3.SS 690 Fly Screen, Saturday only, per ft..lHC 8-holo Gasoline Stove, guaranteed .91.98 60-pound Decorated Flour Cun 49o WHAT YOU CAN BUY IN OUR CROCKERY DtPT. SAT. 9c 12 Cups for. ) 12 Saucers for ) 12 Fruits for QC Pie Plates for $) 3 Dinner Plates 0 12 Ind. Butters 4 Water Glasses 0 Wine Glasses 2 Mantles )t 2 doz. Jar Rubbers ) 2 decorated No. 1 Lamp Chimneys for 9 8 No. 1 Burners for J) floor, and in their bulging pockets gold enough to buy an entirely new carpet. But what happiness will ever come of that gold? Ah, quite none, quite none! For to show that murder Is immoral has been the aim of Miss Llbbey's life work. And so she sends the poor wretches out Into the world In their evening clothes, for page after page, after page, and peace Jnd sweet content never again is theirs. Oh, woo! Woe! Whoa! You see all life In the raw as you run over title after title among the eighty. "Nobody Knew, but Her Enemies Guessed. A Drama of Intense Hekrt Interest, in Four Acts; by Laura Jean IJbboy-StHI-well. Copyright Class D. XXc, No. 12, 106," is one of the latest efforts. Miss Llbbey confesses that it does not have the dramatic touch of some of her earlier productions, for instance, "We Parted at the Altar." With tears, almost any woman will recall hew poor Doris was driven out into the storm, and huw 1 np W $45.00 Royal Wilton Rugs Size 9x12, richest colorings and designs, 22 patterns to select from, at 28.98 $15.00 Brussels Rugs 9x11 size, hig range of new pat terns, great snap at.. 9. 48 $1,50 Smyrna Rugs, in oriental and floral patterns, 30xG3 size, choice G9c Many Other Grand Bargains Saturday See the Kith St. window displays. Mail orders if sent at once will be carefully filled at these prices. Another Great Suit Sale Saturday TAILOR SUITS, WORTH TO $35.00An immense cash purchase made by our cloak buyer on his recent trip to New York; newest styles, materials and colors; jackets taffeta lined, trimmed with fine braids, even better values than those of last week, most delightful bar gains ever offered here or elsewhere in Omaha at, choice ..$10.00 None sold before 8:30 A. M. In order to prevent crowding at tendant on last Saturday's big sale, we have cleared half our cloak department and engaged extra sales people to wait upon you. Handsome Wash Dresses Val ues up to $10.00, mulls, ba tistes, ginghams, madras, etc., in colors and white, all in two . big lots, Saturday at $2.95 and $4.95 Children's Spring Jackets Nob by new styles, all colors, well worth $5.00, at $2.95 Special Sale Children's Dresses. $1.50 Percale Wrappers All sizes; special at 98c Western Washer, worth $3., Saturday ' . . .. 1 ! Tl'atAf Tnlls. 2.65 Heavy uBivivutirtJu 1 ' . mnrth ''Sc. "tl" 1.39 $3.98 Round Washing Machines, Saturday "88 Half-gallon Ice Cream Freezer', worth $2.25, only 1.39 S5o Tinner's Snips, worth BOc ISo Steel Hatchet, worth 60 S&o Bet quality Poultry Wire, per ft..Vo This is for Suturday only. Any lengih you want. Saturday Specials CANDY F17U OBBAH OAXAMZX.S. Vanilla or chocolate, plain or not filled, lb Pure home made Butterscotch, at, lb 180 Fresh Toasted Marshniallows, lb. 18c Chocolate Cream Bonbons, lb. 180 Gum Drops, lb g After Dinner Cream. Patties, lb. 15 Have you tned one of the famous Merry' Widow Suudaok t They're delicious. she turned to the cruel Madame Pelmar, piuously exclaiming: "You have driven me forth into the cold, bitter world to live or to die as God sees fit; but I forgive you. When any one men tions the name of Doris, the unhappy waif fate thrust upon your hands, ete.:' Alas! poor Doris! Hearken to the words of her hated rival as she sprang nearer to Doris, white with wrath, her eyes fairly blazing as they rested upon the girl who had come between her and Frederick Thornton's love. "Let it he one bitter drop of disappoint ment In your cup of triumph to know that the man you have so cunningly entrapped does not nor never will love you, for his heart Is mine. Do you hear, Doris Bran don? His heart is mine!" It does no harm to recall some of the burning words from Miss Llbbey's pen. To show her descriptive powers here are a few quotations: "Ten minutes later Zetta was speeding JRgy. VHr-i THE RELIABLE STORE 25c Silk Veilings, 7ic Saturday we will offer a full line of plain and fancy all silk Veil ings, in black, brown, white and navy blue; regular 25c values, at 7V2C 35c Ribbons at I2ic A big line of both plain and fancy all silk Ribbons for neckwear, millinery and hair ribbons, worth regularly to 35c, at 13Htf 35c Fancy Ruchings, ' 19c This Includes all colors and-stylos, also assorted boxes 6 pieces to a box; special Saturday 19 50c Elastic Belts, 25c All colors and great assortment of styles in buckles. Property Owners, Agents and Paper Hangers Will find It greatly to their advantage to get our price on all claMes ot wall paper before buying An Immense lint of newest pattern to select from. In addition to the unusual assortment there la a certain saving In Cost with no sacrifice of quality. Let us figure your bill. A "Crown" Sample Hayden's Grocery Cannot be duplicated for less than 23 to f0 above the fol lowing: Granulated Sugar at less than job ber's cost, 19 lbs. for .... $1.00 10 bars best branda Laundry Soap, for 2 5c 10 lbs. best granulated white or yellow cornmeal 15c The best domestic Macaroni, per pkg 8V4c The best solid packed Tomatoes, can 8Vio 4 cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 25c Gallon Cans Apples 2 5c Bromangelon, Jellycon and Jell-o, Pkg . 7V4c 6 lbs. Japan Rice. . 25c The best Soda Crackers, lb. . . do The best crisp Pretzels, lb..'.. Cc The best crisp Ginger Snaps, lb. 5c The best Tea Sittings, lb 15c The best Golden Santos Coffee, per lb 15o Dried Fruit Sale Saturday Fancy evaporated Apricots, lb. 20c Fancy evaporated Bartlett Pears, lb 12c Fancy evaporated pitted Plums, at, lb 12V4c Fancy evaporated Nectarines, lb., at 12c Fancy evaporated Minor Peaches, lb., at 10c like a storm-driven swallow down tho path. Would she be too late to carry out her daring plan to stop the duel? As she reached the summit of the hill she gave a piercing cry. Ah, she was too late." "The young girl started back with a low cry of terror and looked into his face, clutching one hand tightly over her heart." "Hoarse cries echoed from hundreds of throats as the horrified spectators realised what had happened. Before a lifeboat could be put out the girl would be swept out to sea. But in that moment of hcrror a young man had torn oft his coat and sprang into the wares to her rescue. 'Courage,' he shouted, 'I will save you.' " ' 'Your love.' she cried, vehemently, there is nothing so false under the light of heaven a your love. God pity the wemaa who puts faith in your love.' " Philadelphia North American. Use Bee want ads to boost your business. Iff s A i v 1 A Z Unmatchable Saturday Glove Specials Ladles Silk Gloves 16-button length, all colors, worth to $2, on sale, at, choice... OSc Ididios liOng Lisle Gloves, In black, white and grey, values to $1.25, at. pair 4J Short Bilk Qlores In all colons, at Sl.OO, 750 and BOO Short Lisle Gloves Splendid qual ity , 8 So and SOo rrom 10 Till IX A.. M. Uadlos Chamois Gloves, iz ami i-uuitn lengths, In natural or white, nil lues, worth 13.60; at, Washable Just the thing for summer wear. 8 Till 9 A. M. "Women's Heath erbloom Underskirts, $2.50 val ues, at $1.45 Manufacturer's stock of coats and jackets, coverts, silks and braided effects. Covert Coats Worth up to $15, in two lots, at $4.95. $7.95 Silk Coats Worth regularly up to $20.00, in three lots, choice, at. . .$4.95, $7.95, $10.95 Lawn Waists Manufactured to sell up to $2.50, choice. . .95c Jap Silk, Linen and Lingerie Waists, worth regularly up to $7.50, at $2.95 9 Till 11 A. M Women's $2.00 long Kimonos; special Satur day 98c Shoe Sale Saturday imiance oi tnia famous line or (Shoes, worth up to V-l.OO, in two big lots. In nil styles, nd leathers; also in chocolate, vlci and calf, 82.50 nd 81.08 Every man tn Omaha and Its suburbs should avail themselves of this sale. Women's tan and black Oxfords, vlcl kid, patent calf and gun metal oxfords, Gibsons, pumps and 1-buckle sailor ties, worth up to $3.00 a pair, at , , t jy Misses' and childa' Sljppers and Oxfords worth up to $1.50 pair. In three big lots, 91.00 12-2 7c 5-8 and 2-5. , 500 Boys', youths' and little gents' satin box "calf and vicl kid shoes, worth up to $1.75, at 1.19 and , 080 Shinola Outfit, complete, brush, dauber and polish, at is Did you know that the Grover shoes and Oxfords were made of tender feet. We carry thirty-two styles of the famous shoe that fits like a glove and easy as the stocking you wear Grover and Queen Quality shoes for women, and Ktetson and Crossctt shoes for men. Selling the Crown Sample Shoes Saturday. Prices for Sal. Sale Fancy evaporated silver Prunes. Jb 12c Fancy 4-crown Raisins, lb.. 8o Fancy Cal. Seedless Raisins, in., at 74c Fancy imported Sultana -Raisins, bv 12Vfec Choice Cal. Prunes, lb 4sc Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, lb.; at Fresh Vegetable Prices for Sat urday Fresh Spinach, peck 5C 2 bunches fresh Asparagus. ... 5c 6 bunches fresh Onions ' 5c 6 bunches fresh Radishes. ; . . . 6c Fresh Beets or Carrots, per bunch t 5c New California Cabbage, lb 2 Vic New Potatoes, lb 2 Vic Fresh Parsley, 3 bunches for.. 5c 2 heads fresh Lettuce 6c Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. 10c Fresh Peas, per quart 7 Vic Fancy ripe Tomatoes, lb.... 7 Vic 4 Cucumbers for t. 6o Fancy Cooking Apples, peck. 26c Pineapples. Pineapples. Our Becond car is very fine. Pine apples are boundi to go much 'Jigher. They have already ad vanced 25c a case. W will still continue to sell out of this car At Cash, 5c, 7 He H, 10c. PI1ATTLB OF THE VOl'XGSTEni. Ncigl.tx.r-Do you think your sister is In love with Mr.-Hlmpkins? i-uiie uoti course not. She allows us hiiuren lo remain in lim nrl..r i,.. calls. Daisy, aged 5, did not want her favorite aunt to go to a distant elty. "Never mind. Daisy," said the aunt, "I'll bring you a nice big doll when I return." "You nefdn't go so far, replied Daisy. You can get one around the corner." A father, whote looks are not such to warrant the breaking ui of all el. Ing statue of Apollo, tells this on him self: "My little girl was sitting on tny lap facing a mirror. After gasing intently at her reflection for some minutea shu said: 'Papa, did God makn your " 'Certainly, my dear.' I told her. " 'And did he muke me, too?' taking an other look in tile " 'Certslnly. dear. What makes you ak "'Oh, 1. don't know. Seems to me lies) doln' better Woik latel.' fcverybvdV Magazine. m-1