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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1908)
AT !'. IDaa! Slay h Leek la Yccr Fcre Too Wo a' I Seed Had. Uscj to iartici?a!c ta Hiis (real Silt' Leoli on Another Pane far cur Saturday Seatioal 3 ait Sals and tell the san cf the hocje tint ra will place on jale promptly at 3 o'clock on Saturday mcmir.T: r !") iWnn rf t":r. imj-nrteti Lisle S-..k. plain Ma?k. brown and rr f uv.ul!v ny'A at ."fv at this sale. per pair, .ju.-t half ' 25c tht: matta pailt tjee: sattpdat. 0 YS SUIT S Saturday morning we place on sale all of our Boys' and Chil dren's Spring and Summsr Suits, straight and knickerbacker pants, sailor blouse, Russian, Buster Brown and Norfolk styles. The reason for this sale is that we want to dean up our stock in its season and at a time when the purchase is mast valuable to you, Prudence and wisdsm. demand this great sale. Don't Fail to Take Advantage of It Infants and rhildr'w rfose fine lisle and cotton, in a1.! sizes, worth up to C"i a air. and a lot of infants" pure silk, ho-e, worth. 10 a pair, ill day Saturday these C will sell at, T'.-iir C Saturday nil.t at S o'clock, mn's half dollar four C in hands will be sold at. each as C r Moreover and furthermore every department in the store will display very perial harzains to make Saturday one of the zreat days in the history of Omaha store keeping. There will be lots of good natured rivalry at the half-price jjj suit sale Thomas Kilpafriclc & Co. j OMMOD OXFORDS $500 1 3 The Shoes of Quality Style esmfart. weir and sliatjciiar-a stake th vlMIIO ana iVElHIX ikues leader The far-seeinj; nan knows the vaiue of gTapinj: opportunities when they preeny:hem.selves. Here's a clothes opportunity you cannot afford to overlook Our elay $25.00 Suits are the aine of tailoring and ready to ! put on. j Haberdashery in its minutest j details. Shirts at $1.00 to $2.50. Neck-wear, 50e, Toe and $1.00. t W. T. BOUEKE, j Z10 South Sixteenth Street, i Tounii Men a Cl4tn-a anj T'. Slion. I Tte Kewest La Tbis Sea soa's Fairies Are Tt Be r FiuaJ la Our -GOOD CLOTHES" Tb most favorwl shaoVa rtf th at.iL.fin ar htr r--Br!.'n;Hii to oiitxia from. T.iv ar a.l siy!:n: it la ?iini:iy maiit-r of taatd r.a yi. T'leaB hanii-ta:lori arTienta aj atir you a pr?Wt f.t, aiitt : 'o(tt a savin o-r wnat you would pay your tailor. Pricss from S23 ts S35 f 31 fl. Tcmpest anxd Sunshine 'tis ail now after the raia a la'trtatfiW sneaks throua tae air and Suniaier "ia oa the Job" once mere. Now for a MeCartiy-Wilioa Tail crtni Cu. Sooca.n Saranijr Salt. MscCarlhy-WIlson Tailoring Co. S4-atM sOtTU ;TU SiT. Scavr SMMlUlwtrsC CuihWI lilll. U. mad Fanuui tstsv ?Vs ' i$Xr I .. . R BCf&JTt '205 ' iBCRLI5CT05 FILES REPORT Set Earning in Nebraska Almost four Hillioa - Dollars. aEVERAL AJ7Z2. BE33ZTT'S PLACE t lina PaciAe t H,r, ILatr l.ol mt th Ljtse Cat-Off til S,rtktra Failaw, ait. (From a Staff Carrspiniliint.) LINCOLX. May IS. i Special. i Tie Bur-; Ilnarton railroad Unlay fiied a r-pflrt w.t.i the 5ta;a Board of Aaaesament 'f pr pry to b valaed by tint boar 1 for ta.tauon ' tiinnjyout tiia atate para:s from tri.1 t terminai taxation. It :a supi-d by Tlx C lin miimoner R- M. Pollard. For flrt ;:m tin Ltimpanr repor-s lis proper' in uik and not aa property owned by n-iwn separare corpora;;ona that g) u ma.? .ip Burlington aystem. For tr.a first time tile report oontains eaminija in Noora.a. It tiuuwa that for tiie ais monriia n.i:n ilar'::l SI. !. tile BarTlnif on .n .'.-')raKa bail jnn earnir.irs amounting to $3 CT.-CT Jl ; operaf.n expenses. CT15.ui. tS. i a:r.f H -jtiliCTti. From tnis ia ded'irted .;. 3. be:nu one-oaif taxt-s fir year nd;n ' Marr:n SI. ieav.ntf tile net ea."i.nta I ir the mx mom ha. CS7T.-2Vi.71. The r ".i.l :a bonded for a m:ie in Nebra.-oia. a Uttia mure t.ian the report snowed year. The market of :ne stock a:i.l tile true value .a not itntiwn. ao fne rpori aays. very Httie of the auiuk having been on the market for aix-'yeura. Laat vear it waa reported at 11 a aoar". The net earn inifa for tiie entire Burlington aystem for ! the year ending J ine Ki. Uob. ad reported i laat year, wad I7.j73.jlti.i7. I Apullraali fur 4vrcaryahip. Ail ftie memiiers of t:-.e State B iar-1 of : Adaeasment are now In Lincoln with tile xception of (J.ivernor Sliei.tun. may ; return Monday. Tha boar l met today and without doing any business adjuurned till Monday morning. The a,piinan:a for aM.'re- , tary of tila iMinrii. vica B!t. det eaded. . ar Frank E. Heivy of hraaa City. Earl Ma.hews of Omuiia. on of ex-L"mt. d dtalea Maranai Mathews; ex-7 ounty Aa- , aeimor J. R. C M.lhT of L.r.i iLn and it n- i Joiin C. F. of Linraaur , counuy. J rrt of Oil lai"Ktor. i5tati (lol I:irtpe-t'.;r Alien toaay dpoHiteil ! .n jtate treaiiry aa fea Cfilletrled in excess of tiie expenf of hia office for ! ihe month of April. Hj collei'ted H.iilS . and expanded . The feea of the de- , par'rr.ent have been low for tne laat four , ! monti.a. t I I iai Faeitto RHnn Bain. Tile R-r..''a commiaaion l.i.a ai'.ernoon granted the reiueat of the Ciuon Pacific ! road to enf on e a new ariiaduie of paiiKeng -r i ratea baaed on Lane out-.,ff -t of , Orr.a.ia. wh.ih shorten '.he line li anin The General Demand of the TeU-Iru",jrme-l ot thu TTjrlJ h. alwavi bwn for a siir.pie, pleasant anil eificient liq'iiil Lxat;vi remedy of knowa -al.ip; x Laiaeive which rhysiciaj-ia could atuu'tioa for ut bt-cauae iu com ponent parts are knowa to them to be j whulejiue xaJ trtdy brnsjiicial in effect, 1 acceptable a the systeta aaj jentie, yet ' prompt, in action. j Ia uprlyin that demarul with its ex- seiicnt eigne inafioa of Syrip of Fins aad j Elixir of Senna, the Cjiifomia Fig ?yrup Co. aLni ethical lines an.i reues oa the menu of the Laxative fur ltd remarK- ahl success. That is oue of many reasons why i Syrap of Fijji and Elixo af Senna is 5ivn the preference by tiie Teii-Ihi irmel. Tj get its benediitai e-.Tcctj alays buy the genuine manuiavtre-i by rhj Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and. fdr aula by aJ Lea.liu ir-ig trua ii r CWH There's no mistake about our reductions no jugglia with prices. The reputation of this store precludes that On every garment you will find the regular ticket with its regular marked price. Every- dT tiff T 1 4 f f (T 4 1 f ? thing goes except (wash suits ) all other suits you will find U i VU I VUl All S7.50. S3, $3.50 and S9.CO Suits 400 pairs There's a sylc, beauty and comfort in our men's hot weather shirts 1 to 7m:'!i"ii.iuly tr.t " r'h .vstm roa-i 4p- ! ;;i:tfii :"-.r in. I r'HiVf-t pr::.;!)!! 1 1 r'"! ice fj ru:.- en ift t::t' rir. '3 i( t)-,i' Vninn j Pa:if:: r-ni i. Firm.-r'.v the N'ir.i si. n r- ii.i haj short Un fmm Cmalu ' 1 , Fremont. b-;t now ::ie Cmon Fiu:f'.c hai at J:st::ii:nnn. i Bailflina; for Fair Grooadjt. T'i huar'l T,.nji;vn of :.u; ;a.r , iwM cnn:ruLt :r n i-i.l,: ri.r. n rile fair jfr-nmii to W. J. A3n.nai::.i. ji Co.. of Liintuln. w'io. "Pie .jCaiT huia .-"portei Fs:;a. K-T-"; E. A. Si D.:enK.n. J'.O K2: j tjeorge -V. W;isn. Ut'.iTli. The contra, t Ji I iiti-a that alruct ar ; ai.u.l be c nn- pleteil by Aagunt 15. ifor raiiheaa ior ue dur-ng the next atate fair. It w:il liavi a . at-el frame, made in Lincott. and will seat j 4.jmJ people. f 1aiaiaidrt JaaarM Hia Jmh. Acting Gov'-rior George L. .5 iu:tder. : came from Omaha today to -set hia . f f c a r'rorn the governors office nd alj'ii a:e .n favor of Leuienunc G-iv-mor Hopcwa 1. aril remiiin acting governor -n.: I '.lov- r.ii'r Sum. .on retirr.a from".in. The d'lriea of the off ic i have not l t un pifu.ant t'.i Acm t.-.rnor Ira mil. r mr- : nr t:ie lajt tur... w-.K3 and no ii;iH o:i 'n:e.l to fill tr.e porition hi Jane -n . lixovrnor 5i..ooon and Lieutenant "-overn"r Hop.-. I w 11 g: to Chicago to multa a president of the L'n.ted Stat a at the na- . riorai r'ohiican conv.-niinn. The irov-' mor will ao aa a deie-tnie-ai-tare fr m N hr i.'iu t.-.e U.-iuenant governor a.i ' in a.t rnar; .1 gat. lart an a Zaa. ' Ena-nned in a H-a.-r tract at the n t -.-ity para on Ant.!ope cr-et. a buffalo, ari -B s.'"ffCo..ra.Ii rLvpEH. t'l'the ai-.r ia eik. and an Angora goat, all of the ma-u-l.r.e -jer.der. from the private park ..f John vT. iiilner. n. ar Fr-en.t. are now g aefj l.unted with their a -w surriur..l ng.. The anima.'a were briuaiit her in lurg? driy wagona. arriving t.i:s afternoon, and w-r turned into the encloaure pr-par-'d fcr m. Sa DaaaM fr Kate HiakJy. The jurv in the ri".70o breach of pr im an suit of Kate Hir.kiey againat Charles D. Jewett. which has been on tr'al in dlv-mnn No. 2 of tiie diHtrict court since 'he fl.-at of the w-ek. ;!.!? -norning i.rouht in a sialed verdict finding In favr of t.-.e de fendant. The piamtiif w is not n the e--urt rrnim at tne time, but iter attorneys we--? present aid it s au e i ap-.iication will b ! tra ie for a new trial. LETTER FROM BERT TITLOa i Ileae.i Maril-rer W rites Frl-ad. n laar Diaie- otrimltted thrime. MINT-EN. N.-P.. May Hi. i Special. A let.i-r (nil Eert Tiyior. who ;a betnij hunt-d on a cnurire of adsa i.f'.ng hia atsters-n-.a v I ta ar. 1 P-arl Tiyior. and setting f'.re :o tr.eir home to over up hia crime, has been receive i by J. J Wyatf. deputy aoer.ff here. In the letter Ti-'lor gives a remarkuaie ex nahatlon of the r tne if he claims ta oe innocent. Tiie lett.-r tiu dated May J and wis ma. l.-d a: la.d. Ckl.. Miy li la .t Tii'-r aays that several years ao wh.le he waa working ia C-es Moines he had an exact counterpart :n a man with W't im ha had tr.-ubie. Shortly b-f ire the crme he aavs the man ca.r.e to M.ader. and stayed with h.m. "'n the nigit of the crime, ha aays. ot 1 trouble was renewed and h.a fWnd mil c ounierpart overpowered and oound an 1 jugged him hand and : ut iti.1 told h.m he was going to a ertme aga.nst the g t-'s for w .u-.i he. Tir U r. would g.-c biame. This waa tj ae his rk'ellije. After the man had com.miit'd the crtme in.l about ttie time the fire alarm w ia aoundet Taylor aays he worked himself iin.-se and started in pursuit of the real criminal. He .i.eiar-s he has rw-en tra.lihg him ever since a. id naa : mint some tra-- f hun. He sa s h- wt;l stay o.a h.a tra.l until he finds hun and will n v r come back a.r e w:t.a.n;t h.ra. "Cod only kaowa how I have suffered." Se w i n Aosolut -ly no ere lence 13 gtven to the story toid in 'he l.-tt -r here. Two the-irtes are held as to Taylor a reasons for writing atle leit-r. One ia that Taylor is tired of being pursued and the letter to a. lay public sentiment in caje ha should retjra. Tha other is that the letter waa written at me dlstanca from Enid and was sent there to ba ma. led in order M throw tha ..if'cers off the track. Lnmediately arter tha receipt of tile !.-t- I ter Mr. Wyatt left " .r Enid U trz to fiod j ak.mtt Lraca of Tayuu Ey oaing taa vanuuaiBepai-.ainra af Tha I Ee V.'ant Ael Pages jaii get nojaig ranjhas 1 at a an. a, I a aansa. All S6.CO. S6.50 and S7.CC Suits of Straight and Knickerbocker Pants that sold for Seventy five Cents, at this sale O RAIN L WESTERN COUNTIES Southwest jfbraska Zpecially 'Well Favored with. Hoistire. HAVE GOOD PROSPECTS Rrparta HeiT,d Indicate that Crasa Will Be formal Agaiai This Tear la Tata Territory. IMPERIAL. N'eb., May i Special. Southwestern yehrasha. and espemaily county, has had men than three Inches of moisture w'.thin tne last ten days. Soil is in exceflpnt condition. Southwestern N"-bra--ku la no longer to he classed a a semi-arid district. Tha tirnps f.jr taa laat stiver years will com pare tavorei-l i will; crops grov-i in ot.ier pcrtjiina of N-nraska. taking mt eonaider--i.iio p pulai.on at eaeti M'Cd'l'lC Mi'3 Ma - 13. Sp -cta N'-ar'--one .ncn of ra.n fell here in tile n.ght. a.1, oil whMtn snaa!d 'r.t i t ie gr und ami w.U do macil good. The ar-ionil .a now in tne best of condition, and wieat otu.ook :s far aett.-r than expected by jia.iyl' Corn p ant ing is now being pushed w.ta Some nave finisned. 'T "Lil. jl.-.TijN". X.-o.. May 13. 'Special. t fan enmir.euced faii.n aere Wre-ineBiiay evniiig and cont.r.utd dunrg the n.ght. to 1.31 Incnes. Cr i.s a. i now ;n good ci.nd.t.on. alt.iough fa.i wtteat was a- n-.ew.iat .ia.itagd by .lr: weather. 7om p.anting .a a .-out flnisned and t-ia acreagB in this neighborhood will ba somewhat in ex.:9s of last year. E-ICKENA N.-o.. May 15. .Special.) This part of Lincoln county was visited by a j gent.e ram Wednesday night aad this . morning, over an inch of ra.n fa.l!ng in I tha laat twer.ty-f mr hours. This puts the ground In fine siiape for corn planting, which la In fail aw-ng now. and quit a t uirijij acreage will be planted this season. I Riehaa-alaoa . ta Gwsl kap. I RCLO. Neb.. May ui. tSpetuii. 1 Six - incnes of wa:er has failan here during tiie last ten days and everv kind of vegetation is growing rapidly. Wheat, ry and oata j have lost their yeilow co.or. t.iat the dry j spell and cold weather of two weeks ajja I jave it and are now anooimg skyward a: ' a rapid rate. There is a larger acreage of , either aowed this year than formerly. Foaioes are up and growing nicely. t Those that were n.pped by the frost two , weeha a-o snow no aigna of :t. Little com is now even at tills -ia;.-. Many years farmers are through p.anting hy this time. The ccid sped two weeks ago held the r'artners back fearing I that tha seed Would rot Were it in the ground. The heavy friars of two weeks ago did no damage to t.i fruits in this secUon. i perhaps . n account or t.-.e dry weather for :' or m.-n'tis here previous to tiiat time. The peach. pium. cherry and appie trees are overloaded with fruit and if noth ing hinders, there will most likely be as many broken limes this fa.i as there, waa two y-ars ago. PL-tares n-vee started hetter m this section and ad kinds of can get a g:od hue. it.x k is loosing well: young alves. cults, mules and pigs are pientif ii. Uthougii corn is H cents a bushel at t.-. elevators here, farmers are lo. kmg for g"od pr'cea ar.d lartje profits for tiiis y.-tir a product. Eoii-ng the n avy ram and thunderstorm I ."-in. s.lay afternoon, a b.nt f ': si. :ck a large oua tree on the Henry i Prtbr.en'j farm about six m.les northwest of here and silled thirty a.heep that had coddled unuer t. Mr. Prtbror.s has m.-t wh many mis fortunes daring th- past ten months. The nigh water last I ily tn Winnebago valley drowned f.f.y of large fat and ; ruined l'"i a--r - ef corn r him. rurng ! the wnter the hog cholera killed over yi head of hoas f.,r him this he 1 purrnased head of sneep aaout one ) week bef. re tha Oct iier puu.c and his j loss hers was very large. 1 Mmy Stays wita teaatar. J EPJ'SIN Bo. N-ii.. May 16. Soe ciai. J Th.i som.-w". it c.nauicurua Heist i Boouftts case. w-iHth was supps a.d f-i Uave ( teen aettled a f- muntl.a ago m couuty , court, was brcught int disii-ct court this j n betora Ja.ige Hostel. er and again dei fied in favor of the defendant. C. K. H ist. The brtcf facts m tha case s. 1 th.-se: years ago Mrs. L-i.iu.eita. j rt-r securng a llvore. from her hu.- I oand. maj-rted C. K. Hem. with tier a son who was tittle mors thaa an ix. i tact at La Uu. aavera. fun later aj ; All S4.50, S3.CO and S3.50 Suits lied, leaving f!:e l.y in the ear of hia at.-p. ai.ier. He is now IS years old and .iaa ).-n bronir.'it tip hy ill. K-ost aa hia own son. N 't long jg- 2oitietts. the i'.rat loai-ar.ii. a,ir.earo on --n'. a.'rtr.m par.ifd hy Ins .-not.ier- n- a -. and inisisred t.iat -lie hey be t urned vf t i him. As tiie y -..ntirst-'r de'-ulfliy etiJ'et.i.l to g'.in-J wt.i li s own father. matt-r wis taken .nt.) c- or. After lut-n-na to t ie r-ma.n.ier of t eir.mony tliai had t- me up from ihe countv court. J nige Hodietler. pri vately -.ntrv'-w'n !iy. .l.-:nied tuat arg-xment .via unnecseary and gave Mr. H-ost tliu custody of his WOll IX ATT 1CSED WHILE ASLEEP ' Pats rp a llaae Flaat Vim Wakened and Drive Off AsMailaat. TORIC Neil., llay L5. Spe.-ia.. i;.inBid f"enbie exc'.t-ment ia rirevaillng hero d'i to ' tiie attempted assault on t.ia person of Con IC.nneman. a i-year-.)ii ' da.ight.-r of Georjj IC.rneman. residents of Nor'h York, tuti night at abo .t , Kinni-man was a aiened and was :m i rr.eiiia'eiy atracKed by a man. who at tempieu to choke her. Miis Iv.nnernarr-put ip a irod flgr.t and in the .n. ic:.. things :n the room wre overturned, tricking cn st.lerahle n':tse. whi. il ;a surpowi"! t ha-.e fr-giitened her assailiir.r. who mad. his es cape through the b'ScK way Iv.nne man hud re.r-d and wxs .ilone ;n The house. ! and her escape waa due to -tie gr-at str-tg-' gle and fight 3!ie pur up to auve her '.if... . Officers have f mnd footpr'nts outside trac ; ng to tin ill-.", and f.ict that the party ' who . 1 the ai-t waa in his stock t f lrgfeet tnem to beiieve that someone ; iwno if auuamted with her and llvtng near : the artemnted aneauit. Ownit to t.-.e I lack of light in the house Mlsa Klnneman ia Cl' iaaaai-: ..'al a antS. T. K. dffy's . 'N . ! v - "1 : 1 -1.7 ??. ' . t ' - . ... -. .. . - .f f- - . i : - -. . : .-" ' I , . . ' ': ; ' i- ' '- 1 " - - . - . -V - ., i i l.--miwa lUAilrffc' trfci, r-ta V, mm( iHT, rfc-- - . nmiMMj fcmii i 1 - e - mi ia an absobately pure fl.aul'.atioa of malted jrain; great cars bfing usi ta hit evry kt?ral tuorouirniy ma!rii thus destroying tie gprra aa,l proiiticia? a preiiigeswd Uoi'iiol food in the form of a malt essence, wtilcti la tha) moat :i"ct:t tonic stirailan: an! Invlgoranr kacwi to science; softened by uarmtii and moiature iu raiatability and frwdijm. from injurious substances render it so tlijr. it can be reta.aod by tiio muut sensitive stomacfi. It cures nervousness, typhoid, malaria, every form of stomach, trouble, diaeaaea of the throat aad lungs, aad all run-down aaj, weakened condition of tiie body, brain and nerves. It in prescribed by doctors and is recogTiiied as the world's greatest fa.iii'y medlciae everywhere. C.ll"TI) When jiu aik jour drujhti-i. jrixi-f or dealer for Oofy's Pure Mail U hikcy b ure jm trt V.w enuiue. . It" trie ouiy uvbaulau-ly pur meslM-uia. tualc ahifkey anal is Mild in sa-aiesi tM.(iit-s oaly never la bulk. Ihru e Lim I the trule-aiark. the "1H1I ( hemn," o trie LaiieL, iuis Mr tiie seal over the cork, la unijn.ken. . H rite lr. It. Currsu, . ua.Miiius fhjsM-ian. for an illustrated niediLai boukiet auivl freg aw . J-uffv Mac Whialu j CO, KucUesgcr, i. 1". AH S3XXD, S 3.50 and S4.00 Suit3 Every style hat that is "right" can be found -in cur hat department -inabis to describe her aaaailant and so fa. officers are unaliie to sacurs any evden- ; to lead to arrst. 3fhraaka 3lew Matra. EEATRICS Mrs. J. P. Houser an old resident of Elua Sprtnars. died We.lneaia.v BSATRI'TE L. I H.ll and Lews. J-nen living near F'iiey. captured nine woiv?s near'y na.f ar-.w-i. E EATRIE Black Erolhers. the millers at p.juH. yester-la pumhaaed the ele vator at Adams oe.ongtng to tn Centra, ilranartea comrasy. BE-V.TRICE In the Sunday school leg-ie VMai..-ruay. the Fri-mivtrian base rtail teitu defeated the La Salle street Methodist nine by a scor of 14 to . BEATRICE The Epworth league con vention for the Beatrice district will b held uere June ii. Jt. and 2i. About It' leiegatea representing seven counties wui be present. EZ..TRJ'TE The Bur"lngrr)n !n ordar to' cut down expensea has removed Agent Hail from Randolph ti Saiem. Nen.. and put a young man in chartre of t.ha atat.on who ia nut an operator. EiCKENS Myfle. th -1-vear-oUl daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. ilaans Turner, wis klcned in rne face by a pony while playng m the yard. L'r. Randatrom. who drease 1 t.-.e wound, says no bones wr or-iaen. BKATRi'E Word waa received hera ya rer :a- aanounctrg the martnage of H. D Vi.ight. a former B.-utnce resident, and Miss Gr-ice M orrtli. wmch occurred re cently at tne brtue a home in South Omac.a. CTLE ERTSO'N The village board has commenced the erection of a pumping sta tion and intends putting In water nana and supply ng the city w.t.i water. The plant w-ii a. so be used for fire protection waicai the city needs. WTMOR3- Fred Carmine arrived from Auburn, y-ster iav moming wu.i' a strtn ; , of y.jung harness horses which he wi.i tram on the track hen preparatory -t enter-ng tnem tn 'he srata cinruit races Which open here J ihe i7. BLrE HILL F ut trees still showmgns of bearing a great deal of fruit in spit? has jfc-f.l Southard. Pure Malt ' , All S2.CO, S20 and 4oC 2 to So.OG -f "he coiil weather a t'r-iit on a.ime -it .-e had and eao- the prospe-ta tor a ' rid heavv frosts. The 'r"-s wi.s nurt prett- lie pea.'ll trees, bt. ery ta r cr ip are bs, ao mearra nad. CVLEEF.TSt ..V-The members o the Ode Fallows uMig.. of cfy ruesiae -a h -rl at the firm ot E. C. ijiertiaae ir Biaekwojd pr'-cinct ana piante 1 sf.y-n'w u:r of corn tor Mr Eieriiaas. one. of h members who was injure. t in a runaway a snort -ime since. FREeT'lN Mrs. Henry Dnext liner w.-.r-died m her house two oiil.'s sout.t-ve t on tins citv Monuav was iinr ei at tn- Z.ort cemetery four ti-i!es nor'h -if Pr-uon t -dav Mrs. C aesenner Ual llv -d w.ih h -r husoun.i. who survtvua net- at tins f.m for nearly itnriv .ars ana was lh: mo ii.-r of a larae WTMORE The Dr.v'ng Prk aasodntlou at a meeting tiua moramg ae.idei uia. tij games of chance would a allowed on tli race rouniis .jr in town, dur-ng th- r- . cult rnf.i in June. The e-tung of pm.l a will be a.iowe.j a -usual. The asocl,ic -i.t is desirous of getting some 400i camiv tl' company to show oere .lunnat tlte th days of the races. Secretary sjtevena. sa -tv t.i pn'ts for entries are ni a. year ana he predicts a miwe sutteesf.!. cir-i cult t.'ua yesr than at any prev'.oua t ;r.c. BROKEN' 23W T!e Cuater counr.' Jin-) day scnools are now holding their ttFTv-j fr.unu annual conveauon it Br.ken Bow i The first s.uutn-n waa heid W-nineeday nig 't.i at the new Christian church, on the Nortuij Side, and consisted of devcitlnn.ol service, aiidreaa of welcome. apn4intement of mittees and a ta.k by Rev O. B. Sarber of Crajid Island. Thre liesntona wre held, yesterdav and the same numrwr will m-ciir today. Maav weil-icnown rellgloua work ers from out In the state sr ber. includ ng Rev Surber. Craad Island M.S. F. r. Smeiser Yoknitama. Jinan. M-s. W. K. Mcirioud. Y-irs. and M Lilla EnirllBO. I -incoin. Tiie or"ait officers are: J, M. Fodge. president: Mrs. P. L- Aiklnacn. . vice preaident : Rv. J. D. Bradv secre-i tary: J. M. Tuner, treasurer: Mrs. H. i Lomax. superinrc ien' noma iliwrrait: Mrs. W. H. Camteison. auper-mtender- primary deoartnwnr. Rev J. R. Wooila. teacher training department. Mrs. P. R. Southard, ot lESTOIEI Woodraere, L. I., who was a I nervous wreck, and could neither eat nor sleep, vas 1 completely restored to health by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. In a recent interrietr Mrs. Soutli ard said: "I can certainly sir your tonic-titLrnuIant, Duffy's Ptire Malt "Whiskey, ha.s been a .ereat benefit ; to me. I was weak, nerron.s. conll not sleep and wa trouh-!ei-with. loss of appetite. I "Duffy's P-re Malt Vlii.skey, f was recomniended to rne by friends, t I tok it, and the result ia that I am stronzer and better in every way, I can sleep and my appetite id much. improved. , "I write yoa this, a. I thought I it was my duty to let you know what your frreat meliomal Jlait hiiker hiskey I hat of I d dux- ? dme for me. Piiou.sand.-i of ea-ses like tl Mrs. Sinth;jri? bnv l.Mkn en. in? the past fifty years, since Jj Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey was dL-covered. TJhiskey In us ta fa r i y. al ia:! I. a.a ill k a