Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. MAY 16. lvn?. 13 IRAIX AND PRODUCE MARKET Etary Selling on Local Karket Bring Price Doira to Low Figure. XKOSPECTS ABE FOE LAEGE CEOPS ! rrrlBB a Geaeral ,,, ,ke Gnw la rrMrrii An Favorable aJersstltee Drlif la th t Fields. OMAHA. May IS, Jgt. ?enri:y 'leer. rig up cf The irntbtt the wesi and protect of ls.'tM toLnfiy deliveries in tint f u, tii thai ! are Inn two weeh ilird :ti t'eir j 'ir r ork. gave cause 1' r I my ii;rig of nil futurea tMt rrvurn lr arm t were sent nm lower. I i if l-nr,g were well taken car of. iir. and the decline was not wtai ore couii fKrt. n nat was easier today, with selling TT-ral and cable '.t nd a feeling f y ai: oneervarve trad.rt that the Trow- lrg rrospecie sre vtil'ls. Eastern h.!, i'Ttrn aemand seem at a nandUil and m n on lbo la holding long siuff i willing to let go. May wheat opened at tec and clewed at R' "orn higher againet wheat, in fare of a vtv urgent demand fir th cash article. VH:h tlie fleering up of the wes-ther, larger c-uirtry deliveries can le expected, and a '(acK in ali future ia looked for. July -t cjiened at fclc and closed at CIS-. Primary wheat receipt were 27.,oo. and nipment fr 6r7.o busrieia, omn reoeipte last )nr of .0"0 bushe. ar.i shipments of 823.OO0 bushels. Corn receipts (r 825 000 bushel and shipments were bushels, against re ceipts last year of o;7.oo bushel amd yiip ments of 6!7,ti0 bushel. Cieaianees were t.ino bushels pf corn. 1 .''' of oat and wheat and flour eaual to 2i." ..' busnel- Liverpool clnwd S'&'sd lower on wheat and unchanged on corn. Seaboard r-j.nried bushel pf wheat and lf,,um tosnela of corn taken for ex port. LxaJ rn;e of ojitlc-ra: Artlclba. C'jen. Hiali.j Low. Clone Tea jr. Mheat- Jill Mv... W tr. I 5 July... W MS' H1! M tit-j,i... K4 fc-A, K'i Corn- i , I May... i t: - rrs ers juiv..- n i i:is fi i iSi a Sept..! &M, h-s fc.", Cai I i I j I Way..,' 4' V. i!, , OaaavJaai Caat Prleea. WHEAT-Xo. 2 hard. Hr.i97c; Ni. S hard, -"iv.i . No. 4 hard, ti.t. No. i pring. ,iiM.C. U'KS-Xn. 1, THc; No. 2. fT7SO,c t.(uvc; So. i jelkiw. STS,''; (.lATf-AO. 1 mixed. 4S'J,Sr4!lV,c; Wfiil.'. 4CV3.;i0i,c; So. 4 while, ! ; No. No. No. iilt-.Nli. 1, 7ife74c; No. 3. 7i5j,.T:. Caurlat Rcwlaita. Wheat. Corn. Oat C"I:i( hgn 1 137 1411 iw iiM-kpolia 347. t':r:ai.a a 1 3 lu.ut:j li tlllCK.O A?ID rROVISi0 I eat area of the Trad la a aaa t loaias I'rlrc-a oa Board of Trade. lllA.itl, May lS.-lditl weather for th Hew crop of wheat caused weakness today in the io,nl wheat market, the July de livery closing at a bet lose of 'ti&lc. Corn wa up S.Sic. tiaia were c lower. Pro vis. or. were unchonfrcd to .c lusher. The wh at marktt wa nervous. but bearish stntiment prevailed durins- the g: eater ps:t of ttie se ssion. Ttie excellent et.itrtr for the growing irop and a aiatk ut marid from expttrtera offat-t all other cunnderationa and indued lree selling by 1( ! and (ommisFion house There were eexera! rallit during the day. but each time fimand poon fcatisfied and price au.ii d. lined. l amage report came in firm the M'jibwcrt. but they swmed to i..L,ir.;e 'hat a t t.'ie injury i largely 1 i.e niar.-tt ciomhI weak. July 1'ieneil 'Jjc to tfilc lower, at KWt Y f , a,ild iri to ivfiWiie and then reacied t. R.-c. j'h ()e l at (tittc. Oear tinct of wheat and Hour were equal to i V O l.usieis. Kxports for the week as ti.jwn uy Bradutt were, w.uij to 'i.i'-.t! bushelt,. Primaty receipt weie l . buf hels. compartd with Cila.WM bush fi the cttr reionu ma day a year ago. Ik.intienpoiia. 1'ulutii ?rd Chicago reported reci(ts of li cats, ava'net cara laal vetk and 17.' car a car ago. Tf-e torn market v ts weak early In the seFSlon ttid luler tliere wa a sharp rally. Ju v opened VSiC lower, at 64"i (C , ' advtnocd to ro'.c and closed at Ijt.ri.l ieipl were 1ST car, with 1'" istf err tract. Trac'e In cat ill quiet almost all dav. (.frnfl rc lower, at 4it4rTc, ad vnrucJ 'o I'-c and closed at 7H. K ia' r.-c-ut were J40 cars. 1'rov.auna opt nod tfcuy, but the market be. am tjit finti late In the day. At the dope Juiv prk wa a ahade higher, at ; ': .4olS Ijird was yc higher, at f l: I s were uncharged at 17 3. Yr inK'ed receipts for tomorrow': Whent, t' tins; com, 'Jti cars; oaia. 27H car, bogs. Iti k " lie ad. Ti e leading futurea ranged a follow. Arllt !.; Open. High.; Low. Cloae.i Tea'j". 'Wheat V-y J'lly P. pt. Cero Miy 1 Am, I I Ws' 1 12 KtV W-WHSlll i i: i i o; ; !.'5i:in:!ti (b"; .0 yu a6ti' Sf.taiitS7 fi I I rsi ; 74 6S i&" tJ'M -:774! I I 4r,-..-7i Ju.y S-pt. Oa-s a May b.Mnjr aJnlv r.July Pent. Pork July Sept. L.i r 1 Julv Sept. Rll July Sept. WH M 4T4V 44",; UK,' 47Hi , 47H 44'' w S7w& ' IS f II 1J S5 IS 471' IS 44 IS t'U 12 7 12 2'- 12 l jUfi I S7V.! 8 H' r W 1 i- ' 5 I 7 TV t y T so " 45 1?5 1 T5 T I 7 W No. I add. bNew. Ch quotation were a follow: JUA'H-Steady ; winter patenta. 14 Jfifi 4ft; winter traight. ?. f-454 ; aprtng jt (i,ii, sprirg atraighta, l4.wiici4.6o; baker. V. lo4.10. UHKAT-Na. I pring aicglief; No. t red. Ii l.US. I'OKS-No. 2. 74'74!c; No. S-jellow. OATS-No. X, Uc No. 2 white. tr,fif c- BAR1-ITY Fair to choice malting, 67t'c. SKt-iJ llax, No. 1. II 24; N-j. i north west em. 14 2i. PKtiVlrJiuNS Snort ni fiose. et-i-utj.. alesa pork, per btU i li-rH Lard, per l't lba Short clear aitfes tboxodi. r 27vu7 -H- Following ware (ha receipta and ahip nieni ol iiour and gram: Recelpta. 6hiiment Fio-r !.! 5" Wheat. bJ 1" 5 Corn, 4.u l'"' itat bu ....r7.4' '2 ."" l.arity. bj , . tn the Produce exrhainje todar the but ter ri.arket u weak; inimtnrt, IBPinc; oairie, liHulMc. Lgg. firm; at mark, case i!'jo,ed. H-al-!; firata. lfV: pri:ie f.rna, lttac. Curiae, eaay, JaVi01-'V. Liverpool train Market. LIVERPtXlU May Jfc.WHEAT-Spot, No. S ted western winter, steady. 741; Na 1 California, steady. 7 7"1 on uay and 7 m ttore. Kuiure. aiealy; May, 76'wd; Jul) . 7 Sd; SepU-mbrr, la td; I'nnrr. 71'4. I'oKN pot new American irxed, kiin ned. ejuiev. iarWd: id America a mixed, '.esu- . IW. Fuiure. ejuiet; May, a IMd. l- .i'g - iln L.-dr.l. Pacific crasi. si '.ady, ail l'-4 t k. Mllwaakea Oral Market. MILWAl'KEE. 'Vis. May 15 -WHEAT Mradt ; No. 1 bortliern. Il l'uplll; No. I Jii-rihcm. II -lil eS. July, 8tisV bld. VA RLiTV-tvteady, No. 1, Vic, sample. Co fp7U-. tJicN--Flrni; No. I cash. TlgTSc; July. e-Sc aaked. r-eorla Market. PnrtRIA. lU. May 15 CORN-F.ay ; No. T yaliow. 7c; No. i yeilow. 7c; No. 2. TV; No. 4 ec; no grade. uc. . OAIS No. I white, i-wc; No. 4 white, Wl-rc WHIISKT 21-35- t lael Grala Market. M1NNEA1'K1S May li WHEAT No. 1 ii-d ti uaVpi .-': Nil. 1 northern, tl N CIvbm l UwrUuaa. li-vilkal tii Nu. I northern. r,rij;T.; Mv, llte-w: July. II 04 U; K-jmtr. PiSc J' kan in hM.k. ir, rrc: FlyM-JV-MKi; f.rt parent. ttt.VJf. AT ; --"nd patenta. p ..-j. 4. ',-t rlea-f. 14 3 'M3f.; second cer. I bi. EW TOR K CnCRH MIRK ET Qaetatloaa t the Daw Tarlrat (lltlr. TOPK. May If -rtM'R-R'- eipfna. 1 4 bbi; mark't Pi- :,. wln!r -raihU. M a.'0. n-'ita baker. MMt-; w-mter extra, t f 4 1"; winter iatnt. It tti4 . winter " f rade. 44 ' Fre flour. qu; fJ t ti iQig i te'. choice to fancy. 14 ST 1 " COR.VMF.Ate Finn; fine white atifl yel lr . t;.4:j j.V'. coare, $i."al ii , kila dried, 21 " R VE Firm b. New York No, J weatern. Pic. f. WHF.AT-Receip , M.OnO b-jhl; ex pert. t.K buphela. Ppot. fy. So i' re3, 21 M cnnitnal. elevator, and tl K nominal, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern Iul-Jth. f. o. b . afloat: No. I hard winter, tl 11. f. o. b.. aflcat. In rrflectinr RritlFh cables, un expectedly large Ar-ntlne eh pmenta. liquidation of May w heat w aa weaker to day. cloin Virlc net lower. Mav closed at July. ! &-36flV. rloeeij Sc. Bepterrih,.,. MVo.HS. closed Hc. Ci 'RN-Receipt. b.w bunhei. export. 4.W buhelr. epr.t market. Heady; No. 2. 7Sc elevator, and 74c arked. f. o. b.. afloat; t'ption market wa without tranxactiona. rloe nr unchanged to ic net lower. Mav cloned 7c; July closed 74Sc; Sertemter closed 75c. OATS Receipt. lOf'.rym buhel: xpnrt. J . buhel; epot market ateriy; mixed. 2i and S2 pound, toe; ntura! white, 3S and a pound, 7i,'ar.c; clipped white. Si an! 40 pound, aV24c. HAY juiet lut rteady; good to choice. r.c& ii oo. HOJ'S tiuiet : riat common to choice 17. oi2-; 4Car; I'acific coaat. 13!T7. Bogota. 37V; Central HIDES Firm; Atr.enca. 17Vc, LKATHEK-Qnkt; arid. IIJC7c. FROVIglON'gReef. Heady: family, tl BO 17.1; men. 172 5-614 beef ham. t",.('u r''ket Il4.ii"ilj .('; city extra India mm. C4 ''5X.ti. Cut meat quiet; pi. k led In 1 1 i ak i th 1 la.,!.... V . 1 1 . 1 I firm; weetern. J . 25fiS.4Ti; rflne1. teady; cor.tiner.1. t.l"; South America tit 7a: rim pound, 7(oc. I'ork. at'-aiy; familT, nT.'iP t17.W: abort clear. 215.7V3l7.(iO; me, IJ4 60 TALJ.tO'Vr Steady ; city 22 09 per pl' erei, 4fc; country (j.akapr free. l R1CE-F!rm; domertic. fair to extra, ?'Vrr.ic Bl'TTER Vnettled; creamery peciai. 21"-c; extra, riw&tic-; Hate dairie. com trn to fair. VAiic. CHKESE Firm; flat full crtam. new, Pteady; state. Pennsylvania and tiearbt- fancy, selected, white, Jdc; prime To choice. lit'TlSV; brown and mixei l.p 1!-V ; freh gathered, storage backed. 17V5 lt-i-r- POl"LTRT Alive dull; sprina chicken. 2"c: fcwl. lSc; turkey. 11c: dressed ateady; turkey a, 12&17c; fowl. irH&H'tC'. HEATHER 1 THE GRAIX BELT Fair aad Waraarr la lae OaTlook for latirlaj . OMAHA. May 15, The disturtance central over Nebraska Thursday morning ha shifted lowly north eastward arid Is central over Minnesota this momitg. Snowera accompany the de pression in the extrtme up-! xalleya and generally unsettled weather, with ram. I precede the disturbance over the lake re gion and eastern state. The weather haa i cleared west ol the Missouri river into the I moumatne and slightly cooler weather pre j vail over Nehraka. L.ight frosts occurred in western South Pakota. Wyoming and I Colorado. The weather will be fair m thia vicinity tonight and Saturday, with allghtljr warmer Saturday. (miaha record of temperature and precipi i tatlon compared with tlia corresjtondmg day I of the laet three year; I 19. 1W7. 115. 1X. i Minimum temperatura ... M 8S t4 El 'precipitation .U .08 .06 I Normal temperature for today, 2 degree, i I tendency In precipitation aince liarcii 1. . 1.3k inchea. Ijefu'lencjr corresponding period In 107, 4.W lnchea. i.xcea correpond:ng period In 1S06, .11 of an inch. U A. WELSH. LiOcal Forecaeter. Cora t Wheat Rrarloat Ballet la. For the twenty-four hour ending at I a. m., 7iLh mersaian tune, Friday, May li. laue: OMAHA IrlSTRICT Temp Raus Btationa. Id ax. iJin. lalL Eky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cioudy Oear Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Ashland. Nb.... 7v 4 47 4 44 4 f. 44 tl .1 (2 4, 4 r 44 60 T Auburn, Neb 7S Columbua, Neb.. (4 Fairbury. Neb.... 7 Fairmont. Neb... 6 Gr. Island, Neb.. 7(1 H&rtiiigton. Neb. 70 Hasting. Neb.... 7 Oakdale, Neb W Omaha. Neb Tekaniah, Neb... 7o Alia, la Carroll, la rt Ciarinda, la, 75 Sibley, la &4 Sioux City. la., at .00 .24 .00 .00 .IKt .12 .00 .t T .t-4 .40 .('7 .00 .75 .It Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at a a- m. U1STRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Station. Stations. Max. Mtn. Inches Chicago. Ill a ft 62 .84 Colunibua. 0 1 7n bg .j; Lt t Moines, la 14 70 .54 Indianajit'll. Ind.. 12 W 0 .04 Kanaa City. Mo.. 22 ( 64 T ! Louiavllle. Ky Is Hi 62 .In Minneapoii. Minn. 64 42 . 40 Omaha, Neb 1 fii 4i .14 St. Loui. Mo IS E2 fiu T Shower occurred in all portions of the j corn and wheal region during the lajtt I twenty-four hour arid were beavwtst in the northern districts. it ic alighlly warmer in the eastern and slightly cooler In the western portion. le A. WELSH, Iocal Forecaster. t, Loals Gearral Market. ST. LOUIS. May 16-WHEAT-Lower; Ni. I red cash, track, tl.03icil.O4. No. 2 hard. 21.wil t; July, fcSc: September, He. CORN Weak; track. No. i cash, 77, No. 2 while. 7SVtr.4c; July, br. ec,jc. OATnlhjll: track. No. t i wtuie. 64-c: Maj-. 4Mac. t4Sc; Septem caah, tic; No. FLuCR y uiet : red w inter patenta. 14 f (04 l; extra fancy and atra.ght. 24.14.66; Clear, til nf-i2 7o. SEFr-Tiniothr, steady: tS.50S4.75. Cf'RN MEAL Steady; tS.Ju. BRAN Steady; satked, cast track, 1 '. HAT Quiet; timothy, r.l 0O17.CK; prairie, lllieifoll(t. IRON COTTN TIES 21 (tO. BAelOlNG c. H17MP TOE-r. PROVISIONS Pork. ateady; Jobbing. IJIia. lard. steady; prime ateam. 7.iiej I oil. Pry salt meaia, steady; boxed extra horta. I7il'v: clear rihs. 17 50; short clears, 17.7. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short. t$, $"V clear riba. tezi; short clears, & . POULTRY" Quiet: chickens. 1'jc; springs. Bf2i--: turkey. llfplSc : auck. 7r: 6c blTTEK-W eak. creamery, botoitc Ee3GS Steady at i'4c ease- count. Receipts. Shipment 7 ." a.tin 4o.imt euftiei . !V (i fif.,ft. . 77, WO 7t',0i"C Flour, bbla Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oaia, bu. .. Kaaaas City Grata aad Praiialoaa. KANSAS CITT. Mo. Mar U.-ViTJEAT I'nt l.anged; May. if-St ; July. 62,'V; Sep-ten-.tT. doc; cash: No 2 bald.; No. 2 rain. WVtetl-K; No. 2 red, ti.oO, No. 2 red. ii!e!r. O..RN Inchanged: May, kAc; July. ClVac: September. eTK: cash: No. 2 mixed, toe. No 2 mixed, etw. No. i a tale. ttivvSr; No. 1 white, tVaee OA TS Vnch anted; No. S while. Ei653c; No t mixed, aotuilc. 1 RYE-74U7S.. ' HAT Cboii-e timothy. teady. Ill.teteJ Hit: cboio- prairie, unci-anged la ioc K. er. I 6.tirf Oo. Bl'TTER Weak on creamery; packing riip. It. a;ady; crttniry. 21c, iikiiig Stork. l4kc. EciOS inchanged to vc Mgher; fresh extras, lac; current receipts, lek-. Receipta Shipments. Wheat, bu 64 i Itftm Corn, "bu 54io eai Oais, bu hit) 7,oo Range f prices at Kansas City as re ported by Logan A Bryan. Na 12 Board of Trade: Article. I Open. I High I Low. I Close. Wheat July .. Sept. . Ce in Juiy .. feept- . ?S rfSK rcvH rB See he-ATAa' sea WVA I I I '!. ' 4tlw' ! W icfl"i 66 I ate, 6eHIl t'sa Sea ataxl Ad 13 bouat your tuameas. SEWYORK STCCRS ASD B05DS Market Show-a FJfrct of Strain of Continuoui rp-xard MoTexntnt DECII5E IS FOLLOWED BT EALLY et Cavwaaea la lrirew tmr ta Par Art aaall rjaaaelal Itwallwa la Farter la MTaeat f Vala. NEW TORK. Mr IS Tot", ay a stock market howed rather drvtinetly tha growth of that strain which must accorr.pny a prolonged movement of price in one di rection, whether the movement na e.mpiy reached an adequate level to represent truly the new basia of Talue or haa orer run It. The market gave evidence early that the tak of sustaining prices wa growing burdensome In face of an increed volume of offering that had to be absorbed for that purpose. The protection of the mar ket, however, waas not abandoned and the aubsidence of igfrity in the decline ahowed that holct - of the stock held their position strong enough to periet when the rate of profit decreased to unattractive figure. There were rumor of coming develop ment affecting relation of the great rail road properties Some of these rumors ran out to a form that had so little sem blance of plausibility that their circula tion helped to intens.fy the ruspic'on with w-hich tie extensive advance in j.nce haa come to be regarded. Forecast of the hank atatement indicated a possibility of some decline In the strength tf position of the banks. The taking of cash from the mar ket on account of the withdrawal ef gcv ernment deposita. and of gold exporta, ap parently bare outweighed the Inflow of cah from Interior point for the first time in many week. jromising some small de crease In the cash item 1n tomorrow bank statement. As the Inflow of cah from the Interior is stiil heavy, nd. aa money I almost a drug In New Tork. in the present position, it Is likely that thia showing wouid have affected stecks bar! not the rrjfes alonal course of the market left th? con dition there ripe for the reaction. Consider ation must tie grtven. also, in the money market outlook to the prospective wlth draw'ai week after next of another IS). of government deposita. The gold out flow, after running out in the channel to Pari apparently waa diverted todav to Berlin. fl,( It .( for that dertinat on being engaged, it Is expected that ihia move ment to Germany w ill reach cone dertble volume. It ia highly rrobable. alsn. that the newly begotten confidence of corporation borrowers In asking for new account ac commodation will have coriatdcrable effect on the loan Item of the bank in the im mediate future. While the resource at command are plentiful in the prekent cir cumstance It Is likely that they ere being drawn upon and urplu of the New York banks may be driven to decline. The April foreign trade atatement showej that the decline of 24.(nx,iit in value cf our exporta waa heavily rebalanced by the lftO. shrinkage. In Import., leaving the ou.warl movement of gold to other cause for ex planation than the international mercantile exchange. I'nion Pacific. Chesapeake A Ohio, and Baltimore Ohio were effecttv? agent in rallying the marke. and the con sequence wa a reduction in net chanrei to small fiarures. Bonds were irferular: total Bale, par value, 2.M4.(V. Vnlted Slates 4 advance! Vi per cent and the 4s H per cent cn the bid price. Following were the tale and ranga of price on ilia Stock exchange today: Sain. Rica. Lw. Clnea. A flams Express Amalsamaled Coepar . Am C. 4 F Am C ft F. ptd Am. Cotton CM1 am Chum oil. n-eii Amertraa EKpren Am HAL. p!4 Amenran 3ne Am. Linated Oil Am. Ltaeeetl CHI p'4... Am. IeienniatiT Am. ljscufDotire pf4... Am. 6 A R Am. tan v'i Am. Sufar Refining... Am Tutwnr pft rtf. Anaconda Jtinlng Co... AT till Ison Atrtitson pftl Atlanuc Coast Ulna iialumur ftiin bai. 'ttiio pf4 Brook trn Jtapid Tr ... Catwdlaa Parlflr Central erf New Jersey DisMtpeKk A Obia Chioaso CI W ChUaga A X. W C . M St. r II It t 4F S I It 3lw I"1 l.oof Blw kMi' H. f0 JS ' H ! u :tw 4.IK) ') V H r "' r i n n St HH ii'., 77, "S u H at 41Sn 7 7S lt.nei iik 1 t tXKl 17.MO IV g jt.ato s?V n t'. 1! (H Kit, l.fient 1 181 4.tl0 !. 4 1: ifit IK 1K0 4i Itt, 1 KO 1M. lMt IMw St.;. :a;. isrt, n Chteage T. A T Chicago TAT pld C . C , C A St J. Colorado T. A 1 Colorado A &o Colo. A 6a. 1st pre! Colo. A So Id ptd Cotisoi touted Gaa Com Products . . Com FTdduna ptd De la ware a Hudnia I tel.. L. A W ItenTer a- Ri QraaSa. P. A R. G. pfd Instnien CvHuntlca Erie Erla lt pfd Erie Id p'd Ofnetwl Elertnc Illinois Coou-al ' lntematltitial Paper Int. Paper pf4 Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd iiw-a Central Kanaaa Ot; so K C. So. ptd Loularin. at k Mexican Centtal ill A St. V. M . ll. P. A e B. M Bi . St. F A S. t. St pfd.. Miaaoun Paclflr ad., K. A T U.K. A T pfd National Lautd . N R R of M pfd. offsred New Tnrk Central.. si. T.. O. A W Norfolk A W K A W. pfd Nona Amenoan in at 1 e t w luO r rt i:s &! sz 6H , 174. 71 1 410 1:2 m its T-w l.tuo I ewe l.fmn 1 em l4 fo it :. . tn I-1 ICS- llw a M n 1ST 1M l'.4 k 7I Ji, 4 S4k " M zr irrn jrrt it) 57 7 lfJ t lt k M 1H. urn . lint sent 6k 44 7fV w 67 w 6i 1 6K K kw K t.ttoo ie.t it 2.1l 114w 111 11W J 61 it set, 44 44 1S as 'Hl lit. 13 1 Si. 2.SW 4. mo US : 1 44S " fi 4SV, 4 4IO Ji v, ! 41T. ( 71 w 1(15 7SV, lw . 4.lMt J Pacific Mail 'w Pecnaylvania People'a Oaa P . C... C A . 5t.7t ia 1H 121S e: r. Tti . 1.11 2w St L. . Preaaed Steel Car !' M W Preaeod t C. ptd Pullmaa Palara Car ..... Reading rt.SiiO 1IT, ust, Aeoding 1st pfd e n fc-.-a Reading id pfd m kl :1 tatiubllc teiel I stiu av Rerubltc Steel pfd I nt 71V, k, island Co.. 3k krk Island C ptd JVS lit, St. L A F Sd ptd 1.4:ia (ja, 21 u St. bouta W. Sc. l t w-. M4 boll! her Pacific Xt Tt 117 af So. Pacifier pfd 4 If 111", llw So. Rallwar I St i, jti. So. Rallwar pfd 1.7. ti 44 Texaa A Pacific attn c T , St. L A W t i f T . St. L AW ptd 7lt eat 4w Vnioa Parifie 171 Jut, J4i I nli.n Pacific pfd Its) At 64 T. B Eaproaa T S RaaJtl 1 4S 4H r. E. t It i.T C S Jtunfcar ptd t en a., : X-. t. Steeti 1P1 Si-la T"V 5 Stael pd I t 1S IKS a -daruun (Taemlial Llrtt 2! 4a J4w 4 a -Cars. Cnem. pld . 61 W lan 2 aim 1?S ! aiiub pfd lie) J.S r Weliarargo Ezproaa .. . .. Weninaneuae decu-ir ...-.tenet ti f,t Waanrrn Vnioa 1 1'W ITt E4 W tioeitt. A L E '' 1 IV, Wiaoonfcia Central tTi, Wia Central j.fd 4 4t Northern Pac Ific 47 4 l-"ia l'S Central Leather 1 rs t7 Central beaiher pfd w 6w gKiaa-Sheffied Steel 1 at 6ft Geaat Northara pld Ii If" 127 1 lutsrnorotuTli Mel. Cm 1.4 11 hi Wet. ptd 6" US luth Cianoar 4 let llta ' kS 61 HA 71 lS S K-ta ist S 47 13.S in rt 'S 4i" 1S 6S at ' 26 w IKS a as l.-w Mw IK. MS t Ik 4 W 17 w n 64k, 61 k, 1U li -S 7ulal aa-ia tor tb ear. l.tsi.ioil abarea. New Tork Mialaat ttorka. NEW TORK. May 15 Closing quotations on mining slocks were. Ada ..... I Little Chiaf Alice emtana . sets Opntr , Potuat 11 Saeag X7 Siarra Nevada M Suit liopaa 1 atanaar lae atrvnawir-k Coa. .. CoaiatatW Tuanal Coa. CL A Vs.. Hum kuvar iron auvaor . .. Con Ferelga Flaaaelal. LONtsON. May 15. Money was in good supply and better aemand on the market today. Liscounts w ere firmer. The tHoe k txciiatig Is n.arkirjj time from the recent aavanoe. Cheap money and the bringing out of new Issue caused realisations under which cone... and other gilt-edged ee runtiea yielded tractionaliy eajiy la tho oay. but cunauls rvoovered in th after tw on. Home rails and furetgna eased In the absence of sujeport- American securi ties started well and attracted fair buy ing They went above parity In tbo fore noon, but Irregularity developed later. New York offered atock in tho afternoon, prsoes then eased and tlie market fuaised dull at a fraction ovr th lowaat quMaUotia of Ue oay. BERLIN. May 11 Prices oa the Bourse loaay cjv6itrtl iJiu M aCvict truta New ' j reacrea and citwed weak. FAR. Mr li. Tradir. oa tha Bu to3aj- w-aa firm. riort of the clixiruo wortE TraaaartloB of the Associated Baaka for tho Week. clearing report for the week er i ng "Way it show an argregate of . 4t.. ... '. a I.. .awiM' last week and in the corresponding week last year. iltie loilc-wtng la a list ol the cities: CITIES. Cleaiir nc. ; tec. Nsw Tork. Chicago Boston Phiiadelphka .... St. Louis Pittshurg San Fianrtaco.. Kansas City II. ..Tgl .'., m i 14 6 V I 11 4 1 i 26.4 Ik .4.t" (' . l".l'4f. ! . I2i.vr7.ttii . 67 4" 4 !' . fi. t . sT.X:: ( . 86 Mi- ' 24 (.'. . tl.MV.tan . 1S 8..oit . 12.7M.txi . la M t . 14 hf ll.SM OOO lo.4. it . )(i,-k ii . Iti.IlT.oO ., t..et7''.i' . .;ifi.(t . tt.5Sfi.t" .. 7 .'i0'i . D.WC.'a" t.HM- ."aKi . S.t ( . t :, on . C k4 '.ifi . 6.S1J ( . 6 ( . 4.17F.OHO . 4.7r,.t.t . 6 4i. '" . 4.1P7.0".t . 4.1K' IV S Wl 'nxt . .(' 0 . t.k'i." .' v . 1. k44.ii f i . 2. 4 '' . 2.2;.0".' . i.CJi.'.vO . S.4o.w'' . 1.727. out . 2.174. (nf . J.ftM.evai . 1 .. o . l.Sll.tMtl . 2.712. (m lt.t4 . IK,) . i . l.fcis.'tu . i.:42."i . i.:o ot . lJiM.tsk' . 1.47ti.tM . l.;w;,'v;i . l.Stls opO . . l.DU.W . 1.157.Ki . l.i:4i,'.tki . 6 4 .... Baltimore J Cincinnati : New Orleans j Cleveland ( Oxaaha j Louisville I Lo Angeles I Milwaukee Seattle St. Paul i Buffalo Lenver j lndianapolia Fort Worth Providence Portland. Ore i Aloany I A' 14 ? I .6 24 i 13 7 4 t 23 : It I 10.2 is. 'lit 27.6 & 0 4 7.2 16 II 14 6 I t lb 4 It 2t' 3 2"t.2 C 2J S i. li.2 1 17.6 6 3k 7 Ik 25. ....) i 2.2 22 t . (Richmond ; ) tVasnington. D. C ' j Spokane. Willi 1 Salt Iake City I ' Columtius ! I St. Josepii i Atlanta I Memphis I Tacoma j ! Savannah I Toledo. O ! Nashville j Rochester Hartford Dee Molrwe. Peoria i Norfolk I I New Haven j Grand Raplda ! Birmingham , Syracuse i 1 Sioux City j Spring-field. Ms I Evaneviile 1 Portland, Me I I'avton Lltile Rock I Augusta, Oa Oakland. CaJ I Wetrceter j I Mobile I Knttxville , 236 i ; 16 7 I 1.2 I Jacksonville. i ...... . . Fla. rtl.i..ifin a C 'ii'i 13 7 Lincoln. Neb Wilmington, Iel. Wichita Wilkesbarre Tor and fnreijrn VtiTa, at afterward l.i'M.Otift 1 6.1 1.47.M 6.6 l.lttO.WlO 10. , 1.3S7 kti 6 5 63kk. 1 11.7' k..',KM 1 10.6 i 5.!I4 i 4.0: 1.07S.OO'' 2 0 643.0OO I 25 4 I 7tn Ok. , 2.6 . I.V'.OK. I il 67;..ev 6.2 j t.'k.dOo 1 34i.l 1 fikl . 1 36.1 7Stl i 2;,. 7 1 675. ifkii 51.1 i 6?7.' 1 2S.2 , MI j 36 j 6k7.n I 10l! flS.00'1 11.0 I 4-.o , at '11 1 it.2 I 4 UK 1 k.l 4" 1.0.10 24.6. 4, (' I 25.1 Ali3 t 11 .Ji e4 (a-H 1 t 4 4f. 0 34 8!5.'M 6.S ! 272.0V j 22. 2 J "P7.(0rt 1 37 0 1 2.0iM; I 341.(100 1 3b. S l.e:i7.Ki' I 16.416.0oO j . t.oieo.OoO; j 26.0 1 Wheeling. W. Va i Fall River I Davenport i Kaiamaxoo. Mich Topefca I Heltna Springfield. 111.... surest own j Fort Wayne i New Bedford I Erie. Pa I Cedar Rapid. Ia ! I M aoon j I Akron I ' Lexington ! i Rockford. Ill Fargo. N. D I Lowell I j Binghamtnn Chetter. Fa Sioux Falls. S. D South Bend, Ind Blooming-ton, 111 ( j Canton, O ! Wuincy, 111 I Springfield. O j ! tieratur. Ill Manalleld. O I J Fremont. Neb Jacksonville, 111 Oklahoma ! Houston Galveston Not Included In tot sis beca use contain Inc other Items than clearing. Nowr York Moaey Market. NEW TORK, My li.-PRIME MERCAN TILE PAPER 6'fl41a per cent. 6TERL1NCJ EXCHANGE Easier, with actual business in bankers' bids at 14 8720 for demand and at t4.Hf.3 for sixty-day bill: commercial billa. t4.64v. SILVER Bar, 55; Mex.ean dollars. 47c. BoNLS viovernment, siror.g, railroads, irrearular. IvluNLY On call, eay. 1V51 Pr cent . ruling rale, l ir cent; closing bid. l r-r cent; offered at 3S per cent. Time I loans, firm and dull: sixty days. "Wl',i per cent; ninety day. 2 per cent; six months, SVhS per cent- The following arc lb closing quotation on bond: C g. ivf. Is, reg .itvi n.. A N. unl. 4s .. 1WS ataa. c g 4t .i't-S stea Cen-.ral 4a 1"S d lai lnc .19' iu. A St. L 4 .111 sm.. K. A T. 4... . 71V do xa .lot S. R. R ol at. c. 1 . s N Y. C g !.... . F7 V. 1 C t to 7S . St. . M . 17 . 77 . s . HS Tfw . mi 12.'S .10. S 71S . H . :s do coupon l t aa. reg do coupon V I new 4a. rag... as coupon Am. Tohace 4a do ba Atrkiaon gen. 4a do ad 4a Atlantic C. L 4 .. bal. A Ohio. 4a 4a Ilea Brk. R. T. c. 4 ... Central ef Oa. aa do 1st Inc do 16 lnc do d lot Che. A Ohio 4-a . t'Hioa A A. JS C. fi. A Q a. 4a... C . R. I. A P. 4a.... do cc.l. 6a . rw No. Pacific 4 . Sr-S do as - . N A W. c. 4 . O K L rid 4s .. .1414 Penn c. Is. . 7: fteading gen. 4 . 4tV St L. A L M. c 6s as . St. L- A S r fi ti 7S . iei pt. US W. e. ... 41 . di.i, Seat.riard A. L. 4a... 6" . l-j So. Pacific 4 17 . 4ta do lae 4a cifa ... 74ta So Raiivar oa i'H'H 4a Sr. Texaa A P U Ill a. 6PS T . Si. L A W. 4a. 7?k ... :S I'nion Pat-Hie 4 VWS . . . H-S da r 4 cvc. A at- L g. Cole. Ind. 6a. er. Colo. Mid. 4. Colo. A So. 4a.... H una is "D. A R. 0. 4a . lhv Mac to Al-is p. 1. 4a do get. 4a Hock Val 4S. Japaa 4a do 4Va ctla do &4 ser) Bi4 "Oflareei. ...lain T Steel Id 6a ... 64 Wahaafc la ...11 do eti B ... Weseera Md. .. ... Te. H. A L E M . . .l'fiWia Central 4a . ... Ul Aii-tnaon c 4. .. ... T oo ba .1116 ti.w .111! S lnl. Met. 4a Boatoat Storks aad Boa da. BOSTON. May 15 Money, call loans. N 4 per cent: time loana. Vn'vi per cent The following were the cioa.iig price a ca etocka and bonds: Attwiaoa aHJ 4-. do 4a haa. Caatral 4 . Atchiaoa da pfd Boston A Aihany. btoton A Main. Bcanoa Elevated . Filch nora pfd ... . fct Atlantic . he ttitichat . K Gal A Hull ... . azta Cectenmai . Copper kanje . . Mtia I"-r "at .IS" r-nnkli ,1M Graxbr .11 laic Rt.val . iS ataaa kilning ... 1U Michiaaa 144S klohaaa . k'N Muni C A C . . at (iid liomlnioa . . ti ejaoeoia 1-S Parrot 12i Oumcv .U7 Shannon . II k. Tamarack . 64. Trinity . II t Bited Copper . . 11 r. S Mining ... .! V. t. Oil . I Itah . 41 Victoria . 65 Winona .342 Walvenne . Nona batte . ... . f Butev Cualllioa . Ik a Net ada .... . . . .aKwCal Ariaona-. 2 Arlaafta Com ... . t eVreena Canana .. MS . 64 470 .. ii . 7S . at . k . .. .IS ii .. .. 6t . n . 6t .. 21S . a . la, .. , .. US . Tw . .. BS . 4.-S . w 6S ..117 .. -4S . 11 ..111 . lit, .. s heaican Central N T-. K. H A H I Bios Pacific Am Arm Caem .. 4 pfd Am. Pne Tuna Amer. Sugax do pfd Am T A T Am. W'ooicen do pfd TVtantnina I AS-. Ediaon Else Ilia. General C loctnc . . . Win Eleru-lc 6o ptd Maaa Gaa I nitod Fruit Iniuad S. at do ptd r. Steal 6fg Advvoiure Ailouea Amalgamated SiA Leataa CloalB atorau. LONDOX. May 16. y.mcrlcau. securities opened ejuiet snd steady today. During the early trading Pennsylvania advanced S snd United Siatt Steel S- The rtst of the last remained shout unchanged lrom yesterday's New Yerk closing. London closing sit a ejuoiaiioiio. Consols, auoaer .. . t 7 It Mo , Kan A Texas . da acoou&l , New Turk Central . .14 Anaonada tm Norfolk A W- Atcbiaoa da pfd Baltlatur A tDklo . Caaaa.aa Pacific Ctoailaa A Ohio... Cl.l. 4-U W ami era . T do pld a 4l 41 k P.w Ontario A l'aaai kt. pei,na I raa la ikl Rand Miuaa 4S hasding s soutbte-n Kalivar Cbi . M.L A St. f. lSk do pld lie flaaia 1S ScutLero Pacific . ls 14h Oenvar A la Crtaade 27 Irioa Pacific da ptd En da lai pfd ao Id pfd Grand Trtana l.liaaea (jaouwJ Lt.currille A Nana SILVER Bar. . a tr. ail .. IiVal niutd Itaiea trawl . a .. ts a pit wl"S . rfiaui T7r. .. 17, Ao pid 14 ..! SpoK,.), a .. t4 .1111 AaiaamataA Conner fe-a stead) at 24 2-1 VI pti ounce MONET-l,tf.Vi P-r cent. Ttie rat of diaoount 1st tha ope market for short bills ts Is per cent, for I lira aiontxj' blLs, 2 per cent. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKE1 ! Kot Cattle Here Today to Hake a Market HOGS AEE LOWEST SINCE KAECH Very light Raa of fkets aad Laaaho. with o Very Noticeable Chaage la TaUaea glae Yes terday. POTTH OMAHA. May li, 1M. Reoetrt were Cattie Hoga Sheer OftM-ial Monday Ctfficial Tuesdsy Official Wednesday CKfW-tal ThiirM,!' 6 'St. t -.6 2 4t 1.270 ki 4 4.! 14.S44 13.741 k e4 I.M. lt'.lC 4 ia- 1.762 tumate Friday ... Five dav thi week.. 1622 47.SH Same day last week .. It. ;.'. 47 C3 Jft.4 Same day 2 w eek ago. lt.fws 42 l o-'l Same da 2 week ago. 1" C7 K 27.674 Same dava 4 weeks ago 12.727 3? P7 1S.i3 Same day last year.... 22,s4 61.B7S lS.t I The following table shows the receipts pf I cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha i ! lor the year to date, compared with Ust I year; uai. usT. Inc. t-ec ! Cattle S.M1 4SS.M7 Hit". I Hog l.ld.lTT VJ. .2)1 lSto.iMj Sheep &i..04i 72S-J76 17U.L6 j The followirg table show the sverage i price nr nogs at South Omaha lor me is: several day a. with oompariBOn: fata. I 1. ;:i.C.,l6.,lii ;ll4..1. istc. Mav May Way Mar Mav May Mar May y.iv May Mav Mav Mav May 2... I.... 4... 6... t... i us, ? . I 26 t rr 1 12' 4 t7S ti. 7 t 27 6 3 4 6.V I T M 4 21 6 A 4 tW t 76; 111 i to: 4 63 t 7'i, 7 01 t ?fi 6 26 6 S-:S 6 24 i62S4fi!t .. 5 J3 27 t If., 1 4 65 I fit. C 2rV S 21' (!"' ' I M: 7 T f i'l 6 21 I U 4 CS f C, 7 VI f r.r. 2 i i 4 e I 7 w s 6 : i 3".. .! 31. 9 12 34. 15. 6 4;a 6 SS. 6 IS 5 27i 4 64 t 64 f. 41'-, 6 SO 5 4 62 4 47 f W i ST. , tr. ' t 2n 4 k 42: 7 (Si i 24 I S SI 4 eTT, 2": 7 u i 24 i 80 i 15 I 84 7 U Sunday. The official number of car of stock brought .n today by each road wa: Cattle Hoars Sheen, rfri t. ., at 4. pt. v ..... .. M swuii Pacific . 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 2 3k 6 . 1 2 , 1 27. .3 4 2 1 . IS 4 2 . 1 2 .36 7B 7 ie day' receipt wa purchasing the num- Csttle Hogs Sheen f.2 (i 4K2 We l.r.l K W 267 12 1.1(8 1.2-5 C. 75 .... 7S 44 17 .... 12 .... 8 M6 1 M .... 621 4.214 trt 'it t I I nion I nctf ic J?- 1 C. A N W. least 1 .. I C. N. W. 1 west I .. 'S ! C, St. V.. M A O.... -6 ' C. B. A Q (east 1 .. n 1 C, FAQ (west) .. -7 C., P.. I A F. teastt 1C. I. A P twe!t Ill.nt.ia Central I Total receipt I The disposition cf th 1 a follow, each buyer , bcr of head indicau-d: Omaha Farking Co .. Swift and Company . CuSahy Packing Co.. Armour A Co Curia hy Park. Co.. K. Vansant & Co Hill A Son F. P. Leu- Huston A Co Cudahy Bros. Co F. Q. Injihram Other buyer 1 a Total CATTLE The run of cattle thia morning was very nall. In fact so small that there was hardly enough of any one kind to rrake a test of the market. While the very best beef steers are not very much lower than a week ago, the lighter grades, not very fat. such aa were selling at fl i .25 and under, are i:54iic lower than one week ego In other word, the de cline on the eighty to one hundred and twenty-day cattle haa been very severe, cattle of that description coming Into direct competition with the cheap southern cattle that are row beginning to come forward more freely. Strictly good to choice dry-'ot cowe and heifers have held up very well, being not over lOfclie lower, but the medium kinds, such as were selling at 14 004j6 on. are 2MJ 40c lower than last week, but even at the decline they are still high. Tearllrg heif er and steer which were bringing craxy prices last week, unless very prime, ar right ground 40c lower. Heavy feedera have been in light surply all the week and in consequence hsve not shown so much chsnge. still they sre prob ably !Sr2fc lower. Light stockers. es pecially those on The common order, sre 6'iJ'!e lower than the high lime ten day or two weeks ago. Quotations on cattle: Ocvod to choice eorn fed steers, t 60; fair to good corn fed steer. K tsv&C ; common to fsir corn fed otsers. f. j.oi; good to choice cow and heifers, to725; fair to good cowa and heifere. It Oowfi.Ofi; common to fair cowa and heiftr. 12.8064.0": good To choice stock- , ers and feeder. 14 .26; fair to rood f ackers snd feedera. 64 0fJj4 .76: common to ftr stockers and feedera, li.26rJ4.0u. Representative sales: EEEF STEERS. Vo. 2;.. .. ".. 1.! 1 . 1 . 6 . I . 6.. 1 . 1.. .. t.. 1.. 1 . I . I Av. .. 7 .. 471 .. 71i. Pr. lo Av. Pr I T J n 27 IK,! I 26 23 ! I 34 34 lSiB I 60 4 ti !. W t 40 6 V ..leei .. s . Mf .. h; .. .. 7 . 1071 .. V .. 71ti .. m .. fc . ilKO . HHi .1510 6 7(1 c I M COWS. . Hit ..104J .p. ..116ft .. T4 ..1076 .. 477 .. 7 a I K 4 6 4 ,V) 4 60 4 7i 4 K 4 St 4 74 I tl 2f. 1 4t. I he I .Vi 6 HEIFERS. I 60 4 I 'I I 4 10 BULLS. I 40 1 i i.0 1 I 6f' 1 4 (Hi 1 CALVES t so j .ltd :7w . 1U0 4 4 60 I I 10 1 4TC- 1 Ut' IS" 4 (to 6 6 6 76 Is" STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 6 44 1 71 I tat. an HOGS The market opened thi morning wna epeculator puking out a few loads that Just happened to uit there for the lining of special order. Ffr such hog aa thty wanted they paid practically steadr prices, thst 1 largely 6.vJ6 snd as high as 65.80. Packers, ru, never, held out and at no time would bid better than 6c lower, and tliey did not appear very anxious for the hogs even at that. Thus the trade might best be described as slow at a de cline of 6c, the sale to latker being largely at, and right around H.lkt with a sprinkling on up to ti.22l4,3 Jb. The hog values hsve been rspidly travel ing down hill since Tuesuay of this wewk. today's dec! ne carrying the market to the lowest point touched since the last waok In March. Ns. Av. Sa. Pr. Ma av n. Pr a. i7 It 111 in ITk if 6 226 al in 4. 6 li 7b 241 10 6 ! 71 H 1 I . T7 i.l . I JS, 4 i 1 so 7v n Ms j 2:, (4 U 6 JO 6t t I St' I git ... b i-i Kii ... Ills " Ct ... 1 sc e m; 1st ii, t 4 4v 6 ao a. e . . 1 21 f t;a ti. i :t ft 1.4 e. 6 iat e el set Zet 4 It, 11 t an I . t l.i ia 1 t, 6k 2 lav. i . 2r4 ... I J. "7 I 2 261 ... 6 22 1 Sel Ul Hi It. ft . It, 1 7" - I 7J U'i I 2i 1 IW 2J 6' I 2 44 44 ... t 16 I i m . I t! S27 ail I It 44 2i4 H. '6 it) 71 14k 4)0 I tS 74 .1 41 I SO 71. t'7 ... I 15 It It 11 iK 7k Ill I' IS :i 14 12. 7! S:. 14,1 t f 47 21 . . 6 M Cf I.! ltd I r w Ik .! ... 127, a rr: 6 10 4 I' I 2-.w 7 141 40 I SA 6HEEP Receipl this rooming were very ligni. oniy six lirh tars being reported, ui audition 10 which were a few Icaua carried over from iesterday. The market did not develop any es:cially new or mtereeung feat ure a tl.a aJtuation ren.alng lust sboul the same as detailed yesterday. Price paid toOuy looked about steady with yes terday. Vila mean that lam o are pretty close to 25c lower than last week, while toe few aheep coming have sold preity close to steady. Sneep, by reason ol their careit, ar rtlatnely higher tuan lan.b. yuotatiors on l.mU Got-a to choice llght-w&oied lamb, f. sjT e : fsir to good l.gnt-wooled Itmba, K &7 i. , gocl to Jioioe lieavy-a te.led iarntia aitcit 7ei shorn lamtis, 75c under wooled stock. Q'jotauoii on cheep: Good 10 choice light yearling, shorn, li,ycili, fair to good yearilnars, snom,, g'md to Choice ether, ahorn, IF. 6"fg. fair 10 good ether, shorn. 15 lb4ji.5": goorl to crioic ewna. shorn. Kseua.; fair to good ewea. shorn, 14 754it.26; cull tnd buck, shorn. l5'..fl4 6o; wooltd al.eep, Jvttoc above ahorn Sloe at, Rcpreaer.Latlv sales: No. Av. Pr. 61 western lsmh. shorn 72 4 65 ;46 western Is ml, shorn ti 6 16 12 western ee. shorn 116 I 40 47 w eei.m wethers, shorn C7 IK 4 western wrti.era, cuiis. shorn aJ 4 6 ZJi wenaiern lambs, aiirn low I 116 Slooa City Live Stork Market. 10I"X CITT. la . May 11 eSpexial Teio- tram CATTLE Roceijita. tea) tiead: D-ar-ert SUU14. b-e ea. f 2l sv, and FAITHFUL TO THE INTERESTS OF ITS DEPOSITORS Many years of fnccesfful kmkinc i a rmrd that thews tLat this inftitution is faithful to the interests cf its depoviors. Every safepiard for the security of funds is at all times maintained. , Your acoount cordiallv invited. - ,-J FIRST NATIONAL M OF OMAHA THIRTEENTH AND FARIIAM STREETS cimti ssoa.oo3.oo suiPiusisoo.01111.c11 heifers. M feeder, l4.fJ.X; calves and yearlinga. t3 7T$4 66. HOtiS Receipts. 4 t0 head: market weak to 6c loser; range, Ii.10g5.26; bjik cf awJee, t6.15o 20. CHICAGO LITE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hoa Lower sheeja aad Lassha Slow. CHICAGO, May la. CATTLE lieceipt. about head. Market sieady; He-era. fc. i',g 7 At. . cowa, K .iavwata: hellers, atHfl 6.6, buils. He7.. . cslvea, k-.otlu1, sioekeis and teeaers. ki 2j(& 40. Ht-KJl Kec-eipts, stK.ut i.tki head Nr kei 6egl0c lover , choice beavy shippirig. ao.40iaiu.eKi; butchers. to4tB5 4t; light mixeu. as.lkKua 4e; ciutice lig-M. ta etpto tt. ; peeking. j 4;., pigs, 64 iwea.', bulk of salt a. ao Mteua 45. rsHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, sboul 6 i.a head. Market alow; sheep. .. .'', iamb. sb.ta9'..4f; yearlinga, gr. .-n'St 2t. ST. Loa I Live Stock Market. ST. LOl'lS, Mo . May 35. CATTLE Re ceipta, 2.6w head, including l.itj Texan; market for native, stead; , Texans. 1-tc to 16c lower; ratlt ehlpp r.g and ex.ort steer. tt0i'(a7 16, dressed beef and butcher steers, Ji 3.Vtie 2fc ; steers under l.t-oti jHtund, tl 7i 6 46; stockera an feeders, ti.oOfcVo; cowa and heifers, tk.6ok74i.26; rannera. ttftofai 60; bulls. Li.tot 6t'; caivea, IS-eixpS nv. Texaa and Indian steers, 64 ((;. ,s, cow snd he. f era, U.7;Kp4 75. HOGS ReceipU. 11.00TI head; market 6s lower; pigs and light. 12.7661 40; packer. 64 .5iiiM 4o; butchers and best heavy, Ii86 6.47k. SHEEP ANR LAMBS Receipts. jraj hesd; msrket stesdy; native mutton. tS.Jj fefi M': lambs, tt fr.KsA.JO; culls and bucka. 6O.50O4. 50. Kaaawa City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITT, May 15 CATTLE Re ceiptee t. law had. including 2."0 head souin ertii. Markeit low and weak; choice export and dressed beef steers. t4.40v7.t; fair lp good. Ii.l;i3.3(t; weatorn steer. 5(ktri75; atockers and feeders, tS taitit.50; southern Leers, tS.7ta 26; eoulhem cow. Ki.Toig 76; native cows, l2.6oe5675; native heifer. 6X25 1J. fit': bulls. 12 40(06.75; calve, t2.6(rjr oa HOGS Recefipts, 12.000 head. Market He lower; top. 15.45; bulk of sales. t6.206 40; hesvv, t5.35(i4&; packers snd butchers, t.2;S6 4fi; lujht. S.l5j.t6: pigs. t36tfl4 .80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.M0 head. Market steady; lambe. t5. 76497 10; ewea snd yearllngrs. 14 totg6.36; Texas year lings. t5.2rKi676; Texas sheep. t4.2fietr6.3t; stockers and feeders. U.Prw.i. t. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. May 16 CATTLE R.eceipts. 576 head; market steady: native. t5.o7.K'; cowa and bet ers, 2i.0vKpn.25, Block er and feeder. t4.kB&.00. HCGS Receipts, 6.52o hesd; market btSfl'k; lower; top, t5.34; bulk of aalea. 15 r4jt 20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, Ktt head; market 1'ic lower; iaraha, i.2&i&7.15; tar-lmfc-a, ti.0OV0(i. ewea. t4.50Ot.50. tock la Slawt. Rekceipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday were as follower a t-ame. llnfi. Bheep. &J 6.0 1.752 8") 4 200 South Cmaha Sioux Cltv ... Kansas City . St. Louis .... St Joseph ... Chicag-o l'0 ltWiO 2.6H0 ll.eaiO 61 S.624 X.UU0 21.OU0 8O1O JOP t t.00o Totals. t.6V.4 Sl,2t 11.855 Metal Market. NEW TORK. May 15. M ETA LfA The London tin market waa over A71 higher today, with apot closing at 125 5s and" f J tures at 134. The local market was con sequently firm, with quotations ranging from C', to 230.224. Copper wa a shade lower In London, with spot quoted at ati7 17s 6-3 and futurea at tt5 12s 6d. The local market waa quiet, with lake ejuoted at 112 taPV9'12.76. electrolytic at 2 ril2 2 tind casting st r2.26eTl2.r7i. Lead advanced to 12 2s d in the London market, but wa quiet and unchanared locally at UTlrVe 4.77V Spelter waa unchanged at 40 5s in London and st tt ftSfit 65 in the local mar ket. Iron waa lower in London, with Cleveland werrante quoted at 61a. Locally port hern grades were ouoted lower. No. I northern foundry. tl7.Ofir937.76; No. I north ern foundry, a"5 2fc717.00; No. 1 southern and No 1 southern soft. Il.y9!7.S6. FT. LOV1S. May If, -METALS-Lead, dull. t4.1A. Speller, dull, 24 47. Cottoa Market. NEW TORK. May 16 COTTON Futures opened firm: May, t.46c; July. V.Hc : August, t-laSc: October. .fitc; November, bc; December, fc.fllc; January, tlfie; March. 6.06c. Futures closed steady: Msy. 46c; June. 4Sc; July. 46c: Aug-ust. ; September, 15c: October. 18c; Novemlter. 6.12c; De cember. 11c; January, I lie, February. 18c; March. 6 17c. Spot closed quiet. 86 pojrit lower; mld dUng gulf. 1125c. Sale. 1.7115 bale. GALVESTON. Tex., May la. COTTON Higher, 10T. ST. LCtl'IS. Mo, May lt.i CXTTON Dull ; middling. 11c: sales, none; receipts bales; shipments, r.l bales; stock. 26.246 b es NEW ORLEANS, La-. May It COTTON Spot Closed steady; aalea, 200 bales; low ordinsry. 4 -16c. nominal; ordinarv. 7 Sc. nominal, good ordinary, I 12-ltV: low mid dling;. 6 16-1 Ac: middling, 11c: good middling. llrc; middling fair, lie; fair. l!e. nominal; receipts, 2.161 bates; stock. 121 .667 bales. Wool Market. LONDON. My 15-WOfiL-At the wool ssles today l.siej bale of superior quality were offered Competition was active at hardening price. Merino were in active demand and aold t per cent above tbs open ing. A large eupply of cross bred sold freely snd good grsdes were In strong de mand for home eoneumptlon. There waa a belter demand from Continental and Amer ican buyers and the latter secured several parcel of fir.eit greasy comeback comb ing and half-bred greaay Hoggetta at la Following are toe sales: New South Wales, 1.600 baiea: scoured, tSdals 7d: greaay. 6 lid. Queensland. 2it bales: scoured. 1 4d Is IW'i- Victoria. l ltiO bale; scoured. IS" 3 is td: greaay, 4dl ltd. New Zealand. 4 700 bale; scoured. Is sdfcl 6S;d; greasy, 4k. ? Itkkpd. Cajie of Good Hope and Natal Too baiea: scoured, td&ls lid, greasv, t-aiid BT. LOUIS. Mo.. May 15 WOOL Quiet ; medium gradea. cotrblng and clothing 164 ajltjc: light fine. 18Jfl4c; heavy fine, VariOc; tub washed. 16S24c. Evaporated Apolea aod Dried Frails. NEW .TORK. Msy 15 EVAPORATED APPLES Market s.ow and litt.e change. aloe from slightly lower offerings of prime; fancy. lutuOkac; choice. I1; prim. CTtdTSe and common to fair, 6ig S-c. DRIED FRV ITS Prunes unsettled, with qjotalion ranging from 4&14C for Califor nia and 6triOc for Oregous Apricots are unchanged on spot, but weak in lone owing t at reported lower offering for future de livery, choice. lie&'.SSc; extra choline, U3 14kc. and fancy. Iwclar. Peachea unaetfled. with choice lie; extra choice. fancy, low iOSvc. and extra fancy, LtJliSe. Ruaim oontinued dull, with looee must ale, quoted at 5i,e; seeded raisins. 694c. snd Lr.n don layers, tl trQ Sa. Dalalh Orala, Market. DHATH. Miea. May 16 -WHEATS' o 1 not-therw. tl SI; No 2 corttaera. llOli,; May. .04. Juiy. I;.!, cWplembor. 1C OATS-ta DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE: More Seasonable Weather Brinya Dittinct Improvement. (XJI1XCTI0KS EEPOETED BETTES Bedactloa la Prices of Plat I rest Resells la Naaaher of New fea trans Textile Mtaatloa Mixed. NEW TORK. May 16.-R. G. Pun A Co. Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say : Trade conditlona are most responsive) to the weather at thia time of the year and more seasonable temperature brought dis tinct Improvement during the last week. Little net change is noted in manufacturing activities, some plants resuming, whiio idleness wss increased elsewhere by strike. Buyer sre sssembllng st primary markeia to attend special sales and stocks of stsple good are running low in retail store be cause of conservative purchase. Mercantile collections sre more prompt, but trsns porting conditions sre st the least satis factory point of the year thus far. It per cent of the freight rare being idle. Lower prices for pig Iron have been named with good results, a fair tonnage of new con tracts being secured, though many con cerns delay hoping for better terms. It is evident that present concessions sre ertily for the purpose of disposing of accumu lated stocks. 1 , While tha textile situation Is still rern pllcsted by msny conflicting influence, prices of cotton goods are in most cases as low as possible under present conditions snd curtailed prevdurtton has attained di mensions that will render quick delivery unobtainable when depleted stocks finslly force buyers to replenish. As this fsct be come more evident daily producer Insist on full quotations and the outlook for sc tlvitv brightens. As to woolens there 1 a fair duplicate busmen tn men s wesr, and some section of the market hare alresdv done much better thsn seemed possible esriler In the sesson. while apathy V eue ceeded by fair activity tn heavytrelgbt goods. Worsteds are in better demand than wool goods and the better qualitiew sell mors freely thsn cheaper products. Developments sre siow In footwesr rnl leather. New England shoe rnsnufsctorero are Increasing their output and shipments are substantially larger. A fsir volume pf duplicate orders for quick delivery of sum mer goods are received from lobbers who sre carrvlng llgtit stocks. Trade in leather continues unsatisfactory, recent large ssles to St. Louis msnufacturers falling to en courage other buyers. The best business of the week was In union sole, which is more firmlv held. There Is a better Inquiry for belting- butte at bottom prices, hut any effort to strengthen the msrket esuses belt ma k era to withdraw. Harness leather has risen 1 or 2 cents above the lowest prices of last month. BRIDITHEET't REVIEW OF TRADES Weather, Bwaioeaa aad Crost Reatorta Ar lrresralar. NEW TORK, May 15. Bradst reefs to morrow will say: Weather, trade and crop reports sre ir regular, warm dsys sltemating with heavy rainstorms and retail and Jobbing demand haa been of a fluctuating character. There la evident, however, a measurable Improve ment tn the tone of affaire, commercial a-vl biduatrial. a partial reflection, perhaps, of the better feeling in financial lines. The nest siarrriflrant feature in actus! trade circles is perhaps the wide soreptance tf the belief In the eottoa good trad that this branch of trade haa seen the bottom ss to prices. There sre re;oii of a slight gain in orders by woolen manufacturers; and large auction sale of oarpete and silk ribbons hsve developed demand st advance1; prices. Beit report as to the Improve ment ef fall buying come from the larger renters like New Tork. Chicago and St. Loula. while current trartea aire best In the souihwest and northwest.. Dullness ar,1 low collections are still tr.s distinguishlnA" features in oonthem reports Agreement lo maintain pig Iron cj'iota Tions bsvlng proved ineffectual, efforts to "lief" trie market st s stesdy level hsve been abandoned. Therefore prices are easier and those who were bound by obi i ra tions are again in a position to take busi ness. While concessions prevail, there arej many who arre that the bottom baa he'ti reached and they predicate their vieww on the strength cf lower price. Aa a m alter of fact iron for the fourth .jux-ter deliverr is from Sftc to 11 higher than for th thlt quarter. As a result of the lower fiarve s more Interest has been displayed in th xrsrket and tranaacUona have increased to some exlent- Buslnes failure In the T"nl1ed Ststes for the week ended Msy 14 number 21. ss gainst V last week. 164 In tlie same week of lfl"7. 1W in lWaS. 11 In IIUK. and 216 In li4. Business failure tn Canada for the week number TL ag-slnat 21 lest we-ek and 2S in the corresponding week of 1''7. Whest. including flour, export from the Vnited Ststes snd Cansds for the we' k ended Mav 14 aggrega'e 2 .7"! 6 bu , as tgainst 1.SS2 last week. x.tW'377 l we-k last year and 6.172,614 tn iy4. For the fortv-six weeks of the fiscal yer the ex port are 163.076 6T4 bu, a aarainat 14S SH6.J1 in lSk-07 and 223 4Vf)7.l In ll'l-e. Corn exports for tlie week sre Id ?7 Vu.. a agslnst Ell P7t last week snd 1 In lr7. For the fiscal vear to date the exporta are 44.4! bu.. as against .sju .646 ill lfcaJ-07. Cold Taras Toward Earope. NEW TORK. May 16. The National City bank today announced an engagement of i ll.ta.aj.0lti for export to pari. Thi mke th toial engagements for It preaeni movement tX.2no.lajO. llritlelhach. lckelheimer A Co announced an engagement of ti t".'.' for expert, and Goldman. Sach A Co . tl.frto.fto for alup-rue-nt to Germany. Tin mak?s the touaJ ir. 750,000. ' Treuarr gtatesaeat. WASmNOTON. Msy 15 -Today s ststo ment of the treasury' balance in the gen eral fund, exclusive of Out! ge.ld re serve, shows: Avsilahle caab balance, til.loi't.2rat, gold coin and bulliwn, I.1.6A.. 647. gold certificates. tX 771 abo. rte Market. 7CEV, TORI, ll.-COm:r. Futvret closed stesdy. net unchanged Bale wro rejrted ft a.CJ bags, including My St. tltieoAlic, Juiy st tlie. September si 1 3 6 16c and Iknterr ber st 6 ltsj ic. Spot, barely steady; No. 7 Rio. Ao: No 4 Saiilus. c Mild, Quiet; Cordova. 12c. ar , Molaaoe-o. NEW TORK, May IS ll'GAR Raw. steady: fair refining. 2.6c; ceotr.fugal VI test 4SU-: inolaases aar. 2 Clc. Refined. I steady, -rjahed, t'J, owdeied. itJ-, 1 granulated. I ouc. Boak CTearlaata. OMAHA. May 16 Bank clearings for to day were 12.036 6iei 61 snd for the rorre dale last year tl .641. .7l tu. Ever try Ths Be Want Ad Columns 7 XI not, 40 ao. and get sal'awwry IsesaiiA 1