Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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ONET TO LOANrayn Investment Co.
(22 tja
O Kwf R. E. Co., MW1 N. Y. Lire Blrtg.
(22) 6l
Money to loan on
Omsha business property. ,
Room 1. New York Life Wldg.
(22)-M 4.13
NO DELAT. J. H. MIT HEN. 202-8 1HT
MONET to loan on Improved city property.
nasung ft Hoyden, lrvt rnsm bi.
WANTED City loan.
Peter Tnist Co.
(22) -621
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Bmlth A Co.. 1320 Fsrnam Pt.
LOWEST RATES Bern Is, Faxton Block.
1 22) 617
HAVE customers who .will make IfiOO cash
payment on cottage, well located, t'nlon
Loan and Inveatment Co., 31 Hee Bldg.
' J (23)-M-E17 lox
HIGHEST prices for 2d-hand furniture, car
pet, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 371.
BEST price paid for 2-hand furniture, car
pets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red WO.
(26) 47X
WANTED A cheap soda fountain. Address
Wayne Richardson, Ruio, neD.
(26) M582 lfix
WILL buy loa head of second-hand city
horses at tno Harney street siaoies oai
tirday, May 1G. llrlna; In all kinds. D. S,
l'f pptia. (25) S62 16x
WANTED Permanent position In house
furnishing business by experienced man
well up In upholstery, mattress making,
shades, drapery and fixing. Apply to
Tomkln, 313 W. Third 8t., I'uinui, Minn
' (27)-M4 ltix
EXPERIENCED stenographer; excellent
references. . Address "D," Omaha Bee,
Council Bluffs.- ' izi) MWU
tinTT wishes nnsltlrtn as salesman, mini.
scr or buyer; 12 years experience in dif
ferent lines.
Address J -525. car Bee.
(27)-Mi,13 15
HOl'SEWOHK WANTED By experience
Japanese boy; references. Address. 23 B.
ih Bt., or telephone Doug. 6(Ni.
(27)-MS51 16
If You can Buy a New
Rubber-Tired Runabout
i for $65.00
And a . Set of Harness
for $15.00
: ! .mat Will Your
- Be for a Year
Answer: NTJTHIN'.
Proof at
Ufh and Harney Sts.
ri ripm i nm I in iu ijiiia . saliva
Iona P. Murtagb, lot . diock .
faiysvlllo .-.
urs P. Jacksn to Fred Armbrust,
t 8, block 4. Freeman's addition
-Hty Trust company to R. O. Cock
field, lot T, Housel ak Stehblna sub
divtnlon S00
R. Q. Cockfleld to M. T, Martin,
same ....
Charles M. Clark to Michael Quinlan,
lota 1 and 3, block 17. v licox s
Bacond add t ion..
First National bank of Omaha to Na
tional Land company, aub lot i ol
lots I sad 6. Catnip place
J. W. Thomas and wife to W. J.
Burgess, part, lota 4 and 6, block
12. Highland, place
Alex. P. Thomas and wlf to Charles.
D. Birkett et al, lot 11 block .
Hanscom plana i
x Charlea D. Birkett and. wife et al to
Charles K. Foster, same
Charles E. Foster to Grace L. Birkett
and husband, same
liary Tomauklewleg and husband to
Uiia Neturg, .lot 10, block 60, South..
Omaha ,
II J. Abrahama et al to Frank and
Mary Holly, part section 34-16-13 I
Frank Holly and wlf to Antonla
Ward, tax lot .. section 34-16-13....
Balile t). Anderson to Frank B. Peter
aon. part lot 8. block V, Shlnn's ad
dition :
Emma and Henty Rager to Alice
Maiy Rowe, lot 3, Lee'a subdivision.
William A. Higgins snd wife to H. N.
Hlggins, lots i, ;0. 21, block 1, Bien
nsn place
E. C. Garvin to Hastings V Hp) den.
lots 4 and Ik and part lots 14 and IS,
Horn place '
Fremont Jeger to Zephanla Darnell,
part sub lot 4 pf lot 4, Kagan s addi
tion .......
Joint R. Johnson to Ruth E. Avery,
lots 3 and 4. block L Boggs tt Hills
(ic-urge W. Shields and wife to Has-
(ings & Heyden, lot 3, block 7, Pat
rick's 'Second Saratoga
rattert,on Land Co., to Parkway
Real Estate Co., lot 6. block CA"
Saunders 4k Himrbaugh'a addition..
Parkway- Re a I Estate Co., to Duro
' theii loverlng. ame
Reed Bros,, to Axel E. Mygreen. lot
2. block 1, re-plat vf LMrrant place...
A. L. U.-i-d t al,.to Frank Holder, lot
2, block 1 Drake addition.
K C. Garvin to Hastings at Heydcn,
lot 6, Home f lue
1.8 0
1 . Ofttc, Fort Meade. 8. D.. April 2, isjc,
' BialeJ proposals, in triplicate, will be ic
it-ived at this office until 10 a. m.. mountain
trie. May 30, IS, and then opened, for
c fiatrucllr.g oa concrete root hous re
in oread with steei. Plan and apecifha
t it Is may be seen at th office of the
"'il'hf uuartrtnater. lVpartmenl of the
V Miuri. Omaha, Neb., iJepartment of tiie
. .1. Ill t I o . . I. r I , I .
k.ia. St. Paul, Minn., and tills office, at
latter place all Information may be
kinfd upon aiplliialion. lb Cnited
r, reserve Jl rlgnt to reject any or
trti. or to accept any part of a hid
may be advantageous to the goverr-
v ICaveiopoa . ciiixuiing propotwii
i.iuM be endorsed "I'ropouals for Root
1'ou1". Fort Meade, ' and nrrsn
1 1 L. C. fcherer CaptaJa and Q it rt -rnastvr.'
rvurtn V...j, - t ins rucllug
tjuarlermasUr A2s-J)Ula-lu
all I
relvcd by p. R. Johnson, vlllaae clerk of
Oenoa. Neb., until May 1. 8 p. m., for the
purchase of m.000 S per cent o-20 year (op-
nonaii electric light plant bonds, dated
February 1. li. Bonds draw Interest at
the rate of 8 per cent per annum, ravahle
annually. They are of $Koq denomination
and mature February 1. 1!2S, optional after
February 1, 1M3. All bids must be accom-
snled by certified check for 5 per cent of
Id. made payable to O. E. QUEEN. Vil
lage Treasurer. M5dl4t
In Ion Paclfl
Leave. Arrive.
The Overland Limited.. S 30 am a :40 pm
The Colorado Express. .a S;60 pm a 8:00 pm
Atinntlo Kxpress biv:io am
The Oregon Express.... 4:10 pm a 6:lim
The Los Angeles Lm..al2 56 pm a pm
The Fast Mail a 8:30 sm a 5:46 pm
The china & Jspan
Mall a 4:00 pm a 5:50 pm
North Platte Local a 7:42 am a 4:45 pm
Colo.-Chleago Special. ..al2:10 am a 7:06 am
Beatrice ft Ptrnma-
burg Local bl3:30 pm B 1:40 pm
Illinois Central
Chicago Exnress a 7:15 am a S45 pm
Chicago Limited a :V pm a S:30 am
Minn. -Ft. Paul Exp. ...b 715 am
Minn. -Ft. Paul Llm ...a :) pm a b.m am
Chicago Great Weatrrn
Rt. Paul-Mlnneapollb 8:30 pm 7:30 am
Rt. Paul-Mlnnesnolls 7:30 am 11 :W pm
Chicago Limited pm 8:27 am
Chicago Express 7:8" am 11:36 pm
Chicago Express.... 2:35 pm 3:30 pm
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Panl
Chic. Colo. Rneclal... 7:25 am all:50 pm
Cal. St. Ore. Express a 6 00 pm a 125 pm
Overland Limited a 9:58 pm a 8:30 am
Perry Local a 5:16 pm au:iw am
Miasonrl Pad".
K. C. Pt. I Exp a 9:00 am a 8:46 am
K. C. A. St. L. Exp all. 16 pm a 6:50 pm
Chicago Northwestern
Chicago Daylight a 7:25 am all:4 pm
St. Paul-Minn. Exp a 7:60 am a!0:20 pm
Chicago Local all:30 am a 3:23 pm
Sioux City Passenger.. 7) am a 3:28 pm
Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pm a 9:45 am
Chlcaifo Special
.a t:00 pm a 8:23 am
.a 8:28 pm a 8:00 am
..a 9:30 pm a12:36 pm
,.alO:00 pm a 8:23 am
a 1:35 pm
, .a 3:50 pm a 9:2') am
..a 8::N pm a 8. CO am
Bt. Paul-Minn. Llm..
Los Angelea Limited.
Overland Limited ...
Fast Mail
Sioux City Ical
Twin City Limited...
Norfolk-Bonef teel
..a 7:45 am a 6:4i pm
Llnooln-tong Pine a 7:45 am a!0J5 am
Casper-Lander ...
Fre'mont-Alblon ..
3:i4) pm a 5:ft pni
8:00 pm a 6:40 Dm
b 3:O0 pm b 6:40 pm
b 6:36 pm b 1:35 pm
Bt. Louis Express a 8;30 pm a 9:25 am
St. Louis I,ocal (from
Council Blnffs) ...a 8:00 am all:15 pm
Btandborry Local (frofn
Council Bluffs) b 5:00 pm b!0:16 am
( blcago, Rock Island A Paclfle
Chicago Limited a S:00 am all:05pm
Iowa Ix)cal a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm
Dea Moines Passenger.. a. 4 :) pm al2:30 pm
Iowa Local bll:40 am b 9:56 pm
chicaa-o (Eastern Ex.). .a 4:40 pm a 1:15 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:10 pm a 8:35 am
Rocky Mountain Ltd...aH:15 pm a 2:50 am
Colo. A Cal. Express. ...a 1:10 pm a 4:30 pm
Okl. & Texas Express. ..a 4:40 pm a 1:15 pm
Leave. Arrive.
Denver A California.'..
I. 4:10 pm a 3:46 pm
Noithwefct Bpeclai
Bluck Hills
...a 4 io pm a 8:45 pm
...a 4:10 pm a a:ib pu
Northwest Express
Nebraska points ....
Nebraska Express ,,
Lincoln Fast Mail .,
Lincoln Local .......
Lincoln Local
,..all:50 pm al0:15 pm
...a 8:46 am a 8:10 pm
...a 9:16 am a 6:10 pm
...b 1:45 pin al2:ll pm
b 9:08 am
nlO: 15 pm
Lincoln Local
a 7:50 nm
Plattsmouth.b 3:10 pm M0: 20 am
Plattsmoutn.a g:ou pin a 8:50 am
Plattsmouth - Iowa b 9:18 am
Fellevue - Plattsmouth b 1:30 pm
Denver Limited
a 4:10 pm a 7:06 am
a 7:26 am all : 46 Dm
Chicago Special
Chicago express
Chicago Flyer ,.
Iowa Local
...,! pin t 3:h pm
....a 6:30 pm a 8:30 am
....a 9:16 am - all':30 am
St. Louis Express
....a 4:46 pm all:) am
Kansas City A St. Joa..ai0:45 pm a 6:30 am
Kanaaa City & St. Joe.. a :lb am jt 6:10 pm
Kansas cuy ec du joe.. a :w pm
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun
day only, d Daily except Saturday, e Dally
except Monday.
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis at
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger... b 8:30 am b :10 pm
Sioux City Passenger.. a 8:1 pm al0:50 am
Emerson Local o 8:45 am c 6:66 pm
Miasonrl Paclfle
Auburn Local b 3:60 pm bll:2B am
' via Ravr on gigantic twin-screw express
stesmers, sailing every I nuraaay io a. m.
These woudci of modern invention have
all the convenience and luxury of most
palatial hotels on a mor immense scaie.
Passenger elevator, roof cafe,,
elegant suites ar.d single apartments; dally
newapaper. orchestra, wireless telegraphy,
famous euuine ana every jtuvu m
ssiety and comfort.
La Touralus ....Kay til La Lorraine ....Juns 11
La Kavuia alar M I La BaTols June IS
Le Provanca Juna 4 La f roranoa J una
Early raartatlona tacoauaanOad. rr copy el
llluat rated book of travel and rata apply t
HAKHI faV MooKkM, - - - - laot raraaa et,
I. B REYNOLDS. - Uul raraaa St.
W. B.-vBOCK. ------- ramn M.
W. O. DAVIDSON, - - . . . jtll Pamam St.
bODlS KXBSC. - ear rttat Katlooal Baaa.
Emprass I. In of th AUaotis
The Empresses sail from Quebec to
Liverpool iu six daya; two daya on th
majeatio St- Lawreno. Speed, comfort,
eleganc and afy at combined In the
splendid express alaamara.
Ask any ticket agent for particular.
Call or writ for illustrated booklet
deacrlbing personally conducted Euro
pean tours.
a 8. 3EEHJAMXW. Oan. AgV,
Talsphon Harrison IT 13.
S3a South Clark BUatt, Chicago, JU,
Man Takes Another' Aatomobll
and Drive It Aronnd
th Town. I
George Harold gave a correct imitation of
the famoua Phaeton who, In the myth, at
tempted to drive the chariot of day, which
his father, Phoebus, was accumstomed to
guide across the sky. Phaetorj, It will be
remembered, found to his sorrow, that he
could not stand th great heat of the sun
nor could he guide the big horses which
drew the chariot.
Harold saw the automobile of Charles
Harding standing before the latter's home,
120 South Thirty-eighth street, Wednesday
night, and became ambitious to drive It.
Without even securing permlslon as phae
ton did, Hanld jumped in and drove sway
H had a high llm vntll I . m., when he
was discovered by a policeman at Thli
teeruh street and Capitol avenu having
trouble with his automobile just as Praeton
had with th chariot of day. Harold was
trying to get th machine atarted, but as he
had Used up all the gasoline In hi disay
rid of four hour all over the city and Its
environs th refusal of the machine to
start was not to be wondered at. H was
locked up WQr men don't need aulomo
svnA (t pays to travail tb K
t"l LINE I
1 T "AXIS, th City Bautlful.l
:SThnc to all sotsU c th Continent 1
:M?'tr CompanlCs5n5ral I
55 Transatlantlqu . I
? its' fast Umlta Mall aervtae . . J
Chicken Makes Three of Omaha'i
Four Buns.
Good Work by Both Tcasaa a Featai
of the Gam and Several Rpee
tar-alar Play Are
Omaha. 4: Pueblo, 3; ten Innings.
Extra Innings were required to head oft
the ambitious Pueblos who insisted on tle-
Ing the score in the ninth inning, Thursday,
but Pa's boys finaly got their scalps and
they were forced to succumb, the final
score being 4 to 3,
Omaha was running along on easy ilrttt
witn trie score standing to s ana nagan
... ...... I
holding th Puebs pretty close to th mat,
k., in th. .i.ii. .... t -U'ih'. I
. . .... - .. I
lowing ciose to a nit Dy MatucK gavo xnem
man on second witn none oui. ana a o- I
rifle and an outfield fly tied the score,
Mattick hit a hard one to centerflcld, which
Welch let scoot between his legs and th
start was made.
The tenth is the inning the fans will
like to tell the folks all about, for Mr. Flti-
gerald waa handed a few packages such as
he is not used to receiving, being on of th
leading pitchers in the league. Autrey
opened up with a single. That made thr.-e
hits for the chicken and he missed the
fourth only by a splendid catch by Smith
In right field. Then Householder came to
bat with instructions to boost Autrey
along to second. The Pueblo team seemed
to get it Into their think taks that he
would do this, so they were all nervous.
so nervous that a little bunt scooted be
tween pitcher and first and second and no
one picked It up until all were safe. Welch
was the next man up, and as the doctor
Is hitting about a 500 clip these May days,
the Puebs got still more nervous. He
lined a warm one to Smith, and Smith
AmnnaA it fining th with nn niu I
out, and but on run needed to win the
Belden took care In selecting th proper
bat. Then he Jerked the willow In his
snappy way against the ball and the last
seen of It was as it scooted between third
and short for left field, with Autrey al
ready across the pan with his third run
The chicken had quite a day with his
three hits and three runs, twelve put ou'.s
and an assist. Klnar. Householder and
Belden made two hits each.
Ragan Makes Good.
Ragan worked, and worked hard, so hard
that he struck out seven of the Puebs and
allowed but six hits.
Pueblo started off like real winners in
the first inning nd, although seven
men- faced the pitcher, but two runs
were scored, and that was all they
made until the ninth Inning. Ragan
passed Hoggie, after one was down and
Smith flew cot to Austin and it lobked
like easy sailing until Mattick singled and
then King booted an easy grounder, filling
the bases. Clark proved a hard man In
the pinch far he cut out a single that
drove two across the plate, but Corhan
was an easy. out.
The champions made one In the firat. In
ning. Autrey beat out a bunt, stole second
and came horn on Householder's single.
In the fourth Inning Autrey opened out
with a triple and came home again on
RoMen'a hunt In the fifth Innlnff Rlnn
started th music with a nice drive King
sit vi it iucu iiiiii uii nits etrvuuu nwu -lhiii
. , . , . . . .
Several sensational play, were pulled off.
especially the one hand catch by Captain
Franck of Spencer's drive, on which Franck
made a double play to Autrey. Austin
mad a fine catch after he had misjudged
a high foul, and then recovered himself
enough to nail It with one hand. Smith
also made a splendid catch of Autrey's
The same teams will play this afternoon,
which will be ladles' day. The score:
R, H. O. A. E.
0 2 14 1
0 1 : 3 0
3 312 1 0
0 2 0 0 0
0 1 2 0 1
0 N 2 0 0
0 0 3 1 0
0 0 8 0 0
1 3 0 3 b
King. 2b
rrancK, ss
Autrey. lb
Householder, If..
Welch, cf
Belden, rr
Austin, 3b
LeBrand, c
Ragan, p
4 13 30 12
Spencer, If
Hogriever, 3b..
Smith. rf...t..
Mettick, cf
McLean. 2b
: i
, 4
Clark, lb
Corhan, as.....
Mltse, c
Fttagerald. p...
6 27 IS
Non out when winning run scored.
1 00110000 1-4
Hits .
Hits .
3 0 0
13 1 2 0-1 8 13
1 000000010-3
2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
Tw-base hit: Franck. Three-baee hits;
King. Aulrev. Baaea on hulls- Off Riu,
3; off Fstsgerald, 1. Struck out: By Ragan,
JA D.f,l,ealft K,11 on haa: Omaha.
i Ut y.. , b. . uuuoie piay: r rancx to au-
no nus: iving, welch. McLear. Clark.
lime: i:ou. Lmpire: uavia. Attendance
Bonno Pltrhrs Great Ball
tor th
DES MOINES, la.. May 14 Not a hit
was made off Gua Bonno until two were out
in tiie eia-hth itinlno- MeT jkn.hiin . k . .
made on and stole aecond. reaching home
on Neihoff's safe drive. Zlnran scored Lin-
coin s rirst run in the third bv reachinir
in at on an error, second on tne base on
balls given to Bonno and home on Fox's
long fly. When Des Moines tied the score
In the eighth Lincoln came right back in
the ninth with another tally. Thomaa poked
out a two-liagger, and Davidson scored him
with a hit to right field. The playing of
Thomas at first was sensational. Clarke
pi i cut a a great game, oui nsrj to retire in
the seventh with an injured arm. Lincoln
will play an exhibition gams at Avoca on
Bunaay. score
AB. R. H. O.
McLaughlin, cf 4 11 1
Neihoff, 3b 4 0 10
Kitspatrick, rf 4 0 0 2
Dolan. 21 S 0 0 1
Dwyer, lb 4 0 0 15
Dexter. If 10 0 0
Anderson, ss S 0 0 S
Yeager, c 2 0 0 S
Clarke, p- 2 0 0 0
I Ford, p 10 0 0
A. E.
. 0 1
1 (j
1 C
... -
2 27 15 1
0 0
Jude. If
Fox. 2b
Uagnler, sa ..
Ftnlon, rf ....
Thomss. lb ..
nvitlaon. cf .
Pritchett. Sb ..
Zinran. c
Bonno. p
- Totals
Des Moines ..
0 0
.0 0
1 7
0 0 0
10 0
10 J
1 0-1
0 1-i
Kuna earned: lie Moines. 1; Lincoln, 1.
Two-base hits: Thomas, Pritchett. Bases on
balls: Off Clarke, 1; off Bonno, 4. Dout.l
plays: Bonno lo Gagnter to Thomas; An
derson to Dwyer. Struck out: By Clarke
6, by Ford, 1; by Bonno, 4. Stolen basV
Dexter (2), McLaughlin 11), Kenlon, Fox,
Davidson. Hits: Off Clarke, 4 In seven and
one-1 bird Ipnlngs: off Ford. I In on and
to-tli(rd innings. Sacrifice hit: Fox
Time: 1:45. Attendance; 878. Umplrs
PoatDon Gasa.
At Sioux City Sioux City-Denver gam
postponed on account of rain.
I'm Be w ant ads to boost your buslnesa
W.L.Pct. W. L. PC
Omaha 14 8 .KWToledo 13 7 ,6W
Denver 15 9 ..:SMIlwaukee...l5 8
Rinnv fllv l 111 US Initlan n il! IK 10
Lincoln 12 13 .oixMiiviiie ...i& n
Pes Moines.. 1ft
.J75Columbis ...14 11
Pueblo 7 14 .333 Kan. City. ...11 13
Bt. Paul 7 17
Minnn Bp'lls. 6 18
W. L. PC W.LkPcl
Chlcago 13 6 .6New York. ..15 8
Pittsburg ...12
Phlla 15 10 .wn
.571 Cleveland ...12 10 .545
.6508t. Louis IS 12 .5.0
.47S Chicago 11 f2 .4V8
.4S0Detrolt 9 II .4 -'8
New York. ..11 9
Phlla 11 9
Boatnn 11 12
Cincinnati .. 9 11
St. Lou la...
fit .378 Washa'ton.. 9 14 .391
Brooklyn .
. 8 16 .333 Boston 9 IS .376
Western 1 .en rue Pueblo at Omaha. Lin
coln at Peg Moines. Denver. at Sioux City.
rxationai league Boston ai oi. luiuih,
' t f'1?1!"0, .N.'T;Y"r at C1"
1. 1 1 f I 1 1. 1-J1I1B11F1UI B HI S lunuuiB).
American i.eaVn-Detroit at Boston.
Cleveland at New Y'ork. St. Louis at Wash-
Ina-ton Chlcaa-o at Phlladelnhla.
American Associat on Columbus at St.
pul To,?1, at Minneapolis. Indianapolis at
Kansas City, Louisville at Miiwauxee,
Cincinnati ghata Oat Boatnn by
Timely Hitting; and Good Fielding.
CINCINNATI. Mar 14 Boston was un
able ..o hit Ewlug consecutively todsv, the
four hits made off him being scattered
through an many Innings. Cincinnati hit
timely and played a perfect game in the
tieiri. score:
B H O A E B H O A B.
Huitnns, lb.. 4 I t I 0 Browne, rf... 4 I 10 0
Lntx-rt, If 4 0 CRiuiumvnt. cf. 4 0 I 0 8
Mitchell, rf.. t 1 1
0 finite. If I l n o o
1 OMrOtnn, lk..i ! I M
0 fRltrhy. Jb.. 1 0 1 0
1 CPihlen, ...! 3 I 0
tt f Sweetie , lb.. I 0 0 4
4 0 Boworman, c I 1 7 3 1
1 0Pruon. 0.. 8 0 I
Daniel, lb... I 1 10
Srhlel. c I t 4
Moorejr. lb.. I 1
Kan, rf I 1 4
HtilfWltt, . I 0 I
Ewlng. p I 1 I
Totals : 7 V 10 OTounf. p..
. 1 0 n V V
.0 0 0 0 0
Totals 1 4 14 13 1
Batted fo Ferguson In eighth.
Cincinnati 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2
Boston 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 00
Three-base hit: Osnsel. Sacrifice hits:
Mowrev. Futchpv. Stolen bases: Hugglns,
lay: Hugglns to Uanr.el. Bases on nans:
Off Rwlng. 1; off Ferguson, 4; off Young.
1. Struck out: By Ewing. 1; by Ferguson,
4. Hits: Off Ferguson. 7 in seven innings.
Time: 1:40. Umpire-: Rigler.
St. Ltsla Wins from Brooklyn.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. May 14 St Louis
took the flnsl rame from Brooklyn to
day, 5 to 2. winding up the series, three
,eebe WI(I effective for St. Loulf.. Brook-
lvn aettins- but four hits off him
Pitched a fair game, two errors in
fourth Inning permitting the runs that
were scored then to come over after the
side should have been retired. The final
two rune were made off Paatorlus. who
was caught for a couple of hits in the
eighth inning, score:
B.H O A E. B H O A E.
Barry, rt I 1 0 0 OHummall, If. I 0 1
Charles, lb
4 1l I'Kneenan, id. i i i
Murray, cf... 4 10
1 Lumley, rf... 3
0 Jordan, lb. .. 4
0 Lewis, fta 4
1 Pattee, 2b 1
0 Malnnay, cf.. I
0 Berfan, a....
(IB. II. I
Pelehanty. If 4 I 0
Knnetrhy, lb. 4 I 14
O'Rourk, aa. 4 1 1
Ludwli, c... lot
Gilbert, lb... Ill
Beah. p I 0
'Murch 1
o e
0 0
Totals 34 9 27 11 IRItter, 1
raatorius, p..
Totals 2 4 24 W 4
Batted for Bergen in the eighth.
St. Louis 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 2 6
Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
Hits: Off Belt, 7 in seven innings; orr
Pabtorlus, 1 in one inning. Sacrifice
hit: Lumley. Stolen bases: Murray
(21. Delehantv. Hummel. Double plays;
Charles to Ludwig; Charle. to GJlbert to
Konetchy. L.ert on bases: Bt. l.ouih. ti
Brooklyn, 3. Base on balls: i Off Bell. 1;
nff Reehe ' Ult bv nltrher: Bv Bpebe,
mef "ftUmr ek "
i ,
I Games Potooaed.
DOVtnoned" "rain " u,uurT-e"
At Philadelphia Philadelphia-Chicago
game postponed; wet ground.
Kansas City Shut Ont I
Five to Nothing-.
KANSAS CITY, May 14. Bradon pitched
a no-hlt game against' inoianapons mis
afternoon, not allowing the scratchiest kind
of a single. His cluo played Dan Deninn
him In the tight places. This Is the second
no-hit game In which lndlanapolla has
been the victim In the last week. Spore:
B.H.O.A.g. B.H.O A K
Kalfhbora, cf I 1 0
t'roaa, aa I 0 0
IBuah. aa...... 4
1 Cook. If 4
0 1
0 I
Hallman, rf.. 3 10
OHayden, rt... 4
tCarr. lb 4
0 Davidson, cf. I
OLeahr. c 4
1 Williams, 2b. I
OHopka. 2b.... I
0 Druhot, p ... 0
0 2
0 0
0 2
0 1
Brcklo;, lb.. 4 1 11
Brasnear. Sb. I 0
Kerwln. If... Ill
Krtwger, Sb . I 1 I
t rlap, e. 1 ' 2 1
Bradon, p.... I 1 I
Eubank, p... I
Totala .
..: I IT 11 I
Totala 31 0 24 11 2
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0J) 0 0 0 0-0
Kansas city a u u v u v i i
Earned runs: Kansas City, 3. Two-base
hita: Hecklev. Kerwln. Crlao. Krueger
Bases on balls: Off Faandon, 2; off Druhot,
2; off Eubanks. a. Swuck out: By Bradon,
6. Hits: Off Druhot. 2 in one Inning; ofr
Eubanks, 7 in eight Innings. Left on bases:
Kansas Cltv. 7: Indianapolis, 4. Double
play: Williams to Carr to Hopke. Stolen
bases: Hallman, Krueger. Sacrifice hits:
Bradom. Criap. Brasliear. Hallman, cross.
Wild pitch: Eubank. Baae on errors: Kan
aas city, i; lnaianspous, i. mi wun
I Pitched ball: Neighbors. Time: 1:60. Ira
I'll . nnuv.
Game Postponed.
At Milwaukee Milwaukee-Louisville game
postponed :'Tain.
nostrx.ned: rain.
At Minneapolis joieao-juinneapous game
At' Su Paul-Columbus-St.
Paul game
postponed; rain.
Rail Fever Strike Dakota.
SIOUX FALLS, 6. D.. May 14-(Special.)
The town of Murdo. situated in the
region between the Missouri river and the
Black Hills, Is the lateet town In the state
lo organize a ball team. Such an organ
ization ha Just been perfected by the
election of George M. Townsend as perma
nent manager and William Yarosh as cup
tain. The team Is made up of gocd ma
terial and expecta to become one of the
leading teams of that part of the state,
'J.ns business men of Emery have sub-
scriDea a conmoet aoie sum toward a lunu
1L r ceiuiK UB11 team in ma lmmu inn
season to uphold the honor of the people
of Emery on the bare ball diamond. The
finds provided by the liberality of th
buiness men are sufficient to enable the
manasemenl to encase first-class nlavera.
and in the near future Emery will have a
team which will be atle to hold its own
with the teams of surrounding towns.
Roots ana City Engineer.
Root's Colts and the City Engineer's
teams will play ball at Twenty-Kighth and
Blnney street at 2 p. m. Saturday. Both
team have a strong line-up, and a good
game can tie expected.
. Reynolds
.. Itonahue
.. Newport
Mokery ....
Kranda ....
.... Second..
.... Prtch....
8 Dougherty .
P I Hamutiaon
' I Barr
Shields ....
. Morearty
(bam of Pitcher Cost Gam.
IOWA CITY, la., May 11 (Special Tele
gram.) In the greatest pitching battle seen
on Iowa field in years, Minnesota won from
Iowa.' 4 to 1. Dretchpo. for the Oophers.
and Purrll. for Iowa, were invincible until
in nimn, wnen. wttn tne score l to 1 and
the base full. Sutherland was put in for
Burrell and proceeded to hand Minnesota
three scores by a wild pitch and two bad
throws to base a Score: R.H.E.
Iowa 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 0 01 2 3
Minnesota 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 S 4 4 1
Bnslnes Men Play Bait.
SHELBY, Neb.. May 14 (Special.)
A hot gam of baae ball, witnessed by
most of the town people, waa played thla
afternoon between the business men on
th east and th west side of Main klievt.
During tne first half of the fifth inning
th gam waa stopped by rainstorm.
Th score stood T to 4, In favor of tbo
wmt side. Another game between the
im nine will be played next Wednes
day. Indian Skat Oat Trenton.
(TRENTON. Mo.. May 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Nebiaska Indians, 4; Trtniun. 0.
Philadelphia Wins Exciting Contest
One to Nothing.
Only Ran la Made la Seventh on
Two-Bagger by Collins, Sacrifice
by H. Dnvta and Error by
PHII,ADEIj4FHIA. May 14. Philadelphia
beat Chicago this afternoon. 1 to 0, In .
pitchers' battle between . Vlckers and
Smith. The home team won in III?
aeventh. Inning on a two-bagger by J
Collins, H. Rives' sacrifice hit and an
error by Parent. Score:
B.H O A E. B.H. O A t.
Paotberty, If 4 t 0 OHartaeL If... I 0 1 n 0
Jones, cf 1 0 ONK'hola, aa... t 1 5
(I. llavla. Ib. 4 I 3 0J. Colllna, lb I 11 3 0
Anarnn, rf . 4 1 1 1 f M. Iaria. lb. I I 15 1
Honotiue, lb. I 9 IS 1 OMurpbr, tb... 10 15 0
Parent. M....I 0 2 tSchrerii. C....I 0 110
Tinnehlll, lb t 4 OF.. Collin, rf I 0 0 0
Sullltan. c... I 0 10 0 Moran, rf....O 0 0 0 0
Smith, p I Oil fiCoomt. cf... I 04 1,0
Vlckera, p.... I 0 0 t 0
Totals r I 24 It i
Totala 25 t SI 11
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 O 1
Oh lea go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-bsse hit: J. Collins. Sacrlfi.
hits: Davis, Murphy. Double plays;
Murph to Nichols- to H. Davis; CooniDs to
H. Davis; Anderson to Donohue. Left on
basef.: Chicago, 3; Philadelphia. 2. Rase
on nans: Off Vlckers. 2. Base on ertors
Philadelphia. 2. Hit by pitcher: Hy
Vickers. 1. Struck out: By Smith, 1; by
Vlckera, 5. Time: 1:20. Umpires: Con
nolly and Kgan.
"evr Vork Wins from Cleveland.
NEW YORK, May 14. The visiting team
fared badly here today, being beaten by a
score of 3 to 1. Four hits in the first in
ning, ajded by a bad relav from Htneh
man to Lajole, won the gunie for the locals
in the opening inning. Rerger replaced
Thielman In the second Inning. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.g.
Nllea. 3b 4 1 II 1J Claike. If. 6 1 t 0 0
KeHar. Tt.... 0 10 figtovall, lb... 5 0 10 6
HampbJll, ef. I 1 I 0 0 Lajole, 2b. ... I 0 111
(nana, ib I III 0 ON Clarke, c. 1 0 1 2 0
"(hi, If I Oil 1 Bemla, e I 0510
Conroy, Jb... I I 1 (1 Blrm ham. cf 4 1 1 0
nn. sa I 1 I 4 JHinrhm.o. aa 4 3 I I
kiibo, e... I 16 1 IHUkman, rf. I 0 0 0 0
Cbesbro, p .. 3 0 I OrVrrlna. Ib. ..4 t 3 0 0
Thtelman. p. 0 0 0 0
Totala 2f 17 II 1 t 0 0 0
neracr. p.... I 0 0 1 0
Mill I 0 0 0
Totala 3ie 9 24 13 I
Batted for Thielman In second.
Batted for Berger In ninth.
Cleveland 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
ivew xorK , 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Two-base hits! Conroy, Chase. Hits; Off
j nieiman, 4 in one inning, sacrifice hit;
1 nase. Htolen bases: Nllea (2), Chase, Sto.
vail. Double plays: Chase to Ball; Klelhow
to Chase to Nllea. Left on bases: Cleve-
tana, i; mew York, 5. Base on balls
ny 1 nieiman, Berger. Bases on errors:
Cleveland, 4; New York. 1. Hit with pitched
ball: By Cheabro, 1; by Berger, 1. Struck
out:- ny Merger. r; try cheshro, 3. Time
1:52. empires: Hurst and Evans.
Senators Shnt Oot Brown.
WASHINGTON. Msv 14. Tom VliiVi
held St. I Willis to five scattered hits Incljv
ana wasnington shut the visitors out. 4
. a eaten ny Hoffman, resulting in
aoume play, was the feature. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H O A K
Milan, cf I 0 0
o 0 Hoffman, rf.. 4
0 OC. Jonea. cf. 4
3 1 Stone, If 4
0 I
(ianley. If.... 4 0 4
0 3
2 1
1 0
1 0
0 0
0 ll
1 I
0 0
Iil hanty. 2b I 0 1
PK-k.nna. rf. 4 I 1
0 0 William. 2b. 4
1 0 Wallace, sa.. I
0 OFarrla, lb.... 4
1 0 T. Jonea, lb. 4
2 0Spncr. e ... I
4 0 Waddali, p... I
Blrert. o 4 I
Frseman, lb. I 1 10
MrBrld. aa.. 4 4
Brhlpke, 3b.. I I 0
Hugbea, p.... 2 0 1
Total 15 I Totala 21 B 24 13 1
Washington 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 4
St. LouTa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hit: fitreet Thrc.hma ' till,.
Schlpke, Street. Sacrifice hita: Freeman!
iughes, Waddell. Stolen base: Milan.
Double play: Hoffman to T. Jones. Left
on bases: Washington. : St. Louis. 5.
Baaea on balls: 'Off llrnrha, 1- nrr U'.rf.
dell, 2. Bases on errors: Washington, 1;
St. Louis, 1. Struck out: Bv Hughes, 6; by
Waddell. 7. Wild pitch: Waddell. Time:
1:40. Umpire: Sheridan.
Gam Postponed.
At Boston Boaton-Detrnlt rnn nost.
poned; rain.
Jack Atkln Wins Metropolitan Handi
cap at Belmont Park,
NEW YORK. May ll.-In the presenc of
such a throng aa only a fine day and the
real opening of the local racing season
in beautiful Belmont Park could bring
forth. Jack Atkin, carrying top weight,
won the rich Metropolitan handicap tills
afternoon. Restlgouche, one of the James
R. Keene's two entries, was second, while
Don Creole, regarded in the betting as a
rank outsider, was third. McCarter, llm
heavily played favorite, lagged behind at
the finish, and King Cobalt, also heavily
played, brought up th rear, fully twenty
lengths back of the leader. The time was
fast, 1:3S, which is a new record for th
race on the Belmont course.
Don Creole's performance waa the fea
ture of the race. Startina? In luat nr1lin
and on the far outside, he fought against
the hardest kind of luck, gaining hardly an
Inch "until the last eighth of a mile Was
mum. men ne snoi lorwara like
ijun oiiu came aown me strelcn at a pace
which brought the great crowd to Its
feet with roar after roar of encouraging
applause. At every jump he appeared to
gain a new position and at the finlah he
lacked a scant half-length of shutting
Restlgouche out of second honor. Sum
First race, selling, sven furlongs
maiden, 3-year-olds: Bonnie Allan (ill
Musgrave, tt to 1) won. Imitator (10S, K.
Kiigan, s to j) second, uial Plate (106
Shreve, 40 to 1) third. Time: 1:2B.
Montauk, Nick Stoner, Troublesome, Al
mandlne, Hardpaa, Slumberless and To
renla also ran.
Second race, 2-year-olds, 'four and a half
ruriongs: t inner Deri Uiz. r. Dugan, even)
won. Joe Madden (116, McCarthy,- 4 to 1)
second, Kdwatd (116, Koerner, 8 to 1)
third. Time: Rustrum.Torbelllho
Preceptor, Sister Jennie snd Soil also ran.
Third rape, Metropolitan handicap (sev
enteenth running). 3-year-olds and up,
mile: Jack Atkln (128. Shilling. 8 to 1) won,
Restlgouoh (97, Delaby, 4 to 1) second,
Don Creole (96, Gardner, SO to 1) third
Time: 1:3SX. Snlvidore. SuDerman.
Brookdale. Nymph. Cct'arter. niu Rook
Rifleman, Far West, Old Honesty. King
cinmii anu npuonrr atso ran, -uoupieq.
Kourthv race, New fork steeplechase
iiourieeiuti running), l-year-oios (rid up,
about two miles: T. B. Martin 04t, Durve.
. , . ....... . r t 1 1 j ... . . ...,'1 '
11 m It tun. f.t.uit niuaety tljo, MeiQcr,
4 to 1) second, John M. P. (113. Donahne.
11 to f third. Time: 2:69. Paul, St. Keven
ana Bat also ran. Percentage fell. Coup.
Fifth race, handicap. S-year-olds and up,
six luriongs. saraigni: King James (ill
McCarthy. 7 to 2) won. 'Fair Play (117,
K. Dugan, 1 to 2) second, Jacobite (ijt.
Notter. 9 to 21 third. Time: 1:11. Black
uk 4i iso ran. t-oupiea.
Sixth race S-year-olds and up, selling,
mile and a sixteenth: Blandy (114, Shaw,
4 to 1) won. Bad News (111. Notter. to Si
second, Monfort (111. E. Dugsn. 14 to t
third. Time: 1:47. Good Luck. Master of
Craft, Cary, Aucaasln and Corn Cob also
ran. ' ,
IOl'ISVILLB. May 14 Summary:
First race, four furlongs: Icaria (110.
Troxler. atraight 81.90, place $25. show J7U)
won. Mulecan (110, Martin, place 214.701
second, Mis Cravenden (110 Fogerty, show
$41. Ml third. Time: 0:48. Fair Messenger,
AeOBia. Tapioca. Elysium. My Lady.
Frances and Belle Signal also ran.
Second race. six furlongs. selllnt:
Apache (118. Skirvln. straight $31.70) won.
Bill Herron (l'Ji. Lee, place. 834 ) aecond,
Huck (H'4. Franklin, show, $17) third. Time:
1:13. Financier. Florida Glen. Dandy
Dancer. Tamar. Merrl field. Annoyance. E.
T. Shipp. Judge Dundon, Uowanga and
Arrnwswift also ran.
Third race, purse. -nne mile: Pinkola (94.
Edmlston, $Kibu straight, $7.20 plain, $
show) won. Iitus Eater (117. Lee. $7 80
f lace, $5 70 show) second. Balbus llufi. Mar
In. $o.90 show) third. Time: 1:394. Bottles
finished third, but was disqualified for
Fourth race, free steeplechase, handicap,
short course: Percy Green 126. Carle, A 60
straight. $22S 40 place. $:.M show) won,
Gault (135, Knh'.er. $19 80 place. $7 show)
second. Charfield (14S. Pierce, $7 M show)
third. Time: 2 61. Impertinence. Coal Black
Lady. Class Leader. Judith Mo Bride, Bell
the Cat and Berten also ran.
Fifth race, 2-year-old colts, four and one
hslf furlongs: Csssowary (106. Warren,
$17.80 straight, V 30 place, $7 show) won,
Romp (M. Franklin. $7 10 place. $7 show)
second. Silverton 1108, Pickens, $7 30 show)
third. Time: M MV Jsrk Patton, Hsm-
metricai ara near aiao ran.
Sixth rata , mile and three-aixteenths:
Water (s7, Hufnagel, $J 4D atraight
t5 a place. IU irt show ) won, Tlvollnl ili'
owsic $i.:o pisce. $9 ghoal second, 6'.
rhronlzed Martin. Jt show) third.
Time: 2:111, Nazlmova, lamiilllan and Ld
Kane also ran.
I'AKMXl), May 14 Summery:
First race, five and one-half furlonns:
Foggs (lit, Mclntvre. 4 to 1) won, Creation
'107, V. NHIler. lg to a second. Hidden
Hand (104, B.ircl, 4 lo 1) tlilrd. -Time: 1:07.
Port Mahone. Ailena. Pvpectant, Black
Domino, Pen Stone, Hardollta and Byron
also ran.
Second rsce. four fiirloncn PliHUtlna rbH.
tleatherton, U to I) won. Armature (..",,
Mclntyre. to 1) second. Semper Fidelia
llnO. Tost. to 1) third. Time: 0 49. lntons.
tlon. Msbel Fostrain. Alice Collins, Mstch-
suiis, coppift.- Mom. Charlea W. Hodges
and Aryier also ran.
Third rare, mile and one-lmlf .To Pnvn
(Ml. W. Miller, ft to 11 won, Remember (W.'
lisrrls, IS to M second. Rtiblnon Ibip. Morel.
4 to 1) third. Time: J..Wk. Talamnnd. Kogo.
nnrr r.yes. rairy mtreet. Rrnvolto, Sachet,
Leila Hill and Ray also ran.
rntirth race, mile and ont-elshth. Sphrse
handlcsp: Marster flu?.. Kellf. ".I to M won
Cabin (M9. Mclntyre, 4 to ll second, Cudl
chon (loo, Kirahbaum, 1 to 1) third. Time:
i:i. J. c. Clem. Ulsaro, Rubrrc, Fan
tastic, legatee and lxglstllls also ran.
Fifth race. mll and twenlv vards: Vin
ton (107. Heatherton, 13 to Si won, Standover
(113, vy Miller, 13 to second, Ed Davis
t!. Buxton, lo 1) third. Time: 1:42. Pick
sway. Woolen. Belasco. Bonnie Prince
Charlie. Red Revnard. HI f-aul Can. Ten
now, Hand Maiden and Supreme Court I
ii""i rnn,
Sixth race, six furlongs: Cloudllght (If!.
Mentry, ft to 2 won. ColUae Widow (W,
Buxton. to 1) second. Native Son (M2.
Kelly, 1.1 to 10) third. Time: 1:13H- Rye Rve
II , Security, Lucetta, Sam Alvlso and May
L. N. also ran.
Track Tram Leave lona
Northern Contest.
City for
IOWA CITY. la. Mav 1 4 i nerl1
Coach catlln's Hawkey squad left for
minnesota tins morning with hlgli ex
pectations of bringing home the Oophers'
pelt an a trophy of the track meet
scheduled between the 'two tomorrow.
The team as a whole la In good shape
and should make a fine ahoning against
the Minnesota team. The full liht of
events will be held and one point scored
for each event, the team winning the
largest mfmber of firsts taking lie met
without regard to second and third
Captain Miller Is not In the best of condi
tion nor is Rcnshaw, who will be used
In the broad Jump and the relays, but
there Is no serious disability on the part
of either. Miller la counted on for two
firsts In the centurv and 2l!0-vard events,
Rcnshaw or Burkhelmer for the broad
Jump, Stutsman for the discus nnd Haz
ard for the 440. White, last year's loot
ball captain, la expected to make some,
one hit the high place In the high Jump,
and Slmond In the high hurdles, Wo,f
In the half. Meyer In the hammer throw,
and the mile relay team will make a good
ahoWIng If the dope does not play the
old gold rooters false. Retnley broke the
local track record In the two-mile ,ast
Saturday and ought to have no trouble
In taking that event.
On the whole. Catlln Is well satisfied
with the outlook and hirs hopes foy an
Iowa victory. The men who will lake
the trip and their records this pcu.ion
are aa follows: 100-yard dash. Mli;er,
0:10V; 220-yard. Miller. 0:22; 440-yard.
HaSard. 0:51; SRO-yard. Wolf, 2:07,;
mil. Rorlck. 4:51: two-mile, Remley,
10 IS; 120 high hurdle, Slmonds. 0:16S;
220 low hurdles, Hanlon. 0:27; high Jump,
White, 5 feet & Inches: broad Jump,
Burkhelmer, 20 feet 4 inches: pole vau.t,
Crossan, 10 feet 4 Incites; hammer throw,
Meyer. 120 feet; ehotXput. Hazard, 37
feet 1 Inch; discus, Stutsman, 122 feet.
Iowa Invitation Meet.
IOWA CITY. Ia.. May 14.-(SpeciaI.)-The
entries for the Invitation met for high
schools under the auspice of the state uni
versity are closed, and the preparations for
the meet ar practically concluded. Every
thing' points to a very successful meet and
fast time la expected In the track events.
North High of Des Moines having recently
won the city championship of that place,
seems to have a good look In at the honors,
but many of the entries are practically un.
known and surprises are expected to be the
order of the day. Ames. Anamosa, Daven
port, Fairtleld, Forest City, Fort Madison,
Iowa City, Marlon, Montezuma, Montlcello,
Ottumwa, Postvllle, Seymour, Burlington,
Oskaloosa and Msrshalltown will surely
be represented In the meet, and others are
expected to nave their teams entered in
the event. ;
In the' first rnstch of the Tricltv leacue
at the Association --alley last night ths
Oat Citys won two games from the Krug
Parks. John Bengele carried off the hon
ors for scores, with a single gama of 224
and a total of tins. Score:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
French 1 170 133 4S9
Bengele U.191 191 224 (UK!
Zimmerman 131 176 147 614
Totals 6J7 504 l.tSOf
1st. 2d. 8d. Total.
Denman ll'o 170 oi 6-tf
Lucas 144 . 1X0 . 2i6 4x9
GJlrd ..lt9 211 152 6o2
totals ...5C8 541 658 l7t)7
Entertnlnment for Athlete.
IOWA CITY. Ia., May 14 (Special 1
An extensive program for the entertain
ment of the visiting high school athlc-U
next Saturday has been planned. In the
evening before the 'meet there will be a
frogram given by the department of pub
lo speaking and on Saturday morning
there will bo a base ball game between
the high school teams of Iowa City and
Keokuk. A training table dinner wl.l be
served In th armory at noon for the
athletes and coaches by the women of
in local Metnooist churcn and in tho
evening after the meet there will be a
band concert on the campus, followed
by a hop given by the band In the armory.
The local fraternities will entertain a
great number of the visitors at their
chapter house.
Track Tram to Lincoln.
The high school track team will leave
for Lincoln this morning to take part In
the atate Interscholastlc meet. E. K. Mc
Millan of the faculty will accompany the
team as manager. Although this year's
bunch is none too strong and ha lost
several members by sickness or i allure
In studies, the lads will enter the contest
with a determination to do their best
and win If they, can. Omaha's entries
are a rouows: George Brown, captain,
high Jump and pole vault; Kd Burdick,
hot. put, discus and relay race; Harlev
Deems, 1.00-yard and 220-yard dashe. re
lay race; Alfred Kennedy, mile run; Har
old MeKlnney, broad Jump and relay
race; Dick Payne, 220-yard dash and re
lay rac. . . -
Graded schools Track Meet.
MARSHA LLTOWN,' la.. May 14 (Spe
cial.) The third annual track and fit ,d
meet of the seven graded schools of this,
city will be held on the afternoon of
June t. A program of fifteen events, ar-
We ar living in an age of specialism;
an sge when success can best be attained
by the concentration of every thought upon
the unswerving pursuit of a single objeet,
W are precisely such specialists. We
hav Investigated nnd tented all known
methods for th treatment and cure of
diKeasea of men. which gives us the right
to judge between the false and the true'
tclweeii shallow pretention and solid worth
between substance and shadow. Musty
theories cannot rtand out against our ijiode
ol treatment for the cur of these aliments,
against progressive medical science, new
discoveries and undisputed facta of disease
cured to Slay cured by our methods.
' W treat mis only and ear promptly,
cafly and thoroughly and at th lowest
EASBI aad all gpeolal Dl and their
Gump ilea iluus.
Call and Do Examined Free or Write
Offlen Hours 8 A. f. to 3 P. M. Sunday f 0 to 1 Only.
1303 Tarnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., OrAi'i:, 17:5.
Permanently Established In Omaha. AebrgaLa.
M Every bottle bearing to
fj the familiar triangular. V'
label and everyglass W.
I that's drawn from a Blatz V
I keg is full of character. I
Whether from KfiofBottle
the"Geam of Quality u a
Blatz promise. Just ask for
"Blatz and see that you get it
Blati Company, Wholelal Scalar,
609-10 Douglas Oor. 8th. .
'Fhon Doug. 6663. Omaha, Hah.
ranged for boys, graded sccordlng to
weight, will b pulled off. This event
has become the largest iithletlc featuit
locally ever attempted. Last year 3,0'iU
people saw the youngsters compete In
races for school honors. The first piizt
is a silver loving cup, ulvrn by the rimes
Republican Printing, company. It wai
presented two yeaia ago and It has. beer
won once by the Ullck and once by tht
Rogers school.
.onlsrllle Game Transferred.
M1LWAVKEK. - Wis.. May 14 presl.
dent J. I) O'Brien of the American Asso.
elation of Base Kali Cluba announced thu '
afternoon that the games scheduled al
Louisville for May If. 20 and 21 have bert
transferred to Toledo on account of th
races- at Louisville.
The gamea ktiiedulen at Toledo with
Louisville July 7. and 3 have been
transferred to Louisville to replace the
May series.
Track Meet at Baa Field.
SIOVX CITY. Ia.. May 11. (Special Vl
A track meet will be held at Bass field,
Mornlngslde, tomorrow between Morning,
side college and the University of South
nukoia of Vermilion. Mornlngslde col
lege last year cattily defeated the South
Itakotans "and expect to meet with vie.
lory again this year, although not such
a decisive one as lat year. Tho South
Dakota team has been greatly strength
ened. College Base Rail dame.
At St. Louis Washington University,
Nebraska I'niverslty, .
At Iowa City Minnesota, 4; Iowa, 1..
At New Haven Dartmouth, 2; Yale, 2.
gportlnsr Gossip.
Cobb only got four hits' out cf five times
up Wednesday.
Willi Keeler Is humping them on ' the
nose this year as of old.
Two of th old St I.ouls Browns, the
famous Four Time - Winners, manage to
hang onto umpire with persistency.
Thev ara Bobby Caiuthere, the once-phenomenal
pitcher and Arlle Latham, the
srreateat coacher and cut-up . that ever
pranced on a diamond. Lath Is this
year In the Union Outlaw league and
Caruthers in the Pacific Northwest.
Jakey Welmer held Boston down to three
hits while Cinci won another game.
Josh Clarke seem able to stick to the
top of the batting order without losing
his head.
captain rTanca certainly is going attor
the sacrifice hit recoid. And it's the game
that wins.
If that man Camnlts. of Pittsburg doesn't
look out he's going to get In the limelight
as . yiicuer.
Detroit and the Sox' are almost peck and
neck, but for, fifth, not first place. How
the mighty have fallen!
Th Pirates knocked Christy Mathewson
out of the box Wednesday In the fifth
inning when they rolled up four runs.
Notice to Ons raitomart.
W ar pleased to announce that Foley'
Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung
troubles is not affected by the national
pur food and drug law, aa It contains no
opiates or other harmful drugs, and w
recommend It as a safe remedy for chil
dren and adults. All druggists.
IINITFn RRPTURCM rUIIDPU will, i illicit Vlivnvil
Kt Religions Organisation
Omaha. Wilt Begin Services
Week Irons Vanday.
.The . First United Brethren church of
Omaha will begin services Sunday, May 24.
In th old Univeraalist church building at
Nineteenth and Ixithrop streets, which the
United Brethren has bought and repalrd.
Rev. Meivin (X- McLaughlin is pastor of the
new church, the first of th denomination
in Omaha. Bishop W. M, Weekly of Kan
sas City will be present and preach at the
morning and evening services. In the after
noon a. fellowship service, participated In
by the 'evangelical ministers of Kountze
Place and prominent laymen, will be held.
Lifelong; Bondage
to dyspepsia, liver complaint and kidney
troubles la needless. Elect tie Bitters 1
the guaranteed remedy. . 60c. For sale by
Beaton Drue Co. -..
. v
r: ,"
4 ie -v