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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAY 15. 1003. 7 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Ctth Demand Slackens and Market Baled Some Easier at Opening. WHEAT WEAK, CORN IS STEONQ Reports Art that' Prospects of New Crop of.. Grain Are Good, Rererslatr the Fret-Ions ' Reports, OMAHA. May 14. 190. The slackenlns- of cash dfmnil, coupled with good prospects for the new crop of train, has caund a reversion of sentiment among suit leaders and values ruled some saitler at the opening. On the other hand, small Argentina esti mates and reported crop damage by recent storms atsrted shorts to covering and the mnrket was some firmer at the close. Wheat opened weaker with sentiment gen erally bearish and sellftar whs heavy. Shorts were started to cover by the continued, un settled weather over the grain belt, which Is delaying spring work and values were soma firmer at the close. May wheat opened at t&o and closed at S6c. Corn was strong and prices were ad vanced readily on buying and a very strong demand owing to the light receipts and country shipments. July corn opened at 6oHo and closed at Mc Oats continued steady with demand good, and buying was general. Primary wheat receipts were 3.",ono bu. and shipments were 3&8.0O0 bu., against re ceipts Inst year of 681,000 bu. and shipments of 223.600 bu. -i , , . Corn receipts were JfiO.Offl bu. and ship ments wer 4,j0 bu., against receipt; Inst year of 427,000 bu. and shipments ot IKO.OOO bu. , Clearances wera none of com, none or oata and wheat and flour equal to 122,000 bu. Liverpool cl-ee? WfMHd higher on wheat and unchanged on corn. . , Scuroard reported ,) bu. of wlijat and l.ono bu. of corn taken for export. Local range of options: ern. Wtl.imi: May, $1.(K; July, 11.06V,; September, f2Wc. KRAN-ln bulk. $1.1 .TTvfi 22.00. FUll R-('nsettlefl; first patents. IS.tS It f: second patents ts.lserrs. first clears, $4.2534.36; second clears. $3 663a&. "ew York uexf.ihl market Quotations Various Article! Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae.) Yca'y. Wheat I May.. July... Kept. Corn May July. Sept. Oats-May. M ffi Ml M 84 R4Vs M 8H 79Ms 801 79 KV4 tW 8774 ' ru il 1H Rl W 6?" IW. M i9 49fc 95 84 7S1H W 60H 6SH 4S Omaha. Casta Prices. WHEAT No. J hard, 9fifr9Sc; No. 3 hard, mtf!Hc; No. 4 hard, 83i&3c; No. 3 spring, icrai.oo. , cORN-No. 2, 68c: No. 8. 67H?8c: No. 4. 67'i674c; No. 1 yellow, (WVtfrV: No. S, yellow. M-ErtSKc: No. I white. 67Hc OAT8 No. S mixed. 4Vi'360c; No. S White, fyyW4e; No. 4 white, 49HfiGOc. RVE No. t, 7MT74c; No. 8, 70V472c. . . Carlet Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. ,, SO 86 1SJ 171 7 S3 2S , 20 Chicago Minneapolis Omaha Duluth. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading and Closing; Prices a Board of Trade. CHICAGO, May 14. Wheat prices on the local exchange advanced mora than lc, owing to active demand from shorts. At the close tho July delivery showed a net gain of tc. Corn waa up o, oats were Vc higher and provisions 7tt'510o lower. The advance in wheat occurred during the last half of the session, and waa based largely on an estimate on the amount of wheat to be shipped from Argentina this week. The amount was much smaller than had been largely expected. The market was weak early In the day on free selling by longs and commission houses. Inspired to a largu extent by the favorable weather conditio. for growing wheat In this coun try and Canada. A sharp bulge In corn helped to strengthen the wheat market. The close waa strong. July opened fto at V&90c. declined to 88rdSe and then advanced to aoc. The close waa at 04 4iiHc. Clearances of wheat and flour were eiunl to 1Z9.UUU ou. x-nmury im wi. l&4.eoO bu.. compared with 881,000 bu. the, ;orrespondin day a ysar ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of iil cars, against 144 cars last week and 412 cara a year ago. . ., , . Trade In corn waa active and the market was strong all day. An advance of Wic in the cash grain waa an Influential factor. The close was strong. July opened Wuhio higher at 64'5fiHc, advanced to 86H'a and closed at &Ho, Local receipts were H cars, with 14 of contract r ado. Oats were firm. July opened ViO higher at 47S4C aold at 47Ho and then advanced to 47Hc where It closed. Local receipts were lhprovrs"lons were easy. At the close July pork waa off 7V,10c at $13.40. Lard waa Jo lower at $8.7V. Ribs were io lower at $7 ft " Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, li cars; corn. 114 cars; bale, 123 cars; hogs, 23.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follow: of the Day on Commodities. NEW YORK, May 14.-FLOVR-Re-celpts. 24.6T.1' bbls; exports. 1.140 bbls.; market quiet and steady; Minnesota pat ents, 85.60; winter straights, 4.u4.W; Min nesota bakers, $4 a4.; winter extras, $3.50 M.10; winter patontK. Ro'i'iMSO; winter low grades. t3.4o4f4.00. Rye flour, steady; fulr to good, 14.404.90; choice to fancy, 84.95 (Ef 5 15. CORNMEAL Firm; fine white and yel low i. 40411.00, cuarse, tl.4Ujji.4o; nun oneo, No. 2 western, 91c, f. o. steady; natural clipped $3. Mi. RYE Firm; o. New l ork. WHEAT Receipts, 63.000 bu.; exports, .94 bu. ; spot market Irregular; No. 2 red, 81.04, elevator; No. 2 red, $1.07, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern tntluth. Jl.lfVM,. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.13. f. o. b., afloat. Sharp declines followed a higher wheat opening today, with the re sult that professionals oversold and were later run In by a bullish Argentine esti mate, causing strong upturns which left the market finally- unchanged to He net higher. Hessian fly news from Kansas and bullish cables contributed to the ad vance. May. $1.06. , closed at $1.06; July, 97 13-lgt& -lfic; closed at 9!c; September, &4ff!k closed at 80c. CORN Receipts, 26.S00 bu.; spot market, firm; No. 2, 75c, elevator and 74r f. o. b., afloat; option market was without trans actions, closing lc lower on May and 4c to fie higher on other months. May closed at 76e; July closed at 74'4c; Sep tember closed at 73c. OATS Receipts,' M.OOO bu.; spot mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds. Mc white, 2 to 32 pounds, 67V4'f?f9c wntte. 32 to 40 pounds, 6SV4B4c. HAT Quiet but steudy; good to choice, 95c'o $1.00. HOPS Quiet; state common to choice, 1307. VnUc; 1, 4Uc; Pacific coast, 1907, 3i(8o: 16, 31 tic. HIDES Strong; Bogota, lTVfcc; Central America, 17c. LEATHER Quiet: acid. lH57e. PROVISIONS Heef, steady; family, $1fi.50 (B17.00; mess, tn.mi 14.00; beef hams, $2fi.00'ri 28.(10; packet, $14.&uW15.00; city extra India mess, $24.00fa26.00. Cut meats quiet; pickled bellies, fa 10c; pickled hams, 10c. Lard, easy; western, 8t.9ivti.4i; refined, barely steady; continent. tS.W; South America, $9.76; compound, 7 44 & 8 Vic Pork, steady; family, $17.0017.60; short clear, $16.00rl7.00; mess, f 1 4. 60 ID 15. 60. TALLOW Steady; city ($2.00 per pack age), 6Vc; country (packages free), 6Vt 6c. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3VHn. BUTTER Weak: creamerv sneclnls. 22V4c; extras, 22c; thirds to firsts, Wf2v,c; state dairy, common to choice, lftiaivio; process, common to specials, 134j,21c; west ern factory, firsts, HiftUHc. CHEEiSE Steady, unchanged; full cream. Old, specials, . 15c; state, full cresm, old, small, white, fancy, lic; old, large and small, colored, fancy, 14Vic; old, fair to prime, 11Vij13c; common, 8g!V4c; full cram, new, 9W&'10ttc. E003 Firm; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected, white, 20c; prime to choice, l&fi19Hc; brown and mixed, isf IS Vic; fresh gathered, storage packed, 17V& 18VtC. POULTRY Alive, steady; spring chick ens, 30c; fowls, 13ic; turkeys, 11c; dressed, steady; turkeys, 12gl7c; fowls, 12Vi'Bl4Vic SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Artlcles.l Open.l Hlgh. Low, CTose. Yes'y. T'heat May July Sept Corn May July Sept. Oats May bMay July bJuly Sept. Pork July Sept. Lard July Sept. R lbs July Sept. 1 00 90 &'Hi 87 rvv 74 T41 !64,06V 84 Vd b3 47V 46H 7H 13 47Vi' UT2Vi I 42H Tf7Vx 7 60 I , lOtVil I0OH Wk'iv'k b7V s T4T, 74 65S 64 64 63H; : U 4H . 64V 63Vs 47 V, 47V ' 46H 46s 87l7Ha 1 02V J 00H 4 86 74 73V4 66 64 63VJtW 63Vk 64 64 64 63 47 47 46 46 87a 374, 13 47 IS 85 IS 40 13 60 IS 72 13 60 13 66 U 72 8 42 8 87 8 42 8 42 60 8 62 8 66 8 60 T30 7 22 726 727 7 62 7 47 ?60 '7 62 No. t aOld. bNew. r.h nuntstlnns were as follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, $4.208 4 80: winter atralghta, $J 90S-t.4O; spring pat enta, $s.uf.26; spring atralghts, $4.0wS4.6o; .. I- 1 . 1 1 A WHEAT-No. J tpiing Wofitl-08; No. 2 red. si.w91.oz.. . ' CORN No. 3. 76c; No. 3 yellow, T5Vc. OATH No. 2. 64Vic: No. S white. 6fi64c. BARLEY Fair tQ choice malting, 6ftfi3o. SEED Flajt. No. 1 northwestern, tiROVIBIoNS Hhort ribs, sides- (loose). $6 7(ku7.12.. Mass pork, per bbl., $13.26(3) 13.37. Lsrd, per 1"0 lt-. $-30 Short clear Ides (boxed), ;.ir,a'i,W- Followlng were the receipts and Ship ments ol uour ana grain: Itaeeipts. tsnipments 40,600 247,: i0 3A9.0H0 963.300 14.0U0 8.400 Flour. bbl 3,800 Wheat, bu., SK.4S.W Corn. bu.. .v., 14.4o) Oata. bu.... 472,500 IRye, bu ..r. barley. bu.. 40.700 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa steady; creameries. 17&22C; dairies, U'jK. Kggs, rirm; at mark, casus Included. 14VS14c; firsts., loVjc; prime firsts. Me. Clierso. easy; iiv,'Oic. 4. Loaia 4Saeral Market. ST. LOUIS. May 14. WHEAT Firm; track. No. 8 red, cash. $1.061W1: No. J hard. $1.01S1.0S: May. tih.6c; July. P4c. CORN-Hlgher; track,. No. 3 cash. 72Vf T$c; May. 64'&e4c; July, e; jno. white. 73We7imc. OATS Firm; track, No. 3 cash, 61c; Mav. 60Ue: No. 3 white. 64tib4c. FLOUR Quiet; red winter patents, $4 4 90; extra fancy and straignt, ii.imoi.oo; Clears. $3.66o3.?u. ' t SEED Timothy; steady; $3. 523.75. CORN MEAL Steady. $3.30. BKAN 4UIt; sataati, I. 3X1S9 l ax ' HAY Strong; timothy, $U.00Q,17.00; prairie. $10.0im13 00. IRON COTTON TIES-W.OO. HAO51Na-7e. HEMP TWINE 8c. PROVISIONS Pork. steady: lobbing, $13 &; Lard, lower; prime steam, $7.0U4? $.00; dry sslt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts, $7 62; clear rios,; snort, clears, !7t7U: Bacon, atsadyi boxed extra shorts, in 17. rlesr rtba. 126; short clears. $9 00. PoULTBT Firm; chickens, 10Vc; springs, 23f7c; turkeys, llttltc; ducks, 7c: geese, 6c. BUTTER ateady; creamery. , IA08 Firm, 140 case count. C , . Uecelpt. f Flour, bbls. '.....,..1... 9.0u0 llVheat,- bu. .' 8.0 Corn, bu. 3.irt Oata, bu 14.W Shipments. MOO n.ou MIssHselli Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. May 14. WHEAT No. 1 hard, $l tw: No. 1 northern, $.'.or; No. 3. northern. $i.tu',l.o&; No. S nortli- WEATHER IN THE GRAIX BELT Showers and Probably Severe Thun der Storms. OMAHA, May 14, 1908. Showers and thunder storms have con tinued general throughout the central val leys during the last twenty-four hours. The disturbance noted over the mountain slope In the preceding report has moved very slowly and Is central over Nebraska this morning. This depression will move slowly over the central valleys during to day and will cause showers and probably severe thunder storms In this vicinity this afternoon or tonight, with cooler tonight. Generally cloudy weather prevails through out the east and rainy and unsettled weather Is general over the entire northern portion of the country. Killing frosts oc curred In southern Colorado and Yellow stone park and lighter frosts In New Mexico and southern Utah. . . Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with fhn corresponding day 01 tne last tnree years: 1907. 1908. 1905. Minimum temperature.... Al S3 64 62 Precipitation z .01 .43 .12 Normal temperature for today, C3 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, 1.43 inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1907, 4.43 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1906, .16 of an inch . L. A. welsh, Local forecaster. Cora and Wheat Region Bulletin. For the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m.. 75th meridian time, Thursday, May 14, 1908: - OMAHA DISTRICT Temp. Raln St at Ions. Max. Mln. fall. Sky. Ashland. Neb.... 78 6S .09 Clear Auburn, Neb 74 M .31 Cloudy Columbus, Neb.. 79 63 .10 Pt. cloudy Falrbury, Neb. ... ift- M .ai it. ciouay Fairmont. Neb... 73 61 .31 Pt. cloudy Or. Island, Neb.. 72 50 .65 Cloudy Hartlnirton. Neb. 82 63 .43 'Cloudy Hastings, Neb.... 73 60 .93 Cloudy tOakdale. Neb... 77 63 .36 Cloudy Omaha, Neb 7fl 61 .26 Pt. cloudj Tekaraah, Neb... 78 68 . 28 Clear Alta. Ia 7 m .1 ciouoy Carroll, la 78 63 .08 Cloudy Clartnda, la 7 w .us jiouay Sibley, la 76 49 .32 Cloudy Sioux City, la.. 78 66 .18 Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. in. $ Not Included In averages. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. ot Temp. Rain. Station. Stations. Max. Mm. Inches. Chicago. Ill Columbus, O Dea Moines, Ia... Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City,' Mo. Ixulsvllln. Ky.... Minneapolis. Minn. Omaha, Neb St. Loula, Mo Oood rains occurred In Alt except the Louisville district. Excessive rains fell In eastern South lko(a and at points In southern Mlchlpnn and northern Indiana. U A. WELSH. Ixical Forecaster. 26 64 62 . 70 118 73 68 .14 14 72 60 .18 12 73 62 .22 20 76 66 .36 18 60 66 .00 86 ' 62 48 .64 15 76 64 .28 12 82 61 .86 Market is Active . and Higher on Professional Manipulation. ' SALES LARGEST FOR MONTHS Kanaaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, May 14. WH KAT Un changed to o lower; May,,93c w.c Bentemuer, sic. July Cash: No. 3 hard. 7cibft.03; No. 3 hard. 96i1.02; No. 3 red. 9c')ll.oovj; No. 3 red. miUU(ie. CORN Unchanged to lo higher; May. 66c; July. 61c; September, 69c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, eSHtlVc: No. 3 mixed, Va No. 2 white, 6069c; No. 3 White. fc((69c. OATS Unchanged; No. t white, 6153cj No. 3 mixed, &tUolc. IlYE-74'iTic. HAY-rWeak; choice timothy, SlLBCXgHOO; Choice prairie, $10. H UTTER Creamery, lc lower at 21c; packing stock, unchanged at 14c EGOS Firm; fresh extras. 16c; current receipts, 14o. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu...... M.ftuo Corn, bu 13,000 23.0-O Oats, bu... ll.Oou Quotations at Kansas City as reported tjv Logan ec uryan, ino. i Hoard of Trade Many Dealers Who Have Fought the Advance Come Over to the Long Side London Also Bnys JTaw York. Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat ' I July 83 3 R 83 September ... 61 61 60 81A Con July 60 61 0 61A September ... 69 i&9iu4t 69 I teA Hllwsskes Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis., May 14 WHEAT Easier; No. 1 northern, Sl.OyjTl.10; No, 3 northern, $1.06til.0S; July, 9oc, bid. BARLEY Steady; No. 3. . 75c; sample. xc,m-. CORN Firm ; No. 3 cash, 71'5'7Ie; July, 5c, bid. - . Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPIXIL. May 14. WH EAT Spot, No. $ red western winter, steady. 7s 6d: No. 1 California, firm. 7s futures. steady; May, 7s bd; July, 7s 7d; Septem ber, i 2s', uecemoer, is CORN Ppot, new American, kiln dried, firm, 5s lo'nd; old American mixed, sluady 6s 11 d; futures quiet, May, U lOiL. NEW YORK, Mny 14. Tl'.e list of securi ties dealt in on the stock exchange had a more thorough exploitation today thnn on any other occasion during the extended advance that has occurred. This was done by a process of rotation which passed from one quarter of the list to another, using the sustaining effect of advances In stocks which were newly bought to sell Mccka previously taken on and advanced The day's turn-over was, In consequence, larger than on any day since tho middle period of last year. The regularity and precision of the move ments disclosed the skilled operations of Frofesslonnls and speculative leaders. In act it was manifest in the stock exchange that many professionals who have deter minedly fought the advance In price through much of the latest stage and who have viewed the market with sus picion and distrust, had come over to tho long side of the tmirkrt snd were follow ing the obvious current for the trading. Some large orders In individual stocks executed by single brokerage firms were believed to represent buying of blocks by banking Interests for sustaining effect on the mnrket. London nlso turned buyer in this market for the first time In several days and relieved the situation from one of the forces with which the advocates of higher prices have had to contend. Im portant dlireatlon of profits was effected in the course of shifting of holdings from stock to stock and from group to group. Profit-taking waa notably heavy In the trenscontlnental group during the morn Irg, but It was cautiously pursued and not allowed to make heavy Inroads on prices. The market waa resilient on reactions and closed at the top with a renewed outburst of buvtng orders. Not much specific news was heard to explain tho most Important movements, but the action was taken to ex press satisfaction on the pHrt of the Im portant financial Interests with the pron pect for ultimate business revival and with the money and political conditions. Reports from the metal trades were more definite as to Improvement than from other quarters and this by reason of a natural process of falling prices and resultant attraction of renewed demand. Sellers of Iron have abandoned pretense of maintaining prices at previously agreed levels and more life, In consequense. Is reported In the demand for that metal. The condition In the cop per trado la analagous and more confluence Is expressed of Improvement from the present basis. ' Rumors of deals continued to play a part In the speculation, today's dealing with a supposed acquisition by the Reading of the control of Western Maryland. Alleged Rockefeller control of American Setting was another. The sale of notes by the northern railway was taken as additional warrant for confidence In the ability of railroads which have been hard pressed to obtain resources which will relieve them from Immediate embarrassments, although the terms of sale of these note Issues are admittedly onerous. The strong weekly return of the Bank of France and a fur ther decllno In the private discount rate at Paris showed tha ned for additional gold to be fully Involved. Yesterday's heavy gold engagements, together with the previous repayments of government de posits by the banks, have produced a withdrawal of only $S,9n6.000 cash from the banks by the eubtreasury thus far this week. Evidently Interior banks. In mak ing payments to the government drew less on their New York deposits than Is cus tomary. The broadening of the bond market wsii a feature of the day. Total sales par value of $4,264,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Following were the sales and ran ire nf prices on the Stock exchange today: Bales. High. uow. Clofls. Poorla Market. PEORIA. III.. May 4.-COH.-Hlgher; No. 3 yellow. 73c; No. 3- yehow. 7V,;; No. 3, 7J,c: o. 4, btfvi.ovjc; no graite. 6V OATS Firm; i"o. 3 white. 61ij6Jiic; No. 4 while. 61V.C. WlilaKY-1.33. Adams express AraalssmatM Copper Am. u. a r Am. O. A F. pM Am. Oottos Oil ,! Am. Helton Oil pM... ...... Amr1oan Exprees i. Am. H AL p(4. American los Am. Linseed Oil Am. Linseed oil pfd..' Am. LDcomoitre . . . . t Am. Locomotive pfd Am. 8. A R ,' Am. 8 A R. pfd Am. sugar Rerinlng Am. Totsacco pfd ctfs Anaennda Mining Co Atchison .., Atchison pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd H rook l to Hapld Tr Canadian Pacifle Central ot N. J Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago ot. W Chicago A N. W Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C. C C. A 8t. L Colorado F. A I...Y Colorado A 8o i Colo. A 8o. 1st pfd ., Colo. & Bo. id Did Consolidated Oaa Cora Products Corn Products pfd Dslawsre ft Hudson Del., L A W Deuer A Rio Orandg D. A R. O. pfd iMetiiiers- securities Erie Kris 1st pld lis id pfd General Elevtrlo Illinois Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump InL Pump pfd... lows Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas Citr So K. U. So. pfd Louisville A N Mexican Central Minn. A 81. L M., 8L P. A S. 8. M M.. 81. P. A 8. B. M. pfd.. Missouri Psoitis. M , K. A T M , K. A T. pfd National Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd, offered Now York Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A W N. A W. pfd North American Pacifle Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P., C, C. A St. L Pressed Steel Car Pressed B C. pfd Pullman Pmtacs Car... Reading Reading 1st pfd Reading Id pfd......... Republlo Steel Republic Steel pfd.... Rwk Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd.. I. L. A I. F. U pfd Bu Loula a. W St. L. 8. W. pfd Southern Psclfic Bo. Paclflo pfd Southern Rallwaf .... Bo. Railway pfd Texas A Pacific T., St. LAS. w.,. T . St. LAW. pfd.. Uulna Pacific Vnlon Pacifle pfd U. S. Express V. S. Realty I'. S. Rubber It. S. Rubber pfd V. B. Steel I'. B. Steel pfd Va.-Carollna Chemical ..... Va.-Caro. Chun, pfd Wabash Wabash pld Veils rjo Express Westlnghouse Electric Western L'nlon Wheeling A L E Wisconsin Central Wis. Central pfd Northern Paclflo ueniral Lui-r Central Leather pfd Bloaa dheflleld Steel Great Northern pfd Inlerhorough Met. Int. Met. pfd vuh Copper . 74.100 . I.Tno ion i s0 t.m l.SfO 2.000 84 SS'x it 26, 61 30 60H 38.600 77i 7 2S 46 V, Si 'ItO tl.ano 21,ft i0 T.oo 42', 92 to SI 1) 7-, M I'xV so Hi 2t, SOUj 102 14 77 V, Ml, 1 W M14 m SOT, s.soo mot, LVH4 io im iss J ho lhj 15.) 1.100 44H 4 6., 41S 64 4,000 U4 IMS 1S4U. 10 36 400 b f,an 6 (.100 2a t, 2u 6,0 S3 SIS 31 2"0 61 0 S9 400 fit (1 604 9mr ds, l?14s 11 4.000 17?4 17i4 17U, 714 : i.m Mv, m, wu 1K 4V, 44 44 7.J00 S8, MS 6 , ino a.)', t0 "0 MS 16 M 0 2X, Kl( 2tU vn us m lat j.4-0 U7H iaev& 134 3") in4 104 10 SO0 67J, 67 M 7(0 24 tt i3V 1 K 1l 72 l.ino ich : i t'0 3.V4 k, H 3, 100 24 !;, 2iU l.S-X) 67 67 67 t.K 109 Jos 114 i.-im 174 16 14 14 S0O il II Hi l.2 113 lUUj 112U 11 lSIVi 134V, 125 (." 61 6i 61 400 61Vi (1H 41 l.soe 44 ,J14 4:1x4 44 !. l' 1K ltU l.l'O 4! 40 i wi us lus 11 ..... . 80 no 4 i'vA a (.101 3uTt i 2fi i'n izi 4.) k., na 114 l'0 TV 70 l.suo 10 2t, r. K6 MO 158 1SS 1MI I74.6UO HSt4 1144, 11H ' LJ. 21 aw ex ax s; i.o ii i i. I.8.10 lUti Ik II 11. MO 39 ti . t."0 14 ti H'i 1 l" 300 3k 18 3hw ti ) 87 Vs M 7 1J2 t. 2) 6, '"O 3D) J"0 4 12 10 45 12 120 1 1S 464 22 1 44 45 .' 44 124. 0 H8 14J 14J 1 S3 J S3 X) .... 4VO .... 6t ....113.400 !(, 87 J 4 a. 7 37 80 44 M 8.4"0 102 Ml 10. x. "v aok if4--- 2a 4O0 I. SO 1,IM0 'i!ioo MOO 7 11-4 U 'if," 6 6n IT.t'Xl 138 l.i.0 17 60O 1 17 40 '4 6 11 El '47 84 'l'7' 40 4 4 M 62 85 U2 131 (.! 13 11 7 12 2 4S M 17 4" ls is: 6.8' 6.310 Total sales lor the day, l.iU.MO shares. 10 M ol 1S2 11 ) W' fnrt-nonn. ths lpclsrstlnn tf th usual Harrl- msn dividends hrlplna ths mprovi'mpnt. I.stor New York supported its lavorltos, nnd the markft closed steady. HKRI.IN, May 14. Trices on ths Bourse todny were firmer. I'ARIS. May 14. Prices on the Bourse, to day were firmer and trading; was active. on tho advices from New York. The private rate of discount waa H5 lower. FreiB Klaaswrlal. LONDON, May 14. Money was abundarut and easy on the market today and discounts were quiet, me wuf exenanare exDeri enced anuther cheerful session and slightly excded yesterday's Improvements, under the Influence of paper money and bt-ar covering;, but the market closed below the best for the day. The settlement was con cluded satisfactorily. Copper shares were strong, under tha lead of Bio Tlntoa, while struiifjvr American news helped Amalga mated and Anaconda. The absence of change til the Hank of Kngland s rate of discount assixted securities, and althouich money Is cheap, the situation does uot war rant a reduction whilst the keen tVMlnental demand for g ild exists. Amerlcitn securi ties were fairly active above parity In the ew Yorst Master Market. NEW YORK. May 14.-PR1ME MER CANTILE PAFEn-3'y4'i per cent, STERLING EXCHANOB Easier, with actual business In bankers' bills at $472) for demand and at 4.W10 for slxty-dsy bills; commercial puis, mi'4j. SILVER Par. oTc; Mexican dollars, 47c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. stronit. MONET On call, easy at lVtVSZ per cent; ruling rnte, 1 per cent; closing bid, m per cent; offered at 14 per cent. Time loans. heavy; sixty days, 2b per cent; ninety days, 2Viti3 per cent; six months, 3Yt per cent. The following are the closing' quotations on Donas: rsf....lM LAN. nnl. 4s n Man. e. g. 4s 100 Mex. Central 4s .too do 1st Inc ig 11H Mlnn. A St. L 4s. do coupon Ill M . K. A T. 4s Am. Tobacco 4s TJ do 2s do 4s m V. R. R. ot M. c. 4a 80 Atrhlnon gvn. 4s N. Y. C. g. e " -no adj. 4s 87H N. J. C. g. 114 U. 8. ref. la. do eoupon . V. B. Is. ng.... do coupon ..... C. B. n. 4s. res M 85 84 14 77 89 Atlantic C. L 4s Bsl. A Ohio 4s do 8s Mrs. R. T. e. ' Central of Oa. I do 1st Inc., do 2d Inc no 8d Inc. C, H. A Q. n. 4. C, R. I. A P. 4s... do col. 6s 80 No. Psclfic 4s 101 9H do Is 71 83 N. A W. c. 4a 84 73 o. 8. L rMg. 4a l 1"H Penn. cv. Is 84 7-HJ Reading gen. 4s 8 44 St. L. A 1. M. c. 6a.. 1 80 SI I. ASF. 1m 4s. 75 Ches. A Ohio 4s. .lul St. L S. W. c. 4s... 7 Chicago A A. Is.... K4 egeahosrd A. L. 4a... TI So. Pacific 4s M 68 do 1st 4a ctfs 82 75 En. n.llwar im 10214 CCC. A St. L g. 4a. 8.5 Texss P. Is 111 Colo. Ind. 6s, ser. A. 68 T , St. L. A W. 4S.. 71 61 Union Psclflo 4s mi P do cv. 4s 8v lia !' 8 Steel Id 6s 84 eyvsbsah Is 1"5 72 do deb. B f5 87 v,mrn Md. 4s.... li 7 W. A L. B. 4s 1"'4 Wis. Central 4e 81 71 Atchison cv. 4a 8.' 87 do Ka 1' K Int. Met. 4i 47 Colo. Mid. 4s. Colo. A So. 4s Cuba 6s l. A R. O. 4s... DIS. Sec. 6s Krle p. I. 4s do sen. 4s Hock. Val. 4s... Japan 4a do 4s ctfs do 2d series. Bid. "Offered. Boston Stocks anil Bonds. B08TON. Mav 14-Mnner. mil loans. 2H, 4 per cent;' time loans, SWai per cent. The following were the closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atchison adj. 4s 84 Atlantis do 4s 87 Plnshsm Atchison 83Cal. A Hecla.... do pfd M Centennial Bnsion A Allianr '3 Copper Range .. Boaton A Maine. ...Ill Iialr West Boeton Elevated 13.5 Franklin 'Fitchnurg pro 121 Isle Hovaie Mexican Central I Mssa. Mining ... N. Y., N. H. A H...1S4 Mlchlgsn l'nlon Psclfic 143Mohswk Am. Arge. Chem 21 "Mont. C. A C... do pfd 501d Dominion .. Am. Pneu. Tube.,.. 7 Osceola Amer. Sugar 130 Parrot do pfd 125 Qulncy Am. T. A T 114 Shannon . 21 Tamarnrk . 85 Trinity 18 Vnlted Copper .. Am. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. A 8 Edlaon Klec, IIIU....H4 V. 8. Mining. General Eleetrlo 137 U. 8. Oil.. 8 Itxh 42 Victoria 64 Winona 14 Wolverine 52 North Butte .... 27 Butt Coalition . 37 Nevada 102 Cal. A Arltona.. S Arliona Com. ... B"i Oreene Cananea 48 ... 14 ... 24 ...460 ... 45 ... 74 ... 8 ... 7 ... 21 ... 8 ... 1" ... 65 ... r.0 ... IS ... 81 ... 22 ... 87 ... 1J ... (W ... 13 ... r ... 88 ... 23 ... 4? ... i ... 5 ...134 ... 4 ... J6 ... 1 ... 1 ... Maas. Electric ... do pfd Mass. Gas ........ l'nltd Krult .... I'nllHd 8. M do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Adventure Atlooes Amnlgsmated .... Asked. BU. London Stock Market. LONDON. May 14. American securities opened quiet and steady today. During the first hnur Amalgamated Copper, Balti more & Ohio and Reading advanced . but the rest of the list declined to Vi below yesterday's New Y'ork closing. London closing atoca quotations: Console, money 8 Mo., Kan. A Texas.. 20 do account 88 7-14 New York Central. ...108 Anaconda 8 Norfolk A Western.. 72 Atchison, ax-dlv 84 do pfd 83 do pfd 84 Ontario A Western.. 43 Baltimore A Ohio.... 4 Pennsylvania, ex-dlv. 41 Canadian Pacific 164 Rand Mines 6 Chesapeake A Ohio. . 46 Reeding b8 Cht. Great Western.. 6 Southern Railway .. 11 Chi., Mil. A fit. P..W7 dj pfd 47 De Beers 1" Boathern Pacifle 8841 Denver A Rio Orande 80 L'nlon. Psclfic Mfl do pia a Erie do 1st pfd.... ' do td pfd Grand Trunk .. Illinois Central ..'64 do pfd 84 .... ununited states Steel.. 84 87, do, P'd., ex-dlv. ...104 .... 27 Waheah 11 .... 18 do. pfd ....140 Snarrish 4s aiv Louisville A Nash.. Ill Amalgamated Copper. 44 SILVER Bar, steady at 24d per ounce. MONEY 1(&1 per cent. The rale of discount in the open market for short bills Is 2lt2Vi per cent; for three months' bills, 2(S'JH rer cent. New York Mlnlngr Stocks. NEW YORK. May 14 Closina- Quotations on mining stocas were Adsma Con... Alice Breece Bmnawlrk Con. ... Comstock Tunnel . Con. Cal. A Vs.... Horn Sliver Iron Silver Leadvllle Cos I Little Chief ..270 Ontario , .. 10 Ophlr , .. I Potosl .. 87 Bsvags , .. 38 Sierra Nevada , .. 78 Small Hopes .. ..108 Standard , .. I . .500 .130 . II . 85 . 86 .. 18 .10 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, May 14.-Today' state. ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve snows: Available cash balances, $240,527,831; gold coin and bullion, $22,412,084; gold certificates, $23.S66,14v. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, May 14. Bank clearings for to day were 11, 313.802.116 ana tor the corrus ponding date last year. $2,0u6,071.13. General Tendency of Yalnet oa Fat Cattle Downward. Wool Mnrket. LONDON, May 14. WOOL A superior selection, of 9,606 bales waa offered at the wool auction sales today. The competition was animated and all sections bought freely. Good greasy merinos and fine cross-breds were In active request for the home trade and Americans paid llw for first combing, comback greaales and first fleece. River Plata and Punta A rer as wool waa in brisk demand. The following are the sales: New Boutn wain, 11 bales; scoured, 7Hd51s Sd greasy, 4'fiHUd. Queensland, HiO bales greasy, eVfiflHd. Victoria, 1,100 bales; scoured, loM-d'y la Hd; greasy, 6tinvid South Australia, J bales; greasy, lOdfli is via. iew y.eaiana, 8,100 bales: areasv. 4"?jl0Hd. Cape of Oood Hope and Natal, ti bales; scoured. Is 4diIs 6Vi1; greasy, 4Vt ttitiSd. Punta Arenas, 2,900 bales; gruasy, 8H3;d. Klver Plata, 60O bales; greasy. O'VU'tl. Cvaporalrd Apples and Dried Fruits NEW YORK, May 14. EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues very quiet, but noiaers appear to De firm in their v cwi with farx'y quoted at llty'lOVfC, choice at sViuGVic, prime at 7',a'tf7Vc and common to liur at 64;c. DRIED FRUITS Prunes are moving slowly, with spot quotations ranging from 4o to 14c for California and from 6c to lOo for Oretron fruit. Apricots are dull, with choice yuoted at 13c, extra choice at 1tt 14V4C and fancy at l&1ilte. Peaches are In very light demand, with choice quoted at 9c, ektra choice at fVsf. fancy at lOiilO'.c, and extra fancy at HallVaC Raisins are dull and nomltally unchanged, with loose muscatel quoted at MiO'-c, seeded raisins at (Uc and London layers at 1.2oal.a6. Coffe Market. NEW YORK, May 14. COFFEE Market for coffee futures closed steady at a net decline of VqM points. Bales were 62,500 bags. Including May at l.lfn.20c, June at B.3K', July at .argn.&c, September at S.lfa t-LOc, November at 6.1W December al Ht'g ana 01 arc n at o.:vfii.zoc. ppot coifee, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 6v; No. 4 Buntoa, 8'4c, Mild coffee, steady; Cordova, SVtJl-V- ' Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 14. BL'TTER Bteady ; fair demand: extra western cream ery. 24c: nearby prints, aw. KOG8 Firm: good demand; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 17c, at mark: current receipts In returnable cases. lie. at mark; weaiem firsts, free caattst. 17r2, at mark; current receipts, free cases. lie, at man. CHEESE Steady: New York full creams, Choice, 14Val4V-; fair to good, UultV- Otla and Rosin. OIL, CITY, Pa., May 14 -OIL Credit bal. ances, 11.1s. Hum, zjo.mj pois.: average. loa.ysi Dnis. nnipnienis, iio.ks ddis.; aver sue. 174.7101 bbls. SAVANNAH May 14. OIL Turpentine, iirm, -'viC, Dia. ROSIN-Flrm; A. F. C, $I80irM; Ti. $.'00; E, 43.1ujl ; K. $3 -'Mul 30; U. $3 So: H. S3 80; i, e.e'; x. ao. to; m. n oo; ri,; ' u.( to.uo; v . v .,'rio.w. Duluth nraln - Market. Dl'Lt'TH. Minn., May 14-WHEAT No. 1 northern, H.u.S; No. I rorthern, $1 08li; May. $1.04H; July. $1.6; 8eptember, 91Vtc. l)AT ouc. H003 CONIWE ON D0WH GRADE Trade on Sheep nnd Lanka Very Slow and Dull nt Decline of Ten Cents from Yesterday's Flarures. BOUTH OMAHA. May 14. lH. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoc. Bheen. Official Monday S.W 4.9 4.SWt Offlrlal Tuesday 6.1M 14.W4 $42 Official Wednesday ... 1478 13.741 10.101 Mimais xnursaay i.vm 4,r-'j Four davs this week.. 1X.9SS Pamo daya last week.. 15.n?3 Same days 2 weeks ego 12.S77 Same days i weeks ago. &.IS7 Psme days 4 weeks ago. ll.o?. Same dnys last year.. 21.280 The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha tor me year to date, compared wun last year: 190s. l!n)7. Inc. Deo. Cattlo 8M.404 444 91.40 Hogs 1.095.407 910.8441 184,(i&l Bleep 657.2MS 72li,&45 169.&&0 Tho followlnar. table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the laat several days, with comparisons: Mav 9 Mav 8 May 4.. May o.. May 6.. Mav 7 May (.., May 9.. May 0. May ll. Mav 11 May 14. . -Toledo heed Market.. TOLEDO, O.. May It SK ED Clover, October, I7.KH; December, 7.4,V. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET 41.6.1S 24.o S7SS 15..W, 33.947 33.1HI 23.474 24.37 i.t0 16.7W 42.218 16.736 Date. 1908. 1907. 1908. 1906. 1904.lO3.19Oe. I- 14 6 M4 E 374 6 SH 6 X3 4Hsl 6 39V4 E 40H 6 4m 6 36 6 241 6 271 6 l?l 6 2SI V 5 19 8 26! S 21 IS a 4 C 271 ( IK s ?5 6 26 3! 6 SS a Sflf 6 80 S I so S 28 e t 17 5 16 6 21 t 21 6 24 B 19 6 2!: B 27 ( 301 B 26 6 20 6 SI - 4 B7I 1 7B A KM 4 S9 76 4 63 4 W 4 65 I 4 6 4 69 4 64 4 62 4 6H 7 W i n t m T 02 i 661 I 6 64 6 (U a E41 47 42 93 7 00 7 07 7 OS e t 99 7 08 4 67 6 87 t 13 Sunday. The official nnmher nf cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, u ri C, M. & St. P 7 Missouri Pacific 1 i n on Pin f o 17 C. A N. W east.... 1 C. A N. V. west.... 25 C, St. P., M. A O.. 10 C, B. A Q., east.... C R. A Q.. west.... 19 C, R. I. A P., east.. 4 C, R. I & P., west.. .. C. Q. W 2 6 4 25 84 6 8 33 7 1 3 120 17 Total receints 94 The disposition of the dsv'a receipts wss as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- Der ot neaa indicated: Cattle. Hoas. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 181 1.548 20 Swift and Company 430 2.878 736 Cudahy Packing Co 700 8.165 1.1S3 Armour ft Co 866 3,362 1,111 Cudahy, Kansas Cltv.... 156 Cudahv, Fort Worth.... 159 S. A 8 20 I-obman A Rothchlld... 48 W. I. Stephen 22 Hill A Bon 22 F. P. Lewi SO HilRton A Co 30 H. Root A Co 17 McCreary A Carey 63 H. F. Hamilton 22 F. Ti. Intrhram 1 Sullivan Bros 10 Huff 883 Other buyers ' 69 Totals 2,344 11,326 8.049 CATTLB Receints of rattla this morn ing were only moderate, still there waa a very lair run for Thursday. The down ward movement in values inaugurated Tuesday still continued. While even-one was out In fair season In the morning, thebeef steer market waa slow all day, with prices atlll lower than yesterday. Just how much lower it Is not easy to say for the reason that the market has been breaking every day since Monday. It would ba aafe. however, to quote the market today as much aa lu,a20c lower than Monday on the best grades ot cattle, handy light weights holding up the best. The commoner kinds, that Is, cattle on the half fat order are 26c and In some cases possibly as much aa 40c lower. The market closed mean. Tho best cows and heifers were' pretty good sellers, but the common to medium kinds of cows have been rapidly working lower. That kind was neglected ana naro to move from the beginning, with tne week and they are now 26&4CO lower than last week. There waa hardly enough Blockers or feeders In tho yards this morning to make a market. At the same time the demand wat limited and the feeling continued weak Light stockers have suffered severely dur Ing the last week and are not far irom doc lower than the high time a week or ten days ago. Uuotatlona on cattle: oood to cnoice corn fed steers. t6.SOifi6.60: fair to Hood corn fed steers, $6.flOt1.80; common to fair corn fed steers, $4.8fyij.00; good to choice cows ana heirers, o(Ka.a,; rair to gooa cows and heifers. $4.0Ofi6.0O: common to fair cows and heifers. $2.60rt4.00; good to choice stock ers and feeders, $47&t.26; fair to good stockers and feeders, I4.00ff4.76; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.2&g'4.00. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Fr. Jfo. . Fr. 18 9f,0 4 28 10 1861 4 2S 41 1N4 I 00 14 4034 4 40 54 I'M t 6ft 88..'. 1841 40 10 1071 8 86 SI 121S i 40 ti 11S8 $ TO 40 1361 I 40 l 1WI 6 si tl 11M ( 48 80 1010 4 00 41 11 45 8 1175 t M 18 1801 M 18 1081 t 05 89 12SJ 4 40 18 1145 4 Is- 88 1271 t 40 41 1184 14 14 1871 4 40 II 110 4 15 10 I'M 4 80 0 1120 4 K 18 1800 4 40 $1 UOT 4 80 18 U4T 70 8 lttt 4 K 18 1302 75 U 1177 2 87 1464 T6 COW8. 1 V I 75 1 8S4 3 80 5 741 t 75 1 1141 4 00 t 880 I 10 I lotl 4 10 3 895 8 01 23 8'4 4 t) I ,.. 870 I 00 18. . 878 4 85 T 841 I TO 4 1070 I 00 14 81 t 10 T 1084 8 10 5 400 I 85 18 HIT I 15 8 T16 8 So I T9I I SO 8 TUS 8 85 t 1118 85 U Tl I 45 8.... 114) $ 40 1 US0 8 80 t Ill I 80 4 MT $ S3 . HEIFERS. 611 t 16 t 480 $ 10 BULLS. 1 8S0 1 84 1 (80 I 80 1 8J0 8 80 ( 814 4 00 1 470 I 50 1 1240 4 85 1...... 780 8 41 1...., I MO 4 40 I .....1090 i 43 1 1V31) 4 75 1 1O50 8 75 1 , 1270 5 01 1 1260 I 75 1 1 j:0 i 10 1 1480 t Tt I liJO 6 80 CALVES $... 170 4 50 1 H0 4 00 1 840 4 40 T 181 111 4 A3 5 DO 1 100 4 26 i 120 t r.o i axo 4 2 1 140 6 70 1 . .. 140 4 S 4 148 1 10 4 to 4 17 4 00 1 no I $j 43TOCKER9 AND FEEDERS. I.. 4.. 45.. 4 . 19.. 10.. 14 ti.? 5lT 444 TtJ M7 71 I :i 8 50 8 tr, 4 to 4 11 4 S3 54S 4 V 8 12.. 18.. 10., 11., 4 ta 77 7U 8t8 H7 (44 i 00 4 25 I 40 i 40 4 18 4 ti HOGS There was another fair run this morning, which, Including holdovers, made the total offerings nu inner over 11,000 head Large receipts and unfavorable advices fron. all selling points placed owners de cidedly at a disadvantage. The market opened fully lic lower than yesterday's average market, or ltqnoc lower tnan the best time yesterday morning. The hogs sold largely at and right around 15 224(rf 5 25. while yesterday the most of the hogs brought $o.&V&6.K. with , a very liberal sprinkling on up to $5 40. The trade wis slow even at the decline. Later on the hogs sold more freely, the trade closing seine at tno decline or poa slhly a lit'le firmer. Everything was fin. ally disposed of by 11 o'clock In the morn Ing or soon after. Representative sales No. 8i, Tt. 81. 41. 98. 1 7t I" si m .174 14 .144 .134 HI .8c4 .l"4 84. 74 t 74 ti 48 , TO TT , 44 TS TI 78 8T 41 4 .... (4 (4 84 T7..,.. 74 1 W .144 AM .11 .at . 8 S4 .148 ..Sit ..15 . Ill ..1T ..t"T . ti . ..isO .10 ..r4 ..24 . lit . IH ..SK ..814 ih. Pr ... I 17S4 40 i to so 1 to 80 i 80 80 5 tO 140 i 10 80 I 81 ... it) ... I 10 too I It 14 40 6 tk 40 I ttvtj 10 I Ut i I tin ItO i Ivs 80 t I."-, 44 4 S'lUj 120 I 12 ltd i -' lo ( 8 S 10 $ tit ... i IJS u im ... 5 Si ... t 22'4j ... i rH "...' tit) s 2 2 (0 I Ls, No. (a . 48.. 45.. 84. . 73., 80.. (t . 79.. 41.. 41 . (A., tt . 81.. 70... At. Ik, Pr. .144 ... I 14 . t-l ... 115 in 80 i t ..S40 ... (34 ..148 140 I 85 .178 lao I In 111 ... 125 I I 840 i ti .171 80 ( tt , 140 80 41 845 74 las (1 14 84 80 M m 8?4 47 i;i 78 818 80 10 41 944 T7 170 78.. (1.. 111. 31.. 80.. 71.. 78.. 78.... 87.... 4.... 85.... 73.... 44.... 71.... 71... tt ... 81.... 47.... ... 77.... 80.... 48.... 5.1.... 71 SO I lt 1 . . S24 4 I S14 ... I 1?H (0 ( 8-'V4 ... 8JJ 81 ( Sit, Itn 80 I fc 40 I 21 ... i ll4 I'l 800 I In, ... ( K4) ... I IZSt .. I 824l 80 I 8 A, M ( ItV. ..til S40 I ta- ..174 80 I .. ... I 1?H ... ( t74) . 880 40 ( !Jw, ..M Wl IVH .118 40 i S314 to i v, ..SM ... I IS ..IK 10 $ W ..til ... IIS ..til 140 I 25 ..144 20 ( 25 . 4 110 IK, .11 ... i 26 ..181 ... I SO 184 M IM ....844 ...178 ... sot ....IM ....194 lit 1 117 40 I SJ 81 J24 120 I 24 8 ... i It ICO 178 ... I n 45 ST7 80 ( 85 41 S7t n i 85 ao ta NO (88 83 229 ... i 85 71 tit 1 i St 70 JK4 80 I 24 71 !4 40 8 14 88 ml 80 I 88 74 18 40 1 IS 83 1:1 lao 1 fa . lt-4 S40 I 5 ..111 10 I 25 ..8"1 ..MS .894 75. 74 43 84. 47.... 74.... 81.... 71.... 41.... 81.... 71.... 7.... 48.... 74... 129... (4.... 80.... 18.... ..t:4 . ni ..428 . .11 ..sit ..t"M I 85 S 14 ( 85 110 1 n ... i 15 40 i 85 i 18 40 i 8 I 85 40 I 15 t S I ITU 111 0 I 27 ...7 If I ST ...TH t-O I V ...117 40 I i7 ...IM ... (80 . ,.l"4 ... I 80 ...871 80 I 80 ..4. .149 . .14 ..1A4 82 (44 11. 17 .. 41 ... ft. .. 98.. 41 ... ft ... 70.., 44 . 41.. 7i.. 41 . V . 1U. 2 244 t"4 S70 !7 8.V) 1-8 144 t1 ....ll S4 2X4 .... 248 II i 14 I li t U i 15 I 24 i 25 i 15 I 26 i 25 i 24 I 88 I It I 14 i 86 t a I 14 ... i 15 80 ( n 110 i ti (0 40 40 80 140 40 SHEEP The market on both sheen snd lambs was a very slow and dull proposition this morning, tho same st this point as at other selling points. Puyers were out In very good season, but their orders were apparently very limited and they only Picked out here and there somethlntr that would Just suit them, while other stuff was neglected, making It a hard matter In many cases for salesmen to unload. Thus the market was a drag from start to finish, with prices at teast 10c lower and In some cases possibly more than that. Oood. shorn, light lambs sold ss hlnh as $R.f5. the same kind that brought $6.65 yesterday. Oood, heavy, shorn lambs sold around $9.00(66 10. As high as $6.00 was paid for rignt gooa, snorn wetners. Tne fact mat wethers sold as high as heavy lamha was one of the features of th trade snd ship pers will understand very readily from this that heavy lambs are not wanted nnd are selling at a big discount as compared with the light weights. On the other hand, the supply of sheep has been so light, es pecially at this point, that they are sell ing at relatively high prices as Compared with lambs. Quotations on lambs: Oood to choice llght-wooled lambs, $7.007.40; fair to good llght-wooled lambs. $6.&oi:r7.09; good to choice heavy-wooled lambs, $6 tio'ul.OO; shorn lambs, 75c under wnoled slock. uuotatlons tin sheep: Oood to choice llsht yearlings, shorn, $590i616; fair to good yearlings, shorn, $6 60 6.90; good to choice wetners, snorn, 5.nofis.oo; fair to good wethers, shorn. $6.1fVfi6.50: stood to choice ewes, shorn, $6 254fS.60; fair to good ewes, shorn, $4.7oCr6.2f; culls and bucks, shorn, $3.0084.50; wooled sheep, 25Q40c above shorn smelt. Representative sales: 17 western wethers snd ewes 236 western lambs, shorn , 20 western ewes, shorn 240 western Inmhs, shorn 179 western lambs, shorn 20 western cull lambs, shorn.. 606 western lambs, shorn 816 western wethers, shorn .... 270 western lambs, shorn 116 western ewes, shorn 22 western cull lambs, shorn.. 110 Ml 116 I'd 68 49 f8 142 76 97 6 2S 6 16 6 60 8 10 65 6 60 65 0 0) 6 30 B 26 B 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKI2T Cattle, Sheep and Lambs Steady to Lower Hogs Lower. CHICAGO. May 14. OATTLB Receipts, 6.000 head; market steady to lOiflSc lower: steers, $5.00ff7.3O; cows, tS'Sfjfl.SS: heifers, f.1.50iJ6.75; bulls. M.40rn5.75: calves. $2.6047- 6.O0; stockers and feeders, $3.251t5.40. HOUS Receipts, 26,000 head: market 10c lower; choice heavy shipping, $T.4.Vfi5.')0; butchers, $i.45'fi.!).6'-'Hv choice light, $6.45iu6.60; ngnt mixed, Jo.40fr6.4o; packing, s.o(i',it.4ft, pigs, 4.15354.15; bulk of soles, $5. 4065. 45 BHErTP AND LAMBS Receipts. 11.000 head: market steady to 10c lower; shoep, $5.006.00; lambs, $8.0007.60; yearlings, $8.50-&6.20. Kansas Citr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. May 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.600 head. Including 700 southern; market weak to shade lower. Choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $6.5OW7.00; fair to good, $6.25g.50; western steers, $.VO0 4.75; stockers and feeders. $3.25ja.75; southern steers, $4.6tV(J6.60; southern cows. $3.00&"6.00; native cows, $3.00(36.85; native heifers. $3.50a.60; bulla. $3.&C'6.&0; calves. $3.4OW.00. HOGS Receipts. 18.000 head: market Vi WiOc lower; - top, $6.60: bulk, $5.26'i)6.46; heavy, $6.3 : packers and butchers. $5.30ii6.46: light. $S.2txrKS.35; pigs, $J.76fc4.36. 8HKJP AND LAM US Receipts 6.0no head; market 10(fJ20c lower: lambs. $6.20tf 7.20: ewes and yearlings, $4.80t.50: Texas r cartings, 15.ZMj0.00; Texas sheep. $1.23 40; stockers and feeders, $3.503.25. 'FRISCO STILL RAPS OMAHA St. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. May H. CATTLE Receipts. 4,000 head, including 2,300 Texans. Natives, 6c lower; Texans, weak to 10c lower. Na tive shipping and export steers, $6.06'7J7.16; dressed beef and butcher steers, $5.306.25; steers under 1,000 lbs., $4.855.46; stockers and feeders, $3.0txg6.6; cows and heifers. $3.75fi.60; can n em. $1.60472.60; bulls, $3.00' 6.60; calves, $3.5O7.00. Texas and Indian steers, $4.00fi6.60. HOGS Receipts, 8.600 head; market &S10e lower. Pigs and lights, $3.75S6.60; packers. $4.606.50; butchers and best heavy, $5.46 6.66. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, BOO heed; market 6c lower. Native muttons, $3.76 t.00; lambs, $4.60(98.00; culls and bucks, $4.60 06.00; stockers, $3.764.28. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., May 14.-CATTLE Receipts, 2.637 head; market, steady; na- Jlves, (6.6O1917.OO; cows and heifers, tZ0n& .40; stockers and feeders, $4.00&6.25. HOGS Receipts. 13,374 head; market, 10c lower; top, $5.4T; bulk, $6 306.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,200 head; market, steady; lambs, $6.60'S7.4o; yearlings and wethers, $5.a'u6.26. Sloas Citr Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., May 14.-(8peclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Market loc higher; beeves, $5.26fi6.v0; cows and heifers, $4.UXi 8.00; feeders, $4 005.00; calves and year lings. $3.764.6S. HOGS Receipts, 4,600 head; market 610c lower; range, $5.10(35. S; bulk of sales, io.20 66.26. " Stock la Bight. Receipt of live stock at the six principal western markeia yesterday: Cattle. It, with Rock Island, Discriminates in Favor of Kansas City. SHIPPEES HOPED FOB FAIR DEAL South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City .. St. Louis St. Joseph .... Chicago Total 2,2t 'b!600 4.000 2,637 8,000 Hogs. Sheep. & ,..1 a 'n 4.600 18. H0 9,600 13.374 26,000 6.000 5"0 2.200 11.000 Their Hopes Are Rlasteel, aa ftalld aad McYann Advise There There Is No Doubt of Altltede. Benefiting Kansas City at the expense of Omaha has evidently proved a favorite method of handling the traffic of the wast by the Rock Island-Frisco aystcma and the advantages given the southern rlty over Omaha have recently been broadened, In stead of reduced, according to shippers la close touch with the situation. The matter came up on the Memphis equalisation case and Omaha wss placed at a decided disadvantage without what the shippers consider a good resson. Much traffto has been withheld from the Rock Island company, but many shlppera have been of the opinion that the railroad com pany had taken the bars down and waa now giving Omaha a "square deal." All doubts as to the friendly attitude of the Rock Island-Frisco system are set at rest In a letter which was received by ship pers Thursday from Commissioner J. M. Guild of tho Commercial club and Secre tary E. J. McVann of the Omaha Grain exchange. Both officers acting under In structions of tho transportation committee ont the Information to members. No Change In Attltade. "A great many Inquiries have been re ceived by the club and by the exchange aa to the present relations between the com mercial Interests of Omaha and the Rock Island-Frisco systems," says the commu nication. "In order to answer effectively all these Inquiries and for the Information of auch of our members as have joined these or ganisations since the matter first came up, wo beg to advise you that there haa been no change whatever In the unfriendly atti tude of the Rock laland-FrlscO systems to ward the Omaha grain market On the contrary, since the Memphis equalisation, which was the basis for all the trouble, was first established the effect and appli cation of It have been broadened so a to benefit Kansas City still further at the expense of Omaha. "This question was fully discussed a few days ago by the transportation committees and the club and the exchange, and the conclusion was unanimously reached that If It la tho settled policy Of the Rock Island Frisco system to maintain Its unfriendly attitude toward this community, as that system haa done consistently for nearly two, years. It Is proper that that fact should be brought prominently to the notice of every business man In Omaha." Gratefal for Loyal Support. The letter thanks the business men for the loyal support which they have given the transportation committees In their effort to obtain Justice and fair treatment for Omaha. Though a great deal of grain has; been withheld from shipment Over the Rock Island by the grain dealers of Omaha the exact amount of shipments which the com pany is securing la not known. . Repeated efforts to secure grain out of Omaha have been, made by the Rock Island and during the last year many waya have been tried for getting the business regard less of the unfair treatment which the cor poration Is giving Omaha. . Now and then the grain dealers are said to have discovered tha,t some, of the buyers on the Omaha market were buying the grain for the purpose of shipping over the Rock Island system. It is said on good authority that no less than half a dosen agents have been employed to buy the grain for the company that they might secure the traffic, but on tho beat Information ob tainable at the exchange, only a email de gree of success haa rewarded the efforts of the company to secure shipments. Secretary B. J. McVann has refused to make any statement In regard to the ship ments secured or how any of the. grain trafflo was diverted to the Rock Island, but subscribes to the Utter telling of the true conditions existing. 21.406 80,458 22,823 Metel Market. NEW YORK, MW 14. METALS The London tin market rallied after the severe break yesterday, closing at 133 15 for spot and at 133 5s for futures. The local market was steady, with quotations ranging from $S.40 to $.'fl.5. Copper ' higher In London, spot closing at. Li snd futures at 5i 15s. Locally the ttiariti . was steady, with Lake quoted at $,.2.C"'t 12.J5; electrolytic, at $U.60ij 12.624. and c.l -Ing at $12.2&ftl2.37!4. Lead advanced to Is In the !ndon market, but wss un changed at $4 '.'fsj4.27, with the mark.'t quiet locally, tipelter was higher at l.S) Be In London. The local market was dull and unchanged at $4.55(465. In the Iondon Iron market' Cleveland warrant were quoted at 55s, Standard foil miry being nominal. Locally the market for Iron was rather steadier In tctva and some of the large producers are said to be talk ing that the bottom ha been reached. No. 1 foundry northern, $; No. 2, $16.7Vu17.60; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft at $166t&l7.26. ST. LOUIS, . May 14.-METAL8 Lead, dull. $410; spelter, dull, $4 47 Vs. BOTTLE FOUND, BUT NOT MAN Note and Souvenir of Suicide Left, bat Ns Trace ot the Person. The finder of this bottle will plesse no tify the police thst Tom. Ryan committed suicide at the railroad bridge, Omaha, Neb. Goodbye to all. The above note, written with penrfll on a piece of letter paper, was found In a bottle floating In the Missouri fiver .five mllea south of Bellevue by O. W. Hoover and has been sent by him to Chief of Police Donahue. The police have had no report.. of any: man by the name of Ryan rnlaalng. There waa formerly a Tom Ryan well known In police court circles, but the chlet W was not the kind of a man to take his own life. In the city fllrectory tlx Thomas Ryans are recorded, not counting one named Timothy, but all these are atlll living. RAY GREEN JURY-liliAGREES Cannot Decide on .Seventy Thousand Dollar Damage Claim and Case Mar HeItt-trled. The Jury In the rasevof Raymond Green against the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy Rnllroad company for $70,X)O damages, after bring out forty-eight hours, failed to agree and was dlschsrged Thursday morning by JuOge W. H. Munger in. tho United States circuit court: Attorneys Jefferis 4 Ilewell represent the pontiff and Charles L. Greene conducted the case for the Burlington. Green lost both legs while employed as a switchman by the Burlington at Ashland on August 1, 1307. He Is otherwise permanently dis abled, suffering from epilepsy as a result of hit mtstfortune and 1 partlaJly speech less. He Is only 23 years of age. The case may not be re-trled at this term of court and will likely get over to' the No vember term- ' . - Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Mar 14 -COTTON-Futures opened firm; May, 10 06c; June, of fered si 10.; July, 9 VSft lO.otje; August, $.70ill.73c: October, 9 1!o9.2bc; November, 917c: December, D.lUc; January,; March, 9 21c. Spot closed quiet; middling upland. 1130c; middling gulf, 1.55c. Sales, 1,110 Qa'lVESTON. Tex., May 14.-COTTON-Bteady, 10o. Mrs. S. Joyce, iau ciuillvan St.. Clare niont, N. H.. writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It cured me of a severe case of kid ney trouble of sevtral years' standing. It certainly Is a grand, good medicine and I heartily recommend It." All druggists. Isiar aad -Molasses. NEW YORK, May 13-SI'GAR-Raw. firm; fair refining, 3.tC centrifugal f test, i.Xc; molasses suyar, 3.61c. Refined, steady; crushed, .-0c; .powdered, B.Sic; granulated, 6.60c. ... H MEDICINAL PURPOSES ONLY HOIKIT QU1BTI WMIBxtXEa BOTTLED IX BOaTQ Pennsylvania Karmlnvtun Hye. 4 years old, per doam Kentucky Sunbeam Hurhon, 4 years, old. per dosen - IT1BTOSO TIJf A VIMEVABD VftODVCT California Brandy, 6 years old, per dozen California Brandy, 4 years old, per dozen.. California Port Wine, 4 years old, per duti-n California Sherry Wine, 4 years old, per dozen Terms: Cash with order. State If wanted 13.00 ia.00 for medicine. E. E. UKUCE V CO. SBuaaiaTft. flR.OO .116.00 ..$4.00 . .$0.00 OMABi, U