Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1908, Page 10, Image 10
'10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAY 15. 1903. M 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 Remnant Day; Friday s mu r A rr Of Verr Rpex-Ul , Bargains. BOSTON STORE Special Silk Sale Entire Accumulation Manufacturers Samples FROM M. H. KAIIN & CO., 458 BROADWAY, N. Y. Closed out to Brandeis at a Biff Sacrifice. Accumulation of house and salesman Silk Samples, all 36-in. wid and many of match tip fancy and plain taf fetas, peaii de soie, mcssalines, Roman stripe silks, etc., Friday in three Bpecial lots. 12 lo 1 Yard length 39' each 25" each yVlI GA DaUnco of the Silks From Gfo Great Dressmaking Stock :tlaln and-fancy Silk Suitings, . Chevron Sjlks, .Silks in checks and stripes also fancy Rajahs, Shan tungs and Fongee Silks, black and colored taffetas, etc., worth 75c to $1, yard, at yd. . Remnants and Odd Lot WASH French and German Vals, Torchons, Insertions, large variety, worth up to 12 Mc . yard, at, yard 4 Big Bargain Squares Piled High With j Remnants of EMBROIDERIES Skirtings and Corset Cover widths, tions, headings, etc., all kinds, valuei up to. 25c yard, at, yard .... Real These Special Friday Bargains in STYLISH NEW WASH FABRICS Beautiful . wh(te walstlngs, with colored silk embrodered dots and' 'figures a very sheer and crisp fabric, regularly worth 50c g r ' off the bolt at. yard I JC High. Quality summer wash fabrics,' Including the well-known lisle . tissues, Egyptian tissues, chiffon voiles, over-striped plaid ba tistes. The styles, and colors that are wanted for making the new .summer gown would be cheap at 25c yard; special, off the A ' bolt, yard. . , 16c printed batiste, In desirable lengths; also Arnold's Swiss applique, will be sold t 1 , at, yard J2C Soft finish medium and heavy grade double fold long cloth and fine 26-inch blea- ' 7 1 ched musjlns at, yard 2 (trroni 8 Till 10 A. M. .We will sell thousands of yards odd lots In short mill lengths, - such as calicoes, sllkolines,.. apron gingham. shirting, etc. jat, yard 1 BIG SALE MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR, CA. High Quality, worth f $1.50 garment, Saturday J Uy BRANDEIS Lioiifjay i C 1 i x. We paid spot cash for the entire stock "' 6f rugs'from an eastern manufacturer. THIS STOCK INVOICED FOR NEARLY $22,000, BUT WE BOUGHT FOR ABOUT 40c ON THE DOLLAR. v Every man and woman in Omaha knows that ; when Brandeis advertises a big sale IT WILL BE A BIG SALE with plenty of big bargains, properly displayed. There are no disappointments at Brandeis' sales. See the 12 great window displays. , 1 1 ; M rent this office ? . ... ,. , I ' J One of the desirable large room. on the east front or th Bee Building. slse 17Hx32H. subdivided with ro-- ceptlon room and two private offlcoa and having a large fireproof vault. A. smaller otflce 8x19 adjoins oa th north which may be rented la contest tion with the large room mahia ai elegant suit of 4 rooms. THE BEE BUIUDING . , if . . , Apply to E. W. BAKER, Sup., Xtobm 105. iitiii tltti til F.very Bargain Square Filled . With Special. 10c each Worth $1.25 to $1.75yd 39c LACES Cluny and Filet Laces, and lc-2c-3c-5c medium and wide edges, Inser '2c-5c-7ic-12ic 32-inch French g t n g h a m s- checks; plaids,' stripes and plain colors, regular, price 25c yard; sale price, oft .74c the bolt, yard . . . lUVi Qood grade heavy unbleached mus- in, 38 Inches wider 10 St bales on sale, at, yard. We never before received a finer lot of white India llnons in mill ends 1 to 8-yard lengths the the 16c and 19c grades f" at, yard ... ..,.,. Beginning 1:39 P. U We will sell good, long lengths light and dark yard wide dress percale, actually worth 12 He yard at, a yard 5 a.,-. ------ rii a jjk ig Rug Sale 1 4 1 1 U ti 1 1 n i a 1 i ti N U ri ti BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN erltk er Xroa aa Wire fsace. Tr)Hsa aa4 A bore te Via, IUto gmrda, (kkin, aettaaa, veaee. tree (uuu, snobluc ftoeta, wlaeew guxda. baas (Wares a&4 twekM , ClIAPvlPION FENCE COMPANY S1T-1S Bth IStb anreea, Tolv.oas Xoag-. isso. kut le Ostsloejw. 14. Alkea. rr-yj T' " IF " FortyrEIght Samples of Stunning These beautiful costumes go on sale Friday morning. Without any doubt these, are the handsomest dresses, silk costumes that we have shown In many day, at $25.00. The price at which we bought them allows us to retail them at very close to half their value. They are made of high grade, ' all silk taffetas, in all the leading- shades, such as Copenhagen, leather browns, navy, tans, etc., as well as blacks. There are a number of fancy effects, such as checks and stripes Included. Some are strlctr ly tailored, others are embroidered with silk and silk braids. while some nave exquisite auover lace otherwise trimmed in tucKs ana sua a very unusual bargain, Friday at Natural Pongee Silks At Lower Prices Xlian Ever Defore. Nothing is more desirable for summer suits, separate coats. Jackets, and auto coats. They come in natural shades and launder as well as linen fabrics; price Friday fully one-quarter below manufacturer's cost to make.- Ten pieces 21-lnch pongee, never less than 85c XQf a yard, Friday, at J.C 17-lnch pongee, plain, figured and striped effects, also a variety of rough pon gee In the line, $1.00 quality for 0 86-lnch pongee, plain only, finest $1.25 grades on the market, Friday a sale, will go at . 690 Black Taffeta Special Fifteen pieces of brilliant black taffeta, heavy quality with fine rus- Q tie or swish, guaranteed to wear, regularly sells at 89o T"C Friday, at . ' i.... rABTCT SILKS On the bargain tables Just Inside the entrance hundreds of pieces of 27 and 8-lrch fancy dress silks, very desirable summer , 392 styles, fully worth $1.00 and $1.26. at. yard DRESS GOODS REMARK ABLY UNDERPRICED. eight yards. Will make up In handsome skirts or. whole suits, not a 35 C Dlece worth less than $1.00 per yard: special Taney White Embroidered Mohairs) aim assortment of SS-lnfch all wool nov ltv Mtilttnsn. worth resularlv 60c Friday's aale- 16Q -D in trie Wash Goods Section One case of Percales, double fold, dark wine and blue colorings, Friday 'lees , than the .price of common calico, yard 3 BatiBtes for summer dresses, floral effects In great variety of styles, tables piled high with them, Fr day your choice, per yard. . . . 4 Silk Batistes and Mulls, very deli cate and dainty fabrics, in largo designs, ring dots, polka dots, checks, of every description, must be over a hundred styles, every piece worth from 25c to 35c a yard, Bargain Friday.. 9 Sale of Ilea's Troasers A very large collection of splen did worsted and casnlmere trous ers, In light, medium and dark styles, neat stripe patterns, all well made and tailored, every pair worth $3.00, about one hun dred and fifty pairs to sell Friday at Sl.SB IVIuslin Skirts Worth $1.50 lo $1.69. Friday iit 89c These skirts are made of a splendid quality muslin and are' cut wide and full, have deep flounces, and very showily trlmmwl with two and three rows of lace insertion, and a profusion of. tucks; iso lace edge bottom. An exceptional offering and well worth Investigating. 7so vranHviuHs rw 4oj ' Large assortment. Including gowns, corset covers, drawers and short skirts. Each garment Is tastefully trimmed with lace or embroidery Insertion and easily worth one-half 'more than price at which ' we are selling them Friday. . . , Bargain Friday In White Goods and Linens Bird's Eye Cotton, Red Star Brand, 22, 21 and 27-lnch, sell regularly to $1 00 per bolt, Friday 7Bo Creant Turkish Towels, extra large size, good weight, heavy and spongy, 12 He kind, for 9o WHIXB OOOOSj Striped, checks and figured designs, make excellent Inex pensive house dresses, children's aprons, etc., 10c quality for So Bed Spreads Full size, all hemmed, good weight and good patterns, made of nice long cotton atock, regular $1.25 kinds, for , 98o Bleached Table Damask 70 Inches wide. Do not judge the quality by tomor row's price, for we, are offexlng best 60c grades for , .,..3Bo Inexpensive Glassware Special Closing Out Sale Friday. Many very desirable pieces at next to nothing prices. Blown and Engraved Tumblers, In band and star engravings, worth up to $1.00 a dozen, Friday, each , , 3 (Limit twelve to a customer.) Colonial Shaped, pressed glass tumblers, 8So kind Friday, dozen . .400 Entire lot of glass Jugs, bowls, comports, sugars and baskets, values to 75o, Friday as long as they last, each .;. 6e All glass trays and fruit dishes will go at, each . la Fancy olives, nappies and bon bons, worth to 25c, for , So ; Ziook for the sals of Haviland China Saturday,. ... Corset Specials for 50c v Two styles In Batiste and Coutil, new models, high bust, long hip effects, with hose supporters attached; they are very firmly constructed and boned and will give excellent service; very superior quality, all sizes, at BOo Friday's special la batiste and summer net girdles, at 36e Children's Cambric Under Waists, with hose supporters attach'!, all slz.s, easily laundered, regular 35o kind, for fllo Annual Sale 6f Brooms and Other 1 House-Cleaning Necessities One hundred and Fifty dozen extra quality, four-tie brooms. In Friday's Sale. Absolutely the best parlor broom made. These are not penitentiary goods, but thoroughly reliable brooms made by Union men. "T"b Friday each Jllf And 80 Trading Stampa. Thlsk Brooms Extra ,-ood uallty, on sale Friday at 10c. and 10 Stamps. i Carpet Beaters 10c, jSc, 0c and 25c. and 20 Star.p wc! ach. Floor Brushes White or black, especially suited for hardevood floors, regular price $1.68. Friday special ac Broom Covers Lart,-e enough to fit over any broom. Just tho thing for cleaning walla, etc., 15c and 30c, and !0 Stamps. .Wall Faper Oleaucr M nkea dusty, smoky p&ier-looK like new, per can 15c, and 2) tauis. Unen Btop Heads :M) quality ... .1o slop Sticks 1-ic anu 10 Stamps. Adallte Screen Wire Paint, regular J6e tin for ISO Adallte tscrwn Wire Paint, regular lie can for , .10o i Bennett's Big Grocery ft Bennett's Cillu! Cuffoo, iuUud lkc ?eas, assorted, pound eas, assorted, pound Teas, assorted, pound Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack Bennett's Capitol Baking Powtlor, pound can. Bennett's Capitol LJUmt, Itote Seeded KaUina, pound packrvKO ! Allen's Brown Bread Flour, pkg Gal Hard's Imported Olive Oil, basket bottle ., Minute Tapioca, two packages , .. Worcester Table Halt, two sacks ,., Allen's Brown Bread Flour, l)-ib. sck ...... Allen's Corn MeaL 10-lb. aacc Batavia Salmon, fancy, can Best We Have Corn, two cans , Bayles' Pickles, bottle Marshall's Tomato Herring, can Ho bottle (ji.mii Olives, large, for California Lemona. dosen. ........... . ...... New Potatoea, two pounds. Mixed Nuts, per poiad... umber of fancy 114- voices anu Sleeves, ana piping, unquesiionaoi) . . . . One hundred pieces of the newest and most desirable spring mate rials, all the newest shades and mixtures. Including a nice assort ment of black. They come in lengths from four and a half to I Gingham Dress patterns, Parkhlll Manufacturing Co.'s Tolle du Nord Ginghams, In plain shades only, comes In light blue, dark blue, pinks and red, twelve yards to the pattern, regularly worth 11.80, Friday any pattern $1.00 . DOMESTICS. 45-inch Pillow Casing, ISc quality, for ......... . 12tt 36-lnch Cambric, 12 quality, for '.r .....7 5-4 Oilcloth, best grade, for 15 Shoes on Bargain Tables Special Clean-tJp Sales women's tan and black oxfords, four good styles In almost every slie, Blucher lace effects, worth $2.50 and $$.00; ialso women's soft hand-turned lace shoes, tip or ?lain toe, easy and comfortable, 2.60 and $3.00 valuea for Top Shine ;'urii!tur Polish, reno vates and rlrau, imparls a brilliant fln'sh Oln)' looking wood sur faces, 25c si. fur ISO Puttes" Cream Metal Polish, regular 15c size for 10c Futtes' Cream Metal Pollen, regular 26c flze. f ir ISo Fres Samples Jp-a-lao and lttQUld sneer Ask for them Friday, Paint Department. Hasemrnl. Carpet Sweepers Workln parts In cased In lii'i 'y nli'kfled castlniis. high grale swoMier regularly sell ing for 1 3. nil. Friday B&60 No Piece i,'uriiln tretch-rs, made of selected basi woods, usually alls for $1.2$. Friday's bialu 79o Feather Dusters, iS-inch tursuy feathers, with raff and ferule, $1 50 kinds for 8So HUG, 4tC, , ..&30, Mc, ,......1.60, .' . 8 wC ' ISO, .ISO, 16o. , .aoo, .....,,.100, BOo, Anl iv And And Si And SO And ta And 10 And Jt An-i 20 And 10 And $0 And 10 And It Aad JJ Alii .3 And 10 And 10 And 10 And 10 Stamps. taro)a. ritam;a. Btampa. Stamps. K lamps. rttaJULta. Ktumpa. Stavinpa. Stamps. Stain pa. Stamps, blampe. ftanips. Stamts. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. ...eoo, Uia, ........ S5o, ICe, ......i.. SOO so ISO So ...... ...Jos 0 Omaha's Pur Food Csntr Restaurant on Second Floor q 1 1 vt nere Painty Meals Are Served ' at I Si Moderate Prices. FISH DEPARTMENT For Friday's selling we have se-p cored a fine lot of fresh and salt si water fish. Including Channel Cat,R Lake Trout. Wall Eyed Pike, Shadg Rn Blul Uoiii Silmnn ltlihiit M fresh Eel, dressed Buffalo, etc. 1 AAA IX. n..m.n r.rn 1 K RUf i . AAA . 1 tt-llt Ik 1111 .1 i,vvu iu, uauy jiaiiuui, iu., Arti- WQUOR DEPARTMENT California Port, per bottle. . ..2Sc Golden Grain Straight Rye N.hls- RV! 1UI1 IJUBI IB . i y Cocktails, per bottle, . , 1 ....... ... 75c . . . UC f-J Old Atherton Rye, bottled in bond, per Dutue true COIRTXEY'S BAKERY til U The popular merits of our baked ii K4 tmAm la .Via a ..ti .V.nw. 1... KS Ouuud in mav in; mil luciuocifrB, whan AtiKA trlfiil W7hf w. v n n f 13 S is your trial order. You'll then f!J buy more. K S Courtney & Co- ti Seventeenth and Song-las Its, Phone Douglas 647. ftj Private Exchange Connects All M Departments. i Of Course You're Going to ra Republican Convention CHICAGO June 16, 1908 chance to be In at the "doings" -and snjoy a visit to the city of parks, boulevards and mammoth buildings, where you may find en joyment In plenty. A cool summer vacation on the shore ef the lake. Lake and rail lines afford cheap excursions te all the ' Great Lakes resorts. Round-trip tickets at SPECIAL RATES to Chicago from all Bock Island points. Convenient trains vli the Rock Island land you In the heart of the city at Y ; '( Lasalle Station- only one on the elevated railway loop. Ask for Illustra ted Convention J . folder. P. P. RUTHERFORD, Dlv. , Pass. Agent, Omaha, Neb. A. O. ROWH. City Pass. Agent, Omaha, Neb. Don't Lay Away your winter clothes without first having them dry cleaned. Dirt and grease will rot the goods ' dry cleaning removes it all and destroys all germs and moth eggs. They will last enough longer to more than pay for the cleaning. BUTTS $1.50 OTKKOOATS $1.60 SHORT JACKETS B1.00 TEBIE-rOUBTK LEWOTH 81.60 Wagons to all parts of the City. THE PANTQRIUM "Qood Cleaners and Dyers." 1513 Jones St. Both Phones. ASSOCIATED ' ADVERTISING CIVB5 OFAMERKA CONVENTION KANSAS CITY Find a Customer Every thing jam haw 1 to sell Is wanted J somebody tf pries and quality are riant A' Bm Wast A4 wCJ Cs4 tk ctwtMasr. rnnn far w.". and nervous mea ww - ana lino tuair o ho find tliair ,'ower is Kirnvrc ork and youthful vigor llbnibd foni as a result of over work or mental exertion should take O RAT'S NKKVB FOOD PILLS. Tbey will make you eat and deep and be a ma again. 91 Box 1 B boxes fa.SO by mall. gXX&afAJI B, BtoOOBTal EI.L DkUO CO, Cor. IStb and Dodge Bts, gwi saoa com vasty Oo. IStb and kmr itta. Osaaaa. Mesi D. C. SCOTT. D.V.S. (Suocaaanr to Dr. H. L. Ramarclotti.) OfflN a4 XoavUsJ, B8 10 ataaoa Calls Promptly AatwneJ at All Boors. -Ofrtoa sTsraoy tT. Bvee Ikiimlfcl BitaAi IF 'Oku SI Friday Is Remnant Dav Compare Quality and Prices. You'll Find Them Tinners. IHAMC3. THB RELIABLE STORE In Our Famous Domestic Room 20,000. yards of Mill Lengths and Remnants from our higlf; grade AVash Goods and White Goods Department. . . 50c and 39c Wash Goods 10c yard Arnold's Printed Silk, 50c values; Arnold's striped Silk Dimities, worth .39c; Cluster French Dimities; Irish Dimities; French Voiles; Drape de Linde, and other fine "Wash Goods and "White Goods; Dotted Swisses and Jacquard Fancies, Etc., !) all at one price, yard 4 "C 19c and 25c Wash Goods 7ic yard Arnold's Swiss Applique, Arnold's printed Swiss Mulls, plain Silk Mousseline, India Linons, "White Fancies, Etc., mr -all at, a yard 2C 12ic, t5c, 19c Wash Goods 5c yard 5,000 yards in Mill Lengths, from 2 to 10 yards long of Arnold's 25c Swiss Applique; 19c Mohair, Luster; 19c Henly Serges; 25c Silk "Warp Organdies; plain Organdies, and'other goods Cg up to 25c a yard, all at, a yard JC Extra Specials 7c Apron Ginghams 2V4 10c Batiste lit 12 Mc Batiste 5 36-inch Percales, 12 Mc grade, light or dark 7H 12 He Printed Duck 5 15c Towels 8 Ht 12Vc Towels QVt 10c Towels I 5 $1.00 Bedspreads 59 76c Bedspreads 47 69c Bedspreads 35c 59c Bedspreads ...... V 25 C rHOM 2 TO 3 P. M. 36-inch Silkoline, 12 He grade, from the bolt, at, a yard 3 SATURDAY THE GREAT Watch the Daily Papers Lace Curtain Specials Irish Point Curtains Over 25 differ ent patterns to select from, 3 to 6 pairs of a pattern, at JUST HALF PRICE. Irish Point Curtains With red or green appliques, great snap at, per Pair 81.49 Novelty Lace Curtains Regular $7.50 values, special at 83.98 Barnett Curtains Beautiful designs, 54-inch wide, 3 yards long, at, Pir 82.98 Cluny Curtains 4 8-inch wide. 2 yards long, special at, pair. .83.50 Cluny Curtains With Insertion and 4-inch hem, at, pair 82.98 Ruffled Net -35c yard value, on sale Friday, yard 18 Ruffled Swiss 25c yard value, special Friday, at, yard 12V4 Pictures Pictures Four Rousing Bargains Friday, Furniture Dept. third Floor. 50c Pictures, variety of good subjects, In 9x11 black and gilt, gilt and oak frames, choice 29c Christy's, Underwood'B and Fisher's latest Pictures, neatly framed, regu lar $1.00 values, at 55 Cupid Awake and Asleep In circular oak frame, a very popular pair, 65c values, at 35 Many other special Friday. GREAT SALE 01 RUGS AND CARPETS BEGINS SATUR DAY. SEE 16TH ST. WINDOW DISPLAY. Wool Dress Goods FROM 0 TILL 11 A. M. 5,000 yards of wool dress goods In long remnants from ZV to 6 yards that sold from 75c to $3.98 a yard henrlettas, broadcloths, serges, poullns, taffetas, voiles, tailor suitings, wool batiste, nun's veiling and other goods will go in four lots 25c 39c 49c 59c ' FROM 2 TO 4 P. M. Another great sale of entirely new goods, will go in four large lots , 19c 25c 39c 49c Hayden's Grocery Prices tor Friday's Sale Cannot bs duplicated for lsss than B5 to 60 abovs lbs following-1 Granulated Sugar at lets than Jobbers' cost. 18 pounds for flOO 10 bars best brands Laundry Snap.... 25c 10-lbs. best Granulated White or Yellow Cornmeal l&c The beet Domestic Macaroni, per pits' Sc The best solid packed Tomatoes, can 8 He 4 tans Ksncy Sweet Sugar Corn 25c Gallon Cans Apples 26c Bi'i'manselon. Jellycon or Jell-O, pkg 740 6-lbs. Japan Rice 25c The. best Soda Crsckers. per lb 8c The best Crisp Pretzels, per lb c The best crisp Ginger Knapa, per lb 5c The let Tea Stf tings, per lb 15c The bent Golden Hnntos Coffe, per lb..l5c drixs rauir sals Friday. Fancy Evaporated Apricots, per lb IOo Kancy Kvaporated Bartlett fears, lb. 12c Fancy Kvaporated 1'itted Plums, lb. 12"c Fancy Kvaporated Nectarines, lb. 12 He Fancy Kvaporated Minor Peaches, lib. 10c Fancy Kvaporated Silver Prunes, lb. 124c Fancy 4-crown Kale Ins, per lb &c M HMDENS' SM EVERY xptrti a rift of om the Jewelry store Watch. fcilver for the Dresser, Spend a few minutes In W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1510 DOl GLAS STREET SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS CALADIUMS, Mammoth Bulbs, each 25c; 5 tor Jf.00 TUBE ROSES, Mammoth Pearl, doz. 35c; Idol. . . . . $t.09 GLADIOLI, in Superb Mixture, dot. 10c; 50 for 51.00 CINNAMON VINE, Extra Largt, each 10c; 12 br .... $U00 DAHLIAS, Assorted, each 10c; 12 for $1.03 THE NEBRftSKft SEED GO- 1613 Howard fit. Such Values as These Can't Help But Bring the Crowds. Underwear Specials FRIDAY. Ladles' Union Suits Of fine maco cotton, low necked, sleeveless, snap at S5 Lades' Under Vest Good quality, taped arms and neck, 10c and 15 Ladies' Knit Pants Lace trimmed, snecal at 19c and 271 Children's Knit vests ana rant All sizes, great values, at ..... . 12 H 50c Muslin Corset Covers and Drawers Lace and embroidery trimmed, on ale at 25 Ladies' Gowns Worth to $1.00, Jace and embroidery trimmed, at... 49 Ladles' Muslin Underskirts Big as sortment for selection, regular $1.75 and $2.00 values, at. ..... . , . ,f)S RUG AND CARPET SALE. for Particulars and Prices. Great Notion Sale Staple and Fancy NotienB at less than half price. Aluminum Thimbles, each. ... . . Gold-Eye Needles, pk. .. I ...... 1 Cotton Tapes, all sizes, at. 1 Rope Shopping Bugs, each . ...... 5J ZOO-yard Machine Thread ? 100-yard Linen Thread ......... 3 25c Needle Books, at 3C Hump Hooks and Eyes J(S Warren's Featherbone, yard . . . . 7 H Feather Stitch Braids, 4 yards. -3 Up Pearl Buttons, per dozen l Pins, 8 packages for'. 2 Scores of other staple notions at pro portionately low prices. Embroideries Embroideries From the Bankrupt Stock of Feukart & Co. (New York). A new lot of Corset Covers, Embroid eries and Allovers Just received from our great purchase of these fine goods. 33c Corset Cover Embroideries 15 6flc Allover Embroideries, at. . . .23c A big line of Strip Embroideries, at 7Hc, 5c, 8)Bcand ....2tt Fsncy Cal. Seedless Raisins, per lb..7u Fancy Imported Sultana Kalalna, lb 13 W Cholre Cal. Prunea, per lb Uo Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, per lb..TU FRESH VEQETABI.B FKICEg TOM TM.IDAT. Fresh Spinach, psr peck , it 2 bunches Fresh Asparagus 6 bunches Freah unions to 6 bunches Fresh Radishes he Fresh Beets or Carrota, per hunch.... 5o New California Cabbage, psr lb.,....juc New Potatoea. per lb IVjo Fresh Parsley, 3 bunches for ,f,o 2 heads Fresh Lettuce 50 Fancy Wax or Green Beans, per ib,...10o Fresh Peas, per quart 7 Ho Fancy Ripe. Tomaloea, per lb 110 4 Cucumbers for ...5o Fancy 'ooklng Apples, per peck 2 60 FlaTEAFFIiSa FIEAFFZ.IB Our second car Is very fins. Pineapples are bound te go much higher.' They have already advanced 26c a case. We will still continue to s.-ll out of this car AT CABM 6c, THo, 8H IOo :J GRADUATE Q kind rcrpUb fmm J Uroocn. Tie Pin. GraduaUrug Spoon. our store. Look for the nam.