Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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Office 15 Scon Street. Both 'Phones 43.
Edict Issued to the Liquor Dealers of
Council Bluffs.
Law F,aforreJnent l.essjne I Bark of
the Latest More What the Dis
penser Moat Do to Be "ate
la 111 Bunlnraa.
Saloonkeepers In Council Bluffs will be
required to comply strictly with ill the
provisions of the Iowa jiiulct law. This
la the edict of the recently organized
Law Enforcement league.
Announcement of the ultimatum eman
ating from the Law Enforcement league
In contained In the following letter, a
copy of which haa been or la to be sent
to every liquor dealer In the city:
It Is the purpose of the Council Bluffs
Law Enforcement league to Insist that
the provisions of the Iowa statute,
known as the "Mulct Law," shall be en
forced In thin community. You are aware,
of courie, that the only protection you
can have In conducting your business la
n ohaervance of these provisions. Here
tofore a number of them have not been
In.ilMed on, but the time haa arrived when
It will be necehaary for all persons to live
up to the provisions of the law.
In order that you may not be taken
liy surprise, we write you, suggesting a
numh-r of the things that It is necessary
for you to do In order to be protected In
the conducting of your business, auci re
spectfully request that you read the fol
lowing list and ascertain whether you
5 have complied with these requirement.
and ir not that you oo so ai once.
Statement of consent.
Resolution of city council.
Statement of consent of property own
era. Hond.
Have you but one entrance, and that
opening upon a public street, and is the
business conducted entirely In one room,
having but one entrance or exit.
Are your screens removed so that the
bar I In plain view of the street.
Have the chairs, tables and other fur
niture In front of the bar been removed.
Has a list of names of all persons em
ployed about the place been filed with the
county auditor.
Have all gambling devices and amuse
ments been removed and kept out of the
Are there any females employed about
the place.
Iff the place kept closed from 10 p. m.
until 6 a. m. succeeding, and on Sunday,
election days and legal holidays.
Are minors, drunkards or Intoxicated
persons allowed In the room or are any
sales made to such persons, or to persons
to whom you have been notified not to
Are your taxes paid promptly.
Flense do not understand by this letter
that we are charging you with the viola
tion of any of the above provisions, but
that we call your attention to them In
order that they may not be overlooked
by you.
We are sending a cory of this letter
to all the dealera In Intoxicating liquors
In the city of Council Bluffs.
was found In the bed of Indian creek near
the Illinois Central passenger depot. The
vandals had evidently tried but failed to
break It. It is supposed that the thieves
expected to find some money sealed in the
stone, but the box containing coins and
other articles had been removed after the
exercises Sunday afternoon and the van
dals consequently got nothing for their
department, whose duty Is to tack tip
quarantine notices, fumigate quarantined
premises, etc., and Peter Smith, former
councilman, who is "sanitary officer," at
tached to the police department. Mr.
Smith's duties are to see that alleys, back
yards and other places are kept clean.
Children Hare Narrow Escape from
Belna Washed Into "ewer.
Although Indian creek did not leave Its
banks during heavy rain storm Tuesday
evening, surface waicr did considerable
damage In different parts of the city, owing
to the sewers being li. adequate to carry off
the vast volume of water.
On South Main street between the tracks
of the Burlington and those of the Great
Western the water poured over the side
walks and Into the cellars of the shutting
buildings. At this point In places the
water was two and three feet deep near
the curb.
Two little girls whose names could not
be learned, had a narrow escape from being
sucked Into the large manhole near the
Burlington depot. With their mother they
started to board a street car, and In step
ping from the sidewalk, the children
stepped Into a sewer opening where the
water was up to their chins. Bystanders
quickly pulled them from their perilous
position but not before the little ones were
wet to the skin.
The water from the hill streets poured
onto Broadway near First street in tor
rents, flowing over the sidewalks and
Into the cellars on the business houses on
the north side.
From the Illinois Central tracks to Ninth
street Broadway was a veritable river
and cellars on both sides were flooded.
While the water rose up to the floors of
the several bridges, Indian creek luckily
did not overflow.
While the street car traffic between
Council Bluffs and Omaha was interfered
with more or less the motors succeeded
In making their way through the water
which was up to tho steps. A bad wash
out on the Wabash road about ten miles
east of the city was reported.
It was reported that the r.ew concrete
bridge over Indian creek at Frank street
had been damaged, but the extent of the
damage could not be learned last night.
Take Advantage of Jailer Betas; at
Ilia Sapper. ,
Four prisoners In the county Jail took
advantage of heavy storm Tuesday evening
to make their escape. The four prisoners
who succeeded in evading the vigilance of
Jailer Gallup were William Howard, who
was serving a nine months' sentence for
breaking Into the saloon of Ed Murphy
on South Main street last September; Wal
ter Gumm, the negro assistant dog-catcher,
charged with murderous assault on C. F.
Grell, and the. two, youpg lads, Richard
Dempsey and George Davis, charged with
breaking into and robbing the Stroude bar
ber shop on South Main street. Gumm,
Dempsey and Davis were awaiting the ac
tion of the grand Jury now In session.
The escape was effected, as on former
occasions, through one of the rear wlne
dows, to reach which the prisoners had to
gain admission to the outer corridor. Ad
mission to the outer corridor was effected
by prying apart the bars which separate
tho Inner from the outer corridor on the
first floor. Exactly how this was accom
plished neither Sheriff Canning nor Jailer
Gallup had been able to ascertain last
night. One bar on the outer window was
aawed through and the bar then bent back,
leaving an opening of about ten Inches,
through which the four prisoners crawled
to liberty. It Is possible that the bar of
the outer window may have been sawed
by a confederate on the outside, but Sheriff
Canning is of the opinion that it was done
from the inside and that probably the men
who escaped had been working on It for
two or three days.
Tha men made their escape shortly be
fore 8 o'clock, about the time Jailer Gallup
and his family were finishing their supper.
Jailer Gallup had Just left the bulldlr.g
after finishing supper when his wife heard
a loud rapping at the main door leading
Into the lower corridor. On Investigating
she was told that four prisoners had Just
made their escape by a rear window. Mrs.
Gallup ran fo the front door and called her
husband, who had gone but a short dis
tance. Jailer Gallup at once placed the
remaining prisoners in the cells In the cyl
inder and then notified Sheriff Canning
and the police department.
From the, prisoners who remained. It
was learned that the negro, Gumm, stood
sentry at the door of the corridor, armed
with a rasor. while his three companions
crawled through the window, and then
threatened to carve any of them who might
follow him. made his getaway. As soon
as the negro had crawled through the win
dow the other, prisoners gave the alarm
by pounding on the door.
, All of the sheriff s force and several
members of the police force at once started
In pursuit of the escaped men, but up to
a late hour last night had failed to re
capture any of them. Deputy Sheriff
Oroneweg, who was In a buggy, met with
an accident on Eighth avenue while in
pursuit of the escaped men. His horse
stepped Into a washout In the road and
had to be dug out. The accident forced
Mr. Groneweg to abandon the chase.
Illness of Juror the Ocenslon of Latest
The trial In the district court of the
ouster action against li. V. Battey, clerk
of the district court, met with another set
back yesterday. Shortly after court had
convened and C. J. Rlchman, the expert
accountant, had been called to the witness
stand for cross examination, the proceed
ings were Interrupted by the illness of
George Quick, one of the Jurors. Further
progress was accordingly delayed until this
morning. Mr. Quick had not been well for
a couple of days, but sat through the hear
ing Monday and attempted to again do -so
yesterday, but finally had to give up.
The attorneys In the case desired to
avoid the necessity of proceeding with
eleven Jurors If possible, and Judge Macy
granted a recess of half an hour to per
mit Juror Quick an opportunity to con
sult a physician. When the time had ex
pired, it was announced In court that the
physician had expressed the opinion that
Mr. Quick would be able to proceed as a
Juror Wednesduy. Acting on the strength
of this Information Judge Macy then ad
journed court until this morning.
Trial of the case was begun Tuesday of
last week and recent Indications are that
It will not be concluded before the end of
the week, If by then. Cross-examination
of C. J. Rlchman, the- expert accountant
employed by the Board of Supervisors to
check over the books and records of the
office of the clerk of the district court, waa
begun as soon as court convened yester
day morning, and while it was barely un
der way when the adjournment took place
it was evident that the cross-examination
of this Important witness by the defense
will be close and may occupy two days.
Mother 9aee Saloon Man.
Mrs. Lois Fcrstuson has served original
notice on the Boyd Liquor company, 623
South Main street, that she Intends to bring
suit In the district court for H.ono damages
for the alleged sale of Intoxicating liquor
to her son, a minor, and that she will ask
for an injunction to restrain the company
from selling liquor. Notice of the injunc
tion suit was also served upon M. J.
Kelly, the reputed owner of the building
at 623 South Main street. The notices pta:e
that the petitions will be filed Wednesday,
May 13, and that the temporary writ of
injunction will be asked for on Saturday,
May 16.
It Is alleged by Mrs. Ferguson that her
son was sold a can of beer at the saloon
In question, the boy having been sent for
the liquor, it is said, by Jim laboring men.
Mrs. Ferguson is said to have discovered
the lad as he was leaving the saloon with
the can of beer.
J. P. Ferguson, the father of the boy,
was before Justice Greene yesterday on the
charge of assaulting Dan Farrell, but the
hearing was continued until May 29, as Far
rell was unable to be present, owing to
sickness. The trouble between Ferguson
is said to have arisen over young Ferguson
being sent to buy the can of beer. Fergu
son charged Farrell with having sent the
lad after the beer.
Child Too III to Attend School.
The case against C. E. Ellsworth, charged
with refusing to send his 12 year old
daughter to school waa dismissed In Jus
tice Cooper's court yesterday. It was
shown through Dr. Earl Bellinger that the
child had not been well during the winter
and was now in an anaemic condition,
as well as nervous. Dr. Bellinger testi
fied he had alvlsed the parents a short
time ago not to send the little girl to
school, fearing that It would further ImpTlr
her health. In dismissing the case against
Ellsworth, Justice Cooper took occasion
to commend Truant Officer Ilerner for his
efficient work and expressed the belief
that the officer had acted in perfect good
faith In the case at issue, though tho
facts as shown in the trial did not warrant
a conviction.
ful. No damage was done to the crops
as they are not far enough advanced, but
windows and skylights over the city were
Regret Reed's Resignation.
These resolutions, expressing regret at
the resignation of W. B. Reed as secre
tary of the Commercial club, were adopted
at tho meeting of the executive commit
tee yesterday noon:
Whereas, Our secretary, Mr. W. B. Reed,
on account of his desire for a vacation to
attend to personal business interests has
found It necessary to resign his office.
Resolved. By the executive committee of
the Council Bluffs Commercial club, that
we regard with deep regret the severing
or relations which have heretofore ex
isted between Mr. Reed and the club, and
that we take this occasion to testify to our
appreciation of the faithful and valuable
years of service he has rendered to Coun
cil Bluffs and southwestern Iowa during
his Incumbency as secretary.
The committee looked over a number of
applications for the secretaryship, but took
no action towards filling the vacancy.
Chairman Doollttle of the committee,
stated that the proposition to erect a stock
pavilion was progressing most favorably
and gave It as his opinion that the pro
ject was now practically assured, although
the details were not yet In shape to be
made public.
Little Evidence Asm Inst Man Accused
of Assault at Dea Moines
Bluffs Contract.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. May 13.-(Special.)-Though
there is seemingly no question in
the minds of any but that Lamont Fred
erick, who is In the county Jail here la the
man who assaulted Mrs. W. II. Rlsser,
there Is every probability that he will be re
leased because Mrs. Rlsser's testimony is
the only evidence against the negro. Mrs.
Risser has twice Identified the man, once
at her home hen he was arrested and
brought there by the police and once at the
county Jail, where she picked him out of a
company of nine negroes and then fainted
at the thought of the horrible assault tho
man had made upon her.
When Frederick was first arrested there
was talk about town of a lynching and the
sheriff put an extra guard about the
county Jail, and about Frederick's cell.
Today County Attorney DeGraff declared
that unless there was some additional evi
dence of some kind against Frederick he
would have to be released, as the evi
dence of Mrs. Rlsser alone would not be
sufficient to convict. The next day after
the crime for which Frederick was held,
the Dally Capital of this city, contained
an editorial, warning the negroes of tha
city that such assaults as that upon Mrs.
Rlsser would not be tolerated.
The State Board of Control today let the
contract for the erection of the cold stor
age building for the School for the Deaf
at Council Bluffs to Enslow & Johnson of
Council Bluffs for $3,131. The legislative
appropriation was $3,500.
John Wln.burn of Creston, la., and W. 8.
Wlnburn of 759 Seventh street. In this city,
are In pursuit of their niece. Miss Florence
Hedges, a 17-year-old girl of St. Joseph,
Mo., who is supposed to have come to
Des Moines Intent on marrying Herbert
Johns, a soldier at Fort Des Moines. So
far the girl has succeeded in eluding her
Iowa News Motes.
M ARFTT ALt.TOWN. The schools of Gil
man, which have t-pen closfd for two weeks
liecause of an epidemic of cfrehro spinal
meningitis, opened today. It Is believed
the disease has been controlled, as no
new cases have developed for ten days.
Several children arc still dangerously sick.
ATLA NT1C The Atlsntlc. Northern
Southern rallrond Sunday sold about 1.10
tickets for an excursion trip over the new
road and but for the rnln which came on
in the morning more would have gone. Tli
trip was made fur the benefit of those who
could not go un the regular trips made dur
ing the week.
ATT.ANTIC A peculiar feature of the
runaway in which J. N. Martin of near
this place wss entangled was the fact that
the old gentleman whs on his way to blast
some stumps and bad In the buggy some
half dozen sticks of dynamite. The team
became frightened at an automobile and
ran away, turning the buggy over, throw
ing the old man out and badly bruising
lutft, but not harming the explosive.
MARSHALLTOWN. Edward Helln, tin
til recently n member of the detective force
of the police department of Minneapolis,
has been appointed chief of the detective
bureau of the Minneapolis and St. Iojuis
and the Iowa Central railroads. Helln
Is expected In this city at any tlmo to
take charge of the patrolmen, which the
Iowa Central has guarding Its property
during the strike.
CRK-3TON Remarkable scenes are being
enacted at the Blederwolf evangelistic
meetings In progress here. Scores of men
nightly crowd the altars and are among the
first to grasp the evangllist's hand when
the call for converts Is made. The big
tent Is crowded at every evening service
and many attend the afternoon services,
which so far have been principally for
young people.
MARSHA LLTOWN. For tho first time
In the history of the Iowa Soldiers Home,
at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon there will
be trtple burial and funeral services over
the bodies of three veterans who died
today and Sunday. The dead are Ephraim
Collins, of Des Moines, Vincent Travis of
Colfax and John Klines of Lansing. Col
lins died of disease of the heart early
this morning. Heart failure caused the
death of Travis Sunday evening and
Klines succumbed to general sepileeml,
following a carbuncle Sunday afternoEn.
ATLANTIC J. K. Gillespie, one of the
oldest and best known residents of this
city, died at the hospital in Kansas City,
death resulting from an operation. Mr. Gil
lespie came to Cass county In MM and had
been here until a few months before his
death, when he spent the winter with his
daughter in Waterloo and whs at the time
of his death with a son. He leaves three
children, Mrs. Florence Lindner of Water
loo. Frank of Garden City, Kan., and Mrs.
Shaw of Grand Junction, Colo. The funeral
was held today from tho Methodist church,
Kev. Mr. Bllllngsly of Des Moines, assisted
by Rev. Woodward of this city, officiating.
CRESTON Four aged citizens have
passed away since Sunday morning. Mrs.
Martha G. Hummelly died yesterday morn
ing at tho age of 76 years, from causes inci
dent to old age. Iter husband preceded
her In death several years ago. Eight
children survive her. Joshua Madden, una
of I'nion county's oldest and most sub
stantial pioneers, passed away Sunday at
the home where he had lived over thirty
four years. Ho was 64 years of age.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday.
and interment made in Platte township, i
CM us. ingnam anotnet one or union s old
citizens, died yesterday morning after a
residence of forty-four years In this county,
twenty-five of these years he lived In Afton,
coming to Creston Inst October. He was 82
years of aae. His wife and eleven children
survivo him. Funeral services will be he'd
at Afton Wednesday. Sunday morning at
Cottage hospital occuredthe death of
Mrs. Lydla V. Seldel, the4Vesult of pneu
monia.. She was 69 years of age, and has
lived here since the death of her husband
In 19H2. Three brothers and two sisters
mourn her loss. Funeral services held
today, conducted by Congregational pastor.
Rev. Hanscom.
Omaha Attorney Elected State Deputy
of Nebraska Council.
Arrests for Stealing Cornerstone.
Jim Haskins, John Meyers and Harry,
belter known as "Dutch," Hall were ar
rested yesterday on the charge of having
stolen the cornerstone of the Pentecostal
mission's new building in course of con
struction at the corner of Broadway and
Fifteenth. Sunday night. The arrests were
made by Deetecllve Weir, who filed an In
tormuticn In the super'"' court against the
:hiee men. Judge Snyier pWced their bail
at I3C0 each and later In the day Meyers
ucceeded In furnishing a bond and secur
Jif his release. The preliminary hearing is
set for this morning, but probably will be
continued to permit the grand Jury, which
i now In session, to act In the case.
The stone, which had been badly defaced.
Real Kitate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The
Be May 12. by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Thomas Brock to Ezra B. Winans,
ne'4 of 2S and part nwi of M-75-40.
w d iig.ono
Ernest A. West and wife to Mary
ami . v . i nnerwooc, nVt sev
nw of 5-77-11. w d .
Catherine Merger and wife to Nellie
R. William M. and George B.
Green, tiwi, ne4 of 3ti-7G-44. w d
Henry F. Rohling to Rose I. Clark,
lot 25 in block 4 in Sackett's add. to
f'ouncll Bluffs. Ia.. w A
Hedwlg Beats Mollne et al. to N. J.
1-afnn. all of blocks 36 and E In
Railroad add. to Council Bluffs, la.,
w d
H. .. Gould to Samuel Pavne. lot
8 In block 11 in Squires' 'add. to
Council Bluffs, la., w d
Mary L. Everett to Andrew Peterson,
lots 2 and 3 In block :n in Burns'
add. to Council Bluffs, la., w d
N. J. I.nfon to V. J. Day. all of blocks
S4 and &fl in Railroad add. to Council
Bluffs, la., w A..
Bishop Morrison Says It Is Too Large
at Present.
DAVENPORT, la.. May 13. (Special Telc
tgram.) Bishop Theodore Nevln Morrison
of the Episcopal diocese of Iowa has issued
a letter stating that at the diocesan con
vention at Keokuk May 19 he will ask con
sideration of the division of the diocese of
Iowa or appointment of a coadjutor bishop.
Btshop Morrison has been in poor health
for the last year, but states that the dio
cese is too large for a bishop In the beat of
health to do Justice to the work. Before his
elevation to the episcopate Bishop Morri
son was rector of the Church of the Epi
phany, In Chicago.
Webster City's School Faculty.
WEBSTER CIT. la.. May 13 (Special.)
The Board of Education has elected the
teaching corps for the ensuing year. Prof.
Ford, who has been superintendent for
eight years, was re-elected. ' Quite a fight
was made upon him, but he won out, the
three new members being for him and the
two old ones opposed. The high school
faculty Is as follows: Superintendent, L.
H. Ford, salary $2Xt per month; principal.
Rose Baker, salary $100 per month; Latin,
Irene M. Campbell, salary $75 per month;
history, Alta Green, salary J70 per month;
science, H. N. Staples, salary $M) per month;
Hngllsh and German, Ellxibeth Mlckleson,
salary per month; music and drawing,
Nona Williams, salary ISO per month. There
are twenty-three grade teachers, whose sal
aries range from (46 to S65 per month.
Eight transfers, total $22,944
Health Officers Galore.
The Board of Health has appointed Dr.
r H Bomer as health officer. This gives
the city three health officers. Dr. Tubbs
is city physician, Dr. Bower, health officer
of the Board of Health and Dr. N. J. Rice,
city health offcer to attend all esses of
smallpox and other contagious diseases
under his contrsct with the city. In addi
tion to the three physicians James Macrse
ia health officer attached to the police
Does not Color the IHair
Destroys Dandruff
Iowans to I'hl Beta Kappa.
IOWA CITY, la., May 13.-(Spec-fal.) The
following have ben elected to membership
In Phi Beta Kappa, the honorary fraternity
In the colleges of. liberal arts among Amer
ican institutions- Ruth Gallaher, Arling
ton, Ia.; Fred Harvey, Anamosa, Ia.; Jen
nie M. Kennedy, Iowa , Falls, Ia.; Ina
Knerr, Allerton, Is.; Florence J. Lynch,
Sioux City, Ia.; Louis Marolf. Wilton. Ia;
Frank M. Meyers, Beaman, la.; Walter
Meyers, West Branch, la.; Inei Palmer,
Spencer. Ia.; Hazel Sweet, Jefferson, 8. D.;
Mabel Tovey, Des Moines, Ia.; Alice Vaala,
Saude, la.; Helen Vogt, Iowa City, Ia.
What's Wrong, Your Eyest
If you go on allowing your eyes to smart
and ache and annoy, you may never be able
to make th-jm strong sgaln. Neither can
we. Don't procrastinate call and have
Ihem properly examined while there is yet
time. Dr. W. W. Magarrell, optometrist,
10 Pearl street. Factory on premises.
ever Hailstorm.
WEBSTER CITY. Ia.. May 13.-(8peejal
Telegram.) A terrflc storm and hall, wind
and rain struck this city tonight. An
Inch of water fell and hailstones as large
as blckory nuu and walnuts were plentl-
Indications thnt elther Debs Nor
Haywood Will Be Nominated
for l'resldent.
CHICAGO, Mty.,,,3. Delegates to the
socialist national convention In session
here made little progress today In the
direction of an- agreement of policies or
platform. The greater part of the brief ses
sion held today was devoted to arguments
by contesting delegates from western
states. In and out of convention the con
teat between Eugene V. Debs and William
D. Haywood for the presidential nomi
nation was the subject of much discussion,
and tonight, with one day Intervening be
tween the balloting will probably begin. It
was predicted that neither would be chosen
to lead the socialist ticket. A rumor which
gained currency during the day that Hay
wood had withdrawn from the race was
vigorously denied tonight by supporters of
Haywood's candidacy.
Eugene V. Debs was still absent because
of illness in his family, but it is thought
likely he will appear and take a personal
part in the fight before long. Beside these
two men, A. M. Simons of Illinois, Ben
jamin Hanford of New York and Rev. Carl
D. Thompson of Milwaukee are mentioned
for the presidential nomination. Rev.
Thompson's name when mentioned fn the
convention was greeted with enthusiastic
Tho committee on platform put In a busy
session torlght. The Ideas of Its members
are said to be widely divergent, and It Is
thought a hot fight is brewing over plat
form declaration. The matter may come
before the convention tomorrow, but It ia
hardly thought likely that it will be reached
before Thursday. '
Governor' of Cobs Will Spend Two
Weeks In Isthmus at Request
of Secretary Taft.
HAVANA, May 13 Governor Magoon to
night announced that he had received a
dispatch from Secretary Taft on Saturday,
Inviting him In the name of the Panama
commission and the people to go into the
Isthmus to settle disputes that had arisen.
Governor Magoon sent Secretary Taft a
telegram that he would give two weeks'
beginning June 1, to the consideration of
these questions. As yet Governor Magoon
has not specified whom he will appoint
governor ad interim, but presumably it
will be Major General Barry.
Connterfelt Dollars
buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys
Dr. King's New Life Pills: for constipation,
malaria and Jaundice. For sals by Beaton
Drug Co.
I'rovn .Not to Be Taylor.
BEATRICE, Neb., May 13. (Special Tele
gram.) Sheriff Trude today received a
summons from Ellis that s man resembling
Taylor the Mlnden murderer, was at that
point. He went over and saw the man
but he proved not to be the one wanted.
I'onnell Fston Loral Bodies Endorse'
ment of Endowment Fund of
a 5 00,000 for Nntlonal
Catholic I nlrerslty.
tats Deputy O 9. Smyth, Omaha.
Ssoretary Mark Burks, Columbus.
Treasurer J. K. Schmidt, Omaha.
Warden W. S. Xsardon, Alliance.
Seleg-ates to the Rational Convention
O. J. Smyth, and T. J. Mahoney of
Omaha) alternates, H". E. Straub, Lincoln,
and John Mathews, Grand Island.
The proposition of the affiliation of tho
Knights of Columbus with the Federation
of Catholic Societies which has been con
siderably agitated, both for and against,
during the last year, but which is now
being put to a voce before the various
state councils, was unanimously voted
down at the Tuesday afternoon session
of the fourth annual convention of the
Nebraska state council, In the Board of
Trade building. The convention adjourned
last evening.
Another feature of the afternoon's ses
rlon outside of the election of officers
was the attitude of the council unani
mously favoring the raising of a toOO.OOO
fund for the Catholic University of Wash
ington, D. C. The action of the state
council Is In the nature of a recommenda
tion to the local councils, which are soon
to vote on raising the fund by a per capita
levy on the membership in the United
States. If four-fifths of the councils au
thorize the levy tho national board of di
rectors will make tho assessment In five
annual Installments of $100,000 each.
At the afternoon session, the following
officers were elected for the ensuing year:
C. J. Smyth was re-elected state deputy;
J. H. Schmidt of Omaha, state treasurer;
William Burke, Columbus, state secre
tary; Mr. Rlordan, Alliance, state warden;
W. B. Straub, Lincoln, state advocate;
Rev. W, L. McNamara, Alliance, state
As delegates to the national convention
of the Knights of Columbus, which meets
in St. Louis during the first week of
August, State Deputy C. J. Smyth and
Past State Deputy T. J. Mahoney were
selected to represent the Nebraska council,
with W. B. Straub of Lincoln, and J. F.
Matthews of Grand Island as. alternates.
On tho first, ballot, Omaha was selected
as the place to hold the next convention,
convening the second Tuesday In May,
At the evening session the meeting of
the Omaha council was held, and under
the good of the order part of the pro
ceedings the delegates were favored with
a number of Impromptu speeches, follow
ing which a social stag session was given
In honor of the delegates and presided over
by E. W. Slmeral.
Qoaln and Carious Features of Life
in a Rapidly Growing;
A.'s a Hot One A. and A. took In the
time at South Branch last week. A. has
got the team that can get ever the road,
-floater Contents, Madison County Re
porter. To Charley's Health Charley West of
the Iowa Flats had the misfortune to step
on a nail the other day. We hope nothing
serious will develop as .big, straightfor
ward Charley Is a general favorite, he
being a man whose word is his bond. We
wish there were more like him. Pratt Cor
respondent, Mitchell Index.
The Place Is there any town In Nebraska
where peace and harmony prevail
amongst all its Inhabitants? Yes, dear;
yours is very near It. He walked four
blocks to his office, lit his pipe and com
menced to read the Pioneer fables when
It suddenly occurred to him that the ceme
tery wag only a few rods north of his little
town. Arapahoe Pioneer.
Closed Book Speaking of trouble, there
are our friends Attorney Bell, and Dr.
Nicholson, They both have house cleaning
stunts on their hands, or did have recently.
Of course we sympathized with him
aa best we could, and the only reason we
do not say what wa said is because we
do not wish their wives to find out what
we said. We know they won't tell. St.
Paul Republican.
He Went Last week In our wanderings
We stopped at the home of John Frey.
We noticed a mischievous chuckle on the
boys' faces all afternoon and wondered
what was working them, but later found
cut when they asked me point blank to
go with them to a charivari. Golly! 1
told them I did net krow how to act at
such a gathering hadn't been to ono for
forty years. Well, they thought it was
time I witnessed a real old timer and a
modern one combined. Dennlson Bluffs'
Items, Albion Argus.
The Boy Wins Yesterday a boy Fat on
the railroad bridge at the washout, west
of town, trying to fish. He had a string
of seventeen bull-heads, when Uncle "Bill'
Harman came along and tried to teuch
him the true way to catch 'em. His first
attempt resulted in breaKing a hook, hut i
the next waa more fruitful of results,
as he pulled out un old boot, filler with
mud and other stuff, which weltflwd elitht
pounds and seventeen ounces. There Is
nothing like knowing how. Beaver City
Times Tribune.
Beatrice Park Located.
BEATRICE, Neb., May 13. (Special Tele
gram.) The city council this evening de
cided on block thirty-six, opposite the
high school as the location for the city
park. James Charles1 died several years
ago leaving I'.ZOOO for the purchase of a
park and this block is decided upon.
Garrett Goes to Ashland.
BEATRICE. Neb.. May 13.-(Special Tele,
gram.) H. E. Garrett, for the last three
years principal of the Beatrice High school
was elected superintendent of the Ash
land, Neb. schools today.
No woman can be happy
without children; it is her
nature tolove them asmuch
so as it is the beautiful and
pure. The ordeal through
which the expectant mother
must mss is so fraueht with dread that the very thought fills her with
apprehension. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be
e';r very painful or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend pre
pares the system for the coming event, and it is passed without any
danger. This remedy is applied externally, and has carried thousands
of women through the crisis T rlAYT, YzVT
,iV, k,,t lirtls. enffVriner I Iff VI II I i"l 1 I Ti sfr T
Writs for hook coalaislnf IsromaUea I i 1 1 11 f j
et tsIos te ail expectant boumts.
Alltwtm. On.
If you don't
care what you
eat if
y o
vlf You Don't Card
care whe
it is clean or not if you
don't care whether it con-
tains any real nutriment or f
not there's no use trying to fj
interest you in f
Shredded Wheat
It contains the greatest
amount of body-building
material in a form that is
easy, to digest Try it for
For breakfast heat the Biscuit in oven,
pour milk over it (hot milk in winter) and
a little cream. If you like the Biscuit for
breakfast you will like toasted TRISCUIT
(the Shredded Wheat wafer) for luncheon
or any meal with butter, cheese or marma
lade. At your grocers.
Sales of business lots will be held at ItEEDER, North
Dakota. MAY 1; at ISMAY. Montana, MAY 19; at .
HAYNES, North Dakota. MAY 21, and'at SCRAN
TON, North Dakota, MAY 26. All sales will be by
These towns are In a good diversified farming, stock
raising and dairying district along the new line to
the Pacific coast and have a large tributary trade ter- ,
rltory. They will witness rapid development and offer
exceptional opportunities for merchants and investors.
Dates will be announced later of the Bales which will
. be held In other new towns on the Pacific coast ex
tension of the
Bix months ago the towns of LEMMON, HETTINGER ; I
and BOWMAN were established along this new line
in the Dakotas. Today each has a population close
to Dl0 and most branches of business are represented,
but opportunities are ttill plentiful for many lines.
On MAY 10 there will be another homeseekers' excur
sion to points on this new line. Round-trip fare from
Omaua will be O.H. to MOHKUKiE; $23.05 to LEM
$36.50 to HAULOWTO.V) $;17.50 to MOORE or
LEW1STON, in the Judith babin. Montana Tickets
good 21 days; stopovers allowed. Fares to other
points quoted on request.
Special homeseekers' train carrying sleepers, dining
car and coaches to MILES CITY will leave Aberdeen,
S. D., 11 p. m. on this date.
Maps and descriptive books regarding
this new country free fur the asking.
General Passenger Ag-nt,
General Western Agent,
16S4 rarnam Bt., Omaha.
jlQ. ''iiu:! i,-- th.-hii'- ,
Y 1
The Thousands oi Wearers of Loose Fitting
wear tbea because titer have found tbem to give 100 per cent more
coiafort than any Summer I'nderfarmrra that tUry bava ever
worn next their skin. Onr trial will make you a D. V. D. convert.
53c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Garmaut.
Ercry B. V. D. lament ii correctly cut. proper! firnsbeU, tnj
nude of a durante fabr:c.
The B. V D. Red Woven Label which la aewrd on everr farment
of B V. D. manufacture guarBnfrra aausf action, IniiM upun letting
k. Don't accept a mbtuuute. Write for booklet,
erlanger brothers. Worth and Church 1 New YorK.
Maker, alto, of B. V. D. Union Suit (Pat.
4-JU-'07. and B. V D olecpiug Sun.
IIMpM!""! 'If
made: for the.
Will cure yon for X.ES8 MONEY than any other specialist
and accspt the money In any way you wish to pay.
Nsrroas Debility, Blood Poison. 6 kin Dlsaasss, Xldnej
and Bladder Diseases, Stomach, all Special Dlseasss and AU
meats of Men. ,
Established in Omaha 25 Years.
We make no mlHli-adlnu or rils statement or
offer you ch-ap. worthies treatment. Kxainlnatlot,
and consultation. Write for symptom for
lioine treatment.
DR. McGREW CO., 215 S. 14th St., Omaha. Neb.
mm ii ii . j sr- r.
Cheaper than wol
Vboas SUA 14.
r. i r.
4. O iiir.I.itNS of MOTHHIS f..r tfeir Cllllfinki
it1 ail 1AJ.S: l lil .-' MIXK OJ.u' ,,'rfil?
II If, !" T"'TlJ. h. .nr. (.,d i-k f", " mVJ 'w?.'.Z
M j .. H.-.tiiiu ajruii." ai, Uka no
t s
oth.r kind.
uulf tl
. . . wma a jKime Jli;.rr,t. u,l.. , '
"a mii l)r'itf aot. June mi i. K.-rl. V.imi
AM OU A..NU Wit: i-TEli 1
and other drcr hahlta are poaltlTely cored
HAHITINA. for hypo.iarmle or Internal uai.
"ample nt to anr ilruu bal.liuo lr art T
uail. Regular price j 00 per bottle at r2G
our druKKl.t or by mall la plain wrapper.
lelta Chesnleal Co.. i. Louit i.
or Baia by